It Involves Filling Up of Colours in Small Cones and Embellishing The Hand-Drawn Art With Colour

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Tanjore painting is a classical South Indian painting style, which was inaugurated from the town

of Thanjavur. Tanjore paintings are known for their rich, flat and vivid colors, simple iconic composition,
glittering gold foils overlaid on delicate but extensive gesso work and inlay of glass beads and pieces or
very rarely precious and semi-precious gems

Mirror Work- decorative work with stones & glass colours on mirror makes looking yourself in mirror a pleasing

Cone painting -It involves filling up of colours in small cones and embellishing the hand-
drawn art with colour

Sandpainting is the art of pouring colored sands, powdered pigments from minerals or crystals, and pigments from
other natural or synthetic sources onto a surface to make a fixed, or unfixed sand painting.

Mandana paintings are wall paintings of Rajasthan, India. Mandana are drawn to protect home and
hearth, welcome gods into the house and as a mark of celebrations on festive occasions. The ground is
prepared withcow dung mixed with rati, a local clay, and red ochre. Lime or chalk powder is used for
making the motif. Some common types of manadana art are mandana rangoli, manadana wall paintings,
mandana floor paintings, mandana card board paintings etc.

Gold leaf Layering gold leaf over a surface is called gold leafing. Medieval illuminated manuscripts gleam with gold
leaf, and it is still widely used for gilding ornamental designs, lettering and edgings on paper, wood, ceramics, glass,
textiles, and metal.

Resin Painting -- 3-D effect is created by pouring a thin layer of resin, painting that layer, pouring another thin layer,
painting that one, and repeating until built up a real looking object

As I begin to paint it becomes a form of prayer for me. I

paint from my heart and what I Love. I go deep within my
spirit where endless forms, colors, and images flow freely.
Rich, vivid colors are blended together, organic textures
become alive with passion as the brushes flow back and
forth on to the canvas.
My greatest inspiration comes from nature. I am intrigued by
the variety of patterns, textures and sensual forms which
surrounds me. I simulate and incorporate these textures into
my Figures and mixed media florals.
As our lives become more unbalanced, It is my desire to
instill a sense of peace and harmony and inspire healing
through my use of colors and subject matter.
Currently my art has become more inspirational as my
spiritual path evolves, Goddess imagery in meditative poses
and surroundings, colors and elements from the chakra
wheel are influenced from Hindu and Buddhist teachings.
Living in the country surrounded by nature has enabled me
to nurture and cultivate my passion for art while connecting
with my inner source.
Being able to share my creation is my legacy and gift to the
More of my artwork can be viewed at
Art is representing the beautiful. There must
be Art in everything

Swami Vivekananda

"Colour is fun, colour is just plain

gorgeous, a gourmet meal for the eye, the
window of the soul."

Rachel Wolf.
To be creative means to be in love with life. You
can be creative only if you love life enough that you
want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a
little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a
little more dance to it.

--- Osho

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