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1ST MARCH 2, 2017



Q No. 1 Stagnant hypoxia is caused due to:

b. Polycythemia
c. Severe anemia

Q No. 2 Brodie's abscess

a. Pyogenic osteomyelitis
b. Pyogenic arthritis
c. Tuberculous osteomyelitis
d. Tuberculous arthritis

Q No. 3 Regarding Acetaminophen most likely is:

a. Antiflammatory properties
b. is uricosuric
c. resembles methadone or something like that
d. its therapeutic window is less than aspirin
e. antitussive

Q No. 4 .transport tubular maximum for proteins:

a. 10 per minute or something like that
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 50

Q No. 5 True hermaphrodite:

a. XXY
b. XY
c. XYY
d. XO

Q No. 6 Complication of diabetes

a. Dry gangrene
b. Gas gangrene
c. Wet gangrene
d. Rest of options I cant recall

Q No. 7 Policeman tested for drugs and opium and cannabinoids were found in urine.
The first psychological response would be:
a. Delusion of grandeur
b. Denial
c. Depressive mood
d. Rationalization

Q No. 8 Pineal gland tumor compression in 10 years old boy causes decreased
secretion of melatonin:
a. Delayed puberty
b. Early puberty
c. Increase serotonin

Q No. 9 Person is in prolonged coma

a. Nucleus cerelus
b. Periaquiductal
c. Thalamus

Q No. 10 Anti-manic effect of lithium takes how much time:

a. 10 days
b. 15days
c. 5 days
d. 21 days

Q No. 11 Wave of depolarization passes from endo to epicardium:

a. RR interval
b. QT interval
c. QRS interval
d. Ventricular activation time

Q No. 11 Death is caused by bilateral damage to which nerve:

a. Vagus
b. Hypoglossal
c. Trigeminal
d. Facial

Q No. 12 First line of defense against microbial pathogens:

a. Skin
b. Complement
c. Opsonin
d. Immunoglobulins

Q No. 13 In normal person decreased acid secretion causes:

a. Abnormal protein digestion
b. Increase gastric secretion
c. Inhibition of acid secretion

Q No. 14 Regarding SLE most appropriate is:

a. Anticentromere antibodies acting against antibodies
b. B and t cells acting against their immune or something
c. Remaining were alien option

Q No. 15 You have to give your house officer some blood to check arterial blood gases:
a. Plasma in citrated tube
b. Whole blood in a heparinized syringe
c. Serum in something

Q No. 16 There was longest scenario and irrelevant information with one word i.e.
Mallory body
a. Alcoholic hepatitis

Q No. 17 Person has sharp wound on side of neck blood is gushing out, the senior
registrar will press on which anterior tubercle:
b. 6
c. 7
d. 10
e. 12

Q No. 18 Purkinje fibers are fastest in transmitting impulse because:

a. They have wider diameter
b. They have large number of sodium channels
c. Intercalated junction

Q No. 19 Stroke volume increased but neither pulse pressure nor mean arterial
pressure increased. What will be the effect?
a. Pulse pressure raised and mean arterial pressure increases
b. Pulse pressure raised and mean arterial not raised
c. Coronary blood flow increases
d. No change

Q No. 20 A child has on/off bruises and epistaxis increase BT, normal PT and aPTT
a. Vwb
b. Itp
c. Hemophilia

Q No. 21 Characteristic of VWB:

a. Prolonged APTT
b. Increase BT
c. Increase PT

Q No. 22 What is the composition of normal saline

a. 0.9 gm in 10 ml distilled water
b. 9 gm in 1000 ml distilled water
c. 0.9gm in 100 ml distilled water

Q No. 23 Maximum left ventricular pressure in a young healthy individual

a. 25
b. 50
c. 80
d. 120

Q No. 24 A young athlete injures his ankle and develops echhymosis in ankle...he can
stand on his toes but its painful:
a. DVT
b. Achilles tendon damage
c. Plantaris tendon damage

Q No. 25 Cervical segment of spinal cord does not have:

a. Lateral horn
b. Ventral horn
c. Dorsal root

Q No. 26 What is not present at L4:

a. Lateral horn
b. Ventral horn
c. Dorsal horn

Q No. 27 What travels along with lateral corticospinal tract?

