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‘THE JOINT ASSOCIATION OF CLASSICAL TEACHERS’GREEK COURSE Reading Greek TEXT Rolle Tenge Sce Conte, Ue Koen SES ms arr Te San Roa, Oaigh Meee 3166, Rs Come ji sin a Tae rh ‘ancien ay an ne Stone tarps ere pee oe ‘Sopa don Ucar rennin ed D590 785, 8,1 mi rh 9,98 9 Am fei bk BA iy ner Cr Cag hae Da at CONTENTS Foregoct sb Gorn Adknolaaymme il Nate te Ate a Ses Oi Af The ie a Scum Thaw A-E Anand Spe bce Moral decay? Sv Siw He Scar ectulny onthe Ahn tng the com poe’ eyes Sean eo A-€ Aion Bd in ef opis Seton Byle hJ Avopse’ Was ‘Son Nie A-E Asonhane Laat Solon Fn Aton Att Row Women Athenian society Secon wn to Thine The rato of Nea Seutoe Fasten A-f Gangs oma pity Selon Founee 4: ABeiin Bp py gees Pan Five Athenian views of use Sesion tie Set: OF and peje ‘Seton ie A 1 Of jit Sp san ie ‘Setoe Sen A-F Pate woubiedown ate ie ‘Seon Serna A-E Hw Ze geet Penix Gods, ft and ma Pan SownHlmeric here and hesine Sesion Nor AG: Odes ané Naan FOREWORD “There: one extrion, and on only, by which a course forthe leamrs of 3 Tinguage longer spoken should be jodged: the “eiieney and speed with whic beings them ets age of reading tex im the original Iangunge with precio, undersaading and Shjoymont. The seenngeup of te Greck Project by the Joint Asoe ion of Chas Techere wa the produ of x conviction that it was posible» compose 1m Ancient Greck cours which would stify fac criterion sebsantily beter than any course already exising “Thvve wauls have sen He poine such projet the current decane of Greck schools had elarly rofeced » gener growing aad inveversble flare on the pare of modern wcity 0 rerpond aesdnscall and intllecly to Greck culture: bat here has Been no Shah tare wf reponse, forthe popularity of Grsk Herta in ‘rasan and oF cours in Greek arta hiory has continued to meron. Ie wemed to dh Joune ASiocabon that there Was 4 gap Saiing fora bridge. Bridges ote money, and when an appt for (£40000 was Tawsched at the begining of 1974 by De Michael iRetnay and others i was legitimate to wonder how the case of| Greck would fare in compeuion with louder claims, But the loprmists were justified: by November 63,009 had been cone bred sm which more dian compensated for the effect of inflation scr the original corting of the projet, nd i 976 an appeal forthe aoney required fora Foursh and final year of work brought in more than 615.000. Grastude is dur to hndreds of indvideas © many Schock, colleges, institutions and frosts, and in particle co the Leveshulme Trou Fund, dhe Ernest Cook Trost andthe Cambridge University Facley of Classics. Ti would noc have ben dificult o compile yetanother seems Fonoeord i esgic ganna of Gres 4 neve thence which SOG, eames progres noch gimose nage by oe Rote Sei swe teers conte the ower wi ae rts oe his om see ome gamma iceman his separ ke bul ord hangof the Lngnge sed ent Seer ne or the sunl y Greck nat ota Grek th nt tse ow wil ake sctong nce ech he ot feng gene Grek x eenyhe el have acued gh re greta rege Me's and mach Iss Kroes He noah eee eugaetedfalng Thewsnige comple cng gto arfrveigens Papssand ie ign stots Kane tos ngage ne ate fen noche dr ngage howe coon harorecn grief sc exes by renting 2 tot them th he Bp of tamlane int verve cnt inpastcpuurctcoquay ory, Wan ke hope be ‘nd moth of wins own? moc ingige keep ‘mo m envionment which we a ald, fut our poses Apes om oar beng an igrden of tony wk te ‘ean ered edn ta oben Sify. ow d>wnandsoplnent ngage by san esr Otro Gk sen eve Pn agua Sogo vith ely slay eso grr the Cinco ninmdcranting not mga Det : =o cc rg, Bo to) mae "he ees en compos anny pl hojaremos stout what works borand Conor ie rina oF Eig Scopineary oc egaty cms In wee Seu cmon rn osc pnt nth seer escmne srr hrc ange, sin lege bn oly pele ‘iain ef wat/and oot car cute ISMGe Ata Gc modern campo, hog wes fom Grek utc: bt voces Regia Areptans mo bepn vo be hed and tee Port x sd ac often a5 possibly the need to acquaint dhe adult and ‘evel east swsly wie the saratesoe feats oF Gres cat ‘Now every tins ttf ih o-make up Gresko to adapt sign exes Thre snoting say Ingguage course thateveryone Shake sri, The ayer tam, dh seas Comittee and the Riviors Pinel fave heen compellst repeatedly co uke dice sane Sbenctimes again the jrfient of sore. Bue newer ‘Shoe juenne a ie skew = bie cure Cotte ie anked effet tht te combined cssroor, eens Sheu tl toon expense of Team, Comiew and Panels not ile sumidersble but an very va ha saccestive dats. avin Tro teed tie JACT Somer Selig and ebewhere ek (ry din dhe Uno ty, ve been ony wessd i the lrataiuecmerge fon de esting andebsei langue TES ante nie on hich ae mon wceent meats nether hinsualdabhige The teu hiebeen Fors isto bs imaginative Wht nsoureatl, peonapt std sheetl in response to crt and Malina scene inte fac of toknicl sifculis. They have alot sccm hich they haven good ressanctn hee wll Proves tore maty nf eaeners a seater and shower pad ham re Neher a Cove erate ee Geeks theses Ne Ky. Dower PREFACE “The pint Anacition of Chal Teachers’ Grek Crs Gud bom writen fr begannesin ths uppessfol st every and m ale edacaon, fen te rable dens he and fGurd-eontry Atse Grech, Homr und Uletodotes iit some Aormcy and ieigece fom ea te pests The min scm of Jeaming is» eontnuou, graded Grech ext sd drt a ‘outes(eontsine se Resting Gre Test), copa with same tur, veda and exercise