201405XX - MAN - Puma Energy Technical Manual 2014

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May 2014 Rev.1
This 2014 Technical Standard Manual was prepared by the Technical Committee on Puma Energy
Standardization and supersedes all previous related documents.

This edition of the Puma Energy Technical Standard Manual was approved to be issued and be effective as of
April 2014.

Development of the Technical Standard Manual

This manual was written in a way to assist all people involved in design, construction, operation and
maintenance of Puma Energy facilities, meeting the best practices available in the industry. All standards and
design requirements included in this Manual are mandatory for each new Puma Energy facility and new
projects in existing facilities. It is not meant to preclude the use of alternative designs, or construction
methods, when it could be technically justified to provide equivalent standards of safety and product quality.
Confirmation should be sought from Puma Energy before such changes are made.

This Puma Energy Technical Guideline replaces the 2008-2009 Puma Technical Standard Manual. It includes
new sections such Bitumen, LPG, and Aviation. This manual is for guidance and unless otherwise specified in
writing is not a contractual document, it is for guidance only and is not intended to supersede or replace local
legal requirements or standards.

New facilities, or substantial changes in existing facilities should be analyzed by a formal HAZOP process, even
minor changes in existing equipment should be subject to a formal management of change process to
ensure that changes do not incur any unintended impact on the operability of the wider system. Following the
recommendations of this manual does not remove this requirement in any way.

During the conceptual design, HAZOP or MOC process, it is required to have representatives from different
groups within the company, for example operations and construction teams, and it is highly beneficial to have
a mix of people with different specializations, experience and qualifications involved to ensure a challenging
and open debate.

May 2014 Rev.1
Copyright Puma Energy

All rights reserved. This document and the information it contains, or may be obtained from it, are dependent
on the terms and condition of the agreement or contract under which the document was supplied to the
recipients organization.

None of the material covered in this document shall be revealed outside of the recipients own organization
without prior written permission of Puma Energy, unless the terms and agreement expressly allow.

Use of Language

Throughout this document, the words may, should and shall, when used in context of actions by Puma
Energy or others, have specific meanings as follows:

1.May is used where alternatives are equally acceptable.

2. Should is used where a provision is preferred.

3. Shall is used where a provision is mandatory.

Note that the alternative or preferred requirements may be qualified by Puma Energy in other referenced


SI units are used throughout these pages, with the imperial equivalents given in brackets. The use of SI units is
encouraged in all cases, even where local practices differ.


PETG should be made available to all Puma Energy staff and authorized third parties engaged in the design and
construction of Bulk Storage facilities. Copies (or appropriate extracts) should also be issued to any Puma
Energy Staff who is engaged by Puma Energy in the design or construction of Bulk Storage facilities.

It is intended that these pages will contain the most up-to-date copy of PETG. Paper copies, preferably limited
to extracts, can be issued to those persons without access to the Intranet.


It is the responsibility of the Engineer/Contractors Engineering Manager to ensure that the codes and
standards defined within this procedure are complied with across the Project as applicable.

May 2014 Rev.1

1. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................11

2. REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................................12

2.1. Standards ................................................................................................................................................................ 12

2.2. Publications ............................................................................................................................................................. 15

3. DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................16

3.1. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................................... 20

4. STORAGE TANK FARMS ...........................................................................................................................22

4.1. Planning ................................................................................................................................................................... 22

4.1.1. Site Surveys ..............................................................................................................................................................22
4.1.2 Topography ...............................................................................................................................................................23
4.1.3. Bulk Depot Siting ......................................................................................................................................................23
4.1.4. Storage Tank Layouts ...............................................................................................................................................23
4.1.5. Tank Designs and Construction ................................................................................................................................26

4.2. Civil Works ............................................................................................................................................................... 36

4.2.1. Depot Layout ............................................................................................................................................................36
4.2.2. Tanks.........................................................................................................................................................................37
4.2.3. Bunded Areas ...........................................................................................................................................................37
4.2.4 Drainage ....................................................................................................................................................................38
4.2.5. Operational facilities ................................................................................................................................................39

4.3. Electrical .................................................................................................................................................................. 41

4.3.1. MCC (Motor Control Centre) ....................................................................................................................................41
4.3.2. Electrical Substations and Electrical Installations.....................................................................................................42
4.3.3. Terminal Automation Systems .................................................................................................................................42
4.3.4. Grounding and Bonding............................................................................................................................................42
4.3.5. Security .....................................................................................................................................................................42

4.4. Piping....................................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.4.1. Aboveground Piping Systems ...................................................................................................................................47
4.4.2. Underground Piping Systems ...................................................................................................................................52

4.5. Fire Fighting ............................................................................................................................................................. 54

4.5.1. Fire Detection ...........................................................................................................................................................54
4.5.2. Risk Assessments ......................................................................................................................................................54
4.5.3. Design .......................................................................................................................................................................54
4.5.4. Hydrants and Fire Hose stations...............................................................................................................................60
4.5.5. Cooling rings .............................................................................................................................................................61
4.5.6. Fire Extinguishers .....................................................................................................................................................61
May 2014 Rev.1
4.5.7. Sprinkler Systems .....................................................................................................................................................61

4.6. Utilities .................................................................................................................................................................... 64

4.6.1. Boilers .......................................................................................................................................................................64
4.6.2. Air Compressors .......................................................................................................................................................65
4.6.3. Nitrogen Units - ORM ...............................................................................................................................................65
4.6.4. Water Supply ............................................................................................................................................................66

4.7. Additive Injection Facilities ...................................................................................................................................... 67

4.7.1. MMT Fixed Injection System Design ........................................................................................................................67
4.7.2. Additives ...................................................................................................................................................................67
4.7.3. Butanization .............................................................................................................................................................67
4.7.4 Ethanol Blending into Gasoline .................................................................................................................................69

4.8. Product Recovery Units ........................................................................................................................................... 70

5. LOADING RACK FACILITIES ...................................................................................................................72

5.1. Depot Layout for Truck Loading ............................................................................................................................... 72

5.2 Pipelines ................................................................................................................................................................... 72

5.2.1. Flow speeds ..............................................................................................................................................................72

5.3. Drainage .................................................................................................................................................................. 74

5.4. Self-Leveling Stairs ................................................................................................................................................... 74

5.5. Life Lines and Fall Prevention Devices ...................................................................................................................... 74

5.6. Safety Equipment .................................................................................................................................................... 74

5.7. Roof ......................................................................................................................................................................... 74

5.8. Floor ........................................................................................................................................................................ 75

5.9. Weight bridges ........................................................................................................................................................ 75

5.10. Electrical ................................................................................................................................................................ 76

5.10.1. Grounding and Bonding..........................................................................................................................................76
5.10.2. Lightning Protection ...............................................................................................................................................76

5.11. Overfilling .............................................................................................................................................................. 76

5.12. Terminal Management System - TMS .................................................................................................................... 77

5.13. Loading equipment ................................................................................................................................................ 78

5.13.1. Presets ....................................................................................................................................................................78
5.13.2. Digital Control Valves .............................................................................................................................................79
5.13.3. Meters ....................................................................................................................................................................79

5.14. Emergency Shutdown System ................................................................................................................................ 81

5.15. Mobile Loading Gantries ........................................................................................................................................ 81

May 2014 Rev.1
5.15.1. Rack Layout ............................................................................................................................................................81
5.15.2. Rack Installation .....................................................................................................................................................82
5.15.3. Scalability................................................................................................................................................................82

6. MARINE FACILITIES ..................................................................................................................................83

6.1. Mooring on Onshore Terminals ......................................................................................................................... 85

6.1.1. General Recommendations for Design of Onshore Berth Moorings ................................................................85
6.1.2. Typical Mooring Pattern ...................................................................................................................................86

6.2. Berth Types and Design (Not including Buoy Berths) ......................................................................................... 88
6.2.1. Berth Fixtures and Fittings ................................................................................................................................88
6.2.2. Quick Release Hooks (QRH) and Capstans ........................................................................................................89
6.2.3. Fendering ..........................................................................................................................................................91
6.2.4. Fixed Shore Gangways and Ship Shore Access .................................................................................................91
6.2.5. Berthing Aids .....................................................................................................................................................92
6.2.6. Containment Systems .......................................................................................................................................92

6.3. Cargo Transfer Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 93

6.3.1. Transfer Arms....................................................................................................................................................93
6.3.2. Dock Hoses ........................................................................................................................................................94
6.3.3. Breakaway Couplings ........................................................................................................................................95

6.4. Power and other Systems .................................................................................................................................. 96

6.4.1. Hydraulic Systems .............................................................................................................................................96
6.4.2. Electrical Systems..............................................................................................................................................96
6.4.3. Piping, Valves, Pressure Vessels and Fittings ....................................................................................................96
6.4.4. Corrosion Protection .........................................................................................................................................97
6.4.5. Coating ..............................................................................................................................................................97
6.4.6. Cathodic Protection (CP) ...................................................................................................................................97

6.5. Fire Fighting ....................................................................................................................................................... 97

6.5.1. Fire Fighting Equipment ....................................................................................................................................97
6.5.2. Portable and Wheeled Fire Extinguishers and Monitors ..................................................................................98
6.5.3. Fixed Fire-Fighting Equipment ..........................................................................................................................98
6.5.4. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems ..................................................................................................................100

6.6. Multi-Buoy Moorings (MBM) ........................................................................................................................... 101

6.6.1. Mooring Leg Components...............................................................................................................................103
6.6.2. General Considerations...................................................................................................................................104
6.6.3. Comparisons with Fixed Berths (Piers and Sea Islands) ..................................................................................106
6.6.4. Comparisons with SPMs..................................................................................................................................107
6.6.5. Selection of MBM Configuration ....................................................................................................................107
6.6.6. Environmental Data ........................................................................................................................................108
6.6.7. Hydrographic, Geotechnical and Geophysical Surveys ...................................................................................109
6.6.8. Site Selection, MBM Orientation and Layout .................................................................................................109
6.6.9. Mooring Load Analysis ....................................................................................................................................111
6.6.10. Mooring Components .....................................................................................................................................113
6.6.11. Anchor Points ..................................................................................................................................................117

6.7. Hose System .................................................................................................................................................... 120

May 2014 Rev.1
6.7.1. Flow Rates .......................................................................................................................................................120
6.7.2. Lifting Considerations .....................................................................................................................................121
6.7.3. Presentation Flange ........................................................................................................................................121
6.7.4. Hose Length ....................................................................................................................................................121
6.7.5. Hose String Configuration ...............................................................................................................................121
6.7.6. Methods of Hose Connection .........................................................................................................................122
6.7.7. Marine Breakaway Coupling ...........................................................................................................................122

6.8. Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) .......................................................................................................................... 122

6.8.1. PLEM Piping ....................................................................................................................................................123
6.8.2. PLEM Location.................................................................................................................................................123

6.9. Civil Works ....................................................................................................................................................... 124

6.9.1. Pier Containment ............................................................................................................................................124
6.9.2. Pier Protection ................................................................................................................................................124

6.10. Buoys ............................................................................................................................................................... 124

6.11. Loading Arms ................................................................................................................................................... 124

6.12. Piping ............................................................................................................................................................... 125

6.12.1. Submarine Hoses ............................................................................................................................................125
6.12.2. Submarine Piping and Valves ..........................................................................................................................127
6.12.3. Break Away Devices ........................................................................................................................................128
6.12.4. Closure Devices ...............................................................................................................................................128
6.12.5. Check Valves ...................................................................................................................................................129
6.12.6. Electrical ..........................................................................................................................................................129

7. BITUMEN STORAGE TANKS ................................................................................................................ 130

7.1. General .................................................................................................................................................................. 130

7.2. Tank Designs and Construction .............................................................................................................................. 131

7.2.1. Tank Capacity .........................................................................................................................................................132
7.2.2. Tank Components...................................................................................................................................................132
7.2.3. Tank Loading...........................................................................................................................................................133
7.2.4. Safety Considerations .............................................................................................................................................134

7.3. Piping..................................................................................................................................................................... 134

7.3.1. Heating System .......................................................................................................................................................134

7.4. Gantry Metering .................................................................................................................................................... 135

7.5. Emulsion Unit ........................................................................................................................................................ 136

7.6. PMB Unit ............................................................................................................................................................... 136

7.7. Fire Fighting ........................................................................................................................................................... 137

8. LPG INSTALLATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 138

8.1. Planning ................................................................................................................................................................. 138

May 2014 Rev.1
8.1.1. LPG Tank layouts ....................................................................................................................................................139
8.1.2. Terminal Siting ........................................................................................................................................................139
8.1.3. Safety Distances .....................................................................................................................................................139
8.1.4 Non- Refrigerated Storage ......................................................................................................................................140

8.2. Civil Works ............................................................................................................................................................. 149

8.2.1. Layout .....................................................................................................................................................................149
8.2.2. Foundations ............................................................................................................................................................149
8.2.3. Bunded Areas .........................................................................................................................................................152

8.3. Piping..................................................................................................................................................................... 154

8.3.1. General Requirements. ..........................................................................................................................................154
8.3.2. LPG Piping ...............................................................................................................................................................155
8.3.3. Appurtenances .......................................................................................................................................................155
8.3.4. Installations ............................................................................................................................................................158
8.3.5. Emergency Shutdown System ................................................................................................................................158

8.4. Fire Fighting ........................................................................................................................................................... 159

8.4.1. Risk Assessments ....................................................................................................................................................160
8.4.2. Design .....................................................................................................................................................................160
8.4.3. Portable Equipment ...............................................................................................................................................160
8.4.5. Fire Extinguishers ...................................................................................................................................................160
8.4.6. Fire Water Systems.................................................................................................................................................160
8.4.7. Fire Proofing ...........................................................................................................................................................161

8.5. Electrical ................................................................................................................................................................ 161

8.5.1. Electrical Installations and Equipment ...................................................................................................................161
8.5.2. Critical Wiring and Control Systems .......................................................................................................................161
8.5.3. Lighting ...................................................................................................................................................................161
8.5.4. Grounding & Bonding .............................................................................................................................................161

9.AVIATION ................................................................................................................................................... 162

9.1. Sizing of Tanks ....................................................................................................................................................... 163

9.2. Design and Construction ........................................................................................................................................ 163

9.2.1. Vertical Tanks .........................................................................................................................................................163
9.2.2. Horizontal Tanks .....................................................................................................................................................164
9.2.3. Roofs .......................................................................................................................................................................165
9.2.4. Bottoms ..................................................................................................................................................................165
9.2.5. Shells.......................................................................................................................................................................166
9.2.6. Tank Venting ...........................................................................................................................................................166
9.2.7. Internal Lining of Tanks ..........................................................................................................................................167
9.2.8. Internal Floating Metallic Blankets (Decks) ............................................................................................................167

9.3. Floating Suction units ............................................................................................................................................ 167

9.3.1. Design Requirements .............................................................................................................................................167
9.3.2. Minimum Draw Level in Tanks ...............................................................................................................................168
9.3.3. Pressure Losses and Loss of Suction .......................................................................................................................168

9.4. Civil Works ............................................................................................................................................................. 168

May 2014 Rev.1
9.4.1. Foundations ............................................................................................................................................................168
9.4.2. Bunded Areas .........................................................................................................................................................169
9.4.3. Leak Detection ........................................................................................................................................................169
9.4.4. Access .....................................................................................................................................................................170

9.5. Piping..................................................................................................................................................................... 170

9.5.1. Pressure & Thermal Relief Systems ........................................................................................................................170
9.5.2. Pipework Thermal Pressure Relief .........................................................................................................................170

10. REFRIGERATED STORAGE SYSTEMS ............................................................................................. 171

10.1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 171

10.2. Typical Applications ............................................................................................................................................. 171

10.2.1. Liquefied Natural Gas ...........................................................................................................................................171
10.2.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas ......................................................................................................................................171

10.3. Systems and components of a refrigerated storage facility.................................................................................. 171

10.3.1. Storage System .....................................................................................................................................................171
10.3.2. Refrigeration System ............................................................................................................................................172

10.4. Equipment ........................................................................................................................................................... 172

10.4.1. Aboveground steel vessels ...................................................................................................................................172
10.4.2. Single containment storage tanks ........................................................................................................................174
10.4.3. Double containment tanks ...................................................................................................................................174
10.4.4. Full containment tanks .........................................................................................................................................175
10.4.5. Membrane Tanks ..................................................................................................................................................175
10.4.6. Selection of single, double, or full containment...................................................................................................176
10.4.7. Refrigeration Systems ..........................................................................................................................................177
10.4.8. Vessel foundations ...............................................................................................................................................177
10.4.9. Hydrostatic Testing ...............................................................................................................................................178

10.5. LPG/LNG Specific Hazards .................................................................................................................................... 178

10.5.1. Liquefied Natural Gas ...........................................................................................................................................178
10.5.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas ......................................................................................................................................178

11. COMMISSIONING .................................................................................................................................. 180

11.1. Puma Energy Commissioning Process .................................................................................................................. 180

11.1.1. Construction Testing ............................................................................................................................................180
11.1.2. Turnover and Startup Concepts ...........................................................................................................................180

11.2. Commissioning Pre-Startup Review Forms .......................................................................................................... 180

APPENDIX A ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANK DATA SHEET ..................................................... 182

APPENDIX B PRINCIPAL PROPERTIES OF COMMERCIAL PIPE ................................................ 184

APPENDIX C LPG SAFETY DISTANCES............................................................................................... 193

May 2014 Rev.1

APPENDIX E ELECTRICAL AREA CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................... 197

APPENDIX F: PUMA ENERGY PRODUCT LIST .................................................................................... 201

May 2014 Rev.1
1. Scope
This document is intended to cover the plan and design of petroleum, aviation, bitumen bulk depots, LPG
tanks and the installation of equipment of the types normally used for the handling, storage and distribution of
petroleum products and their derivatives, other than equipment that is used for storage and dispensing on
consumer premises (including service stations) and for which relevant standards exist. It shall only be used as a
guideline to assist in design and not regarded as an independent standard. This document incorporates by
reference a number of other standards and recommended practices that need to be referred.

The objective of this manual is to promote safety in the Design and Construction of Terminals and Facilities.
We believe that every accident/incident is preventable, and will work with the spirit of continuous
improvement as defined in the Puma Energy HSEC policies.

May 2014 Rev.1
2. References
The following standards, codes, regulations and recommendations in their latest versions are the basis for the

2.1. Standards
33 CFR 154, Facilities Transferring Oil or Hazardous Material in Bulk

ANSI Z358.1/200, Requirements - Emergency Shower and Eye

ANSI/ISA S84.01- Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries

API 1160 Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines

API 1626: Storing and Handling Ethanol and Gasoline-Ethanol blends at Distribution Terminals and Service

API 2000, Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks

API 2003, Protection against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents

API 2350, Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities

API 2610, Design Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminals & Tank Facilities

API 520 Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries

API 570 Inspections, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-service Piping Systems

API 610, Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries

API 620 Designs and Construction of Large Welded Low Pressure Storage Tanks

API 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage

API 651, Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks

API 652, Lining of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms

API 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction

API 6D Specification for Pipe Valves

API RP 1111 Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipelines and Other

API RP 1632, Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems

API RP 2003, Protection against Ignitions Arising Out of Static

API Spec 5L Specifications for Line Pipe

API Spec 6A Flanges

May 2014 Rev.1
API Std 1104 Standard for Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities

API Std 674, Positive Displacement Pumps - Rotary

API Std 676, Positive Displacement Pumps - Reciprocate / Rotary

ASME B16.20 Ring Joint Gaskets and Groves for Steel Pipe Flanges.

ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings

ASME B31, Code for Pressure Piping

ASME B73.1M Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process

ASME CSD-1 Control and Safety Devices

ASTM A 924 Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip

AWA D1.1M, Structural Welding Steel

DNV-OS-CN 30.4, Foundations

DNV-OS-E403, Offshore Loading Buoys

DNV-RP-B401 Cathodic Protection Design

DNV-RP-F101, Submarine Pipeline Systems

DNV-RP-F105, Free Spanning Pipelines

EPA CFR 60 Standards of Performance for New Stationery Sources

FP 19-19-8, Acceptable Paint for Piping and Terminals

FP 3-3-31, Above Ground Pipe Fabrication, Erection, Testing

ICBO Uniform Fire Code, International Fire Code

ICC International Building Code

ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

NACE MR-0175 Recommended Practice for the prevention of sulphide stress cracking due to H2S in oil and gas
production systems.

NACE RP-0169, Recommended Practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic
Piping Systems

NACE RP-0285, Recommended Practice, Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic

NACE SP0106 Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems

NEMA MG-1, Motors and Generators

May 2014 Rev.1
NFPA 10, Portable Fire extinguishers

NFPA 101 The Life Safety Code

NFPA 11 Low, Medium, and High Expansion Foam

NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems

NFPA 111 Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems

NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinklers Systems

NFPA 14, Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems

NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection

NFPA 16, Installation of Foam-Water Sprinklers

NFPA 170, Fire Safety and Emergency Symbols

NFPA 20, Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps for Fire Protection

NFPA 22, Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection

NFPA 220, Types of Building Construction

NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

NFPA 307 Constructions and Fire Protection of Marine Terminals, Piers, and Wharves

NFPA 312, Fire Protection of Vessels during Construction, conversion, Repair, and Lay-Up

NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code

NFPA 54, National Fire Gas Code

NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code

NFPA 70, National Electric Code

NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code

NFPA 730, Guide for Premises Security

NFPA 77, Static Electricity

NFPA 780, Lightning Protection Code

NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code

OSHA 1910.66 Personal Fall Arrest Systems

OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151(C) Eyewash and Showers

May 2014 Rev.1
SBCCI Standard Fire Protection Code (SFPC)

UCC, Uniform Construction code

UL 58, Standard for Safety for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids

UL 845, Standard for Motor Control Centers

UL Spec 142, Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids 1982

2.2. Publications
OIML, International Organization of Legal Metrology standard OIML R85,

API Publication 2026, Safe Access/Egress Involving Floating Roofs of Storage Tanks in Petroleum Service

API Publication 421, Design and Operation of Oil-Water Separators

IAPH/ICS/OCIMF International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals ISGOTT

OCIMF, Design and Construction Specification for Marine Loading Arms

OCIMF, Effective Mooring

OCIMF, Purchasing, Manufacturing and Testing of Loading and Discharge Hoses for Offshore Moorings

Define specifications at the OCIMF Design and Construction Specification for Marine Loading Arms

API Security Guidance for the Petroleum Industry and Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for the
Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries

May 2014 Rev.1
3. Definitions & Abbreviations

3.1. Definitions
For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall apply:

All Buoy Mooring (ABM) - An All Buoy Mooring is an offshore marine berth in which both the ship's bow and
stern are held in position by mooring buoys.

Anchor Holding Power - The holding power of an anchor is normally defined as the ratio of the actual pull it
can withstand without dragging to the weight of the anchor in air.

Anchor Point - The component of a mooring system to which the anchor leg is connected. May be comprised
of a dead weight, drag embedment anchor, plate anchor or pile.

BULK DEPOT - Premises (sometimes referred to as marketing installations or terminals), on which the capacity
for the storage of flammable goods or combustible goods (or both) exceeds 200 m3 in above-ground tanks, on
which goods are normally received from a refinery or other bulk depot by road, rail, sea or pipeline (or a
combination of these), and from which such flammable goods or combustible goods (or both) are delivered.

BUNDED AREA - An area bounded by ground contours that confine spillage, or an area surrounded by bund

BUND WALL - A wall designed to confine product spillage to the bunded area

CERTIFIED a qualified professional

CLASS - The class of petroleum product, based on the following classification

a) Class 0: liquefied petroleum gasses

b) Class I: liquids, which shall be subdivided as follows:
Class IA: liquids that have a closed-cup flash point of below 23 C and a boiling point of
below 37.8 C
class IB: liquids that have a closed-cup flash point of below 23 C and a boiling point of
37.8 C or above
class IC: liquids that have a closed-cup flash point of 23 C or above, but below 38 C
class II: liquids that have a closed-cup flash point of 38 C or above, but below 60,5 C
class IIIA: liquids that have a closed-cup flash point of 60,5 C or above, but below 93 C
class IIIB: liquids that have a closed-cup flash point of 93 C or above

CONFORM To comply with a fixed standard, regulation, or requirement.

Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM) - A Conventional Buoy Mooring is an offshore marine berth in which the
ship's bow is held in position by its own anchors and the stern is secured by an array of mooring buoys,
typically 3 to 7 in number.

Cylindrical Buoy - Cylindrical buoys are large cylindrical cans which lie horizontally in the water. Most of the
cylindrical buoys in service have a diameter of about 1.5 to 2.5 meters and a length of 3.0 to 4.5 meters. A
structural member extends through the center of the buoy. A mooring hook is attached to one end of the
structural member and the anchor chain is attached to the other end.

May 2014 Rev.1
Deadman Anchor - A large concrete block or a mass poured in place which is used for anchorage. Deadman
anchors are often used for anchoring buoys to a very soft clay bottom. Also referred to as a `Dead Weight

Deadweight (DWT or dwt) - The carrying capacity of a ship, including cargo, bunkers and stores, expressed in
metric tonnes. It can be given for any draft, but here is used to indicate summer deadweight at summer draft.

DIKE A barrier intended to confine spillage

Displacement - The mass of water in tonnes displaced by a vessel at a given draft.

Drag Embedment Anchor - The drag embedment anchor is designed to penetrate into the seabed, either
partially or fully. The holding capacity of a drag embedment anchor is generated by the resistance of the soil in
front of the anchor. Drag embedment anchors are well suited to resist large horizontal loads but generally do
not offer resistance to vertical loads.

Drum Buoy - Drum buoys are cylindrical cans which sit vertically in the water. The buoys in service usually vary
from about 2.5 to 4.5 meters in diameter and 1.5 to 2.5 meters in depth.

FLAME ARRESTOR A device used to prevent the passage of flame into or out of an apparatus or equipment

FLAMMABLE Descriptive of material that is capable of ignition

FLASHPOINT The lowest temperature at which the application of a small flame causes the vapor above a
liquid to ignite when the product is heated under prescribed conditions, in a closed container

GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT a detailed study by a geotechnical specialist of the design and construction of
a tip or excavation to determine the probability of failure

Ground Leg - Part of a ground tackle arrangement or assembly that lies on the seabed when the system is idle,
i.e. the length of chain between the anchor point and the pendant section.

Ground Tackle - The mooring leg arrangements to anchor the buoy to the seabed and comprising of the
pendant, the ground leg(s) and the anchor point(s) including, if applicable, sinker block(s).

HAZARDOUS AREA An area in which flammable gases or vapors are or might be present in the air in
quantities sufficient to become hazardous

Heave - The vertical movement of a moored tanker in the berth resulting from dynamic forces acting on the

Insulating Flange - A flanged joint incorporating an insulating gasket, sleeves and washers to prevent electrical
continuity between ship and terminal.

Kenter Shackle - A type of connecting link used to connect two lengths of chain where the terminations of the
two pieces have the same dimensions. The connecting link has the same outside length as a chain link of the
same diameter.

Marine Breakaway Coupling (MBC) - A device designed to provide protection to the cargo transfer system and
the hose assembly against surge pressures and/or axial tension in the hose by automatic shut-off of liquid flow
and separation before the hose integrity is damaged.

May 2014 Rev.1
Marker Buoy - A small buoy used to indicate the location of items such as the subsea pipeline and PLEM.
Marker buoys are typically color coded for identification.

Messenger Line - A light line attached to the end of a main mooring line and used to assist in heaving the
mooring to a secure point.

Minimum Breaking Load (MBL) - The minimum breaking load of a new dry mooring line or chain as declared
by the manufacturer.

Multi Buoy Mooring (MBM) - A facility where a tanker is usually moored by an array of mooring buoys,
typically 3 to 7 in number, positioned at some distance from the tanker, or a combination of mooring buoys
and one or more ship's anchors, to moor the vessel on a fixed heading.

Mooring Buoy - A floating cylinder or drum, anchored to the seabed, to which mooring lines are attached. The
mooring buoy may serve only as a float with the anchor chain passing through the buoy directly to the
mooring hook, in which case none of the tension loads are transferred to the buoy. Alternatively, the buoy
may be used as a tension member whereby loads are transferred from the mooring lines via the buoy to the
anchor system. In this case, the mooring buoy is a structural member of the mooring system.

Mooring Hook - A device for connecting a mooring line to the mooring buoy.

Mooring Leg - A mooring leg consists of anchoring point(s), a chain assembly and a mooring buoy to which the
ship's mooring line can be attached.

Mooring Ring - An attachment that may be provided on the mooring buoy for connecting mooring lines. Also
known as a `Mooring Eye'.

MOUNDED TANK A tank that is above the ground and completely covered by earth, sand or other suitable

MPI - Magnetic Particle Inspection. A method of detecting cracks or defects by establishing a magnetic field in
the object and using iron filings to see if the field lines are constant.

NDT - Non-Destructive Test. A test method used to examine an object, material or system without impairing its
future usefulness.

Non-reclining Buoy - A type of buoy, the design of which includes mechanisms that obviate the tilting of the
buoy when a mooring load is applied. This results in a stable and almost horizontal floating platform which can
be maintained when the mooring load acts at an angle approaching the horizontal.

ORQ - Oil Rig Quality.

Peg Top Buoy - Peg top buoys have a conical base. They usually have a greater depth than drum buoys and
may be slightly more stable in short choppy seas.

Pelican Hook - A type of mooring hook that includes an arrangement to facilitate slipping the mooring.

Pendant Section - The suspended chain section from the buoy to the ground leg(s).

PERMIT A document that is issued by a designated person, or persons, and that permits specific work to be
carried out in one or more defined areas

May 2014 Rev.1
Pick-up Buoy - A buoy that is attached to the end of a submarine hose by chain. The pick-up buoy is hoisted
aboard the tanker when the hose is raised with the tanker's lifting gear.

Pile Anchor - Pile anchors are steel piles that are driven into the seabed to serve as groundleg anchor points in
a mooring system. Often used where the holding ground is poor.

Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) - A PLEM comprises of a structural base supporting a piping manifold and
facilitates the subsea termination of the pipeline and the connection to the marine hoses.

Preventer Mooring - See `Shore Mooring'.

PROTECTION FOR EXPOSURES - Fire protection for structures on property adjacent to a liquid petroleum
storage site.

PURCHASER (Puma Energy) is the purchaser in this context

QRH - Quick Release Hook.

Quick Connect/Disconnect Coupling (QC/DC) - The manual or hydraulic mechanical device used to clamp the
presentation flange to the ship's manifold without the use of bolts.

Recovery Wire or Chain - A length of wire or chain that is secured to the hose end and supported on the
surface by a pick-up buoy. The wire or chain should be of adequate size to lift the hose assembly and will
include open lifting links at approximately two meter intervals along its length.

Safety Factor - A margin over MBL to allow for uncertainties.

Safe Working Load (SWL) - Generally, a load less than the yield or failure load by a safety factor defined by a
code, standard or good engineering practice.

Shackle or Shot - A standard length of chain that is equal to 15 fathoms or 27.5 meters.

SHALL Shall is used where a provision is mandatory.

Shore Mooring - A mooring line provided by the terminal and deployed from the mooring buoy to the ship in
order to supplement the vessel's own moorings. May sometimes be referred to as a `Preventer Mooring'.

SHOULD Should is used where a provision is preferred.

Single Point Mooring (SPM) - An integrated mooring arrangement for bow mooring a conventional tanker. For
example, a conventional tanker's bow mooring arrangements to a Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM)
system or a Single Anchor Leg Mooring (SALM) system.

Sinker Block - A large concrete block or clump which may be connected to the anchor chain at an intermediate
point between the buoy and the anchor. The main purpose of the sinker is to provide additional weight and
thus restoring force, to the anchor leg.

Snubbing Line - A length of suitably-sized wire or chain employed when lifting and connecting submarine
hoses to a tanker's manifold. One end of the snubbing line is provided with a shackle or other securing device
which is suitable for connecting to the open links of the recovery wire or chain, while the other end is belayed
or secured to a suitable deck fitting in way of the tanker's manifold. The hose is supported by the snubbing line
prior to connecting it to the vessel's manifold.
May 2014 Rev.1
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure.

Spar Buoy - A long cylindrical buoy having good stability. Often used as a marker buoy.

SPECIFIC GRAVITY - The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a standard, usually water for a
liquid or solid, and air for a gas

Stinger - A short length of wire or synthetic rope with a safety hook, of suitable SWL, that is attached to the
lifting hook of a crane or derrick to avoid manhandling the heavy lifting block.

Surge- Longitudinal (fore and aft) movement of a moored tanker in the berth.

Sway - Athwartship (side to side) movement of a moored tanker in the berth.

Tail- A short length of synthetic rope attached at the end of a mooring line to provide increased elasticity and
also ease of handling. Also referred to as `pennant' or `pendant'.

TANK TYPE a type of tank that are commonly used to store liquid petroleum products

TERMINAL the facility for product management

Thrash Zone - The area where the section of chain below the mooring buoy is in constant motion and
intermittently contacts the sea bed.

Touch-down Point The point of contact of the mooring chain on the seabed between the mooring buoy and
the anchor point.

Trunk Buoy - A type of mooring buoy where the mooring system passes freely through an aperture in the buoy
without being directly connected to it.

Under Keel Clearance (UKC) - The distance between the vessel's bottom, at its deepest point of immersion,
and the seabed or any objects resting on the seabed such as submarine pipelines and manifolds, concrete
clumps, debris, etc.

UT - Ultrasonic Thickness testing. A test method using high-frequency sound for confirming the thickness of
structural sections and for detecting the presence and location of discontinuities in test specimens.

Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) - Tankers able to transport up to 2 million barrels of oil as cargo, typically of
between 240,000 and 320,000 tonnes deadweight.

3.2 Abbreviations
ANSI American National Standards Institute

API American Petroleum Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion

BS British Standard

May 2014 Rev.1
CCTV Closed Circuit Television

ESD Emergency Shut Down

EBV- Emergency Block Valve

HAZOP Hazard and Operability

IP Institute of Petroleum

ISO International Standards Organization

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

OCIMF Oil Companies Marine Forum

PMSS - Piping Material Service Specification

PSV Pressure Safety Valve

PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment

May 2014 Rev.1
4. Storage Tank Farms
References - Latest Edition:

API 620 Design and Construction of Large Welded Low Pressure Storage Tanks
API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
API 2000 Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks
API 2610 Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal & Tank Facilities
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
UL 58 Standard for Safety for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
UL 142 Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids

4.1. Planning

4.1.1. Site Surveys

A site survey is an inspection of an area where work is proposed. Information regarding the condition of the
land including position of existing structures, pipelines, ground elevations, natural features and vegetation is

Site surveys are important when preparing preliminary layouts in determining access, optimal orientation of
site and drainage philosophies.

The survey is generally presented on a scaled drawing in CAD or PDF formats.

Site surveys should include, as a minimum:

Existing infrastructure (pumps, tanks, buildings, pipelines, etc.)

Site boundaries (including neighboring facilities, houses, etc...)
Google Map earth view

Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation

Preliminary Geotechnical investigations are performed to obtain information on the physical properties of soil
and rock around a site during the conceptual design phase. This is essential to determine whether special
requirements are necessary when performing earthworks and foundations.

Minimum requirements for the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation are one test point (either a bore hole or
CPT depending on availability/conditions) at the center of each tank, and beneath heavy structures. The formal
report on the Geotechnical Investigation shall give a minimum of recommendations of the type of foundations
to be constructed and basic design parameters (piling, etc.)

May 2014 Rev.1
For the Final Geotechnical investigation, in the case of an EPC this will be included in the scope of work. In the
case of a detailed Engineering Design, an experienced local consultant/contractor shall be appointed.

4.1.2 Topography
Detailed surveys shall be done to capture the following minimum requirements:

Plot Coordinates
Location of permanent benchmarks
Elevations / Spot heights
Main structures as buildings, warehouses, etc.
Property boundaries
Existing underground services
Plot service connections (electricity, water, sewage, etc.)
Waterways, streams, etc.
Piers, docks, etc.

4.1.3. Bulk Depot Siting

The placement of a bulk depot is of major importance, not only from a marketing point of view but also from a
fire and security point of view. Cognizance shall be taken of the following:

The fall of the ground in relation to residential areas and other risk areas that could be exposed in the
event of accidental large-scale spillages;
Access facilities to and around the site;
Drainage systems, especially where these link up with the drainage system of the local authority;
Available water supplies;
Fire protection, security, and general service facilities in the area, including the fire services' response
Population densities around the premises;
Future expansion
Good housekeeping (for example the removal of flammable materials such as rubbish, dry vegetation
and oil-soaked soil);
The depth of the water table (if it is above the first impermeable layer) and the date of measurement;
The soil types down to the first impermeable layer, and the reduced level of the impermeable layer
over the site;
The location of any existing boreholes, aquifers or artesian wells, and an analysis of the water for
hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons.
Access routes
Truck parking
If applicable, soil contamination test for hazardous materials should be done

4.1.4. Storage Tank Layouts

Production area will mainly include Oil Tank Farms for the various products, main pump house area, pipe back
area, interface pump house area, fuel oil pump house area, loading bay area, and truck parking area.

