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Wolfgang Paul Jrg Baschnagel

Stochastic Processes
From Physics to Finance
2nd Edition
Stochastic Processes
Wolfgang Paul r Jrg Baschnagel

Stochastic Processes

From Physics to Finance

Second Edition
Wolfgang Paul Jrg Baschnagel
Institut fr Physik Institut Charles Sadron
Martin-Luther-Universitt Universit de Strasbourg
Halle (Saale), Germany Strasbourg, France

ISBN 978-3-319-00326-9 ISBN 978-3-319-00327-6 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00327-6
Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

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Preface to the Second Edition

Thirteen years have passed by since the publication of the first edition of this book.
Its favorable reception encouraged us to work on this second edition. We took ad-
vantage of this opportunity to update the references and to correct several mistakes
which (inevitably) occurred in the first edition. Furthermore we added several new
sections in Chaps. 2, 3 and 5. In Chap. 2 we give an introduction to Jaynes treatment
of probability theory as a form of logic employed to judge rational expectations and
to his famous maximum entropy principle. Additionally, we now also discuss limit-
ing distributions for extreme values. In Chap. 3 we added a section on the Caldeira-
Leggett model which allows to derive a (generalized) Langevin equation starting
from the deterministic Newtonian description of the dynamics. Furthermore there is
now also a section about the first passage time problem for unbounded diffusion as
an example of the power of renewal equation techniques and a discussion of the ex-
treme excursions of Brownian motion. Finally we extended the section on Nelsons
stochastic mechanics by giving a detailed discussion on the treatment of the tun-
nel effect. Chapter 5 of the first edition contained a discussion of credit risk, which
was based on the commonly accepted understanding at that time. This discussion
has been made obsolete by the upheavals on the financial market occurring since
2008, and we changed it accordingly. We now also address a problem that has been
discussed much in the recent literature, the (possible) non-stationarity of financial
time series and its consequences. Furthermore, we extended the discussion of micro-
scopic modeling approaches by introducing agent based modeling techniques. These
models allow to correlate the behavior of the agentsthe microscopic degrees of
freedom of the financial marketwith the features of the simulated financial time
series, thereby providing insight into possible underlying mechanisms. Finally, we
also augmented the discussion about the description of extreme events in financial
time series.

vi Preface to the Second Edition

We would like to extend the acknowledgments of the first edition to thank

M. Ebert, T. Preis and T. Schwiertz for fruitful collaborations on the modeling
of financial markets. Without their contribution Chap. 5 would not have its present
Halle and Strasbourg, Wolfgang Paul
February 2013 Jrg Baschnagel
Preface to the First Edition

Twice a week, the condensed matter theory group of the University of Mainz meets
for a coffee break. During these breaks we usually exchange ideas about physics,
discuss administrative duties, or try to tackle problems with hardware and software
maintenance. All of this seems quite natural for physicists doing computer simula-
However, about two years ago a new topic arose in these routine conversations.
There were some Ph.D. students who started discussions about the financial market.
They had founded a working group on finance and physics. The group met fre-
quently to study textbooks on derivatives, such as options and futures, and to
work through recent articles from the emerging econophysics community which
is trying to apply well-established physical concepts to the financial market. Fur-
thermore, the students organized special seminars on these subjects. They invited
speakers from banks and consultancy firms who work in the field of risk manage-
ment. Although these seminars took place in the late afternoon and sometimes had
to be postponed at short notice, they were better attended than some of our regular
group seminars. This lively interest evidently arose partly for the reason that banks,
insurance companies, and consultancy firms currently hire many physicists. Sure
enough, the members of the working group found jobs in this field after graduat-
It was this initiative and the professional success of our students that encouraged
us to expand our course on Stochastic Processes to include a part dealing with ap-
plications to finance. The course, held in the winter semester 1998/1999, was well
attended and lively discussions throughout all parts gave us much enjoyment. This
book has accrued from these lectures. It is meant as a textbook for graduate students
who want to learn about concepts and tricks of the trade of stochastic processes and
to get an introduction to the modeling of financial markets and financial derivatives
based on the theory of stochastic processes. It is mainly oriented towards students
with a physics or chemistry background as far as our decisions about what consti-
tuted simple and illustrative examples are concerned. Nevertheless, we tried to
keep our exposition so self-contained that it is hopefully also interesting and helpful

viii Preface to the First Edition

to students with a background in mathematics, economics or engineering. The book

is also meant as a guide for our colleagues who may plan to teach a similar course.
The selection of applications is a very personal one and by no means exhaus-
tive. Our intention was to combine classical subjects, such as random walks and
Brownian motion, with non-conventional themes.
One example of the latter is the financial part and the treatment of geomet-
ric Brownian motion. Geometric Brownian motion is a viable model for the time
evolution of stock prices. It underlies the Black-Scholes theory for option pricing,
which was honored by the Nobel Prize for economics in 1997.
An example from physics is Nelsons stochastic mechanics. In 1966, Nel-
son presented a derivation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics based on Brown-
ian motion. The relevant stochastic processes are energy-conserving diffusion pro-
cesses. The consequences of this approach still constitute a field of active research.
A final example comprises stable distributions. In the 1930s the mathematicians
Lvy and Khintchine searched for all possible limiting distributions which could
occur for sums of random variables. They discovered that these distributions have
to be stable, and formulated a generalization of the central limit theorem. Whereas
the central limit theorem is intimately related to Brownian diffusive motion, stable
distributions offer a natural approach to anomalous diffusion, i.e., subdiffusive or
superdiffusive behavior. Lvys and Khintchines works are therefore not only of
mathematical interest; progressively they find applications in physics, chemistry,
biology and the financial market.
All of these examples should show that the field of stochastic processes is copious
and attractive, with applications in fields as diverse as physics and finance. The
theory of stochastic processes is the golden thread which provides the connection.
Since our choice of examples is naturally incomplete, we have added at the end
of each chapter references to the pertinent literature from which we have greatly
profited, and which we believe to be excellent sources for further information. We
have chosen a mixed style of referencing. The reference section at the end of the
book is in alphabetical order to group the work of a given author and facilitate its
location. To reduce interruption of the text we cite these references, however, by
In total, the book consists of five chapters and six appendices, which are struc-
tured as follows. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction. It briefly sketches the history
of probability theory. An important issue in this development was the problem of
the random walk. The solution of this problem in one dimension is given in detail in
the second part of the chapter. With this, we aim to provide an easy stepping stone
onto the concepts and techniques typical in the treatment of stochastic processes.
Chapter 2 formalizes many of the ideas of the previous chapter in a mathematical
language. The first part of the chapter begins with the measure theoretic formaliza-
tion of probabilities, but quickly specializes to the presentation in terms of probabil-
ity densities over Rd . This presentation will then be used throughout the remainder
of the book. The abstract definitions may be skipped on first reading, but are in-
cluded to provide a key to the mathematical literature on stochastic processes. The
second part of the chapter introduces several levels of description of Markov pro-
cesses (stochastic processes without memory) and their interrelations, starting from
Preface to the First Edition ix

the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. All the ensuing applications will be Markov

Chapter 3 revisits Brownian motion. The first three sections cover classical appli-
cations of the theory of stochastic processes. The chapter begins with random walks
on a d-dimensional lattice. It derives the probability that a random walker will be
at a lattice point r after N steps, and thereby answers Polyas question: What is
the probability of return to the origin on a d-dimensional lattice? The second sec-
tion discusses the original Brownian motion problem, i.e., the irregular motion of a
heavy particle immersed in a fluid of lighter particles. The same type of motion can
occur in an external potential which acts as a barrier to the motion. When asking
about the time it takes the particle to overcome that barrier, we are treating the so-
called Kramers problem. The solution of this problem is given in the third section
of the chapter. The fourth section treats the mean field approximation of the Ising
model. It is chosen as a vehicle to present a discussion of the static (probabilistic)
structure as well as the kinetic (stochastic) behavior of a model, using the various
levels of description of Markov processes introduced in Chap. 2. The chapter con-
cludes with Nelsons stochastic mechanics to show that diffusion processes are not
necessarily dissipative (consume energy), but can conserve energy. We will see that
one such process is non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
Chapter 4 leaves the realm of Brownian motion and of the central limit theo-
rem. It introduces stable distributions and Lvy processes. The chapter starts with
some mathematical background on stable distributions. The distinguishing feature
of these distributions is the presence of long-ranged power-law tails, which might
lead to the divergence of even the lowest-order moments. Physically speaking, these
lower-order moments set the pertinent time and length scales. For instance, they
define the diffusion coefficient in the case of Brownian motion. The divergence of
these moments therefore implies deviations from normal diffusion. We present two
examples, one for superdiffusive behavior and one for subdiffusive behavior. The
chapter closes with a special variant of a Lvy process, the truncated Lvy flight,
which has been proposed as a possible description of the time evolution of stock
The final chapter (Chap. 5) deals with the modeling of financial markets. It dif-
fers from the previous chapters in two respects. First, it begins with a fairly verbose
introduction to the field. Since we assume our readers are not well acquainted with
the notions pertaining to financial markets, we try to compile and explain the termi-
nology and basic ideas carefully. An important model for the time evolution of asset
prices is geometric Brownian motion. Built upon it is the Black-Scholes theory for
option pricing. As these are standard concepts of the financial market, we discuss
them in detail. The second difference to previous chapters is that the last two sec-
tions have more of a review character. They do not present well-established knowl-
edge, but rather current opinions which are at the moment strongly advocated by
the physics community. Our presentation focuses on those suggestions that employ
methods from the theory of stochastic processes. Even within this limited scope, we
do not discuss all approaches, but present only a selection of those topics which we
believe to fit well in the context of the previous chapters and which are extensively
x Preface to the First Edition

discussed in the current literature. Among those topics are the statistical analysis of
financial data and the modeling of crashes.
Finally, some more technical algebra has been relegated to the appendices and
we have tried to provide a comprehensive subject index to the book to enable the
reader to quickly locate topics of interest.
One incentive for opening or even studying this book could be the hope that it
holds the secret to becoming rich. We regret that this is (probably) an illusion. One
does not necessarily learn how to make money by reading this book, at least not if
this means how to privately trade successfully in financial assets or derivatives. This
would require one to own a personal budget which is amenable to statistical treat-
ment, which is true neither for the authors nor probably for most of their readers.
However, although it does not provide the ABC to becoming a wizard investor,
reading this book can still help to make a living. One may acquire useful knowledge
for a prospective professional career in financial risk management. Given the com-
plexity of the current financial market, which will certainly still grow in the future,
it is important to understand at least the basic parts of it.
This will also help to manage the largest risk of them all which has been ex-
pressed in a slogan-like fashion by the most successful investor of all time, Warren
Buffet [23]:
Risk is not knowing what youre doing.

In order to know what one is doing, a thorough background in economics, a lot of

experience, but also a familiarity with the stochastic modeling of the market are
important. This book tries to help in the last respect.
To our dismay, we have to admit that we cannot recall all occasions when
we obtained advice from students, colleagues and friends. Among others, we are
indebted to C. Bennemann, K. Binder, H.-P. Deutsch, H. Frisch, S. Krouchev,
A. Schcker and A. Werner. The last chapter on the financial market would not
have its present form without the permission to reproduce artwork from the research
of J.-P. Bouchaud, M. Potters and coworkers, of R.N. Mantegna, H.E. Stanley and
coworkers, and of A. Johansen, D. Sornette and coworkers. We are very grateful that
they kindly and quickly provided the figures requested. Everybody who has worked
on a book project knows that the current standards of publishing can hardly be met
without the professional support of an experienced publisher like Springer. We have
obtained invaluable help from C. Ascheron, A. Lahee and many (unknown) others.
Thank you very much.

Mainz, Wolfgang Paul

October 1999 Jrg Baschnagel

1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Some History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Random Walk on a Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 From Binomial to Gaussian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 From Binomial to Poisson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.3 LogNormal Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory . . . . . . 17
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.1 Probability Spaces and Random Variables . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.2 Probability Theory and Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.1.3 Equivalent Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.1.4 Distribution Functions and Probability Densities . . . . . . 30
2.1.5 Statistical Independence and Conditional Probabilities . . . 31
2.1.6 Central Limit Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1.7 Extreme Value Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations . . . . . . . . 38
2.2.1 Martingale Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.2.2 Markov Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.3 It Stochastic Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.3.1 Stochastic Integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.3.2 Stochastic Differential Equations and the It Formula . . . 57
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.5 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3 Diffusion Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1 The Random Walk Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1.1 Polya Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.1.2 Rayleigh-Pearson Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.1.3 Continuous-Time Random Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2 Free Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

xii Contents

3.2.1 Velocity Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

3.2.2 Position Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.3 Caldeira-Leggett Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.3.1 Definition of the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.3.2 Velocity Process and Generalized Langevin Equation . . . 86
3.4 On the Maximal Excursion of Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.5 Brownian Motion in a Potential: Kramers Problem . . . . . . . . . 92
3.5.1 First Passage Time for One-dimensional Fokker-Planck
Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.5.2 Kramers Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.6 A First Passage Problem for Unbounded Diffusion . . . . . . . . . 98
3.7 Kinetic Ising Models and Monte Carlo Simulations . . . . . . . . 101
3.7.1 Probabilistic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.7.2 Monte Carlo Kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.7.3 Mean-Field Kinetic Ising Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.8.1 Hydrodynamics of Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.8.2 Conservative Diffusion Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3.8.3 Hypothesis of Universal Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . 115
3.8.4 Tunnel Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
3.8.5 Harmonic Oscillator and Quantum Fields . . . . . . . . . . 122
3.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
3.10 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions . . . . . . . 131
4.1 Back to Mathematics: Stable Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
4.2.1 Definition and Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
4.2.2 Superdiffusive Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
4.2.3 Generalization to Higher Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
4.3 Fractal-Time Random Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
4.3.1 A Fractal-Time Poisson Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4.3.2 Subdiffusive Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
4.4 A Way to Avoid Diverging Variance: The Truncated Lvy Flight . 155
4.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
4.6 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
5 Modeling the Financial Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
5.1 Basic Notions Pertaining to Financial Markets . . . . . . . . . . . 164
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory . . . . . . . . 173
5.2.1 The Black-Scholes Equation: Assumptions and Derivation . 174
5.2.2 The Black-Scholes Equation: Solution and Interpretation . 179
5.2.3 Risk-Neutral Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
5.2.4 Deviations from Black-Scholes: Implied Volatility . . . . . 189
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
5.3.1 Statistical Analysis of Stock Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Contents xiii

5.3.2 The Volatility Smile: Precursor to Gaussian Behavior? . . . 205

5.3.3 Are Financial Time Series Stationary? . . . . . . . . . . . 209
5.3.4 Agent Based Modeling of Financial Markets . . . . . . . . 214
5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
5.4.1 Some Empirical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
5.4.2 A Market Model: From Self-organization to Criticality . . . 225
5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
5.6 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Appendix A Stable Distributions Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
A.1 Testing for Domains of Attraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
A.2 Closed-Form Expressions and Asymptotic Behavior . . . . . . . . 239
Appendix B Hyperspherical Polar Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Appendix C The Weierstrass Random Walk Revisited . . . . . . . . . . 247
Appendix D The Exponentially Truncated Lvy Flight . . . . . . . . . . 253
Appendix E PutCall Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Appendix F Geometric Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Chapter 1
A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

In this introductory chapter we will give a short overview of the history of prob-
ability theory and stochastic processes, and then we will discuss the properties of
a simple example of a stochastic process, namely the random walk in one dimen-
sion. This example will introduce us to many of the typical questions that arise in
situations involving randomness and to the tools for tackling them, which we will
formalize and expand on in subsequent chapters.

1.1 Some History

Let us start this historical introduction with a quote from the superb review article
On the Wonderful World of Random Walks by E.W. Montroll and M.F. Shlesinger
[145], which also contains a more detailed historical account of the development of
probability theory:
Since traveling was onerous (and expensive), and eating, hunting and wenching generally
did not fill the 17th century gentlemans day, two possibilities remained to occupy the empty
hours, praying and gambling; many preferred the latter.
In fact, it is in the area of gambling that the theory of probability and stochastic
processes has its origin. People had always engaged in gambling, but it was only
through the thinking of the Enlightenment that the outcome of a gambling game
was no longer seen as a divine decision, but became amenable to rational thinking
and speculation. One of these 17th century gentlemen, a certain Chevalier de Mr,
is reported to have posed a question concerning the odds at a gambling game to
Pascal (16231662). The ensuing exchange of letters between Pascal and Fermat
(16011665) on this problem is generally seen as the starting point of probability
The first book on probability theory was written by Christiaan Huygens (1629
1695) in 1657 and had the title De Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae (On Reasoning in the
Game of Dice). The first mathematical treatise on probability theory in the mod-
ern sense was Jakob Bernoullis (16621705) book Ars Conjectandi (The Art of
Conjecturing), which was published posthumously in 1713. It contained

W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, Stochastic Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00327-6_1, 1

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
2 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

a critical discussion of Huygens book,

combinatorics, as it is taught today,
probabilities in the context of gambling games, and
an application of probability theory to daily problems, especially in economics.

We can see that even at the beginning of the 18th century the two key ingredients
responsible for the importance of stochastic ideas in economics today are already
discernable: combine a probabilistic description of economic processes with the
control of risks and odds in gambling games, and you get the risk-management in
financial markets that has seen such an upsurge of interest in the last 30 years.
A decisive step in the stochastic treatment of the price of financial assets was
made in the Ph.D. thesis of Louis Bachelier (18701946), Thorie de la Spculation,
for which he obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics on March 19, 1900. His advisor was
the famous mathematician Henri Poincar (18541912), who is also well known for
his contributions to theoretical physics. The thesis is very remarkable at least for
two reasons:

It already contained many results of the theory of stochastic processes as it stands

today which were only later mathematically formalized.
It was so completely ignored that even Poincar forgot that it contained the so-
lution to the Brownian motion problem when he later started to work on that

Brownian motion is the archetypical problem in the theory of stochastic processes.

In 1827 the Scottish botanist Robert Brown had reported the observation of a very
irregular motion displayed by a pollen particle immersed in a fluid. It was the ki-
netic theory of gases, dating back to the book Hydrodynamica, sive de viribus et
motibus fluidorum commentarii (Hydrodynamics, or commentaries on the forces
and motions of fluids) by Daniel Bernoulli (17001782), published in 1738, which
would provide the basis for Einsteins (18791955) and Smoluchowskis (1872
1917) successful treatments of the Brownian motion problem in 1905 and 1906,
respectively. Through the work of Maxwell (18311879) and Boltzmann (1844
1906), Statistical Mechanics, as it grew out of the kinetic theory of gases, was the
main area of application of probabilistic concepts in theoretical physics in the 19th
In the Brownian motion problem and all its variantswhether in physics, chem-
istry and biology or in finance, sociology and politicsone deals with a phe-
nomenon (motion of the pollen particle, daily change in a stock market index) that is
the outcome of many unpredictable and sometimes unobservable events (collisions
with the particles of the surrounding liquid, buy/sell decisions of the single investor)
which individually contribute a negligible amount to the observed phenomenon, but
collectively lead to an observable effect. The individual events cannot sensibly be
treated in detail, but their statistical properties may be known, and, in the end, it is
these that determine the observed macroscopic behavior.
1.2 Random Walk on a Line 3

Fig. 1.1 Random walker on a 1-dimensional lattice of sites that are a fixed distance x apart. The
walker jumps to the right with probability p and to the left with q = 1 p

Another problem, which is closely related to Brownian motion and which we will
examine in the next section, is that of a random walker. This concept was introduced
into science by Karl Pearson (18571936) in a letter to Nature in 1905:
A man starts from a point 0 and walks l yards in a straight line: he then turns through any
angle whatever and walks another l yards in a straight line. He repeats this process n times.
I require the probability that after these n stretches he is at a distance between r and r + r
from his starting point 0.

The solution was provided in the same volume of Nature by Lord Rayleigh
(18421919), who pointed out that he had solved this problem 25 years earlier when
studying the superposition of sound waves of equal frequency and amplitude but
with random phases.
The random walker, however, is still with us today and we will now turn to it.

1.2 Random Walk on a Line

Let us assume that a walker can sit at regularly spaced positions along a line that
are a distance x apart (see Fig. 1.1); so we can label the positions by the set of
whole numbers, Z. Furthermore we require the walker to be at position 0 at time 0.
After fixed time intervals t the walker either jumps to the right with probability p
or to the left with probability q = 1 p; so we can work with discrete time points,
labeled by the natural numbers including zero, N0 .
Our aim is to answer the following question: What is the probability p(m, N )
that the walker will be at position m after N steps?
For m < N there are many ways to start at 0, go through N jumps to nearest-
neighbor sites, and end up at m. But since all these possibilities are independent of
each other we have to add up their probabilities. For all these ways we know that the
walker must have made m + l jumps to the right and l jumps to the left; and since
m + 2l = N , the walker must have made
(N + m)/2 jumps to the right and
(N m)/2 jumps to the left.
So whenever N is even, so is m. Furthermore we know that the probability for the
next jump is always p to the right and q to the left, irrespective of what the path of
the walker up to that point was. The probability for a sequence of left and right jumps
is the product of the probabilities of the individual jumps. Since the probability of
the individual jumps does not depend on their position in the sequence, all paths
4 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

starting at 0 and ending at m have the same overall probability. The probability for
making exactly (N + m)/2 jumps to the right and exactly (N m)/2 jumps to the
left is
1 1
p 2 (N +m) q 2 (N m) .
To finally get the answer to our question, we have to find out how many such paths
there are. This is given by the number of ways to make (N + m)/2 out of N jumps to
the right (and consequently N (N + m)/2 = (N m)/2 jumps to the left), where
the order of the jumps does not matter (and repetitions are not allowed):
( N +m N m
2 )!( 2 )!

The probability of being at position m after N jumps is therefore given as

N! 1 1
p(m, N) = p 2 (N +m) (1 p) 2 (N m) , (1.1)
( N +m N m
2 )!( 2 )!

which is the binomial distribution. If we know the probability distribution p(m, N ),

we can calculate all the moments of m at fixed time N . Let us denote the number of
jumps to the right as r = (N + m)/2 and write
p(m, N) = pN (r) = p r q N r (1.2)
r!(N r)!
and calculate the moments of pN (r). For this purpose we use the property of the
binomial distribution that pN (r) is the coefficient of ur in (pu + q)N . With this
trick it is easy, for instance, to convince ourselves that pN (r) is properly normalized
to one
N  N  
pN (r) = ur p r q N r = (pu + q)N u=1 = 1. (1.3)
r=0 r=0 u=1

The first moment or expectation value of r is:

r = rpN (r)

 N  N d r r N r

r r N r
= r u p q = u u p q
r r du
r=0 u=1 r=0 u=1

d  N r r N r d
= u u p q = u (pu + q)N
du r du u=1
r=0 u=1
= Nup(pu + q)N 1 u=1
1.2 Random Walk on a Line 5

leading to
E[r] r = Np. (1.4)
In the same manner, one can derive the following for the second moment:
E r2 r2 = u (pu + q)N = Np + N (N 1)p 2 . (1.5)
du u=1

From this one can calculate the variance or second central moment

Var[r] 2 := r r = r 2 r2 (1.6)

of the distribution, which is a measure of the width of the distribution

2 = Npq. (1.7)

The relative width of the distribution

q 1/2
= N (1.8)
r p

goes to zero with increasing number of performed steps, N . Distributions with this
property are called (strongly) self-averaging. This term can be understood in the
following way: The outcome for r after N measurements has a statistical error of
order . For self-averaging systems this error may be neglected relative to r, if
the system size (N ) becomes large. In the large-N limit the system thus averages
itself and r behaves as if it was a non-random variable (with value r). This self-
averaging property is important, for instance, in statistical mechanics.
Figure 1.2 shows a plot of the binomial distribution for N = 100 and p = 0.8.
As one can see, the distribution has a bell-shaped form with a maximum occurring
around the average value r = Np = 80, and for this choice of parameters it is
almost symmetric around its maximum.
When we translate the results for the number of steps to the right back into the
position of the random walker we get the following results
m = 2N p (1.9)
 1 2
m2 = 4Np(1 p) + 4N 2 p , (1.10)

2 = m2 m2 = 4Npq. (1.11)

In the case of symmetric jump rates, this reduces to

m = 0 and m2 = N. (1.12)
6 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

Fig. 1.2 Plot of the binomial

distribution for a number of
steps N = 100 and the
probability of a jump to the
right p = 0.8

This behavior, in which the square of the distance traveled is proportional to time,
is called free diffusion.

1.2.1 From Binomial to Gaussian

The reader may be familiar with the description of particle diffusion in the context of
partial differential equations, i.e., Ficks equation. To examine the relation between
our jump process and Fickian diffusion, we will now study approximations of the
binomial distribution which will be valid for large number of jumps (N ), i.e.,
for long times.
Assuming N  1 we can use Stirlings formula to approximate the factorials in
the binomial distribution
1 1

ln N ! = N + ln N N + ln 2 + O N 1 . (1.13)
2 2

Using Stirlings formula, we get

1 N +m 1 N m
ln p(m, N) = N + ln N + ln 1+
2 2 2 2 N
N m 1 N m
+ ln 1
2 2 2 N
N +m N m 1
+ ln p + ln q ln 2.
2 2 2
1.2 Random Walk on a Line 7

Now we want to derive an approximation to the binomial distribution close to its

maximum, which is also close to the expectation value m. So let us write

m = m + m = 2Np N + m,

which leads to
N +m m N m m
= Np + and = Nq .
2 2 2 2
Using these relations, we get
1 1
ln p(m, N) = N + ln N ln 2
2 2
m m
+ Np + ln p + N q ln q
2 2
m 1 m
Np + + ln Np 1 +
2 2 2Np
m 1 m
Nq + ln N q 1
2 2 2N q
1 m 1 m
= ln(2Npq) Np + + ln 1 +
2 2 2 2Np
m 1 m
Nq + ln 1 .
2 2 2N q
Expanding the logarithm

ln(1 x) = x x 2 + O x 3

1 1 (m)2 m(q p) (m)2 (p 2 + q 2 )

ln p(m, N)  ln(2Npq) + .
2 2 4Npq 4Npq 16(Npq)2
We should remember that the variance (squared width) of the binomial distribution
was 2 = 4Npq. When we want to approximate the distribution in its center and up
to fluctuations around the mean value of the order (m)2 = O( 2 ), we find for the
last terms in the above equation:

m(q p)
(m)2 (p 2 + q 2 )

= O (Np)1/2 and = O (Np)1 .

4Npq 16(Npq)2
These terms can be neglected if Np . We therefore finally obtain

2 1 (m)2
p(m, N) exp , (1.14)
24Npq 2 4Npq
8 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

which is the Gaussian (C.F. Gauss (17771855)) or normal distribution. The factor 2
in front of the exponential comes from the fact that for fixed N (odd or even) only
every other m (odd or even, respectively) has a non-zero probability, so m = 2.
This distribution is called normal distribution because of its ubiquity. Whenever
one adds up random variables, xi , with finite first and second moments, so xi  <
and xi2  < (in our case the jump distance of the random walker is such a variable
with first moment (p q)x and second moment (p + q)(x)2 = (x)2 ), then the
sum variable
SN := xi
is distributed according to a normal distribution for N . This is the gist of the
central limit theorem, to which we will return in the next chapter.
There are, however, also cases where either xi2  or even xi  does not ex-
ist. In these cases the limiting distribution of the sum variable is not a Gaussian
distribution but a so-called stable or Lvy distribution, named after the mathe-
matician Paul Lvy (18861971), who began to study these distributions in the
1930s. The Gaussian distribution is a special case of these stable distributions. We
will discuss the properties of these distributions, which have become of increas-
ing importance in all areas of application of the theory of stochastic processes, in
Chap. 4.
We now want to leave the discrete description and perform a continuum limit.
Let us write

x = mx, i.e., x = mx,

t = N t, (1.15)
D = 2pq ,
so that we can interpret

2x 1 (x x)2
p(mx, Nt) = exp
22Dt 2 2Dt
as the probability of finding our random walker in an interval of width 2x around
a certain position x at time t. We now require that

x 0, t 0, and 2pq = D = const. (1.16)
Here, D, with the units length2 /time, is called the diffusion coefficient of the walker.
For the probability of finding our random walker in an interval of width dx around
the position x, we get

1 1 (x x)2
p(x, t)dx = exp dx. (1.17)
22Dt 2 2Dt
1.2 Random Walk on a Line 9

When we look closer at the definition of x above, we see that another assumption
was buried in our limiting procedure:
1 1 x
x(t) = xm = 2 p N x = 2 p t.
2 2 t
So our limiting procedure also has to include the requirement

2(p 12 )x
x 0, t 0 and = v = const. (1.18)
As we have already discussed before, when p = 1/2 the average position of the
walker stays at zero for all times and the velocity of the walker vanishes. Any asym-
metry in the transition rates (p
= q) produces a net velocity of the walker. However,
when v = 0, we have x = 0 and x 2  = 2Dt. Finally, we can write down the prob-
ability density for the position of the random walker at time t,

1 1 (x vt)2
p(x, t) = exp , (1.19)
22Dt 2 2Dt

with starting condition

p(x, 0) = (x)
and boundary conditions
p(x, t) 0.
By substitution one can convince oneself that (1.19) is the solution of the following
partial differential equation:

p(x, t) = v p(x, t) + D 2 p(x, t), (1.20)
t x x
which is Ficks equation for diffusion in the presence of a constant drift velocity.
To close the loop, we now want to derive this evolution equation for the probabil-
ity density starting from the discrete random walker. For this we have to rethink our
treatment of the random walker from a slightly different perspective, the perspective
of rate equations.
How does the probability of the discrete random walker being at position m at
time N change in the next time interval t? Since our walker is supposed to perform
one jump in every time interval t, we can write

p(m, N + 1) = pp(m 1, N ) + qp(m + 1, N ). (1.21)

The walker has to jump to position m either from the position to the left or to the
right of m. This is an example of a master equation for a stochastic process. In the
next chapter we will discuss for which types of stochastic processes this evolution
equation is applicable.
10 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

In order to introduce the drift velocity, v, and the diffusion coefficient, D, into
this equation let us rewrite the definition of D:

D = 2pq
(x)2 (x)2
= (2p 1)(1 p) + (1 p)
t t
= v(1 p)x + (1 p)
= vqx + q .
We therefore can write
q = (D vqx) , (1.22)
p = (D + vpx) . (1.23)
Inserting this into (1.21) and subtracting p(m, N) we get
p(m, N + 1) p(m, N) vp vq
= p(m 1, N ) p(m + 1, N )
t x x
p(m + 1, N ) 2p(m, N ) + p(m 1, N )
2D 1
+ p(m, N )
(x)2 t
and from this
p(m, N + 1) p(m, N) p(m, N) p(m 1, N )
= vp
t x
p(m + 1, N ) p(m, N )
p(m + 1, N ) 2p(m, N ) + p(m 1, N )
2D 1 vp vq
+ + p(m, N ).
(x)2 t x x
Reinserting the definitions of v and D into the last term, it is easy to show that it
identically vanishes. When we now perform the continuum limit of this equation
1.2 Random Walk on a Line 11

keeping v and D constant, we again arrive at (1.20). The Fickian diffusion equation
therefore can be derived via a prescribed limiting procedure from the rate equation
(1.21). Most important is the unfamiliar requirement (x)2 /t = const which does
not occur in deterministic motion and which captures the diffusion behavior, x 2 t,
of the random walker.

1.2.2 From Binomial to Poisson

Let us now turn back to analyzing the limiting behavior of the binomial distribution.
The Gaussian distribution is not the only limiting distribution we can derive from
it. In order to derive the Gaussian distribution, we had to require that Np for
N . Let us ask the question of what the limiting distribution is for

N , p 0, Np = const.

Again we are only interested in the behavior of the distribution close to its maximum
and expectation value, i.e., for r Np; however, now r N , and

pN (r) = p r q N r
r!(N r)!
N (N 1) (N r + 1)(N r)! r
= p (1 p)N r
r!(N r)!
(1 p)N ,
where we have approximated all terms (N 1) up to (N r) by N . So we arrive at
(Np)r Np N rr r
lim 1 = e . (1.24)
N ,p0 r! N r!

This is the Poisson distribution which is completely characterized by its first mo-
ment. To compare the two limiting regimes for the binomial distributions which we
have derived, take a look at Figs. 1.3 and 1.4.
For the first figure we have chosen N = 1000 and p = 0.8, so that r = Np =
800. The binomial distribution and the Gaussian distribution of the same mean and
width are already indistinguishable. The Poisson distribution with the same mean
is much broader and not a valid approximation for the binomial distribution in
this parameter range. The situation is reversed in Fig. 1.4, where again N = 1000
but now p = 0.01, so that r = Np = 10 N . Now the Poisson distribution is
the better approximation to the binomial distribution, capturing especially the fact
that for these parameters the distribution is not symmetric around the maximum,
as a comparison with the Gaussian distribution (which is symmetric by definition)
12 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

Fig. 1.3 Plot of the binomial

distribution for a number of
steps N = 1000 and the
probability of a jump to the
right p = 0.8 (open circles).
This is compared with the
Gaussian approximation with
the same mean and width
(solid curve) and the Poisson
distribution with the same
mean (dashed curve)

Fig. 1.4 Plot of the binomial

distribution for a number of
steps N = 1000 and the
probability of a jump to the
right p = 0.01 (open circles).
This is compared with the
Gaussian approximation with
the same mean and width
(solid curve) and the Poisson
distribution with the same
mean (dashed curve)

shows. For large r the binomial and Poisson distributions show a larger probabil-
ity than the Gaussian distribution, whereas the situation is reversed for r close to
To quantify such asymmetry in a distribution, one must look at higher moments.
For the Poisson distribution one can easily derive the following recurrence relation
between the moments,
n d 
r = + 1 r n1 (n 1), (1.25)
1.2 Random Walk on a Line 13

where = Np = r. So we have for the first four moments

r = pN (r) = 1,
r = ,
r = (1 + ) 2 = ,
r = 3 + 32 + ,
r = 4 + 63 + 72 + .

We saw that the second central moment, 2 , is a measure of the width of the dis-
tribution and in a similar way the normalized third central moment, or skewness, is
used to quantify the asymmetry of the distribution,

(r r)3 
3 = = 1/2 . (1.26)
The normalized fourth central moment, or kurtosis, measures the fatness of the
distribution or the excess probability in the tails,

(r r)4  3(r r)2 2

4 = = 1 . (1.27)
Excess has to be understood in relation to the Gaussian distribution,

1 (x x)2
pG (x) = exp , (1.28)
2 2 2 2
for which due to symmetry all odd central moments (x x)n  with n 3 are zero.
Using the substitution y = (x x)2 /2 2 we find for the even central moments

2n (2 2 )n (n+1/2)1 y
x x G
= x x pG (x)dx = y e dy
(2 2 )n 1
= n+ , (1.29)
where (x) is the Gamma function [1]. From this one easily derives that 4 is
zero for the Gaussian distribution. In fact, for = r , we again recover the
Gaussian distribution from the Poisson distribution.

1.2.3 LogNormal Distribution

As a last example of important distribution functions, we want to look at the so-

called lognormal distribution, which is an example of a strongly asymmetric dis-
14 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

tribution. Starting from the Gaussian distribution pG (x) and focusing for x  1
on x > 0, we can define
x = ln y, x = ln y0 , dx = (1.30)

and get the lognormal distribution

[ln(y/y0 )]2 dy
pG (x)dx = pLN (y)dy = exp . (1.31)
2 2 2 2 y

The lognormal distribution is normalized in the following way,

pLN (y)dy = pG (x)dx = 1. (1.32)

The moments are given by

y n
= y n pLN (y)dy
= enx pG (x)dx

2 2 /2

= y0n en pG x n 2 dx,

leading to
n 2 2
y = y0n en /2 . (1.33)
The maximum of the distribution is at

ymax = y0 e .

A further quantity to characterize the location of a distribution is its median, which

is the point where the cumulative probability is equal to one-half,
F (ymed ) = pLN (y)dy = . (1.35)
0 2

With x = ln y and xmed = ln ymed , this is equivalent to

pG (x)dx = ,

or, because of the symmetry of the Gaussian distribution,

xmed = x = ln y0 ymed = y0 . (1.36)

1.3 Further Reading 15

Fig. 1.5 Plot of the

lognormal distribution, with
vertical dashed lines
indicating the positions of the
maximum, median and mean
of the distribution

We therefore find the relative order

ymax = y0 e < ymed = y0 < y = y0 e

2 2 /2

In Fig. 1.5 we show the lognormal distribution for y0 = 40 and = 1. This

distribution shows a pronounced skewness around the maximum and a fat-tailed
behavior for large argument.

1.3 Further Reading

This section was split into two parts. The first one gave a short introduction to the
history of stochastic processes and the second one was devoted to the discussion of
the one-dimensional random walk.

Section 1.1
The history of probability theory and the theory of stochastic processes, as we
have shortly sketched it, is nicely described in the review article by Montroll and
Shlesinger [145]. Those interested in more background information may want to
have a look at the books by Pearson [165] or Schneider [183] (in German).

Section 1.2
The treatment of the random walk on the one-dimensional lattice can be found
in many textbooks and review articles on stochastic processes, noticeably that of
Chandrasekhar [26]. An elucidating treatment in the context of One-Step or Birth-
and-Death processes can be found in the book by van Kampen [101]. Further
literature for the random walk can be found at the end of Chap. 3.
16 1 A First Glimpse of Stochastic Processes

The Fickian diffusion equation is a special case of a Fokker-Planck equation,

which we will discuss in the second part of Chap. 2. Its applications in the natural
sciences are widespread. All transport phenomena obeying the diffusion approx-
imation x 2 /t = const., can be modeled by this equation. Examples include
energy transport (following a temperature gradient), mass transport (following a
density gradient) and interdiffusion (following a concentration gradient).
The Gaussian limit of probability distributions is of central importance in statis-
tical physics and is therefore discussed in many textbooks, e.g. in Reichl [176].
The lognormal distribution is of importance in finance [18, 217], as will be seen
in Chap. 5. A detailed account of its properties as well as further applications may
be found in [99].
Chapter 2
A Brief Survey of the Mathematics
of Probability Theory

In this chapter we want to give a short introduction to the mathematical structure

of probability theory and stochastic processes. We do not intend this to be a math-
ematical treatise, but will strive for mathematical exactness in the definitions and
theorems presented. For proof of the theorems the reader is referred to the relevant
mathematical literature. We will also try to motivate the mathematical structures
from intuition and empirical wisdom, drawing on examples from physics to show
how the mathematical objects are realized in actual situations. The chapter presents
some aspects in a more general setting than will be needed later on in the book. In
this way, we hope to enable the reader to put problems outside the realm of those
we chose for this book into a helpful mathematical form. We also hope to provide
a starting point from which the mathematical literature on stochastic processes in
general and on mathematical finance in particular is more easily accessible.
If you are not mathematically inclined it may be a good idea, on first reading, to
skip over the first parts and start with the subsection on statistical independence and
conditional probabilities. The first part of the chapter may later be consulted to see
the connection between the abstract mathematical formulation and the description
with probability densities over R or Rd one usually encounters in physics texts.

2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory

In the introductory example in the last chapter we studied the properties of a pro-
cess that involved some randomness in each single step: jumping to the right with
probability p and to the left with probability q = 1 p. Let us call the outcome of
an experiment involving randomness an event. In general, the number of possible
outcomes of such an experiment will be larger than the two possibilities above. The
collection of all possible outcomes of an experiment involving randomness is called
the sample space. There are certain events among these that are indecomposable
and are called simple events.
As an example, let us look at the finite and discrete sample space corresponding
to the experiment of rolling a die:

W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, Stochastic Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00327-6_2, 17

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
18 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

The sample space is = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, the collection of all possible outcomes
of rolling a die.
The simple (indecomposable) events are {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, corresponding
to rolling a one, two, etc.
Examples for possible events are:
A1 : the result is an even number.
A2 : the result is larger than three.
We see that A1 = {2, 4, 6} and A2 = {4, 5, 6} are unions of the simple events;
A1 = {2} {4} {6} and A2 = {4} {5} {6}. For both of them we can also de-
fine their complement, i.e. A1 : rolling an odd number and A2 : rolling a number
smaller than or equal to three. Clearly A1 = \A1 and A2 = \A2 . We can also
define the event rolling an even number larger than three, which is the simulta-
neous occurrence of A1 and A2 , A1 A2 = {4, 6}, and is given by the intersec-
tion of the sets A1 and A2 . Equally, we can define the event rolling a number
larger than three or rolling an even number, which is the union of A1 and A2 ,
A1 A2 = {2, 4, 5, 6}.
In order to find out what the probabilities for all these events are, we first have to
know what probabilities to assign to the simple events. Within the standard frame-
work of probability theory (but see Sect. 2.1.2) these cannot be deduced but have
to be postulated. As with the choice of the sample space, the probabilities of the
simple events are input into a probabilistic treatment of a given problem. They are
either obtained from empirical knowledge, by intuition or on the basis of some dif-
ferent theoretical description of the problem. Probability theory and the theory of
stochastic processes are then only concerned with rules to manipulate these basic
probabilities in order to calculate the probabilities of the more complex events un-
der consideration [51].
In the case of the die our intuition and our hope for a fair game lead
us to assign a probability of p = 1/6 for all the six possible outcomes of
rolling a single die once. From this we would deduce p(A1 ) = p(A2 ) = 1/2,
p(A1 A2 ) = 1/3, p(A1 A2 ) = 2/3 and, of course, p() = 1.
Most of the situations we will encounter, however, are not describable within
the simple framework of a discrete and finite sample space. Consider, for instance,
the probabilistic treatment of a velocity component of a particle in an ideal gas.
A priori we would allow any real number for this quantity, vi R, leading to an
infinite continuum of sample points. What is the adequate mathematical structure to
deal with events and their probabilities in this case? The axiomatic answer to this
question was formulated by A. Kolmogorov (19031987) [107] in 1933.

2.1.1 Probability Spaces and Random Variables

Following Kolmogorov, probability theory can be formalized based on three ax-

ioms for a (real) function p over a set of possible outcomes A of an experiment
involving randomness:
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 19

non-negativity: p(A) 0;
normalization: p() = 1;
additivity: p(A B) = p(A) + p(B) when A B = , where is the empty set.

These basic requirements are ideally fulfilled by identifying probabilities as mea-

sures over some sample space.

Definition 2.1 The sample space is a probability space, i.e., a measure space
(, F, ), given through a set , a -algebra F of subsets of and a measure
on F . An event is a set A F and the probability for this event is the measure
(A). The measure has the property: () = 1.

A -algebra has the following properties that correspond to the intuitively re-
quired properties of events, as discussed for the rolling of a die:

F and F .
A F A = \A F .
A, B F A B F .

Ai F, i = 1, 2, . . .
i=1 Ai F ; if furthermore Ai Aj = for i
= j then
( i=1 Ai ) = i=1 (Ai ).

The role of the simple events now has to be taken over by a collection of simple sets,
which includes the empty set (needed for an algebraic formalization of our simple
example with the die) and the whole space, and which generates a -algebra through
the operations of building the complement, finite intersections and countable unions.
Again this does not specify the simple events uniquely. The choice of simple events,
and the corresponding -algebra, is an input into the theory and depends on our prior
information about the problem that we want to treat probabilistically. The most sim-
ple -algebra definable on is F0 = {, }, where all we can tell is that the event
occurs. We do not know of any subsets of and since occurs with probabil-
ity one, there is also no randomness in our experiment. It is deterministic and not
amenable to probabilistic treatment. If we are able to distinguish one subset A
in our experiment, we can define the -algebra F1 = {, A, A , }. To complete the
construction of a probability space, however, we also have to be able to assign some
probability to the set A, i.e., to measure A.
This is the same situation as with the construction of the Lebesgue integral
over R. We have an intuitive feeling to take the value b a as the length, that
is, as the measure, of the open interval (a, b) (the interval could also be closed or
half open). From this starting point, integration can be defined on the measure space
(R, B, L ), where B is the Borel algebra, i.e., the -algebra generated by the open
intervals, and L is the Lebesgue measure, which is L (A) = b a for A = (a, b).
This is not a probability space, since L (R) = , but can be made into one by a
different choice of the measure. We can now proceed to define what is meant by a
random variable (stochastic variable).
20 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

Definition 2.2 A random variable, f , is a -integrable function on the probability

space (, F, ). Its value, when the event A occurs, is

f (A) = f ()d().

The expectation value of the random variable f is defined as

f  E[f ] := f ()d(). (2.1)

This means that f is in L1 (, F, ), i.e., in the space of -integrable functions

on . If f is also in Ln (, F, ), we can define the nth moment of f as

f E f n := f n ()d(). (2.2)

In this way we can formalize the meaning of, e.g., expectation value, variance, skew-
ness and kurtosis already used in the introductory example.
To familiarize ourselves with these concepts, let us translate two examples from
physics into this language. The first example is drawn from statistical physics (of
course). Consider a system of N indistinguishable particles (of mass m) in a volume
V R3 , interacting through a pair potential U . The Hamiltonian of this system is

p 2i 
H (x) = + U (r i , r j ), (2.3)
i=1 i=1 j >i

where x = (r 1 , . . . , r N , p 1 , . . . , p N ) stands for the collection of 3N spatial coor-

dinates and 3N momenta specifying the state of the system. Furthermore, let the
system be in contact with a heat bath of temperature T . In statistical physics this
system in its specific state is said to be in the canonical ensemble, specified by pre-
scribing the values of the macroscopic variables (N, V , T ). All observables of this
thermodynamic ensemble are then given by integrable functions on the probability
space ( = V N R3N , B, ), where B is the Borel algebra on and the measure
is given by the Gibbs measure

1 H (x) d6N x
d(x) = exp . (2.4)
Z kB T N !h3N
Here kB is the Boltzmann constant, h is the Planck constant, and we have writ-
ten d6N x for the standard Lebesgue measure dL (x). The N ! factor accounts for
the indistinguishability of the particles and h3N is the quantum-mechanical mini-
mal phase space volume. The normalization constant Z is the canonical partition
function of the system,

H (x) d6N x
Z= exp . (2.5)
kB T N !h3N
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 21

From this we can calculate, for instance, the mean energy of the system as

E E[H ] = H (x)d(x), (2.6)

and the specific heat at constant volume as

E 1  2

CV := = 2
E H E2 [H ] . (2.7)
T V kB T

Our second example for the occurrence of such probability measures in physics
is non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Consider the stationary solution of the one-
dimensional Schrdinger equation

2 d 2
+ U (x) E (x) = 0. (2.8)
2m dx 2

The solution (x) of this equation is normalized in the L2 -norm

|(x)|2 dx = 1, (2.9)

which means that |(x)|2 dx is a probability measure. In quantum mechanics we

interpret it as the probability of finding a quantum particle in the interval (x, x + dx).
Observables (operators), which are only functions of the position coordinates, have
expectation values

f (x) = |f | = f (x)|(x)|2 dx = E[f ]. (2.10)

For the particle momentum and functions thereof we can make the same argument
in the momentum representation.
In quantum mechanics, every solution of the Schrdinger equation defines a
probability space (R, B, |(x)|2 dx), where B is the Borel algebra on R. We will
see in Chap. 3 how the connection between quantum mechanics and probability
theory and stochastic processes can be further expanded.

2.1.2 Probability Theory and Logic

Our introduction to probability theory followed the axiomatization given to this field
by Kolmogorov. In this form it deals with sets of random events and measure the-
ory on these sets. This builds on basic intuition and reflects one aspect of a defini-
tion of probability exposed in the ground breaking work on probability theory by
22 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

P.S. Laplace (17491827), Thorie Analytique des Probabilits (1812). After [93]
we quote from this work:
The probability for an event is the ratio of the number of cases favorable to it to the number
of all cases possible, when nothing leads us to expect that any one of these cases should
occur more than any other, which renders them, for us, equally possible.

The first part of this statement tells us that in an experiment involving randomness
we get an approximation for the probability of an event by measuring its frequency
of occurrence. This part is axiomatized in Kolmogorovs theory. The second part of
the sentence evoking our expectations based on prior information (. . . nothing leads
us to expect. . . ) is ignored in the standard probability framework, although, con-
sidering the aforementioned 17th century gentleman Chevalier de Mr interested
in the odds at gambling, the question of rational expectations was the starting point
of probability theory. One consequence of this reduction in scope is the fact that we
have to assign probabilities to simple events from considerations lying outside the
scope of Kolmogorov probability theory as discussed above.
Extending the scope of probability theory is, however, possible when one sees it
as a form of applied logic. The mathematical formalization of this approach, which
accounts for the second part of the quoted sentence by Laplace, was mostly ad-
vanced by E.T. Jaynes (19221998) [93]. Deductive logic derives conclusions about
the truth value of propositions based on their relations to other propositions. Given
two propositions, A and B, and the information if A is true then B is true we can
if we find A to be true then B must be true;
if we find B to be false then A must be false.
These are the so-called strong syllogisms (word of Greek origin, meaning deductive
reasoning from the general to the particular). Drawing on the concept of strong
syllogism, Jaynes argues that our everyday reasoning and evaluation of situations
as well as the reasoning followed by scientists in their workis based on exploring
weaker syllogisms like, e.g.,
if B is true then A becomes more plausible;
if A is false then B becomes less plausible.
While deductive reasoning based on strong syllogisms deals with propositions
which are either true (1) or false (0), Jaynes argues that probability theory can be
based on an extended logic dealing with the plausibilities of propositions. The math-
ematical formalization of the plausibility of statements, i.e., of a rational expectation
that they are true, is then based on the following desiderata:
1. Degrees of plausibility are represented by real numbers (which can be chosen to
lie between zero and one).
2. The assignment of plausibilities to propositions agrees qualitatively with com-
mon sense.
3. The assignment of plausibilities is done consistently, i.e.:
Alternative routes to assign a plausibility to a proposition lead to the same
numerical value.
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 23

No prior information is ignored.

Equivalent states of knowledge lead to equivalent plausibility assignments.
From these requirementswhich, in a sense, incorporate common sense or a ra-
tional way of human thinkingthe rules of probability theory can be derived. We
will employ the notation of Boolean algebra as it is also used to perform deductive
Let A and B be propositions.
Then A is the denial (complement) of A,
AB is the conjunction: A and B,
A + B is the disjunction: A or B, and
A|B (A given B) indicates the plausibility that A is true, given that B is true.
Then there exists a function 0 p(A) 1 of the plausibility of statementstheir
probability to be truewhich obeys the following rules:

p(AB|C) = p(A|BC)p(B|C)
= p(B|AC)p(A|C) (product rule), (2.11)

p(A|C) + p A |C = 1 (sum rule). (2.12)

From this an extended sum rule for A+B|C can be derived. To this end, we note that
the denial of A + B is A B  . Applying then the sum and product rules repeatedly,
we get

p(A + B|C) = 1 p A B  |C = 1 p A |B  C p B  |C

= 1 1 p A|B  C p B  |C

= p(B|C) + p A|B  C p B  |C

= p(B|C) + p B  |AC p(A|C)

= p(B|C) + 1 p(B|AC) p(A|C),

and so
p(A + B|C) = p(A|C) + p(B|C) p(AB|C). (2.13)
One way to visualize the extended sum rule is to think of probability in terms
of statements about sets of events (see Fig. 2.1), which lies at the heart of Kol-
mogorovs axiomatization of probability theory by way of measure theory. How-
ever, this offers only one possible way of visualizing the logical statement included
in the extended sum rule and the logic framework employed here goes beyond what
can be derived within the measure theoretic framework.
To exemplify this let us look at a given prior information B and some proposi-
tions A1 , A2 , A3 . By applying the extended sum rule we can derive [93]

p(A1 + A2 + A3 |B) = p(A1 + A2 |B) + p(A3 |B) p(A1 A3 + A2 A3 |B) (2.14)

24 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

Fig. 2.1 Venn diagram for

two not mutually exclusive
propositions A and B. The
disjunction A + B is given by
the union of both sets
representing A and B, and the
plausibility of the union is
obtained from the extended
sum rule: p(A + B) =
p(A) + p(B) p(AB),
where AB is the overlap
(conjunction) between the

where we considered A1 + A2 as one proposition. Applying the extended sum rule

once more to this result one obtains

p(A1 + A2 + A3 |B) = p(A1 |B) + p(A2 |B) + p(A3 |B)

p(A1 A2 |B) p(A1 A3 |B) p(A2 A3 |B)
+ p(A1 A2 A3 |B). (2.15)

When we now assume that the propositions are mutually exclusive given the prior
information B, i.e., p(Ai Aj |B) ij (and similarly for p(A1 A2 A3 |B)), we have

p(A1 + A2 + A3 |B) = p(A1 |B) + p(A2 |B) + p(A3 |B). (2.16)

This is easily extended to N mutually exclusive propositions

p(A1 + A2 + + AN |B) = p(Ai |B). (2.17)

If we furthermore know that these N propositions are exhaustive given the prior
information B, we must have

p(Ai |B) = 1. (2.18)

If we now assume that information B is indifferent about the truth values of proposi-
tions A1 , . . . , AN , the only consistent (see desideratum number 3 above) assignment
of probabilities for the different propositions Ai is

p(Ai |B) = (i = 1, . . . , N ). (2.19)
Thus, application of the extended sum rule and consistency requirements in assign-
ing probabilities (plausibilities) is sufficient to derive the probability values we have
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 25

Fig. 2.2 Three possible cases of probabilities pk for a system with k = 1, . . . , N states:
(a) pi = 1, pk = 0 k
= i (minimal uncertainty about the occurrence of a state), (b) pk 0 k
(intermediate uncertainty), (c) pk = 1/N k (maximal uncertainty)

to assign to propositions which are equally plausible given our prior information.
For the general case, however, we need a further concept, the maximum entropy
approach [93].

Maximum Entropy Approach

Let us start our argument with the observation that every additional prior informa-
tion about a system increases the information content of the probabilities we assign
to propositions given this prior knowledge. In order to get a qualitative feeling about
the information contained in the probabilities, let us consider the following cases for
a system with a discrete number of propositions (see Fig. 2.2) which we will call
states in the following, anticipating the application to statistical physics. Imagine
the system to occupy only one state with probability one. Then all about the system
is known; the information is complete and the uncertainty about the occurrence of
a particular state vanishes. On the other hand, if the system adopts all states with
equal probability, the lack of knowledge about the actual state of the system cul-
minates. Between these two extremes of minimum or maximum uncertainty there
are many other distributions conceivable depending on the prior information which
can be supplied for the system. To quantify this information content we assume the
following (very much in line with the desiderata for probabilities discussed above):
There exists a real-valued function HN (p1 , . . . , pN ) quantifying the amount of
uncertainty connected with a given probability assignment.
HN is a continuous function of the pi , so that small changes in the pi correspond
to small changes in the information content.
The function
1 1
h(N ) = HN ,...,
26 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

is monotonically increasing with N . That is, the more equally likely states there
are, the larger is the amount of uncertainty.
HN has to be consistent, i.e., every way to work out its value for a given set of pi
has to lead to the same answer.
It turns out [93, 185] that there is only one function fulfilling these requirements
which can be written as1

HN (p1 , . . . , pN ) = pi ln pi ( > 0), (2.20)

where is a constant. This function is called information entropy by Shannon

[185]. We will see in the application to statistical mechanics that it can be linked to
the thermodynamic entropy (whence its name). The maximally unbiased assignment
of probabilities given all prior information can now be done by maximizing HN
under the constraints imposed by the prior information. This prescription is called
maximum entropy principle.
Let us exemplify this principle for the case where we only know that the states
(propositions) are exhaustive. So the only prior information consists in the normal-
ization condition of the probabilities, i.e., in

pi = 1.

To find the maximum of HN we employ the method of Lagrange multipliers. Intro-

ducing a new variable (Lagrange multiplier) we obtain
= pi ln pi pi 1 = 0,
pk pk
i=1 i=1

leading to
pk = e(1+/) = constant k. (2.21)
Inserting this result into the normalization condition allows for the determination of
and yields the uniform distribution pk = 1/N for all k, as derived before.

Maximum Entropy Approach to Statistical Physics

We want to discuss the application of Jaynes maximum entropy principle in the gen-
eral case for the example of statistical physics. Here the equilibrium probabilities

1 Actually when information (or lack thereof) is measured in bits, the logarithm to basis 2 instead

of the natural logarithm needs to be used, but this just leads to a constant shift in (2.20).
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 27

specify the weight by which each microstate contributes to the equilibrium prop-
erties of the system. These probabilities contain all available macroscopic knowl-
edge about the system and should be designed in such a way that they reflect this
information. In the case of the isolated system (microcanonical ensemble) this in-
formation only consists of the normalization condition of the probabilities, since the
thermodynamic variables determining the macroscopic state of the systemthe to-
tal (internal) energy E, the volume V , and the number of particles N are all fixed,
leading to the uniform probability distribution discussed above (cf. (2.21)). How-
ever, if the system is surrounded by a heat bath (canonical ensemble), its internal
energy will no longer be constant, but fluctuate around the ensemble average of the
Hamiltonian. Therefore measuring this mean value provides additional information
which should be incorporated into the determination of the probabilities.
The measure of uncertainty employed in statistical physics, the statistical en-
tropy [91, 92], is proportional to the information entropy HN of (2.20). Suppose
we have a physical system with a discrete and finite state space composed of the
microstates k = 1, . . . , N that occur with probability pk . Let each microstate k be
a (non-degenerate) energy eigenstate with eigenvalue Ek . The statistical entropy of
the system is then given by

S(p1 , . . . , pN ) := kB pi ln pi , (2.22)

where kB is the Boltzmann constant. So the only difference between HN and S is

that we measure the statistical entropy in units of kB (i.e., = kB ).
In the canonical ensemble the number (N ) of particles (or spins or . . . ) and the
volume (V ) of the system are fixed. This determines the possible energy eigenval-
ues Ek . Furthermore, the system is in contact with a heat bath of temperature T
which determines the average energy E of the system. To obtain pk we thus have
to maximize (2.22) subject to the following prior information:
The probabilities are normalized:

1 = pi = 1. (2.23)

The expectation value of the energy is fixed:

E = pi E i . (2.24)

To find the maximum of S we again employ the method of Lagrange multipliers.