book (Reading Cet (Cnn F ae Faryad Exe) which ea phase with ees Meind “The to books are eo he sed in connection, Sige One (using the Teer andthe rnin cabbies uf the Grama bok) With bp ofthe ees an he Ell ones Yocabularis edad wraps he Gasck theTist up eo ene ‘nthe Grampa book where the ening voebalaries sd ‘matal explanations bin, The wen en ber re began rnd with ncreasing fey ad confi sing vobeiric re 50 (ute es nce nee tees leeds vil wo foth Seong ms eri Sep Ti eg Sen ne Sip ee Tos Sh fo He ing Goa ch is ly nd pac a em, with yt a vocabularies Posie % shisha been done dhe ead ould be abe wee sues the “Tee Bxcrase ar uc, Tin tut the Tee and repeat she proce. As the sedene progress. adiptton ofthe Tes owns une wally umadepd Gee iebsing rd ‘Ac the both of the Grow isa Reference Grammar which suinmarss dhe mine tert Gramm and aos name ‘ Linguage Surveys hich ove sadexpandapon he fatter met tthe rnin Grammer. Aer Reaing Grek Reg Greek preparss sees tread smite fithe and rncentry Ato Hom sid Heo, “The secre part of the Cour m0 woe and consis of 0- to yooline secuems fom Homer, Heredon, Sophace, Evnpides Thucydides and Pit, wath vaesbubry and notesto serve theme of how whe have nod Reale Grech These whan ll nt ya ntelcton o the wok and thought of sx of Geer’ iccitet writes, amd oem the Coure public examined wil Probl ce ts the saree of scene “The Background Matesl hack will over the whole Cours. nrpowiin provide thewaalhatoicl perspective n whi the fox cat be to tae eden prs for demise ies vcd. Thc book ets of sures tex in wamaecom, diagram, Mein ad ess es aeanged by topic Thee ofthe Core iseucatl cdc shoud be encourage ec the Tex with srimuch sped consonant wid accurate undersanding~ 35 pose ‘Theamountofreading sive, teconlled gradicot ard the ery fall ‘youbuliy help sesld al Surther this end. The Gemma and Exereac conn ge detailed Inguiste work mended einch the {amma leone oft Text “The design of che Course makes itdel for students who cn nly spend short time with thir techerecach week, Because there thet dea of cacy gred ending, oppoted by fall wecabulary ‘Rip, sch stants wil find pleney of eading which they ea doom ther on, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “The Gretk Course bas teen developed by a Projet Team (Dr PV. Jones, De KCC. Swell and Mist FE Conve under the dance fs ‘Steing Commitee and Advisory Panel made up 2 flows ‘Skeing Commitee: Profesor 1P.A. Gould (Bris Univer) (Can): MG. aloe aro Scots RM Gratin (Monee {5 Grammar Stole] Kiln om Tresure Jos Cally ‘Cambridge, Se Desmond Le Jone trasuer, Proien, Flug al, Gambridgd: ALC, Very (Hescmane Leeds Grams School Mim BE Story Gyphs Hall Come) ‘Advieny Pat G.. Cake (Univeniy College, Ono Chodwi (Dono Colegs. Cables Probes ke wees SattaueeSeetoceaese Petes tees ys Chnse College Oxon Proteus Caer ne Cane Did Pater EW Hees fe ih a Nerinhen Uner):Dr3 Sake Contungn see ‘Be petod gna whe the yee nig ied p int sabecomntins to Be ‘eam on tan arcu of the Come, cng? 2 PE Tar k\DsE WH Gionmar JE: AMDS AIS, (oho, wih ‘mac nti contr Oe ates Gon guage Surveys). a Exes MOB RMG:ACEN. SLGaira Gens Diseninetine BWR ADPLG EDS: 053 ART. ‘Couse wat beng dv Adige aa We haves been wie hy a mame fone tea whe {ace ued or pronation the Come flr JA" Barby Gouna, Now 2nd, Eobecy (Copenhagen, ‘Kevan Gotan (Quota New Profan AS, Hey {Somes Assay Des B, Susverds Glan Poker 9 “Thopsn Prive, USA) tei sensing which we coves the Sng Comme Advnny Panels or orca ist Dat we ton au Ake moe eka tht tbe Ra ‘Nistiealatcvry spect di Cote anyones Sn wounnicio eden respnaiy a he Fes "We gently scala hpand avis of Profesor DW Waar Chap N.C, OBA} on tem he com post magnon ring Cad ton Dao 9 CEs Umer Literary ind Lingaste Comparing Lor tor wh ale sva bet fierce of he Compu Cae [Sree Song detain te cay age the Ee have karma pea al rm merber of the Team whe pea Cambs Lt Cage ond reste af 9 Ife fortaly opel inthe any age ot dhe Poet weave pslaedstCoue which oss mor aia new of arin Tetng-our bs te my fe pcp mh be pacb tcf CLC news ery ge lly cur bce thins yoroalee ecb shoo wri and du edacaoon eave toh vibe UK and vest who ad Sia eee des nn We owe scm eee ot Parks guns af he PACT. Cok Summer Seo! i Chee wee owed un encour acral tthe School or the es yes ‘Ste he Cour ws ba Seep. festa Copyright acknewledgoments at ned de iw per mtie ‘Siri r a Mig Hk. yt 10, 65.17 Bitte Maser 2 46 lean rane Of, 17 Chazceile-md The Laure: #3. 154 The Loni tere anny Cpe are {S11 15h Exelon, Aur os oe A fies eh sib. 166 Saalche Mine. Munich ag Man Cee ia eee et Ar coma ee Pe er ‘Tab fd Home ad Ron Pld ‘oe ae frm Home Olary mma by heen NOTES etn Rin Cm, Fee Aine eo) phn he Tx pp i soe etwas tere bene eigenen ope WicS prin eee efor 1 rik non eect et me gh 1 Thetpgea au am ene fr They seb ces nc stuns cede pny dpe yng aon ow ch poe Souci comers en Ry Cre mpd nk, Cn ld Ba hy ve GRRE tony oa pe “Toca nent sa ml A A. Cate s Tumsnpin prope meri {Stal gprs Gm Gr me Eagan Seti ee gmk Gor, Pad Ex ies Gore at Now pe eecipon wot ‘Siipsttcnestnd ssn cree lng ont ero {Thee nc ower te pg somo cmon i ‘euediosameroscr em By te pppoe wt ‘[oely lag soul te egg Yoo st ta oe oe, Fc mR A, me Hts (Oe ‘ag nae oc er ES pope ne he Te ume A ing (oof rot tne Namen te Gn, Ve. Erba oe Gt wre nail tm om cdg wml em put cf ee oe tant Seve Celie Connery ef ao Beek hitch Suegr vier ober ied PART ONE Athens at sea Irnodion broward th harbour of Athos, Pinas. Os board Poti fk ane dhe sony of te naval te Sihmis read while he ship poses the nel As he ship comes face wt drt erly pare of the Peloponnesian Wary whe be Asses, Prin 5 They, Hues 2 ‘comic Hag. Com trys.63% ‘por 342 (Eso Xenophon, Hello si. 1 Lysis Face Sper Arius, bain 9340 Herodos Hise Sif, Bui, Helen 77 Homer hed (pt) ne tb ae Five wecke(=twemy scons t four seions a week) hte be er epi cet aghnirs Section One A-J The insurance fraud A ed te oa fq hd hii firme Sn ee sya ake Dol ts ah en abo, Po ‘ine ins 12 oie done b-Botaer, 27 88 Baker, EF ylnpas Baie tain, la 8 Epes hisses nde, os BE woop alo arn obra shee BA oe the Mion, AP 3! Mn & fas clei Eee BE he Soir {is Ei). 