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Members of Group : 1.

Diyandra Utami Putri

2. Yessi Ayulandari
Day,Date : Friday, 31th March 2017
Class : Reguler I D-IV Kebidanan
Subject : English Language

Make a simple dialogue of midwife and client in pregnancy consultation service!

Diyandra Utami Putri as Midwife (Miss Diyandra)

Yessi Ayulandari as Client/Pregnant Mother (Mrs. Yessi)

Miss Diyandra: Good morning, Mrs. Yessi. Can I help you?

Mrs. Yessi : Good morning, Miss Diyandra.
I want to check my pregnancy as usual.
And, in a few day, I have had often go to pee, so I cant sleep well at night.
Miss Diyandra: Sure.
First, lets do a physical examination to you.
Lets go to the examination room.

In the examination room, Miss Diyandra asks the client to lie down on the examination bed.
And then, she does the Leopold palpation, measure the high of fundus uteri and also checks
the fetuss heart beat with using Dopler. After the examination done, she tells the client that
the examination was done and asks the client to wake up from the examination bed and go
back to the consultation room.

Miss Diyandra: Okay, Maam. I have done the physical examination to you.
Your pregnancy age already 38 weeks, the position of the baby is normal,
the head is at the bottom and already go down to the pelvis, the weight
estimate of your baby is 3200 grams, and the heartbeat is normal, 136 times
per minute.

And I would like to tell you the reason why you often go to pee is because
your baby is gain weight as long the increasing of the pregnancy age.
So, your uterus will push down your bladder. It makes the capacity of the
bladder is reduced. So, if you drink an amount of water, you will often go to
pee especially at night. And then you cant sleep well at night. You should
not be afraid. Thats normal condition in your pregnancy age.
Mrs. Yessi : What a relief. Are there any tips for me?
Miss Diyandra: Of course. You should keep drink water at least 8 10 glasses a day.
But, you should take it a lot at morning and afternoon and reduce it at night.
So you not often go to pee at night and can get better sleep.
Mrs. Yessi : Okay. Thanks a lot for your explanation Miss. I understand now.
Miss Diyandra : Dont mention it. Nice to help you.

After Miss Diyandra tells the result of the examination and gives a solution to solve Mrs.
Yessis problem. Mrs. Yessi feels better because her babys condition is normal and now she
knows the solution of her problem.

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