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From: Sionya HaleyOrM now known as Priya Sha'ul'me'el@rM/Secured Party/Lien Holder/Indigenous
Woman/Power of Attomey for Michael FulliloveOrM now known as Marshawn Sha'u1'Me'elOrM

38o 40" 6" N.Lat; 90o 12' 37" W.Long

Cahokia, : Altan/ :Turtle-Island
Clo 3916 N. Florissant Apt. 205 St. Louis, Missouri [63107]


2190 S. Mason road, suite 201 St. Louis Missouri 63131


September 1,2017

Notice of Judicial misconduct against Judge Michael Stelzer of the 22"d Judicial Circuit Coufi, division 16 St.
Louis Missouri 63101

Civil case No. 1422-CR00351-01 associated with 1622-TJ00356

I Priya Sha'ul'me'elOrM went to the 22"d Judicial Circuit Court in division i6 on August lt,2017 to enter
documents into the record case No.1422-CR00351-01 on behalf of my mate Michael FullloveOrM now known
as Marshawn Sha'u1'Me'elOrM who is Indigenous Autochthonous flesh and blood male of
Aniyuwiya/Cherokee descent Title 28 U.S.C.1360. To give notice for the Bid Bond and C1-TSIP number to be
release to us and Marshawn Sha'ul'Me'elOrM has Accepted All Charges for Honor Value and Consideration
and post full discharge, settlement and closure of MISSOURI State Case No. 1422-CR00351-01 associated with
1622-TJ00356. As I enter into division I 6, Judge Michael Stelzer 40716 verbally assaulted me at the top of his
lungs in a slanderous and a discriminatory manner and falsely accusing me of being a sovereign citizen and
violated my Right to self determination. I was caught offguard by Judge Michael Stelzer hateful attack, as he
showed to be bias and prejudice. I waited silently for him to finish yelling at me and correct him calmly, letting
him know we are the Indigenous people of the land, we were Not sovereign Citizens, farther more none of the
documents that I have presented into the court doesn't say anl.thing about being a sovereign cittzen. Judge
Michael Stelzer then stated this was a criminal case, I told him these are commercial crimes 27 CFR 72.ll.I
told him he was violation my lndigenous Rights, and that point he played ignorant and said without proof he
would not accept any.thing from me, I have already been entering documents in the court every since Marshawn
Sha'ul'me'elOrM has been incarnated, now Judge Michael Stelzer threaten to kidnap me, violating my rights,
threaten to hold me in contempt of court if I didn't not produce a license to practice Law. I told him practicing
Law is a common law Right. The Practice of Law is an occupation of common right Sims v. Aherns 271
SW 720 (1925). The Practice of Law cannot he licensed by any state Schware v. Board of Examiner
united Reports 353 US pages 238,239. Michael Stelzer said that I didn't have the right to represent my mate
which is a violation of 3, 5, 18, 19 and 33 on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;

Article 18 lndigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affbct
their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well
as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision making institutions.

Article 19 States shallconsult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through
their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting
and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them.
Article 33 1' lndigenous peoples have the right to determine their own identity or membership
in accordance with their
customs and traditions. This does not impair the right of indigenous individuals to obtain
citizenship of the States in
which they live. 2. lndigenous peoples have the right to determine the structures and to
select the membership of their
institutions in accordance with their own procedures.

Article 3 lndigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right
they freely determine their
political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

Article 5 lndigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political,
legal, economic, social and
cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in
the political, economic, social and
culturallife of the State.

Judge Michael Stelzer never produce a delegation of authority, nor provide any
material evidence or quote any
law to support his show case of abuse and Genocide Title 18 1091, while violating my
rights. Judge Michael
Stelzer actions were that of a carefully contrived plot to threaten and intimidate and
to obstruct the enfbrcement
of our Indigenous Rights. Judge Michael Stezler of the 22"d ludicial Court is in violation
of congressional
record pg A3220 May 1 L, 1955 for not promoting human rights, but instead promoting
and praJticing slavery.

Judge Michael Stelzer honestly believes that executive order 13107,President proclamation,
record pg A3220 May 1 L, 1955, Motu Proprio July 1 l, 2013, HJR 194, S con res 26.
HJR 192, puUtic Law 73-
10, LrN Charter Articles 55 & 56, Treaty law or federal statues do not
apply to him us he believes himself to be
above the law and his actions support is distorted beliefs. Judge tvtichael^Sielzer
is violating Marshawn
Sha'ul'me'elOrM right to counsel by threaten to arest me for practice law without a license.
This is a violation
of 18 and 19 of the UNDRIP which affirm my rights to take pu.t in decision making in matters
affecting our
rights through our own choose representative, oui o*n p.oc.dures and our own institutions.
This is being done
as Judge Michael Stelzer admitted this court has no rulei or procures
for the Indigenous people, on Febmary 6,
2017 Judge Michael Stelzer ignored Marshawn Sha'el'me'"1Or* Jurisdiction
Ctrallenge, Juiisdiction can be
challenged at any time and jurisdiction, once challenged cannot be assumed
and must be decided, Basso
V' Utah Power & Light CO 495 F 2d 906'910. Judge Michael Stelzer stated the state of MISSOURI
said he
has jurisdiction he give no violated grounds act his u"iiorr. Judge Michael
Stelzer conspired with Judge Steven
Ohmer to vioiate his rights to force him to get a psychiatric evaluation after knowing
that Marshawn
Sha'el'me'elOrM challenge the jurisdiction of thi court, Title 28 U.S.C.1360. Judg"
St",r" Ohmer stolen
Marshawn Sha'ul'me'el'sOrM Statutory Declaration, Statutory Claim and his
SF 181 which was in retaliation
after Steven ohmer committed Genocide and deprivation of rights under color
of law, in court on March 6,
2017, as a result Judge Michael Stelzer is sending Marshawn Sha'el'me'e1OrM
back in front of Judge Steven
ohmer to farther abuse his rights and deprive him of faimess and justice.

Articles 7 and 8 of the LTNDRIP give us the right to redress the state for any acts of violence,
ethnic discrimination, force assimilation, force population transfer, Genociie
or any acts which dispossessed us
of our land, territory or resources. Judge Michail St"lr.. has shown hatred and disrespect
to the Indigenous
people and our rights, and has made it his mission to cause our injuries and
to obstruci the exercising of our
Indigenous Rights. Judge Michael Stelzer should be punish and rlmoved before
he harms anymore damage
destruction of our culture and rights, which amounts nothing less than Genocide
Title 1 g $ 1091 Title 1 g S 242
and Title 18 U.S.C chapter 73.

Pursing to Title 42 U.S.C 1986 this department has an obligation to bring

these abuses ofjudicial misconduct to
an end, as we are not citizens of the state of MISSOURI. All parties assiiting,
any agents or agencies of the 22nd
Judicial circuit court with knowledge of the abuses which have taking placJ.doing
10ru 16crirrent in the case
1422-CR00 51-01 are guilty of kidnapping Title is and Genocide Title 18 $1091, as all acting agents
end qocnnies qra TIS nifizenq qrtd at'e nlaqsific.l ae hv^r'rFrf\/ anrl frqnnhiqe
nf fhc ferleral rrnrzernrnenf qce.
wheeling steel corp vs fox 289 U.S. 193, 80 L. ED I143,56 S.ct. 773 and to refusing to put a end to these
abuses. We have presented several times our SF 181, Statutory Declarations claimin[ *. ur. Indigenous
Voidins out the birth certificate for fraud and our Statutory Claims clairning we are not dead nor lost
a^nd - at sea; the
22"- Judtcial Circuit Court is a probate coutl; Probate - The court process by which a will is proved valid or
invalid, The legal process wherein the estate of a decedent is administered. When a person dies, his
or her
estate must go through probate, which is a process overseen by probate court. We
are not dead we are alive and
living pursuant to 1666 and 1707 cestui que vie trust act" the judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit Court
are in
violation of Judicial canon Law 2036-2057 andwe have no valid contracts with the agents or agencies
compel any obligation of our performance to them. The U.S Government has been dissolve unJer
emergency banking act march 9,1933,48 stat 1 public Law 89-719 with all states who seed there
authority when they join the union, Missouri join the union in 1821. This complaint will be published
Internet for Notice ucc 1-202 In the great spirits of my ancestors

A complaint will made to the Attorney General Josh Hawley for violations of Federal Law.

Our Statutory Declarations rvas Tendered to the Govemor of Missouri The Honorable Jeremiah,-.Tay'.
://www.scri 57252Pn L6t
https:i/ t u, rrr-oOg I -;Jf

You must Cc a copy to the Public Officials list below.

Cc: Pope Francis I/THE VATICAN

Cc: Govemor of Missouri The Honorable Eric Greitens

united Nations Declaration on the right of Indigenous peoples-
urpr'ffi''tm'ore'/es ' United Nations Convention on Economic,
Social & cultural Rights, United Nations charter; Article {s * sa, Presidential proclamation
7500,H.J.R. 194.
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200. HJR-3

Affrrmed to and subscribed before me this ; orurof Septemb er 20t7

*,,$ffvftW' ant UCC without prejudice

'1,.'/ Produce Identification

-1T- Type and # ID //l a


My Commissicn Expire."
May 27,2rt21
My Commission Expires. St. touis City
eommlBBlon #13539876
From: Sionya Haley@ru now known as Priya Sha'ul'me'e1@rM/Secured Party/Lien Holder/Indigenous
WomanlPower of Attorney for Michael FulliloveOrM now known as Marshawn Sha'ul'Me'elot*,

38o 40" 6" N.Lat; 90o 12' 37" W.Long

Cahoki4 : Altan/ :Turtle-Island
Clo 3916 N. Florissant Apt. 205 St. Louis, Missouri t631071


2190 S. Mason road, suite 201 St. Louis Missouri 63131


September L,2017

Notice of Judicial misconduct against Judge Steven Ohmer of the 22"d ludiciaVCivil Courts division 13 10 N.
Tucker Blvd, St. Louis Missouri 63101

Civil case No. I 422-CR003 5 1 -0 1 associated with I 622-TJ003 56:

I Sionya Haley now known as Priya Sha'u1'me'e1@rM on the behaif on Michael Fullilove@rM known as
Marshawn Sha'u1'me'e1OrM power of attorney/Indigenous/Autochthons of AniyuwiyalCherokee descent Title
28 U.S.C.1360, ask me to speak out for him on his behalf because of obstruction of mail inside the workhouse.
On March 6,2A17 after conspiring with Judge Michael Stelzer to force Marshawn Sha'ui'me'el@rM to go to
trial, Judge Steven Ohmer went out of his way too violated his rights. Judge Steven Ohmer told Lt Robinson to
assault him because he wouldn't rise when the judge enter the room. Marshawn Sha'ul'ine'e1@rM challenge the
jurisdiction of the court after Marshawn Sha'ul'me'elOrM ask Judge Steven Ohmer a serious of questions to
quality him and to assure a fair hearing and respect for his rights. Marshawn Sha'u1'me'e1@rM ..ask Judge
Steven Ohmer if he had two books before him as is the mandate from Congressional records pg A3220 May 11,
7955" states ooyou must have two books UN Charter and the United States Constitution before him" where it
states "congress is no longer bound by their constitutional form of govemmenf'which is a contractual
obligation Judge Steven Ohmer agreed to. Mr. Steven Ohmer stated "he only have the Missouri Constitution in
fronl of him and told him that they have no rules or procedures for the Indigenous People" after Marshawn
Sha'ul'me'elOrM ask him about it. Judge Steven Ohmer stated o'he don't hive to follow federal statutes" which
are in harmony with the US Constitution because he was not a federal judge. Judge Steven Ohmer told him" he
only had to follow some human rights and not all of them". See; wneeting steel corp vs fox 2S9 U.S. 193, 80 L.
ED 1143, 56 S.ct. 773. Marshawn Sha'u1'me'e1@rM felt he was not qualified to hearthis matter as he was
unwilling to follow national or International Law and he read offsome supportive case laws and challenge the
court's jurisdiction as is his right to do so. Marshawn Sha'ul'me'elOrM tried to make Mr. Steven Ohmer aware
of some important facts which were that he is, White and not black as he has been falsely identified as, that he is
American Indian, of Aniyuwiya/Cherokee descent Title 28 U.S.C.1360. Marshawn Sha'u1'me'elOrM was
reading his Statutory Declaration and Statutory Claim and SF 181 into the record which was stamp and filed
before Judge Michael Stelzer in division 16. Judge Steven Ohmer conflscated the documents from him and
stated it will be file it in the record and refused to return them back to him. Judge Steven Ohmer yelled at him
and stated "his never getting out ofjail". Judge Steven Ohmer order the jury to come in against his consent as a
tactic of intimidation and said Judge Michael Stelzer said he was ready to go to trial. Marshawn Sha'ul
me'el@rM "objected "stating he never made such a statement but that he was going to exercise his rights and
remedies to discharge this matter". Marshawn Sha'ul me'el@ru requested a copy of the court transcripts and
Judge Steven Ohmer denied it and orders him to get a psychiatric evaluation. Do to Judge Steven Ohmer
comrpt behavior, and premeditated intent to violate his rights and to break the law, this complaint is made make
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genocide Title 18 $ 1091, as he conspired with Judge Michael Stelzer and only had one goal in mind which was
to injure him as much as possible. Title 1S g 242. This complaint will be published on lnternet for Notice UCC
I-242 h the great spirits of my ancestors

22"d judiaial iuciges has a history

of abusing and showing little care for the people, some been waiting to see a
judge, simply cannot post bail see; hltp://tb.rluow.gurry2017/07/19/rvililrut-ac-inntI9r41il]giris:jgil-;cteA11:
for-help-during-heat-wavel' The workhouse is inhumane Marshawn Sha'ul'me'el'sG)rM health is cleteriorating
badiy his bleeding tiom his rectum and is inhaling black mold which is a silent killer.
07324/W ti'orl embed
A complaint will made to the Attorney General Josh llawley for violations of Federal Law.