078 ly fai 5 ductor. as 88 wis AR ht ain ned pr Tp jae obs Sin wh 88 ds pire ren Zips Dips Sok Ter Uapiro fl ie Tapbriv. ture be cede nel bafepnye ape yu Broun Tipo Steer at bneuprns wal 8 dco eal SLobtetrys fs Bepbeoh iyi wal sy Topbrar agathen Fre Decca wal esBaohre her 1 Ateasarse B eioent eee Ee Se Aa ne rv Te BE § ln Pl rb is smn. Sip 206 10 Béne Bp oy bps 3 Pega, AM Ln le fe bcp bp cat fan, Size Bay ton babe, ah 88 rich rain sin) oth ob as, & dB tot di at wie im dmc tp Vans pe 218, ey nin ee MH Of seb ook fd weprea desorde. Dha Scipn DOL nai Nene yl yee ina ina rie Mea. Ba bp eo wo, ein HN. 2s, bs maddy lore 1 vedpiee, wads Be Se cpio, nad 4 wn ity, oe ifres, & Zaitew Bo, Sodas. aBts ip a iE a anton Se. a op es Sepia, a, Le The inure rad 5 seal ris“icdBas tyune, dpa dpire rd yoipua a Spee; AYR, wad AIK, Spey wa Scs. pps 2H." waxing rea, © Tdoubor, x xadalelow al“édabes, bs wad tore fp ke Paer oabsErtop a, Gainer sige? OP abe tector ite, pig CEE Sino Ba°¥ 0 arate Jc te, Scio = any, thats Baer at ters: Bors 3) Spovribere. bea yp Gps ~ ob uiveres ds D ents the bth flowed by Disp andthe ce ‘Tve heycoe po egestas, the autor ofthe mysteries mi. sarapaloes uivoby &"euBepripns, xoraBanones 825 ne incibeoht na ovo, Crater yop 8 Pair. wre 82 Tor Htyiorpton poe ie ‘oBeprys wal of aban. BP etiylorpares nin ibs ve 18, obs, x aut yee Pony) et OS ipdorpars rie 87 bbbos HPEETPATOE (onary) a ely ons Bree 5 muBeptic, ot Yfr obra ain, (tog ied er bt) Seapo 0 wal Phere, & wefeprire fe bp 7. Bop eed dHiycegare nin, Wiis ny 8 8 Fiera Be [apeaniyopg we oats fe frye 8 ie Aen ase vie bee 04 "Snir wareBoe ita) o"Hyletparos (ene UE BaF 0d Rayévee Sucis ‘bras ip, espe. ens, bea are, wal Biren Cavs berad hot (age eo pe) Bonfre, vas, Bonfire na E tieovel je oi“radra 1 nee O08 bye 1 8"“Hylorparos. méhexvn heya, & Bucabrons Bice r8"woior si hsdpanos, & Bude, » ylorpares 7 Eph alernres tie niratr, of 8 vara Shoes "Hye ves 5S ZyBeus. SP Bias, 588 10 pip of saraswat pla, 8 ioe 8 1 nn fr ccavniv 108" melo. doaPabouer yp Hq oltibpss vin’ ykp barns HByye dpb. 0b BE wot ur. Bidar Enuye. 8 yap MpBos 9 dori. ye Bh, ose ocavrdy. Bézre Tr Balacrey, wa i} je Hees isbn Dh he ap he es ye Didar iudow Eprovrw, nat of ds vavrau dred whelew ‘buyie dp B30 meBapoirys Tis df dnodde. 5 Be uéndoc des rot" mlalav dwexwped ‘ion 208 & Adubos; nod done, & Hylorpare SOL auaon ody dp, db Zebu Trobefonouer, &‘Hykerpore Bonbcite, d vabra, jn robe hdpizon Spe oF. & aeons: Gredrjonswot yap cbpamon F yop Mor Ererro0 oto droxape Ih baberbe waved yap cow of tparas, ‘erro, wal wand SroBbfonsoeo. G sn eng He e) oi ERI" pe tor eo owner, edo 8a fu isi Syd o8 narabuins wal mepocond xp: Ba Tue P tclenne: dule oh Yen al Lon Theinawan fend ° H ‘he capain ring he sp toward hab, By now thar besome ak, A shape, insu using Home on oer posible ecesin ‘obmted oa Soest a gry bos by Dwg s ‘ob wuBepriens 18 whaiow woPepn weds r3e"Rywéen. bade! Be es tiv euBepricny Spud 0d elu. 8 lp vabmns robe zav cioe #609 Corr aby avBepoiens yee dr esr Nyuiva rAdavawr, Fors Bde 7 why © : fabatis det Sune. £8 Jucacimole Ste npn oh lar omen & Sampson: wes STE woo fonee Hats, db wofepivas dea ola of; 6 2} vg ony of tare ep yi ot Sp Buk AYRAPNITPHD ofba oadkce. eAquee yap made Tbe" pavauaoz 2 To ‘aMou beri ohoma xébnoy” 2 bust ournpe, SAY. rl eyes 5 dadpenos : Geran Sebring mi or 38 be Sik. Bp dover Br bunphes 6 Se8purros. fouSis ob ‘rains fare iv d Moca, ee Suds as Pat dali Reyes, & za det oer fvoias Boyce, 06 86 srAgouey 8 ey oni wedi Aged. Sais fb oaite teins de ras toner yee oe sin, Be fabeabee elt mi” 0873p Eeotgee “oho a IE Te ab ar bee ods ale Gigeat Bares, Fa yd dragnet Sa 0b Wate cibée dU alloc pin he seangh tte ¥ ouryy "at, Kai paw. Guima. "iv oy Bos whouen, othe tel om Ps {debates Snuerieye P » DIK pn dnotere, & vairas, Bedpo tere at drovers WOR, fese sac tora br apes & papesdés. 08 ap ober obBiv Gepilss 8 Dpuvon, 2Mba waikee pds yds PS roto, anne sap A Bi kad dvds dare Ouro. BeBeia oie as I : PAY. BAMA Ep mpor ude oe ys nod B& yedowe, Bik. ‘pos ob nae yyndoces; Shan uote Bo. Enaibeoros a, & faseede. 