Introducing two Lagrange multipliers, and , one for each constraint, we get
 N  N 
= kB pi ln pi pi Ei E pi 1 = 0,
pk pk
i=1 i=1 i=1
28 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

leading to

pk = e(1+/kB ) exp(Ek ), := .
The Lagrange multipliers can again be determined from the constraints. From (2.23)
we see that is given by

Z(N, V , ) = e1+/kB = exp(Ek ) (2.25)

so that
pk = exp(Ek ). (2.26)
Equations (2.25) and (2.26) agree respectively with the canonical partition function
and the canonical probability distribution, if = 1/kB T . This equality can be shown
as follows: From (2.24) and (2.26) we find
ln Z E 

E = and = E 2 E2 < 0. (2.27)

The latter results means that E is a monotonously decreasing function of . Thus,
it can be inverted: = (E, N, V ). But this implies that the entropy becomes a
function of E, N and V , since insertion of (2.26) into (2.22) yields


S = kB pk ln pk = kB E + kB ln Z = S E, N, V . (2.28)


Now we invoke the thermodynamic limit: N , V , but N/V = fixed [176,

210]. In this limit, the fluctuations of the internal energy can be neglected because
E is a self-averaging (see p. 5) property of the system, and so S(E, N, V ) may be
interpreted as the microcanonical entropy of a system with the externally prescribed
(non-fluctuating) energy E. Then, we may use the thermodynamic definition of
temperature and write
1 S
ln Z (2.27)
= kB + kB E + kB = kB , (2.29)
which completes the proof that = 1/kB T .
Remarkably, the previous discussion also shows that the statistical entropy
introduced in (2.22) as a function proportional to the information entropy (2.20)
is equal to the thermodynamic entropy introduced by Clausius in the middle of
the 19th century. On the one hand, this provides the justification for the use of the
word entropy for the function defined in (2.20). On the other hand, it also raises the
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 29

question of why a physical system populates its possible microstates in such a way
that this agrees with what we would conjecture based on our prior information about
the system. The debate about the interpretation of entropy in statistical physics has
been going on for almost 150 years now, and is still far from being closed [56].
All other ensembles of statistical physics can of course be derived in the same
way employing the maximum entropy principle with constraints corresponding to
the respective ensemble. Furthermore, maximum entropy methods have proven ex-
tremely powerful in many areas where unbiased data analysis is important, rang-
ing from the interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra to image recon-
struction and more [69]. In the remainder of this book, however, we will mostly
be concerned with the first half of Laplaces sentence, i.e. how to determine (time
dependent) probabilities of events, on the basis that the prior probabilities of the
simple events are given. In the following, we will therefore return to the treatment
of probabilities as measures in a sample space.

2.1.3 Equivalent Measures

In the examples from statistical physics and quantum mechanics at the end of
Sect. 2.1.1 we saw the measure on our probability space expressed as the prod-
uct of a probability density and the Lebesgue measure. Looking at the first example,
we furthermore note the following property: if the Lebesgue measure of some set
A B is zero then the Gibbs measure of this set is zero, and vice versa. This is an
example of the following general definition.

Definition 2.3 A measure is called absolutely continuous with respect to another

measure (written ) if for all A F we have (A) = 0 (A) = 0. and
are equivalent when and .

Equivalent measures have the same sets of measure zero and (for probability
measures) also the same sets of measure unity. The importance of this concept lies
in the following theorem.

Theorem 2.1 (Radon-Nikodm) If , then there exists an F -measurable func-

tion p, such that for every A F

(A) = pd.

The function p = d/d is called the Radon-Nikodm derivative of with re-

spect to . If and are equivalent we have
d d
= .
d d
30 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

From the statistical mechanics example, we see that the Boltzmann weight is
the Radon-Nikodm derivative of the Gibbs measure with respect to the Lebesgue
measure [210]. The probability measures that we will encounter in the applications
discussed in this book are all absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue
measure. We will be able to write them as d(x) = p(x)dx and often will only use
the so-called probability density p to denote the relevant probability measure.

2.1.4 Distribution Functions and Probability Densities

The sample spaces we have considered previously were R or Rd , which are also the
most relevant for the examples we have in mind. These are also the most relevant
spaces for the values of the typical random variables we will study, which will be
functions X : R(Rd ),  X(). For a random variable X : R, let us
look at the cumulative probability distribution

F (x) := Prob X() x = : X() x . (2.30)

Clearly we have F () = 0 and F (+) = 1, and F (x) is the probability for the
open interval (, x]. We also have

F (b) F (a) = : a X() b , (2.31)

from which we can construct a probability measure on the Borel algebra of open sets
in R. Therefore, the probabilistic structure of (, F, ) is translated by the random
variable X into the probabilistic structure of (R, B, dF ), and instead of discussing
the probabilistic properties of some measurement in terms of the former we can use
the latter, more familiar structure, as well. This is the description usually adopted in
physical applications, and for our cases we will be able to write dF (x) = p(x)dx
and limit ourselves to the probability spaces:

R or Rd , B, p(x)dx .

To calculate, for instance, the expectation value of a random variable we will evalu-
E[X] = X()d() = xp(x)dx. (2.32)
The sets A which are mapped by the random variable X onto open sets
in the Borel algebra of R give rise to a construction that we will need for discussing
conditional expectations. If we consider the -algebra generated by all the sets A
mapped by X onto the open sets in B(R), denoted by (X), then this is the smallest
-algebra with respect to which X is measurable, and in general (X) F . (X)
is called the -algebra generated by X.
In the same way as we did for a random variable with values in R, we can look
at the joint distribution of d real-valued random variables, X1 , . . . , Xd , since Rd is
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 31

the same as R R R, regarding the d random variables as the components

of a d-dimensional vector. Through

p(x1 , . . . , xd )dx1 dxd

= : x1 X1 () x1 + dx1 , . . . , xd Xd () xd + dxd , (2.33)

we again transfer the probability structure from to Rd .

2.1.5 Statistical Independence and Conditional Probabilities

For the probability distribution of a random vector X Rd we define its Fourier


G(k) := eikx p(x)dd x. (2.34)
This is called the characteristic function of X and one can generate all moments of
X (assuming they all exist, i.e., assuming p(x) is sufficiently regular) through its
Taylor expansion
 d n
G(k) = d
d xp(x) k x
Rd n!
n=0 =1
i n!
= dd xp(x)
Rd n! m m
=n 1
! md !
n=0 1 ++md

(k1 x1 ) (kd xd )md


= dd xp(x)
Rd n=0 m1 =0

 (ik1 x1 )m1 (ikd xd )md
d .
=1 m ,n m1 ! md !
md =0

We therefore have

 (ik1 )m1 (ikd )md m1 
G(k) = x1 xdmd , (2.35)
m1 ! md !

where m = (m1 , . . . , md ) and |m| is the l 1 -norm of m. Similarly, the logarithm of

the characteristic function generates all the cumulants (central moments) of X:

 (ik1 )m1 . . . (ikd )md m1 
ln G(k) = x1 xdmd , (2.36)
m1 ! md !
32 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

where ximi  = (xi xi )mi . Of special interest are the second moments, which
define the covariance matrix

Cov[xi , xj ] ij2 xi xj  = xi xj  xi xj  (2.37)

because they serve to define when two random variables are uncorrelated.

Definition 2.4 Two random variables X1 and X2 are uncorrelated iff2

Cov[xi , xj ] = 0.

We have to distinguish this from the much stronger property of statistical inde-

Definition 2.5 Two random variables X1 and X2 are statistically independent iff

p(x1 , x2 ) = p1 (x1 )p2 (x2 ),

which is equivalent to the following properties:

G(k1 , k2 ) = G1 (k1 )G2 (k2 ),
x1m1 x2m2  = x1m1 x2m2  m1 , m2 ,
x1m1 x2m2  = 0 m1
= 0, m2
= 0.

Whenever two random variables are not statistically independent, there is some
information about the possible outcome of a measurement of one of the random
variables contained in a measurement of the other. Suppose we know the joint dis-
tribution of the two random variables p(x1 , x2 ). Then we can define their marginal

p1 (x1 ) = p(x1 , x2 )dx2

p2 (x2 ) = p(x1 , x2 )dx1 .
The conditional probability density function for x1 given x2 is then defined as

p(x1 , x2 )
p(x1 |x2 ) = , (2.38)
p2 (x2 )

where p2 (x2 )
= 0 is assumed. We could define p(x2 |x1 ) in a symmetric manner.
For each fixed x2 , p(x1 |x2 ) is a regular probability density and we can calculate the

2 Generally, iff is taken to mean if and only if, a necessary and sufficient condition.
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 33

expectation value of x1 with this probability density, which is called a conditional


E[x1 |x2 ] = x1 p(x1 |x2 )dx1 . (2.39)
The conditional expectation of x1 with respect to x2 is itself still a random variable
through its dependence on the random variable x2 , so we can determine its expecta-
tion value. Of course, we have
E E[x1 |x2 ] = E[x1 ] = x1 p(x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2 , (2.40)

as we can easily convince ourselves by using the definitions.

2.1.6 Central Limit Theorem

Many important phenomena that can be addressed with probability theory and the
theory of stochastic processes, which we will be concerned with in the next section,
have to be described as the compound effect of many small random influences. The
observable quantities are most often the sum of a very large number of random
events. Take for example the pressure exerted by an ideal gas on a piston, which is a
thermodynamic variable made up from all the myriad collisions of the gas particles
with the piston. A central question is, therefore, what the distribution of a sum of
random variables will ultimately be. The first answer we want to present to this
question is given by the central limit theorem, the secondmore refined onewill
be given in the discussion of the Lvy-stable distributions in Chap. 4.
We consider N statistically independent and identically distributed (iid) random
variables x1 , . . . , xN , i.e.,

p(x) = p(x1 , . . . , xN ) = p(x1 )p(x2 ) p(xN ).

For simplicity we require

x1  = = xN  = 0.

Furthermore, let us denote

2 2
x1 = = x N = 2.

What is the probability distribution, pN , of

SN = xn ?
N n=1
34 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

We can see directly that SN  = 0 and N2 = (SN )2  = 2 . Formally, we have

pN (z) = dN x(z SN )p(x). (2.41)

From this we can calculate the characteristic function of the sum variable
 +  + 
GN (k) = dzeikz pN (z) = dzeikz dN x(z SN )p(x)

= dN xp(x) dzeikz (z SN )

 +  +
= dx1 dxN p(x1 ) p(xN )eik SN

 + N
= dx1 p(x1 )eikx1 / N

because we assumed iid random variables. We therefore find

GN (k) = G . (2.42)
Using now (2.35) and the moments of the individual random variable, we can write
this as
 3  N
1 (k )2 k
GN (k) = 1 +O ,
N 2 N 3/2
and for N  1 we get

1 (k )2 N N (k )2
GN (k) 1 exp . (2.43)
N 2 2

Ultimately, the characteristic function therefore approaches a Gaussian, which

means that the probability distribution also is a Gaussian
1 ikz N 1 z2
pN (z) = e GN (k)dk exp 2 . (2.44)
2 2 2 2

This result lies at the heart of the ubiquitous appearance of the Gaussian distribu-
tion in statistical phenomena. Whatever the exact form of the underlying distribution
of the individual random variables is, as long as the first two moments exist, the sum
variable always obeys a Gaussian distribution in the large-N limit. Mathematically,
the requirements on the individual distributions can be somewhat weaker than the
existence of the first two moments [52]. A criterion for whether a probability distri-
bution is attracted to the Gaussian distributionin the sense that the sum variable
is Gaussian distributedis given by Gnedenko and Kolmogorov [62]:
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 35

Theorem 2.2 A probability density p(x) is attracted to the Gaussian probability

density iff

y 2 |x|>y p(x)dx
lim  2
= 0.
|x|<y x p(x)dx

This condition can be paraphrased by saying that, for probability densities which
are attracted to the Gaussian distribution, the normalized sum variable is the sum of
many individually negligible components [52] (see also Appendix A).
For practical applications, it is also important to know what the deviations from
the asymptotic behavior are, when one sums up a large but finite number of random
variables. For iid random variables with a sufficiently regular distribution ensuring
the existence of higher moments, the answer was derived by Tschebyschew (see
[62]). The difference between the cumulative distributions of the finite N sum vari-
able and that of the asymptotic Gaussian distribution can be written as
1 z2 /2 1 x 2 /2 Q1 (x) Q2 (x)
dz pN (z) e = e + + . (2.45)
x 2 2 N N

The Qk are polynomials derivable from the Tschebyschew-Hermite polynomials.

The first two are given as [62]

3 2

Q1 (x) = x 1
3 d2 x 2 /2
2 /2
= ex e , (2.46)
6 dx 2
2 1 1032 3 1 532
Q2 (x) = 3 x 5 + 4 x + 4 x
72 24 3 8 3
 2 5 
d 4 d3
ex /2 ,
2 2
= ex /2 3 5 + (2.47)
72 dx 24 dx 3

where 3 and 4 are the skewness and kurtosis of the distributions of the individual
random variables as they were defined in (1.26) and (1.27). For a symmetric distri-
bution, 3 = 0, we can see that the leading-order correction is given by the kurtosis
of the individual distributions divided by the number of random variables, N , that
have been summed up.

2.1.7 Extreme Value Distributions

To arrive at the central limit theorem we asked ourselves what the distribution of the
sum of N iid random variables xi is. The central limit theorem gave the answer that
for the centralized and normalized sum SN the limiting distribution is Gaussian, if
36 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

the distribution p(xi ) of the iid random variables has non-diverging first and second
Extreme value theory asks a related question. Let MN = max(x1 , . . . , xN ) be
the maximum value of a sample of N iid random variables. What are the possible
non-degenerate3 limiting distributions of appropriately centralized and normalized
maxima MN ? Knowledge about the expected extrema in a series of random exper-
iments (or in a stochastic process) is of utmost importance in all areas where risk
has to be assessed. That can be the risk of a heavy storm destroying buildings (in-
surance) or the risk of financial loss for a portfolio of investments (financial risk
management). Here the question is not about the typical behavior of some random
variable but about the extreme value it assumes for a given sample size.
To understand why the maxima need to be centralized and normalized let us
consider the following. Let F (x) be the cumulative distribution of the iid random

F (x) = dx  p x 

and define xF = sup(x R : F (x) < 1). Depending on the support of p(x), xF can
be finite or infinite. The cumulative probability distribution for the maximum, MN ,
can then be written as (cf. (2.30))
FN (MN ) = Prob(x1 MN , . . . , xN MN ) = F N (MN ), (2.48)
the last part of the equation holding due to the iid assumption. Now suppose that
xF < . Then, if N , F N (x) 0 for all x < xF and F N (x) = 1 for x xF ,
so that the limiting probability density of the maximum would have a point support
at x = xF . Similarly, for xF = we have F N (x) 0 for all x R so that we also
do not obtain a non-degenerate probability distribution for the maximum. Therefore
it only makes sense to search for a limiting distribution for properly centralized and
normalized variables.
Let us exemplify this point with a specific example. Assume that we have N
independent, exponentially distributed random variables xi , that is,

p(xi ) = exp(xi ) and F (xi ) = dxi p xi = 1 exp(xi ). (2.49)


So we have the case xF = for the exponential distribution. We therefore have

FN (MN ) = 1 exp(MN ) .
The probability density for the maximum of a set of N random variables distributed
according to the exponential distribution is therefore
 N 1
pN (MN ) = N 1 exp(MN ) exp(MN ).

3 A non-degenerate distribution is the opposite of a degenerate distribution. A distribution of a

random variable is called degenerate, if it is a delta function, i.e., it is 1 for one value of the random
variable and 0 otherwise. The corresponding cumulative distribution is the Heaviside step function.
2.1 Some Basics of Probability Theory 37

The maximum of this distribution occurs at bN = ln N and diverges with increas-

ing sample size N . This value of MN occurs for one of the xi with probability
p(xi = bN ) = 1/N ; so in N trials it will occur with probability 1. With N the
observed maximum therefore increases to infinity, i.e., the cumulative probability
density for the extrema approaches a degenerate limiting distribution.
We now centralize the maximum variable by looking at u = MN ln N . The
cumulative distribution of this variable is
 N eu N N

FN (u) = 1 e(u+ln N ) = 1 exp eu . (2.50)


This is a well-behaved, non-degenerate limiting distribution. A second example

leading to the same limiting distribution for the maxima is obtained for normally
distributed independent random variables. Remember that with x = 0 and = 1
we have from (1.28)
1 x 1 x
pG (x) = exp and F (x) = 1 + erf ,
2 2 2 2
ez dz
erf(x) = (2.51)

is the error function [1].

For the Gaussian distribution one needs to centralize and normalize the assumed
maxima [44]
MN b N
u= , (2.52)
using for example (these expressions are not unique [44])
 ln[ln(N )] + ln(4)
bN = 2 ln(N )
2 2 ln(N ) (2.53)
aN = 2 ln(N ) 2 .

Again, this leads to the double exponential form of the limiting distribution for the
As a matter of fact, for every probability distribution of iid random variables
decaying at least exponentially for x , the limiting cumulative distribution for
the extrema is given by the so-called (standard) Gumbel distribution

F (u) = exp eu . (2.54)

Generally, there is a large degree of universality in the extreme value distributions

leading to only three classes of possible limiting distributions.
38 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

Theorem 2.3 (Fisher-Tippett Theorem) Let (xk )k=1,...,N be a sequence of iid ran-
dom variables and MN = max(x1 , . . . , xN ). If there exist constants aN > 0, bN R
and a non-degenerate distribution function F such that
MN b N
lim Prob u = F (u),
N aN

then F is of the type of one of the following three distribution functions:

Gumbel: F (u) = exp eu u R. (2.55)

0 u 0,
Frchet: F (u) = (2.56)
exp(u ) u > 0.

exp((u) ) u 0,
Weibull: F (u) = (2.57)
1 u > 0.

For Frchet and Weibull, one has > 0.

These are the cumulative distribution functions of the maxima, from which the
corresponding probability densities can be obtained by differentiation. Obviously,
these distribution functions can be transformed into one another. When we assume
that the extrema u of a variable x are distributed according to the Gumbel distribu-
tion then the extrema of the variable y defined by x = ln y for y > 0 are distributed
according to the Frchet distribution, and those of z defined by x = ln(z) for
z < 0 are distributed according to the Weibull distribution. One can also combine
the three extreme value distributions into one single form, the so-called von Mises
representation of the extreme value distributions
F (u) = exp (1 + u)1/ for 1 + u > 0. (2.58)

For > 0 one has the Frchet distribution, for < 0 the Weibull distribution, and
for 0 one obtains the Gumbel distribution.
The domain of attraction of the three distributions can also be specified but for
this discussion we refer to the mathematical literature on extreme value distributions
[34, 44]. Here let us only point out that the change of variables discussed above,
leading from the Gumbel to the Frchet distribution, indicates that distributions de-
caying asymptotically for |x| like a power law will belong to the domain of
attraction of the Frchet distribution. The Lvy stable distributions which we will
discuss in Chap. 4 belong to this class.

2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations

In the first section of this chapter we considered the mathematical framework to

describe measurements of observables which have to be treated in a probabilistic
2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations 39

manner, i.e., where we have incomplete knowledge about the state of a system.
Now we want to go on to time-dependent phenomena and information unfolding
with time. This leads to the concept of a stochastic process [104]:

Definition 2.6 A stochastic process is a family (Xt )tI of random variables.

The index set can either be a discrete set, for instance, I = N, which would lead
to a discrete time stochastic process, or it can be continuous, for instance, I = R,
which would lead to a continuous time stochastic process.
We studied a discrete time stochastic process in the introductory chapter, with
(Xn )nN being the coordinate (Xn Z) of a random walker on the set of whole
numbers. We can write a continuous time stochastic process as a function,

X : R Rd , (t, )  X(t, ).

An example to which we will come back later would be the solution of the Langevin
X(t, ) = (t, ),
with modeling the stochastic forces on the position X of a Brownian particle.
They are usually taken to be a Gaussian white noise, i.e., random variables with
a Gaussian probability distribution which is fully specified by the following two

(t, ) = 0, (t, ) t  , t t  . (2.59)

The angular brackets indicate the expectation value over the probability space .
We have used here the notation most often found in physics books and added the ex-
plicit dependence on which denotes different realizations of the time dependence
of the stochastic force, and therefore of the path X(t, ) of the Brownian particle.
To write out the averages explicitly, we have

(t, ) = (t, )d() = 0. (2.60)

For every fixed n (discrete time) or t (continuous time) Xn or Xt , respectively,

is a random variable so that we can use the concepts and properties discussed in the
first part of this chapter. We can, for instance, define the distribution function of X
at time t,

p(x, t) = x Xt () d(), (2.61)

and thereby generate a time-dependent probability density on Rd : p(x, t)dx is the

probability of finding a value of the random variable in [x, x + dx] at time t. We can
generalize this definition to the n-point distribution functions,

pn (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xn , tn ) = x1 Xt1 () xn Xtn () d(), (2.62)

40 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

which is the probability density for the stochastic process to pass through [x1 , x1 +
dx1 ] at time t1 and [x2 , x2 +dx2 ] at time t2 and . . . and [xn , xn +dxn ] at time tn . With
the help of these n-point distribution functions we can calculate time dependent
moments and correlation functions of the stochastic process under study:

X(t1 ) X(tn ) = dx1 dxn x1 xn pn (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xn , tn ). (2.63)

In a similar way as we did for the correlations between two random variables, we
can define a time-dependent covariance matrix for two stochastic processes:
Cov Xi (t1 ), Xj (t2 ) = ij2 (t1 , t2 )
= Xi (t1 )Xj (t2 ) Xi (t1 ) Xj (t2 ) . (2.64)

The diagonal elements of this matrix are called autocorrelation functions and those
off-diagonal are the cross-correlation functions.
The hierarchy of distribution functions pn (2.62) characterizes a stochastic pro-
cess completely and fulfills the following relations:
pn 0,

pn (. . . ; xk , tk ; . . . ; xl , tl ; . . .) = pn (. . . ; xl , tl ; . . . ; xk , tk ; . . .).

This property is intelligible from the meaning of pn : pn (. . . ; xk , tk ; . . . ; xl , tl ; . . .)

is the probability density for the stochastic process to be in [xk , xk + dxk ] at time
tk and [xl , xl + dxl ] at time tl . So the order of the events k and l should not

pn (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xn , tn )dxn = pn1 (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xn1 , tn1 ). (2.65)

Due to the symmetry property, the integration can be carried out for any xk with
k = 1, . . . , n;
probability measure

p1 (x, t)dx = 1.

Every hierarchy of functions which fulfills the above conditions, on the other hand,
uniquely defines a stochastic process.
A stochastic process is called stationary iff for all n we have

pn (x1 , t1 +t; x2 , t2 +t; . . . ; xn , tn +t) = pn (x1 , t1 ; x2 , t2 ; . . . ; xn , tn ), (2.66)

where t is an arbitrary but fixed time shift.

2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations 41

Fig. 2.3 Definition of a

subensemble of all
continuous paths by requiring
the process to pass through a
prescribed set of intervals at
time points t1 , . . . , tk

The conditional probabilities we defined in the first part of this chapter can now
be used to yield informations about subensembles of the stochastic process. Let us
consider the following typical question (illustrated in Fig. 2.3). If we assume that
a stochastic process yields a result in [x1 , x1 + dx1 ] at time t1 , in [x2 , x2 + dx2 ] at
time t2 , . . . , in [xk , xk + dxk ] at time tk , what is the probability of finding a value in
[xk+1 , xk+1 + dxk+1 ] at time tk+1 , . . . , [xk+l , xk+l + dxk+l ] at time tk+l ?
We define the conditional probability for the events at k + 1 to k + l given the
events 1 to k to be
pk+l (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xk+l , tk+l )
= pk (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xk , tk ) pl|k (xk+1 , tk+1 ; . . . ; xk+l , tk+l |x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xk , tk ).
Specifically, we have
p2 (x1 , t1 ; x2 , t2 ) = p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 )p1 (x1 , t1 ) (2.68)
and due to the completeness of p2

dx2 p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 ) = 1. (2.69)

This normalization of the conditional probability means that a transition from x1 to

some x2 has occurred with certainty.

2.2.1 Martingale Processes

In this section we want to discuss a special class of stochastic processes that will be
of importance in the financial applications. Actually, it is also in the area of betting
42 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

and gambling that the properties of this class of processes are best presented. Let us
start with the concept of a fair game, as you would expect if you bet on the outcome
of a coin toss. Whatever the history of the game, you would like the probability for
head or tail in the next throw to be equal, phead = ptail = 1/2, making the expected
gain on a doubling of the bet on the next throw exactly zero, whatever you bet on.

Definition 2.7 A sequence (Xn )nN is called absolutely fair when for all n =
1, 2, . . . we have

E[X1 ] = 0 and E[Xn+1 |X1 , . . . , Xn ] = 0. (2.70)

If we now define another sequence of random variables (Yn )nN by

Yn = E[Y1 ] + X1 + + Xn ,

we can easily see that we have

E[Yn+1 |Y1 , . . . , Yn ] = E[Yn+1 |X1 , . . . , Xn ] = Yn .

Definition 2.8 A sequence (Yn )nN is a martingale iff

E[Yn+1 |Y1 , . . . , Yn ] = Yn . (2.71)

It is a submartingale iff

E[Yn+1 |Y1 , . . . , Yn ] Yn (2.72)

and a supermartingale iff

E[Yn+1 |Y1 , . . . , Yn ] Yn . (2.73)

This means that for a martingale the best estimator for the next value, given all
the information obtained through the past values, is the actual value. If the process
is a martingale, its changes (increment process) are a fair game, meaning that the
expectation value of the increments is zero.
We have also already seen such a behavior in our discussion of the random walk
on a line in the first chapter. If the walker jumps one unit distance to the left or to
the right with equal probability, then the expectation value of the position change
with one jump is zero. The position process of the walker is therefore a martingale,
being the sum of fair-game increments.
This process has another appealing property which is called the Markov
(A.A. Markov (18561922)) property. Markov processes and their description will
concern us for the rest of this chapter.
2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations 43

2.2.2 Markov Processes

The defining property of Markov processes is that they have no memory. When we
return to the definition of the conditional probabilities for a set of events given the
past history of the process in (2.67) we get an idea of the simplification that this
property entails.

Definition 2.9 For a Markov process, we have for all n and all t1 < t2 < < tn

p1|n1 (xn , tn |x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xn1 , tn1 ) = p1|1 (xn , tn |xn1 , tn1 ). (2.74)

One therefore only has to know the actual state of the system (xn1 , tn1 ) in order
to calculate the probability for the occurrence of (xn , tn ). In this sense, the process
has no memory. If we apply this iteratively to the n-point function (cf. (2.67)), we

pn (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xn , tn ) = p1|1 (xl , tl |xl1 , tl1 )p1 (x1 , t1 ). (2.75)
In the case of a Markov process, therefore, the knowledge of two functions, p1|1
and p1 , suffices to describe the process completely and we can appreciate the enor-
mous simplification compared to the infinite hierarchy of pn needed in the general
Before we go on to elaborate on the consequences of this property, let us remind
ourselves of another example of a Markov process we are all very familiar with,
namely deterministic motion as described by Newtons or Hamiltons equations. If
we know the positions and momenta of a system of N particles at t = t0 and we
know their interactions as a function of the positions and momenta, we can predict
the complete future trajectory of the system for all t > t0 :
p i (t)
dr i (t) = dt,
mi (2.76)

dp i (t) = F i r i (t) dt.

Deterministic motion, therefore, could be described as a random process which at
each time has a singular distribution

p(r, p) = r r i (t) p p i (t) .


Let us now specialize the result for the n-point function to the case n = 3:
p3 (x1 , t1 ; x2 , t2 ; x3 , t3 ) = p1|1 (x3 , t3 |x2 , t2 )p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 )p1 (x1 , t1 ).

Integrating over x2 and using the completeness property of the hierarchy of the pn
we get

p2 (x1 , t1 ; x3 , t3 ) = p1 (x1 , t1 ) dx2 p1|1 (x3 , t3 |x2 , t2 )p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 ).
44 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

With the definition of the conditional probability in (2.68), we arrive at the following

p1|1 (x3 , t3 |x1 , t1 )

= dx2 p1|1 (x3 , t3 |x2 , t2 )p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 ) for t3 t2 t1 . (2.77)

This is the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. It is a consistency equation for the con-

ditional probabilities of a Markov process and the starting point for deriving the
equations of motion for Markov processes. We furthermore note the following re-

Theorem 2.4 Two positive, normalized functions p1 and p1|1 which fulfill
the Chapman-Kolmogorov
p1 (x2 , t2 ) = dx1 p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 )p1 (x1 , t1 ),
completely and uniquely define a Markov process.

In the following sections we will approximate the Chapman-Kolmogorov equa-

tion further, focusing on special situations.

Stationary Markov Processes and the Master Equation

For a stationary Markov process (cf. (2.66)) we can write for the defining functions
p1 (x, t) = p1 (x, t + t) = p1 (x, 0) =: peq (x),
p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 ) = p1|1 (x2 , t2 + t|x1 , t1 + t) = pt (x2 |x1 ),

where pt denotes a transition probability within the time interval t (= t2 t1 ) from

state x1 to state x2 . Using the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation for pt , we get

pt+t  (x3 |x1 ) = dx2 pt  (x3 |x2 )pt (x2 |x1 ). (2.79)

When we consider a discrete probability space for xi it is easily seen that this is
a matrix multiplication, the pt being matrices transforming one discrete state into
We now want to derive the differential form of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equa-
tion for stationary Markov processes. For this we consider the case of small time
intervals t  and write the Taylor expansion of the transition probability up to first
order in the following way [101]:

pt  (x3 |x2 ) = 1 wtot (x2 )t  (x3 x2 ) + t  w(x3 |x2 ). (2.80)

2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations 45

This equation defines w(x3 |x2 ) as the transition rate (transition probability per unit
time) from x2 to x3 . (1 wtot (x2 )t  ) is the probability to remain in state x2 up to
time t  . From the normalization condition for pt  (x3 |x2 ) (cf. (2.69)) we obtain

wtot (x2 ) = dx3 w(x3 |x2 ). (2.81)

Using (2.80) in the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation results in

pt+t  (x3 |x1 ) = 1 wtot (x3 )t  pt (x3 |x1 ) + t  dx2 w(x3 |x2 )pt (x2 |x1 ),

and so
pt+t  (x3 |x1 ) pt (x3 |x1 )
= dx2 w(x3 |x2 )pt (x2 |x1 ) dx2 w(x2 |x3 )pt (x3 |x1 ), (2.82)

in which we have used the definition of wtot . In the limit t  0 we arrive at the mas-
ter equation, which is the differential version of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation

pt (x3 |x1 ) = dx2 w(x3 |x2 )pt (x2 |x1 ) dx2 w(x2 |x3 )pt (x3 |x1 ). (2.83)
It is an integro-differential equation for the transition probabilities of a stationary
Markov process.
When we do not assume stationarity and choose a p1 (x1 , t)
= peq (x) but keep
the assumption of time-homogeneity of the transition probabilities, i.e., they only
depend on time differences, we can multiply this equation by p1 (x1 , t) and integrate
over x1 to get a master equation for the probability density itself:

p1 (x3 , t) = dx2 w(x3 |x2 )p1 (x2 , t) dx2 w(x2 |x3 )p1 (x3 , t). (2.84)
To simplify the notation in the following, where we will only work with the func-
tions p1 and w to describe the Markov process, let us make the changes p1 p,
x3 x and x2 x 

p(x, t) = dx w x|x p x , t dx  w x  |x p(x, t).

On a discrete probability space we would write this equation in the following way:

p(n, t) = w n|n p n , t w n |n p(n, t) . (2.86)

t  n

We used this equation in the random walker problem in Chap. 1 from the rate-
equation perspective. That was a special example of a (time-homogeneous) Markov
46 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

process in discrete time and space where a master equation can be used to define the
time evolution of the probability distribution.
The master equation has an intuitive interpretation. Let us take (2.85) as an ex-
ample. The variation of p(x, t) with time is caused by the balance of an inward flux
(first term) and an outward flux (second term). The first term describes the increase
of the probability of x via the flux from all states x  (x 
= x and x  = x) to x, while
the second term represents the decrease of p(x, t) through transitions from x to x  .
So far we have derived and discussed the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation and
also the master equation as a consistency equation for the transition probabilities
(rates) of a stationary (or time-homogeneous) Markov process. We can, however,
reinterpret these equations, turning them into equations of motion in a Markov-
process description of a given problem. This reinterpretation proceeds through the
following steps:
We are considering a dynamic problem (physical, biological, financial, . . .) that
we can model as a stochastic process.
We can neglect memory effects and the problem is stationary (or time-homogene-
From independent phenomenological or theoretical knowledge about the prob-
lem, we can derive the functional form of the transition rates w(x  |x) between all
states x, x  of the system.
From this starting point we can use (2.85) as an equation of motion (evolution equa-
tion) for the probability density of the stochastic process used to model our problem.
Let us now set the stage for a further approximation of the master equation and
make the following assumptions:
We write w(x|x  ) = w(x|x r) =: w(x r; r), with the jump distance r :=
x x  . Similarly, w(x  |x) = w(x r|x) =: w(x; r).
There are only small jumps, i.e., w(x r; r) as a function of r is a sharply peaked
function around r = 0

> 0 with w(x r; r) 0, |r| > .

w(x r; r) is a slowly varying function of its first argument

 > 0 with w(x r; r) w(x; r), |r| <  .

The last also holds true for p(x, t).

w and p are sufficiently smooth functions of both arguments.
We rewrite (2.85) as
 +  +

p(x, t) = w(x r; r)p(x r, t)dr p(x, t) w(x; r)dr. (2.87)
2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations 47

We can now perform a Taylor expansion in x r around r = 0 in the first integral

on the right-hand side:
 +  +

p(x, t) = p(x, t) w(x; r)dr p(x, t) w(x; r)dr

  1 + 2 2  
r w(x; r)p(x, t) dr + r 2
w(x; r)p(x, t) dr
x 2 x


(1)n n  
p(x, t) = n
an (x)p(x, t) , (2.88)
t n! x
an (x) = r n w(x; r)dr. (2.89)

This is the Kramers-Moyal expansion of the master equation. As such it is only a

rewriting of the master equation, changing it from an integro-differential equation
into a partial differential equation of infinite order. In the next section we will en-
counter a useful and often used approximation to this expansion.

Fokker-Planck and Langevin Equations

In deriving the Kramers-Moyal expansion in the last section, we have not yet made
use of our assumption that the transition rates w(x, r) are supposed to be slowly
varying functions of their first argument. For these slowly varying functionswhich
will give rise to slowly varying probability densities p(x, t)we can make the as-
sumption that we can truncate the Kramers-Moyal expansion at a certain order of
derivatives. A truncation after the second order leads to the so-called Fokker-Planck

  1 2  
p(x, t) = a1 (x)p(x, t) + a2 (x)p(x, t) . (2.90)
t x 2 x 2
In this equation, a1 is called the drift coefficient and a2 the diffusion coefficient.
Let us remember at this point that we originally derived the master equation from
the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation for the conditional probability p(x, t|x0 , t0 ),
and so the Fokker-Planck equation for the conditional probability reads:

  1 2  
p(x, t|x0 , t0 ) = a1 (x)p(x, t|x0 , t0 ) + 2
a2 (x)p(x, t|x0 , t0 ) . (2.91)
t x 2 x
48 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

Because it involves derivatives with respect to the final coordinates (x, t), it is also
called the forward Fokker-Planck equation. To solve this equation we have to spec-
ify boundary conditions and especially a starting condition at t0 . To derive the cor-
responding backward Fokker-Planck equation containing derivatives with respect to
the starting coordinates, let us commence with the simple observation that

p(x, t|x0 , t0 ) = 0.
Employing the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, we can write this as

0= dzp(x, t|z, s)p(z, s|x0 , t0 )

= dz p(z, s|x0 , t0 ) p(x, t|z, s) + p(x, t|z, s) p(z, s|x0 , t0 )
s s

= dzp(z, s|x0 , t0 ) p(x, t|z, s) + dz p(x, t|z, s)
  1 2  
a1 (z)p(z, s|x0 , t0 ) + a2 (z)p(z, s|x0 , t0 ) ,
z 2 z2

in which we have inserted the forward Fokker-Planck equation in the second term.
When we perform partial integrations in the second integral and assume that all sur-
face contributions vanish (this requires careful checking with respect to the different
possible choices of boundary conditions one can choose for the forward equation
[59, 178]), we arrive at

0 = dzp(z, s|x0 , t0 ) p(x, t|z, s) + a1 (z) p(x, t|z, s)
s z

1 2
+ a2 (z) p(x, t|z, s) .
2 z2

Since this must be valid for all p(z, s|x0 , t0 ), we deduce the backward Fokker-
Planck equation:

1 2
p(x, t|z, s) = a1 (z) p(x, t|z, s) a2 (z) 2 p(x, t|z, s)
s z 2 z
L+ p(x, t|z, s), (2.92)

where now all derivatives are taken with respect to the initial coordinates (z, s). To
solve this equation in the time interval [t0 , T ], we have to supply a final condition at
t = T . The partial differential operators

1 2 1 2
L= a1 (z) + a2 (z) and L+ = a1 (z) + a2 (z)
z 2 z2 z 2 z2
2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations 49

appearing in the forward and backward Fokker-Planck equations are adjoint opera-
tors on the square-integrable and twice continuously differentiable functions.
We now want to make contact between these dynamic equations for the probabil-
ity density of a Markov process and the equation governing the time development of
the sample path x(t) of this process. For this purpose we will assume that we have
p(x, 0) = (x) as a starting condition and will look at what the forward Fokker-
Planck equation predicts for the moments x n (t) of the stochastic variable for
small times t. Here the angular brackets denote an averaging with p(x, t)
 t  t
x(t) = dt x(t) = dt dxx p(x, t)
0 0 t
= dt dxx a1 (x)p(x, t)
0 x
1 t 2  
+ dt dxx 2
a2 (x)p(x, t)
2 0 x
t   t
= dt xa1 (x)p(x, t) + dt dxa1 (x)p(x, t)
0 0

1 t

+ dt x a2 (x)p(x, t) a2 (x)p(x, t) .
2 0 x

Requiring that the surface terms vanish, we get

x(t) = dx dta1 (x)p(x, t)

= a1 (0)t + o(t), (2.93)

where we used p(x, 0) = (x) to obtain the last result. Similarly, one can derive
x (t) = a2 (0)t + o(t) (2.94)


x n (t) = o(t) for n 3. (2.95)
As for the model in the introductory chapter, the Fokker-Planck equation contains
one term (a2 ) which generates a diffusional behavior, x 2 t, and which is therefore
referred to as the diffusion coefficient.
For the description of the sample paths we refer to the phenomenological descrip-
tion of stochastic motion contained in the Langevin equation. It is mostly foundin
the physics literaturesimilar to the following form:

x = v x(t) + b x(t) (t), (2.96)

50 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

where we have assumed that the coefficients may depend on the stochastic variable,
but should not depend explicitly on time (stationarity). Here v(x) is a deterministic
term which would be just a particle velocity if we interpreted x as the position of a
particle. This deterministic part is, however, augmented by a term which is meant to
describe the influence of randomness on the development of the sample path x(t).
In the case of x(t) being a particle position, we would interpret it as the effect of
random collisions with the surrounding medium on the particle path. (We will return
to this problem in detail in the second section of the next chapter in the discussion
of Brownian motion.) One usually requires these fluctuations, or noise, to have the
following properties, termed Gaussian white noise (see also (2.59)):

(t) = 0 t,

(t) t  = t t  ,

n (t) = 0, n 3, (2.97)


(t)v x t  = (t) v(x t  = 0, t  t,


(t)b x t  = (t) b(x t  = 0, t  t.

As we hinted earlier, one usually drops the argument in (t, ), by which we

label the random realizations of the noise term (t); one also does not explicitly
state the sample space for these random variables, preferring to use the induced
probabilistic structure on R. If we interpret these requirements, they mean that the
noise at a given time t is not correlated with the values of x(t  ) in the past, or,
put differently, x(t  ) does not depend on the effect of the noise at later times. We
therefore have
 t  t

x(t) = dtv x(t) + dtb x(t) (t). (2.98)

0 0

Averaging over the random realization of the noise, we get

x(t) = dt v x(t) + dt b x(t) (t)
0 0

= v(0)t + o(t), (2.99)

where we used x(t = 0) = 0 in the last line. Similarly, we can derive

x 2 (t) = b2 (0)t + o(t) (2.100)


x n (t) = o(t). (2.101)
2.2 Stochastic Processes and Their Evolution Equations 51

Table 2.1 Correspondence

between the coefficients in Langevin Fokker-Planck
the Fokker-Planck and
Langevin equations v(x) a1 (x)
b2 (x) a2 (x)

We thus found the following correspondence: If we model a diffusion process, we

can use either the Fokker-Planck equation approach to describe the time evolution
of its probability density or the Langevin equation approach to describe the time
evolution of its sample paths (see Table 2.1).
The Langevin description as we presented it above has, however, one serious
drawbackit is mathematically flawed. To see this, let us consider the special case
where only random noise is present and the diffusion coefficient is set to unity

x(t) = (t) x(t) = t  dt  with x(t0 ) = 0. (2.102)


As we have just derived, the Fokker-Planck equation belonging to this process is

1 2
p(x, t) = p(x, t) (2.103)
t 2 x 2
with the solution for p(x, t0 ) = (x) and p(x , t) = 0 being

1 x2
p(x, t) = exp . (2.104)
2(t t0 ) 2(t t0 )

The process with this Gaussian probability density is called the Wiener process,
and its properties will lie at the heart of the discussions in the next section. Let
us consider sample paths with fixed p(x, t0 ) = (x x0 ). We note the following
The Wiener process (like every diffusion process) has continuous sample paths.
Let k > 0 be an arbitrary real constant and consider
Prob |x| > k := Prob x(t0 + t) x0  > k
2 x 2 k
= dx exp = erfc ,
k 2t 2t 2t
where erfc(x) is the complementary error function [1]. Since erfc(x) vanishes for
x , we have
lim Prob x(t0 + t) x0  > k = 0 k > 0.

Thus, it is almost certain that in the limit t 0 the distance |x(t0 + t) x0 |
will never become larger than k, no matter how small k becomes. Qualitatively,
52 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

this agrees with the property of a continuous trajectory. This argument can be
extended to the time derivative of the path, with the following result:
The sample paths are, with probability one, nowhere differentiable:
 x   x(t0 + t) x0 
Prob   > k := Prob  >k

t t

2 x 2 
= dx exp = erfc(k t/2).
kt 2t 2t

Since erfc(x) tends to 1 for x 0, we now have

 x(t0 + t) x0 
lim Prob 
t0 t  > k = 1 k > 0.

Thus, it is almost certain that the derivative at any point of the path is larger
than k, no matter how large k becomes. That is, the derivative is almost certainly

But now we are faced with a paradox. We started from the Langevin equation x =
(t) and used the correspondence to the Fokker-Planck equation to derive the result
that there is no such thing as x for this process!
The solution to this paradox is to treat the differential dx(t) of Brownian motion
with unit diffusion coefficient as a new object, the stochastic differential dW (t) of
the Wiener process. The next section will be concerned with studying the properties
of this stochastic differential, i.e., a differential which is a random variable. Clearly,
the Wiener process W (t) itself is then given by

W (t) := dW t  . (2.105)

Since W is a sum of Gaussian distributed random variables dW , it is itself Gaussian

distributed and defined through its first and second moments


W (t) = dW t  = 0,
 s (2.106)

W (s)W (t) = dW t  dW t  = min(s, t).
0 0

The first of these equations is obvious from the properties of the increments dW
discussed above, the second equation can be derived from the results presented in
the next section.
2.3 It Stochastic Calculus 53

Fig. 2.4 Definition of the

stochastic integral of a
function G(t) over the
interval (t0 , tn = t)

2.3 It Stochastic Calculus

The route to understanding the differential dW (t) of the Wiener process and its
meaning in the context of differential equations starts with defining how to integrate
a function of time with respect to this differential.

2.3.1 Stochastic Integrals

Let us consider a function G(t  ) over an interval (t0 , tn = t), as drawn in Fig. 2.4. In
the same way as is generally done for introducing the Riemann integral, we consider
a partitioning of this interval into subintervals (t0 , t1 ), (t1 , t2 ), . . . , (tn1 , tn ) and a
set of points i with ti1 < i < ti inside these subintervals. We then define

G t dW t = ms-lim G(i ) W (ti ) W (ti1 ) . (2.107)
t0 n

In this equation, the difference from the definition of the Riemannian integral is the
use of the mean-square (ms) limit as the type of convergence required. This mean-
square limit is defined in the following way:

ms-lim Xn = X lim (Xn X)2 = 0. (2.108)
n n

Convergence in the mean-square limit is a weaker requirement than the point-wise

convergence used for the Riemann integral. Equation (2.107) defines a stochastic
integral, but not yet uniquely, because its value depends on the choice of points i at
which the integrand is evaluated. To see this, let us consider the case G(t  ) = W (t  )
54 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

and calculate

Sn  = W (i ) W (ti ) W (ti1 ) .

We set i = ti + (1 )ti1 , with 0 1. This gives


Sn  = W ti + (1 )ti1 W (ti ) W ti + (1 )ti1 W (ti1 )


= min ti + (1 )ti1 , ti min ti + (1 )ti1 , ti1


in which we made use of a result for the covariance of the Wiener process
(cf. (2.106)). So we finally arrive at

Sn  = (ti ti1 ) = (t t0 ). (2.109)

The two most important choices for are

= 0 (i.e. i = ti1 ), defining the It stochastic integral, and
= 1/2 (i.e. i = (ti1 + ti )/2), defining the Stratonovich stochastic integral.
The It stochastic integral has the advantage that it is a martingale as we will show
further down. This fact leads to many helpful mathematical properties and makes
usage of the It stochastic integral ubiquitous in the literature. We will therefore
solely use this definition throughout the book. For the It stochastic integral, we will
define the meaning of a stochastic differential equation and derive a useful calculus
for the manipulation of these differential equations.
A central concept for It stochastic integrals is that of non-anticipating functions.

Definition 2.10 A function G(t) is called a non-anticipating function of t when

G(t) is statistically independent of W (s) W (t) for all s, t with t < s.

This is a type of causality requirement, where one does not want G(t) to antic-
ipate what the future behavior of the stochastic process W (t) will be. Examples of
non-anticipating functions are
W (t).
t0 dt  F [W (t  )] where F is a functional of the Wiener process.
t0 dW (t  )F [W (t  )] where F is a functional of the Wiener process.
t0 dt  G(t  ) if G itself is non-anticipating.
t0 dW (t  )G(t  ) if G itself is non-anticipating.
2.3 It Stochastic Calculus 55

For a non-anticipating functions we can now show that

X(t) = G(s)dW (s) (2.110)

is a Martingale. In fact, for t t  we have



E X(t)|X t = E X t |X t + E G(s)dW (s)|X t


= X t + E G(s)dW (s)

= X t , (2.111)

since G(s) and dW (s) are independent of the past, in particular of X(t  ).
To become more acquainted with the properties of the It stochastic integral, we
want to note the following mnemonic equations:
 t  t

dW t = dt  dW t G t = dt  G t  (2.112)
t0 t0


n t

dW t = 0, n3 dW t  G t  = 0 (2.113)

for an arbitrary non-anticipating G(t  ). One can interpret these equations to mean

dW (t) = O (dt)1/2 . (2.114)

Let us prove the first of these relations. With Wi2 := [W (ti ) W (ti1 )]2 , let us
 n 2

I := lim Gi1 Wi ti



= lim (Gi1 )2 Wi2 ti

+2 Gi1 Gj 1 Wj2 tj Wi2 ti



= lim G2i1 Wi2 ti

+2 Gi1 Gj 1 Wj tj Wi ti ,
2 2

56 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

because G and W are non-anticipating functions. The variance of increments of the

Wiener process is the variance occurring in (2.104)

Wi2 = ti

and, due to the Gaussian nature of the Wiener process, we have

2  2
Wi2 ti = 3 Wi2 (ti )2 = 2(ti )2 .

Using these results, we arrive at


I = 2 lim (ti )2 G2i1 = 0,

where the last equality is valid, for instance, when G is bounded, because then

 (t t0 )2 M 
(ti )2 G2i1 for G2i1 M

with M a real number (<). We thus have derived the mean-square limit behavior
as defined in (2.108):

ms-lim Wi2 Gi1 ti Gi1 = 0 (2.115)
i=1 i=1

or, equivalently,

2 t

G t  dW t  = G t  dt  .
t0 t0

The proof of the second mnemonic equation uses the higher moments of the Gaus-
sian distribution of W . Here we only want to note, for completeness, that

G t  dW t  dt  = ms-lim Wi ti Gi1 = 0, (2.116)

t0 n


dW t  dW t 
!  "  t


= t  t  dt  dt  dW t  dW t G t , t = dt  G t  , t  .
t0 t0 t0
2.3 It Stochastic Calculus 57

An important consequence that can be derived from (2.114) is the behavior of

the total differential of a functional of the Wiener process [59]:

  f f
df W (t), t = dt + dW
t W
1 2f 1 2f 1 2f
+ (dt)2
+ (dW )2
+ dtdW +
2 t 2 2 W 2 2 tW
Making use of

(dt)2 0,
dtdW 0,
(dW )2 = dt,

we get the result

  f 1 2f f
df W (t), t = + 2
dt + dW (t). (2.118)
t 2 W W

2.3.2 Stochastic Differential Equations and the It Formula

This last equation already has the form of the modified Langevin equation that we
wanted to give a meaning to in this section. We now can proceed to define what is
meant by a stochastic differential equation.

Definition 2.11 (It Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE)) A stochastic process

x(t) obeys an It SDE, written as
dx(t) = a x(t), t dt + b x(t), t dW (t), (2.119)

when for all t0 , t we have


x(t) = x(t0 ) + a x t  , t  dt  + b x t  , t  dW t  . (2.120)

t0 t0

We have already defined the meaning of the stochastic integral occurring in this
definition and we use it now to define the SDE (2.119) as the differential version of
the stochastic integral equation (2.120), which we know how to treat.

Theorem 2.5 For a given SDE (2.119) there exists a unique non-anticipating solu-
tion x(t  ) in [t0 , t] iff the following two conditions are fulfilled:
58 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

Lipschitz condition:


k > 0 : a x, t a y, t   + b x, t  b y, t   k|x y|,

for all x, y and t  [t0 , t].

growth condition:

k > 0 : a x, t  + b x, t  k 1 + |x|2 ,

for all t  [t0 , t].

The solution x(t) is a Markov process.

As a final result in this chapter, which is very important in applications, we want

to note the It formula. Suppose that x(t) fulfills (2.119) and that f is a functional
of x and t. Then one has
df x(t), t

      1   2  
= f x(t), t + a x(t), t f x(t), t + b2 x(t), t f x(t), t dt
t x 2 x 2
+ b x(t), t f x(t), t dW (t). (2.121)

2.4 Summary

To conclude this chapter let us summarize with an overview of some of the types of
stochastic processes we encountered and their evolution equations.
General stochastic process (discrete time): We need to know all n-time probabil-
ities, pn (x1 , t1 ; . . . ; xn , tn ).
Markov process: We need to know only the one-time probabilities, p1 (x1 , t1 ), and
the transition probabilities, p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 ).
Furthermore, we have the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation

p1|1 (x3 , t3 |x1 , t1 ) = dx2 p1|1 (x3 , t3 |x2 , t2 )p1|1 (x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 ),

with t1 t2 t3 (discrete time or continuous time).

Stationary Markov process: the master equation

t pt (x3 |x1 ) = dx2 w(x3 |x2 )pt (x2 |x1 ) w(x2 |x3 )pt (x3 |x1 ) ,
2.5 Further Reading 59

which we have written here for continuous time. For smooth jump rates w, we
can apply the Kramers-Moyal expansion and derive

(1)n n  
p(x, t) = n
an (x)p(x, t) ,
t n! x

an (x) = drr n w(x; r) (one-dimensional case).

Diffusion process: the Fokker-Planck equation

  1 2  
p(x, t) = a1 (x)p(x, t) + a2 (x)p(x, t) .
t x 2 x 2
Equivalently, we have on the level of the individual sample paths an It SDE

dx = a1 (x)dt + a2 (x)dW (t).

2.5 Further Reading

In this short introduction to the mathematical background, we gave an account first
of probability theory and then of the mathematics of stochastic processes.

Section 2.1
There are many introductory textbooks on probability theory, treating discrete
sample spaces as well as continuous sample spaces and the measure theoretic
background of probability theory. Because of their breadth as well as depth we
recommended the two volumes by Feller [51, 52] as the best source for the math-
ematical background of probability theory. Although the book is only partly on
an introductory level, the many applications from a variety of areas that are in-
cluded help to find a starting point from which to get an understanding also of the
more advanced definitions and theorems. Coming back to these volumes time and
again as your involvement with probabilities and stochastic processes develops,
the non-introductory parts will become more and more useful. For the central
limit theorem and limiting distributions in general, the book by Gnedenko and
Kolmogorov [62] is a classic reference.
Statistical physics as applied probability theory is the theme of a book by Hon-
erkamp [80]. We briefly referred to this subject in the short example on the
probabilistic formulation of the canonical ensemble and more extensively when
discussing the maximum entropy approach [93]. The application of the maxi-
mum entropy approach to statistical physics is also addressed in many statistical
physics textbooks, e.g. in the excellent book by Reichl [176].
Extreme value theory, and especially its applications in the context of financial
risks is discussed in [44].
60 2 A Brief Survey of the Mathematics of Probability Theory

Section 2.2
The mathematics of stochastic processes can also be studied using the books by
Feller [51, 52]. For those interested in mathematical finance, a self-contained (but
advanced) presentation can be found in the book by Bingham and Kiesel [11].
The importance and versatility of martingale processes in probability theory can
be gleaned from Williams book [214] and, in the context of mathematical fi-
nance, again from Bingham and Kiesel [11].
Markov processes are the most widely used level of description of stochastic phe-
nomena. There is a vast mathematical literature on these processes, of which we
only want to cite the classic books by Dynkin [40, 41].
The applications of stochastic processes in the natural sciences are well pre-
sented in the books by van Kampen [101], Gardiner [59] and ttinger [155].
Van Kampen critically discusses the assumptions underlying the different levels
of stochastic modeling used in physics and chemistry and their inherent limits,
which are sometimes forgotten in applications. He also proposes an alternative
to the Kramers-Moyal expansion for a perturbational treatment of the differential
version of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. Instead of the limit of vanishing
jump distance, he proposes an expansion in the inverse volume of the system.
This expansion works for self-averaging systems composed of many individual
entities, where the relative size of fluctuations around a deterministic average be-
havior is proportional to the inverse square root of the number of entities. The
book by Gardiner is an exhaustive handbook describing the tools and tricks of the
trade of stochastic-method applications in the natural sciences; it also presents
a well-executed introduction to the mathematics of Markov processes and espe-
cially diffusion processes. The book by ttinger consists of two parts. The first
part presents a lucid and comprehensive description of the theory of stochastic
processes. This description includes Markov processes, martingales, and stochas-
tic calculus. It serves as a background for the second part which deals with the
application of stochastic processes to computer simulations of polymeric fluids.
The book by Oppenheim et al. [157] is devoted to the master equation and its
applications. Symmetries and ergodic properties of stochastic processes as they
occur in statistical physics are discussed in Hnggi and Thomas [76].
Diffusion processes are the theme of a book by Risken [178] which deals exclu-
sively with the theory, solutions and applications of Fokker-Planck equations.

Section 2.3
Its version of stochastic calculus is the stochastic differential equation coun-
terpart to the Fokker-Planck (or Chapman-Kolmogorov) treatment of diffusion
processes. From the many mathematical books on this topic, we want to mention
the classical one by It and McKean [87] and also a book containing a selection
of review papers on the mathematics and applications of the It stochastic calcu-
lus in a broad variety of disciplines [83]. A modern treatment of the mathematics
of Brownian motion can be found in Karatzas and Shreve [103], and Kloeden
2.5 Further Reading 61

and Platen [106] is an extensive treatise on the mathematics and numerics of It

stochastic differential equations. A very readable introduction to the theory of
stochastic differential equations can be found in the book by Arnold [2].
A very good discussion of stochastic calculus from the physicists point of view,
comparing also e.g. the It and Stratonovich versions of the theory, may be found
in the books by Gardiner [59] and ttinger [155].
Chapter 3
Diffusion Processes

3.1 The Random Walk Revisited

Let us return to the random walk on a lattice problem that we began to study
in the introductory chapter. But now we want to be more general and con-
sider a random walk on some d-dimensional hypercubic lattice with base vectors
(a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a d ) = a(e1 , e2 , . . . , ed ), where ei are unit vectors and a is the lattice
constant. In the following, we will choose a as our length scale and set a = 1. A lat-
tice point, r, can then be parameterized by its coordinate vector in this basis:

r = r1 e1 + r2 e2 + + rd ed = (r1 , . . . , rd ). (3.1)

Furthermore, we first want to treat a finite lattice with extension L = N a = N in

each direction and we require periodic boundary conditions in each direction:

(r1 , . . . , rd ) = (r1 + N, . . . , rd ) = = (r1 , . . . , rd + N ). (3.2)

The jumps of the random walker are supposed to occur in regularly spaced time
intervals (so we are working in discrete time), but we want to assume that the
jump distances and directions occur according to a distribution f (r). With these
assumptions, we are treating a stationary Markov process and can write down a
discrete-time master equation for the probability of being at the lattice point r after
n steps (cf. (2.82)):


pn (r) pn1 (r) = f r r  pn1 r  f r r pn1 (r),

r r

where we assume that p0 (r) = r,0 . This master equation can be rewritten as

pn (r) = f r r  pn1 r  (3.3)


W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, Stochastic Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00327-6_3, 63

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
64 3 Diffusion Processes

because (compare (2.69))

f r  r = 1. (3.4)

This is a higher dimensional generalization of the rate equation we discussed for the
one-dimensional random walker in the introductory chapter (see (1.21)).
Equation (3.3) has the form of a convolution. The tool to solve convolution equa-
tions is Fourier transformation, which we here have to apply to discrete variables.
So let us define the so-called structure function of the random walk, which is the
Fourier transform of the jump-vector distribution f . Because of the normalization
of f , the structure function of the random walk is also the characteristic function
(see (2.34)) of the jump-vector distribution,
m r m
f 2 = f (r) exp 2i , (3.5)
N r

where m = (m1 , m2 , . . . , md ) with mi = 0, 1, . . . , N 1 (integer). In the same way

we can define the characteristic function of the probability of the random walker to
be at position r at time n:
m r m
pn 2 = pn (r) exp 2i . (3.6)
N r

Applying the Fourier transformation to (3.3) and using the convolution theorem
for Fourier transforms and the initial condition for the probability density, we
m m n
pn 2 = f 2 . (3.7)

With a Fourier back-transformation we have formally solved our problem by ex-

pressing the lattice occupation probability at all times through the given jump-vector

N 1 1  
m n r m
pn (r) = d f 2 exp 2i . (3.8)
m1 =0 md =0

The prefactor 1/N d is a normalization constant guaranteeing

N 1 1
r m r m
exp 2i exp 2i = 1.
Nd N N
m1 =0 md =0
3.1 The Random Walk Revisited 65

To calculate the properties of this solution, it is helpful to define the generating

function of the random walk:

G(r, z) := pn (r)zn
1  m n r m
= zf 2 exp 2i
Nd N N
n=0 {mi }

1  exp[2ir m/N]
= d , (3.9)
N 1 zf (2m/N)
{mi }

in which the last equation employs the properties of the geometric series and is valid
zf 2 m  < 1.
When we consider the limit of an infinite lattice (N ) and denote k = 2m/N ,
we have a continuum of k-space points in the interval [0, 2]d or, because of the
periodic boundary conditions, equivalently in [, ]d with a density (see Fig. 3.1)
. (3.10)

The equation for the occupation probability can then be written as

 +  +
1  n
pn (r) = dd k f (k) exp[ir k], (3.11)

and for the generating function we get:

 +  +
1 exp[ir k]
G(r, z) = dd k . (3.12)
(2)d 1 zf (k)

In a completely analogous way, one can derive the corresponding formulas for a
random walker in the continuum. For the probability density the equation reads
 +  +
1  n
pn (r) = dd k f (k) exp[ir k], (3.13)

and for the generating function it is

 +  +
1 exp[ir k]
G(r, z) = dd k . (3.14)
(2)d 1 zf (k)
66 3 Diffusion Processes

Fig. 3.1 Two-dimensional illustration of a hypercubic lattice in real (a) and reciprocal space (b). In
real space the linear dimension of the lattice is L = Na (a = lattice constant which is chosen as the
length unit, i.e., a = 1). The vector r, defined by (3.1), denotes the distance of a lattice site from the
origin (= lower left corner) of the coordinate system. The shaded square around the site in the mid-
dle shows the unit cell of the square lattice. The dashed square in (a) indicates the periodic bound-
ary conditions: the lattice is periodically continued in all directions according to (3.2). Since the
boundary conditions apply to any function of r, we have, for instance, exp[iki ri ] = exp[iki (ri + L)]
(ri , ki = ith component of r and k). This implies exp[iki L] = 1 so that the k-vectors of the recip-
rocal space are quantized: ki = 2mi /L, mi = 0, 1, . . . , N 1 (i = 1, . . . , d; d = 2). The integers
mi may also be chosen as mi = N/2, . . . , N/2 1 due to the periodic boundary conditions.
The corresponding k-vectors then lie in the first Brillouin zone (dashed square of linear dimension
2/a in (b)). If the direct space was not a lattice, but continuous, we would have ki = 2mi /L
with mi = 0, 1, 2, . . . . In both the discrete and continuous case the volume per lattice site in
reciprocal space is (2/L)d (shaded square in (b)) which justifies (3.10)

The moments of the stochastic variable r after n jumps can be calculated from the
generating function as
 +  +
m 1 dn
r n= dd rr m G(r, z)|z=0 , (3.15)
n! dzn
where we want to denote

r 2l for m = 2l,
r =
r 2l r for m = 2l + 1.

