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CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 1 -

Policy Challenges

1. It is necessary to recalibrate the growth expectations because

1. There is a volatile external environment
2. There is a slowdown in the domestic economy
3. The demand for Indian goods and services is on the rise

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. 1 and 2 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is c

Explanation-recently it has been observed that there is volatility in the global demand with
significant risks of global demand, which has had an effect on Indian exports which came down by
17.6%. Apart from this there is also a slowdown in the domestic economy

2. Which of the following has been observed in the Indian economy since 1980s
1. India has moved from being anti-market to pro-state
2. Industrial licensing has been dismantled
3. FDI has been liberalized

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation-since 1980s Indian economy has the following features

Moved from being anti-market and pro-state to being pro-entrepreneurship

Liberalized FDI
Dismantled license raj etc

3. The long run potential growth rate for India is

a. 8-10%
b. 9-10%
c. 7-9%
d. 7-7.75%

The correct option is a

4. The real GDP growth for 2015-16 is expected to be

a. 8-10%
b. 9-10%
c. 7-9%
d. 7-7.75%

The correct option is d

5. Consider the following statements

1. There are no risks of possible spillovers from the global slowdown
2. The correlation between Indian and global growth has come down over time
3. There is a volatile external environment

Which of the statements are incorrect?

a. Only 1 is incorrect
b. 1 and 2 are incorrect
c. 1 and 3 are incorrect
d. All are incorrect

Correct option is b

Explanation-there are significant risks of weaker global activity with risks of possible spillovers. Also
the correlation between the growth rate of India with that of the world has increased from 0.2
(1991-2002) to 0.42 since then.

6. Which of the following is delaying the prospects of reviving private investment

a. Twin balance sheet problem
b. Efficient implementation of JAM
c. Delay in Implementation of GST
d. Delay in Implementation of GAAR

The correct answer is a

Explanation- corporate and bank balance sheets are both under stress which on one side has made
the corporates to put on hold their investments decisions and on the other side the banks have
reduced the volume of the loans to be offloaded and the cost of credit has gone up.

7. Twin balance sheet problem refers to

a. Increased stress on the balance sheets of banks and corporates
b. Increasing number of NPAs exerting stress on balance sheet of the banks
c. Increased stress on the balance of payments situation
d. None of the above

Choose the correct option

The correct option is a

8. Consider the following statements with regards to RIRI

1. RIRI stands for Rational Investor Rating Index
2. It combines two elements-growth and inflation
3. India as a destination of investment proposition stands out

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation-RIRI stands for Rational Investor Rating Index which measures two factor-risk and
growth of a country-so as to attract the investors. The higher the value of RIRI, the better is the
performance of the country. India has performed well in this case and stands out as an investment

9. Unicorn startups refer to
a. The startups in the ICT sector
b. The startups in the with the valuation greater than $1 million
c. The startups in the with the valuation greater than $1 billion
d. None of the above

The correct answer is c

10. consider the following statements regarding Indian Agriculture

1. The performance in 2015-16 is better than the previous year
2. Average agriculture growth in La-Nina years has been 3.7%

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is a

Explanation-although agriculture in 2015-16 is likely to register lower growth on account of weak

monsoons, it has performed well compared to the previous year. During the La-Nina years the
average agriculture growth has been 8.4%

11. Which of the following are the policy decisions taken by the government in the banking sector
to deal with the menace of NPAs
1. Indradhanush
2. Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
3. UDAY Yojana
Choose the correct option
a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct
The correct option is a.
Explanation-Government has announced the Indradhanush framework under which it will focus
on 7 broad points-Appointments, Banking Board Bureau, Capitalization, Destressing,
Empowerment, Framework of accountability and Governance reforms

12. The dramatic decline of oil prices is a cause of worry because

1. May have an effect on the remittances
2. May force the oil exporting countries to curtail the use of foreign labor

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct option is c

Explanation-if the dramatic decline in the oil prices continues it may reduce the earnings of oil
exporting countries which may force these countries to curtail the usage foreign labor which will
have an impact on the remittances.

13. Which of the following statements regarding SSM are true
1. Can be imposed by all the countries
2. Can be imposed on all the imports
3. Was provided under Doha round

Choose the correct option

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct
The correct option is b.

Explanation-Special Safeguard Mechanism has following features

Can be imposed by developing countries

Can be imposed on agriculture imports
Was provided in the Doha round of Ministerial Conference

14. The stagnancy in the exports of services is puzzling because
1. More of the services go to Asian countries
2. The rupee has depreciated in the last year against dollar

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct option is b

Explanation-out of the total exports majority of the merchandises go to Asian countries and service
exports go to United States. Along with the depreciation of rupee the service exports to US must
have increased but over the period of time the service exports have flattened out.

15. Consider the following regarding inflation

1. The base year for new series of CPI 2012
2. WPI has been in negative territory since 2014
3. The fall in the WPI has been majorly because of domestic slowdown

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 2 are correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation-the new CPI series is with a base year of 2012. It can be dissociated into CPI
(urban), CPI (rural) and CPI (combined). WPI since 2014 has been in negative territory and
recently (April 2016) turned positive. The drop in the WPI was majorly because of the drop
of crude oil prices.

16. The increase in the wages with implementation of 7th Pay commission may not have larger
impact on inflation because
1. The 7th pay awards do not determine the government demand
2. The pay awards determine only a small part of demand
3. There is a slack in the private sector labour market

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation-inflation reflects that there is excess demand in the market compared to supply.
The wage increases account only for a small demand and it doesnt determine the government
demand (the government demand is determined by the fiscal deficit target). The rise in the
wages can spillover and increase the private demand but the private labor is weak hence this is
not possible at this moment. Hence the wage revision may not have a perceptible impact on

17. Through which of the following measures the Twin Balance Sheet Problem can be contained
1. RBI to provide capitalization by selling off some of its assets
2. The government may sell off the assets that it doesnt want to hold and use the
proceeds for capitalizing the banks

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both can be used
d. Neither can be used

The correct option is c

Explanation-compared to other central banks RBI holds higher equity share which can be
liquidated to recapitalize the banks. The government can also privatize some of the CPSE to
capitalize the banks

18. The stability of remittances is puzzling even though

1. The crude prices of oil has come down drastically
2. The exports of steel and aluminum has increased in the last one year
3. FDI in various sectors has been liberalized

Choose the correct option

e. Only 1 is correct
f. Only 2 is correct
g. 1 and 3 are correct
h. All are correct

The correct option is a

Explanation- the dramatic decline in the oil prices would have had a financial affect on the oil
exporting countries which would have curtailed the use of foreign labour. But in case of India it as
not yet been observed hence there is a need to monitor this source of earning

19. Which of the following is/are the reason/s for twin balance sheet problem
1. Slowdown in global demand
2. Slowdown in the domestic economy
3. Drop in the prices of crude oil

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 2 are correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation-because of the slowdown in the global demand the spillover effects, Indias exports
have come down. India although is one of the largest producers and exporters of steel and
aluminum, recently the domestic prices have become higher than the imports

20. The 4Rs in the Twin Balance Sheet Problem recommendations refer refer to
a. Recognition, Recapitalization, Resolution, Reform
b. Recognition, Reporting, Resolution, Reform
c. Recognition, Recapitalization, Regrouping, Reform
d. Recognition, Recapitalization, Result, Reform

The correct option is a

Explanation- Recognition, Recapitalization, Resolution, Reform

21. Consider the following statements regarding WTO

1. Nairobi meet was the 21st Ministerial Conference
2. WTO approved the food security/ stockholding issue in 2015
3. The Nairobi package includes SSM, commitment to abolish export subsidies on farm
exports and measures related to cotton

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 2 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation-Bali declaration had the provision of public stockholding which was approved by WTO
in 2014. Recently held Nairobi meet was the 10th Ministerial Conference.

22. Consider the following statements regarding monetary policy

1. The monetary transmission in 2015 has been very efficient/efficient
2. The gaps between the policy rate and bank rates have increased significantly in the last

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct option is c

Explanation-the monetary transmission refers to the process wherein the banks transfer the
benefits of the decreased rate to the customers. In the last year RBI has reduced cumulatively 125
bps whereas the bank lending rates have been reduced by 50 bps. The gap between the policy rate
and bank rates has increased significantly.

23. Consider the following statements

1. As per the Fitch Rating Agency, India is in the A investment category
2. As of now vulnerabilities exist in china, Brazil and Saudi Arabia
3. In the short run India must focus on domestic sources of demand.

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 2 are correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation-As per the Fitch Ratings Agency, Indias investment grade is BBB and it has performed
well compared to its peers. The frequency of occurrence of financial crisis has increased hence
there is a need to take the spillover risks seriously as there are certain vulnerabilities existing in
China, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. There is a slowdown and there are vulnerabilities in the global
demand hence there is a need to focus on domestic sources of demand.

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 2 -
The Chakravyuha Challenge

1) A market economy will require

Statement 1-regulated entry of new firms

Statement 2-exit so that resources are forced away from inefficient uses

Choose the correct option

a) Only statement 1 is correct

b) Only statement 2 is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are wrong

2) Consider the following statements with regards to Indian economy since 1980s

1. industrial licensing has been dismantled

2. no public sector has been privatized
3. trade barriers have been reduced

Choose the correct option

a) statements 1 and 2 are correct

b) Only statement 2 is correct
c) Statements 1 and 3 are correct
d) All the statements are correct

3) Consider the following statements with regards to sick companies

1. poor in a way are subsidizing the sick companies

2. poor end up paying higher prices for goods and services if the sick companies are not allowed
to exit

Choose the correct option

a) Only statement 1 is correct

b) Only statement 2 is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are wrong
4) The lack of exit framework in Indian context leads to creation of

1. Opportunity cost
2. Fiscal cost
3. Economic cost
4. Political cost

Choose the correct option

a) 1 & 2 are correct

b) Only 2 is correct
c) 2 and 3 are correct
d) 2,3 and 4 are correct

5) Consider the following statements

1. firms averaging 40 years were 5 times larger (in terms of employment) than new ones in India

2. the exit problem in India in Private sector is becoming a major challenge

Choose the correct option

a) Only statement 1 is correct

b) Only statement 2 is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are wrong

6) Consider the following statements

1. the implicit subsidies may lead to hike in the interest rates

2. bailouts by the government is a type of explicit subsidy

Choose the correct option

a) Only statement 1 is correct

b) Only statement 2 is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are wrong

7) Consider the following statements with regards to DRTs

1. set up under Recovery of Debts Due to Banks &Financial Institutions Act 1993

2. only banks can approach DRTs

3. The government recently has announced that it would be setting up 5 more DRTs

Choose the correct option

a) Only statement 1 is correct

b) statements 1 and 2 are correct
c) Statements 1 and 3 are correct
d) All the statements are correct

8) Which of the following represents the difference between central sector scheme and centrally
sponsored scheme

a) Central sector schemes are more in number compared to centrally sponsored schemes
b) In the former 75% contribution is from the centre whereas it is 100% in the latter
c) Both are one and the same
d) The former is implemented by its own machinery whereas the latter is implemented by state

9) The imports of fertilizers has been canalized. Here the word canalization means

a) The import of fertilizers is not allowed into India

b) The import of fertilizers done through agencies designated by government of India
c) Various agencies have been given a free hand in importing and distributing fertilizers
d) Apart from certain agencies of the government even the private companies can freely import
the fertilizers for the purpose of selling.