08 769 008 08 nérepor ‘pekoua vas toy woe Aiea as POP ne tc “Ono Sete abla AP hk yop nn bu he rrones “Opps. mat aan epee rN oa “Ce aaah ae ele Ta apo salt 2 epariyued Eppa earie ; Pei Inch ably navn gta kf 480 Pen at 7 Jixcudrales wat of vadras xl Poors aoe AIK, wa! od “réxry F 20 adwbuat) waif ospermyunt; ae coe ie he! nce Soa oe ee ae pay Sal ai, 3 dicadirol ak iu! sep Zahoyive yaya, eal pubupSin ob Bugera p! map! Dale ‘ol 99 datos jarbbs ef ri Pay, S200 hgyes 4 yawerat be ois Macs a vas i ribo iyye Todo, es cl of by nal rv ape eda epee nterovow’ 8 8 false praca wdhares & docessmode fepxera AIR ab ot, © Bobb, erparnyie Spores sav "Binar PAY. a vip of aoe Bay, Tbe d vases; dow wsigos & jeads § of: MAY. spor uévro vy dia faseadds den icthe srparnvts air yao Bint a Sea, Ee Petpet ete See lla 85 eat sang aes Sg Foor yh 087 om Teel re Sacer a 4K vai "EDs de wails tow, ava, nay Pav. Pav, Athos ea es 03 5, & fa, 20d2b pryones nep~Oppo. Fon i rosa lta oa opis yap “Oungnt 0 oi) ye Bh, Beipo 22 wai Agye piv val rep Zaha, Trpdywara. exet jer Pho Lahais of vioas iyiuebe 8 jes Boadeos! Ta at pt Bt Pa Ie eet Xpbmuara, a Be Vairas obey teow ‘ray Myor. ee + Pe Hooxiere oboe d vaivay wal Guotece 7 B 7 iow” dae, Ged, Boudry 0 Bow Baorhios oh ule oy BérBape BoaBios spoodpyon nip ihe of 68 adrpai drool oe SPS ind Roda Pe ae The glow pst 8 OAM) wer yap WF ray Tepaiiw Yosparid, bXyor 82 of raha te pee Ment na Esher ae Agee aL eel Maie ee eh pea nang ee or Ba eo ee we. earn a ead ce “Ph ar tach ean ‘Aigete se x Moe ge et fhe ae elo ee Cc ie cata is nor ened, Frond econ 9 bad i proceso give Wis grandes quand 5 is. 558 miBeons dye toby My Gade Eocra wt boepriye héje 1 ph Daan ‘pdrncre YD oibo"Re, tee be aba 08. eo Sie ee pay. Tiphbie of wae roi se Noor FER ob Bes tee dg to, 0 par. Se noe hate neon 18BoH ee # bi Bee Eada ple} yap mito 8 yee ands cet he BE hein psyeare Sot SE TeeSAS ate orp bor pir Pen Ioan ee yr a lv, 58 no a olay ere Seay alba, ae aD Sit be tpn Be yor is The goin post 5 Athens ten 7 * ges as gel od ra Mor eras ve dan wayieba Scie wal ward rik Sedge, ius pdyorra of pape, ered ob bucinavos robe Ilepoes, of 8 AauBvoves 245 ads roby vininas, fred BB Bussouow of "Apacer rois Iepoos, geiyes nal S"Séptys at Di zoguontan olin Beara Qeoipnt ob rirora, tyes Bcd iy Speriv. oSrun ob of Bea! okdours vip’ rat Tepes Yip wal oxFover BS facies ine roAddone sit. Preys, & wibepiza, vin 8 onbin wah dens nek Min el ove whe opettan hese pe yap ian Tiiyale oe Blige oi 8 bar dae ease fae bl sie abhor SOME Ayer eB pose ed bed {Bdnun bet 20 ont, re uphyuara 1i7vept Dadapiva Need (eexor ime vray | TROT saree: per yp 79 rv "Tepay vewrady, wa typi Daloulos pier, cs Seok Nes ovale tener: tru Bev yiveran ia na foba thor Babies a ns" Mepa FESO fare Be le ct St wry syed be nav nespor, os dun iyrerax te rois Boppoposs. dxasover yép bn saps He Bote cs Eda fre, Devepodre narpi', Dewepoore 88 ‘naibas, yoruieas: viv Brg’ ndovion dy. D 110. rvegioxorra wiv ov raxtus of rohduus Seeerypales (leds 8 Shes rh “raaylay Eepfne 8 Baodess), ty 8 dooyapa eet dvaxapoior oF Eon “Bids atone ‘oua’yoruecor, udda Bawls, oy Sofoiuar. DD heve dione, done Boxwpcire wh dobeiobe obs MiBooy einer et wah ele at ra gl ge TSS i enombdator wal of Bake, Section Three A-E Athens and Sparta A st ship enea arbor, Dipiesesa ih iin Salami Ph enn fh epee a bra fv opis ryt BoB yee 5 Ginosroks hauedBe no ip} tv Sadan abeprys adder laundered BE dp, he Kepe i eal Bhdze.mpis yp rin hyde Hh ucla gazes ai von ee rte sa Se aigee Pa ents Ea 1 $oPtiodle: oveiBw vip, wai Emarpéder 484 4 vais els = Bane DL MAY via Enoki foul cing iat bu ex, Tie bind Bln hae nay. ee Fn bps Be ni vow ja Athensand Spat ” B heen an shor oe econo, Pos comet fase fen oat sing and ms he weit Ptr wh, 88 ened Bi olf 1)" Hasse rarer yp dpm, nods yoperae SE nde Ryan, sal BE nk Sot eBuund Be Squat mE nip tor pws $v de alee 0 rh wp lenwraeTlpirapyes met They dyeiraw Spc robs Gps. 1 rh 5 Blas afro & yee ita: néyas wa ye 3 pon, eye 2 9 Boh id yao, Bog kee. pe ody Spgs ‘Sos Dan yop is bo Bin dor oC Fpye flo Srl a 8 ry Vo Sonptowan bitow yap drt ét sauwaxiar ropevducBe, 5 Athens ate 8 ro ob bps pir Mids 18 « omenrina ibiaon 3 8 yor iporipnon male re Seo nat Aco hsp. pd ite ate rv aan i be wa BW ine 8 ve Aeneas wat arose ps dAbGlons Bator AK 6 26, Bae bb Bagi oes ee ws. Bo fob td ot dover Sp, ob Yee Spo darn be. NAT Boi coon oro balsa “Soxep Beso. daira yp ele Naatbapoioes AM abou, jad moe ln Hales ‘Pi erparms rir 'Eihipwr Sporn, wh nos Pe 1h odes ris nebo rvs Tho, an rm de i yo Gobo 1 $fpn burtirn ot Aancbdne efi lenin yey van yp tas once ar cides San ds, nl Sen deo Stuer daxthasro tics, 8 euBlog bkien gh Snore ob B80 reg ui teers PA ro Me: Ne a6 rp pymfproun, ole hye 8 Thence nj dechgelg ps ge trad, xvas cis ri earn Yumeiplar. ” fewest avai of Baldr Aho oud Sparta i 8 vovrinte igen dvd: al ang po vovow Estee bd Tp ueleri, Gowep na vg Day eos, ‘alos Be obBopos. tact 8p Badin, RAR ahenie weal nerd manly eden, gavBavere Spe végee 2 af dared” Bye ns pce = “Spe 06 puherdows"~ dpb Be dnompionar”“obr, GUM ace, én nporaie ward array, wnhioue apn, SEA doer 8 Bip, Bex oder Bol dowep 30 tines, ob omtyore tats spar: di St nive yap sb ee 18 nl ec el Ted. 1 Athens tee D the chs Polo sset oo noe te iaioplisssmbarksandobeoest cha Ship srerath (ep) byan ites bots soy 3. bude 9 dbs eri Shor sesh ki ob Stn seating rl ta Sees or a Seto cert Bo es eszverti eek ws, no &rsgores does: Ee Sh cin bette arta hos ier dade ee et eect aaa on tre lar cet deeoa ee ade eel. ara deesbeal cei ee at elee gah ae 1 Ts asin aed Ses eae te ae sal ltt ao eat ees apa ac ree elegant blades xt reshpapxe sure Ep, 204 cit tae EN in le lw dl erator mace da ae ot eee Sate aneacy Ban eee tO te ses 1 Beards: ds“adpanes wi rake mpl dul $2) Anta Spana » 1. is: dpa wiles wpe dns eh sh nnd gives Se we Cop and cee fly obi, Ril pracy 5 Tae, vay8 v8p trea, “hos 88 Syfacouo: we