Our Statutory Declarations was J'endered to the Govemor of Missouri The Honorable Jeremiah "Jay" Nixon.
https://rvwr,v.scribcl.cqm/d-qqumert/32865?52/Pri ira!:Stclqlqr::p_eqluaEon-Upload-2gff]()2j:qAgi

You must Cc a copy to the Public Officials list below,

Cc: Pope Francis I/THE VATICAN

Cc: Govertor of Missouri The Honorable Eric Greitens

United Nations Declaration on the right of Indigenous Peoples-
(http:/l$'ww-_',.un.ore./esi/socdevlunpfii/dllqtmlgudQR!!S*Snp!t) United Nations Convention on Economic,
Social & cultural Rights, United Nations Charter;Article 55 &" 56, Presidential proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194,
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200.11JR-3

Affrrmed to and subsuibed before me this ?au1 of Septemb er 2017

Affiant tlCC I -3 Ory without prejudice

Produce Identification 'iype ancl # IDfly15, ,, L ,' ) 'i r', e,n li'e .*,.rs,<*
My Commlssion ExPires
Sl Louis Chy
0ommlgelon #13538878

) .rJ-- ')
To: Judge Steven Ohmer of 2Z"d Judicial Circuit Court
10 N. Tucker Blvd
St.Louis MO 63101

From: Priya Sha'ul'me'el@rMlSecured Party/Lien Holder/lndigenous womarlPower of Attomey for Michael

FulliloveOrM now known as Marshawn Sha'ul,Me,elOrM

I, Sionya Michelle Haley@rM now known as Priya Siran Sha u1'Me'elCIrM am a Seeured Party/Lien Holder, a
flesh and blood Indigenous/Autochthonous female, of Aniyuwiya/Cherokee descent Title 28 U.S.C.1360 aLive
and not dead or lost at sea in Law on Cahokia, Turtle Island. On the behalf of Michael A Fullilove@rM now
known as Marshawa Sha'utr'Me'ei10ru aflesh aad blood ladigeaou#Autachthonous Male" of
Aniyuwiya/cherolce descent. I, ACCEPT FOR VALIIE & CONSIDERATI0N A11 charges from MISSOURI
State Court Case No. 1422-CRAA351-01 associated with t622-TJ00356, In accord with: HJR-192, PUBLIC
LAW 73-lA, Congressional record page A3220 May 11, 1955, Motu Proprio July 2013, Title 3l U.S.C.
5i18(d) 2,U.C.C. g 3-401, U.C.C.$ 3-603(b), TINCITRAL, Lri{DRlp, ADRlp, UNILOS see;27.CFR.72.11
U.C.C. $ 3-305" I, accept for vahre & aonsideration all charges, offers of MISSOURI State c.olllt case on behalf
of Marshawn Sha u1'Me'el(c)ru Please use my private exemption CUSIP# & AUTOTRIS# G75318195 and
post full discharge, settlement and closure of MISSOURI State Case No. 1422-CR00351-01 associated with
1622-T100356, as the account and the case is prepaid and exempt from Levy RuIe 8 of The Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure. Please adjust the account and release all the proceeds, products, disolursement, documents
and fixtures hereia- Release the order of,the court to rne Immediately. This infoncration *rq,b* posted on
internet for pubiish

Notice U.C.C- $ 1-202. U.C.C. 1 on file fiA8259272815 Registered Mail No, RA 5448g46ZgUS wirh the secretary of
state of MISSOURI making it publicly known, Marshawn Sha'ul'me'el@rM reserved all of his rights U.C.C. 1-308,
U'C.C.$ 3-306, U.C.C. $ 3-302, U.C.C. $3-301. The Entire U.C.C. 1 is uploaded and published on the web for public
notice; knowledge U"C.C' tr $ 202, U.C"C $3-sCI1 httm://www.scribd."corrldsqument/3s74-369371uCC-J-on-['le=and-
Enctrose yor: will find eopy's of U.C.C 1, Statutory Declarations, SF
181, Statutory Claim, power of attorney for the debtor, common - Law copy right of trade-name/trade mark, Security
agreement, all of the above is Accepted For value consideration u.c.c.$ 3-401
Release the Bid Bond and CUSIP number.
In the Great Spirits of my Ancestors

Our Statutory Declarations was Tendered to the Govemor of Missouri Ths l{onorable Jeremiah o'Jav" Nixon.

You must Cc a copy to the Public Officials list below,

Cc: Pope Francis Il THE VATICAN

Cc: Governor of Missouri The Honorable Eric Greitens
Cc: Attomey General Josh Hawley

Sociai & cuihtral Rights, United Nations Charter; fu1icle 55 & 56, Presirlential proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194,
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200, HJR-3

Affirmed to and subscribed before me this"-jji day ofAugrist 2017

Ar.+tt t

Produce identification Type aad # ll*!!kJti, cJ Ltr e.t, s e- s t l^l t:,b t'tt'Q t'

tzil- K ll- /-Ap/x

Notary Public DEEONAH K NEE}YIAN My CommissionExpires
it{y Comnrission Expircs
t{svemtrcr 4, ?01B
Sl, Lo,ris County
t]{ix ii*irs[n i. I 4 1269$l
L. . tq,. {}XU{rfr4t!rn .. ].:,t,..':' t.j, :l-i.,..,i,.,'ii .',;.i.j;.,,t,


flongress is no l*nger trounrJ h3, its constilttional $ysttm fif
tlulegat*rI P$rrsrs. Its *niy te* is under, the ("lhligatory Power ro

prtrrnote Human Rights in there tields of endeavor-l}rr,rl-Po&&[

E*ofiawis, Stte'ir,l Errul Calturr,i!,thr*e are frrund in Articles 55 *rd
5$*q,.ltjtq e&allsr of the LTnitEd Nations a Rrtified aR apprcierl
{$ce the t] Purttuipatil:n d*t at'1945 signud by
Fresideat ti"rr), 5. Truman with the ndvicc and consest pl th* U.5.
Srnat* Ij.ryflqd,Ydtlor,$ fissiffrtor? /76fJl. The Nrw test af
Lltnstituli$naiiry **ill apply to all legislation by.Congress since
1945, which deals r,rilh any nf {h* 5 iietds ol'rmdeav*r. Any jutlgt:

d*ciding fl,r tlle validity'of l*gislation ftlust have two books before
hirn one- the constitutiqn ol'thE Llnitsd Statss and h*.o- the Chnrtrr

.qrj'the Unitsd Nstisns. If he does nnt find Authoriry for the Act in
ilrc conslitution he rvill find it in the ilharter.{Sei:.Jurtri.,r: fl*lmpx
Supreme, Crrrrl fr{igr*tary r?rrdCrrse,}. The Authority r+.*s not

t'ound in the eoneritution - it r+'as fouad in the Treaty *ith Grcat


$:r;xrre Crraerel.tongl/ record Fage d.,fiJ{, Sral#t renl {rJ rla{-Ij*

Rix af Milwatel<ae Furm*r Fresiient ql the,4meri$an B*r
{s*tttiarinx, Entered into thE H*use E*eori by the [len{r_r&le

Iqlur..tigj{-_ rtr i.r& oJ' Hi.rcar,fr. r? (rr?,{.ra y/ /. I 95.I.

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elx* *<i* -"'-

l' Priya siran sha'ul Me'el,@'"/secured Party/Lien Holder/power
of attorney give notice; knowledge
u'c'c' S L-202to, Michaelstelzer, Steve ohmer and Kimberly
M Gardner case No.l422-CR00351-01
associated I 622-T J 003 5 6.

u'c'c' I on file 1706229002713 Registered Mail No. RA s44gg3637uS

MISSOURI making it publicly known that I have claim
with rhe secretary otl{*tut"
"*."state or
all my interest in my property as I I :ilt '(

uploaded and published on the web for pubric notice;

knowredge u.c.c. s 1-202 &rr
you wilt find copy,s
for the debtor' common - Law copy right of trade-nam
i'"I:3:], & rI
19 Security agreemen!
agreement all of the auov$
is Accepted For value consideration u.c.c.g 3_401.

Notice was also given in the exercising of my right

to participation in decision making in the matters
which would affect the rights of Indigenous people,
as a representarive/powJ"i;;;"y chosen by
Michael Fullilove now known as Marshawn sha'ulMe
el, iionya Haley@rr'r now known as priva co k---t
Sha'ulMe elOrM power of attorney in fact, who is
produces, which are maintain and develop by own
his Indigenous mate in accordanc";;;;*, t= * * %)
Indigenous decision institutions. Thir-;-ht * E ,* E*-,
and supported bv article 18, 19 and20 on the united
Nations Declarations Rights ""J"t#
.".6"i;i;;;;;;|"': g
Peopies, which is in harmony with made in congressional E ts{
brief the promotion of human rights in the five fields
record pg A3220May I I rq55, *irl;
,;;j" ffi ; ffit
culture as congress is no longer bound by its constitutional
of endeavorpotitical, civil, s";:;;;;;;t;Lj{E - H-
deciding on the validitv of legislation must have to
system of delegated
"f o";";.
;;jra["H S S ffi
and the other the carter of the united Nations.
books before him; the constitution ;f'ti,";#;$-{pg
It is noted and substantiated by the behaviorty of the! rr BrEry@E.,
liffi /
the l#l
judges the22"d Judicial court civil
that ALL judges were aware of this fact and purposely
mandate and pursued there on private agenda to
secretly administer over a trust, without the consent
knowledge of the beneficiary and not being a relative or
of the beneficiary. These actions are violations of
the Judicial canons, which are causes for the punishment
and removable of such judges by pthe ffi
commission on Retirement, Removal and Discipline.
And is in fact a conflict of interest
-*' *t i"t f u?fll
.fi,*+t *-
any judges'
hinder any -rt- ,. In. the
;.-""^"""':l':6i U
iudges' ability
abilitv to be fair c,u u,P4rlrar nr
and irnnqrrior
impartial azr*i-i-+^- :..
ur administer
or aomrnlsler r
^^::t ofjustice.
in a^ spirit Great
T,3g E ffi
rurat lf;E5
lxr:S ffi
United Nations Conven$ &r
h$g W
e"ororri t"A Nutio* Cfr*to; Article 55 & 56, presidentid
proclamation 7500,H.J.R. r94, S. con. Res. 26
s. 1200, HJR-3 ffi
Affirmed to and subscribed before me thisjD day
of June I
'lil*."*l flcPtsonhd'"v
Affiant UC -308
I1-308 wfthout preiudice
Produce Identification Type and # ID l^I'lf 5sour.i Noo Dr ivr, [icJ".,r- S)1166oo25

Notary Public
-ftt',tOfUV J ")V\iFrI
ttoia,Y Pu bl -'' ii ulat.Y;-ln ul

oF MlssouRi
Commiisioned Jor St. Loiris County 8' 201 s
i i. ion
6l'n'll,ni ttion'# t 5uri+6a8
Creetings, Clerk Thomas Kloeppinger" of the 22nd Judicial Circuit Court and ail parties name therein: N1ichacl
Stelzer, Steven Omar and Kimberly Gardner. Please see that all parries receive a copy of this requirement for
the return of the bid bond and cusip number for case I 422-CR003 5 I -0 I associated with I 622-T10A356. I,
Siclnya lvlichelle HaleyOru now knowr as Priya Siran Sha ul lvle'elOrMsecured party/Lien Holder, a flesh and
blood IndigenouslAutochthonous female, a living soul of Aniyuw"i,v-alCherokee descent, alive and not dea<lor
lost at sea in Law on Cahoki4 Turtle Island. |MISNOMER: {NIT'ED/STATES/I\4ISSOLTRI /CITY Op
ST.I.OUIS] is Third parry Intervenor with Power of Attorney in fact. I require on behalf of Michaei Anthonl,-
Fullilove nor..'krtown as Marshawr Shiloh Wiyaya Sha ul Me'el. a flesh and blood
IirdigenousrAutochthonous/male, a living soul of Anii.uwiya/Cherokee descent, Titie 28 U.S.C" i360, who is
live and not dead nor lost at sea at law on Cahokia. Turtle Island" IMISNOMER: LTNITED
STATESA'{ISSOLRVCITY OF ST.LOUISI under the authoritv of RSMO Chapter 610 Missouri Sunshine Laq'.
Title5U.S.CI $552,Articles 1, 11, 13, 15, 18-20,23,26-28.32-37.38-46oftheUnitedNationDeclararionson
the Rights of lndigenous People, US Congress apolog-v to African American for Slavery, S.Con.Res26
Irttp:./ifrl,ll.go\{rack.l}sicongrgss u.c.c. $1-103, LI.c.c" $1-20i, u.c.c. g 3-501.
ti.(l.C' $ 3-419 and U.C.C. g$ 3-401.I
l,j.C.C. 3-401, I want
wa the bid bond anci cusip number for case number 1422-CR00351-01
associated with 1622-TJ00356, as he is the principal and the source of the funds in this matter" This requiremenr
is made and demanded on his behalf, due to the dishonor by Dale Giass at rhe MSI u,ho is allowing the
obstruction of Michael Fullilove's mail by Jerome Fields and Mrs. Newette. Release the order of the coufi to me
Immediately. This information will be posted on internet for pubiish Notice U"C.C. l-202" Bahuy lla El Neteru

Our Statutory Declarations was Tendered to the Govemor of lv{issouri The Honorable Jeremiah "Jay" Nixon.
bCps:r,trrr.w.sqnbd.corn,d n-statuton.-Decla:alion-Ljpjoad,201d 102j-0001
lrttps://w,unv 657815fivlarsharm-Statutory-declaration-upload-20161023-0001-pdf

You must Cc a copy to the Public Oflicials list below,

Cc: Pope Francis YTHE VATICAN

Cc: Govemor of Missouri The Honorable Eric Greitens - cLEBK's oFry-cq
,rt-"'- DEPUTY
Pl- --

United Nations Declaration on the righi of Indigenous Peoples-
dev,'unpfii United Nations Convention on Economic-
Social & cul .l Rights, United Nations Charter;Article 55 & 56.
fresidential proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194^
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200. HJR-3

Affirmed to and subscribed before me this ?{?u1of July 2017


Produce Ideatification rype and #rD-lYr! ;lgtn .!r)ver S l\lhAelF

{ ruRrHerurrL

{ tlotary Pubtic - Nctary Sear i
{:" Il ") {
t ouis Cirv
U.S. ffice of Personnel Management ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION
Guide to Personnel Data Standards (Please read the Privacy Act Statement and instructions before completing form.)

