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dearly walked land village northern

engaged carpenter Nazareth Galilee Israel
man days history Joseph righteous
Mary woman divided Earth AD
Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. As ___________ ___________ upon this ___________ called ___________,

2. in the ___________ before ___________ had been ___________ into BC and
3. a man by the name of ___________ lived in a ___________ called ___________
located in ___________in the ___________ region of ___________.
4. Joseph was a kindhearted and ___________ young man.
5. He was a ___________ by trade and was ___________ to a woman by the
name of ___________, a ___________ whom he loved ___________.
Answer the following questions with a complete sentence.

1. When was the man walking?

2. What was Josephs job?
3. Who was the woman engaged with Joseph?


Fill in the blanks with the correct words from Column B

1. he was considering ___________ save
their ___________ quietly, conceived

2. but then an ___________ of the bring

___________ appeared to him in a angel

___________ wife
3. Do not be ___________ to take to
you Mary your ___________,
4. for that which is ___________ in
her is of the Holy ___________.
5. And she will ___________ forth a dream
___________, and you shall call His people
name ___________, breaking off

6. for He will ___________ His relationship

___________ from their Lord



Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

verse record conceive chapter promise

Behold Immanuel God words prophecy
know Himself appear human virgin

1. Isaiah ___________ 7 ___________ 14 contains a ___________ of his

2. ___________ the ___________ shall ___________ and bear a Son,
3. and shall call His name ___________.
4. Immanuel means ___________ God with us.
5. In other ___________, this ___________ was to let us ___________
6. that God ___________ would ___________ to us in ___________ form.

Arrange the jumbled words and phrases to make the statement correct.
1. (Immanuel.) (shall conceive) (Behold, the virgin) (and bear a Son,)
(and shall call) (His name)
2. (means) (Immanuel) (God) (with us.)
3.(this prophecy) (us know) (In other words) (was to let)
4. (would appear) (that God Himself) (to us) (in human form.)

Unscramble each of the clue words to fill in the blanks.

to Mary and said,
Do not be (3) ___________,
for you have found (4)
___________with God.
And (5)___________, you will
(6)___________ in your womb
and bring (7)___________
a (8)___________,
and shall (9)___________
His name (10)____________.
He will be (11)___________,
and will be (12)___________
the Son of the
and the (14)___________ God
will give Him
the (15)___________
of His (16)___________ David.
And He will (17)___________
over the house of
(18)___________ forever,
and of His (19) ___________
there will be no (20) _______.
(Luke 1:30 33)

Before this was (1)___________ to

the angel (2) ___________ appeared


Arrange the jumbled words and phrases to make the statement correct.
1. (heard) (these words,) (When Mary) (she asked,)
2. (How can) (since I do not) (know a man?) (this be,)
3. (angel) (replied,) (The)
4. (will overshadow) (of the Highest) (The power)(you;)
5. (who is) (that Holy One) (therefore, also,) (to be born)
6. (called) (will be) (the Son) (of God.)
7. (God) (For with) (nothing) (will be) (impossible)
8. (responded) (in obedience) (to these words:) (Mary)
9. (Behold) (of the Lord!) (the maidservant)
10. (Let it be) (according to) (to me) (your word.)


Complete the phrases/sentences by writing their missing part. Choose the

answer from Column B.

Column A

1. Now that Mary________________

Column B
2. she sang__________________
has done great things for me,
will call me blessed
3. My soul__________________
Gods praises,
to generation
4. And my spirit__________________
had conceived,
5. He has regraded_______________ is His name.
the lowly state of His
6. all generations________________
7. He who is mighty______________ has rejoiced in God my Savior
Magnifies the Lord,
8. His mercy is on ________________ those who fear Him

9. And holy__________________

10. From generation______________


Circle the letter of the correct answer.


1. But there will be no more ________

a. anguish b. gloom c. land
2. for her who was in ________
a. anguish b. gloom c. land
3. In earlier times He treated the ________ of Zebulun
a. anguish b. gloom c. land
4. and the land of Naphtali with ________
a. glorious b. contempt c. darkness
5. but later on He shall make it ________
a. glorious b. contempt c. darkness
6. The people who walk in ________ will see a great light;
a. glorious b. contempt c. darkness

Complete the phrases/sentences by writing their missing part. Choose the

answer from Column B.
Column A
1. He treated the ________________ Column B the way ________________ land of Zebulun and the land of
3. on the other side of ____________
the Gentiles
4. Galilee of ________________ of the sea,
5. the light will ________________ shine on them

(Isaiah 9:6-7)

Fill in the missing letters.