risa of rar al &mebevorfs, ‘uBio 38 wel 6 vpchoapyes. nal dey favoe whe, ats Sonne Tet, cavagdeve 85, erevord Tei Byes win yop onan voe"Baos end nal rs els Seer ric eigen) oad [laaSov— 0) pd vip orp dpsoros nix vain, jus 88 pone Bnép"rfy-owrypin 00 Bolas lowes = phe jaas tm ty warpiba é Coie arnt eit chev ale, wceverd AEA Son Gx Gane ye, obpes. Snowe yép 4 Spend PL rays wie, wehevard warandlene 84 Kea. donde, dds bn, don Ue PART TWO Moral decay? avai Hite lve part the fifth century was. sitne when many teadivonad sales were shikem by wow iat. As Dikaiopole amd the chapsode ke ir way sowards Atheus, ety toen by war ane plague, they se esaples of the bveakdown of cowentiona respect fr law and they The changing ateiude co seational values explored farther ‘row consideration ofthe inucnce of Socrates Canpéys a8 cen boy hotl dhe come poet Arstophanes(Apuorodes) atl dhe philoso per Fae) (/Aéea) and of the sophie, Contemporary interest in te comparison of behaviou in different socieis is illustrated by a story fom the Iisorian Herodorae (HpsBoros) before we return 40 Diksiopols and she immediate problemecof the wr, Sonces Thucydides, Hitorey 2.13 Anophnes, Cloud 1-246, 1781-3, 80-7383 o-701 Pinder, Python 135 Plato, Apology 2-23b Euripides, Alesis 7 Buhpdomcs 275-2776 Xenophon, Helowea 2in.s2f Herodotus, Misteries4.110-16 Solon, Elegies 431-2 (West) Tine tbe then Seven weske Section Four A~D Lawlessness in Athenian life A ipl ans pd wal np ava y ee ke famg Walsrincgh on ses tondd wi neti faling whee Dice selshs mae mae ishone AD aunt finn pected en ‘hr dk ne lor oboe Din PAP. Hpirdes. so Stpiman eos shia yp avers 18" di romivorwhitor fea sak Stine suo 7 ty sts ad eS oy, 284 aes How Bon BB ag seni elif pr a8 secon rh die} woh tv& jab, easyer B v8 shite, cacebipne Bol opp ihe, 2B iron wiv 8 vébquss, era BE v0, Tne ilps, one 24nd ovparps iparar epic Sp ee A A er Bott nme ey 88 vary ob in, Ma peuple ie Heda ivy anil dy0h yh us ee rome ers Bran ciate sens ee & pmo roles a op ag slowonibeoBe es 18Sare rd bydvepa mtg eh Soorribere. mids yip ob ebutees UN debe 7 ee oby meitier Tuas 6 Tepud, dir devs yas 8 tonpalsuea te nae Opts sal th yeas nal Ss ely no Shae as Tir ExBovay b.ameuxdueda. * ri 8 gat no Sere, decades, vireras 18 apiyua. ris pas yap bicioege iyasofoes, Eovow oi dori, juts Bl npn ok gr Lawes Athenian i 2s cant sewwpt ney, Breer 8 rep aloduer. werd Brad ows Eyer, wal Ber afon moldas fipas Suadieine nai woke yinatvas val nella mein Seableipe 5é sal ro Quads elector 4 os, adipauas vig ir wei vi rv End wn, abet” Gores nal Fv tee nein, anes” alonv dyes 78 mpeyna. fuk ob bp Fala, snnoBuipawa Sra. rh Be bbe Spe ros Bd wee tps eeobniucon Bi lowed ot dane by his 1 appa, ner 3 any wight wisn 12 Bos nop, Baty! EM, & ma, raydo BONIOE yéve, db Searara, uéve wal yah oneibe. Bopis ydp tore ‘necpis oft, Bain 8° dvs Bpabins Bh Bip Fyre "Bip erp des na, dB rb sex Be rv mop rare Ma i moire: w) noscire rode, mpts Bade, code, 2 Moraldeay? EAN (oe ng Dips na ind (i edie, 5 pore 1k Gage never ia noir Gra pany oe ef nt) SiS opaypey nes af fou ors, rot; rrre Poliwe die Gopi ste cao, 1 TdT, mene Teplline tr decoys rp ovpb 8 vie Hoeules nase th cco, & yg. ep IASB fun da wa 24 eon NEAN. of Sma tye ran oS ey Ee’ wry re nn pm ‘us ots muh or ove Bc $s oe Bosna AN vag én vagisniroon, deeb fevaun 8 of Esbnumes banep pba 88 pa 0 Fah Cech dS te ia ene tier Saceuee A Se nes Bea, ‘ribeye sta ibiagors e feeo* 8 ote opty; tabs ap dtoumes an i Eten ya ros eh trey Mean Sao gdb eS aes ea i “Abb ns Pi ges Sk Pe iy hp vow ted ibaa oc al pe: ‘Abpodirny rpémowas Kal riv HBomy ie gestae ee ne ae nds poe rat ror luby Bor soda bv ip ry he ot Feira ee aac Rertae ie mae ns 48 Lawless Aten fe Auraubnohe wal 5 fap Bie nopedovras cl +3 dary. efalteys Snip re rete ps ebro eink ow, fab, vhs 8 Bipuony vives af Boa of rhyeras: av, Tio, Augubvane, Spurs ne Beipo tyes. dy" dps ror dbo; fAawbdoes on 5 doip Babpn ply, AIK, 0b pd la. Spb yap abrir xpaerpégorre IN Erenor rd ‘oayye. rs 96rd, PAY, Tous Bids 1s dom wal dmodeinue roped as 2 Mora dey? id 46 Lawlesoessin Athenian if ia fe » tos, pt alot wad Seiya PAW, RowBives fad. AIX be beg" Bar. Seip! Mere, 8 Eben: § sti 08 5 dog inyplan es den 1 pte ayers ratdo 1 fon, danedaysdnen oo, i ik. po Brave te Buyers, Shp, watzep AaneBayutior Sora tern yap rgnes dr lon, wet See ts 18 Lepdy spayum. indrs 8 i, Bois tov. paw pis! yip Unde dow Barres, for oh Bpmeere, de enptras, AM andere sé Sadpa 1 rie rouias. Suaropie 84 daveras de & fre. D Aiko, fad, Sp" dpi Be "haefeas.eallerae 78p Eni vni Rant buarovie or, intra dv, aA Gbedeouse yin aire al Speran, NapBioeres oa” Ban 6 fétor wai dnucaheras ros Cots. ws, EAT. Gide ror bvbpa rarer, Aentbauénes Gora, bd 108 Bones nor Iain ro a aa ° YIHPETHE THE G2N4 heyBivers 5 ros ro} Bap, & Eira nay, tals. 2¢ 5 drip laude bya nbuowre rs nega, PAY. Ips Nye, & deca. DX fous Gsos dor iv vt ae ee pee ee ” 0 (ns Der ot ay eon Bat "Hp dein ip, 04 0 reeloa ns, dpe pa Eng ce ie ik. uch a fe & fable ma bps rie al Ba ac Baar ego Sewceogueor am, BIE TE Bets Berns iv Baie. PA ie i a casemate seme ee ee 2 Mona day? a (uae dit Bai omar ve! to Bais Yeager) BAN, aie, Opus, robe Beas Eoinalesevor, tga 86, Senpéray, dndyere ra dv8purnoe mp3s robs EXtovs Aardauuorion SENOE &3 fue, Abypais, b2kcere rods! ey rep etyoras; dp’ dnoercinere sobs 8 inereine Spenoutvovs; diddy valent, Spo! dove