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Satan: The First Wahhabi in the World

By: Dr. Ismail Fahmy Pasha

Since the 1750's, when Sheikh Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahhab of Najd/Saudi Arabia/
started his "Puritan Movement of Islam" the "Islamic Fundamentalism" was reborn, in the
Sunni Muslim World.It was very similar to the 17th century Puritan Movement in the U.S.A.

To its hard-line followers, the movement is known as "Al-Mowah-hidun" or the

"Believers in the one and only God". However, in the Muslim world they are called
"Wahhabi"/Salafi, or the followers of the "Ancestors". Other names of this violent sect are
"Takfiris" (those who excommunicate others), Al-Hijra/Jama-ah Islamiyyah/ Taliban, etc.

Historical Background

While Mr. M. Abdul Wahhab (1703-1792 A.D.) is considered as the "father of

Wahhabism" (with the help of the British Intelligence Services, and the infamous Lawrence
of Arabia/1888-1935 A.D.), yet, the grandfather of today's Wahhabism was actually the
Shaikh Ibn Taymiyya/ 1263-1328 A.D./ a Kurdish(=Persian) Muslim scholar, born in the
Kurdistan region of the Middle East.

And their great, great grandfather was the second Caliph of Islam "Omar Bin
Khattab" (586-644 A.D.) who was so "fundamentalist" that he even used to verbally attack
the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) by accusing the Prophet of being very "soft" on the
unbelievers! (e.g. in "Hodaybiyya Peace Treaty" with the Meccan enemies, or again upon the
death-bed of the Holy Prophet, when the Prophet wanted to write his Will, and "Omar"
shouted: " The Holy Qur'an is enough for us!, "meaning no need for the "Sunnah!" or
Prophet's tradition). He even went further by alleging that the Holy Prophet was "Delirious!"
and he was talking "nonsense near his death!", (See: "Sahih Bukhari", the most trusted Sunni
Muslim Book of Hadith, compiled by Imam Bukhari of Bokhara/ancient Persia.

Satan was Ahead of Them All

The truth of the matter is that this "fundamentalist mind" (= in any religion or "ism")
goes back to the origin of the creation, when "Satan" rebelled against God Almighty, and he
"resisted to obey" even his own Creator, because he considered himself to be the only
"righteous being" and the others, as "not worthy of any mention"

The Holy Qur'an exposes this Satanic mentality, by quoting Satan as saying:

"I am better than him!"(=Adam) See the Holy Qur'an 7:12.

As far as the Islamic fundamentalists are concerned, /i.e. Wahhabi, Salafi, Takfiri, Taliban,
etc. / their main "slogan" is: "Only God! Only God!" or "Tawhid".

They go to such an extreme in their "Only God" slogan, that they consider other Muslim sects
as "Heretics" or Mushrik, let alone the non-Muslims. That's why they even allow themselves

to blow up an entire Muslim neighborhood in Syria, Iraq or any city in Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria or Egypt, just because they belonged to the "other branch of

(If those groups could blow up the whole world, they would! Thats how dangerous
"Wahhabism" is to the Muslims, and the non Muslims alike, throughout the world!)

To the "Wahhabis" any picture is an "idol" (just like the beliefs of the Jewish
extremists, or the Christian fundamentalists, such as the "Amish" Protestants in America,
etc.). Any shrine, even the shrine of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is considered a
house of idol worshipping. They have destroyed many shrines of the Holy Men and Imams,
in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and anywhere else that they could reach --- even up to Pakistan,
Somalia, and Mali in Western Africa.

Thousands of innocent Muslim men, women, and children have been brutalized, and
even mass murdered, by these "Wahhabi" and Salafi extremists, all in the name of Tawhid!
(only God and no- one else!). Thats very ironic and tragic, indeed.

Philosophy of Satan

This slogan of "only God and no-one else" may seem very "religious" and very innocent at
first, but in reality, it was started by "Satan" (La-natullah!) thousands of years ago, upon the
creation of Adam (A.S.).

The Holy Qur'an says:" Remember, when your Lord told the Angels to
"Bow/prostrate before Adam", they all did, except Iblis (= Devil/ Satan) who refused, and
thus he was rejected by God" (= i.e. he became "Ar-rajeem!)" See Holy Qur'an 15/28-36.
(Note: The prostration or "Sajda" to Adam, was actually a "celebration to a new creation!" or
a "thanksgiving", if you please).

Satan, who was rejected by Allah (S.W.T.) and was kicked out of His Heavens, did
not have any problem with worshipping Allah alone. His problem was, and still is, prostrating
before anyone other than God, (i.e. to Adam) the same disease that the Wahhabis have got,

In other words, Satan still believes in one and only God! In fact, the Holy Qur'an has
quoted Satan many times, as saying "O' My Lord!" (=Allah). See the Holy Qur'an Chapter 15
(Al-Hijr) verse 36 and 39.

