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Official Newsletter of IBM Ring50 -- The National Capital Ring Volume 64 No. 10 October 2010

Octobers Lecture by Ken Trombly

I.B.M. Ring 50s October 6th Without further ado, President conventions, and has given his
meeting was opened by President Arnie Fuoco, introduced our slide show poster presentation
Arnie Fuoco. One new member lecturer, Ken Trombly. Ken, a
was voted into the Ring: John lifelong magic enthusiast and
Cloninger of Woodbridge VA. longtime magic collector is the
President Arnie Fuoco encouraged owner of ,
members to sign up as volunteers and resides in Bethesda,
for Magi-Whirl 2011. If you are Maryland.
interested in helping with Magi-
Ken had been performing
Whirl 2011 please contact Theo
Rushin or Bob Patterson. The magic since the age of 10 and
50/50 drawing was won by Arnie has been a serious collector of
Levin and he donated his magic posters and related items
winnings to Ring 50. for at least the last couple of The Juggler of the Chateau dEau
decades. He began by
R collecting original magic to other magic clubs as well.
I posters from the "Golden Age He has written articles on
N of Magic." magic posters and collecting
G Ken presented his Ring 50 that have been published in
50 lecture called Paper Treasures: MAGIC magazine, MUM,
International Brotherhood Collecting Magic Ephemera. He Collectors Showcase, and The
of Magicians Ring 50 showed many slides and Paper Collectors Marketplace.
The National Capital Ring explanations of the items he has
President collected over many years. This
Arnie Fuoco included letters, ads, postcards,
(703) 521 -6286 pictures, and etc.
Vice President
Danny Selnick
Secretary & Webmaster
Eric Henning
Bob Patterson Young Harry Houdini
(703) 490 -1222 Ken is a member of The
Sergeant-at-Arms Magic Circle, the Society of
Tom Paxton American Magicians (Past
(301) 596 -7407 Harry Houdini and Family President, Assembly 23 of Washington, DC) and the
Ken has shared his knowledge
Magi-Gram Editor of magic posters with the Magic International Brotherhood of
Bob Patterson Magicians (Order of Merlin).
Collectors Association, lecturing
at their 1995 and 2000
Page 2
NOVEMBER MEETING Ring 50 Treasurer Collecting Alexandria. The Youth Ring is
open for children ages 7-17.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Dues for 2011 Please let Theo Rushin, Chief
HOLIDAY INN Ring 50 annual dues of $15 for
Wizard for the youth group, know
Alexandria, VA 2011 are due by the February.
6:00 Cocktails if you are bringing any youths so
Anyone, wishing to do so, can pay
that we can be better prepared for
6:30 Dinner their dues at the November 3rd
8:00 Meeting them.
meeting. The Ring
50 Treasurer, Bob
Patterson, requests
that you pay by
TLR Reviewers to check, as this
Review at eases the record
keeping. Make checks payable to
November Meeting IBM Ring 50. Cash will be
The November 3 rd meeting will accepted providing you have the
be demonstrations of the latest correct change ($15). If you are
magic items on the market by our unable to make the meetings, you
can also send a check to his home
Ring 50 Hocus in Focus Linking
Ring reviewers. New items arrive address at 3450 Wainscott Place,
Lake Ridge, VA 22192-5362.
at TLR editors office for review.
He sends them to the associate Enjoy your Ring activities
editor, Jason Goldberg, for his throughout 2011 by paying your
dues now.
reviewers to examine, tear apart,
perform, and evaluate. Many are
new items, books, DVDs, and Ring 50 M agic You th
some are revisions or I nternational
modifications to classic magic The Counts of Co njuring
effects. This will be a good chance Thanks to Ken Trombly for a
Dick Christian was the guest terrific presentation on "Paper
to see a demo of an item you saw wizard for the October meeting of
advertise and wanted to know Treasures." It has inspired me to
the youth group Counts of explore more information on the
more about it. Conjuring. The lesson covered
We appreciate the time the history of magic. I was
two different effects. He presented particularly fascinated by the 1897
Hocus in Focus team spends on "Sucker Monte" (a three card
their reviews. It is not an easy task receipt for magic props purchased
monte effect). Several different by Houdini and then a follow up
to critically examine the hard versions of the
work of others. Ring 50 reviewers poster of Houdini with those same
trick were taught props on a nearby table and in his
are: Jason Goldberg, Dick and each student
Christian, Eric Henning, Bill hands.
received all the Next month we have our own
Wells, Paul White, Ed Spells, necessary cards
Larry Lipman, Louis Meyer, Sam Linking Ring magic reviewers
for each version performing their favorite magic
Brothers, Rucj Uffelman, Dick along with illustrated instructions.
Kahane, Bob Patterson, Dave material that they reviewed for the
The second effect was the classic magazine. It could also be their
Shepherd, Arnie Levin, Tom "Buddha Papers." After the trick
Paxton, Mike Taggert, Dwight least favorite--we are open
was demonstrated the students minded. Reviewers--please email
Redman, Tom Bohacek, Danny were given
Selnick, Geoff Weber, and Kevin me if you want to perform.
illustrated Future themes that I am
McGuire. instructions pondering include a night for
and materials. Children's magic and an evening
Be sure to maintain They each
your membership with a panel of experts on subjects
assembled like illusions, close-up, parlor, etc
with the International their own set
Brotherhood of with a Q&A theme.
of "Buddha Papers" as part of the
Magicians each year. Send your Finally, please remember that
session. our own Wayne Alan is
dues to the I.B.M. office at: 13 Dont forget to encourage a
Point West Blvd, St. Charles, performing "Wonders and
youth to attend the Ring 50 MYI.
Missouri, USA 63301 Wizardry" on Monday night, Oct
The youth meeting starts at 6:00 25, at the National Theater.
pm at the Holiday Inn in
Page 3

