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A Nurse

By Neha Pansare

The tradition of nursing started in the past time by the ever remembered Florence

Nightingale. A nurse symbolizes service and humanity. Her time is spent in the service of

humanity. She has a keen sense of duty. It is the noblest profession. She is required to do the

duty for eight hours daily.

The times of working are not fixed. She is to work in different shifts. She wears a

white uniform with a cap on her head. She is very punctual in her work. As she reaches the

hospital she takes charge of her ward from the other nurse and soon she is busy with her

work. She is called Sister generally.

While taking her first round of the ward she greets all the patients with a smile. She

notes down the temperature of every patient on the chart. She gives the medicines and

injection provided by the doctor. Her words of sympathy, love and hope are a big relief to the

patients. She is supposed to be with the doctor when he is on round of the ward to tell about

the condition of each patient. She notes down the medicine and other precautionary measures

as prescribed by the doctor. She is to follow the doctors instructions very carefully. She sees

that the food served to the patient is according to doctors advice as she is also responsible for

the patients diet. She never allows any change without consulting the doctor. If the condition

of any patient demands an immediate action, she at once informs the doctor. She is to

prepare a chart of medicines and other things consumed during her duty hours. If there is

some time she relaxes by taking a cup of tea or by reading a magazine. She gives charge to

another nurse at the end of her duty.

A Nurse
A nurse is a person who is trained to give care (help) to people who are sick or

injured. Nurses work with doctors and other health care workers to make patients well (not

sick) and to keep them healthy. Nurses also help with end-of-life needs and assist other

family members with grieving.

Nursing is a profession, like a doctor, but training for a nurse is different in how long

a person must train and what kind of training they need. In some places, nurses may train for

three to five years or more before they get a license as a nurse. Nurses work in many places.

Nurses work in hospitals, in doctor's offices, and in the community, and they even visit

people at home.
A Nurse
Clad in white shirt, skirt, socks and a white cap on her head a nurse with her smiling

face surely gives an impression of a live human being whose heart overflows with

compassion for those numerous patients who come to the hospital from different directions.
The tradition of nursing started in the past time by ever remembered Florence

Nightingale, a British nurse, who dedicated her life to the care of the British troops during the

Crimean War and thus established modern nursing profession.

Symbol of service and humanity, a nurse is frequently seen in hospitals, whether they

are big or small. She remains very attentive to her duties. She is noble and affectionate to all

A nurse like other service holders too has to give eight hours' duty daily, but in her

case time of working not fixed. Sometimes she has to perform night duty, which she does

with same sincerity. She reaches the hospital at required time, takes charge of her ward from

the other nurse and is ready for her duty.

Popularly know as, sister, a nurse looks after her patients, gives them medicines or

injections as prescribed by the doctor. She maintains a chart, notes down patient's temperature

and condition of short intervals. A doctor depends on her work to a great extent.
She is supposed to be with him or her when he/she is on round of the ward so that she

may give details of the patients to him/her. All this help in quick recovery of the patients. In

the operation theatre too we see the nurse by the side of the doctor helping him/her in many

A nurse is a true picture of hard and selfless work. She is very particular for the

patients' diet. She never allows those foods which are not prescribed by the doctor. In this

regard, she is a little but strict, which is in favour of the patients.

She is always standing and is busy in this and that. She never gets tired. Even though

she feels like that, she never let it come on her smiling face. She like a loving mother never

becomes angry. If her patient is non-cooperative or rude to her, she simply let it go.
Thus, a nurse always gives priority to her duties bound to the patients. She plays a

very important role in the society. It is her loving care and touch that give immediate relief to

the patients. She is a respectful figure in the society for her selfless work.
It should not be taken as a fashionable profession. It is directly related to the service

to humanity. No wealth or any materialistic approach can alter her service.

My Philosophy of Nursing

My philosophy of nursing comes directly from my desire to help people. I want to be

a nurse because I enjoy being around people in their times of need and I get internal

satisfaction by serving those that need help. I remember when I did some volunteer work for

a hospital and that is when I realized my passion for nursing. I believe that the cure for many

of the people's ailments is not just in medicine, it is in the care that they receive as patients in

hospitals and their homes. This is where I believe that I can make a great difference in

people's lives by helping them recover from their ailments.

One of the philosophies that are very close to my heart is that I believe that the health

of a person is all in the mind. A person is only sick if he/she thinks they are sick. This is kind

of a caring theory that I believe in, which is that there would be no patients if everyone

around them would just understand what they are going through and what is needed to help

them. I believe in caring for the patients in a way so as to bring about a transpersonal caring

relationship between the patient and the nurse/caretaker and the caring occasion/caring

moment. I believe in this philosophy since it describes the various health and caring related

issues and problems in a very different light.

I believe that it is important to provide a patient with the right kind of atmosphere and

environment that is conducive to his/her recovery. It is important to keep the room of the

patient a place where he/she feels the soothing and healing effects from the environment. I

also believe that it is important for the nurses to understand their own selves so that they are

able to better treat their patients. I believe that spirituality holds a very significant role in the

profession of nursing. In fact, the care of the soul is the most powerful aspect of the art of

caring in nursing.
I have a very unique outlook on health. I think of "health" as being the simple absence

of disease in the body. The health of the person includes the harmony and the balance

between the mind, body, and soul of a person. Thus, I believe that all patients should be told
good and nice things about their health and this would enable them to feel good about

themselves and feel better and cured. For example, a person would feel more healthy if

he/she believes him/herself to be healthy. If the person is told by the other person, say a

doctor or a nurse, that he/she is unhealthy, than the person might begin to feel unhealthy as

well. It is only if the patient thinks that he/she is healthy can he/she really become healthy. I

believe that the ability of experiencing one's real self would pave the way for the person to

find the balance and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit/soul, and this would facilitate

a higher amount of health present in the person. This is my philosophy, and one that I hope to

practice when I am a professional nurse.

I think nursing not only includes taking care of patients and helping out the doctors. I

believe that there is some art to nursing as well, other than all the education and science

involved of course. I believe that that caring is the essence of nursing, and that it should be

viewed by the nurses as their moral ideal of preserving human dignity. This is to be done by

helping the patients in finding some deeper meaning to their illnesses and suffering so that

they are able to understand themselves better and are able to restore and promote their

personal harmony and balance between the mind, body, and soul. Thus, I believe that nurses

have to be consciously engaged in caring for the patients if they are to connect and establish

relationships that work to promote their health and healing.

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