rep! Eelpsinovs bios dares wet mop Pools does IR GM ve ire Ebvos tecvo, mar. a6. aan wal ropentueres ropedves ph Baoshla"tiv” payer. o0 Be Stor ef ulin tors Aanckasavows, autre obs eak wove Shofepeyvus rap Aaecbapiven (ine tpi dro ie Aes abe he bmp. 5: ‘aleve Boy wal iv mioyee St “ry" AP.) tet 21 Fister Sn wool vie Gea ef Bel. dronreiovoe Yip ai, sainepmpoferry el ner ie fae vines weyihy be Bn Nubia: ere sr payin Se Bed robs sporvous Pay. Section Five A-H “Socrates corrupts the young’ fare Theses ning of waitin] morality which could be sen edieras "new famine oF 3s moval degeneracy, was populiey asoctaed wich te infucree of peuple like Saeater and the sophsts. Sorat Taal a profound infocnee on Greek thought of Bit tine aad the Pilosaplter Pla, irons whose wriumgs we denive much of our idea Saritey wa one oF his most aden dcp, Others however ‘ogorded yn 3.9 poomiciows nflcnce oh Adhican soeisty amd the sn tat he eorrupte the young” and bekeved in strange pod led Coli tra and exveian i389, The cose poet Aratopnancs expla he humnorous possibil= tics of popular prajadice seainstielectuls wih thee newefan= sled leas and thei arguments which are“too lever by bal in his Dortiyal of Surat in Bis comedy Clos Nowe ‘The Greek you ive been reading v0 far has beon adapted very heyy from original sores, The teas and original vocabulary have epe, but en acntence construction fis been noticeably dffer= ow on, you wil forthe most part, be reading continuous ‘xtrcts rom single works (aber than callagonsof wurees).and the Grcck of the text wll sprosimate more snd more closely "0 the origi. For example, Stepsides first en words in this extract are ‘he acral opening ofthe Clos 2 Mera aay? A Spine, an oman dh bc of sw’ expensive ates nl oe sleep ha of is wre. 4 Eph Slobupiveros roe bin ros ypipara dei 3 yp it, mopar de, maa ypjuare et Mra Bi ‘arate Boban vabesBan jo, mon Be Eyes 130 wad, {ob tb Zeb Boe 7 pina vr rr, door fo sa olblna tele riers Hl, Bobs mabe duis nl ob maser: wo. um has Savor Bene uy dypervor 8° ‘at broroxs.Syprrer 8 fora ne bine pte Bardo dea. xphuara yp rab ad Bel i tovrert belo Bi pe wove ol ypfora co. Bie heBlbovow et » Gren ce es IN tre ype ca, ua deop el Bie Spemog 4p, oxtie Dp he ar. Eethebor bes D Blonde ne sarin peep 2" pi ree sary ak Mr, ar Shy nator eee rs 3 8 done Eyer ably aba rp plc ol! ag ip bei re the plveree se raucetls obbéror tyui re xa n rs Inbound yp ado Moral day? Ba oso rye ob sci ee: pep svt i yr a re Leg on. ys swt. 9 vi yt dara sis ra een ve bn ledge cig ba dr Be eee ve al wy Bad Deipes ™ - B career Spi ob8iér vig yép Lore falta, “| ceca Breore by Thay, “ Ee Fine tua ete seca cn iyo riba. Bag eA8E ras 08 xokdtes iin wsivedpvis fc, 8 whys hon i v8o uct pbs weheeger, Secon 3° scat crap he pony a iv obs dh Brpebuldn, ate sevrdy im ame ok ok yy uk Ey oe Be fbn sotasioron ror tiv avin vie hv, Plt king acount higher Sst whe mb boa ely bse Bedsrnibon nares 72H rider 1h ie Hon he 4 B11 Fyaye a of rate obBenere, EVPEY. dp dipir @adfoos be 1} tie Hocus votre rv brs, aide 0 dudfow, wal STP jh Ae uaady rosrey te em eens ‘ai on Qn eeton Te aire yer” BU" dave, 8h ren 6814, Bo dae, wal elBouae eal mela dt 05 88 Nye 8 wrclia 2TPaY. gues nein, & na, nde app ne vip Side oy et Rampal se Sid ge Nm of abe abnor ge) Spsrade, re. LETpa Sgr duns: 3 obe eau: ¥ wiry ids saw a sabesbovre Jal Gncter bys eal doa ye wri xa deacon: 84 a wpe yes ray. Diptv oe fn uit ne ews : eta. Biv ves on fg al Bae Dow : Erp, DM oo Mf tous vi ary Bre ns aon, 2 Morel doy? ae bere pes wiye ype Baosinae, 814, nd Bf ie Hoh Bone, B ndreps veces; m5 dre oe Suis; 5 novobpete de ra ype: E1708 8 refers, (9818, oufow vh rbe Asdvoor D Bein le al po big ae wl Beipb on dnBene dps 73 Spin mated fov ive LSTPEV.Soxin ond rire fas $y. bondoc ‘boc nfo, hyores 8 melons “ory pubyrat oy ospsis toe wri nal ans & ones eon sep ud, “pad ol Spas dope. nlbnen sts nebyric of Etpr ob Mbdonrres lx pjpare sold wer atv die ob ranerseltcs ann npyara ‘Th Bedueormapd-von peda as 8 rot70 nat 7b alate x6 S00 Serta the po? » TIE v4 wiv da, nat“bH nal br vas Bess robs dorbioos ota hairs _r1psy BN" cl ob po eae, ie doers nak a fir ee Ppl) ar Beet eect EN ec erp alan, Dobe bn coer a Tae tty ‘veroopat, (tern en * 2 Mra doy) 0B" fyaye. bpd yp ards hoes es : Gperneriptr, abr Brox eoswarin yenfooues wat Jpetoqua rv anos MSype abrax obs ods yprioras Tecinos raw Eyuiye Meubivormas 16 ohne treet ip oa Bas rh rs ies Hiab ne daar paBfnpas dys Hoey aXe BEG ed ocern rhe Bipne ateyy wa Boo, (Bia tele roe al xb te Bp el Bojoon E (oda re igo ah) ETPEV. tl, nal, AABHTHE irs ee rine) BAN" cs" niperas hs Faabe np Bip; rhe Bowe B18BY yay dxoba ni Bipas wal By, Mas, 1s ar ob rire broljnr, Sab vise ole B1P8¥. Eapeudns Knandber Mao. ei elpanas alts, (oh ne he pension ETPEY oli, i vorfows AN abs kb {ate votre Boe) M49. 5G aderon, Bt obrx oie tabonre xinrow 5 ntuaes fondle {repo Bad eh 4 sre akan eo sre Bt eg 1 EE eon ona Eten eee io Ye yb waBaric nie eopiordy ey 18 Miw 00° Hida yép re Bares MOTH 5 Sie vo Seve ry aspen Wi Sango PEGE stahp wy Sanplroe e "Socrates comps the yu » ae Xoipthun. od yp Aawbives nef ide Ain ofoa v08“Odyunlcoyeretinae, dM hey sais daurfe aabas iniByoe 4 wit, NAIPBAON ob ota, ob Eeparas. AAG Bao ob pspoiner 7b xoptor ‘BAS ne gerpionuer, & Xespébe; Bos. maine née yap wpe Raper ‘eygie Pepi no. roe Bi rs rie-BR seas re ep wer Seqpie donnie vi Yip lta ipsebarFyee ran, Bal, 8 Zempares.