Name (Last, First, Middle lnitial) Social Security Number Birhdate (Month and Year)

FULLILOVE,MICHAEL,A 489-76-3195 o211976

Agency Use Only

Privacy Act Staternent

Ethnicity and race information is requested underthe authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance
with the Office of Management and Budget's 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal
Data on Race and Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment
status, but in the instance of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your race and
ethnicity by visual observation.
This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal
govemment. lt is also used by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the
records to locate individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary
descriptive statistics and analytical studies in support of the function for whicfr the records are collected and
mainkined, or for related worHorce studies-
Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be
used for the purpose of uniform, orderly administration of personnel records. Providing thiq$formation is
voluntary and failure to do so will have no efiect on your employment status. lf SSN is nol provjded, however,
other agency sources may be used to obtain it. . '...:-:.. 4.
Specific tnstructions: The two questions below are designed to irlentify your ethnicity and race. negarallss ot yo{i answer to
question 1, go to question 2. , .b
QuesUon 1. Are You Hispanic or latino? (A person of Cuban. ilexican, Puerto Rican, South or Ceakal Anericand* other
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.)
EIvo flruo u0
Question 2. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identifu by placing aR 1(" in t$.pppropriate
box- Check as many as apply.

(Check as many as apdy)

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America
[} R.ed"an lndian orAlreka Ndirre
(induding Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community

A person having origins in any of the original peo$es of the Far East, Southeast
flasian Asia, or the lndian subcontinenl induding, for example, Cambodia, China, lndia,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine lslands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

fl eA* or Afican American A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or
flUative Hawaiian orOther Pacific tstander
other Pacmc Islands.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
ffi wmte
North Aftica.

Standard Forrn 1B't

Revised August 2005
Previous ediiions not uq3ble

42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16

Statutory Declaration
In the matterAmendment of Missouri Heath Division of vitai records Registration # 124-16-041818
i, MrchaelAnthony Fullilove now known as: Marshawn Shiloh Wijaya Sha'ul me'el c/o 3916 N
Florissant St.Louis Missouri do solemnly declare in accord with: the 1931 statute of Westminster
(http:/, 1118 Articles of confederation and perpetual Union Ar-ticles XI, 1812
Treaty of Ghent; 1791 lay Treaty; 1836 Treaty of Marrakesh (Morocco) all recognized and valid
treaties, constitution for the united states of America, the 1 948 Char-ter of the Urrited Nations, the
1975 Inter-American Declaration on the rights of Indrgenous Peoples and the United Nations 2nd
decade of the world's Indigenous people, that upon discovering that the registration of a Live Birth
ol February 5't' 19J6, in the STATE OF MISSOURVMISSOURI REPUBLIC called Missouri
Republic was a contract between my mother and the U.S. Government Corporation who did not teli
her she was selling me, a flesh and blood child, to the STAIE OF MISSOURI CORPORATION as
the Chattel Property/Slave which is a violation of Human Rights, I hereby void the contract, ab
initio for fraud. Since I am a Flesh And Blood: Melaninite Cherokee Native American Moor of
Turtle Island and of this Planet in accord with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
indigenorrs Peoples, HJR lga- b-ip.//gortrac - U.S Congress
Apology to African Americans for Slavery, S, Con, Res. 26- United State Senate Apology to African
Antericans for Slavery; u.s. apology To Native Americans (Sec 81 13 of H.R.3326 Department of
Defense Appropriations Act) httLr:// .. Upon
discovering that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Mountbatten Battenberg [MISNOMER: Queen
Elizabeth IIi violated her coronation oath ( a legally binding contract) of June 2"d 1953. On May 14,
20ll at Southward Crown Court (1 English Grounds in Southward, London, England) Defendant:
John Anthony Hill in the United Kingdom proved before an English jury that Elizabeth Alexandra
Mary Windsor-Mountbatten, was not the rightful monarch and never was: queen! Elizabeth is not
the rightful monarch and never was. This was a two point argument. Firstly, Elizabeth knew-
and now- that she was crowned on a fake coronation stone instead of the real Stone of,
Destiny/Coronation Stone, which meant not only was she never properly crowned, but'she =
knowrngly and fraudulently was conning the Public and that is why she did not want her coroffiion
televised. REGINA v.JAH (case Ref. Number:T20107746) ( See ;
http:i/!_ode/133). I declare that the name MICHAELANTHONY FUTLILQYE
on the registration of the Live birrh is a corporation and Michael Anthony Fullilove, is an :;.:
Indigenous, Flesh & Blood Man. I am Not a corporation, artificial person, natural person, fictit&rus
entity or vessel of the United States as defined under 18 U.S.C. 9 and I give notice lnternation&[y,
Domestically and Universally via this Declaration that i deny corporate existence. Under c'Y
reservation of All My Rights Unalienable and otherwise, I am: Indigenous/Autochthon of this
planet. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing rt to be true, and knowing that
this is the same force and effect as made under oath.
United Nations Declaration on rhe right of Indigenous peoples-
(http:/lu'r.r' r,/r-rnpf irlclocr-rnients/DRIPS err.pdt) United Nations Convenrion on
Economic, Social & cultural Rights, United Nations Chafier: Article -55 & -56, Presidential
proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194, S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200. HJR-3

Affrrrned to and subscribed before me thi4aday of May_20

Affiant UCC

una * nrS/tr/* -z-2 /i 77 c /fc'u (

.? /t t /-z z'
Iic Notary My Commirtio*. P*f-o
I, Michael Anthony Fullilove now known as: Marshawn Shiloh Wijaya Sha'ul me 'el, Indigenous
Autochtonous Flesh and Blood Man (Cherokee) Moor), Claim in Accord with: the
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples,
http ://www. un. org/Doc s/journal/asp/w s. asp?m=A/RE5/661 1 42,/socdev/unfii/docurnents/DRIpSen.pdf Constitution of the At_Sik_hata:
Nation of Yamassee-Moors: iresidential
Proclamation 7500; HJR-194 - I lOhres l94eh/pef/BILLS-
I I Ohres I 94eh.pdf; S. con. Res. 26 - http://www. gpo. gov/fdsys/pkg/BlllS-
I Ilsconres26es/odf/BILLS- I l lsconres26es/pdf ; HJR- 3
-;1975Inter-American Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; 2 stat.153, Title 8 USC 876, IRS Mission Statemenr'ir-98-59.pdf , that I am not a decedent (IRS Manual am alive and I am not dead (1540 Cestuti Que Vie Acr, 1707 Cesrui
eue Vie
Trust Act http://www.le grslation.

I want the record held in your computer database which my list me as deceased to be changed to
alive. According to IRS MANU AL 21.7 . An infant in the decedent of an estare or

teceive an SSN: 2l-007-0l3r.htmt. Declaration of aisumprive death is a

fiction: G.R. No.160258 Republic of The Philippines v. Gloria Bermudez- Lorino:
soty the IRS MANUAL:,I am not u O"""O"nr.
lntu"tt Law Dictionary
8"' Ed., p. 435 - decedent n. A dead person, esp. one who has died recently). I am no longer liable
for: a) Maritime Liens being enforced against me, b) securities being taken out of the estate. All
Maritime Liens currently being enforced against me I hereby claim invalid, null & voici., ab inito
pro tunc. See: Lieber code-Art. 3,31,33,38: http://ar., -
century.lieber.asp and
Art' 45, 46, & 55 of Hague Convention IV Oct. i8, 1907 nttp:flrvww.icrc.orgfint.nitfFULLiigS.

I am the intant who does have a SSN Numb er 489-76-3195 which makes me the beneficiary
of this
trust. The SSN 489-76-3195 and the namelvests within me: an Indigenous Autochthonous
Man. Being that the IRS works in Admiralty, the IRS according to its own codes, can
no longer
enforce any maritime Liens against myself, as I have now claimed I am not lost at
sea. nor am I a decedent/ vessel in commerce (18 USC 9 (llO7 Cestui
) Vie Act, U.K)siE, .;i,-
eue ii''ir,
United Nation Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples-
[4p]A1rl u u n. urs/c sa/socclevllr n p ii i/clocu nte rrts/D I{ l pS cn. tlllf

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economic, Social

Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter;Articles 5-5 & 56; Congressional Record p. A31z1may
1955, Motu Proprio July 201 3, Pope Francis Apology to the Indigenous peoples
& World oay or
Peace Letter, IDFPAD, Presidentiar proclamation 7500, H.J.R. l94, HJR-
3. S. con. Res 26

Affirmelrto ya s,fipgtffipbefore me this;?lduy of /'//itt .2016.

tsy:-=/ao<{,- //t4 (.(Q.* ) J
Affiant without piejudice U.C.E 1-308

Personally tificat ion _{

Type ofID

Public Notary My Commission expires

U.S. Office of Personnel Management
3r \K \-
Guide to Personnel Data Standards (Please read the Privacy Act Statement and instructions before completing form.)
Social Security Number Birthdate (Month and Year)

Name (Last, First, Middle lnitial)

+\nuu.r ?[cl(\tA M frnrnrv \qRq

Agency Use Ohty

Privacy Act Statement

Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance with
the Office of Management and Budget's 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race
and Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment status, but in the instance
of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your race and ethnicity by visual observation.

This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal government. lt
is also used by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the records to locate
individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptive statistics and
analytical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related workforce

Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which fequires SSN be used
for the purpose of uniform, orderly administration of personnel records. Providing this information is voluntary and failure
to do so v,rill have no effect on your employment status. lf SSN is not provided, however, other agency sources may be
used to obtain it.

Specific lnstructiolrs: The two questions beloware designed to identify yourethnicity and race. Regardlees of youranswerto
question 1, go to question 2.
Question 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.)
E ves -El,"tlo

Question 2. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by placing an "X" in the appropriate
box. Check as many as apply.
(Check as many as apply)

S$merican lndian or Alaska Native A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America
(including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community

f Asian A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast
Asia, or the lndian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, lndia,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine lslands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

D Black or African American A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

I Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific lslander A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or
other Pacific lslands.

$wnrt" Aperson having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Africa.

Standard Form 181

Revised August 2005
Previous editions not usable

42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16

NSN 790-01-099-3446
Statutorv Claim in accord with IRS MATINAL Cestui Que Vie Trust Act

I, Sionya Michelle Haley now known as: Priya Siran Sha'ul me'el, Indigenous Autochtonous Flesh
and Blood Woman (Cherokee) Moor), Claim, in Accord with: the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,
I-|,tj.1i.,'LL,l'';i. !ji.*,. : -rt.L.i".-l:t: it '- .r't] .1t",:-
'i :i"1.. .-i1:' i *;.
Nation of Yamassee-Moors: il1Xltl:ll-,:....\1Ll itti-!:{lf i-{ry1111..t1111.i j:lf tt,:+rtigir Presidential

i i itjtLltf i :,-i!:,l.il1jj; S. Con. Res. 26 jliitf-t, rt,: ,li::i:,-ti,li:,I:t,','-i-iiil-:y-i:i:g-$i j..i,,5-

i-i t:-*i-tt:,ii:*tf.ii.B-!t.!5::-i"i:-:iCll:l,*il';s-:rU-I': HJR- 3 -;
1975 Inter-American Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; 2 stat.l53, Title 8 USC 876, IRS Mission Statement
_111:r1,:.r.1l-1..[r]!jt_ctL1:if-uf":e":l_i-it,,i:$.::Lj.,gr.Li , that I am not a decedent (IRS Manual alive and I am not dead (1540 CestutiQue Vie Ac|1707 Cestui Que Vie
Trust Act Iiip:: 'r\L-:.,ir,:.9tL:jiff *!li,:.ii::.,:jl!I .l':til-i:r j.1").

i want the record held in your computer database which may list me as deceased to be changed to
alive/living. According to IRS MANUAL An infant is the decedent of an estate or
grantor. owner or trustor of a trust" guardianship. receivership or custodianship. that has yet to

fiction: G.R. No.160258 Republic of The Philippines v. Gloria Bermudez- Lorino:

Number. so by the IRS MANU AL, I am not a decedent: (Black's Law Dictionary
8th Ed., p. 435 - decedent n. A dead person, esp. one who has died recently). I am no longer liable
for: a) Maritime Liens being enforced against me, b) securities being taken out of the estate. All
Maritime Liens currently being enforced against me I hereby claim invalid, null & voici, ab inito *
Nunc pro tunc. See: Lieber code-Art. 3,3 1.33,38: !.iit,, ti::, i: *L.jrr.:,1.=",1ii:.rlillr i liii_.1-:ili.i.ij-:Lljt1tii..ji;,Il
andArt. 45.46, & 55 of Hague Convention IV Oct. 18, 1907 hi:i:.-:i_i:ti.i,11-1ixli:J,:r:i.t_!-j-.!.,j!l:.