10) Sick company refers to

a) The company has suffered huge loss in the present financial year
b) The accumulated losses of the company to be equal to or more than its networth
c) The accumulated losses of the company to be equal to or more than its market capitalization
d) None of the above

11) SICA 1985 was the result of the recommendations of the following committee

a) T Tiwari committee
b) Narasimhan committee
c) Alagh Committee
d) Rangarajan Committee

12) Consider the following statements in the background of impending exit

1. the strong institutions are in a way leading to ever-greening of loans

2. In case of India we can see a mix of strong as well as weak institutions

Choose the correct option

a) Only statement 1 is correct

b) Only statement 2 is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are wrong

13) Consider the following statements regarding smartcards

1-the smart cards were utilized for paying MGNREGA wages in Telangana

2-the smartcards were able to reduce payment delays, reduce leakages, increased wages etc

3-the cost of implementation of the smartcard project was more than the benefits obtained

Choose the correct option

a) Only statement 1 is correct

b) Only statement 2 is correct
c) Statements 1 and 3 are correct
d) All the statements are correct

14) The demand of the present situation is that the PPP (Perpetrator Pays Principle) must be applied in a
careful manner because

1. The corporate houses wield a large political power

2. The investment scenario has to be revived
3. Ten large corporate houses account for majority of private capital expenditure

Which of the above statement/s are true?

a) Only statement 2 is correct

b) statements 1 and 3 are correct
c) Statements 2 and 3 are correct
d) All the statements are correct

15) Consider the following statements regarding Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2015

1. When the default occurs creditors/borrower must approach DRT only

2. The insolvency resolution must be finished in 180 days and no extension is provided
3. During the process of insolvency resolution the debtor/borrower is not immune to the
claims/lawsuits of creditors

Which of the above statements are incorrect?

a) Only statement 2 is incorrect

b) statements 1 and 3 are incorrect
c) Statements 2 and 3 are incorrect
d) All the statements are incorrect

16) To overcome the problems of strong and weak institutions the government is taking following

1. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy code

2. Amending PCA
3. Providing blanket immunity to the bureaucrats

Which of the above is correct?

a) Only 2 is correct
b) 1 and 2 are correct
c) 2 and 3 are correct
d) All are correct

17) Which committee was set up by GoI to recommend regarding revitalizing PPP

a) Rangarajan Committee
b) TSR Subramaniam committee
c) Parekh committee
d) Kelkar committee

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 2 -
The Chakravyuha Challenge - Solutions

1) Correct option is b.
Explanation- A market economy requires unrestricted entry of new firms, new ideas, and
new technologies so that the forces of competition can guide capital and labor
resources to their most productive and dynamic uses. But it also requires exit so that
resources are forced or enticed away from inefficient and unsustainable uses.
2) Correct option is c.
Explanation- Since the early 1980s, the Indian economy has made remarkable progress in
increasing entry: industrial licensing has been dismantled, public sector monopolies
have been diluted, some public sector assets have been privatized, foreign direct
investment has been considerably liberalized, a process that has been accelerated under
this government, and trade barriers have been reduced.
3) Correct option is b.
Explanation-the sick pay indirect taxes which are used to subsidize the sick companies and since
these sick companies are still existing they lead to supply of substandard goods and services
whose prices would have come down as a result of competition if these companies were
allowed to exit.
4) Correct option is d.
Explanation-the impeded exit leads to creation of three costs-fiscal, economic and political
5)Correct option is b.
Explanation-the size of companies averaging 40 years was 2.5 times the new ones. The exit
problem is not only restricted to the public sector and in fact has become the major problem in
the private sector
6) Correct option is C
Explanation-the subsidies that are provided to the sick firms can be of two types-implicit and
explicit. The bailout provided by the government is a type of explicit subsidy. The loans given by
the banks are a type of implicit subsidy. Since the bank has given the loans and the company is
has turned sick, the banks may become cautious and in order to prevent further accumulation of
NPA may hike the interest rates.
7) Correct option is a
Explanation-DRTs have following features
a) Have been set up under The Recovery of Debt Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act
b) In principle both the borrower and lenders can approach DRTs
c) GoI has recently announced that it would be setting up DRTs at 6 cities-Bangalore,
Chandigarh, Dehradun, Siliguri and Hyderabad
8)Correct option is d
Central Sector Schemes are different (and less in number) than Centrally Sponsored Schemes.The major
difference is that the former is funded entirely by the Central government and implemented byits
machinery, whereas the latter is based on subjects in the State List, and is majorly funded by the
Centralgovernment but implemented by the states.
9)correct option is b.
Explanaion-only three companies-STC, MMTC and IPL are allowed to import fertilizers into India.
10) correct option is b
Explanation-Criterias to be declared as sick company are
a) The accumulated losses to be more than the networth
b) The company must have a factory license
c) Company should have completed at least 5 years after having been incorporated under companies
act of 1956
d) The company must have had at least 50 workers on any of the working days in the preceding year
11) Correct option is a
Explanation-because of the increase in the industrial sickness in the country, the then government
appointed T Tiwari committee, whose recommendations have led to formulation of SICA 1985
12) correct option is c
Explanation-In India over the period of time there have been certain institutions which are becoming
weak because of various reasons (eg-DRT) and on the other hand we have institutions which are growing
strong, now because of these strong institutions the managers have a fear that writing off the loans may
bring them under the scanner of strong institutions which is leading to ever greening of the loans
13) correct option is c
Explanation-in order to reduce leakages, root out ghost cards, decrease time delays, biometric smart
cards were used in the state of Andhra Pradesh. It achieved all the objectives. The return was seven times
the cost of implementation. 90% of the beneficiaries also preferred the smart cards.
14) correct answer is c
Explanation-the PPP although stipulates that the promoters gambit has not paid off it is them
who have to suffer the consequences. Having said so it is also imperative that there is a need to
revive the growth and also the fact that the majority of the private capital expenditure comes
from top 10 companies which also had taken the risk, there is a need to apply PPP with certain
trade offs
15) correct option is d
Explanation-the creditors/borrower can either approach DRT (individuals) or NCLT (companies).
If the IR is not over in 180 days then an extension of 90 days can be provided. During the process
of IR, the borrower is immune from creditors claims and lawsuits
16) correct answer is b
Explanation-the parliament in May 2016 has passed the Insolvency and Bankruptcy bill 2015
which will strengthen DRT/NCLT and on the other hand to mitigate the negative impact of
strong institutions the government is mulling amending PCA which can differentiate cases of
graft from those which are genuine errors in the decision making
17) correct answer is d

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 3 -
Spreading JAM

1) Which of the following are examples of a direct subsidy

2. Scholarships
3. Food grains under NFSA

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) Only 3 is correct
c) 1 and 2 are correct
d) All are correct

The correct option is c.

Explanation- in case of direct subsidy the beneficiary purchases the good at

market price and the subsidy is transferred to him in the form of cash transfer
whereas in case of indirect subsidy the goods are made available at a
lower/subsidized price.

2) Which of the following means exclusion errors in implementation of JAM

a) Benefits flow to ghost households
b) Benefits flow to rich
c) Te genuine beneficiaries are unable to avail the benefits
Which of the above are correct?
a) Only 1
b) Only 3
c) 1 and 2
d) All are true

The correct option is b

Explanation-in case of JAM, failure in implementation at any of the stages may
lead to two types of errors-inclusion and exclusion. Inclusion failure refers to
benefits flowing to ghost or rich households. Exclusion error refers to the inability
of the beneficiaries to avail the benefits.

3) The beneficiary identification database which existed before Aadhaar suffer
from following drawbacks
a) Administrative discretion
b) Political discretion
c) Beneficiary discretion

Identify the correct option

a) Only I is correct
b) Only 2 is correct
c) 1 and 2 are correct
d) 1 and 3 are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation-the identification of beneficiary database that are prepared before

the Aadhaar suffer from administrative and political discretion where in discretion
was involved in granting voter id, driver license, BPL cards apart from which ghost
and duplicate names crept into the system.

4) Consider the following regarding Aadhaar
1. 210 million cards were created in 2015
2. It suffers from drawback i.e human discretion is allowed
3. It uses iris scans and fingerprints

Choose the incorrect option

a) Only 1 is incorrect
b) 1 and 3 are incorrect
c) Only 2 is incorrect
d) All are incorrect

The correct answer is 2.

Explanation-Aadhaars virtue lies in the fact that it uses simple technology-

fingerprints and iris scans- to replace human discretion. In 2015 alone, 210 million
cards were created.

5) Which of the following state has the least Aadhaar penetration

a) Nagaland
b) Mizoram
c) Meghalaya
d) Assam

Correct answer is d

Explanation- there are 4 states which have lower than 50% Aadhaar
penetration-Nagaland (48.9%), Mizoram (38%), Meghalaya (2.9%) and
Assam (2.4%)

6) Consider the statements
a) The banking penetration is on an average 38%
b) Only 3 states have a banking penetration greater than 75%
c) The state of chattisgarh has the maximum banking penetration

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) 1 and 2 are correct
c) Only 3 is correct
d) All are correct

Te correct option is c

Explanation-the banking penetration on an average is 46% in India and there

are only two states which have coverage greater than 75% (chattisgarh and
Madhya Pradesh) and the state of Chattisgarh has the highest penetration of

7) Consider the following statements

a) 75% of the adult population has been covered under Aadhaar
b) Banking penetration in india is over 50%
c) To improve the banking penetration government of India recently
launched MUDRA bank

Choose the correct option

a) 1 and 2 are correct

b) 1 and 3 are correct
c) All are correct
d) All are incorrect

Te correct option is c

Explanation- Aadhaar has covered 75% of the total population and 955 of the
adult population. The banking coverage on an average in India is 46% and to
improve the penetration RBI has issued 23 new licenses.
8) To improve banking penetration RBI has issued 23 banking license of which
there are
a) 2 universal banks, 11 payment banks, and 10 small banks
b) 2 universal banks, 10 payment banks, and 11 small banks
c) 2 universal banks, 12 payment banks, and 09 small banks
d) 2 universal banks, 09 payment banks, and 12 small banks

The correct option is a

Explanation-to increase the banking penetration RBI has recently issued 23

new banking licenses in which there are 2 universal banks, 11 payment
banks, and 10 small banks.