3.1.1 Polya Problem

Armed with this formal solution, we will proceed to discuss the famous Polya prob-
lem: What is the probability that a random walker starting at the origin will return
to this point?
3.1 The Random Walk Revisited 67

First of all, let us make more explicit what return actually is supposed to mean:
a walker starting at the origin at time 0 returns to that point at time n if he is at
the origin at time n and has not been there for all 1 j n 1. So let us define
the probability Qn (r) to be at position r at time n for the first time. Its generating
function is

F (r, z) = zn Qn (r). (3.16)

Since we required p0 (r) = r,0 , we can write down the following relation between
the pn and Qn :

pn (r) = pnj (0)Qj (r). (3.17)
j =1

After j steps the walker is at position r for the first time and for the next n j
steps he proceeds through a loop, starting at r and ending at r. This is an example
of what is called renewal equation, a versatile tool in the analysis of stochastic
processes which we will use again in (3.131). According to (3.17) we can write for
the generating function of pn :

G(r, z) = zn pn (r),

and this gives

G(r, z) = r,0 + zn pnj (0)Qj (r)
n=1 j =1

= r,0 + zj Qj (r)znj pnj (0)
n=1 j =1

= r,0 + zj Qj (r) znj pnj (0)
j =1 n=j

= r,0 + zj Qj (r) zl pl (0)
j =1 l=0

= r,0 + F (r, z)G(0, z). (3.18)

Therefore, we find that

1 1/G(0, z) for r = 0,
F (r, z) = (3.19)
G(r, z)/G(0, z) for r
= 0.
68 3 Diffusion Processes

Furthermore, we have by definition that

F (0, 1) = Q1 (0) + Q2 (0) + ,

so that F (0, 1) is the total return probability to the origin. According to (3.12), we
can write
 +  +
1 1
G(0, 1) = dd k . (3.20)
(2)d 1 f (k)
If this integral diverges, we have G(0, 1) = and F (0, 1) = 1, i.e. it is certain that
the random walker returns to the origin. Otherwise, he hasaccording to (3.19)a
finite probability of never returning to the origin.
The singularity of the integrand occurs at k = 0, since f (0) = 1. Let us therefore
consider the integral over a small hypersphere of radius k0 around k = 0. We can
rewrite the integrand as

1 f (k) = f (r) 1 eikr , (3.21)


because of the normalization of f , and expand the exponential

1 f (k) = f (r) ik r + (k r)2 + .

To keep the exposition simple, we specialize to symmetric transition probabilities

f (r) = f (r) and f (r e1 ) = f (r e2 ) = = f (r ed ), where the ei are unit vectors
along the lattice basis directions, so that

f (r)r = 0.

The leading-order term in a small-k expansion therefore reads

1  1  
d d
1 f (k) f (r) k k r r = k k f (r)r r
2 r 2 r
,=1 ,=1


= k k r2

1 2
= k 2 , (3.22)
where 2 = r 2  = dr2 . For the integral over the small hypersphere around 0, we
can write
1 2d
dd k = Sd lim dkk d1 2 ,
sphere(k0 ) 1 f (k) 0 k 2
3.1 The Random Walk Revisited 69

where Sd is the surface of the unit sphere in d dimensions (see Appendix B). The
radial integral is

2d k0
I= dkk d3

k01 d = 1,
= ln(k0 /) d = 2, (3.23)
(k0 d2 )/(d 2) d 3.

Thus, we found that for 0 we have a diverging integral in d = 1, 2 and a finite

integral for d 3 and therefore

= 1 d = 1, 2 (recurrent),
F (0, 1) (3.24)
< 1 d 3 (transient).

In one and two dimensions the random walk is recurrent, i.e., it returns to the origin
with probability one, and in three and more dimensions it is transient, i.e., it has a
finite probability of not returning to the origin. The exact value of F (0, 1) depends
on the lattice type. When d = 3, one finds for the simple cubic lattice (SC), body-
centered cubic lattice (BCC) and face-centered cubic lattice (FCC) [145]

0.340537330 SC,
F (0, 1) = 0.282229983 BCC, (3.25)

0.256318237 FCC.

Not surprisingly, the return probability decreases with increasing coordination num-
ber of the lattice, SC: 6, BCC: 8 and FCC: 12.

3.1.2 Rayleigh-Pearson Walk

We already mentioned in the introduction the problem of the two-dimensional ran-

dom walker that Pearson raised in an article to Nature in 1905. Lord Rayleighs
solution to the question: What is the probability for the random walker to be at a
distance between r and r + dr from his starting position after n steps? was
p(r)dr = er /n rdr.
We will derive this solution. To characterize the random walk we note that
the steps occur at regularly spaced time points (discrete time),
the walk is isotropic, and
the jump distance has a distribution p().
70 3 Diffusion Processes

In d space dimensions we can write the jump distribution in the following way:

f () = f (, 1 , . . . , d2 , ) = p(),
Sd d1

where Sd denotes again the surface of the unit sphere in d dimensions (see Ap-
pendix B). The structure function of the walk is therefore given as

f (k) = dd f ()eik

= dp() d (sin )d2 eik cos
Sd 0 0
= dp() d 2(sin )d2 cos(k cos )
Sd 0 0
= (d/2) dp() Jd/21 (k).
0 k

Here we have used an integral representation for the Bessel function Jd/21 ([67], p.
962, Eqs. (8.4114.)), which is valid for d > 1. This Bessel function can be written
in the following power series form (see [67], Eq. (8.440)):
k (1)i k
Jd/21 = ; (3.27)
2 i! (d/2 + i) 2

we therefore have

(1)i (d/2) k 2i
f (k) = dp() .
0 i! (d/2 + i) 2

Assuming that all moments of p() are finite, we integrate the power series term by
term. We furthermore want to focus on the large-scale properties of the walk, i.e.,
we require k 1 and approximate (making use of the symmetry of p())
f (k) = dp() 1 k  +
2 2
0 4 (d/2 + 1)

1 2 2
1 k  . (3.28)
In the same approximation we get
 n n 2 2  
f (k) 1 k  exp (n/2d)k 2 2 . (3.29)
3.1 The Random Walk Revisited 71

Fig. 3.2 A random coil

configuration of a freely
jointed chain with links  and
end-to-end distance R

Inserting this result into (3.13) we get

dd ke(n/2d)k   eikr
2 2
pn (r) =
d dr 2
= exp . (3.30)
2n2  2n2 

Specializing to 2 dimensions and 2  = 1, we find Lord Rayleighs result:

2r r 2 /n
pn (r) = 2rpn (r) = e . (3.31)

A Polymer Model

The Rayleigh-Pearson random walk also appears in another disguise as a model in

polymer physics. Here it is called the freely jointed chain model (see Fig. 3.2). One
describes a polymer as a series of links of fixed length  = 0 , which are connected
through random angles, and crossings of these links in space [54] are allowed. This
is the Rayleigh-Pearson walk in d = 3 with p() = ( 0 ) and the number of the
repeat unit or monomer when we go along the chain replacing time. For the length
distribution of the end-to-end vector of a chain of N links, we can write

pN (R) = 4R 2 pN (R)
 2 3/2
 N 0 3R 2
= 2/ R exp
. (3.32)
3 2N 20

From this, we find that the mean-square end-to-end distance of the polymer chain is
  2 3/2
2  N 0 3R 2
R = dR 2/ R 4 exp
0 3 2N 20
= N 20 . (3.33)
72 3 Diffusion Processes

This so-called Gaussian or random coil state of a polymer chain is, to a very good
approximation, realized in long-chain polymer melts and for isolated long chains in
special solvents ( -solvents) [179]. In these situations, the excluded volume interac-
tions between different parts of the chain are efficiently screened by the interactions
with the surrounding medium (other chains in the melt case, solvent molecules for
-solvents) so that one may neglect these excluded volume forces for the calculation
of the chain size to a first approximation. Corrections to this Gaussian behavior are
known for both polymer melts [216] and -solvents [72, 186].
Of course, a polymer chain cannot really cross itself, and in general one has to
take this into account in the modeling. This leads to the concept of the self-avoiding
walk (SAW). When one considers a walk on a lattice, the SAW is not allowed to visit
the same lattice point more than once. In a continuum model, one would need to
assign a volume to the links (monomers), for instance, treating them as tangent hard
spheres. The statistical properties of the SAW differ significantly from the those of
the random walk [122, 177, 192]. For instance, the end-to-end distance scales with
chain length N as

2 0.589 d = 3,
R N 2
with = (3.34)
3/4 d = 2.

3.1.3 Continuous-Time Random Walk

In this chapter we have so far considered random walks with jumps occurring at
fixed times with a prescribed jump-distance distribution. It is natural to also consider
the time between two jumps as a random variable. Walks with a distribution of wait-
ing times between the jumps are called continuous-time random walks (CTRWs)
More precisely, a CTRW can be described as follows: Consider a random walker
being at the origin at time t = 0. The walker waits for a time 1 = t1 0 before
jumping by 1 away from the origin, where he waits again for some time 2 =
t2 t1 before making a jump to a new position 1 + 2 , and so on up to time t. This
process, for which the jump distances {1 , 2 , . . .} and the waiting times {1 , 2 , . . .}
are iid random variables, is the CTRW. In the following we will examine separable
CTRWs, that is, random walks for which the joint distribution of jump distances and
waiting times factorizes:
(, ) = f ()( ). (3.35)
Here f () is the jump-vector distribution introduced in Sect. 3.1 and ( )d is the
probability for a jump to occur in the time interval [, + d ] when the last jump
occurred at time = 0.
In the preceding sections, the key quantity was pn (r), the probability to be at
position r after the nth jump. This gave directly the probability p(r, t) to be at
r at time t, since t = nt and the time interval t between jumps was fixed. For
3.1 The Random Walk Revisited 73

the CTRW, however, t is replaced by the random waiting time , implying that the
number of jumps (n) occurring in a given time interval [0, t] also becomes a random
variable. Therefore, the relation between pn (r) and p(r, t) is more complicated; it
involves the probability Pn (t) that n jumps take the time t:

p(r, t) = Pn (t)pn (r). (3.36)

Here the product Pn (t)pn (r) is the probability to be at r after n jumps and that the
n jumps take exactly the time t (this holds due to the separability of the CTRW).
The sum over n accounts for the fact that any number of jumps may occur in [0, t].
The new quantity in (3.36), Pn (t), is related to the waiting time distribution. Let
us denote by n ( ) the probability density for the nth jump to occur after a waiting
time , and by ( ) the probability that no jump occurs in the interval [0, ], i.e.,

( ) = 1  d  =  d  . (3.37)

Furthermore, let us assume that t. Then, the product (t )n ( ) is the prob-

ability that n jumps take a time and that no further jump occurs in the remaining
time t . Integration over all values of (0 t) gives Pn (t):
Pn (t) = (t )n ( )d. (3.38)

By inserting this expression into (3.36) we get

p(r, t) = (t )Q(r, )d (3.39)

with Q(r, ) being the probability to arrive at position r at time ,

Q(r, ) = n ( )pn (r). (3.40)

To proceed, we can write down the following recurrence relation for n ( ):

n ( ) =  n1  d  , 0 ( ) = ( ). (3.41)

Due to the convolution theorem for Laplace transforms this recurrence relation sim-
plifies upon Laplace transformation (t s):
n (s) := d es n ( ) = (s)n1 (s) = (s) .
74 3 Diffusion Processes

With this result Laplace transformation of (3.40) yields

Q(r, s) = (s) pn (r), (3.42)

which is exactly the definition of the generating function of the walk G(r, z) in (3.9)
with z replaced by (s), the Laplace transform of the waiting-time distribution:

Q(r, s) = G r, (s) .

By Laplace transformation of (3.39), we therefore get


p(r, s) = (s)G r, (s) = 1 (s) G r, (s) , (3.43)

where we utilized an integration by parts and the normalization of (t) to determine
the Laplace transform of (t) from (3.37). Now we can use the result (3.14) for the
Fourier representation of the generating function G to finally get for the Fourier-
Laplace transform of p(r, t):
1 1 (s)
p(k, s) = , (3.44)
s 1 (s)f (k)
where f (k) is the structure function of the walk defined in (3.5).
For the Rayleigh-Pearson walk we looked at the properties for large distances,
i.e., for k 1. We now extend this to derive the behavior of the CTRW for large
distances and long times, i.e., we also require s 1. We therefore approximate the
structure function and the Laplace transform of the waiting-time distribution in the
following way:
1 2 2
f (k) 1 + ik  k  , (3.45)
(s) 1 s  = 1 s0 , (3.46)

where we assume

  = ( )d =: 0 < . (3.47)
Inserting these approximations into (3.44), we get
p(k, s) = .
s0 ik (1 s0 ) + k 2 2 (1 s0 )/2d
In the same way as we did for the one-dimensional random walk with fixed jump
length x and waiting time t in Chap. 1, we now perform the following limiting

0 0,  0 and v, (3.48)
3.2 Free Brownian Motion 75

2 2 
0 0,  0 and D. (3.49)
With this, we arrive at
p(k, s) = . (3.50)
s ik v + Dk 2
This is the Fourier-Laplace transform of a Gaussian diffusion process with condi-
tional probability p(r, t|r 0 , 0) given by
(r r 0 vt)2
p(r, t|r 0 , 0) = (4Dt)d/2 exp . (3.51)
Not surprisingly, we once more derived that, when the first two moments of a proba-
bility distribution exist (in this case of the jump-size distribution), the sum variable,
i.e., the displacement on large scales, asymptotically is described by a Gaussian dis-
tribution. For the CTRW, we furthermore had to require the existence of the first
moment of the waiting-time distribution.
The interesting case of what happens when either of the first two moments of the
jump-size distribution or the first moment of the waiting-time distribution do not
exist, will be discussed in the next chapter on Lvy distributions and Lvy flights.
We will now proceed with a treatment of the classical problem that gave rise to the
concept and studies of what now are called diffusion processes.

3.2 Free Brownian Motion

In this section we will discuss the archetypical stochastic process, the Brownian
motion problem. As already mentioned in Chap. 1, in 1827 the Scottish botanist
Brown observed a very irregular motion of pollen particles immersed in a solvent. It
took about 80 years until Einstein and Smoluchowski gave a theoretical explanation
of this phenomenon. With todays knowledge, we would start to model this system
in the following way.
The fluid particles are much lighter than the Brownian particle (Fig. 3.3). Due to
this mass difference they move much faster, exerting a myriad of (weak) collisions
on the Brownian particle. The compound effect of these collisions is to impart a
random force and a viscous drag on the Brownian particle. We model these two
aspects as follows:
The viscosity of the fluid leads to a viscous drag force on the Brownian particle
which counteracts its motion. Since the velocity of the particle is small, the drag
force can be taken to be proportional to the velocity difference between the parti-
cle and the fluid (Stokes friction). Assuming the fluid to be at rest, the drag force
is thus given by
f drag = Mv, (3.52)
where is the friction coefficient of the Brownian particle and M its mass.
76 3 Diffusion Processes

Fig. 3.3 A large Brownian

particle of mass M immersed
in a fluid of much smaller and
lighter particles

Because of the mass difference, the small fluid particles move much faster than
the Brownian particle which we want to describe. We will approximate the col-
lisions between the Brownian particle and the fluid particles as occurring instan-
taneously and imparting a random velocity change onto the Brownian particle.
Furthermore, we assume that all collisions are uncorrelated. We will therefore
model the velocity changes of the Brownian particle due to the stochastic colli-
sions by a Wiener process with a strength .

For the sake of later generalization we also include an external force F acting on
the Brownian particle into the description. Thus, we write the equations of motion
of the particle as

dx = vdt,

Mdv = F (x) Mv dt + dW (t).

These two coupled stochastic differential equations are equivalent to the following
Fokker-Planck equation, which is called the Kramers equation [101, 110],
  F (x)
p(x, v, t) = x vp(x, v, t) + v v p(x, v, t)
t M
1 2
+ v p(x, v, t). (3.54)
2 M

With the knowledge of Chap. 2 we can qualitatively understand how this equa-
tion comes about. The deterministic terms, v and F (x) Mv, give rise to first
order derivatives at the Fokker-Planck level, whereas the stochastic term leads to
a second order derivative with an amplitude proportional to 2 (see Table 2.1).
Equation (3.54) was used in 1940 by Kramers to describe the kinetics of chemical
3.2 Free Brownian Motion 77

3.2.1 Velocity Process

Let us now specialize to the classical Brownian motion problem and choose F = 0
and apply a one-dimensional treatment. Without external force the velocity and po-
sition equations decouple and we can focus on the stochastic differential equation
for the velocity of the Brownian particle,

dv = vdt + dW (t). (3.55)
The equivalent Fokker-Planck equation for the probability distribution of the veloc-
ity of the Brownian particle is
  1 2 2
p(v, t) = vp(v, t) + p(v, t). (3.56)
t v 2 M v 2
Due to (2.91), (3.56) also holds for the conditional probability p(v, t|v0 , t0 ).
The stochastic process that is defined by (3.55) or (3.56) is called the Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck process. Taking the average of (3.55) we get

v(t) = v0 e t . (3.57)

The average velocity in an ensemble of Brownian particles (realizations of the

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process) is exponentially damped with a time constant,

damping = 1 . (3.58)

For a given realization of the process (realization of W (t)) the stochastic variable
v(t) will show fluctuations around the average velocity. We therefore make the fol-
lowing ansatz for the solution of (3.55):

v(t) = v0 e t 1 + f (t) .

Inserting this into (3.55), we get


v0 e t df (t) = dW (t) f (t) = e t dW t  . (3.59)

M Mv0 0

The equation for the fluctuations contains no drift termas one would require and
as is also implied by the choice of word. The incremental changes of the fluctuating
part of the velocity are a fair game (df (t) = 0) and therefore the equilibrium
fluctuationswhich are a sum of fair-game variablesare a martingale. We want to
note that by subtracting the drift from the total velocity process we have generated a
process (fluctuations) that is a martingale. This property is also central to the Black-
Scholes theory of option pricing, and we will discuss its mathematical background
in more detail in Chap. 5. The solution of (3.55) is then given by

t t t t 

v(t) = v0 e + e e dW t  . (3.60)
M 0
78 3 Diffusion Processes

With this solution we can calculate the average of the squared velocity of the Brow-
nian particle:

2  2  2 t v0  2 t t t  

v (t) = v0 e +2 e e dW t
M 0
 t t

+ 2 e2 t e (t +t ) dW t  dW t 
M 0 0
= v02 e2 t + 2 e2 t e2 t dt  ,
M 0

in which we made use of the properties of the Wiener process, (cf. (2.117)). Our
final result is
2  2 2 2
v (t) = + v0 e2 t . (3.61)
2 M 2 2 M 2
The stationary value of the mean-square velocity is reached for t

v 2 () = .
2 M 2

This has to be equal to the mean thermal velocity of the Brownian particle, which
is thermalized by the collisions with the fluid particles. If the fluid is kept at a tem-
perature T , we obtain the following for the mean kinetic energy of the Brownian
particle using the equipartition theorem [176]:

M 2  1
v () = kB T 2 = 2 MkB T . (3.62)
2 2
We conclude that (3.55) only correctly describes the long time behavior of the Brow-
nian particlewhere initial effects have decayed and the motion of the particle is
solely triggered by the contact with the solvent in thermal equilibriumif the two
parameters in (3.55) are interrelated by (3.62). This is a version of the fluctuation
dissipation theorem [176] relating the strength of equilibrium fluctuations ( ) to the
magnitude of the dissipation ( ).
The autocorrelation function of the velocity can also be calculated explicitly:
v(t)v(s) = v02 e (t+s)
2kB T (t+s) t s (t  +t  ) 

+ e e dW t dW t
M 0 0

2  (t+s) 2kB T (t+s) min(t,s) 2 t  
= v0 e + e e dt .
M 0

Here we again made use of the fact that dW (t  )dW (t  ) = dt  t  ,t  , so that the two
stochastic integrals only contribute along the line t  = t  and only up to min(t, s).
3.2 Free Brownian Motion 79

Fig. 3.4 Velocity

autocorrelation function (see
(3.63)) of a Brownian particle
for different reference
times, s, as indicated in the
figure. Velocities are
normalized by the thermal
velocity, vT2 = kB T /M. The
starting velocity at s = 0 is
supposed to be v02 = 2vT2

So we get
  kB T (t+s) kB T |ts|
v(t)v(s) = v02 e + e (3.63)

t >s t + s 2 min(t, s) = t s > 0
t + s 2 min(t, s) = |t s|.
t <s t + s 2 min(t, s) = (t s) > 0
The stationary behavior of the autocorrelation function is attained in the limit
t, s with |t s| fixed. This gives

 t,s kB T |ts|
v(t)v(s) = e . (3.65)

In the stationary limit the velocity autocorrelation function thus only depends on
|t s| and the equal-time (t = s) mean-square velocity is constant. It is given by the
equilibrium value, v 2 (t) = vT2 with vT2 = kB T /M being the thermal velocity.
Equation (3.63) is plotted in Fig. 3.4 for three reference times, s = 0, s = 1
and s = 5, and a (non-stationary) starting velocity of v02  = 2vT2 . The decay of ve-
locity correlations with respect to the starting condition is simple exponential (curve
s = 0). When the reference time is equal to the damping time (curve s = 1), there
is an asymmetric cusp around t = s with a maximum value larger than one. Finally,
for a reference time much larger than the damping time (curve s = 5), we find the
stationary behavior with a cusp of height one around t = s.
80 3 Diffusion Processes

The Velocity Distribution

We complete the analysis of the velocity of the Brownian particle by deriving its
distribution function. From (3.57), (3.60) and (3.62) we see that
 2 kB T t t t 

u(t) := v(t) v(t) = e e dW t  . (3.66)

M 0

Being the sum (integral) of Gaussian-distributed random variables dW (t  ), u(t) is a

Gaussian-distributed random variable with the following first and second moments
  kB T

u(t) = 0 and u2 (t) = 1 e2 t .

So the conditional probability to transition from u(t = 0) = 0 (from v(t = 0) = v0 )
to u at time t (to v(t)) is
2 /2u2 
p(u, t|0, 0) =  ,
and inserting the definition of u we get

p(v, t|v0 , 0)

1 M (v v0 e t )2
= exp . (3.67)
2kB T (1 e2 t )/M 2kB T 1 e2 t

One can verify by insertion that this is the solution to the Fokker-Planck equation
(3.56) with the starting condition p(v, 0|v0 , 0) = (v v0 ) and the boundary con-
ditions p(v , t|v0 , 0) = 0. Thereby, it is also the so-called Greens-function
solution to this partial differential equation, or, in other terms, the Gaussian propa-
gator between (v0 , 0) and (v, t). Since p(v, 0) = (v v0 ) and we have (see (2.65)
and (2.68))

p(v, t) = p v, t|v  , 0 p v  , 0 dv  ,

Eq. (3.67) also holds for probability p(v, t) of finding the velocity v at time t.
Figure 3.5 shows the behavior of the velocity distribution for three different
times. The starting distribution at t = 0 is chosen as p(v0 ) = (v0 2vT ), as in
Fig. 3.4. For t = 0.1 we see a rounding of the initial peak and already a small
shift towards v = 0. The broadening and the shift towards v = 0 proceed in time
until, for t = 5, the distribution closely approximates the normal distribution in
the chosen variable.
The normal distribution is the stationary limit of p(v, t). For t we find that
(3.67) tends towards the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution

t 1 Mv 2
p(v, t) peq (v) = exp . (3.68)
2kB T /M 2kB T
3.2 Free Brownian Motion 81

Fig. 3.5 Probability

distribution for an ensemble
of Brownian particles starting
with v0 = 2vT at time t = 0.
For t > 0 we see a Gaussian
distribution whose center
position is relaxing to zero.
The stationary case is a
normal distribution (circles)
with mean zero and width one
in the scaled representation

If we took the starting velocity v0 not from (v v0 ), but from the equilibrium dis-
tribution (i.e., v02  = vT2 ), peq (v) would be preserved under the Brownian dynamics.
That is,

peq (v) = p v, t|v  , 0 peq v  , 0 dv  . (3.69)

This equation and (3.67) for the conditional probability show that the Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck process satisfies the condition (2.78). Thus, it is a stationary, Gaussian,
Markov process. According to a theorem by Doob [209], the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
process is the only stochastic process with these properties. Whenever we are to
model a problem as a stationary, Gaussian, Markov process, we can therefore write
down the unique solution for the time dependent-transition probabilities according
to (3.67).

3.2.2 Position Process

We want to conclude the analysis of the classical Brownian motion problem by

calculating the position of the Brownian particle. From

dx(t) = v(t)dt,

we get with (3.60), (3.62), and setting x(0) = 0,

v0 t

2 kB T t  t  t

x(t) = 1e + dt e dW t  e t . (3.70)
M 0 0
82 3 Diffusion Processes

The mean particle position is given by


x(t) = 1 e t , (3.71)

behaving for small times as x(t) = v0 t and approaching x = x(t ) =
v0 / , which is the asymptotic displacement reached under the influence of the fric-
tion force when the particle starts at x = 0 with velocity v0 .
For the second moment we have to calculate
2  v02

t 2 2 kB T t  t  t  t 
x (t) = 2 1 e + dt e dt e
M 0 0
 t  t 

e e t dW t dW t
0 0
2 2 kB T t
= 2
1 e t + dt e dt  e t
M 0 0
 min(t  ,t  ) 
dt  e2 t ,

where we used again the covariance of the Wiener process (2.117), The triple inte-
gral can be calculated with the help of (3.64) and
 t  t  t  t
  |t  t  |   
dt dt e =2 dt dt  e (t t ) .
0 0 0 0

The final result for the mean-square displacement of the Brownian particle reads
2  v kB T

t 2 2kB T 1 t

x (t) = 02 1 e + t 1 e
M 2 M
2kB T v2
2 kB T

= t + 02 1 e t 2
3 4e t + e2 t . (3.72)
Asymptotically for t , we recover the diffusive behavior
 t kB T
x 2 (t) 2Dt, D= , (3.73)
where D is the diffusion coefficient. This is Einsteins result for the diffusive motion
of the Brownian particle. For short times, on the other hand, the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
description of Brownian motion captures the ballistic motion of the particle:
x(t) = v0 t and x 2 (t) = v02 t 2 . (3.74)

From the preceding discussion we see that the position process depends on the value
of v0 . Let us assume that v0 = vT = kB T /M, i.e., that the underlying velocity pro-
cess is stationary. Then, the velocity autocorrelation function decays exponentially
3.2 Free Brownian Motion 83

Fig. 3.6 Mean-square

displacement (3.76) of a
Brownian particle according
to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
description of Brownian
motion (circles). Time and
distance are measured in
scaled coordinates (see text).
The asymptotic behavior for
t 0 (3.74) and t
(3.73) is also shown (solid

(3.65) and the autocorrelation function of the particle positions is given by

 t  s

x(t)x(s) = dt  dt  v t  v t 
0 0
 t  s
kB T   |
= dt  dt  e |t t
M 0 0

kB T 2 1 s t |ts|

= min(s, t) 2 1 e e +e . (3.75)
For t = s this equation gives back (3.72), if we take v0 = vT . Defining the normal-
ized coordinates
x  := x/x and t  := t,
the result for the mean-square displacement can be written in the following scaled

x t = 2 t  1 et . (3.76)
This function is plotted in Fig. 3.6 in a double-logarithmic fashion. At times t  < 1
the displacement follows a t 2 law, showing the ballistic short time behavior of the
process, and for t  1 we see a crossover to the linear diffusion behavior, also
predicted in Einsteins treatment of Brownian motion.

The Position Distribution

Based on the results obtained in this section we want to derive the distribution func-
tion for the position of the Brownian particle. This can be done in close analogy to
84 3 Diffusion Processes

the velocity distribution of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Equation (3.70) shows


u(t) := x(t) x(t) = x(t) 1 e t

is a sum (integral) of Gaussian distributed random variables and thus its distribution
is also Gaussian. If we take again v0 = vT , the first and second moments are given

u(t) = 0
 2v 2 v2
x2 (t) := u2 (t) = T t T2 3 4e t + e2 t .

These moments fully determine the conditional probability p(x, t|0, 0) to transition
from x0 = 0 at t = 0 to x at time t and, due to
p(x, t) = p(x, t|x0 , 0)p(x0 , 0)dx0

= p(x, t|x0 , 0)(x0 )dx0 = p(x, t|0, 0),

also the probability p(x, t) to find the Brownian particle at position x at time t. So
we have

1 (x vT (1 e t )/ )2
p(x, t) =  exp (3.78)
2x2 (t) 2x2 (t)

t large 1 (x vT / )2
exp (3.79)
4Dt 4Dt
with the diffusion coefficient D = kB T /M as in (3.73).
Let us conclude this section by two remarks. First, (3.79) shows that p(x, t)
vanishes for t . Thus, the position process of Brownian motion is Gaussian,
time homogeneous,1 butcontrary to the velocity process not stationary. Second,
(3.79) also shows that we recover the Wiener process (see (2.104)) from it in the
limit , provided that D = vT2 / remains fixed. Keeping D finite implies that
we have to increase the temperature in such as way that the fuelled thermal energy
counterbalances the viscous slowing down of the Brownian motion caused by the
increase of .

3.3 Caldeira-Leggett Model

Our discussion of free Brownian motion in the preceding section started from a
separation of time scales. Due to the huge difference in mass, fluid particles move

1 Time homogeneity means that p(x, t|x0 , 0) only depends on the time difference.
3.3 Caldeira-Leggett Model 85

much faster than the Brownian particle. Therefore, the fluid can equilibrate on the
time scale where the motion of the Brownian particle is observed. This argument
naturally decomposes the problem into a system, the Brownian particle, and an en-
vironment, the surrounding fluid. The environment is a reservoir with a macroscopic
number of fast degrees of freedom whose microscopic dynamics is eliminated. This
elimination yields a stochastic differential equation for the system (cf. (3.53)).
Although the physical reasoning leading to (3.53) is plausible, it would certainly
lend further credence to our reasoning, could we justify this equation, at least for
special cases, from the underlying classical equations of motion of the composite
system (particle and reservoir). This programme can indeed be carried out for Brow-
nian motion, but it involves theoretical techniques (projection operators) which will
not be presented in this book (see e.g. Chap. 3 of [6] for a detailed discussion).
However, in order to illustrate that a stochastic differential equation may be ob-
tained from Newtonian dynamics we discuss in this section a simple model, the
Caldeira-Leggett model, which is constructed such that the elimination of the de-
grees of freedom of the reservoir is tractable.

3.3.1 Definition of the Model

The Hamiltonian of the composite particlereservoir system,

H = HS + HR + HI , (3.80)

has three terms. The Hamiltonian of the particle (the system) of mass M and
momentum p, which is subject to the potential U (x) acting on its position x,

HS = + U (x), (3.81)
the Hamiltonian of the reservoir,
N  2
p 1
HR = i
+ mi2 ri2 , (3.82)
2m 2

and the Hamiltonian describing the interaction between the system and the reservoir,

1  ci2
HI = ci ri x + 2
x2. (3.83)
2 m i
i=1 i=1

The reservoir consists of large number (N ) of independent oscillators of mass m

and frequency i with momenta pi and positions ri . The interaction Hamiltonian
is bilinear in the coordinates ri and x and introduces the coupling coefficients ci .
86 3 Diffusion Processes

Insertion of HS , HR , and HI into (3.80) yields

N  2 2 
p2 pi 1 ci
H= + U (x) + + mi ri
x . (3.84)
2m 2 mi2

This Hamiltonian has been used to discuss dissipation in system-plus-reservoir mod-

els for a long time. In the recent literature, particularly in the field of research on
quantum dissipative systems, it is called Caldeira-Leggett model (see e.g. [212]).
Here we treat this model in the framework of classical mechanics. Our presentation
closely follows the discussion in [220].

3.3.2 Velocity Process and Generalized Langevin Equation

From the Hamiltonian (3.84) we obtain the equations of motion for the system and
the reservoir. For the system we find
H p
x = = ,
p M
dU (x) 
H ci
p = = + ci ri x ,
x dx

and for the reservoir

H pi
ri = = ,
pi m
pi = = mi2 ri + ci x,
or equivalently,
ri + i2 ri = x(t) =: Fi (t). (3.86)
Equation (3.85) shows that the dynamics of the system depends on the degrees of
freedom of the reservoir only through ri (t). Therefore, the first step to eliminate the
reservoir is to determine ri (t) from (3.86).
Equation (3.86) is an inhomogeneous differential equation which is solved by the
sum of the general solution of the homogeneous equation,

ri + i2 ri = 0, (3.87)

and a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation. The solution of (3.87) is

given by
ri (t) = Ai cos i t + Bi sin i t (Ai , Bi = constants). (3.88)
3.3 Caldeira-Leggett Model 87

To find a particular solution of (3.86) we use the method of the variation of con-
stants. That is, we make the ansatz ri (t) = Ai (t) exp(ii t) and determine Ai (t) so
that (3.86) is satisfied. Insertion into (3.86) gives for Ai (t)

gi (t) + 2ii gi (t) = Fi (t) exp(ii t) with gi (t) = Ai . (3.89)

Setting gi (t) = Ci (t) exp(2ii t) we find from (3.89)

Ci (t) = dsFi (s) exp(ii s),

and so
Ai (t) = dsgi (s)
 t  t
= dsFi (s) eii s eii t dsFi (s) eii (ts) ,
2ii 0 0

where we used an integration by parts in order to obtain the second line. Putting
these results together a particular solution of (3.86) reads
sin i (t s) ci t sin i (t s)
ri (t) = dsFi (s) = dsx(s) . (3.90)
0 i m 0 i

Now we add to (3.90) the homogeneous solution (3.88) and fix the constants Ai and
Bi by the initial conditions for ri (t) and pi (t). This gives

pi (0)
Ai = ri (0) and Bi = ,
where we also used the formula (see [67], p. 1130, Eq. (12.211))
d (t)
d(t) (t)
dxf (x, t) = f (t), t f (t), t + dx f (x, t).
dt (t) dt dt (t) t

Thus, we finally obtain

pi (0) ci t sin i (t s)
ri (t) = ri (0) cos i t + sin i t + dsx(s) ,
mi m 0 i

or after integration by parts

ci ci pi (0)
ri (t) 2
x(t) = ri (0) 2
x(0) cos i t + sin i t
mi mi mi
ds x(s) cos i (t s). (3.91)
mi2 0
88 3 Diffusion Processes

The left-hand side of (3.91) is exactly the term which appears in (3.85). Therefore,
we find for the velocity v of the particle (system) the following equation of motion
dU (x)
M v = M ds (t s)v(s) + (t), (3.92)
dx 0

where the friction coefficient is given by

1  ci2
(t) = 2
cos i t (3.93)
M m i

and the random force by

ci pi (0)
(t) = ci ri (0) x(0) cos i t + sin i t . (3.94)
mi2 mi

This result is interesting. We see that the elimination of the degrees of freedom of
the reservoir transforms the deterministic equation of motion (3.85) for the system
into a Langevin-like equation. However, this transformation is formal because no
approximation has been made up to now. Equation (3.92) is still deterministic: (t)
and (t) are defined in terms of the parameters of the model and the initial positions
and momenta of the oscillators; they are known functions of time.
Nevertheless, it is tempting to develop of stochastic interpretation of (3.92), with
dissipation due to (t) and random fluctuations due to (t). It is legitimate to inter-
pret the second term of (3.92) as a friction force because it is linear in the velocity.
The friction coefficient, however, is not constant as in (3.53). It depends on time
through the dynamics of the reservoir (see (3.93)). This time dependence gives rise
to the convolution integral of (t s) and v(s) in (3.92). The motion of the particle
is thus influenced by its previous history. Langevin equations with such a memory
effect are non-Markovian and commonly referred to as generalized Langevin equa-
tions [6, 220].
The third term in (3.92) may be interpreted as a random force if we assume that
M  m. As for the free Brownian particle, we expect this mass difference to lead
to a separation of time scales between the (fast) reservoir and the (slow) particle.
It is then reasonable to presume that the reservoir can equilibrate for any given
configuration of the particle; it should be characterized by its average properties
only. If we assume that the reservoir is a heat bath, this implies that averages over
all realizations of the random process of the reservoir can be calculated as

 1 drj dpj (HR + HI )
() = () exp (3.95)
Z j =1 h kB T
3.3 Caldeira-Leggett Model 89

with the Gaussian Hamiltonian (see (3.82)(3.84))

N  2
p 1 ci
HR + HI = + mi ri
i 2
x . (3.96)
2m 2 mi2

Using this prescription we find for the average of the random force from (3.94)
! " 
ci pi (0)
(t) = ci ri (0) x(0) cos i t + sin i t
mi2 mi

= 0, (3.97)

! "
pi (0) = 0 and ri (0) x(0) =0
due to (3.95) and (3.96). Similarly, we can calculated the correlation function
(t)(t  ) of the random force. Equation (3.94) shows that this correlation func-
tion contains crossterms between different oscillators and between positions and
momenta. All of these crossterms vanish on average so that we have
! 2 "

(t) t  = ci2 ri (0) x(0) cos i t cos i t 
ci 2 2 
+ pi (0) sin i t sin i t  .

With the equipartition theorem [176]

! 2 "
pi2 (0) 1 1 ci 1
= kB T and mi2 ri (0) 2
x(0) = kB T ,
2m 2 2 mi 2


cos i t t  = cos i t cos i t  + sin i t sin i t 

we obtain

N  2 


(t) t = kB T 2
cos i t t  = kB T M t t  , (3.98)

where (3.93) was used to obtain the last equality.

Equation (3.98) relates the strength of the equilibrium fluctuations of the random
force to the dissipation; it is thus a version of the fluctuationdissipation theorem
[176]. Since (t) is a linear superposition of Gaussian random variables (according
90 3 Diffusion Processes

to (3.94)(3.96)), it is itself a Gaussian random variable and its distribution is fully

specified by the first two moments, (3.97) and (3.98). Equations (3.97) and (3.98)
show that (t) is invariant with respect to time translation and thus a stationary
process (cf. (2.66)). A stationary process with the properties,

(t) = 0 and (t) t  = kB T M t t  ,

is called colored noise [101]. The noise would become white (and the process thus
Markovian), if (t) were -correlated (see (2.97)). This can be achieved by the fol-
lowing assumption. Since the number (N ) of oscillators is very large, many different
i should contribute to the sum of cosines in (3.93). So we may expect destructive
interference to occur for finite t. Under these circumstance, only the t = 0 term
should survive, and we may write
N   N 
1  ci2 1  ci2
(t) = cos i t  (t) =: (t). (3.99)
mi2 M

This gives back (3.53) upon insertion into (3.92).

For the specific example of the Caldeira-Leggett model it is thus possible to mo-
tivate the stochastic differential equation for a heavy particle and the fluctuation-
dissipation theorem by eliminating the fast reservoir degrees of freedom from the
classical equations of motion for the full system, particle and reservoir (heat bath).
This supports the qualitative arguments presented in the previous section in order to
obtain (3.53).

3.4 On the Maximal Excursion of Brownian Motion

In Chap. 2.1.7 we discussed the limiting distributions for the maxima of samples of
iid random variables. Here we want to extend this discussion by asking: What is
the distribution of the maximal excursion of a Brownian motion x(t) in the interval
[0, tmax ]?. Let us define
M(t) = sup x(t),

the maximal value a sample path x(t) assumes in the interval [0, tmax ]. To determine
the distribution of M(t) we introduce the concept of stopping time, T , which is of
general importance in the theory of stochastic processes. In our case this time can
be defined in the following way:

Ta := inf 0 t tmax : x(t) = a , (3.100)

i.e., we assume that we stop the process when the level a is reached for the first
time. In general, one would define a stopping time for a stochastic process by the
first occurrence of some arbitrary predetermined event. In order for this prescription
to lead to a consistent definition, however, one has to require:
3.4 On the Maximal Excursion of Brownian Motion 91

that the decision of whether the process has to be stopped at t = T can be made
on the history of the motion x(s); 0 s t alone, and
that the stopping time T is finite with probability one.
Under these conditions the following theorem on the distribution of M(t) holds:

Theorem 3.1 (Reflection Principle) Given a standard Brownian motion x(t), for
every a 0 we have

2 x
Prob M(t) a = 2 Prob x(t) a = exp dx. (3.101)
2t a 2t

Let us derive this relation. Clearly

Prob x(t) a = Prob x(t) a, M(t) a + Prob x(t) a, M(t) < a

= Prob x(t) a, M(t) a since M(t) x(t).


Prob x(t) a, M(t) a = Prob x(t) a|M(t) a Prob M(t) a

= Prob x(t) a|Ta t Prob M(t) a .

Since x(t) is a Brownian motion, also x(Ta + s) x(Ta ) = x(Ta + s) a is a Brow-

nian motion with increments that are independent of all x(t), t Ta . We therefore

Prob x(t) a|Ta t = Prob x Ta + (t Ta ) a 0|Ta t = ,

since Prob(x(t) 0) = 1
2 for all t for a Brownian motion without drift. Applying
this identity we obtain


Prob x(t) a = Prob M(t) a (3.102)

as claimed by the reflection principle. The probability density that the maximum M
occurs at time t is therefore given by
2 M2
p(M, t) = exp . (3.103)
2t 2t

It is easily seen that this result can be of importance, e.g., for the assessment of risks
in financial markets (see Chap. 5). When we ask with what probability a stock index
drops below a threshold value in a given time interval, and if the time dependence
of this variable can be modeled as Brownian motion, then the reflection principle
allows us to evaluate this risk.
92 3 Diffusion Processes

Fig. 3.7 External potential

U (x) as a function of some
general reaction coordinate x.
The system starts in the
metastable minimum around
xA and crosses the barrier to
the equilibrium state at xC by
a thermally activated
stochastic process

3.5 Brownian Motion in a Potential: Kramers Problem

The problem that is often referred to as the Kramers problem is illustrated in Fig. 3.7.
Suppose we have a system that can be either in an equilibrium state C of lowest en-
ergy (or free energy) or in a metastable state A, which is a local minimum in energy
as a function of some coordinate x, but not the absolute minimum in energy. An
example of this situation is the description of a chemical reaction given by Kramers
[110]. State A corresponds to the unreacted products (educts) and state C to the
reacted products. For this reason, it is common to call x a (generalized) reaction
coordinate. In order for the reaction to occur, the system has to cross a barrier at xB
with energy differences Eb+ compared to the metastable state A and Eb compared
to the stable state C. Since Eb > Eb+ we expect the rate K + with which the system
crosses the barrier from A to C to be larger than the rate K for the reverse process.
Kramers modeled this problem using the one-dimensional version of (3.53)

dx = vdt,

Mdv = F (x) Mv dt + 2M kB T dW (t),

where F = dU/dx is the force exerted on the Brownian particle in the external
potential U . In (3.104) we have inserted the result for the strength of the stochastic
forces (3.62). The time development of the reaction coordinate is therefore modeled
as the Brownian motion of a particle in an external potential. Employing a Markov
process description of this problem entails the following assumptions:
the friction effects contain no memory of the form (cf. (3.92))
(t s)v(s)ds,

the stochastic forces can be approximated as a Wiener process.

3.5 Brownian Motion in a Potential: Kramers Problem 93

When these two terms, such as in the free Brownian motion problem, model the
interaction of the reaction coordinate with all other degrees of freedom of the system
which are not explicitly taken into account, these other degrees of freedom have to
be fast compared to the typical time scales of the reaction coordinate. Contrary to the
free Brownian motion problem, the Kramers problem has more than one inherent
time scale:
the thermalization time T within one of the minima: This is the time after which
an ensemble of systems started, for instance, at xA has assumed the Maxwell-
Boltzmann equilibrium distribution corresponding to an infinite barrier at xB ;
the escape time e : This is the mean time a Brownian particle will need to go from
A to C. There is of course a symmetrically defined time for going from C to A.
When bath is a typical time scale for the fast degrees of freedom, we require the
following inequalities:
bath T e . (3.105)
The second inequality is the basis for calling the barrier crossing thermally activated.
On a time scale T , the reaction coordinate has reached thermal equilibrium with
the bath variables, and it is the thermal fluctuations of these variables that create the
stochastic forces which finally drive the system over the barrier.
To be consistent with the last inequality of the time scales, we have to assume
the following inequality of energy scales:

kB T Eb+ . (3.106)

The mean (thermal) energy of the Brownian particle has to be much smaller than the
barrier height. If it were larger than the barrier height, the Brownian particle would
diffuse more or less freely from A to C and back, and if it were of comparable height
the time scales for equilibration and escape would not be clearly separated.
There is one more set of competing time scales contained in (3.104). The time
scale for the coupling of the reaction coordinate to the bath coordinates is set by
the friction coefficient . Without the coupling to the bath, the particle would per-
form a Newtonian motion in the external potential U . When the particle has a total
energy smaller than the barrier,
 it performs oscillations
 around either A or C with
typical frequencies A = U  (xA )/M and C = U  (xC )/M, where we use U 
to denote the second derivative of the potential with respect to the reaction coordi-
nate. When the particle has a total energy larger than the barrier, however, there is a
time scale for the exchange between kineticand potential energy during the barrier
crossing. This time scale is given by B = |U  (xB )|/M. We can now distinguish
two different regimes:
strong friction, /B  1: spatially diffusive or Smoluchowski regime,
weak friction, /B 1: energy-diffusive regime.
Kramers [110] presented solutions to the barrier-crossing problem in these two lim-
iting regimes. We will focus in the following on the case of strong friction. We saw
94 3 Diffusion Processes

in Sect. 3.2 that 1/ is the time scale over which the Brownian particle loses infor-
mation about the starting velocity. After this time all inertia effects have died out.
So one can approximate (3.104) by
F (x) 2kB T
dv = 0, dx = vdt = dt + dW (t). (3.107)

The corresponding Fokker-Planck equation is often called Smoluchowski equation

because Smoluchowski treated free Brownian motion with this approach. For the
transition probability it is given by (cf. Table 2.1)

p(x, t|x0 , 0)

F (x) 1 2 2kB T
= p(x, t|x0 , 0) + p(x, t|x 0 , 0) . (3.108)
x M 2 x 2 M
For this model we want to find the mean time that the Brownian particle needs to
reach C for the first time, starting from A. This is an example of the more general
class of first passage time problems for stochastic processes, which we will treat for
the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation in the following.

3.5.1 First Passage Time for One-dimensional Fokker-Planck


Appealing back to Chap. 2 we consider the following general form of a stationary

one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation for the conditional probability:

 1 2  

p x , t|x, 0 =  a1 x  p x  , t|x, 0 + a2 x p x , t|x, 0 .
t x 2 x  2
For the first passage time problem we assume that the Brownian particle starts at
x (, xC ) at t = 0. Then, the probability that the particle is still in that interval
at time t can be written as
 xC  xC

G(x, t) = p x  , t|x, 0 dx  = p x  , 0|x, t dx  . (3.110)

In the last step we exploited the fact that time may be shifted by an arbitrary t,
chosen here as t = t.
The function G(x, t) has a further significance: It is also the probability that the
first passage time (xC ) of the Brownian particle to go from x to xC is larger than t:

G(x, t) = Prob(xC t) = pfpt (xC )dxC , (3.111)
3.5 Brownian Motion in a Potential: Kramers Problem 95

where pfpt is the probability density of first passage times from x to xC . This prob-
ability density is the key quantity of interest here. Through (3.110) and (3.111) we
see that pfpt is given in terms of the initial state of the Brownian particle. Therefore,
we need the backward Fokker-Planck equation (2.92)


1 2

p x , t |x, t = a1 (x) p x  , t  |x, t a2 (x) 2 p x  , t  |x, t . (3.112)

t x 2 x
For the first passage time problem p(x  , t  |x, t) is subjected to the following two
boundary conditions:
absorbing boundary at x = xC :

p x  , t  |xC , 0 = 0. (3.113)

If the particle is at xC , it never returns to xA . This implies that Eb  Eb+ ;

reflecting boundary for x :
p x , t |x, 0 0. (3.114)
For x there is an impenetrable barrier (created by the potential) which
makes the flux ( p/x) vanish and reflects the particle back to the interval
(, xC ).
Deriving now G(x, t) with respect to time and inserting (3.112) into (3.110) we
1 2
G(x, t) = a1 (x) G(x, t) + a2 (x) 2 G(x, t). (3.115)
t x 2 x
Due to (3.113)(3.110) G obeys the following boundary conditions:

1 x xC ,
G(x, 0) = (3.116)
0 x > xC ,
G(xC , t) = 0, (3.117)
G(x, t) 0. (3.118)
Since G is the complement of the cumulative probability distribution of first passage
times, we can write for every function f (xC )

 G(x, t)
f (xC ) = f (t) dt. (3.119)
0 t
In particular, for a fixed starting point x we find for the mean first passage time from
x to xC :

(x) xC  = t G(x, t)dt = G(x, t)dt, (3.120)
0 t 0
96 3 Diffusion Processes

in which we have made use of the fact that limt t n G(x, t) = 0. Similarly, for the
higher moments of the first passage time distribution, we get:
n  n
(x) xC =
n t G(x, t)dt = n t n1 G(x, t)dt. (3.121)
0 t 0

Alternatively, we can derive partial differential equations for the moments of the first
passage time distribution from (3.115). Integrating that equation over time from zero
to infinity yields for all x xC
 1 2
dt G(x, t) = a1 (x) (x) + a2 (x) 2 (x)
0 t x 2 x
1 2
(x) + a2 (x) 2 (x).
1 = a1 (x) (3.122)
x 2 x
Similarly, for the higher moments,

n 1 2
n n1 (x) = a1 (x) (x) + a2 (x) 2 n (x). (3.123)
x 2 x
Equation (3.122) has to be solved with the boundary conditions
(xC ) = 0, (x) 0. (3.124)
For a2 (x)
= 0 the solution for the homogeneous part of (3.122) can be written as
2a1 (x  )
h (x) = 0 exp dx  ,
a2 (x  )

where h is the first derivative of h with respect to x. We get a particular solution

for (3.122) by the method of the variation of the constants. Choosing 0 = 0 (x)
and inserting h (x) into (3.122) we find
  2a1 (x ) 2
0 exp dx )
= .
a 2 (x a 2 (x)

One particular solution is

 x  x  
1   2a1 (x )
0 (x) = 2 dx exp dx .
a2 (x  ) a2 (x  )

The complete solution for the first derivative of the mean first passage time can
therefore be written as
  2a1 (x )
(x) = 0 exp dx
a2 (x  )
3.5 Brownian Motion in a Potential: Kramers Problem 97

 x  x  
1   2a1 (x )
2 dx exp dx
a2 (x  ) a2 (x  )
2a1 (x  )
exp dx  . (3.125)
a2 (x  )

As  (x) has to vanish for x , only the particular solution remains. With the
 2a1 (x )
(x) = exp dx
a2 (x  )
and using (xC ) = 0, we can write the final result as
(x  )
(x) = 2 dx  1 x  dx  . (3.126)
x a2 (x  )

3.5.2 Kramers Result

Returning to the Kramers problem, we can now insert the special forms of a1 and a2
into this solution, i.e.,

U  (x) 2kB T
a1 (x) = and a2 (x) = ,
to get
M xC U (x  ) U (x  )
xC  = dx  exp dx  exp . (3.127)
kB T x kB T kB T

Since we required kB T U (xB ), the exponential exp[U (x  )/kB T ] is sharply

peaked around xB and for the inner integral we only need to consider its behav-
ior for x  xB . Because of the inverse exponential in this integral, however, it in
turn is a slowly varying function of the upper limit x  of the integration, which we
therefore approximate by xB ,
M xC  U (x  ) U (x  )
xC  dx exp dx  exp .
kB T x kB T kB T

In the first integral we expand the external potential around x = xB and in the second
around x = xA :

U x  = U (xB ) MB2 x  xB ,

U x = U (xA ) + MA 2
x xA ,
98 3 Diffusion Processes

where MA 2 = U  (x ) and M2 = U  (x ). To be consistent with the expansions

up to the second order, we replace the upper limit of integration in both integrals by
+. For x xA we furthermore replace the lower limit in the first integral by
and arrive at

M +  U (xB ) 12 MB2 (x  xB )2
xC  dx exp
kB T kB T
 + 2 (x  x )2
 U (xA ) + 12 MA A
dx exp .
k B T

By solving the Gaussian integrals we obtain the following as an approximate solu-

tion for the escape time from the metastable minimum A to the stable minimum C
in the case of strong friction (B / 1):
2 Eb
AC  exp ; (3.128)
B A kB T

for the transition rate from A to C, we obtain

B A E+
K + = AC 1 exp b . (3.129)
2 kB T

This is Kramers celebrated result for the reaction rate. The time scale is set by
a thermally activated process with activation energy Eb+ , and A is the attempt
frequency with which the particle tries to overcome the barrier.
Mean first passage times and other extreme-value problems are important in
many applications of stochastic processes, and we have just discussed one very
prominent example. The activated behavior K exp[Eact /kB T ] is found for
many transport processes and is usually termed Arrhenius behavior.
In Sect. 3.7 we will discuss an application that will take us from a probabilistic
formulation of a statistical physics model, through the setup of its stochastic evolu-
tion equation and approximations thereof and finally again to the formulation of a
transition-rate problem.

3.6 A First Passage Problem for Unbounded Diffusion

Consider the following problem:2 A molecule B in a solution is considered fixed at

the origin. Another molecule A starts somewhere on the spherical shell with radius
r0 around B and performs a free three-dimensional diffusion modeled by a three-
dimensional Wiener process. When it hits a spherical shell with radius b ( r0 )

2 This is an exercise in van Kampens book [101], Chap. XII.

3.6 A First Passage Problem for Unbounded Diffusion 99

around B, the two molecules react, i.e., molecule A is absorbed. What is the proba-
bility that A reacts with B and does not escape to infinity?
Obviously, the time when absorption occurs is the first passage time of A to go
from the spherical shell with radius r0 to the one with radius b. However, in contrast
to the Kramers problem (Sect. 3.5), the probability to reach b is not unity, regard-
less of how long the diffusion process takes. This is a consequence of the fact that
molecule A can escape to infinity in an unbounded system. This was not possible
in the Kramers problem due to the reflecting boundary condition at x . The
free diffusion problem is thus non-stationary (cf. Sect. 3.2.2), which also renders the
analysis of Sect. 3.5.1 inapplicable.
Therefore, we have to develop a different approach. Let us denote the probability
density for the first passage time between r0 and b by f (r0 , t). Then, the probability
of absorption is given by

b = f (r0 , t)dt < 1. (3.130)

This probability gives the fraction of all molecules A that are absorbed, whereas
a fraction 1 b escapes to infinity. To calculate the absorption probability we
therefore have to find a solution for f (r0 , t). This problem can be related to the
solution of the free diffusion problem using a renewal equation like in the solution
of the Polya problem in Sect. 3.1.1.
Let us define q(r, t|r0 , 0) as the conditional probability to be on the shell with
radius r at time t starting from the shell with radius r0 at time 0 without ever having
reached the shell with radius b. Then one can write for the conditional probability
to be on the shell with radius r at time t starting from r0 at t = 0

p(r, t|r0 , 0) = q(r, t|r0 , 0) + f r0 , t  p r, t t  |b, 0 dt  . (3.131)


Here p(r, t|r0 , 0) is the solution of the unconstrained diffusion problem. Equa-
tion (3.131) has the following interpretation: p(r, t|r0 , 0) is the sum of two disjunct
events. Either A goes directly from r0 to r with probability q or it first reaches b at
some t  t and then goes to r in the remaining time with a probability given by the
second term of (3.131). Obviously, q(b, t|b, 0) = 0; so we have

p(b, t|r0 , 0) = f r0 , t  p b, t t  |b, 0 dt  . (3.132)


This equation agrees with (3.17) of Sect. 3.1.1. Let us now introduce the Laplace

f (r0 , s) = f (r0 , t)est dt.
Due to the convolution theorem Laplace transformation of (3.132) yields
p(b, s|r0 , 0)
f(r0 , s) = ,
p(b, s|b, 0)
100 3 Diffusion Processes

and from this we get

 p(b, 0|r0 , 0)
b = f (r0 , t)dt = f(r0 , 0) = . (3.133)
0 p(b, 0|b, 0)

Therefore we have reduced the problem to finding the Laplace transform of the
solution of the free diffusion problem. This problem is defined by

p(r, t|r0 , 0) = Dp(r, t|r0 , 0), (3.134)
where D is the diffusion coefficient of the molecule A. Equation (3.134) must be
solved with the starting condition

p(r, 0|r0 , 0) = (r r0 ). (3.135)

The prefactor 1/4r02 stems from the normalization condition (see (2.69)) of the
conditional probability. Since

p(r, t|r0 , 0)est dt = p(r, 0|r0 , 0) + s p(r, s|r0 , 0),
0 t

Laplace transformation of (3.134) gives

(r r0 ) + s p(r, s|r0 , 0) = Dp(r, s|r0 , 0). (3.136)

We now introduce the Fourier transforms

p(r, t|r0 , 0) = p(k, t|r0 , 0)eikr d3 k

p(k, t|r0 , 0) = p(r, t|r0 , 0)eikr d3 r.

p(r, 0|r0 , 0)eikr d3 r = d d sin drr 2 eikr cos (r r0 )
4r02 0 0 0

sin kr0

Fourier transformation of (3.136) yields

sin kr0
+ s p(k, s|r0 , 0) = Dk 2 p(k, s|r0 , 0),
3.7 Kinetic Ising Models and Monte Carlo Simulations 101

1 sin kr0
p(k, s|r0 , 0) = . (3.137)
s + Dk kr0

Fourier back-transformation of this equation gives

1 1 sin kr0
p(r, s|r0 , 0) = d3 keikr
(2)3 s + Dk 2 kr0

x=kr0 1 sin[(r/r0 )x]
= dx sin x 2 .
2 rD 0 (sr0 /D) + x 2

sin x sin ax = cos(1 a)x cos(1 + a)x
and ([67], p. 445, Eqs. (3.7232.))

cos ax a
2 + x2
dx = e (a 0, Re > 0)
0 2
we find
' ( (
1 D  (1r/r0 ) sr02 /D (1+r/r0 ) sr02 /D 
p(r, s|r0 , 0) = e e . (3.138)
8rD sr02

We only need the value at s = 0 of this equation. More precisely,

p(r, 0|r0 , 0) = 4r 2 p(r, 0|r0 , 0) = 4r 2 lim p(r, s|r0 , 0) = .
s0 Dr0
Inserting this result into (3.133) we obtain
b = . (3.139)
The probability to be absorbed at b starting from r0 ( b) is therefore given purely
geometrically by the ratio of the radii of both spherical shells.