§ ‘arden Srponton av, Erp, ob porOv S87 a de pon nor rp toon ‘ape ier rit vids dbs oo 7 ep The 8 ie oe ar wa ope 058 BP Fi fhe” wool 3 dlrras ies of Stes. PEN athe te bb gan | lo oat ie Bic mga ds ‘ean Ex bce, drone i ip. 2 Mora decay? © F ‘he pt Sapa sa LEIPEV.5 Hpdades, rie roa ‘ Mas, bros, i Haipacas; Bi ri as {Biyoas; dpa rae pabryris rabrovs Bernas; ree ih a ba 8 roi br a oh was, Syroiow oboe v8 war3"yis IPE. BoBos dn Cron. vin roir6y" te Bporriere Oye fy yi ofa Brom eel pyc nad wad Atha vs drank 108 pacts ee vbvebpare Bz 90. in derporot b npn. TPBY. pie eof dns ig eo ibd: 43 dent rare iba M40. Serpent wiv airy. IPE. pins wna ie) sear i M49 peep E1pEV ale yosgon aon, aan 40. rien vi Yi daserpoine ‘stp em sey tnt yn meas. Gaver pare eA areev ieasaeg 1105 Nes; ob welBouan, tel ns Bccorcnoby bh obi $Me nu in in Senorn oy p08 Me. (pcan pnay ES 1006s hs; rate Seer. ry 8 Bape ips Mo Sas 28 8 Aebinernoi verze odo; TPE. ater) ‘al Enel, S008. Ss fy hu DUS obese 7 Me” daebainan MAB. BR Bir TET 8 Fn wip FIPEY. sh de obo SF *Soctaws raps the youn aw ETPEY es abr 8 Eames won, vis ob108 8 éni“vhs" wneud ces G siren 5 ware. 8 Et si oer sae) E10H0 6 Eonparts,& Panparie, Bip 08k on. Ono i dBuaro els 10 Sprneripe 18 re cebion ETVEW ‘Binoa ty, Erpebetbys Kucrbter 0 obe aod 696 Sporroripie 20 Sine weet, dt ETPeY Hibow pales a Seal oobi find pon nl ln rod; mis 8 Groneds pe ds cobs co ETPB cine ror rv gabe W8. TOR 18" enon d party ie EIPRY lve yp 5 patie te Ua rn Bane ry Kepeboror goin. cra dni ray nega Ende 0 Bio, eipesrr Hpoe Smdncee rote tars addaedriBroe ilk doeperpfoore 5 luce eDrun nprer wir yee hy {Pitdas ere cat eve es wypn Ber. tne Bt Sigs Syntype Eager bas rebs TRegwocés tra BE dequerpjoere 78 pe. caSérore elon By xpéyun ore 120K, albénore ees of ye apy ob OOF 1081. Kovorrber : aK. yap Lahr dypones yal adi ETPEW iy utubou une ln 05088 Sr ams rie apndgas dnb Dinpaes 20R. (sina) Eepofars wai eepbpoi iv He. -EmpV. 5 de npeudDpos voir Bp, IN ob Sb rs ie; Hes 82 0b card“ 13 bpornonjpcn. iy ep 2 Hows oe en em ts or Ee on rn i H ° Eanpartion, oo xara Hor ye By es prervanipon Bu oipara wid Sb, Swypes the san SiN was 03 émixpeos dv: wa rire méoyess EEEPBW Elatoriuevrinfnronorh te ve fo pe ‘edie vob for fd ry nme aad Bd So tl, yap Sr apron at xpora, ol «a sede t Moort Boor of etx Fp nr oor yar 20 To Epon nr busy Mn: nbrepr Nese apcrove 2198 Ti der Hib ovr, dy vars bros “Fie 8 Ngus sh Scar uch, 8 sper Bol Spc: rag, petro) sero nr coral atric“. Fra Lodi nae caer npopairan -ETPEY. (ere np) rerun by Bi vp Mora Metin am Teng rset Bare bron noch oe ports Ere. vb oo. Bema bie enero: PIPE. cpa Now roe dp, rs Blvorras du Be BAR (oh eye) cate yen ‘ee gue BTS lstpun. 5p obo: (i Sphib rre) rp, cies ron bro, 5 LEDPBY. yd rv Amb, Bs po BOK Gee vs "Seve cnape te young » tb hae Be a ce Ban Gg pita en sopsw faut, te ont haw att Pot gyn st ve ie "Pehle igs tt Bn ee ; ey ae yy yore to opin ak Bo SM ee fae ota SARs per ores ISI le ati 8 ei Sis gu at it ert aly venga i Se Sabir dete Section Six A-H Socrates and intellectual inquiry dram acton ratscg ps rawsiste item fom Aristophanes. The ie bused Pic's secoune of Socrte dence rl for hie ona charge ef coerapeng the young, ing new god A “ovr adress eas (jos at i ial andl the the reson for nurs of gry aa out of soporte a pat Jett hemo fhe este hich he wil proce o ase vob reg: DN, & upon ot ovo I SeBssat no 9 Boea vf ye ob, el Bune Has. ft ip Sey Bel Bar pe obras ot Eps ee treo a abana ai bike daoiere Bf wal tre bro Betas an opis Gade foun np boven: rae, woresfve Fah tine Ne ee eit A Te Tete ee lis rte 4 solar 5 Eee polio noite: 1 eb tin doit. 8788 SE ad man coh ate Oe Sena vd toe wou. bros aed fraps be dow, ° Moldy? a Sevres ad itletal ging SO le Ball Se coat seg at ben etapa ee eae nen ee sandal ee nay Popeater anapiak om in odbels dar cobebrepos. a ec of 8 Nig B by 84, deed Huon, oyeLduyy rae apis Qasr i more Battevca hepa eds; Eye pip By ea ons obec. vo sore Rye 6 Bes, Meu tr dps ooiants ely, ea nob udirepons of yp Bev! fesBeral ye is abr Sndppy pap tore a Bev obBiy Bo rip fee Nye” wok olin pie apivon nip 1 rore Me, ine Bn Cre Erebus mover i hve 6, 90.0 bp Batt Sopa toas epi 15 avec “has dx oon ra (28x your gus, cous), Boop rp dhe rd paren nak dmebloe Bbw 8 Boyes vty codainaros, often 88 copie ene Oi fy npn vatron vin oe, eke ve ira J 9 yb Gunns Eooke ye soi ev, oe Se. wel dred Erapoe vopaticesadrov bonocrra aoge eas, ox Srey obras eal sme sae napdovr Ipdonen ues npn daar ob obras yb “ys oopeineps ea } obras. obros wp Soul Dae ei asi ne tad Sd coir ey nad iBone xa cds ve dG, abe TST TRIE sgl alo seal} vn wry of pv Bowers 16 pee fr Spy, of iv Boxodvres eiBévos eopusrePor- werd rp SEhceoS Jo pk yobs sours. saxon Men TP Seer da bys eo ar 8 el mE ‘rosqral ra movipara, dd Bd “ 2 Marl ey? Beondors ea of xopnygbot al yip otros iyo ahi, ros BE Moos arovs ob loan & 7 wore xa Sus Eicon of woegral bub vip woo Bien, ob eBGre, ea lonferaror ds Opi, ob Bree. dr abe xn bys oreber, lopirepor Son das Hof wow c siete oper yp ie tanto Fert ci od ad Sa eo Eo epoen gat balance ys ee Sie ieee em Ok weet a eee a eae ee pelea Rp ot ibe en renin ert es hee letra et fn eo ede Soe not ig i Sin wo sai te yh obs, Uferdkoves ecobrven wd eBay 8° us Seven ecg i" sbi rs eon Sera nat Nynue Gr Douparys visto papcesen ot : shoes 00" by