Chhattisgarh CTB 2016

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Opportunities Unlimited

Chhattisgarh is one of the fastest developing States and is known for its
business-friendly culture. We believe that economic development is an essential
component to ensure comprehensive sustainable growth of the state and
gainful employment to our youth; business in emerging sectors will contribute
significantly to this objective. To facilitate and develop a conducive investment
ecosystem, we ensure hassle-free processes, in addition to transparent and
faster service standards through our robust policies and institutions. Our focus on
Ease of Doing Business has been attested by the World Bank and Department
of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), GoI by recognising us among the top
five investor friendly states in the country.

We are thankful to nature for bestowing us with its bounty and at the same
time we are aware that the resources are to be used judiciously. Our fervent
endeavour to promote value addition within the State in natural resources and
encourging diversification of industries based on innovation and disruptive
technologies makes us an option for investment in the country.

It is my privilege to invite you to Chhattisgarh to experience the business friendly

atmosphere and a milieu comprising of high talent and collaborative innovations
and foundation of mutually beneficial growth.

Dr. Raman Singh

Chief Minister, Chhattisgarh

Cost and Ease of Doing Business are two essential components for business.
With abundance of minerals, metals, land and water, Chhattisgarh provides raw
materials at economic cost. Low power tariff, skilled manpower and high quality
professionals make the cost of doing business economical in the State. World
Bank and Government of India has validated us to be among top five States in
the Country for Ease of Doing Business. Chhattisgarh provides all that it takes
to nurture and prosper commerce and industries.

Shri Amar Agrawal

Minister-Commerce & Industries,
Urban Administration & Developlment and Commercial Tax, Govt. of Chhattisgarh

Chhattisgarh has been one of the fastest growing States in India. The thrust for
this growth came from presence of strong core sector industries such as iron,
steel, cement and thermal power. With strong base of core sectors, the State is
also focusing on development of non-core sectors, providing new opportunities
for SSI and MSMEs to prosper in the State and create enabling ecosystem for
large industries. In order to boost the development of noncore sectors such as IT/
ITeS, Agro & Food Processing, Defence, New & Renewable Energy, Engineering
and other service based industries, enabling infrastructure in the form of smart
cities, new industrial regions with common facilities, incubators, extensive road
and rail connectivity, logistic handling infrastructure and warehouses are being
developed in the State.

Shri Chhagan Lal Mundra, Chairman

Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.


Union Bank of India is the 5th largest Nationalized Bank by assets Company. The Banks subsidiary for asset management business,
with a pan India presence. Established in the year 1919, and having Union KBC Asset Management Co, started operation in May 2011.
its first head office inaugurated by the father of nation, Mahatma
Gandhi, Union Bank offers products and services for retail, agriculture, Union Bank was the first amongst large public sector banks (PSBs)
MSME, large corporate and NRI customers through 4100 branches, which implemented 100 per cent core banking solution (CBS). Bringing
which includes 3 overseas branches and 6900 ATMs, dedicated call more convenience to customers, the Banks UnionXperience
centre operating 24*7 in 9 languages and alternative channels like branches provide automation like self service passbook printing,
internet banking, mobile banking. The Bank has a business mix of cheque deposits machine, phone banking hot-line etc. The Bank
Rs. 5,84,687 crore, with deposits of Rs 3,30,665 crore and advances has taken several digital initiatives: IMPS through branches - ours
of Rs 2,54,022 crore as of September 2015. is the first Bank to do so; Mobile Passbook (M Passbook); Missed
call facility for Mobile Banking & Account balance; SMS based
Union Bank is actively raising its international profile through value added services. Further, keeping pace with Indias Digital
overseas branches and representative offices. Union Bank has three transformation, the Bank in association with Visa has recently
foreign branches, at Hong Kong, Dubai International Financial Centre launched Business Debit Card, Usecure Credit Card and Signature
(DIFC), and Antwerp, Belgium and one wholly owned subsidiary at Credit Card. These add to already comprehensive digital offerings
London. The Bank has representative offices at Shanghai (China), through various modes.
Abu Dhabi (UAE), Beijing (China), and Sydney (Australia). Union
Bank has positioned itself as a prime remittance service provider for The Bank has always believed in financial inclusion as means to
expatriates. Nation building. Union Bank of India is awarded first prize by the
Government of India for covering the maximum number of sub
The Bank has a joint venture in life insurance with Bank of India and service areas (SSAs) under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co of Japan as Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance (PMJDY).