3.7 Kinetic Ising Models and Monte Carlo Simulations

The Ising model [86] is a work horse model of statistical physics describing uniaxial
magnets, i.e., systems with a preferential axis for the local magnetic moments. The
Hamiltonian is given as
H (s) = Jij si sj h si , (3.140)
(i,j ) i
102 3 Diffusion Processes

where the spins si = 1 represent the magnetic moments fixed in space on some
lattice structure, (i, j ) denotes the set of interacting spin pairs, Jij is the strength of
interaction between spins i and j , and h is an external magnetic field (the magnetic
moment per spin, B , is absorbed into the definition of the external field).

3.7.1 Probabilistic Structure

The sample space for this model is discrete, i.e, the set of all microscopic spin
configurations = {s}. When we have a total of N spins, there are 2N different
microstates. We will consider this spin system in contact with a heat bath of temper-
ature T so that the probability for a microstate is given by the canonical distribution
(s) = eH (s) , (3.141)
with = 1/kB T and the partition function

Z= eH (s) . (3.142)

Denoting by P() the power set of , which can serve as the -algebra of subsets
of for the discrete case, we can identify a probability space (, P(), ) and
proceed to calculate the statistical properties of our physical system.

3.7.2 Monte Carlo Kinetics

As simple as this model appears to be, however, analytical treatments only exist
for certain choices of dimensionality of the underlying lattice and interaction pa-
rameters Jij . Numerical evaluation of the statistical properties for the general cases
is made using so-called Monte Carlo simulations [10, 114]. Let us assume, for in-
stance, that we want to determine the average magnetization M(T , h) at a temper-
ature T and magnetic field h,
M(T , h) = si (s). (3.143)
s i=1

Exact enumeration of (3.143) is only possible for small numbers of spins N . In a

Monte Carlo evaluation it will be very inefficient to randomly generate states s and
use (3.143) to calculate the average magnetization because, many of these randomly
generated states will have a high energy and therefore negligible weight in the sta-
tistical average. There is, however, a way to generate the states according to their
3.7 Kinetic Ising Models and Monte Carlo Simulations 103

statistical weight, which then reduces the calculation of the average magnetization
to a simple arithmetic average over the thus generated set of states:
1   k

M(T , h) imp.samp. = si , (3.144)
k=1 i=1

where s k = (s1k , . . . , sN
k ) is the kth generated state. This so-called importance sam-

pling technique starts from postulating a stochastic evolution equation for the state
of the system, given by the following master equation in discrete time (cf. (2.82)):

p(s, n + 1) = p(s, n) + w s|s  p s  , n


w s  |s p(s, n). (3.145)


With this we model the time evolution of our physical system as a Markov chain on
the discrete probability space we have defined above. The basis of this approach is
the following theorem [52]:

Theorem 3.2 A finite, irreducible, aperiodic Markov chain possesses a unique in-
variant (stationary) probability distribution, peq (xk ) > 0, for all xk . Irreducible
means that every state can be reached from every other state.

The conditions of the theorem imply requirements on the transition probabilities

w in (3.145). When we derived the master equation as the differential version of
the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation for stationary Markov processes in Chap. 2, we
already discussed its reinterpretation as an evolution equation when the transition
probabilities are given by some independent consideration. Here, we have to require
that the unique stationary solution of (3.145) has to be given through the canonical
probability distribution that defines the measure on our probability space:

peq (s) = (s). (3.146)

One way to ensure this is to require detailed balance behavior of the transition

w s|s  peq s  = w s  |s peq (s). (3.147)

This requirement, meaning that in equilibrium the probability flow from s  to s

equals that from s to s  , only determines the ratio of the transition probabilities,

w(s  |s) peq (s  ) 

= = exp H s  H (s) . (3.148)
w(s|s  ) peq (s)
104 3 Diffusion Processes

Two popular choices are the Glauber [60] and the Metropolis [142] transition prob-

1 1
w s |s = w0 s |s 1 + tanh H (Glauber), (3.149)
2 2

w s  |s = w0 s  |s min 1, exp[H ] (Metropolis), (3.150)

where H = H (s  ) H (s), and w0 (s  |s) is the probability to suggest s  as the next

state, starting from s. Because of (3.148) we have to require the symmetry

w0 s  |s = w0 s|s  . (3.151)

In a computer simulation of (3.145) we would choose an arbitrary starting configu-

ration s 0 and then use some algorithm to generate the next configurations s 1 , s 2 and
so on. One such algorithm is the single spin-flip kinetic Ising model, in which we
select one spin at random (i.e., w0 (s  |s) = 1/N ) and try to reverse it. For this case
we have to write

1 1
wG s |s = 1 + tanh H (Glauber), (3.152)
2N 2


wM s  |s = min 1, exp[H ] (Metropolis), (3.153)

with the energy difference given by

H = H (s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sN ) H (s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sN ).

We can therefore write the master equation in the form

p(s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sn , n + 1)

= p(s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sn , n) + w(si si )p(s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sn , n)

w(si si )p(s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sn , n). (3.154)

A Monte Carlo simulation of this model would then proceed as follows:

generate a starting configuration s 0 ,
select a spin, si , at random,
calculate the energy change upon spin reversal H ,
calculate the probability w for this spin-flip to happen, using the chosen form of
transition probability,
generate a uniformly distributed random number, 0 < r < 1,
if w > r, flip the spin, otherwise retain the old configuration.
3.7 Kinetic Ising Models and Monte Carlo Simulations 105

Theorem 3.2 guarantees that for long times the microstates we generate in this way
will be distributed according to the equilibrium canonical distribution. Technically,
we have to study suitable correlation functions to first judge when the correlations
with the starting state have decayed and then decide to use the subsequent time
series as representative of the stationary state.

3.7.3 Mean-Field Kinetic Ising Model

We now want to look at a special version of this model, which is the mean-field
kinetic Ising model. In the mean-field approximation we assume that each spin is
interacting with all N 1 other spins. To get a finite energy per spin, we require
Jij = . (3.155)
N 1
With J > 0 we furthermore have a ferromagnetic Ising model, where the spins try
to align parallel to each other and to the external field. In this case, the Hamiltonian
(3.140) can be rewritten

1J N 2 m2
H (m) = hN m, (3.156)
2(N 1)
where m = M/N is the magnetization per spin and in which we have omitted an
irrelevant constant shift of J N/2(N 1). Since each spin reversal generates a mag-
netization change of 2, the magnetization per spin can take on the N + 1 values
2 2
m m = 1, 1 + , . . . , 1 , 1 .
For the mean-field Ising model we can work with the much simpler state space m
instead of . The probability measure (s) on P() gives rise to a probability
measure (m) on P(m ). Let s m signify a spin configuration with a given magne-
tization m:

(m) = (s)

1 H (m) 
= e 1
Z s m

1 H (m) N!
= e
Z (N (1 + m)/2)!(N (1 m)/2)!
1 H (m)+ln N !ln(N (1+m)/2)!ln(N (1m)/2)!
= e
= eNf (m) . (3.157)
106 3 Diffusion Processes

Fig. 3.8 Generalized free

energy f in units of kB T for
two different situations:
T = 0.7Tc and h = 0.5hsp
(solid curve) and T = 0.7Tc
and h = 1.2hsp (dashed
curve), where Tc is the
critical temperature and hsp is
the spinodal field

The binomial coefficient gives the number of possibilities to have (N (1 + m)/2) up

spins and (N(1 m)/2) down spins out of a total of N spins, resulting in an overall
magnetization M = N m. The function f is the generalized (Gibbs) free energy per
spin. For large N we can use Stirlings approximation for the factorials and set N 1
equal to N and get (again omitting a constant shift)

1 kB T  
f (m) = J m2 hm + (1 + m) ln(1 + m) + (1 m) ln(1 m) .
2 2

The partition function now is given as

Z= eNf (m) . (3.159)

The statistical, i.e., thermodynamic properties of our model system can therefore be
obtained working with (m , P(m ), (m)). The most probable state of the system
is given by the absolute minimum of the generalized free energy f . In the thermo-
dynamic limit, the thermodynamic free energy per spin is given exactly by the value
f (mmin ),
kB T N
ln Z f (mmin ).
In the thermodynamic limit, this model has a phase transition for h = 0 from a
paramagnetic phase with mmin = 0 to a ferromagnetic phase with mmin = msp at
a temperature Tc = J /kB . For small h
= 0 and temperatures T < Tc (see Fig. 3.8),
the relative minimum with a magnetization parallel to the external field is the unique
3.7 Kinetic Ising Models and Monte Carlo Simulations 107

equilibrium state and the other one is a metastable state. For h larger than the so-
called spinodal field, hsp , the function f has only a single minimum, corresponding
to a magnetization parallel to h.
However, not only are the probabilistic structure and calculation of the thermo-
dynamic properties much simpler for the mean-field model, but also the kinetic
equation (3.154) can be simplified. For the single spin-flip mean-field kinetic Ising
model, the energy change can be written (for large N )

2J  N
H (si si ) = si sj + 2hsi
N 1
j =1

= si (N m si ) + 2hsi .
N 1
For large N and noting that m = 2si /N , we get

H (m, m) = J N mm hN m . (3.160)
The transition probabilities in the master equation are therefore also only functions
of m and m, and we have

w(si | si ) w(m m, m)
w(si |si ) w(m, m)

if m is supposed to be the magnetization of the state (s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sN ) and m the

magnetization difference between this state and the one with si reversed. Summing
the master equation over all configurations s with a fixed m, we get

p(m, n + 1) p(m, n)

= w(m m, m)p(s1 , . . . , si , . . . , sN , n)
s m i=1

w(m, m)p(m, n),

in which we have used p(m, n) = s m p(s, n). Performing the combinatorics [164]
for magnetization changes m = 2/N and m = 2/N leading to or leaving from
the magnetization m, one arrives at

p(m, n + 1) p(m, n)
N 2
= 1+m+ w(m + 2/N, 2/N )p(m + 2/N, n)
2 N
108 3 Diffusion Processes
N 2
+ 1m+ w(m 2/N, 2/N )p(m 2/N, n)
2 N

(1 + m)w(m, 2/N )p(m, n)
(1 m)w(m, 2/N)p(m, n). (3.161)
This is the master equation for a one-dimensional one-step process, van Kampen
discussed in detail in [101].
Let us introduce a time scale t for a single spin-flip and consider the limit
t 0, Nt = = const. Dividing (3.161) by t we derive in this limit
N 2
p(m, t) = 1+m+ w(m + 2/N, 2/N )p(m + 2/N, n)
t 2 N
N 2
+ 1m+ w(m 2/N, 2/N )p(m 2/N, n)
2 N

(1 + m)w(m, 2/N )p(m, n)
(1 m)w(m, 2/N )p(m, n), (3.162)
where the transition rates are now given as (with Tc = J /kB ):
1 Tc h Tc
wG (m, m) = 1 + tanh N mm + N m + , (3.163)
2 2T 2kB T NT
1 Tc h 2Tc
wM (m, m) = min 1, exp N mm + N m + . (3.164)
The master equation (3.162) can be elegantly rewritten [101] using the following
rate of jumps to the right: r(m) = (1 m)w(m, 2/N ),
rate of jumps to the left: l(m) = (1 + m)w(m, 2/N ),
translation by 2/N : T = exp(2/N m
translation by 2/N : T1 = exp(2/N m

The master equation becomes
N   N 1
p(m, t) = (T 1) l(m)p(m, t) + T 1 r(m)p(m, t) . (3.165)
t 2 2
Considering that the translation operator is defined through the Taylor series of the
exponential function, we see that (3.165) is a version of the Kramers-Moyal expan-
3.7 Kinetic Ising Models and Monte Carlo Simulations 109

Fig. 3.9 Generalized free

energy f (solid curve) and
Glauber drift potential
(dashed curve) in units of
kB T for T = 0.7Tc and
h = 0.5hsp

sion (see Chap. 2) of the master equation. The expansion parameter is the magnetiza-
tion change m = 2/N upon a single spin-flip. The expansion contains an infinite
series of terms. For large N we will now use the Fokker-Planck approximation to
this equation, truncating the expansion after the second order:

   1 2  
p(m, t) = U (m)p(m, t) + 2
D(m)p(m, t) . (3.166)
t m 2 m

This equation describes a diffusion process in an external potential with the deriva-
U  (m) = l(m) r(m) (3.167)

and a position dependent diffusion coefficient

D(m) = l(m) + r(m) . (3.168)

For the Glauber transition rates and in the limit N , the drift potential for the
Glauber rate is given as
1 T k B Tc m + h
UG (m) = m2 ln cosh . (3.169)
2 Tc kB T

Figure 3.9 shows a comparison between the Glauber drift potential and the gener-
alized free energy which defines the stationary distribution. They agree in the posi-
tions but not in the relative height of the extrema. From the Fokker-Planck equation
110 3 Diffusion Processes

we also see that the diffusion coefficient vanishes in the thermodynamic limit. For
the mean-field system in the thermodynamic limit, the metastable state therefore
has an infinite lifetime. For large, but finite N , we can consider a system which, as a
starting condition, has a magnetization somewhere in the vicinity of the metastable
magnetization, for instance, by preparing it in a negative external field. At time t = 0
we then instantaneously switch the external field to the positive value h = 0.5hsp ,
for which the drift potential is shown in Fig. 3.9. We can then again ask the question
at what rate the system will traverse the barrier between the metastable and the sta-
ble state in the drift potential. Thus we are led back to the mean first passage time
problem we solved in Sect. 3.5 for Fokker-Planck equations of the form (3.166).
For the case of short-range interactions no description with a single reaction co-
ordinate, m, is possible, and the lifetime of the metastable state is finite, even in the
thermodynamic limit. The decay of the metastable state then proceeds by the spon-
taneous nucleation of droplets of the stable phase, which display a growth instability
once they exceed a threshold size [141].
The problems we have discussed so far in this chapter were classical applications
of the theory of Brownian motion, i.e., diffusion processes, in physics. We will now
go on to discuss an application of the theory of Brownian motion in an area which
is usually treated as completely disjunct from the theory of stochastic processes.

3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process

This section presents an alternative derivation of quantum mechanics suggested by

E. Nelson [149]. To this end, we first derive what may be called the hydrodynamics
of Brownian motion. This framework then enables us to generate a conservative,
i.e., energy-conserving, diffusion process. One special case of these conservative
diffusion processes turns out to be equivalent to non-relativistic quantum mechanics.

3.8.1 Hydrodynamics of Brownian Motion

In the following we consider Brownian particles described by the following It

stochastic differential equation:

dx(t) = b+ (x, t)dt + dW (t). (3.170)

When we discussed the definition of this It SDE in Sect. 2.3, we had to require
W (t) and x(t) to be non-anticipating functions; dW (t) is independent of all x(s)
with s < t. In the context of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, we also discussed
the irreversible character of that process. This well studied example of Brownian
motion often leads to the belief that irreversibility is a general property of stochastic
processes. How could this be reconciled with the conservative dynamics we use to
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 111

describe quantum particles? In order to answer this question, we have to look closer
at what happens when we reverse the flow of time in an It SDE.
For this, let us recall Its formula, (cf. (2.121))

df (x, t) = f (x, t)dt + f (x, t) dx + f (x, t)(dx)2 ,
t 2

where the last term is only evaluated up to linear order in dt. Using (3.170) we get
df (x, t) = f (x, t) + b+ (x, t) f (x, t) + 2 f (x, t) dt
t 2
+ f (x, t) dW (t). (3.171)

We want to proceed to a kinematic treatment of Brownian motion, trying to parallel

the usual treatment of Newtonian motion. We have, however, already stated that
the Brownian path is not differentiable with respect to time, so there is no simple
equivalent to the particle velocity. We therefore define the mean forward derivative
of a function of the position variable as

f (x(t + t), t + t) f (x(t), t)
D+ f (x, t) = lim E
t0+ t
= f (x, t) + b+ (x, t) f (x, t) + 2 f (x, t), (3.172)
t 2

where 0+ signifies approaching zero from above. Combining this with (3.170), we
see that the mean forward derivative of the particle position itself is given as

D+ x(t) = b+ (x, t). (3.173)

On the level of probability distributions, this diffusion process is described by the

following Fokker-Planck equation (cf. Table 2.1):

p(x, t) = b+ (x, t)p(x, t) + p(x, t). (3.174)
t 2

Since the position coordinate is symmetric under time reversal, we have x(t) =
x(t) and we can write

dx(t) = b (x, t)dt + dW (t), (3.175)

where dW (t) is independent of all x(s) with s > t. For the variance of this time
reversed Wiener process, however, we still have

E dW (t) = |dt| = dt (3.176)
112 3 Diffusion Processes

for the reversed time flow. Using again the It formula but now (3.175) as the basic
time evolution, we get
1 2
df (x, t) = f (x, t) + b (x, t) f (x, t) f (x, t) dt
t 2
+ f (x, t) dW (t). (3.177)

From this we find for the mean backward derivative of a function f (x(t), t)

f (x(t), t) f (x(t t), t t)
D f (x, t) = lim E
t0+ t
= f (x, t) + b (x, t) f (x, t) 2 f (x, t). (3.178)
t 2
Due to the definition in (3.175), we have

D x(t) = b (x, t). (3.179)

Performing the time reversal on (3.174) results in

p(x, t) = b (x, t)p(x, t) p(x, t). (3.180)
t 2
Combining the two definitions for the mean forward and mean backward derivative,
we can extend the Newtonian definition of velocity to define the mean velocity of
the Brownian particle:
v(x, t) = b+ (x, t) + b (x, t) = (D+ + D )x(t). (3.181)
2 2
For Newtonian motion, the mean forward and backward derivatives agree and we
just have
v(x, t) = D+ x(t) = D x(t) = b+ (x, t) = b (x, t).
The relevance of the mean velocity is elucidated by adding (3.180) to (3.174) to get
the continuity equation:
p(x, t) + v(x, t)p(x, t) = 0. (3.182)
The mean velocity describes the probability current and thus is the first ingredient
to a hydrodynamic description of Brownian motion. It is only different from zero
when there is a drift vector present in the It SDE.
Whenever the mean forward and mean backward derivative are different, there is
another velocity field one can define:
u(x, t) = b+ (x, t) b (x, t) = (D+ D )x(t). (3.183)
2 2
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 113

The vector field u(x, t) is usually called the osmotic velocity. Subtracting (3.180)
from (3.174), we get:

1 2
u(x, t)p(x, t) p(x, t) = 0. (3.184)
From this we have for u
u(x, t) = ln p(x, t). (3.185)
An integration constant in form of a rotation, c(x, t), can be shown to vanish
when one derives (3.185) on a different route [149]. Starting from (3.185) we can
derive the first of two hydrodynamic equations for the description of the Brownian
motion process by taking the partial derivative with respect to time:
2 2 1 p 2 1
u= ln p = = (vp)
t 2 t 2 p t 2 p
2 2 1
= ( v) v p ,
2 2 p
in which we have used the continuity equation (3.182). Inserting the result for the
osmotic velocity (3.185) again, we arrive at

u = ( v) (v u). (3.186)
t 2
To proceed towards a dynamic description of Brownian motion and to derive the hy-
drodynamic equation for the flow velocity v, we also have to generalize the concept
of acceleration and define the mean acceleration as
a(x, t) = (D+ D + D D+ )x(t)

= D+ b (x, t) + D b+ (x, t) . (3.187)

To convince ourselves that this is a sensible generalization of the concept of acceler-
ation, let us first reconsider the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in (3.53). For this pro-
cess, the paths are differentiable [because dx = vdt] and we have D+ x = D x = v.
So one derives
a(x, t) = (D+ D + D D+ )x(t)
= (D+ + D )v(x, t)
= F, (3.188)
114 3 Diffusion Processes

which is the stochastic generalization of Newtons second law for the Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck process. Applying the results for the mean forward (3.172) and the mean
backward derivative (3.178), we get

1 1 1 2
a= (b+ + b ) + b+ b + b b+ (b+ b ).
2 t 2 2 4
Inserting the definitions of u (3.183) and v (3.181), we finally have

v = a v v + u u + u. (3.189)
t 2
With (3.186) and (3.189) we have a complete general description of the hydrody-
namics of Brownian motion.

3.8.2 Conservative Diffusion Processes

To specialize to a conservative Markovian diffusion process, we have to proceed in

the same way as Newton did in postulating his second law, i.e., by making the force
on the particle a dynamic variable. If the Brownian particle moves in the external
potential U (x), we require the stochastic acceleration in general to be given by
a(x, t) = U (x). (3.190)
The hydrodynamics of conservative diffusion processes is therefore given by two
velocity fields satisfying the following partial differential equations:

u = ( v) (v u),
t 2
1 2
v = U v v + u u + u.
t M 2
We have already concluded from the result for u that it can be written as the
gradient of the logarithm of the probability density (see (3.185)). Let us therefore
define a scalar field R(x, t) by requiring
p(x, t) = exp 2R(x, t)

so that we can write

u(x, t) = 2 R(x, t). (3.192)
In the same way as we did for u, we now require that v contains no closed flow lines
and define another scalar field S(x, t) by
v(x, t) = S(x, t). (3.193)
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 115

In classical mechanics, this equation relates the velocity of a particle to the action
S(x, t). Inserting the two definitions (3.192) and (3.193) into (3.191), we get

2 2
2 R= S (R S),
t 2M M
1 1 1 4
S = U 2 S S + 4 R R + R.
M t M M 2
Now we make use of the vector identity

g g = g 2 g ( g)
in the second equation. For g = R or g = S, the rotation parts vanish and we get
1 1
2 R+ S + R S = 0,
t 2M M
1 1 M 4  
S +U + (S)
(R) + R = 0.
M t 2M 2


1 1
R+ S + R S = 0,
t 2M M
1 M 4 
S+U + (S)2 (R)2 + R = 0,
t 2M 2
we can determine R and S up to a position-independent phase (t) which can be
absorbed in the action S (note that R is fixed through the normalization of the prob-
ability p).
The equations in (3.195) are the stochastic mechanic counterpart to the Hamil-
ton-Jacobi equations in classical mechanics, which constitute the hydrodynamic
formulation of Newtonian mechanics. They differ from the classical equations by
the additional terms depending on the strength of the stochastic forces. For = 0,
the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equations are exactly recovered from (3.195). The
first of these two equations is nothing but the conservation of probability (3.182) in
another form.

3.8.3 Hypothesis of Universal Brownian Motion

As the final step in the derivation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics from the
theory of stochastic processes, we invoke what Nelson termed the hypothesis of uni-
versal Brownian motion [149]. The physical reasoning behind this hypothesis is very
116 3 Diffusion Processes

simple and convincing. When we write down a Hamiltonian for a classical mechan-
ical system, we always (mostly implicitly) assume that we can treat that system as
isolated from its surroundings in the following sense. The complete Hamiltonian of
a system plus its surroundings has the same form as in the Caldeira-Leggett model
(cf. (3.80)):
H = HS + HR + HI ,
where HS is assumed to contain the effect of the surroundings on the system that can
be described through the introduction of external potentials. In classical mechanics
the interaction term (HI ) is assumed to be negligible and since the variables in the
system and the surroundings then separate we only treat the simple Hamiltonian

H = HS .

This assumption works empirically very well for macroscopic bodies, the domain
of applicability of classical mechanics. For quantum phenomena, this assumption of
an isolated system breaks down; an argument which is also the basis of Heisenbergs
derivation of the uncertainty relation. We are, however, not able to treat all the intri-
cate interactions between the quantum particle and its surroundings explicitly. This
is the same situation we encountered in the discussion of the motion of a Brownian
particle immersed in a fluid. We therefore postulate a stochastic description of the
motion of a quantum particle in the form of a conservative diffusion process of the
type we discussed in Sect. 3.8.2. We know that such a process reduces to Newtonian
mechanics in the limit 0, so we require the strength of the fluctuation term to
be inversely proportional to the mass of the particle (or system):

2 .
The proportionality constant in this equation necessarily has the physical units of an
action and we write it as

2 = . (3.196)
With this identification we can write (3.195) as

1 1
R+ S + R S = 0,
t 2M M
1  2  
S +U + (S)2 (R)2 + R = 0.
t 2M 2M
These equations are known as the Madelung fluid [121]. Madelung derived them in
1926, starting from the Schrdinger equation. In fact, one can show that the fact that
(x, t) = exp R(x, t) + S(x, t) (3.198)

3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 117

satisfies the Schrdinger equation

i = +U (3.199)
t 2M
is equivalent to R and S satisfying (3.197). Inserting (3.198) into the Schrdinger
equation we get

i R S
t t
 2   2
 i 2 i
= U R + S R + S .
2M 2M 2M 
Separating real and imaginary parts andfor
= 0dividing by , we arrive at
the defining equations of the Madelung fluid (3.197). In the stochastic mechanics
context, the Schrdinger equation therefore appears as an auxiliary equation, lin-
earizing the complicated coupled nonlinear partial differential equations which de-
fine the hydrodynamics of a conservative diffusion process. When we choose the
strength of the fluctuations in our starting It SDE to be given as 2 = /M, the
conservative Brownian motion description and the Schrdinger equation are equiv-
alent. To each solution of the Schrdinger equation there correspond trajectories of
quantum particles defined by (3.170) in the same way, as to each solution of the
classical Hamilton-Jacobi equations there correspond particle trajectories defined
through Newtons second law or Hamiltons equations.
Which type of physical interactions are summarily treated by the quantum-fluc-
tuation term 2 = /M is not yet clear [150]. The clarification of this point would
need a derivation of (3.170) from a deterministic treatment of the complete Hamil-
tonian for system, surroundings and all interactions.


First, we want to note that defining the function as in (3.198) we have

p(x, t) = |(x, t)|2 = exp 2R(x, t) , (3.200)

so that Borns probability interpretation of the wave function is a natural outcome

of the stochastic mechanics approach and not an independent postulate for the inter-
pretation of the Schrdinger equation. |(x, t)|2 d3 x, by construction, is the proba-
bility to find the quantum particle in a volume d3 x around x. We anticipated this in
Chap. 2 when we presented (R3 , B, |(x, t)|2 d3 x) as an example for a probability
space occurring in quantum mechanics.
Expectation values of quantum-mechanical observables O(x) which are func-
tions of the position operator are defined as
|O| = d3 xO(x)|(x, t)|2 = d3 xO(x)p(x, t). (3.201)
118 3 Diffusion Processes

This is the standard definition of the expectation value of a stochastic variable, which
in this case is a function of the underlying stochastic process x(t):
E O(x) = |O|. (3.202)

For the particle momentum and functions thereof, the situation is different. How-
ever, one can show that the expectation value of the momentum operator p in the
quantum mechanical state is given as
|p| = E[v] = E[b+ ] = E[b ], (3.203)
because the expectation value of the osmotic velocity is zero
E[u] = 0. (3.204)

Nevertheless, the osmotic velocity is of physical and measurable significance, since

its second moment contributes to the kinetic energy of the particle [150]. In fact, for
the conservative diffusion process we have derived, the conservation of energy can
be shown to hold in the following form:

+ v Etot (x, t) = 0, (3.205)

M 2

Etot (x, t) = v (x, t) + u2 (x, t) + U (x, t). (3.206)

For all quantum-mechanical observables defined by self-adjoined operators on the
Hilbert space of our system, we can define the corresponding stochastic functions
on the probability space. The reverse is not true. The microscopic and path-oriented
picture of quantum processes that is given in the stochastic mechanics treatment al-
lows for the definition of more complicated observables, such as mean first passage
times of the type we discussed for the Kramers problem.
As a final comment at this point, let us mention that the motion of a quantum par-
ticle in an external electromagnetic field is treated by the minimal coupling familiar
from quantum mechanics. We identify U with the electrostatic field and replace
(3.193) by
1 e
v(x, t) = S(x, t) A(x, t) , (3.207)
M c
where A is the vector potential for the magnetic field.

3.8.4 Tunnel Effect

One of the most intriguing effects in quantum mechanics is the tunneling effect,
i.e., the ability of a quantum particle with energy E to penetrate a barrier of energy
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 119

Fig. 3.10 A symmetric

double well potential with a
low lying energy states Ene
and Eno belonging to even and
odd solutions of the
Schrdinger equation,

U0 > E with a certain probability. Let us consider a quantum particle in a double

well potential like the one shown in Fig. 3.10. Due to the symmetry of the potential
the wave function of a quantum particle moving in this potential has to be either
even or odd. Let us denote the energies corresponding to the even solutions as Ene
and those belonging to the odd solutions as Eno = Ene + En . One has En > 0
because all odd solutions have an additional node at x = 0. Let the wave functions
e and o be solutions of the one-dimensional Schrdinger equation
2 2
i (x, t) = + U (x) (x, t) (3.208)
t 2M x 2

with energies Ene and Eno . In quantum mechanics the energy difference En is called
the tunnel splitting of the two states and is related to the possibility for the particle
in the even state to tunnel from one well of the potential in Fig. 3.10 to the other.
However, the wave functions e and o are stationary, so there is no net probability
current from one well to the other in these states. To relate the energy splitting
En to the tunnel frequency one therefore resorts to the following approximate
Suppose that R (x) is a wave function localized on the positive real axis and
L (x) = R (x) its symmetric counterpart on the negative real axis. When we
assume that R (0) = 0 and R (0) = 0, which is a viable approximation for U0  E,
we can combine them to yield the odd and even states:

1   1  
e (x) = R (x) + L (x) , o (x) = R (x) L (x) . (3.209)
2 2
In the following we will therefore assume that we are treating low lying energy
states. Turning (3.209) around, we obtain

1   1  
R (x) = e (x) + o (x) , L (x) = e (x) o (x) . (3.210)
2 2
120 3 Diffusion Processes

Suppose we now start at time t = 0 with a particle located on the positive axis, i.e.,
described by (x, 0) = R (x). Its time evolution is given by
(x, t) = eiEn t/ e (x) + eiEn t/ o (x) ,
i.e., (x, t) is not a stationary solution of the Schrdinger equation. From this we
see that for eiEn t/ = 1 the particle is located on the negative real axis. So we
can read off the tunneling times between the wells,

n = , (3.212)
which are determined by the energy differences between the eigenvalues of the even
and odd solutions. If we can solve the Schrdinger equation to obtain the eigenval-
ues (which is often only possible approximately, often one uses the so-called WKB
approximation [139]), tunnel frequencies may be calculated.
However, one can also derive an explicit connection between the tunneling time
and the wave function of the tunneling state by considering the probability flux from
one well to the other. The probability to be in the well on the right side is
PR (t) = p(x, t)dx = |(x, t)|2 dx. (3.213)
0 0

Its time derivative is

dPR (t) p(x, t)
= dx. (3.214)
dt 0 t
We evaluate (3.214) in two ways, by directly inserting the wave function from
(3.211) and by first using the quantum mechanical continuity equation. The first
way results in
dPR (t) En En t
= sin . (3.215)
dt 2 
The quantum mechanical continuity equation as derived from the Schrdinger equa-
tion reads
p(x, t)  (x, t) (x, t)
= (x, t) (x, t) (3.216)
t 2Mi x x x
with the probability current
 (x, t)
j (x, t) = & (x, t) , (3.217)
M x
where &() denotes the imaginary part. Inserting this result into (3.214) and requir-
ing a vanishing probability current for x we obtain
dPR (t)  (0, t)
= & (0, t)
dt M x
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 121
 En t
= e (0)o (0) sin . (3.218)

For the last equality we have let the prime denote derivative with respect to x and
we have used o (0) = e (0) = 0. Comparing (3.215) and (3.218) we obtain the
tunneling time as
n = . (3.219)
 e (0)o (0)
The discussion above is completely rooted within probability theory, employing
the interpretation of |(x, t)|2 as the probability to find a particle at position x
at time t, and the existence of a continuity equation for this probability. As such,
the whole argument runs identically in the stochastic mechanics interpretation of
quantum mechanics. The connection becomes obvious when we rewrite (3.217) as
 ln[(x, t)]
j (x, t) = p(x, t)& = p(x, t)v(x, t), (3.220)
M x

where we wrote the probability current according to (3.182) and the introduced
velocity v(x, t) is consistent with (3.193) and (3.198).
However, the correspondence between the Schrdinger equation and an under-
lying conservative stochastic process allows us to go beyond this discussion and
to define a tunneling time for the stationary solution e (x, t) itself. With our prior
knowledge about diffusion processes we identify a quantum mechanical Kramers
problem in Fig. 3.10. Suppose we can determine the solution of the Schrdinger
equation for this problem with energy En . The wave functions for these stationary
states have the form e (x, t) = exp(Rn (x) iEn t/) (see (3.198)). Using the defi-
nitions (3.181), (3.183) and (3.192), (3.193) we obtain for the drift of the quantum
diffusion process

b+ (x) = v(x) + u(x) = Rn (x) = ln |e (x, t)|.
M dx M x
The equation of motion of the quantum particle in the eigenstate e (x, t) of the
double well potential is therefore given by

dx(t) = x ln |e (x, t)| dt + dW (t). (3.221)
This It SDE is equivalent to the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation (see Ta-
ble 2.1 and Sect. 2.4)

p(x, t) = x ln |e (x, t)| p(x, t) + p(x, t). (3.222)
t M x 2M x 2
In Sect. 3.5 we have derived the general solution for the mean first passage time
problem for a one-dimensional diffusion process. Comparing to (3.109) in our dis-
122 3 Diffusion Processes

cussion of the Kramers problem we can make the following identifications

a1 (x) = x ln |e (x, t)| and a2 (x) = .
Inserting these identifications into the general solution for the escape time (3.126)
over the barrier, the escape time in this quantum mechanical Kramers problem is
given by
2M xC  1

n (x) = dx 
dx  pn x  , (3.223)
 x pn (x )
where pn (x) = |e (x, t)|2 denotes the stationary probability distribution in the
eigenstate to energy En . Note that both, (3.223) and (3.223), predict the tunneling
time to be inversely proportional to the diffusion coefficient /M of the particle,
while the other terms having dimensions of a squared length will differ in general
between the two equations.
The diffusion process approach therefore yields a tunneling time also for the sta-
tionary solution, and this time behaves qualitatively like the one constructed for the
non-stationary case. But we have to keep in mind that within the diffusion process
approach the particle never has an energy smaller than the potential energy at the
point where it is found. It does not tunnel through the barrier but is driven over it by
the omnipresent quantum fluctuations.

3.8.5 Harmonic Oscillator and Quantum Fields

We now want to treat the harmonic oscillator as a further illustration of the approach
to quantum mechanics developed in this section [70]. In classical mechanics, the
one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is defined through the Hamiltonian

p2 M2 2
H (x, p) = + x . (3.224)
2M 2
The corresponding Hamiltonian equations of motion
x = ,
M (3.225)
p = M x, 2

have the general solution

xcl (t) = x0 cos t + sin t,
M (3.226)
pcl (t) = p0 cos t Mx0 sin t.
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 123

The quantum-mechanic harmonic oscillator obeys the Schrdinger equation,

2 2 M2 2
i = 2
+ x . (3.227)
t 2M x 2
This equation is solved by a family of states called the coherent states [168], which
are associated with the classical solutions (3.226):

2 1/4 (x xcl (t))2 i

(x, t) = 2 exp + xpcl (t)
4 2 

i t
xcl (t)pcl (t) i , (3.228)
2 2

in which we have defined

2 = = . (3.229)
2 2M
For these states, the probability density is a Gaussian with mean xcl and variance 2 :


2 1/2 (x xcl (t))2

p(x, t) = exp 2R(x, t) = 2 exp , (3.230)
2 2

and the action is given by

1 1
S(x, t) = xpcl (t) xcl (t)pcl (t) t. (3.231)
2 2
From this we can determine the velocity fields defining the conservative diffusion
process, using (3.192) and (3.193):

pcl (t)
v(x, t) = ,

u(x, t) = x xcl (t) , (3.232)

pcl (t)

b (x, t) = x xcl (t) .

In a coherent state, the quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator therefore obeys the
following stochastic differential equation:

pcl (t)

dx = x xcl (t) dt + dW (t). (3.233)


To solve this equation let us look at the difference process between the quantum-
mechanical and classical paths:

x0 (t) = x(t) xcl (t). (3.234)

124 3 Diffusion Processes

By insertion we see that x0 satisfies the following It SDE:

dx0 = x0 dt + dW (t). (3.235)

The corresponding coherent-state wave functions are given by

1/4 x2 i
0 (x, t) = 2 2 exp 2 t (3.236)
4 2

with the stationary probability density

1/2 x2
p0 (x) = 2 2 exp 2 . (3.237)

This is the ground-state process that we obtain by choosing the classical ground state
xcl = 0 and pcl = 0. The complete family of solutions of the quantum-mechanical
harmonic oscillator can be generated by adding the ground-state process to all solu-
tions of the classical harmonic oscillator in the form prescribed by the coherent-state
wave functions.
We are well acquainted with the solution for the ground state process, namely
the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (see Sect. 3.2); however, here it is occurring for
the position coordinate and not for the velocity. The ground-state process of the
quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator is therefore a stationary, Gaussian Markov
process and we can use all the results derived in Sect. 3.2.
The importance and usefulness of this result becomes more obvious when we
look into the way field quantization is usually introduced in quantum mechanics,
see, for instance, Messiah [140]. Let us consider a free scalar field with Hamiltonian
H= 3
d x + () + M ,
2 2 2
2 t

where we set, for simplicity, Plancks constant,  = 1, and also the velocity of light,
c = 1. The corresponding Lagrangian [61] is
L= 3
d x () M
2 2 2
. (3.239)
2 t

The Lagrangian equation of motion for this scalar field therefore is

 + M 2 = 0. (3.240)
t 2
When we study this model in a finite rectangular box of volume V and with peri-
odic boundary conditions, we know that we can expand the field in plane wave
functions fn (x) = V 1/2 exp(ik n x). They form a countable set of orthogonal and
3.8 Quantum Mechanics as a Diffusion Process 125

normalized basis functions, fn (x), which are eigenfunctions of the Laplacian oper-

(x, t) = fn (x)qn (t), (3.241)


fn (x) = k 2n fn (x), d3 xfn (x)fn (x) = nn . (3.242)

Here fn indicates the complex conjugate of fn . When we insert (3.241) into (3.240),
we get a harmonic-oscillator equation for the expansion coefficients, qn (t):

qn (t) + n2 qn (t) = 0, (3.243)
t 2
where the eigenfrequencies n are defined as
n = k 2n + M 2 . (3.244)

From this point, the transition to quantum mechanics is usually done by quantizing
the expansion coefficients or Fourier amplitudes, qn . We proceed with the stochastic
quantization we have already performed for the harmonic oscillator. For the ground
state process of the field amplitudes we get (see (3.235))

dqn = n qn dt + dWn (t). (3.245)

For the increments of the Wiener processes, we have

E dWn (t)dWn t  = nn t t  dt. (3.246)

The qn (t) are independent, stationary, Gaussian Markov processes with mean and
covariance function in the stationary state given by (see also (3.65))
E qn (t) = 0,

 1   (3.247)
E qn (t)qn t  = nn exp n |t t  | .

Therefore, the field also is a Gaussian stochastic field with the following first two
E (x, t) = 0 (3.248)

 fn (x)fn (x  )  
E (x, t) x  , t  = exp n |t t  | . (3.249)
126 3 Diffusion Processes

In the limit of an infinite box size we get a continuum of k-space points with density
V /(2)3 d3 k (cf. Fig. 3.1) and the covariance functional of the stochastic field can
be written

 1 d3 k 

E (x, t) x  , t  = 3
 exp ik x x 
(2) 2 k2 + M 2
exp k 2 + M 2 |t t  | . (3.250)

Gaussian random fields with zero mean and covariance given by (3.250) are also
called Euclidean quantum fields. In this way we have rather straightforwardly de-
rived the stochastic field theory corresponding to the modern Euclidean formulation
[61] of quantum field theory from a simple stochastic quantization of the harmonic
We choose to stop this exposition of quantum mechanics as a conservative diffu-
sion process at this point, although much more could be said about it. We refer the
interested reader to the further reading section at the end of this chapter.

3.9 Summary
In this chapter we have discussed basically two types of models of stochastic pro-
cesses: random walks and Brownian motion. For both models we only treated the
Markov version, i.e., we neglected possible memory effects. The natural starting
point for the description of Markovian random walks is a master equation for the
conditional probability to be at position x at time t, given the walk starts at x 0 at
time t0 . In the most general formulation, the jump distance and direction  and the
time lag between consecutive jumps are random variables with a common dis-
tribution, (, ). In the case of the separable continuous-time random walk, this
distribution is assumed to factorize (, ) = f ()( ), and we could write down
a closed-form solution for the Fourier-Laplace transform of the probability distribu-
tion of the walk.
Finally, we approximated the large-scale behavior (in space and time) of the
walks by assuming that the first two moments of the jump-size distribution,  and
2 , and the first moment of the waiting-time distribution,  , are finite. We re-

  0,  0 and v, (3.251)
2 2 
  0,  0 and D. (3.252)
This is the diffusion-process approximation of random walks. Diffusion processes
are described by a Fokker-Planck equation for the conditional probability or, equiv-
alently, an It stochastic differential equation for the stochastic variable itself. The
3.10 Further Reading 127

classical example of a diffusion process is Brownian motion. Einsteins description

of Brownian motion was mathematically formalized through the Wiener process,
a stochastic process with Gaussian-distributed independent increments. This is a
Markov process as well as a martingale and on the latter property rests the theory
of stochastic integration. The Gaussian distribution of the Wiener increments corre-
sponds to the two requirements we made above for going to the diffusion limit in the
random-walk models. If we only specify the first two moments of a distribution and
then require these to be a complete description of the stochastic process, the central
limit theorem tells us that we will end up with a Gaussian distribution for the sum
variable. It is therefore perhaps not surprising that the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
is the most general form for a stationary Gaussian Markov process.
It is a common misconception that diffusion processes are always dissipative
again stemming from the famous Ornstein-Uhlenbeck treatment of Brownian mo-
tion. In the final example of this chapter, we derived the hydrodynamics of Brownian
motion and identified how to turn the diffusion process into a conservative diffusion.
We essentially followed Newtons derivation of classical mechanics in doing so. For
a special choice of diffusion coefficient, this stochastic mechanics then turned out
to be non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
Diffusion processes come about through the cumulative effect of many small
(the scales are set by the moments of f () and ( )) random events. What happens
when these scales diverge is the topic of the next chapter which addresses Lvy dis-
tributions and the corresponding Lvy processes. Both concepts, Brownian motion
and Lvy processes, will find their applications in the modern area of econophysics,
which is examined in the final chapter.

3.10 Further Reading

This has been a long chapter discussing rather diverse problems. Therefore, we or-
ganize our suggestions for further reading according to the different applications.

Section 3.1
The book by Wax [209] contains a selection of outstanding original work and re-
view articles by the early masters of the field. The articles by Chandrasekhar [26]
and Kac [100] contain discussions of random walks in the context of Brownian
motion. Very elegant expositions of the techniques and concepts for the analysis
of random walks can be found in reviews by Montroll et al. [145, 147] and also
in the book by Weiss [211].
The concept of continuous-time random walks was introduced by Montroll and
Weiss [146], and [145, 147, 211] contain excellent discussions of the theory and
applications of CTRWs.
We did not treat disorder effects on diffusion processes and especially on random
walks as models for diffusion processes. These topics are nicely reviewed, for
instance, in the articles by Bouchaud and Georges [17] and of Haus and Kehr
128 3 Diffusion Processes

Section 3.2
The original treatments by Einstein and Smoluchowski of the position of the
Brownian particle as a stochastic process can be found in [43, 191]. The more re-
fined treatment of the velocity process of the Brownian particle was given in two
manuscripts by Uhlenbeck et al. [203, 208], which are also contained in [209].
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Einsteins 1905 paper, Frey and Kroy
published a very commendable review on Brownian motion and its applications
to soft condensed matter and biological physics [55].
Doob [39] (also in [209]) proved the fundamental result that the Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck process is the only stationary, Gaussian Markov process.
Brownian motion from a mathematical physicists perspective can be found in
The book by Coffey, Kalmykov and Waldron [28] presents an extensive survey of
the Langevin equation and its applications to physics, chemistry, and engineering.
It contains a skillfully combined presentation of the historical background and
basic theoretical concepts of Brownian motion, an explicit discussion of many
examples which are hard to find elsewhere (Brownian motion in various poten-
tials, rotational Brownian motion, etc.), and a good introduction to anomalous

Section 3.5
The question regarding the rate of activated transitions over a potential barrier, of-
ten in short called the Kramers problem, dates back to a famous work of Kramers
in 1940 [110]. This problem is, however, still a field of active research and an
overview of the 50 years after Kramers can be found in [75].
A general macroscopic treatment of the Kramers problem is given in [68].
The multidimensional situation, memory and quantum effects are discussed in
[73]. Fokker-Planck and master equation treatments of bistable systems are com-
pared in [74].
The mean first passage time problem for Fokker-Planck equations is, of course,
discussed in Riskens book [178], and the connections between mean first passage
times and the lifetime of metastable states is the theme of [202].
A review of state-of-the-art applications of the theory of activated barrier crossing
in the natural sciences can be found in [53].

Section 3.7
The Ising model is the prototypical lattice model of statistical physics and the cor-
responding probability structure is analytically known in one and two dimensions
[137, 156].
For the statistical physics of lattice systems in general there exists a good amount
of rigorous results, which can be found, for instance, in the books by Lavis and
Bell [116, 117] and Ruelle [180].
With regard to the stochastic process side, we want to mention a book by Prum
and Fort [175] for lattice processes and one by Lindenberg and West [118] for
stochastic evolution equations in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.
3.10 Further Reading 129

The statistical mechanics of the kinetics of phase transitions is nicely discussed

in [141].

Section 3.8
We presented Nelsons derivation of the Schrdinger equation for a special choice
of conservative Brownian motion, following the lines of thought in Nelsons orig-
inal publication [149] and also in a review by Guerra [70]. A more advanced
treatment, starting from the differential geometric formulation of classical me-
chanics, is chosen in Nelsons book [150]. This approach is very elucidating in
treating classical mechanics and non-relativistic quantum mechanics in the same
mathematical language. To follow this derivation, however, would have required
at least a basic explanation of analysis on manifolds which would have been be-
yond the scope of this book. A discussion of Brownian motion on a manifold us-
ing the Kramers equation can be found in [102]. Emerys book [45] contains the
mathematics of stochastic calculus in manifolds. (As an aside: being embedded,
physicists seem to live on manifolds, whereas mathematicians live in manifolds.)
If one requires quantum-mechanical motion to be a diffusion process on the con-
figuration manifold, a many-particle state necessarily must be either symmetric
(Bose-Einstein statistics) or antisymmetric (Fermi statistics) under particle ex-
change [150].
The treatment of diffusion processes on manifolds furthermore allows for an in-
clusion of spin [33, 37, 38]. Again, the diffusion-process requirement leads to the
consequence that there are only integer and half-integer spin values [150].
The structural identity with classical mechanics has been much emphasized
through the development of variational principles for the derivation of the equa-
tions of motion of a conservative diffusion process [71, 161163, 218].
The quantum-mechanical version of the Kramers problem within stochastic me-
chanics is treated in [98] and simulated in [136].
The stochastic-mechanics interpretation of quantum mechanics can also help to
resolve conceptual and interpretational problems in the context of evanescent
waves and the question of the existence of superluminal velocities [85, 115].
Chapter 4
Beyond the Central Limit Theorem:
Lvy Distributions

The theory of Brownian motion relies on the central limit theorem. The theorem
states that a sum of N independent and identically distributed random variables,

SN = xn , (4.1)

obeys a Gaussian distribution in the limit N , provided the first and second
moments of xn do not diverge. These restrictions are so mild that many distributions
belong to the domain of attraction of the Gaussian.
However, not all! A well-known exception is the Cauchy distribution,
a 1
p(x) = , (4.2)
a + x2

whose second moment is infinite. The Cauchy distribution occurs in many physical
situations, for instance, in the Ornstein-Zernike theory of critical opalescence or in
the lifetime broadening of spectral lines. Therefore the questions arise of whether it
could also emerge as a limiting distribution for SN , and what the limiting distribu-
tion would look like if the random variables were distributed according to (4.2).
The answer to these questions is the topic of the present chapter. The Cauchy
distribution is just one example of a whole class of distributions which possess long,
inverse-power-law tails:
p(x) , 0 < < 2 (|x| ). (4.3)
These broad tails preclude the convergence to the Gaussian for N , but not
the existence of a limiting distribution.
The premises for, the form and the properties of these limiting distributions were
worked out in the 1930s by P. Lvy, A. Khintchine and others. They are today called
Lvy or stable distributions. The following sections give an introduction to the math-
ematics and properties of these distributions.

W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, Stochastic Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00327-6_4, 131

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
132 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

4.1 Back to Mathematics: Stable Distributions

Consider a set of random variables {n }n=1,...,N which are independent and identi-
cally distributed according to

Prob( < n <  + d) = p()d (n = 1, . . . , N ). (4.4)

Then one can ask the following questions:

Is it possible to find (real) constants AN and BN (> 0) so that the distribution of
the normalized sum,

SN = n AN , (4.5)

converges to a limiting distribution if N tends to infinity, i.e.,

Prob(x < SN < x + dx) L(x)dx? (4.6)

What are the form and the properties of all possible limiting distributions?
When does the probability density p() belong to the domain of attraction of a
specific L(x)?
The answer to these questions requires the definition of a stable distribution.

Definition 4.1 A probability density is called stable if it is invariant under convo-

lution, i.e., if there are constants a > 0 and b such that

p(a1  + b1 ) p(a2  + b2 ) := dp a1 (z ) + b1 p(a2  + b2 )

= p(az + b) (4.7)

for all (real) constants a1 > 0, b1 , a2 > 0, b2 .

Example 4.1 A Gaussian distribution satisfies (4.7) and is therefore stable. To see
this, consider
1 y
p(y) = exp ,
2 2
and set y = a1  + b1 so that
dy 1 ( 1 )2
p(a1  + b1 ) = p(y) =( exp ,
d 212 212
4.1 Back to Mathematics: Stable Distributions 133

in which 1 = b1 /a1 and 1 = 1/a1 . The same formula also holds for a2 and b2 .
Insertion into (4.7) yields
1 (z  1 )2 ( 2 )2
d exp
21 2 212 222
v=2 1 ((z ) v)2 v2
= dv exp ,
21 2 212 222

where = 1 + 2 . If we define
w := v (z ) and 2 := 12 + 22 ,
1 2 1
we can write
((z ) v)2 v2 (z )2
+ 2 = w2 +
1 2 2
so that
1 (z  1 )2 ( 2 )2
d exp
21 2 212 222
1 (z )2
dwew /2
= exp
2 2 2
1 (z + (b/a))2
= exp ,
2(1/a)2 2(1/a)2

in which a = 1/ and b = / . A comparison with (4.7) shows that the Gaussian

distribution is stable. To find other possible stable distributions, we can exploit the
following property of convolution integrals.

Equation (4.7) becomes particularly simple in Fourier space, where the convolu-
tion p(z) = f () g() reduces to a product of the Fourier transforms:
p(k) =: F p(z) = dzp(z) exp(ikz)

 +  + 
= dze ikz
df (z )g()

= f (k)g(k). (4.8)

Let us consider some examples. Choose a Gaussian as the probability density, and
take a1 = a2 = 1 and b1 = b2 = 0. Then
 2  2
  k k

F p() p() = exp exp = exp k 2 , (4.9)

2 2
134 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

so that a = 1/ 2 and b = 0. Equation (4.9) is not specific to the Gaussian. It is
also satisfied by exponentials with different arguments. For instance, by the simple
|k| |k|
exp exp = exp(|k|),
2 2
which is the Fourier transform of the Cauchy distribution
F exp(|k|) = dk exp(|k|) exp(ik)
1 1
= . (4.10)
1 + 2
Therefore, both the Gaussian and Cauchy distributions are, up to scale factors, in-
variant under convolution and thus stable. The importance of this common charac-
teristic is due to the following theorem by Lvy and Khintchine:

Theorem 4.1 A probability density L(x) can only be a limiting distribution of the
sum (4.5) of independent and identically distributed random variables if it is stable.

The Gaussian and Cauchy distributions are therefore potential limiting distribu-
tions. However, there are many more. Lvy and Khintchine have completely speci-
fied the form of all possible stable distributions:

Theorem 4.2 (Canonical Representation) A probability density L, (x) is stable iff

the logarithm of its characteristic function,
L, (k) = e = dxL, (x) exp(ikx),

ln L, (k) = i k c|k| 1 + i (k, ) ,

where , c, , and are real constants taking the values: arbitrary, c 0,

0 < 2, 1 1, (4.12)

and the function (k, ) is given by

tan(/2) for
= 1,
(k, ) = (4.13)
(2/) ln |k| for = 1.

The constants and c are scale factors. Replacing x with c1/ x shifts the
origin and rescales the abscissa, but does not alter the function L, (x) (unless =
= 0). In contrast, and define the shape and the properties of L, (x). These
4.1 Back to Mathematics: Stable Distributions 135

parameters are therefore used as indices to distinguish different stable distributions.

The parameter characterizes the large-x behavior of L, and determines which
moments exist:
0 < < 2: Each stable distribution behaves as
L, (x) for x , (4.14)
and has finite absolute moments of order

|x| = dx|x| L, (x) if 0 < . (4.15)

In particular, the latter property implies that the variance does not exist if < 2
and that both mean value and variance do not exist if < 1.
= 2: L, (x) is independent of , since (k, 2) = 0, and is Gaussian.
Due to these properties, is called characteristic exponent. The second character-
istic parameter, , determines the asymmetry of L, (x):
= 0: L, (x) is an even function of x.
= 1: L, (x) exhibits a pronounced asymmetry for some choices of . For
instance, if 0 < < 1, its support lies in the intervals (, ] for = 1 and
[ , ) for = 1.
Theorem 4.2 defines the general expression for all possible stable distributions.
However, it does not specify the conditions which the probability density p() has
to satisfy so that the distribution of the normalized sum SN converges to a particular
L, (x) in the limit N . If this is the case, one can say p() belongs to the
domain of attraction of L, (x). This problem has been solved completely, and the
answer can be summarized by the following theorem (see also Appendix A):

Theorem 4.3 The probability density p() belongs to the domain of attraction of a
stable density L, (x) with characteristic exponent (0 < < 2) if and only if
a c
p() for  , (4.16)
where c+ 0, c 0 and a > 0 are constants.

These constants are directly related to the prefactor c and the asymmetry param-
eter by
 (c +c )
= 1,
c = 2 () sin(/2) (4.17)
2 (c+ + c ) for = 1,

 c c+
c+ +c for
= 1,
= c c (4.18)
c+ +c

for = 1.
136 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

Furthermore, if p() belongs to the domain of attraction of a stable distribution, its

absolute moments of order exist for < :
 < for 0 < ( 2),
|| =
d|| p() (4.19)
= for > ( < 2),

and the normalization constant in (4.5), which characterizes the typical (scaling)
behavior of SN , is given by
BN = aN 1/ (4.20)
so that
lim Prob x < S N AN < x + dx = L, (x)dx, (4.21)
N aN 1/

where a is the same constant as in (4.16) and

0 < < 1 : AN = 0,
1 < < 2 : AN BN = N x.

In particular, we have BN = N 1/2 and AN BN = N x for a Gaussian.

Equations (4.16) and (4.19) echo the behavior of the limiting distribution L, (x)
for < 2. This reflects the difference between the Gaussian and other stable distri-
butions. Whereas all probability densities which decay rapidly enough at large  (at
least as ||3 ) belong to the attraction domain of the Gaussian, stable distributions
with < 2 only attract those p() which have the same asymptotic behavior for
large x. This restricting condition is the reason for the prevalence of the Gaussian in
nature. However, there are exceptions to this dominance, examples of which will be
discussed in the following sections.

4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk

The distinguishing property of Lvy distributions is the presence of long-range

power-law tails which may lead to a divergence of even the lowest-order moments.
For instance, both the first and second moments are infinite if the characteristic ex-
ponent is smaller than one.
Physically, these lower-order moments have a particular significance: They set
the pertinent scales. In the theory of Brownian motion, we have seen that the time
scale was determined by the first moment of the waiting-time distribution, while
the second moment of the jump-length distribution defined the physically relevant
length scale (see Sect. 3.1.3). The divergence of the corresponding moments for cer-
tain Lvy distributions implies the absence of underlying physical scales, provided
these distributions are realizable in nature.
4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk 137

This is not unreasonable. The absence of physical scales could be interpreted as

scale invariance which in turn invokes the notions of self-similarity and frac-
tals. The intimate relation between Lvy distributions and self-similar behavior is
the link that ties the mathematical properties to physical applications. In the present
section, we want to illustrate this idea by discussing a random walk with Lvy-type
jump-length distribution, the Weierstrass random walk.

