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Deforestation- process of removing trees and forests in a landscape.

Majority of our things are made of wood that came from the trees in the forest.
Forests cover quarter (one-fourth) of the earths surface.
Currently, 36 logs per minute are cut down.

A. Carbon cycling
Humans- inhale oxygen, exhales carbon dioxide
Trees- inhale carbon dioxide, exhales carbon dioxide through photosynthesis
If most trees are, carbon dioxide is no longer absorbed. It stays in the atmosphere. CO acts as a
greenhouse gas by absorbing and radiation the earth. It can further contribute to burned forest
materials and it releases CO in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases- a warming effect which can lead to Global Warming.

B. Albedo
Albedo- amount of light off a surface.
Control of the surface is color.
In relation to light:
Dark colors absorb.
Light colors reflect.
In relation to nature:
Dark surface, such as forest will absorb light.
While bare surface such as grass will reflect. This causes a global cooling effect.

C. Precipitation
Plants and trees absorb water. Through transpiration, plants loose water and evaporated in the
atmosphere. Clouds form from evaporated water. When water collected is enough, it precipitates,
and then repeats the cycle.

However, cycle is disrupted when deforestation occurs. When it rains, there are no trees to absorb it.
Instead, it moves off the surface as runoff. Little water is left to be evaporated, which means smaller
water will be contributed to the formation of clouds and rain. This degrades the environment because
of lack of water that it need.

1. Selective & partial harvesting: instead of cutting every tree, selectively choose trees and leaves
others trying help maintain the ecosystem functions
2. Protecting sensitive areas: by selectively choosing regions we can conserve the growth of forests
and also protecting endangered species habitats.
3. 3 RS
- REDUCE: using less.
- REUSE: easy and can save money.
- RECYCLE: disposing waste properly.


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