gers Brig nn hep ea Eanpicns freon, ban babe Sin cvcey of ie deep Anya H o88te, dre a of Bo Bouhinem Bacto deop oo Sent Spgs ee peren in" nat Beds vq’ wal ov Fra Nie pcitrn sot 08 yp Bodlarran de ale obo Ne, ears yynorts Bonaccini Fee Ir da Acconnu: «i lag. Socrates didnot dai to ea, nor de ake fees for tonite even though he was popuily linked oy we fave panes, with the opis, wo were profesional teachers. One the mist msportant lesan fered bythe opin thor ears of her education wae the at speaking with eye ofa question, fey which ould Be aed sly In he felewing cent Plato shows how empty lesterity el be Sass si Koto bd pi tyr onl eer Dempsey paneled Ris ine Eke verbal eter. ie i dsb Ann & rer BBS Zedge Dh in obo Jaedenar east en wk Ste one sprees Se ee eee ee er tre Bacar nr aes ian “ints doa Beye,“ Auorcsbape, aw Byer Be soslect od dapltcnbcalneaier 8 Beene fe Banga T EE some ee eb Tas mtr ror wari saat i alae ts Hr BERT Tpadir rnin bono te 2 Moral deny? 7 pine ity Spin meg Senet ratte huhenotor 3 Zxgars QI Bt re cho rrp 7 “Aha pe ys, '8 Ye Khewias Bera drroxpuspenos. ess ile piper toes et LER Abe atte rt npospenn eile ate iron oy, & Rheota, 4B, "drobves 8, 13%, a demain fous pip frareErorpndpees Nee ob, & EW ye, eat Ee. patient dln onbery popees ras abrna o der ote, iy ‘nbrepatelow of worBivorres, re veloc nly yp Ere be piri ~ tooo Aropfoar 8 Peve dat alSpwpane 2p 8 lnlpanre aires Spar ‘rh Spare, Bye, wrBé oo, «av ans drop” ‘BoRibnpoe aSriv vas Revo. epoigy. 6 yep Kheoias, fun raiza fever & npusneot reyes Br of dogo ew ot (searerres E ‘eimas has usar hari the cee wher Bat Euthpdemes wove rls ambit thes ere ona” leae nan oy ‘eslever cher bec ie hslearet someting, becaa i lela 4 The sone wonder bas, tig uae foo ELE Brees Qs is Bowe ras navOdvoras' ty, SE BaP 08 asbivooras', Eby, Salys br 8 Bh Bondo abarel fre ‘Spokéye. ‘al Sr wabyeal fre, ob Bir ford a aor robs wavbdorras BbGoxe. 5 RlBaoner Sys walbas Bras, uate “od pd dia, parol yp Sere ov fouer ines 0867 ‘avo eb aot 4 ois let dn nt due 7 at Ze, eb! oe, 28° ecto Se ees van Rt, 8 ood 06 ofp. et 2 Maral dcay? F Ir ic If for Dionyodoros 1 conse Kleinias further, by vunving dhe gine on i hed {88 ears no Myon 8 deorsbaps tnetinc 5 opla tuinccn es, Iitedtion ‘The traditions sew of universal sand our and sanctioned by the gods wat chal 5 rlaing to human beha- lenged by the ability cf the oth sides OF mal suet Tas the taken as the Greeks hecame awate thet ether nenont bshoved and thought in ways entirely different rom themselves the ucts is particularly seeced sn the work ofthe Creek nen Eouws (Hydra), om whose Hitores te falloung son Ghee Herodons asiduoualy colected sores ofthe iaerernahin Rei Rope and elated them within the content af iene thee the htny fe Grek td enon pen in the Persian Wars. ees : rsa rks conquer the Amazons in ble, te Amazon Prone ke the by spite on the voyage ba iucbivas ndyooro, bre w ubyp. macfournes Ba, sas spon Hafor. hover B etrds, wivros ebixovro ee rv merpa fe agar 705 "Auativan, at 5 45 Sevres end tetheaaingny 4 ob freon Tran ak rn vee Batten yp pc et Eafe is sen loi erp tos res leo hse it BN dane A Sats dna ins SRR USIEA AR a a lar 5 Beyer, Basen ode eiyorrar robs dndpas, jovyalor “Agatins.ofrus ob, FaBoioas rove parol mobenieus Bors, abxirsébpérrlor 8 2 Ment dey? 7 ‘hes preterit H The Shion ahh Amazons, ood ete htt ide, hey pert ‘non nd s- exerin 7 a Syn allow oe od ” le rd dos oon eee fin i ee at athe we ana acer on ce ws wat i eS no yeeros 43 “Aabiva dhe 8 8 veuae ute ni ae ht of Sloe hy sv sh dnatee “Aptis 5 el eh a as Sovate snd intectl nginy 8 eon, naires rd yrsuara, Exioeyri“abrd xa abel ira be naira oot uc he DniBan wah ak paves. rie Bt deny Tp utd Hin “Aakown of Exes oe dbdvare asSisar, Phy 8 tiv Envi wk yovenes Badan ror Be enor “Gods oSris of vesein ‘roxas el tru Byones ace ba oh She abe dnepyipa ets 1b judeepn whos pons 5 oper Suis nt oidepios ios” af Bmp raira Yuet, Shr, eb Bonguteolnty pera ran iuerép yareann ob yap of eb hua tal el viv Dew. ues ge yp ofc ak ‘vm Be yooaucia ote Quddouer, ai 8 butrepat orrnira 8 emobor Senoae roe vena, beolagirs ob o sestana xd nubvan pig, Email web Top vig “naive. tiaras ngs aeroin al" Apagivee "ON" use fe ils ws paves ob yap Bde eet volta 1 None, Srapesouon ee yp 41 cl PoShnde duds yaar Eye bf Suabores tae olegen eat eer eal rara of werae, Hlavccrdvres ob nal Sciueves pie 1» pn, eyo ar. PART THREE Athens through the comic poet’s eyes ratvee returns to Dikaiopols, who continues on his way ths city with dhe rhapsode, They meet Euelpides and Pesce taros. ewe trends wiio plin to escape from Athens andi tous and fouls new ity, Clonscuckooland(esedoneryia) 2 Utopia in ee sky with hic bids. We have alesdy seen some of the woubles they wane to ‘ecape — the war, dhe plague. increasing lwlesnes and direpec or the gods and human ansoeuions, the eallapse of morality snd the ciuallenge of the sophists~ but Euelpids mensions another the Ath= tenia obsesion wit Iew-auts, a theme whichis eomaly explored in scenes from Aristophanes’ Wp Peisetairos and Euelpdes have already deeded on their pln of ‘scape, but Aristophanes provides two other posible commie solu ‘dons in Lyssa, the women of Adhensstage a sexestrike to end the ‘war, and it lemon, Dikaiopois finaly finds his oven solution ¢> the problems of Ades a War

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