9) Consider the following statements
a) Only 27% of villages have bank within 5 kms
b) The unbanked in comparison with unidentified are more likely to
constrain the spread of JAM.
c) IDFC and Bandhan are the two financial institutions granted universal
bank licenses

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) 1 and 3 are correct
c) 2 and 3 are correct
d) All are correct

The correct option is d.

Explanation- the Aadhaar coverage has crossed 75% of the total population
whereas the banking penetration on an average is 46% hence the exclusion
caused by unbanked will contain the implementation of JAM. RBI has issued 23
new banking licenses of which Bandhan and IDFC have been issued licenses for
universal banks.

10) Consider the following statements

a) There are only two states where the mobile penetration is lesser
than 60%
b) Using mobile payments the money can be transferred very quickly
and securely
c) The mobile payments improve quality and convenience of service

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) 1 and 3 are correct
c) 2 and 3 are correct
d) All are correct

The correct option is d.

Explanation-the states of Bihar and Assam have mobile penetration of

lesser than 60% (54% and 56% respectively). Mobile payments not only
provide for faster and secure transfer but also provide quality and
convenience of delivery.

11) Which of the following appears to be the weakest link in the JAM chain?
a) Government-Beneficiary link
b) Government-Bank link
c) Bank-Beneficiary link
d) Government-Beneficiary link

The correct option is c

Explanation-the Aadhaar coverage is more than 75% , Government is taking

various measures like cash transfers, streamlining MGNREGA payments etc.
whereas the bank-beneficiary, in spite of new licenses being issued is on
average 46%

12) Consider the following statements

1) LPG pricing is an example for violation of One Product One Price
2) LPG is available at three different prices
3) PAHAL is an example of indirect subsidy

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) 1 and 2 are correct
c) 2 and 3 are correct
d) All are correct

The correct option is b.

Explanation-LPG in India is available at 3 different prices-subsidized,

unsubsidized and market price (The first two are for households and third is
for commercial uses). PAHAL is an example of Direct subsidy wherein the
beneficiary purchases the product at market price and the benefit is
transferred to his account.

13) Consider the following regarding PAHAL scheme
1) For availing PAHAL, Aadhaar is mandatory
2) Cylinders provided to households enjoy universal subsidy
3) Introduction of PAHAL has led to spike of black market prices of

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) 1 and 2 are correct
c) 2 and 3 are correct
d) All are correct

The correct option is c.

Explanation-for availing PAHAL, Aadhaar is not mandatory. The customer can

link his account number with the gas customer number. The cylinders provided
under PAHAL to households enjoy universal (every household is eligible). Since
the introduction of PAHAL, the supply of subsidized cylinders has come down
leading to spike in the black market prices.

14) The success of which is a precursor for the successful implementation

of JAM
a) Jan Dhan Yojana

The correct option is a

Explanation-the banking penetration is much lesser that the coverage of

Aadhaar. Hence the financial inclusion is the main constraint in the success of

15) Following which are useful in reducing leakages
3. New MGNREGS system

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) 1 and 2 are correct
c) 1 and 3 are correct
d) All are correct

The correct option is d

16) Consider the following statements regarding new MGNREGS system

1) The new system can avoid misallocation
2) The new system disburses expenditure in real-time

Choose the correct option

a) 1 is correct
b) 2 is correct
c) Both are correct
d) Both are incorrect

Correct answer is c

Explanation-The new MGNREGS system has following features

The new system keeps funds in a central pool

Disburses the expenditure in real time i.e when the spending
has occurred
The funds will flow from either centre/state to panchayat
Since the funds are transferred in real time from the pool it
can avoid misallocation.

17) BAPU stands for
a) Biometrically Authenticated Physical Uptake
b) Biometrically Authenticated Primary Uptake
c) Biologically Authenticated Physical Uptake
d) Biometrically Authenticated Physical Udyog

Correct answer is a

18) In how many states the Aadhaar penetration is lesser than 50%?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7

Correct answer is a

Explanation-there are 4 states which have lower than 50% Aadhaar

penetration-Nagaland (48.9%), Mizoram (38%), Meghalaya (2.9%) and
Assam (2.4%)

19) Even after the implementation of PAHAL , diversion of LPG from

domestic to commercial sources continues because
a) Violation of One Product One Price Principle
b) There is increased supply of LPG
c) The usage of LPG by households has come down
d) None of the above

The correct option is a.

Explanation- LPG in India is available at 3 different prices-subsidized,

unsubsidized and market price (The first two are for households and third is
for commercial uses). The cylinders sold in market attract customs and excise
duties. Since the cylinders are available at three different prices there is a still
a scope for diversion.

20) Which of the following are examples of a direct subsidy
2) Fertilizers
3) Food grains under NFSA

Choose the correct option

a) Only 1 is correct
b) 2 and 3 are correct
c) 1 and 3 are correct
d) All are correct

The correct option is b.

Explanation- in case of direct subsidy the beneficiary purchases the good at

market price and the subsidy is transferred to him in the form of cash transfer
whereas in case of indirect subsidy the goods are made available at a
lower/subsidized price.

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 4 -

1. Consider the following statements regarding Indian agriculture
1. Is pulse centric
2. Highly mechanized
3. The wheat production in India is higher than that of America

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation-In case of Indian agriculture it is cereal centric and that has led to over use of
fertilizers, water and is input intensive. The usage of human labor is very high and hence is not
highly mechanized. In 2013-14 the wheat production was 60% higher than that of America.

2. Following which is a proof of existence of exit problem in Agriculture
1. Agriculture is cereal centric
2. Fertilizer subsidy is universal

Choose the correct option

a. Only statement 1 is correct

b. Only statement 2 is correct
c. Both the statements are correct
d. Both the statements are wrong

The correct option is c

Explanation-to promote the agriculture production the government has brought in policies
which have promoted higher production of cereals which are input intensive. The fertilizer
subsidy is also given universally without any discrimination of a large/small/marginal farmer
hence such policies put together have led to externalities and the well-off also getting benefits

3. Pink revolution refers to
a. meat
b. potato
c. oil seeds
d. fruits

The correct answer is a

Explanation-After Green and White revolutions India has seen the rise of Pink revolution which
refers to technological revolutions in the meat processing

4. Consider the following statements
1. the average wheat production of India is lower than the world average
2. only three states-Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh have much higher yields
compared to the world average

Choose the correct option

a. Only statement 1 is correct

b. Only statement 2 is correct
c. Both the statements are correct
d. Both the statements are wrong

The correct option is a

Explanation-the average production of wheat for the world is 3257 kg/hectare whereas for India
it is 3075 kg/ha. Only two states Punjab and Haryana (4500 kg/ha) have average yield higher
than the world average

5. Consider the following statements
1. The central problem of Indian agriculture is availability of fertilizers
2. The average of production of wheat and Rice in India are lower than the average
production in China
3. All the Indian states have a lower average yields of paddy compared to the world

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation-the central problem of Indian agriculture is the productivity i.e. yields/hectares in
case of cereals is much lower compared to the world average and compared to that of china

Wheat 39% less
paddy 46% less

The average production of paddy is India is lesser than the average of the world.

6. Consider the following statements regarding pulses

1. India imports pulses
2. India is one of the major producers of pulses
3. Average production of pulses in India is lesser than the world average

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation-India is one of the largest producers and consumers of Pulses in the world but has
lower yields compared to countries like Brazil, Nigeria, and Myanmar etc. because of various
reasons the demand crosses over more than supply as a result of which the prices spike, India is
forced to import pulses mainly yellow/green peas (matar) from Canada and Russia, chana from
Australia, lentils (masoor) from Canada, urad and moong (green gram) from Myanmar, and tur
from Myanmar, Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. The average production in India is much
lower than the worlds average.

7. Consider the following statements regarding pulses
1. Most of the land dedicated to production of pulses is unirrigated
2. Government does not provide MSP for pulses
3. Most of the production of pulses come from irrigated land

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is a

Explanation- In case of pulses most of the land under production is unirrigated and most of the
production from the unirrigated land. Government provides MSP for pulses like moong, gram,
urad etc

8. Consider the following statements regarding MSP
1. Was introduced in 1966-67
2. MSP is decided by CACP
3. MSP is announce at the beginning of Kharif season only

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation- MSP stands for Minimum Support Price. It was announced in the year 1966-67 for
the first time for wheat so as prevent the distress sales by farmers. Today it is the price at which
the government will the produce from the farmers irrespective of the market price. It is usually
announced twice a year-beginning of Kharif and rabi season. The recommendation of MSP is
given by CACP (Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices) and the decision is taken by CCEA

9. The social returns of the pulses are
1. It uses lesser water and fertilizer
2. It helps in keeping the soil well aerated and porous
3. Replenish the soil

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation-The social costs of producing pulses are higher compared to the private returns as
they naturally fix nitrogen, keep the soil porous and well aerated; and use less water and
fertilizers compared to the cereals.

10. Which of the following is/are components of Rainbow revolution
1. Round revolution
2. Yellow Revolution
3. Silver revolution

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation-Rainbow revolution refers to an integrated development of crop cultivation,

horticulture, fisheries, poultry, animal husbandry etc which will lead to higher production. The
various types are Green Revolution (Food grains), White Revolution (Milk), Yellow Revolution
(Oil seeds), Blue Revolution (Fisheries); Golden Revolution (Fruits); Silver Revolution (Eggs),
Round Revolution (Potato), Pink Revolution (Meat), Grey Revolution (Fertilizers) and so on.