I am the infbnt who does have a SSN Number 488-06-0894 which makes me the beneficiary of this
trust. The SSN 488-06-0894 and the name Sionya Michelle Haley now known as Priya Siran Sha'ul
me'el vests within me: an Indigenous Autochthonous Living Woman. Being that the IRS works in
Admiralty, the IRS according to its own codes, can no longer enforce any maritime Liens against
myself as I have now claimed: I am not lost at sea, nor am I a decedent/ vessel in commerce (18
USC 9 ) (1107 Cestui Que Vie Act, U.K).488-06-0894
United Nation Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples-
i:,i.-t', "-", \\, !'-. r'.'.r- :r::.lLll ..liiiljji-.i,-:r.:iii'io:L!1..i-!lil!-s -111,;1,ii
UN Declaration on the Rights of lndigenous Peoples, LIN Convention on Economic, Social &
Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter;Articles 55 & 56; Congressional Record P. A3220 may 11
1955, Motu Proprio July 2013, Pope Francis Apology to the Indigenous Peoples & World Day of
Peace Letter, IDFPAD, Presidential Proclamation 7500, H.J.R. 194, HJR- 3. S. Con. Res 26

Affi to and fore me this*-.{- day of November 2016.

Affiant .c.c 1-308 LEAH KINNAMOil-
Personallv Known / r,ty comm issiosnt lr'0113S
"5"0, . zz.20 1
._ uommrssron# 13gTZ43l

Zz 7ar7
My Commission Expire
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[-Y:.:L"::_Shiloh wijaya Sha'ul me'el -l

38o 40'6"; 9Ao 12'37" W. long

:Cahokia, : Atlan / :Tu rtle-lsland

l_ c/o 3916 N.FLORISSANT, ST.LOUIS vIO[ 63107] __l
1. DEBTOR'S NAME Provide only glg Debtci name (ia oi ib)
(use exact fu,i name: do not omit, modily or abbrevraie any part of the Debtor's oane), jf any pa( ol the Individuai Deb:or,s
name will noi f;t in line 'lb. leave all ot item 1 blank, check here and provide ihe {ndividuai Oebtor inlormelion in item 1O of the Financing Statement Addendum (Fom UCCiAd)

P.O. Box 33008 BALTIMORE MD 21290-3008 US
namewr'lnoliitrn!ne2b leavearloirtem2biank checkhere,.:oniniteml0oftheFinancingstatementAidencum(FormucclAd)

3, SECURED PARTY,S NAME (oT NAME cf ASSiGNEE oiASS{GNoR SE Secured Party nam 3a or 3b)

Sha'ul'Me'EI Marshawn Shiloh Wijaya
c/o 3916 N.FLORISSAI\T ST.LOUIS MO [ 631071 Tui
utilized in commerce for the benefit of the Secured Party. The Secured party is a 3-dimensional living soul, flesh
and blood
Melaninite iVIale \Yho isAltochthonous, Indigenous and Descendant of the-original peoples of: Turtle Island, ilIuu-Lan,
Altan, Amexem, Land of the Frogs[ MISNOMER: North Americal. The Securecl Party decures All Rights, Titles
Interests to
All Collateral as received by Corporate / Government Registries, related Corporationi and pledge repiesented by the same
but not limited to: Pignus, Hypotheica, Hereditaments, res and The Energy and the ALL CAPS names of
Debtors/Transmitting Utilities as well as any and all derivatives and variations of an all capitals name, Secured party
Accepts for Value, Honor & Consideration ALL endorsements front and back of ALL Adhesions contracts, trusts
instruments attrilruted to the detrtors(UCC 3-401).This Lien is NOT dischargeable in Bankruptcy Court, ALL
to this filing will be by: the Red Wet Ink Signature of the Secured parfy in accord with Commercial Security
Agreement -
020519762A17 . Third-Party Intervenors are hereby BARRED from involvement with this transaction.

Secured Party Signature. UCC I-308 All Rights Reserved.

5. Check Aliy il appiicable and chak gal one box Cojlaterat is adninlstered by a Deoedent's Personal Represeotative
6a. Check qO[ if appiible an. dreck Sly cne box
6b. Chrck gd} il aopiicabte and check EU one box
Public-Fineff ce Transaction Manufaclured-J-lme Tratsactioi A Debtor is a Transmitting Utility Agriaitural Lien Non-UCC Filing
7. ALTERNATlVE DESTGNATION (it appticabte)
To: Judge Steven Ohmer of ZZ"d Judicial Circr"rit Court
10 N. Tugker Blvd
St.Louis MO 63101

From: Priya Sha'ul'me'el@rMlSecured Party/Lien Hol<lerllndigenous womarlPower of Attomey for Michael

FulliloveOrN{ now known as Marshawn Sha'ul,Me,elO'rM

I, Sionya Michelle HaleyOru now known as Priya Siran Sha ul'Me'el@rM am a Secured Party/Lien Holder, a
flesh and blood lndigenous/Autochtlonous female, ofAniyuwiya/Cherokee descent Title 28 U.S.C.1360 alive
and not dead or lost at sea in Law on Cahokia, Turtle Island. On the behalf af Michael A Fullilove@rM now
known as Marshawn Sha'ul'N{e'en@rM, a{lesh aad blood Indigeuous/Autochthoaous trvlale" of,
Aniyuwiyalcherokree descent. I, ACCEPT FOR VALUE & CONSIDERATI0N A11 charges from MISSOURI
State Court Case No. 1422-CR00351-01 associated with 1622-TJ00356, In accord. with: HJR-192, PUBLIC
LAW 73-lA, Congressional record page A3220 May 17,1955,Motu Proprio Jaly Z}l3,Title 31 U.S.C.
5118(d) 2,U.C.C. $ 3-401, U.C.C.$ 3-603(b), UNCITRAL, LrllDRlP, ADRIP, UNILO$ see;27 .CFR7Z.11
U.C.C. $ 3-305" ! accept forvalue & consideration all charges, offers of IvIISSOURI State court case on behaif
of Marshawn Shaul'Me'el(c)ru Please use my private exemption CUSIP# & AUTOTzuS# G?5318195 and
post full discharge, settlement and closure of MISSOURI State Case No. 1422-CR00351-01 associated with
1622'TJ0A356, as the account and the case is prepaid and exempt &om Levy under Rule,8 of The Federal Ruies
of Civil Procedure. Please adjust the account and release all the proceeds, products, disbursement, documents
and fixtures hereia. Release the order of the court to me knmediately. This information will,be posted
intemet for publish

Notice U-C.C' $ 1-202. U.C.C. 1 on frle fiA8259272815 Registered Mail No. RA 54489462gtJS with rhe secrerary
of rhe
state of MISSOURI niaking it publicly known, Marshawn Sha'ul'me'el@rY reserved all of his rights U.C.C. 1-308,
U.C.C.$ 3-306, U.C.C. $ 3-302, U.C.C. $3-301. The Entire U.C.C. 1 is uploaded and published on the web for public
notice; knowledge U.C"C. tr $ 20?, U"C.C $3-50i httes:l/www.scribd.comldqcumentl357436937/UCC-1-on-Fjle-and-
Enclose you will find copy's of U.C.C 1, Statutory Declarations, SF
181, Statutory Claim, power of attorney for the debtor, aommor - Law copy right of trade-name/trade mark, Security
agreement, all of the above is Accepted For value consideration u.c.c.$ 3-401
Release the Bid Bond and CUSIP number.
In the Great Spirits of my Ancestors

Our Statutory Declarations was Tendercd ts the Covernor of Missouri The Honorable Jereneiah "'Jarv'* Nixo*.}y'rarshalnr-Statutory-declaration-upload-201diOZJ-OOOt -pUf

You must Cc a copy to the Public Offrcials list belo*,,

Cc: Pope Francis Y TI# VATICAN

Cc: Governor of Missouri The Honorable Eric Greitens
Cc: Attorney General Josh Hawley

Sociai & cultural Rights, United Nations Charler; Article 55 & 56, Presidential proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194,
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200. HJR-3

Aflirmed to and subscribed before me this :.ji auyofAugust 2017

/,rrit'srt wrr


Produce ldenlification Type and #w_{tl+'_}tivry Ltr{*se* StllC)bt,ti5'-

t/e*P rlst,]3
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Greetings, Clerk Thomas Kloeppinger, of the 22nd Judicial Circuit Court aricl all parties name therein: Michael
Stelzer, Steven Omar and Kimberlv Gardner. Please see that all parties receive a copy of this requirement for
the return of the bid bond and cusip number fbr case 1422-CR00351-01 associated w'ith 1622-TJ00356. i,
Sionya lvlichelle HaleyQrt't norv known as Priya Siran Sha ul lvle'elOrMsecwed part_v-llien Holder" a flesh and
blood IndigenouslAutochthonous female, a living soul of Aniluwiy-arCherokee descent. alive and not dead or
Iost at sea in Law on Cahokia, Turtle Island, F4ISI{OMER: LD{ITED/ST"ATESA4ISSOURI /CITY OF
ST.I-OUIS] is Third partv Intervenor with Pow-er of Attorney in fact. I require on behalf of Michael Anthony
Fullilove nolr. kllown as Marshawl Shiloh Wiyaya Sha ul Me'el, a flesh and blood
IndigenouslAutochthonous/male, a living soul of Aniyuwi,valCherokee descent, Title 28 U.S"C. $ 1360, rl,ho is
live and not nor lost at sea at law on Cahokia. Turtle Island. IMiSNOMER: IINITED
STA URI/CITY OF ST.LOUISI under the authoritl of RSMO Chapter 610 Missouri Sunshine Lau'.
l'itle 5 U.S.C. $ 552, Articles l, 11, 13, 15, 18-20, 23,26-28"32-37,38-46 ofthe UnitedNation Declarations on
the Rights of Indigenous People, US Congress apologl,-to African American for Slavery, S.Con.Res26
Itttrt:/,1u'u'rv.gor'lrack.uslc_ongress:'bilisrl i 1i'sconres26i'tex1- U.Cl.C. $1-103, U.C.C. $1-20i, U.C.C. $ 3-501.

associated with 1622-TJ00356, as he is the principal and the source of the funds in this matter" This requiremenr
is made and demanded on his behalt, due to the dishonor by Dale Glass at the MSI u,'ho is allowing the
obstruction of Michael Fulliiove's mail by Jerome Fields and Mrs. Newette. Release the order of the court to me
Immediately. This information will be posted on internet for publistr Notice LI.C.C. $ 1-202" Bahuy lla El Neteru

Our Statutttry Declarations was Tendered to the Govemor of iv{issouri The Honorable Jercmia}r "Jay" Nkon.
28657 ta
https://wu.rv com/documentl328657 81S,Marshawn-Statutory-declaration-upload-20161023-0001-pdf

You must Cc a copy to the Public Ofiicials list below,

Cc: Pope Francis VTHE VATICAI{

Cc: Governor of Missouri The Honorabie Eric Greitens clncurr cLERK's oFFlcE

United Nations Declaration on the right of Indigenous peoples-
(irttp:,'in"*r'.rn.o United Nations Convention on Econonric.
Social & cultural Rights. United Nations Charter;Article 55 & 56. fresidential proclamation 7500-H.J.R. 194^
l S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200. HJR-3

Affirmed to and subscribed before me this ?Lflrtof July 2017

B"v, @rrot
Affiant r -308 thout prejudice

Produce Ideatification

f" it ")
Notary Pubtic - Norary :
i eiiu
St t nuis I
Guide to Personnel Data Standards (Please read the Privacy Act Statement and instructions before completing form.)

Name (Last, First, Middle lnitial) Social Securiry Number Birthdate (Month and Year)

FULLILOVE,MICHAEL,A 489-76-3195 o?l1976

Agency Use Only

Privacy Act Statement

Ethnicity and rare information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance
with the Office of Management and Budget's 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal
Data on Race and Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment
status, but in the instance of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your race and
ethnicity by visual observation.
This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal
government. lt is also used by the U.S- Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the
records to locate individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary
descriptive statisties and analytical studies in support of the function for whicfr the records are collected and
maintained, or for related workforce studies.
Social Security Number (SSN) is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be
used for the purpose of uniform, orderly adminiskation of personnel records. Providing thiqlrformation is
voluntary and failure to do so wilt have no efiect on your employment status. lf SSN i*,nqt proffed, however,
other agency sources may be used to obtain it.
Specific lnstructions; The two questions below are designed to irlentiff your eihnicity and race. Regardless of ydli ansrver to
question 1, go to question 2. .-O
QuesUon 1. Are You Hispanic or Latino? (A person of Cuban. Mexican. Puerto Rican, South or Centrat
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race-)
EJvo fluo
Question 2. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by placing an"X" in
box- Check as many as apply.

(Check as many as apgy) DEFINITION OF CATEGORY

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America
ffi n-eri".n lndian orAlaaka Native
(induding Central America), and who maintains tribal afiliation or cornmunity

f] esian A person having origins in any of the or(;inal peoples of the Far East, Southeast
Asia, or the lndian subcontinent induding, for example, Cambodia, China, lndia,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine lslands. Thailand, and Vietnam.

