Small Village Terminado

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Primera parte yo entrevisto (angel) y tu hablas (luis)

Angel: good morning everyone watching National Geographic, today we are doing a story of
social projection in a small villa.

Angel: Whats your name?

Luis:My name is Luis

Angel: How old are you?

Luis: I am 25 year old

Angel: Who do you live with?

Luis: I only live with my mother ang farm animals

Angel: Whats your job?

Luis: My job is interesting, because early in the morning I feed my farm animals and then I
work the rest of day in farm activities but this is more tired than other activity in my

Angel: Whats your daily routine like?

Luis: the most tired dayli routine, is farm activity I dont like but I make at every week and
weekend i like playing football.

Angel: Whats the best moment of your day?

Luis: At the week is the hour of the lunh

Angel; Whats the worst moment of your day?

Luis: At the week is the hour of the dinner because I have sleepy

segunda parte tu entrevistas (Luis:) y yo hablo (Angel)

Primera parte yo entrevisto (angel) y tu hablas (luis)

Luis;Whats your name?

Angel: Hello my name is Luis

Luis:How old are you?

Angel: I am 23 years old

Luis: Who do you live with?

Angel:I live with my parents and siblings

Luis: Whats your job?

Angel: I work in a laboratory in the area of genetics, I study the systematics phylogeny

Luis: Whats your daily routine like?

Angel: in my work all day is to be in the lab sometimes do field trip to collect sample plants
and animals
Luis: Whats the best moment of your day?

Angel: the best day is usually when we go out to field samples recolestar there can see how
great our planet,

Luis:Whats the worst moment of your day?

Angel; the worst day when no results of my research.

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