For u _ t _ us a C _ _ Id is b _ r _ ,
Unto us a S _ _ is g _ v _ _ ;
And the g _ v _ _ n _ _ n _ will be upon His s _ _ _ l _ _ r.

And His n _ m _ will be c _ l _ e _ won _ _ r _ ul,

C _ _ ns _ l _ r , M _ gh _ _ G _ d ,

E _ _ _ las _ _ ng F _ th _ r, Prince of P _ _ c _ .

Put the following sentences in the correct order, Number them 1, 2, 3, 4,. . . . .

______ There will be no end,

______ With judgement and justice

______ From that time forward, even forever.

______ Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,

______ The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

______ To order it and establish it

______ Of the increase of His government and peace


Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

prophecy Augustus emperor made years Jesus

conceived womb countries Mediterranean census world

accordance fulfilled control command shores Child

1. Isaiah ___________ this ___________ a long time ago,

2. 740 ___________ before ___________ was born.
3. It was when the ___________ had been ___________ in Marys ___________
4. in ___________ with the prophecies,
5. which were being ___________ one by one,
6. that ___________, the Roman ___________
7. who had ___________ of various ___________
8. along the ___________ of the ___________ Sea,
9. gave the ___________ that a ___________ be taken of all the ___________.

Complete the phrases/sentences by writing their missing part. Choose the

answer from Column B.
Column A Column B
who had control of various
1. Isaiah _______________________
2. the Child ____________________
had been conceived
3. the Roman emperor ____________ that a census be taken
4. gave the command ____________ made this prophecy


Arrange the jumbled words and phrases to make the statement correct.

1.(also traveled) (Joseph and Mary) (the long distance)


2. (in the land) (of Judah,) (up to Bethlehem,)


4. (was due) (Mary) (to give birth)


Solve the puzzle.

Down Across
1. but, since the city was 4. They just ____________ to find
____________ with travelers, somewhere in a stable,
2. wrapped Him in ____________ 5. they were not able to
cloths, and laid Him in a manger. ____________ a place to stay.
3. and there Mary ____________
birth to her child,


Follow the appropriate words and write the complete phrases/sentences on the
blanks below.

1. Then the 2. for behold, 3. which 4. For there is 5.a Savior,

angel born to you
I bring you said to them who is Christ will be this day
good tidings
in the city of to all people. Do not be of great joy The Lord.
David afraid,

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

Fill in the missing letters.

1. And this will be the s _ g _ to y _ _;

2. y _ u will _ i n _ a B _ b _

3. wra _ _e d in sw _ d _li _ _ clot_ _, ly _ _ ng in a m _ ng _ _


Put the following sentences in the correct order, Number them 1, 2, 3, 4,. . . . .

(Luke 2:15)
______ the shepherds said to one another
______ Let us now go to Bethlehem
______ which the Lord has made know to us.
______ When the angels had gone away from them into heaven
______ and see thing that has come to pass,

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

angel words quickly Baby Mary

Joseph manger stored heart pondered
shepherds glorifying praising seen heard

1. They went ___________ and found ___________ and ___________,

2. and the ___________ lying in the ___________,

3. and they told them what the ___________ had said to them.

4. Mary ___________ these ___________ up in her ___________

5. and ___________ over them.

6. The ___________ returned

7. ___________ and ___________ God

8. for all that they had ___________ and ___________.


Follow the appropriate words and write the complete phrases/sentences on the
blanks below.

(Matthew 2:2).

1.Then Jerusalem 2. Some wise 3. Where is He 4. For we have

men, who seen
having seen the has been born was set His star in the East
star in the east,
King of the Jews? had come and and have come to in commotion.
asked, worship Him.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

Choose the correct word that completes each sentence below.

1. Then (Nazareth, Jerusalem) was set in commotion.

2. Some (kind, wise) men, having seen the (star, moon) in the (east, west),

3. Where is He who has been born (hero, king) of the Jews?

4. For we have seen His (star, sun) in the (east, west) and have come to (thank,

worship) Him.


Arrange the jumbled words and phrases to make the statement correct.

1. (gathered) ( chief priests) (King Herod) (and scribes) (all the)

2. (was to be born) (of them) (and inquired) (where the Christ)

Put the following sentences in the correct order, Number them 1, 2, 3, 4,. . . . .