11. Consider the following statements regarding

1. Only around a half of land under cultivation is irrigated

2. Majority of the lands deploy water through flood irrigation methods
3. Recently the government has launched PMKSY to extend irrigation coverage

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation- in case of India only around one third of the land under cultivation is irrigated.
Although post independence the government has invested in canal and tube irrigation, water
has been deployed via flood irrigation which is extremely inefficient use of water. The
government in order to increase the coverage and to promote efficient usage has introduced
PMKSY (Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana)

12. In order to increase coverage under irrigation and promote the efficient use of water,
government should
1. New irrigation technologies must be given infrastructure lending status
2. Both centre and state must increase public spending on flood irrigation
3. The ongoing schemes must be consolidated into AIBP

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation-the irrigation must be given infrastructure lending status so that it can attract
government incentives, tax benefits and subsidies (presently it is under canal irrigation). The
central and state government must increse public expenditure on micro-irrigation and ongoing
schemes such as AIBP (Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme), IWMP (Integrated Water
Management Programme), etc must be consolidated into PMKSY (Pradhan Mantri Krishi
Sinchayee Yojana)

13. What is Fertigation
a. Increase in the irrigation coverage
b. Provide irrigation to fertile land
c. Introducing fertilizer directly into the crops irrigation system
d. None of the above

The correct option is c

14. The term exporting water refers to
a. The government selling water to neighboring countries
b. The water that is stuck up underground between to rocks
c. Water that is embedded within the exports
d. None of the above

The correct option is c

Explanation-The agricultural exports from india contain moisture which is referred to as

embedded water and cannot be extracted back as the agriculture produce has been exported. In
2010 India exported about 25 cu km of such water that is equal to water demand of nearly 13
million people

15. Which of the following represents the water deficiency in India
1. India exports rice, cotton, sugar and soyabean
2. The government subsidises electricity for agriculture

Choose the correct option

a. Only statement 1 is correct

b. Only statement 2 is correct
c. Both the statements are correct
d. Both the statements are wrong

The correct option is c

Explanation-rice, cotton, sugar and soya bean are water intensive and contain embedded water.
Since Indian exports these, Indian is exporting water. The government subsidizes the electricity
used for agriculture which has not only provided a benefit to the farmers but also has promoted
excessive usage of water. As a result of which Indian water table is dropping by 0.3 meters per

16. The following are the features of an efficient drip irrigation system
1. No change in the usage of fertilizer
2. Reduces usage of water and also amount of water lost due to evaporation
3. Provides higher yields compared to traditional methods

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 2 and 3 are correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation- In case of traditional methods like flood irrigation the whole field is flooded with water
whereas in case of micro-irrigation methods such as drip irrigation, water is directly dropped near
the roots by laying down the lines as a result of which the usage of water comes down, loss of water
due to evaporation comes down, fertilizer usage can be reduced by using fertigation process
(Introducing fertilizer directly into the crops irrigation system) and provides higher yields compared
to the traditional methods of irrigation.

17. There is a need to promote the production of other crops especially pulses because
1. Indian agriculture has become cereal centric
2. The dietary patterns are evolving
3. The social returns of pulses is higher than cereals

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation-over the period of time Indian agriculture has become more cereal centric i.e. there
is more production of cereals such as rice and wheat compared to production of pulses. One of
the outcomes of this is there are periodic spikes of price of pulses. The dietary patterns of
people are also changing. In case of pulses the social returns are higher than cereals because
pulses they need lesser water, lesser fertilizers, fix nitrogen etc

18. The key bottlenecks in adoption of micro irrigation is/are
1. Availability of technology
2. High cost of purchase
3. Skills required for maintenance

Choose the correct option

a. 2 and 3 are correct

b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is a

Explanation- In the implementation of micro-irrigation methods, the bottlenecks are high cost of
initial purchase and the skills required for maintenance, but the reduction in consumption of
power, fertilizer and water along with increased yield can compensate for the initial high cost

19. Consider the following statements
1. Wheat production in India is greater than that of America
2. Milk production in India is greater than that of America

Choose the correct option

a. Only statement 1 is correct

b. Only statement 2 is correct
c. Both the statements are correct
d. Both the statements are wrong

The correct option is b

Explanation-although India was suffering food scarcity in 1960s, post green revolution we have
not achieved self sufficiency. In 2013-14 wheat production in India was 60% higher and milk
production was 50% higher than America.

20. Consider the following statements regarding MSP
1. CCEA announces MSP for 23 crops on the recommendation of CACP (excluding sugar)
2. In case of sugar the government announces FRP
3. The state governments can add some bonus to FRP and announce SAP

Choose the correct option

a. 2 and 3 are correct

b. Only 3 is correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation- CACP (Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices) recommends (the
recommendations are not binding) MSP for 23 crops (excluding sugar) and CCEA (Cabinet
Committee on Economic Affairs) takes a decision on the prices. In case of sugar the government
announces FRP (Fair and Remunerative Prices) to which the states can add some bonus and
announce SAP (State Administered Price).

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 5 -
Mother & Child
1. Consider the following statements on Neo-natal mortality
1. It is the number of children who die in the first 15 days per 1000 live children born
2. In case of India out of all the children that die, 70% die in the first month

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct answer is b

Explanation-the neonatal mortality is the number of children that die within the first 28 days
out of 1000 children born live. In case of India which has one of the high neo-natal mortality
rates, 70% of the deaths amongst the children happen in the first month only.

2. Consider the following statements regarding pregnancy

1. Weight gain during pregnancy has a direct bearing on health of the new born
2. Indian women gain lesser weight during the pregnancy than the prescribed norms of

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct answer is c

Explanation-As per the recommendation of Who, during pregnancy women are supposed to
gain weight in the range of 12.5 kg to 18 kgs but in case of Indian women they gain only on an
average 7 kgs and women who begin pregnancy thin and do not gain weight are more likely to
give birth to underweight children, who die in the first few days of life

3. Which of the following are entitlements under NFSA 2013
1. Cash entitlement of Rs 5000 for pregnant women
2. Beneficiaries of Antyodaya Yojana will be covered under NFSA
3. 75% of the total population will be covered

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is true
b. 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 is true
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation- The features of NFSA are

a. Two thirds of the total population will be covered

b. 50% of urban and 75% of rural population will be covered
c. Beneficiaries of Antyodaya Anna Yojana will also be covered (however they will continue
to get higher entitlements)

4. Project kilkari provides
a. Cash entitlements for pregnant women
b. Pre-recorded messages containing information on pregnancy are sent to mobiles
c. Nutritious food to pregnant women
d. Free health check for pregnant women

The correct answer is b

Explanation-following are features of Project Kilkari
a. Pre-recorded messages are sent to mobiles
b. These messages are on nutrition, pregnancy, family planning, maternal health etc
c. The app is developed by Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
d. 72 messages of duration 2 minutes

5. Consider the following statements regarding open defecation
1. In south Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan have higher open rural defecation
2. 61% of the rural population in India defecates in the open
3. All the population that defecate in the open do not have working latrines

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is true
b. 2 and are true
c. Only 1 is true
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation-In south Asia India has the highest %age of population that defecates in the open
(61%). Some of this population has the working toilets but since these people reject the model
of these toilets (the pits of these toilets have to emptied after few years) they defecate in the

6. Environmental enteropathy
1. Reduces absorbing capacity of intestine of children
2. Is also known as tropical enteropathy
3. It may lead to growth stunting and malnutrition

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is true
b. 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 is true
d. All are true

The correct option is d

Explanation-Environmental enteropathy has following features

a. Caused by constant exposure of children to their own or other peoples fecal bacteria
b. Also referred to as Tropical Enteropathy or Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED)
c. It affects the absorbing capacity of intestine and may lead to malnutrition and stunting

7. The open defecation problem is more dangerous in India because
1. India has high population density
2. India has high rural population
3. It causes diseases such as diarrhea and environmental enteropathy

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is true
b. 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 is true
d. All are true

The correct option is d

Explanation-since India has got very high rural population and high population density, open
defecation in high percentage will lead to more children getting sick. As open defecation spreads
germs into environment and causes diseases such as diarrhea and environmental enteropathy.

8. Consider the following statements regarding Swacchh Bharat Abhiyaan

1. NBA was renamed as SBA
2. It envisages construction of IHHL, community toilets etc
3. In case of IHHL, the central government would provide the complete funds

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is true
b. 1 and 2 are true
c. Only 3 is true
d. All are true

The correct option is b

Explanation-SBA has the following provisions

a. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan has been renamed as Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan

b. It envisages construction of IHHL (Individual House Hold Latrines), community Sanitation
Centres etc
c. Has got two components-Gramin and Urban
d. Unit cost of IHHL has been enhanced to Rs 12,000 (of which Rs 9000 is from central and
remaining from state government)
e. It also has provisions of Solid Liquid Waste Management (SLWM)

9. Consider the following statements
1. As per SDG, open defecation has to be ended by 2022
2. If India wants to achieve the targets set under SDG, the rate of reduction has to be

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct answer is b

Explanation- as per the SDG target open defecation as to be ended by 2030. In case of India
historically the rate of decline has been close to 1% per year and if the SDG goal has to be
achieved then the rate must be tripled

10. Consider the following statements

1. The main reason leading to open defecation is income constrains
2. The main reason leading to open defecation is the design/type of toilets

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct answer is b

Explanation- In south Asia India has the highest %age of population that defecates in the open
(61%). Some of this population has the working toilets but since these people reject the model
of these toilets (the pits of these toilets have to emptied after few years) they defecate in the

11. Consider the following statements
1. As per MDG goals, the MMR was to be reduced by 50% by 2015
2. As per SDG goals, MMR to be reduced to less than 70 per 1000 live births

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct answer is d

Explanation- in case of MDG, goal 5 was to reduce MMR by three quarters and in case of SDG,
MMR to be reduced to less than 70 per 1,00,000 live births.

12. Consider the following statements on SDG

1. Was adopted by WHO in 2015
2. Has 17 goals and 169 targets
3. All the SDGs are binding on the member countries

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is true
b. 1 and 2 are true
c. Only 3 is true
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation-SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) have succeeded MDG (Millennium

Development Goals) and were adopted by UN in September 2015. The resolution Transforming
Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals was adopted in this regard. It
has 17 goals and 169 targets. These SDGs are legally non-binding on the member countries. The
SDGs deal with 5Ps-Planet, People, Partnership, Peace and Prosperity.

13. Which of the following scheme/s has/have entitlements for pregnant women
3. JSY

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2
b. 1 and 2
c. Only 3
d. All the three

The correct option is d


ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme)-pregnant and lactating mothers should receive
600 calories of food with 18-20 grams of protein

NFSA (National Food Security Act)- Pregnant women and lactating mothers to get a maternity
benefit of Rs 6000

JSY (Janani Suraksha Yojana)- cash entitlements are given so as to promote institutional
delivery and reduce maternal and infant mortality.