May 2014 Rev.1 Safety Distances from Vertical Tanks
Table 1: Distance from Vertical Tanks

Tank Diameter Floating Roof Tanks Fixed or Horizontal Tanks

Class I or II Liquids Class IIIA Liquids
All tanks not over 1/6 x sum of adjacent tank 1/6 x sum of adjacent tank 1/6 x sum of adjacent tank
45m(150ft) in diameter diameters but not less diameters but not less diameters but not less
than 0.9m(3ft) than 0.9m(3ft) than 0.9m(3ft)
Tanks larger than 45m(150ft) in diameter
If remote impounding is 1/6 x sum of adjacent tank x sum of adjacent tank 1/6 x sum of adjacent tank
provided diameters diameters diameters
If open diking is provided x sum of adjacent tank 1/3 x sum of adjacent tank x sum of adjacent tank
diameters diameters diameters
1. Tanks used for storing stable liquids of Class I, II or IIIA shall be separated in accordance with Table 1.
2. If a Class III liquid is stored adjacent to a Class I or Class II liquid, the larger of the class spacing shall be used.
3. Where tanks are in a bunded area that contains Class I or Class II liquids, or that are in the drainage path of Class
I or Class II liquids, and that are compacted in three or more rows, or in an irregular pattern, the approving
authority shall be permitted to require greater spacing or other means of separation to make tanks in the interior
of the pattern accessible for fire-fighting.
4. The minimum horizontal separation between an LPG container and a Class I, II or IIIA liquid storage tank shall be
at least 6 m, except in the case of a Class I, II or IIIA liquid tank that operates at a pressure exceeding 17kpa or that
is equipped with emergency venting that permits pressures to exceed 17kpa, in which case the provisions of notes
1 and 2 will apply.
5. Tanks should be so arranged and disposed that, irrespective of whether the tanks are erected within one or
several bunded areas, any fires in nearby tanks in the same or adjacent bunded areas, or in equipment or buildings
nearby will have minimal effect. As an additional safety factor, consideration can be given to ensuring the further
protection of tanks from fire by mobile or stationary fire-fighting equipment.
6. Tanks should be so arranged that, if a fire breaks out, fire-fighting can be carried out effectively with mobile and
stationary fire-fighting equipment. Access for and operating availability of such equipment is therefore of prime
importance. Tanks should be so sited that each tank is adjacent to a (fire) road or accessible to mobile fire-fighting
7. Tanks that store crude petroleum, have individual capacities not exceeding 480 m3 (126,000 gal or 3000bbl),
and are located at production facilities in isolated locations shall not be required to be separated by more than
0.9m (3ft). Reference NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids.
8. Where tanks are in a dike area containing Class I or Class II liquids or in the drainage path of Class I or Class II
liquids and are compacted in three or more rows or in an irregular pattern, greater spacing or other means shall be
permitted to be required by the authority having jurisdiction to make tanks in the interior of the pattern accessible
for fire-fighting purposes.
9. Where flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks are within a dike area, the LPG containers shall be outside
the dike area and at least 0.9 m (3ft) away from the centerline of the wall of the dike area. Reference NFPA 30
Flammable and Combustible Liquids.
This requirement shall not apply where LPG containers of 475l (125 gal) or less capacity are installed adjacent to
fuel oil supply tanks of 2500l (660 gal) or less capacity.
*This table is only a guide and does not supersede local rules and regulations

In the case of tanks that contain a stable liquid of Class I, II or IIIA, at an operating pressure of 17kPa (2.5 psi)
or less, the minimum distance between the tank and any property boundary, public road or building shall be as
given in Table 2.

May 2014 Rev.1
Table 2: Stable Liquids (at an operating pressure of 17kPa (2.5 psi) or less)

Type of tank Protection Minimum Distance m (ft.)

From property line that is or From nearest side of any

can be built upon, including public way or from nearest
the opposite side of a public important building on the
way same property
Floating roof Protection for exposures diameter of tank 1/6 diameter of tank
(all types) None Diameter of tank but not 1/6 diameter of tank
exceed 53m(175ft)
Vertical with weak roof-to- Approved foam or inerting diameter of tank 1/6 diameter of tank
shell seam system on tanks not
exceeding 45m (150ft) in
Protection for exposures Diameter of tank 1/3 diameter of tank
None 2 x diameter of tank but not 1/3 diameter of tank
exceeding 105m (350ft)
Horizontal and vertical tanks Approved inerting system on x value in table 3 x value in table 3
with emergency relief the tank or approved foam
venting to limit pressures to system on vertical tanks
17kpa gauge(2.5psi) Protection for exposures Value in table 3 Value in table 3
None 2 x value in table 3 Value in table 3
*This table is only a guide and does not supersede local rules and regulations

In the case of tanks that contain a stable liquid of Class I, II or IIIA, at an operating pressure exceeding 17kPa
(2.5 psi), the minimum distance between the tank and any property boundary, public road or building shall be
as given in Table 3.

Table 3: Stable Liquids (at an operating pressure exceeding 17kPa (>2.5 psi))

Type of tank Protection Minimum Distance m (ft.)

Minimum distance from Minimum distance from the
boundary of a property that is near side of a public road, or
or can be built on, nearest important
including the far side of a building on the same property
public road
Any type Protection for exposures 1 x value in table 5 but 1 x value in table 5 but
not less than 7.5m(25ft) not less than 7.5m(25ft)
None 3 x value in table 5 but not 3 x value in table 5 but not
less than 15m (50ft) less than 15m (50ft)
*This table is only a guide and does not supersede local rules and regulations

In the case of tanks that contain a Stable Liquid of class IIIB liquid, the minimum distance between the tank
and any property boundary, public road or building shall be as given in table 4.

Table 4: Stable Liquids Class IIIB

Tank capacity m3 Minimum distance from boundary Minimum distance from near side
of a property, that is or can be of a public road, combustible
built on, including the far side structure or important building
of a public road on the same property
Less than or equal to 48 m3 1.5m(5ft) 1.5m(5ft)
48 to 112 m3 3.0m(10ft) 1.5m(5ft)
112 to 192 m3 3.0m(10ft) 3.0m(10ft)
192 to 384 m3 4.5m(15ft) 3.0m(10ft)
Greater than 384 m3 4.5m(15ft) 4.5m(15ft)
May 2014 Rev.1
The minimum distance between a tank and the toe of the inside of a bund wall shall be at least 1.5 m.

Table 5: Reference Table (to be used in conjunction with Tables 2 and 3)

Tank capacity m Minimum Distance m (ft.)
From the property line that is or can From the nearest side of any public
be built upon, including the way or from nearest important
opposite side of a public way building on the same property
1m or less 1.5m(5ft) 1.5m(5ft)
1.1 to 2.8m 3m(10ft) 1.5m(5ft)
2.9 to 45m 4.5m(15ft) 1.5m(5ft)
46 to 113m 6m(20ft) 1.5m(5ft)
114 to 189m 9m(30ft) 3m(10ft)
190 to 378m 15m(50ft) 4.5m(15ft)
379 to 1890m 24m(80ft) 7.5m(25ft)
1891 to 3780m 30m(100ft) 10.5m(35ft)
3781 to 7560m 40.5m(135ft) 13.5m(45ft)
7561 to 11340m 49.5m(165ft) 16.5m(55ft)
*This table is only a guide and does not supersede local rules and regulations

4.1.5. Tank Designs and Construction Horizontal
Refer to: UL 142 Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, NFPA 30 Flammable and
Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30A Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garage

Tanks storing Class I and Class II liquids at an individual site shall be limited to a maximum individual capacity
of 45,400L (12,000 gal) and aggregate capacity of 181,700L (48,000 gal) unless such tanks are installed in
vaults, in which case the maximum individual capacity shall be permitted to be 57,000L (15,000 gal). Atmospheric Storage Tanks

This specification defines minimum technical requirements for design of API 650 and API 620 type welded
steel storage tanks. This specification shall be used by purchasers to identify requirements for tank suppliers.

Refer to Appendix A on this document for Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet specific requirements.

General Design Specification

1. Design criteria for tanks defined herein shall conform to API 620 or 650 (whichever is applicable) and
this specification and specified on data sheet.
2. Deviations from this specification, including requirements that must be modified for special tanks,
shall be subject to Purchaser approval.
3. Structural design, fabrication, erection, inspection, and testing of tanks shall conform to API 650.
4. Structural design, fabrication, erection, inspection, and testing of tanks shall conform to API 620.
5. Tanks shall be spaced, located, and diked (or impounded) in accordance with NFPA 30.
6. Trim and orientation of tanks shall typically conform to Drawings provided to the seller or tank
7. Climatic design data shall conform to API 650
8. Standardized internal painting tank bottoms to 1 m (3ft), compatible with the product to be stored.
May 2014 Rev.1
9. Seismic requirements shall be evaluated per site specifically. Annular Ring

All tanks should be designed with annular bottom plates in accordance to API 650. Others

Design pressure for API 650 type tanks shall be in accordance to codes.

Specific Gravity

Tanks shall be designed for a product specific gravity of 1.0 (to allow for water hydro-testing)


Minimum design metal temperature shall be in accordance to codes and local conditions.

Corrosion Allowance

1. Tank shell courses in upper half of API 650 type tanks shall have a minimum corrosion allowance of 1.6
mm (1/16 inch).
1. Unless specified otherwise; wetted surfaces of internals shall have the following corrosion allowances:
a. Structure non-removable internals - same as tank shell.
2. The corrosion allowance for removable internals (non-critical items) should be one-half of the tank
shells CA.
3. Tank bottom shall have corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) consistent with expected tank life
and external and internal corrosion protection provided.
4. Annular Ring shall have a corrosion allowance of 3 mm (1/8 inch)
5. Tanks shall have under tank leak detection and sub grade protection in accordance with local
environmental requirements and API 650, Appendix I.
6. Tanks with two steel bottoms or one steel bottom and a barrier for sub grade protection shall have
cathodic protection of steel plate consistent with tank life. The need for cathodic protection for other
tanks shall be determined.

Welding and Post Weld Heat Treatment

Internal clips shall be seal welded for corrosion protection. Seal welding of external clips may be required in
some locations.

Tank Erection

When erecting a new tank, the survey levels must be taken off the tank annular and after installing the next
strake (shell course) to ensure that the tank maintains their shape during erection.

When hydrotesting (water loading) the tank, if the tank goes out of the tolerances allowed for in API 650,
filling must stop, and tank shall be leveled before continuing the hydrotest. Stairways
Radial stairways

May 2014 Rev.1
Radial stairways shall be provided for tanks in the following:

Acid service
Services subject to boil over or sudden vaporization of water

Spiral stairways

Spiral stairways shall be provided on all other tanks. Handrail shall be installed in all the circumference of the
tank. Partial handrails only at the stairway top shall not be permitted.

Figure 1: Spiral Stairway and All around Handrail

1. The requirement of resting platforms shall be as per applicable local regulations or every 25 ft,
whichever is more restrictive.
2. Treads shall be made of grating or nonslip material.
3. The top railing shall join the platform handrail without offset.
4. Handrails shall be on both sides of straight stairs; handrails shall also be on both sides of circular
stairs when the clearance between the tank shell and the stair stringer exceeds 200 mm (8 in.).
5. Circumferential stairways should be completely supported on the shell of the tank, and the ends of
the stringers should be clear of the ground.
6. Stairways shall be placed at the opposite side of the sea breeze direction to protect them from
7. Stairways should not be welded directly to the shell of the tank.

Stairway Illumination

All exterior stairs shall be provided with a means to illuminate the stairs, including the landings and treads.
Exterior stairs shall be provided with an artificial light source rated for a minimum of 5600 lumens located at
floor level, intermediate landings and in the immediate vicinity of the top landing of the stair. Stairways must
comply with the electrical classification area and lighting design.

Requirements for Platforms and Walkways

1. All parts shall be made of metal. Flooring shall be made of grating or nonslip material.

2. The minimum width of the floor level shall be 610 mm (24 in.). The height of the top railing above the floor
shall be 1070 mm (42 in.).

3. The top railing shall be placed all around the perimeter of the tank. The minimum height of the toe board
shall be 75 mm (3 in.).

May 2014 Rev.1
4. The maximum space between the top of the floor and the bottom of the toe board shall be 6 mm (1/4 in.).
The height of the mid-rail shall be approximately one-half the distance from the top of the walkway to the top
of the railing. The maximum distance between railing posts shall be 2400 mm (96 in.).

5. The completed structure shall be capable of supporting a moving concentrated load of 4450N (1000lbf), and
the handrail structure shall be capable of withstanding a load of 890N (200lbf) applied in any direction at any
point on the top rail.

6. Handrails shall be on both sides of the platform but shall be discontinued where necessary for access.

7. At handrail openings, any space wider than 150 mm (6 in.) between the tank and the platform should be

8. A tank runway that extends from one part of a tank to any part of an adjacent tank, to the ground, or to
another structure shall be supported so that free relative movement of the structures joined by the runway is
permitted. This may be accomplished by firm attachment of the runway to one tank and the use of a slip joint
at the point of contact between the runway and the other tank. Roofs
Refer to: API 650 Section 5.10, Appendix C and Appendix G Fixed roof

1. Unless otherwise specified, fixed roofs should be designed with frangible roof to shell joint.

2. Roof support columns shall be structural shapes. Pipe columns are not permitted. Floating Roof

Puma Energy will install floating roofs in Gasoline, AvGas Fuel, Ethanol, and Crude Oil service storage tanks for
fire prevention purposes, as well as for air emissions regulatory requirements, and to minimize losses of
products to the atmosphere.

Building new tanks, FR shall be installed to permit flexibility.

Tanks should have floating roof if either of the following conditions exists:

1. Vapor pressure of product at maximum rundown storage temperature is between 5.17kPa

(51.7milli-bar) and (76.5kPa) 765milli-bar.
2. Flash point of product is less than 37.8C (100F).

All floating roofs in Puma Energys Terminals shall be specified as pontoon type floating roof with primary and
secondary seals (double seal), unless required by local regulations because of local emissions full contact
floating roof could be installed.

Primary shoe seal shall be galvanized steel or stainless steel. Elastomeric material shall be compatible with
tank contents.

Secondary wiper seal shall be compatible with tank contents. Internal Floating Roofs

Puma Energy shall install internal floating roofs in Storage Tanks containing product with a flash point lower
than 100F (38C) regardless of diameter to limit fire risk and environmental concerns.
May 2014 Rev.1
General Requirements for Internal Floating Roofs (IFR)

1. If a flammable liquid with vapor pressure is greater than 19.3kPa (1.5psi) an IFR inside a fixed roof tank
should be installed.

2. Internal floating roofs at Puma Energy shall be double sealed. Specification for internal floating roofs at
Puma Energy tanks shall meet the following minimum requirements:

Primary seal (Mini Scissor Shoe Seal):

Secondary seal: Vapor mounted wiper tip compression plate secondary seal with gasket joint design
comprised of 5" Nitril wiper tip held against the shell by a series of compression plates bolted at the
top of the outer rim plate.
Material Selection shall always be compatible with the material to be stored

Anti-Rotation devices

The internal floating roof shall be centered and restrained from rotating. A guide pole with rollers, two or
more seal centering cables or other suitable device(s) shall be provided as required for this purpose. The
internal floating roof shall not depend solely on the peripheral seals or vertical penetration wells to maintain
the centered position or to resist rotation.

Any device used for either purpose shall not interfere with the ability of the internal floating roof to travel
within the full operating elevations.

Lower Support Minimum Height

1. In designing an internal floating roof, Puma Energy shall specify clearance requirements to establish a
minimum low (operating) level and a minimum high (maintenance) level of the roof supports.

2. For operation, the low position should have the pontoons at least 50mm (2 in) higher than the top of the
rim of the shell manhole. The roof legs should be adjusted to allow for this condition.

3. If specified, a single position support height shall be based on the low (operating) level clearance.

Ethanol Service

For Ethanol Service, IFRs (shoe seals and shunts) should be stainless steel material. Material for the seals
should compatible with the product to be stored, generally PTFE. External Roofs

External floating roofs shall be installed in future crude oil storage tanks and in Diesel and Gasoil Services. Geodesic Domed Roofs

An alternative roof design for storage tanks are geodesic domes. Installation of geodesic domes should be
considered after a comparative study has been performed between fixed steel cone roofs and aluminum
geodesic domed roofs. The geodesic dome specified shall comply with API-650 Appendix G design

Advantages of geodesic dome roofs include:

May 2014 Rev.1
Lightweight structure compared with conventional steel cone roof. This is an advantage when
installing on a new tank as the foundation may be designed to withstand a reduced load.
Long term maintenance cost savings as painting and corrosion protection is generally not required
Reduced time to assemble and construct the geodesic roof compared to cone steel roofs

The primary disadvantage of geodesic domes is the higher cost. The higher initial capital outlay may be
inhibitive for certain projects and retrofitting an existing tank with a domed roof will require a feasibility study
to determine whether the additional cost may be warranted over the expected remaining life of the tank. Nozzles & Manholes

Refer to: API 650 Section 5 Design


There should always be at least 2 spare nozzles on every Storage Tank. Sizes of the nozzles should be
confirmed by the Consultant or Engineer.


Manholes shall be located around the tank shell and roof to provide an effective pattern for access, lighting,
and ventilation of the product storage interior. Each manhole shall have a minimum nominal diameter of
600mm (24 in.) and shall have a liquid-tight gasketed, bolted cover.

Shell Manholes

Nominal Tank Diameter D, m (ft.) Minimum number of Shell Manholes

Up to 30m (100ft) 2
Greater than 30m (100ft) 3

Roof Manholes

Nominal Tank Diameter D, m (ft.) Minimum number of Roof Manholes

Up to 60m (200ft) 2
Between 60m (200ft) and 90m (300ft) 3
Greater than 90m (300ft) 4 Other Components

1. The following components of cone roof tanks without internal floating roofs shall be located in accordance
with Tank Trim Orientation drawings.

Shell and roof Manholes.

Open vents recommended over pressure-vacuum vents when possible.
Automatic tank gage.
Gage hatch.
Bottom settlement connection.
Scaffold cable support.

May 2014 Rev.1
2. The following components of external floating roof tanks shall be located in accordance with Tank Trim
Orientation drawings.

Shell and roof Manholes.

Open vents recommended over pressure-vacuum vents when possible.
Automatic tank gage.
Gage hatch.
Primary and emergency roof drains.

3. The following components of internal floating roof tanks shall be located in accordance with Tank Trim
Orientation drawings.

Shell and roof Manholes.

Open vents recommended over pressure-vacuum vents when possible.
Automatic tank gage.
Gage hatch.
Floating roof Manholes.
Overflow slots.
Bottom settlement connection.
Scaffold cable support.

4. Shell nozzles shall have steel block valves bolted to flanged tank nozzles. Block valves shall be furnished by

5. Except for standard water draw-off valves used in freezing climates, block valves should conform to
applicable Piping Material Service Specification (PMSS).

6. Tanks shall have shell thermometer assembly. Thermometer assembly shall be furnished by Purchaser.
Flanged nozzle shall be furnished by Supplier. PUMA Energy recommends the use of Thermo Strip Multipoint
Temperature Sensors.

7. Roof nozzles shall be flanged

8. As a minimum requirement, tank shall have a minimum of 3 stilling wells: one 8 stilling well for Tank
gauging, one 6 for temperature probe/high level alarm, and one 6 for manual dipping. Shell
Refer to: API 650 Section 5.6 Shell Design

1. Top shell angle on fixed roof tanks shall project outside tank and shall be welded to tank shell by full
penetration double weld.

2. Open top tanks shall have a wind girder. Unless walkway requirements dictate otherwise, girder should be
located 0.6 m (2 ft.) below top of tank shell instead of a top angle. If shell top angle has cross sectional
properties necessary for tank wind girder, an additional wind girder need not be added.

3. Wind girders used as access walkways shall conform to OSHA (US Occupational Safety and Health
Administration) or local equivalent for walkway requirements.

4. Corroded shell thickness shall be used to calculate wind girder requirements.

May 2014 Rev.1
5. Inside edges of shell plates on floating roof and internal floating roof tanks shall not have an offset. Inside
shell joints shall be smooth to prevent interference with roof movement. Bottoms
Refer to: API 650 Section 5.4 Bottom Plates Cone Down

Cone down bottoms (low point in center) shall be used in tanks in crude, slop, recovered oil, and ballast
services and where bottom sludge and water are deposited. For Jet services, cone down bottoms shall also be
used, using a slop of 1:30 with the sump at the center. Unless otherwise specified, slope shall be 0.125m per
meter (0.15 in per foot). More specifically, cone down bottoms should be used in any Storage Tank except for
Bitumen Storage Tanks.

On Jet service and very steep sloped bottom tanks, the lap joint between the annular and the bottom shall be
designed in such a way that the annular rest on top of the other bottom plates, to reduce the tendency for
liquid to puddle during draw-down. Cone Up (Crown)

Cone up bottoms shall be used specifically in Bitumen Storage Tanks.


Regarding Tank sumps, Storage Tanks of Puma Energy shall comply with the following:

Tanks up to 1589.9m3 (<10KBbls) should have 1 sump

Tanks above 1589.9m3 (10KBbls) should have 2 sumps
Tanks over 7949.4m3(50KBbls) should have 3 sumps
Tanks over 15899m3(100KBbls) should have 4 sumps Flat Bottom

Puma Energy does not allow flat bottoms. Tank Venting

Refer to: API 2000 Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

All atmospheric storage tanks shall be adequately vented to prevent, in the case of a cone-roof tank, the
development of a vacuum or pressure that could distort the roof, or in the case of other atmospheric tanks,
the design pressure from being exceeded as a result of filling, emptying, and temperature changes. Protection
shall be provided to prevent the overpressure in any pump from being discharged into the tank or vessel
where the pump discharge pressure can exceed the design pressure of the tank.

In the case of a tank or pressure vessel that has more than one fill or withdrawal connection, and where
simultaneous filling and withdrawal can take place, the vent size shall be based on the maximum anticipated
simultaneous flow.

Where two or more tanks share common piping directly linking the tanks, cognizance shall be taken of the
probability of gravity equalization between tanks when sizing breather vents.

Puma Energy recommends venting allowance to be 1.5 times the calculated Venting capacity.

May 2014 Rev.1 Tank Components
Refer to: API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage Mixers
Tanks should have mixers for blending or if necessary API 650 A 3.8.3 Cover Plates to prevent stratification.
Fixed angle mixers are primarily used for blending, homogenizing, and maintaining uniformity of the stock
including temperature. The angle of the mixers shall be designed specifically per Tank.

PUMA Energy prefers the use of Jet Mixers. When installing Mixers, care should be taken for the distance
between the roof and the propeller. PUMA Energy recommends the minimum distance to be 1 ft. above the

The use of Mixers should be in accordance of the type of product to be stored in the Tank and operation. Heating Elements

Self-Draining Horizontal Unit Heaters

1. Self-draining horizontal unit heaters with either vertical fins or longitudinal perforated fins shall be furnished
and installed by Supplier. Connections or manholes shall be furnished by Supplier.

2. Unit heaters shall be connected in small groups to allow one group to be inoperative due to leakage or
maintenance while remaining groups adequately heat the tank.

3. Location of mixers shall be considered in design and location of heaters.

External Heating Coils

1. Acid tanks requiring heating shall have external heating coils.

2. Coils shall be designed and insulated to prevent local corrosion due to temperature near coils and where
coils are attached to shell. Diffusers
Receiving lines shall have a diffuser installed. Suction lines (Outlets) shall have vortex eliminators. The size of
the diffuser/vortex eliminator should be in accordance of the Tank Design calculation. Cover Plates

Cover plates shall be designed in accordance with API 650 Section 5.8.3. Storage Tank Painting Internal Painting

All Puma Energy storage tanks shall be coated internally with a paint system suitable for storing hydrocarbon
product. Coating will be applied to the bottom of the tank, the first 3ft of the first ring, and all internal
structures within the 1 m (3 ft.).

In the case of Aviation Fuel Tanks, all Pre-Air field Storage Tanks can be coated as above, with a paint
compatible with the product to be stored. For Air-field Storage Tanks shall be fully coated internally, including
all structural members (this includes the bottom of the roof).Intermediate coats should be different from the
top coats, so
May 2014 Rev.1 External Painting
Surface preparation shall be done with sandblasting or mechanical cleaning (for a new project shall be

With regarding tank painting, Tanks designed for Clean Product storage shall be painted with White paint
(Code RAL #9010), Tanks designed for Dirty products shall be painted with Black paint (Code RAL #9005). Thus
the case, intermediate coats should be painted different from the White/Black top coats, for direct knowledge
of maintenance needs. Storage Tank Repairs

Repairs, alterations and reconstruction to any tanks shall be in accordance with API 653.

May 2014 Rev.1
4.2. Civil Works
References Latest Edition

API 2610 Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminals & Tank Facilities
API 650 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustion Liquids Code
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
NFPA 220 Types of Building Construction
NFPA 730 Guide for Premises Security
UCC Uniform Construction code
API Security Guidance for the Petroleum Industry and Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology
for the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries
ICC International Building Code
Uniform Building Code
AAR Manual for Railway Engineering
ICBO Uniform Fire Code.
ICBO Uniform Building Code
BOCA National Building Code
SBCC Standard Building Code.
Blast Report: Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities

4.2.1. Depot Layout

The depot layout for new facilities shall be arranged so that Operation may be accomplished in a sequential,
efficient and safely manner. Primary depot functions or requirements to be considered are as follows:

Tank farm
Pump Stations
Loading Rack
Pipeline Receipt / Manifolds
Operations Buildings
Warehouse/ Store
Substation building
Access routes
Oil/Water drainage system
Truck parking / staging area
May 2014 Rev.1 Fencing
Fencing should be provided around the perimeter of the Depot. PUMA Energy recommends a minimum of 2.2
mts fence height, with razor wire on top, and bottom with anti-burrow beams.

4.2.2. Tanks Foundations
Refer to: API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage Appendix B

Foundations should be designed on a case by case. Puma Energys preference is Concrete ring beam
foundation instead to earth mound.
Leak detection Minimum of 3 points required
HDPE lining Tank Settlement

Uniform soil conditions result in uniform settlement around the tank shell and a uniform pattern of settlement
across the tank bottom. Given uniform soil conditions, tanks can accommodate large settlements without
distress .Deviations from this uniform pattern of settlement, however, can cause excessive bottom stresses to
develop. The pattern of settlement across the tank bottom is not usually predicted during the foundation
design stage, due to limitations on the amount of data that can practically be acquired. However, steps should
be taken during foundation preparation to minimize the potential for non-uniform bottom settlements and
the pattern of bottom settlements should be checked periodically when the tank is out of service.

API 650 and 653 shall be followed regarding tank settlement. If excessive settlements are expected, PUMA
Energys practice is to perform soil improvement such that settlement estimates are reduced to an acceptable

Currently, settlements are considered excessive if:

a) For uniform settlement they are expected not to exceed 10 cm
b) For differential settlement between shell to center they are expected not to exceed the recommended
by API 653 Appendix B Leak Detection

The clearances between storage tanks and protective structure are to be designed in such a way that visual
check of the storage tanks and the protective structures for impermeability is feasible. Where this is not
possible, a leakage monitoring system is needed.

Puma Energy supports a general position of installation of a Release Prevention Barrier (RPB) under new tanks
during initial construction. Design and performance requirements shall conform to the API 650 Appendix I.

4.2.3. Bunded Areas

Every tank that contains a Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquid shall be provided with means to prevent an
accidental release of liquid from endangering important facilities and adjoining property or from reaching
waterways. Bunds shall hold at least 110% of the volume of the tank it is designed to contain. Where bunded
areas are designed to contain more than one tank, the bund shall hold at least 110% of the volume of the

May 2014 Rev.1
largest tank. An intermediate bund wall shall be constructed in the bunded area to contain minor spills for
each tank in the bund. The extra 10% margin is intended to take into account a range of factors, including:

Loss of the total tank contents, for example due to vandalism or an accident
Sudden tank failures or leaks
Containment of firefighting agents
Dynamic factors such as overtopping caused by surge and wave action following tank failure
An allowance for rainfall during an oil spill incident.

If there is more than one oil storage tank in the system, the secondary containment must be capable of storing
110% of the biggest tanks capacity or 25% of the total capacity, whichever is greater.

Such means shall meet the requirements of NFPA 30 Sections 22.11.1, 22.11.2, 22.11.3, or 22.11.4, whichever
is applicable. Bundwalls
Containment shall be provided to prevent soil contamination in case of minor or a major spill, in compliance
with local and federal requirements. If Bund walls are constructed of earth, they should have concrete lining,
or otherwise bund walls should be constructed with concrete.

Pipelines that pass through bund walls shall be wrapped to protect them from corrosion and sealed to prevent
leakage of product.

All bundwall penetrations shall be sealed using a Link Seal, which is fire and hydrocarbon resistant, installed
in a puddle flanged sleeve. Other sealing methods shall be approved by the Construction Engineer prior to

All joints and penetrations in the bundwall shall be sealed with an approved fire and hydrocarbon resistant
sealer. Bund Floors

Puma Energys preference is to have concrete bund floors where possible and they shall comply with local
regulations. If there are no local regulations governing permeability, then bund floors should be restricted to a
coefficient of permeability not exceeding 10-6 cm/s (in situ). A study to determine permeability shall be
completed in the area.

4.2.4 Drainage
Drainage shall be planned in accordance with statutory regulations. Every advantage of natural seepage for
disposal of surface water shall be utilized. Existing storm-water drains, rivers and streams shall be used to cope
with the outflow, although it might be necessary to provide special catchment basins or seepage areas in large
plants where heavy precipitation rates (that might temporarily be beyond the capacity of the local system) can
be expected. Surface water (tank farm areas)

Suitable drainage facilities shall be provided to deal with surface water and to dispose of fire-fighting water.
The water used to control a fire shall be of an acceptable quality (free from hydrocarbons, solvents, alcohols
and any additives) before the water is passed into drains. Outlets from tank farm areas shall be controlled by
means of valves situated outside the bunded areas, because access to these valves might be needed during
May 2014 Rev.1
fire-fighting to release excess cooling water. The valves shall be kept locked in the closed position at all times
unless drainage is taking place under the control of a designated person. The valves shall be clearly identified
and marked with the direction of opening. Containment separation

Where it is necessary to use interceptors to separate contaminants from water, consult the relevant
regulations. The local authority bylaws shall be consulted and the collecting system shall be so designed as to
minimize the amount of surface water that results from precipitation and normal drainage and that has to be
routed through the interceptors (thus avoiding the need for inordinately large interceptors). This is best
achieved by providing, where possible, separate systems for surface water and for water from contaminated
sources such as tank farms and loading and filling areas. Sewage
Where a local system for the disposal of sewage exists, it is obviously desirable that the drainage system be
connected to it, but where this is impracticable, septic tanks or other suitable disposal units should be
installed. Consult the regulations of the local authority and investigate the suitability of the ground with a view
to the installation of disposal beds. Contamination with product in such systems shall be avoided. Conversely,
sewage systems shall not be connected to interceptors.

4.2.5. Operational facilities

Spacing of buildings and spacing between buildings should be based on the type of construction, the intended
use, the applicable NFPA codes and any local requirements. Oil Water Separators

Refer to: API PUBL 421 Monographs on Refinery Environmental Control - Management of Water Discharges
Design and Operation of Oil-Water Separators and any local regulations.

Oil/water separation theory is based on the rise rate of the oil droplets (vertical velocity) in water and its
relationship to the surface loading rate of the separator. The rise rate is proportional to the square of the
diameter of the droplet and the difference in specific gravity of the oil and the aqueous phase of the
wastewater (Stokes' Law). The surface loading rate is the oily water flow rate to the separator divided by the
surface area of the separator. In an ideal separator, any oil droplet with a rise rate greater than or equal to the
surface loading rate will reach the separator surface and be removed.

Table 6: Specific Gravities for Fuels

Fuel Type Specific Gravity

Motor Gasoline 0.780.81

Aviation Gasoline 0.7
Diesel 0.830.87
Heating Oil 0.830.86
Kerosene 0.83

May 2014 Rev.1
Adjustable Inlet Weir Oil Skimmer Adjustable Outlet Water

Oil Layer

Inlet Outlet

Trap Sludge

Concrete Basin

Figure 2: API Type Oil/Water Separator Operational Buildings

All buildings shall comply with the ICC International Building Code and the Uniform Building Code, and other
locally recognized codes, standards and regulations. (See also NFPA 101, NFPA 1 Uniform Fire Code).

Blast Resistant Building

For LPG storage there is a risk of BLEVE, and it is possible for a pressurized container of any size. Failure of a
large tank will be destructive for hundreds of meters. The probability of a BLEVE is very low, but because of the
potential severity, it is important to provide sufficient fire protection and to be considered on the design for
critical operations buildings. We should consider the local regulations or complete an ASCE (American Society
of Civil Engineers) Blast Report: Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities Samples Room

General design requirements that shall be accomplished in construction of hydrocarbon samples rooms:

Spill containment in floor and at the entrance.

Racks with secondary containment trays for sample bottles.

Natural ventilation.

Electrical equipment classified for Class 1, Division 2

Control of unauthorized access.

May 2014 Rev.1
4.3. Electrical
References Latest edition

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code

NFPA 70 National Electric Code (NEC)
NFPA 77 Recommended Practices on Static Electricity
NFPA 780 Lightning Protection Code
API RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at
Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division I and Division 2
API RP 540 Electrical Installations in Petroleum Processing Plants
API 651 Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks
API 2003 Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
API 2610 Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Installation of Terminal and Tank Facilities
API RP 1632, Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems
NACE RP-0169, Recommended Practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged
Metallic Piping Systems
NACE RP-0285, Recommended Practice, Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by
Cathodic Protection

Electrical systems shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 70 or other applicable codes and shall comply
with the appropriate electrical area classifications. Area classification drawings shall be prepared and
maintained for the facility. These shall conform to Table 515.3 in the NFPA 70. The requirements for the design
and installation of electrical systems and lighting are listed in NFPA 30, NFPA 70, API RP 500, and API RP 2300.

4.3.1. MCC (Motor Control Centre)

The Motor Control Centre (MCC) is a metal assembly of one or more sections having common power buses
and principally containing motor control units.

The use of VFDs should be considered and will depend on the operations and economic analysis per site. Combination Motor Starters and Contactors

The motor starters shall be NEMA-rated, full voltage, combination type using thermal magnetic breakers or
magnetic only circuit breakers combined whit magnetic air or vacuum contactor. Transient Voltage Suppressor

Transient voltage suppressor shall be used at the main power breaker and at circuit breakers distribution
panels to avoid electric surges in the event of lightning or power impedance paths to transient surges.

May 2014 Rev.1
4.3.2. Electrical Substations and Electrical Installations Main Power Supply

All efforts shall be made to have incoming main power lines to come into the Terminals underground, when
this is not possible, the power lines must enter the Terminal at a location where they dont interfere with tank
truck traffic, and they dont pass over buildings and are located at one of the Terminal boundaries. Emergency Generators

Emergency generators shall be installed, with an Auto-Switch, as follows:

Admin (offices) one generator

Operations (Control room fully functional, TMS, IT Server, terminal lighting, minimum 2 loading arms with
relevant pumps) one generator

4.3.3. Terminal Automation Systems

Terminals at Puma Energy shall consider using a Terminal Automation System which includes as a minimum
the following:

Automatic Tank Gauging

Tank level sensing / alarms
Motorized valve control
Emergency Shutdown System
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for pump operations

Level automation shall be determined based on the complexity of operations and economics per site.

4.3.4. Grounding and Bonding

All electrical equipment and systems shall be grounded in compliance with NFPA 70 Article 250

Storage tanks shall generally be earthed as follows:

Horizontal tanks and some raised vertical tanks above ground: connect to the earthing system;
Vertical tanks installed with bottom in contact with a ground bed: these tanks may be considered
inherently earthed and no further earthing is required;
Floating roof tanks and floating blanket tanks: the floating roof shall be bonded to the tank in an
approved way.

Tanks shall be grounded to conduct away the current of direct strokes and the buildup and potential that
causes sparks to ground

4.3.5. Security
Reference to Security Systems Specification for Trafigura Group Offices Document (Trafigura Global Security
Spec R4 16 August 2013.pdf)

A review of the security requirements for the terminal facility shall be included during the design. The review
shall include physical security, disaster recovery planning, security incidents, area considerations, local and
private protective services, security awareness, and security technology. The API documents Security Guidance
for the Petroleum Industry and Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for the Petroleum and
May 2014 Rev.1
Petrochemical Industries provide information to help petroleum and petrochemical facilities assess their
vulnerabilities and potential damage to attacks, and are a starting point for developing facility security plans CCTV
In the courtyards fixed cameras should be installed at the corners of the land to cover the external perimeter.
The ordinance will have a camera to record the internal activities. All passages in the lobbies of vehicles and
people will have a camera recording the passage. The system should be recorded in its digital form and
centering on the central security in place only with the policy back up and store for at least 15 days, the
cameras considered strategic. Consider integrating the cameras existing security system in the same sheet and
installation of cameras to record images in the hall in order to register online for all people. Complete
installation of Control Room for control of CCTV in the ordinance. Security Alarm

In the case an alarm system is needed, a local security company shall be consulted. Fire Fighting Alarms

Sound Alarm

An average ambient sound level greater than 105dBA shall require the use of a visible notification appliance(s)

The total sound pressure level produced by combining the ambient sound pressure level with all audible
notification appliances operating shall not exceed 110dBA at the minimum hearing distance. A fire alarm
system arranged to stop or reduce ambient noise shall produce a sound level at least 15 dB above the reduced
average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds
after reduction of the ambient noise level, whichever is greater, measured 1.5 m (5 ft.) above the floor in the
area required to be served by the system using the A-weighted scale (dBA).

Relays, circuits, or interfaces necessary to stop or reduce ambient noise shall meet the requirements of NFPA
72 Chapter 4 and Chapter 6.

Location of Audible Notification Appliances for a Building or Structure If ceiling heights allow wall-mounted
appliances shall have their tops above the finished floors at heights of not less than 2.30 m (90 in.) and below
the finished ceilings at distances of not less than 150 mm (6 in.). If combination audible/visible appliances are
installed, the location of the installed appliance shall be determined by the requirements of the following
Section. Appliances that are an integral part of a smoke detector, smoke alarm, or other initiating device shall
be located in accordance with the requirements for that device.

Visible Alarm

Light, Color, and Pulse Characteristics

The flash rate shall not exceed two flashes per second (2Hz) nor be less than one flash every second (1 Hz)
throughout the listed voltage range of the appliance. Maximum pulse duration shall be 0.2 second with a
maximum duty cycle of 40 percent.

The pulse duration shall be defined as the time interval between initial and final points of 10 percent of
maximum signal.

May 2014 Rev.1
Lights used for fire alarm signaling only or to signal the intent for complete evacuation shall be clear or
nominal white and shall not exceed 1000 cd (effective intensity).

Lights used to signal occupants to seek information or instructions shall be clear, nominal white or other color
as required by the emergency plan

Appliance Photometric

The light output shall comply with the polar dispersion requirements of ANSI/UL 1971, Standard for Safety
Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired, or equivalent.

Appliance Location

Wall-mounted appliances shall be mounted such that the entire lens is not less than 2.03 m (80 in.) and not
greater than 2.44 m (96in.) above the finished floor or at the mounting height specified

Where low ceiling heights do not permit mounting at a minimum of .203 m (80in.), visible appliances shall be
mounted within 150 mm (6in.) of the ceiling. The room size covered by a strobe of a given value shall be
reduced by twice the difference between the minimum mounting height of 2030 mm (80 in.) and the actual,
lower mounting height.

Power Supplies

At least two independent and reliable power supplies shall be provided, one primary and one secondary to
which shall be of adequate capacity for the application and shall be in compliance to NFPA 72 chapters 6 and
8. Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors shall be installed in each room (including Electrical rooms / Substations, Control Rooms, Store
Rooms, Warehouses, etc.), outside of each separate area and on each additional story of the dwelling. In
dwellings or dwelling units with split levels, a smoke detector need be installed only on the upper level,
provided the lower level is less than one full story below the upper level, except that if there is a door between
levels, then a detector is required on each level. All detectors shall be interconnected such that the actuation
of one alarm will actuate all the alarms in the individual unit and shall provide an alarm which will be audible in
all working areas. All detectors shall be approved AC/DC, listed and shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions Lighting
In all storage and operating areas, lighting that is adequate for operations under normal conditions shall be
provided. In addition lighting that is sufficient to enable safe operations during an emergency shall be
provided. Lighting shall be designed and constructed according to NFPA 70 National Electric Code (NEC)
according to classifieds areas. Consideration should be given to using low energy consumption" lighting
where practicable. Tank Lighting

Tank lighting shall be designed and constructed according to NFPA 70 National Electric Code (NEC) according
to classifieds areas.

