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ED 4571/4575
Donna Dalby
Classroom Management Plan
International School of Brescia 2017
Final Draft
Attention-getting Procedures:
I sing: 5-4-3-2-1 Students Answer: Im done
Call and response clapping a rhythm
Whisper, If you can hear me touch your nose etc.
Focus Fox
Sing a song (that has been taught to the class) and quietly start singing. As
the students hear the song, they know to stop what theyre doing and join in
singing the song.
Question-Answering Procedures:
As a teacher I dont mind having an open discussion where students are able
to call out answers as I ask questions, however, if it starts to get out of hand
with noise, silliness, or the same person answering the entire time I will ask
for hands up.
I also think that telling the students in advance that any student could be
called on to answer and asking specific students questions as you go works
well as well. With this procedure the students need to know in advance that
they will be asked a question in advance so they have time to mentally
prepare. I also need to understand and know my students and know who will
be successful in these situations, and who will have a lot of anxiety. By
knowing your students you can personalize situations for success.

Start of Day:
Ensure the class is tidy and ready for a full day of music classes. Have all
materials needed for all classes set out and available for quick transitions
between classes.
Start of Class:
Welcome the students in with a song. Have a circle spot that has been
assigned to think on the first day and have them sit there.
End of Class:
Wrapping up essential questions. Refresh the students on what we learned in
the class that day and the various modalities of how we reinforced their
knowledge. Ex)How did we make music today? Or What instruments did we
use? Etc.
End of Day:
Ensure the class is clean and tidy, that materials needed for the next day are
easy to access and ready to go.

Emma Arndt
ED 4571/4575
Donna Dalby
Change of Activities:
I think I am really going to try Kathys method of not talking and explaining
activities so much. Especially because I will be with very small class sizes. I
will try and sing most transitions and where possible, when reinforcing
concepts, just jump right in and see how the students do and how much they
Change of Subjects:
I am only teaching Music, so there is no change in subject.
Distribution of Materials/ Accessing of Equipment:
This is very grade dependant. In early years (K-2) I will be the one
responsible for distribution of materials, especially if they are instruments.
In grade three I think is a good age to start giving the students more
responsibility, especially with instruments, and teaching them the proper
places for where they go, and how they should be carried/moved.
Classroom Clean Up:
Try and clean the class as the class progresses. At the end in the last 5
minutes the class should be reserved for putting the classroom back to its
original state.

Daily and Safety Procedures
Late Arrivals:
According to my schools handbook for late arrivals we need to send Students
to the office (Barbara) to sign in the late arrival register. If this becomes a
habit inform the Head of School (Penny) if you are concerned by lateness or
repeated absences.
PYP & MYP students attendance must be registered on-line during lesson 1
by 9.30am. The system prompts staff to enter: Attendance?, Canteen? and
Ticket?. In the event of no access to the on-line system, teachers must send a
message to the office (Barbara) with attendance details.
If this becomes a habit inform the Head of School (Penny) if you are
concerned by lateness or repeated absences.
Use of phones:
I will not allow students to use phones in class. They are free to keep them
with them or in their backpack, but if I see them they go on my desk until the
end of class.
Pencil Sharpening:
I would have a jar with a flat sign on it where students can put pencils that
are dull, and a jar with a sharp sign on it with already sharpened pencils in it
that students can take.
Student telephone calls home:
If students need to make a call home they need to ask me to be excused and
go see Barbara in the office to make the call.

Emma Arndt
ED 4571/4575
Donna Dalby
Individual Seatwork:
In most music rooms, there are not usually desks. I will allow the students to
find their own personal space, in student approved areas and let them work
there. I always tell my students to make good choices; if they cannot pick a
good spot for themselves then I will have to move them.
Late Homework or Assignments:
I dont plan on giving homework. The only aspect that students might do
outside of class is if we have an inquiry based project that they need to have
general knowledge and research on before hand.
Homework Reminders:
I dont plan on giving homework. The only aspect that students might do
outside of class is if we have an inquiry based project that they need to have
general knowledge and research on before hand.
Student Illness or Injury:
There are two emergency medical kits within the school. They are located: In
the office In a locker in the north end of the childrens locker room. Teachers
must be familiarized with the contents of the emergency kits at the start of
every school year. All student injuries that are treated with the emergency
medical kits must be documented in the office. Parents must be notified by
teachers regarding injuries sustained during the course of the school day.
Any student injury that is beyond the immediate relief of school personnel
will be reported to the local emergency medical experts and an ambulance
will be called.
Fire Drills:
The CEO is responsible for ensuring that there are at least two fire drills each
year, of which one in usually the first month of school. Procedures are posted
on the door of each classroom and it is vital that staff acquaint themselves
with these procedures.
All students will evacuate the building and move quickly to the designated
meeting area. Students must be kept away from any area where there is
moving traffic. Teachers must maintain a roster and account for all students.
A manifest list of parents and their contact numbers must be brought by
Barbara in the office. There will be routine evacuation drills staged
throughout the school year and additional support will be provided by way
of topic- based classroom activities and school safety assemblies.
In the event of a lockdown, teachers will be asked to secure students in their
classroom until notice is given that they may resume the proper schedule. In
the event of a lockdown, teachers will quiet their students without undue
alarm and allow no student from the room until permission is given.
Statistically, most lockdown events are no longer than twenty minutes in
duration, allowing administrative personnel the time to secure the premises
and gain control over the event in question.

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