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 6 -
Bounties for The Well Off

1. What is the expenditure incurred by the government in subsidizing various goods and services
a. 5% of GDP
b. 4.2% of GDP
c. 5.1% of GDP
d. 4.5% of GDP

The correct option is b

2. Consider the following is subsidy

1. Subsidy is always given to consumers in the form of cash
2. Food entitlements under NFSA is an example of an Indirect subsidy

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is b

Explanation-subsidy is form of transfer payments wherein the government transfers certain

benefits to the consumers either directly or indirectly. DBT in LPG is a form of a direct subsidy
and food entitlements are a form of indirect subsidy.

3. Monetary policy transmission refers to
a. RBI not reducing CRR and SLR on regular basis
b. Government of India not reducing the tax rates
c. Banks passing the benefits of policy rate reduction to the consumers
d. None of the above

The correct option is c

Explanation-In case of monetary policy, RBI has been reducing the key policy rates in the last
one and half year but this reduction has not been transferred to the end customers by the banks

4. Consider the following statements on small saving schemes
1. Were introduced so as to mobilize savings by encouraging small earners
2. All the small saving schemes fetch approximately same rate of returns
3. All the small saving schemes are exempted from taxation as they are for small earners

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation-the small saving schemes were introduced so as to mobilize savings by giving small
earners returns which are above the market rates. Various SSS fetch varying returns as they are
treated differently for the purpose of taxation.

5. The government has recently taken the following decisions regarding small saving schemes
1. Slashed returns on schemes like KVP and RD by 0.5%
2. Linked all the rates to CPI

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is d

Explanation-The government has taken the following decisions regarding SSS

a. The rate of returns on KVP and RD have been slashed by 0.25%

b. The rate of returns of all the SSS have been linked to the market rate prevailing for G-
c. The returns will be re-calibrated every quarter w.e.f. 1st April 2016

6. Consider the following statements regarding monetary policy transmission in India
1. In the last one year it has been incomplete/inefficient
2. One of the main reasons is higher rate of interest on Small Saving Schemes

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

Explanation- the policy rates (repo) is reduced by RBI but this reduction in not being transferred
efficiently to the consumers as the banks are suffering from lower mobilization of deposits, high
NPAs and higher rate of interest on small saving schemes.

7. Consider the following statements

1. The PPF accounts are treated EET in case of tax matters
2. The real rate of returns is lesser than tax free bonds

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is d


8. For following which commodity, Implicit subsidy is the maximum

a. PPF
b. Tax free bonds
c. FD
d. RD

The correct option is a

Explanation-PPF falls under EEE category-the contribution, the interest accruals and the
withdrawals are exempted from taxation hence the effective/real rate of returns would be 16%.

9. The monetary transmission is inefficient in India because
1. Twin Balance Sheet Problem
2. rate of returns on SSS (Small Saving Schemes)

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

Explanation- The twin balance sheet refers to stress on balance sheet of corporate houses
as well as on the banks. The profitability of the corporates is down because of gloomy
external demand and slowdown in the domestic economy hence the NPAs are on the rise
which is leading to banks reducing the volume of loans given and also increasing the cost of

The real rate of returns on small saving schemes are higher compared to the returns on
bank deposits, hence it would be working against the banks if they further reduce the
interest rates.

10. ______ section of IT Act of 1961 allows for deductions from gross income for various saving
a. 80G
b. 80C
c. 80H
d. None of the above

The correct option is b


Section 80G-exemptions on account of money given as charity

Section 80C- deductions from gross income for various saving schemes

Section 80H-deductions in case of setting up of new industrial undertakings

11. Consider the following statements regarding tax free bonds
1. They are treated as EET for tax purposes
2. Per annum the maximum limit of investment is Rs 1,50,000
3. The real rate of returns is lower than that of PPFs

Choose the correct option

a. Only 3 is true
b. Only 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation-the tax free bonds do not have any maximum limit of investment, are taxed-TET
and the real rate of returns is lower than that of PPFs

12. Which of the following is/are small saving schemes

1. Post Office Savings Account
2. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme
3. National Saving Certificate

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is d

13. Consider the following statements
1. Subsidy leads to mis-allocation of resources
2. Government cross-subsidizes in case of electricity and train fares

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

Explanation- Subsidy is usually given to producers/suppliers so that the prices are kept low,
employment is maintained etc or directly to the consumers as in case of DBT in LPG, in any case
it distorts the market thereby leading to mis-allocation of resources.

The government has various tariff rates in case of electricity and railway. In such cases it
overcharges one segment and subsidizes the other heavily hence provides cross-subsidization

14. Consider the following statements

1. The higher rate of returns on small saving schemes lead to higher savings
2. The higher rate of returns on small saving schemes may lead to lower savings

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

Explanation-The higher rate of returns on SSS is an incentive for the investors to save and invest
more but the higher rate may also act as an disincentive as the returns are higher, the future
financial obligations could be taken care of.

15. The small saving schemes must be treated as EET because

1. The investor has higher ability to pay
2. There is no uncertainty in the tax treatment for the SSS

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

The SSS must be treated as EET (practice is catching up globally) because
a. The investor has higher ability to pay
b. If taxed at the withdrawal it will promote more savings and penalize dis-savings
c. It promotes future consumption
d. If taxed at the beginning it will be penalizing savings
e. There is no uncertainty in the tax treatment for the SSS

16. Consider the following regarding PAHAL
1. It is a form of direct subsidy
2. AADHAAR is mandatory
3. The government has decided not to give LPG subsidy to households having an annual
income greater than 5 lakh rupees

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation-AADHAAR number is not mandatory for availing LPG subsidy, it is a form of direct
subsidy and the government has decided not to give this subsidy to those houses with annual
income greater than 10 lakh rupees

17. Which of the following committee was set up by government to recommend regarding rates for
a. Subramanian committee
b. Kelkar committee
c. Mudgal committee
d. Rangarajan committee

The correct option is a

18. Which of the following is subjected to EET mode of taxation

a. Tax free bonds
b. NPS
c. PPF
d. Post office Savings Account

The correct option is b

19. Consider the following statements
1. Gold is a strong demerit good
2. Education and health are other two examples of demerit goods

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is a

Explanation-as per one of the classification for goods, there are two types-merit and demerit.
Consumption of merit goods is good for the society whereas the consumption of non-merit
goods does not contribute to the welfare of the society. Hence gold is a non-merit good
whereas; education and health are merit goods

20. In order to rationalize subsidy spending, the government has implemented
1. DBT in LPG
2. DBT in Kerosene
3. Rationalizing tax exemptions to corporate sector

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 and 3 are true
c. Only 1 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is d

Explanation-government has been implementing various schemes/programmes to reduce the

subsidy burden. It has introduced the Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG, DBT in case of kerosene
and has laid out a path for eliminating corporate exemptions to the tune of Rs 62000 cr

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 7 -
Fiscal Capacity

1. Consider the statements regarding tax

1. It is an obligation on every citizen
2. GST is a direct tax
3. Income tax makes the maximum contribution to the total taxes collected

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is 1

Explanation-tax is an obligation of every Indian citizen. It is the link that binds the citizen with
the government and creates an accountability framework.GST is a type of indirect tax and it is
the corporate tax which has been contributing the highest out of the total taxes collected.

2. Currently the tax policy and related legislation is being handled by


Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both
d. None of the two

The correct option is c

Explanation-currently it is Central Board of Direct Taxes and Central Board of Excise and
Customs that formulate the policy but the government has proposed TPC and TPRU to take over
these functions.

3. The property tax
1. Is a direct tax
2. Taxed differently at all the three levels of government
3. Would limit property speculation

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 2 and 3 are correct
c. Only 1 and 3 are correct
d. All the three are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation- property tax in India has following features

a. Is a direct tax
b. Is taxed differently at all the three levels of government
c. Could turn out to be the important source of revenue for the local bodies (if reformed)
d. Usually collected at municipalities
e. Higher property tax may lead to end of property price speculation
f. Is important because it is levied on an immovable good

4. Fiscal capacity refers to
1. Expenditure
2. revenue

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both
d. None

The correct option is b

Explanation-strictly under economics the fiscal capacity refers to ability of a group or institution
is its ability to generate income/revenues.

5. What are the determinants of fiscal capacity
1. Monetary policy
2. Disinvestment policy
3. Taxation policy

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2
b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3
d. All

The correct option is b

Explanation- fiscal capacity refers to ability of a group or institution is its ability to generate
income/revenues so the government uses taxation policy and disinvestment policy in the budget
to raise the revenues.

6. GST will have a limited impact on broadening the citizens participation because
1. The rates of GST is very less
2. GST is a direct tax
3. The common doesnt consider the tax paid as a direct contribution to the government

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2
b. Only 3
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All

The correct option is b

Explanation- It has been observed that only the payment of direct taxes pinches a common man
and he doesnt consider the indirect taxes as his direct contribution to the government so the
implementation of GST is not going to receive increased participation of common man

7. Consider the following statements

1. Around 85% of the economy is outside the tax net
2. Only 10% of the earning individuals are under the tax net

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false
The correct option is a

Explanation- around 85% of the economy is outside the tax net in India and roughly 5.5% of
earning individuals are under the tax net.

8. What is the ratio of taxpayers to voters in India

a. 5.5%
b. 6.2%
c. 4.5%
d. 4%

The correct option is d

9. Although compared to other countries Indias fiscal capacity is under performing, there is no
need of panic because
1. The western countries have much longer period of political evaluation
2. The economies in the developed countries have expanded because of wars

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both
d. None are true

The correct option is b

Explanation-the western countries have had a very long period of political evaluation and have
gone through the most difficult economic scenarios (great depression of 1930s) and their
economies have expanded as a result of two world wars so in comparison India would not be
performing that badly

10. To increase the fiscal capacity, the government should

1. Refrain from increasing the income threshold for income tax
2. Subsidies must be abolished
3. Property tax needs to be developed

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 1 and3
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All

The correct option is b

Explanation- The income tax exemption level must be maintained so that more and more
income earners naturally fall under tax bracket as the data corroborates it. The subsidies cannot
be completely eliminated but better targeting could hold the key. Property tax must be
developed as it would reduce speculation, bring more revenues etc.

11. Which of the following is going to reduce the fiscal capacity of a country
1. Missing taxpayers
2. Exiting of the taxpayers
3. Well directed subsidy

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 1 and3
c. Only 1 and 2
d. All

The correct option is c

Explanation- The revenues reduce when the increase in the income tax exemption limit leads to
more number of income earners getting exempted from paying tax (missing taxpayers) and the
tax payers who believe that their taxes are not being well utilized may exit by not using any of
the services provided by the government and not paying any taxes. In case of well directed
subsidies, the fiscal capacity will increase as the subsidy burden is reduced.

