Alg 2 Syllabus Sorensen2017

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Algebra 2 Syllabus

Mrs. Sorensen
Room 6214
Phone: (734) 997-1900 x. 37510
Email address:
At Huron, our MYP and DP courses serve to accommodate the range of abilities, needs, and interests of our
students as well as to prepare students for a broad spectrum of universities and careers.
Our courses aim to enable students to:
develop mathematical knowledge, concepts, and principles
develop logical, critical and creative thinking
employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalization
use IB rubrics to evaluate their work and that of their peers
Courses are designed to have students learn through dynamic cycles of inquiry, action, and reflection. We
also strive to encourage students to appreciate the international dimensions of mathematics and its many
cultural and historical perspectives. Rubrics provide a set of criteria for students' work and projects that include
descriptions of levels of performance on the criteria.

Overview: Algebra 2 encompasses equation solving functions, linear functions and inequalities, quadratic
functions and inequalities, polynomial and radical expressions, conic sections, polynomial functions,
exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series, discrete math and probability with an introduction
to statistics, trigonometric functions, and trigonometric graphs and identities. Problem solving strategies are
also developed along with the real word applications. Both lecture and cooperative learning techniques will be
used. This class will present all the topics required by the National Common Core Standards for Algebra 2.
Teacher Responsibilities: I will be prepared to conduct lessons that challenge students to learn and understand
the topics covered in this course. The best way to contact me is by email. If you want to have a conversation
please email me your phone number and the best time to call. In order to insure I will be available on a day you
would like to stay after school, be sure to see me personally no later than the day before you want to meet.

Student Responsibilities: All students are expected to fully participate in class activities, both individual and
group. Students are responsible for their own learning. A successful student is one who prepares for each
class with necessary materials and stays focused during class. Taking notes in class is expected and provides
the student with written explanations and worked examples. It is very important to come and see me when you
first feel you are falling behind or if you do not understand.

Algebra 2 Book Resources: To aid in making this a very rigorous course, we will be using the Holt Algebra 2
book. It is more than a book. It is a system that will help students learn both in school and at home. At the
website, students will find the entire book online, homework help that contains videos and practice
questions linked to each lesson in the text.

Electronics Policy: All cell phones and electronic devices are to be put away during class. If your phone is
out, the teacher reserves the right to take your phone away for the remainder of the hour.

Calculators: TI 84 (or TI 83) graphing calculators will be used in the classroom. If you do not own a TI 83 or
84 graphing calculator, you need to check one out from the book depository. On many occasions a graphing
calculator is not allowed on a quiz or test, but a scientific calculator is allowed. An inexpensive scientific
calculator is the TI 30XS Multiview.
Retake Policy: Test corrections must be completed and checked before being eligible for a retake test.
Retakes are given for credit attainment or recovery. Therefore retakes will be given to students scoring less than
80%, with a maximum score of 80% on the retake. A retake on a Chapter Test must be taken within one week
of the return of the graded Chapter Test to the student, and must be taken after school in the Rat Lab testing
center. Quizzes cannot be retaken. Each semester the lowest quiz grade will be dropped if the student has no
unexcused absences and no more than two unexcused tardies. If a student has an unexcused absence or
tardy on the day of the original test, the student forfeits the right to a retake test, and can only receive up
to a 70%.

Grading Procedures: Each quarter grade is based on homework quizzes and in-class work (10%), quizzes
(30%) and unit assessments (60%). The semester grade is calculated by weighing each quarter grade as 40%
and the semester exam as 20%.