I Stact orAftican Amerkan A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

flttative Hawaiian orOther Pacific lslander A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii. Guam, Samoa, or
other Pacific Islands-

fi wnite A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or
North Aftica-

Standard Form 181

Revised August 2O05
Previous editions not ueable

42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16

Statutory Declaration
In the matter Amendment of Missouri Heath Division of vitai records Registration # 124-76-001818
I. MichaelAnthony Fullilove now known as: Marshawn Shiloh Wijaya Sha'ul me 'el c/o 3916 N
Florissant St.Louis Missoun do solemnly declare in accord with: the 1931 statute of Westminster
(http:/ln'ww.cictaxllrndiiord), 1118 Articles of confederation and perpetual Union Articles XI, 1812
Treaty of Ghent; 1794 lay Treatyi 1836 Treaty of Marrakesh (Morocco) ail recognized and valid
treaties, constitution forthe united states of America, the 1948 Charterof the United Nations, the
1975 Inter-American Declaration on the rights of Indisenous Peoples and the United Nations 2'd
decade of the world's Indigenous people, that upon discovering that the registration of a Live Birth
of February 5'h 1976, in the STATE OF MISSOURVMISSOURI REPUBLIC called Missouri
Republic was a contract between my mother and the U.S. Government Corporation who did not tell
her she was selling me, a flesh and blood child, to the STATE OF MISSOURI CORPORATION as
the Chattel Property/Slave which is a violation of Human Rights, I hereby void the contract, ab
initio for fraud. Since I am a Flesh And Blood: Melaninite Cherokee Native American Moor of
Turlle Island and of this Planet in accord with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, HJR i94- htip://gBt!:ryi*.Lrs/coneress/bills/1 lO/hresl94/text - U.S Congress
Apology to African Americans for Slavery, S, Con, Res. 26- United State Senate Apology to African
Anrericans for Slavery; u.s. apology To Native Americans (Sec 8l l3 of H.R.3326 Department of
Defense Appropriations Act) htto:// I l/hr3326/text .. Upon
discovering that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Mountbatten Battenberg [MISNOMER: Queen
Elizabeth III violated hercoronation oath ( a legally biniJing contract) of June 2"d 1953. On May 14,
2011 at Southward Crown Court (1 English Grounds in Southward, London, England) Defendant:
John Anthony Hill in the United Kingdom proved befbre an English jury that Elizabeth Alexandra
Mary Windsor-Mountbatten, was not the rightful monarch and never was: queen! Elizabeth is not
the rightful monarch and never was. This was a two point argument. Firstly, Elizabeth knew-
and now- that she was crowned on a fake coronation stone instead of the real Stone of
Destiny/Coronation Stone, which meant not only was she never properly crowned, bin=she = E
knowingly and fr-audulently was conning the Public and that is why she did not want her cororrftion
televised. REGINA V.JAH (case Ref. Number:T20107746) ( See *
httn:iiv"u'ri' I declare that rhe name MICHAELANTHONY FUtLILeyE
on the registration of the Live birth is a corporation and Michael Anthony Fullilove, is an ::r;
Indigenous, Flesh & Blood Man. I am Not a corporation, artificial person, natural person, fictiffius
entity or vessel of the United States as defined under 18 U.S.C. 9 and I give notice Internationq{y,
Domestically and Universally via this Declaration that I deny corporate existence. Under c^"'
reservation of All My Rights Unalienable and otherwise. I am: Indigenous/Autochthon of this
planet. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that
this is the same force and effect as made under oath.
United Nations Declaration on the right of Indigenous peopies-
,rg./es:r/socdev/unpfi i/docu n-ien ts/DRIPS en. pdf) United Nations Convention on
Economic, social & cultural Rights, united Nations charter; Articre 55 & 56, Presidential
proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194, S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200, HJR-3

Affirrned to and subscribed before me thi33 day of May_20

Affiant UCC

rype and * n,S/rr/z :rt) /i 7Z i" /,f t, u u..

J /t/, /?u
My Commi ssioner Expires
Shiloh wijaya Sha'ul me'el, Indigenous
l, Michael Anthony Fullilove now known as: Marshawn in Accord with: the
Autochtonous Flesh and Blood Man (Cherokee) Moor)'
United Nations Declaration on the Ri-ehts of Indrgenous
Constitution of the At-Sik-hata:
ititron Presidential
Nation of Yamassee-Moors: f,
Proclamation 7500; HJR-194 -
110hres194eh.pdf; S' Con. nes' N - trttp:fiwww'gpo'g
il \rr r n i,r^^^--^^.^^^r^sr. rrrp-
r;; *.. z of lo onn rr-L s - t t t' o',..' z 6 e qlpllf :
?-. 1qz5 Inter-AmericanDeclarati 10n on
" Tl: i --
i ]':i"'i::1-^1:"i: ::
'tsJlritte 8 usc 876' IRS Mission statement
- -r ^ )^^^A^-+ (IRS'Manual
/TD Q:\rf qnrrol
that I am not a decedent
r"t d""d (1540 Cestuti Que Vie Act, 1707 Cestui Que Vie alive and I am
Trust Act lt! ww.leeislati

list me as deceased to be changed to

I want the record held in yow computer database which my
infant in thg-dgeedenlol-ar-t-'esta19-or
alive. According to rns MaNu AL2l'7 '13'3'2'2(2): An
' Declaration of assumptive death
Bermudez- ILorino:
iffittn iC oria
r 1r \ r --* ^^ l^--^*
longer l;.'hla
;'iq;'';:;#-'o"."o"nt n. A dead person, .rp. on" who has died recently). I am no
' +t d.f-ta A ll
^ estate' AII
;"',; ifi;r*";ffi;;;s
IOr: a) lvlantrllltr ;;JJrerr"
lJl(ills uEurE uruurwvu v/ securities being ^,-r..-..
'\\v' b)
. :
taken out ^.,+ of
^r: the
r:r ----ll &o- -,':,s
Maritime Liens currently bJing enforced against me I hereby claim
invalid, null void' ab
^L.i-i+r -
-^-^ ^.^-J
pro tunc. See: Lieber code-Art. 3,31,33,38: http:i/avalon'
Art. ,15, 46, &" 55 of Hague Convention IV Oct' 18' 1907

I am the infant who does have a SSN Numb er 489-76-3195

which makes me the beneficiary of this
Indigenous Autochthonous Living
trust. The SSN 489-76-3195 and the nameftests within me: an
its own codes, can no longer
Man. Being that the IRS works in Admiraity, the IRS according to
I am not lost at
enforce any maritime Liens against myself,-as I have now claimed
g (1707 cesil-eue vie Act' U.K)${q n&-415
sea, nor am I a decedent/ vessel in commerce (1g USC )
United Nation Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples-
on Economic' Social &
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, IIN Convention
Record P' A3220 may 11
Cultural Rights, United Nitions Charter; Articles 55 &.S6;Congressional
Peonles-& World Day of
1955, Motu Proprio July 2013, Pope Francis Apology to thelndigenous
peace Letter,IDFPAD, Presidential Proclamation z5bo, H.J.R. 194, HJR- 3, S' Con' Res 26

Affiant without prejudice u.c.c 1-308

Personally Known- ifica tion

-: u,
Type of ID

Public Notary
My Commission exPires
lndigencrs Peoptes
51612016 Pop'Apologizes For Cathdic Church s'Offenses' Against

i5 ri
Edllion; US ?

r -iAdCtrnir

Pope Apologizes For Catholic Church's'Offenses'

Against lndigenous PeoPles
during the so-callecl conquest of America"'
() i],.,,-rl':;,:' 5 il,/ 1d r)ir ET ; UFCjaiE'd'l! 1 1 0 2'11 5

+ :3r.I: {g+ W
;t. i..r.:jiJi3 li'iiii:':E ii. .:ill*t:;; Garill




Thursday for the sins and

HuffPost ri
SAN1A CRUZ, Bolivia (Ap) - Pope Fran,s apologized
,,offenses,, commrtteci by the Catholic Church against tndigenous peoples during the
Americas Religion r'-i
colonial-era conquest of the

during an
History's first Laiin American pope "humbly" oegged forgiveness
and in the preser-lce HUFFPOST NEWSLETTERS
enccunter in Botlvia with indigenous groups and other activists
of Bolivia's first-ever' indigenous president' Evo Morales Get top srories and blog posts emaileo io me each
N ews leiters n aYdi:l,or'".'lf
5l'1612016 Pope Apologizes For Catholic Church's'Offenses' Against lndigenous Pecples
Francis noted that Latin Arlerican church leaders in rhe past had acknowledged
"grave sins were committed against the native peoples of Amerlca in the name of
God." St. John Paul ll, for his part, apologized to the continent's indigenous for the
"pain and suffering" caused during the 500 years of the church's presence on the
continent during a 1992 visit to the Dominican Republic.

But Francis went farlher.

"l humbly ask forgiveness, not only for the offenses of the church herself. bui also
for crimes committed against native peoples durlng the so-called conquest of
Arnerica,' he saiC to applause and cheers {r'om the crowd.

Earlier in the day, Francis denounced the "lhrowaway'' culture of today's society ihat
discards anyone who is unproductive as he celebrated his first public Mass in

The government iieclared a national holiday so workers and students could atiend
the Mass, which featured prayers in Guarani and Aimara, two of Bolivia's
indtgenous languages, and an altar carved from wood b5r artisans of the Chiquitano

ln a blendinq of the native and ner,v. the famously unpretentrous pope changed into
his veslrnents for the l',4ass in a nearby Burger King.

Speaking lo lhe crowd in Souti.. America's pooresl country, Francis decried the
prevailing mentatity of the irorld economy where so many people are "discarded"
today the poor, the elderly, those who are unproductive.
"lt is a mentality ln vihich everythrng has a price, everything can be bought,
everything is negotrable," he said. 'This s",ay of thlnking has room only for a select
few. while rt discards all those ',vho are unproouctive."

The day, however, threatened to be overshadowed by Presidenl Evo Morales'

controversiai gift to Francis upon his arrival: a crucifix carved into a hammer and

pope frarcis evo

Both the Vatican anC the Bolivian government insisted l','lorales wasn't making a
heretical or political statement with the gift. They said the cross, dubbed the
'Communist crucifix," had originally been designecl by a Jesuit activist, the Rev.
Luis Espinal, who was assassinated in 1980 by suspecied paramilitaries during the
months that preceded a vtolent military coup in Bolivia. On Wednesday, Francis, a
felloiry Jesurt, prayed at the site rvhere Espinal's body was dumped.

"You can dispute the significance and use of the synbol now, butthe origin is from
Espinal and the sense of it was about an open dialogue, not about a specific
ideology," said the Valican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi.

The Bolivian government insisted the g ft wasn't a political maneuver of any sorl,
Sl16l2}j6 Pope Apologizes For Cathoiic Church's 'Offenses' Against lndigenous Peoples

but v,ras a profound symbol that Morales thought the 'pope of the poor" would

"That was the intention cf this glft, and it was not any sort of maneuver ... lt was
really from great affectiotr, a work designed by the very hands of Luis Espinal"'
Commr-rnications Minister Marianela Paco told Patria Nueva radio.

Associated Press writers Paola Flores and Carlos Valdez contributed.

Also an HuffPost:

FOLLOW RELIGIOI{ S$ggest a c0rrectiotl

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5r'1612316 Apcsiolic Leiler lssued l',1otu P.opno Orr the JLrr;sdicrion of Judiclal Auihorities cf Vatican Citv State in Criminal Matte-s ('11 Jul-v 2C13) | Francis

.. lnder t';? l\,vlfter

,.."lGoo91e+ ;**8, -. -T(



i-:f*"J nSS

F{arrcis \.IotLi Proprio





In our tit-nes. the comtnon qood rs rncreasingly threatened b-v transnational organized crime. the imploper
use oI tirc r-narkcts and of the ecor-ror-ny, as u'e1l as bv tenot'is1l.

It is ther.'I'ore necessarl, for the intemational cornrrunrt.v to adopt adequate legal instruments to prer;ent
and counter criminal activities, b1'promoting intematronal-jLrdicial cooperation on crirrit-ral rnatters.

In ratifj,'ing nlimerous intemational conr,'entions ln these areas, and acting also on beiralf ot'\/atican Citv
State, the Hol1,' See has constanth, maintained that such agreelnents are effective rreall-q to p'r1s1.gn1
criminal acti\.ities that threaten human dignit1," tire common good and peace.

a \'1e$, to renet'in-e the Apostolic See's courmitrncnt to cooperate to these ends. b1'1rea1ls of this
A1:ostolic Letter issued ,\'Iotu Proprio, I estabiish that:

1. The competent Judiciai Authonties of Vatican Cit.v State shali also exercise penaljurisdiction over:

a) crimes committed against *re security, the iirndamental interests or the patrimony of the

b) crimes referred to:

- in \aticari City State Larv No. \rII1. of 11 Juiy 2013, containing Supplementctrt,
Nonus ott Crintinal Latt, l'{atters .:

- in \ratican City State Larv No, IX, of 1 I Jr-i1y 2013. containing Aruendments to
the Criminal Code and tlte Crintinal Procecltre Cotle;
p.oprir On the Jurisdicticn cf Judicial Aulhci-ities cf Vatican Cir Criminal r!'lalters (11 July 20i3i I F:an:'s
5i 16i2016 Ap,ostoiic Leiier lssued Motr; Sta're in

\\ihen such cf ilnes are comlnitted b), the persons referred to in parasl'aph 3

belorv, in the exercise of their'functions:

c) a1.v other clirle rvhose proseclltioll rs requrred b1' an interrtatiotlal agreement ratified by
the lIol_v See. if rhe per?errarof is pli.vsical1,v present in the tetritorv of Yatican City State and
has not beer-r ertradited.