3 Chief Ministers Message 28 Its a Warm Welcome for Investors
4 Industry Ministers Message 29 Hello, Lets do Business!
5 Chairmans Message 30 A Rich Asset: The People of
31 Skilled & Professional Chhattisgarh
Introduction 32 Infrastructure Designed for the
14 Chhattisgarh: The Journey towards Future
Greater Progress 33 On the Fast Track to Develop World
15 Emerging Economic Powerhouse Class Infrastructure
34 Competitive Chhattisgarh
Investment 35 Smart Solutions & Smart Policies
26 The Natural Edge 36 Enabling Start Ups
27 The Earths Glittering Wealth 37 Good Governance
Minerals & Mines Core Sectors
40 Deep Reserves bestow Economic 52 Power Push
Strength 54 Going from Strength to Strength
42 Infinite Opportunities Deep in the 55 Reserved for a Profitable Future
Earth 56 Strong Foundation for Growth
43 Sterling Performance
Land Resources, Forest & Water 60 Shaping Industrial Progress
46 Indias Green Heart 61 The Impetus for Industrial Development
47 Blessed with Unique Biodiversity 62 Reaching out to People with CHiPS
48 Treasure Trove in the Forests 64 The Journey Ahead
49 The Rivers of Life 65 The Big World of Small Industries
66 NRDA: Setting New Benchmarks 80 Friendly Policies for a Better Output

Naya Raipur Impact

68 Indias First Green Field Smart City 82 Investing in the Future
69 A Symbol of Dynamic Chhattisgarh 83 Stellar Performance
70 The Theme is Green 84 From Chhattisgarh to the World
71 Living the Good Life 85 Encouraging Exports
72 Chhattisgarh Trade Centre 86 The World taps Chhattisgarhs Potential
87 Modern Living in an Ancient Land
76 A Golden Harvest Tourism
77 A Bountiful Yield 90 Exploring Chhattisgarh
78 From Farm to Fork 91 Invest in an Enchanting World
79 Chhattisgarh state food processing 92 Exciting Destinations
mission 93 Eternal Traditions & Rich Tribal Culture
Published by
94 Sirpur: Where Time stands still Department of Commerce and Industries
Government of Chhattisgarh
95 Sirpurs Magnificent Buddhist Heritage Email:
96 Follow the Temple Trail Website:

97 Legends create a Holy Land

98 Celebrating the Joy of Life Produced by
L.B. Associates Pvt Ltd.
99 Commemorating the Gods Bastar Dusshera Email:
100 Showcasing Chhattisgarhs Tribal Culture
101 Dance & Music add Rhythm to Life Editor
Rajeswari Kurup

Handicrafts Business Manager

K.C. Mishra
106 Crafting a Legacy
107 Magic & Mystique of Chhattisgarh
Handicrafts Atul Kumar
108 Reflecting the Radiance of Nature

Chhattisgarh: The Journey towards Greater Progress

Fact File

Emerging Economic Powerhouse

The Journey
towards Greater
Fact File
Born on November 1, 2000, Chhattisgarh Geographical A
Area 1.35 lakh square
is young, modern and vibrant. With its fast kilometres
growth trajectory, the State occupies a Capital
C Raipur
pride of place among the fast developing Proposed Smart City
P Naya Raipur
states in the country. Abundance of Major Cities
M Bhilai, Bilaspur,
Raigarh, Durg, Korba
natural resources, growth-oriented
Total D
Districts 27
policies, ease of doing business and good
Estimated Pop
Population 22.55 million
governance have given Chhattisgarh an
S Ranks 17th in terms
edge in the race for development. As the of population and
State blazes a new trail in socio-economic 10th in terms of size
Population Den
Density 189 (2011)
development, the momentum of growth
Literacy Rate
L 70.28 (2011)
appears unstoppable.
Sex Ratio 991 (2011)

Emerging Economic
Gross State Domestic Product at current prices is around Rs 2,10,192
crore for the year 2014-15;
Chhattisgarh grew faster than national average growth rate during the
11th plan period (2007-12);
Per capita GSDP has more than doubled from 2004-05 to 2013-14;
Per capita income has increased to Rs 64,442 in the year 2014-15 as
compared Rs 13,145 in the year 2002-03;
The services sector contributes 40 percent to the GSDP; agriculture
and industry contribute 22 percent and 38 percent respectively;
Average industrial growth rate between 2003-04 and 2013-14 was 9.32
percent, which is higher than the national average of 7.25 percent.


