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User experience design can sometimes be a slippery term.

With all

What is the other often used terms that float around in its realm in the
technology and web space: interaction design, information
architecture, human computer interaction, human factors

User engineering, usability, and user interface design. People often end up
asking, “what is the difference between all these fields and which one
do I need?” This article examines the term and field of user
experience to plainly extrapolate its meaning and connect the dots

Experience with these other fields.

Design? Formal Definition of User Experience

Before we begin to explore what the design of user experience is, it
would help to first understand what the latter means:

User experience is a term used to describe the overall experience

and satisfaction a user has when using a product or system. It most
commonly refers to a combination of software and business topics,
such as selling over the web, but it applies to any result of interaction
By Kimmy Paluch
design. Wikipedia definition
Montparnas, LLC
Based on this definition, then, user experience is the
characterization of what a user feels while using any product, this can
extend from a car to a mobile phone to a magazine or a child’s toy.
Most commonly, however the specific term ‘user experience’ is
applied to that of software, web applications and digital devices
whereas the more general user-product experiences are referred to
as ‘experience design.’
User Experience Design vs. Experience Design
User experience design is a subset of the broader field of experience
design; the latter being defined as:

…an approach to the design of products, services and environments

based on a holistic consideration of the users’ experience.
Experience design is therefore driven by consideration of the
‘moments’ of engagement between people and brands, and the
memories these moments create. Also known as experiential
marketing, customer experience design, experiential design, brand
experience. Wikipedia definition

Based on this definition, experience design uses the interactions of

customers with products, services and company branding to optimize
the overall impressions left by these. User experience design takes a
similar approach and applies it to a specific set of products–
computer-related ones. For example, an experience designer may
refine the customer service and ambience of a hotel, whereas a user
experience designer will optimize the customer’s interaction when
making a reservation online, interacting with the hotel website or will
improve the staff’s systems for managing hotel operations. The key
difference can be found in the examination of the word ‘user.’

We refer to a person as a user particularly in the case where he/she

is operating a computer or similar device. Thus the ‘user experience’
refers to the overall impression, feelings, interactions
that a person has while operating these systems. In the end this
could break down to almost all electronic and mechanical products
we own/use since they often rely on computers for their functioning;
however, the term in practice has been specifically associated to the
direct interactions with devices operated by specific peripherals and
providing an interface for feedback via a screen. (It would be
somewhat of a stretch to call a child playing with a toy a ‘user.’)

For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the user experience
design as it relates to technology interactions, primarily with mobile
device applications, desktop applications, and web sites and web

User Experience Design vs. Interaction Design,

Information Architecture, Human-Computer
Interaction, Human Factors Engineering, Usability
and User Interface Design
User experience design is a complex field that is not exactly discrete
from all the others mentioned. In essence, user experience draws
from each of these fields in order to address the various aspects of a
user’s experience. If the user experience is meant to describe the
user’s satisfaction with a product, there are a few key elements which
need to be addressed. Some of these elements include:
 The fluidity of interactions
 The ability to easily input information
 A quick response time from the system
 An intuitive workflow
 The comprehensibility of the information and features
 A quick and easy progression to feeling comfortable with the system
(short learning curve)
 The accuracy of the information presented (correct computational
output and proper conveyance)
 The pleasing appearance of the interface

Each of these elements makes up a large part of the user

experience. Each is made effective due to the design contributions
from each of the following fields:

1. Interaction design
2. Information architecture
3. Usability
4. Human computer interaction
5. Human factors engineering
6. User interface design

User experience is the culmination of all of these parts into one field.
Although, user experience design does not wholly contain these
fields (that is to say, some research and practices in each of these
fields falls outside the realm of the user experience) it does serve to
unite many of the principles so as to improve each of the facets of the
user experience.
Let us examine each of these fields in turn to see how they affect the
user experience design:

Interaction Design
Interaction design is a sub-discipline of design which examines the
role of embedded behaviors and intelligence in physical and virtual
spaces as well as the convergence of physical and digital products.
Sometimes referred to by the acronyms “IxD” or “iD”… Wikipedia

As defined above, interaction design examines behaviors in physical

and virtual spaces. Although in practice, this term is generally
interchangeable with user experience design due to the great
similarities in process and deliverables, the two are distinct.

Interaction design focuses on designing behaviors in which two

entities are involved; these entities are not limited to human and
computer pairs as is the case with user experience design.
Furthermore, when interaction design involves humans and
computers, the focus is on designing a set of tasks; and thus is a
very task-oriented process. For user experience design, this
designing of tasks and behaviors is one aspect of creating a full
experience, but extends beyond it to incorporate other aspects, such
as the effects of branding and more passive activities such as
viewing a video clip or listening to a song.
The interaction design is crucial for a successful and overall
satisfying experience; however, it does not account for the overall
structural design, business marketing and some aspects of the
presentation of information which affect the user’s experience with
the system.

Facets covered by Interaction Design

 The fluidity of interactions
 An intuitive workflow
 The comprehensibility of the information and features
 A quick and easy progression to feeling comfortable with the
system (short learning curve)

Information Architecture
Information Architecture (IA) is the art and science of structuring
knowledge (technically data), and defining user interactions.
Wikipedia definition

Information architecture originated from library science where it is still

employed. Many aspects of information architecture fall outside of the
technology space where user experience resides; however,
information architecture remains a key aspect in designing the user
experience. Taxonomies and organization of data within the system
improve the accessibility of data and thus enhance the overall
usability, which in turn reflects positively on the user’s experience.
Based on the definition, we see that information architecture is also
intertwined with interaction design.
A system will be more intuitive and pleasing to the user if the
organization of information is logical and understandable.