4.2.1 Definition and Solution

Consider a random walk on a one-dimensional lattice with lattice spacing a and

with a jump-length distribution given by (b > 1, M > 1)

a with probability C,
ba with probability C/M,
.. (4.23)
bj a with probability C/M j ,

and so forth. The probability density for a jump of length  can then be written as


p() = C j
 bj a +  + bj a ( real),
j =0

where the constant C is determined by normalization. Therefore,

M 1  1 

p() =  bj a +  + bj a . (4.24)
2M Mj
j =0

Equations (4.23) and (4.24) have an intuitive interpretation. If M is large, most

jumps occur to the left- and right-neighboring sites with probability C  1/2. The
probability of a larger jump of length ba is suppressed by a factor 1/M, that of the
next larger length b2 a by a factor 1/M 2 , and so forth. Although the distribution al-
lows jumps of all lengths a, ba, b2 a, . . . , their probability decreases by an order of
magnitude (in base M) if the length increases by an order of magnitude (in base b).
On average, about M jumps of length a have to be completed before a larger jump
can be observed. These M jumps form a cluster of visited sites separated by a dis-
tance a. About M such clusters, separated by a distance ba, are generated before
a jump of length b2 a occurs. This continues on and on, leading to a hierarchy of
clusters within clusters (see Fig. 4.1).
An important premise has to be satisfied for a random walk to develop such
a self-similar infinite hierarchy of clusters: The second moment of p() must be
138 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

Fig. 4.1 Schematic sketch of the first steps for an idealized Weierstrass random walk with M = 4
and b = 3 so that C = 3/8. In this idealized walk exactly four steps have to be completed before
the next larger jump takes place. The walk starts at the hollow circle and performs 4 steps of length
a (= 1). The visited points form the elementary cluster. Then, the next larger step ba = 3 occurs,
which is followed by another cluster of step size a, and so on, until four steps of length ba = 3 are
completed. Then, the next larger jump of size b2 a = 9 takes place, and so on

infinite; otherwise, the central limit theorem imposes (regular) Brownian motion.
This requires b2 > M, since

 2 j
2  (M 1)a 2  b
 = = if b2 > M. (4.25)
j =0

If this condition holds, the probability density p() tends to a stable distribution for
large displacements . To show this, let us calculate the characteristic function of
p(k) = dp() exp(ik)

M 1  1

= j
cos kbj a . (4.26)
j =0

This series was invented by K. Weierstrass in the second half of the 19th century
as an example of a function which is everywhere continuous, but nowhere differen-
tiable with respect to k when b > M. This is the reason why the random walk we
are considering is called the Weierstrass random walk [145].
4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk 139

Solution and Properties

Detailed analysis of the Weierstrass random walk requires a certain amount of alge-
bra (see Appendix C). However, important qualitative features can also be inferred
by observing that p(k) satisfies a scaling equation. Consider

M 1  1

p(bk) = j
cos kbj +1 a
j =0

= Mp(k) (M 1) cos(ka),

1 M 1
p(k) = p(bk) + cos(ka). (4.27)
This is an inhomogeneous difference equation, the solution of which consists of
the general solution of the homogeneous equation plus a particular solution of the
inhomogeneous equation (as in the case of the differential equation counterpart).
To find the particular solution pi (k), let us write (4.27) in the form

 (1)j M 1
cos(ka) = (ka)2j = pi (k) pi (bk). (4.28)
(2j )! M 1 M 1
j =0

This suggests that a series expansion of pi (k) should be attempted,

pi (k) = C2j (ka)2j ,
(2j )!
j =0

and that the coefficients C2j should be determined by requiring consistency with
(4.28), i.e.,

(1)j ! (1)j M 1
(ka)2j = (ka)2j C2j C2j b2j ,
(2j )! (2j )! M 1 M 1
j =0 j =0

which yields
M 1 1
C2j = ,
M 1 b2j /M
so that

M 1  (1)j (ka)2j
pi (k) =
M (2j )! 1 b2j /M
j =0

M 1  (1)j (ka)2j
=1+ . (4.29)
M (2j )! 1 b2j /M
j =1
140 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

This particular solution cannot be responsible for the singular behavior of the Weier-
strass random walk because (4.25) requires

d2 p(k)  
2  = d2 p()eik |k=0 = 2 = ,
dk k=0

whereas (remember b2 > M > 1)

d2 pi (k)  M 1 a2
 = (finite). (4.30)
dk 2
k=0 M b /M 1

Therefore, the singular behavior must result from the solution of the homogeneous

ph (k) = ph (bk). (4.31)
Equation (4.31) shows that a rescaling of k by b only reduces the amplitude by
1/M, but otherwise preserves the functional form of ph (k). This suggests that the
homogeneous solution has the following properties:

ph (k) should be a function of exp(2i ln |ka|/ ln b), since

ln |bka|
ph (bk) function exp 2i
ln b
ln |ka|
= function exp[2i] exp 2i ph (k).
ln b

Let us call this function Q(k). It satisfies the relation Q(k) = Q(kb), i.e., it is
periodic in ln k with period ln b.
Furthermore, (4.31) can be solved by a power law. Therefore, we make the ansatz

ph (k) = |ka| Q(k), (4.32)

where the absolute value takes into account that ph (k) is an even function of k
(see (4.26)). The exponent may be determined by insertion into (4.31). This

ln M
= (4.33)
ln b

so that 0 < < 2 because 1 < M < b2 (see (4.25)).

4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk 141

Explicitly, Q(k) is given by (see Appendix C)

M 1  n 2inln |ka|
Q(k) = (n ) cos exp
M ln b n= 2 ln b
M 1  n
= c() + (n ) cos |ka|in(2/ ln b) , (4.34)
M ln b n= 2

n = + ,
ln b
M 1
() cos =: c() (4.35)
M ln b 2
denotes the n = 0 term of the series Q(k). For 0 < < 2 (
= 1), the left-hand
side of (4.35) is negative, so c() is a positive constant. Equation (4.34) shows
that the logperiodic oscillations can be interpreted as an imaginary correction to
the exponent . This is a typical signature of systems with a self-similar discrete
hierarchy of clusters (i.e., discrete scale invariance), such as the Weierstrass random
walk [194].
Combining (4.29) and (4.32), the full solution of (4.27) takes the following form:

p(k) = ph (k) + pi (k)

M 1  (1)j (ka)2j
= |ka| Q(k) + 1 + . (4.36)
M (2j )! 1 b2j /M
j =1

Since < 2, the dominant small-k (large-distance) behavior of p(k) comes from
the homogeneous solution, as required above. It scales as |k| , with superimposed
logperiodic oscillations. If we keep only the constant n = 0 term in the limit k 0,
we find

p(k)  1 c()|ka|  exp c()|ka| (k 0). (4.37)

Thus, the small-k behavior of the jump-length distribution (4.26) is well approx-
imated by that of a symmetric Lvy distribution with the characteristic exponent
= ln M/ ln b. The discussion in Sect. 4.1 implies that the Weierstrass random walk
has the following additional properties:
Asymptotically, the probability density of a single jump (4.24) behaves as

p() ( ). (4.38)
142 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

Therefore, p() belongs to the domain of attraction of the stable distribution

L,0 (x). In other words, being the sum of independent and identically distributed
random variables obeying (4.38), the distribution of displacements of the Weier-
strass random walk tends to L,0 (x) for N , i.e.,
lim Prob x < n < x + dx = L,0 (x)dx, (4.39)

where BN N 1/ and AN = 0 also for 1 < < 2, because the walk is symmet-
ric, i.e., n  = 0 (see (4.20) and (4.22)).
The normalization by N 1/ shows that a typical displacement, XN , after N steps
scales as
XN N 2/ . (4.40)
Since 0 < < 2, the displacement increases faster with the number of steps than
in the case of normal diffusion. Therefore, the Weierstrass random walk exhibits
superdiffusive behavior. We will return to this point in the next section.

Fractional Diffusion Equation

Before leaving this section, we want to derive an analogue of the diffusion equation
for the Weierstrass random walk. Since the individual steps of the walk are indepen-
dent random variables and identically distributed according to p(), the probability
density for a displacement between x and x + dx after N steps is given by the
convolution (cf. (2.41))

pN (x) = p() p() (N factors).

This simplifies in Fourier space to

 N (4.37)

pN (k) = p(k)  exp N c()|ka| (k 0)

t=N t a
= exp c()
t|k| , (4.41)

in which we have introduced an elementary time scale t for the duration of a

jump. Provided that the limit lima,t0 a /t exists, one can define an effective
diffusion coefficient by
Deff := lim c() , (4.42)
a,t0 t
so that

pN (k, t) = exp Deff t|k| (for small k). (4.43)

4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk 143

This is the solution of the following equation:

pN (k, t) = Deff |k| pN (k, t). (4.44)

If were 2, Deff would be the diffusion coefficient D and (4.44) the Fourier trans-
form of the diffusion equation
pN (x, t) = dkeikx pN (k, t)
t 2 t
1 2
= D dkeikx k 2 pN (k, t) = D pN (x, t).
2 x 2

Similarly, one can Fourier transform (4.44) for any and define a fractional deriva-
tive [79, 181]
:= dkeikx |k| , (4.45)
x 2

which leads to the fractional diffusion equation

pN (x, t) = Deff pN (x, t). (4.46)
t x

This shows that normal diffusion gives rise to ordinary partial differential equations,
while Lvy-type diffusive behavior naturally leads to fractional calculus [79, 181].
Fractional calculus is therefore an important tool for studying non-ordinary diffu-
sion and related phenomena [78, 143].

4.2.2 Superdiffusive Behavior

The Weierstrass random walk has two characteristic features:

All steps take the same (average) time.

The distribution of the step lengths exhibits a Lvy-type power-law decay for the
largest jumps.

These properties lead to superdiffusive behavior, since a Weierstrass random walker

can jump from point to point, irrespective of the distance between the two points, in
the same amount of time. Therefore, one may expect that the overall displacement
is dominated by the largest jumps.
144 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

Fig. 4.2 Monte Carlo

simulation results of the
two-dimensional Weierstrass
random walk (4.47) for
(a) M = 30, b = 10 and
(b) M = 80, b = 10. The first
set of parameters yields
 1.48, and the second
 1.90 (see (4.33)). In the
simulations, a direction
(x or y) was first drawn at
random, and then a jump
length was chosen according
to (4.24) (see [174] for a
method how to achieve this).
For both simulations, a = 1,
and 107 steps were simulated.
Note that there are scattered
clusters of small jumps
separated by much larger
ones for  1.48, whereas
these large jumps almost
disappear for  1.90. This
reflects the suppression of the
tails of p() if 2

Figure 4.2 supports this idea. It shows the results of a Monte Carlo simulation
for the two-dimensional Weierstrass random walk,

M 1  1 

p(x , y ) = x b j
a +  x + b j
4M Mj
j =0

+ y bj a + y + bj a , (4.47)

for  1.48 (a) and  1.90 (b). If  1.48, one can see islands of small jumps
that are connected by larger ones to bigger aggregates, which are in turn connected
again by even larger jumps, and so on. This reflects the hierarchical structure of the
Weierstrass random walk. The disparity between the largest jumps and the clusters
of short ones gradually vanishes as 2 (see (b)), but would be even more pro-
4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk 145

nounced for < 1.48. The typical displacement of the walker after N steps should
therefore be determined by the largest jumps if substantially deviated from 2.
This expectation can be corroborated by the following argument [17]. Con-
sider a realization of the Weierstrass random walk with N steps and jump lengths
1 , . . . , N . Let us now calculate the probability that the largest jump out of the N
steps has length L. This probability is given by
   L N 1
prob. of L(N) = p(L) p()d
1 0
  N 1
= Np(L) 1 (N 1) p()d
N 1 L
N 1
 Np(L) exp N p()d . (4.48)

Our aim is to extract from (4.48) a typical value for the largest jump. Usually, we
would calculate the lowest-order moment, which is non-zero, such as L or L2 .
However, this is not a good choice in the present case. Depending on the value of ,
these moments diverge. To circumvent this problem, one can take the most probable
value Lm from the maximum of (4.48) as a characteristic jump length, i.e.,
prob. of L(N) |L=Lm = N exp N p()d
dL Lm

d !
p + Np 2
= 0. (4.49)
dL L=Lm

Provided that the exponential prefactor is finite, which is realized by the requirement

N p()d  1, (4.50)

we obtain for Lm
Lm N 1/ (4.51)
if the asymptotic behavior (4.38) of p() is used. The interpretation of (4.50) is that
there is typically one jump larger than Lm in a sequence of N steps. If N is finite,
but becomes very large, this event is completely negligible and Lm represents an
upper cutoff for the jump length.
Therefore, the large-distance behavior of a typical displacement, XN , for the
Weierstrass random walk may be estimated as an average of the sum SN = N n=1 n ,
with  large, but smaller than Lm :
0 < < 1:
XN N dp() N Lm
N 1/ , (4.52)
146 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

= 1:
 Lm 1
XN N d N ln Lm N ln N, (4.53)

1 < < 2:

2 Lm
XN SN  N d   p()


N Lm
1 + O /Lm

N 2/ 1 + O N 1/ N 2/ . (4.54)

In all cases we used the asymptotic form (4.38) for p() because the large-distance
behavior of XN should be determined by the tail of the jump-length distribution.
Therefore, the integrals also have a finite lower bound fixed by the smallest -value
at which (4.38) becomes valid. This lower bound is a property of p() (i.e., a con-
sequence of the parameters M and b) and independent of N ; therefore, the integrals
are dominated by Lm . The results (4.52) to (4.54) thus represent the typical leading-
order behavior of the sum SN for large N .
The presented discussion shows that the total displacement is superdiffusive, in
agreement with (4.40), and dominated by the largest jump. The typical behavior
of SN resembles a single step. This reflects again the self-similar character of the
Weierstrass random walk or of any random process with the same properties: Lvy-
like jump-length distribution and finite time for jumps of any length. Such processes
are called Lvy flights.

Fractal Dimension

The term self-similarity is used to characterize an object which looks the same
at all length scales. If we identify a length scale with a specific magnification, the
structure of a self-similar object is invariant under a change of the magnification. It
exhibits dilation invariance.
Another, intimately related concept is that of a fractal. The term fractal (from
the Latin fractus = broken) was coined by B. Mandelbrot in the 1960s to describe
dilation-invariant objects which exhibit irregularities on all scales. Specific exam-
ples are clouds or coastlines of islands.
If one were to measure the volume of the clouds or the length of a coastline,
the standard approach would fail. The standard approach consists in choosing a unit
volume d (unit length in d = 1, surface element in d = 2, and so on) and counting
the number, N , of units which are necessary to cover the given volume R d , i.e.,
R d = Nd . Applying the same method to measure the length of a jagged coastline,
for instance, yields a result that depends on . The length of the coastline is so
irregular that it cannot be partitioned in one-dimensional line segments. It has an
intrinsic fractal dimension, df , different from the Euclidean dimension, d, of the
4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk 147

unit volume used. The fractal dimension can be estimated by counting the number
of line segments inside a sphere of radius R. The scaling of N with R defines the
(Hausdorff-Besicovitch) fractal dimension1

R df N. (4.55)

The Weierstrass random walk and Lvy flights in general can also be characterized
in this way by substituting XN with R. This gives

R N = df = . (4.56)

The exponent may therefore be interpreted as the fractal dimension of a Lvy

flight [81]. The same reasoning also applies to ordinary random walks. Since
R N 1/2 , we find df = 2. Therefore, a random walk should rather be considered
as a two-dimensional than as a one-dimensional object.

4.2.3 Generalization to Higher Dimensions

The Weierstrass random walk is a one-dimensional example of a Lvy flight. Quite

generally, the term Lvy flight is used to denote a random walk in a continuous
d-dimensional space which exhibits a Lvy distribution of the jump lengths (at least
for the largest ones) and a finite (average) time between jumps. This term was coined
by Mandelbrot [124] as a generalization of random flights, i.e., random walks in
continuous space.2 In the present section we want to derive the jump distribution
p() for a symmetric Lvy flight.
In complete analogy to the one-dimensional case, the jump distribution of a sym-
metric Lvy flight in Fourier space is given by

p(k) = exp c|k| , (4.57)

where c is a positive constant rendering the exponent dimensionless. Using

d-dimensional hyperspherical coordinates (see Appendix B), the inverse Fourier

1 This is not the only definition of a fractal dimension. There are other methods. However, pro-
vided certain mathematical premises, one can establish that all definitions agree with one another
[66]. Here, we take this for granted and only mention the Hausdorff dimension, which is the most
intuitive one.
2 Note that the terms random flight and random walk are sometimes used to distinguish a detail

of the stochastic process. One speaks of a random flight if the process occurs in continuous space
and consists of a sequence of independent displacements with random direction and magnitude (but
finite second moment). On the other hand, if the displacements are restricted to a lattice, a random
walk results. Usually, we do not make this distinction and laxly use random flights and random
walks synonymously.
148 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

transform yields ( = ||)

dd kec|k| exp(ik )

p() =
dkk d1 eck

= d (sin )d2 exp(ik cos )
(2)d 0 0
Sd1 d1 ck
= dkk e d (sin )d2
(2)d 0 0


exp(ik cos ) + d sin exp ik cos 

Sd1 d1 ck
= dkk e d 2(sin )d2 cos(k cos )
(2)d 0 0
1 1
J(d/2)1 (k)eck ,

= dkk d1 (4.58)
(2)d/2 0 k

in which we substituted  = in the penultimate step; Sd = 2 d/2 / (d/2) is

the surface of a d-dimensional unit sphere and the following integral representation
of the Bessel function J(d/2)1 (x) was used (see [67], p. 962, Eqs. (8.4114.))

J(d/2)1 (x)
 (d/2)1  /2
2 x
= d (sin )2[(d/2)1] cos(x cos )
([d 1]/2) 2 0

2Sd1 (d/2)1 /2
= x d (sin )2[(d/2)1] cos(x cos ). (4.59)
(2)d/2 0

This equation holds as long as d > 1. Furthermore, if we use (see [67], p. 979,
Eqs. (8.4723.))
x J1 (x) =x J (x) (4.60)
and substitute x = k, a partial integration finally yields

c 1  
p() = dxx d/2+1 Jd/2 (x) exp c(x/) . (4.61)
(2)d/2 ||d+ 0

There are two cases when this expression becomes simple: = 1 and = 2. In the
first case, we find the d-dimensional generalization of the Cauchy distribution (via
Eq. (6.623), p. 733 of [67])

c ([d + 1]/2) 1
p() = , (4.62)
(d+1)/2 (c +  )
2 2 (d+1)/2
4.2 The Weierstrass Random Walk 149

and in the second a Gaussian distribution (see Eqs. (6.6314.), p. 738 of [67])
p() = exp . (4.63)
(4c)d/2 4c

From the general result (4.61), one can derive the asymptotic behavior for large 
(for d = 2, 3 [213]):
p() (|| ), (4.64)
i.e., the generalization of (4.38).

Polyas Problem Revisited

Imagine a random walk on a d-dimensional lattice. One of its important properties

is whether the walk is transient or recurrent. Transience means that the walker has a
finite probability of never returning to his starting point again, whereas he is certain
to come back if the walk is recurrent. In Sect. 3.1.1 we found that the random walk
is recurrent in d 2, but transient otherwise. This result is Polyas theorem.
For a d-dimensional Weierstrass random walk, the superdiffusive behavior
should modify this statement. One can expect that superdiffusion makes the walk
transient for dimensions smaller than that of the random walk. To test this idea, we
have to calculate the probability of return to the origin F (0, 1), which is given by
(3.19) and (3.20) (note that a = 1 and p(k) is called f (k) in (3.20))
  +/a  +/a 1
ad 1
F (0, 1) = 1 dd k . (4.65)
(2)d /a /a 1 p(k)

If the integral diverges, F (0, 1) = 1 and the walk is recurrent. Otherwise, the walk
is transient. Since p(k) 1 for k 0, the divergence results from the small-k
behavior. Using (4.57), we have

1 p(k)  c|k| (k 0),

and so
a d Sd k0 k deff 1
F (0, 1)  1 dk 2 , (4.66)
(2)d c 0 k
where k0 is an upper cutoff, Sd is the surface of a d-dimensional unit sphere and

deff := d + 2 . (4.67)

If deff were equal to d, we would recover Polyas theorem for random walks. The su-
perdiffusive behavior effectively changes the dimensions for d-dimensional Weier-
strass random walks. Therefore, they are transient, not if d > 2, but if deff > 2, i.e.,
150 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

d > . (4.68)
This implies that the one-dimensional walk is transient for 0 < < 1, but recur-
rent for 1 < < 2, whereas higher-dimensional walks are transient for all possible
values of .

4.3 Fractal-Time Random Walks

Let us consider the probability density (, ) that a random walker performs a
jump from  to  + dd  in the time interval d after having stayed at some site for a
waiting time . This probability defines a continuous-time random walk (CTRW)
(see Sect. 3.1.3). The CTRW generalizes the examples discussed up to now, i.e.,
Brownian motion and the Weierstrass random walk. They can be considered as spe-
cial cases for which (, ) factorizes (separable CTRW)

(, ) = p()( ). (4.69)

Furthermore, the ordinary random walk and the Weierstrass random walk share the
same waiting-time distribution (t) given by

( ) = ( 0 ), (4.70)

i.e., all jumps take the same finite time 0 . The main difference resides in p(). For
the random walk we have
 = dd 2 p() < ,

  = d ( ) = 0 < ,

whereas the Weierstrass random walk is characterized by

 = for 0 < < 2,
  = 0 < .

The divergence of 2  leads to the superdiffusive behavior of the Weierstrass ran-
dom walk because jumps of arbitrary length all take the same time. On the other
hand, a finite 2  necessarily leads to ordinary diffusion, as long as the waiting-time
distribution has a finite first moment. Therefore, the question arises of what would
happen if we reversed the situation, choosing a finite 2 , but a divergent  . The
answer to this question is the topic of the present section.
4.3 Fractal-Time Random Walks 151

4.3.1 A Fractal-Time Poisson Process

Consider a random walk with a waiting-time distribution ( ) for each jump. A typ-
ical example is the Poisson process
( ) = exp , (4.71)
0 0

for which jumps occur on one characteristic time scale, 0 . Since 0 (=  ) is finite
(and so is 2  by assumption), the process gives rise to normal diffusion.
Motivated by experience with the Weierstrass random walk, we can guess how
to construct a process with non-normal diffusive behavior. Two opposing factors
are needed. Instead of a single characteristic time scale, there should be a whole
(discrete) hierarchy of scales. For instance, we can introduce the parameter b < 1
and set (t0 = time unit)
t0 j
j := (j = 1, 2, . . . , ). (4.72)
However, not all time scales should have the same probability of occurrence. Long
ones must be penalized by a suppression factor to model an opposing trend. Let us
assume that the probability for the time scale j +1 is reduced by the factor M < 1
compared to the next smaller time j . Combining these ideas, a viable generalization
of the Poisson process in the spirit of a Weierstrass random walk could read
1 M  Mj
( ) = exp , (4.73)
M j j
j =1

where the prefactor warrants the normalization of ( ). If   is to be infinite, we

must require b < M, since

  = d ( )
1M M = b < M,
= t0
j =1
b < b > M,

which shows
  = b < M < 1. (4.74)
This condition should suffice to generate a fractal-time Poisson process with a
waiting-time distribution that adopts the typical form of stable distributions in the
limit of large . The corresponding characteristic exponent should be 0 < < 1
because   is divergent. This idea may be tested by an analysis which closely par-
allels that of the Weierstrass random walk. Therefore, we only sketch the main steps.
More details can be found in [145, 188].
152 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

We introduce the Laplace transform of ( ):

(s) = d es ( )

1M  Mj
= . (4.75)
M 1 + st0 bj
j =1

The function (s) satisfies an inhomogeneous difference equation which we find

by considering its behavior upon rescaling the argument, i.e.,

1M  Mj
sbm =
M 1 + st0 b(j +m)
j =1

1 1 M  Mj
= (s)
Mm Mm M 1 + sj
j =1


(s) = M m sbm + . (4.76)
M 1 + sj
j =1

The solution of (4.76) consists, again, of two parts: the general solution of the ho-
mogeneous equation and a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation:

(s) = h (s) + i (s).

As in the case of the Weierstrass random walk, one can show that the singular be-
havior responsible for   = arises from the homogeneous part,

h (s) = M m h sbm . (4.77)

Equation (4.77) is solved by the ansatz

h (s) = (st0 ) Q(s), (4.78)

in which
ln(st0 )
Q(s) = function exp 2i ,
ln b
so that

Q(s) = Q(s/b) = Q s/bm (m is an integer). (4.79)

 m  m

h (s) = M h s/bm =
(st0 ) Q s/bm =

h (s),
b b
4.3 Fractal-Time Random Walks 153

which gives
= , (4.80)
so 0 < < 1, since b < M < 1. This range of -values is that of stable distributions
which have a divergent first moment. In order to show that (s) gives rise to a Lvy
distribution if s 0, we use the result for the full solution of (4.76) [145, 188]:

(s) = h (s) + i (s)

1 M  (1)j (st0 )j
= (st0 ) Q(s) + 1 + , (4.81)
M (bj /M) 1
j =1

1 M  Mbn 2in ln(st0 )
Q(s) = exp (4.82)
M ln b n= sin(n ) ln b

n = + .
ln b
In the limit of vanishing s, we keep only the n = 0 term, which is given by

s0 1M
=: c(), (4.83)
ln(1/b) b sin()

where c() > 0 for 0 < < 1, so that


(s) 1 c()(st0 )  exp c()(st0 ) . (4.84)

The leading-order term of the inhomogeneous solution scales as s 1 and can be ne-
glected compared to s in the limit s 0. The large- behavior of the waiting-time
distribution is obtained by the inverse Laplace transform of (4.84), i.e.,
dses e(c()t0 )s = L,1 ( )

( )  ( large), (4.85)
2i i

and thus corresponds to an asymmetric Lvy distribution with = 1 (see Ap-

pendix A) which decays asymptotically as (see (A.24))

(c()t0 ) 1
( ) . (4.86)
(1 ) 1+

As in the case of the Weierstrass random walk, the characteristic exponent can
be interpreted as a fractal dimension, namely as the fractal dimension of the set of
waiting-times between jumps.
154 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

The Kohlrausch Function

Equation (4.85) is interesting for many physical applications. When studying re-
laxation phenomena, one often finds that pertinent time-displaced correlation func-
tions, (t) (0 (t) 1, (0) = 1, (t ) = 0), do not decay as a simple
exponential, but as a stretched exponential, i.e., as

(t) exp ct (0 < < 1, c = const.), (4.87)

in some time window. This function was (presumably) used first by R. Kohlrausch
in 1854, as a convenient description of dielectric-polarization-decay data, and since
then in many other applications. A prominent current example is the research on
random systems, such as supercooled liquids and glasses, where the stretched expo-
nential is commonly called Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW) function [63, 64].
Although (4.87) is widely used as a convenient fit function, a theoretical under-
standing of its microscopic origin is difficult to establish. Equation (4.85) suggests
that the Kohlrausch function quite naturally appears in the framework of stable dis-
tributions. By replacing s with the time t and with the relaxation rate , (4.87) is
obtained, if the probability density of is stable, i.e.,

exp ct = d L,1 ( )e t . (4.88)


Such an interpretation has been proposed, for instance, for dielectric relaxation ex-
periments [144, 187] and for the dynamics of supercooled liquids [57].

4.3.2 Subdiffusive Behavior

Intuitively, one would expect that a random walk with finite 2  and a Lvy-
like waiting-time distribution propagates more slowly than ordinary diffusion. The
walker always risks being trapped at a certain site for a long time before he can fi-
nally advance (on average) over the distance 2 . Thus, the number of steps, N , in
a fixed time interval, t, is not linear in t as in normal diffusion, but rather scales as
N t with < 1. The typical displacement, XN , after N steps should therefore
be subdiffusive
XN t (0 < < 1). (4.89)
To substantiate this idea, we use a statistical reasoning similar to that utilized in
Sect. 4.2.2 [17].
Each step of the random walk is associated with a waiting time. If the walker per-
forms N steps, there are N waiting times; therefore, the time t needed to complete
all steps is given by

t= n . (4.90)
4.4 A Way to Avoid Diverging Variance: The Truncated Lvy Flight 155

Let us now assume that the n are independent and identically distributed with a
probability density that behaves for large as (0 < < 1):

t( ) ( ). (4.91)
Thus, t is a sum of N random variables which scales, for large N , as (see (4.20))

t t0 N 1/ . (4.92)

This immediately leads to subdiffusive behavior, since

2 t
(0 < < 1). (4.93)

In contrast, if were larger than 1, the first moment of the waiting-time distribution
would exist, and asymptotically normal diffusion results:

2 t (1 < < 2). (4.94)

For intermediate times, there are additive power-law corrections to the normal
large-t behavior if ( ) is given by (4.91) with 1 < < 2 [17].

4.4 A Way to Avoid Diverging Variance: The Truncated Lvy


From the point of view of practical applications, stable distributions have both ap-
pealing and non-appealing features. Certainly, a very attractive feature is the scaling
1 x
pN (x) = 1/ p , (4.95)
N N 1/
which means that the probability pN (x) for a sum of N random variables is, up to
a certain scale factor, identical to that of the individual variables. This is a typical
signature of fractal behavior: The whole looks like its parts.
On the other hand, stable distributions possess divergent lower-order moments.
The divergence of the variance, for instance, is a very disturbing feature if a time-
series analysis gives rise to a Lvy distribution, although the variance is a priori
known to exist. A good example comes from an analysis of the human heart beat
[167]. In the study of [167] the duration of a beat B(i) was monitored over a long
period of time (i = 1, . . . , 105 beats, i.e., up to 24 hours). Then, the probability
of the difference between the durations of successive beats, B = B(i + 1) B(i),
was determined. This probability compared much better to a symmetric Lvy distri-
bution with = 1.7 than to a Gaussian, implying that large differences occur more
156 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

frequently than predicted by the normal distribution. Physiologically, this is not un-
reasonable. The heart can respond more easily to changing external influences if
successive beat durations may substantially deviate from one another. However, the
deviation cannot be arbitrarily large. The beat durations are bounded by a smallest
and a largest value. These physiologically imposed thresholds cut off the tails of the
Lvy distribution and impose a finite variance of the time series.
Therefore, a possible way to reconcile Lvy distributions with a finite variance
consists in truncating the tails. Such a truncated Lvy flight was proposed by Man-
tegna and Stanley [127, 128]:

N L,0 () for cut  cut ,
p() = (4.96)
0 otherwise,

where N is a normalization constant and cut the cutoff parameter. Numerical sim-
ulations [127, 128] illustrate the influence of cut on the statistical properties of the
process. If cut is large, p() has a pronounced Lvy character. This leads to a dras-
tic retardation of the convergence to a Gaussian when summing random variables
distributed according to (4.96).
This numerical simulation inspired another study, in which the truncated Lvy
flight was defined for large  as [108]

c e|| ||(1+)  < 0,
p() (4.97)
c+ e (1+)  > 0.

Contrary to the abrupt truncation of (4.96), the smooth exponential damping allows
analytical calculation of the characteristic function. For 0 < < 2 (
= 1), the result
for the sum of N random variables is (see Appendix D)
[1 + (k/) ] |k|
2 /2
ln L, (k, N ) = c0 N c
cos arctan
k |k|
1 + i tan arctan , (4.98)
where c is given by (4.17), i.e.,
(c+ + c )
c= (0 < < 2,
= 1), (4.99)
2 () sin(/2)
the constant c0 accounts for the normalization (i.e., Lt, (k = 0, N ) = 1),

N c
c0 = , (4.100)
and the asymmetry parameter has the same value as in (4.18),
c c+
= (0 < < 2,
= 1). (4.101)
c+ + c
4.4 A Way to Avoid Diverging Variance: The Truncated Lvy Flight 157

This function exhibits a crossover from a Lvy to a Gaussian regime if N increases.

If N  1, Lt, (k, N ) quickly goes to zero for k  so that the dominant con-
tribution comes from the small-k regime, where k . Expanding
  2 /2      
k |k| |k| 2 2 |k| 2
1+ cos arctan  1+ 1
2 2
1 (1 ) 2
1+ k ,
2 2
|k| |k| |k|
tan arctan  tan  ,

we find that the asymmetry contribution to (4.98) may be neglected and Lt, (k, N )
is given by
ln Lt, (k, N ) = 2 (N )k 2 (N large), (4.102)
2C(1 ) 2
2 (N) = N >0 for 0 < < 2(
= 1) (4.103)
() sin

with C = c+ = c . Therefore, Lt, (k, N ) becomes Gaussian in the small-k limit.

On the other hand, if N 1, all k-values contribute. In addition to the Gaus-
sian behavior for small k we can also consider k  . Formally, this corresponds
to the limit 0. Since arctan(|k|/) /2 and c0 0 for 0, we obtain
(4.11), i.e.,
ln Lt, (k, N )  N c|k| 1 + i tan . (4.104)
|k| 2
This shows that the pure Lvy character of (4.98) emerges if both and N are small.
The minimal N value required to enter the Gaussian regime can be estimated by
the following argument. Let us take = 0. Then, the dominant finite N correction
to the Gaussian is determined by the kurtosis, 4 , of p() (see (2.45)) and scales as
4 /N . Therefore, the correction is negligible if

N  N := 4 (4 > 0), (4.105)

where [18]
(2 )(3 ) () sin
4 = . (4.106)
2C 1
Equation (4.106) shows that the kurtosis is the larger, the smaller is. A small
value shifts the truncation into the far wings of the Lvy distribution. Then,
Lt, (x, N) has a pronounced Lvy character and the convergence to the Gaussian
is slowed down.
158 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

Fig. 4.3 Illustration of the slow crossover from Lvy to Gaussian behavior for the truncated Lvy
flight (4.98). In this example, = 3/2 and = 0 (solid lines), which implies that the -dependent
prefactors of (4.107) and (4.109) are 3/8 and 1, respectively. The crossover from the pure Lvy
distribution (4.104) (filled circles) to the Gaussian (4.102) (crosses) is studied as a function of
N/N . If N/N = 104 or N/N = 102 , (4.98) is indistinguishable from (4.104) or (4.102),

Illustration Using (4.105) and (4.106), we can rewrite the Gaussian limit (4.102)
in the following way
1 N k 2
ln Lt, (k, N ) = (2 )(3 ) . (4.107)
2 N

This suggests studying the crossover from Lvy to Gaussian behavior as a function
of the scaled variable
N k
k= . (4.108)
In terms of this variable, (4.98) reads for = 0
(2 )(3 ) N N 2 /2
ln Lt, (k, N ) = 1 1+ k
(1 ) N N
cos arctan |k| . (4.109)

As an example, let us choose = 3/2. This is shown in Fig. 4.3. Consider now a
fixed value of k, say, k = 2. If N/N is very small, k/ must be large to realize this
value, whereas it has to be small when N/N is large. According to our previous
discussion, the first case gives rise to Lvy behavior and the second to Gaussian
4.5 Summary 159

behavior. Therefore, we expect a crossover from a Lvy-dominated to a Gaussian

regime if N/N increases. This trend is clearly visible in Fig. 4.3.

Addendum Since Lvy flights exhibit superdiffusive behavior, whereas a finite-

jump-length, but Lvy-like waiting-time distribution can give rise to subdiffusion,
it is plausible that the divergence of moments may also be avoided by considering
non-separable, continuous-time random walks. An example is the so-called Lvy
walk defined by [105, 187]
(, ) = ( |)p() = p(), (4.110)

where the velocity v() is associated with each step. Contrary to Lvy flights,
a Lvy walker does not simply jump an arbitrary length in the same time, but
has to move with a given velocity from his starting to the end point. For the simplest
case of constant velocity, it is immediately clear that large jumps require a longer
time than shorter ones. The overall consequence of this spatio-temporal coupling is
a finite mean-square displacement for all values of [105]. The Lvy walk is one
specific example of a non-separable, continuous-time random walk. Another inter-
esting model is a generalization of the Weierstrass random walk with space-time
coupling [111, 112]. Several further approaches are discussed in [145].

4.5 Summary
A characteristic signature of Brownian motion is that a typical displacement, XN ,
scales with the number of steps N as

if N is large. To derive this result, one has to assume that the step length and the time
needed to perform a step are on average finite. With these assumptions the diffusive
behavior, XN 2 N , is a direct consequence of the central limit theorem (CLT). The

theorem can be expressed as follows: If there are

1. N random variables {n }n=1,...,N which are independent and identically dis-
tributed, p(1 ) = = p(n ) = p(), and have
2. finite first and second moments,  < , 2  < ,
then the sum variable

SN = n
has a Gaussian distribution in the limit N and a variance
2  2

= SN  N if  = 0 .
160 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

The remarkable feature of this theorem resides in the fact that the details of p()
are of only minor importance. Provided the first and second moments exist, the
sum variable is always normally distributed, no matter what the actual shape of the
individual distribution looks like. All details of p() are lumped into two relevant
quantities,  and 2 , which survive in the limit N .
These properties can change either if N is not truly infinite or if the premises of
the CLT are violated. For finite N , there are corrections to the Gaussian behavior
which depend on higher-order moments of p() and are thus sensitive to the tails of
the distribution. If the tails are broad, but decay still sufficiently fast to maintain a
finite variance, the convergence to the normal distribution is strongly slowed down.
We have encountered an example of this behavior in Sect. 4.4.
On the other hand, truly non-Gaussian behavior results as soon as premises 1
and 2 are violated:
A violation of premise 2 can be brought about if p() decays so slowly for
 that even the lowest-order moments diverge. Mathematically, this vio-
lation is well understood. It gives rise to stable distributions, of which the normal
distribution is a special case.
These distributions find important applications in the theory of continuous-
time random walks (CTRW). A CTRW is characterized by the probability (, )
that a random walker performs a step of length [,  + d] in the time interval d
after having waited for a time . In this chapter we have treated only separable
CTRW, i.e.,
(, ) = p()( ).
If we assume symmetric walks ( = 0), we can distinguish the following cases:
the first moment of ( ) and the second moment of p() are finite,
 = d2 p() < ,

  = d ( ) = 0 < .

This leads to ordinary diffusion, i.e., Brownian motion.

0 < but 2  = gives rise to superdiffusion, i.e.,
XN N 2/ (0 < < 2)

with logarithmic corrections when = 1. Superdiffusive behavior is character-

istic of Lvy flights, i.e., random processes in continuous space with a Lvy-
like jump-length distribution, but finite (average) jump time.
0 = but 2  < yields subdiffusion, i.e.,

X 2 (t) t

if 0 < < 1. For 1 < 2, 0 is finite and one obtains ordinary diffusion,
again with logarithmic corrections, when = 1.
4.6 Further Reading 161

Fig. 4.4 Schematic picture of a random walk (left panel) and of a self-avoiding walk (right panel)
on a square lattice. Both walks consist of N = 10 steps. Whereas a random walk can intersect its
path arbitrarily often, such as where step 5 returns to the site already visited by the first step (see
left panel), a self-avoiding walk may occupy each site only once. Sites already visited therefore act
like a repulsive potential for the continuation of the walk. This leads to an increase in the distance
between the start and the end, XN (dashed lines), compared to the random walk

A violation of premise 1 means that the random variables are correlated. These
correlations also change the normal diffusive behavior. The previous chapter
briefly mentioned one example, the self-avoiding walk (see Fig. 4.4). In this pro-
cess the random walker has to keep track of the whole history of his path while he
moves along, since he is not allowed to visit a site twice. Intuitively, this long-
range repulsive interaction along the path should make the overall displacement
grow stronger with increasing N than in the case of the random walk. A consider-
able amount of difficult analysis is necessary to support this expectation, but the
final result is (see (3.34))
XN N 2 ( = 0.589 in 3 dimensions),

i.e., superdiffusive behavior. On the other hand, if the walker is allowed to re-
visit sites after having propagated self-avoidingly for a certain number of steps,
the correlation is only short ranged. Such short-range correlations do not alter
the normal diffusive behavior. They can be accounted for by defining a new (in-
creased) elementary step length, the persistence length 2p > 2 . All of these
processes, random walks, walks with short-range interactions and self-avoiding
walks, are important concepts in polymer physics [35, 179].

4.6 Further Reading

The discussion of this chapter has been compiled from many sources. We briefly list
our main references and make suggestions for further reading:
162 4 Beyond the Central Limit Theorem: Lvy Distributions

Books Our presentation of the mathematics of stable distributions closely follows

the discussion in the book of Gnedenko and Kolmogorov [62]. Furthermore, we
have considerably profited from the books of Feller [52] and Breiman [20] (and from
Appendix B of [17]). Besides this mathematical literature the book by Bardou et al.
[7] is also very commendable. It provides a concise introduction to Lvy processes
and applies them to obtain a better understanding of laser cooling. A very good
overview of the theoretical description of anomalous diffusion can be found in the
book by Coffey, Kalmykov and Waldron [28].

Review Articles There are many excellent review articles on the theoretical back-
ground and applications of Lvy processes. The most extensive ones which we have
used are the articles of Bouchaud and Georges [17], Montroll and West [147], Mon-
troll and Shlesinger [145], and West and Deering [213]. These articles are very
pedagogically written throughout and comprehensively discuss many aspects which
we have not considered at all. There are also some shorter reviews, for instance,
[105, 187], which elaborate the main ideas very clearly. An approach from the per-
spective of fractional calculus may be found in the review articles by Metzler and
Klafter [143] and by Hilfer [79]. Furthermore, a compilation of lecture notes on
Lvy processes has been published as a conference proceedings [189]. The topics
of the lectures range from mathematical properties to applications in biology. The
editors emphasize that the proceedings is the first book for physical scientists de-
voted to Lvy processes and hope that the essays will make Lvys work known
to a wider audience and inspire further developments. In this chapter we have en-
deavored to do the same.
Chapter 5
Modeling the Financial Market

In 1900, a Ph.D. student of Henri Poincar finished his dissertation. The name of
the student was Louis Bachelier. In his report on the thesis, Poincar praised the
cunning way by which Bachelier had derived the Gaussian distribution. But he also
pointed out that the topic had been very different from the typical ones that his other
students presented [145].
This was certainly the case. Bachelier named his thesis Thorie de la spcu-
lation [3]Theory of speculationand suggested in it a probabilistic description
for price fluctuations on the financial market. Essentially, he developed the mathe-
matics of Brownian motionfive years before Einstein published his famous paper
[43]to model the time evolution of asset prices.
Perhaps it was because of the application to the financial market that Bacheliers
work was not recognized by the scientific community at that time. It seems as if it
fell into complete oblivion until the early 1940s. In 1944, It used it as a motivation
to introduce his calculus and a variant of Brownian motion, geometric Brownian
Geometric Brownian motion, in turn, became an important model for the finan-
cial market. Its economic significance was recognized in the work of Paul A. Samuel-
son (19152009) from 1965 onwards [182]. For his contributions Samuelson re-
ceived the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics [153]. In 1973, Fischer Black (1938
1995) and Myron Scholes [14] and, independently, Robert Merton [138] used the
geometric Brownian motion to construct a theory for determining the price of stock
options. This theory represents a milestone in the development of mathematical
finance, and the resulting valuation formulas have become indispensable tools in
todays daily capital market practice. These achievements were also honored by
the Nobel Prize in Economics (Scholes and Merton 1997) [154]. Though widely
applied, the valuation formulas are not perfect. An important input parameter, the
volatility, has to be adjusted empirically to obtain usable predictions. This discrep-
ancy between theory and application is well documented in the financial literature
[82, 215].

W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, Stochastic Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00327-6_5, 163

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
164 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Beginning in the 1990s, some physicists have tried to understand these deviations
with very diverse approaches, ranging from statistical analyses of the time evolution
of asset prices to microscopic trader models. The perception of the financial market
as a complex many-body system offers an interesting challenge for testing well-
established physical concepts and methods in a new field. If some of these tools
can be successfully transferred, improved insight into the underlying mechanisms
of the market should be gained. This new interdisciplinary field of physics is called
econophysics [131].
The aim of the present chapter is to sketch some of the steps of this develop-
ment. We start with an introduction to financial markets. This first section is meant
to present basic concepts and to explain why the theory of stochastic processes finds
important applications in this non-physical field. It sets the stage for the following
two sections, in which we discuss a classical example, the Black-Scholes theory of
option pricing, and some of the non-classical approaches suggested by the econo-
physics community.

5.1 Basic Notions Pertaining to Financial Markets

If trained in natural sciences, one is usually not well acquainted with the language
of the financial market. Learning new vocabularies and relevant concepts is the first
hurdle. Providing respective help is the main aim of this section.
Economists would define a market as a location, where buyers and sellers meet
to exchange products. At every time instant t, the products have a price, the spot
price S(t). The spot price is determined by the interplay of supply and demand in
a free-market economy. If demand in a given product increases and supply corre-
spondingly decreases, S(t) increases, and vice versa.
A special kind of market is the financial market, where the product traded is,
loosely speaking, money. On the financial market, large sums of money are lent,
borrowed and invested in commodities, like metals or corn, and securities, such as
bonds or stocks (shares in British English). In principle, there are two ways how
an investment can take place: either on the stock exchange or by over-the-counter
The stock exchange is the official trading place for securities, foreign currency
exchange and (some) commodities. The task of the stock exchange is to comprehen-
sively provide the traders with all pertinent information, to promote reliable trans-
actions between them, and to determine the price of the assets traded on the basis
of resulting supply and demand. To accomplish this aim many stringent rules are
imposed. Only approved assets may be traded, the credit worthiness of the involved
parties to meet their obligations is thoroughly tested (credit rating), and transac-
tions are standardized. These means are meant to make trading more efficient and
safer. But, they also limit the freedom.
5.1 Basic Notions Pertaining to Financial Markets 165

Market participants1 who do not want to renounce that freedom can resort to
over-the-counter (OTC) trading. This implies that a contract is established between
two parties, the features of which are adapted to the individual needs of the part-
ners. It may involve assets and rules which are not approved by the stock exchange.
Such tailor-made deals can be very speculative and therefore much more risky than
standardized contracts of a regulated exchange. But, traders are willing to accept (a
certain amount of) risk. If this were not the case, they could deposit all their money
on a bank account and pocket the interest rate granted by the bank.2 This return is
certain, but low compared to the possible outcome of a highly profitable transaction.
This expected gain is the main driving force for the market participants to trade at
all and to deliberately tolerate a certain exposure to risk.
However, everybody obviously wants to make money at the end of the day. No-
body wants to lose it. The aim of modern risk management consists in finding the
sources of potential losses and in devising strategies to limit the embedded risk as
much as possible [36]. Risk management starts with a classification of risk. Basi-
cally, there are three different kinds of risk: credit risk, operational risk and market

Credit Risk Credit risk means that the counter party cannot or can only partially
meet the obligations incurred when signing the contract. The possibility of such a
failure is particularly present in OTC transactions, but largely reduced on an ex-
change. If a failure should still happen in spite of the strict trading conventions and
the severe credit rating, the exchange guarantees clearance of the debts.
The preceding paragraph summarizes the market theory as we stated it in the first
edition (1999) of this book. At the time of writing this second edition (2012), the
financial markets around the world have tumbled into the most severe crisis since
the world-wide depression in the 1930s. Sadly so, the regulations about the credit
ratings imposed on transactions at stock exchanges were not worth the paper they
were printed on. In 2008 one of the largest investment banks of the world, Lehman
Brothers, went bankrupt, and it became clear that only a small fraction of the finan-
cial transactions such an institution is involved in, is actually backed by securities.
Nobody believed that such a big bank could actually go bankrupt in adverse market
conditions, and so everybody believed the credit risk, incurred in transactions with
such a company, to be basically zero. However, the big leverage effect3 that these

1 Market participants is a general expression for individuals or groups who are active in the market,

such as banks, investors, investment fonds, traders (for their own account). Often, we use the term
trader as a synonym for market participant.
2 Here and in the following the term bank signifies the safest place for an investment. In the

reality of capital markets, it would correspond to the State so that the risk-free interest rate equals
the yield on a Bundesanleihe in Germany or on a US Government Treasury Bond in the United
States, for instance.
3 In most speculative investments a bank or other financial institution embarks on, only a few per-

cent of the invested money is owned by them, the rest is borrowed. This creates a leverage effect
when a gainor lossis measured as return on invested own capital.
166 5 Modeling the Financial Market

institutions employ to achieve large gains in good market conditions also seems to
increase the amplitude of fluctuations in the market (see Sect. 5.3.4). When the size
of the fluctuations is governed by the leveraged money involved, even the balance
sheet of a big bank, like Lehman Brothers, is small, and it is easily brought down by
the fluctuations which it helped to generate itself. Unfortunately, Lehman Brothers
is only the most visible case. Basically all big banks around the world were at the
edge of bankruptcy and needed to be rescued by state intervention. We will discuss
market fluctuations and econophysics ideas on how to quantify and understand them
later in this chapter. At his point we would only like to conclude that the develop-
ment of appropriate methods to quantitatively assess credit risk is a very important
issue in modern risk management [36].

Operational Risk Operational risk is a fairly new term [89, 90]. It has been given
a definition in the process of finding international regulations for the banking sector
within the so-called Basel II convention from which we quote:
Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal
processes, people and systems or from external events [8]. This definition includes legal
risk, but excludes strategic and reputational risk.

Possible sources of operational risk include: hidden errors in computer programs,

which only pop up after a sequence of rare events, lack of controls to prevent inap-
propriate or unauthorized transactions, simple human errors, such as misspellings
which lead to faulty accounting, etc. These few examples show that operational risk
comprises factors which are very specific to the individual institutions and business
transactions. This makes it difficult to quantify and control operational risk.

Market Risk Market risk means the hazard of losing money due to the unavoid-
able fluctuations of the asset prices. The fluctuations can be caused by the intrinsic
market dynamics of supply and demand or by external influences, such as political
decisions or changes of the interest rates.
Figure 5.1 presents a typical example of these fluctuations. It shows the time
evolution of the Standard & Poors Composite Index (S&P500) from 1950 to 1999.
Quite generally, a stock index is a suitably normalized average of the spot prices
of stocks traded on an exchange. The weight of a stock in the average is usually
determined by its market capitalization (i.e., spot price of one stock number of
shares currently traded). The S&P500, for instance, comprises 500 different stocks:
400 industrials, 40 financial institutions, 40 utilities and 20 transportation compa-
nies. It represents about 80 % of the market capitalization of all stocks listed on the
New York Stock Exchange. There are many other indices like the S&P500 traded
on all exchanges of the world, the oldest and certainly the most well-known being
the Dow Jones (Industrial Average) Index (first published 1887). Since they are rep-
resentative averages over all kinds of stocks, indices serve as sensible indicators of
the market situation.
The spot price S(t) of the S&P500 in Fig. 5.1 has two characteristic features.
First, its time evolution is not smooth, but rather irregular with random up and down
shifts. Second, S(t) gradually drifts to larger values with increasing time. Based
5.1 Basic Notions Pertaining to Financial Markets 167

Fig. 5.1 Time evolution of the daily closing price of the Standard & Poors Composite Index
(S&P500) from 1950 until 1999. The price is given in points. The years on the abscissa correspond
to the following days: 1950 = 3.1.1950, 1960 = 4.1.1960, 1970 = 2.1.1970, 1980 = 2.1.1980,
1990 = 2.1.1990, 1999 = 27.4.1999. The vertical dashed line indicates the crash of October 19,
1987. On that day, the S&P500 went down by about 20 % compared to the closing price of the
previous day. The data are a time series obtained from

on these observations, it is very tempting to model the time evolution of the index
price as a stochastic process. But what kind of stochastic process? A fundamental
assumption about the market, the efficient market hypothesis, suggests that it should
be a Markov process.

Efficient Market Hypothesis A market is called efficient [46]

if the participants quickly and comprehensively obtain all information relevant to
if it is liquid. This means that an investor can easily buy or sell a financial product
at any time. The more liquid a market is, the more secure it is to invest. The
investor knows that he can always cash-in his assets. This easy exchange between
money and financial products raises the attractivity of the market. On a mature
liquid market, the myriad transactions efficiently balance the decision of a single
investor (or of a small group of investors) so that individual purchases or sales are
possible at any time without destabilizing the asset prices.
if there is low market friction. Market friction is a collective expression for all
kinds of trading costs. These include trader provisions, transaction costs, taxes,
bidask spreads, i.e., differences in the prices that an investor obtains (bid-price)
when selling or has to pay (ask-price) when buying, etc. The sum of these costs
is negligible compared with the transaction volume if the market friction is low.
The efficient market hypothesis states that a market with these properties digests
the new information so efficiently that all the current information about the market
development is at all times completely contained in the present prices. No advantage
168 5 Modeling the Financial Market

is gained by taking into account all or part of the previous price evolution. This
amounts to a Markov assumption.
The rationale behind this hypothesis rests on the following argument: Imagine
that a time series exhibits a structure from which the rise of an asset price could be
predicted in the near future. Certainly, investors would buy the asset now and sell
it later in order to pocket the difference. However, an efficient market immediately
responds to the increased demand by increasing the price. The profitable opportunity
vanishes due to competition between the many active traders. This argument limits
any correlations to a very short time range and advocates the random nature of the
time series.
In fact, this Markov assumption seems very plausible and has a long history.
After a detailed analysis of the French market, Bachelier drew the same conclusion
at the end of the 19th century [3, 145]. He suggested a model for the time series
S(t) which we would today call a Wiener process with a drift term to account for
the gradual increase of S(t). His model suffers from the unrealistic property that
it allows negative asset prices. Prices, however, are by definition always positive.
This fact led to a modified version of Brownian motionthe geometric Brownian
motionwhich underlies many modern approaches to pricing derivative securities,
such as options.

Geometric Brownian Motion To get an idea of how to define a sensible model

for the evolution of S(t) let us first assume that at t = 0 we deposit a sum S(0) in a
bank. The bank grants a risk-free interest rate r for the deposit. If the interest is paid
once at the end of time t, the initial sum has grown by [109]

S(t) = S(0) + rtS(0) = S(0)(1 + rt).

On the other hand, if it is paid twice, we have

rt rt rt rt 2
S(t) = S(0) + S(0) + S(0) + S(0) = S(0) 1 + .
2 2 2 2
Iterating this reasoning for n payments in time t, we finally obtain
rt n
S(t) = S(0) 1 + , (5.1)
which yields in the limit of continuously compounded interest
rt n n
S(t) = S(0) 1 + S(0) exp(rt). (5.2)
Now, we imagine the asset price to be similar to a bank deposit, but perturbed by
stochastic fluctuations. Therefore, the price change dS in the small time interval dt
should consist of two contributions: a deterministic and a random one. In analogy
to (5.2) a reasonable ansatz for the deterministic part is

dS = S(t)dt, (5.3)
5.1 Basic Notions Pertaining to Financial Markets 169

where is called drift and measures the average growth rate of the asset price. One
can expect to be larger than r. No sensible investor would assume the risk of
losing money on the market if a bank account yielded the same or an even better
The second contribution models the stochastic nature of the price evolution. It
should be Markovian according to the efficient market hypothesis. A possible choice
is an ansatz symmetric to (5.3)

dS = S(t)dW (t). (5.4)

Equation (5.4) introduces a second phenomenological parameter, the volatility .

The volatility measures the strength of the statistical price fluctuations.
Combining both contributions, we obtain the following result

dS = S(t)dt + S(t)dW (t) S(0) > 0 . (5.5)

This stochastic differential equation defines a variant of Brownian motion, which is

called geometric Brownian motion. It is a specific case of an It process

dS = a(S, t)dt + b(S, t)dW (t),

where the functions a(S, t) and b(S, t) are proportional to the random variable S(t)
(see (2.119)(2.121)).
Equation (5.5) suggests that not the absolute change dS = S(t + dt) S(t), but
the return dS/S(t) in the time interval dt is the relevant variable. Financially, this
is sensible. An absolute change of dS = $10 in time dt is much more significant for
a starting capital of S(t) = $100 than for one of S(t) = $10000. The return dS/S
clearly expresses this difference [36, 82, 215].
The interpretation of dS/S as the relevant variable suggests that (5.5) should be
rewritten in terms of ln S(t). Using Its formula (2.121)
f f 1 2 f f
df (S, t) = + a(S, t) + b(S, t) dt + b(S, t) dW (t)
t S 2 S 2 S

with f (S, t) = ln S, a(S, t) = S and b(S, t) = S, we find

1 2
d ln S = dt + dW (t). (5.6)

Therefore, it is the logarithm of the asset price, and not the price itself, as Bachelier
assumed, which performs a Wiener process with a (constant) drift. The discussion
in Sect. 2.2.2 implies that d ln S is normally distributed with a mean and variance of
(see also Appendix F)
1 2
E[d ln S] = dt, Var[d ln S] = 2 dt, (5.7)
170 5 Modeling the Financial Market

and that the transition probability from (S, t) to (S  , t  ) is given by

p S  , t  |S, t
1 [ln(S  /S) ( 2 /2)(t  t)]2
= exp . (5.8)
2( S  )2 (t  t) 2 2 (t  t)

The price S(t) thus has a lognormal distribution. This distribution and the geo-
metric Brownian motion from which it results underly the Black-Scholes theory of
option pricing, which we will discuss in the next sections.
Geometric Brownian motion introduces two parameters, and . The first de-
scribes the expected gain, the second quantifies the fluctuations around the average
behavior. If the fluctuations are large, the asset is very volatile, and an investment
is considered risky. A prudent investor wants to avoid this risk and to protect himself
against possible losses. How can he achieve that?
Certainly, it is advisable not to place all of ones money on a single asset, but
instead to have a portfolio containing a large number of assets from different, un-
correlated sectors of the market. For instance, an investor could hold shares in the
General Motors Corp. and in the Coca-Cola Co. Even if the customers do not buy
cars, they might still drink Coca-Cola. Eventual losses in General Motors could thus
be compensated by gains in Coca-Cola. If the portfolio comprises many mutually
uncorrelated assets, the risk of the portfolio, measured, for instance, by the overall
variance of its return, is largely reduced. This method of risk reduction is known as
But it is only possible to diversify away the specific (or non-systemic) risk as-
sociated with a single asset (or market sector, such as cars), not the non-specific
(or systemic) market risk mentioned above. The S&P500 can be thought of as a
huge portfolio including stocks from all branches of the market. This diversification
should have removed the specific risk. Thus, the remaining fluctuations, visible in
Fig. 5.1, must reflect the systemic risk which affects all stocks, i.e., the market as a
There is a way to cope with the market risk. The idea is to add strongly anti-
correlated assets to the portfolio. If one asset decreases in value, the other increases,
and vice versa. In ideal cases, this trick allows one to obtain a completely risk-
free portfolio (for instance, in the Black-Scholes theory). The reduction of the risk
by taking advantage of such anti-correlations is called hedging in financial jargon.
There are special financial products, so-called derivatives, which can be used as
versatile tools for hedging.