2. The cripes refen-erlto in paragraph 1 are to be jLtdged pursr-rar1t to the criininai 1as'rn force in Vatican
City State at the tine of their conmission. s,ithor:tpr-ejLrdice to the genelai principles of the legai svstern
on the tempo;-a1 application of crrmrtial ian's,

j. For tire pgrposes of \atican crimrnal 1au'. the follou,ing persolls are deemed "1:ublic o-ificials":

a) members. of{icials and personnel oltl-re r-aLious orsans of the Romau Cr-rria and oi'the
Institutions corurected to tt.

b) papal legates and diplc,n-rat1c pefsonr.rel of tire Holr' See.

c) those persons $'ho sr.rr e es repl'csentatiYes, lralragers ol directors. as u'e11 as persous r'ho
et,en cle-facro m3lase cl erelclse control over the entities directll'dependeut on the Holir
See and listed rn the le gistrr. of canonical juridical persolls kept by the Govemorate ol
Vatican Crtl' 5trt.,

d) an1, other pelson hoiding an adrninistrative or judicial urandate in the FIo11' See.
petrrranetlt or tetrporiln-. paid or unpaid. itrespectir-e of that person's senioritl'.

:i. junsLliciion relerre d tc'r in paraglaph l conprises also the adminisiratile liabiiity of juridrcai

I,rersons ansrng trorl crLrles. as r:gulated b1,'\ratican Citv State 1as's.

5, \\'hen the same l1t:rrters are p]osecuted ur other States, t]re provisions in force in Vatican Citv State on
concurrent j urrsdiction shaLl appt11'.

6.TlreconteotofarticlellofLari,No.CXIXof2lNor,ember 1987.illtichappro\:estheJttdicittlOrder
aJ'ItttirurL Cin: ,State remains ir-i i-or-cc.

This I decide and establjslr. anr.thing to the contLarv nonvithstandrng.

i estabhsh thar this Apostolic Letter issued ri,ill be proinulgated by its pr-rb}ication iu
}{otu Prop.1-i6
L'Osserr,atore Romatro, euterinq tnto force on 1 September 2013.

Git,en in P.ome, atrhe,4postolic Polace, an 11 July 2013, theJirst o"f nn'Porttificate.


';!\. C opy'r'igirt - Libre rizi Editricc Vatiuaua



"0i3,'s,Is3*u** H. RES. lg4

,\pologizing tbr tlre euslavenrerrt tlrtl rat,ial sey^r'cy,^:ttion ol ,\fi'ican-r\rnct'it':tns.


2i, 2007
X,Ir. L\tttnx (frir hirrist'lf, lh'. Jrttlxsttx of Lleolgia, lls. J-rt'tis()N-l,IiE ()f
Tt'xas, Ilr. Rttltv of Pennsl'lvarria, )L'. \\Il:-v,Rri, lls. Iitt,t'.lrRl<'K, )Is.
\\ilor,strv, J{r'. I',ti,t,oNI.t. .\ls. LirIr. I\Ir'. l\lt'(itlvnlts, -\is. St'tt.rI(()\\'sI(Y,
Jh's. ll.tloxnv of. Nes'Yolli, -tr'h'. (roxvritts, llr'. llrrls of \-ilgirria, [h'.
(l,rl,t,r,rxo, flr. Rrxr+ut . l'Ir. I'.\yNE, J'[r'. ,InrtrDn-soN, ]Ir. Ett,lstlx, lli'.
^!t, GHuu,r of 'I'exas, .\'lr'. []t"t"lttRITIELI), ^\Is. \\'-rrstlr, l\Ir. IIlxtlurr",
Mr'. tllIl^ttrriti, )Is. L]-uisoN, lIr'. Isn-rrit,, -\h'. Acxtililt.L\, Xh'. D^rtrs of
Alabama, fIr'. LE\\'IS of tleorgia. lh'. ,\lnut'ltollBlti, JIt'. Ilurn, J{r.
lfirxxunr-, ]Is. Ii-u,orvrx, -\h'. Flontts, i\ft'. Iru.xcn, ,\Ir'. Ifttso-\, antl
1,h.. Ktrt'txtcrr) sulturitted tlie fbllou'ing lesolutiorrr ttich l'as lt:tctletl to
the Cornnrittec ori the Jtrrlicialr'

,\prologizillg tor tlie euslar'('rll('rtt att(l l'acittl segl'egatiori of'
,\flir' a r i-.Ulr e I'i ('iuis.

\\'liereas nrilliorrs of' ,\fi'it'aris rlnd their clest:ettclitttts \\-ere

ensla\recl in tlie llnitttl States arld the 1i:] American colo-
nicrs fronr 1ti1!) thlough lSti5;

\\'lrereas slaver')- itr ,\r'nerit'a reseml)lecl rro other fortti of irn'ol-

urltanr S1l.\:itrxle knot.n in history., as Afi'ica,us \yere cap-
turecl and sold at auction like inanintate oltjects or ani-

\Yhereas ,\fritrarrs tori'ecl irtto slitvel'\' \\'er'(' bnLtiijizeil, lnrrniii-

ated, t.lcltunranized, arttl suiiected to tltc' intligriitl' of
belng strippeci of thcir lrAiues anrl ireritag-e;
\\'lrereas ertslitveci fiiurilies \\-ere tont tt1'rru't after' ltttr.ittg lteett
sokl separatelt fi'onr orte airotltcr';
l\'heretrs the svstcin tif siavtr.r' artrl tht' r-ist'et'u1 r'itcistn itguiirst
l)ersorrs rif ,\frir.arr rlesr'rrrt ril)oli u-lrit'ir it tlel'rerrclecl lre-
ci-rrne etttt'r'ttclrt't1 in tht' Nutiort's sot'ial falrric;
\\-hereas siar'('i'r'\\-ils lrot o1'fitirrllv lirolisherl urrtil tlic ytassitg,'t'
of tlre 1.ltlr ,\irrericlineirt to tlre L rritctl Sttrtes Llirrstitu-
tion in lStil aftel tlit r'ur1 of thc ('ir-il \\'ar. u'hicli l-trs
{lug'lit ovcr thc sltn'ei1. issur:
\\'ltt't'etis ittter einetnciltatiott 1i'otir 2-1tj )-eal's ttf slar,et'.r', .\ft'i-
c:aii-Alericans soor) si'r\\' tlrc f..let'tiug political, social, ancl
eronorriic glius thcl' rtiaclc rhrring' Recotrsti'uctiotr t'r'is-
rret'atec1 h.r- r'it'uie,ttt rttcistt.t, 1r'rrr'lrirrgs. cliserrflattrr'Itist'titetit,
l"llacii Cor1c.s, arrrl r'acial st gregation iau's tirat inrposecl a
rig'id s]'strril of otfit:iallr- sanctioncrl r'iiciul stg'r'cg'atioti in
yiltuitlh' ttll itt'r'us of iifet
\\'lru'ras thc svstcrn of dc jrrre lacial scgt'i:lrttioti liuttrui tts
'',Iini [']'o\\'," l'liir'h tu'osc iir t'elttriii l)a]'ts of tLrc Ntttion
fi;l1ou'irrg tlre ('ivil \Ytrr to rretrte srpat'itte tutcl ttttetlitttl
socictit s fir u'hitt s irrrcl ,!fi'ican-Atnci'ictrtts. \\-as ii iiirccrt
rcsult of the rtrcisu against pcrsoris ot' -\fricarr r'lcsccitt
eiry,et rclereci b.r- slaYer'1';

\\-lrcreas tltc s1'stciu of Jim Crou' lau's ofticiailr' cxistetl iuttr

tLLe 1!)ij0's-a celttrul' aft01' tlirr gff1cia} rrrtd
of siaver\. irt
.\rlrL'r'icil-rlrrtil L'rlrg^ress tooli actirttt tti ertcl it, ltrrt tlre
vestig,eri of Jim Crou' contiuue to tiris da1';

"'":::l: :Yi ::l: :l:::::':::,'il:::':l: ::''f::: il:ll',lll: :::


tems \\'et'e fitrmally altolislrecl-fl1yy11oh enclrmous clamerge

ancl loss, both tang'ible ancl intang'ible, irich-Lcling the loss
of hurnzrn clignitv ancl libcr11r, thr-: flustration ofl careers
ancl prof'ession;rl lives, arrcl the long-tenu loss of irrr:orne
ancl opportnrftr.;

\\'lit'reas tlie ston' of tht, erislilvt,urent ancl cle .jru'e seg'reg'trtiorr

of ,\ft'itrarr-r\nrericzrrrs trrrcl tlre ctelrunit.rrrizing'atrot'itirrs
crommittccl agairrst tlrcm should not lre purg'r.d from or'
nririinrizecl in thrr telling of ,lurcrican histon-;

\Yhereas on Julr.8,2003, cltLrirrs iL tlipto Goree Isiancl, Serr-

egal, a fbrmcr slave 1rort, Prcsiclcnt Gt-'orgc \\'. Bush ac-
linou'ledgcrl slartn,'s contiliuing legucf in Anrerictrrr life
errrci the neecl to coiifnnt, that legar,r'rvlren lie stated that
slaverv "\\'as one of the g'reatest crimes of histon.
. The ra,cial bigotrr. f'eti b1. slaverv cliri not cnd u,ith
sla\,er\. or u'itli segregertion. furcl nlanv of tlie issues tlrut
still trouble America har,e rriclts in tht bitter experience
clf' otl-ror tirtrcs. Rut iron'errer long' flig .ioulne\', ol-lr clestinl'
is set: libertr- trrrrl ,justit,r, ft)r' all. ";
\\'hereas I'r't siilent liill (llintorr also acliiurrvlerlg;etl tho tlcclr-
seateri ploblenis caust'd bv thc contirnring' legac,r' of i'ac-
isnr agairrst .\frit.trrr--\rnerictrris tlrat begarr rvitlr slztven,
u,hen he initiatcd a irational dialog,rre about raccl

\Yhereas a genuine apolclgf is an iurportant ancl necessar'l'

first sterp in tlre process of racierl recorir:iliertiott;
for centui'ies of lrrutal clehlLmaniza,tion
\Vherea,s a,n alrologl'
and injustices cannot erase the past, but conf'ession of
the u'rongs comnittecl can speecl rerrrial hearling ancl rec-
onciliatioir and help ;\mericans confront tlie ghosts of
their past;

.HRES 194 IH

\Vhereas the legislztture of tlie (loinmonu,ealtli ofi\rirgirria has

recently taken the lead in adopting a resolu.tion officialll'
erpi'essing appropi'iate reillorstr for slalcrY aricl other
State legislertures are r.orrsicleL'ing similar resolutiotts; ancl

\\lttrcas it is rmportatrt frrr this cou.tttt'\', u,liich legallr. rc)cog-

nized slavelv throug'h its ('onstitution arrcl its lAtvs, to

rrial<e tt filrnral apoltist'r' for sllverl attcl for its sII(:cessor'.
Jim L'rou', so that it cAI] mo\'o f'otrvarcl ancl sctek rec-
onciliation, justice, Ancl hat'ntortt' for all of its citizens:
Norv, therefirle. l;e it

1 lBesrlt:ecl, That tht' Ilouse of lleltresentatir-es-

2 (1) aclinouleclges the funclaruental iiljusticc,
3 r,r'uelt1., brutnlitl', trncl itthumattit.\' of slttt'etr. attcl

4 Jim C)r'ou';

5 (2) apologizrrs to -,\fican--.\liericans on bihalf

6 of the people of the llrritrcl Stirtes, tirr the \\rrongs
1 conimittetl agairist tlicm anrl thcir aitc-cstors t'ho
8 srtfft't't'cl undet' sll\'('I'r. ttttd ,Iitu (li'ou'; anrl

9 (3) expresses its t'ottitttittrtettt to ret'ti(r' the lin-

10 gering colrsr.Ll'r.1ei1Lrcs of tlie misclec'rls corrunittetl

11 against Ali'icarr-.\mericans undci' slavtrr'). itnd Jirn

12 L'nxv ancl to stop the oc(,urrerrce of }tuuttur rig'lrts
13 r.iolations in the firtr-rle.

.HRES 194 IH
XLVItr World Day of Peace2015 No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis Page 1 of7

l@i nace

IE, e lgi coo

kanirivlsrxgcr Wrlr1!
IiR, - {)lr-- till- LS_- I&- ll'- l)1, - P'r_- f Lj_l




1' At the beginning of this New Year, which we welcome as God's gracious
gift to all humanity, I
offer heartfelt wishes of peace to every man and woman, to all the ri.orld's pe"oples
and nations, io
heads of state and government, and to religious leaders. In doing so, I pray
fb, u1end to wars,
contlicts and the great suffering caused by human agency, by epidemi., purt and present,
and by the
devastation wrought by natural disasters. I pray especialil; that. on the baiis of
our common calling to
cooperate with God and all people of good will for the advancement of'harmony
and peace in the
world, we may resist the temptation to act in a manner unwofth1, olour humanity.

In :nl*\&:$-aggj-erl'itauCtulr_gu, I spoke of .,the desire tbr a full lif-e. .. which includes

a longing for
fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and enables us to see them not
as enemies or
rivals, but as brothers and sisters to be accepted and embraced".llJ Since we are by nature
beings, meant to find fulfilment through interpersonal relationsffi inspired by justice
and love, it is
fundamental for our human development that our dignity, freedom and autonomy
be acknowlejged
and respected. Tragically, the growing scourge of man'i exploitation by man gravely
damages tie life
of communion and our calling to forge interpersonal relations marked by resplct, justice
urrd 1o,,..
This abominable phenomenon, which leads to contempt for the fundamentatiigtrts of
others and to the
suppression of their fre_edom and dignity, takes many forms. I would like briefl-y
to consider these, so .
that, in the light of God's word, we can consider all men and women "no longer slaves,
but brothers
and sislers".