Coming Events IIBBM

M RRiinngg 5500 SScchheedduullee SS..A
Nov 3 . Ring 50 Reviewers The Society of American Magicians
Perform will be hosting the North American
Dec 1 . TBA Championship of Magic as an
2011 integral part of its annual four day
Jan 5 .. TBA convention to be held in
Feb 2 .. TBA Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 13-
Mar 2 . Auction Night 16, 2011. The convention will be
Washington DC: January 27 Apr 6 . TBA holding up to six contests of
30, 2011. This year the location Apr 29 & 30 Magi-Whirl 2011 magic to accommodate the 50
May 4 . Dan Lacey Contest contestants who will be selected
has changed! Because Kapital
Jun 1 .. Winton Carroll Contest to compete for the title of North
Kidvention sold out last year the
American Champion of Magic.
only direction was to get
Multiple winners across six
BIGGER. So, now right outside of categories of magic will be
Washington DC is the National guaranteed a position if they wish
Conference Center. This place is to compete at the FISM World
HUGE, nestled in the forests of Championship of Magic to be held
Virginia is this resort for in Blackpool, England, in July
education. The vendor room is 3 2012. Future S.A.M. Conventions
times the size of last years! are scheduled for: 2012 Las Vegas
Kapital Kidvention is THE NV, 2013 Arlington VA.
convention to pick up the needed Sheraton Hotel - Dallas, Texas
skills to increase business and June 28 - July 2, 2011
FOUR big evening stage
S.A .M. Assem bly 23
learn more marketing secrets from S.A.M 23 presents an evening
24 presenters or more. Details at: shows! You also get a fun and
exciting banquet included with with Michael Vincent entitled "A Conversation on the Craft of
your registration. Learn from the
best in the business with a stellar Magic". A new and unique
daayy Niiggh
htt line-up of lectures and teaching presentation for S.A.M. Assembly
sessions. Youll see great close-up 23 members and their guests on
Att T
Thee N
al shows, cabaret shows, fantastic November 17th @ 8pm.
Stars of Magic new youth activities and events
are in the works, and some great
new activities for spouses, and the
Order of Merlin. Were redefining
the dealers room experience!
And youll see the Gold Medal
and Gold Cups Contests - often
regarded as the best-run contest in D
Doo Y
Yoouu H Haavvee SSoom
magic! Register at I.B.M. website TToo SSeellll O
Orr T
www.Magician.Org. All members in good standing can
Monday Night at the National is advertise your item free in the
a series of free public Magi-Gram. Just include a picture
performances in the Helen Hayes and a description of your item
Gallery at the National Theater on along with your contact
Pennsylvania Avenue in DC. The information to: Bob Patterson,
"Stars of Magic" series has begun Magic.Bob@Comcast.Net
and runs through Monday,
December 13 with performances Important Ring 50
at 6:00PM and 7:30PM. Wayne
Alan is among the Ring 50
performers who have been
selected to appear. Wayne will be
featured on Monday evening, The headliners for Magi-Whirl
October 25. For more details see: 2011 are Dirk Losander, Luna Be sure to visit the Street Shimada, Keith Fields, and Danny Magic Contest Page
nday/monday.htm Garcia. .
Page 4

Tony Curtis Trick or Treat

Houdini Dies Wear your D'lite, reach into
your candy bowl, pull out a
Tony Curtis passed away on September 29th 2010.
glowing treat and deposit it
He starred in over 60 film roles and made
numerous TV appearances. In the magic world he into their sack. They will go
nuts looking for it as they walk
was most famous for the movie Houdini. This is
a highly entertaining film has Tony plays Harry
Houdini, the legendary escape artist. We see
Houdini's early life in the circus, the meeting of his
future wife (Janet Leigh) and some of his most R
NGG 5500 M
famous tricks. Curtis, a talented amateur magician, I.B.M. Ring 50 meets the first Wednesday of each
performed most of his own tricks in this film. month (except July) at the Holiday Inn I-95 at
In the film he runs into Telegraph Rd., Alexandria, Virginia.
a prop sword handle and - Easy access from all parts of the DC metro area.
ruptures his appendix, - Across a parking lot from Metro (Yellow Line -
then almost drowns in the Eisenhower Ave.)
- Full service restaurant with entrees from $7.00 and up
torture tank trick and dies
- The hotel has added a one-price buffet for our
on the stage in the arms convenience
of his wife. In real life he - Full bar that welcomes members to perform before and
was punched in the after the meeting. (We can perform in the restaurant,
stomach by a college too.)
student who had heard
that Houdini could
withstand any blow
without harm. This did, You Know That You're A Magician When...
indeed, rupture his appendix. He later collapsed on
stage, was taken to the hospital and died there. The only unbent forks in your house are plastic.
Although Houdini didn't die onstage at a You never throw old decks away because "I can
Halloween performance, as this film would have make something out of it"
you believe, he did, indeed, die on Halloween, You have never been to the loony bin, yet you
1926, several weeks after his last stage own a straight jacket.
performance. To this day, in Houdini's memory, After viewing magic on TV, everyone in the
October 31st is celebrated as International Magic room looks at you asks, "How'd they do that?"
Day. And, all you do is smile and say, "It's really easy if
This movie has it all; a love story, suspense, you think about it, but magicians can tell." And
comedy, and of course magic. We will miss Tony you're really thinking "How the heck did they do
Curtis. that?"

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