If there is any Corporate entity in the country already living up to the clarion call
for Make in India, it is the Government owned Steel Authority of India Limited
(SAIL) with its flagship unit the Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.
Just like its other sister units of SAIL, BSP has not only made a significant
contribution in national infrastructure development but has also brought about
meaningful difference in the lives of people of its surrounding areas and has
established itself as an important partner in the development process of the
state of Chhattisgarh.
On 2nd February 1955, India and Soviet Union signed a trail blazing agreement
for Soviet financial and technical assistance to build a one million tonne (MT)
crude steel capacity iron and steel plant in the tribal heartland of Chhattisgarh,
then part of the state of Madhya Pradesh. Owing to its close vicinity to Iron
Ore rich Rajharahills as well its logistically suitable location on Mumbai-Howrah be the educational hub and provider of best medical and health care facilities
Rail line, Bhilai was chosen as the site for the proposed steel plant on March with the help of its schools and modern hospitals. The spill-over effect from its
14, 1955 for one of the three steel projects of Second Five-Year Plan, other two success and prosperity has been immense for the society and the entire state.
being Durgapur in West Bengal and Rourkela in Orissa. Consequently the industries based on iron and steel, cement, power have grown
and are presently powering Chhattisgarhs onward surge as a rapidly developing
The first hot metal in Bhilai was tapped on 4th Feb 1959 in presence of the state.
President of India, Dr Rajendra Prasad. The 1 MT Plant was completed on
February 22, 1961. Bhilais growth since then, under the erstwhile Hindustan BSP has contributed immensely in meeting the countrys requirement for a wide
Steel Limited and subsequently from 1973 onwards under SAIL, is a long and range of steel and has played a critical role in developing newer grades of steel
fascinating story marked by stage-by-stage expansion to 2.5 MT and then which were being imported. By virtue of rolling and supplying cleanest rail steel
further on to 4 MT, incorporating sophisticated mills, high technology processes, for different grades of rails including 260 metre long rails for Indian Railways for
diversified product lines and research and development schemes with added about five decades, SAIL-BSP can rightly claim that the nation moves on Bhilai
facilities to match the technological structure and ensure integrated operation Rails. SAIL-BSP has also been supplying special grade customized steel plates
with optimum utilization of capacity. for boilers & pressure vessels, heavy earth moving equipment, steel for mega
bridges, skyscrapers, high tension transmission towers & windmills, dams,
The Plant that has been operating above its rated capacities for 22 years now is hydro & thermal power facilities, for ocean going vessels including the steel for
presently on the throes of achieving 7.5 MT capacity. While a new Coke Oven fabricating the hull of Indias first indigenously built aircraft carrier INS Vikrant
Battery No 11 and a new sinter machine have already been commissioned, a and a range of other warships, steel for the ambitious particle-research INO
new Blast Furnace, another Steel Melting Shop, Universal Rail Mill, Bar & Rod project the list is long and exhaustive.
Mill and a host of other ultra-modern facilities that will help SAIL and BSP sustain
leadership in the steel sector are being added. SAIL has been an engine of dynamic growth and change, right from its inception
and has been a leader in fulfilling the countrys desire to be self-sufficient in
As the Plant has grown in magnitude, so has it been the trigger for economic steel - truly justifying the Companys catch-line Theres a little bit of SAIL in
growth of the region. Over and above this the Bhilai Township has turned out to everybodys life.

JPL power generation complex, Chhattisgarh
The Preferred
Rich Resource Base

Ease of Doing Business

Skilled & Talented Human Resources


Competitive Cost of Doing Business

Investor-Friendly Policies

Good Governance

The Natural Edge
Mother Nature has been generous to Chhattisgarh. With 28
major minerals, it has one of the highest mineral reserves
in the country. The State has 205 mines (2014-15) and the
mineral industry accounts for almost 80 percent of its total
industrial units.

The Earths
Glittering Wealth
Coal Iron ore

Limestone Bauxite

Dolomite Tin ore


Medium to small deposits of gold and base metals.

Its a Warm Welcome
for Investors
The Chhattisgarh Government has removed red tape and laid
out the red carpet for investors. The business environment is
streamlined, processes and procedures have been simplified.

Among the Top in Ease of Doing Business

4th in the country in Ease of Doing

Business as per World Bank report
amongst 32 States and UTs
2nd rank in labour regulations & reforms
3rd rank in setting up business
4th rank in carrying out inspections
4th rank in enforcing contracts

Hello, Lets
do Business!
Single Window Clearance Mechanism under State
Investment Promotion Board (SIPB) for investment
Common Application Form (CAF);
Integrated and automated approval processes;
Reducing number of approvals required for setting up
Service standards with standard time frames and
provisions for deemed approval;
Information dissemination with user guides to facilitate
Self-certification /third party inspection in practice.

The Right to Skills is
an enforceable right
in Chhattisgarh
A Rich Asset:
The People of
The Governments consistent focus on education
and skill development has paid rich dividends. Nearly
30,000 engineering professionals, 75,000 graduates
and post graduates are added to the States vibrant
human resource base every year. Chhattisgarh has
the largest public skill development programme in
India with over 2.17 lakh youth trained in the last
three years. The Government will train an additional
1.3 lakh youth in 2015-16

Skilled &
24 universities, 450 colleges;

27 Residential livelihood colleges in rural areas;

2nd Govt. after South Africa to make Right to Skill


2400+ registered Vocational Training Programmes ;

Big partners like ICICI Foundation, Jindal Foundation

etc. with industry placement tie-ups;

Major Educational Institutions such as

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT);

Indian Institute of Management Raipur (IIM);

All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS);

International Institute of Information Technology


Hidayatullah National Law University.

Infrastructure industrial
Designed for the

Chhattisgarh is self-sufficient in power with an installed power
capacity of 13,728.39 MW. The State is well connected with
35,241 kilometres of total road network and 1,187 kilometres
of rail network. There is an operational Inland Container Depot large
(ICD) in Raipur. Connectivity by rail, road and air to major ports, industrial
international airports and metropolises has been excellent. areas

Chhattisgarh contributes 1/6th

of total national freight revenue;
the highest by any state.

