Name: - Class No. - Parent's Signature: - August 22, 2017

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66 Margarita Subd., Balsahan, Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite

(046) 434-7365

Name: ___________________________ Class No._________

Parents Signature: __________________ August 22, 2017

1st Quarterly Examination

I. Complete the paragraph by filling out the blanks with the most appropriate
answers. Use to the clues below.

Our own 1. o____________________________ has existed even before the

Spanish colonial period. This includes different ancient folk literature created by various
ethnic groups in the country. 2. P_________________ and 3. r___________________
are amongst the simplest forms of literature. The short poems called 4. t___________
evolved from them. In the Philippine literary world, the 5. t_____________ is the
message about life and human nature that the writer presents to the reader. Amongst
the features of our pre-colonial literature are: 6. s______________7. i_____________
8. s_________________ 9. s_________________. One has to consider the
10. m______________ which refers to how you, as the reader, feel about the selection.
The 11. s__________________ which is informal and is not considered part of the
standard language. and 12. c__________________ which adds humor and color to the
language, are not part of the Filipino pre-colonial writings.
13. F_______________ is also one of the oldest forms of Philippine literature,
passed on by word of mouth through generations. They reflect the various aspects of
culture and activities through songs. Some of these are 14. m________________,
15. f___________________, 16. f_______________ and 17. l________________.
18. Folktales are often told to children to teach 18. v___________________
19. h________________ and 20. c_______________.

II. Underline the verb that agrees with the subject.

21. He and his companions usually (complains / complain) about everything but they
wont do anything to improve the situation.
22. Each of the players (has / have) the same chances to win.
23. All of the members of the party (votes / vote) for or against the proposal.
24. Either the prime minister or the minister (is / are) attending the conference.
25. Nobody (helps / help) to do the cooking but everybody (wants / want) dinner ready
on time.
26. Either the lion or the zebras (saves/ save) their life.
27. One of my best friends (works / work) at a very famous department store.
28. Few of the pages (has / have) been checked for mistakes.
29. (Has / Have) you chosen your future career, Mr. Cruz?
30. The community leader and president (arrives / arrive) at the ceremony.
31. Where (does / do) you usually every weekends?
32. Everybody (participates / participate) the fun run yearly.
33. Both children (was / were) sent home because of fever.
34. Some folksongs (has /have) no real meaning.
35. (Is / Are) myths examples of folk narratives?
36. Either the children or I (give / gives) donation for the charity work.
37. Ramon or Carlo (want / wants) to play basketball every Sunday.
38. The mayor or his bodyguards (attend / attends) the annual sports program of the
39. The school principal and owner (speaks / speak) to all pupils and teachers.
40. What (is / are) the news today?

III. Match the word with its meaning by placing the letter of the definition in the
box preceding the word.


41. forbid A options
42. devise B command
43. migrate C desire
44. delusion D tiring
45. conceit E spread out
46. luscious F surprise
47. astonish G delicious
48. stagger H showy
49. tedious I imagination
50. yearn J transfer to other place
K work out something
L refuse to allow something

IV. Use the following idioms/colloquials in sentences. Make sure that you use
them appropriately to get 2 points.

51-52. to cut corners


53-54. the best of both worlds


55-56. to feel under the weather


57-58. see eye to eye


59-60 a piece of cake


61-62. sick and tired

V. A story map is a strategy that uses a graphic organizer to help you learn the
elements of a book or story. Fill out the story map organizer carefully. Please refer to
the stories taken in class. Point system: Title (1), Author (1), Characters (2), Setting
(2), Problem (3), 3 Main Events (6), Resolution (3). = 18 points

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