The Day The Dancers Came Handout

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The Day the Dancers Filipinos entrenched fanatics of the

American Dream of Success

Came - Filipinos sought greener pastures
aspiring for a better life
by Bienvenido Santos - However, they were faced with
oppression and were discriminated due
both to their race and nationality
Bienvenido Santos - Filipinos mostly served in menial jobs as
- Award-winning Filipino-American author they were seen as a cultural minority
- Born and raised in Tondo, Manila
- Has a Bachelor of Arts degree from UP II. CHARACTER
where he studied creative writing under Paz Character Comparison
Marquez Benitez
- Was a governments pensionado (scholar) to FIL similarities TONY
50 years old Both Older than Fil, but
the United States
Filipinos looks younger
- The Day the Dancers Came is considered a living
literary classic of the Filipino diaspora abroad
Former corporal Live Retired Pullman
I. SETTING in the US Army together in Porter
Chicago, USA the same
- it is set in the United States of America apartment
Has worked Went to Has been
where Filipinos play the principal
many small jobs America for bedridden; suffers
characters in order to show contrasting including a brief greener from a disease
cultures stint in the pastures that causes his
Winter-time hospital skin to peel and
- it is set during winter, around end of turn white
Insecure about Pleasant
November or early December
his looks - looking
- snow being something foreign to (mug face)
Filipinos Better in the Have Better in English
Diaspora dialect recorded
- the dispersion/scattering/migration of a debates
large group of people from their home Excited about Apathetic about
the dancers the dancers
country, whether it be for economic,
political, social, or religious reasons Filemon Acayan (Fil)
- Filipinos, such as OFWs, are products of representative of the Filipinos living
the diaspora abroad
- Three contingents/waves of migrants: 1st self conscious or insecure
(1904-1946), 2nd (1946-1964), and 3rd - this mug says, Ugly Filipino... (184)
(1965-1984). - Gosh, I wish I had your looks, even
- Fil was part of the first contingent (1904-
with those spots I could face... them
- Over half a century of U.S. instruction
during their colonization has made many
- had menial jobs
- living on loose change all your life and - Served as a foil character in order to
now on a treasury warrant so small and highlight and contrast Fils characteristics
full of holes (184)
Old-timer Fil and Tony
- first wave of Filipinos who migrated to Personalities are contrasting but they
the United States complement each other
- stereotype: bums who are dangerous Fil was dependent on Tony
- deprived of social networks and the - worshipped, for all the things the man
technology of communication that had that Fil knew he lacked (186)
- wished Tony had been with him
makes living abroad easier today
- Filipinos who are in between (stuck in (187)
They needed each other to keep afloat
limbo); do not belong with either
- implied in Fils dream
Americans or Filipinos - In the dream, Tony was sort of preparing
No family
Fil to keep afloat on his own because
- Now they were all gone... all of them he
he knew he would not be around for
had loved (183)
- no more connection to the Philippines long
Longs to be a part of something after being The Dancers
Polite, but not warm or friendly
an outsider and a cultural minority in
Not sincere their goodbye wave
America for so many years Mocking they laughed,
Despises time possibly at Fil
- thinks time has cheated him Their rejection of Fils
- Time was the villain (184) invitation was justifiable
- ... but all of a sudden, too young - Fil believed they have been instructed
became too old, too late. What not to talk to strangers
happened in between? (184) - possible that it was Fils looks that kept
- time simply passed him by them away
- did not get the chance to live his life to
the fullest III. LANGUAGE
- thinks of what could have been Silence is the richest sound irony
Afraid of forgetting/nostalgic Giant plant with its thorny branches
- sees memory as a villain
around him like arms in a loving embrace
- keeps a magic sound mirror and replays
it to relive the memories of the
Time is a villain metaphor
recordings Symbolism
Antonio Bataller (Tony) Whiteness (white snow, Tonys white
more realistic than Fil
spots, Im becoming a white man)
- doubtful of the dancers
- being American/foreign; Tony is almost
- knew Fil had a slim chance of success
Fatalistic like part of the Americans while Fil does
- expected death to take him soon not fit in with them
- awaiting death Magic sound mirror
- Ill be dead before that (184), One - a portable tape recorder with recordings
day Im just gonna die (183) of songs and speeches both in the dialect
and in English
- a means for Fil to hold on to the past and - Third- person limited omniscient
Filipino culture as well as relive - focuses on Fil and his thoughts
important memories
Giant plant with its thorny branches V. THEME
around him like arms in a loving embrace
Cultural Identity and Belongingness
- ironic: comfort that isnt sincere; a form
- Fil feels like he does not quite belong
of mockery
with the Americans, despite being an
Dream of keeping afloat
American citizen and having lived there
- trying to survive in a foreign land
Increasing pace of the bamboos in the for so long, and he does not belong with
Tinikling dance increases the chance of the Filipinos either, because he has lost
getting caught in between the connection with them after having
- Filipinos abroad trying to escape certain been away for so long
pain and humiliation but its getting Time and Memory
- Fil is afraid of not having enough time,
harder and harder
- keeping up with the pace of life abroad; getting old and forgetting all his
they are caught in the middle memories, which is why he needs a
- bamboos as the forces and pressures magic sound recorder to help him
they face (discrimination, etc.) remember
- motif, You dont have to look at your Overall theme:
face in a mirror to know that you are
old(184), magic sound mirror,
reflection on the glass door (188)
- reveals Fils self-consciousness or
- Fil in the way of dancers taking pictures
at hotel, taking pictures of the mist,
still taking pictures of Chicagos gray
- capturing memories of youth and time
Erasing of sounds
- it is an eye-opener for Fil that it was
time to stop living/holding on to the past
and move forward with life (without

Tolling of bell
- symbolizes death or the end (of Tony, or
Fils memories and fantasies)
- Ive lost them all.


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