______ The scepter shall not depart from Judah,

______ A long time before this, Jacob said,

______ and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.

______ nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes;

Complete the phrases/sentences by writing their missing part. Choose the

answer from Column B.
Column A Column B

1. And a prophet_______________
2. I see Him, _________________ out of Israel.

3. I behold Him, _______________ out of Jacob;

4. a Star shall come ____________ but not now;

5. A Scepter shall rise __________ but not near;



Fill in the blanks with the correct word.


following wise Gentile appeared accordance Old

shocked prophecy wonder Herod Testament Jerusalem

commotion verse Micah chief prophecy scribes

1. These ___________ ___________ men had come far away,

2. ___________ the star that had ___________

3. in ___________ with the ___________.

4. It is no ___________ that ___________ was ___________

5. and all ___________ was in a ___________.

6. The words of ___________ the ___________ priests and ___________

7. found in the ___________ ___________ scriptures

8. were from ___________ chapter 5 ___________ 2.

Arrange the jumbled words and phrases to make the statement correct.
1. (Bethlehem) (But you,) (Ephrathah,)
2. (thousands of Judah,) (are little) (though you) (among the)
3. (yet out) (of you) (forth to Me) (shall come)

Follow the appropriate words and write the complete phrases/sentences on the
blanks below.

1. When Herod 2. He secretly 3. Go and search 4. and when you

heard these summoned carefully have
the wise men and found Him, he realized that for the young
his throne
Child, was no longer and ascertained bring back word
secure from them to me,

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

Complete the phrases/sentences by writing their missing part. Choose the

answer from Column B.

Column A Column B
1. search carefully _______________ were a lie
2. his throne ___________________ worship Him
3. may come and _______________ was no longer secure
4. These words, however _________ the dark intentions
5. that concealed _______________ for the young Child


Jumble the letters to fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

Having (h r d e a) (1) ___________ the kings request,

and the star (d r e a p e p a) (2) ___________ in front of them once more.
They (d e e r o j i c ) (3) ___________ with
(d l g n e e x c e i y) (4) ___________ great joy
with gifts of gold, frankincense, and (h r m y r) (5) ___________

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

bowed down kings house treasures

star mother rejoiced stopped Child
myrrh east halt worshipped frankincense

1. Having heard the ___________ request,

2. the wise men from the ___________went on their way,
3. and the ___________ appeared in front of them once more.
4. They followed the star and ___________ where it came to a ___________.
5. They ___________with exceedingly great joy
6. as they entered the ___________.
7. There, they found the young __________and His ___________, Mary,
8. and they ___________ ___________ and ___________ the Child.
9. Then, opening their __________ , they presented Him
10. with gifts of gold, __________ and __________.


_____1. Joseph also received a command from the angel of the Lord in a dream.
_____2. Herod will seek the young Child but not to destroy Him.

_____3. Joseph arose and took the Child and His mother.
_____4. God had already spoken through the prophet Hosea.
_____5. Arise, take the young Child and His mother. The angel said.

Write the correct answer in the box.

1. _____ also received a command

2. The young Child and His mother flee to ______

3. _____ will seek the young Child to destroy Him.

4. God had already spoken through the prophet_______


Answer the following questions with a complete sentence.

1. Why did King Herod wait for the wise men to return?
________________________________________________________ .

2. Did the wise men return?

________________________________________________________ .
3. Where did he send his men?
________________________________________________________ .

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. He sent his men to ______
a. Galilee b. Bethlehem c. Jerusalem
2. They killed all the ______ children.
a. woman b. babies c. man
3. He based this action on the ______ he had received from the wise men.
a. word b. action c. information
4. regarding the precise time of the appearance of the ______.
a. star b. moon c. sun


Put the following sentences in the correct order. Number them 1,2,3,4.
________1. but later on He shall make it glorious,
________2. The people who walk in darkness will see a great light;
________3. In earlier times He treated the land of Zebulun

________4. those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.
________5. by the way of the sea, on the other side of Jordan, Galilee of the
Answer the following questions in the verse map below with a complete
When did He treat the land? What lands did he treat with
1. ________________
________________ 2.3. ________________
________________ ________________

ISAIAH 9:1-2

What shall God do later on? What will the people who walk
in darkness see?
4. ____________________
________________ 5. _________________
__________________ _________________


What did He say to the people who were gathered in the synagogue? To find the
answer, fill in the blanks with the correct letter to complete the word in each
item. Then write each letter on its numbered blank.

attendant from people turned synagogue

closed gathered prophet Sabbath

1. One __ __ __ __ __ __ __ day,
4 1

2. When Jesus went into the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __,

6 5 11

3. He __ __ __ __ __ __ to the book
12 8 3

4. of the prophet __ __ __ __ __ __.