May 2014 Rev.1 Perimeter Lighting
Perimeter lighting shall be provided to illuminate fences, access and egress gates, employee and truck parking,
tank farm and manifold areas, and marine docks. Puma Energy supports the use of energy efficient lighting
such as LED lights. General Lighting

Sufficient lighting and proper electrical classification shall be provided for loading racks, yard and tank farm
areas, gate card reader, own use fueling, pump back and meter prover facilities, loading pumps, motor starter
racks, office, garage and warehouse lighting. Puma Energy supports the use of energy efficient lighting such as
LED lights.

The following general guidelines also apply:

1. Illumination of outdoor areas may be achieved with various types of high-intensity discharge lamps, such
as mercury vapor or high-pressure sodium lighting. Generally, high pressure sodium lighting is
recommended because it provides high lumen output per watt.
2. Application of mercury vapor and high-pressure sodium lamps at low temperature shall be referred to the
manufacturer for special consideration.
3. On energizing high-intensity discharge lamps, such as mercury vapor and high-pressure sodium lamps,
require time to reach full lumen output. Areas that require immediate return of lighting after power dips
or outages shall be provided with interspersed incandescent lighting fixtures. The use of instant re-strike
lighting eliminates the need for interspersed incandescent lights.

4. Photoelectric cell control shall be considered where automatic switching of yard and rack lighting is

5. Lighting fixtures in Class I, Division 1 and 2, Group D locations shall conform to the requirements of NFPA
30 and NFPA 70.

6. Explosion proof lighting installed in Class I locations shall be maintained in optimum condition. Emergency Shutdown System

Emergency shutdown systems should be provided at all product transfer facilities. The emergency shutdown
system should shut down all flow and provide a visual or audible indication to personnel in the area as well as
supervisory personnel as appropriate. Lightning Protection

Depending on climate conditions of site, provisions to prevent atmospheric discharge of electrostatic charges
will be provided at least for loading rack, pump areas and other process installations that could affect seriously
the facility with a mayor fire, an extended loss or a significant operations shutdown.

Lightning protection systems shall be designed, constructed and tested according to NFPA 780 Lightning
protection Code.

May 2014 Rev.1
4.4. Piping
References Latest Edition

FP 3-3-31 Above Ground Pipe Fabrication, Erection, Testing

API 570 Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of in-service Piping Systems.
API 600 Steel Gate Valves
API 1104 Welding of pipelines and related facilities
API 1160 Managing systems integrity for hazardous liquid pipelines
API RP 2003 Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lighting and Stray
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
API 570 Piping Inspection Code
API 2610 Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminal & Tank Facilities
API Spec 5L Specifications for line pipe
ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings
ASME B16.20 Ring Joint Gaskets and Groves for Steele Pipe Flanges
ASME B31 Standards of Pressure Piping
ASME B73 Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process.
NFPA 77 Recommended Practice on Static Electricity
API RP 2003 Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out Of Static
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code
API 570 Piping Inspection Code

This chapter shall apply to piping systems consisting of pipe, tubing, flanges, bolting, gaskets, valves, fittings,
flexible connectors, the pressure-containing parts of other components such as expansion joints and strainers,
and devices that serve such purposes as mixing, separating, snubbing, distributing, metering, controlling flow,
or secondary containment of liquids and associated vapors.

General Requirements

Performance standards:

The design, fabrication, assembly, test and inspection of piping systems shall be suitable for the
expected working pressures and structural stresses. It shall comply with the applicable sections of
All threaded connections less than 2 (in) must be seal welded
Import/Export Pipelines shall be piggeable for maintenance purposes as well as for Operations in
multiproduct lines.

May 2014 Rev.1
4.4.1. Aboveground Piping Systems Pipe Specification

Reference to: API 2003 Protection against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents, Section

Pipes should be designed according to Standard Codes and Regulations. Linear flow velocity should never
exceed 7 meters per second (23 feet per second). These flow rate restrictions apply to all piping segments
from 0 to 30 seconds (minimum) upstream of the tank fill opening.

Table 7: Velocities and Flow Rates for Schedule 40 Pipe

Inside Diameter Flow Velocity Flow Rate

Nominal Pipe vd Constant
in. mm ft/s m/s gal/min. L/min.
Size (in.) (Sq. m/s)
1 1/2 1.610 40.9 3.28 1.0 21 79.5
22.97 7.00 0.286 146 553
2 2.067 52.5 3.28 1.00 34 129
22.97 7.00 0.368 240 908
3 3.068 77.9 3.28 1.00 76 288
21.05 6.41 0.5 485 1836
22.97 7.00 0.54 529 2002
4 4.026 102.3 3.28 1.00 130 492
16.04 4.89 0.5 637 2411
22.97 7.00 0.72 911 3448
5 5.047 128.2 3.28 1.00 205 776
12.79 3.90 0.5 798 3020
20.5 6.20 0.8 1277 4833
6 6.065 154.1 3.28 1.00 295 1117
10.64 3.24 0.5 959 3630
17.00 5.20 0.8 1539 5825
8 7.981 202.7 3.28 1.00 512 1938
8.09 2.47 0.5 1260 4769
12.95 3.90 0.8 2018 7638
10 10.020 254.5 3.28 1.00 806 3051
6.44 1.96 0.5 1580 5980
10.31 3.14 0.8 2536 9599
12 11.938 303.2 3.28 1.00 1140 4315
5.41 1.65 0.5 1890 7154
8.66 2.64 0.8 3020 11431 Schedules
Refer to Appendix B on this document regarding Principal Properties of Commercial Pipe.

May 2014 Rev.1
For connections greater than 2 in, schedule shall be determined by maximum pressure design and corrosion

For connections smaller than 2in schedule 80 shall be used, and must be gusseted in two planes in order to
provide additional mechanical integrity.

Figure 3: Small Connection Reinforcement Materials Specification

Materials should be specified by codes and regulations and the specific service conditions. Flexibility Analysis

Flexibility analysis for piping shall be per ASME B31.3 or ASME B31.1 and as a minimum shall be completed on:

Pipe 3 and larger connected to rotating equipment

Lines 20 and larger with a design temperature of 65.5C(150F)
Lines with expansion joints
Lines 12 and larger connected to tanks Other Equipment Pumps
Refer to: API 2610

Centrifugal and positive displacement (PD) pumps are typically used in facility applications. Centrifugal pumps
typically conform to ANSI/ASME B73 or API 610 standards. PD pumps typically conform to API Standard 674,
675,676. Pumps conforming to specific trade standards may be considered for use. Pumps should be selected
on performance specifications, compatibility with service application, durability and anticipated maintenance

Piping systems at pump locations should be designed to allow for pump removal and maintenance. If a pump
is installed within a contained area, the motor shall be of class compatible with that environment. Drip and
spill containments around the pump should be considered.

May 2014 Rev.1 Gaskets
Gasket material should be compatible with the contained fluid. Gaskets shall meet the fire resistant properties
as specified in NFPA 30 and shall conform to ASME B16.20 or ASME B16.21. Asbestos-free material shall be

PUMA recommends the use of Spiral wound compatible for the product to be handled. Hoses and Fittings

Shall meet requirements of API 2610

Each unloading pipe line shall be marked or color coded to identify the product to be discharged. Each loading
pipe line shall be marked to identify the product to be dispensed. Pumps capable of pressures in excess of the
safe working pressure of the hose shall be provided with relief valves or other arrangements to protect against
excessive pressure. Pressure-relief systems shall be employed when necessary to prevent or control over
pressurization resulting from thermal expansion or line shock.

Hose material should be compatible to the product being dispensed. Flanges and Facings

Refer to: ASME B31.4 Sec 408.Flanges, facings, gaskets and bolting, ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange
Fitting, ASME B16.20 Ring Joint Gaskets and Groves for Steele Pipe Flanges

The design of flanges shall comply with ASME B16.5 Bolting
Refer to: Bolting ASME B31.4 Section. 408.5

Bolts or studs shall extend completely through the nuts. Nuts shall conform to ASTM A 194 or 325 except that
A 307 grade B nuts may be used on ASME Class 150 and ASME Class 300 flanges.

A minimum of 3 full threads should protrude through the nut. Excess thread beyond three full turns should be
avoided. Valves
Piping systems shall contain valves to operate the system properly and to isolate the equipment in the event
of an emergency. Piping systems in connection with pumps shall contain valves to properly control the flow of
liquid both in normal operation and in the event of an emergency.


1. Valves shall be new. Used valves can be used with previous Puma Energy approval.
2. Valves shall not be recycled surplus from other user inventories or projects.
3. Valve pressure-temperature limits that are less than referenced standard because of elastomeric
packing, seating, or gasket materials shall be noted in Suppliers quotations.
4. End connections of socket weld valves shall not be made by drilling threads out of threaded valves.
5. Valves with welded on flanges shall not be permitted.
6. Paint on valves should be compatible with product type.
7. Puma Energy recommends to use MOVs (Motorized Operated Valves) on all tank inlets for pipeline
feed terminals. All MOVs should be fail to close.
May 2014 Rev.1
8. All valves bigger than 10 should be fitted with lifting lugs.
9. All valves at the terminal shall be Gate valves, except for valves where a quick action is required. These
shall be Ball or Plug valves.


1. Valves shall be fitted with a rust resistant metal tag securely attached

2. Tags shall be clearly stamped with valve number, as per project requirement.


Puma Energy shall specify the requirements for pig ability of the valves. All piggable valves should be full bore. Relief Valves

Refer to: API 520 Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries. Section 2
Pressure Relief Devices

An additional site acceptance test should be done for all pressure relief valves before installation. All pressure
relief valves should be flanged to be able to isolate the equipment. Shut-Off Valves

Refer to: API Spec 6D Pipeline Valves, NFPA 30 Sections. 27.6.6 Valves

Emergency shut off valves should be quarter turn type. Check Valves

Refer to: API Spec 6D Pipeline Valves. 5.1.4 Check Valves

Check valves should be installed on any pump discharge and in dedicated tank inlet lines. Strainers
Line strainers shall be installed in pipelines upstream of pumps and meters to protect these items from the
intrusion of pipe scale, weld splatter and other foreign bodies, for which if carried in the fuel flow, could
damage their mechanism. When it is expected that comparatively large amounts of particulate matter, such as
lint and fine rust scale, will be present in the fuel supplied, a strainer with a large surface area should be
installed as this material tends to clog baskets screens rapidly. In most jet fuel handling systems, however, the
fuel is sufficiently clean that strainers are only necessary to remove large particles.

Metering System components require protection against the damage potential of dirt and debris. Strainers are
designed to provide this protection. The design and fabrication should be in accordance to ANSI B31.3, ASME
Section VIII and material requirements in compliance with NACE standard MR-0175 for hydrogen sulfide

Strainers should be fitted with a vent, drain, and at least 2 ports, one on the upstream and one in the
downstream. All strainers will be supplied with a mesh for commissioning. After commissioning, a new mesh
and basket should be supplied. Filters
Filters shall only be considered for dispensing ground fuels if required by local regulations or marketing
strategies where supplying fuels to a customer requiring a particular cleanliness specification, for example use
May 2014 Rev.1
in gas turbine power generation equipment. Filter/separators should be used on aviation fuels, which will be
covered separately. Meters
Product metering can be accomplished using various types of metering equipment. Most often either a
positive displacement meter or a turbine meter is used. The selection should be based on product
characteristics and facility operating design. For high viscosity products, mass flow meters or vehicle scales are
generally used. Measurement equipment must be calibrated to maintain accuracy and in many cases is
required by law.

All meters should be compatible with Puma Energy Terminal Management System (TMS). Loading Arms

Loading arm specification, design and requirements shall be in compliance with API 2610 Top Loading

1. When possible, the loading arms should be arranged to enable the filling of all tanks compartments
without having to move the vehicle, thus reducing the potential for accidents.
2. Loading arms and components must have high mechanical integrity to prevent emissions of VOCs
under normal operating conditions. The use of aluminum pipe, fittings, or components should be
limited to quick connect couplings, breakaway couplers, and drop tubes.
3. Tubing and parker connections shall be only stainless steel. Use of brass, copper and aluminum for this
purpose should be avoided.
4. Each loading riser shall be marked to identify the product to be dispensed.
5. Pumps capable of pressures in excess of the safe working pressure of the hose or loading arm shall be
provided with bypasses, relief valves, or other arrangements to protect against excessive pressure.
6. Pressure-relief systems shall be employed when necessary to prevent or control over pressurization
resulting from thermal expansion or line shock.
7. Thermal Relief valves at the discharge of the pumps will be set as per the design specifications.
8. Special care should be taken in the design phase to prevent overpressure on the loading lines.
9. When a positive displacement pump is designed to feed several loading arms, either a variable speed
motor or an automatic by-pass valve returning to the tank shall be provided to avoid damages to the
pump and to the loading equipment caused by overpressure and under nominal flow.
10. Splash filling to be avoided.
11. All top loading arms should have overfill sensors, which will stop the loading process.
12. Electronic input switch with intermediate input from the operator to ensure loading is controlled. Bottom Loading

1. Each loading pipe line / riser shall be marked to identify the product being dispensed.
2. Bottom loading method is preferred for Class I liquids and strongly encouraged for other Class II
liquids. In addition to the reduction of air emissions, bottom loading provides for improvement safety
because all work is conducted at ground level, and splash generated static electricity build-up is
reduced with less like hood of an ignitable spark.
3. Emergency shut off valves should be quarter turn type.
4. Provision of connections for vapour recovery or vapour destruction systems should be considered for
all bottom loading installations even if local regulation does not stipulate the requirement for vapour
control, to allow future installation of full VRU or VDU systems.

May 2014 Rev.1 Supports
Supports and parts shall conform to codes and standards.

Thermal Expansion

Wherever expansion and contraction of piping is expected, a sufficient number of expansion loops or
expansion joints shall be provided, together with the necessary rolling or sliding supports, anchors, guides,
pivots, and restraints permitting the piping to expand and contract freely away from the anchored points.
Components shall be structurally suitable to withstand loads imposed.

Materials of Construction

1. Pipe support assemblies, including framing, hardware, and anchors, shall be steel construction,
galvanized after fabrication, unless otherwise indicated. Design should avoid main pipeline being in
direct contact with pipe support. This can be achieved by using a shoe welded to the pipe.
2. The material of construction of supports and anchors shall be compatible with the pipe. Stainless steel
supports and anchors shall be avoided for carbon steel pipelines.
3. Concrete Anchors. Concrete beams to support piping shall be avoided, because they do not allow for
inspection in the contact point with the pipe, they trap water very easily, and makes it difficult to paint
the piping unless they are constructed with a slope in both sides of the surface of the beam and they
have a 25mm iron rod at the top. This will assure a minimum surface of contact with the pipe and
allow an easy inspection at this point. For any anchor applications not specified, Puma Energy shall be
consulted for approval.
4. From the design, location for the various types of supports (fixed, sliding, guided, etc.) should be
identified from the stress analysis.
5. If the pipe has a wearing pad installed, the dimensions for the pipe support should be adequate to
avoid the pad from coming off the support.
6. Pipe guides to be installed on all pipe supports.

4.4.2. Underground Piping Systems

1. Underground piping shall be installed on at least 150mm (6in) of well-compacted bedding material.
2. In areas subject to vehicle traffic, the pipe trench shall be deep enough to permit a cover sufficient to
avoid damage or impact to the pipeline. All pipelines crossing roads should be installed in a sleeve that
should extend at least 1 meter on each end of the road.
3. If a pipe wrapping system is used, wrapping on all pipelines coming out of the ground should extend at
least 300 mm above the soil level.
4. All underground pipelines should be coated.
5. The pipe stress analysis must be checked to see if installation of anchor thrust/blocks is required.
6. A greater burial depth shall be provided when required by the manufacturers instructions or where
frost conditions are present.
7. Piping within the same trench shall be separated horizontally by at least two pipe diameters.
Separation should not exceed 230mm (9in).
8. Avoid installing underground pipelines, where possible, in areas where water table is high.
9. Avoid flange connections underground.
10. Consideration should be given to installing sleeves or spare pipelines for future expansion during the
construction of road crossing or trenches in other inaccessible areas.

May 2014 Rev.1 Fire Fighting Underground Piping
Piping shall be listed for fire protection service and shall comply with the standards in NFPA 24. Steel piping
shall not be used for general underground service unless specifically listed for such service. Corrosion Protection

Aboveground piping systems that are subject to external corrosion shall be suitably protected. Underground
piping systems shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with NFPA 30 Section 27.6.4

Coating should be compatible with the environment and the product which will be dispensed. All weld joints
should be coated.

Corrosion protection should be designed on a case by case basis.

May 2014 Rev.1
4.5. Fire Fighting
References Latest edition

NFPA 10 Portable Fire Extinguishers

NFPA 11 Low-, Medium-, and High Expansion Foam
NFPA 13 Installation of Sprinklers Systems
NFPA 14 Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems
NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
NFPA 16 Installation of Foam-Water Sprinklers
NFPA 20 Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps for Fire Protection
NFPA 22 Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection
NFPA 24 Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances
NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code
NFPA 170 Fire Safety and Emergency Symbols
NFPA 312 Fire Protection of Vessels During Construction, conversion, Repair, and Lay-Up
NEMA MG-1, Motors and Generators

The protection facilities against fire hazards in bulk depots shall be achieved by good engineering design and
construction standards. Safe operational procedures and efficient plant and equipment maintenance shall be
such that it is highly improbable that fire will break out.

4.5.1. Fire Detection

Automatic detection equipment, whether pneumatic, hydraulic, or electric, shall be provided with complete
supervision arranged so that failure of equipment, loss of supervising air pressure, or loss of electric energy
results in clear notification of the abnormal condition. Where used in a corrosive atmosphere, the detection
devices shall be of materials not subject to corrosion or of materials protected to resist corrosion. Automatic
detection equipment of the electric type and any auxiliary equipment of the electric type, if in hazardous
areas, shall be designed specifically for use in such areas.

4.5.2. Risk Assessments

Fire protection provisions shall be based on a safety analysis of local conditions, exposure from or to other
sites, availability of a water supply, and effectiveness of fire brigades and fire departments. The analysis shall
include possible but realistic accident scenarios that may occur, including scenarios of vapor release, ignition,
and fire. Water requirements shall be calculated on the basis of a full risk assessment, which shall be
conducted by the responsible engineer in accordance to NFPA 13, 14,15,16,24

4.5.3. Design
Firefighting and foam systems equipment and components shall be UL listed and FM approved.

May 2014 Rev.1
For the risk scenarios for the firefighting system design PUMA Energy would recommend to assume that the
tank is storing the lowest flash product to maintain the complete flexibility of tank services and firefighting
system. Foam Systems Foam Concentrate Storage

Foam concentrates and equipment shall be stored in a location not exposed to the hazard they protect.
Loading and transportation facilities for foam concentrates shall be provided. Foam concentrates shall be
stored within the listed temperature limitations. Markings shall be provided on storage vessels to identify the
type of concentrate and its intended concentration in solution.

Off-premises supplies shall be of the type required for use in the systems of the given installation. At the time
of a fire, these off-premises supplies shall be accumulated in the required quantities, before the equipment is
placed in operation, to ensure uninterrupted foam production at the design rate for the required period of


The amount of concentrate shall be at least sufficient for the largest single hazard protected or group of
hazards that are to be protected simultaneously according to NFPA 11. For a new facility PUMA would
recommend to supply an additional 10% on the required concentrate volume for use during commissioning
and testing. There shall be a reserve supply of foam concentrate to meet design requirements in order to put
the system back into service after operation. The reserve supply shall be in separate tanks or compartments, in
drums or cans on the premises, or available from an approved outside source within 24 hours.

Foam Concentrate Storage Tanks

Bulk liquid storage tanks shall be fabricated from or be lined with materials compatible with the concentrate.
The storage tank shall be designed to minimize evaporation of foam concentrate.

Storage Conditions

In order to ensure the correct operation of any foam-producing system, the chemical and physical
characteristics of the materials comprising the system shall be taken into consideration in design. Foam Concentrate Supply

Foam Concentrate Consumption Rates

The consumption rates shall be based on the percentage concentrate used in the system design (e.g., 3% or

Reserve Supply of Foam Concentrate

There shall be a reserve supply of foam concentrate to meet design requirements in order to put the system
back into service after operation. The reserve supply shall be in separate tanks or compartments, in drums or
cans on the premises, or available from an approved outside source within 24 hours.

Concentrate Compatibility.

Different types of foam concentrates shall not be mixed for storage.

May 2014 Rev.1 Foam Concentrate Pumps
The design and materials of construction for foam concentrate pumps shall be in accordance with NFPA 20.
Special attention shall be paid to the type of seal or packing used. The foam equipment manufacturer should
be consulted for guidance. Foam System Piping

Pipe within the hazard area shall be of steel or other alloy rated for the pressure and temperature involved.
Steel pipe shall not be less than standard schedule.

Where exposed to corrosive influences, the piping shall be corrosion resistant or protected against corrosion in
accordance with Puma Energy corrosion protection specification.

Pipe carrying foam concentrate shall not be galvanized. Piping in constant contact with foam concentrates
shall be constructed of material compatible with and not affected by the concentrate. It shall not have a
detrimental effect on the foam concentrate. Foam Valves

All valves for water and foam solution lines shall be of an indicator type, such as OS&Y or post indicator, refer
to NFPA for details. Automatic valves for foam concentrate lines shall be listed for this service. Inside the
hazard or diked area, automatic control valves and shutoff valves shall be of steel or other alloy capable of
withstanding exposure to fire temperatures.

Manual valves are recommended for the system however automation could be considered depending on the
size and complexity of the terminal, to be evaluated by PUMA Energy. Eductor System

In-line eductors shall be installed at each terminal as required.

Figure 4: In-Line Eductor

The In-Line Eductor is used for installation in a hose line, usually at some distance from the foam maker or play
pipe, as a means of drafting air foam concentrate foam a container. The in-line eductor must be designed for
the flow rate of the particular foam maker or play pipe which it is to be used. The device is very sensitive to
downstream pressures and accordingly is designed for use with specified lengths of hose or pipe located
between it and the foam maker. The pressure drop across the eductor is approximately one-third of the inlet
pressure. The elevation of the bottom of the concentrate container should not be more than 1.8m (6ft.)

May 2014 Rev.1 Foam Chambers for Oil Storage Tanks
Refer to NFPA 11, NFPA 15 and NFPA 30

Fixed Foam Discharge Outlets

For protection of a flammable liquid contained in a vertical fixed-roof (cone) atmospheric storage tank,
discharge outlets shall be attached to the tank. Where two or more discharge outlets are required, the outlets
shall be spaced equally around the tank periphery. Such outlets shall be individually piped and separately valve
for isolation outside the dike area.

The laterals to each foam discharge outlet on fixed roof tanks shall be separately valved outside the dike for all
fixed systems and for any laterals of a semi-fixed system not supplied by an individual hose connection. Each
outlet shall be sized to deliver foam at approximately the same rate.

Fixed foam discharge outlets shall be attached at the top of the shell and shall be located or connected to
preclude the possibility of the tank contents overflowing into the foam lines. Fixed foam discharge outlets shall
be attached so that displacement of the roof will not subject them to damage. They shall be provided with
seal, frangible under low pressure, to prevent entrance of vapors into foam outlets and pipelines.

Fixed foam discharge outlets shall be provided with inspection means to allow maintenance and for inspection
and replacement of vapor seals.

Figure 5: Fixed Foam Discharge Outlet

Design Criteria for Tanks Containing Hydrocarbons

Fixed-Roof (cone) Tanks shall be provided with approved fixed foam discharge outlets as indicated in Table 8.

May 2014 Rev.1
Table 8: Number of Fixed Foam Discharge Outlets for Fixed-Roof Tanks Containing Flammable and
Combustible Liquids Requiring Alcohol-Resistant Foams


Up to 24 Up to 80 1
Over 24 to 36 Over 80 to 120 2
Over 36 to 42 Over 120 to 140 3
Over 42 to 48 Over 140 to 160 4
Over 48 to 54 Over 160 to 180 5
Over 54 to 60 Over 180 to 200 6

Design Criteria for Tanks containing Flammable and Combustible Liquids Requiring Alcohol- Resistant Foams

Water soluble and certain flammable and combustible liquids and polar solvents that are destructive to non-
alcohol resistant foams shall require the use of alcohol-resistant foams

In all cases the manufacturers of foam concentrate and the foam-making equipment shall be consulted as to
limitations and for recommendations based on listings or specific fire tests. Fixed-Roof (cone) Tanks shall be
provided with approved fixed foam discharge outlets as indicated in Table 8.

Floating Roof tanks

Refer to NFPA 11 Foam Application Rates

Minimum Application Rates

To determine actual solution flow requirements, consideration shall be given to potential foam losses from
wind, and other factors shall be included in the calculations. The design parameters for the use of monitors
and hand line nozzles to protect tanks containing hydrocarbons shall be in accordance with the following table.

Table 9: Foam Hand line and Monitor protection for Fixed-Roof Storage Tanks Containing Hydrocarbons
within the bunded area

Minimum application rate

2 2
Hydrocarbon type L/min m GPM/ft Minimum discharge
Flash point between 6.5 0.16 50
37.8C and 60C(100F
and 140F
Flash point below 6.5 0.16 65
37.8C(100F) or
liquids heated above
their flash points
Crude Petroleum 6.5 0.16 65

May 2014 Rev.1
1. Included in this table are gasohols and unleaded gasoline containing no more than 10%
oxygenated additives by volume. Where oxygenated additives content exceeds 10% by volume,
protection is normally requiring alcohol-resistant foams. Certain non-alcohol resistant foams might
be suitable for use with fuels containing oxygenated additives of more than 10p% by volume. The
manufacturer should be consulted for specific listings or approvals
2. Flammable liquids having a boiling point of less than 37.8C (100F) might require higher rates of
application. Suitable rates of application should be determined by test. Flammable liquids with a
wide range of boiling points might develop a heat layer after prolonged burning and then can
2 2
require application rates of 8.1 L/m (0.2gpm/ft )
3. Care should be taken in applying portable foam streams to high viscosity materials heated above
93.3C (200F) good judgment should be used in applying foam tanks containing hot oils, burning
asphalts, or burning liquids that have a boiling point above the boiling point of water. Although the
comparatively low water content of foams can beneficially cool such fuels at a slow rate, it can also
cause violent frothing and slop-over of the tanks contents.

Minimum Discharge times and Application Rates for Tank Foam

Where fixed foam discharge outlets are used for fixed-roof (cone) tanks containing hydrocarbons, the
minimum discharge times and application rates shall be in accordance with Table 9.

Table 10: Minimum Discharge Times and Application Rate for Type 1 and Type 2 Fixed Foam Discharge
Outlets on Fixed-Roof (Cone) Storage Tanks Containing Hydrocarbons



2 2
Hydrocarbon Type L/min m gpm/ft Type 1 Foam Type 2 Foam
Discharge Outlet Discharge Outlet
Flashpoint between 37.8C 4.1 0.10 20 30
and 60C (100F and 140F)
Flashpoint below 4.1 0.10 30 55
)or liquids heated above their
Crude Petroleum 4.1 0.10 30 55
1. Included in this table are gasohols and unleaded gasoline containing no more than 10 percent oxygenated
additives by volume. Where oxygenated additives content exceeds 10 percent by volume, protection is
normally with alcohol-resistant foams.
2. Flammable liquids having a boiling point of less than 37.8C(100F) might require higher rates of application.
Suitable rates of application should be determined by test.
3. For high-viscosity liquids heated above 93.3C (200F), lower initial rates of application might be desirable to
minimize frothing and expulsion of the stored liquid. Good judgment should be used in applying foams to tanks
containing hot oils, burning asphalts, or burning liquids that have boiling points above the boiling point of
water. Although the comparatively low water content of foams can beneficially cool such liquids at a slow rate,
it can also cause violent frothing and slop-over of the tanks contents.

Minimum discharge times and application rates for Fixed-Roof (cone) Tanks containing flammable and
combustible liquids requiring alcohol resistant foams shall be in accordance with Table 11.
May 2014 Rev.1
Table 11: Minimum Application Rate and Discharge Times for Fixed-Roof (Cone) Tanks Containing
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Requiring Alcohol-Resistant Foams


Application Rate for specific

Type 1 Foam Discharge Outlet Type 2 Foam Discharge Outlet
Product Stored

Consult manufacturer for

30min 55min
listings on specific products

Note: Most currently manufactured alcohol-resistant foams are suitable for use with Type II
fixed foam discharge outlets. However, some older alcohol-resistant foam requires gentle
surface application by Type 1 fixed foam discharge outlets. Consult manufacturers for listing on
specific products. Water Requirements / Capacity

Refer to: NFPA 22 Welded-Steel Gravity Tanks and Suction Tanks

Each Puma Energy facility shall have a fire water source with enough capacity to maintain all fire water
systems operable at the maximum probable demand at least during 60 min for deluge systems according to
NFPA 16 and during 120 min for fire hoses and monitor nozzles according to NFPA 13. The net capacity
between the outlet opening of the discharge pipe and the inlet of the overflow shall be equal to at least the
rated capacity. The net capacity for gravity tanks with large plate risers shall be the number of cubic meters
between the inlet of the overflow and the designated low-water level line.

Maximum Probable Demand

Reliability: The adequacy and dependability of the water source are of primary importance and shall be fully
determined, with due allowance for its reliability in the future. The terminal fire water source shall be capable
of providing the required flow and pressure for the required duration as specified by NFPA. Fire Pumps

Refer to: NFPA 20 Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps for Fire Protection

Centrifugal fire Pumps shall be listed for fire protection service.

4.5.4. Hydrants and Fire Hose stations

An External Hydrant is a valved connection to a water supply system that provides hose connections out of
buildings. Usually they includes a proper cabinet to storage the fire hoses, nozzles and fittings that will be used
to connect to the hydrant.

Hydrants shall be of approved type and have not less than a 152 mm (6 in) diameter connection with the
mains. A 64 mm (2 in) gate valve shall be installed in the hydrant connection. Hydrant outlet threads shall
have NHS external threads for the size outlet(s) supplied as specified in NFPA 1963. A pressure of at least 8-
10bar shall be achieved at the furthest hydrant point to counter act the pressure drops along the pipelines.


May 2014 Rev.1
Hydrants shall be provided and spaced in accordance with the requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction, based on a hazard analysis. Hydrants shall be located not less than 12 m from the buildings to be
protected, and shall be protected if subject to mechanical damage

Hydrants shall be set on flat stones or concrete slabs and shall be provided with small stones (or the
equivalent) placed about the drain to ensure drainage. Where soil is of such a nature that the hydrants will not
drain properly, or where groundwater stands at levels above that of the drain, the hydrant drain shall be
plugged at the time of installation.

The center of a hose outlet shall be not less than 450 mm above final grade or, where located in a hose house,
300 mm above the floor.

Check valves, Detector check valves, Backflow prevention valves, or other similar appurtenances shall not be
installed in the stub between a fire hydrant and the fire water supply piping.

Fire-fighting hoses shall comply with an NFPA approved standard. Hoses shall be inspected at least once every
calendar year by a designated person. Hoses found to be defective on inspection shall be replaced or repaired
immediately. Fire-fighting hoses shall be housed or stored in weatherproof containers when not in use.

4.5.5. Cooling rings

PUMA Energy facilities shall install cooling rings in each tank, refer to NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed
Systems for Fire Protection.

4.5.6. Fire Extinguishers

Refer to: NFPA 10 Section 5.2 for Classifications of Fires, Section 5.3 for Extinguisher Classification System,
Section 5.4 for Classification of Hazards, and Section 5.5 for Selection for Specific Hazards Selection of Fire Extinguishers

The selection of fire extinguishers for a given situation shall be determined by the character of the fires
anticipated, the construction and occupancy of the individual property, the vehicle or hazard to be protected,
ambient-temperature conditions, and other factors. The number, size, placement and limitations of use of fire
extinguishers required shall meet the requirements of NFPA 10 Section 5 Distribution
The minimum number of fire extinguishers needed to protect a property shall be determined as outlined in
NFPA chapter 5.1. Frequently, additional extinguishers can be installed to provide more suitable protection. Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement

Minimal sizes of fire extinguishers for the listed grades of hazards shall be provided on the basis of NFPA 10.

4.5.7. Sprinkler Systems

Refer to NFPA 13 for Installation of Sprinkler Systems Water Sprinkler Systems

The design discharge density shall be in accordance with the applicable occupancy standard for water or foam-
water systems but in no case less than 6.5 mm/m2 (0.16 gpm/ft2). Water supplies shall be designed to supply
the system at the design discharge rate and pressure for at least 60 minutes

May 2014 Rev.1 Water- Foam Sprinkler Systems Foam Discharge Duration.

Systems shall deliver foam to the hazards they protect for a specified period at given densities, either prior to
water discharge or following water discharge, depending upon system design purpose. Following completion
of discharge of foam solution to the hazards protected, foam water sprinkler and spray systems shall discharge
water until they are manually shut off. Water Supply Capacity, Pressure, and Duration

Water supplies for deluge foam-water sprinkler systems and foam-water spray systems shall be automatic.
Water supplies shall be of a capacity and a pressure that are capable of maintaining foam discharge or water
discharge, or both, at the design rate for the required period of discharge over the entire area protected by
systems expected to operate simultaneously. Warehouses
Warehouses storing combustible and flammable liquids shall be protected by a wet-type automatic sprinkler
system. Warehouses storing combustible should be protected by automatic sprinkler systems depending to
hazard impact of the facility over Plant operations with flammables. Proper drainage shall be designed to drain
the maximum water demand in the worst case scenario. Drainage discharge will be directed properly to avoid
contamination of rain water discharges. Combustible Samples Rooms

Samples rooms handling and storing combustible and flammable liquid samples shall be protected by a wet-
type automatic sprinkler system. Samples shall have double containment in their racks to avoid spreading of
spills. Natural ventilation shall be designed in the samples room. Electric installation shall comply with Class 1
Division 2 hazardous classification area. Buildings
Administrative building and other facilities should be protected with automatic sprinkler systems depending
on local regulations and plant requirements. Fire pumps house shall be protected with a wet sprinkler system
covering the diesel driven fire pump and the diesel storage tank. Foam Water Systems Hydraulic calculation

Hydraulic calculations for determining the foam solution and water flow characteristics of systems covered by
this standard shall be in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Sprinkler Systems Water Demand Requirements

All sprinkler systems at Puma Energy shall be designed and constructed by experienced qualified contractors,
according to NFPA 13 and NFPA 16. Deluge Systems

All deluge systems at Puma Energy shall be designed and constructed by experienced qualified contractors,
according to NFPA 13 and NFPA 16. The deluge valves should have a local and remote control for the
activation of the deluge system / valve. Foam Concentrate Injection.

1. Foam concentrate injection shall be controlled manually by operator depending on the specific
May 2014 Rev.1 Gantry
Loading racks shall be protected with a Water-Foam Deluge System Pumping Areas

Pumping areas should be protected with Water or Water-Foam Deluge System Automatic sprinkler protection
meeting the requirements of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

May 2014 Rev.1
4.6. Utilities
ASME Section O 0r IV Power Boilers or Heating Boilers
ASME CSD-1 Control and Safety Devices
ANSI Z 21.13 Gas Fire low Pressure Boilers
NFPA 30 & 30 A Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code
NFPA 54 National Fire Gas Code
NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
NFPA 70 National Electric Code
NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code
API 2610 Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of Terminals & Tank Facilities
UL-142 Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids

4.6.1. Boilers
Thermal Oil Boilers at Terminals are preferred to be used when the Terminal handles Asphalts or Heavy Fuel
Oils. They do not require water treatment and only require less maintenance and are easier to control.

Steam Boilers may only be used in case the depot has to supply heat units external to the Terminal e.g. if the
Terminal has to supply heat to Trucks carrying very viscous product and need to be heated before discharge.
These units must be purchased as a package and shall be design according to the pounds/hour
(kilograms/hour) of steam production needed to operate the tanks and the loading facilities. Water treatment
shall be considered for this type of design.

Factory packaged unit shall include boiler, burner, heavy duty skids, painted steel jacket with two inches of
fiberglass insulation, controls and accessories all piped and wired for single point field connections. Units shall
carry packaged label of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and be in accordance with ASME/CSD-1, all codes
required by the local governing authorities and as indicated on the design performance data sheet. A certified
factory fire-test shall be provided on all fuels with data sheet furnished to Puma Energy Engineer and facility.
ASME certified, labeled and stamped for designed PSIG steam in accordance with Section (I or IV) of ASME
Code. Unit shall be designed for the Seismic Zone requirements of the site and be provided with tie down clips
and calculations showing bolt diameter requirements. Manufacturers Representative will provide services for
field testing and adjusting of boiler and controls to meet design requirements.

Applied for Puma Energy operations with Asphalt and Fuel Oil facilities

Boiler capacity shall be increased by 10% to cover additional future expansion.

Type of fuel to be used will depend on availability, pricing, and heating requirements.

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 6: Steam Boiler

4.6.2. Air Compressors

Compressor capacity shall be increased by 10% to cover additional future expansion.

The most common use for air compressors in Terminals is for the operation of portable pneumatic pumps and
tools, at loading racks for control and/or instrumentation needs and at repair shops, for cleaning and painting.
If air is used for instrumentation or control purposes then the air supply system shall conform to
instrumentation or control valve manufacturers specifications for dryness and cleanliness. Fixed
Fixed compressors are generally rotary screw type electric driven, for general air supply; for small applications
double stage reciprocating compressors, are more cost effective. Mobile
Mobile compressors are diesel engine driven, rotary screw type, mounted on wheels for ease of moving
around within the Terminal. These compressors are used at Terminals for mayor repair work, sand blasting
and tank painting.

4.6.3. Nitrogen Units - ORM

Nitrogen systems are utilized for inerting of tank vapor spaces of critical petroleum products, for cleaning
pipeline, and for purging pipelines whenever a line is used to convey a different oil product.

Depending on different factors the facility must decide if it requires a complete generation system for
nitrogen or only storage and bring the nitrogen from other plants.

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 7: Generation of N2

The Generation System of N2 is composed of the following:

1. COMPRESSORS: Allow a completely dry air, free of oil and contamination, and guarantee perfect
2. PIPING AND STORAGE: Anodized Aluminum pipelines and accessories which allow high versatility in any
3. NG, NGM NGP generators: Nitrogen Generation Technology. Flows of 4.3 to 1.100 Nm3/h and purities of
95% to 99.999%.

Figure 8: Typical tank with blank nitrogen connections

4.6.4. Water Supply

Facilities should have enough water supply to meet requirements such as: firefighting water, service water,
and potable drinking water.