Power available
on demand. parks

On the Fast Track to Develop
World Class Infrastructure
Huge coal reserves give Chhattisgarh a powerful advantage in power generation for the future;

New 100-acre Integrated Container Depot (ICD) being developed at Naya Raipur will improve connectivity to ports;

Civil airports to be set up at Bilaspur and Raigarh; a new greenfield civil airport proposed in Jagdalpur;

The State will build approximately 3000 kilometres of roads in the next three years;

546 kilometres of rail line will be added in the next four years.

Power available at 35 percent lower rates than the
national average;

Inputs like metals, cement, steel cheaper due to

local production;

Land costs are lower;

Locational advantage gives cheaper transportation

and logistics options;

Lower construction costs;

Competitive labour costs.

Smart Solutions
& Smart Policies
Industrial Policy (2014-19) will bring Chhattisgarh on par with
other top industrially developed states in the country by 2024;

Agro & Food Processing Policy will encourage value addition to

the States rich agro-resource base and promote downstream

Electronics, IT & ITeS Policy will create an enabled society

effectively contributing to overall social and economic

Automotive Industry Policy will push for the establishment of

non-core sector industries by promoting the establishment of
automotive industries;

Solar Policy will tap the States immense potential for green

Start Ups
The Chhattisgarh Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Development Policy aims to help start ups and young
entrepreneurs by providing an enabling ecosystem.
This includes:
Establishing Accelerators/Technology Business
Setting up at least 100 ventures;
Start ups to have funding from angel investors,
financial institutions;
Organise start up boot camps in schools and
To make Chhattisgarh a hub of innovation and
Promote gender equality by encouraging women in

Chhattisgarh Secretariat, Naya Raipur

Good Governance
The Government of Chhattisgarh is firmly committed to good governance.
The State enjoys both political and policy stability. Upholding the rule
of the law is the Governments top priority. The Governments effort in
improving social equity has paid off with female literacy doubling in the
last decade and male literacy higher than Indias average. The gender
ratio is also higher than the national average.

The Chhattisgarh
Government won the
prestigious National
e-Governance Award (GOLD)
2014-15 for innovative use
of geographic information

Jindal-Making use of Chhattisgarhs deep reserves

Minerals &

Deep Reserves bestow Economic Strength

Sterling Performance

Infinite Opportunities Deep in the Earth

Deep Reserves
bestow Economic
Mineral Reserves in India Reserves in State
(Lakh ton) (Crore ton)
1 Iron ore 1,05,520 2069
2 Coal 20,46,530 2561
3 Bauxite 24,62,543 193
4 Limestone 7,56,590 3177
5 Dolomite 43,870 580
6 Quartzite 27,070 4,40
8 Gold 68* 3*
9 Corundum 28337* 25*
* Reserves in ton

Deep in the Earth
Chhattisgarh has immense potential for prospecting,
exploration and exploitation of minerals for industrial use
and export;

Heavy, medium and small-scale mineral based industries

can be set up without importing any major raw material
from other states.

Chhattisgarh accounts for 30 percent of Indias iron &
steel production;

Chhattisgarh contributes 22.60 percent of Indias total

coal production;

Rank first in India for coal, tin and dolomite production

in 2014-15;

With steel plants spread across, the State produces 15

percent of total steel produced in the country;

Product range in steel is comprehensive and includes

hot metal, crude steel, finished steel, semis and
saleable steel;

Total aluminum production stands at 3.45 million ton

(30% of production in India);

Chhattisgarh is the countrys sole tin producer.

Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary

Land Resources
Forest & Water

Indias Green Heart

Blessed with Unique Biodiversity

Treasure Trove in the Forests

The Rivers of Life

Indias Green Heart
Area under Forest Cover

Forest Type Area (sq km) % of Geographical Biodiversity status

Sal Forests 19,682 14.56 Very Rich
Teak Forests 5,858 4.33 Fairly Rich
Mixed Forests 34,230 25.32 Rich
Total 59,772 44.21

(Source - Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce Co-operative Federation)

Nestled under a green cover of dense forests, Chhattisgarh is a treasure

trove of biodiversity. Tall towering teak trees, wonderful medicinal plants
and amazing animal life the forests of Chhattisgarh are living, breathing
testament to the States concern for the environment.

Blessed with
Unique Biodiversity
Chhattisgarh is home to12 percent of Indias forests;

44 percent of the State is endowed with forest cover;

Chhattisgarh is identified as one of the richest bio-diversity habitats;

22 varied forest sub-types present in the State;

The dense forests of Chhattisgarh have incredible wildlife;

The forests provide a rich yield of non-timber products.