12. Consider the following statements regarding TPRU

1. Will get assistance from TPC in formulating tax policies
2. Carry out studies on topics suggested by CBDT and CBEC

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is b

a. Carry-out studies on various topics of fiscal and tax policies referred to it by CBDT and
CBEC and will provide independent analysis on such topics
b. Will also prepare and disseminate policy papers and background papers on various tax
policy issues
c. Will assist Tax Policy Council chaired by FM in taking appropriate tax policy decisions
d. Liaise with State Commercial Tax Departments.

13. What should have been the ideal taxpayer to voter turnout ratio for India
a. 5.5%
b. 4%
c. 7.9%
d. 23%

The correct option is d

14. Consider the following statements regarding TPC

1. Will be headed by PM
2. Will suggest broad policy measures for taxation
3. Recommendations are binding on the government

Choose the correct option

a. Only 2 is correct
b. Only 2 and 3 are correct
c. Only 1 and 3 are correct
d. All the three are correct

The correct option is a

Explanation-TPC (Tax Policy Council)-Will be headed by Finance Minister. The Tax Policy Council
will look at all the research findings coming from Tax Policy Research (TPRU) Unit and suggest
broad policy measures for taxation. The Council will be advisory in nature, which will help the
Government in identifying key policy decisions for taxation.

15. TPC and TPRU are the recommendations of
b. ARC
d. None of the above

The correct option is a

Explanation-Tax Policy Council and Tax Policy Research Unit are the recommendations of Tax
Administrative Reforms Commission

16. _________ recently recommended changes to provisions of IT act of 1961
a. Easwar committee
b. Kelkar committee
c. Subramanian committee
d. Rangarajan committee

The correct option is a

17. The government has taken following measure/s in the field of taxation
1. e-filing of IT
2. e-Sahyog
3. TPC and TPRU

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is d

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 8 -
India & Trade

1. When was WTO established

1. 1994
2. 1983
3. 1945
4. 1972

The correct answer is a

2. Which member country of WTO has not signed even one PTA
1. Sudan
2. Mongolia
3. Vietnam
4. Laos

The correct answer is b

3. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of Economic Integration

1. Partial Scope Arrangement Free Trade Agreement common marketCustoms
Union Economic Union
2. Partial Scope Arrangement Common MarketCustoms Union Free Trade
Agreement Economic Union
3. Partial Scope Arrangement Free Trade Agreement Customs UnionCommon
Market Economic Union
4. Free Trade Agreement Customs UnionPartial Scope Arrangement Customs
Union Economic Union

The correct option is c


Partial Scope Arrangement- allows for trade between countries on a small number of
Free Trade Agreement-is a preferential agreement wherein members will reduce tariffs on
trade amongst themselves whereas for rest of the world they will impose their own tariffs
Customs Union-is a free trade agreement where members apply a Common External Tariff
schedule to imports from other countries
Common Market- is a customs union where movement of factors of production is
relatively free amongst member countries
Economic Union-is a common market where member countries co-ordinate on their macro-
economic and exchange rate policies

4. A Common Market refers to

1. Is a preferential agreement wherein members will reduce tariffs on trade amongst
themselves whereas for rest of the world they will impose their own tariffs
2. Is a FTA where members apply a Common External Tariff schedule to imports from
other countries
3. Is a customs union where movement of factors of production is relatively free amongst
the member countries
4. Is a common market where member countries co-ordinate their macroeconomic policies

The correct answer is c


Common Market- is a customs union where movement of factors of production is

relatively free amongst member countries

5. An Economic Union refers to

a. Is a preferential agreement wherein members will reduce tariffs on trade amongst
themselves whereas for rest of the world they will impose their own tariffs
b. Is a FTA where members apply a Common External Tariff schedule to imports from
other countries
c. Is a customs union where movement of factors of production is relatively free amongst
the member countries
d. Is a common market where member countries co-ordinate their macroeconomic and
exchange rate policies

The correct answer is d


Economic Union-is a common market where member countries co-ordinate on their macro-
economic and exchange rate policies
6. India has signed which of the following FTAs

Choose the correct answer

a. Only 1
b. 1 and 3
c. Only 2
d. All

The correct option is d

Explanation- India has signed FTA in services and investments with ASEAN (Association of South-
East Asian Nations) in 2010. SAFTA stands for South Asian Free Trade Area which was concluded
in 2004 between Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal and
Maldives. India-MERCOSUR PTA was signed in 2004

7. A Customs Union refers to
1. Is a preferential agreement wherein members will reduce tariffs on trade amongst
themselves whereas for rest of the world they will impose their own tariffs
2. Is a FTA where members apply a Common External Tariff schedule to imports from
other countries
3. Is a customs union where movement of factors of production is relatively free amongst
the member countries
4. Is a common market where member countries co-ordinate their macroeconomic and
exchange rate policies

The correct answer is b


Customs Union-is a free trade agreement where members apply a Common External Tariff
schedule to imports from other countries

8. The increased exports will lead to __________ of Indian currency
1. Depreciation
2. Appreciation
3. Both are independent of each other
4. Devaluation

The correct option is b

Explanation-since the exports are increasing it will lead to higher inflow of foreign currency into
India. The supply of these foreign currencies increase thereby increasing the demand for Indian
rupees and thus appreciating its value.

9. Consider the following statements on SAFTA (South Asia Free Trade Agreement)
1. It replaced SAPTA
2. Consists of seven member countries of SAARC
3. India and Pakistan are both the members

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. 2 and 3 is true
c. 1 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is d

Explanation-the SAFTA has following features

a. Was signed amongst the 7 members of SAARC-Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal,

Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives
b. It replaced all the earlier SAPTA (South Asia Preferential Trade Agreement)
c. It came into effect from 1st January 2006
d. The aim is to reduce tariffs on intraregional trade

10. With which of the following Asian country/ies India has not signed an FTA
1. China
2. Malaysia
3. Afghanistan

Choose the correct answer

a. Only 1
b. 1 and 3
c. Only 2
d. All

The correct option is a

Explanation- India has signed FTAs with Sri-Lanka (1998), Afghanistan (2003), Malaysia (2011),
Korea (2009) etc. The FTAs between India and China are at various stages of negotiations.

11. The higher inflow of FDI into India will lead to _________ of Indian currency
1. Depreciation
2. Appreciation
3. Both are independent of each other
4. Devaluation

The correct option is b

Explanation- The supply of foreign currencies increases thereby increasing the demand for
Indian rupees and thus appreciating its value.

12. The impact of TPP on India could be
1. The exports will increase rapidly
2. Will contribute 2% to GDP

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are false
d. Bothe are true

The correct option is c

Explanation-one of the main objectives of TPP is to reduce/eliminate all trade and non-trade
barriers once this happens the countries such as India may start diverting their exports to these
countries hence it is expected that there will be a marginal increase exports and the overall
effect would be -0.2% on the GDP.

13. Consider the following statements regarding TPP

1. There are 12 member countries
2. The agreement aims to liberalize trade in nearly all goods and does not include services
3. There is a provision for establishing a common framework for Intellectual property

Choose the correct answer

a. Only 1 is true
b. 1 and 3 are true
c. Only 2 is true
d. All are true

The correct option is b

Explanation- following are the features of TPP

a.It will have twelve members across pacific rim
b.The agreement was recently signed at Auckland, NZ
c.TPP is a free trade area, home to 800 million people and 40% of the global trade
d.Has provisions regarding eliminating trade and non-trade barriers i.e liberalizing the
trade in almost all goods and services
e. Establish a common framework for IP
f. Establish an investor dispute settlement mechanism
g. Enforce standards for environmental and labour laws
h. Limit the functioning of SOEs

14. Which of the following countries is not a member of TPP
1. Japan
2. Canada
3. Indonesia
4. Brunei

The correct option is c

Explanation-TPP has 12 members-Canada, US, Mexico, Peru, Chile, New Zealand, Australia,
Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan.

15. Which of the following is/are the components of FTP 2015-2020

1. Objective is to increase the total trade to $ 900 bn by 2020
2. To be aligned with Make In India, Skill India initiatives
3. Duty Credit scrips will be easily transferable

Choose the correct answer

a. Only 1 is true
b. 1 and 3 are true
c. 2 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is c

Explanation- the FTP 2015-2020 has following features

a. To increase the exports of services and goods to $ 900 bn by FY 2020

b. SEIS and MEIS schemes
c. Duty free scrips will be easily transferable
d. Duty free scrips can be used to pay customs duty, excise duty, service tax
e. FTP to be aligned with Make In India, Skill India initiatives
f. Higher rewards for SEZs under MEIS

16. The evaluation of Indias FTA shows that
1. There has been no visible increase in the trade with implementation of FTAs
2. It takes a very long time for FTAs to show the effects on the trade
3. The increase in the trade has been more on import side compared to the export side

Choose the correct answer

a. Only 3 is true
b. 1 and 3 are true
c. 2 and 3 are true
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation-the FTAs have increased the trade with FTA countries in a perceptible manner. The
effect has begun in the first year and thereafter has been increasing in the coming years. The
increase in the imports has been greater than the exports as India has had higher tariff
TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 9 -
The Fertilizer Sector

1. Which of the following are the provisions under New Urea Policy 2015
1. It aims to increase domestic production of all the fertilizers
2. The government of India to announce MSP for urea
3. Gas pooling policy

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 2 and 3 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation-as per the new Urea Policy of 2015

a. Aims to increase the domestic production of urea

b. Reduce the import
c. Reduce the subsidy burden
d. Make it available to farmers at MRP (Maximum Retail Price) and in a timely manner
e. Gas pooling policy-all the producers would get the gas at a uniform price
f. The MRP has been kept at the same level-Rs 268/50 kg (excluding local taxes)
g. If neem coated extra 14 rupees

2. As per the Urea policy what proportion of urea produced must be neem coated?
a. 50%
b. 25%
c. 75%
d. None of the above

The correct option is c

3. Gas pooling policy for urea production refers to
a. All the urea producers will get the gas from the same supplier
b. All the urea producers will get the gas at the same rate
c. All the urea producers will get same type of gas
d. None of the above

The correct option is b

Explanation-Previously the producers of gas were to make their own arrangements regarding
buying the gas for producing the urea but since the announcement of gas pooling policy, all the
producers of urea will get the gas at the same price, which will promote competition and also
reduce the prices