May 2014 Rev.1
A water supply, treatment and distribution system should contain at least two fire water holding tanks, one or
more potable water tanks, and water treatment packages for potable water and service water respectively.
The fire water holding tanks or reservoirs need to be kept full (on level control) to ensure continuous supply.

Service water will be distributed for irrigation and cleaning. Main uses are, but not limited to: general facilities,
housing compounds, Tank Farm, Utility washing, and Tank washing.

4.7. Additive Injection Facilities

There is no specific code to regulate the construction of injection facilities. The applicable codes are the same
as the ones used for the construction of pipelines and other facilities of the terminals such as the NFPA 30, API
1104, API 1626, and API 5L. Special care should be used for the Fire Protection systems including the type of
foam and/or the percentage of the foam to be used.

Additive injection needs to be linked to the Transportation Management System (TMS) for controlling the
inventory balances of all products.

4.7.1. MMT Fixed Injection System Design

The equipment to be installed in each different terminal is provided by the MMT manufacturer and should be
installed and operated by the Terminal.

Figure 9: MMT Injection System

4.7.2. Additives
The use of dye additives is mandatory in some countries for gasoline and kerosene. It is necessary to use a
small tank for the dye dilution and a pump system to apply to the dye product.

Following local regulations, provisions will be made for infrastructure and connections on allowed additives.

4.7.3. Butanization
Gasoline is composed of many different hydrocarbons usually produced in a refinery operation. Butane is used
in the final blend to improve the octane number of the gasoline so as to meet maximum RVP allowed in a
specific country. There exists economic incentive for blending Butane into Gasoline because of the price
difference of Butane vs. Gasoline in the market.

May 2014 Rev.1
Following a tender process, METRON S.A. has been appointed as a preferred global supplier by PUMA Energy
for the GABUS Butanization System.

Blending can be used for the following applications:

Ship to Tank transfer (gasoline flow 2.000 m3/h)

Tank to Tank transfer (gasoline flow 600 m3/h)

Figure 10: Typical Butane Injection System

The maximum RVP generally depends on local regulations. A typical increase of Gasolines RVP from 6 to 9, will
be guided by the following Tiers:

Table 12: Butanization Tiers

* This table serves as a typical range for Butanization ratios. A specific analysis shall be done at the facility
May 2014 Rev.1
4.7.4 Ethanol Blending into Gasoline Ethanol/Gasoline API tables

We have no blended product API correction tables specific to when you calibrate a flow meter on
ethanol/gasoline products. All meters should be calibrated individually with a prover and not with various
blending ratios. These tables do not exist on the effect of endothermic and exothermic reaction of ethanol and
gasoline once mixed. Product blended changes dramatically when first mixed together. Growth, than
shrinkage once in the tank, the product settles down and you see it come back to a higher expected volume
due to the vapor differences and chemical interaction. However, this change varies with head pressure,
product temperature, atmospheric temperature and the tank temperature being filled. All of these factors add
to the product volume swing. This is why it is critical to have a known specific gravity for each component, and
temperature for each component to achieve a proper blend, that once tested is repeatable by the blending
equipment. Typical Additive Injector

This injection equipment can be used for denaturant, corrosion inhibitor of your ethanol product, anti-static
and the typical gasoline additives.

When you are designing the blend system and injection of gasoline additives on the load rack, it is important
to remember not all additives are compatible with ethanol and you should never inject the gasoline additive
into the ethanol delivery line, no matter how much easier it will be. It is not uncommon for the additive to ball-
up when injected into ethanol and can even form a "bee-bee" of additive going through the little 1.5" turbine
risking expensive damage, or a lacquer-like coating could result causing drag.

If you chose to add an anti-corrosive, or anti-static to your ethanol supply, be sure to add it on the receipt line
prior to the tank, but well away from your offloading equipment. Utilize the off load meter signal output wired
to the additive injector to pace and accurately add the proper quantity. The electronic injector controller could
also record these volumes. Off-Rack Blending - Prior to the Load Rack

In some cases, you might be able to achieve your ethanol blend requirement with very little interruption to the
existing loading process. You would install on the product line to the rack, a meter mounted on a skid with it
acting as a "wild stream" not controlled flow pulser wired to a blend controller that would control a smaller
meter and valve, pacing the larger meter with the proper 5.7% volume of ethanol as it delivers to the load
rack. Ratio Blending Stand Alone on the Load Rack

This is by far the most popular design either utilizing the existing electronic presets and adding a stand-alone
per arm meter, control valve check valve and isolation valve, all piped to a single ethanol product supply

This ratio blending design is more expensive due to additional equipment, but can be easily justified in its
flexibility of rack design, either vertical or horizontal, with minimum disruption to regular loading, since it can
be skid mounted and wired prior to rack placement, leaving electronic tie-in and teeing into each loading arm
flow prior to the loading arm.

May 2014 Rev.1 Electronic Preset Ratio Blending
While the costliest option, it is also the most flexible. This option should be considered whenever you want to
be able to deliver multiple products with the option of multiple blends.

4.8. Product Recovery Units

ASME B31.3, Process Piping

AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code

ASME Section VIII, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Division 1 & Division 2

API STD 520, Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-relieving Devices in Refineries, Part I Sizing an

API RP 520, Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-relieving Devices in Refineries, Part II Installation

API STD 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems

API 1104 Welding of pipelines and related facilities

ASTM Section, A-105, Standard Specifications for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications

ASTM Section, A-370, Standard Testing Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

ANSI-B16.5, Standard Specifications for Pipe Flanges & Flanged Fittings

Product Recovery Systems should be installed when required by local regulations or an economic incentive is
determined. Vapor Recovery Units (VRUs) safely prevent harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from
being released into the atmosphere during operations that involve the transfer of evaporative hydrocarbons.
An alternative to VRU technology is to incinerate hydrocarbon vapour in a Vapour Destruction Unit or VDU,
this has no economic incentive and is most often used when multiple types of product vapours are generated
which would not be adequately recovered using a single adsorbent medium, or where liquids with a broad
range of physical properties such as condensate or crude oil are handled. In some installations it may be
necessary to use a VDU system on the tail gas from a VRU to meet very stringent emission requirements.

Potential applications for use of these systems are as follows:

Storage tank vents

Truck loading racks
Railcar loading facilities
Marine terminals
Process vents

In typical installations such as truck, rail, tank and marine loading, VRUs achieve emission control efficiencies
of 99% or better. Most systems are designed to meet 1 10 milligrams of VOC released per liter of product
loaded, or 1 10 grams per cubic meter of vapour vented. Sample of an installation in America follows:

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 11: John Zinc typical VRU System

May 2014 Rev.1
5. Loading Rack facilities

5.1. Depot Layout for Truck Loading

The depot layout for new facilities shall be arranged so that Operation may be accomplished in a sequential,
efficient and safely manner. Primary depot functions or requirements to be considered are as follows:

1. Double aisles are not allowed

2. Segregation of product in aisles is essential
3. Ingress and egress from the street.
4. Traffic patterns and adherence to one-way traffic. No reverse driving is allowed.
5. Location of the office and garage facilities. The dispatcher or supervisors office shall have a clear view
of the loading rack if not monitored by remote cameras.
6. Driver instructions for loading and delivery.
7. Recording of loading information.
8. Driver administrative transactions.
9. Vehicle staging or vehicle inspection before entering the loading rack.
10. Vehicle parking during shift changes.
11. Temporary truck parking while drivers are getting instructions.
12. Employee, visitor, and contractor parking.
13. Firefighting, fire prevention, and protection.
14. Eyewash and safety shower.
15. Driver rest room and locker room as required.
16. A 24-hour telephone and/or other means of emergency notification.

Secondary depot functions that should be considered include the following:

Loading meter proving
Pump back for product return and for flushing and draining trucks for switch loading.
Drive-through truck wash or garage with wash bay.
Flat concrete pad for parking trailers when connecting and disconnecting trailers from tractors.

5.2 Pipelines
Always take into consideration the expansion of the loading facilities (pipelines and gantry).

5.2.1. Flow speeds

Refer to: API 2003 Section 4.2.5 Control of Electrostatic Charge Generation and API 2003 Section Flow-
through Piping.

The maximum loading rate should be limited so the velocity in the fill pipe or load connection does not exceed
linear flow velocity of 4.5 m/sec (15ft/sec).

Flow rates and velocities that meet this limit are shown in Table 13 and 14 for selected pipe sizes. Transition
from slow start to normal pumping rate can be achieved automatically using a special loading regulator tip
(which shifts the rate when submerged to a safe depth. Excessive flow rates should be avoided, either
procedurally or by system design, which is the preferred method.

May 2014 Rev.1
Table 13: Discharge Flow Rates and Speeds

Diameter Vmax Qmax

m/s l/min m /h
2 2 227.2 13.6
2.5 2 336 20.2
3 2.5 650 39.0
4 2.5 1122 67.3
6 2.5 2542 152.5
8 3 5406 324.4
10 3 8523 511.4
12 3.5 14146 848.8
14 3.5 17329 1039.7
16 3.5 22898 1373.9
18 4 33419 2005.1
20 4 41016 2461.0
24 4 59709 3582.5
Suction speed should be limited to 1.5m/s.
Discharge speed should be 2 to 4m/s

Table 14: Velocities in Pipelines

Diameter Max Centreline Velocity Area Max Flow

(mm) (") m/s m2 m3/min m3/hr l/min

50 2 4.5 0.002 0.53 31.79 529.88
75 3 4.5 0.004 1.19 71.53 1,192.22
100 4 4.5 0.008 2.12 127.17 2,119.50
150 6 4.5 0.018 4.77 286.13 4,768.88
200 8 4.5 0.031 8.48 508.68 8,478.00
250 10 4.5 0.049 13.25 794.81 13,246.88
300 12 4.5 0.071 19.08 1,144.53 19,075.50
350 14 4.5 0.096 25.96 1,557.83 25,963.88
400 16 4.5 0.126 33.91 2,034.72 33,912.00
450 18 4.5 0.159 42.92 2,575.19 42,919.88
500 20 4.5 0.196 52.99 3,179.25 52,987.50
550 22 4.5 0.237 64.11 3,846.89 64,114.88
600 24 4.5 0.283 76.30 4,578.12 76,302.00
650 26 4.5 0.332 89.55 5,372.93 89,548.88
700 28 4.5 0.385 103.86 6,231.33 103,855.50
750 30 4.5 0.442 119.22 7,153.31 119,221.88
800 32 4.5 0.502 135.65 8,138.88 135,648.00 Top-Loading
Top-loading fill pipes should be equipped with spray deflectors, and splash filling should be avoided to
minimize turbulence and mist generation. The initial velocity in the downspout and at the discharge point
should be limited to about 1 m/s (3 ft. /s) until the downspout outlet is submerged by at least two downspout

May 2014 Rev.1
diameters to prevent spraying and to minimize surface turbulence. Loading velocities can be controlled by
using a flow control valve that automatically limits the initial velocity to about 1 m/s (3 ft. /s).

Splash filling is not allowed. Bottom-Loading
Bottom loading minimizes the possibility of electrostatic hazards that could result from improper bonding or
positioning of the downspout in top loading. However, in the initial stages of bottom loading, upward spraying
of the product can increase charge generation and should be prevented by reducing the filling velocity and
using a spray deflector or other similar device.

If bottom-loading inlets in tanks are not designed to avoid spraying, low vapor pressure products can form an
ignitable mist. The initial velocity in the fill line and discharge point should be limited to about 1 m/s (3 ft/s)
until the fill line outlet and deflector (when provided) is submerged by at least two fill line diameters.

5.3. Drainage
Loading and unloading facilities shall be provided with drainage systems or other means to contain spills.
Adequate spill containment shall be incorporated into a drainage design to contain and control a spill resulting
from accidental overfill, equipment failure, or malfunction.

5.4. Self-Leveling Stairs

An access safety gangway or stair will be provided for operator access to the top of the tank truck. Decision on
whether to install self-leveling stairs will come to the Design Engineer or depending on specific loading rack

5.5. Life Lines and Fall Prevention Devices

1. Refer to local regulations and Specific Standards for each region. Each side of the loading rack shall
be provided with a beam and a trolley with a retractable horizontal life line to protect loaders
from falls.
2. I Beams will be a minimum of 4.8 mm (3/16) material by 100 mm (4 in) wide and 125 mm(5in)
3. Retractable horizontal life line shall comply with OSHA 1910.66 Personal Fall Arrest System or EN
360:2002 Personal Protective Equipment against falls from a Height. Retractable type fall

5.6. Safety Equipment

An emergency eye wash and shower station shall be installed at each loading rack isle. Safety showers and
eyewashes help prevent employee, worst injuries, from exposure to hazardous materials and to open flames.

The emergency eyewash-shower equipment shall comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151(C) Eyewash and

5.7. Roof
A loading facility that has a canopy or roof that does not limit the dissipation of heat or dispersion of
flammable vapors and does not restrict fire-fighting access and control shall be treated as an outdoor facility.
Proper canopy lighting should be provided to allow safe operation and to reduce the likelihood of accidents

May 2014 Rev.1
causing spills or product mixing. Lighting under the canopy should provide adequate illumination to read
meters, conduct required operations and perform general maintenance of the loading rack equipment.

The loading areas shall be surfaced with materials that are resistant to damage by the product(s) and by fire.
The surface shall be so graded that spillage occurring at any one point will not flow under vehicles at any other
point. An acceptable method of spillage control shall be provided at all filling points, including spillage
containment with sufficient capacity to hold a minimum of two minutes' flow from the loading point with the
largest capacity. The drainage system that is used shall be so connected that it drains the area to an

5.8. Floor
Truck loading racks and unloading areas should include concrete pavement with a raised edge (curving) or
other spill containment method provided around the loading rack perimeter. The raised edge should be sloped
or rounded to facilitate truck access. Concrete joints should be sealed with petroleum resistant sealant to
prevent leaks to sub grade. Pavement should be sloped toward catch basins and drains to prevent
accumulation of liquid product on the surface. Catch basins and drains should be connected to containment or
treatment facilities. Catch basins should be located so that the liquid will flow away from the tank truck,
loading rack equipment, and personnel. Catch basins should be accessible under fire conditions and away from
the actual loading operation. Drainage system should be designed to prevent the spread of fire from one
loading lane to another and to areas outside the loading rack. Manholes with fire seals should be incorporated
to safely flush and drain away any spills.

Pump areas should include concrete pavement with a raised edge (curving) or other spill containment method.
Concrete joints should be sealed with petroleum resistant sealant to prevent leaks to sub grade. Pavement
should be sloped toward a terminal catch basin and drains to prevent accumulation of liquid product on the

5.9. Weight bridges

Weight bridges shall be installed, unless local regulations state differently, for Bitumen, Heavy Fuel Oils and
LPG. Puma Energy allows Toledo scales to be used for Truck weighting. Each Loading Bay shall be equipped
with a weight bridge and a top/bottom loading arm. Each weight bridge is equipped with a control panel
where the terminal operators insert the weight to be loaded in the truck (preset value). This control panel shall
be installed in the control room and shall continuously be communicating with the flow computer Accuload or

The following technical requirements shall be followed:

1. The weigh bridge is electronic type using load cells for load measurement. The weigh bridge shall be
pitless type above ground with concrete ramps with a slope of 1:15 on both sides for facilitating the
vehicle movement.
2. The weigh bridge shall have over load capacity of at least 25 % rated capacity.
3. Load cell have IP 68 protection and suitable for maximum ambient temperatures and classified area as
specified in datasheet.
4. Minimum graduation of scale /Weigh Bridge shall be 5Kgs.The weighing accuracy shall be of 0.02% of
weight over complete capacity.
5. Weighing console shall be microprocessor based control suitable to operate under maximum ambient
dry bulb temperature & maximum humidity conditions.

May 2014 Rev.1
6. Weigh bridge top side platform shall have the non-skid plates, and shall have guide rails or kerbs to
prevent vehicles from driving off the edge of the platform inadvertently.
7. Platform shall be supported on adequate number of joists/channel to provide strength to weigh
bridge. These shall be tied up together suitably to resist distortion and deformation in all directions.
8. Constrainers shall be provided in the weigh bridge in both directions to restrict any movements due to
the movements/truck lorry.
9. Weigh measurement shall be independent of the location of the weight on the weigh bridge platform.
10. Design of Weigh Bridge shall incorporate the suitable access for maintenance of load cells and other
11. Weighbridge Controller
a. Shall have an electronic indicator with suitable accuracy for weight measure range and an
illuminated LCD display.
b. Shall be able to do control of loading with a predefined weight.
c. Shall have a minimum of two communication ports, one RS-232 serial port and one RS-485
serial port. RS-232 is to connect a printer and the RS-485 is to communicate with loading bay
d. Shall be able to generate the loading inventory report.
e. Shall be suitable to communicate with loading bay controller, to indicate in real time the
weighing, through a standard industrial protocol like MODBUS, ASCII, or other.
12. Weigh bridge shall be supplied with test weight equivalent to 10% of rated capacity of weigh bridge in
denominations of 10 Kgs, 20 Kgs and 50 Kgs.
13. Two earthing bosses shall be provided of compatible material structural material. The bosses shall be
supplied complete with brass studs, nuts and shake proof washers.

5.10. Electrical

5.10.1. Grounding and Bonding

For loading and unloading racks, they should be grounded to the earth either through piping or ground rods.
Refer to API Recommended Practice 2003 and NFPA 30 for requirements on grounding and bonding for
product transfers. Metal structures such as canopies and supports over loading/unloading areas shall be
bonded to the rack and grounded to minimize damage that might occur from direct-strike lighting.

5.10.2. Lightning Protection

Depending on climate conditions of site, provisions to prevent atmospheric discharge of electrostatic charges
will be provided at least for loading rack, pump areas and other process installations that could affect seriously
the facility with a mayor fire, an extended loss or a significant operations shutdown.

Lightning protection systems shall be designed, constructed and tested according to NFPA 780 Lightning
protection Code.

5.11. Overfilling
Automatic overfill protection, like that required for bottom-loading trucks, is required for all types of loading

The standard overfill protection system for a top-loading tank truck consists of an automatic preset system
with a manual override valve. Normally, filling is controlled by the preset counters that automatically close a
control valve when the fill count is complete. A top-loading tank truck requires an operator/driver to be on
May 2014 Rev.1
the tank loading platform and have manual control of a spring-loaded dead man valve during the filling
cycle. To prevent overfill if the preset fails, an operator/driver releases the dead man control arm, which
closes the valve.

If an overfill probe is utilized for top loading and attached to the loading arm in a dynamic physical
configuration where the probe moves with the loading arm, special consideration should be given to the probe
selection and mounting arrangement. Both the 2-wire and 5-wire probes are designed to be fail-safe for the
failure condition where one conductor is lost. The probe mounting arrangement should have sufficient slack in
the wiring harness to allow full range of movement of the loading arm and should be inspected on a regular
basis by terminal personnel to ensure electrical integrity.

Overfill protection at loading facilities shall be provided. Units shall have the following features:
a) Dynamic self-checking to ensure fail-safe high level detection
b) Status lampsred (nonpermit) and green (permit)
c) Lockable bypass switch
d) Response time of 0.5 seconds
e) Internal relay for load shutdown
f) Internal terminal strip for electrical connections
g) Class I, Group D, Division 1 enclosure
h) Operating temperature range from 40F to 140F (40C to 60C)
i) Power requirements of 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 20 watts

5.12. Terminal Management System - TMS

The PUMA Energy vision is to increase business and cost efficiency by streamlining business processes and
standardizing the system portfolio. The objective of TMS is to support this vision by global standardization
across all PUMA Energy owned and operated Distribution and Storage facilities.

The core TMS solution includes the following Standard highlevel processes:
Access control
Interface with instruments:
o Presets and in particular Accuload
o Tank Gauging Systems
o Weight Scales
Outbound Truck disposal process for the following type of loading orders:
o Shipment
o Ex Rack
o Third Party Order
Bulk Movements including:
o Receipt Bulk Movement
o Disposal Bulk Movement
o Pricing of Stock
o Tank to Tank transfer
End Of Day Stock reconciliation

May 2014 Rev.1
End of Month Stock reconciliation
Gain/Loss posting
Integration of OTC processes with Navision ERP

Figure 12: Typical TMS Communications layout

5.13. Loading equipment

5.13.1. Presets
Puma Energy approves the use of Accuload as the meter control and measurement system for Loading Racks.
This is a multiple arm, multiple meter control and measurement system used to control a lane of loading arms.
Up to 18 loading arms and 24 meters can be controlled and monitored by the system, which includes the Man
Machine Interface (MMI) and the Flow Control Module (FCM).

The Accuload provides several loading system control functions: additive injection, pump control, alarm
control, set stop, valve control, back pressure control, and automatic adjustment of final trip point.

Acculoads should be bought to be able to upgrade to additional arms.

May 2014 Rev.1
The following Electronic Presets are compatible with TMS:

Manufacturer Model Firmware Version

Smith Meter AccuLoad I AUT AUT-04 *
Smith Meter AccuLoad II RBM Rev. 10*
Smith Meter AccuLoad II RBU Rev. 1,10*
Smith Meter AccuLoad II SEQ Rev. 15,16*
Smith Meter AccuLoad II SQR Rev. 2*
Smith Meter AccuLoad II STD Rev. 19,24,25 *
Smith Meter AccuLoad III-S ALIII-S-XP-ALX1-A10000

Figure 13: Accuload Layout

5.13.2. Digital Control Valves

Refer to ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard and
ASME B16.34 Valves - Flanged, Threaded, and Welding Endoverfill

Digital control valves are used at truck loading terminals. The valves are used in conjunction with an electronic
preset to control the flow rate and total volume of product into tank trucks. Typically, the control valve is
equipped with two solenoid pilots which, when energized or de-energized, will open, close, or hold the control
valve at a predetermined position. The solenoid pilots are energized/de-energized by the electronic preset
(flow controller) to control the flow for low-flow start, high-flow rate control, and low-flow shutdown of
product into the tank truck.

5.13.3. Meters
Refer to API MPMS Chapter 5 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards - Chapter 5: Metering Section and
API MPMS 6.2 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards - Chapter 6: Metering Assemblies - Section 2:
Loading-Rack Metering Systems.

May 2014 Rev.1
The metering components shall be sized for 800 gpm (182 m3/h) maximum flow and 150 psig (10.55 kg/cm2g)
maximum working pressure, unless otherwise specified by the Owner's Engineer. Turbine Meters

Turbine meters are in-line devices used for measuring flow rates. A flowing product stream through the meter
imparts a rotational velocity to a bladed turbine rotor, which generates a pulsed output directly proportional
to the flow.

1) Turbine meters shall be designed for intermittent service, loading rack custody transfer measurement.
2) Meter design shall allow for horizontal or vertical mounting.
3) Meters shall be sized as required and meet the following mechanical specifications:
c) Class 150 ANSI/ASME raised-face flanged connections
d) Cast steel body
e) Stainless steel internals
f) Elastomers appropriate for the product application
g) 150 psig (10.55 kg/cm2g) working pressure
h) 20F to 185F (28.9C to 85C) temperature range
i) 0.02 percent span of repeatability
j) 0.15 percent linearity
4) The turbine meter shall have one pick-up with preamplifier unless otherwise approved by the Owner's
5) The preamplifier shall meet the following specifications:
k) Power required 50 mA @ 12 VDC
l) 05 VDC square wave output
m) 20F to 185F (28.89C to 85C) temperature range
n) Class I, Group D, Division 1 explosion-proof enclosure
o) Terminal strip wiring terminations
p) Duty cycle range 40/60 to 60/40 percent Positive-Displacement Meters

Positive-displacement (PD) meters are in-line devices used for measuring product volumes. A flowing product
stream through the meter is mechanically isolated into a series of discrete portions, each of equal volume. A
gear train located outside the measuring unit chamber conveys mechanical rotation of the rotor, imparted by
the known volumes, to an electronic register for totalization.

1. PD meters shall be sized as required and meet the following mechanical specifications:
a. Class 150 ANSI/ASME raised-face flanged connections
b. Steel housing
c. Iron, steel, stainless steel, and aluminum internals
d. Elastomers appropriate for the product application
e. 150 psig (10.55 kg/cm2g) working pressure
f. 20F to 185F (28.89C to 85C) temperature range
g. 0.02 percent span of repeatability
h. 0.15 percent linearity

May 2014 Rev.1
2. PD meter shall be furnished with high frequency pulse transmitter (500 pulses/rev) unless
specified otherwise by the Owner's Engineer. Transmitter shall meet the following specifications:
a. Power required 50 mA @ 12 VDC
b. 05 VDC square wave output
c. 20F to 185F (28.9C to 85C) temperature range
d. Class I, Group D, Division 1 explosion-proof enclosure
e. Duty cycle 50/50 to 60/40 percent

5.14. Emergency Shutdown System

All loading racks shall be equipped with Emergency Shutdown (ESD) systems. The ESD shall be designed to
terminate product flow and isolate loading facilities from all sources of flammable and/or combustible liquids
pumped to or from the area. Terminals that have distinct loading/unloading areas (tank truck, rail car,
pumpback) may consider using standalone ESD systems for each area; however, if two loading areas share a
common pump, then an ESD activated from either area shall prevent the pump from running until the ESD is

ESD circuits shall be "hardwired" and of "failsafe" design.

o HardwiredAll ESD pushbuttons and contacts that makeup an ESD circuit shall be physically
connected by wire.
o Fail safeAny break in circuit continuity or loss of power shall cause a shutdown.
o RATIONALE: For reliability reasons, the ESD circuit shall be hard wired so that if a wire is
disconnected or the wired circuit is broken, the ESD circuit will be de-energized since it is fail
safe and will sound an alarm and S/D the Terminal. Then Operations can determine the
causes of the alarm. ESD circuit shall not rely on signals communication from PLC and PLC
modules for ESD controls.
o The fire alarm system shall be connected to the ESD circuit so that activation of the fire alarm
system shall cause an ESD. Note, however, that an ESD will not cause the fire alarm system to
be activated.

5.15. Mobile Loading Gantries

5.15.1. Rack Layout

Before the arrival of the ship, loading rack should be properly installed as close as possible to the
expected ship manifold position.
Loading rack ideally lay perpendicular to the berth, to allow easy flow of trucks parallel to the ship.
Enough surface need to be allowed for trucks to manoeuvre in a safe and efficient way.
Proper signalling to be installed not only around and on the rack but also in the truck manoeuvring

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 14: Loading Rack Structure

5.15.2. Rack Installation

Loading racks are transported dismantled. Installation and check of key elements requires
approximately 6 hours.
As the unit is electrically traced and heated, it will require an electrical power source than can be
either a port connection at the berth or a gen-set. Unit need to be fully heated for at least 6 hours
before ship discharge operation starts. This will prevent any plugs with solidified bitumen in the
system from a previous utilization of the rack.
Operation area to be properly illuminated to secure good visibility throughout the operations.

5.15.3. Scalability
Loading racks can be connected in line so that more loading positions are available and discharge rates
can be improved.
Please note experience shows that normally discharge rate is limited by truck availability.

Figure 15: Rack Layout

May 2014 Rev.1
6. Marine facilities
References - Latest edition

NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

NFPA 307 Construction and Fire Protection of Marine Terminals, Piers, and Wharves
API 6D Specification for Pipe Valves
API 520 Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries
API 570 Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-service Piping Systems
API 1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
API RP 1111 Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipelines and
Other Liquids.
API STD 1104 Standard for Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities.
API 1160 Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
API 2003 Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
API Spec 5L Specifications for Line Pipe
API Spec 6A Flanges
API Spec 6D Pipeline Valves
ASME B31.4-2006 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons
ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings
ASME B16.20 Ring Joint Gaskets and Groves for Steel Pipe Flanges.
33 CFR 154 Facilities Transferring Oil or Hazardous Material in Bulk
ICBO Uniform Fire Code, International Fire Code
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OCIMF Design and Construction Specification for Marine Loading Arms
OCIMF Guide to Purchasing, Manufacturing and Testing of Loading and Discharge Hoses for Offshore
OCIMF Effective Mooring 2nd Edition 2005
IAPH/ICS/OCIMF International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals. ISGOTT 5th Edition 2006
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
NACE MR0175 Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems.
DNV-RP-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems
DNV-RP-F105 Free Spanning Pipelines
DNV-RP-B401 Cathodic Protection Design
DNV-OS-CN 30.4 Foundations
AWA D1.1M Structural Welding Steel
AWHEM TR9501A Specification for Stud Bolts and Tap End Studs
May 2014 Rev.1
API 527 Seal Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves
BS 6349 Maritime Structure. Code of Practice for General Criteria
Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Maritime Structures Exposed to Damage and Material
Degradation Caused by Salt Water Environment PIANC report of WG 17-2004.
CIRIA C634: Management of Accelerated Low Water Corrosion in Steel Maritime Structures
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)
SI 2000 No.128 Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 HMSO
EN 1474: Installation and Equipment for Liquefied Natural Gas. Design and Testing of
Loading/Unloading Arms.
IP 15: Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations Institute of Petroleum
IEC-60079-17: Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 17: Inspection and
Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas (other than mines).
API 527: Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves API
BS EN 1504: Products and Systems for the Protection and Repair of Concrete Structures.
BS 5400-4 Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Bridges.
BS 6349: Maritime Structures. Code of Practice for General Criteria.
BS 8110: Structural Use of Concrete.
ISO 1461: Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Fabricated Iron and Steel Articles.
ISO 2409: Paints and Varnishes. Cross-cut Test.
ISO 2808: Paints and Varnishes. Determination of Film Thickness.
ISO 4624: Paints and Varnishes. Pull-off Test for Adhesion.
ISO 4628: Paints and Varnishes. Evaluation of Degradation of Coatings. Designation of Quantity and size of
Defects, and Intensity of Uniform Changes in Appearance.
ISO 8502: Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products --
Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness
ASTM D 5162: Standard Practice for Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Nonconductive Protective
Coating on Metallic Substrates.
AASHTO HB-17: Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
ANSI/AWS D3.6: Specification for Underwater Welding American Welding Society (AWS).
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary American
Concrete Institute (ACI).

The essential function of the marine structures is to provide safe berthing and mooring for ships and a
platform for the transfer of product.

May 2014 Rev.1
6.1. Mooring on Onshore Terminals
The most common terminals for tankers are piers and sea islands. However, other shipboard operations such
as mooring at Single Point Moorings (SPMs), Multi-Buoy Moorings (MBMs), Floating Production, Storage and
Offloading vessels (FPSOs) also involve mooring.

The moorings of a ship must resist the forces due to some, or possibly all, of the following factors:
Surges from passing ships
Changes in draft, trim or list.

6.1.1. General Recommendations for Design of Onshore Berth Moorings

The mooring facilities provided at the berth should permit the largest ship that is to be accommodated to
remain safely moored alongside in the maximum environmental limits established for the specific site. The
wind and current forces on the ship should be calculated for the wind and current conditions under which the
ship may remain moored at the berth.

At exposed locations, the impact of dynamic loads will need to be considered in addition to the calculation of
static loads. It is normal practice to employ OCIMF compliant software programs such as Optimoor to
accommodate the host of variables required to determine a comprehensive mooring analysis.

The following principles should be applied when designing the layout of mooring facilities for the berth:

Mooring points should be disposed as nearly as possible symmetrically about the centre point
Breast moorings should emanate from points near the fore and aft ends of the ship and as nearly as
possible perpendicular to the fore and aft line of the ship
The length of mooring lines at conventional berths should be within the range 35 to 50 m and, where
intended for the same service and practicable, be equal.
Sufficient mooring points should be installed to provide a satisfactory spread of moorings for the range
of ship sizes that the berth is to accept.

It is preferred that ships are moored by breast lines and spring lines only, although on berths designed to
accept a range of ship sizes the mooring points will inevitably be such that smaller ships may need to use
headlines and stern lines in addition to breast lines. The heights of mooring points should be such that vertical
angles will be as small as practical and, if possible, should not exceed 25 from the horizontal breasting
dolphins and should, by preference, be positioned at distances apart of one third of the overall length of the
ship. At berths accommodating a range of ship sizes, the spacing of breasting dolphins should be such as to
provide a breasting face between 25% and 40% of the ship's overall length, about the ship's midship point to
ensure compatibility with the ship's parallel mid-body and balanced mooring forces. For fine-lined ships, lesser
distances may be required to ensure that dolphins are within the parallel body. In such cases, care should be
taken to ensure that the reduced spacing of the dolphins does not result in high yaw movements of the ship
alongside, or excessive fender compression forces. Berth mooring points should be provided with a SWL not
less than the MBL of the largest rope anticipated and be supplemented by capstans or winches and fairleads to
enable the handling of ship's moorings. Shore based mooring equipment should be provided to augment

May 2014 Rev.1
shipboard equipment when the operating conditions at the berth exceed the Standard Design Criteria or
design environmental conditions.

6.1.2. Typical Mooring Pattern

The term `mooring pattern' refers to the geometric arrangement of mooring lines between the ship and the
berth. It should be noted that the industry has previously standardized on the concept of a generic mooring
layout (see Figure 16), taking into account standard environmental criteria. The generic mooring layout is
mainly applicable to a `multi-directional' environment and to the design of ship's mooring equipment.

`Multi-directional' is where no single direction dominates or where any of the environmental forces become a
dominant factor.

For terminals with a `directional environment', i.e. one with a high current, wind or swell waves, a site-specific
layout such as one including head and stern lines and/or extra breast and spring lines may be more efficient.

Figure 16: Generic Mooring Layout

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 17: Effect of Hawser Orientation on Restraint Capacity

May 2014 Rev.1
6.2. Berth Types and Design (Not including Buoy Berths)
Oil and gas tankers generally operate at dedicated berths such as T-head berths, Finger Piers, Island berths and
quays. Puma Marine Terminals may employ any of the above berth types which best suit the local context,
design and operation.

Berth Type and Design are usually determined by the Project Consultants.

6.2.1. Berth Fixtures and Fittings Bollards
Bollards are simple fixed mooring points on the jetty. The general principle to be followed is that
the Safe Working Load (SWL) of a bollard should exceed the Breaking Load of the mooring lines
attached to it. This ensures that the integrity of both jetty and ship equipment is maintained and,
as a consequence, the mooring lines remain the `weak link' in the mooring system.

Bollards are generally used when there is sufficient manpower available to release the lines
particularly in Emergencies. In general Quick Release Hooks are used on Tanker berths to provide
for Emergencies. Bollards are provided with engineering calculations, which describe bolt group
pullout forces, shear loadings and bolt tensions.

There are many bollard designs available, falling into three main types:

(a) Pillar type

(b) Tee head type

(c) Twin head with sloping lobes.

The type, strength (SWL), number and position will be determined in the design phase as the
desired configuration can only be established from the Mooring Analysis Models Bollard Selection

Bollards should be selected and arranged according to local regulations or recognized design
standards. The design process should consider:
Mooring pattern(s)
Changes in draft due to loading and discharge
Wind and current forces
Swell, wave and tidal forces
Mooring line types, sizes and angles
Ice forces (where relevant)

Mooring loads should be calculated where possible, but in the absence of information then the
following table can be used as an approximate guideline.


Up to 2,000 tonnes 10 tonnes
2,00010,000 tonnes 30 tonnes
10,00020,000 tonnes 60 tonnes
20,00050,000 tonnes 80 tonnes

May 2014 Rev.1
50,000100,000 tonnes 100 tonnes
100,000200,000 tonnes 150 tonnes
over 200,000 tonnes 200 tonnes

6.2.2. Quick Release Hooks (QRH) and Capstans Quick Release Hooks

In oil and gas terminals the use of quick release hooks for mooring vessels during cargo handling is
recommended by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), as they form the basis
of a safe mooring system.

Standard hooks available are single, double, triple, quadruple, double back to back and quadruple
back to back. Safe working loads vary from 30 tonnes to 200 tonnes, with proof loads of 1.5 times
the SWL.

The normal configuration for petrochemical installations involve multiple hooks on a common
base, generally 2, 3 or 4, with an integrated capstan to assist heaving in the mooring lines from
the vessel. Each hook is proof tested to 150% of its rated load, and the release mechanism is
tested at full load rating at the manufactures test facility, and is witnessed by a surveyor from an
independent classification society.

Quick release hooks can be designed to be released under no load condition only or up to the full
rated SWL. The physical dimensions of all hooks should be capable of accepting up to two mooring
lines of the largest design vessel. If more than one line is deployed on a quick release hook, it
should be ensured that the SWL of the hook is not exceeded.

The provision of quick-release mooring hooks reduces both manpower requirements and the need
for mooring gangs to handle large diameter wires and ropes. This, in turn, reduces the risk of
injury to personnel. At many terminals, particularly those handling large vessels, they can also
assist in the rapid and orderly release of lines to permit the vessel to depart in an emergency.

May 2014 Rev.1
The strength (SWL), number and position will be determined in the design phase as the desired
configuration can only be established from the Mooring Analysis Models General Specifications for QRH

The vertical and horizontal movement of each quick release mooring hook of the multiple
hook assemblies is independent of the other hooks.
Each Quick release mooring hook can swivel from -10 degrees up to +45 degrees above
the horizontal.
In the horizontal plane the movement is +/-45 degrees with external hooks of each unit
being able to accept the angles of +90,-45 degrees or +45 degrees, -90 horizontal as
The quick release mooring hooks are self-supporting and the lowest part of the open hook
is well above the top surface of the base plate and cannot touch the deck (to prevent
sparking) nor require sliding plates.
The hooks are free swiveling and non-ferrous bushes and grease nipples for lubrication are
provided wherever necessary to prevent jamming and sticking.
Each hook can accommodate three mooring ropes of 50mm diameter or one rope of
150mm diameter.
The hooks are balanced and can be reset in one motion into the closed position by a single
person using one hand with minimum effort.
Each hook can be swung into position by one person.
Mooring hooks are normally manufactured from heavy steel plates. Cast steel, cast iron or
forgings are not used for manufacture of any components.

May 2014 Rev.1
Certificates of material tests will be provided with supplies in a separate document.
Rubber blocks are provided at the stoppers to absorb the impact of the hook during
The entire mooring hook assemblies are insulated from the deck.
Each assembly is usually provided with a detachable level for manual release.
Under full load conditions the manual effort to pull is usually in the 18kgf 30kgf range. Capstans
Capstans facilitate the line handling activities, reducing the potential for personnel injuries. The
capstan is used to haul in the first line (or messenger line), which will have the main mooring wire
or rope attached to its seaward end.

The use of capstans shall be employed at Puma Energy terminals as deemed necessary by the
terminal design and Mooring Analysis Models.

6.2.3. Fendering
The marine fender system protects the berth and vessel by absorbing the kinetic energy that is
associated with vessel berthing or the lay-on forces while berthed. It is designed to minimize the
corresponding reaction imparted to the breasting structures and it uniformly distributes this reaction
to limit the pressure exerted toward the hull of the vessel.

