Assignment 2

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5238 Fatigue Analysis

Assignment 2

Refer to Table A.1 for fatigue properties where applicable.

1. Figure 4.3 shows schematics of various test machines. Machines in (a)-(c) are for cyclic
bending test. With reference Figure 4.3 (a)-(c), answer the following
a. Which of these applies constant amplitude load (stress) cycles?
b. Which of these applies constant amplitude displacement (strain) cycles?
c. Which of these applies pure bending moment?
d. Draw bending moment and shear force diagrams for the three configurations.

2. (This is an optional problem and will not be graded. Just do it for fun!) Show that the
stress in a rotating beam fatigue specimen is sinusoidal as a function of time when
rotated at a constant angular velocity, .
" "


3. (This is an optional problem and will not be graded. Just do it for fun). Estimate the
number of cycles the following items must endure during their expected lifetime:
bicycle pedal shaft, truck engine valve spring, home light switch, and automobile brake
pedal. Make sure to list the assumptions and service conditions you used in arriving at
each of the estimates.

4. For the following R = -1 AISI 1090 steel test data, plot the S-N curve using log
a. From the log-log S-N curve determine (by eyeballing or curve fitting) the:
i. median fatigue limit,
ii. median fatigue strength at 5x105 cycles,
iii. median fatigue life at Sa = 260 MPa.
b. Comment on the scatter in the fatigue data.

Sa (MPa) Cycles to failure Sa (MPa) Cycles to failure
340 15x103 250 301x103
300 24x10 3 235 290x103
290 36x103 230 361x103
275 80x10 3 220 881x103
260 177x103 215 1.3x106
255 162x10 3 210 2.5x106
In addition the following stress levels had > 107 cycles without failure: 210, 210, 205,
205, and 205 MPa.

5. A 2024-T3 aluminum alloy smooth bar has a diameter of 15 mm and is subjected to
axial stresses. Determine the following using reasonable approximate fatigue models:
a. Fully reversed fatigue strength at 5x108 cycles
b. Smax, Smin, Sa, Sm, for fatigue strength at 5x108 cycles with R = -0.2
c. Repeat part (b) for 105 cycles.
6. An as-forged 2 in. diameter 1040 steel rod has an ultimate strength 100 ksi and yield
strength of 75 ksi and is subjected to constant amplitude cyclic bending. Determine the
following using appropriate approximation models:
a. Fully reversed fatigue strength at 106 cycles
b. Sa and Sm for 106 cycles if R = 0
c. Sa and Sm for 104 cycles if R = 0

7. A notch-free machined round bar of diameter 2.5 inch is made of SAE1035 CD steel
with Su = 150 ksi. For an expected fatigue life of 105 cycles, determine fatigue allowable
for the following loading cases:
a. Fully revered bending moment
b. Fully reversed axial load. (Use a load type correction factor of 0.80)
c. Fully reversed torsional moment. (Use a load type correction factor of 0.57)

8. A smooth flexural member made of steel is subjected to fully reversed bending. It is
initially designed for a finite life (i. e., Nf < 10 6 cycles). In order to increase/improve the
fatigue life (maintaining the same design stress), the member is heat-treated so that the
ultimate strength Su increases by 15% over the initial design. If all other things (size
and surface finish) are being unchanged, determine the % increase in fatigue life of the
new design over the initial design. You may use Basquins equation, SNf = A( N f ) , for
both designs.

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