Treasure Trove in
the Forests
Minor Forest Products (MFP) like tendu leaves, sal
seeds, gum, lac, tamarind and medicinal plants provide
livelihood to tribals;

Chhattisgarh produces more than 43 percent of total lac

produced in the country;

Around 312 species of medicinal plants have been


Annual trade of MFP is over Rs 900 crore. However, the

estimated potential trade is about Rs 1600 crore;

Several Government and bilateral programmes focus on

promotion of forest and MFP sector.

The Rivers of Life
Chhattisgarh is preparing a comprehensive master plan
for the optimum utilisation of its water resources. The aim
is to provide the State with an integrated and sustainable
approach to water management. The main rivers are the
Mahanadi, Sheonath, Indravati, Arpa, Hasdeo, Kelo, Son,
Rehar, and Kanhar.

Core Sectors




Power Push
Planned installed capacity in the State is expected to go up to
approximately 35,000 MW by 2020;

Proposed Rs1,20,000 crore investment to increase capacity

by 17,788 MW;

24x7 Power For All is a key initiative launched jointly by the

Central Government and the State Government;

The objective of the initiative is to connect the unconnected,

ensure 24x7 quality, reliable and affordable power supply to
domestic, commercial, agriculture and industrial consumers
within a fixed time frame.

Going from
Strength to
About one-fifth of the total iron-ore produced in the country is
mined in the State;

Iron and steel followed by ore, slag and ash are the States
major exports;

Chhattisgarh produces exceptionally high grade iron ore with

one of the worlds best-quality iron-ore deposits at the Bailadila

Iron-ore from this region has more than 66 percent super high-
grade iron content and is ideal for manufacturing steel.

Reserved for a
Profitable Future
Chhattisgarhs bauxite reserves are located mainly in Surguja,
Korba, Jashpur, Kanker, Bastar and Kabirdham districts. The total
estimated bauxite reserve in the State is approximately 148 million
ton and is expected to meet the demand of almost one million
ton aluminium production capacity.

Strong Foundation
for Growth
Chhattisgarh has huge reserves of limestone and dolomite that
are mainly used in cement manufacturing;

The deposits are located at Raigarh, Janjgir-Champa, Kabirdham,

Bilaspur, Raipur, Durg, Rajnandgaon, Jagdalpur and Dantewara

Total estimated limestone and dolomite deposits stand at 9038

million ton and 847 million ton respectively;

With competitive labour and raw material costs, Chhattisgarh

offers several advantages for cement manufacturing;

There are 9 major and 12 minor cement units in Chhattisgarh.

Jindal Super Thermal Power Plant, Tamnar, Chhattisgarh

Physical and
Shaping Industrial Progress

The Impetus for Industrial Development

The Journey Ahead

The Big World of Small Industries

Setting New Benchmarks

Shaping Industrial
Chhattisgarh has eight notified industrial areas, four large
industrial areas and seven industrial parks apart from ongoing
and upcoming industrial infrastructure projects.

The Impetus
for Industrial
Industrial Parks

Metal Park spread across 87.57 hectares near Raipur with

downstream metal industries;

Apparel Park at Raipur offers facilities like independent loading/

unloading dock, common facility building, outer development,
water supply and drainage system;

Engineering Park in Bhilai has 150 engineering units;

Upcoming industrial parks are Plastic Park, Mega Food Park and
Aluminium Park.

Reaching out to
People with CHiPS
Widespread use of Information & Communication Technology
(ICT) has given Chhattisgarh a governance edge over other States.
The Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion Society (CHiPS) is the nodal
agency and the driving force in end-to-end implementation of
mega IT projects like SDC, SSDG, SWAN, GIS, CHOi CE and
Chhattisgarh has used ICT and e-Governance to reduce socio-
economic disparities by improving information flow on Government
schemes, educating farmers on modern farming and providing
market related information, monsoon forecasts and much more.
Given the potential of ICT in enabling development, Chhattisgarh
encourages and facilitates investments in IT. This vision has been
spelt out in the Electronics, IT and ITeS Investment Policy (2014
2019) put together by CHiPS.

The Journey Ahead
Chhattisgarh has received approval for setting up two Special
Economic Zone (SEZ);

The 250-acre Solar SEZ at Rajnandgaon will house manufacturers

of non-conventional energy equipment;

IT/ ITeS SEZ at Naya Raipur is a world class facility;

Electronics manufacturing industries will get a productive

ecosystem at the upcoming Electronics Manufacturing Cluster
in Naya Raipur, including product design house, calibration and
certification facility, printing and packaging facilities;

The Industrial Rail Corridor will add 546 kilometres of rail

network and develop three rail corridors.

The Big World of
Small Industries
Chhattisgarh has 3.01 lakh Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) units producing Rs 8437 crore worth of output. The
implementation of the Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster
Development Program (MSE-CDP) has resulted in their holistic
and integrated development.

NRDA: Setting
New Benchmarks
The Naya Raipur Development Authority (NRDA) is responsible
for development of infrastructure and implementation of utility
and social projects in Naya Raipur. Its vision is to develop the
capital city as an ultramodern green and smart city that offers
world class amenities for residents and visitors.