There are many different types of fender systems. These are designed to accommodate vessels
ranging in size from small inland barges to large tankers, and are typically categorized by virtue of their

Selection of the appropriate fender system for a berth or berths is incorporated in the berth design
resulting from the Mooring analysis.

6.2.4. Fixed Shore Gangways and Ship Shore Access

Means of access between ship and shore are addressed by national regulation, usually the port state
or by the ship's flag state. Any means of access must meet these regulated standards and should be
correctly rigged by the ship or by the terminal, as appropriate. A gangway may be provided by the
terminal to give access between the shore and the vessel at any condition of freeboard and height of
tide. Further reference may be taken from ISGOTT (5th Edition 16.4 Ship/shore access) and the United
Kingdom HSE publication `The Bulk Transfer of Dangerous Liquids and Gases between Ship and Shore'.
In its simplest form at smaller terminals, the gangway consists of a stairway or ladder and a bridge
between the ship and shore. This may be manhandled or positioned by use of a crane, depending on

All ship and shore gangways should meet the following criteria:
Clear walkway.
Continuous handrail on both sides.
Electrically insulated to eliminate continuity between ship and shore.
Adequate lighting.
For gangways without self-leveling treads or steps, a maximum safe operating inclination
should be established.
Lifebuoys should be available with light and line on both ship and shore.

May 2014 Rev.1
All shore gangways should also meet the following additional criteria, as appropriate:
Remain within deflected fender face when in the stored position.
Provide for locking against motion in the stored position.
Permit free movement after positioning on the ship.
Provide backup power or manual operation in the event of primary power failure.
Be designed for specified operating conditions known to the berth operating personnel. Cranes, Gangways and Lifting Equipment and accessories

Generally, the statutory local laws govern the maintenance and operation of lifting equipment. An
approved authority must certify lifting equipment and only personnel competent to carry out
examinations, repairs or overhauls must carry out the work.

Requirements for certification and examination should also be applied and verified for cranes
rented/hired externally.

SWL, load test and inspection dates should be marked on lifting equipment and current
certification should be available. If the SWL is not known or the marking is unclear, the equipment
should not be used.

6.2.5. Berthing Aids

Docking aids provide real time information of the vessel's speed and distance relative to the berthing
line. This information assists the Master and Pilot to safely berth the vessel and provides a permanent
record that can be used for statistical analysis. The system usually comprises two sensors, typically
either radar or laser, located on the jetty to measure distance to bow and stern and the relative speed
of approach at each end of the vessel. This information can be displayed onboard or ashore in any
format desired.

Puma Energy does not normally incorporate these systems in projects but it might be a mandatory
requirement of Port Authorities within whose jurisdiction the Terminal is to be located.

6.2.6. Containment Systems Berths Topsides

Surface drainage and containment facilities at the cargo transfer areas of marine terminals are an
important aspect of containing possible spills, controlling pollution and preventing the progression
of fires.

Each facility to which this part applies must have fixed catchments, curbing, or other fixed means
to contain oil or hazardous material discharged in at least:

Each hose handling and loading arm area (that area on the facility that is within the area
traversed by the free end of the hose or loading arm when moved from its normal stowed
or idle position into a position for connection);
Each hose connection manifold area; and
Under each hose connection that will be coupled or uncoupled as part of the transfer
operation during coupling, uncoupling, and transfer.

The discharge containment means must have a capacity of at least:

May 2014 Rev.1
320L (2Bbls) if it serves one or more hoses of 150 mm (6 in) inside diameter or smaller, or
loading arms of 150 mm (6 in) nominal pipe size diameter or smaller;
480L (3Bbls) if it serves one or more hoses with an inside diameter of more than 150 mm
(6 in), but less than 300 mm (12 in), or loading arms with a nominal pipe size diameter of
more than 150 mm (6 in), but less than 300 mm (12 in); or
640L (4Bbls) if it serves one or more hoses of 300 mm (12 in) inside diameter or larger, or
loading arms of 300 mm (12 in) nominal pipe size diameter or larger.

The facility may use portable means of not less than 80 L (Bbls) capacity if the Port authorities
consider that fixed means to contain oil or hazardous material discharges are not feasible. Berths Water Areas

The provision of floating pollution booms may be a requirement of the Port Authority. Berth
Design would then need to accommodate such necessary fittings to allow for the boom system to
be deployed. Such systems are labour intensive and require constant monitoring and water-
response capability to ensure that they remain effective. If the boom system is also required to
encircle the ship on the seaward side then adequate provision has to be made ensuring that the
boom with changes in environmental conditions does not end up flat alongside the ship. Tugs
cannot immediately get to the ships side if the boom is in place.

6.3. Cargo Transfer Systems

6.3.1. Transfer Arms

Refer to OCIMF `Design and Construction Specification for Marine Loading Arms' (Third Edition 1999),
ISGOTT (5th Edition, Section 17.5 & 17.5.5 Insulating Flange) and the EN 1474-1:2007 `Installation and
Equipment for Liquefied Natural Gas Design and Testing of Marine Transfer Systems Part 1: Design
and Testing of Transfer Systems'.

All metal cargo arms have a designed operating envelope, which takes into account the following:
Tidal range at the berth.
Maximum and minimum freeboards of the largest and smallest tankers for which the berth
has been designed.
Minimum and maximum manifold setbacks from the deck edge.
Limits for changes in horizontal position due to drift off and ranging.
Maximum and minimum spacing when operating with other arms in a bank.

The marine transfer arm, or loading arm, is the key link for cargo transfer between the jetty piping and
the vessel. Arms must be able to transfer products without leakage, move as the vessel's manifold
position changes and support the imposed dead load together with fluid, ice and wind loads.

An Emergency Release System (ERS) provides a positive way to release the cargo transfer arms and
provide safe isolation between the ship and shore with minimal product spillage.

The ERS is the ultimate protection of the transfer arms as it allows stopping of the cargo transfer and
quick disconnection of the arms from the tanker manifold in the case of excessive drift of the ship. It
may also be activated manually from the jetty.

May 2014 Rev.1
A Quick Connect/Disconnect Coupler (QC/DC) can reduce the time and effort necessary to connect and
disconnect the transfer arms or hoses to the ship's manifold, when compared to bolted flanges. The
coupler can be manually or hydraulically operated. A QC/DC coupler is not part of the Emergency
Release System. Because of the above, it is essential to include interlock mechanisms that prevent
operation of the QC/DC coupler during cargo transfer. These interlock mechanisms must be of the
most simple design and easily understood.

An Insulating Flange is designed to prevent arcing caused by low voltage/high current circuits (usually
below 1 volt, but potentially up to around 5 volts and with currents rising to possibly several hundred
amps) that exist between the ship and the shore due to stray currents, cathodic protection and
galvanic cells.

6.3.2. Dock Hoses

Refer to ISGOTT (5th Edition Section 18.2 Cargo Hoses) and the reference paper from OCIMF
`Specification Guidance for Dock Hoses'.

Hoses for crude oil and petroleum products and vapours are used extensively by the industry for the
transfer of cargoes between vessels and marine terminals. Hoses specific to the application at marine
terminals are referred to as Dock Hoses. Generally these hoses are manufactured to the local or
regional standards applicable to the location of the marine terminal. They are, however, susceptible to
damage through misuse during handling and storage and guidance is provided on this, along with the
breakaway couplings with which they may be fitted.

Hose systems can range from simple systems, such as single hose strings handled by the ship's derrick
and single strings handled by a shore crane, to more complex systems found in multi-string hose
towers. Hoses can also be used in conjunction with swivels and piping to form a half-metal/half-hose
system, commonly referred to as a `flow boom'.

For normal duty, there are three basic types of hose:

Rough Bore (R)

This type of hose is heavy and robust with an internal lining supported by a steel wire helix. It is used
for cargo handling at terminal jetties. A similar hose is made for submarine and floating use (type R x

Smooth Bore (S)

Smooth bore hose is also used for cargo handling at terminal jetties, but is of lighter construction than
the rough bore type and the lining is not supported by a wire helix. A similar hose is made for
submarine and floating use (type S x M).

Lightweight (L)

Lightweight hose is for discharge duty or bunkering only, where flexibility and light weight are
important considerations.

All of these types of hose may be supplied as either electrically continuous or electrically
May 2014 Rev.1
Each hose should be marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark, identification with the
standard specification for manufacture, factory test pressure, month and year of manufacture,
manufacturer's serial number and an indication that the hose is either electrically continuous or
electrically discontinuous. This should provide criteria on pressure range (including vacuum where
applicable), temperature range, material, electrical discontinuity (whether or not electrically
conductive), re-testing date, etc.

Each hose assembly used for transferring oil or hazardous material must meet the following

i. The minimum design burst pressure for each hose assembly must be at least four
times the sum of the pressure of the relief valve setting (or four times the maximum
pump pressure when no relief valve is installed) plus the static head pressure of the
transfer system, at the point where the hose is installed.
ii. The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) for each hose assembly must be
more than the sum of the pressure of the relief valve setting (or the maximum pump
pressure when no relief valve is installed) plus the static head pressure of the transfer
system, at the point where the hose is installed.
iii. Each nonmetallic hose must be usable for oil or hazardous material service.
iv. Each hose assembly must either have:
1. Full threaded connections;
2. Flanges that meet Standard B16.5, Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings, or
Standard B.16.24, Brass or Bronze Pipe Flanges, of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI); or
3. Quick-disconnect couplings that meet ASTM F 1122 (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 154.106).
v. Each hose must be marked with one of the following:
1. The name of each product for which the hose may be used; or
2. For oil products, the words ``OIL SERVICE''; or
3. For hazardous materials, the words ``HAZMAT SERVICE--SEE LIST'' followed
immediately by a letter, number or other symbol that corresponds to a list or
chart contained in the facility's operations manual or the vessel's transfer
procedure documents which identifies the products that may be transferred
through a hose bearing that symbol.
vi. Each hose also must be marked with the following:
1. Maximum allowable working pressure;
2. Date of manufacture; and
3. Date of the latest test.
vii. The hose burst pressure and the pressure used for the test must not be marked on the
hose and must be recorded elsewhere at the facility (hose records).
viii. Each hose used to transfer fuel to a vessel that has a fill pipe for which containment
cannot practically be provided must be equipped with an automatic back pressure
shutoff nozzle.

6.3.3. Breakaway Couplings

Breakaway couplings are commonly used when loading rail and road cars with volatile or noxious
products, but they may also be found in hose systems at smaller marine terminals. Due to weight
considerations, the largest practical size is generally considered to be 8-inch Nominal Bore (NB).

May 2014 Rev.1
The coupling usually consists of a two-part body held together by shear/break spade bolts (or
equivalent). Internally, each half of the coupling has a spring-loaded valve, which under normal
conditions is held in the open position. One half of the coupling is securely anchored to the jetty pipe
work while the other is connected to the transfer hose. If the ship drifts away from the berth the load
on the hose will cause the bolts to fail, the two halves of the coupling will separate and the spring
loaded valves will close, preventing rupture of the hose and limiting the loss of product.

When installing these couplings, consideration should be given to the fact that the load at which the
bolts fail is calculated assuming a load in line with the axis of the coupling. The hose should be
supported to ensure this. Furthermore, should the vessel drift along the berth rather than off the
berth, the load required to part the coupling will be reduced.

Although it is not usually significant at the smaller terminals, the force that results from pressure
surges should be a design consideration.

Breaking force shall be 10% less than that of the breaking force of the hose, or the weakest material of
the system.

6.4. Power and other Systems

6.4.1. Hydraulic Systems

Hydraulic power systems are used to provide safe and reliable power sources for transfer arms, valve
actuators, gangways and crane systems, where relatively large amounts of energy are required for a
short period of time.

6.4.2. Electrical Systems

Electrical equipment commonly found on Berths includes:
Pump and winch motors
Junction boxes
Transformers and switchgear
Communications equipment
Cables and cable trays

All equipment in hazardous areas must be of an approved type and be properly maintained by trained
personnel. Fixed shore equipment should be properly earthed to the jetty structure.

All equipment should be classified as per local codes for the extended hazardous area requirements
when a ship is occupying the berth.

6.4.3. Piping, Valves, Pressure Vessels and Fittings

For piping specifications refer to Section 4.4 of this Technical Manual

Pig Traps are regarded as Pressure Vessels.

In certain countries the `pressure system', not just vessels, have statutory inspection regimes, for
example the UK's `Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.'
May 2014 Rev.1
6.4.4. Corrosion Protection
Corrosion protection of the metal surfaces of equipment, pipelines and metallic structures may be
achieved by coatings or cathodic protection (sacrificial anodes or impressed current) or a combination
of the two.

6.4.5. Coating
The paint system selected must be suitable for the environment and to the design details of the jetty.
Coating life tends to be shorter for H-piles and sheet piles than for tubular piles. Proprietary wrap
systems are used with good success in areas such as the splash zone of the jetty piles. Poor application
can result in hidden corrosion underneath the wrapping and regular inspection of the substrate should
be carried out to identify any such occurrence. Hot dip galvanized steel should be in accordance with
ISO 1461.

6.4.6. Cathodic Protection (CP)

Refer to ISGOTT (5th Edition Section 17.5 Ship/Shore Electric Isolation).

Cathodic protection provides a connection between an external anode and the metal to be protected,
ensuring an electrical direct current (DC) passes so that all areas of the metal surface become cathodic
and so do not corrode. The external anode may be a galvanic anode, where the current is a result of
the potential difference between the two metals, or it may be an impressed current anode, where the
current is impressed from an external DC power source.

The provision of a protective/insulating coating to the structure will greatly reduce the current
demanded for cathodic protection of the metallic surface. The use of a well-applied and suitable
coating increases the effective spread of the cathodic protection current. A combination of applying
both a coating and cathodic protection will normally result in the most practical and efficient overall
protection system.

If CP is provided then it is critical to maintain the system correctly, including regular testing of the
performance of the system. If a defect occurs it is possible for CP systems to exacerbate corrosion,
increasing effective corrosion rates. Maintenance and testing procedures should be provided by the
manufacturer of the system and should be clearly documented in the operating manual for the jetty.

6.5. Fire Fighting

6.5.1. Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire-fighting systems are required to protect potentially exposed equipment in order to avoid fire
escalation and to minimize fire damage. Fixed fire-fighting systems should be capable of full operation
by the personnel locally available within the first 5 minutes of the outbreak of a fire.

In addition to national regulatory requirements, capability should be based on the outputs of

a formal risk assessment. The risk assessment should take into account the following criteria for each
The sizes of ships that can be accommodated on the berth.
Location of the terminal and the berth.
Nature of the cargoes handled.
Potential impact of oil spillage.
May 2014 Rev.1
Areas to be protected.
Regional fire response capability.
Level of training and experience of local emergency response organizations.

6.5.2. Portable and Wheeled Fire Extinguishers and Monitors

Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers should be provided at every marine terminal berth on a scale
relative to the size, location and frequency of use of the berth. Portable fire extinguishers should be
located so that a fire extinguisher can be reached without travelling more than 15 meters. Wheeled
extinguishers should normally be located in accessible positions at each end of loading arm gantries or
at the berth approach access point.

The top or lifting handle of a fire extinguisher should normally not be at a height of more than one

Dry chemical extinguishers are recognized as the most appropriate type of extinguisher for the quick
knock-down of small hydrocarbon fires. However, enclosed electrical sub-stations or switch rooms
located on marine terminals should be equipped with an adequate number of carbon dioxide
extinguishers or should have a fixed carbon dioxide system installed.

Foam extinguishers with a capacity in the order of 100 liters of pre-mix foam solution are suitable for
use at berths. They are capable of producing approximately 1,000 liters of foam and provide a typical
jet length of about 12 meters. Where portable foam/water monitors are recommended they may be
either portable or wheeled, but should have a discharge capacity of at least 115 m3/hr of foam and
water in solution.

6.5.3. Fixed Fire-Fighting Equipment Fire Water supply

Fire water at marine terminals is often provided by the unlimited supply available from the sea, rivers
or dock basin. Where the fire water supply is obtained from static storage, such
as a tank or reservoir, then the reserve for fire-fighting purposes should be equivalent to at least 4
hours of continuous use at the maximum design capacity of the fire-fighting system. The piping
arrangements at such storage facilities should be arranged to prevent use of the fire-fighting reserve
for other purposes and the integrity of the make-up water supply to such a reserve would need to be

Fire water flow rates and pressures should be sufficient to cover both extinguishing and cooling water
requirements for a fire that might realistically occur. Fire Pumps

Electric motor and diesel engine driven pumps are preferred. Where practical, fire pump installations
should be protected from a sea surface fire penetrating the underside or below deck area of the
installation. Protection may be achieved by structural barriers, booms or water spray systems.

May 2014 Rev.1 Fire-Main Piping
Permanent fire water mains and/or foam-water solution mains should be installed on marine
terminals and along the approach routes to berths. Mains should extend as near to the heads of
marine terminals as possible and be provided with a number of accessible water take-off (hydrant)

In the case of sea island berths, isolating valves should be positioned on the fire-main grid so that at
least 50% of the grid will continue to operate in the event of a single point failure, or
during necessary maintenance, and still provide sufficient hydrants for the total fire water demand.
Fire-main construction materials should be compatible with the water supply. The minimum capacities
and pressures for fire water mains are dependent upon whether the system is to be used for cooling
or for the production of foam, and upon the length of jet required. Fire Hydrants

The location and spacing of hydrants at marine terminals will generally be determined by the
character of the facilities to be protected. For guidance purposes, hydrants should be spaced at
intervals of not more than 45 meters in the berth or loading arm areas and not more than 90 meters
along the approach or access routes. International Shore Fire Connection

Refer to ISGOTT Section 26.5.3 and Figure 26.2 of that specific guideline.

All marine terminals and berths with a fire water system should have at least one International Shore
Fire Connection complete with nuts and bolts, through which water could be supplied to a tanker's
fire-main if required for shipboard fire-fighting. The connection should be kept protected from the
elements and located so as to be immediately available for use. One 63 mm hose connection should
be provided for every 57 m3/hr of required pumping capacity. Pump-In Points for Fire-Fighting Boats

If tugs are used to berth or unberth tankers at a terminal, they may be equipped to pump fire-fighting
water into the terminal's fire-main system. Pump-in points should be provided at suitable, accessible
locations near the extremities of the fire-mains and preferably where fire-fighting boats can be
securely moored.

The location of these inlets should be highlighted, for example by appropriate signage and white
painted hydrants. Foam Systems

Refer to Fire Fighting Section 4.5 of PTG for further guidelines.

The type of foam concentrate selected, i.e. protein, fluoro-protein, Aqueous Film Forming Foam
(AFFF), or alcohol/polar solvent resistant type concentrate (hydrocarbon surfactant type concentrate),
will depend upon the fuel type and formulation, whether aspirating or non-aspirating equipment is
installed and ease of re-supply.

When fire-fighting boats are not available or cannot provide a quick response to a fire, a fixed system
of foam/water sprinklers may be installed below deck for cooling and protecting the supporting
May 2014 Rev.1
structure that is constructed of non-fire resistant, unprotected materials. A system of this type should
discharge not less than 6.5 liters per minute per square meter. When supporting piles and beams are
constructed with fire resistant materials, for example concrete, a fixed system of foam/water
sprinklers discharging at reduced application rates may be advisable.

Table 15: Fire protection guidelines for marine terminals handling crude oil and petroleum products
(excluding liquefied hydrocarbon gases). Extracted from ISGOTT

Installation Minimum Provisions

1. Barge berth or wharf or jetty handling liquids with Fire-main incorporating isolating valves and fire
a flashpoint at or below 60C including materials in hydrants with a fire water supply of 100 m3/hr.
drums, and any product heated above its flashpoint. Fire-fighting equipment consisting of: hand-held and
Tanker berth at a wharf or jetty handling ships of wheeled fire extinguishers; fire hose; foam branch
less than 20,000 tonnes deadweight and less than one pipes; and portable or wheeled
ship per week. foam/water monitors designed for a minimum
solution rate of 115 m3/hr.
Static or trailer borne 3 m3 bulk supply of foam
Portable equipment:
2 x 9 kg portable dry chemical extinguishers
2 x 50 kg wheeled dry chemical extinguishers.
17. Tanker berth at a wharf or jetty handling ships Fire-main incorporating isolating valves and fire
of less than 50,000 tonnes deadweight, or more hydrants with a water supply of 350 m3/hr.
than one ship per week of less than Portable and wheeled fire-fighting equipment.
20,000 tonnes deadweight. Fixed foam/water monitors and appropriate bulk
concentrate supplies.
Jetty support structure protection (optional).
Portable equipment:
4 x 9 kg portable dry chemical extinguishers
2 x 75 kg wheeled dry chemical extinguishers.
3. Tanker berth at a wharf or jetty handling ships of Fire-main incorporating isolating valves and fire
50,000 tonnes deadweight or larger, possibly VLCC hydrants with a fire water supply of 700 m3/hr.
size. Portable and wheeled fire-fighting equipment.
Fixed foam/water monitors and appropriate bulk
concentrate supplies.
Jetty support structure protection (optional).
Portable equipment:
6 x 9 kg portable dry chemical extinguishers
4 x 75 kg wheeled dry chemical extinguishers.
4. Sea island berth. Fire protection facilities as above according to
use and size of ship.
Portable equipment:
6 x 9 kg portable dry chemical extinguishers
4 x 75 kg wheeled dry chemical extinguishers.

6.5.4. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

The selection and fitting of fire detection and alarm systems at a terminal is dependent upon the risk
exposure presented by the product being handled, tanker sizes and terminal throughput.

The location of all detectors should take into account natural and mechanical ventilation effects, since
heat is carried and stratified by convection currents. Other considerations, such as the ability of flame
detectors to `see' flames, should be taken into account. The advice of manufacturers and fire and

May 2014 Rev.1
safety experts should be sought, along with a compliance check against local regulations, before

Fixed Combustible and Toxic Gas Detectors

The operating principles of combustible and toxic gas detectors are similar to those for the product of
combustion-gas sensing fire detectors. Terminals that handle crude oil or products containing toxic
components should consider installing fixed gas detection and alarm equipment in areas where
personnel may be exposed. Consideration should be given to placing sensors in locations where leaks
or spills could occur, for example loading arms, valve manifolds and transfer pumps, or where gas
could accumulate due to inadequate ventilation. Toxic gas detectors may also be installed in the
supply air intakes of pressurized control rooms and inside non-pressurized control rooms. Control Rooms/Control Buildings

The need for detection and alarm equipment for control rooms shall comply with local regulations.
The installation of additional gas and fire detection devices with associated alarm equipment
depends on site specific factors such as control room pressurization and attendance.

The following general detection and alarm facilities are suggested for all control rooms or
Manual fire alarm stations should be provided at all exits. The operation of a manual fire
station should sound a local alarm and should activate an alarm at the main fire control
panel, if provided.
A fire detection system should be installed in any area of a control building that is
normally unattended. Each detector should raise a local alarm in the areas of the control
room that are normally occupied and should activate an alarm at the main fire control
panel located in a continuously attended area.
Combustible gas detectors should be installed in the supply air intake vents of pressurized
control rooms and inside non-pressurized control rooms. Each gas detector should sound
a local alarm and should annunciate an alarm at a main fire control panel located in a
continuously attended area.

6.6. Multi-Buoy Moorings (MBM)

Certification from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) shall be obtained for verification on offshore
structures compliance with Rules that the society has established for design, construction and periodic

The two main configurations of Multiple Buoy Moorings (MBMs) commonly found throughout the industry

Conventional Buoy Moorings (CBMs)

CBMs are offshore marine berths in which the ship's bow is held in position by its own anchors. A number
of mooring buoys, typically 3 to 7, are installed to secure the stern. CBMs are the most common type of
MBM installed worldwide. The advantages of a CBM are that it provides the least amount of obstruction
during berthing and unberthing and that is the most cost effective in terms of fabrication and installation.
The disadvantage of a CBM is that it relies on the ship's anchors to provide the bow restraint. The ship's

May 2014 Rev.1
anchors provide limited mooring capacity compared to permanent mooring legs, so this type of
arrangement may be limited to sites with relatively mild environmental conditions.

Figure 18: Simplified layout of a Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM)

All Buoy Moorings (ABMs)

All Buoy Moorings (ABMs) are offshore marine berths in which both the ship's bow and stern are held in
position by mooring buoys. ABMs are generally located where bottom conditions prevent the use of the
ship's anchors or where additional mooring restraint is needed for the maximum expected environmental
conditions. The ship's anchors may be used for maneuvering, but are not considered part of the required
mooring restraint.

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Figure 19: Simplified layout of an All Buoy Mooring (ABM)

6.6.1. Mooring Leg Components

Mooring legs for both CBMs and ABMs consist of anchoring point(s), chain ground leg(s), chain in
thrash zone, a pendant section incorporating a swivel, and a mooring buoy to which the ship's mooring
line can be attached.

Figure 20 shows the components of a typical mooring leg for both the no-load case and the maximum
loaded case.

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Figure 20: Typical mooring Leg Components under No-Load and Maximum Load

6.6.2. General Considerations

Studies are normally undertaken as a joint effort involving various specialists with engineering, operations, and
commercial interests. The design criteria is developed from the available information and a risk analysis is
undertaken. Among issues that the analysis may consider are:

Environmental limitations for operations, including reviews of any available historical information or
data from similar facilities that may be operating in the area
the planned life and intended use of the MBM
ensuring the safety of operations
the total cost of ownership (TCO), including probability of mooring damage or loss when subjected to
environmental conditions with various recurrence intervals, e.g. 50 and 100 years, and including an
assessment of the business impact associated with a mooring failure.

The design analysis of an MBM is an iterative process. An initial layout is assumed and the mooring loads are
calculated for each leg of the mooring system for both survival and maximum required environmental
operating conditions.

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Figure 21: Overview of Mooring System Safety Factors

The above diagram represents the composition of the mooring leg and the interdependent Safe Working
Loads of its components.

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Figure 22: Methodology for establishing Mooring Leg Design Loads

6.6.3. Comparisons with Fixed Berths (Piers and Sea Islands)

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages associated with installing an MBM facility rather than
constructing a new conventional fixed berth. Considerations include the following:

An MBM permits the berth to be situated in deeper water without necessitating dredging or the
construction of over-the-water structures, such as approach ways, sea islands and piping trestles
Berthing and unberthing at an MBM may require less tug assistance than operations at a conventional
pier or sea island. Where tugs are used, their operations may be restricted due to the close proximity
of the buoys
MBMs normally have less redundancy in the design when compared to other berth configurations. A
failure of a single mooring leg could lead to failures of adjacent mooring legs as the ship's orientation
shifts and the loads are redistributed
deteriorating weather conditions, in particular increasing wave or swell conditions, at an MBM may
require the shutdown of cargo operations and, in some cases, the ship vacating the berth, more often
than at fixed berth facilities in protected locations
The MBM terminal has to provide a water-borne mooring crew to assist with mooring and unmooring,
hose connection and disconnection. It is normally more difficult to unmoor the ship at an MBM in
deteriorating environmental conditions compared to unmooring at fixed berths
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Fixed berths provide the option to utilize loading arms or shore equipment to handle hoses. At MBMs,
ships should be capable of safely lifting and handling offshore hoses and this issue is of importance,
particularly at those MBMs that handle a large range of different vessel sizes where smaller nominated
vessels may not have adequate lifting gear. It is necessary to check the adequacy of lifting gear on all
nominated vessels prior to their acceptance
The MBM will require diving support, together with vessels capable of carrying out hose, PLEM and
buoy maintenance and inspection
Water craft are required at an MBM to provide access to and from the ship for personnel. Additional
supply craft may be required to provide bunkers and fresh water.

6.6.4. Comparisons with SPMs

SPMs are better suited to handle larger ships than MBMs, and may be located in deeper water and/or
locations that are subjected to multi-directional or harsh environmental conditions, leading to
improved berth utilization
Mooring and hose connection operations at SPMs generally pose fewer safety hazards than at an
MBM due, in a large part, to the standardization of ship and shore equipment through the adoption of
industry guidance
Mooring integrity at a SPM is enhanced by the use of shore hawser(s). Load monitoring may be utilized
to monitor hawser loads with the aim of minimizing the risk of break-out from the berth
Additional mooring support craft may be required at MBMs. However, at some SPM locations, tug
support may be necessary during the entire cargo transfer operation, for example to prevent the ship
riding up to the buoy.

6.6.5. Selection of MBM Configuration

MBM systems may secure the ship in between a group of mooring buoys and/or use the ship's anchors for
the bow mooring in combination with the buoys for securing stern mooring lines.

The ship's anchors are often employed in MBM berths. However, the actual holding capacity of ship's
anchors depends on a number of factors beyond control of the berth operator, providing uncertain actual
holding capacity. One likely consequence of the ship's anchors dragging would be the tanker drifting
beyond the excursion envelope of the product hose.

It is recommended that systems are designed using dynamic or quasi-static mooring analysis techniques to
establish the optimum number of buoys. Quasi-static analysis can be used for initial screening purposes but
design loads should be calculated using dynamic analysis software.

The number of mooring buoys should be selected to provide adequate mooring capacity. If local conditions
permit, a berth layout with a minimum number of buoys normally results in the most economical and
workable scheme. The load sharing between a large numbers of buoys is difficult to control and may lead
to the overloading of a single buoy and further sequential loss of buoy connections. To promote better load
sharing between the buoys, it is recommended that a reduced number of buoys with higher mooring load
capacity be considered.

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 23: Examples of MBM Mooring Arrangements

When determining the layout for the mooring buoys, consideration should be given to the length of
mooring lines carried onboard the ship. It may be assumed that most ships will have lines of between
200 and 220 meters in length, although this may need to be checked for the range of sizes of vessels
anticipated at the berth. The actual layout should be a compromise between both. Where possible,
the vertical angle of the mooring lines should be limited to minimize uplift forces on the mooring

6.6.6. Environmental Data

In developing the design of an MBM berth, many environmental influences should be taken into
account. Due to interaction of forces and responses, it is important that representative wave, wind
and current environments are used in the analysis. Location-specific wave spectra, including long
period phenomena, such as swell and wave grouping, should also be included in the wave record. It is
also important that the wind and current are accurately represented with regard to direction, velocity,
and their moment-producing effects on the tanker.

MBM systems should be designed for both survival conditions (berth unoccupied) and maximum
operating conditions (tanker moored at the berth). The maximum operating condition should include
the tanker at ballast draft, as well as in fully laden condition.

The acquisition of valid weather statistics may require several years of data measurement. BS/EN 6349
Part 1 (Reference 10) provides guidance on the methodology for collecting data.

A study of oceanographic data should be performed to determine the site-specific wave distribution.
Observations of wind and wave data from unaccredited sources should not be considered as an
acceptable alternative to proper engineering studies of the wind and wave regimes. Additionally,
oceanographic organizations exist that can conduct hind cast studies to determine the environmental
conditions at a specific site. Often this calibration data can be taken from geoscience satellite data,
which is available for most regions of the world.
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6.6.7. Hydrographic, Geotechnical and Geophysical Surveys
It is recommended that surveys are performed over a sufficient area to enable the optimal selection of
pipeline routes, PLEM location and tanker approaches.

The objectives of the surveys are to:

Determine water depth in the area along the approaches, in the MBM area and the pipeline
determine seabed features relevant for design, such as outcrops, reefs, or obstacles
determine sub seabed conditions to a suitable depth for PLEM design, anchor system design,
pipeline stability, and trenching.

It is recommended that soil borings at the Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) site, mooring leg anchor sites
and pipeline route be performed prior to a detailed engineering design of the MBM system.

The geotechnical report should provide sufficient engineering information to design the foundation for
the PLEM and pipeline and to evaluate the anchor points for the mooring legs. The extent of
geotechnical investigations required for anchor selection will depend on the degree of sophistication
of the mooring design, but the minimum requirement is to determine the nature and depth of the
upper layer of sediment at each proposed anchor location.

The geotechnical report should also include information on siltation or scouring.

6.6.8. Site Selection, MBM Orientation and Layout General
It is recommended that, in general, MBMs are aligned so that the ship's heading is parallel to the direction
of the predominant environment to minimize loads on the moored vessel and reduce the probability of
mooring incidents. Long period wave and swell actions are also important considerations.

Consideration should also be given to the method of tanker approach and departure from the berth.
Normally, the tanker should be capable of maneuvering into a berth with limited assistance from tugs. In
addition, the potential need for the vessel to leave the berth rapidly in an emergency should be taken into

It is recommended that simulation studies are used as a tool to verify tanker approach and maneuvers into
the proposed berth, including the possible use of tugs in support.

In locations where governing environmental conditions vary throughout the year, a symmetrical ABM may
allow for two options for orientating the moored vessel, for example, bow to east or bow to west.

Generally, given no other over-riding factors such as the use of vessels with controllable pitch propellers,
an approach from the starboard side of the berth is preferable due to the additional effect of transverse
propeller thrust when the ship's engine is running astern, aiding the vessel's swing into the berth.

Specific issues or considerations relevant to the location and orientation of the berth include:

Where there are minimal currents or waves, it is recommended that MBMs be oriented such that the
bow or stern of the moored vessel points towards the prevailing winds

May 2014 Rev.1
MBMs are typically restricted to sites where significant wave heights are less than 1.5 meters during
berthing. Waves of up to 2 meters may be tolerable while the ship is in the berth if the wave sector is
well defined and narrow, and generally aligned with the ship's fore and aft line. Long period swells
may introduce additional limitations that may result in lower restrictions on significant wave heights.
For extreme unberthing, terminals should undertake studies to identify safe criteria if waves in excess
of 2 meters are likely to be present.
Engineering analysis should be used to determine the optimum orientation of the tanker in the berth
relative to the prevailing environmental conditions
For a CBM that relies on the ship's anchors to securely hold the bow, it is recommended that
consideration is also given to the available maneuvering room, as ships require a greater maneuvering
area to place their anchors
Depth of water in the berth and approaches.

Proposals for MBMs with operational conditions in excess of the above criteria should be subjected to
more rigorous design methods or alternative berth designs should be considered. Provision of Adequate Maneuvering Room

Designers need to consider the requirement for providing adequate maneuvering room,
particularly when ship's anchors are to be used.

For MBMs, as with any berth, it is important that a nautical advisor assists in defining the tanker's
approach route(s), distance needed to stop and turn the ship, level of tug assistance, and
maneuvering procedure into the berth. This should also be discussed with the local pilots during
the preliminary layout phase and these discussions should be documented.

The ship should be able to execute these maneuvers during the expected operational
environmental conditions while remaining a safe distance from any obstruction or limitations
(property lines, anchorage, submarine lines, cables, buoys, etc.) and in an area of sufficient water

The expected deployment of tugs should be considered when determining the appropriate safe

The berth should be situated such that ships have a safe escape route in the event that the
maneuver has to be aborted (e.g. due to mooring difficulties). Most local port and pilotage
authorities require the ship to be pointed out to sea to expedite unberthing in the event of an

The ship should be able to swing on its anchor without grounding during normal maneuvers or in
the unforeseen event of a break out due to mooring failure. Impact with a mooring buoy could
cause the buoy or its anchor chain to be damaged or the ship's propeller to be fouled and
damaged. Provision of Adequate Water Depth

Ensuring that there is adequate water depth for the full range of ships that may call at the facility
is one of the principal factors affecting the selection of sites for MBMs. The water depth must be
sufficient at the berth, and in all berth approach and maneuvering areas to ensure adequate
Under Keel Clearance (UKC) is maintained.

May 2014 Rev.1
Terminals should develop their own UKC policy and their assessment should be based on
considerations that are described in the following sections. Transit UKC

Water depths are critical throughout the tanker transit from and to deep water. It is important
that the appropriate transits UKCs are defined by an experienced mariner in consultation with
the local harbor authority, pilots and ship operators. Calculation of the transit UKC
requirement involves consideration of tidal height, waves (including swell and long period
oscillations), squat, seabed material, bathymetry inaccuracies, and appropriate safety factors. Berth UKC

The MBM should be located to ensure adequate water depth is available in the immediate
berth area. This area needs to be large enough to accommodate the lateral and longitudinal
movement of the vessel while lying in the berth, as determined by dynamic mooring analysis.
The calculation should include a wave response analysis for determining ship's heave and pitch
to ensure adequate berth UKC is available in the worst case environmental conditions. Seabed Obstructions

The MBM should be situated in sufficient water depth to achieve the required UKC between
the ship's hull and the seabed and obstructions, such as the PLEM, subsea pipelines and cargo
hoses, when moored during the maximum operating environmental conditions. Current Effects

For MBMs that are not aligned with currents, additional under keel clearance may be
necessary to reduce or limit current-induced loads on the mooring system. However, it should
be noted that increased water depths may substantially increase the length of submarine
piping and the size of the mooring leg components required at the berth (increased capacity,
longer chain lengths, and larger mooring buoys) and will allow for increased tanker surge and
sway movements. Regulatory Requirements

Some port authorities may stipulate a minimum UKC that should be taken into account at the
berth design stage.

6.6.9. Mooring Load Analysis Factors Affecting Mooring Loads

Factors that have the dominant effect on mooring loads include wave height, wave period, wind,
current and vessel/mooring system interaction. The basis for a mooring system design depends
upon the peak mooring loads that the tanker exerts on the system. The designer should be aware
of the significance of the various factors, and the possible effects that a change in a parameter
may have on mooring loads and mooring performance. Ship Response to Waves

The wave period and the type of wave spectrum influence mooring loads. Long period wave
phenomena can have a major influence on the response of a moored tanker and, therefore, on
mooring loads. The tanker and mooring system response will be particularly pronounced if the
period of swell or wave grouping corresponds to the natural period of the mooring system. In that

May 2014 Rev.1
case, peak mooring forces will be significantly higher than would otherwise be experienced in
shorter period waves of the same height.

In planning an MBM berth, a study of oceanographic data should be performed to determine if

long period waves are possible and whether they should be accounted for in the analysis. Effect of Wind and Current

Unlike the loads imposed on the tanker by waves, the loads imposed by wind and current can be
established with relative accuracy. `Loads' in this case include both forces and moments acting on
the ship. Wind Loads on the Ship

Wind loads are proportional to the square of the wind velocity and the projected area exposed.
Wind force coefficients have been developed from wind tunnel tests and are included in the
OCIMF publication `Mooring Equipment Guidelines'.

Wind velocity is the velocity measured at the standard datum height of 10m above ground/water
surface and is typically representative of a 30 second average mean velocity. The selection of the
30 second wind is based on the time it takes the forces in a mooring system to respond to wind
velocity changes. 30 seconds is a typical value for a ballasted VLCC. Smaller ships will respond
more quickly and a fully laden VLCC may require 60 seconds to respond. However, for consistency,
a 30 second average period is suggested for all ship sizes and loading conditions. Current Loads on the Ship

Current force and moment coefficients for typical tanker hulls have also been developed and
published by OCIMF in `Mooring Equipment Guidelines' (Reference 2).

