This Year

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Earlier this year, electoral debate in Indonesia powered up a national discourse

about the countrys intent, capabilities, and roadmap as a maritime power in the
Indo-Pacific region. Indonesias newly installed president, Joko Widodo, popularly
known as Jokowi, promised in his election manifesto in May 2014 to (1) focus on
strengthening Indonesias maritime security, (2) expand the canvas of regional
diplomacy to cover the entire region of the Indo-Pacific, and (3) project the
Indonesian navy as a respected regional maritime power in East Asia. He further
announced in June 2014 that he aimed to transform Indonesia into a global
maritime axis (poros maritim dunia). He reaffirmed his vision after being declared
victorious in July 2014 and called upon all citizens to work together to develop
Indonesia into a global maritime axis, a global civilizational hub. While taking the
oath of office to become Indonesias seventh president on October 20, 2014, Jokowi
reiterated his call to transform Indonesia into a maritime nation and invoked the
slogan of Jalesveva Jayamah (in the ocean we triumph).

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