a. Rubrospinal tract
b. Vestibulospinal tract
c. Spinothalamic tract

Q No. 28 L4 pain radiates to

a. In front of knee
b. Lateral calf
c. Post calf or medial calf can't remember
d. Post thigh

Q No. 29 Sesamoid cartilage in body

a. ALA of nose
b. Ear
c. Larynx
d. Epiglottis

Q No. 30 Which of following bronchodilator effect?

a. Albuterol
b. Ipratropium
c. Ipratropium (2 times, yes)
d. Atenolol

Q No. 31 About fibrocartilage:

a. It contains an amorphous substance
b. It is present inside disc of joints
c. Once damaged cannot regenerate
d. Contains elastic fibers
Q No. 32 Regarding synthesis of aqueous humor:
a. Ultrafiltration
b. Ultrafiltration + active secretion
c. Diffusion
d. Active secretion

Q No. 33 Premalignant condition:

a. Behcet
b. Lichen planus
c. Pemphigus vulgaris
d. Pemphigoid

Q No. 34 Nonsmoker tobacco addict presents with growth in floor of mouth,

diagnosed as sub mucousal fibrosis:
a. Premalignant lesion
b. Dysplasia
c. Metaplasia
d. Benign tumor
e. Hyperplasia

Q No. 35 About sickness:

a. Feeling of unwell as perceived by patient
b. Perceived by physician
c. Clinical
d. Lab finding
e. Medically proven

Q No. 36 High blood flow, oxygen consumption of kidney will be:

a. Remains same
b. Decreased
c. High in medulla

Q No. 37 Na-K ATPase activity increased by:

a. Dopamine
b. Noradrenaline
c. Adrenaline
d. Insulin

Q No. 38 Most likely regarding acute tubular necrosis:

a. Hyperkalemia
b. Raised urea and normal creatinine

Q No. 39 Patient has bp 80/50, cardiac output of 2L/min, central venous pressure of 2
cm of water, 30 lactate:
a. Cardiac tamponade
b. Congestive cardiac failure
c. Septicemic shock

Q No. 40 Tumor suppressor gene:

a. P53 for wilms tumor
b. WT1 for pancreatic ca
c. APC for colon cancer

Q No. 41 Nucleus disappears in which stage:

a. Late normoblast
b. Early normoblast
c. Reticulocyte
Q No. 42 Thyroid movement:
a. Prevertebral fascia
b. Pretracheal fascia

Q No. 43 Blood supply of thymus:

a. Inferior thyroid
b. Costocervical trunk
c. Thyrocervical trunk
d. Subclavian artery

Q No. 44 Isthmus crosses:

a. 2 to4 ring
b. Hyoid and thyroid
c. One muscle was also there

Q No. 45 Working women in kitchen cut radial artery accidentally, response will be:
a. B fibers
b. Post ganglionic C
c. Post ganglionic B
d. Delta
e. Alpha

Q No. 46 Regarding basophils, twisted question can`t recall options

Q No. 47 Right nasal and left temporal fibers gone:

a. Lesion at left tract
b. Nerve
c. Chiasm
d. Lesion at right tract

Q No. 48 Pancreas cytoplasm stains blue:

a. Lysosomes
b. Mitochondria
c. SER
d. PER

Q No. 50 With superior thyroid, which nerve lies

a. Recurrent laryngeal
b. External
c. Internal
d. Juglar

Q No. 51 S4 is produced:
a. Ventricular filling
b. Ventricular filing during atrial systole
c. Contraction

Q No. 52 Which of following has different life: (I was recalling my life lol)
a. Chondrocytes
b. Chondroblasts
c. Osteoblasts
d. Osteoclasts
e. Osteocytes

Q No. 53 Preganant woman taken only iron throughout her pregnancy, what will be
a. Folic acid
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin B
d. Vitamin C

Q No 54 Chelosis, seborrheic, dermatitis, which vitamin deficiency?