4. What are the advantages of neem coated urea

1. Gives higher crop yields
2. Underground water contamination is reduced
3. Reduces diversion

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 2 and 3 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation-the advantages of neem coated urea are

a. It is unfit for industrial uses hence diversion can be reduced

b. The crop yield increases
c. It reduces underground water pollution as the leaching of nitrogen of this urea happens
at a slower rate
d. The amount of this urea used is comparatively lesser

5. Which of the following attracts the highest subsidies
a. Food subsidy
b. Fertilizer subsidy
c. Diesel subsidy
d. Kerosene subsidy

The correct option is a

6. The new urea policy is applicable for the period
1. 2015-16 to 2018-19
2. 2015-16 to 2020-21
3. 2014-15 to 2019-20
4. 2014-15 to 2022-23

The correct option is a

Explanation-New Urea Policy was announced by the government in 2015 and will be applicable
for a period of 4 years (from 2015-16 to 2018-19)

7. Which of the following fertilizer consumes the highest subsidy allocated for fertilizers
a. Urea
b. DAP
c. MOP
d. None of the above

The correct option is a

Explanation-of the total subsidy given to fertilizers in 2015-16, urea accounted for 70% of it

8. What are the reasons for diversion of urea

1. Only agriculture urea is subsidized
2. sales of urea is not regulated by government of India
3. movement of urea is not under control of government of india

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 2 and 3 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is a

Explanation-urea has following features

a. Maximum produced, maximum imported, maximum used, consumes maximum of

subsidies allocated for fertilizers
b. Highly controlled-government fixes MRP, 50% of the total urea movements are decided
by the government
c. Urea used for agriculture purposes are only subsidized

9. In which of the following sector/s urea is used
1. Agriculture
2. Automobile industry
3. Tobacco industry

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 2 and 3 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation-urea is used in chemical industries, explosives, automobile industry, medical uses,

flavour enhancing additive in cigarettes and others

10. Subsidized urea suffers from following leakages

1. Subsidy is spent on inefficient producers
2. Some of it is diverted to non-agriculture uses
3. Consumption by rich farmers

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 3 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation-urea suffers from following three leakages

a. 24% of subsidy is spent on inefficient producers

b. Of the remaining 41% is diverted to non-agricultural usages and abroad (approx 31%)
c. Of the remaining 24% is consumed by larger/rich farmers (approx 10.7%)

Hence of the total subsidy given to it, only about 35% reaches the intended beneficiaries
(small and marginal farmers)

11. Which of the following fertilizers is not produced in India
a. Urea
b. MOP
c. DAP
d. None of the above

The correct option is b

Explanation-as there are no viable sources for production of MOP, the whole demand for this is
met through the imports
12. Which of the following is allowed to import Urea
2. IPL
3. STC

Choose the correct option

a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 1,2 and 3
d. All the four

The correct option is c

Explanation-the import of urea is canalized-only three agencies are allowed to import the urea-
STC (State Trading Corporation), MMTC (Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation) and IPL
(India Potash Limited).

13. Urea is overused because

1. Is available at a subsidized price
2. The supply is more compared to the demand

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct option is a

Explanation-Urea is subsidized heavily which makes it much more cheap compared to MOP and
DAP. Although we import it, there is always higher demand compared to supply because of
black marketing, diversion, smuggling etc

14. Consider the following statements regarding MOP and DAP
1. Subsidy given is based on the cost of production
2. Imports of MOP and DAP are controlled by the government

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct option is d

Explanation-following are the features related to MOP and DAP

The imports are not controlled
Government gives subsidy based on the amount(per kg) of nutrients used (NBS)
The prices have been deregulated
Hence the subsidy given does not vary with the market prices
Government role is limited to paying subsidy to the importers/importers

15. Consider the following statements on Nutrient based subsidy
1. Was introduced in 2012
2. Subsidy paid to the urea producers based on cost of production
3. If the fertilizer is coated with neem then extra subsidy is given

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 and 2 are false

b. Only 1 and 3 are false
c. Only 2 and 3 are false
d. All are false

The correct option is d

Explanation-NBS has following features

a. Introduced w.e.f. 1st April 2010

b. Applicable to MOP and DAP
c. Subsidy is paid based on the amount of nutrients used (per kg)
d. The manufacturers/importers have the freedom to fix the MRP
e. Variation in the market prices has no bearing the subsidy given

16. Consider the following statements on the subsidy given to urea
1. Government fixes the MRP at which urea is sold to farmers
2. The subsidy is given to the domestic manufacturers based on amount of nutrients that
they have used
3. Imports are canalized

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 3 are correct
c. Only 2 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is b

Explanation- following are the features of urea policy

a.Government fixes MRP at which the urea is sold to farmers

b.Provides subsidy to 30 domestic producers based on the cost of production
c.Provides subsidy to the importers and the subsidy is consignment specific
d.The import of urea is canalized-only three agencies are allowed to import the urea-STC
(State Trading Corporation), MMTC (Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation) and IPL
(India Potash Limited).

17. Urea is black-marketed because
1. It violates one product-one price principle
2. Imports are canalized
3. Subsidized at a very high rate

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 3 are correct
c. Only 2 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d


The government provides high subsidy as a result of which it is much cheaper than MOP and DAP.
But the urea used only for agriculture purposes is subsidized hence there is an incentive to divert
the subsidized urea into black market.
Only 3 agencies are given the permission to import urea and any miscalculation in the requirement
may lead to shortage of supply and diversion into black market

18. As per the experts what is the ratio in which N, P and K should be used
a. 2:4:1
b. 4:2:1
c. 1:2:4
d. 1:4:2

The correct option is b

19. Consider the following statements

1. India overuses fertilizers more than china
2. All states use thrice more nitrogen as compared to phosphorous than is recommended

Choose the correct option
a. Only 1 is correct
b. Only 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are wrong

The correct option is d

Explanation-china overuses fertilizers more than India. Most states use almost twice more
nitrogen as compared to phosphorous than is recommended. In case of nitrogen used is 100%
more than potash.

20. Consider the following statements

1. Decanalisation will lead to more black marketing
2. It would also lead to spike in the market prices
3. It would lead to better estimation of demand

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 3 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is c

Explanation- with Decanalisation there would be more importers which will lead to better
estimation of demand in the market. It will also lead to increased imports thereby stabilizing the
prices. Since the supply is better estimated and imports are allowed more freely it would lead to
reduced black marketing.
21. Following which measures should be taken to increase the efficiency of urea subsidy
1. Shifting to NBS
2. Deregulating the market
3. Neem coating

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is correct
b. 1 and 3 are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. All are correct

The correct option is d

Explanation- The government has to shift to NBS and deregulate the market so that the
domestic manufacturers become more efficient and it would act as an incentive for achieving
efficiency as they will be allowed to fix the price. It will also lead to reduction of prices thereby
also reducing the black marketing. The neem coating has been successful in reducing the
diversion of subsidized fertilizer for non-agricultural purposes.

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 10 -
The Labour Markets

1. Good jobs have following features

a. Are safe
b. Pay well
c. Encourage firms and employees to improve skills and productivity

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is d

2. Demographic dividend refers to

a. Increasing population
b. Increase in the working population
c. Increase in the working age
d. None of the above

The correct option is b.

Explanation-The working population will keep on increasing till 2035-40 in case of India and this
population will give boost to economic growth.

3. If India wants to make use of the demographic dividend it must

a. Create more than million jobs
b. Create good jobs
c. Provide education
d. Provide good food

The correct option is b.

Explanation-If India wants to take the advantage of demographic dividend (in favor of India till
2035-40) then it has to provide good jobs (are safe, pay well and encourage skill development)

4. The biggest constraint in hiring a regular employee today is
a. Hiring laws
b. Dismissal norms
c. Bonus act
d. None of the above

The correct option is b

The biggest stumbling block in hiring more formal employees has been the dismissal norms
under the Industrial Disputes Act (IDA)

5. In which Industry (under formal sector) the maximum number of good jobs been created?
a. Manufacturing
b. Services
c. Exports
d. None of the above

The correct option is a

Explanation-The manufacturing industries have led to creation of more than 50% of good jobs
under the formal sector

6. The informal sector has to be commended because

1. It has led to creation of maximum number of good jobs
2. It has had the maximum number of companies set up

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is b

Explanation- the jobs in the informal sector do not pay well, are not secure. Although the
maximum number of jobs have been created they are not good jobs. In case of establishments
more than 90% of these were set up in informal sector.

7. The dismissal norms for the formal sector have been provided under_______
a. The Industrial Disputes Act 1947
b. Payment of Minimum Wages Act 1948
c. Payment of Bonuses Act 1965
d. Companies Act 2013

The correct option is a

Explanation-As per section 2A of IDA-Where any employer discharges, dismisses, retrenches, or

otherwise terminates the services of an individual workman, any dispute or difference between
that workman and his employer connected with, or arising out of, such discharge, dismissal,
retrenchment or termination shall be deemed to be an industrial dispute

8. Consider the following statements on EPF

a. For employees earning up to Rs 15000 per month it is mandatory
b. The employer contributes 12% of the take home salary
c. Whole of this 12% goes as the contribution towards provident fund

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is a

Explanation- The EPF has following features

a. Was created by The Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952,
b. Is a fund to which most workers must involuntarily contribute at least 12 per cent of
their basic salary
c. For all employees earning lesser than Rs 15000, it is mandatory
d. The money goes into an account managed by the Employees
Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and is meant to provide a lump sum benefit to
workers upon retirement.
e. Employers must also contribute 12 per cent of their employees basic although about 70
per cent of the employers contribution goes into the Pension Scheme (EPS) while about
30 per cent goes into the EPF.

9. The benefit of contract labour are
1. It is cheaper to hire them
2. They do not form a part of formal labour hence the size of the firm essentially remains
3. Since company has outsourced hiring of contract labour, it did not worry about
regulations, labour inspections of the contract laborers

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is c

Explanation- It has been observed that hiring contract labour is 14% more expensive than the
formal labor, but hiring contract labour has two advantages

a. The size of the firm remains same so it continues to enjoy same benefits/exemptions
b. Since the function has been outsourced, the management and regulations of these
workers is the concern of the contract labour firm

10. In relation to contract labour and the firms, consider the following statements
1. In India hiring of contract labour has increased in the last decade
2. The same has been observed fir the world also
3. Hiring contract labour has not added to productivity

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 1 and 2
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is b

Explanation-because of regulatory cholesterol (slowness in labour reforms) hiring of contract

labour has increased in India, the same has been observed around the world too. In case of
manufacturing, contract labour increased from 12% to 25% during the period from 1999 to
2010. The contract labour has added 0.5% of GDP to the production.

