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ANGIELSKI JA WIOSENNA 014 SZKOLA PODSTAWOWA KLASA 5 |. READING Barack Obama is the forty-fourth President of the United States, but the first black American President in the history of the country. He was born in Hawaii in 196% His fatherwas a black Kenyan, and his mother a white American from Kansas, Barack is married to Michelle, and they have daughters, Malia Anne and Natasha, known as Sasha The children go toa private school in Washington. The girls have, dog called Bo. Michelle is an attorney (an American lawyer). She doesn't work now because her husband is President, She says her most importantjob is as mother to their children. Barack Obama loves basketball. He has his own indoor basketball court in the White House, and he often invites professionalbasketball players to come and play with him. He also goes to the gym and sometimes plays golf. In the evening he sometimes plays billiards. He and Michelle ike going to restaurants and the cinema, and visiting friends for dinner. The family goes to church every Sunday. The President and his family live in the White House. It has 132 rooms. On the first floor there ara lots of offices. Mr Obama works in the Oval Ofice in the White House. He aften works more than sixteen hours a day. The President's home is, fon the second and third floors. There's a swimming pool and a cinema for the President and his family. One hundred people work fr him. His chefs make his favourite faod- chill and pasta, (Outside there are five big gardens. Bo loves playing there. {UBL Soar Now Heaowsy Oxford) 1. Barack Obama is .. Oa) thirty-nine Oc) itysnee . years old. 8) forty-four Ob) sixty-one 2. Barack Obama is wvn + OO) the frst President of the USA ©) the 44” President of the USA Oc) the first black President of Kenya @d) the first biack President of the USA +3. There are .. peopl Barack Obama's family. OA) two O8) three @0) four Ob) five 4. In his free time, Barack Obama likes playing ... @A) car @5) biliards Cc) baseball @d) basketball 5. Barack Obama works @d) about sixteen hours a day OB) in the church @c) in the Oval Office @D) in the White House 6. Michelle Obama @Ajis a lawyer @B)is the President's wite @c) doesn't work as a lawyer @D) looks after her daughters 7. Choose the true sentences. (Wybierz prawdziwe zdania.) OA) There are over a hundred and fifty rooms in the White House. @8) Mr Obama's daughters go to a private schoo! in Washington ©) Mr Obama and his family ive inthe White House Ob) Barack Obama was bom in Kenya, Il. COMMUNICATION 8. A: Could you lend me your scooter, please? OA) I's my scooter. @e) No. Fm sony, I need it now. Oc) No, thanks. @) Yes, certainly. Here you are, 9. A: Whero’s the British Museum? B: . Oa) Guess! OB) Good idea! @) It's over there, just round the comer, @)1 don't know, sorry 10. & Would you like something to eat? @A)No, thanks @£) Yes, a cheese sandwich, please OC) No, | would like not. @D) Yes, please. 11. A: Can I ride a bike with Lucy, Mum? B: @A) No, Fm sorry. You can't. @B) No way! You must stay at home. ©) Yes, but you must tidy your bedroom first. Od) Yes, it doesn't matter 12.4: B: Let's buy him football boots. OA) What does Mark like? ©) What shall we buy Mark for his birthday? Oc) What's Mark like for his birthday? )D) What is Mark want for his birthday? ‘© Copyright by Olimpus, www pl 18. This road sign says that: JA) Drivers have to go straight on here. @8) Drivers mustn't turn left or right here. Oc) Drivers have to tum right here, Cb) Drivers have to stop here IIL VOCABULARY 14. Excuse me. Is there buy some stamps. Oda) a record shop Occ)a bank 15. Mrs Wilson ... near here? I want to OB) a bookshop @D) a post office every Friday afternoon. OA) does the cleaning QB) lays the kitchen table @c) goes shopping @) does the shopping 16. Match the opposite adjectives. (Dopasuj przymiotniki o przeciwnym znaczeniu.) expensive A. safe 2. dangerous B. low 3. dificult cheap 4, high Di easy Qa) 1-0; 2-A;3-B;4-C @s)1-c;2-A,3-D;4-B Qo)1-A:2-¢:3-D:4-B Op)1-;2-8:3-A4—c 17.1 love in my free time. £ @A) cycling OB) skateboarding @¢) rollerblading Od) skating 18. My mum bought me new shoes OA) next Tuesday @8) yesterday @c)aweek ago Od) tomorrow 19. The British usually eat at about five o'clock p.m. OA) supper OB) lunch Oc) dinner @d)tea 20.My mother is a She looks after ill children na hospital @A) doctor OB) chef Qc) waitress @d) nurse 21.It's really cold today, so! am wearing my @A) gloves OB) slippers @c) scart 0) shorts IV. GRAMMAR, 22, Where's my pencil case? | can't find .... anywhere. On)its @e)i Oo) them Od)her 23. LOOK! wana mouse under the cupboard, OA)ttis Ob) That was Oc) There are ©) There's 24, We started school September last year. the second of Onjat Os)in @c) on Ob) ot 25, Our cat came back home @Ajat noon @B) in the morning Oc)in night @d) at six o'clock 26. We ....-u. at the cinema last week. Oajare Ob) was @c) were @D) weren't 27. Mike and are hungry. Give -.... some sandwiches, please Oa) our @b)us Oc)nim Od) we 28. These are ... Scissors. @A)sane's OB) she's @c)ner Ob)hers 29, The town hall is ......~ the hospital Oa) next @B) opposite @c) near @d) next to 30.1 (1) sun the kitehen floor (2) @A) (1) am cleaning; (2) at the moment @b) (1) cleaned; (2) yesterday evening Oc) (1) ‘m cleaning; (2) every Saturday @) (1) clean; (2) once a week ‘© Copyright by Olimpus, www pl

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