Derivatives: Options and Futures A derivative is a financial product whose

value derives from the price of an underlying asset. This basic asset is simply
referred to as the underlying and the derivative is also called contingent claim. We
can rephrase this definition in a more mathematical language by saying that if the
underlying is characterized by its spot price S(t) then a derivative is just a (mathe-
matical) function of S(t).
5.1 Basic Notions Pertaining to Financial Markets 171

Two examples for derivatives are options and futures. The basic idea of a future is
identical to that of a so-called forward contract. A forward contract, or more briefly
a forward, is a contract between two parties in which
one partner agrees to buy an underlying asset (long position)
at a certain specified time T in the future, known as the delivery date,
for a prescribed price K, known as the delivery price,
and the other partner pledges to sell the underlying at time T for price K (short
In financial jargon, the party who buys assumes a long position, whereas the other
who sells assumes a short position. The main difference between a forward and a
future is that the details of the future cannot be negotiated individually. Futures are
standardized and traded on an exchange. The exchange requires from both parties
a security deposit, the so-called margin. Margins serve to guarantee that equalizing
payments accruing from the contract can actually be made. The level of the required
margins is fixed by the exchange. If the value of the future contract rises during the
trading day, the profit is credited to the margin account. Otherwise, it is debited.
This daily clearing of profits and losses is called daily settlement. If the balance of
a margin account decreases below the level required, the party has to transfer money
to its account or the account is closed. These stringent trading rules of an exchange
are meant to eliminate the credit risk, in contrast to an OTC forward.
The basic motivation to sign a contract, such as a forward or a future, is to re-
move the market risk of the unpredictable price evolution. Both parties can adjust
their further transactions and investments accordingly. As an example, imagine a
farmer who grows corn. If he knows at the time of sowing that he can sell a certain
quantity of his harvest at a prescribed price, he is able to plan his work and expenses
much more efficiently. It is therefore not astonishing that forwards and futures have
a long history. Futures on commodities have been traded on organized exchanges
since the middle of the 19th century, especially in the United States. In 1848, the
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) was founded, and other exchanges opened in sub-
sequent years, for instance, in New York and London. On the other hand, futures on
financial products are rather recent. In 1972, a division of the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange (CME), the International Money Market (IMM), started trading financial
futures. In England, the London International Financial Future Exchange (LIFFE)
was established in 1982, and in Germany trading started as late as 1990 with the
foundation of the Deutsche Terminbrse (DTB).
Futures are contracts that bind both parties. Contrary to that, options are con-
tracts in which only one partner assumes the obligation, whereas the other obtains a
right. There are many different kinds of options. The simplest are European options.
A European option is a contract between two parties in which
the seller of the option, known as the writer,
grants the buyer of the option, known as the holder,
the right to purchase (= call option) from the writer or to sell (= put option) to
him an underlying with current spot price S(t)
172 5 Modeling the Financial Market

for a prescribed price K, called the exercise or strike price

at the expiry date T in the future.
The key property of an option is that only the writer has an obligation. He must sell
or buy the underlying asset for the strike price at time T . On the other hand, the
holder has the possibility to exercise his option or to not exercise it. He will only
exploit his right if he gains a profit, i.e., if S(T ) > K for a call option. Otherwise,
he can buy the underlying for a cheaper price, S(T ) < K, on the market. Of course,
the writer does not incur this liability without requiring compensation. The central
question, therefore, is how much an option should cost. The Black-Scholes theory
gives an answer to this question for European options.
Historically, the first major use of option-like contracts occurred in the Nether-
lands in the 17th century. At that time, there was an immense passion for tulips. The
tulip growers wanted to protect themselves against market-price fluctuations. There-
fore, they purchased contracts which entitled them to sell tulip bulbs at a minimum
price if the market price fell under this threshold. On the other hand, the writers of
the contracts expected the prices to increase so that the growers would refrain from
their right, and then they could pocket the premium of the contract. However, the
tulip market crashed in 1637. Since the writers could not meet their obligations to
buy, the Netherlands experienced a serious economic crisis.
After that, such option-like contracts were defamed in Europe for a long time.
Nevertheless, an organized trading of options gradually developed in London in the
18th century. Yet, large losses were not uncommon due to the lack of a sufficient
legal framework. Strict laws for option trading were only created in the 1930s. But
it was not before 1973 that options began to win the importance that they have today.
In 1973, the worlds first option exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange
(CBOE), opened in Chicago. Before that, only OTC trading was possible. Today,
options are traded on all major world exchanges. The simplest (European) call and
put options are now very common. Colloquially, they are called plain vanilla op-
tions to emphasize that they are ubiquitous and of simple structure. Many further
types of options have been invented. Among them are American and also so-called
exotic options. An American option deviates from the European style only in that
the holder may exercise his right at any time prior to expiry. Exotic options, how-
ever, are very different. They can have complicated payoffs, depend on more than
one underlying, or their value can be determined by the whole time evolution of the
underlying and not only by its value at the end. Pricing these options correctly is
a great challenge [215]. We will only be concerned with European options in the
remainder of this chapter.
The market for options and futures has extended so much during the last twenty
years because they offer unique possibilities to different types of traders. They can
be very speculative, but also serve as a versatile tool for hedging the market risk.
Let us illustrate the latter possibility by the following example. Imagine that a
US company has to pay 1000000 Euro to a German supplier in three months. The
company faces a risk exposure due to the uncertain development of the foreign ex-
change rate. Suppose that the Euro/US-dollar exchange rate is 1 = $1.05 today,
but increases to 1 = $1.1 during the next three months. If the company waits until
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 173

the money is due, it has to pay $1100000 instead of $1050000 and so loses $50000.
There are two ways to hedge this risk by using derivatives:
The company could sign a forward contract with a bank which fixes the exchange
rate to the present value of 1 = $1.05. Thus, the company and the bank agree
to buy and to sell for that rate, respectively. The agreement is binding for both
parties. If the exchange rate rises to 1 = $1.1 as assumed, the company ends up
$50000 better by the forward. However, if the rate drops to 1 = $1, the com-
pany still loses $50000 because the contract obliges that the purchase be made for
1 = $1.05. This example shows that hedging through a forward does not neces-
sarily improve the companys situation. It merely makes the future development
If the company does not like the restrictive features of the forward contract, it
might consider hedging its currency risk using a call option. To this end, it has
to find a bank which grants the right to buy 1000000 Euro at 1 = $1.05 in
three months. If the rate rises during this time, the company exercises its right.
Otherwise, it lets the contract expire and exchanges the money for the current,
cheaper rate. Therefore, such a call option seems to eliminate the risk for the
company and to transfer it completely to the bank. But of course, the bank does
not generously take over the risk without compensation. It charges a premium, the
call price, for the right conferred. This premium partly transfers the risk back to
the company. The call price has to be well chosen. The bank will not take the risk
if the price is too low. On the other hand, a price that is too large might prevent
the company from buying the option at all, so no transaction is made. The key
question therefore is: What is a fair price for an option?
Finding the correct price of options and other derivatives is a challenging and very
important problem. Practitioners constantly seek and invent new complex financial
products. Exotic options are an example. If priced incorrectly, large losses can re-
sult. It is therefore indispensable to understand the structure of these products and
to assess the risk involved properly. The next section introduces how to solve this
problem for the by now well-established case of European options.

5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory

A European option confers on its holder the right to buy from a writer (call option)
or to sell to him (put option) an underlying asset for the strike price K at a future
time T . This right has a value, the option price. In general, we denote the option
price by O, unless call or put options are considered explicitly. In such cases, we
use the notation C and P for call and put prices, respectively.
The option price must be a function of the current value S of the underlying and
of time t, i.e., O = O(S, t). Furthermore, it depends on parameters, such as the
strike price K and the expiry time T . At the expiry time, we can calculate O(S, T )
by the following simple argument: Consider a call option. If S(T ) < K, the holder
174 5 Modeling the Financial Market

will not exercise the option, because he can obtain a better price on the market. Thus,
C(S, T ) = 0. In the opposite case, however, it would be profitable to exercise a call.
By paying an amount K, the holder receives an asset worth S(T ), which provides
him with a gain S(T ) K if he sells it immediately. This gain is the maximum
price that the holder would be willing to pay for the option. On the other hand, the
writer requires at least C(S, T ) = S(T ) K, since he has to buy the asset for S(T )
on the market, and only receives an amount K. So they agree on a fair price of
C(S, T ) = S(T ) K. Putting the cases S(T ) < K and S(T ) > K together, the call
price at expiry, the so-called payoff, must be

C(S, T ) = max S(T ) K, 0 . (5.9)

A similar argument yields for the payoff of a put option:

P(S, T ) = max K S(T ), 0 . (5.10)

Given these limiting values, what are fair option prices when signing the contract,
i.e., at times t < T ? In 1973, Black and Scholes, and, independently, Merton, pro-
posed an answer to this question. An entertaining account of the history of how this
answer was found is given in [13]. The next sections summarize and discuss the
results of the theory.

5.2.1 The Black-Scholes Equation: Assumptions and Derivation

The Black-Scholes analysis is based on the following assumptions:

1. There is no credit risk, only market risk.
The price of an option does not depend on any assessments of the reliability of
the counter party. It is only influenced by the market fluctuations of the under-
lying. This is (supposed to be) a good approximation for products traded on an
exchange (but see our comments on the world economic crisis as of 2008 in the
paragraph on credit risk).
2. The market is maximally efficient, i.e., it is infinitely liquid and does not exhibit
any friction.
This implies that all relevant information is instantaneously and comprehensively
available and at all times fully reflected by the current prices, that purchases and
sales can be readily performed at any time, and that there are no additional costs,
such as trader provisions, transaction costs, bidask spreads, etc. This assump-
tion may also be reasonably well realized by trading on a (very liquid) exchange.
3. Continuous trading is possible.
Continuous trading means that the time interval t between successive quota-
tions of the price of the underlying tends to zero. Certainly, this is an idealization.
On the one hand, exchanges are closed on weekends and bank holidays, and on
trading days successive quotations are separated by a finite time interval of the
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 175

order of seconds to minutes. On the other hand, continuous trading would en-
tail infinitely high costs in practice. So, the previous assumption is a necessary
prerequisite for this one.
4. The time evolution of the asset price is stochastic and exhibits geometric Brow-
nian motion.
Mathematically, this assumption is expressed by (5.5),

dS = S(t)dt + S(t)dW (t) S(0) > 0 .

Since geometric Brownian motion is a Markov process, this assumption can also
be considered as a realization of assumption 2, i.e., of the efficient market hy-
5. The risk-free interest rate r and the volatility are constant.
This assumption can be relaxed if r and are known functions of time. The
Black-Scholes valuation formulas for European call and put options ((5.48) and
(5.49)) remain valid with r and replaced by [215]
 T  T

r r t  dt  , 2 2 t  dt  . (5.11)
T t t T t t
But r and should not be stochastic. Such models, however, exist. They were
proposed as extensions of the Black-Scholes analysis and are known as stochastic
interest rate and stochastic volatility models [82, 215].
6. The underlying pays no dividends.
A dividend is usually a part of a companys profit which is paid to the sharehold-
ers. This assumption can also be dropped if the dividend D is a known function
of time, D = D(t). Then, the stock price has to be replaced by [36, 215]

S S exp D t  dt  (5.12)

in the Black-Scholes formulas (5.48) and (5.49).

7. The underlying is arbitrarily divisible.
This means that the amount of underlying in the portfolio need not be an integer.
It can be any real number.
8. The market is arbitrage-free.
The absence of arbitrage possibilities is a fundamental hypothesis with regard
to the properties of the market. Let us illustrate this concept by the following
thought experiment (see Fig. 5.2): Suppose that an investor borrows the amount
B0 from a bank, which he has to pay back, plus interest, after a time T . At that
time, he owes the bank B0 erT . Suppose, furthermore, that he knows an invest-
ment strategy on the market, which yields a guaranteed, risk-less gain whose
growth parameter 0 is larger than the interest rate required by the bank, i.e.,
0 > r. Then, he could clear his debts at the bank and pocket the difference
B0 (e0 T erT ) > 0. Motivated by this success, he would certainly repeat this
cycle over and over again and would finally become infinitely rich, even if he
had no money to begin with. Such a risk-less profit without any costs by exploit-
176 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.2 Thought experiment to motivate the concept of arbitrage. A bank lends an amount
B0 to an investor who exploits the market as a money-pump to obtain a risk-free return,
B0 e0 T , larger than the amount, B0 erT , required by the bank after time T . The risk-free profit,
B0 (e0 T erT ) > 0, is called arbitrage

ing price disparities (0

= r) on different markets (market and bank) is called
arbitrage or a free lunch in financial jargon.
Such arbitrage opportunities cannot persist for a long time. If this were pos-
sible, arbitrageurs, such as the smart investor in our thought experiment, could
extract unlimited quantities of risk-less gains from the market. The market would
gradually lose its liquidity and finally fall out of equilibrium. Usually, this does
not happencrashes being an exceptionbecause the market is inhabited by ar-
bitrageurs who constantly try to spy out and to take advantage of mispricings.
It is the competition between the arbitrageur community which quickly leads to
price adjustments. Therefore, a reasonable, though idealized, assumption is to
claim that there is no risk-less growth rate other than the risk-free interest rate
granted by the bank, i.e., 0 = r, and that the market is arbitrage-free at any time.
Referring to the above thought experiment this hypothesis can be expressed in
the following way:
There is no periodically working financial process which generates a risk-free profit
from nothing.
In this formulation, the no-arbitrage concept appears to play the same role
in finance as the law of energy conservation does in physics. In fact, it is very
fundamental and powerful. A realistic, mathematically tractable model of the
financial market can be built from it. Furthermore, arbitrage arguments suffice to
deduce bounds on prices of options and other derivatives or to derive relations
between them. This is called the arbitrage-pricing technique. An application of
this technique (see Appendix E) leads to the following relation between call and
put prices of (European) options,
P(S, t) = C(S, t) S + Ker(T t) . (5.13)

This relation is called putcall parity.

These assumptions can be used to derive the Black-Scholes pricing formulas. The
first step is to realize that the option price O(S, t) is a function of the stochastic
variable S which performs the It process (5.5). Its change in the time interval dt is
therefore given by Its formula (2.121),
O O 1
2 2 O O
dO = + S(t) + S(t) dt + S(t) dW (t)
t S 2 S 2 S
O 1
2 2 O O
= + S(t) 2
dt + dS, (5.14)
t 2 S S
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 177

in which (5.5) was inserted to obtain (5.14). Equation (5.14) reflects the response
of the option price caused by the stochastic time evolution of the underlying. All
assumptions except the last two, 7 and 8, have been used to derive this equation.
In order to take the remaining assumptions into account, we adopt the role of the
writer. When signing the contract, the writer faces the risk that the odds are against
him and he has to sell the underlying at the expiry date below the market price to
the holder. How can he hedge this risk?
Certainly, it is advisable to own a fraction (t) (0 (t) 1) of the underlying
at any time t. This fraction should be adjusted depending on the changes of the asset
price S. Imagine that the writer has sold a call option. If S rises, the option becomes
more likely to be exercised, so (t) should be increased, and vice versa. For these
adjustments he needs money. Thus, it is also advisable to have a cash amount (t)
which he could in turn invest to increase its value. Certainly, this investment should
be risk-less to avoid introducing further uncertainties. Taking advantage of both
forms of advice, the writer should possess the wealth W(t) at time t:

W(t) = (t)S(t) + (t). (5.15)

Given the above, a reasonable hedging strategy is to make the holder provide W(t)
through the option price O(t). The writer should therefore require
O(t) = W(t) = (t)S(t) + (t). (5.16)

Equation (5.16) must hold at any time, and thus also for the variation in the small
interval dt from the present time t to a time t + dt in the near future. This means

dO = (t)dS + d = (t)dS + rdt. (5.17)

The first term of the right-hand side assumes that (t) does not change in the time
interval. A heuristic argument to justify this assertion is that a change of  should be
interpreted as a reaction to a price fluctuation. Therefore, the amount of underlying
can only be adjusted after a price variation has occurred. The second term expresses
the growth of the cash amount (t). It reflects the requirement that the market
is arbitrage-free. In such a market, there is no risk-less investment strategy which
yields a better return than that granted by the bank.
Equations (5.14) and (5.17) can only be consistent if the coefficients of dS and
dt agree with each other. Therefore, we have
(t) = (delta-hedge) (5.18)
O 1  2 2 O
r = + S(t) . (5.19)
t 2 S 2
If the writer continuously adjusts the amount of underlying according to (5.18) dur-
ing the lifetime of the option (called delta-hedge), he can eliminate the risk com-
pletely by calculating the option price from (5.19). This equation is deterministic.
178 5 Modeling the Financial Market

The stochastic character, contained in both terms of the right-hand side individu-
ally, has to vanish upon addition, since the left-hand side is non-stochastic. Insert-
ing (5.16) and (5.18) in (5.19), we obtain the Black-Scholes equation for European
O 1 2O O
+ ( S)2 2 + rS rO = 0. (5.20)
t 2 S S
Note that this equation is independent of the drift parameter and valid for any
derivative which satisfies the assumptions compiled above, in particular for call and
put options. The difference between a call and a put option resides in the boundary
conditions. For a call we have

t =T : C(S, T ) = max S(T ) K, 0 ,

S=0: C(0, t) = 0, (5.21)
S: C(S, t) S,

and for a put we have

t =T : P(S, T ) = max K S(T ), 0 ,

S=0: P(0, t) = K exp r(T t) , (5.22)
S: P(S, t) 0.

The boundary conditions at t = T are just (5.9) and (5.10). The others can be ex-
plained as follows: If ever S = 0, the price of the underlying can never change due to
(5.5) and remains zero at any later time. Thus, a call has no value, C = 0, whereas a
put is certain to be exercised. It must therefore be worth the strike price, discounted
by the risk-less interest rate, in an arbitrage-free market. On the other hand, if S
tends to infinity, we definitely have S > K. Then, a put is worthless, and the value
of a call is determined by the price of the underlying.
This finishes the derivation of the Black-Scholes equation for European call and
put options. In the subsequent section, we turn to its solution. However, before pro-
ceeding, we want to add a remark which allows a different, physically inspired in-
terpretation of risk-less hedging.

Riskless Hedging and Legendre Transformation

If the delta-hedge (5.18) is inserted into (5.16), the left-hand side of (5.23) is ob-
O u
(, t) = O S f (T , v) = u s. (5.23)
S s

Portfolio Option Free energy Internal energy

(, t) (S, t) (T , v) s(s, v)
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 179

The cash amount can be interpreted as the value of a portfolio of a trader who
bought one option and sold an amount O/S of an asset with price S. According
to our discussion above, this portfolio is risk-less.
Mathematically, it has the structure of a Legendre transform. Legendre trans-
forms often occur in physics. In particular, they are very common in thermody-
namics. The right-hand side of (5.23) provides an example. Here, f (T , v) is the
(intensive) free energy which depends on two natural variables: temperature T and
(specific) volume v. It is the thermodynamical potential of the canonical ensemble.
The free energy is related to the thermodynamical potential of the microcanonical
ensemble, the (intensive) internal energy u, which has as natural variables (inten-
sive) entropy s and volume v, by a Legendre transform. The Legendre transform
is used to substitute the variables entropy and temperature without any loss of in-
formation. All of the information contained in u with regard to the thermodynamic
system is transferred to the free energy by this mathematical operation.
In a similar way, we can interpret the risk-less delta-hedging in the Black-Scholes
framework as a complete transfer of information, which is contained in the depen-
dence of the option on the dynamics of the underlying, to the portfolio, whose inde-
pendent variables are time and the fraction of underlying owned. Riskless hedging
therefore corresponds to an information-conserving variable transformation from an
option ensemble with natural variables (S, t) to a portfolio ensemble with natural
variables (, t).

5.2.2 The Black-Scholes Equation: Solution and Interpretation

This section deals with the solution and the interpretation of the Black-Scholes equa-
tion for European call and put options. Our presentation closely follows the excellent
discussion in Sect. 5.4 of [215].
Consider a call option. Its price C(S, t) is the solution of the Black-Scholes equa-
C 1 2C C
+ ( S)2 2 + rS rC = 0, (5.24)
t 2 S S
subject to the following boundary conditions (see discussion of (5.22)):

t =T : C(S, T ) = max S(T ) K, 0 ,

S=0: C(0, t) = 0, (5.25)
S: C(S, t) S.


When trying to solve an equation like (5.24), the first steps should be: Find suitable
scales to render the equation dimensionless, and simplify it as much as possible by
a clever change of variables.
180 5 Modeling the Financial Market

The obvious scale for the price is K. However, for the time we could either use
r, 2 or T . We choose the volatility, but also eliminate T by letting time evolve in
reverse direction, starting at the expiry date. This transforms the boundary condition
at t = T into an initial condition at the time origin. Furthermore, the structure of
the Black-Scholes equation suggests that ln S is a better variable than S because it
removes the dependence of the coefficients on the asset price. Putting these ideas
together we make the ansatz

C = Kf (x, ), S = Kex , t =T , (5.26)
( 2 /2)

which allows us to rewrite (5.24) and (5.25) as

f 2f f

= 2 + ( 1) f = 2r/ 2 , (5.27)
x x

=0: f (x, 0) = max ex 1, 0 ,

x : f (x, ) 0, (5.28)
x + : f (x, ) e . x

This shows that the Black-Scholes theory only depends on one single parameter, .
All other, initially present parameters have been adsorbed in the transformation of
Equation (5.27) resembles a diffusion equation. It would be identical to the dif-
fusion equation if the two last terms of the right-hand side were absent. This can be
achieved by another clever change of variables. Inserting the ansatz

f (x, ) = eax+b g(x, ) (a and b are real and arbitrary) (5.29)

into (5.27) yields

g 2 g   g  2 
= 2 + 2a + ( 1) + a + ( 1)a b g. (5.30)
x x

By choosing the undetermined constants a and b as

1 1
a := ( 1), b := a 2 + ( 1)a = ( + 1)2 , (5.31)
2 4

the coefficients of g/x and g vanish, and we obtain the diffusion equation

g 2 g
= 2 (5.32)
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 181

with the following boundary conditions

=0: g(x, 0) = max e(+1)x/2 e(1)x/2 , 0

g(x, 0)ex
0 ( > 0),
|x| 2 /4
>0: g(x, ) e(+1)x/2(+1)
g(x, )ex
0 ( > 0),

where is an arbitrary, real, positive constant. The second line in the cases = 0
and > 0 illustrates that g is well-behaved for |x| , and so a unique solution
To find this solution, we use the Greens function method. This involves the fol-
lowing steps: The function g(x, ) has a meaning only for > 0. However, if we
g(x, ) := ( )g(x, ), (5.34)
where ( ) is the Heavyside function

0 for < 0,
( ) = (5.35)
1 for 0,

the time variable can be extended to < 0. The definition (5.34) turns (5.32) into
an inhomogeneous differential equation,
2 g(x, ) = g(x, )( ) = g(x, 0)( ), (5.36)
which is solved by
g(x, ) = dy g(y, 0)p(x, |y, 0) (5.37)

if the integral kernel (Greens function) satisfies

2 p(x, |y, 0) = (x y)( ). (5.38)
This is just the partial different equation for the diffusion (Gaussian) propagator
1 (x y)2
p(x, |y, 0) = exp . (5.39)
4 4
Combining these results, we see that the solution of (5.32) can be written as
g(x, ) = dyg(y, 0)p(x, |y, 0) (5.40)

182 5 Modeling the Financial Market
1 (x y)2
= dyg(y, 0) exp . (5.41)
4 4

Equation (5.40) will become important again in the next section, which sketches a
different approach in mathematical finance, the so-called risk-neutral valuation.
When inserting the boundary condition for g(x, 0) into (5.41), the maxi-
mum function limits the integration interval to positive y because (e(+1)y/2
e(1)y/2 ) = e(+1)y/2 (1 ey ) < 0 for y < 0. Thus, we find
(x y)2
g(x, ) = dy e(+1)y/2 e(1)y/2 exp (5.42)
4 0 4

and by introducing a new integration variable z = (y x)/(2 )1/2 , this becomes

dz (+1)(2 z+x)/2
g(x, ) = e e(1)( 2 z+x)/2 ez /2
x/ 2 2

2 dz 1 (z2 (+1)/2)2
= e(+1)x/2+(+1) /4 e 2
x/ 2 2

2 dz 1 (z2 (1)/2)2
e(1)x/2+(1) /4 e 2
x/ 2 2
2 /4 2 /4
= e(+1)x/2+(+1) N (d1 ) e(1)x/2+(1) N (d2 ), (5.43)

x 1 ln(S/K) + (r + 2 /2)(T t)
d1 = + ( + 1) 2 = , (5.44)
2 2 T t
ln(S/K) + (r 2 /2)(T t)
d2 = = d1 T t, (5.45)
T t
 x  2
1 z
N (x) = dz exp . (5.46)
2 2
The function N(x) is the probability that the normally distributed variable z adopts
a value smaller than x. It is the cumulative probability distribution for the Gaussian
The solution of the Black-Scholes equation is almost finished. All that is left to
do is to express the call price, using (5.26), (5.29) and (5.31), as
1 1
C = Ke 2 (1)x 4 (+1) g(x, )

and to restore the original variables using (5.26). This gives

C(S, t) = SN (d1 ) Ker(T t) N (d2 ), (5.48)

5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 183

and for the put option, using the putcall parity (5.13)
P(S, t) = S 1 N (d1 ) + Ker(T t) 1 N (d2 ) . (5.49)


The Black-Scholes equations (5.48) and (5.49) tell the writer which price he should
charge for an option at time t, at which the contract is signed. This price depends on
the parameters K and T of the contract and on the market characteristics r and .
In addition to that, the equations also provide the necessary information on how
to eliminate the risk. The writers portfolio only stays risk-less if he continuously
adjusts the amount of underlying, (t), according to (5.18). For a call option, this
(t) =

N(d1 ) r(T t) N (d2 ) d1
= N (d1 ) + S Ke
d1 d2 S

= N (d1 ) 0 N (d1 ) 1 , (5.50)

since the expression in square brackets [ ] vanishes if (5.44) and (5.45) are inserted.
Similarly, one obtains for a put option

(t) = = 1 N (d1 ) 1 N (d1 ) 1 0 . (5.51)

Therefore, the first terms in (5.48) and (5.49) can be interpreted as the fraction of
underlying which the writer should buy (call option) or sell (put option) to maintain
a risk-less position.
Using these results and (5.16), the second terms of (5.48) and (5.49) may be
identified with the cash amount (t). For instance, for a call we have

C(S, t) = SN(d1 ) Ker(T t) N (d2 )

= S(t) + (t)

so that
(t) = Ker(T t) N (d2 ), (5.52)
and similarly for a put
(t) = Ker(T t) 1 N (d2 ) . (5.53)

The factor Ker(T t) is the strike price discounted to the present time, the so-called
present value. For a call option, (t) is given by the present value of the payment,
due when the call is exercised, multiplied by the probability N (d2 ) that the call will
be exercised. The minus sign indicates that this amount of money must be borrowed.
184 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.3 Solution of the

Black-Scholes equation for a
call option. The call price
C /K (solid lines) and the
delta-hedge  (dashed lines)
are shown as a function of
S/K for three different time
intervals to expiry:
T t = 0, 1 year, 2years. All
curves are calculated for the
risk-free interest rate
r = 10 %/year and the

volatility = 20 %/ year.
These are realistic values in

On the other hand, (5.53) specifies the cash amount which should be invested to
replicate a put option. It is given by the present value of the payment, received when
the put is exercised, multiplied by the probability, 1 N (d2 ), that the put will be
The solution of the Black-Scholes equation for a call option is illustrated in
Fig. 5.3. The figure shows the call price in units of the strike price, C/K (5.48),
and the delta-hedge (5.50) versus the moneyness S/K for three different times: the
expiry date T , a year before expiry and two years before. One or two years are
the longest times to maturity of an option contract. Standard contracts are usually
At expiry, the call only has a value if S > K. The option is then said to be in-
the-money, whereas it is out-of-the-money, if S < K. In this case, the call price
is zero, and there is no need to stock the underlying in the portfolio. However, as
soon as the option is at-the-money (i.e., S = K) or in-the-money, the holder is
likely to exercise his right, and the writer must be prepared to deliver the underly-
At times before expiry, the call price is more expensive and non-zero, even if the
option is still out-of-the-money. Furthermore, hedging has to set in much earlier to
maintain a risk-less portfolio. On the other hand, it is not necessary to keep exactly
one underlying as soon as S becomes larger than K. These properties are caused by
the interplay of the volatility and risk-less compounding, both of which are absent
at t = T (see (5.44) and (5.45)).

5.2.3 Risk-Neutral Valuation

Although the Black-Scholes theory is based on geometric Brownian motion of the
underlying, an important parameter of the underlyings dynamics does not appear
in the final result, the drift . The option prices are identical for all assets evolving
with the same volatility, no matter what is.
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 185

This is a surprising property. Intuitively, one would have expected the opposite.
If is large, S(t) rises steeply and probably exceeds K in the future. A call op-
tion is thus likely to be in-the-money and a put option out-of-the-money. So, the
option prices should be adjusted to the value of . However, this is not true in
the Black-Scholes model. Our intuition is misleading because it does not take into
account the possibility of constructing a portfolio which eliminates the risk com-
The fact that the option price is independent of allows an interesting inter-
pretation. In the financial literature, it is sometimes said that the drift parameter
is a hallmark of the risk preferences of the investors. Investors require a larger
return if they believe a stock to be very risky. The extent of their risk aversion is
reflected by the value of . The Black-Scholes analysis formally replaces by the
risk-free interest rate r. This can be interpreted to mean that traders would not de-
mand an extra premium for investing in a risky asset. They would seem to be risk
This interpretation may appear a little far-fetched because it confers a subjective
character on the drift. The drift appears to be qualitatively different from the other
objective parameters, like the volatility. This is certainly not true. However, the
interpretation points to an important development in mathematical finance, the risk-
neutral valuation [11, 109]. The basis of this is that the price of any derivative is
given by the discounted expectation value under an equivalent martingale measure.
The remainder of this section tries to explain what is meant by this sentence. We use
the Black-Scholes theory as a vehicle to expose the main idea.

Example: Black-Scholes Price of a Call Option

Consider again (5.47) and replace g(x, ) by (5.42). The call price is then given by

C = Ke(1)x/2(+1) /4


dy max e(+1)y/2 e(1)y/2 , 0 e(xy) /4 . (5.54)


If we write

max e(+1)y/2 e(1)y/2 , 0 = e(1)y/2 max ey 1, 0 ,

1 1
( + 1)2 = ( 1)2 + ,
4 4
and substitute x, and by (5.26) and (5.27), we obtain

C = er(T t) dST max(ST K, 0)
1 (ln(ST /S) (r 2 /2)(T t))2
2( ST )2 (T t) 2 2 (T t)
186 5 Modeling the Financial Market

=: er(T t) dST max(ST K, 0)p (ST , T |S, t) (5.55)
er(T t) E max(ST K, 0)|(St  )t  [t,T ] . (5.56)

Equation (5.56) shows that the call price can be expressed as the conditional expec-
tation value of its pay-off, max(ST K, 0), at expiry, discounted by the risk-free
interest rate.
Intuitively, this result seems reasonable. If we deposited an amount B(t) = C(t)
at time t in a bank, it would grow by the continuously compounded interest to
B(T ) = B(t) exp r(T t)

in the remaining time before expiry. This is an investment alternative to the option
contract. In an arbitrage-free market, no investment strategy can yield a better cer-
tain return than a bank account. The return from the option contract is its pay-off
which is, however, not certain due to the stochastic evolution of the underlying. To
eliminate this uncertainty, it seems sensible to identify B(T ) with the expectation
value of the calls pay-off and to postulate
C(S, t) = er(T t) E C(ST , T ) .

Equation (5.56) differs from this educated guess in two respects:

Instead of a simple average, the call price is the conditional expectation value of
its pay-off, which depends on the stochastic process (St  )t  [t,T ] of the underlying
in the time interval [t, T ].
The conditional expectation is not calculated by the real historic probability
(5.8), but by a fictitious distribution

p (ST , T |S, t)
1 [ln(ST /S) (r 2 /2)(T t)]2
= exp ,
2( ST )2 (T t) 2 2 (T t)

where the drift is replaced by the risk-less interest rate r. This new risk-neutral
distribution is generated in the Black-Scholes theory by setting up a risk-free
portfolio which replicates the option price completely. In mathematical language,
the distribution (5.57) represents the unique equivalent martingale probability for
the geometric Brownian motion of the stock-price process.

Geometric Brownian Motion and Martingales

In Sect. 2.2.1 we defined a martingale as a specific stochastic process, in which the

best estimate for the future value, based on all information provided by the preceding
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 187

process, is the current value. The Wiener process is an example of a martingale,

E W (t + dt)|(Wt  )t  t = E W (t + dt) W (t) + W (t)|(Wt  )t  t
= E dW (t)|(Wt  )t  t + W (t)
= E dW (t) + W (t) = W (t), (5.58)

where the last line holds because the increments dW (t) = W (t + dt) W (t) are
symmetrically distributed and statistically independent of the past process (Wt  )t  t .
A comparison of (5.56) with (5.58) shows that the structure of both equations
becomes identical when discounting the call price by ert , i.e.,

C(t) C(T ) 

= E (S t t [t,T ] .
 )  (5.59)
ert erT

The only essential difference is that not the real, but a different distribution has to
be used for the calculation because geometric Brownian motion is, due to the finite
drift (
= 0), not a martingale, unlike the Wiener process. Since the distribution
used, p , is equivalent to the historic one (i.e., they have the same set of impossible
events, see Sect. 2.1.3) and makes the discounted price process a martingale, it is
called the equivalent martingale probability [11, 109].
In the mathematical analysis of the Black-Scholes model, the equivalent martin-
gale probability of the geometric Brownian motion can be found without setting up
a risk-less portfolio and solving a partial differential equation. The main steps of
the reasoning are as follows [11]: Consider two price processesa numraire, i.e.,
an (almost surely) strictly positive price process, for which we take a bank account
B(t), and geometric Brownian motion

dB = rB(t)dt, B(0) = 1,
dS = S(t) dt + dW (t) , S(0) > 0.

Define the discounted asset-price process S(t) as

S(t) := = S(t)ert (5.60)

and use Its formula to derive

dS = S(t) ( r)dt + dW (t) . (5.61)

The discounted price process exhibits a geometric Brownian motion with a reduced
drift. However, it is not a martingale because ( r) is finite. To transform (5.61)
into a martingale, it is necessary to change the probability from the original p to an
equivalent p such that the drift vanishes. This can be achieved by an application of
the following theorem [11, 109]:
188 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Theorem 5.1 (Girsanov) Let ( (t) : 0 t T ) be a measurable process which

satisfies Novikovs condition, i.e.,
E exp 2 (t)dt < .
2 0

Furthermore, define two processes (L(t) : 0 t T ) and (W (t) : 0 t T ) by


1 t 
L(t) = exp t dW t t dt , (5.62)
0 2 0

W (t) = W (t) + t  dt  , (5.63)


where W (t) is a Wiener process with respect to the measure . Then, L(t) is a
martingale and W (t) is also a Wiener process under the equivalent probability
measure with Radon-Nikodm derivative

= L(T ). (5.64)

If (t) were independent of t, the transformation of the measure by the Radon-

Nikodm derivative would simply shift the drift while keeping the Wienerian char-
acter of the stochastic fluctuations. This is exactly what we need. By Girsanovs
theorem, we have
dW (t) = dW (t) (t)dt. (5.65)
Inserting this equation into (5.61), we find
dS = S(t) r (t) dt + dW (t) , (5.66)

which becomes a martingale if we choose

! r
r (t) = 0 (t) = = (5.67)

so that
dS = S(t) dW (t), (5.68)
where W (t) is the Wiener process under the equivalent measure for which (t)
was chosen according to (5.67). This choice leads to a unique martingale measure.
Using Its formula again, we can transform back to the non-discounted price dy-
dS = S(t) rdt + dW (t) , (5.69)
for which the conditional probability density is given by (5.57).
5.2 Classical Option Pricing: The Black-Scholes Theory 189

This excursion to mathematical finance was meant to show that risk-neutral val-
uation does not simply correspond to a mere replacement of by r. In an arbitrage-
free market, there are two distributions to characterize an asset: the historic prob-
ability p, which describes the observable stochastic fluctuations of the asset, and
the martingale probability p , which is equivalent to p and is used for derivative
pricing. A priori, both probabilities have a different functional form. They happen
to coincide for geometric Brownian motion, for which the martingale probability
can be constructed from the historic one by exchanging and r. In general, one can
only state the conditions under which such an equivalent martingale measure exists
and prove the following important theorem [11, 109]:

Theorem 5.2 (Risk-Neutral Valuation Formula) If the market is arbitrage-free, the

(arbitrage) price process of any attainable derivative D(t), i.e., of a derivative,
which can be replicated by a portfolio, is given by the risk-neutral valuation for-

D(ST , T ) 

D(S, t) = B(t)E (St  )t  [t,T ] , (5.70)
B(T )
where B(t) is a numraire.

The Black-Scholes pricing formula (5.59) is an example of a special application

of this theorem.

5.2.4 Deviations from Black-Scholes: Implied Volatility

The Black-Scholes prices for put and call options depend on four parameters: the
risk-free interest rate r, the volatility , the expiry time T and the strike price K. Of
these parameters, T and K are part of the option contract and r is either quoted in
or can be estimated from (the yields and bond prices published in) financial news-
papers. These parameters are therefore readily accessible.
On the other hand, the volatility is more difficult to determine. Being directly
related to the dynamics of the underlying, a natural way to estimate is by using a
time series analysis. Suppose that we have (N + 1) observations of the stock price
{Sk }k=0,...,N , which are separated by a constant time interval t. Let
N 1
m = ln(Sk+1 /Sk ) (5.71)
N t

be the average return in the studied time interval N t. Then a good estimate for the
volatility should be provided by the variance of the time series

N 1
1  2
his = ln(Sk+1 /Sk ) m . (5.72)
(N 1)t
190 5 Modeling the Financial Market

This quantity is often called historic volatility. However, the historic volatility is
usually not used as an estimate for in practice because it changes with time. These
fluctuations can be very strong and persist over long periods, so his depends on the
portion of the time series which is analyzed. A pertinent value of the volatility for
option pricing is therefore hard to determine in this way.
On the other hand, many options are regularly traded in the market and represent
liquid assets. The liquidity reduces the bidask spreads sufficiently to allow an ac-
curate price to be defined by the interplay of supply and demand. This suggests a
clever alternative by which to obtain . Even if the volatility defies all attempts to
be extracted by time-series analysis, the market seems to know it. We can extract
the information contained in the market prices of the options by inverting either of
the Black-Scholes formulas (5.48) and (5.49). For instance,
C(S, t; K, T , imp ) = current market price of the call. (5.73)

The inversion cannot be done analytically, but numerically. The resulting value of
is called the implied volatility.
Since imp is derived from the price for an option, it need not coincide with the
historic volatility. However, if the Black-Scholes theory were rigorously correct, we
should find imp = his . Therefore, the implied volatility can be used to quantify
deviations between the market and Black-Scholes prices. Several analyses of this
kind were done in the late 1970s. A very detailed empirical test for call options
was published by MacBeth and Merville in 1979 [120]. They found the following
The implied volatility depends on both the strike price and the time to expiry, i.e.,
imp = imp (K, T t).
The implied volatility is fairly constant for call options which have at least
90 days left until expiry and are at-the-money (i.e., current asset price S(t) =
strike price K). MacBeth and Merville therefore assumed that the Black-Scholes
model correctly prices these options and that the corresponding imp is the true
volatility which should be used to calculate option prices.
Using this assumption, they predicted Black-Scholes (BS) prices for in-the-
money and out-of-the-money options. These prices deviate from the observed
market prices in the following manner:

< market price, S(t) > K (in-the-money),
BS price (5.74)
> market price, S(t) < K (out-of-the-money).

The deviations between the Black-Scholes price and the market price are the more
the further the option is in-the-money or out-of-the-money,
the smaller the remaining time to expiry is.
This early empirical study reveals that even the implied volatility is not constant
across different strike prices and maturitiesin contrast to the assumption of the
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 191

Fig. 5.4 Implied volatility

imp (K, T ) (denoted by )
as a function of K S(0)
(denoted by xs x0 with
x0 = S(0) and xs = K). Data
points (circles) represent the
prices quoted on April 26,
1995, of all options with a
maturity of T = 1 month.
A fit to the average curvature
by (5.120) (solid line) yields
an implied kurtosis for
this T . Reproduced with
permission from [18]

Black-Scholes theory. In particular, imp depends on the difference between the cur-
rent and the strike price, S(t) K. Since the volatility monotonously increases with
the Black-Scholes price for the call, (5.74) suggests that imp (S(t) K) should de-
crease as a function of K, if K increases towards S(t), then level off for K S(t),
and eventually decrease again, as K > S(t).
This expectation is essentially confirmed by more recent studies. An example
is shown in Fig. 5.4 [18]. Note how the implied volatility of options deeply in-
the-money is significantly larger than for those at-the-money, but levels off or even
increases for options out-of-the-money. Since this dependence on K resembles a
smile, this curve is commonly called the volatility smile, although different shapes,
like a skew [21] or also a frown, may be observed depending on the market
The implied volatility is an efficient means by which to reconcile the imperfec-
tions of the Black-Scholes model with the reality of the market. When recorded as
a function of the strike price and the remaining time to expiry for options on the
same underlying, a so-called volatility surface is deduced. Volatility surfaces ob-
tained from liquid options can then be used to price illiquid or OTC options on the
same underlying. Therefore, the Black-Scholes model serves as an important guide
in practice. However, it is obviously not perfect. Possible corrections are discussed
in the financial literature [82]. More recently, physicists have also tried to find the
flaws in the model and to suggest improvements. The following sections discuss
some of these attempts.

5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion

An important factor for the pricing of derivatives is an accurate description of the
time evolution of the underlying assets. The Black-Scholes theory assumes Brown-
ian motion for the returns of the underlying. This hypothesis seems very plausible
192 5 Modeling the Financial Market

on a liquid and efficient market. However, it remains a postulate as long as it is not

verified by empirical tests.
A significant test requires high-frequency data over a long period of time so that
also the wings of the price distributions can be clearly resolved. Such data have
become available only as of the 1990s and can be analyzed due to the rapid de-
velopment of computing facilities. These statistical analyses challenge the validity
of geometric Brownian motion for the movement of asset prices. The next section
constitutes a selection of these studies.
The purpose of the statistical approach is to reveal empirical laws that character-
ize the financial market. Ultimately, it is hoped that the observations can be com-
bined to explain the properties of the market by a model for the microscopic in-
teractions between the market constituents. Several models of this type have been
proposed as speculations in recent years. Some borrow well-established concepts
from statistical physics and reinterpret them in financial terms. The last sections
will describe two of these physically inspired models.

5.3.1 Statistical Analysis of Stock Prices

The modeling of the dynamical evolution of asset prices as geometric Brownian

motion rests on several assumptions:
Trading is continuous, i.e., the time interval between successive quotations, t,
tends to zero.
The time evolution of the prices is a stochastic process whose fundamental ran-
dom variables are the infinitesimal variations of the return
 ln S(t) = ln S(t + t) ln S(t) d ln S(t). (5.75)

These variables are independent and identically distributed. They have a finite
mean and variance.
Since t tends to zero, the number of quotations, N , in a finite time interval T
diverges (N = T /t ), so that the difference, ln S(T ) ln S(0), is normally
distributed due to the central limit theorem.
The statistical analysis of financial time series aims to test these assumptions and
eventually to improve them. Of course, it is immediately evident that continuous
trading is an idealization. Even for the most active markets, the interval t between
successive quotations lasts at least several seconds and is thus finite. This implies
that the time evolution of the assets should rather be modeled as a stochastic process
in discrete time, (Sn )n=0,...,N , with Sn = S(tn ) being the spot price at time tn = nt.
The statistical properties of this process have also been studied extensively in the
physics community. Important issues of these investigations included the search for
correlations in the time series and for an adequate description of the distribution of
price increments.
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 193

Fig. 5.5 Comparison of geometric Brownian motion (thick solid line) with Brownian motion (thin
dotted line) for a daily updated spot price, S(t) (measured in points). Time runs from 1 to 730 days
(= two calendar years three trading years). Both curves are results from a Monte Carlo simula-

tion with: = 10 %/year, = 20 %/ year, S(0) = 737.01 points and the same set of Gaussian
random numbers. The initial spot price was taken as the closing value of the S&P500 on January 2,
1997. Furthermore, the seed (= 47911) of the Gaussian random-number generator (Box-Muller
method [174]) was chosen so that the simulation approximately mimics the real evolution of the
S&P500 as of 1997

Prices Versus Returns

Contrary to usual practice in finance, several of the physical studies did not choose
(5.75) as the random variable, but rather the price increment

Sn S(tn ) = S(tn + t) S(tn ) (tn = nt), (5.76)

where n = 0, . . . , N 1. Since the logarithm is bounded by (see [1], Eq. (4.1.33),

p. 68)
Sn /Sn S(tn + t) Sn
< ln < , (5.77)
1 + Sn /Sn S(tn ) Sn
this choice is justified if Sn Sn and Sn varies only slowly with time, so that
S(tn + t) Sn Sn
ln . (5.78)
S(tn ) Sn S0
These conditions should hold for short times and normal periods during which
prices do not change vehemently (no crashes).
Figure 5.5 supports this expectation. It compares the results of a Monte Carlo
simulation for geometric Brownian motion

S(tn + t) = S(tn ) + S(tn )(t + Xn t), (5.79)
194 5 Modeling the Financial Market

with those of Brownian motion

S(tn + t) = S(tn ) + S(0)(t + Xn t), (5.80)

using the same drift (10 % per year) and volatility (20 % per year) and an identical
set of normally distributed random numbers Xn . Over the period of two (calendar)
years, the curves almost agree with one another, especially at the beginning of the
time series. Therefore, it is often reasonable to use the additive model

N 1
S(T ) = S(0) + Sn (T = N t), (5.81)

where the increments of the prices add up, instead of the multiplicative model

N 1
ln S(T ) ln S(0) =  ln S(tn ) (T = N t), (5.82)

where the ratios of the successive prices, Sn+1 /Sn , multiply.

Distribution of Asset Prices

In 1963, Benoit Mandelbrot pointed out that the real distribution of asset prices
differs from the Gaussian model in a very characteristic way [123, 125]: Large price
changes occur much more frequently than predicted by the Gaussian law. The real
distribution has fat tails. To model this leptokurtic4 character, he suggested a stable
distribution with a characteristic exponent, < 2.
Mandelbrots suggestion seems to suffer from a serious drawback. The variance
of Lvy distributions with < 2 diverges, whereas financial time series have a well-
defined variance. Thus, a Lvy flight cannot be a viable description for the whole
distribution of price changes. However, a truncated Lvy flight could be. As dis-
cussed in Sect. 4.4, the distribution of this process preserves the typical self-similar
Lvy scaling over an extended range before the truncation becomes effective and im-
poses a finite variance. Since Mandelbrot only had approximately 2000 data points
at his disposal, it is possible that the wings of the distribution could not be sampled
sufficiently to resolve the onset of the truncation.
This point of view was advocated in a seminal paper by Mantegna and Stanley
[129]. Based on all records of the S&P500 between 1984 and 1989, they determined
the distribution pt () of the indexes variations,  = S = S(t + t) S(t), for
t = 1, . . . , 103 min. These times are so short that one can expect the distribution
to be symmetric. This expectation is, in fact, borne out. Figure 5.6 reproduces the

4 Possible etymological origin: leptos (Greek) = slender, slight; kyrtos (Greek) = curved, bulging.

Quite generally, a distribution is called leptokurtic if its tails are broader than those of a Gaussian.
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 195

Fig. 5.6 Probability distribution pt () of the price variations  [= S(t + t) S(t)] for the
S&P500, determined from all records between 1984 and 1989 (about 1.5 million records). pt ()
(denoted by P (Z)) is plotted versus / for t = 1 min, where (= 0.0508) is the standard
deviation calculated from the data points. The Gaussian distribution (thick solid line) corresponding
to this value of is compared to the best fit with a Lvy distribution (thin solid line). The Lvy
distribution (with = 1.4 and c = 3.75 103 , see (5.83)) gives a much better representation of
the data for / 6. If / 6, the distribution of the index decays approximately exponentially.
Reproduced with permission from [129]

result for t = 1 min from [129]. It shows pt () as a function of / , where is
the standard deviation of the S&P500. The central part of pt () is well represented
by a symmetric Lvy distribution,

pt () = L (, t) = dk exp ik ct|k| , (5.83)

with  1.4. It extends over about 3 orders of magnitude in probability and up to
6 in . For larger variations, the distribution decays almost exponentially. The ex-
ponential truncation is visible for t < 10 min, whereas the data set for larger time
increments is too limited to exhibit pronounced deviations from the Lvy behavior
[130]. These results support Mandelbrots original suggestion.
A further important property of the price increments is their correlation in time.
Geometric Brownian motion assumes S to be uncorrelated, even if t tends to
zero. A critical test of this hypothesis consists in monitoring the price-price auto-
correlation function
S(tn + t)S(tn ) S(tn + t)S(tn )
S (t) = , (5.84)
S(tn )2  S(tn )2
which decays from 1 (for t = 0) to 0 (for t ). This function should be zero
for all t > 0 if the hypothesis were true. In practice, however, one finds substantial
correlations at short times. The form of S (t) is often well approximated by an
196 5 Modeling the Financial Market

exponential, S (t) exp(t/S ), with a typical relaxation time S of the order

of a few minutes [65]. This implies that a complete decorrelation of successive price
variations, i.e., S (t) 0, is only realized at about t 15 min. Thus, in order to
work with independent price increments, one has to choose t t = 15 min
[15, 65].
Prompted by these results, it is tempting to suggest the following model [18, 30]:
As soon as the time increment exceeds t , the price variations S can be consid-
ered as independent random variables which are identically distributed according to
an exponentially truncated, symmetric Lvy flight (note that t here corresponds
to the choice N = 1 in (4.98)),

pt () = Lt , t
dk ik c
/2 |k|
= e exp k 2 + 2 cos arctan ,
2 cos /2

where is the exponential cutoff parameter and c is given by (see (4.17))

2C cos(/2)
c= (C = const.). (5.86)
() sin()

A pivotal test of this model was performed by Bouchaud and Potters [18]. If Sn =
S(tn + t ) S(tn ) were independent and identically distributed random variables,
the probability distribution of the sum

x = S(T ) S(0) = Sn T = N t


would necessarily be given by the convolution of pt ()

pT (x) = pt () pt () N factors . (5.87)

Figure 5.7 shows a comparison of the cumulative probability distribution corre-

sponding to (5.87), i.e., (see Sect. 2.1.4)

Prob[x S] = dxpT (x), (5.88)

with the empirically determined distribution of the S&P500 for T = 1 h, . . . , 5 days.

Several points should be noted:
The elementary distribution pt () is well described by a truncated, symmetric
Lvy flight with = 3/2. In the actual fit, the characteristic exponent was kept
fixed at this value and only the remaining parameters, c and , were optimized.
The choice = 3/2 is compatible with the results of [65, 129].
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 197

Fig. 5.7 Cumulative probability distributions (5.88) of the S&P500 (data from November 1991 to
February 1995) versus the price variations S (denoted by x in the figure) for t = 15 min ()
and for T = 1 h (*), 1 day () and 5 days (,). Two data points are shown for each time; they
correspond to Prob[x S] for S > 0 and to Prob[x S] = F (S) for S < 0 (see
(2.30)). The empirical results are compared to the hypothesis of a convolution (5.87) of a truncated
Lvy flight (solid lines). The parameters of the truncated Lvy flight (5.85) are optimized for
t = 15 min after fixing = 3/2: 1 = 2.21 and c = 0.17. The splaying-out of the probabilities
for positive and negative S could partly result from statistical inaccuracies of rare events, but
could also indicate an asymmetry of the distribution perhaps due to drift in the index. The power
law Prob[x S] (S)3 (see (5.99)) is indicated (thick solid line). This power law is not
contained in the original figure which we reproduce with permission from [18]

The convolution (5.87) is a viable approximation for the probability distributions

at larger times T  t . As T increases, the shape of pT (x) progressively de-
forms towards a Gaussian. Using (4.105), the cross-over time to the Gaussian
behavior can be estimated: T = 4 t 195 min ( 0.4 (trading) day),5 where
4 13 is the kurtosis of pt ().
However, the hypothesis of a simple convolution is not perfect. On the one hand,
there are systematic deviations between (5.87) and the empirical distribution. As T
increases, the financial data tend to cross the theoretical curve, lying slightly below
it at the beginning of the curvature and above it farther down in the tails. On the

5A typical trading day lasts between 6 and 8 hours and a month has a about 21 trading days.
198 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.8 Time dependence of the S&P500 and of its volatility between January 3, 1984 and De-
cember 31, 1996. (a) Semi-log plot of the S&P500 (denoted by Z(t)) versus time. Successive
records are separated by an interval, t = 1 min. The overall increase can be fitted by a straight
line, yielding a drift of 15 %/year [119]. Note the large drop (= crash) on October 19, 1987.
(b) Volatility of the S&P500 versus time. The volatility, vT (t), is defined by (5.89) with a time
window, T  1 month (8190 min = 21 days 390 min), a sampling interval, t = 30 min, and a
total number of trading days, Ntd = 3309 in the 13-year period studied. The sampling interval is so
large that S (t)  0, i.e., all correlations between price increments have completely vanished.
Note the large burst around October 19, 1987, which decays only gradually over a period of several
months and which is preceded by precursors, indicated by an arrow. Reproduced with permission
from [27]

other hand, the time of the convergence to Gaussian behavior is strongly retarded
compared to the estimate of about half a day. It is rather of the order of several
days to weeks, or even longer, depending on the market considered (see [65] for a
detailed discussion of this point).

Stochastic Behavior of the Volatility

Contrary to our assumption, the volatility is not constant in reality. It fluctuates with
time. This is nicely demonstrated in Fig. 5.8, which contrasts the time evolution
of the S&P500 to that of its volatility [27]. In this study, the volatility, vT (t ), at
a given time t is defined as the average of the absolute value of the normalized
returns over some time window of length T (= N t), i.e.,
N 1+
vT (t ) := |g(tn )| (t = t, tn = nt), (5.89)
N n=
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 199

ln[S(tn + t)/S(tn )]
g(tn ) = Ntd , (5.90)
i=1 | ln[Si (tn + t)/Si (tn )]|
where Ntd denotes the total number of trading days in the entire time series and
Si (tn ) is the spot price of the index at time tn on day i.
The normalization by the denominator in (5.90) is supposed to remove intra-day
fluctuations of the volatility. Over the day, the market activity is large at the begin-
ning and at the end, presumably due to the presence of many information traders
during the opening hours and of many liquidity traders near the closing hours,
but exhibits a broad minimum around noon [119]. Since the volatility measures the
magnitude of the market activity, this intra-day pattern should be eliminated to ob-
tain an unbiased average over all tn in time T .
Figure 5.8 clearly shows that the volatility depends on time and that periods of
high volatility tend to be correlated. This is particularly pronounced for the stock
market crash of October 19, 1987. The sharp drop of the S&P500 leads to a peer-
lessly high value of the volatility, which decreases to the normal level only after
several months. This correlation is called volatility clustering: large changes of the
asset price tend to follow one another, but they do not necessarily occur in the same
Therefore, time-displaced correlation functions, which are sensitive to the mag-
nitude of price changes, such as
|g(tn + t)||g(tn )| |g(tn + t)||g(tn )|
|g| (t) = , (5.91)
|g(tn )|2  |g(tn )|2
should decay much more slowly than the price-price autocorrelation function (5.84),
which depends on both sign and magnitude. This expectation is borne out. Figure 5.9
shows that the disparity in the relaxation rate between |g| (t) and g (t) (defined
analogously to (5.91) for g) is several orders of magnitude. |g| (t) is represented
well by a slowly decaying power law, i.e.,
|g| (t) ( 0.3, t  1 min), (5.92)
contrary to the fast exponential decrease of the price-price correlation function.

A Simple Model

The previous discussion reveals a clear separation of the decorrelation times be-
tween the direction and the amplitude of the price variations. This difference sug-
gests the following simple model [15, 18, 19]: A price variation can always be split
into two factorsmagnitude and sign. They measure the amplitude and the direc-
tion of the fluctuations, respectively. Therefore, they are random variables which
evolve on well-separated time scales, the sign being the fast degree of freedom and
the magnitude, i.e., the volatility, the slow degree of freedom.
200 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.9 Time dependence of the correlation functions (a) for g(t) and (b) for |g(t)|. The correla-
tion function of g(t) decays almost exponentially, g (t) exp(t/g ), with a small time constant
g 4 min (dashed line in (a)). However, the correlation function of |g| exhibits a very slow pow-
er-law relaxation, i.e., |g| (t) (1 + t )1 , with = 0.30 0.08 (solid line in (b)), which extends
over several days to months. A trading day corresponds to 390 min and there are about 21 trading
days per month. All data refer to the S&P500 recorded between January 3, 1984, and December 31,
1996. Reproduced with permission from [119]

Let us choose t as the basic time lag between successive quotations, i.e., the
sign is uncorrelated, and consider an intermediate time interval, t, which is much
larger than t , but also much smaller than the time scale on which the magnitude
varies appreciably. This implies

n 1+

t = n t n  1 and v =

|Sn |  |Sn |. (5.93)
n n=

The price variation between time t and t + t can then be written as


S(t + t) S(t ) = Sn t = t

n 1+
= |Sn |
|Sn |
 v =: v . (5.94)
|Sn |

When calculating the distribution of S(t + t) S(t ) from a time series, t is
increased in steps of t and the difference is determined assuming that the series
is stationary. However, this assumption neglects the variation of v in the series.
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 201

Therefore, the distribution of S(t + t) S(t ) does not depend on t only, but
also on t .
A simple way to account for this dependence could be as follows: As long as
the drift is negligible, the sign is a sum of the independent random variables
Sn /|Sn |, which can be either +1 or 1 with equal probability. Thus, can be
interpreted as the distance between the start and the end of a one-dimensional, sym-
metric random walk. According to the discussion in Sect. 1.2, the corresponding
distribution is Gaussian in the limit n  1. Now, we make the following assump-
tion: Since the sign is the fast variable, shifting t throughout the time series can
sample the full distribution of before a significant change of v occurs. This sug-
gests that the functional form of the sign distribution should remain stationary along
the series, whereas its parameter v evolves with time, i.e.,
! 1 
Prob[ + d] = p ()d = p d
v v
1 2
= exp 2 d. (5.95)
2n v2 2n v

Since the volatility is also a random variable characterized by

Prob[v v v + dv] = p|S| (v)dv, (5.96)

the probability distribution of the price increments  can be written as

pt () = dvp|S| (v) p . (5.97)
0 v v

In order to calculate pt (), we have to know p|S| (v). In [119], it was found that
the central part of p|S| (v) can be fitted by a lognormal distribution, whereas the
tail for v larger than the maximum position, vmax , of p|S| (v) exhibits a power-law
p|S| (v) for v > vmax . (5.98)
Inserting (5.95) and (5.98) into (5.97), we obtain
1 2
pt () dv exp
vmax v5 2n v 2
2(n )3 1 2 2
= 1 1+ 2 exp 2
4 2n vmax 2n vmax

, (5.99)
202 5 Modeling the Financial Market

if 2 /2n vmax
2 > 1. This is compatible with the empirical results of the S&P500 for
large price variations (see Fig. 5.6 and [65]).
Note that (5.99) is not necessarily in contradiction to the presented analysis in
terms of truncated Lvy flights. Equation (5.99) is applicable in an interval of large
price variations which belongs to the crossover regime from the Lvy-dominated
to the truncation-dominated part of the price distribution. Therefore, the power law
interpolates between a slow Lvy-like decay and a fast exponential decay. It is then
not unreasonable to find an effective exponent much larger than the theoretically
allowed values of Lvy distributions, since

pt () exp() = lim 1 +  . (5.100)

This might also explain why characteristic exponents larger than 3/2, i.e., 1.6
1.8, are often found when fitting price distributions by a pure Lvy law without
truncation only [18, 65, 123].
In the last years the exact form of the tails in the price distribution has
been much argued about. Especially the group of H.E. Stanley performed several
studies on different financial markets around the world utilizing large databases
[65, 169, 199]. Different from Fig. 5.6 these studies looked at the distribution of
returns, ln[S(tn + t)/S(tn )] ( Sn /Sn , see Prices Versus Returns on p. 193),
and came to the conclusion that the tail of the cumulative distribution of the re-
turn is best described by a power-law decay with exponent 3 (seemingly univer-
sal for mature markets) outside the Lvy-stable regime. On time scales where the
variation of the spot price is negligible (S(tn ) S(0)), this predicts pt () 4 ,
in agreement with (5.99). From that perspective, the truncated Lvy distribution
just yields some approximation to this power law generally found for mature mar-
The simple model proposed above also allows us to rationalize why the tails of
the empirical price distributions pT (x) are broader than the result of the convoluted
truncated Lvy flights, although t was chosen as the basic time lag (see Fig. 5.7)
[18]. Due to the stochastic character of the volatility, the kurtosis 4,T of pT (x)
decreases more slowly with increasing T than expected for independent variables.
The kurtosis is defined as (remember T = N t )

i,j,k,l=1 Si Sj Sk Sl 
4,N = 3, (5.101)
( N i=1 Si ) 

where  and represent the average over the sign and the volatility, respectively.
Using the fact that the signs are uncorrelated on the time scale t , i.e.,

Si Sj = Si Sj = 0,
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 203

we can write
Si Sj Sk Sl
ij kl


= Si +3 Si Sj
i=1 i


2 2 
= (3 + 4 ) Si +3 Si Sj ,
i=1 i

where 4 is the kurtosis of the elementary variable Si and

! 2 "2

2 N

Si = N S = Si Sj ,
i i,j =1

so that (5.101) becomes

N 2 2
 2 2
(3 + 4 ) i=1 (Si )  + 3 i
=j (Si ) (Sj ) 
4,N = N 3
2 2
i,j =1 (Si ) (Sj ) 

1 3 (Si )2 2
= 4 + 1 2 (|i j |) , (5.102)
N N (S )2 2 (S )
i i

(Si )2 (Sj )2  (Si )2 
(S )2 (|i j |) = 2
. (5.103)
(Si )2 2 (Si )2 
To obtain this result, we have used the stationarity of the process so that the averages
in (5.103) do not explicitly depend on i, but only on the time difference |i j |. Since

N 1 
f (|i j |) = 2 f (|i j |)
=j i=1 j =i+1

N 1 N
=2 f (k)
i=1 k=1

N 1
=2 (N k)f (k),
204 5 Modeling the Financial Market

2 2 
(S)2 = (v)2 = v 4 = (S)4 ,
we, finally, find
1 k
4,N = 4 + 6(4 + 2) 1 (S )2 (k) . (5.104)

This equation shows that the typical result for independent variables, 4,N =
4 /N , is only obtained if (S )2 = 0. However, if (S )2 decreases slowly ac-
cording to a power law (see (5.92)),

(S )2 (k) ,
the kurtosis is considerably enhanced, leading to a broadening of the tails of the
probability distribution. Inserting the last equation into (5.104) and using


ka = + O na ,

the kurtosis depends on N as follows:

N 1 4 6(4 + 2) 1 1
4,N =
. (5.105)
N (1 )(2 ) (N ) (N )

Empirically, it is possible to fit 4,N by a power law with an exponent 0.3

0.6, depending on the market considered (see Fig. 5.12 as an example). This range
of -values is compatible with the behavior of (S )2 [15, 18, 30].