a. Niacin
b. Riboflavin
c. Vitamin C

Q No. 55 Vitamin A deficiency:

a. Night blindness

Q No. 56 Seventeen dehyrogenase or something is absent, which of following

conversion reaction will be stopped:
a. Cholesterol to progesterone
b. Progesterone to prognolone
c. Alien stuff, check book for its deficiency

Q No. 57 Have to prescribe vitamins:

a. Eggs
b. Milk
c. Vegetables

Q No. 58 Pseudostratified characteristics:

a. Nuclei at the base
b. Cells at base

Q No. 59 6 week child normal at birth now presented with jaundice and bilirubin
stained diaper:
a. Bliary atresia
b. Gilbert.
c. Crigler najjar
d. Hemolytic anemia

Q No. 60 Structure present in renal column

a. Inter lobar artery
b. Micro calyx
c. Collecting ducts

Q No. 61 Pneumothorax:
a. Chest wall spring out, ling collapsed

Q No. 62 Tracheostomy, heat loss:

a. Evaporation
b. Conduction
c. Convection

Q No. 63 Hemoglobin binds to:

a. Heptaglobin
b. RBC

Q No. 64 Man living in desert, drinks a lot of water, maximum absorption from?
a. PCT
b. DCT
c. CD

Q No. 65 Synergistic effect of loop and thiazide?

a. Hypercalcemia
b. Hyperkalemia
c. Hypokalemia
d. Hyponatremia

Q No. 66 Peripheral nerves surrounded by

a. Epi
b. Peri

Q No. 67 Synapses absent in:

a. Ventral column
b. Dorsal Column
c. Lateral Column
d. Sympathetic chain
e. Dorsal root ganglion

Q No. 68 Right dissociation:

a. Fetal hb
b. Increase pH
c. Hyperthyroidism
d. Fall of temperature

Q No. 69 Pregnant lady, pallor spoon Shaped nails:

a. Low MCV, high MCH, MCHC
b. Low MCV, MCH and high MCHC

Q No. 70 Pregnant lady, remote area:

a. Hepatitis A
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis E

Q No. 71 Old lady difficulties in swallowing, bruises skin, difficulty in typing:


Q No. 72 Intra hepatic protein anabolism, extra hepatic protein catabolism:

a. Insulin
b. Glucagon
c. GH
d. Thyroid
e. Costisol

Q No. 73 In graves disease:

a. Decrease TSH

Q No. 74 Intestinal histology 2 questions, poor recall

Q No. 76 Cough, Sore throat, low grade fever, enlarge cervical lymph node X ray chest
show hilar lymphadenopathy:
a. Tb
b. Sarcoidosi

Q No. 77 RTA, talking more but less sense:

a. Boraca
b. Wernickes

Q No. 78 Pupillary light reflex:

a. 2, 3
b. 2, 4
c. 3, 5

Q No. 79 Which causes max volume increase:

a. Hypersonic NACL
b. Isotonic NACL
c. Dextrose

Q No. 80 RTA, can see but can`t recognize:

a. Frontal
b. Parietal
c. Wernickes
d. Visual association area

Q No. 81 Heavy water used to measure:

a. ICF
b. TBW
c. ECF

Q No. 82 Infective endocarditis:

a. Strep viridans
b. Strep
c. Staph

Q No. 83 Abscess of some area:

a. Staph
b. Strept
Q No. 84 Oxygen toxicity in sea divers, cause of death:
a. Drowsiness
b. Vomiting
c. Seizures

Q No. 85 Severe diarrhea:

a. Metabolic acidosis normal anion gap
b. Metabolic acidosis low anion gap
c. Metabolic acidosis high anion gap

Q No. 86 Respiratory acidosis scenario:

a. Asthma

Q No. 87 Transverse diameter of rib cage:

a. Diaphragm
b. Bucket handle movement
c. Pump handle movement
d. Joint movement

Q No. 88 Sequence of events

a. Damage, Bacteremia, Thrombosis, Perforation

Q No. 89 Penicillin-prophylaxis SE:

a. Headache
b. Poor recall

Q No. 90 Dysphagia, endoscopy shows circular patch at mid esophagus biopsy shows
polygonal cells with pleomorphic changes:
a. H- pylori
b. Fiber diet
c. Alcohol