As with the wind, current loads increase proportionally to the square of the velocity of flow.
Current loads will decrease with a decrease in draft. For a fixed draft, current loads will decrease
with an increase in the waterdepth-to-draft ratio. This effect is important up to a depth-to-draft
ratio of about 1.5, and less pronounced beyond that ratio. Normally a 10 minute mean current
speed is used in design. Ship Movement

Although movements are permitted at MBMs, the mooring system's elasticity and limited restraint
capacity usually restricts the maximum permitted wind speeds for ships in the berth. Current loads
can further limit operations if velocities are significant and the berth is not in line with the
prevailing current direction. Selection of Design Safe Working Load

The layout of an MBM and the size of the mooring legs are governed by the magnitude of the
wind, current and wave loads exerted on the moored tanker. For buoy berths, environmental
forces from all directions have to be considered in the mooring berth design. Generally, mooring
leg loads due to wave and swell vary as follows:

For the same wave period and wave height, the mooring leg loads are much greater
for beam waves than for head waves. While a berth may remain tenable in head seas,
it could be limited in beam seas

May 2014 Rev.1
The more elastic, or softer, the mooring system, the lower the peak mooring leg loads
due to waves but the larger the movement envelope. This will also impact on the
length of the hose strings
The peak mooring leg loads decrease as water depth increases.

6.6.10. Mooring Components Buoys and Hooks

Mooring buoys are typically constructed of steel. However, other materials such as glass
reinforced plastics have been used. The following factors should be considered when evaluating
mooring buoys for a particular location:
Sufficient buoyancy to support the weight of the mooring chain and ancillary fittings, and
adequate freeboard when under load
Ease and safety of operation including, where necessary, access for mooring personnel to
safely board, handle ship's lines and disembark, a suitable method of connecting and
releasing mooring lines and a fendering system
Maintenance, including impact resistance and durability.

The ease and safety of operation is of particular concern in the selection of mooring buoys. One of
the major considerations is whether launch personnel will board the buoys to attach or release
mooring lines.

Puma Energy does not recommend the boarding of mooring buoys for securing and releasing of
ships mooring lines and also does not accept ships with wires for mooring at MBMs. Use of wires
imposes too high a load on the mooring boats transferring the lines from ship to buoy. Experience
has shown that issues with suitability of mooring ropes or wires can often be solved by the facility
having their own suitable ropes in stock and arranging to rent these to vessels which require
them. Take out

In view of the above, the mooring hook should be situated such that it is easily accessible to
launch personnel, close to the edge of the buoy. Multiple hooks on a single buoy should be
capable of rotating in the horizontal plane, to enable the mooring lines to be placed from any
direction. Buoys should be capable of withstanding the impacts from mooring launches without
damaging the integrity of either the boat or the buoy. This will require the buoy and/or the
launches to be adequately fendered.

The mooring buoys should be designed with permanent lifting eyes to facilitate their installation
and removal for maintenance or replacement. Depending on the final dimensions of the buoy,
watertight manholes may be considered to enable access to the buoy's internal compartments. It
is advisable to maintain a spare mooring buoy on land to rotate into service while buoys are
periodically maintained on a one-by-one basis.

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 24: Load transfer via Structural Member in body of Cylindrical Buoy

Puma Energy recommends the use of cylindrical buoys fitted with either single or multiple Pelican
Hooks. The use of Quick Release Hooks (QRH) on mooring buoys is not supported.

Cylindrical buoys are large cylindrical cans that lie horizontally in the water. Most of the cylindrical
buoys in service have a diameter of about 1.5 to 2.5 meters and a length of 3.0 to 4.5 meters. An
alternative to this type of buoy is the Drum Buoy may also be considered. Drum buoys are
cylindrical cans that sit vertically in the water. Buoys in service vary from about 2.5 to 4.5 meters
in diameter and 1.5 to 2.5 meters in depth. When a mooring load is applied, the working platform
will tilt and may become partially submerged. Access to the buoy to secure or release moorings
should only be carried out under no-load conditions, with the buoy platform horizontal.

The final selection of the type of buoy to be used must be done in close collaboration with the
waterborne mooring team who may be contractors. It is important to establish what resources are
available both in equipment and personnel as well as their level of experience and expertise.

The hooks should be designed to accept a single line. However, it is recognized that, by exception,
for operational reasons it may be necessary to place a maximum of two lines on a single hook.

May 2014 Rev.1
Hooks are generally tested to a proof load that is 125% of their SWL. The design SWL of the
individual mooring hooks should be the same as that of the tension leg.

Buoy Coating
Failure of the coating system applied to the buoy will lead to accelerated corrosion of the steel
plates. Buoys usually require blasting and recoating at intervals of between 3 and 5 years. General
maintenance between overhauls is dependent on site specific conditions. Small marker and pick-
up buoys, which are of metal construction, normally require maintenance on an annual basis.

Cathodic Protection
The amount of anode required during the lifespan of the mooring buoys should be calculated prior
to construction. However, routine inspection should be undertaken to verify that corrosion rates
are not higher than those expected. If corrosion rates are too high, replacement of the anode will
be required. The anodes should be replaced if less than 25% of their original weight remains. The
anodes may be inspected and/or cleaned periodically in the water by a diver with a more detailed
inspection performed with the buoys out of the water at recommended intervals of between 3
and 5 years.

Puma Energy requires that a spare buoy complete with fittings and attachments be maintained to
facilitate a planned maintenance program for mooring buoys. Marker and Pick-up Buoys Marker Buoys

Marker buoys may be used to indicate the location of the subsea pipeline and PLEM. In some
cases, the pick-up buoy will be used as a marker buoy to indicate the end of the hoses. Marker
buoys should be color coded for identification. Markers may also be provided at the shore end of
the pipeline. Marker buoys can have any shape that is practical to handle and maintain. Buoys and
their anchorage should be selected to minimize damage to the buoy or the vessel if a vessel
overrides their position, as often occurs.

Long cylindrical spar buoys have good stability. The buoys are anchored with a taut chain and tidal
or wave fluctuations are taken up on the buoy itself, which remains in a stable position. Buoys
should be sized to remain visible under normal operating conditions and to avoid snatch loads in
the mooring line under extreme conditions.

Spar buoys are normally preferred for marking the location of the submarine pipelines and the
PLEM. The buoys should be anchored to a concrete weight adjacent to the pipeline, and not to the
pipeline itself. Anchoring the buoy to the pipeline may result in damage to the pipeline during
severe storms or from tankers dragging the buoy or forcing the buoy downward when overriding.

Pick-up Buoys
Pick-up buoys should be attached to the ends of the submarine hoses by chain. The pick-up buoys
are hoisted aboard the tanker when the hoses are raised with the tanker's lifting gear. Lifting rings
should be placed every 4.5 to 6 meters along the chain for lifting the hose. For ease of handling
onboard the tanker, small buoys are normally used. The buoys need only sufficient buoyancy to
remain visible under operating conditions. If the buoys are oversized they will be difficult to
handle, and will tend to lift the end of the hose off the seabed under high wave action.

May 2014 Rev.1 Anchor Chain Leg
Under load, the anchor chain takes the form of a catenary from the mooring buoy to the point the
chain contacts the seabed. Anchor chain and connecting hardware should be specified and
manufactured in accordance with a recognized Standard, e.g. API SPEC 2F (Reference 14), or Rules
developed by Classification Societies.

Chain can be manufactured as either open link or stud link in either Marine grade or Offshore
Mooring grade. Mooring chain for MBM systems is typically stud link and should be specified to an
appropriate offshore grade. Stud link chain is approximately 9% heavier than open link (studless)
chain and has more resistance to kinking and knotting during installation and operation. For these
reasons, it is recommended for MBM systems.

Joining Shackles

Connection shackles, such as `D' shackles, are used between standard lengths that is normally
supplied in lengths of 27.5 meters, commonly referred to as a `shackle' or `shot' of chain.
Connecting links should be as strong as or stronger than the chain itself. When the terminations of
the two lengths to be connected are common links having the same dimensions, a `Kenter' type
shackle may be used. Other types of connection links include pear links and `C' links. Connection
links should not be included in the touch-down area of the mooring system in the thrash zone.


A swivel may be placed in the anchor chain near the connection to the mooring buoy. The swivel is
intended to prevent the chain from twisting if the buoy turns or spins. A swivel may also be
required in the chain near the anchor connection and the location of the sinker blocks. There are
many different types of swivels available. A disadvantage of most common swivels is that they
may not function while under load due to the high friction inside the turning mechanism. Chain
swivels with special bearings inside the mechanisms perform better under load.

Allowances for Corrosion, Abrasion and Wear

Chain in the thrash zone, and sometimes the pendant section, is subject to wear, abrasion and
corrosion. The thrash zone section abrades due to continual contact with the seabed. The pendant
section sometimes receives high inter-link wear in areas of rough seas. It is advisable to increase
chain size in the areas of excessive wear to increase the length of time before replacement.
Current industry practice is to increase the chain diameter by 0.2 mm to 0.4 mm per service year
in the thrash zone and 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm per year in the remainder of the chain length.

In locations experiencing extreme abrasion of the chain in the thrash zone or pendant sections,
procedures may address the more frequent replacement of the chain or the use of chain of larger

Load Transfer to Anchor Points

The length of chain should be calculated to provide flexibility in the leg and generally to avoid or
minimize chain uplift at the anchor point under extreme design conditions. Anchor holding power
will be reduced as the inclination at the anchor increases. Preferably, the angle that the anchor
chain makes with the anchor point at the seabed should be limited to 3 degrees or less, unless the
anchor point is suitably designed to handle increased uplift forces.
May 2014 Rev.1
6.6.11. Anchor Points
There are several types of anchor systems used and these include:
Drag embedment anchors
Plate anchors
Gravity anchors
Piles Anchor Point Safety Factors

For drag embedment anchors, the ultimate holding capacity for the various anchor types are available
in API 2SK (Reference 13). The API recommends applying a factor of safety on the ultimate holding
capacity of the anchor, specifically 1.5 when calculating the mooring forces on the anchor using a
dynamic mooring evaluation and 1.8 for quasi-static mooring evaluations. The API also recommends
that an additional 25% reduction is applied to the ultimate holding capacity of the anchors for those
locations consisting of dense nearshore sands. The capacities with the factors of safety should be
compared to the SWL capacity of the mooring leg.

For plate anchors, gravity anchors and piles, the holding capacity and its factor of safety should align
with appropriate local structural and geotechnical engineering design codes. Drag Embedment Anchors

Commercially available steel anchors are the most common form of buoy anchorage. Anchors for
permanent moorings should bite quickly into the seabed and develop a high holding power. A
permanent anchor should remain fixed under the maximum design load.
High holding power anchors that are more suitable for permanent anchorages have been developed.
To avoid rotation in poor holding material, it is customary to provide a swivel in the anchor chain
adjacent to the anchor. There are other types of anchors used for those areas with shallow rock
substrata, which have been proven to sufficiently anchor themselves to the rock. These may be
equipped with a serrated shank and cutter-teeth for better penetration in hard soils, such as coral
types or sandstone, and the fluke points are specially reinforced to withstand high point loads.
Increased holding capacity can be achieved in high efficiency drag anchors by excavating the seabed
and then burying the anchor fully. Regardless of the method used, the fluke angle should be set to
align with the type of soil the anchor will be installed into, taking note of recommendations provided
by the anchor vendor. Holding Power of Drag Embedment Anchors

The holding power of an anchor is normally defined as the ratio of the actual pull it can withstand
without dragging, to the weight of the anchor in air. For example, a 5 tonne anchor that has a holding
power of 10 under given conditions can withstand a horizontal pull of 50 tonnes without dragging. A
proof test should be carried out, following installation, to confirm holding power.

The holding power of an anchor, as confirmed by the proof test, varies with the following parameters:
Type and weight of anchor and fluke angle
Soil conditions at site
Distance anchor has been dragged
May 2014 Rev.1
Depth of anchor penetration
Vertical inclination of anchor chain at anchor.

Where practical application is possible, the above is the type of Anchor that Puma Energy approves. Plate Anchors

Plate anchors are a relatively new development for specific and often deepwater applications, but
they can also be used in shallow water. They are particularly useful in soft seabed conditions and
where a large uplift resistance is required. Plate anchors have evolved from the original concept of a
single flat plate with an anchor point attached. The modern plate anchors are designed to facilitate
either drag embedment or installation by conventional or suction piling. They can be oriented in either
the vertical or horizontal plane. Many proprietary types of plate anchor are available and some require
specialist equipment to install.

When correctly installed in suitable conditions, the plate anchor can provide very high holding power
and, when installed in or close to the horizontal plane, the system offers an anchor point with a high
vertical lift component. While the anchor itself was designed as a cost effective mooring point, the
installation and orientation is critical and the specialist equipment required in some cases may be

Puma Energy generally would not make use of these types of anchors unless there was overwhelming
motivation to support their employment. Gravity Anchors

One type of gravity anchor is the concrete wedge anchor, which can be fabricated locally and
inexpensively. This anchor does not develop high holding power in sand and requires a high weight to
be effective. The anchor does not dig in deeply and pushes a mound of sand ahead of it when it drags.
When the sand scours away, the process is repeated. In mud, the wedge anchors sink in and hold
largely by a suction effect. On a hard bottom the wedge slides until it becomes lodged against an

Puma Energy generally would not make use of these types of anchors unless there was overwhelming
motivation to support their employment. Gravity Bases

The term 'deadman' anchor usually refers to a large concrete block, or poured in place mass, which is
used for anchorage. Deadman are often used for anchoring buoys to a very soft clay bottom. A hole is
dug to firm material and the deadman anchor is then formed with tremie concrete, or a pre-cast block
is used over which granular backfill is placed. The pullout value of the anchorage depends upon the
shearing strength of the surrounding soil. Deadman can also be used when the sea bed is rock, but
blasting is required in this case.

May 2014 Rev.1 Pile Anchors
Pile anchors are steel piles that are driven into the seabed for anchorage. The top of the piles are
driven to be flush or below the seabed and the anchor chain is normally connected to a pad eye below
the top of the pile. Piles are used where high pulls have to be resisted and where poor holding ground
or rock bottom is encountered near the surface.

Pile design should account for pile bending stresses as well as ultimate lateral pile capacity. Pile
embedment should also be sufficient to develop the axial capacity to resist vertical loads with an
appropriate factor of safety. Anchor Proof Test

For new installations or where the mooring anchors have been pulled out of position, the mooring
buoys need to be reset and proof tested to the required design holding capacity of the anchors. Holding Power of Chain on Sea Floor

The length of anchor chain lying on the seabed is designed to prevent or minimize uplift forces on the
anchor and adds only marginally to the holding power of the system. The holding capacity from the
friction of chain on the sea floor is typically ignored for MBMs because the chain is lifted from the
seabed under mooring line load. Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Anchor

The following table provides a summary of the key features of each anchor type:

May 2014 Rev.1
Table 16: Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages of Anchor Types

6.7. Hose System

Hose systems are vulnerable parts of the berth and care should be exercised in their design, operation
and maintenance. All hoses should be designed, manufactured, tested and handled in accordance with
OCIMF's `Guide to Manufacturing and Purchasing Hoses for Offshore Moorings' and the
manufacturer's recommendations. Depending on the requirements, one or more hose strings may be
employed. It should be noted that the use of multiple hose strings may cause operational problems
due to their tangling.

6.7.1. Flow Rates

The minimum hose diameter should be established based on required flow rates and allowable
pressure losses. Surge pressure considerations may provide limitations to the flow velocity. Hose
May 2014 Rev.1
manufactured in accordance with OCIMF's `Guide to Manufacturing and Purchasing of Hoses for
Offshore Moorings' are suitable for operation at a continuous flow velocity of up to 21

6.7.2. Lifting Considerations

The submarine hose at MBM berths normally rests on the seabed when not in use. A lifting chain is
attached to the free end of the hose and a marker buoy is attached to the free end of the lifting chain.
The tanker raises the hose by hoisting on the lifting chain with the midship crane or derrick.
The SWLs of lifting equipment on tankers above 16,000 dwt are described in the OCIMF publication
`Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment'
In some instances, the maximum hose diameter may be limited by the hoisting capacity of the tanker's
lifting gear, particularly when handling vessels below 16,000 dwt that are not covered by the OCIMF

6.7.3. Presentation Flange

Over-the-rail hoses should match the presentation flange for the majority of tankers anticipated, using
reducers (or enlargers) for other vessels as needed. It is recommended that a butterfly isolation valve
is included in the hose end configuration.

6.7.4. Hose Length

The use of computer modelling techniques to calculate hose length and safety margins is

6.7.5. Hose String Configuration

Submarine hoses are normally specified as heavy duty hose, having a working pressure of 15 barg (218
psig) and a minimum burst pressure of 75 barg (1,088 psig). Smooth bore hose is normally used. Rough
bore hose is used only when product characteristics, such as very high temperatures, preclude the use
of smooth bore hose. Reference should be made to the OCIMF publication `Guide to Manufacturing
and Purchasing Hoses for Offshore Moorings' Most hose manufacturers offer several alternative hose
constructions and designs, suitable for different situations.
The submarine hose string from the PLEM to the tanker will typically be made up of the hose types
Plem connection (one end re-inforced)
Breakaway Coupling
Tail hose
Rail hose ( Fitted with lifting lugs and of greater flexibility)

Puma Energy also requires that a swivel be fitted to the hose string to ensure that when raising and
lowering from and to the seabed the possibility of kinking the hose string is minimized. Depending on
the depth of water this swivel should be optimally placed to ensure that the rest position of the hose
adopts a lazy S type of formation. As an example a 12 hose located in 18m water depth would have
this fitted between the 5th and 6th hose from the Tanker manifold flange.

May 2014 Rev.1
6.7.6. Methods of Hose Connection
Hoses can be connected to the tanker's manifold using a manually bolted connection or a quick-
connect/disconnect (QC/DC) coupling, such as a cam locking device. Couplers are normally left on the
end of the hose and, therefore, should be very robust, mechanically simple and corrosion resistant.

Puma Energy requires that suitable Camlocks be fitted for connection to the ships manifold.

6.7.7. Marine Breakaway Coupling

A double closure Marine Breakaway Coupling (MBC), designed by a specialized consultant, must be
included in the hose string.

Installation of an MBC in the hose string of an MBM berth is designed to help protect the system
against the consequences of tanker breakout, but it should be recognized that the device requires
additional inspection, maintenance and training to ensure its effective operation. The MBC is normally
installed after the first hose from the PLEM and will, therefore, be difficult to access for inspection and
maintenance. If activated, the full length of the hose string will remain attached to the tanker's

Breakaway couplings for MBM berths are generally made up of a unit joined in two halves
incorporating shut off valve(s), requiring no external power or control source to activate (i.e. it is a
passive device). The valves are mechanically locked in the open position and fail safe to close when
activated. The two halves of the unit will part on load/surge and separation initiates closure of the
valves. As the unit separates, the flow of the product being transferred is stopped and contained
within each part of the separated hose (where double closure units are fitted). A small volume of
product flowing, during valve closure and from between the valves, will be released to the
environment on the coupling's activation and separation.

It is important that hose manufacturers and PLEM designers are advised of the intention to
incorporate an MBC within a hose string in order that full analyses of the hose configurations, with the
MBC, are undertaken at the hose design stage.

6.8. Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM)

The PLEM facilitates the subsea termination of the pipeline, and the connection to the marine hoses. A
PLEM comprises a structural base supporting a piping manifold. The PLEM base structure is secured to the
seabed as a gravity base, but may also be piled, depending on the soil, loads and installation preferences.
Perimeter skirts can be used to improve the lateral stability and for scour protection. Typical PLEM
footprint dimensions range from about 3 by 5 meters to 8 by 10 meters. The PLEM height should be kept
to a minimum in shallow water locations to allow maximum clearance. A protection frame is fitted over
the manifold to protect the piping from falling objects or fouling ropes.

The PLEM design should be compatible with the pipeline size, pipeline class and the hose configuration.
The PLEM should be designed in accordance with relevant structural, mechanical and geotechnical design

May 2014 Rev.1
Anchorage of the end of the pipeline could be accomplished with gravity anchors. Where the seabed has a
deep layer of mud, a piled foundation may be required to hold the pipeline above the mud line.

Whatever the design, a way of flushing the hoses prior to their removal for routine inspection and testing
should be provided. It is preferable to clear the hoses by injecting water at the low point of the system and
the PLEM design should accommodate this requirement. Sufficient rigging points and pad eyes should also
be provided on the PLEM to facilitate the installation of the hoses.

The PLEM design should consider pipeline and hose flange loads that may arise from any operational
condition as well as from any credible accidental condition. Tanker drift beyond the hose reach should be
considered and mitigating measures should be implemented, where practicable, to protect the
environment and the product system.

Figure 25: Simplified Layout for PLEM piping

6.8.1. PLEM Piping

The PLEM piping may include branches for the connection of multiple hoses of smaller diameter than
the pipeline. The hose connections should be angled to provide a favorable alignment for the hose
excursion both when connected to the tanker and stowed.

The PLEM piping should include valves to facilitate replacement of the submarine hoses and may be
configured for the connection of a pig receiver/launcher to facilitate pipeline pigging. The PLEM
branch lines may also incorporate small diameter connections to facilitate flushing of the submarine

6.8.2. PLEM Location

The PLEM should be located in a neutral position from which acceptable vessel movements are

May 2014 Rev.1
The PLEM should be located such that hoses will be deployed and kept completely outside the outline
of the hull of the tanker when not in use. The orientation and profile of the hose needs to be carefully
checked to ensure that there is sufficient room to avoid interference with the tanker's hull and other
submerged equipment for the full range of tankers and manifold positions. The resulting curvature of
the hose strings should consider the bend radius limitations and towing power of the mooring craft.

Terminals have found it advantageous to locate the PLEM some distance aft of the centreline of the
design tanker's manifold and away from the side of the vessel. Although this requires long lengths of
hose, it minimizes hose kinking and contact with the tanker's bilge keel. It also alleviates the problem
of severe hose bending when the hose is connected to the vessel, thereby prolonging hose life.

6.9. Civil Works

6.9.1. Pier Containment

Refer to: 33 CFR 154.530 Small discharge containment.

6.9.2. Pier Protection

Pier Physical Protections against Fire and Physical Damages

Construction and protection standards for the three basic pier substructure construction types fire
resistive, noncombustible, and combustible and also any combination of these materials in a fourth
construction type defined herein as composite construction shall conform to the requirements
outlined in this Section.

Protection against Mechanical Damage

Concrete or other portions of pier or wharf structures that are exposed to impact or abrasion by
vessels, or are subject to damage by floating ice or debris, shall be protected by an open fender system
constructed of wood or other material approved by the authority having jurisdiction.

Provisions shall be made to reduce the impact force exerted on the pier with details of construction
that prevent excessive damage from ordinary operations.

Support for Walls: When piers or wharves are located in soft or yielding bottoms, where unequal
loading results in unequal settlement, the substructure for supporting division walls and walls
enclosing stairs, elevators, escalators, and chutes shall be separate and distinct from the structure of
the pier or wharf.

6.10. Buoys
Refer to: DNV-OS-E403 Offshore Loading Buoys

Buoy Painting

Refer to: Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) Standards.

Metal buoys shall be sand blasted to near white metal, before applying an epoxy primer paint followed
with two coats of Anti Fouling marine type white paint.

6.11. Loading Arms

Refer to: Define specifications at the OCIMF Design and Construction Specification for Marine Loading Arms

May 2014 Rev.1
1. Each mechanical loading arm used for transferring oil or hazardous material and placed into service
after June 30, 1973, must meet the design, fabrication, material, inspection, and testing requirements in
ANSI B31.3.

2. The manufacturer's certification that the standard in paragraph (a) of this section has been met must be
permanently marked on the loading arm or recorded elsewhere at the facility with the loading arm
marked to identify it with that information.

3. Each mechanical loading arm used for transferring oil or hazardous material must have a means of being
drained or closed before being disconnected after transfer operations are completed.

6.12. Piping
For piping specifications refer to Section 4.4 of this Technical Manual

6.12.1. Submarine Hoses

Refer to: .33 CFR 154.500 Hose assemblies, OCIMF Purchasing, Manufacturing and Testing of Loading
and Discharge Hoses for Offshore Moorings. 4th Edition 1991

Each hose assembly used for transferring oil or hazardous material must meet the following

1. The minimum design burst pressure for each hose assembly must be at least four times the sum of
the pressure of the relief valve setting (or four times the maximum pump pressure when no relief
valve is installed) plus the static head pressure of the transfer system, at the point where the hose
is installed.
2. The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) for each hose assembly must be more than the
sum of the pressure of the relief valve setting (or the maximum pump pressure when no relief
valve is installed) plus the static head pressure of the transfer system, at the point where the hose
is installed.
3. Each nonmetallic hose must be usable for oil or hazardous material service.
4. Each hose assembly must either have:
1. Full threaded connections;
2. Flanges that meet Standard B16.5, Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings, or Standard
B.16.24, Brass or Bronze Pipe Flanges, of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI);
3. Quick-disconnect couplings that meet ASTM F 1122 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
5. Each hose must be marked with one of the following:
1. The name of each product for which the hose may be used; or
2. For oil products, the words ``OIL SERVICE''; or
3. For hazardous materials, the words ``HAZMAT SERVICE--SEE LIST'' followed immediately
by a letter, number or other symbol that corresponds to a list or chart contained in the
facility's operations manual or the vessel's transfer procedure documents which identifies
the products that may be transferred through a hose bearing that symbol.
6. Each hose also must be marked with the following:
1. Maximum allowable working pressure;
2. Date of manufacture; and
3. Date of the latest test.
7. The hose burst pressure and the pressure used for the test must not be marked on the hose and
must be recorded elsewhere at the facility (hose records).

May 2014 Rev.1
8. Each hose used to transfer fuel to a vessel that has a fill pipe for which containment cannot
practically be provided must be equipped with an automatic back pressure shutoff nozzle. Types of Submarine Hoses Single Carcass Submarine Hose

Single carcass submarine hoses shall combine strength with flexibility. They take into
consideration for its design many factors such as water depth, tide, buoy excursions and wave
patterns. Double Carcass Anti-pollution Hose

Puma Energy recommends the use of Dunlop hoses for compatibility. Dunlop incorporates a double
carcass system; a primary carcass surrounded by a secondary carcass in essence a hose within a
hose. Both carcasses are independently secured to integral hose end fittings. In the unlikely event that
the primary carcass fails the secondary carcass remains intact. Having been unstressed prior to the
failure the secondary carcass has all the required strength and containment capabilities to take over,
thus containing the oil and preventing oil spillage and associated environmental damage.

The primary carcass functions independently from the secondary carcass

In accordance with OCIMF the secondary carcass fully withstands the prototype burst test used in
proving the primary carcass
The secondary carcass does not fatigue in normal service
Even after long and arduous hose service the secondary carcass can still contain a primary carcass
burst or leak
All Safgard hoses incorporate a robust and maintenance free warning system, which provides clear
evidence of primary carcass failure
The effectiveness of the warning system is not compromised by the environmental conditions The Use of Discontinuous Hoses within Hose Strings

A non-conducting length of hose is used to provide a section of resistance to block the flow of
current through a hose string. The electrical currents experienced by a hose line can be grouped
into three main areas, Static Electricity, Stray Electrical Currents and Galvanic Currents. Static Electricity

To provide protection against arcing during connection and disconnection a length of
discontinuous hose should be incorporated into the hose string. For this reason all tanker rail
hoses are supplied electrically discontinuous unless otherwise requested. Accumulations of static
charge are built up due to the passage of certain oils (especially static accumulator oils) through
the hose bore. A hose which is not connected to earth will gather charge. For this reason the rest
of the hose string should be electrically continuous. A discontinuous hose should not be used at
both ends of a hose string since it would leave an insulated section of conducting hose string upon
which an electrostatic charge could accumulate.

Special consideration should be given to the handling of a discontinuous tanker rail hose. As part
of the standard end gear a snubbing chain is connected from flange to flange on a tanker rail hose.
During loading / unloading operations, there is therefore an effective electrical link between the

May 2014 Rev.1
outboard flange of the rail hose and the deck connection point of the snubbing chain. If additional
measures are required to ensure insulation of the tanker from the electrically continuous section
of the hose string, then additional lengths of discontinuous hose should be used; for example the
tail hoses should be electrically discontinuous. Stray Electrical Currents

A discontinuous hose should be used to provide resistance to the flow of stray electrical currents
through a hose string. Stray currents can be caused by electrical leakage's onboard the tanker or
by differences in potential between each end of the hose string, whether that is between ship to
ship, ship to buoy, buoy to PLEM or ship to shore etc.

Atmospheric discharges are another source of stray currents, these resulting from electrical
storms and lightning. Large accumulations of current are then difficult to effectively earth. For this
reason a length of discontinuous hose should be used to form a barrier to the stray currents. Galvanic Currents

Galvanic currents are caused by differences in potential between the tanker and the mooring
buoy, tower or sea bed pipeline. Cathodic protection is frequently provided by either DC
impressed current or sacrificial anodes. A difference in the potential between two systems will
cause galvanic currents. Introducing a discontinuous hose in to the string will prevent the galvanic
current flow. Standard Practice

The electrical properties of the hoses within hose strings for a given installation are determined by
the client. The hose manufacturer provides hoses either electrically continuous or discontinuous
as specified by the client.

For a typical mono-buoy installation, all floating hoses are electrically continuous other than the
tanker rail hose and / or tail hoses. Submarine hoses are usually all discontinuous, although only
one hose in a submarine hose string theoretically needs to be discontinuous to keep buoy and
pipeline electrically isolated.

6.12.2. Submarine Piping and Valves

Refer to: 2165-RPT-003 PUMA New offshore CBM, ASME B31.4-2006 Pipeline Transportation Systems
for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids Chapter IX Offshore Liquid Pipeline Systems

Offshore design conditions

Loads for installation design
Environmental loads during installation
Operational design considerations. Operational loads
Bottom soils (on-bottom stability requirements and maximum allowable spans for irregular sea
Allowable stresses
Design for flexible pipe
Design for pipeline crossings
Pressure design components. Branch connections, Fittings. Flanges, facings, gaskets and bolting

May 2014 Rev.1
For Bolting: ASME B31.4 Sec. 408.5: Bolts or studs shall extend completely through the nuts. Nuts shall
conform ASTM A 194 or 325 except that A 307 grade B nuts may be used on ASME Class 300 flanges.

For Flanges, bolting and nuts:

Refer to: AWHEM TR9501A Chapter 2.0 Method of Calculating stud bolt length for type 6B and 6BX flanges, API
Spec 6A Flanges Marine Piping Painting

Paint type for submarine piping: Category III (3-layer FBE/PE coating).

The PUMA Energy preferred painting system for above water marine pipelines is the Electric Bonded Epoxy
(EBE) System. Electric Bonded Epoxy pipeline protection, this is a factory applied procedure, which entails
controlled sand blasting of the pipe followed by the application of a uniform coat of epoxy paint. The pipes are
fully painted with the exception of 6 inches on each end, which allows for field welding. Once the pipeline is
welded and tested, mechanical cleaning of the weld areas is needed to apply a thermo shrink coupling, which
seals the joint. The EBE can be field repaired for minor damages during transportation or installation. PLEM (Pipe-Line End Manifold)

API RP 1111 Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipelines and other
API STD 1104 Standard for Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
ANSI/ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings
ANSI/ASME B16.20 Ring Joint Gaskets and Groves for Steele Pipe Flanges.
ASME 31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons
API 6D Specification for Pipe Valves
NACE MR0175 Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems
DNV-RP-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems
DNV-RP-F105 Free Spanning Pipelines
DNV-RP-B401 Cathodic Protection Design

6.12.3. Break Away Devices

A listed emergency breakaway device designed to retain liquid on both sides of the breakaway point
must be installed on each line serving the dock. The breakaway device shall be located where the dock
piping will separate from the shore or secured ramp piping. The piping shall be secured at both ends of
the breakaway device so that the piping will withstand the forces and pressures exerted upon it.

Break Away devices shall be of double closure. In the case of CBM or ABB, Break Away devices shall
never be connected directly to the PLEM.

6.12.4. Closure Devices

Each facility must have enough butterfly valves, wafer type resilient seated valves, blank flanges, or
other means acceptable to the COTP to blank off the ends of each hose or loading arm that is not
connected for transfer of oil or hazardous material.

Such hoses and/or loading arms must be blanked off during the transfer of oil or hazardous material. A
suitable material in the joints and couplings shall be installed on each end of the hose assembly or
loading arm not being used for transfer a leak-free seal.

May 2014 Rev.1
6.12.5. Check Valves
Refer to: API Spec 6D Pipeline Valves. 5.1.4 Check Valves

6.12.6. Electrical Grounding and Bonding

Refer to: NFPA 70 NEC and NFPA 77 Static electricity, NFPA 30 Section., API 2003 Protection
against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents Lighting
Refer to Section of this document for lighting requirements.

May 2014 Rev.1
7. Bitumen Storage Tanks
References Latest edition

API Recommended Practice 2023, "Guide for Safe Storage and Handling of Heated Petroleum-Derived
API 650 Welded Steel tanks for Oil Storage
API RP 2000 Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks: Non-refrigerated and Refrigerated
API RP 2350 Overfill Protection for Tanks
ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping
Asphalt Products and Crude-Oil Residua"
API Standard 650, "Welded Tanks for Oil Storage".
API Standard 2000, "Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks".
Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. 4 (MS-4), The Asphalt Handbook
Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. 22 (MS-22), Principles of Construction of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements
Guide to Safe Delivery of Bitumen UK Edition, Refined Bitumen Association.
Guidance for Safe Bitumen Tank Management", Refined Bitumen Association / Mineral Products
RBA Position Paper on the use of Ground-Based Pumps for Bitumen Discharge at Customer Sites
Refined Bitumen Association.
Bitumen Safety Code, Energy Institute.
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
BS EN 61511: Functional Safety Safety Instrumented Systems for the process industry sector (Part 1 to 3).
NFPA 20 Standard for Installation of Stationary Fire Pump

7.1. General

Figure 26: Boat Loading/Unloading

The bitumen is imported via sea vessels up to 30-15,000 DWT, and transferred to 1 or many bitumen tanks
typically up to 10.000m3 capacity.

May 2014 Rev.1
The tanks, as well as bitumen lines, shall be heated with central hot oil system before the bitumen is loaded to
road tankers.

Bitumen terminals are usually constructed inside Ports facilities, more especially with dedicated berth. The
distance between the berth and Terminal should not exceed 2, 000 meters (above 2,000 meters, we may face
issues of jetty pipe heating, and loss of pressure along the line for the ship bitumen pumping rate). Bitumen
terminal is comprised of:

Ship receiving facilities, including a heated pipeline.

Bitumen Storage (tanks) and forwarding facilities(pumps, loading gantry)
Hot Oil Heating facilities
Administrative Buildings with a control room.
Firefighting system

Bitumen will be stored at 140- 160 C and will be loaded at similar temperature. Heating medium will be hot
oil; fuel oil used in the heater will be diesel, or gas or heavy fuels.

The terminal piping design shall allow certain amount of flexibility regarding the following
Simultaneously, trucks could be loaded either from the same tank, or different tanks
Ship unloading to one or more tanks at the same time.
Transfer between tanks and simultaneously loading trucks from any of the tanks not in transfer
Full interchange ability of pumps shall be allowed

7.2. Tank Designs and Construction

The bitumen storage tanks shall be dome roof type. Tanks will be designed and fabricated in accordance to:

API 650, Atmospheric Steel Tanks, latest edition.

API RP 2000, Venting Atmosphere and Low Pressure Storage Tanks
API 2350, Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities

May 2014 Rev.1
7.2.1. Tank Capacity

Figure 27: Tank Capacity

The owner and operator shall determine how much volume is needed in the tank to store bitumen that will be
available for draw off for use in Terminal requirements (supplier to ship delivery, delivery to customers
etc.)The intent is to prevent unplanned run out of products.

Available Tank Capacity comprises of the internal volume from the draw-off nozzle to the tank vent and over-
fill pipework. The owner, operator and designer will agree on the Safe Working Tank Capacity. A safety factor
endorsed by the owner or operator is established to allow sufficient time to safely down tank filling operations
to avoid overfilling the tank.

Unavailable Tank Capacity is determined by the design engineer and is consisting of:

Internal volume from the floor of the tank to the normal draw-off nozzle
Internal volumes above the available tank capacity from the tank vent / overfill pipework to the roof of
the tank.

Nominal Tank Capacity is the total internal volume of the tank from the floor to its roof. This capacity is greater
than and should not be confused with the safe working tank capacity when discussing the tank's available

The design engineer may propose changes to the tank design capacities to optimize or save cost on the tank
fabrication process.

7.2.2. Tank Components

Each tank shall be equipped with:

1. Inlet and outlet nozzles, with dimensions suitable for the need of the process.

2. Manhole nozzle for inspection and maintenance.

May 2014 Rev.1
3. Spare nozzles should be foreseen for future improvements or additional requirements of installation.

4. Internal overflow and overfill is poured in the basin ground.

5. Roof gauging hatches

6. Vents suitable for bitumen service. Ventilation is based on the recommendations of API STD 2000, last

7. Drain of tank: a bottom drainage pipe (4 pipe).

8. Ladders, platforms and handrails, walkway between tanks tank earthing

9. Hot coils capable of maintaining the product temperature

10. Thermal insulation and cladding to be suitable for process conditions.

11. Level measurement and monitoring: radar type level gauging.

12. Alarms and relevant contacts:

High level
High High level
Low level
Low low level
High temperature

13. For Custody transfer, each tank shall be provided with:

Raptor Level Transmitter

Temperature Transmitter Multi Point Type
Temperature Indicators

14. Mixing system (upon owner or operator request) may be added to the tank: for mixing different
bitumen grades, establish uniform temperature.

7.2.3. Tank Loading

Tank load design considerations unique to Owner and Operator's locality and local code requirements:

1. Seismic loads.

2. Snow loads.

3. Wind loads:

Both magnitude and prevailing direction.

Uplift pressure on the roof.