Naya Raipur
City of the Future

Indias First Green Field Smart City

A Symbol of Dynamic Chhattisgarh

The Theme is Green

Living the Good Life

Indias First Green
Field Smart City
Spread over 237 square kilometres, Naya Raipur has set a
benchmark in Indias urban planning and management. The green
field capital city is envisaged as a world class city with state-of-
the-art infrastructure, vast green spaces, smart amenities and
eco-friendly transport system. Naya Raipur is truly a city planned
and executed in the 21st century.

A Symbol of Dynamic
Six-lane expressways;

Underground infrastructure for water, power and


Economically viable, environmentally acceptable water

management to provide 24X7 water-supply;

Zero Discharge City with decentralised sewage treatment;

Communication system for both wired and wireless services of

voice, data and Value Added Services (VAS);

Sustainable Urban Transport Project includes public transport

development and non-motorised transport development.

The Theme is Green
Naya Raipur has a total planned area of 8000 hectares of public
spaces, parks and landscaping with 26 percent of green area. It is
the first Indian city to be surrounded by a 500 metre wide green belt.

Living the Good Life
Theme Township Golf Course Convention Centre Shopping
Malls Multiplexes Sports City International Cricket Stadium
Amusement Park Jungle Safaris Premier Education Institutes
Cultural Village World Class Health Facilities Logistics Hub
Knowledge Centre Central Business District (CBD).

Chhattisgarh Trade Centre
The Chhattisgarh Trade Centre extends over an area of 100 acres;

The Centre will have world class facilities for conventions/seminars/investors meets;

The sprawling premises include excellent amenities to hold exhibitions and fairs;

Cultural programmes can be held on the state-of-the-art stage; while a Shilpgram will
showcase Chhattisgarhs art and craft


A Golden Harvest

A Bountiful Yield

From Farm to Fork

Adding Value to Farm Output

Friendly Policies for a Better Output

A Golden Harvest
Known as the rice bowl of the country, Chhattisgarh is rich in
agriculture with 43 percent of its total area of 135 lakh hectares
under cultivation.

A Bountiful Yield
Rice is the major crop occupying 66 percent of the total cropped area;

Pulses and oil seeds occupy 17 percent and 5 percent respectively;

5.52 lakh metric tons of maize production in 2014-15;

Horticulture produce includes papaya, tomato and banana;

6.40 lakh ton of spice production in 2014-15 including chilli, ginger and turmeric;

Chhattisgarh is also a significant producer of milk and is ranked 6th in the country for fish seed production.

From Farm
to Fork
Development of the agro-processing sector is a key economic
strategy. Chhattisgarh has a rich harvest of rice, pulses, fruits and
vegetables. During the period 2008-2014, production of fruits
doubled and vegetable output increased by 87 percent. Growth
drivers for the agro-processing industry include rising population,
rising incomes and rapidly changing food habits. The Government
has spelt out its intent to encourage agro-based industries with
the Chhattisgarh state food processing mission - 2015.

Chhattisgarh state
food processing
Incentive under Scheme of technology upgradation/
establishment/modernization of food processing industry:
Upto Rs 50 Lakh

Incentive under Scheme of cold chain/ value addition/

preservation infrastructure (for horticulture and non-horticulture
products): Upto Rs 5 Crore

Incentive for Setting up of primary collection centres/ processing

centres in rural areas:Upto Rs 2.5 crore

Incentive under Scheme of refer Vehicles: Upto Rs 50 Lakh

Friendly Policies
for a Better Output
Tax concessions, exemptions and investor friendly policies like a
single license system have given a boost to the agro-processing
industry in the state.

Investing in the Future

Stellar Performance

From Chhattisgarh to the World

Encouraging Exports

The World taps Chhattisgarhs Potential

in the Future
Chhattisgarh with its natural resource advantages, skilled
manpower and good governance has attracted impressive
investment interest and finances. The State accounted for
over 40 percent of the total proposed investment in Industrial
Entrepreneurial Memorandums (IEMs) filed in the year 2014.
Chhattisgarh has attracted IEMs worth Rs 7 lakh crore during the
period 2010-2015. The State signed MoUs worth more than Rs
54,629 crore (until November) across the spectrum of industries
until November in the financial year 2015-16.

Chhattisgarh is ranked 2nd country-wide
in attractin
n investments through IEMs;

n of more than Rs 2 lakh crore
d to flow in during 2015-20.

From Chhattisgarh
to the World
Chhattisgarhs exports grew from Rs 2960 crore in 2008-2009 to
Rs 7701 crore in 2013-14. Bhilai region accounts for 75 percent
of the States exports. Major exports include steel, handicrafts,
handlooms, blended yarn, food/agri products, iron, aluminium,
cement, minerals and engineering products. Products with great
potential for exports include tussar silk/kosa fabric, processed
foods, organically grown cereals, herbal & medicinal products.

