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Southern School of Energy and Sustainability

AP Language and Composition Syllabus

Fall 2017
Mrs. Alyssa Martinez || Room # 143 || 919.560.3968 ext. 68418 ||

Description of Course:
Students enrolled in Advanced Placement English Language and Composition are enrolled in a introductory, college-level
course. Students will be expected to think, read, and write analytically. Their progress will be assessed by the AP Exam in May
2018 that can earn the student transferable college-credit.

From the College Board: An AP course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers
of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts, and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both
in their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writers purposes, audience
expectations, and subjects, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in

What Will We Read? :

AP Language and Composition provides a heavier focus on Language rather than Literature. Therefore, students will engage
with essays, speeches, novels, narratives, and historical documents. Students will analyze the language the author uses to achieve
the different purposes of each type of texts.

What Will We Write? :

Students will write in several forms throughout this year to exhibit and grow their understanding of rhetoric and discourse.
Students will write both formally and informally (e.g., narrative, expository, analytical, and argumentative essays) about a
variety of subjects.

Materials Needed:
It is crucial that you have the following supplies in order to be prepared and successful in this class:
Pens/ Pencils
Plenty of lined paper, college ruled.
Highlighters (in several colors)
1.5 inch three-ring binder required for binder checks!
Flashcard booklet or packets of loose flash cards
Edmodo Access

Expectations: As an AP student, the expectations are higher than any other course level. Students should conduct
themselves as scholars in a college-setting.
My expectations for success in my class are as follows:
Enter class every day possible with a positive attitude
Arrive to class on time every day
Come to class prepared with completed assignments, necessary materials, texts, handouts, or notes.
Behave in a manner that exhibits pride and a sense of ownership for your own success.
Grow as an independent and responsible student.
Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.

Warning Reflection Lunch Detention Parent Call Conference Referral

Tutoring Hours:
I will be available after (every day until 5:30, except Tuesdays and Fridays) school to assist students with any
incomplete assignments or provide clarification about any content. If you do not arrive by 4:15 to begin
tutoring, I cannot ensure that I will be in my room! Please, notify me beforehand, so I can make plans to be
present and ready for tutoring!
What Will We Do? :
Writing Assignments: When turning in a writing assignment it should be typed, 12-point, Times New Roman,
double-spaced font or written in black or blue ink, double-spaced with appropriate headings. Otherwise, the
assignment is subject to receive a grade deduction.
o All writing assignments will use MLA citation form
o If printing is ever an issue, the school library is open before and after school.
o To avoid point deductions, all papers MUST be emailed to Mrs. Martinez before 10:00 PM the night before
submission dates if printing help is requested.
Timed Writings: During the Fall semester, students will complete (5) timed essay questions. These are practice for the
essay questions, students will answer on the AP Exam.
Dialectical Journal Entries: Students will use these entries to guide their readings. Each journal entry will
include direct quotations, explanation of the context and content of the passage, and analysis of the authors
stylistic strategies.
Weekly Current Event Journals: Students will write a two-part journal entry for (3) different Current Events
Weekly. Part 1: a summary of the articles you have read or news sources you viewed weekly. Including a small
quote from the article or video in your summary. Part 2: Students next will write a commentary about the
event. Comment on the content of the article (what the author has to say ) or the form/style (how the author
says it).
Reading Quizzes: Frequently, you will be given a reading quiz comprised of questions about assigned text to
demonstrate understanding and completion of reading homework.
Binder Checks: At the beginning of each unit, students will receive a Binder-Check assignment sheet. They will be
responsible for keeping all work in an orderly fashion. Each tab in their binders will denote a new unit. The assignment
sheet is prominently displayed at the front of the class. Please, ask questions concerning Binder Checks sooner rather
than later, as they are pertinent to your success in the class!
Grading Policy
Students grades will be calculated as follows: Quarter 1, 40%, Quarter 2, 40%, Final Exam, 20%
Grades per quarter will be determined by the following formula:
*Points assignments may vary due to Mrs. Martinez discretion.

Major Papers, Projects, and Tests 100 points per assessment

Quizzes and Reading Response Entries 30 points per assignment
DJE/CEJ 20 points per assignment
Daily Work 10 points per assignment
Homework 15 points per assignment

At the end of each grading period, the grade will be determined by the total number of points earned
divided by the total number of points possible. For example, if you receive a 5/10, 90/100, and
40/50, your total grade will be 135/160, or 84%, which is a C.
Cheating will not be tolerated. The policies regarding the honor code and cheating, particularly
plagiarism can be found in your Southern School of Energy and Sustainability Student Handbook.
Homework Policy:
Homework will be turned in at the start of class. Once homework has been collected in the designated place for that
day all other homework will be considered late.
This course will entail much reading and writing. It is your responsibility to read all assigned reading passages
outside of class thoroughly and come to class prepared to answer questions or participate thoughtfully in class
discussions about the text.

Make Up Work Policy

If you miss class it is your responsibility to obtain and turn in make up work. Make sure to check the class
Edmodo account before checking with me. Missing work is available in my classroom labeled Missing
You must make up all missed assignments, quizzes, or tests within 5 days of returning. You may make up any
assignments before or after school. After this period I will no longer accept work for full credit.

Attendance Policy:
In order to succeed in this course, it is important to be present daily. The pace of the class moves quickly and
missing one day may take one week to make up. Please be wise about your absences.
If you are aware you are going to be absent beforehand, please make Mrs. Martinez aware as soon as possible.
If you are going to miss class for a school-related purpose (field trip, away game, etc.) you will be expected to
take quizzes and exams before the absence, rather than after.

Ways to Stay in Communication:

Check Edmodo for missed notes and assignments: k83tri
o This webpage will be updated frequently with class announcements and assignments. I recommend setting your
notification settings to mobile and downloading the app to your phone, for up-to-date notifications! Also,
please refer to for all school-wide announcements!
o Parents, if you would also like access to your childs Edmodo progress let me know and I will give a student-
specific code for updates.
Email me with any questions, comments, or concerns:
o I will respond to emails in a timely manner (within 24 hours). I will be available on email until 9 PM daily.
Call me with questions, comments, or concerns: 919.560.3968 ext. 68418
o I will return calls during my 4th Period Planning or after school.

I am SO excited to work with you and your student this semester! Your involvement and expertise is
so valued. Please, please do NOT hesitate to contact me at any time for any reason. Thanks!

Cut & Retain the above information for your information!
By signing below, you are indicating that you have received this course syllabus and agree to the aforementioned
class expectations and norms. If there are ever any questions about this syllabus you will contact Mrs. Martinez.
Thank you!
To be filled out by Student: To be filled out by Parent:
I have read this syllabus and understand the expectations
of being in AP Language and Composition. Parent Name(s) (Print) : ________________________

Student Name (Print) : __________________________ Parent Signature : _____________________________

Student Signature : _____________________________ Parent Email: ________________________________

Student Email: ________________________________ What is the most convenient way to contact

you? (Phone/Email) ______________________
I have signed up for our Edmodo Class: Yes No
What time is most convenient to reach you?

Students and Parents, please detach this portion of your syllabus and return to Mrs. Martinez
within the first (5) days of school in order to be entered for a drawing for a prize.

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