Many of the results described in this section were not discovered by physicists for
the first time. The presence of broad tails in the price distribution, the time depen-
dence of the volatility and its long-lived correlations, etc., are well documented in
the financial literature (see [159], for instance). In order to account for the fluctua-
tions of the volatility, several (Gaussian) models have been invented both in contin-
uous (stochastic volatility models) and in discrete time (GARCH = generalized
autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity)6 [82]. Some of the models in discrete
time have been compared with the analyses presented above [65, 129].

6 Infinancial jargon, the term heteroskedasticity is sometimes used as a synonym for the time
dependence of volatility. Possible etymological origin: hetero (Greek) = different; skdasis
(Greek) = dispersion.
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 205

5.3.2 The Volatility Smile: Precursor to Gaussian Behavior?

The discussion in the preceding section showed that the real distribution of price
variations is, in general, non-Gaussian. To a first approximation, it is well modeled
by the convolution of truncated Lvy distributions for times larger than t . The
distinguishing feature of this underlying process is the presence of broad tails, which
strongly delays the crossover to Gaussian behavior. Even for very liquid markets,
Gaussian behavior begins to emerge only on the scale of several days, and a full
convergence presumably takes many weeks to months.
On the other hand, the typical duration of a short option contract also lasts a few
months. Therefore, the question arises of whether the deviations from the Black-
Scholes theory, which one tries to compensate by introducing the implied volatility,
could not be explained by finite-time corrections to the central limit theorem. This
idea was proposed by Potters, Cont and Bouchaud [171], and we pursue their dis-
cussion in this section.

Drift and Volatility for Short Maturities

The shortest option contracts expire after about 100 days. This time to maturity is so
short that the drift can usually be neglected, except for periods of vehement market
activities, like crashes. If we assume typical values for the drift and volatility, such as

= 10 %/year and = 20 %/ year, geometric Brownian motion yields a signal-
to-noise ratio (Sharpe ratio) of

= 0.3 (T = 100 days). (5.106)
For short times, the price evolution is dominated by stochastic fluctuations. The
contribution of the drift can be neglected. This is also shown by Fig. 5.10, which
compares the results of a Monte Carlo simulation for geometric Brownian motion
with and without drift. As long as the time is smaller than about 100 days, the
difference between the two curves is exceedingly small. Therefore, it is reasonable
to omit the drift term and the risk-less interest rate when calculating option prices
for short maturities.

Black-Scholes Versus Bachelier

If the time lapse between signing and expiry of the option is short, the Black-Scholes
pricing formulas can be simplified. Consider a call option, for instance. The call
price is given by (see (5.55) and (5.57))

CBS = erT dST max(ST K, 0)
1 [ln(ST /S0 ) (r 2 /2)T ]2
 exp . (5.107)
2( ST )2 T 2 2 T
206 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.10 Comparison of geometric Brownian motion with drift (thick solid line) and without
drift (thin dotted line). The drift parameter is = 10 %/year in the first and = 0 in the second

case. Both curves are results from a Monte Carlo simulation of (5.79), with = 20 %/ year,
S(0) = 737.01 points and the same set of Gaussian random numbers. Time runs from 1 to 730
days (= two (calendar) years). Note that the curves almost coincide if time is smaller than about
100 (calendar) days (dashed vertical line)

For small T , we have (r 2 /2)T 1 and ST  S0 , so that

[ln(ST /S0 ) (r 2 /2)T ]2 (ST S0 )2

 , (5.108)
2 2 T 2( S0 )2 T

which implies
max(ST K, 0) (ST S0 )2
CBS  CB = dST  exp (5.109)
0 2( S0 )2 T 2( S0 )2 T
( S0 )2 T u 1 uK
= exp K (K S0 )erfc , (5.110)
2 2 2 2

in which
K S0
uK =  . (5.111)
( S0 )2 T
Equation (5.109) shows that the call price can be approximated as an average of
the options pay-off with respect to a Gaussian distribution. This is exactly the sug-
gestion made by Bachelier in 1900 (therefore the index B). Figure 5.11 shows a
comparison of Bacheliers approximation with the Black-Scholes theory for short
maturities. The difference is indeed fairly small, so we choose to work with (5.109)
in the following.
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 207

Fig. 5.11 Comparison of the

call prices from the
Black-Scholes theory (5.107)
(solid lines) and from
Bacheliers approximation
(5.110) (dashed lines). In
both cases the volatility is

= 20 %/ year.
Furthermore, r = 10 %/year
for the Black-Scholes
formula. Two different
expiration times are shown:
T = 30 days (main figure)
and T = 100 days (inset)

The Volatility Smile

In the limit N , the central limit theorem holds for the probability distribution
of the sum of independent and identically distributed random variables if the vari-
ance exists. For finite N , there are corrections to Gaussian behavior which depend
on the tails of the distribution of the random variables (see Sect. 2.1.6). Since the
price process is modeled well by a truncated Lvy flight, the pre-asymptotic effects
are very pronounced. Can these finite-time effects give rise to the volatility smile?
If we choose t = t and set = 0, the price increments are (to first order)
independent of one another and symmetrically distributed. Then, the price process is
a martingale, and the historic distribution coincides with the equivalent martingale
distribution. So, we can write

C dST (ST K)p(ST , T |S0 , 0)
= (ST K) dSp(S, T |S0 , 0)  dST dSp(S, T |S0 , 0)
= dST dSp(S, T |S0 , 0) , (5.112)

where we used an integration by parts in the second line and chose as the low
bound of the integral to obtain a finite result. Introducing the new variable

S S0
u=  , (5.113)
( S0 )2 T
208 5 Modeling the Financial Market

and remembering (2.45), i.e.,

eu /2
dup(u, T ) =
uT uT 2
1 u2 /2 Q1 (uT ) Q2 (uT )
+ e T + + (5.114)
2 N 1/2 N


3 d2 u2 /2
Q1 (uT )euT /2 =
e T , (5.115)
6 du2T

4 d3 u2 /2 32 d5 u2 /2
Q2 (uT )euT /2 =
e T e T , (5.116)
24 du3T 72 du5T

Eq. (5.112) becomes

dS (S S0 )2
C dST  exp
K ST 2( S0 )2 T 2( S0 )2 T
duT u2 /2 Q1 (uT ) Q2 (uT )
+ S0 T e T + +
uK 2 N 1/2 N
4 S0 T (K S0 )2 (K S0 )2
 CB + exp 1 , (5.117)
24N 2 2( S0 )2 T ( S0 )2 T

since 3 = 0 for a symmetric process. If this formula is to give rise to the implied
volatility, it must be possible to write the second term as a correction of the variance
used in CB . To test this idea, let us require

! dCB
C CB = d. (5.118)
Using (5.110), we find
dCB T (K S0 )2
= S0 exp . (5.119)
d 2 2( S0 )2 T

Equation (5.119) must be inserted into (5.118) and the result compared to (5.117).
The comparison shows that the leading-order finite-time correction to CB can indeed
be reproduced by Bacheliers pricing formula after replacing via the following
K- and T -dependent implied volatility
4,N (K S0 )2
imp (K, T ) := + d = 1 + 1 , (5.120)
24 ( S0 )2 T

where 4,N = 4 /N .
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 209

This is the famous volatility smile: The volatility of the underlying, extracted
from the option market, depends on the difference between the strike and the current
price in a parabolic fashion, and this dependence becomes weaker with increasing
time. Both predictions are possible scenarios in practice [82].
Equation (5.120) suggests that the smile effect is caused by the broad tails of
the underlyings price distribution. However, we have based our analysis on the
simplifying assumption of time-independent volatility. In reality, this is not true. The
discussion of the previous section pointed out that the volatility gradually evolves
with time, which leads to a slow power-law decay of the kurtosis 4,N instead of
the 1/N -behavior used in (5.120). A simple way to remove this drawback of our
analysis could be to replace 4,N by the kurtosis calculated from the historic price
A test of this idea was performed in [171]. Instead of inserting the historic kur-
tosis into (5.120) and comparing the result with experimental data for the implied
volatility the analysis proceeded vice versa. The implied volatility was fitted by
(5.120) for different expiry dates, with the kurtosis as an adjustable parameter (see
Fig. 5.4). The resulting implied kurtosis was then compared to the kurtosis ob-
tained from historic time series. Figure 5.12 shows the outcome of this analysis.
Both kurtosis are indeed compatible with one another, which is further evidence in
favor of the approach presented here.

5.3.3 Are Financial Time Series Stationary?

When attempting to extract statistical properties of a stochastic time series, like the
records of the closing values of a financial index, the time series of earthquakes
in a seismically active region, or climate data, we are faced with the problem that
these series are always one of a kind. There is no possibility to rerun the experi-
ment yielding the time series again. To get the desired information one generally
assumes the series to be stationary. Here stationarity is interpreted in the sense that
the series has no objective time origin. Then, it is justified to perform a gliding
average over starting times in order to extract statistical properties with sufficient
accuracy from the time series. This approach has been taken in Sect. 5.3.1, for in-
stance to obtain the distributions of the price variations in Figs. 5.6 and 5.7 or the
correlation functions of Fig. 5.9. However, it is doubtful whether stationarity is a
safe assumption. For financial markets this problem has been recognized early in
the physics literature [18, 131] and recently the assumption of stationarity has again
been strongly challenged by McCauley and collaborators [132, 134, 135]. Some of
this criticism results from an analysis of the variance of the price fluctuations in
terms of commonly employed theoretical conceptsgeometric Brownian motion
and martingales. In the following we describe and discuss these arguments.
In Sect. 5.1 we argued that the efficient market hypothesis suggests the price
process to be Markovian and we introduced geometric Brownian motion as a viable
210 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.12 Log-log plot of the kurtosis 4,N versus N , where N = T /t with t = 30 min. All
data refer to options on the German Bund future traded on LIFFE from 1993 to 1995. This is a
very liquid market, so corrections to Gaussian behavior should be small. The figure compares the
historic kurtosis, T (), calculated from the time series of the Bund contract, with the implied
kurtosis, imp (), determined by fitting the volatility smile with (5.120) for different expiry times T
(see Fig. 5.4 as an example). Furthermore, the results of (5.104) are included when assuming a
power-law dependence for (S)2 (t) (denoted by g(l)), i.e., (S)2 (t) t with = 0.6 (solid
line) or an exponential decay for (S)2 (t) (dashed line). Both fits are acceptable. Reproduced
with permission from [171]

mathematical model for this process. For the return x(t) = ln S(t)/S(0) this leads
to (see (5.6))
dx = 2 dt + dW (t). (5.121)
This is Brownian motion with constant drift ( 2 /2) and constant diffusion
coefficient ( 2 /2). The corresponding stochastic process is Gaussian with time-
homogeneous increments (see Sect. 3.2.2), i.e.,

x(t + t) x(t) = function of t only. (5.122)

Due to this property the increments are often said to be stationary.7 We also use this
denomination in the following. As a consequence, the variance of the process only

7 Note that the use of the term stationary here is different from the definition given in Chap. 2.
There, stationarity was defined as the time-translational invariance of the n-point probability den-
sity (cf. (2.66)) which implies (2.78) for Markov processes. Applying this criterion to Brow-
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 211

depends on the time difference and we know from (5.7) that it grows linearly with
 2  1
x(t) x(t) t 2H with H = . (5.123)
Here we introduced what is often simply called the Hurst exponent H , although the
original definition [126] referred to a related but different property of a stochastic
time series. In fact, the exponent defined by (5.123) is one of the so-called general-
ized Hurst exponents [48], Hq , defined by
x(t) x(t) t qHq . (5.124)

So for q = 2 we obtain the definition in (5.123). Furthermore, from (5.8) we see

that the Gaussian distribution is centered at x(t) = ( 2 /2)t. Thus the globally
detrended variable
x = x 2 t (5.125)
is Gaussian distributed with zero average and a variance scaling as
x 2 (t) = x 2 (1) t 2H . (5.126)

Every Gaussian distribution is completely determined by its first two moments. So

all moments of x must behave as (n = 0, 1, . . .)
x 2n (t) = t 2nH x 2n (1)
x (t) = 0.

This defines a self-similar process for which one can also write

x(t) = t H x(1), (5.127)

meaning this equation to hold in distribution.

Quite generally, a self-similar (or scaling) process is characterized by the prop-
erty that its moments obey the scaling relation
x n (t) = t nH x n (1) . (5.128)

Combining this with


x n (t) = dxx n p(x, t),

nian motion reveals that the (position) process is non-stationary on the interval (, ) (cf.
Sect. 3.2.2) because the 1-point probability density vanishes in the limit t .
212 5 Modeling the Financial Market

we can conclude that the 1-point probability density depends on its two arguments
in a scaling form
H x
p(x, t) = t p H . (5.129)
This scaling behavior is a property that all Lvy distributions share, as we have noted
in (4.95). For a stochastic process with Lvy distributed (stationary) increments we
thus expect a Hurst exponent of
1 1
H= , (5.130)
with the equality holding for Gaussian distributed increments, i.e., for the Brownian
motion discussed above. However, for < 2 stationarity of the increments can only
hold for moments n < (see (4.15)).
Assuming that the price fluctuations can be described by a detrendable process
with stationary increments and that the detrended process is a self-similar Markov
process, we have derived that the (1-point) probability density of the increments
obeys a scaling property.
This result guides the analysis of financial time series in practice. As mentioned
at the beginning of the section, one usually assumes the time series to be stationary
and performs a gliding average over starting times to obtain the scaling behavior
of the increment distribution or of its second moment, and from the latter the Hurst
exponent. Typically, such an analysis gives a Hurst exponent which depends on time.
The Gaussian behavior (H = 1/2) is only reached for large times. Before that, two
time regimes exist: the anti-persistent regime with H < 1/2 at very short times and
the persistent regime with H > 1/2 at longer times. This time dependence of H is
part of the so-called stylized facts of financial markets [31] which also involve the
broad-tailed fluctuations of Fig. 5.6, the volatility clustering of Fig. 5.8, and others.
From the discussion of Sect. 5.3.1 the presence of the anti-persistent regime is
unexpected. A Hurst exponent of H < 1/2 lies outside the range of values compat-
ible with stable distributions (cf. (5.130)). A possible interpretation of this (short-
time) behavior employs the microscopic dynamics of the marketthe mechanics
of order books by which one denotes the details of the deterministic trading and
price building process which is implemented at a stock exchange. We will explicate
this point in more detail in Sect. 5.3.4. The persistent regime, on the other hand,
is expected from the discussion of Sect. 5.3.1. It may be interpreted as a precursor
to Gaussian behavior, arising from a truncated Lvy distribution of stationary price
increments. However, as also pointed out in Sect. 5.3.1, this interpretation is not
fully convincing. There are noticeable deviations between the empirical and pre-
dicted price distributions, possibly related to the time dependence of the volatility
(cf. Fig. 5.8). This time dependence is not compatible with geometric Brownian
motion, challenging one (or all) of the assumptions of the model, for instance the
stationarity of the price increments.
That non-stationarity could be the reason why H > 1/2 in the persistent regime
is supported by the work of McCauley [132]. Following [132] we make two assump-
tions about the price process: The process is detrendable and the detrended process
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 213

is a martingale. The martingale assumption is a weaker constraint on the process

describing a financial time series than the Markov one. It only makes an assump-
tion about the conditional expectations but not about the full joint distribution of
the process. As discussed in Chap. 2, the martingale condition implies that the best
estimate for the future return is the current valuethis appears to be well justified
by the efficient market hypothesis. Here we write this condition as (see (2.71))
E x(t0 + t)|x(t0 ) = x(t0 ) for t > 0.

For the autocorrelation of the process x(t) we thus obtain

 +  +
E x(t0 + t)x(t0 ) = dx1 dx2 x2 p(x2 , t0 + t|x1 , t0 ) x1 p(x1 , t0 )

= E E x(t0 + t)|x(t0 ) x(t0 )
= E x 2 (t0 ) . (5.131)

It follows that

E x(t0 + t) x(t0 ) x(t0 ) = E x(t0 + t)x(t0 ) E x 2 (t0 ) = 0,

and with this we have

E x(t0 + t) x(t0 ) x(t0 ) x(t0 t)


= E x(t0 + t) x(t0 ) x(t0 ) E x(t0 + t) x(t0 ) x(t0 t)
= E x(t0 )x(t0 t) E x(t0 + t)x(t0 t)
= E x 2 (t0 t) E x 2 (t0 t) = 0. (5.132)

A martingale therefore has uncorrelated (not necessarily statistically independent)

increments in non-overlapping time windows. For the variance of these increments
we obtain

E x(t0 + t) x(t0 ) = E x 2 (t0 + t) + E x 2 (t0 ) 2 E x(t0 + t)x(t0 )
= E x 2 (t0 + t) E x 2 (t0 ) . (5.133)

This result depends on t0 ; in general, it is thus non-stationary. However, if the vari-

ances in the right-hand side show scaling behavior with Hurst exponent H , (5.133)
can be written as

E x(t0 + t) x(t0 ) = x 2 (1) (t0 + t)2H t02H . (5.134)

A martingale therefore only has a stationary second moment of the increments if

H = 1/2 because then the t0 -dependence drops out from (5.134). An analysis of
the second moment of the increment distribution assuming martingale behavior and
214 5 Modeling the Financial Market

stationarity of the underlying process which yields H

= 1/2 is therefore inconsis-
tent. So one (or both) of the assumptions is (are) not fulfilled. For efficient markets
it appears more likely that stationarity is violated.
Of course, this conclusion about the non-stationarity based on the second mo-
ment is not stringent. A stringent test on the stationarity of a stochastic process
would require one to determine the n-point probability distribution (see Chap. 2).
However, in practice the available time series data are barely sufficient for a re-
liable determination of the increment distribution. Additionally, one would need
some repetitiveness of the time series, allowing for an assignment of blocks over
which statistics can be generated [9, 27, 132, 133]. Also this is hard to realize in
practice. Instead of trying to prove non-stationarity by such an approach, one can
follow a different route. One can assume that the apparent non-stationary behavior is
related to the simultaneous presence of more than one intrinsic time scale governing
the stochastic process. In the simplest case this would just be one additional time
scale and one could try to come to a stationary modeling by including an additional
stochastic variable into the description. This approach is, e.g., followed in stochas-
tic volatility models [82, 215] or in the modeling presented in Sect. 5.3.1 where we
assumed different time scales for the change of the sign and the absolute values of
the increments.
Finally, also the assumption that the process is detrendable is not as harmless as
it may sound. There are approaches trying to perform an estimate of the local trend
of a time series from the data themselves and to analyze locally detrended fluctu-
ations [166]. However, this only removes the non-stationarity of the first moment
of the stochastic variable under investigation and also seems susceptible to creating
artifacts [22]. A way beyond all frequency based determinations of price increment
probabilities may lie in the application of the extended logic approach to probabili-
ties (cf. Sect. 2.1.2), but this path has not been followed yet.

5.3.4 Agent Based Modeling of Financial Markets

We saw in the last section that non-stationarity could be an important ingredient in
the modeling of the time series of price fluctuations and that currently no method
has been established how to derive such a non-stationary model from the existing
time series. Under these circumstances, we can proceed in a way that is often fol-
lowed in statistical physics and build on an analysis of microscopic models of the
phenomenon, either by analytical or by numerical means. When we think of such
a statistical-mechanical modeling of financial markets, agents or traders are the mi-
croscopic degrees of freedom of the market. Their decisions to buy or sell create
the macroscopic variables supply and demand which in turn determine the changes
in price as we will discuss below. A trader bases the decision to buy or sell or do
nothing on different influences:
His rational assessment of the current market situation, which is based on ex-
perience and economic knowledge. This is an individual (idiosyncratic [94])
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 215

The influence exerted by the environment. This influence is two-fold. A trader is

in contact with a certain number of (selected) colleagues with whom he exchanges
news and views. Furthermore, he learns about the opinion of other traders by
observing the price evolutions on the stock market. The first influence is direct,
the second indirect. However, both have the effect that the trader tends to imitate
the decisions of the others.
A trader who always bases his decision on the first point and never follows the trend
is called a fundamentalist, whereas one who only mimics the others is called a trend
chaser or noise trader. In practice, no trader can afford to be a pure fundamental-
ist because he might ruin his fortune by continuously disregarding the signs of the
market. To some degree, he has to follow the trend. Imitation is therefore an impor-
tant factor in the traders behavior. It also produces a strong feedback mechanism:
When the traders follow the trend, their decisions influence the market prices, which
in turn changes the trend and requires a renewed adjustment, and so on. Therefore,
the stock market can be considered as a complex self-organizing system.
This description of the markets microstructure appears to be fairly vague com-
pared to that usually developed in a physical approach. However, physics has the
advantage that the interactions of the microscopic degrees of freedom and the equa-
tions of motion are precisely known. This is (hitherto) lacking in finance. But even
if they were known, there is no guarantee that the theory would be mathematically
tractable, due to the complexity of the system. Being faced with this situation, a
legitimate alternative is to postulate simple models which incorporate the ingredi-
ents discussed above and which can be tackled either analytically or by computer
simulations. Many such models have been proposed, see e.g. [5, 29, 193, 200] (and
also Chap. 4 of [148] and [201]). In the following we will discuss two agent-based
market models: a market model taking into consideration the working of an order
book and a relatively abstract model of a trading process, involving only key generic
features of this process.

An Order Book Based Market Model

Price formation at a stock exchange is realized through the interaction of buy and sell
orders of traders mediated by the rules of the order book. The order book stores of-
fers and demands of the various traders and, as an idealization (but see Sect. 5.3.1),
enables a continuous trading which is called continuous double auction, i.e., an
auction where both buyers and sellers quote their price ideas simultaneously. Prices
are given as multiples of a minimum price change unit, the tick size. The high-
est offer price offered for buying is called the best bid-price, and the lowest price
demanded for selling the best ask-price. The non-zero gap between these is the bid
ask spread. The market participants can enter two types of orders, limit orders and
market orders. In limit sell orders for example, the market participant requests that a
stock is sold for at least the price given as the limit price in the order. The same holds
mutatis mutandis for a limit buy order. In contrast, market orders are given without a
price limit, i.e., the market participant is willing to accept the best bid (if he submits
216 5 Modeling the Financial Market

a sell order) or best ask (if he submits a buy order) price currently listed on the order
book. Typically, the price ideas and the requested trading volumes of buyers and
sellers are not balanced. It is the task of the stock exchange and designated market
makers (investment brokers charged with managing the trades of specific securities)
to ensure that a continuous trading is upheld and that the volumes of buy and sell
orders are matched. They perform this task by holding an inventory of money and
securities and submitting buy and sell orders concurrently.
Based on this structure, which is basically present at every stock exchange, one
can set up order book based market models, such as the one presented in [32, 172,
173, 190]. In this model, one imagines a total of NA agents submitting only limit
orders with a probability density decaying exponentially away from the midpoint
between the best bid and the best ask price, both on the ask and the bid side. This
exponential distribution for the order placement leads to a stationary distribution
of orders in the book which is approximately lognormal to both sides of the mid-
point between best bid and best ask price, which is a reasonable representation of
real order books [172, 173]. The width of this stationary order distribution is called
the order book depth. The decay length, 0 , of the exponential order placement
distribution characterizes the entry depth of the orders. The limit traders submit
their orders with a rate and with equal probability on the ask as well as the bid
sides. Thus, these traders provide an influx per unit time of NA /2 limit orders on
the bid and ask sides. An equal number of NA agents submits market orders with
a rate , which are again buy or sell orders with equal probability. These market
orders lead to an outflux of orders from the order book per unit time of NA /2 on
the bid and ask sides. This model assumes a homogeneous trader population, i.e.,
all orders are submitted with a volume of one. The probability for in flowing limit
orders has to be larger than the one for market orders so that there is always some
liquidity present in the order book, i.e., incoming market orders find some limit
orders they can be matched against. Market makers thus are not explicitly present
in the model, but are represented by a constraint on the order flow rates (see below).
On real markets limit orders are furthermore submitted with a finite life time and can
also be canceled. This is modeled by deleting them with a rate from the order book.
The number of limit orders in the order book then follows a simple rate equation

N(t + 1) = N (t) + NA N (t) + NA NA

with a stationary state

Neq = (1 ) .

Stability of the model then requires (1 ) > as constraint on the order flux
rates. As a matching algorithm for the orders, price-time-priority [172, 173] is im-
plemented, as is usually found for most assets in real markets. This means that if,
e.g., a market buy order could be matched with several limit orders at the best ask
price, the limit order which has been in the order book for the longest time is se-
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 217

Fig. 5.13 Hurst exponent

H (t) as a function of time lag
t for a multi-agent order book
model of a financial market.
The regime with H < 1/2
(anti-persistent regime) is
created by the rules of an
order book. For a stationary
market (circles) this regime
directly crosses over to the
random walk regime (dashed
line with label RW). When
one includes non-stationary
order placement (crosses)
a regime with H > 1/2
(persistent regime) is
generated between the
anti-persistent and random
walk regimes

In such an order book model the spot price of the asset is always equal to the last
trading price and the stochastic influx of orders generates its stochastic dynamics.
When monitoring these price fluctuations one observes a variance increasing in time
according to (5.123) with a time-dependent Hurst exponent, an example of which
is shown in Fig. 5.13 by circles for a choice of parameters NA = 250, = 0.15,
= 0.025, = 0.025 and 0 = 100 (safely within the regime of stability of the
model). Clearly, the homogeneous and stationary order book model we discussed
so far reproduces the anti-persistent behavior at short times and the random walk
regime at long times, but fails to generate an intermediate persistent regime. From
our discussion in the previous section we expect that this could for instance be re-
lated to the missing non-stationarity of this model market on intermediate times.
Such non-stationarity can be motivated by the ubiquitous mood swings of mar-
ket participants alternating between bullish (the general sentiment is that the mar-
ket will go up) and bearish (the general sentiment is that the market will drop)
phases. In such a phase, the market orders will be placed preferably on either the
buy (bullish) or sell (bearish) sides. These bullish and bearish phases thus change the
probability of market orders to be placed, e.g., on the buy side, which we denote by
q in the following, away from its stationary value of q = 1/2. Mood swings exhibit
an unpredictable time dependence, but the further they have driven the behavior of
the market participants away from their well-balanced stationary behavior, the more
risky the market becomes, and the stronger the tendency to return to the stationary
state. One can model these mood swings by a mean-reverting random walk for q(t)
on the interval [0, 1], where the probability to jump towards the average value of
q(t) = 1/2 is given by 1/2 + |q(t) 1/2|. At the same time, the traders providing
liquidity to the market by their limit orders have to adjust the entry depth of their
orders to prevent one side of the order book from running empty [173]. This can be
218 5 Modeling the Financial Market

modeled by a time-dependent order depth of the form

|q(t) 1/2|
(t) = 0 1 + C  .
(q(t) 1/2)2 

The standard deviation of the mean-reverting random walk, q(t), occurring in this
equation as the natural scale for the deviations of q(t) from its stationary value, can
be determined in advance. When one introduces this non-stationary element into
the simulations of the order book market model and chooses C = 10 to affect a
sufficient variation of (t) keeping all other parameters constant, a time-dependent
Hurst exponent as shown by the crosses in Fig. 5.13 results, which now reproduces
the complete time dependence of the Hurst exponent found for real markets. Fur-
thermore, this non-stationary order book model also generates broad-tailed price
fluctuations in the time regime of the persistent behavior of the Hurst exponent
[172, 173]. Such model simulations therefore allow the step-wise inclusion of agent
behavior found in real markets and the identification of the consequences of such
behavior. They give an explanation for the anti-persistent behavior of the Hurst ex-
ponent on short times and suggest a possible explanation for the occurrence of the
persistent regime.

A Physicists Market Model

The previous section gave an example for market models trying to incorporate de-
tailed information about the mechanisms of price formation and the psychology of
the market participants. Such realistic models are nowadays very successful in ex-
plaining many of the stylized facts of financial markets. However, one can also go
the opposite direction in model complexity by abstracting as much as possible from
reality and retaining only a few features which are (assumed to be) essential for the
market. This kind of generic modeling has a long tradition in physics. We present
such a physicists market model in the following.
In Sect. 5.1 we introduced the idea that supply, s, and demand, d, determine
the (spot) price, S. This idea could be called the zeroth law of economics. In the
economic literature it is usually assumed that there exists a monotonously decreas-
ing function, S(s), and a monotonously increasing function, S(d), and that their
uniquely determined intersection is the equilibrium price established on the market
(this could be a financial market or any other market). One of the first physicists to
become influential in his thinking about financial markets, M.F.M. Osborne [158],
challenged this basic concept. He criticized that there is no experimental evidence
in favor of this concept. In contrast, he argued that for each individual buyer and
producer of a good the price determines the demand, d(S), and supply, s(S), respec-
tively. Either demand drops to zero because the price becomes too high, or supply
drops to zero because the price becomes too low. This is a valid characterization,
e.g., of the action of an individual agent who provides limit orders in financial mar-
kets and is willing to buy at a certain price (or lower but not higher) or sell at a
5.3 Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Motion 219

certain price (or higher but not lower). But one has to take into account that markets
involve a collection of participants leading to a distribution of individual price lim-
its. Furthermore, there are also participants willing to accept the current best offers
by submitting market orders, as discussed above. While it is no longer clear that,
given this broad spectrum of ideas about the correct price of an asset, something
like an equilibrium price exists [132], it seems reasonableand is indeed a correct
description of the price formation process on real marketsto state that imbalances
between supply and demand determine the direction of price changes. One further
fact about financial markets (and life in general) is that not everybody can partic-
ipate with the same capacity. For a market participant this simply means that his
current wealth determines how much he can invest.
These two basic factsimbalances between supply and demand determine price
changes and everybody invests proportional to his current wealthare the only in-
gredients of the following minimal model [42] of the trading of two goods, called
stock and money, respectively.
In each time step (t), each of N agents decides with equal probability to sell or
to buy. Agent i invests a random fraction xi (tn ) c (discrete time tn = nt) of his
wealth in stocks for selling or of his wealth in money for buying. As in (5.15), the
current total wealth of the agent is given by Wi (tn ) = i (tn )S(tn ) + i (tn ), where
i (tn ) is the number of stocks owned by agent i, i (tn ) is his wealth in money
and S(tn ) is the spot price  of the stock. By this double auction process a certain
 in stocks, d(t n ) = i [xi (tn )(tn )/S(tn )], and supply of stocks, s(tn ) =
i [xi (tn )i (tn )], is generated (in both cases [] denotes the largest integer smaller
than the argument). The buy and sell orders at each individual time step tn , which
are given for the fixed spot price S(tn ), are matched against each other as far as
possible, while excess orders are discarded. This implements the second ingredient
listed above.
The first ingredient is implemented in the following way: if there is an imbalance
between supply, s(tn ), and demand, d(tn ), at time tn , its impact on the price S(tn )
of the stock is given by the following formula

d(tn ) s(tn )
S(tn + t) = S(tn ) 1 + . (5.135)
d(tn ) + 2s(tn )
This price update rule is a possible realization of the concave price-impact functions
of supply-demand imbalance found in real markets [47, 219]. The exact choice does
not affect the qualitative behavior discussed in the following, nor does the exact
choice of the fraction c as long as it is not too close to one.
Interestingly, when one starts such a market in a state which looks like a perfect
equilibrium situation, i.e., all agents own the same amount of money and the same
amount of stock, and the price is chosen such that wealth in money equals wealth
in stock (i (0)S(0) = i (0) i), one finds that this state is not stable. The self-
organized stationary state of this simple model economy is characterized by the
following properties [42] of the probability densities shown in Fig. 5.14:
The wealth distribution is of Pareto type, i.e., a power law, as also found in the real
world [160, 204] and, more specifically, for traders at a financial market [58]. The
220 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.14 The open circles depict the stationary Pareto-type wealth distribution of the minimal
market model. This Pareto-type wealth distribution leads to a power law behavior of the volume
traded at the market, shown here by the triangles. When each agent invests a maximum of half of
his wealth in each step (c = 0.5, see text) a distribution of price fluctuations with a power law tail
with exponent 4 results (squares), which was observed for real markets. For large values, finite
size effects lead to an exponential cutoff of the power laws

exponent observed for the model differs from the one found for the real world,
but the essential qualitative behavior is captured by the model. Furthermore, the
trading process described by this model is not specific to financial transactions
(stock and money), it could be fish sold for sea shells as well. This model therefore
suggests that economic inequality among people developed as soon as the first
equivalent of money was introduced into trading and the earlier barter economy
The distribution of trading volumes, V (tn ) = S(tn ) min[d(tn ), s(tn )], is of power-
law type, as found for real markets [170]. In [170] it was also argued that the
power-law behavior in the distribution of trading volumes is a consequence of the
one in wealth of the traders. Our simple model generates both of them concur-
rently from the basic trading process.
The distribution of returns in the price time series develops broad power-law tails,
which for the choice c = 0.5 agree well with the ones found for real markets [65]
and calculated from the truncated Lvy flight model in (5.99).
Although the available money per stock stays constant, the average price of stock
increases compared to the starting value. This risk premium (see our discussion
on the Black Scholes equation) often discussed for real stock prices therefore
may be only a result of the price formation mechanism without any need for
rationalization in any conscious decision of market participants.
5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes 221

In contrast to the behavior of the order book model, broad-tailed price fluctuations
occur here also in the stationary state. But here they are generated by the inhomo-
geneity among traders, i.e., the power law distribution of their wealth and of the
orders they submit, which were constrained to be of equal size in the order book
Before reaching its stationary state, the model exhibits a time window where the
wealth distributions (money, value of stocks owned and total wealth) of the traders
as well as the price fluctuations are Gaussian. However, this Gaussian state, which is
often assumed to be the equilibrium state of real financial markets, is unstable. The
instability is generated by the presence of a boundary at zero wealth. All traders
accumulating there are temporarily taken out of the trading process as long as the
current spot price is larger than their remaining money. They can no longer partici-
pate in this model economy. At the same time extremely wealthy traders appear and
thus the market behavior is no longer determined by many equally important ran-
dom decisions (Gaussian limit) but dominated by a few big orders or traders (Lvy
or power-law limit). However, the model is still symmetric with respect to different
traders. All traders move up and down the wealth scale in timedifferent from real
To come back to our critical discussion of the current (2012) crisis of finan-
cial markets, we can conjecture its origin to be the practice of leveraged specu-
lations, which allowed the banking sector such huge profits in the years between
1990 and 2008. Leverage virtually shifts the upper limit of the wealth distribution
in Fig. 5.14in practice by one order of magnitudeand this in turn increases the
fluctuations of the price. Only, these increased fluctuations are real and not virtual,
so they can easily exceed the real capital of a market participant which in turn may
lead to bankruptcy. The phenomenology of such huge market fluctuations, i.e., mar-
ket crashes, and a way to analyze and maybe even to predict them will be discussed
in the next section.

5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes

The fear of every investor is a sudden and steep drop of asset prices: the occurrence
of a stock market crash. Crashes are rare events that can happen even on mature
markets. Prominent examples are the crashes on NYSE in October 1929 and October
1987, when prices fell by about 20 % to 30 % within a few days. Although being
rare, crashes are far more probable than what could be expected for Gaussian price
fluctuations, and even truncated Lvy flights cannot account for their frequency, as
we will show in the next section.
Based on these findings it has been suggested that the market behavior can be
characterized by qualitatively different phases: a normal trading phase with weak
(or no) time correlations of price fluctuationsthe one we have discussed up to
nowand a run-up phase to a crash, where strong time correlations develop. This
interpretation allows to draw an analogy between the market and a thermodynamic
222 5 Modeling the Financial Market

system undergoing a phase transition [49, 50, 94, 96, 97, 195, 196, 205, 206]. Nor-
mal market behavior is then associated with fluctuations in the one-phase region,
while during a crash the market is close to a critical point.
The following discussion dwells upon this idea. We begin by presenting the phe-
nomenology of crashes. Then, we discuss the analogy to critical behavior and give
an introduction to the description of crashes proposed by Sornette, Johansen and
coworkers [94, 96, 97, 195197].

5.4.1 Some Empirical Properties

From the previous sections we know that the empirical distribution of asset price
fluctuations has broad tails. The tails allow large price fluctuations to occur fre-
quently. Therefore, a reasonable conjecture is to identify a crash with an extreme
fluctuation, sampling the far edges of the tails.
Let us explore this hypothesis by modeling the price process as a truncated Lvy
flight with finite variance. As shown in Fig. 5.6 the work by Mantegna and Stanley
[127129, 131] suggests that the central part of the distribution pt () of price fluc-
tuations  is well described by a Lvy distribution with = 1.4 up to / 6 (with
being the standard deviation of the distribution). Let us therefore simulate the
price process S(t) as a truncated, symmetric (drift-free) Lvy flight. Its discretized
equation of motion reads

S(tn + t) = S(tn ) + L,6 (tn ) (tn = nt, t = 1), (5.136)

where L,6 denotes an increment drawn from a symmetric Lvy distribution

with exponent and cutoff parameter Lcut = 6 (see (4.96)). For = 1.4 and
the choice c = 1 for the scale factor (cf. (5.83)) one can determine numerically.
This value is then taken to cut the distribution at Lcut = 6 = 13. Lvy distributed
increments can be generated following the algorithm of Chambers et al. [25]. For a
symmetric distribution with
= 1 this reads
sin u cos([1 ]u) (1)/
L,6 = for |L,6 | 6, (5.137)
(cos u)1/ v
where u is a uniformly distributed random number in [/2, /2] and v is an ex-
ponentially distributed random number with mean value 1. Due to the cutoff in the
increments, all moments of pt () exist and S(t) performs Brownian motion for
t (cf. Sect. 4.4).
The behavior of extreme excursions for this time series can be discussed in two
ways. The first one is linked to our discussion of extreme value distributions and
of the extreme excursion behavior of Brownian motion in Sect. 3.4. As the process
S(t) asymptotically behaves like Brownian motion we know that for long times its
extreme excursion distribution is given by the distribution of its end points. For the
chosen values of and Lcut this behavior is already found after about 100 steps
5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes 223

Fig. 5.15 Linear-log plot of

the relative number N(D) of
drawdowns D for the
truncated Lvy flight. The
drawdowns are determined as
described in the text.
Percentage drawdown values
are rounded to the next
integer and the distribution is
normalized to a maximum
value of one

of the Lvy flight. So the specific non-Gaussian character of the price increments is
rather quickly lost in this measure of extreme events [184].
A different measure for extreme events, which has been employed in the anal-
ysis of real markets (see below), is the distribution of drawdowns. A drawdown is
defined as the percentage decrease from a relative maximum to the next relative
minimum in the time series S(t). This definition has the property that in contrast
to the distribution of extreme excursions in a fixed time horizon, it averages over
different time delays which can occur between these two extrema. To determine this
distribution for our model Lvy flight, we have to fix a starting value S(0) to set a
scale for the relative drawdowns. This scale can be inferred from the standard de-
viation of the employed truncated Lvy distribution, which is given on an absolute
scale and which is supposed to mimic daily price fluctuations on a 1 % level (on
mature markets). This give an idea about the absolute scale for the price itself and
we choose S(0) = 200. With this setting the distribution of drawdowns shown in
Fig. 5.15 was determined.
Let us contrast the results from the truncated Lvy flight with the behavior found
for the percentage decreases on the Dow Jones Index in the period from 1900 to
1994 shown in Fig. 5.16 [95]. For the Dow Jones Index, the authors identified two
regimes in this distribution. In the regime where the drawdown is smaller than about
15 %, N(D) was fitted by an exponential
N (D) = N0 exp . (5.138)

Using this exponential fit to predict the frequency of crashes on the 30 % level, one
concludes that these occurred about 1000 times too often in the real data.
The simulation data for the truncated Lvy flight in Fig. 5.15 exhibit similar
behavior in the small-D regime, the number of drawdowns at the 10 % level being
224 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.16 Log-linear plot of the number of decreases N(D) for the Dow Jones Industrial Average
(commonly referred to as Dow Jones Index) versus the magnitude of a decrease D (referred to as
draw down (DD)). A decrease is defined as the percentage of the cumulative loss from the last
local maximum to the next local minimum, using bins of size 1 %. If D  15 %, N(D) is fitted
reasonably well by an exponential N(D) = N0 exp(D/Dc ), with N0 2360 and Dc 1.8 %.
The three largest drops are: NYSE, October 1987 ( 30.6 %), World War I ( 28.8 %) and NYSE,
October 1929 ( 23.6 %). Each of these decreases lasted about three days. The analysis is based
on the daily record of the Dow Jones Index from 19001994. Reproduced with permission from

about three orders of magnitude smaller than on the 1 % level. However, they do
not suggest an exponential dependence in this regime. Also contrary to Fig. 5.16,
the simulation data continue to decrease smoothly for larger D without change of
regime, as expected for the stationary increments employed. For drawdowns at the
30 % level, N(D) reaches about 104 of the value at the percent level. Simulation of
a Lvy flight based on the analysis of price fluctuations in (4.96) therefore predicts a
much higher probability for the extreme drawdowns than the exponential fit would
suggest. Nevertheless, a comparison of Figs. 5.15 and 5.16 shows that the frequency
of drawdowns on the 30 % level is by a factor of about 10 larger for the Dow
Jones Index than for the simulation data. This difference still corroborates the central
conclusion from [95] that large drawdowns, i.e., crashes, are the result of different
dynamic behavior. Originally, these rare extreme events were called outliers in
reference to their deviation from the normal statistics. However, in recent years
it has been recognized that the switching between a normal dynamic regime and
a regime characterized by huge fluctuations seems to occur in many different time
series [198]. In reference to their potentially dramatic consequences, it has been
suggested to call these rare events dragon-kings.
If the dynamic behavior in the run-up phase is really different, it should be pos-
sible to identify specific and systematic features signaling the approach towards a
crash. There is indeed evidence for this conjecture. Figure 5.17 presents an example.
It shows the time series of the Dow Jones Index from 1927 to 1929 and from 1985
to 1987, respectively. In October of 1929 and October of 1987 severe stock mar-
5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes 225

Fig. 5.17 Time evolution of

the daily closing quotations
of the Dow Jones Industrial
Average close to the crashes
of (a) October 1929 and
(b) October 1987. The index
is measured in points and the
time in days. In both cases,
time runs over 755 trading
days ( two to three years)
before December 31, 1929,
and December 31, 1987. The
dates on the time axis are
separated by 151 trading
days. Both time series exhibit
a step-like increase before the
crash. The steps (dashed
lines) shorten upon
approaching the crash. The
dates of the absolute minima
and maxima close to the crash
are specified in the figure.
Data obtained from

ket crashes occurred. Within a few days the index declined dramatically: by about
23 % in 1929 and by about 30 % in 1987. Both crashes were preceded by a gradual
staircase-like increase which led to an unprecedented peak about two months before
the market collapse. During this increase, the steps of the stairs and the time inter-
val between successive steps became progressively shorter and eventually vanished
close to the peak. Such an oscillatory structure with a shrinking period seems to be
a characteristic precursor of crashes [94, 97].

5.4.2 A Market Model: From Self-organization to Criticality

The previous discussion suggests two characteristic features of a crash. First, it is
preceded by oscillations whose period vanishes close to the actual crash time. Sec-
ond, the magnitude of the price drop is so large that it cannot result from rare statis-
tical fluctuations of the normal dynamics.
226 5 Modeling the Financial Market

One can argue that these normal statistical fluctuations govern the behavior of
the market when supply and demand are well balanced. However, the situation be-
comes different close to a crash. Then, an immense number of traders spontaneously
decide to sell. This unusual cooperativity shakes the liquidity of the market. There
is no sufficient demand to defy the exploding supply. The prices drop, and the mar-
ket falls out of equilibrium. This interpretation suggests that crashes are triggered by
a spontaneous development of correlations among the traders like those occurring
at a critical point in a thermodynamic system. In the following, we want to briefly
sketch one model making this link to critical phenomena suggested by Cont and
Bouchaud [18, 29].

The Market in Normal Periods: The Cont-Bouchaud Model

Let there be Nt traders in the market, all of which are assumed to have the same
size, i.e., the same (average) trading volume. At every time instant tn , a trader i
can adopt three possible states of action: He can buy (i = 1), sell (i = 1) or
wait (i = 0). Thus, the difference between supply and demand is just the sum of i
over all traders, which in turn governs the price change

S(tn ) i (tn ), (5.139)

where it is assumed that price change is simply proportional to supply and demand
imbalance (this approximation is valid only for small S(tn ), see our discussion
in Sect. 5.3.4). The proportionality constant is a measure for the market depth, i.e.,
how susceptible the market prices are to variations in the disparity of supply and de-
mand. Consider now a market in which all traders communicate with one another.
Communication is established either by direct contact or indirectly by following
the evolution of the stock prices. Eventually, this communication makes two traders
adopt a common market position: They decide to buy, to sell or to be inactive. If
this happens, a bond is created between the traders. The creation of a bond should
occur with a small probability
pb = , (5.140)
since any trader can bind to any other and the average number of bonds per trader,
(Nt 1)pb , should be finite for a large market (Nt  1). Thus, pb is determined by
a single parameter b, which characterizes the willingness of a trader to comply with
his colleagues.
Since detailed information about the mechanism of bond formation is lacking, a
maximally unbiased assumption is to connect two randomly chosen traders with
probability pb . This divides the Nt traders into groups or clusters of different sizes
whose members are linked either directly or indirectly via a chain of intermediate
traders. These groups are coalitions of market participants who share the same opin-
ion about their activity. The decision of the group should be independent of its size
and of the decision taken by any other cluster (see Fig. 5.18).
5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes 227

Fig. 5.18 Illustration of the Cont-Bouchaud model. The market consists of Nt traders. They are the
microscopic degrees of freedom of the market. Each trader can be in one of three states (see (a)):
He can buy (+1; symbol: ), wait (0; symbol: ) or sell (1; symbol: ). The traders are not
independent of one another. Any two traders i and j can agree on a common market position with
probability pb = b/Nt (see (5.140)). This interaction divides the total number of traders into
groups (clusters) whose members adopt the same trading strategy: They sell (group encircled by
a dashed line in (b)), buy (group encircled by a solid line in (b)) or are inactive (isolated trader
in (b)). The resulting groups differ in size and adopt their market positions independently of the
other groups. These assumptions lead to (5.141)

Let the state of a cluster be denoted by c (tn ), with c = 1 specifying an active

and c = 0 an inactive position. If there are Nc clusters in total and the cth clusters
has size sc , then (5.139) can be rewritten as

S(tn ) sc c (tn ). (5.141)

So, the distribution of Sn is determined by that of the sizes of the groups. However,
the latter is well known in percolation theory [24]. It is the cluster-size distribution
of an infinite-range bond percolation model, which is given by
pc (s) exp (1 b)2 s (for 1 s Nt ), (5.142)
s 1+3/2
if b  1. This identifies b = 1 as the percolation threshold. As long as b < 1, all
clusters are finite. This is the regime of normal market fluctuations. However, for
b = 1, one spanning cluster emerges which percolates through the whole system.
This is a critical phenomenon with, among others, strong temporal correlations in
the dynamics, giving rise to a qualitatively different dynamic regime. Percolation
is realized when every trader is on average connected to another. If b > 1, more
and more traders join the spanning cluster, and the cluster begins to dominate the
overall behavior of the system. This gives rise to a crash (if the members of the
cluster decide to sell).8 To avoid such a situation, b has to be smaller than one. On

8 Otherwise, there would be a market boom or a trading stop, if the cluster buys or becomes

inactive. Both possibilities appear a bit strange and should be considered rather as an artifact than
a realistic prediction.
228 5 Modeling the Financial Market

the other hand, it must stay close to one to preserve the truncated Lvy behavior of
(5.142). This behavior survives upon convolution. Thus, the simple model is capable
of rationalizing the general form and the specific value  3/2 of the characteristic
exponent which is often found in the analysis of empirical price distributions.
However, an important question is still open: Why should b remain near one?
Cont and Bouchaud suggest that the intrinsic dynamics of the market is responsible
for that. The nature of the market is supposed to be such that the system is driven
towards b 1 and kept in the critical region b  1 during normal periods. This
argument is also at the heart of the model of Bak and coworkers [5].
Such a behavior is not unfamiliar in physics. Certain models gradually evolve
towards a dynamical attractor without any fine-tuning of external control parame-
ters (such as temperature). Close to the attractor, they behave critically, i.e., they
exhibit power laws and broad-tailed distributions. Since it is the inherent dynamics
and not an external field which pushes the system towards the critical point, this
phenomenon is called self-organized criticality [4]. Therefore, the Cont-Bouchaud
model considers the market as a self-organizing critical system.

Critical Crashes: The Sornette-Johansen Model

Self-organization is also a central concept in a model that Sornette, Johansen and

coworkers have proposed to describe crashes (see [94, 97, 197] for reviews).
The basic motivation for this model stems from the following observations: The
stock market crash of October 1987 was not limited to the United States. It shook all
major markets around the world, although these markets are very diverse and only
weakly correlated during normal times. Furthermore, crashes exhibit striking simi-
larities. Certainly, the economy has changed a lot between 1929 and 1987. New fi-
nancial products have been established (options, futures), trading techniques and ex-
change of information have altered (advent of computers), etc. But still, the crashes
of 1929 and 1987 manifest via a sudden steep descent which is preceded by a grad-
ual step-like increase. These features seem to be characteristic of crashes in general.
When combining these observations, one could interpret a crash as a highly coop-
erative phenomenon, in which an otherwise non-existing strong correlation among
the market constituents causes universal behavior.
Let us visualize this analogy between crashes and the physics of critical phe-
nomena [12] in another way. Imagine a ferromagnetic material (see Fig. 5.19). At
high temperatures, the thermal energy is much larger than the interaction between
the elementary magnets. The magnets can easily flip and point on average in any
direction so that the overall magnetization is zero (disordered paramagnetic phase).
At low temperatures, however, the interaction dominates over the thermal energy.
This makes the magnets align in the same direction, and the average magnetiza-
tion becomes finite (ordered ferromagnetic phase). The transition from the disor-
dered high-temperature phase to the ordered low-temperature phase occurs at a crit-
ical temperature, Tc , and is accompanied by the development of strong correlations
among the magnetic degrees of freedom. Close to Tc , these correlated regions are
5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes 229

Fig. 5.19 Illustration of a ferromagnetic phase transition. Magnetic moments are symbolized by
up- () and down-arrows (). These spins interact with their nearest-neighbors by a coupling
constant J . A nearest-neighbor pair gains an energy of order J (> 0), if the spins point in the
same direction, and loses an energy of order J , if they do not (ferromagnetic interaction) (a).
Above the critical temperature Tc , the thermal energy kB T is much greater than the ferromagnetic
interaction. Therefore, the orientations of the spins are randomized, and the average magnetization
m per spin is zero (b). The material is in the high-temperature paramagnetic phase. Below Tc ,
kB T J , and there is long-range ferromagnetic order, i.e., most spins point in the same direction
(low-temperature ferromagnetic phase). The magnetization is then finite (m > 0) and tends to 1, as
T 0 (dashed line in (b)). At Tc , the transition from the disordered paramagnetic to the ordered
ferromagnetic phase occurs. The phase transition is manifest by the development of large clusters
of size  a (a = lattice constant = typical range of the interaction J ), whose spins point in the
same direction. Close to Tc , the system is very susceptible to external perturbations. Therefore,
the magnetic susceptibility , i.e., the response of m to a change of the magnetic field, diverges, as
Tc is approached from above and below (solid lines in (b)). See also [88] for illustrative pictures
from Monte Carlo simulations

much larger than the typical microscopic distances and begin to dominate the phys-
ical behavior. At the critical temperature, the size of the regions diverges. This gives
rise to universal and scale-invariant properties close to Tc , which is reflected by the
emergence of power laws for many characteristic quantities.
Even if the ferromagnetic phase transition is only used as an analogy, these phase
transitions and crashes are qualitatively different at least in one respect. There is
no obvious external control parameter, such as temperature for the ferromagnet,
which drives the market towards the crash. Furthermore, one can argue that such a
parameter should not exist. An efficient market would have spotted it and informed
its participants to avoid this risk. Effectively, this amounts to an elimination of the
dangerous parameter. So, the stimulus of a crash must come from inside the market.
Sornette and coworkers suggest imitation as the prime source. When the prices
increase, the attention of the traders is attracted. Eventually, some decide to buy,
hoping that the rising trend persists. This increases the prices further, which, in turn,
motivates more traders to speculate. Thus, a speculation bubble is created. It is not
unreasonable to assume that the bubble evolves in a breathing-like fashion. It is in-
flated by speculation, but the growth can also stagnate because some traders fear the
230 5 Modeling the Financial Market

trend will soon reverse and decide to sell. If they are the minority, the bubble keeps
increasing and eventually reaches a level where many traders assume the prices will
fall in the near future and place sell orders. This can trigger a crash, but does not in-
evitably cause it. There is always a finite chance for the bubble to deflate smoothly,
since the market is not a deterministic system.
To model these ideas mathematically, Sornette et al. introduce a hazard rate,
h(t), which measures the probability per unit time that a crash will occur in the
next time interval [t, t + dt], provided it has not happened before. When the bubble
inflates, the risk of a crash becomes more likely, and h(t) increases. Close to a crash,
speculation has driven the prices to such an exceedingly high level that many traders
anticipate a prospective decline. They wait for the right moment to sell, while others
still believe the rising trend will continue. Then, the market is nervous and very
susceptible to small perturbations. If some begin to sell, imitation quickly induces
many others to follow. This creates an imbalance between supply and demand which
cannot be instantaneously compensated by market makers and propagates through
the hierarchy of traders of all sizes, ranging from the individual to large professional
This leads to the following model of a crash: The market is a hierarchical system
with traders of many different sizes. A crash corresponds to a critical point where
the various levels of the system are highly correlated and the system becomes scale
invariant. Then, a decision to sell which has been taken locally by some part within
the hierarchy can easily propagate through all levels and create a macroscopically
ordered state. While supply and demand are well balanced in normal times and dis-
order dominates, order prevails in times of crashes. Since the hierarchy consists
of a various discrete levels, the analogy to the theory of critical phenomena suggests
the following ansatz for the hazard rate:


h(t) = B0 + B1 cos ln(tc t) + (t  tc ). (5.143)
(tc t)

Here, is a critical exponent which should be universal, i.e., the same for all
crashes, B0 and B1 are constants, and the phase can be related by = ln(1/t0 )
to a time scale t0 . This time scale serves to match (5.143), which should be valid
only asymptotically close to the crash, to the data of the price evolution.
Equation (5.143) exhibits two characteristic features. First, the dominant term has
a power-law behavior which is a hallmark of scale invariance. Second, there are log
periodic corrections, the leading order of which is represented by the cosine term.
We have already encountered such a combination of power-law and logperiodic
behaviors for the Weierstrass random walk (see (4.32) and (4.34)). Quite generally,
this is typical of all systems exhibiting a self-similar, but discrete hierarchical struc-
ture, i.e., the so-called discrete scale invariance [194].9

9 Logperiodic corrections also occur in the formal solution of the renormalization group equation

for the free energy of a critical system exhibiting continuous scale invariance, such as a ferromag-
net [152]. In this case, however, the logperiodic oscillations depend on the coarse-graining length,
5.4 Towards a Model of Financial Crashes 231

The last missing link in modeling crashes is to establish a connection between

the hazard rate and the actual price evolution. To this end, Sornette et al. construct
a price dynamics, from which they derive a relationship between h(t) and the drift
(t) by invoking a martingale hypothesis. This approach has been criticized in [84]
and defended again in [97]. Instead of discussing this debate, we want to present a
simplethough perhaps more ad hocargument which yields the same result.
The examples of Fig. 5.14 suggest the impression that the evolution of the Dow
Jones Index can be decomposed into a systematic ascent and superimposed stochas-
tic fluctuations. If we neglect the fluctuations and only attempt to model the sys-
tematic increase by geometric Brownian motion, it suffices to concentrate on the
deterministic contribution

dSdet = (t)Sdet (t)dt.