Establishment of export facilitation cum convention centre
in Naya Raipur;

Establishment o
of air cargo along with Custom Clearance
facility in Raipur;

Awareness prog
programmes for export promotion;

Equipping and e
expanding the Inland Container Depot;

Excellent conne
connectivity by road and rail to the ports like
Mumbai, Vizag a
and Paradip.

The World taps
Chhattisgarhs Potential
Globalisation has resulted in an inflow of Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) into Chhattisgarh. In order to encourage FDI,
the State Government has created a competitive and business
friendly environment. The aim is to convert the States enormous
potential into accelerated industrial development.

Modern Living
in an Ancient Land
Ultra modern medical facilities are available as several top names in Indias heath sector
have set up excellent hospitals in the State;
There is a hospitality boom with big brands like Hyatt, The Gateway hotel (Taj group), Radisson,
Park and Renaissance (Marriott) lining up to cater to the growing business clientele in the
Two screen theatres and multiplexes are writing a new script to the entertainment industry
in Chhattisgarh;
Popular retail showrooms/brands have opened their doors in malls and shopping complexes.

Chitrakote Waterfall


Exploring Chhattisgarh

Invest in an Enchanting World

Exciting Destinations

Eternal Traditions & Rich Tribal Culture

Follow the Temple Trail

Legends create a Holy Land

Dance & Music add Rhythm to Life


garh wat

ple, Sirpur
Laxman tem

In Chhattisgarh, the extraordinary is the ordinary. Its a world
where the quiet solitude of forests is broken by the roar of its
incredible wildlife; the charm of its ancient heritage structures
juxtaposes sharply against the modernity of the expressways
at Naya Raipur; and the tradition and culture of the people
brings into focus a past that is truly rich and a present that is
incredibly vibrant.

Purkhauti Muktangan

Invest in an
Enchanting World
An incredible 125 tourist destinations; countrys
biggest waterfall Chitrakote; three national parks;11
wildlife sanctuaries; 30 significant waterfalls; deep
caves; untouched topography; ancient heritage
structures; rich culture; colourful festivals.

Observe wildlife in their natural sanctuaries

Badalkhol Sitanadi Barnawapara Semarsot

Tamor Pingla Bhairamgarh Bhoramdeo Gomarda
Pamed Sanctuary Gomarda Badalkhol Sitanadi

Marvel at the splendor of unique biodiversity in the

natural parks

Kanger Valley Guru Ghasidas

Enjoy the majesty of the lord of the forest!

Indrawati Tiger Reserve Achanakmar Tiger Reserve

Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary

Traditions &
Rich Tribal
Chhattisgarh is developing a tribal tourism circuit
at an estimated cost of Rs 99.94 crore;

The proposed tribal tourism circuit is Jashpur-

Kurdhar-Sarodhadhar-Gangrel-Nathiya Navagaon
(Kanker)-Kondagaon-Jagdalpur-Chitrakot and

It will attract tourists to tribal areas by showcasing

Chhattisgarhs ancient tribal culture and

Ethnic tourist villages will be developed at Jashpur,

Ambikapur and Sarodadhar;

Eco-ethnic tourism development activities will be

taken up at seven other places.

Laxman temple

Sirpur: Where Time

Stands Still
Situated idyllically on the banks of the Mahanadi River, Sirpur is
a small town around 84 kilometres from Raipur. Its landscape is
dotted with archaeological wonders, which include incredible
stone carvings, impressive temples, sprawling Buddha Viharas
and an ancient granary and market. One of the must-see sights is
the brick structure of the famous Laxman temple.

Sirpurs Magnificent
Buddhist Heritage
Several important Buddhist monuments have been discovered;

The Buddha Viharas of Sirpur are older than Nalanda;

The beautiful carvings on the Vihara walls still echo their

ancient splendour;

There is a Bodhi tree under which, it is believed, Lord Buddha

sat in quiet meditation;

Nearly 85 bronze idols of Buddha have been found during


Sirpur is part of the Buddhist Heritage Trail (State circuit) being

planned by the Ministry of Tourism.

Follow the Temple Trail
Chhattisgarh is an ancient land with a legacy of temples left behind by successive
ruling dynasties. Known in the past as the Dakshin Koshal, the land finds mention in
both the Ramayana and Mahabharata, adding mystique to its already rich heritage.

Danteshwari Temple Dongargarh Ratanpur Bhoramdeo Temple Laxman

Temple Gandheshwar Temple Barsur Twin Ganesha Temple Rajim Temple
Girodhpuri Damakheda Shivarinarayan Shabari Pragyagiri

Legends create
a Holy Land
Danteshwari Temple
The Danteshwari Temple dedicated to Goddess Danteshwari
is one of the 52 Shakti Peethas or shrines dedicated to Shakti
in India. According to legend, the 14th century temple was built
where the Daanth or tooth of the Goddess fell;

There are plans to develop Ram Van Gaman Path, which will
trace the path that Lord Ram took during his14-year exile in the
forest. It is believed that during his travel from Ayodhya to the
south of India, the exiled Lord crossed through territory that
comprises present day Chhattisgarh.

the Joy of Life
Chhattisgarh is a fascinating land with a colourful
culture and a vibrant people who enjoy celebrating
their traditions with joy and verve. With a vast tribal
population, the State has several festivals that
showcase and highlight their culture. Dance, music,
handicrafts, and arts come together to create a truly
amazing experience during the festive season.