Q No. 91 Patient had hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, injection of pth

increased cAMP in kidney, cause:
a. Pseudo hypoparathyroidism
b. Hyperparathyroidism after surgery
c. Vit d intoxication
d. Vitamin D deficiency

Q No. 92 A long scenario with giant platelets:

a. Bernard scalier syndrome

Q No. 93 Drug receptor interaction?

a. Heparin k sath kuchh tha
b. Antacid MGSO4
c. Atenolol, bradycardia

Q No. 94 methaydopa MOA in hypertension:

a. Blocks adrenergic in CNS
b. Directly act
c. Block beta receptors

Q No. 95 Zona glomerulosa secretion controlled by:

a. Angiotensin 2
b. Rebin
c. Sympathetic
d. K
e. Na

Q NO. 96 Ulcerative colitis, DOC:

Q NO. 97 Circadian rhythm bronchoconstriction maximum:

a. Morning
b. Noon
c. Night
d. Sleep

Q No. 98 H2 receptors decreases acid secretion via:

a. Both decrease h+ secretion and vagal
b. Vagal
c. H inhibition

Q No. 99 atypical lymphocytosis sore throat

a. Monospot
b. Montaux

Q No. 100 Cervical branch of facial supplies:

a. Sternocleidomastoid
b. Platysma
c. Genoglosis

Q No. 101 Mycobacterium laprae

a. Intracellular acid fast
b. Extracellular acid fast
c. No Acid fast
d. Poor recall

Q No. 102 Senario upper respiratory infection lymphocyte normal decrease:

a. A gama was not in options
b. Common variable deficiency something
c. IgA deficient

Q No. 103 Travellors diarhea doc:

a. Norfloxacin

Q No. 104 Basal ganglia:

Anatomy question
Q No. 105 CSF options cant recall

Q No. 106 Female, which one of following having least chances of Miscarriage at 17
26 weeks

Q No. 107 sickness defined as:

Q No. 108 present and absent of vomiting data will be:

a. Nominal
b. Ordinal

Q No 109 Surgeon doing open abdominal surgery, HO spills 1 L NS drip on patients

pelvic brim, fluid will go into?
a. Right left paracolic gutter
b. Spleen
c. Back
d. Can`t recall options

Q No. 110 Basilar artery gives:

a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Middle

Q NO. 111 B lymphoma associated with which virus:

a. CMV
b. EBV
c. HPV

Q NO. 112 Pap smear findings, nuclei large present. Advice to do pap smear after 6
a. Metaplasia
b. Hyperplasia
c. Dysplasia
d. Pre malignant

Q No. 113 senario of achondroplasia

a. Dominant
b. Recessive

Q No. 114 senario of conginital hypothyroidism

Q No. 115 physiologic shunt will be present when V/Q is:

a. Infinite
b. Zero
c. Normal
d. One

Q No. 116 Propylthiouracil mechanism of action

Q No. 117 Female can't stand from sitting but can walk:
a. Gluteus maximus
b. Gluteus minimus

Q No. 118 Longest pre erythrocyte phase shizonts in:

a. P. malariea
b. P. Ovale
c. P. Falciparum

Q No. 119 Injury near ankle can stand but painful walking
a. Achilles rupture
b. Plantar rupture

Q No. 120 Young type I diabetic female with morning hyperglycemia, insulin regime:
a. Long acting insulin twice daily
b. Short acting twice daily
c. Intermediate twice daily
d. Regular before each meal
e. Short and intermediate twice daily

Q No. 121 Pap smear ca cervix scenario, causative agent:

a. HPV 16
b. HPV 8
c. CMV

Q NO. 122 Lesion on vulva

a. Condyloma accuminatum

Q No. 123 Man trying to scratch his back and can`t, muscle damaged?
b. Lattisimus dorsi
c. Pectoral is major
d. Subscapularis
e. Suprainspinatus
f. Serratus anterior

Q No. 124 Cells in retina, self-generating impulse:

a. Bipolar
b. Amacrine
c. Ganglion
d. Horizontal

Q No. 125 Which vein directly drain to SVC:

a. Azygous
b. Hemi azygous

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