11. Which of the following state has introduced labour reforms
a. Punjab
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Maharashtra
d. Rajasthan

The correct option is d

Explanation-The Rajasthan government has brought in reforms in Industrial Disputes atc,

Contract labour act and factory act.

12. What a country export matters because

1. It contributes to growth
2. It leads to creation of employment
3. Manufacturing may branch out

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 1 and 2
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is d

Explanation-the manufacturing not only contributes to growth and creation of employment

today, it will also lead to manufacturing branching out to produce more technologically superior
goods with time

13. Consider the following statements
1. Apparel industry is an employment intensive industry
2. Fertilizer manufacturing industry is an employment intensive industry

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is a


a. The apparel industry is labour intensive as 30% of the costs are in the form of wages
b. In case of fertilizer manufacturing industry, 75-80% of the production costs are due to
energy, hence it is not employment intensive

14. India should have been a leader in apparel industry because
1. It is capital intensive
2. It is labour intensive
3. Only a fraction of the costs are consumed by capital intensive inputs

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 1 and 2
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is c

Explanation-apparel industry is labour intensive wherein 25 to 30% of the costs are in the form
of wages and only about 2-3% of the costs are consumed by capital intensive inputs like power.
Hence India should have been a leader as both favor India

15. India has ceded global market share in apparel industry to following countries
1. Bhutan
2. Vietnam
3. Bangladesh

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 1 and 2
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is c

16. Consider the following statements on apparel sector

1. Apparel firms make the largest share of establishments in the informal sector
2. The formal sector more employment than the informal sector

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false
The correct option is a

Explanation-Indias apparel sector is dominated by informal firms (2 million in comparison to

2800 formal firms) hence; such apparel firms form the largest part of the informal sector. The
formal apparel firms employ 330000 workers whereas informal firms employ 3.3 million

17. Consider the following statements on apparel sector

1. The large number of informal apparel firms are because of one person establishments
2. Formal sector apparel firms are 15 times more efficient than informal firms

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is d

18. The apparel firms must be relocating to small cities will

1. Improve labour force participation of women
2. Contribute to growth
3. Commercially will favor the manufacturer.

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1
b. Only 1 and 2
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All the three

The correct option is d

Explanation- The women participation in work is limited because there are no good jobs
available near their houses but this apparel firms relocation would favor the participation of
women, will also be commercially viable to manufacturers and contribute to growth. Hence is a
win-win-win model.

19. The firms hire contract labour because
a. It is cheaper to hire them
b. They exhibit more loyalty towards the company
c. Slowness of labour reforms
d. None of the above

The correct option is c

Explanation-Because of slowness in labour reforms especially the dismissal laws of IDA, the
firms are forced to hire contract labour

20. Consider the following statements

1. It is cheaper to hire contract labour
2. The employer does not have any incentive to invest in the skill development of contract

Choose the correct option

e. Only 1 is true
f. Only 2 is true
g. Both are true
h. Both are false

The correct option is b

Explanation-it is 14% more costly to hire a contract labour. Since the contract labour doesnt
owe any loyalty to the employer, he doesnt have any incentive in training/skilling them.

21. Participation of women in paid work is important because

1. It contributes to growth
2. Investment in childrens health and education will increase

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

Explanation-If women participate in equal numbers as that of men, then the GDP growth will be
more by 1.4%. There is also a correlation between paid employment of women and host of
positive outcomes such as greater investment in childrens education and health

22. Presently EPF for calculation of taxes is treated as _____
a. EEE
b. EET
c. TET
d. TTE

The correct option is a

Explanation-The contribution, interest accrued and withdrawals all are exempt for taxation
purposes hence EPFs tax treatment is EEE

23. Consider the following regarding EPF

1. The employer has to pay an administrative charge as well as service tax
2. The EPFO has introduced Universal account Numbers for all employees

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

Explanation-in case of EPF, the employer incurs three costs-12% contribution, administrative
charge of 0.85% of employees salary and service tax of about 3.54%.

EPFO has recently introduced various new initiatives-has introduced Universal account
Numbers for all employees that are portable between employers, has reduced transaction costs.

TnL CA ES Question Bank - Chapter 11 -
One India & Power Sector

1. India achieved complete grid integration in which year

a. 2014
b. 2013
c. 2012
d. 2010

The correct option is b

Explanation- India achieved complete grid integration on 31st December 2013

2. Consider the following statements

1. Open access policy was introduced in Electricity Act of 2003
2. Under this consumers with any requirement can buy it directly in electricity markets

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is a

Explanation- Open access policy was introduced in the Electricity Act of 2003. It allows the
consumers having a requirement of more than 1 MW to purchase it directly from power

3. Consider the following statements

1. Synchronization of grids will lead to establishment of vibrant electricity market
2. For planning and operational purposes, the grid in india are divided into 6 regional grids

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is a

Explanation-The integration of grids will lead to supply of power from one grid to another which
will lead to a vibrant electricity market. For planning and operational purposes, I ndia w as
demarcated i nto 5 r egions n amely N orthern, E astern, W estern, N orth E astern a nd
Southern r egion.

4. The renewable energy targets have been revised to

a. 150 GW by 2020
b. 175 GW by 2022
c. 172 GW by 2020
d. 150 GW by 2022

The correct option is b

Explanation-The renewable energy targets has been revised from 32 GW to 175 GW by 2022 of
which the respective components are solar (100 GW) + Wind (60 GW) + Biomass and others
(10GW) + small hydro projects (5 GW)

5. In which were the power exchanges set up

a. 2010
b. 2012
c. 2008
d. 2007

The correct option is c

Explanation-Open Access policy on electricity was announced in 2003 and to operationalized it

power exchanges were set up in 2008, here the price discovery would happen though
competitive bidding.

6. The peak level deficit for the year 2014-15 was

a. 3.5%
b. 3.0%
c. 2.0%
d. 2.4%

The correct option is d

Explanation-Peak level deficit refers to the shortfall in the demand and supply of power during
the peak levels such as summer.

7. The correct breakup of renewable energy targets is
a. solar (120 GW) + Wind (40 GW) + Biomass and others (10GW) + small hydro projects (5
b. solar (100 GW) + Wind (50 GW) + Biomass and others (20GW) + small hydro projects (5
c. solar (80 GW) + Wind (60 GW) + Biomass and others (20GW) + small hydro projects (15
d. solar (100 GW) + Wind (60 GW) + Biomass and others (10GW) + small hydro projects (5

The correct option is d

8. recently the government has introduced a scheme to revitalize the distribution companies
which is_________

The correct option is c

Explanation- The government of India has launched UJALA (Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana) to
solve the debt problem of Discoms

9. Which of the following is/are the problem/s of power sector

1. Average tariffs in some cases is lesser than average cost of supplying
2. The only factor from this sector affecting Make In India is the variable quality of
3. AT&C losses are high

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All are true

The correct option is d

Explanation-The power sector in India suffers from following problems

a. Complexity of tariff schedules prevents economic actors from responding sufficiently to

price signals.
b. Average tariffs in some cases are set below the average cost of supplying electricity.
c. High industrial tariffs and variable quality of electricity adversely affects Make in India.
d. Price and non-price barriers come in the way of single-nationwide electricity prices
through open access.
e. Determination of progressive tariff schedules for domestic consumers.
f. India suffers from high AT&C losses (25% for 2014-15)

10. The government has introduced which of the following scheme/s in the power sector

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All are true

The correct option is d

Explanation-the government of India has introduced following schemes in the power sector

a. UDAY-Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana

b. DDUGJY-Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana
c. IPDS-Integrated Power Development Scheme
d. DELP-Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (renamed as UJALA in 2016)
e. National Tariff Policy 2016

11. Which of the following is/are provision/s of DDUGJY
1. Providing 24*7 electricity to all by 2021-22
2. Electrification of all the villages
3. Reducing losses

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All are true

The correct option is c

Explanation- DDUGJY has following provisions

a. Electrification of all villages.
b. Metering of unmetered connections for reducing losses.
c. Separation of feeders to ensure sufficient electricity to agriculture and continuous
supply to other categories.
d. Improvement of sub-transmission and distribution network to improve the quality and
reliability of supply.

12. Consider the following statements
1. POWERGRID was set up in 1991
2. The main function of this was distribution

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is d

Explanation-Powergrid was set up in 1989 and its main function has been transmission.
(Electricity supply chain involves three activities-generation, transmission and distribution)

13. Consider the following statements

1. On 3 1st D ecember 2 013, S outhern R egion w as c onnected t o C entral G rid w ith

the c ommissioning o f 7 65kV R aichur-Solapur T ransmission l ine
2. With t his I ndia a chieved ' ONE N ATION'-'ONE G RID'-'ONE F REQUENCY'.
Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is c

14. What are the provisions of the UDAY

1. The state government will take up all the debt of Discoms in one financial year
2. The state governments are allowed to issue bonds to take the debt
3. The states will not be compensated in any manner by the central government

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Only 2 and 3
d. All are true

The correct option is a

Explanation- Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY)

a. States shall take over 75 per cent of discom debt outstanding as of September 2015.
b. Reduction of Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses to 15 per cent by 2018-
c. Reduction in difference between average cost of supply and average revenue realized
(ARR) by 2018-19
d. Increased supply of domestic coal to substitute for imported coal.
e. States shall take over future losses of discoms in a phased manner.
f. Banks/FIs not to advance short term debt to discoms for financing losses.
g. States shall be compensated in the form of-priority funding under DDUGJY,IPDS etc;
they shall also get additional coal at notified prices etc

15. As per UDAY, AT&C losses must be brought down to
a. 15% by 2018-19
b. 17% by 2020-21
c. 15% by 2022-23
d. 13% by 2018-19

The correct option is a

16. Consider the following statements

1. UJALA scheme has been renamed as DELP
2. National Programme for LED has two components DELP and SLNP

Choose the correct option

a. Only 1 is true
b. Only 2 is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false

The correct option is b

Explanation-National Programme for LED has two components

1. DELP-Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme under which LED bulbs are distributed to
households to replace all the incandescent bulbs. Recently it was renamed as UJALA
(Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All)
2. SLNP-Street Ligthing National Progrmme, wherein street lights will be replaced with

For the implementation of this scheme, the government has set up EESL (Energy Efficiency
Services Limited).
17. As per the budget the target year for electrifying all the villages is
a. 2018
b. 2019
c. 2020
d. 2022

The correct option is a

18. As per the National Tariff policy the deadline for ensuring 24*7 electricity to all is
a. 2019-20
b. 2020-21
c. 2021-22
d. 2022-23

The correct option is c

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