Bastar Dusshera Madai Festival Bhagoriya

Festival Hariyali Kora Navakhani Cherta
Rajim Lochan Mahotsav Bhoramdeo Mahotsav
Chakradhar Festival Goncha Festival Narayanpur
Mela Sheorinarayan Fair

the Gods
Bastar Dusshera
The 500-year old Bastar Dusshera captures the
uniqueness of Chhattisgarh in myriad ways. The
festivities start in the month of July or August in honour
of the deity at the Danteshwari temple. The celebrations
extend over 75 days and are a commemoration to
Goddess Danteshwari and other indigenous Gods and
Goddesses of the tribals. Even more significant, the
festival sees all the tribes of the region coming together,
with each having its own distinct role in making the
festival rich and grand.

Tribal Culture
Purkhoti Muktangan is a museum of tribal art and culture in Naya
Raipur. Showcasing the States cultural history, it is expected to
become a much sought after destination in Indias tourist map
in the coming years. The rich tribal culture of the State from
Bastar to Surguja is on display here. With its serene greenery,
the wonderful exhibition of tribal life and the stunning artifacts,
Purkhoti Muktangan has created an environment that dynamically
conserves and preserves an ancient culture.

Dance & Music add
Rhythm to Life
Pandwani is a musical narration of the epic Mahabharata;

Raut Nacha Panthi and Soowa are popular dance forms;

Traditional folk songs celebrate milestones in life like child birth

and marriage;

There is also folk music based on seasons and festivals;

Plays are a part of Chhattisgarhs culture and most of them have

a dash of humour. Popular folk plays include Chandaini-Gonda,
Sonha-Bihan, Lorik-Chanda, Kari, Hareli and Gammatiha.


Crafting a Legacy

Magic & Mystique of Chhattisgarh Handicrafts

Reflecting the Radiance of Nature


Capturing the Essence

of Chhattisgarh
The Chhattisgarh Handicrafts Development Board has through various schemes and is actively
successfully captured the very essence of the State for future encouraging the private sector to invest in
generations by preserving its precious handicraft tradition. The the development of handicrafts.
mission of the Board is to ensure that the States handicrafts
Enriching the Crafts
legacy remains eternal. It works towards ensuring all round
development of the handicraft sector as well as reviving any craft The Board has launched various schemes
that may be endangered due to lack of patronage. The Boards to ensure that the States s
popular emporiums Shabari showcase stunning examples of the handicraft tradition is further enriched and
talent and craftsmanship of the people of Chhattisgarh. preserved for future generations. These include:

A Modern Twist to Ancient Crafts Training programmes;

Chhattisgarhs ancient crafts have now become a way to generate

ate Registration of artisans;
greater employment in the State. In its effort to preserve and Tools and equipment grant;
conserve the ancient crafts, the Board provides training to Workshed development grant;
traditional and non-traditional artisans as well as unemployed Technical and design guidance;
youth. The aim is to ensure their integration into the mainstream State awards;
of development. The Board provides assistance and guidance Marketing assistance.
Crafting a Legacy
The handicrafts of Chhattisgarh reflect the culture and traditions
of its people. Dhokra, consisting of dull gold figurines made
of bell metal, is a craft that dates back to the ages. Practised
using the lost wax technique, it is popular in the Bastar and
Raigarh districts. Exquisite bamboo, wood and sisal craft are
exquisite examples of how the talented artisans craft traditions
into stunning works of art.

Traditional paintings done to commemorate special occasions

like marriages or childbirth adorn the floors and walls of
Chhattisgarh homes. Jewellery made of beads, cowries and
feathers add to the beauty of the tribal costumes. Godna art is
an example of how tradition is inked using the colours of nature.
The women used to tattoo their bodies using naturally occurring
ink. This gradually evolved into an art form with the spectacular
designs printed on paper, fabric, jute, pottery and sarees.

Magic & Mystique of
Chhattisgarh Handicrafts
Dhokra Work Bamboo Craft Cowrie Craft Jute Sisal Tribal Paintings
Wrought Iron Carpet Weaving Kosa Stone Carving Tumba Clay Relief Work
Godna Printing Terracotta Wood Craft

Reflecting the
Radiance of Nature
The States handicrafts heritage has evolved from its culturally
rich and unique tribes. As a result, a stunning characteristic
of Chhattisgarhs handicrafts is that each and every precious
work is a reflection of the wonderful harmony that has
evolved between nature and the tribal communities. The tribal
communities live in perfect symphony with the lush forests,
spectacular waterfalls and mysterious caves that are scattered
around the Chhattisgarh landscape. Their daily life in the midst
of this beauty, local mythology, rituals and folklore inspire them
to create works of art.


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