9 15

5. and read __ __ __ __ it.

13 14

6. Then He __ __ __ __ __ __ the book,


7. He gave it back to the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.


8. And said to the __ __ __ __ __ __

10 2

9. Who were __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ in the synagogue,


__ __ __ __ __ this __ __ __ __ __ t __ r __ is __ u __ filled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

in your __ eari __ __
15 16 17


Which phrase or sentence is correct? Circle a or b.

1. a. The passage that he read was from the beginning of Isaiah chapter 61.
b. The passage that he read was from the beginning of Isaiah chapter 62.

2. a. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed
b. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has appointed

3. a. to teach good tidings to the poor

b. to preach good tidings to the poor

4. a. He has sent Me to help the brokenhearted.

b. He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted.

5. a. to proclaim liberty to the captives,

b. to proclaim liberty to the people,

Answer the following questions with complete sentence.

1. What is upon Jesus that made the Lord God anoint him?


2. What will He preach to the poor?


3. To whom the liberty will be proclaimed?


Unscramble the letter in the box. Write your answers in the blanks with their
corresponding word to complete the verse.

a. m a n h u e. d m a a
b. n w o d l e k g e f. e n e d p o
c. e c d d e i v e g. l e b s g s i n
d. t f u i r h. i i n g b n e n g

Adam, the forefather of the (a) __________ race, accepted the fruit of the tree of
the (b) ____________ of good and evil from his wife Eve, and ate it. Eve had been
(c) ____________ by the serpent and had eaten this (d) ___________, that God
had told (e) ____________ not to eat. Then, the eyes of both of them were
(f) ____________ and they lost the (g) _____________ that God had given them
in the (h) _______________.

Answer the following questions with a complete sentence.

1. Who was the forefather of the human race?

__________________________________________________________ .

2. Who told Adam not to eat the fruit?

__________________________________________________________ .

3. Who deceived Adams wife to eat the fruit?

__________________________________________________________ .

Encircle the correct word for each item.

1. So, in order to (give, take) life to the pitiful spirits who would be born in
trespasses and sin,
2. God said that the descendant of the woman would (appear, disappear) and
bruise the serpent on the head.
3. God gave this as a (lesson, warning) to the tempter.
4. These were the words that God spoke in the Garden of Eden to Adam (who had
(remembered, forgotten) the commandment he had been given. . .

Complete the phrases/sentence by writing their missing part. Choose the

answer from Column B.

Column A Column B
1. in order to give life _______________________ that God spoke
2. of those would be born in _________________
3. The descendant of the ____________________ serpent on the head
4. and bruise the __________________________
5. God gave this as _________________________ a warning to the tempter.
6. These were the words ______________________
woman would appear

trespasses and sin,

SECTION 36 to the pitiful spirits

Arrange the jumbled words or phrases to make the statement correct.

1. (when God) (At the time) (heavens and earth,) (created the)


2. (except the second day,) (when He made the firmament.) (on each of
the days)

3. (had commanded) (Adam) (and to take care of it.) (God) (to tend
the garden)


Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if the statement is
TRUE. However, place an F on the line if the statement is FALSE.

_____1. At the time when God created the heavens and earth, He was not
pleased with what had been accomplished
_____2. On the sixth and last day of the creation, when God created man, God
saw that it was very good.
_____3. On the second day, however, God did not express anything at all.
_____4. it was because of Adam who had become the prince of the power and
the air.


Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and ______ a Son,
a. given b. born c. bear

2. Mary, of whom was ________ Jesus who is called Christ.

a. given b. born c. bear

3. For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is _________.

a. given b. born c. bear

4. and, in reference to this _________,

a. Prince b. God c. Child

5. He would be called, Mighty ________,

a. Prince b. God c. Child

6. Everlasting Father, _______ of Peace.

a. Prince b. God c. Child

Fill in the missing letters.

1. Be_ _ _d, the _ _rgin shall con_ _ _ _e and bear a Son.

2. For _ _to us a Child is b _ _n, unto us a Son is _ _ven

3. He would be called M_ _ _ ty God, Ever_ _sting F_ _ _er, Prince of Peace.

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