Lislening to God's plan.fbr humanity

2. The theme I have chosen for this year's message is drawn from Saint Paul's letter
to philemon, in
which the Apostle asks his co-worker to welcome Onesimus, formerly Philemon's slave,
now a
sisters I Francts Page2 of 7
2015: No longer slaves' but brothers and
xLvI[ world Day of Peace

brother' The Apostle of the

to?aul, worthy of being consid ered a
christian and, ..perhaps according you might have him
is *ry he;;s parted nor.r vo., ror a while' that
Gentiles writes: this
urotnrr; (w' 1 5- 16)' onesimus
slave but more tiru, u srave, ,r life
"ir"ri", to christ, the beginning of a
no rongei as a
back for ever, c*r.rti""
ph*emon,s *ten he bec-arir. u crrrirti*
became Petl:3)whichgenerates
fraternityas the rrr'i"*ffi-tona "f
f;it tir" *a the basis of life in society'
and blessed them
we read that God made manmale andfemale'
In the Book of Genesis (cf.l:27-28), Ad'* fut*1t 'n'ho' itt response
to God's
so that they could ;;;;;;; ;d murirprv. u. *ua.
"'d;;; and Abel' cain
muttiply, il;;;iluuoottrr.,t,, it*t""'i'y'*ut:f:uin
command to be fruitful and rro* the same *o*u. consequently
they had the
and Abel were brothers because tt.y in the image and likeness of God'
"uirJiortr, who
their farents' *"t
same origin, nature and dignity

and sisters' even though they

variety and differences between brothers
Butfraternrfy also embraees sisters,therefore, all . .
are of the .u-.'nJ*e and dignity . i-iriinrrs and
are linked by birth and same orlg1n'
f,o*iil* tttty &ffti' but with whom they share the
people are in r.futiJr, *Jth others, the ,r.*orr. of relations essential
for the building
nature and dignity. In this way,frate_r,".;;;itt"tes
;ilh; ho*ut'-family created by God'
)k of GenesiS and thenew birth
-o*" amons **v ul'it'""" (Rom8:2e)'the
of sin, *ht;h;d; disrupts rt"-* rr"i"*irv andconstantly
there is the negative reality
ri [rr,ir;r"r;i sirie,it' il* ;" ]'3'*hllY It was not onlv that
beauty and nobitiry- ,r Urns
and, in so doing, committed
the first fratricide'
cain courd not stand Aber; he kilted
hilo,,t"i"rrry to be brothers'
..cain,s murder of Abel bears tragic *i*.* t" rts radicat r..i..tion Jf vocation are called' to
(cf. Gen 4:1-16) brings aimcdt task t"^#r'itn tu men and
Their story "ritrr.
iir" ,t one, La"h taking care of the other"'[?l
for his father
Noah and his children (cf. Gen 9:lB-27).Ham's disrespect
This was also the case with ut.r* tto ;;h;d ihose who honoured
him' This
Noah drove Noah to curse rris insotenil", *a t"
b;;;' brothers bom of the same womb'
created an irrequalii
from God' from the father
the origins of the human family, the;i-n of estrangement gives rise to a
thsrefusal Jf communion' It
In the account of
rrgure and from the brotf,er, u"ro*.J'uii""pr.J191of from generation to
o:zi-i1, .iitr, arl its r,""r.t*".9s.extendins
culture of enslavement (cf. cen dignity *a runaumental rights'
,* or'oth.rr, ttreir mi#eatment, rioruti"ri, oiiheir fulfr,led by
generation:, trr. need";r*, conversion to the covenant'
and institutionaiized inequality. abounded all the
crorr, in the ;;;fi;;""" that "whe]r"Jsin i"t"uttd'-grace the
Jesus' sacrifice on the
chrirt, url"*a son 1cr. ut 3:r7), came to reveal
more... through Jesus chris @o;\'idlr.
Gosp"l uro ."tponds to the call
to conversion becomes
wrro.r., ii.urrihe
Father,s 10ve for humanity. of his Father (cf' Eph r:5)'
o'brother, sister and morher"'iM; l;t;oj' u"dtrtoJ;;;;;;;;sor
and a brother or sister in
christ, as the result of
a child of the Father
one does not become a christian, a wotd' without being
an authoritative divine decree, *ith"; ilt exe'cise
"f ;;;ifreedom:-in *Repent' dnd
B.;","i'e ' ti'ffa "f C"O i' ntttt*tii, fi'fted to conversion:
and you
freely.o,rr.rt.dio Ahrir;. you,i"t#;";"rltt* cr"ili; the forgiveness of your sins;
be baptized, every one
spirii;'1eri i,z,u. Arffi;;; *rro ,Jupo"ded in faith and with
shalr receive ttre gift of the
Hory (cf' I Pet 2:17;
,"i, tti-iiturniiyortrr. irrst christian community
peter,s enrered
lives to pieaching
rJ;;;i;'-rtu,,., uoaili;i1 c2r t2:r3;Gat3:28)' Differing
anyone from belonging to the
Acts r:15-16,6:3, 15:23):
ai*irrirr, urryorr.', *aig"itv t"clude
origins urro .o.iui .ru*'oia rrot

5I 1612016
+/\r/inrlnrvq/iNetCach ell?]36R2PRE7/X"'
- l
xLVm world Day of Pea ce 2ol5: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters
I Francis Page 3 of7

People of God' The Christian community is thus

a place of communion lived in the love shared
among brothers and sisters (cf. Rom l2:i0; t rhesi
4:9; Heb l3:l; t pet l:22; 2 pet l:7).
All of this shows how the Good News of Jesus christ, in whom
God makes ..all things new,, (Rev
21 :5),{3 is
} also capable.of redeeming
r.rutio"rrrips, including those between slaves and
masters, by shedding light on what both have in common: adoptive irrrrip and the bond
brotherhood in christ. Jesus himself saicl to his air.ipi.r, of
"No longer do I call you servants, for the
servant does not know what his master is doing;
but i have called you friends, for all that I have heard
from my Father I have made known to you,, (in 15:15).

The manyfaces of slavery yesterday and today

3' From time immemorial, different societies have

known the phenomenon of man,s subjugation by
man' There have been periods of human history in
which the institution of slavery was generally
accepted and regulated by law. This legislation
dictated who was born free und *rro was born into
slavery, as well as the conditions wheiby a freeborn p;r;;;
In other words, the law itself admitted_that ,orn. p.opi.
ffi;i;;ili, rr* freedom or regain it.
*... ";
able or required to be considered the
property of other people, at their free disposition.
A slave could be bought and sold, given away or
acquired, as if he or she were a.o--.r.iul product.

Today, as the result of a growth in our awar?le1!,

slavery, seen_ as a crime against humanity,ffi has
been formally abolished throughout the.rlor]d.
The right of each person not to be kept in a state
slavery or servitude has been ricognized in internatioial of
law as inviolable.
Yet' even though the international community has adopted
numerous agreements ui-.a at ending
slavery in all its forms, and has launched various
rt ut.gil, to combat this phenomenon, millions of
people today - children, women and men
of all ages - ire deprived of freedom and are forced to
in conditions akin to slavery. live

I think of the many men and women labourers, including

minors, subjugatedin different sectors,
whether formally or informally, in domestic or
agricultrial workpla".r,"o, in the manufacturing or
mining industry; whether in countries where lab;* r.g;ilions
fail to international
norms and minimum standards, or, equally illegally,
iricountries which"o.npr/*ith
la&iegal protection for

I think also of the living conditions of many migrants who,

in their dramatic odyssey, experience
hunger, are deprived of freedom, robbed oitrr.L por...riors,
or undergo physical and sexual abuse.
In a particular way, I think of those among them who,
upon arriving at their destination after a
gruelling journey marked by fear and insecurity,
are detained in at iimes inhumane conditions. I think
of those among them, who for different social, political
and economic r"uro*, ure forced to live
clandestinely. My thoughts also turn to those wio,
in order to remain within the law, agree to
disgraceful living andworking conditions, especially
in those cases where the laws of a nation create
or permit a structural dependency of migrant *orkeis
on their employers, ur, ro, example, when the
residency is -ud. dependent on their labour contract. yes,
I am thinking of ,.slave
I think also of persons forced into prostitution,many of whom
are minors, as well as male andfemale
sex slaves' I think of women forced into marriage,
those sold for arranged marriages and those
bequeathed to relatives of their deceased trusbaids,
without any right to give or withhold their
XLVIII World Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis Page 4 of 7

Nor can I fail to think of all those persons, minors and adults alike, who are made objects of
trfficking for the sale of organs , fer reuuitment as soldiers, for begging, for illegal activities such as
the production and sale of narcotics, or for disguisedforms of cross-border adoption.

Finally, I think of all those kidnapped and held captive by terrorist groups, subjected to their purposes
as combatants, or, above all in the case of young girls and women, to be used as sex slaves. Many of
these disappear, while others are sold several times over, tortured, mutilated or killed.

Some deeper causes of slavery

4. Today, as in the past, slavery is rooted in a notion of the human person which allows him or her to
be treatid as an object. Whenever sin comrpts the human heart and distances,us from our Creator and
our neighbours, the latter are no longer regarded as beings ofequal dignity, as brothers or sisters
sharing a common humanity, but rather as objects. Whether by coercion or deception, or by physical
o, pry.hological duress, human persons created in the image and likeness of God are deprived of their
freidom, soid and reduced to being the property of others. They are treated as means to an end.

Alongside this deeper cause - the rejection of another person's humani6, - there are other causes
which help to expliin contemporary forms of slavery. Among these, I think in the first place of
poverty,underdevelopment and exclusion, especially when combined with a lack of acgess to
education or scarce, even non-existent, employment opportunifies. Not infrequentlY, the victims of
human trafficking and slavery are people who look for a way out of a situation of extreme poverfy;
taken in by false promises of employment, they often end up in the hands of criminal networks which
organize human trafficking. These networks are skiiled in using modern means of cog[nunication as a
way of luring young men and women in various parts of the world.

Another cause of slavery is corruption onthepart of people willing to do anything for financial gain.
Slave labour and human trafficking often require the complicity of intermediaries, be they law
enforcement personnel, state officials, or civil and military institutions. "This occurs when money,
and not the human person, is at the centre of an economic system. Yes, the person, made in the image
of God and charged with dominion over all creation, must be at the centre of every social or economic
system. When the person is replaced by mammon, a subversion of values occurs".[51

Further causes of slavery include armed conflicts, violence, criminal activity and teruorism. Many
people are kidnapped inorder to be sold, enlisted as combatants, or sexually exploited, while others
are to emigrate, leaving everything behind: their country, home, property, and even members
of their family. They are driven to seek an alternative to these terrible conditions even at the risk of
their personaiOignliy and their very lives; they risk being drawn into that vicious circle which makes
them prey to misery, corruption and their baneful consequences.

A shared commitment to ending slavery

5. Often, when considering the reality of human trafficking, illegal trafficking of migrants and other
acknowledged or unacknowledged forms of slavery, one has the impression that they occur within a
context of general indifference.

Sadly, this is largely true. Yet I would like to mention the enormous and often silent efforts which
have been made for many years by religious congregatiors, especially women's congregations, to
provide support to victims. These institutes work in very difficult situations, dominated at times by
,iol.n.., ur ttr.y work to break the invisible chains binding victims to traffrckers and exploiters'
XLVIII World Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis Page 5 of7

Those chains are made up of a series of links, each composed of clever psychological ploys which
make the victims dependent on their exploiters. This is accomplished by blackmail and threats made
against them and their loved ones, but also by concrete acts such as the confiscation of their identity
documents and physical violence. The activity of religious congregations is carried out in three main
areas: in offering assistance to victims, in working for their psychological and educational
rehabilitation, and in eflbrts to reintegrate them into the society where they live or from which they
have come.

This immense task, which calls for courage, patience and perseverance, deserves the appreciation of
the whole Church and society. Yet, of itself, it is not sufficient to end the scourge of the exploitation
of human persons. There is also need for a threefold commitment on the institutional level: to
prevention, to victim protection and to the legal prosecution of peqretrators. Moreovet, since criminal
organizations employ global networks to achieve their goals, efforts to eliminate this phenomenon
also demand a common and, indeed, a global effbrt on the parl of various sectors of society.

States must ensure that their own legislation truly respects the dignity of the human person in the
areas of migration, employment, adoption, the movement of businesses otTshore and the sale of items
produced by slave labour. There is a need for just laws which are centred on the human person,
uphold fundamental rights and restore those rights when they have been violated. Such laws should
also provide for the rehabilitation of victims, ensure their personal safety, and include efTective means
of enforcement which leave no room for corruption or impunitl,. The role of women in society must
also be recognized, not least through initiatives in the sectors of culture and social communications.

Intergovernmental organizatio,ns, in keeping with the principle of subsidiarity, are cal1ed to

coordinate initiatives fbr combating the transnational networks of organized crime which oversee the
trafticking of persons and the illegal trafficking of migrants. Cooperation is clearly needed at a
number of levels, involving national and international institutions, agencies of civil society and the
world of finance.