4. Flood loads

Additional Tank Design Considerations

Additional tank design considerations for hot bitumen service conditions:

May 2014 Rev.1
1. Hydrogen Sulphide conditions that may promote hydrogen-induced cracking and
hydrogen sulphide fume generation.
2. Maximum tank design temperature.
3. Maximum bitumen operating temperature.
4. Bitumen vapor pressure at maximum operating temperature.
5. Maximum tank fill rate (rate in).
6. Maximum tank emptying rate (rate out).
7. Cross contamination from low boiling point contaminants (such as water, emulsions and
cut-backs) inadvertently leaking or reversing flow in a common header, creating
potentially hazardous situations.
8. Consider elevated vents to minimize odor issues

7.2.4. Safety Considerations

The interior of a hot bitumen storage tank is a harsh environment for tank safety equipment. Due to bitumen's
tendencies to vaporize and coke when heated at high temperatures for long periods of time and to increase its
viscosity to the point of hardening to a solid when cooled, there is a risk that bitumen could foul tank safety
equipment and cause malfunctions. Tank safety equipment should be designed with this in mind and
incorporate adequate design safety factors, redundancy, robustness and accessibility for inspections and
preventative maintenance

7.3. Piping
Shall be designed and fabricated in accordance to;

ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping

API 5L , Specification for Line Pipe
API 6D , Specification for Pipeline Valves ( Gate , Ball and Check Valves )
API 598 , Valve Inspection and Testing
API 600, Steel Gate Valves, Flanged and Butt-welding Ends, Bolted and Pressure Seal Bonnet.
API 602, Compact Steel Gate Valves-Flanged, Threaded, Welding and Extended-Body Ends.

Heating system is required to keep the bitumen hot in the piping. The pipeline from the Jetty to the Terminal
needs to be heated always it is necessary to use it for unload or unloading ships.

7.3.1. Heating System

The heating system shall be sized to keep the bitumen at desired temperature.

The Terminal will be equipped with a set of Boilers to heat a thermal fluid, which is transferred into the

Boilers are fully automated, ensuring the maintenance of a pre-selected hot oil temperature.

Diesel, Natural Gas, Heavy Fuel Oils can be used as combustible for Boilers. Consideration of operational cost
and security of supply must be part of the selection of fuel type. In many locations it is prudent to provide
dual-fuel boilers to benefit from cheaper but less secure fuel sources.

Principle for complete hot oil system is described in the drawing here below:

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 28: Hot Oil System

Typical Hot Oil System with full option in composed of:

Fired Heater or Waste Heat Recovery Unit

Circulation Pumps
Makeup Pumps
Expansion Drum (Surge Drum)
Vapor Condenser with Separator
Trim Cooler
Rundown Cooler
Storage Tank
Drain Tank and Pump
Hot Oil Temperature Control, N2 blanket with Pressure Control

7.4. Gantry Metering

Bitumen loading involves the accurate and safe delivery of products on board of trucks.

Puma Energy has adopted as metering principle a weighbridge with electronic control device. A computer
controls the loading of the truck (through the use of a top loading arm), acting over the pump speed and the
automatic control valve.

May 2014 Rev.1
7.5. Emulsion Unit

Figure 29: Emulsion Production Principle

Standard Bitumen Emulsion contains approximately:

Bitumen : 40 - 75%
Water: 25 60%inside the water phase, chemicals (emulsifiers) 0.1 to 2.5%)

There are several typical emulsion production packages Puma Energy has adopted:

Average size production : 15-20tons/hour

Compact Unit, standing in a 40 skid (tanks excluded)
Tanks: Process Bitumen tank, Solvent tank, Water tank, emulsion tank

Emulsion Storage Tanks: Vertical storage tanks are best suited to store emulsions. Vertical tanks expose the
least amount of surface area to air, thus reducing the formation of an asphalt skin on the surface of the
emulsion. Tanks must also be insulated with a weather resistant covering, to protect the asphalt emulsion
from freezing and provide the most efficient use of heat. Additionally, side-entering propeller mixers can be
used to gently agitate the asphalt emulsion. This eliminates any skin formation. Side-entry mixer placement
must be engineered to the size of the storage tank.

7.6. PMB Unit

The Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) has the ability to offer improved performance over conventional or non-
modified bitumen.

The method is to add and mix Polymers Additives to Bitumen (up to 30 %).

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 30:( PMB) Process Plant Principle

7.7. Fire Fighting

In bitumen terminal, it is proposed to have water systems and foam production capacity through mobile fire
extinguishing equipment, such as foam and water monitors and hydrants. Consideration shall be made for the
use of water or foam systems in Hot Bitumen Tanks causing boil over.

The strategy to be applied when fighting a bitumen fire depends mainly upon the quantity of product involved.
However, as an initial measure to limit the propagation of the fire, the heating circuits, main valves, to tanks
and Boilers should be switched switch off as soon as practicable.

Small fires from leaks or spills can be extinguished using dry chemical, foam, water spray or carbon dioxide.
Extinguishing a major fire in bulk bitumen tank can be extremely hazardous to fire fighters.Water spray, when
used properly, is the best medium for fighting large open tanks (as the case of a tank which the roof has largely
blown away). Diffusers shall be used.

All tanks shall be protected by a system of cooling water, which prevents overheating. This system of cooling
water for each tank is composed of water monitors located around the basin. The monitors shall allow flow
regulation and production of fog or jet water.

The system shall be designed according to the Energy Institute Bitumen Safety Code, with the rate application
of 2 l / min per m2 for 60 minutes. The firefighting system in the loading bays, pumping station, boiler unit,
warehouse, is according to the recommendations of Energy Institute Bitumen Safety Code.

Generally, portable fire extinguishers dry chemical are preferred for the first attack on small bitumen areas. It
shall also be considered near these facilities the presence of water hydrants.

The Terminal shall be equipped with a fire water tank; the size of the fire water tank is calculated based upon
NFPA and Energy Institute Bitumen Safety Code water requirements for a scenario of one tank in fire. The
water shall be enough to assure a rate to cooling adjacent tanks and also to fight the fire in the burning tank.

A fire water network (always pressurized) in a ring, will cover the main parts of the Terminal. The fire network
will be fed by a fire pump station composed by NFPA 20 compliance pumps, and it will always have a duty-
standby configuration.

May 2014 Rev.1
8. LPG Installations
References Latest edition / in some countries French type standards shall apply Please check with
Pumas Technical Department before conducting a project

API 2510 Design and Construction of LPG Installations.

API 752 Management of Hazards Associated With Location of Process Plant Buildings.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
API RP 520 Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries
ACI 318 Building Codes Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
ICBO Uniform Building Code
AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
API RP 551 Process Measure Instrumentations
ASME B31 Process Piping
NFPA 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas
NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
API Publ 2510A Fire-Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) Storage Facilities

Safety requirements are the most important issues to address when dealing with LPG installations.
Local regulations must be complied with completely. If their requirement level is inferior to the present LPG
standards and specifications, then it is the latter that must be considered.

The target of this standard is to guarantee a good level of safety and optimal performance of the equipment
with adapted solutions based on reference standards used for the initial design, construction, inspection and
maintenance of their installations, as well as on their specific geographic context.

8.1. Planning
LPG Installations shall be in compliance with API 2510 for safety and good engineering practices during design
and construction. The information required to design an LPG system shall include the following:

Products handled (butane, propane or Mix (with average percentage) )

Peak Volumes for each product
Total storage capacity required for each product
Possibility of other storage products
Capacity and frequency of each type of LPG delivery either tank trucks, railroad cars, marine vessels or
Maximum and Minimum flow rates
Method used to verify quantity of shipment: weight, volumetric measurement or meters.
Types of loading / unloading pumps or compressors

May 2014 Rev.1
In case of cylinders filling: production (number and type of cylinders per day), size of filling plant,
additional equipment of the filling hall. For small cylinder filling: size, number and type of cylinders and
type, layout of scales.

8.1.1. LPG Tank layouts

LPG tanks shall be located together and before the final location for bulk storage is selected, a site survey shall
be conducted and soils studies shall be done. It should be defined whether cylindrical or spherical tanks shall
be used and whether the storage is aboveground or mounded, depending on Safety distances analysis and
local regulations (some countries for example dont accept non-mounded tanks for big storage capacity).
Consideration should also be given to alternative forms of fire proofing for above ground installations.

As part of the preliminary project study, soil surveys, seismic studies (including soil Liquefaction study), as well
as studies linked to the specific environment of the site (e.g. wind, flooding, etc.) must be conducted in order
to carry out the necessary engineering calculations and different sizing studies (e.g. civil engineering (storage
unit bedding), etc.).

8.1.2. Terminal Siting

It is ideal to locate a plant in an area which is free of depressions and contours radiating from the plant which
might convey vapors to a point of exposure. In the event of an accidental discharge of product within the
plant, LPG tends to vaporize rapidly. Dissipation of vapors below the lower flammable limit develops more
rapidly if the plant site is elevated slightly above terrain, or slightly inclined. Dissipation in a flat location will
depend on wind or time. Any site shall be analyzed with respect to the prevailing wind direction. Sites shall,
where never possible be located downwind of population centers or ignition sources.

Also to take into accounts are the supply and production constraints: vessel discharge (berthing, pipe length to
consider...), loading of vessels, trains, rucks etc

8.1.3. Safety Distances

Refer to: API 2510 Design and Construction of LPG Installations, NFPA 58 Standards for the Storage and
Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases.

Also refer to Local regulation if any and apply the most conservative.

The most important objective of spacing is to separate risks by zoning. The higher a risk, the larger the spacing
required. Spacing between tanks will help to limit the spread of fire. In case of accidental leakage, spacing
between equipment and the fence will help to disperse flammable mixtures below lower flammability limits
before reaching an uncontrolled fire source. Another aspect that influences spacing is the requirement for safe
access of the operator to perform an emergency shutdown and normal operations and maintenance. (See
Appendix C)

Compliance with minimum safety distances between two installations is an important safety consideration
that, in particular, can reduce the likelihood of occurrence of the domino effect in case of an incident on an

Minimum safety distances (between two installations and between the site and the surroundings) reduce the
risks from the outside (e.g. sources of ignition) and minimize the adverse impact to people and facilities when
an accident happen inside the installation. Site environment, in particular, is studied during the safety analysis
that is to be accurately conducted. Control of the property around the sites (new or existing) is, in fact, very

May 2014 Rev.1 LPG Marine Berths
Planning for marine berths requires considering a number of marine issues affecting spacing. If multiple LPG
berths are planned the minimum spacing criteria for fire and safety considerations is 30m. Aboveground Tanks and Equipment Location

LPG tanks shall not be located within buildings, within the spill containment area of flammable or combustible
liquid storage tanks as defined in NFPA 30, or within the spill containment area for refrigerated LPG tanks.

Rotating equipment and pumps taking suction from the LPG tanks shall not be located within the spill
containment area of any storage facility, unless they are submersible in the tanks. .

Horizontal tanks used to store LPG may be oriented so that their longitudinal axes do not point toward other
tanks, process equipment, control rooms, loading or unloading facilities, or flammable or combustible liquid
storage facilities located in the vicinity of the horizontal tank.

Horizontal LPG tanks shall not be stacked one above the other. Horizontal tanks used to store LPG shall be
grouped with no more than six tanks in one group. Where multiple groups of horizontal LPG tanks are to be
provided, a minimum horizontal shell-to-shell distance of 15 m shall separate each group from adjacent

8.1.4 Non- Refrigerated Storage Design & Construction

Vessels shall meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division I or When complete rules for any specific design are not given, the manufacturer, subject to the approval of
the purchaser, shall provide a design as safe as would be provided in the currently applicable code listed in

Regardless of tank type, reference to an approved design and construction code or to a recognized standard is
anyway mandatory. Apart from ASME mentioned above, different codes apply for designing a pressurized LPG
tank, in particular:
CODAP (in its most recent applicable version) French code
PD 5500 English code
AD-MERKBLAT German code
EN 13445 European standard
Generally, it is preferable to select the code most used in the country from among the above-mentioned

Design Conditions

Design conditions for LPG tanks should preferably be based on Propane storage. This will allow the flexibility
to switch to different LPG mixture and will provide protection against inadvertent loading of Propane to a
lower design pressure tank. Based on local regulations in several countries, the minimum design pressure is
specified as 17.2 bar gauge with a corresponding design temperature of 55 C. Under design conditions, 1.6
mm corrosion allowance shall be added to the design thickness of a drum. In addition, external pressure of 1
bar gauge is used to allow for the soil pressure from the earth mound. In the absence of local regulations, the
maximum design temperature shall be taken as the highest ambient temperature that has been recorded over
the last 10 years at the nearest meteorological station. In no case shall this temperature be lower than 38 C. Mounded and Above Ground Storage

The technical information discussed below refers to facilities, which utilize large horizontal mounded tanks for
storing LPG.

May 2014 Rev.1
Storage in aboveground tanks presents the risk of a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE). Storage
of LPG in mounded tanks avoids the risk of external fire exposure. Mounded tanks are long horizontal
cylindrical tanks, which are installed above grade level and covered completely with general fill material. The
mounding of drums permits reduced spacing when compared to the space needed for aboveground tanks as
safety distances requirements are shorter.

Mounded Tanks

The design of large mounded tanks is complex, due to its mounded configuration, internal pressure, nozzle
geometry and piping loads, type of support, foundation pad design, seismic loads and soils settlement


A non-corrosive identification plate shall be fixed to the drum in a suitable and clearly visible location with at
least the following:

Owners Name
Designers Name
Design code
Manufacturers Name
Design pressure Min/Max
Product Stored
Water Capacity
Date of Test and Test Pressure
Date of Last Inspection
Net weight Horizontal Bullets and Spherical Tanks

Design procedures for horizontal bullet tanks and spheres are similar to those described above for mounded
tanks. For aboveground bullets the bottom nozzles should be positioned at the two ends and not between
foundations. This is to facilitate access of valves and better firewater coverage if needed. Top spray filling is
desired for bullets and spheres since it lowers the pressure during filling. Typical sphere and bullet designs are
shown in Figures 31 and 32.

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 31: Typical Horizontal Bullet Tank

Figure 32: Typical Spherical Tanks Dimensional Sizing of Tanks

The specific dimensions for the vessels are based on LPG storage requirements, available space on site, safety
considerations, spacing from buildings, facilities, and other equipment, orientation, and the costs associated
with fabrication, transport to the site and installation.

May 2014 Rev.1
Mounded tank sizes vary substantially in diameter and overall length. The tank sizes that are currently in use
have diameters in the 4 to 6.5 meter range and tangent lengths of 34 to 88 meters. The diameter and length
chosen are dependent upon transportation and site spacing.

Currently the maximum sizes for transportable vessels are 90,000 gal (3.5m diameter and 32m Overall length)
and 105,000gal (3.5m Diameter and 48m Overall length). It is preferable to have the tanks fabricated in the
manufacture shop and transported to site. Materials for Tanks

Materials of construction shall meet the requirements of Section II of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code or equivalent Code (see paragraph It is recommended that the tank materials consist of fully
killed, grain refined and normalized carbon steel plates and forgings, with adequate mechanical strength and
toughness properties for the storage of LPG. The presence of H 2 S in has led to wet H 2 S cracking problems
associated with hard welds (> 225 Brinell Hardness)H 2 S is more of a problem in refining and less in a storage
terminal where the H 2 S content is in the order of magnitude of 1ppm. Low-melting-point materials of
construction, such as aluminum and brass, steel casting and other structural grade steel shall not be used for
LPG vessels. Minimum specified tensile strength of the tank steel historically has been below 483MPa.
However, with more recent technology development higher strength steel is used to keep the thickness of
spheres below 38 mm, so PWHT can be waived per ASME Code. Materials of construction for the pressure
parts shall comply with ASME Sec II D Appendix 5.

The recommended materials specifications for bullets and mounded tanks are the following:

Table 17: Material Specifications for Bullets and Mounded Drums

SA 516 Grade 70 normalized For the shell and the heads

SA 333 Grade 1 or 6 For nozzles

SA 350 Grade LF2 For flanges and fittings

SA 352 Grade LCB For fittings Pressures
The design pressure of LPG vessels shall not be less than the vapor pressure of the stored product at the
maximum product design temperature. The additional pressure resulting from the partial pressure of non-
condensable gases in the vapor space and the hydrostatic head of the product at maximum fill shall be
considered. Ordinarily, the latter considerations and the performance specifications of the relief valve require
a differential between design pressure and maximum product vapor pressure that is adequate to allow blow
down of the pressure relief valve (see API RP 520).

Both a minimum design temperature and a maximum design temperature shall be specified. In determining a
maximum design temperature, consideration shall be given to factors such as ambient temperature, solar
input, and product run down temperature. In determining a minimum design temperature, consideration shall
be given to the factors noted in the preceding sentence as well as the auto-refrigeration temperature of the
stored product when it flashes to atmospheric pressure.

May 2014 Rev.1
ASME Section VIII, Division I, has special rules for conditions where reduced temperature, as a result of auto-
refrigeration or ambient temperature, is caused by coincident with a reduction in pressure. In such case it is
required to evaluate the material (by impact testing if necessary) at the temperature of the product
corresponding to a pressure that stresses the vessel shell to approximately 10% of the ultimate tensile
strength of the shell material. When the vessel is re-pressurized, this must be done slowly to allow the
temperature to increase as the pressure is increased.

Overpressure Protection for Tanks

Over pressuring a system has the potential for loss of containment. Therefore, it is important to incorporate
adequate facilities to prevent over pressuring LPG systems. Tanks for bulk storage have typically been
designed according to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII. This code also covers
requirements for overpressure protection and relief devices; also you could use NFPA 58, Appendix E or
equivalent codes.

Pressure Relief valve are meant to protect the tank from overpressures detrimental to its Integrity.

Each tank must be equipped with at least two on-stream valves.

The valves must be mounted on a system that can guarantee their availability and isolate a valve if needed
without shutting down the tank. They can, for example, be mounted on:
Double valve
Valve holder (multiport type with automatic check devices)
Individual valves locked in open position.

Relief valves on double valve Relief valves on manifold Temperatures
The minimum design temperature for a LPG pressurized storage tank or sphere shall be based on the lower of
the following:

Lowest one-day mean temperature. This would account for filling the drum or sphere up to the safety
valve pressure limit on the coldest day.
The temperature equivalent to 25% of the design pressure on the vapor pressure curve for the
material to be stored.

The minimum design temperature shall be the minimum metal temperature expected in service, taking into
consideration ambient temperature and auto-refrigeration of the stored product when it flashes to
May 2014 Rev.1
atmospheric pressure. For storing Propane, this temperature will be 42C. In no case shall the minimum
design temperature be higher than 18C. In many situations, the owner prefers to set the minimum design
temperature at the lowest possible temperature due to depressurizing the LPG to atmospheric pressure (
42C). This is almost always more conservative than the criteria provided above. It adds an extra safety margin
for protection against brittle fracture and is recommended. Vacuum
Additional design consideration must be considered where commercial butanes are stored in cold. If the
temperature of the stored liquid can fall below boiling point of Butane (-7C for the typical commercial mixture
and 0C for pure normal butane), the pressure in the tank can drop below atmospheric pressure. Vessel Connections

The number of penetrations in any vessel shall be minimized, particularly those located below the working
liquid level (i.e., below the vapor space). Manhole should be preferred for multi-connection purpose. Tank Components

Tanks shall be fitted with the equipment described below. Equipment shall be suitable for use with LPG and
designed for at least the maximum service conditions to which it may be subjected. Liquid-Level Gauging Equipment

1. Each LPG tank shall be provided with liquid-level gauging equipment as specified in through The level must be continuously measured and the information must be available to the
staff in charge of operations. It is recommended to take this information back to the place where
transfer operations are managed (for example: LPG pump system, office, control room).

2. Each tank shall be equipped with a reliable level indicating system. The need for a second,
independent level indicating system shall be determined by a safety analysis.
3. An independent high-level alarm shall be provided. The alarm shall be set to give the operator
sufficient time to stop the flow before the maximum permissible filling height is exceeded (see
4. The alarm shall be located so that it is audible and visible to the operating personnel controlling
the filling operation.
5. For tanks that cannot be removed from service, provisions shall be included for testing, repairing,
and replacing primary gauges and alarms while the tank is in service.
6. In tanks that have a high-level cutoff, the cutoff device shall be in addition to and independent of
the high level alarm specified above Maximum Liquid Level

The maximum permissible filling height of an LPG tank shall be set to provide adequate vapor space to
accommodate any thermal expansion that may occur after filling is completed. The maximum filling height
shall be set so that when a tank filled to that level at the minimum anticipated storage temperature the
thermal expansion of the liquid will not cause the LPG level to exceed 98% of the liquid full level.

Generally it is admitted that setting a maximum filling level at 85% of the total volume would meet safety

May 2014 Rev.1 Level Gauges
Columnar glass level gauges shall not be used. Reflex and see-through level gauges shall be equipped with a
ball check valve or a similar protective device. Pressure Gauge

On each tank, a suitable pressure gauge should be considered. When used it should be connected to the vapor
space. Pressure- and Vacuum- Relieving Devices

Each tank shall be provided with one or more spring loaded or pilot-operated pressure relief valves. The
pressure relief valve or valves shall be set to discharge as required by the AS ME Code. Pilot-operated pressure
relief devices shall be designed so that the main valve will open automatically and protect the tank if the pilot
valve fails. Pilot-operated valves shall be provided with a backflow preventer if the possibility exists that the
internal pressure can drop below atmospheric. Tanks that may be damaged by internal vacuum shall be
provided with vacuum-relieving devices. Weight and lever pressure-relieving devices shall not be used.

Pressure relief valves shall be designed and sized in accordance with API RP 520, Part I, and RP 521.

Pressure relief valves shall be tested for correct set pressure before being placed in service. See API RP 520. Pressure Relief Valve Installation

Pressure relief valves shall be installed in accordance with API RP 520, RP 521, and the requirements of API
2510 through Discharge Vents

Discharge vents from the pressure relief valves or common discharge headers shall be designed to meet the
requirements of API RP 520 and RP 521 and shall be installed in accordance with the requirements given in through

The relief valves must be equipped with vent tubes at least 2 meters in height in relation to the tank's topmost
shell. This distance reduces the thermal effects that would be received at the tank wall level if there were to
be ignition during a valve discharge. These vents must be vertical in order to:
ensure good dispersion of the gas into the air
minimize the thermal impact on the tank if the discharge were to ignite
prevent the creation of a lateral force that could tear off the valve or its vent
Be correctly sized to avoid a sonic discharge
Be protected, especially from humidity, foreign objects, etc.: for example, a removable protection
(cover or rain cap) can be installed. In addition, the low point must have a small hole to prevent
accumulation of water (the small hole must be located to prevent flame impingement on the tank or
other equipment in the event of an ignited gas release).
Be equipped with an opening indicator: The cover, for example, is an opening indicator. It can be rigid
(rigid cover) or flexible (sock) Shutoff Valves

Shutoff valves shall conform to the criteria specified in through Temperature Indicator

Each tank shall be fitted with a suitable thermometer well.

May 2014 Rev.1 Tank Component Materials
Ductile (nodular) iron, cast aluminum, malleable iron, and brass shall not be used in any pressure-retaining
tank accessories. Nozzles
The number of nozzles on mounded tanks shall be kept to the necessary minimum. As a reference the
following nozzles are necessary:

1. Pressure relief valve (PRV) connection to the vapor space.

2. Water draw-off (drainage):

For non-freezing climate zone: - the stock stored can auto refrigerate on reduction to atmospheric
pressure, the water draw off may be located in the bottom of the sphere, bottom manhole cover
plate, or on a bottom nozzle without internal riser, whichever location provides for all water removal.
The water drain connection shall be at least NPS 3/4 (20 mm) but shall not exceed NPS 2 (50 mm), and
shall be equipped with two valves approximately 6 in. (150 mm) apart. The valve next to the shell shall
be a quick action type, such as a metal seated plug valve.

To ensure maximum safety condition for water drainage for big size tanks (as the liquid LPG may
happen to be in direct contact with atmosphere) we recommend the following typical installation:

A. Minimum 2 branch connection at tank level and reduction of the piping diameter to
after the motor valve (can be manual for existing installations).
B. Drainage line with adapted supports low diameter, more fragile). This portion of the line is
equipped with a relief valve.
C. 3-way valve used to fill a buffer tank from the tank or empty it towards the drain
outlet (it being impossible to pass directly from the tank to the drain outlet))
D. Buffer tank (for example: gas cylinder) with relief valve mounted on the
piping with a 3-way valve. This buffer tank must be monitored in operation.
E. End-of-line valve: a wheel valve ensures throttling of the LPG flow rate, which
allows management of end-of-line vaporization and, therefore, prevents any
frosting of the 3-way valve.
F. End of line: The end of line must be:
Situated outside of the tank's vertical projection to limit its thermal
exposure in case of an accident.
Straight, horizontal, and astutely positioned to encourage dispersion and
May 2014 Rev.1
so that the jet, in its dynamic phase, cannot hit an obstacle or the ground.
The gas must not be released in a sensitive area (for example: presence
of staff, close to fencing (25 meters at least), gas detector, etc.)
Far enough away from the operator and always visible to them.

For freezing climate zone:- since there is a risk that water can freeze, the recommendation is to
recollect the water using a connection inside the tank 2in from the bottom as shown below

Figure 33: Water Draw-off Connection

3. Connection for the level indicator with high level arm.

4. Connection for the independent high level arm.

5. Filling connection at the top of the tank.
6. Withdrawal connection at the top or bottom of the tank.
7. Vapor returns connection at the top of the tank.
8. Vent connection to atmosphere.
9. Connection for the temperature indicator.
10. Pressure indicator connection to the vapor space.
11. The inlet piping to sampling connections shall be double valved and for the above ground tanks sample
locations shall not be under the tanks; the addition of a restriction orifice should also be considered external
to the sampling valve to minimize and control flow. Close system as Texas sampling or Dopak are also
recommended. Startup and shutdown connections shall also be provided, the pressure tanks are generally
purged by water filling and using a 2in vent connection to remove air as the water comes in.

Careful engineering may permit by combination the reduction of the number of nozzles, the preferred location
for nozzles is at the manhole. All nozzles on new tank are preferred to be flanged and not smaller than 2in. this

May 2014 Rev.1
type of connection presents adequate integrity against mechanical damage. The nozzle to shell design shall be
adequate to accommodate external piping loads.
Gaskets for flanged joints shall be resistant to liquid LPG and shall be made of metal or other suitable material
confined in metal having melting point over 816 C. Gaskets of natural rubber or bonded with natural rubber
shall not be used. Post Weld Heat Treatment

For aboveground bullets with a plate thickness below 38 mm Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) is not
required. However, Post-Weld Heat Treatment is recommended for mounded vessels due to service
considerations. These requirements are independent of PWHT that may be required from Code considerations
of plate thickness, and material specification. The preferred method of PWHT for shop fabricated tanks is to
heat treat the entire tank or major sections of the tank in a heat treating furnace. Testing Requirements

NDE and testing of LPG horizontal tanks shall be per ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1 or equivalent Code.

NDE and testing of LPG sphere tanks shall be per ASME Code Section VIII, Division 2 or equivalent Code.

Documentation from fabricator shall include MDR (manufacturer's data report) and all test recordings
according to ASME VIII requirement or equivalent Code. Vessels Testing

NDE and testing shall be performed according to:

LPG horizontal tanks shall be per ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1 or equivalent Code.
LPG sphere tanks shall be per ASME Code Section VIII, Division 2 or equivalent Code.

8.2. Civil Works

8.2.1. Layout
Refer to: API 2510 section 5.1.1.

LPG Tanks shall be located together and before the final location for bulk storage is selected, a site survey shall
be conducted and if possible soil studies shall be done. It should be defined whether cylindrical or spherical
tanks shall be used and whether the storage is aboveground or mounded. Pipeline or marine loading and
discharge operations will utilize the least amount of area.

8.2.2. Foundations
A soil study must be performed in the area to determine the best type of foundation and reduce the
differential settlement. The foundation design must consider the specific gravity of water needed for the
hydrostatic test. Where groundwater or possible flooding is possible and anchorage shall be provided to
prevent flotation.

For mounded tanks we shall consider the following:

For seismic locations, the mounded tanks must be located on sand beds.
For other locations, saddle supports on rigid slabs can be used but sand beds as well.

May 2014 Rev.1
Reinforced concrete walls shall have adequate drainage and must not touch the tanks to avoid
accelerated corrosion.

Aboveground horizontal LPG tanks shall be provided with structural steel saddles designed to be mounted on
flat topped concrete foundations by means of anchor bolts or other adequate devices. LPG horizontal tank
supports shall be of reinforced concrete or fireproofed structural steel. Design of the supports and foundations
shall take into consideration the greatest combination of static loading due to weight of the tank, weight of
water used for testing, wind loading, vibration, thermal effects and seismic conditions.

The materials, principles, methods and details of design and construction of foundations and supports for LPG
storage vessels and related piping shall meet the requirements stipulated in the following codes and

For concrete, ACI 318

For masonry, ICBO Uniform Building Code
For Structural steel, AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings

Where applicable the local codes are more stringent, the local codes shall apply.

Figure 34: Typical mounded bullet (other options are available e.g. submergible pump installed on top to
avoid removable fill) Earth Mound Design

The following supplementary requirements shall apply to mounded tanks:

1. Partial mounding is not recommended. Partial mounding continues to have the design considerations of
storage in aboveground bullets so that little or nothing is gained.

2. The depth of the mound over all surfaces of the drum shell shall be a minimum of 0.9 m. The mound cover
shall include the heads of the drums.

3. The backfill used for mounding shall consist of washed sand totally free of rocks or abrasive materials likely
to damage the tank coating. The mounds shall have good stabilization to prevent erosion by firewater or heavy
rain. And it shall be capable of withstanding prolonged heat radiation or jet flame impingement. This is
important since the pressure relief valves on such drums are not designed to provide protection against heat
input by the external fire.

May 2014 Rev.1 Tanks Support and Foundation Design
The recommended type of supports for mounded tanks is as follows:

1. For locations, which are subjected to earthquake forces, mounded tanks shall be located on sand beds.
Saddle supports are not recommended due to the increased risk of failure from liquid sloshing and dynamic
forces during a seismic event.

2. For other locations, saddle supports on rigid slabs supported on piled foundations are permissible.

3. In addition, reinforced concrete retaining walls have been used to confine the earth mound. Reinforced
concrete walls shall have adequate drainage and the concrete shall not touch the drum or it can cause
accelerated corrosion.

It is recommended that soils investigation and assessments be completed prior to determining the most
suitable type of foundation. The primary objective of these investigations should be to reduce to an absolute
minimum the potential for differential settlement. The foundation design shall be based on the weight of the
drum full of water (needed for pressure test).

These settlements are not kept to a practical minimum; they may introduce unacceptably high stresses at the
tank support locations and increase the risk of in-service failures. The sensitivity to such settlements is due to
the large length to diameter ratios and the relatively thin shells in these tanks. Also the piping connecting to
the tanks must be kept free floating and not embedded into concrete or other fixations. It is important that
connecting piping is not subjected to any stress from earth movement etc.

Where groundwater or possible flooding makes it advisable, anchorage shall be provided to prevent flotation.
Underground pipes and services, such as steam, water, electricity and sewer, shall be at least 1.5 m
horizontally from the mounded tank. Above ground horizontal LPG tanks of more than 7.6 m3 water capacities
shall be provided with structural steel saddles designed to be mounted on flat-topped concrete foundations by
means of anchor bolts or other adequate devices. Lifting lugs for LPG horizontal tank, where provided, shall be
designed for taking 1.5 times of the total weight of an empty tank. LPG horizontal tanks supports shall be of
reinforced concrete, masonry or fireproofed structural steel works. Design of the supports and foundations
shall take into consideration:

Ground conditions, including allowable bearing pressure and differential settlement.

Possibility of flotation.
Expansion and contraction of the tank shell.
The greatest combination of static loading due to weight of the tank, its contents, weight of water
used for testing, wind loading, vibration, thermal effects and seismic conditions. Refrigerated Tank Foundation

Refrigerated storage tanks shall be supported on either a ring-wall foundation or an elevated pile supported

Foundations shall be designed to restrain the tank shell against lifting forces resulting from internal pressures
and for full hydrostatic testing, in which the fill height equals the design liquid height.

For pile supported foundations the pile cap shall be designed to withstand the total loss of any single pile and
supports shall be designed to withstand thermal effects of a spill of the full tank contents.

May 2014 Rev.1
8.2.3. Bunded Areas
Refer to: API 2510 section 5.3.

Bunded areas shall meet the requirements of API Design and Construction of LPG Installations. Spill
containment shall be considered for all locations and provided in locations in which either of the following
conditions will result in a significant hazard:

The physical properties of the stored LPG make it likely that liquid LPG will collect on the ground. (This
would be the case if the LPG is a mixture of butane and pentane.)

Climatic conditions during portions of the year make it likely that liquid LPG will collect on the ground.


1. All vessels shall be provided with a means of spill containment by either:

Diking the area surrounding the vessel

2. Requirements specific to providing spill containment by a surrounding dike are as follows.

Spheres shall be enclosed in individual spill containment dikes.

Horizontal storage vessels (bullets) may be grouped within a common spill containment dike (grouped
horizontal vessels). Intermediate dikes are not required.

3. The spill containment must follow the requirements of API 2510

4. The height of the common dikes between adjacent vessels or group of vessels shall be at least 1ft (300mm)
less than the height of the peripheral dike.

For new tanks or groups of tanks with a containment area, the following design criteria must be complied

the area must be at least 15 m away from the tanks it serves, as well as from any LPG piping
the ground underneath and surrounding the tank is sloped so that the liquid will collect and move
towards the containment area, the area is inclined by at least 1%
the liquid collects without any flow under any other tank and/or piping
the area is at best drained using low walls, trenches, or canals for example
the capacity of the area is at least equal to 25% of the maximum capacity of the biggest tank it serves Bund Walls

Bund walls shall be designed and meet the requirements of API 2510 section 5.5. Drainage
1. The ground under and surrounding a vessel used to store LPG shall be graded to drain any rainwater and
liquid spills to a safe area away from the vessel and piping. The grading shall be at a slope of at least 1%.

2. The drainage system shall be designed to prevent liquid spilled from one tank from flowing under any other
tank and shall minimize the risk to piping from spilled LPG.

3. The spill drainage area shall not contain equipment, except as permitted by this standard.

4. Walls, dikes, trenches, or channels are permitted to assist in draining the area.

May 2014 Rev.1 Remote Impoundment
If remote impoundment is to be used for spill containment, the remote impoundment facility shall be designed
according to the requirements given in API 2510 sections 5.4.2 through 5.4.5. External Corrosion Protection

The earth mounds used on mounded LPG tanks increase the potential for soils induced corrosion and holing
through. Additionally this design does not permit on stream thickness measurements and/or visual inspection
of the tank surface. It is very important to consider the following:

1. Develop a soil-earthwork specification for the mound. Specify sand bed fills, general fills, and acceptance
tests, in accordance with ASTM

2. Provide an adequate corrosion resistant coating on the external surface of the drum. Shop applied coatings
are preferred, but field applications are also acceptable. Where a shop applied coating is used then the coating
should be checked for damage during transit to the site and repaired in line with the manufacturers
recommended practices. The following specification is the normal requirement:

Surface Preparation SSPC SP-10 Abrasive Blast Clean to Near white

1 Field Coat Coal Tar Epoxy(6-8mils DFT)
2 Field Coat Coal Tar Epoxy(6-8mils DFT)

3. Provide a cathodic protection system, either passive (sacrificial anodes) or active (impressed current) to
protect the drum from corrosion. In the case of a cathodic protection system utilizing sacrificial anodes,
permanent reference electrodes shall be buried along with the drum at each end of the drum and above and
beneath the drum at its midpoint. Requirements for a cathodic protection system are a twenty-year life and a
maximum exposed steel surface of 10%. Insulating flanges shall be used.

For aboveground tanks we shall consider the following:

1. The exterior surface of aboveground tanks, including the steel supports, shall be grit blasted to SSPC SP-10
standard or chemically treated and adequately painted.

2. After grit blasting horizontal LPG storage bullets and LPG sphere tanks, shall be painted with a primer coat
of alkyd zinc phosphate (75 microns dry film thickness), build-coat of alkyd micaceous iron oxide (50 microns
dry film thickness) and topcoat of white alkyd enamel(30 microns dry film thickness)

3. Sphere legs shall be fire-proofed

4. Bases and saddles of bullets that are concreted shall not be painted.

5. If bases and saddles on bullets have exposed metal, they shall be painted with the same painting method as

6. The exterior of aboveground LPG tanks shall be inspected every 2 years. Repainting shall be carried where
necessary. Gantry
New or revamped truck loading and unloading points shall be equipped with swivel hard arms and hard arm
material shall be Schedule 80 Seamless Steel - ASTM A-106, Grade B.

May 2014 Rev.1
The liquid lines shall be equipped with dry break couplings. Vapor and liquid lines shall be equipped with
automatic, fail safe (thermal/fire actuation) emergency block valves (EBV), and a local as well as a remote
(accessible during emergency) actuation system to activate the emergency shutdown. The EBV shall be
installed in the transfer pipe within 6 meters of the hose connection or loading arm, per NFPA 58.
Furthermore, there shall be at least a drive-away protection device on each side of the plant and vehicle to
prevent or protect the truck from pull away hazards (releases from hose rupture) when the hard arm or hose is
still connected. Examples of such devices are:

Interlocking Physical Barrier -An interlocked physical barrier or similar system on either the vehicle or
installation side such as truck exit barrier interlock with permissive grounding/ loading arm.
Break-away coupling.
Braking System - This provides a means to automatically actuate the truck braking system, locking it
immediately when the truck hose is taken from its normal stowage position on the truck or truck hose
cabinet door is opened.

Actuation of the valves may be automatic by fusible element, which melts at 120 C and is 1.5 m at maximum
away from the loading connection. In addition to the EBV a manual quarter turn valve shall be provided at the
connection between the piping and the hard arm. An electrostatic grounding (earthing) point shall be provided
at each loading and unloading location. A permissive grounding (earthing) system is preferred for road vehicles
at each loading rack. This shall ensure that the loading pump shall only work as long as the grounding contact
is intact. Truck Loading Bays

Rail tank car loading racks shall be designed to meet the local regulations and railroad and industry standards.
New or renovated loading racks shall be equipped with swivel hard arms for liquid and vapor connections.
Hard arm material shall be Schedule 80 Seamless Steel - ASTM A-106, Grade B.

Liquid connections shall have an emergency release as well as dry break couplings. An alternative would be a
purging system for the coupling. There shall be one fail safe, remote operated emergency block valve (EBV) in
the liquid and vapor lines to the plant tanks. The EBV shall be installed in the transfer pipe within 6 meters of
the hose connection or loading arm, per NFPA 58. The individual lines to each rail car shall be provided with
manual shut-off valves. Marine Loading

New or renovated facilities shall conduct cargo transfer with all steel Marine Loading Arms. Hard arm material
shall be Schedule 80 Seamless Steel - ASTM A-106, Grade B. Terminals in pressurized LPG service which use
Marine Cargo Dock Hoses shall consider upgrading to Marine Loading Arms.

Emergency Release Systems are recommended for new and existing LPG arms. It consists of dual isolation
valves at the ship/loading arm connection. The system also allows for rapid, automated disconnect in the
event of an emergency with little loss of product.