This approximation amounts to assuming that the long-term dynamics before the
crash is dominated by the drift term with time-dependent . Economically inter-
preted, the drift reflects the reward demanded by the traders for investing in risky
assets. The riskier an investment becomes, the larger must be. Since the hazard
rate can be thought of as a measure of the risk evolution when a crash is approached
(from below, i.e., for t tc ), it is reasonable to assume

(t) = h(t) ( > 0), (5.144)

so that

Sdet (tc ) tc

ln = dt  h t  . (5.145)
Sdet (t) t
This is the result that Sornette et al. obtain from the martingale argument. Inserting
(5.143) into (5.145) and using the integral (obtained via integration by parts)

dx cos( ln x + )
0 x
1 1 1
= cos( ln + ) (0 < < 1),
2 + (1 )2 cos

in which

= tc t, tan = , = ,
we find
ln Sdet (t) = ln Sdet (tc ) C0 + C1 cos( ln + ) , (5.146)

i.e., on an arbitrarily chosen factor used for rescaling. Since the physical properties must be inde-
pendent of this factor, the oscillations should not have any significance [152, 194]. Usually, they
are supposed to drop out. This assumption can be proved in specific examples [152].
232 5 Modeling the Financial Market

Fig. 5.20 Comparison of the Dow Jones Index prior to the crash of October 1929 (dashed line)
with (5.148) (solid line). The data are the same as in Fig. 5.17. The time axis comprises 735 trading
days ranging from July 1, 1927 (= 27.5), to December 31, 1929 (= 30). The parameters of (5.148)
are: Sdet (tc ) = 571, C0 = 267, C1 = 14.3, = 0.45, tc = 30.23 ( March 1930), = 7.9, and
= 2.25. These parameters are identical to those of [96] except that the sign of C0 had to be
reversed and tc and had to be chosen to be slightly different to produce a fit of comparable

in which
B0 B1
C0 = , C1 = (0 < = 1 < 1). (5.147)
cos + 2

The choice (0, 1) is motivated by the fact that it yields a finite price at tc . If t is
close to tc , one can further approximate
Sdet (t) Sdet (t)
ln 1,
Sdet (tc ) Sdet (tc )
so that
Sdet (t) Sdet (tc ) C0 + C1 cos( ln + ) , (5.148)
with C0 = Sdet (tc )C0 and C1 = Sdet (tc )C1 .
Qualitatively, (5.146) and (5.148) seem to be reasonable: They exhibit a strong
(power-law) increase of the price which is superimposed by oscillations whose pe-
riod shortens for t tc , as observed in Fig. 5.17 for the Dow Jones Index. This
approach has been tested using several applications [97] (see Fig. 5.20 for an exam-
ple). Some comments can still be made:
A priori, fits by (5.146) or (5.148) contain seven open parameters. This makes the
extraction of meaningful results rather involved. A possible approach has been
developed in [196] and extended in [97, 195] to also include the next-order cor-
rection to (5.146) and (5.148).
5.5 Summary 233

Motivated by the analogy to critical phenomena, one would expect that out of
the seven fit parameters and should have universal values. The empirical
evidence for this expectation is not very strong, but a bit more convincing for
than for . Typically, one finds 0.2   0.6 and 6   8 [96, 97].
The critical time tc should not be taken as the actual crash time, but rather as the
most probable time for the crash, because the hazard rate h(t) is interpreted as a
probability. This has two consequences. First, there is always a finite chance that
the crash does not really happen, although fits by (5.146) or (5.148) would have
predicted it. This point has been demonstrated and criticized in [113].10 Second,
the empirical results for tc tend to systematically overestimate the crash time in
cases where the crashes actually occur. Both points limit the predictive power of
the presented approach to some extent [96, 197].

5.5 Summary
On the financial market, thousands of traders daily purchase and sell assets. Al-
though trading is regulated by rules which are either imposed by the stock exchange
or negotiated bilaterally according to rational criteria on the OTC market, this deter-
ministic character at the microscopic level vanishes when the individual transactions
are summed. The resulting fluctuating balance of supply and demand confers a ran-
dom character on the macroscopic price evolution.
This justifies the stochastic description of financial markets which has been pur-
sued since the seminal work of Bachelier. The classical approach relies on the
efficient market hypothesis: All necessary information for the future evolution is
contained in the present prices. There is no particular advantage in analyzing the
past. This amounts to a Markov assumption which underlies the model of geometric
Brownian motion. Geometric Brownian motion postulates the following properties
of the price dynamics:
The fundamental financial variable is the (infinitesimal) increment of the returns
d ln S.
The time evolution of the returns is a Wiener process with drift. It is determined
by two parameters: the expected growth rate (mean value) and the volatility
(standard deviation).
Since the probability density of the returns is a normal distribution, that of the
prices is lognormal.
Trading is continuous, i.e., the time interval t between successive quotations
tends to zero. Therefore, the number of quotations in any finite time T diverges:
N = T /t . The central limit theorem then implies that the price process is
Gaussian on all time scales, i.e., it is self-similar.

10 Some of the authors of [113] therefore propose an alternative description of crashes based on a

Langevin approach [16]. In this model, a crash is interpreted as an activated process which occurs
by the succession of many improbable events.
234 5 Modeling the Financial Market

In contrast to that, the statistical analysis reveals differences between this model and
the real price dynamics:
Instead of the returns the (mathematically more convenient) price increments can
also be chosen as variables for short times. The corresponding times are of the
order of a month to about 100 days.
Quotations are separated by finite time intervals so that N = T /t is not a priori
(infinitely) large for any T and the central limit theorem does not always apply.
If T is of the order of a few minutes to hours, the distribution of the price incre-
ments (or returns) is strongly non-Gaussian and exhibits broad tails. A reasonable
description is provided by an exponentially truncated Lvy distribution. Despite
the finite variance, the Lvy character of this distribution yields an extremely slow
convergence to a Gaussian with increasing T .
This analysis points out that there are several distinguishable time scales:
the decorrelation time of price increments S , which is typically of the order of
15 to 30 min,
the crossover time T to the Gaussian distribution, which is of the order of weeks
to months, and
the decorrelation time of the magnitude of the price increments (i.e., of the volatil-
ity), which is of the order of weeks to months or even longer.
These properties apply to liquid markets in normal times. But we have seen that
they are all derived by assuming the stationarity of the underlying time series. This
assumption is, however, questionable based on the behavior obtained. Deriving the
underlying process from an analysis of the time series alone seems statistically im-
possible. So one has to assume a simple class of underlying process. An alternative
is the construction of agent based trading models which incorporate the structure
of the trading process at a stock exchange and insight into behavioral patterns of
traders. Furthermore, there is evidence that crashes occur in times of atypical mar-
ket fluctuations and need special treatment, perhaps in analogy to critical systems
with discrete scale invariance.

5.6 Further Reading

This section lists and briefly comments the main references from which our discus-
sion has considerably profited:

Finance Books The book of Wilmott, Dewynne and Howison [215] develops the
theory of option pricing by means of partial differential equations. Our discussion of
the Black-Scholes theory has been heavily influenced by their presentation. Hulls
book [82] on Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives is not as mathematically
oriented as [215]. It gives a comprehensive introduction to the whole field, with
numerous illuminating examples. The book by Deutsch [36] has been written by a
5.6 Further Reading 235

practitioner in risk management. It offers a clear and detailed presentation of the

background and tools of modern risk management. The mathematical aspects of
finance, such as martingale theory and risk-neutral valuation, are rigorously devel-
oped in the books of Bingham and Kiesel [11] and Korn and Korn [109]. Despite
mathematical rigor, both texts are very accessible.

Physics Books Our presentation of Models Beyond Geometric Brownian Mo-

tion strongly profited from the papers of Bouchaud, Potters et al., of Mantegna,
Stanley et al. and of McCauley et al. This research has found its way into three very
commendable textbooks. Bouchaud and Potters [18] develop the theory of financial
risk by explicitly taking deviations from Gaussian behavior into account. This non-
traditional approach is very lucidly presented. The book by Mantegna and Stanley
[131] provides a comprehensive overview of the statistical description of financial
time series and of pertinent models, ranging from Lvy to GARCH processes. It is
an excellent introduction to the field of econophysics. The book by McCauley [132]
critically examines common assumptions of financial economics, like the stability
and stationarity of markets, in view of the statistics of real financial time series and
proceeds to formulations of option pricing and portfolio selection based on mini-
mal assumptions about the underlying market dynamics. Furthermore, the book by
Voit [207], resulting from lectures on the Statistical Mechanics of Financial Mar-
kets, provides a good introduction not only to the classical ideas about the financial
market (random walk, Black-Scholes theory, etc.), but also to the diverse modern
approaches at the interface between physics and finance. Also the classic textbook
on stochastic methods by Gardiner [59] has been extended to a treatment of financial
markets in its 4th edition.
Appendix A
Stable Distributions Revisited

This appendix is meant to complement the discussions of the central limit theorem
(Sect. 2.1) and of stable distributions (Sect. 4.1). Its aim is two-fold. On the one
hand, further criteria are presented for testing whether the probability density p()
belongs to the domain of attraction of the stable distribution L, (x). On the other
hand, useful asymptotic expansions of L, (x) and (most of) the known closed-form
expressions for specific and are compiled.

A.1 Testing for Domains of Attraction

Let p() be the probability density of the independent and identically distributed
random variables n (n = 1, . . . , N ). Its distribution function F () and characteristic
function p(k) are given by

F () = d p  , p(k) = dp() exp(ik). (A.1)

The density p() is said to belong to the domain of attraction of the limiting prob-
ability density L, (x) if the distributions of the normalized sums

SN = n AN

converge to L, (x) in the limit N . In Sect. 4.1, we quoted a theorem that all
possible limiting distributions must be stable, i.e., invariant under convolution (see
Theorem 4.1). This stability criterion leads to the class of Lvy (stable) distributions
L, (x) which are characterized by two parameters, and (see Theorem 4.2). The
Gaussian is a specific example of L, (x) with = 2.

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238 A Stable Distributions Revisited

Theorem A.1 A probability density p() belongs to the domain of attraction of the
Gaussian if and only if

y 2 ||>y dp()
lim  2
= 0, (A.2)
||<y d p()

and to the domain of L, (x) with 0 < < 2 if and only if

F () c
lim = ,
 1 F () c+
1 F () + F ()
lim = r r > 0,
 1 F (r) + F (r)

where c+ and c are proportional to the amplitudes of the asymptotic behavior of

p() for large  (see (4.16)).

Alternatively, one can also test for the domains of attraction by means of the
characteristic function due to the following theorem:

Theorem A.2 The density p() belongs to the domain of attraction of the Gaussian
if and only if
Re[ln p(rk)]
lim = k 2 (any k 0) (A.3)
r0 Re[ln p(r)]

converges uniformly with respect to k, and to the domain of L, (x) with 0 < < 2
if and only if the following conditions are satisfied for k 0 and r 0:
1. 0 < < 2,
= 1:
Re[ln p
lim =k (A.4)
r0 )(r)]
Re[ln p
Im[ln p
lim = r tan . (A.5)
r0 Re[ln p 2
2. = 1:
Re[ln p
lim =k (A.6)
r0 )(r)]
Re[ln p
)(rk) r ln p
Im[ln p )(k)] 2
lim = k ln k. (A.7)
r0 )(r)]
Re[ln p
) stands for
In these equations, p

)(k) = p(k)
p for 1,
)(k) = eixk p(k)
p for > 1.

Both theorems are taken from [62].

A.2 Closed-Form Expressions and Asymptotic Behavior 239

A.2 Closed-Form Expressions and Asymptotic Behavior

Although the canonical representation completely defines the expression of all pos-
sible stable distributions by (see (4.11))
ln L, (k) = i k c|k| 1 + i (k, ) ,


where is an arbitrary real constant, c 0, 0 < 2, 1 1, and the function

(k, ) is given by

tan(/2) for
= 1,
(k, ) =
(2/) ln |k| for = 1,

the inverse Fourier transform of L, (k) can only be carried out in a limited number
of cases. In the following, we compile (most of) these cases and present several
useful asymptotic expansions. Our presentation is based on the excellent discussions
in [17, 144, 147], where further details can also be found.

The Gaussian: = 2 If = 2, (k, 2) = 0. Then L2, (x) becomes independent

of and is given by
1 1 (x )2
dkeik(x )ck =
L2 (x) = exp . (A.8)
2 4c 4c

This shows that merely shifts the origin and c is only a scale factor if the imag-
inary term of (4.11) vanishes. Therefore, we set = 0 and c = 1 for the following
discussion of the symmetric cases, where = 0.

The Symmetric Cases: = 0 If = 0, L,0 (x) is an even function of x. Explicit

expressions are known for = 1/2, 2/3, 1.
= 1/2:

L1/2,0 (x) = dk exp ikx |k|1/2



= dk cos(kx) exp k 1/2



= dkk 1/2 sin(kx) exp k 1/2

2x 0
y= kx 1 2
= dy sin y exp 1/2 , (A.9)
x 3/2 0 x
240 A Stable Distributions Revisited

where we used an integration by parts to obtain the penultimate expression. The

integral in (A.9) is given by (see [1], p. 303, Eq. (7.4.23))
2 2
dy sin y exp 1/2
0 x
1 1 1 1 1 1
= C cos + S sin ,
2 2x 4x 2 2x 4x

where x > 0 and C(x) and S(x) are Fresnel integrals

 x    x  
1 1
C(x) = dy cos y 2 , S(x) = dy sin y 2 . (A.11)
0 2 0 2
The solution of the integral in (A.10) is tabulated in [1], where it is abbreviated
by g(x) (see Table 7.8, p. 323 and Eq. (7.3.6), p. 300). The function g(x) starts
at 1/2 for x = 0 and decreases monotonously towards zero if x tends to infinity.
Therefore, the full solution for the stable distribution reads

L1/2,0 (x) = 1/2 3/2

g [1/2x]1/2 . (A.12)
(2) x
= 2/3: The stable law was found by Zolotarev and can be related to the Whittaker
function Wu,v (x) ([1], p. 505) by [147]


L2/3,0 (x) = dk cos(kx) exp k 2/3

3 1 2 4
= exp W1/2,1/6 . (A.13)
x 27x 2 27x 2
= 1: This yields the Cauchy distribution
1 1 1
L1,0 (x) = dkeikx|k| = . (A.14)
2 1 + x2
In addition to these explicit formulas, the asymptotic expansions for the general
case of are known if x 0 and x . A series expansion for small x can be
obtained from

L,0 (x) = dk exp ikx |k| =

dk cos(kx) exp k
2 0

1  (1)n 2n

= x dkk 2n exp k
(2n)! 0
1  (1)n
y=k 1 + 2n 2n
= x . (A.15)
A.2 Closed-Form Expressions and Asymptotic Behavior 241

This series diverges for all x if 0 < < 1 and converges for all x if 1 < < 2. In
the divergent range, it may further be considered as an asymptotic expansion around
x = 0. If x = 0, only the n = 0 term of (A.15) survives and one obtains
1 1
L,0 (0) = . (A.16)

On the other hand, Wintner found the following large-x expansion [144, 147]:

 (1)n ([1 + n]) 1
L,0 (x) = sin (n + 1) (A.17)
n! x (n+1)+1 2
1  (1)n+1 (1 + n) 1
= sin n , (A.18)
n! x n+1 2

in which we used

1 + (n + 1) = (n + 1) (n + 1)

in the last step. The series (A.17) and (A.18) converge for x > 0 when 0 < < 1,
but diverge for all x if 1 < < 2. Even in the first case, the convergence is very
slow if x is small. The leading term of this expansion is
(1 + ) sin(/2) 1
L,0 (x) (x ). (A.19)
x +1

The Asymmetric Cases: = 1 If 0 < < 1, the stable distributions are con-
centrated in the intervals (, 0] and [0, ) (choosing = 0) for = 1 and
= 1, respectively. We want to illustrate this general property by two examples
where closed-form expressions can be obtained, = 1/3 and = 1/2:
= 1/3: Let K1/3 (x) be the modified Bessel function of order 1/3. This function
is real and positive for x > 0 and tends to zero for x [1]. If 0 < x < ,
Zolotarev found that L, (x) with = 1/3, = 1 and c = 1 can be related to
K1/3 (x) by the following expression [17, 147]:
 3/2  1/4  1/2 
1 2 3 4 2
L1/3,1 (x) = 1/4 K1/3 . (A.20)
3 3x 9 3x
= 1/2: For this choice, tan(/2) = 1. Choose, again, c = 1. Then the stable
distribution reads
1 k
L1/2,1 (x) = dk exp ikx |k|1/2 1 i
2 |k|


= dk cos kx k 1/2 exp k 1/2


y=k 1/2 2

= dyy cos y 2 x y exp(y). (A.21)

242 A Stable Distributions Revisited

Decomposing the cosine as

cos(a b) = cos a cos b + sin a sin b,

we obtain two integrals


dyy cos y 2 x cos(y)ey , dyy sin y 2 x sin(y)ey ,

0 0

both of which have the same value (see [67], p. 532, Eq. (3.965)), for instance,
ay a a 2 /2x
dyy cos y x cos(ay)e = 3
e (x > 0). (A.22)
0 4 2x
If x > 0, both integrals have the same magnitude and the same sign, whereas
they differ in sign when x < 0 and thus cancel each other. If x = 0, both integrals
vanish (see [67], p. 524, Eqs. (3.9446.)). Therefore, we find

0 for x 0,
L1/2,1 (x) = 1 1 1 (A.23)
(2)1/2 x 3/2
exp( 2x ) for x > 0.

For the general case 0 < < 1, one can derive a series expansion [17, 52, 144]

1  (c )n (1 + n)
L,1 (x) = sin(n), (A.24)
n! x n+1

where c = c/ cos(/2), and show that L,1 (x) may be written as an inverse
Laplace transform [144]

1 +i

L,1 (x) = dsesx exp c s . (A.25)

2i i
Appendix B
Hyperspherical Polar Coordinates

Let r denote a vector in d-dimensional Euclidean space. Its components,

r1 , r2 , . . . , rd ,

can be expressed in hyperspherical polar coordinates,

r, 1 , . . . , d2 , ,


r1 = r sin d2 sin d3 sin 1 cos ,

r2 = r sin d2 sin d3 sin 1 sin ,
r3 = r sin d2 sin d3 sin 2 cos 1 ,
. (B.1)
rd2 = r sin d2 sin d3 cos d4 ,
rd1 = r sin d2 cos d3 ,
rd = r cos d2 ,

where r = |r| 0 and

0 i , i = 1, . . . , d 2,
0 2.

In these coordinates, the d-dimensional volume element is given by

dd r = r d1 (sin d2 )d2 (sin d3 )d3 sin 1 drdd2 d1 d. (B.3)

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244 B Hyperspherical Polar Coordinates

The total surface area, Sd , of a d-dimensional unit sphere can be calculated either
by integrating (B.3) over all angles or by the following trick: Since

d r exp r
= Sd drr d1 exp r 2

r 2 =x 1
= Sd dxx (d/2)1 ex = Sd (d/2),
2 0 2
but also
d + 2

d r exp r 2 =
dr exp r = d/2 ,

one finds
2 d/2
Sd = , (B.4)
where (x) denotes the Gamma function [1]. To obtain the same result by direct
integration, we need the following integrals (m is a positive integer) [67]:

(2m 1)!!
(sin x)2m dx = , (B.5)
0 (2m)!!

(sin x)2m+1 dx = 2 . (B.6)
0 (2m + 1)!!
The double factorial notation means

(2m)!! = 2m(2m 2) 4 2, 0!! = 1, (B.7)

(2m + 1)!! = (2m + 1)(2m 1) 3 1. (B.8)

Quite generally, we have

Sd = 2 dd2 (sin d2 )d2 d1 sin 1
0 0
= dd2 (sin d2 )d2
Sd1 . (B.9)

This recurrence relation is sometimes needed in the main text. If d is even, we then
Sd = 2 dd2 (sin d2 )d2 d1 sin 1
0 0
(d 3)!! (d 4)!! (d 5)!! 0!!
= 2 2 2
(d 2)!! (d 3)!! (d 4)!! 1!!
(2)d/2 2 d/2
= = , (B.10)
(d 2)!! (d/2)
B Hyperspherical Polar Coordinates 245

(d 2)!! = 2(d/2)1 (d/2) 1 ! = 2(d/2)1 (d/2).
Similarly, if d is odd,
(d 3)!! (d 4)!! 0!!
Sd = 2 2 2
(d 2)!! (d 3)!! 1!!
 (d1)/2  d/2
2 2
= 2 d/2 = , (B.11)
(d 2)!! (d/2)

in which the relation [1]

1 (2m 1)!!
m+ =
2 2m

was exploited in the last step.

With the help of (B.4), one can calculate the surface area Sd (R) and the volume
Vd (R) of a hypersphere with radius R from (B.3). The results are

2 d/2 R d1 2 d/2 R d
Sd (R) = , Vd (R) = . (B.12)
(d/2) d (d/2)
Appendix C
The Weierstrass Random Walk Revisited

Imagine a random walk in a d-dimensional space whose steps can be isotropically

performed in any direction and have a variable length distributed according to

1 N 1  1
p() = d1 j
|| bj a =: pl (), (C.1)
Sd  N N Sd d1
j =0

where Sd = 2 d/2 / (d/2) is the surface area of a unit sphere in d dimensions. The
prefactor in (C.1) guarantees that p() is normalized. Equation (C.1) generalizes
the one-dimensional Weierstrass walk of Sect. 4.2 to higher space dimensions. It is
sometimes called the fractal Rayleigh-Pearson walk [81].
As in Sect. 4.2, the properties of the walk can be elaborated by calculating the
characteristic function. Using hyperspherical polar coordinates (see Appendix B),

, 1 , . . . , d2 , ,
( = || 0, 0 i for i = 1, . . . , d 2, 0 2)

so that

dd  = d1 (sin d2 )d2 (sin d3 )d3 sin 1 ddd2 d1 d,

we can express the characteristic function as

p(k) = dd p() exp(ik )

= dpl () d (sin )d2 exp(i|k||| cos )
Sd 0 0
= dpl () d 2(sin )d2 cos(|k||| cos )
Sd 0 0
d 2
= d J(d/2)1 (k)pl () (d > 1), (C.2)
2 0 k

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248 C The Weierstrass Random Walk Revisited

in which we have used the following integral representation of the Bessel function
J(d/2)1 (x) (see [67], p. 962, Eqs. (8.4114.)):

J(d/2)1 (x)
(d/2)1  /2
2 x
= d (sin )2[(d/2)1] cos(x cos ),
([d 1]/2) 2 0

which is valid as long as d > 1. Inserting (C.1) into (C.2) we obtain

N 1  1 d 2 j

p(k) = J(d/2)1 kb a . (C.4)

N Nj 2 kbj a
j =0

Equation (C.4) leaves us with the problem of summing the infinite series. This seems
to be a formidable task. However, there is a cunning way to proceed, by expressing
the term in the square brackets as a Mellin transform.

Interpolation: Mellin Transforms Mellin transforms are integral transforma-

tions such as Fourier or Laplace transforms. The Mellin transform f (p) of a func-
tion f (x) is defined by

f (p) = dxx p1 f (x). (C.5)
The transform exists if

|f (x)|x q1 dx <
for some q > 0. Then, the inverse Mellin transform is given by
1 1
f (x) = dp p f (p) (x > 0), (C.6)
2i ci x
with c > q. Consider now a series of the form

 1 j

(k) = f kb a . (C.7)
j =0

If we replace f (kbj a) by its inverse Mellin transform,


1 1
f kbj a = dp f (p) (k > 0), (C.8)
2i ci (kbj a)p
we obtain a geometric series which can be summed to give
1 1 1
(k) = dp f (p), (C.9)
2i ci 1 N 1 bp (ka)p
C The Weierstrass Random Walk Revisited 249

provided the order of summation and integration may be interchanged. The hope is
that these manipulations lead to a contour integral which is tractable by the residue
Let us see whether we can successfully apply these ideas to the d-dimensional
Weierstrass random walk. The function f (x) in (C.7) corresponds to the term in
square brackets in (C.4). However, the convergence properties of this term are not
sufficient for our purpose, since
d x x0
J(d/2)1 (x) 1.
2 2
It is therefore much better to consider
d x
f (x) = J(d/2)1 (x) 1, (C.10)
2 2
which has the inverse Mellin transform
 c+i  p
1 1 2 (d/2) (p/2)
f (x) = dp (C.11)
2 2i ci x ([d p]/2)
for 2 < c = Re(p) < 0. The characteristic function can now be written as

N 1  1 

p(k) = j
1 + f kbj a
j =0
  j  p
N 1  c+i 1 2 (d/2) (p/2)
=1+ dp .
2N (2i) N bp ka ([d p]/2)
j =0 ci


Now, we would like to interchange the order of summation and integration. This is
possible if we restrict c to the interval max(2, ln N/ ln b) < c < 0, since
ln N 1
c > := <1 (C.13)
ln b |N bp |

 (x + iy) 2 |y|x1/2 exp 1 |y| .
when |y| , which implies absolute convergence, so the order of summation and
integration can be interchanged. Therefore, we obtain
 c+i p
N 1 (p/2) 2 (d/2)
p(k) = 1 + dp 1 p
2N (2i) ci 1N b ka ([d p]/2)
with max(2, ) < c < 0. In the integration interval, the integrand has simple
poles at
250 C The Weierstrass Random Walk Revisited

p = 2n = 2, 4, . . . (due to the function),

p = pm = + (2i/ ln b)m, m = 0, 1, 2, . . . (due to (1 N 1 bp )1 ).

This gives rise to the following residues:

Since the poles of the function are simple, we have

lim (p + 2n) = lim 2 (n + )
p2n 2 0
(1)n (1 + )
= lim 2
0 (n ) (1 )

so that the residue of the integrand is

(p + 2n) (p/2) 2 p (d/2)
p2n 1 N 1 bp ka ([d p]/2)
2(1)n 1 ka 2n (d/2)
= .
n! 1 N 1 b2n 2 (n + d/2)

The poles of (1 N 1 bp )1 are also simple. This gives (with LHospitals rule)
p pm N 1
lim = = ,
ppm 1 N 1 bp bpm ln b ln b

which implies that the residue of the integrand is

(p pm ) (p/2) 2 p (d/2)
ppm 1 N 1 bp ka ([d p]/2)
(ka/2) (d/2) (pm /2) ln(|ka|/2)
= exp 2im .
ln b ([d pm ]/2) ln b

If we now choose the rectangle with the corners p = c (2M + 1)i/ ln b and
p = (2K + 1) (2M + 1)i/ ln b as the integration contour C, the integral of
(C.14) can be expressed as
 c+i *  (2K+1)+(2M+1)i/ ln b  (2K+1)(2M+1)i/ ln b
ci C c+(2M+1)i/ ln b (2K+1)+(2M+1)i/ ln b
 c(2M+1)i/ ln b
(2K+1)(2M+1)i/ ln b
C The Weierstrass Random Walk Revisited 251

In the limits M and K , the last three integrals on the right-hand vanish
[81], whereas the contour integral is given by the residue theorem
*  p
1 1 (p/2) 2 (d/2)
dp 1 p
2 2i C 1 N b ka ([d p]/2)

(1)n 1 ka (d/2)
n! 1 N 1 b2n 2 (n + d/2)

(ka/2)  (d/2) (pm /2) ln(|ka|/2)
+ exp 2im .
2 ln b m= ([d pm ]/2) ln b


Inserting these results into (C.14) we finally obtain for the following characteristic
function of the d-dimensional Weierstrass random walk:
N 1  (1)n 1 ka (d/2)
p(k) = 1
N n! 1 N b 2n 2 (n + d/2)

N 1 (ka/2)  (d/2) (pm /2) ln(|ka|/2)
+ exp 2im .
N 2 ln b m= ([d pm ]/2) ln b


The One-dimensional Case Since (C.3) is only valid for d > 1, the solution of
the one-dimensional Weierstrass walk is not a special limit of (C.16), although the
correct result is obtained by formally setting d = 1 in (C.3) and exploiting the fol-
lowing properties of the function (see [1], p. 256, Eqs. (6.1.1718)):

(2z) = (2)1/2 22z1/2 (z) (z + 1/2),

(z + 1/2) (1/2 z) = / cos z.

A rigorous analysis of the Weierstrass walk has to start from (see (4.26))

N 1  1

p(k) = j
cos kbj a ,
j =0

and, after this, proceed analogously to the previous discussion with a different func-
tion f (x) than used in (C.10). If 1/2 < < 2, a suitable choice is
1 (p) p
f (x) = cos x 1 = dp p cos , (C.17)
2i ci x 2
252 C The Weierstrass Random Walk Revisited

whereas one should take, for 0 < 1/2,

f (x) = cos x exp(x) 1 ( > 0)

1 (p)  
= dp p cos p arctan(1/) , (C.18)
2i ci x (1 +  2 )p/2

where the additional exponential factor is needed to warrant absolute convergence.

The final result is obtained in the limit  0. It reads, for 0 < < 2,
N 1 (ka)  ln |ka|
p(k) = (pm ) cos pm exp 2in
N ln b m= 2 ln b

N 1  (1)n (ka)2n
+ , (C.19)
N (2n)! 1 N 1 b2n

where pm is given by pm = + (2i/ ln b)m, as before. A more detailed discus-

sion can be found in [81].
Appendix D
The Exponentially Truncated Lvy Flight

Consider N independent random variables, {n }n=1,...,N , which are identically dis-
tributed according to an exponentially truncated Lvy flight. This means that the
probability density p() behaves asymptotically for large  as

c e|| ||(1+)  < 0,
p() (D.1)
c+ e (1+)  > 0,

where 0 < < 2 and is a positive cut-off parameter. Using this definition, we want
to derive the distribution Lt, (x, N ) for the sum of the random variables n in the
limit of large N . Following [108], this limit distribution can be defined in terms of
the characteristic function1
L, (k, N ) =
dxLt, (x, N )eikx , (D.2)


ln Lt, (k, N ) = i  k +N d eik 1 p(), (D.3)

if 0 < < 1, and by

ln Lt, (k, N ) = i  k +N d eik 1 ik p(), (D.4)

if 1 < < 2. Here,  and  are arbitrary real constants. The different integrands
for the two regimes of are necessary to remove the singularity at the origin. The

1 Note that the sign in exp(ik) of (D.2) is opposite to the convention of [108], who uses exp(ik)
in the definition of the characteristic function. The consequence of the different choices is that our
result for (see (D.15)) is just 1 times the result of [108]. This is the reason why the values
can differ in sign in the literature.

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254 D The Exponentially Truncated Lvy Flight

integrals are then convergent. As explained in [62], this regularization only changes
the value of  and  . Since these constants merely shift the origin in real space,
the different regularizations do not affect the (essential) result for the probability
If z denotes the conjugate of the complex variable z, we immediately see from
(D.3) or (D.4) that
ln Lt, (|k|, N ) = ln Lt, (|k|, N ) . (D.5)

Therefore, it suffices to consider k > 0. Let us now separately consider the cases
0 < < 1 and 1 < < 2.

Case: 0 < < 1 For this range of , the integral in (D.3) is convergent when (D.1)
is inserted, and we can write

ln Lt, (k, N ) = i  k + N c I (k, ) + N c+ I+ (k, ), (D.6)


I+ (k, ) = d eik 1 1+ (D.7)

I (k, ) = d eik 1

= d eik 1 1+
= I+ (k, ). (D.8)

Therefore, we only have to calculate the integral I+ (k, ). Substituting y =  and

defining = k/, an integration by parts yields

I+ (k, ) = dy eiy 1 1+
0 y
(1)1 y (1)1 (1i)y
= dyy e + (i 1) dyy e
0 0

(1)/2 i(1) arctan 
= (1 ) 1 + (i 1) 1 + 2 e , (D.9)

where we performed an integration by parts in the penultimate step and then used
the following integral (see [67], p. 364, Eqs. (3.3815.)):

/2 i arctan(q/p)
dyy 1 e(p+iq)y = () p 2 + q 2 e , (D.10)
D The Exponentially Truncated Lvy Flight 255

which is valid for p > 0 and Re > 0. With p = 1 and = 1 , both conditions
are satisfied in the present case. If we take into account that

1 1 + i
arctan = ln
2i 1 i

so that
i 1
exp(i arctan ) = 1,
1 + 2
the integral I+ (k, ) can finally be written as

I+ (k, ) = (1 ) 1 1 + 2 exp(i arctan ) . (D.11)

Inserting this result into (D.6) and using (D.8), we obtain
(k 2 + 2 )/2 |k|
ln Lt, (k, N ) = i  k + c0 c(N ) cos arctan
1 + i tan arctan , (D.12)

where c(N) is given by

(c+ + c ) cos(/2) (c+ + c )

c(N) = N =N , (D.13)
() sin() 2 () sin(/2)

c0 is a normalization constant (i.e., Lt, (k = 0, N ) = 1)

c0 = c(N ), (D.14)

and has the following value:

c c+
= . (D.15)
c+ + c

Equation (D.12) is valid for k > 0. However, the solution for k < 0 is directly related
to (D.12) via (D.5). Taking the complex conjugate of (D.12) only changes the sign
of the imaginary part in parentheses, so the full solution for all k can be written
(k 2 + 2 )/2 |k|
ln Lt, (k, N ) = i  k + c0 c(N ) cos arctan
k |k|
1 + i tan arctan . (D.16)
256 D The Exponentially Truncated Lvy Flight

Case: 1 < < 2 The analysis for this range of -values proceeds similarly to the
previous one if we start from (D.4) which we write

ln Lt, (k, N ) = i  k + N c J (k, ) + N c+ J+ (k, ), (D.17)


J+ (k, ) = d eik 1 ik 1+ (D.18)

J (k, ) = d eik 1 ik

= d eik 1 + ik 1+
= J+ (k, ). (D.19)

As before, we only have to calculate J+ (k, ). Now, we introduce the new variable
y = , define = k/ and integrate by parts. This gives

J+ (k, ) = i (2 ) + (i 1) dy eiy 1
0 y

= i (2 ) + (i 1)I+ (k, 1)

i 1 i 1
= (2 ) i + 1+ e i(2) arctan
1 (1 + 2 )(2)/2

in which (D.9) was inserted in the last step. Since

(i 1)2
exp(2i arctan ) = 1,
1 + 2

we find
1 (2 )
J+ (k, ) = ik + I+ (k, ), (D.21)

which is, up to first term, the same result as for 0 < < 1. However, the factor in
parentheses is constant and may be incorporated in a redefinition of  . Therefore,
D The Exponentially Truncated Lvy Flight 257

we can write down the solution analogous to (D.16)

(k 2 + 2 )/2 |k|
ln Lt, (k, N ) = i  k + c0 c(N ) cos arctan
k |k|
1 + i tan arctan . (D.22)

This shows that the limit distribution of the exponentially truncated Lvy flight has
the same form for both 0 < < 1 and 1 < < 2, barring the constants  and  .
Since these constants only determine the origin in real space, they can be chosen to
be equal to zero. Therefore, we have derived (4.98)(4.101).
Appendix E
PutCall Parity

A European option is a contract between two parties in which

the seller (= writer) of the option
grants the buyer (= holder) of the option
the right to purchase (= call option) from the writer or to sell (= put option) to
him an underlying with spot price S(t)
for the strike price K
at the expiry date T in the future.
At first sight, put and call options seem to be very different. However, they are inti-
mately related to one another. An elegant way to show this is the arbitrage-pricing
Suppose we have the following portfolio: we have bought one asset and one put
option with prices S and P, respectively, and we have sold one call for price C. Both
the put and the call option are chosen to have the same strike price. The portfolio
has the value
(t) = S(t) + P(S, t) C(S, t). (E.1)
At expiry, the options yield (see (5.9) and (5.10))

C(S, T ) = max S(T ) K, 0 ,

P(S, T ) = max K S(T ), 0 ,

so that the payoff of the portfolio is

if S K : S + 0 (S K) = K,
if S K : S + (K S) 0 = K.

The portfolio gives a guaranteed gain K at time T . What is its value for t < T ?
Since the outcome of the portfolio at expiry is fixed, the portfolio yields a risk-
free profit. The only way to obtain such a riskless profit is to deposit an amount
Ker(T t) in a bank at time t and to wait until t = T . At time T , the initial deposit

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260 E PutCall Parity

has grown to K by the addition of (continuously compounded) interest. Therefore,

the value of the portfolio at an earlier time t must equal its discounted payoff, i.e.,

(t) = Ker(T t) , (E.2)

otherwise arbitrage would be possible.

To prove this assertion, let us assume that (t) = Ker(T t) with 
= 1. Two
cases are possible,  < 1 and  > 1:
(t) < Ker(T t) : In this case, an investor could borrow the amount (t) from a
bank and buy the portfolio. At time T , he owes the bank (t)er(T t) , but receives
the payoff K from the portfolio. Therefore, his total balance reads

K (t)er(T t) = K Ker(T t) er(T t)

= K(1 ) > 0 ( < 1).

(t) > Ker(T t) : In this case, the investor could sell the portfolio at price (t)
and invest the portion Ker(T t) of this receipt in the bank, while keeping

(t) Ker(T t) = ( 1)Ker(T t) > 0 ( > 1).

At time T , his bank deposit has risen to K, and this is exactly the amount that he
owes the buyer of the portfolio.
In both cases, the investor gains a riskless profit, which is not possible in an
arbitrage-free market. Thus, (E.2) must be correct. Inserting (E.1) into (E.2), we
obtain a relation between European call and put options, the so-called putcall par-
P(S, t) = C(S, t) S(t) + Ker(T t) . (E.3)
Appendix F
Geometric Brownian Motion

Geometric Brownian motion is a special variant of an It process,

dS = a1 (S, t)dt + a2 (S, t)dW (t), (F.1)

where the coefficients a1 (S, t) and a2 (S, t) are proportional to the random vari-
able S (see (2.119)(2.121)). Let the constants of proportionality be denoted by
(> 0) and (> 0). Thus, the motion is defined by the following stochastic differen-
tial equation (Langevin equation):

dS = S(t)dt + S(t)dW (t) S(0) > 0 . (F.2)

The solution of (F.2) yields a lognormal distribution for the transition probability
from (S  , t  ) to (S, t),

p S, t|S  , t 
1 [ln(S/S  ) ( 2 /2)(t t  )]2
= exp , (F.3)
2( S)2 (t t  ) 2 2 (t t  )

from which the mean and the variance can be calculated using (1.33). The result is

E[S] = S  e(tt ) , Var[S] = S  e2(tt ) e (tt ) 1 .

The aim of this appendix is to derive (F.3). To this end, we exploit the fact that
(F.1) is equivalent to the FokkerPlanck equation

p S, t|S  , t 

 1 2 

= a1 (S, t)p S, t|S  , t  + 2
a2 (S, t)p S, t|S  , t  . (F.5)
S 2 S

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262 F Geometric Brownian Motion

Inserting the coefficients from (F.2) yields

1 2
p = 2 p + 2 2 S p + ( S)2 2 p. (F.6)
t S 2 S
Equation (F.6) must be solved subject to the following boundary conditions:

t = t  : p S, t  |S  , t  = S S  ,

S = 0 : p 0, t|S  , t  = 0, (F.7)

S : p S, t|S  , t  0.

The first condition simply states that the random variable S has the value S  at t = t  .
The second can be understood by considering (F.2). If S vanishes at some time, it
stays zero for all future times, and the motion stops. On the other hand, if S(0) > 0,
as we assumed, it can never become zero at a later time if evolving according to
(F.2). Therefore, p(S, t|S  , t  ) has to vanish for S = 0. Finally, the third condition
expresses the fact that S cannot grow beyond any bound in a finite time interval
[t, t  ].
Given these boundary conditions, the solution of (F.6) proceeds in the same way
as that of the Black-Scholes theory for call options (see Sect. 5.2.2). The main steps
are as follows: First, we eliminate the dependence of the prefactors on S by intro-
ducing a new spatial variable. Furthermore, we rescale all variables to make the
equation dimensionless. This is achieved by using

p S, t|S  , t  =  f (x, ), S = S  ex , t = t + , (F.8)
S ( 2 /2)

which allows us to rewrite (F.6) and (F.7) as

f 2f f

= 2 + [3 ] + [2 ]f = 2/ 2 , (F.9)
x x

= 0 : f (x, 0) = e 1 ,
x : f (x, ) 0, (F.10)
x + : f (x, ) 0.

The second step consists in converting (F.9) into a diffusion equation by another
change of variables. Let us make the ansatz

f (x, ) = eax+b g(x, ) (a and b are real and arbitrary), (F.11)

and insert it into (F.9) and (F.10). This gives

g 2 g   g  2 
= 2 + 2a + (3 ) + a + (3 )a + 2 b g. (F.12)
x x
F Geometric Brownian Motion 263

In order to obtain a diffusion equation, the second and third terms of (F.12) must
vanish. Since a and b are arbitrary, this can be achieved by choosing
1 1
a := ( 3), b := a 2 + (3 )a + 2 = ( 1)2 . (F.13)
2 4
Thus, we obtain a diffusion equation,

g 2 g
= 2, (F.14)
with the following boundary conditions:

=0: g(x, 0) = e(3)x/2 ex 1

g(x, 0)ex
0( > 0), (F.15)
g(x, )ex
>0: 0( > 0),
where is an arbitrary, real, positive constant. This means that g vanishes suffi-
ciently fast for |x| , so a unique solution exists.
As in the case of the Black-Scholes theory, the solution of (F.14) can be obtained
by the Greens function method (see (5.34)(5.41)). The final result reads
1 (x y)2
g(x, ) = dyg(y, 0) exp
4 4
u=ey 1 e 2 (3) ln u (x ln u)2
= du(u 1) exp
4 0 u 4
1 x
= exp . (F.16)
4 4
If (F.16) is substituted into (F.11) and (F.13) is taken into account, we find
1 1 1 x
f (x, ) = exp ( 3)x ( 1)2 exp
4 2 4 4
1 (x ( 1) )2
= ex exp . (F.17)
4 4
If we restore the original variables,

p S, t|S  , t  =  f (x, ), S = S  ex , t = t + ,
S ( 2 /2)
and remember = 2/ 2 , so that

( 1) = 2 /2 t t  ,
the desired result (F.3) is obtained.

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A Brownian motion, 75, 90, 126

Action, 115, 123 geometric, 168170, 261263
Agent based modeling of financial markets, hydrodynamics of, 110
see traders hypothesis of universal, 115
American options, see options in a potential, 92
Arbitrage reflection principle, 91
definition, 176 stopping time, 90
hypothesis of the arbitrage-free market, 176
Arbitrage-pricing technique, 176 C
putcall parity, 259, 260 Caldeira-Leggett model, 8490
Arbitrageurs, see traders Call options
Arrhenius behavior, 98 boundary conditions for call price, 178
Asymmetry parameter call price of Black-Scholes theory, 182
of a fractal-time Poisson process, 153 definition, 171
of a truncated Lvy flight, 156 hedging by, 173
of stable distributions, 135 payoff at expiry, 174
Autocorrelation function, 40, 78, 83 Canonical representation of stable
distributions, 134
B Cauchy distribution, 131, 240
Bachelier, 2, 163, 168, 205, 206 Central limit theorem (CLT), 8, 33, 131, 159,
Bank, use of the term, 165 160
Bidask spread, 167, 215 domain of attraction, 136, 237, 238
Binomial distribution, 4 violation by correlations, 161
Black-Scholes theory violation by diverging moments, 160
and risk neutrality, 185, 186 Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, 44, 46, 47, 58
assumptions, 174176 Characteristic exponent
comparison with Bacheliers theory, 205, of a fractal-time Poisson process, 153
206 of a truncated Lvy flight, 156
derivation of differential equation, 176178 of stable distributions, 135
equivalent martingale probability for, 186, of the Weierstrass random walk, 140
187 Characteristic function, 31, 64
history of, 163, 174 Coherent states, 123
independence of drift, 178, 184, 185 Conditional
interpretation of pricing formulas, 183, 184 expectation, 33, 40
solution, 179183 probability, 32
Boolean algebra, 23 Conservative diffusion process, 114, 116, 118,
Borel algebra, 19 123

W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, Stochastic Processes, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00327-6, 273

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
274 Index

Cont-Bouchaud model, see traders Gaussian, 8, 13, 239

Contingent claim, see derivatives Gumbel, 37, 38
Continuity equation, 112 leptokurtic, 194
quantum mechanical, 120 limiting, 35, 90
Continuous trading, see quotations lognormal distribution in financial
Continuous-time random walk (CTRW), 7275 markets, 170
separable, 72, 150 marginal, 32
Convergence to n-point distribution function, 39
Gaussian distribution, 136, 237, 238 non-degenerate, 36
stable (Lvy) distributions, 135, 237, 238 of asset prices, 194204
Covariance Poisson, 11
functional, 126 stable (Lvy) distributions, 131136
matrix, 32 waiting-time, 72, 74
Crashes Weibull, 37, 38
and discrete scale invariance, 230 Diversification, 170
as a result of the cooperativity between Dividends, 175
traders, 226, 228 Doobs theorem, 81
Dow Jones Index (1929, 1987), 225 Dow Jones Index
empirical properties, 222225 crashes in 1929 and 1987, 225
hazard rate, 230, 231 first published, 166
logperiodic oscillations, 225, 230233 modeling prior to crash of 1929, 232
Sornette-Johansen model, 228233 Drift
Credit risk, see risk and hazard rate of crashes, 231
Cross-correlation function, 40 as a market parameter, 169
Cumulants, 31 coefficient, 47
Cumulative distribution, 30 elimination in a risk-neutral world,
and extreme value theory, 36 184189
negligible for short maturities, 205
D relation to hazard rate of crashes, 231
Delivery date, 171 velocity, 10
Delivery price, 171
Delta-hedge, see hedging E
Demand, 214, 218, 226, 230 Economics, 2
Derivatives, 170 Econophysics, 164, 235
Diffusion Efficient market hypothesis, 209
coefficient, 8, 10, 47, 109 as an assumption of the Black-Scholes
Fickian diffusion, 6 theory, 174
free diffusion, 6 definition, 167
non-stationary, 99 giving rise to a Markov assumption, 168,
process, 51, 59, 75, 110, 121, 126 175
unbounded, 98 Ensemble
Discounting, see numraire canonical, 20, 27
Discrete scale invariance and maximum entropy principle, 27
and crashes, 230 microcanonical, 27, 179
and fractal-time Poisson process, 151 Entropy
and Weierstrass random walk, 141 information entropy, 26
Distribution microcanonical, 28
binomial, 4 statistical entropy, 27
canonical, 28 Equivalent martingale measure
Cauchy, 131, 240 and historic price distribution, 189, 207
cumulative, 30 of Black-Scholes theory, 186
and extreme value theory, 36 Euclidean quantum fields, 126
Frchet, 37, 38 European options, see options
Index 275

Event, 17 Fractional derivative, 143

simple event, 17, 22 Fractional diffusion equation, see Weierstrass
simple sets, 19 random walk
Exchange, see stock exchange Free energy
Exercise price of an option, see strike price of generalized, 106
an option thermodynamic, 106
Exotic options, see options Free lunch, see arbitrage
Expectation value, 4, 20, 117 Freely jointed chain, 71
conditional, 33, 40 Friction coefficient, 75, 88
of binomial distribution, 5 Fundamentalist, see traders
Extreme value Futures
distributions, 35 comparison with forwards, 171
Frchet distribution, 37 comparison with options, 171
Gumbel distribution, 37 definition, 171
maximal excursion, 90 history of, 171
theory, 36
von Mises representation of the G
distributions, 38 GARCH, 204
Weibull distribution, 37 Gaussian, 34, 81, 123
colored noise, 90
F distribution, 8, 13, 239
Fair game, 42 propagator, 80, 181
First passage time, 94, 99 stochastic field, 125
distribution, 95 white noise, 39, 50
mean, 9598, 110, 118, 121 Generating function, 65, 67, 74
Fluctuationdissipation theorem, 78, 89 Geometric Brownian motion, 209
Fluctuations, 77 as a model of financial markets, 168170
Fokker-Planck equation, 47, 59, 76, 94, 109, as a special case of an It process, 169, 261
111 transition probability, 170, 261
backward, 48, 95 Greens function, 80
forward, 48 H
Forwards Hamilton-Jacobi equations, 115, 117
comparison with futures, 171 Hamiltonian, 20, 101
definition, 171 Hazard rate of crashes, 230, 231
hedging by, 173 relation to drift, 231
Fractal dimension Hedging
definition, 146 by call options, 173
of a fractal-time Poisson process, 153 by forwards, 173
of the random walk, 147 definition, 170
of the Weierstrass random walk, 147 delta-hedge, 177, 183, 184
Fractal Rayleigh-Pearson walk, 247 risk-less hedging and Legendre
Fractal-time Poisson process transformation, 178
as an asymmetric stable distribution, 153 Heteroskedasticity, 204
asymptotic behavior, 153 Holder of an option, 171
characteristic exponent , 153 Hurst exponent, 211, 217
definition, 151 Hyperspherical polar coordinates, 243245
fractal dimension, 153
logperiodic oscillations, 153 I
solution, 151153 Iff, 32
Fractal-time random walks, 150155 Iid, 33
crossover to normal diffusion, 155 Imitation, see traders
existence of moments, 150 Interest rate
subdiffusive behavior, 154, 155 risk-free, 168
waiting-time distribution, 150153 stochastic, 175
276 Index

Ising model, 101 Markov

mean-field version, 105 chain, 103
It calculus, 53 process, 43, 81, 92, 125
It formula, 58, 111 and efficient market hypothesis, 168
application to option prices, 176 Martingale, 41, 54, 77, 127
application to stock prices, 169, 187 and geometric Brownian motion, 186188
and stationarity of financial time series,
K 213, 214
Kohlrausch function, 154 equivalent martingale measure and risk
relation to stable distributions, 154 neutrality, 185
Kramers Master equation, 9, 4447, 58, 63, 103, 108
equation, 76 Maximum entropy principle, 26
problem, 92, 97, 118, 121 Mean acceleration, 113
Kramers-Moyal expansion, 47, 59, 108 Mean backward derivative, 112, 114
Kurtosis, 13, 20, 35 Mean forward derivative, 111, 114
implied, 191, 209 Mean velocity, 112
of Gaussian distribution, 13 Mean-square displacement, 82, 83
of Poisson distribution, 13 Mean-square limit, 53, 56
of price distribution, 197, 202204 Measure, 19, 103, 105
of truncated Lvy flights, 157 equivalent, 29
Gibbs measure, 20, 30
L Lebesgue measure, 19, 20, 29
Langevin equation, 39, 47, 49, 51, 57 Radon-Nikodm derivative of, 29
generalized, 88 Median, 14
Lvy distributions, see stable distributions of Gaussian distribution, 14
Lvy flights of lognormal distribution, 14
and Polyas problem, 149, 150 Mellin transforms, 248
and Weierstrass random walk, 146 Memory effect, 88
as a model for price distributions, 195 Metastable state, 92
definition, 147 Moneyness, 184
in higher dimensions, 147150 Monte Carlo simulations, 102, 104
truncated, 155159 detailed balance, 103
Lvy walks, 159 importance sampling, 103
Limiting distributions and stability, 134 random numbers, 104
Liquid market, 167
Lognormal distribution, 13 N
Logperiodic oscillations n-point function, 39, 43, 58
and critical phenomena, 230 Noise
crashes, 225, 230233 colored, 90
of a fractal-time Poisson process, 153 Gaussian white noise, 39
of the Weierstrass random walk, 141 white, 50
Long position, 171 Noise trader, see traders
Non-anticipating function, 54, 57, 110
M Non-specific (systemic) risk, see risk
Madelung fluid, 116 Normal distribution, 8, 13
Margins, 171 Numraire
Market definition, 187
arbitrage-free, 175 discounting by, 187
definition, 164
financial, 164, 235 O
microscopic modeling of, 225233 Operational risk, see risk
Market capitalization, 166 Options
Market friction, 167 American, 172
Market risk, see risk at-the-money, 184, 190
Index 277

Options (cont.) Price distribution

call option, 171 and percolation model, 227
European, 171 and self-organized criticality, 228
exotic, 172 and time-dependent volatility, 199202
expiry date, 172 empirical, 194198
history of, 172 for geometric Brownian motion, 170
in the Black-Scholes model, 186
in-the-money, 184, 190
modeling by a Lvy flight, 195, 202
out-of-the-money, 184, 190
modeling by a truncated Lvy flight, 196
plain vanilla, 172
non-Lvy-like power law, 197, 202
price of, 172, 173 Probability
pricing by Black-Scholes theory, 173184 conditional, 32
put option, 171 current, 119, 121
Order book, 215 density, 30
ask price, 215 of return, 67
bid price, 215 Probability theory, 17
bidask spread, 215 and logic, 21
continuous double auction, 215 history of, 1
depth, 216 mathematical structure, 17
limit order, 215 prior information, 22, 23
market makers, 216 rational expectation, 22
market order, 215 Process
price impact function, 219 self-similar, 211
price-time priority, 216 Put options
tick size, 215 boundary conditions for put price, 178
definition, 171
volume, 216
payoff at expiry, 174
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, 77, 81, 110, 114,
put price of Black-Scholes theory, 183
124, 127
Putcall parity, 176, 259, 260
Osmotic velocity, 113, 118
Over-the-counter (OTC), definition and Q
properties, 165 Quantum
fields, 122
P mechanics, 110
Partition function Quotations
canonical, 20, 28 continuous trading, 174
Payoff of an option, 174 decorrelation time of increments, 196
Percolation model, see price distribution typical time interval between, 192
Periodic boundary conditions, 63
Plain vanilla options, see options R
Poisson Random force, 75, 88
Random variable, 19
distribution, 11
independent and identically distributed
process, 151
(iid), 33
Polya problem, 66, 99
statistically independent random variables,
Portfolio 32
definition, 170 uncorrelated random variables, 32
risk-less, 179, 184 Random walk, 3, 63, 126
Present value, 183 Rayleigh-Pearson walk, 3, 69, 71
Price versus random flight, 147
decorrelation time of increments, 196 Rate equations, see master equation
geometric Brownian motion versus Recurrence, 69
empirical price dynamics, 233 Lvy flights, 150
spot price, 164 Renewal equation, 67, 99
278 Index

Return closed-form expressions of symmetric

definition, 169 ( = 0) cases, 239, 240
versus prices, 193, 194 definition, 132
Risk, 36, 165 domain of attraction, 135
credit risk, 165 existence of moments, 135
elimination of market risk in Black-Scholes scaling property, 155
theory, 177179 stability of the Cauchy distribution, 134
hedging market risk by call options, 173 stability of the Gaussian distribution, 132,
hedging market risk by forwards, 173 133
market risk, 166 Standard & Poors Composite Index (S&P500)
non-specific (systemic) risk, 170 definition, 166
operational risk, 166 fit by Lvy flight, 195
reduction by diversification, 170 fit by truncated Lvy flight, 196
risk management, 165 time evolution (19501999), 167
specific (non-systemic) risk, 170 Stationarity
Risk-neutral valuation, 184189 and financial time series, 209214
and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, 81
S non-stationarity of the Wiener process, 84
-algebra, 19, 30 of a Markov process, 44
Borel algebra, 19 of a stochastic process, 40, 50, 90
Sample space, 17 Statistical physics, 20
canonical ensemble, 20, 27, 102, 105
as probability space, 19
equipartition theorem, 78
Schrdinger equation, 21, 116, 117, 119
Gibbs measure, 20
Self-averaging, 5, 28
kinetic theory of gases, 2
Self-avoiding walk, 72
microcanonical ensemble, 27
Self-organized criticality, see price distribution
partition function, 20, 28, 102, 106
statistical mechanics, 2
meaning of, 146
Statistically independent random variables, 32
self-similar process, 211
Stochastic differential equations, 57, 59, 76,
Weierstrass random walk, 137, 138
110, 123, 126
Sharpe ratio, 205 Stochastic integrals, 53, 54
Short position, 171 It, 54
Skewness, 13, 20, 35 Stratonovich, 54
of Poisson distribution, 13 Stochastic processes
Smoluchowski equation, 94 continuous time, 39
Sornette-Johansen model, see crashes discrete time, 39
Specific (non-systemic) risk, see risk history of, 1
Speculation bubble, 229 Markov, 43, 81
Spot price, see price martingale, 41
Stable distributions, 8, 131136, 237242 mathematical structure, 17
and Kohlrausch function, 154 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, 77, 81, 110,
and Weierstrass random walk, 141 114, 124, 127
application to human heart beats, 155 stationary, 40, 50, 81, 90
as limiting distributions, 134 Stochastic variable, see random variable
asymmetric ( = 1) cases and Laplace Stock exchange
transform, 242 as a clearing house, 171
asymmetry parameter , 135 tasks and rules, 164
asymptotic behavior, 135 Stock index, 166
asymptotic expansions, 240242 Stopping time, 90
canonical representation, 134 Stretched exponential function, see Kohlrausch
characteristic exponent , 135 function
closed-form expressions of asymmetric Strike price of an option, 172
( = 1) cases, 241, 242 Structure function, 64, 74
Index 279

Stylized facts of financial markets, 212 Tunnel effect, 118

Subdiffusion tunnel splitting, 119
due to diverging moments, 160 tunneling time, 120, 121
of fractal-time random walks, 154, 155
Superdiffusion U
due to correlations, 161 Uncertainty relation, 116
due to diverging moments, 160 Uncorrelated random variables, 32
of the Weierstrass random walk, 142147 Underlying, 170
Supply, 214, 218, 226, 230 arbitrarily divisible, 175, 177
Surface area
of a d-dimensional hypersphere, 245 V
of a d-dimensional unit sphere, 244 Variance, 5, 20
of binomial distribution, 5
T of Gaussian distribution, 13
Thermally activated, 93 Venn diagram, 24
Thermodynamic limit, 28 Viscous drag, 75
Time reversal, 111 Volatility
Time scales, 93 as a market parameter, 169
equilibration time, 93 as a measure of risk, 170
escape time, 93 dominance for short maturities, 205
Time scales of financial markets, 234 historic, 190
crossover to Gaussian behavior, 197 implied, 189191, 208
price increments, 196, 200 influence on price distribution, 199202
quotations, 192 intra-day pattern, 199
trading day, 197, 198, 200 stochastic, 175, 198202, 204
trading month, 197, 198, 200 volatility clustering, 199
volatility, 200 volatility smile, 191
Time series as a precursor to Gaussian behavior,
stationary, 209 205209
stochastic, 209 volatility surface, 191
Traders Volume element in hyperspherical polar
agent based modeling of financial markets, coordinates, 243
214221 Volume of a d-dimensional hypersphere, 245
arbitrageurs, 176
Cont-Bouchaud model, 226228 W
fundamentalist, 215 Waiting-time distribution, 72, 74
noise trader (trend chaser), 215 of fractal-time random walks, 150153
self-determination versus imitation, 215 Weierstrass function, 138
use of the term, 165 Weierstrass random walk, 136150
Transience, 69 and Lvy flights, 146
Lvy flights, 150 and stable distributions, 141
Transition asymptotic behavior, 141
probability, 44, 58, 68, 103 characteristic exponent , 140
rate, 45, 108 criterion for self-similarity, 137
Trend chaser, see traders definition, 137
Truncated Lvy flights, 155159 discrete scale invariance, 141
as a model for price distributions, 196 examples from simulations, 144
characteristic function, 156, 253257 fractal dimension, 147
crossover from Lvy to Gaussian behavior, fractional diffusion equation, 143
157159 logperiodic oscillations, 141
exponential truncation, 156 self-similar structure, 137, 138
kurtosis of, 157 solution in arbitrary dimensions, 247252
280 Index

Weierstrass random walk (cont.) as Bacheliers market model, 168

solution in one dimension, 139142, 251 continuous sample path, 51
superdiffusive behavior, 142147 covariance of, 54, 82
two-dimensional, 144 non-stationarity, 84
Wiener process, 51, 53, 76, 92, 125, 127 time reversed, 111
as a limit of Brownian motion, 84 Writer of an option, 171

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