Facets covered by Information Architecture

 The comprehensibility of the information and features
 A quick and easy progression to feeling comfortable with the
system (short learning curve)
 The accuracy of the information presented

Usability is the measure of the ease with which particular people can
employ a particular tool or other human-made object in order to
achieve a particular goal. Usability can also refer to the methods of
measuring usability and the study of the principles that may predict
whether an object is found usable in practice. Wikipedia definition

Usability is also a subset of the user experience but is not wholly

contained by it either. As defined above, usability relates to all tools
made by humans, and can thus extend to a fork, hammer or other
non-digital device. The section of usability that intersects with user
experience design is that which speaks to the human’s ability to use
a system or application. Usability has a great impact in creating a
positive user experience; however, it should be noted that a system
can be usable, but create a poor user experience.
Facets covered by Usability
 The fluidity of interactions
 The ability to easily input information
 An intuitive workflow
 The comprehensibility of the information and features
 A quick and easy progression to feeling comfortable with the system
(short learning curve)

Accessibility is a general term used to describe how easy it is for
people to get to, use, and understand things. It is not to be confused
with usability which is used to describe how easily a thing can be
used by any type of user. One meaning of accessibility specifically
focuses on people with disabilities, but there are other meanings…
Wikipedia definition

Although not a field of its own, it is important to note that accessibility

also contributes to the overall user experience, to increase the
likelihood of a wide-spread satisfactory user-experience. Accessibility
is wholly contained by usability and is important at all levels of
product design.

Facets covered by Accessibility

 The fluidity of interactions
 The ability to easily input information
 The comprehensibility of the information and features
 A quick and easy progression to feeling comfortable with the system
(short learning curve)
Human-Computer Interaction
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the study of interaction between
people (users) and computers. It is an interdisciplinary subject,
relating computer science with many other fields of study and
research. Wikipedia definition

Human-computer interaction is a great contributor to user experience

design by providing key research findings which can inform the
improvement of systems for people. HCI extends to incorporate more
integrated interactions between humans and computers which are
generally not covered in the practice of user experience, such as
interactions with physical devices.

Facets covered by Human Computer Interaction

 The fluidity of interactions
 The ability to easily input information
 A quick response time from the system
 A quick and easy progression to feeling comfortable with the
system (short learning curve)
 The accuracy of the information presented
Human Factors Engineering
Human factors engineering, also referred to as Ergonomics is the
study of optimizing the interface between human beings, and the
designed objects and environments they interact with. Wikipedia

Facets covered by Human Factors Engineering

 The fluidity of interactions
 The ability to easily input information
 An intuitive workflow
 A quick and easy progression to feeling comfortable with the
system (short learning curve)

User Interface Design

User interface design is the overall process of designing the

interaction between a human (user) and a machine (computer). It
includes graphic design, information design and a wide variety of
usability methods. Wikipedia definition

User interface design falls in the center of all of these fields. This is
the ultimate goal for all: create an optimized mechanism for
interfacing between the user and the system.
Facets covered by User Interface Design
 The fluidity of interactions
 An intuitive workflow
 The comprehensibility of the information and features
 The pleasing appearance of the interface

Assembling the Puzzle

The diagram below presents the correlation of the fields examined
User Experience Design as a Form of Design
Now that we have an understanding of user experience and how its
design relates to the various fields surrounding it, let us look at the
process and how this field is a form of design.
Based on a single or series of interactions and first-hand impressions
with a product, or system, users create a rich experience that can be
satisfactory, engaging, enjoyable, etc. When we begin to speak about
the design of this experience, we are referring to the planning and
construction of the various parts that will affect the experience. The
design consists of a strong framework with visual elements and cues
for added clarity and richness.

There are many factors which need to be taken into account when
designing the user experience. We have examined some of the
aspects from the perspective of the user above; however there are
others that must be examined as well, and from various perspectives.
The design elements outlined by Jesse James Garrett are
summarized as:

1. User’s needs and site (business) objectives

2. Content requirements and functional specifications
3. Information architecture and interaction design
4. Interface, navigation and information design
5. Visual design

Due to the wide spectrum of elements that need to be considered

when designing a user experience, the field encompasses many
disciplines ranging from marketing and business to aspects of
graphic design to ethnography, linguistics and psychology to
computer science and much more.

Examining the design process through the 5

By investigating how the user’s needs align with that of the business
objectives and vice versa, user experience designers can refine the
foundation of the design: what exactly are we making and why? In
order to answer this question, designers must first discover who
these users are which results in the definition of user personas. With
user personas and system goals in hand, step 1 is complete.

Once the goals of the system have been solidified, the next phase is
to formulate the system design: what features will this system have,
how should they work and how should they be organized? This step
encompasses the content requirements, navigation, structural
interface design, interaction design and functional specifications. In
order to fully design the experience, these basic blueprints are put in
place and signify the skeletal foundation of the system. Steps 2, 3
and 4 are now complete producing a skeleton which includes
functional specifications documents, content matrices, wireframes,
sitemaps and task flows. With the skeleton of the user experience in
place all that remains is skinning or the visual design, which further
enhances the overall experience.
For another perspective on user experience design, read “How to
Quantify the User Experience”. There are many articles which
deconstruct this principle, but they all revolve around the idea of user
experience design as a multi-faceted approach aimed at making
products more pleasing for people to use.

As articulated above, the field of user experience design takes a

broad approach to the enhancement of products, combining elements
from various fields to create an optimal and well-rounded experience.
This holistic methodology is often more adept at helping to reach a
set of goals that encompass passive and active user interactions–
goals determined both by users and the business or organization.

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