Grading scale:

[93-100] A [87-90) B+ [77-80) C+ [67-70) D+ [0-60) E

[83-87) B [73-77) C [63-67) D
[90-93) A- [80-83) B- [70-73) C- [60-63) D-
Grading Example for Rounding: A semester grade of 89. 49 will be marked as a B+. A semester grade of
89.50 will be marked as a A-.
Assessment Days: Quizzes could be given any day of the week. Chapter Tests will be given on Wednesdays
or Fridays per the Huron High School policy. Tests will not be given back to the student, but will be kept in the
classroom, where students will be able to look at them with the teacher.
Attendance/Tardies: Per Huron High School Attendance Policy: An unexcused absence is an absence in
which the student fails to attend class, and the school has not been notified by the parent or guardian within 48
hours of the absence. NOTE: If the student is more than 10 minutes late, she/he is considered T10 (more than
10 minutes tardy). Students are given the two days to make up the work for one excused absence. Students are
expected to take the initiative in asking for make-up work.
Class Expectations: All students are expected to fully participate in class activities, both individual and group.
Everyone in the class will be treated with great respect. All material items in the classroom will also be treated
with respect and not mutilated or destroyed. Students will be aware that each student needs to hear in order to
learn, thus talking between students should be at a minimum unless the class is working in groups. Attendance
is key to complete learning. All absences, excused or unexcused disrupt learning.
Homework will be assigned each day, but will be optional. Homework quizzes will be given each day for
homework points, and are to kept each day in their own notebook in pencil, which will be kept in class and
collected on Fridays. Homework quizzes are graded on effort and are worth 5 points if each problem is neat,
easily readable, and every problem is complete or attempted. Each day, homework quizzes will be corrected as
a class, and you will be responsible for giving a fellow student feedback with a red pen. If you have an
unexcused absence, you will receive a zero for that days homework quiz. If you have an excused absence, you
will be responsible for completing and turning in the optional homework assignment.
If all optional homework for a Unit is neatly completed, students will be able to receive an extra 3% on a Unit
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Geometry
Student Contract
As a student, I will:
set aside sufficient time to study
participate actively in class and attend regularly
respect my own learning
observe test time limits
not talk during a test or about the test until all classes have had a chance to take it
not allow one member of a team to do the whole task
not partake in academic dishonesty

Definition of Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to formal academic exercise. It goes beyond plagiarism to also include lying,
cheating, using or providing unauthorized materials in preparation for an exam/test/quiz, or using or providing unauthorized materials during an
exam/test/quiz, and other acts, such as the theft or falsification of records and files.
Forms of Academic Dishonesty (examples include, but are not limited to, the following):
Looking at someone elses work product, or knowingly allowing someone else to look at ones work product during an exam, test, or quiz
Using any kind of cheat notes during an exam, test, or quiz
Copying any work assigned to be done independently or letting others copy ones work
Having unauthorized access to or using stolen exams, tests, or quizzes
Providing or selling exam, test, or quiz information to other students
Using an electronic device (calculator, cell phone, camera, or other gadgets) to give or receive or copy information before, during, or after an
exam, test, or quiz
Collaborating on an exam, test, quiz or assignment with any other person without prior approval from the teacher
Lying about attendance or ability to complete assignments and/or assessments
Lying about other people being responsible for low grades or missing scores/assignments
Claiming credit for work in a group project when work was done by others
Attempting to misrepresent the authorship of student work, i.e., having someone else write a paper
Fabricating or altering laboratory data
Accessing and/or using copyrighted test bank questions or any materials designed for instructors use only

Consequences for Violations

First Offense
The student will have a reduction in grade/credit (up to, and including, an F grade/0 credit) on the assignment, exam, test, or quiz based
upon the teachers grading system.
The teacher will confer with the student and contact the parent/guardian by phone or e-mail to review the academic dishonesty incident within
two school days of becoming aware of the incident.
The teacher will submit a written referral, with appropriate documentation, to an administrator who will meet with the student and the
counselor, and document the incident/follow-up action

Second Offense
Consequences listed in the First Offense and one or more of the following:
A conference will be held with an administrator, parent/guardian, teacher, counselor, and student, and the incident/follow-up action will be
The student will be given an F for the six week grading period in which the incident occurred.
The student will be dropped from the class with a grade of F.
The student will be suspended from school.

Third/Continuing Offenses
Consequences listed in the First Offense and one or more of the following:
A conference will be held with an administrator, parent/guardian, teacher, counselor, and student, and the incident/follow-up action will be
The student will be dropped from the class with a grade of E.
The student will be suspended from school.

Student Name_____________________________________________ Date_________________________


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