So, we can safely conclude that Satan is still ready to worship "The one and only God", his
sole problem is his refusal to "prostrate" and "bow down" before Adam (i.e. Men of God).
This is the crux of the matter! The fundamentalist Wahhabis also, by pretending to bow to
one and only God --- Allah and to no-one else, are actually playing the same "Satanic"
trick, and the game of rejecting the "Men of God" or the "Aulia", and therefore trying to "cut
off" the connections between God and man! (= And thus indirectly rejecting Allah, who
authorized His Messengers, in the first place!).

Now, the question is: If you can't respect the Men of God, who told you about God, how
would you be worshipping that God, whom they represented and proclaimed! (Respecting the
message, but rejecting the messenger?)

A Theological Debate

What this "Wahhabis" could not understand (and probably they will never understand!) is
that they think that any form of "respect" or reverence to anybody aside from Allah (S.W.T.)
is just like "worshiping idols!".

Well, in that case, the entire Holy Qur'an that praises the Holy Prophets of Allah and
other Holy men and women of faith, like "Virgin Mary" or the mother of Prophet Moses
(A.S.) etc. must also be "idol worship", because only God must be revered and praised, and
no-one else!(Let's stop respecting our parents, teachers, friends, too!).

But, Allah (S.W.T.) in the Holy Qur'an clearly states that: "Be thankful to me, and to
your parents" (Holy Qur'an 31:14)

Besides, when a person accepts Islam, he does not only confess to the Lordship of
Allah alone, but he must also confess (=Shahadah) to the Prophethood of Nabi Mohammad,
by saying: "I am a witness that Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) is (=not was!) the Prophet of
Allah, even though he has passed away some 1400 years ago! Although, the Holy Prophet is
physically dead, but his name is still "alive" among his followers, as billions of times every
day, the Muslims declare that "Mohammad is the Prophet of Allah". And thats exactly the
meaning of the verse No. 4, of the chapter 94 in the Holy Qur'an.

In the Muslim daily prayers, as well as during the "call to prayers" itself, (=Azan)
many times daily, each Muslim has to include the Holy Name of Prophet Mohammad,
together with the Holy Name of Allah. While the prayer is meant exclusively for Allah, yet,
we must also mention the name of the Holy Prophet, and even the names of the Prophets'
Descendants i.e. Aale Mohammad, Aale Ibrahimin those daily rituals of worshipping Allah

Thats why all Muslims, including the fundamentalist Wahhabis, have to recite the
following "Supplication" in their daily prayers to Allah (S.W.T.): "Allahum-ma Sal-le Alaa
Mohammadin wa Aal-e Mohammadin, Kama Sal-laita Alaa Ibrahima wa Aal-e Ibrahim"
(=See "Tashah-hud" in Daily Prayers).

Aside from that, during the same prayers to Allah (=Daily Salaat) every Muslim is
required by Allah (S.W.T.) to express verbally their own greetings to the Holy Prophet
Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) too, by saying: " Assalamo Alaika Ayyohan Nabiy-yo wa
Rahmatullah wa Barakaa-toh" ("Salaam and peace be upon you O' Messenger!," a
Messenger that the Wahhabis say is "Dead", buried 1400 years ago, and he doesnt exist

We may add to this list is the "Tasbihat Fatimah", by all Muslims, following their
daily prayers to Allah (S.W.T.), plus many other Islamic rituals in Hajj, in Ramadhan, in
Eids, etc.

As far as the True Islam is concerned, (without those sectarian colors) there is no way
that any Muslim could pray to Allah, without also immediately declaring the Prophethood of
the Holy Prophet Mohammad, and his Blessed Descendants, as a part and parcel of the
worship to Allah, without which, Allah can't be worshipped, either; in the same manner that
Satan's worship of Allah alone was not good enough, to save him, when he did not also want
to bow down to Adam (A.S.)!

Thats why Imam Sha-fe-iy (R.A.), one of the four major Imams of the Sunni Islam,
says: "O' Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet,/ Loving you and mentioning your names during the daily
prayers to Allah,/ Has been required by Allah Himself;/ So much so that, if anyone will not
pray for you, in their daily prayers to Allah,/ That prayer to Allah is not accepted, too!"

See: "Sawa-iq Al-Muhriqa" by Ibne Hajar As-qalani/p.88

Now, we can see clearly how the "Philosophy of Wahhabism" did originate from
Satan, and how did it continue since then among his followers, up to the present! (But, thanks
be to Allah, it's dying down, a slow death).

Indeed, Satan was the first Wahhabi in the world!

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