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your chic self

Liquid Hope:
A Daughter’s
by R obin G entr y M cG ee

am the only girl in a family of three boys and have always
been what one would call a “daddy’s girl.” I cannot ever
remember a time in my life when I did not think my dad
hung the moon. He was an amazing musician. He turned
down a record and touring contract when we four kids were
still small because he did not want to uproot our family. In
later years, he moved toward his other passion and became a
full-time minister.

In 2005, he had all but retired, and he and my mother were liv-
ing in Michigan. I remember that year distinctly. On February 22,
two days before my birthday, I received a phone call from my
brother. He said that my father had slipped on ice and fallen.

As a result, my father had suffered a very severe traumatic brain throughout this ordeal, I began to realize that what his medi-
injury (or a TBI) and was being rushed into emergency surgery. cal doctors were offering gave us little hope. His prognosis was
The doctors said there would be little chance of his surviving grim. I began to research TBI and dug out every piece of infor-
the surgery, and he had even less of a chance of being in any- mation I could find on alternative treatments and options. It
thing more than a vegetative state if he were to pull through. was only after we conducted much research and used tools
that we did not find through normal medical care that my dad
Upon receiving the news, my husband and I rushed from our finally came out of the coma. Our excitement was short lived,
home in Ohio to Michigan, where we spent the next six weeks however, as he had suffered many secondary complications
waiting for my father to regain consciousness. At some point while in the hospital.

your chic self

One day while sitting at my dad’s bedside, out of sheer bore-

dom, I picked up a can of formula the nurses had been dili-
gently pouring down dad’s feeding tube four times a day for
the last 18 months. When I read the label, I realized there was
nothing in the formula that would heal him. It was balanced,
and it met all the RDA requirements. However, as the only thing
my father was getting in the way of “nutrition,” the formula was
probably barely sustaining him.

I knew I had to help my father. I had spent the past 20 years

working in the health food industry, and because of this, I had
always been drawn to the more holistic side of medicine. I
decided to research the healing properties of food. I searched
the Internet, libraries, and health food stores for information on
alternative healing for TBI.

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your chic self

During my research, I came across This was the beginning of my love affair with food as medicine. I
a book titled Healing with Whole was quite familiar with whole foods, but my mission helped me
Foods by Paul Pitchford. I was a truly realize their power. There were foods that would clear mucus
bit overwhelmed by the size of from my father’s lungs, foods to help with his failing renal system,
the book but encouraged by the and foods to guard against his constant urinary tract infections.
fact that it contained information
about brain damage. I purchased One day, during a visit to my acupuncturist, I told her about
it, and once I began reading, I could not put it down. The infor- the fascinating book I had found and how it had inspired me
mation was amazing; the way Mr. Pitchford used food for heal- to put together a meal replacement formula for my father.
ing resonated deeply with me. I felt as though I had come home. She revealed that she, too, had the book, and had wanted to
study with Pitchford for years. She told me that he taught at an
I immersed myself in Healing with Whole Foods and started to institute in northern California. I immediately reached out to
develop a meal replacement formula for my father’s feeding Mr. Pitchford and set up an appointment with him.
tube. It would include not only the foods Mr. Pitchford recom-
mended for brain damage but also those that would address The consultation would change the course of my career and ulti-
my father’s many secondary conditions. mately my life. Not only did Mr. Pitchford guide me in selecting

your chic self

Weekly I receive phone calls or emails
from people who have heard my father’s story and
want “Liquid Hope” for their loved ones.

healing foods to use in the new formula, but he Weekly I receive phone calls or emails from peo-
also became one of my greatest teachers. ple who have heard my father’s story and want
“Liquid Hope” for their loved ones.
The most difficult part of creating the formula—
which we called “Liquid Hope”—was finding a My father ultimately succumbed to his death as a
medical doctor who would support me. I was result of internal bleeding. I am so grateful that I
fortunate enough to find Dr. Deepak Sarwal, a was able to be with him during his last days and
western-trained internist who was open to alter- that I could use my skills and training to add to
native methods of healing. Dr. Sarwal let me try his quality of life in a very real way. Sometimes
the formula, beginning by replacing the old formula once a our greatest gifts in life arise out of our greatest pain. Through
day. Gradually we replaced each of the old-formula feedings this experience, my father validated my belief that food can be
with “Liquid Hope.” used to heal, and for that validation—and for all the other gifts
he gave me—I am truly grateful.  cm
The difference in my father was unbelievable. At the begin-
ning of this process, my dad was barely conscious as he was
wheeled into the doctor’s exam room on a gurney. Six weeks Robin Gentry McGee is a whole foods chef
later, he returned to the same doctor, this time sitting up in and holistic health coach. She has just com-
a wheelchair, his big brown eyes and his smile both shining pleted her first book (not yet published) A Turn
brightly. After that visit, I received a phone call from the doctor. for the Worst about her journey with her father
“It is a miracle what you have done for your father,” he said. “No,” through the care of his traumatic brain injury. For more informa-
I replied, “It is simply nutrition.” tion about Robin preparing meal replacements for your loved one,
contact Robin at Robin and
As my father continued to receive “Liquid Hope,” I realized that NYC-based registered dietician Lynn Goldstein will work together
there were a lot of other people suffering needlessly who to create a meal replacement program that will enhance the life of
could benefit from the formula. I am in the process of bringing anyone on meal replacement therapies. For general information
it to the market as an organic whole foods meal replacement. about Robin and her services, go to

summer 2010    13

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