Businesses{(1j have a duty to ensure dignified working conditions and adequate salaries for their
employees, but they must also be vigilant that forms of subjugation or human trafficking do not find
their way into the distribution chain. Together with the social responsibility of businesses, there is
also the social responsibility of consumers. Every person ought to have the alr'areness that
"purchasing is always a moral - and not simply an economic - act".l7l

Organizalions in civil society, for their part, have the task of au,akening consciences and promoting
r.l,hatever steps are necessary for combating and uprooting the culture of enslavement.

In recent years, the Holy See, attentive to the pain of the victims of trafficking and the voice of the
religious congregations which assist them on their path to freedom, has increased its appeals to the
international community for cooperation and collaboration between different agencies in putting an
end to this scourge.lSJ Meetings have also been organized to draw attention to the phenomenon of
human trafficking and to facilitate cooperation betr,veen various agencies, including experts tlom the
universities and international organizations, police forces from migrants' countries of origin, transit,
or destination, and representatives of ecclesial groups rvhich work with victims. It is my hope that
these efforls w'ill continue to expand in years to come.

Globalizing.fraternifli, no/ slavery or indi/ference

XI,VIII World Day of Peace 2015: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters I Francis Page 6 of 7

6. In her "proclamation of the truth of Christ's love in society",l9l the Church constantly engages in
charitable activities inspired by the truth of the human person. She is charged with showing to all the
path to conversion, which enables us to change the way we see our neighbours, to recognize in every
other person a brother or sister in our human tbmily, and to acknowledge his or her intrinsic dignity in
truth and freedom. This can be clearly seen from the story of Josephine Bakhita, the saint originally
from the Darfur region in Sudan who was kidnapped by slave-traffickers and sold to brutal masters
when she was nine years old. Subsequently - as a result of painful experiences - she became a "free
daughter of God" thanks to her faith, lived in religious consecration and in service to others,
especially the most lowly and helpless. This saint, who lived at the turn of the twentieth century, is
even today an exemplary witness of hopel I Lil for the many victims of slavery; she can support the
elforts of all those committed to fighting against this "open wound on the body of contemporary
society, a scourge upon the body of Christ", l_1 lJ

In the light of all this, I invite everyone, in accordance with his or her specific role and
responsibilities. to practice acts of fiaternity towards those kept in a state of enslavement. Let us ask
ourselves, as individuals and as communities, whether we feel challenged when, in our daily lives, we
meet or deal with persons who could be victims of human trafticking. or r.vhen we are tempted to
select items which may well have been produced by exploiting others. Some of us, out of
indifference, or financial reasons, or because we are caught up in our dail.v concerns, close our eyes to
this. Others, however, decide to do something about it, to join civic associations or to practice small,
everyday gestures - which have so much merit! * such as offering a kind rvord, a greeting or a smile.
These cost us nothing but they can offer hope, open doors, and change the life of another person who
lives clandestinely; they can also change our own lives w'ith respect to this reality.

We ought to recognize that we are tacing a global phenomenon which exceeds the competence of any
one community or country. In order to eliminate it, we need a mobilization comparable in size to that
of the phenomenon itself. For this reason I urgently appeal to all men and women of good will, and all
those near or far, including the highest levels of civil institutions, who *'itness the scourge of
contemporary slavery, not to become accomplices to this evil, not to tum away from the sufferings of
our brothers and sisters, our fellow human beings, who are deprived of their freedom and dignity.
Instead, may we have the courage to touch the sufl.ering flesh of Christ,Ll ll revealed in the faces of
those countless persons whom he calls "the least of these my brethren" (Mt 25:40,45).

We know that God will ask each of us: What did you do for your brother? (cf. Gen 4:9-70). The
globalization of indifTeience, which today burdens the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters,
requires all of us to forge a new worldwide solidarity and traternity capable of giving them new hope
and helping them to advance with courage amid the problerns of our time and the new horizons which
they disclose and which God places in our hands.

From the Vatican, 8 December 2011


ll*l No. 1.

lli Ur-rrxgler- tkt..L?-'t Jl:'ptld ilut: l"ltutt, 2.

IiJ C f . Apo stolic Exhortation ily: tX liiQ_qtLl_4tu, I 1 .

XLVIII World Day of Peace 201.5: No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters lFrancis PageT of 7

1-u Cf.Lrlr&{l,f&ll(lg"grrts tlf'lht lntern*tionrrl ,1,y'st;t'iurion oi Pe ttul l"uvt,, 23 October 2074:

L'Osservalore Romano,24 October 2014,p. 4.

L' Osservatore Romano, 29 October 2074, p. 7 .

1!l Cf. PONTIFICAL COLNCIL FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE, Vocation of rhe Business Leader: A
Re.flecl ion,2013.

ll] BENEDICT XVI, Encyclical Letter {,,t:UrLt,y it1-L'a111199,66.

IX]Cf. ,llcssirg(*!o*\:!$jg!!r,dcr. l)ircctor O*nerrl oi'thc intcnration*l 1.abr;ur Or:ganization. on tlrq

*9gg.Alf-9;[-1l5-l-til$cssion oLftre tt '. L'Ossert,crtore Romano,29May 2014,p.7.

llj BENEDICT XVI, Encyclical Letter {'urittis itt L'gitutc,5.

llQJ "Through the knowledge of this hope she was'redeemed', no longer a slave. but a free child of
God. She understood what Paul meant w'hen he reminded the Ephesians that previously they were
without hope and without God in the world - without hope because u,ithout God" (BENEDICT XVI,
Encyclical Letter,)iZf.!/"::, 3).

ltltljtlyLtL-tJ"uy.*_ty:tll.g:t l::Jt;:t*.Utul_aL!3ttJ:uultjl"1, 10 April 2014: L'Osservatore Romano,ll.

April 2014,p.7; cf-. Apostolic Exhorlation l:.:,tut{tlii t'itnt{itrnr,270.

i ]jJ Cf. Apostolic Exhorlation lt1arXlljJiJJdJJJu, 24 and 27 0 .

.9 Copl'riglrt - Librcria Hditricc Vaticana

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L.$.,{.<rfir-tinfiic}n 1.., I
" :rt r-,.':- ,.: -' ll -;-. ,-. :. ri'.;:ii ." ;1 i;.: , i'.

F-fi$ :I'HF-XEg$Rp
f-'ongress is no longer bourul hy its crmstitutional system of
dclcgat*d Fortr:rs, Its cln|1" test is under, the {}hligat*ry Power to
prflmole Hurnan RiElrts in therc tields of endrflv.]r-l-iit,rlfglr.ll*r4

Ec.*fi+r"ni"s. Sarxrf 6fficl Cu/trrr.d, th+,s are tlund in Articles 55 a$d

56sf-tie*ehail-@ a Ratified nn *ppro''rrl

{$ee ilrs ,U.lY Eqr[itilrcttir:,* ,4rr u.!'1945 signcd by
Fresident rlffr)' S. Truruan with the adviec a$d consent of th* U.S.

Sffiat,L'ryi{@. The}{*w test 0f

Cr:nstitutirnatitl'x'ill apply ro all lcgislation by Congrets since
I945, which drals Hilh a*y of {h,r 5 iicttls ol-r.trdearor. Any judgc
d*ciding $n the validiry of lcgislation mu$t haue two hooks before
hinr on*- ttre canstitution qlthe lJ$it$d $tates ind trvu- the Charter

erJ'the_Ugilnd-trgttgrr9. If he dres nnt finrl Authorir,v f*r the Acl in

r,lre constituiion he will find it in thr Uharter.{Se*.fu.r{iec llo{met
.Suprer,rrer f,o*rt fr{igr*t*ry Bird Crx*}. fire Authority w*s not
l'$und in &e eonstitution it u'as found in the Trtaty with Great


- - S"oarre (.'oagres.r-rpflal record fa$a,.1 J JiJ{} "St#tsmffrt (rjle#-r:L$,

llitt rd Mitwsrifrr;$ FGr mer P re:i i dr!fiI ql' t he,Lmerican E *r

Assodation, Etttered itute- thE Ho&s*.Eecord b:r tht llawr-{tblg

[,qtqe$c-,If-"'-Trrir-&+f [Fr]scr]tl.rjApnnf ey]L!$L

From: Sionya HaleyOru now known as Priya Sha'ul'me'e1@rMlSecured Party/Lien
WomanlPower of Attorney for Michael FulliloveorM now known as Marshawn Sha,ul,Me,el@rM

38o 40" 6" N.La[ 9Ao 12'37" W.Long

Cahokia : Altan/ :Turtle-Island
Clo 3916 N. Florissant Apt. 205 St. Louis, Missouri


2190 S. Mason road, suite 201 St. Louis Missouri 63131


September 1,2017

Notice of Judicial misconduct against Judge Steven Ohmer of the 22"d JudiciallCivil Courts division
13 l0 N.
Tucker Blvd, St. Louis Missouri 63101

civil case No. 1422-cR00351-01 associated with l62z-TJ00356:

I Sionya Haley now known as Priya Sha'ul'me'el@rM on the behalf on Michael Fullilove@rM known as
Marshawn Sha'ul'me'el@rM power of attorney/Indigenous/Autochthons of Aniyuwiya/Cherokee descent
28 U'S'C.1360, ask me to speak out for him on his behalf because of obstruction of mail inside
the workhouse.
On March 6,2A17 after conspiring with Judge Michael Stelzer to force Marshawn Sha'u1'me,el@rM
to go to
trial, Judge Steven Ohmer went out of his way too violated his rights. Judge Steven Ohrng,r told Lt Robinson
assault him because he wouldn't rise when the judge enter the roo*. Marihawn Sha'u1'me,el@rM
challenge the
jurisdiction of the court after Marshawn Sha'u1'mele1@rM ask Judge
Steven Ohmer a sepious of questions to
quallty him and to assure a fair hearing and respect for his rights. ilIarshawn Sha,ul,me,el@rM .,irk
Steven Ohmer ifhe had two books before him as is the mandate from Congressional records pg
AiZZOI4ay 11,
T955" states "you must have two books UN Charter and the United States Constitution before
him,, where it
states "congress is no longer bound by their constitutional form of govemmenf'which is
a contractual
obligation Judge Steven Ohmer agreed to. Mr. Steven Ohmer stated "he only have the Missouri Constitution
front of him and told him that they have no rules or procedures for the lndigenous People', after Marshawn
Sha'ul'me'elOrM ask him about it. Judge Steven Ohmer stated o'he don't have to follow federal statutes,,
are in harmony with the US Constitution becausshe was not a federal judge. Judge Steven Ohmer
told him,, he
only had to follow some humanrights and not all of them". See; wneeiinfsteel corp vs fox 289 U.S. 193, g0
ED 1143, 56 S.ct. 773.Marchawn Sha'u1'me'el@rM felt he was not qualified to hear this matter as he was
unwilling to follow national or International Law and he read offsome supportive case laws and challenge
court's jurisdiction as is his right to do so. Marshawn Sha'u1'me'el@rM tried to make Mr. Steven Ohmer aware
of some important facts which were that he is, White and not black as he has been falsely identified as, that
he is
American Indian, of Aniyuwiya/Cherokee descent Title 28 U.S.C.1360. Marshawn Shaiul,me,elorM was
reading his Statutory Declaration and Statutory Claim and SF 181 into the record which was stamp
and filed
before Judge Michael Stelzer in division 16. Judge Steven Ohmer confiscated the documents from him
stated it will be file it in the record and refused to return them back to him. Judge Steven Ohmer yelled
at him
and stated'ohis never getting out ofjail". Judge Steven Ohmer order the jury to-come in against his consent
as a
tactic of intimidation and said Judge Michael Stelzer said he was ready io go to trial. Marshawn Sha,ul
me'el@TM "objected "stating he never made such a statement but that he was going to exercise his rights
remedies to discharge this matter". Matshawn Sha'ul me'el@ro requested a copy of the court transcripts
Judge Steven Ohmer denied it and orders him to get a psychiatric evaluation. Do to Judge Steven Ohmer
comrpt behavior, and premeditated intent to violate his rights and to break the law, this complaint is made make
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1r:L Z
genocide Title 18 $ 1091, as he conspired with Judge Michaei Stelzer and only had one goal in mind which was
to iqjure much as possible. Title 18 5 242. This complaint will be published on Internet for Notice UCC
1-202In the great spirits of my ancestors

22"d judicial judges has a history of abusing and showing little care for the people, some been waiting to see a
judge, simply cannot post bail see; btt!_/titg[orv.con{2017/07/19/witirout-ric-inntilg5146t*]q.lrii:jqil:Scl.Sirut:
lbr-he1p-cluring-heat-wavei The workhouse is inhumane Marshawn Sha'ul'me'el'sOrM health is deteriorating
badiy his bleeding from his rectum and is inhaling black mold which is a silent killer.

A complaint will made to the Attorney General Josh Hawley fbr violations of Federal Law.

Our Stalutory Declarations was f'endered to the Governor of Missouri The Honorable Jeremiah "Jay" Nixon."0001

You must Cc a copy to the Public OtAcials list below,

Cc: Pope Francis I/TI{E VATICAN

Cc: Govemor of Missouri'fhe Honorable Eric Greitens

United Nations I)eclaration on the right of Indigenous Peoples-
(http:/lwu.w.un.orgJesa/socdev/unpltr{cutuugrl6&81l$_En4!fl United Nations Convention on Economic,
Social & cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; Article 55 &.56, Presidential proclamation 7500,H.J.R. 194,
S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200, HJR-3

Affirmed to and subscribed before me this .6"tof Septemb er 2017

1-3 without prejudice

Produce Identification Type and # ID frl s * 1,'g u^aa<*

Commlssion ExPkes
St, Louis CitY
0ommlEalon #13538878

r) il*

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