8.3. Piping

8.3.1. General Requirements.

Piping at facilities covered under this standard shall conform to the provisions of ASME B31.3; except that
piping that falls under the exclusion provided in 300.1.3(e) of ASME B31.3 shall be constructed in accordance

May 2014 Rev.1
with the provisions of ASME B31.4. The additional provisions of this section apply to piping constructed in
accordance with ASME B31.3.

8.3.2. LPG Piping

Piping shall be seamless, electric-resistance-welded, or submerged-arc-welded pipe. Pipe to be used in piping
applications of 2(in.) or smaller shall be seamless. All threaded connections less than 2 (in) must be seal
welded. Material Specification

Pipe, valves, faucets, couplings, flexible connectors, fittings and other pressure-containing parts shall meet the
material specifications and pressure and temperature limitations of ASME B31. Minimum Specifications

The pipe wall thickness shall be equal to or greater than that required by ASME 831.3. The minimum
requirements specified in and shall also apply. Piping Joints

Piping joints shall conform to the criteria specified in through Pressure Tubing

Tubing shall be constructed of steel. If tubing will be exposed to a corrosive atmosphere, stainless steel shall
be used. Flow Rates Sizing
Pumps and loading devices shall be sized to provide rates of flow appropriate to the capacity of facility. Care
shall be taken to ensure that the rates of the flow give the operator enough time to follow the course of
loading and unloading at all times and to shut down the facility before tanks are completely emptied or before
they are fitted beyond their maximum filling height. Design
The transfer system shall incorporate a means for rapidly and positively stopping the flow in an emergency.
Transfer systems shall be designed to prevent dangerous surge pressures when the flow in either direction is

8.3.3. Appurtenances Pumps
Pumps may be centrifugal, reciprocating, gear, submersible or may be another type designed for handling LPG.
The design pressure and construction material of the pumps shall be capable of safely withstanding the
maximum pressure that could be developed by the product, the transfer equipment, or both. When
centrifugal pumps are used, mechanical double seals are recommended. Positive displacement pumps shall
have a suitable relief device on the discharge side unless other provisions are made for protection of the

Pumps must be placed in a sufficiently ventilated area. It must not be positioned at a low point to

May 2014 Rev.1
avoid the accumulation of gas (e.g. pumps in a pit or a gravel packing). It must not be located inside tank
containment areas when they exist. In the absence of a containment area, the pumps must be placed outside
of the zone identified by the vertical projection of the tank on the ground increased by 2 meters.

For sheltered LPG pump systems, the shelter must ensure:

- proper ventilation of the zone
- any cooling of the equipment in case of fire
Operators must be protected from the rotating components of pumps and compressors by the use of properly
fitted machine guards.

The system must be designed to prevent cavitation of the pumps. In fact, cavitation can cause the pumps to
run dry and ultimately damage them. In addition its necessary to drain gas phase before restarting pumps. To
prevent cavitation, the following elements must be considered in particular during design:

- The available NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) must be sufficient in relation to the NPSH required by
the pump. NPSH especially depends on:

The minimum height available between the product in the tank and the pump
Pressure drops (positioning pumps near tanks reduces pressure drops)
- Weather conditions (sun on the piping)
- Provide a sufficient straight length (for example, minimum 6 times the diameter of the suction piping)
before the pump's suction flange to prevent turbulence
- Place a check valve between the pump and the loading arm to prevent gas from invading the pump
(which could for example occur during connection of a truck the pressure of which would be greater
than that of the tank)

The pumps must be equipped with a dedicated system used to guarantee the maximum working pressure of
the piping, tank trucks, and rail tanks is not exceeding (for example: no isolatable by-pass, permanent leak flow
system, etc.).

When submersible pumps are used, each interface between the LPG system and an electrical conduit or wiring
system shall be sealed or isolated to prevent passage of LPG to another portion of the electrical installation.
See NFPA 59A for further information. Compressors
Compressors for loading and unloading LPG shall be designed for the maximum outlet pressure to which they
may be subjected. Each centrifugal compressor discharge connection shall be equipped with a check valve.
Each centrifugal compressor shall be evaluated for conditions that may cause overpressure, and a relieving
device shall be provided if required. Each positive displacement compressor shall be equipped with a pressure-
relieving device on the discharge side. A suitably sized scrubber or liquid knockout drum shall be installed
immediately upstream of vapor compressors. The scrubber shall be equipped with a high-liquid-level device to
shut down the compressor. Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges shall be provided in enough locations in the liquid and vapor lines to enable the operator to
monitor operating pressure and pressure differentials constantly to ensure safe operation. Flanges
Weld-neck flanges are preferred. Socket-welds of NPS 2 or smaller are acceptable. If slip-on flanges are used,
they shall be welded both inside and outside.

May 2014 Rev.1 Fittings
Pipe fittings shall conform to the criteria specified in Hoses
Hoses and other flexible connectors for product transfer shall conform to the criteria specified in Valves
Valves shall conform to the criteria specified in

Emergency Block Valves (EBV) are provided to stop LPG liquid flow from the tank to potential downstream
emergencies. EBVs permit quick control of hazardous situations. EBVs are recommended to be metal gate or
plug valves or high performance ball or butterfly valves with metal seats (not soft seats).

EBV shall be of approved make and shall incorporate a local manual shutoff and remote-operated manual shut

All liquid phase inlet and outlet connections on the tank larger than 1 diameter shall have an EBV and an
additional manual shutoff valve located as close as practicable to the tank. The EBV installed to the liquid
phase shall either close by remote operation or automatically. Remote operated valves may be either fail safe
or their actuators and energizing lines fireproofed (in order to give 15min of operation during an emergency).
Connections to the liquid phase below 1may only have two manual block valves.

The actuation point shall be in a safe location outside the immediate risk area, at least 15 m away from an
aboveground tank or the valve assembly on an underground or mounded tank.

Manual shutoff valves installed close to the tank shall be capable of an adequate seal under fire conditions as
specified in the 30 minutes fire test in API 607 or equivalent. Plugs
Plugs shall be constructed of steel. Emergency Shutoff Valves

Emergency Shutoff Valves shall conform to the criteria specified in Blow-down or Venting

Each hose or pipe or pipe connection with flexible joints used in the loading and unloading of LPG between
stationary and mobile tanks shall be equipped with a blow-down or bleeder valve. The valve shall enable the
emptying of the hose or pipe connections have been closed. The blow-down or bleeder valve shall be sized
and installed so that the venting does not create a hazard. Meters
When liquid meters are used to measure the volume of LPG that is being transferred from one container to
another or that is being transferred to or from a pipeline, the meters and accessory equipment shall be
installed in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the API RP 551, and chapter 5 of the API Manual of
Petroleum Measurement Standards. LPG Odorization

If specified, a stationary LPG storage facility designed to transfer LPG to tanks, trucks, rail road tank-cars, to
marine containers through loading racks or docks shall have equipment that enables the addition of odorant
as specified by NFPA 58 and the Transportation Safety Act of 1974, Part 173 section 315.
May 2014 Rev.1
8.3.4. Installations
Piping shall be provided with adequate flexibility to accommodate the following:

Settling of tanks or shifting of foundations.

Expansion or contraction of tanks or piping with changes in temperature.
Soil movement.
Cooling or heating of unloading connections, vent connections, or loading and unloading headers.

Headers located on piers shall be designed to permit unrestrained movement of the piping in the direction of
expansion or contraction except at necessary anchor points.

All water draw offs shall be extended so that they do not terminate under the vessel. Drain lines shall not be
directed into a public sewer or into a drain not designed to contain flammable materials. Double valves shall
be provided. When drain lines are supported by any type of support not directly attached to the tank,
adequate flexibility shall be provided in the lines to accommodate differential settlement. Stress imposed on
the vessel nozzle by the drain lines shall be minimized.

Water drain lines and similar small lines shall be adequately supported or shall be fabricated with sufficient
strength to be self-supporting under operating conditions, including the condition of maximum flow reaction
thrust. Stress imposed on the vessel by the drain lines shall be minimized.

Freeze protection shall be considered for all drain lines and potential water collection points. Abnormal
operating conditions, such as might occur during abnormally cold weather, should be considered where water
might collect and freeze protection is needed.

8.3.5. Emergency Shutdown System

There shall be an Emergency Shutdown System used by the facility to shut down in case of emergency. At the
following locations throughout the plant, emergency push-buttons shall be installed which sends a signal to
the central emergency shutdown system:

1. A central area at least 15 m from LPG tanks.

2. at each loading or unloading position.

3. Located 15m from each loading or unloading position and it shall activate an audible alarm installed at the
loading rack and to shut the flow of LPG.

The actuating system shall be designed to close valves upon failure of any system component. When one of
these push-buttons is activated the following shall happen:

1. Shutdown power to all product pumps and cylinder filling.

2. Closing of all Emergency Block Valves

3. Audible alarm shall be activated.

4. The power to the firewater system shall be maintained throughout the emergency.

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 35: Plant Emergency Shutdown System

8.4. Fire Fighting

Fire-fighting facilities installed in terminal depend on such factors as location of the terminal, type and size of
storage, local demands and regulations.
The most important function of a fire-fighting system is the protection of people. Secondary, but nonetheless
important consideration is to minimize damage to equipment and loss of product.

The layout of the storage facility, including the arrangement and location of plant roads, walkways, doors and
operating equipment, shall be designed to permit personnel and equipment to reach any area affected by fire
rapidly and effectively. The layout shall permit access from at least two directions. Emergency escape as well
as access for firefighting shall be considered.

Figure 36: Tank Farm Accessible from two sides

Limit the risk of fire impacting the tanks.
May 2014 Rev.1
Have the appropriate means available for extinguishing fire starts and cooling containers/installations
exposed to the fire.
Plan the response in case of an accident and hold drills regularly
Protect lives of intervening parties
Conserve water resources
Have extinguishers capable of rapidly extinguishing fire starts available
Ensure the availability of means by taking weather conditions into consideration (e.g. frost)

8.4.1. Risk Assessments

Fire protection provisions shall be based on a safety analysis of local conditions, exposure from or to other
sites, availability of a water supply, and effectiveness of fire brigades and fire departments. The analysis shall
include possible but realistic accident scenarios that may occur, including scenarios of vapor release, ignition,
and fire. For additional information, backgrounds, and guidance, see API Publ 2510A.

8.4.2. Design Foam Systems

Fire-fighting foam shall not be used to extinguish LPG fires. Water Storage

Storage facilities for LPG shall be provided with a fire water system unless a safety analysis shows this this
protection to be unnecessary or impractical. See API Publ 2510A for additional information

The design of the fire water system shall be in accordance with through 2510

8.4.3. Portable Equipment

Portable equipment, such as fire hoses and portable monitors, shall not be used as the only means of
protecting exposed LPG vessels. It is permitted to use portable equipment when vessels are fireproofed.

8.4.5. Fire Extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers shall be used to extinguish an LPG fire only after the source of LPG has been shut
off, to prevent the formation of a hazardous vapor cloud. Dry chemical fire extinguishers shall be provided at
strategic locations such as those near pumps and loading racks so that they are readily available for operator

Dry chemical fire extinguishers shall be provided at strategic locations such as those near pumps and loading
racks so that they are readily available for operator use.

8.4.6. Fire Water Systems

LPG storage vessels shall be protected by water deluge systems, fixed monitors, water spray systems, or any
combination of these systems. Portable equipment may be used but shall not be a primary method of water

The aim is to esure enough cooling by ensuring full tank coverage and eliminating any dry zones (such as below
sphere legs) Sprinkler Systems

A water spray system uses many spray nozzles arranged in a grid pattern to distribute the water evenly over
the LPG vessel. When a water spray system is selected for the protection of LPG storage facilities, it shall
include the design features described in through in the API 2510 standards.

May 2014 Rev.1 Deluge Systems
A water deluge system is a system in which all the water is applied at the top of the vessel and allowed to run
down the sides. When a water deluge system is selected for the protection of the LPG storage facilities, it shall
include the design features described in through of the API 2510 standards.

8.4.7. Fire Proofing

Fireproofing shall be used to protect vessels if portable equipment is the only means for applying firewater
except for remote facilities which require no protection. Where fireproofing is used, it shall provide protection
of the structural steel or LPG vessel for the time period required for operation of fire water systems. When
fireproofing is used, it shall comply with the provisions of through

8.5. Electrical
Refer to: API 2510 Design and Construction of LPG Installations.

API RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum
Facilities Classified as Class I, Division I and Division 2, Third Edition

8.5.1. Electrical Installations and Equipment

All electrical installations and equipment shall conform to the provisions of NFPA 70. Refer to API RP 500 or
505 for guidance in the classification of electrical areas.

8.5.2. Critical Wiring and Control Systems

Unless the electrical, instrument, and control systems are fail-safe in a fire, these systems- including especially
the wiring used to activate the equipment needed in an emergency shall be protected from fire damage. Thus,
in areas where the control wiring used to activate an emergency shut-off valve during a fire could be exposed
to the fire, the wiring shall be protected against a 15-minute fire exposure: however: if activation of an
emergency shutoff valve would not be necessary during any fire to which its wiring could be exposed, then
protection of the wiring is not required. Wiring shall be protected by selective routing, burying, fireproofing, or
a combination of these methods.

8.5.3. Lighting
Refer to section of this document for lighting requirements.

8.5.4. Grounding & Bonding

Refer to section 4.3.4 of this document for grounding and bonding requirements

May 2014 Rev.1
References- Latest Edition

API 650 Welded tanks for Oil Storage

API 653 Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction
BS EN 12285 Workshop fabricated steel tanks. Horizontal cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks
for the aboveground storage of flammable and non-flammable water polluting liquids.
DIN 6618 Vertical double-wall steel tanks with vacuum-based leak detection system, for the above
ground storage of flammable and non-flammable water polluting liquids.
API 2610 Design, Construction, operation, Maintenance and Inspection of terminal and Tank Facilities
API RP 1595 Design, Construction, Operation Maintenance and Inspection of Aviation Pre-Airfield
Storage Terminals
API RP 2003 Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents.
API 1540 Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Aviation Fuelling Facilities.
API 1541 Performance Requirements for Protective Coating Systems Used in Aviation Fuel Storage
Tanks and Piping
API 1581 Specification and Qualification Procedures for Aviation Jet Fuel Filter/Separators
API/IP 1583, Specifications and Qualifications Procedures for Aviation Fuel Filter Monitors with
Absorbent Type Elements.
API 1529, Aviation Fueling Hose
API 1542 Aviation Markings for Dedicated Aviation Fuel Manufacturing and Distribution Facilities,
Airport Storage and Mobile Fuelling Equipment

Whereas fuel tanks are designed and constructed in accordance with an industry or local standard, there are
several fundamental differences required by the aviation industry before it can be used for aviation fuel. The
main differences for both vertical and horizontal tanks can be summarized:

Increased importance of covering peak periods of demand

Product separation for filling, settling and use
Fixed roof (for vertical tanks)
Sloping floor to a drain sump
Sump drain line for water/dirt removal and product sampling
Separate inlet and outlet lines
Outlet floating suction arm and position indicator
At least two manholes to facilitate visual internal inspection
Approved Internal Tank Paint Lining
Aviation grade markings and tank inspection signs

These should be taken into consideration when designing aviation tanks.

May 2014 Rev.1
9.1. Sizing of Tanks
Total storage capacity will largely depend on reliability and method of supply.

Where supplies are by road delivery and are reliably available on a daily basis, the recommended capacity
should cater for a minimum of 5 average days or 3 peak days sales. Smaller storage capacity may be
acceptable where supply is via a dedicated (and well-protected) pipeline. If this is the single fuel depot on the
airport, the risk of aircraft fuelling disruption may have to be mitigated by providing more storage capacity
than the optimum.

The storage volume within fuel depots supplied by rail will be greatly influenced by the number and size of rail
car tanks making up a train and the estimated frequency of delivery. Depot reception tanks should be sized to
accommodate the contents of a complete rail delivery without the need to switch tanks.

If supply is by ship, tanks should be sized to suit cargo loads but should also take into account the effects of
delays due to adverse weather conditions. It may be necessary to provide separate operational and reception
tanks so that fuel can be received into reception tanks and batch-tested before being transferred to
operational tanks.

9.2. Design and Construction

9.2.1. Vertical Tanks

Vertical tanks constructed at an airport fuel depot are the final storage before product is issued into either a
fuel hydrant system or into fuellers. Special considerations are therefore given to the design of such tanks to
ensure product quality and efficiency of the operation.

Vertical tanks for aviation fuel storage are normally designed for low pressure duty and rated up to 2kPa
(20mbar) internal pressure and vacuum of up to 0.6kPa (6mbar). Typical sizes for aviation storage vertical
tanks range from 6m diameter x 6m high to 25m diameter to 20m high.

The tanks are made of carbon steel with butt-welded shells designed and constructed in accordance with one
of the international specifications such as BS 2654, API 650 or DIN 4119 for a product specific gravity of 1.0(to
allow for water hydro-testing)

Puma Energy prefers to construct all vertical tanks to the same height to avoid overflows from tanks that are
connected together. If otherwise then appropriately non-return valves should be installed, together with Hi-Hi
level alarm protection and careful operating procedures as appropriate.

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 37: Standard Aviation Tank Design P&ID

9.2.2. Horizontal Tanks

Special considerations are given to the design of these tanks to ensure product quality and efficiency of the
operation. Wherever possible tanks should be installed aboveground to avoid the potential environmental
problems associated with buried tanks and they can be removed more easily at the end-of-life or for
commercial reasons.

Horizontal tanks are of carbon steel, butt-welded and designed to BS EN 12285, API 650, API 653 or DIN 6618
(Part 1 single skin and Part 2 double skin tanks) for a product specific gravity of 1.0(to allow for hydro testing)

Horizontal Tanks shall be installed to a longitudinal slope of 1:30 to guarantee the free flow of any water or
particulates to the drain sump. Consideration should be given to the sloping of the tank when it is calibrated
it is a common error to miss the impact of slope on the tank table calculations.

The tank support saddles and tank access manholes should be manufactured level allowing for the 1:30 fall.

For a horizontal tank, it is desirable to locate the tank inlet pipe at the opposite (high) end to the sump in order
to promote flow of water droplets along the bottom of the tank towards the sump. From a fuel quality
viewpoint, it is preferable that the outlet(suction)pipe is also located at the end of the tank furthest from the
sump, but this may not be practical for long, thin tanks as it increases the dead stock. Above Ground

Above ground horizontal tanks are mainly single-skin carbon steel within a containment bund.

Some countries permit double-skin carbon steel tanks without a containment bund, providing all pipes and
outlets are located at the top of the tank and approved overfill protection is fitted.

May 2014 Rev.1
Other countries insist on a containment bund, in which case there is little advantage in providing a double-skin

Access steps shall be provided to the tank top, no steeper than 45 degrees, and for more than one tank a
second means of escape shall be provided that can be a vertical ladder with entry barrier. Tank top platforms
should extend to access manholes and equipment requiring maintenance.

For flow-rates up to approximately 1000litre/m, nozzle connections can be made through a tank top manhole.
For flow-rates in excess of this, the inlet and outlet connections should usually be made at low level through
the tank end Underground
Underground horizontal tanks are usually double-skin carbon steel with interstitial monitoring. A single-skin
carbon steel tank may be allowed in some countries, but shall be installed in secondary containment (fuel
resistant membrane or concrete chamber) with a leak detection system.

Glass-reinforced Plastic (GRP) tanks may be used providing they meet the specified structural loadings
(including pressure and vacuum design limits) and Puma Energy approves the resin and tank manufacturer. As
for carbon steel tanks, GRP tanks should be double-skin or within secondary containment, with interstitial

For Gravity filling, the tank vent is to be piped to a level higher than the Bridger vehicle tank to prevent
possible spillage; the tank pressure rating must be able to withstand the product head plus PV valve setting.

Connections to underground tanks should be through dedicated nozzles preferably next to manholes covers
for easy inspection without entry annually. Tank manhole cover neck rings should extend approximately 200
mm above the containment slab which should be sufficiently specified to ensure that the tank does not lift out
of the ground when water tables are very high.

9.2.3. Roofs
For airport storage, tanks with a fixed roof are used to minimize ingress of water and airborne debris. Two
types of roof are used, cone and dome. The most obvious difference between these is that the dome roof is
self-supporting, whereas the cone roof needs an internal frame.

9.2.4. Bottoms
A cone-down bottom is used for vertical tanks, to ensure good drainage of the tank and testing for product. It
has bottom plates sloping at 1 in 30 from the periphery to a central sump.

Figure 38: Tank in 1:30 Floor Slope

May 2014 Rev.1
9.2.5. Shells
Above ground horizontal tanks are mainly single-skin carbon steel within a containment bund. Some countries
permit double-skin carbon steel tanks without a containment bund, providing all pipes / outlets are located at
the top of the tank and approved overfill protection is fitted. Other countries insist on a containment bund, in
which case there is little advantage in providing a double-skin tank.

Underground horizontal tanks are usually double-skin carbon steel with interstitial monitoring. A single-skin
carbon steel tank may be allowed in some countries, but shall be installed in secondary containment (fuel
resistant external GRP membrane or concrete chamber) with a leak detection system.

9.2.6. Tank Venting

Refer to: API 2000

For vertical tanks, a minimum of two vents (100% redundancy) shall be provided with each vent having
sufficient air/vapor flow capacity to suit normal conditions of tank filling and discharge without the pressure or
vacuum in the tank exceeding the tank design criteria.

Consideration should be given to fitting of micronic air filters to tank free vents in areas of excessive dirt or
dust. Jet Fuel tanks free vents shall be fitted with coarse mesh screens. Fine mesh screes which act as flame or
spark arrestors should not be used unless local regulations stipulate otherwise.

For Avgas tank venting, Pressure and Vacuum vents shall be used for both above and below-ground tanks. Nozzles & Manholes

All roof nozzles and openings shall be provided with tightly fitting covers to prevent entry of water and/or solid
contaminants and evaporate loss. Manhole covers and hinged lids shall be specified to withstand the pressure
and vacuum limits of the tank. Tank roof manholes with a hinged cover should be fitted with a removable
internal grid (100mm bar spacing) to prevent passage of falling personnel or large objects. Vertical Tanks

Two roof manholes are fitted to aid gas freeing and visual internal inspections. Combined with the light color
of the internal lining, sufficient light can enter the tank through one manhole to allow a visual inspection
through the second. One manhole should be located to enable visual inspection of the floating suction arm

For tank shell nozzles, there should be a separate inlet and outlet, preferably only one of each. A minimum of
two shell manholes, each 600mm diameter (24 inches) shall be provided to aid gas freeing and tank entry. One
shell manhole should be located near to the foot of the main tank stairway as this is likely to have convenient
access. For other shell nozzles, a minimum size of 50mm is specified for strength, especially around the tank
base where the nozzles may be subject to external loads. Neck of all nozzles should be kept as practicable to
aid internal lining. Horizontal Tanks

Two manholes are recommended at each end of tank to ease visual inspection

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 39: Benefits of 2 manholes in a horizontal tank

The size of all tank manholes is to be 600mm (24inches) diameter minimum.

There shall be one fill and one water draw-off connection situated in the manhole cover at the low end of the
installed tank.

9.2.7. Internal Lining of Tanks

Internal surfaces of the tank and carbon steel fittings are lined with a white or light colored material, usually
epoxy based and approved by Puma Energy as being compatible with jet fuel.

9.2.8. Internal Floating Metallic Blankets (Decks)

Internal floating metallic blankets (decks) are recommended in vertical tanks for the storage of:

Jet fuel not containing a static dissipater additive and where the product temperature may exceed
32C (90F)

9.3. Floating Suction units

For aviation turbine fuels floating suction units are fitted so that product is drawn from near the surface where
it will be the 'most settled' and a reduced product settling time is permitted

9.3.1. Design Requirements

Float suction performance requirements and data shall be specified by the purchaser. The floating suction unit
shall be designed to cope with stresses that can occur during storage handling and operations. The size of
floating suction unit fitted will be dependent on product flow rates Materials
Unless stated, all materials shall be compatible with the product. No cadmium, zinc, copper, their alloys or
other yellow metals shall be used in the construction of floating suction unit. All carbon steel and S.G iron
components (if used) shall be internally and externally coated with a Puma Energy approved epoxy paint

Aluminum piping or tubing is preferred for the floating suction arm to minimize the weight.

All seals shall be compatible with the product specified on the order.

May 2014 Rev.1
All bolts and fasteners shall be stainless steel.

Check cables (for floats) and retaining cables and fasteners shall be stainless steel (plastic coated stainless steel
cable shall not be used)

Hoses shall be of an approved type suitable for continuous total immersion in aviation fuel (wetted inside and

9.3.2. Minimum Draw Level in Tanks

A stop shall be incorporated into the floating suction unit which prevents product lower than 230mm being
drawn from the tank, or the diameter of the arm if it is less than 230mm; this stop shall be cushioned by a
Viton Pad or similar to avoid damaging the tank lining when coming to rest on the tank floor.

9.3.3. Pressure Losses and Loss of Suction

Manufacturers shall calculate the pressure loss of their floating suction unit at the requested flow rate and
submit the results with their quotation.

Arms 200mm diameter and larger should be provided with an air bleed hole at the top of the inlet elbow to
allow entrapped air to escape. A small drain hole (c. 5mm) should be provided in the bottom of the arm near
the swivel to allow the arm to flood with product during tank commissioning or if the arm floats above the
tank product level and is inadvertently drained.

9.4. Civil Works

9.4.1. Foundations Tank Cone-down floor

The stability of the base of the tank and foundations becomes a problem with a steep downwards slope. The
typical tank bottom is not designed for membrane stresses as would occur in a steep cone down bottom and
any foundation settlement would tend to increase the stresses and possibility of floor damage.

Deeper and more costly foundations are also required for a steep cone-down bottom and the quantity of dead
stock below the lowest operational level is increased Vertical Tank Foundations

The choice of a tank foundation is largely determined by the conditions of the subsoil, tank size, expected
differential settlement and the local availability of materials and construction expertise. In all cases a soil
survey and analysis shall always be undertaken to confirm the applicability of the foundation for each tank. In
areas where seismic activity is likely, additional analysis to ensure the stability of the foundations will be
required. There are different types of foundations are depending on whichever is applicable;

The bitumen/sand pad foundation is suitable for all tank diameters where the subsoil is good and
relatively little settlement is expected and is the most common type of tank foundation
Reinforced concrete raft provides guaranteed slope of the bottom plates to the center sump but is
unsuitable for large diameter tanks (greater than about 15m diameter).
Ring wall type of foundation may be necessary to facilitate holding down of the shell in areas of
seismic activity or to prevent edge settlement for all tanks on poor ground.

May 2014 Rev.1
9.4.2. Bunded Areas
All above ground tankage must be completely surrounded by a bund wall. Mounded or buried tanks (double-
skinned or within secondary containment) do not require to be sited in a bund but consideration can be given
to provide containment for fuel overfill, commensurate with the environmental risk.

Separate bunds around individual tanks are unnecessary unless required by local/ national regulations. It is
recommended that the total capacity of tanks in one enclosure does not exceed 60,000m3

The bund volume should be in accordance with local regulations, or if non-existent, the bund volume should

110% of the largest tank within the bunded area plus the bunded height volume of all other tanks in
the bund. Bund Walls

The height of the bund wall should preferably be kept below 1.2meters unless these space limitations prevent
this, and should be constructed to meet local regulations. Bund walls should be substantially impervious to
liquids (water and fuel) and designed to withstand a full hydrostatic head and the wave effect that would
occur with a major tank failure

Where a number of tanks are in a large bunded area, intermediate walls of up to half the height of the main
walls, or 0.6m whichever is the lower, should be provided to act as firebreaks and to divide the tanks into
reasonable groups. Bund Floors

The floor of the tank bund should be substantially impervious. These can either be a concrete floor or
membrane protected bund floor. Joints in the concrete bund walls and floors should be filled with flexible filler
board and surface sealed with a suitable flexible fuel-resistant sealant. The joint filler system and pipe
penetration seals should also be reasonably fire-resistant to minimize fuel leakage from a bund in the event of
a serious pool fire. Drainage
The bund concrete slab or membrane are impervious to rainwater- it must therefore be designed with slopes
to drainage channels so that rainwater can be collected and passed through an oil interceptor located outside
the bund. Where drainage is provided, it must pass through an oil interceptor before entering the main
drainage system. An un-drained bund with a pumped drainage system routed over the bund wall may be
necessary to comply with local regulations.

9.4.3. Leak Detection

One way of providing tank bottom leak detection and containment has already been described double wall
and double bottom tanks. All single bottom tank/foundation arrangements shall include a tank bottom leak
detection system and/ or a low permeability barrier to protect the subsoil and ground water from product
contamination. This can be achieved for the types of foundation described above. Bitumen/Sand Pad Foundations

Tank bottom leak detection can be incorporated in this type of foundation by installing a low permeability
membrane either within or under the pad. Precise details will depend on the diameter and height of the pad.
For small tanks it may be possible install the membrane with a continuous fall across the bund but in larger

May 2014 Rev.1
tanks it may be necessary to install the membrane with a slope falling from the center of the tank towards the
circumference and terminate in a drainage channel where provision can be incorporated for inspection. Reinforced Concrete Raft

In case of the reinforced raft type of foundation, the concrete slab itself forms the barrier with the concrete
upper surface made more resistant to fuel seepage by means of an approved brush-applied sealant. A void is
formed under the central sump into which any leaking product should collect. One or more tell-tale pipes are
connected to a void formed in the concrete raft around the central sump and the pipes run downwards at a
slight fall to the edge of the tank foundation. By checking the pipe outlets on a regular basis, any leak in the
tank bottom, which should result in product accumulating in the void around the sump, will be detected. Ring Wall

Like the bitumen/sand pad a low permeability membrane is used. Depending on the depth of the foundation,
it may be possible to install the membrane underneath the ring wall. However if this is not practical, it can be
installed within the ring beam in which case it must be properly sealed to the inner wall.

9.4.4. Access
Access steps shall be provided to the aboveground horizontal tank top, no steeper than 45 degrees, and for
more than one tank a second means of escape shall be provided that can be a vertical ladder with entry
barrier. Tank top platforms should extend to access manholes and equipment requiring maintenance.

Access to a conventional bund should be provided in the form of metal or concrete steps. At least two access
points should be installed for bund walls up to 1.2metres height, with additional steps provided for bund walls
of greater height, in order to facilitate escape in the event of an emergency.

9.5. Piping

9.5.1. Pressure & Thermal Relief Systems

Unless mandated by local or national regulations, pressure/vacuum valves are not required on any tankage
used for the storage of Jet Fuels. Open (free) venting adequately sized for maximum loading and discharging
rates should be employed in all cases (with 100% redundancy/ second vent for all tanks larger than 55m3.

In vertical tanks used for the storage of Jet B or Avgas, metallic floating blankets are recommended to assist in
the dissipation of static electrical charges within the tank. Where such blankets are installed, pressure/vacuum
valves are not required on the tanks, which may be free vented. Similar blankets are also recommended in
vertical tanks used for the use of storage of Jet fuel not containing static dissipater additive in conditions
where the surface temperature of the product may exceed 32C (90F). Metallic floating blankest shall be
adequately bonded to the tank structure to assist with the dissipation of static electrical charges.

9.5.2. Pipework Thermal Pressure Relief

Pipework systems shall be designed and constructed with adequate thermal pressure relief, taking into
account the effect of cascading back-pressures. Areas of particular concern are fueller loading equipment/
hoses and PCV test rigs where locked in sections are in regular operator contact.

May 2014 Rev.1
10. Refrigerated Storage Systems
API STD 2000 Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks Non Refrigerated and Refrigerated
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME SEC VIII D1 BPVC Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels - Division 1
ASME SEC VIII D2 BPVC Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels - Division 2 Alternative
NFPA 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

10.1. Introduction
It is economical to store large volumes of light hydrocarbons in a refrigerated condition at essentially
atmospheric pressures. The liquefied hydrocarbon gases include methane, ethylene, propane, propylene,
butane, isobutene, isopentane, and mixtures.
These refrigerated hydrocarbons will boil at atmospheric conditions to form a large flammable vapor cloud
which poses a most hazardous situation for the community, and environment. Therefore, installation of any
new refrigerated tank faces a lot of critic from the authorities and public.

These products are stored slightly above atmospheric pressure, in order to prevent leakage of air into the
container. The refrigerated storage temperatures depend on the components being stored, and the exact
compositions if stored as a mixture. Note that most liquefied hydrocarbon gases are actually mixtures
containing a primary component mixed with other components and/or impurities.
Since the environment is warmer than the refrigerated storage, provisions must be made to handle heat leak
into the containment facility. These provisions might be as simple and economical as disposing boiled off gases
to a fuel or flare system or as complex and expensive as re-refrigerating the boiled off gases. Refrigeration
systems, which recover boil-off resulting from heat leak and which minimize product loss, are quite common
and preferred from an environmental standpoint.

10.2. Typical Applications

10.2.1. Liquefied Natural Gas

Natural gas that has been liquefied at extremely cold temperatures is Liquefied Natural Gas. It is typically
stored and transported at refrigerated temperatures [-270F (-168C) design] and at pressures slightly above

10.2.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas

LPG has a vapor pressure sufficiently low to permit compression and storage as a liquid at moderate pressures
and normal ambient temperatures.

10.3. Systems and components of a refrigerated storage facility

A storage facility is typically comprised of the following systems:

10.3.1. Storage System

a. Storage tank
b. The Feed system to storage (transfer pipelines)
c. Pumps
d. Evaporator system, to produce and dispose the product vapor phase.

May 2014 Rev.1
10.3.2. Refrigeration System
a. Facilitates pressure control of the storage tank and recovers vapor phase
b. Interchanger facilitates cooling of the liquid stream by cold vapor that is collected from the storage
c. Compressor; including Knock-Out Drum and a set of inter and after coolers.
d. Liquid receiver drum that collects and temporarily stores the liquefied product

Figure 40: Refrigeration System

The refrigerated storage facilities typically will require design specified metallurgy including expensive alloy
materials. In addition, the storage facility requires extensive insulation and barrier protection to minimize heat
and moisture leakage. Storage facilities are custom designed to meet the project specific objectives and
location specific requirements, therefore, design input specialty Contractors, and the Regulatory expectations
should be specified and incorporated starting with early development stages.

10.4. Equipment

10.4.1. Aboveground steel vessels

Using refrigerated storage (50 C for Propane) normally accommodates large capacity requirements. This
type of storage involves a thermally insulated tank operated at approximately atmospheric pressure.
Additionally, a cooling system involving pumps, compressors and exchangers as well as an emergency
blowdown system (flare) are needed. The design must follow API 620 appendix Q or R.

Aboveground steel vessels represent the most common type of refrigerated storage containment. They can be
in the shape of drums, spheres, or vertical cylindrical tanks. A selection of the storage vessel type and process
containment systems should be based on an economic evaluation of the investment costs of various
alternatives. The total erected cost is greatly affected by the alloy content of the materials used.
Drums find application primarily in the storage of small and intermediate quantities of stocks that require very
high vapor pressure, and therefore very low storage temperature. Examples are LNG and other cryogenic
Spheres are commonly used for storing intermediate volumes of refrigerated and partially refrigerated
product. For partially refrigerated storage, the storage temperature is not cold enough to permit atmospheric

May 2014 Rev.1
or near atmospheric pressure storage. Rather, the storage is at some temperature above the boiling point at
atmospheric pressure, requiring storage pressure significantly above atmospheric pressure to prevent the
liquid contents from boiling.

Figure 41: Economic Storage Concepts for pure propane

Vertical cylindrical tanks are used for storing large volumes of refrigerated product at or near atmospheric
pressure. Vertical cylindrical tanks are further classified as refrigerated Storage Tank with single containment,
double containment, or full containment requirements


Materials shall conform to the following ASTM Standards: A131 Grade CS, A353/A353M, ASTM A516/A516M,
A537/A537M Class 1, A553/A553M Grade A, A573 Grades 65 or 70.

Materials for all primary components and materials welded directly to primary components shall meet the
impact requirements of API 620 including Appendix Q, Low-pressure Storage Tanks for Liquefied Hydrocarbon
Gases, or Appendix R, Low-pressure Storage Tanks for Refrigerated Products, as applicable.

Bottom nozzle insert plates and annular plates shall be of the same material specification and grade as the
lowest shell course. Materials for permanent structural attachments, welded to the shell, shall be of the same
nominal composition as the tank shell materials.

Minimum corrosion allowances must be as follows:

Material Corrosion allowance (in)

Carbon and Alloy Steels / 16
300 Group Stainless Steel 0.03

A corrosion allowance shall not be provided for double-wall tanks unless specified by local codes or
regulations. The outer tank shell/ foundation junction shall be sealed to prevent humidity. Cathodic protection
shall not be provided unless specific cases.

May 2014 Rev.1
10.4.2. Single containment storage tanks
The single containment tank is designed and constructed such that only the inner tank meets the low
temperature ductility requirements to store the refrigerated feed.
The outer container of a single containment tank retains and protects insulation. It also provides containment
for the vapor purge gas pressure. Note: the outer containment is not designed to contain the refrigerated
liquid if the inner containment leaks. It is most likely subjected only to ambient temperatures, and typically
constructed of ordinary carbon steel. The outer containment is designed for the mechanical loads imposed by
the insulation and the purge gas pressure in the annular space. The annular space is typically 1mt, which
facilitates personnel access for insulation repair and maintenance. A resilient blanket of textile fiberglass is
installed immediately adjacent to the inner tank. This absorbs the shell expansion generated during warm-up
cycles when a tank is taken out of service. The remainder of the annular space is filled with insulation
(typically, perlite).

Figure 42: Single Containment Storage Tank

10.4.3. Double containment tanks

A storage tank with double containment is designed and constructed such that both the inner wall and the
outer wall are capable of independently containing a full volumetric capacity of the refrigerated liquid. To
minimize the leakage from the inner containment wall, the outer containment wall is located at a distance of 6
mt maximum, from the inner tank. The inner tank holds the refrigerated product or liquefied gas under normal
operating conditions. The inner tank supports the roof. The outer tank (or wall) is designed only to contain any
refrigerated liquid product leakage from the inner tank. It is not designed to contain any vapor resulting from
the liquid product leakage

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure 43: Double Containment Storage Tank

10.4.4. Full containment tanks

In a full containment configuration, the inner and outer tanks are designed and constructed to independently
contain the full volume of refrigerated liquid. The space between the inner tank and outer tank is typically 1 to
2 m. In normal operating conditions the refrigerated product is stored in the inner containment. In addition,
the outer tank supports the roof. The outer tank is designed to contain the refrigerated liquid and control
venting of the vapor from inner tank.

Figure 44: Full Containment Storage Tank

10.4.5. Membrane Tanks

Membrane Tanks normally comprise of primary membrane barrier, insulation, secondary membrane barrier
and further insulation in a sandwich construction. Membrane Tanks are based on a clear separation of the
main functions. This way, the structural function is ensured by an outer post tensioned concrete tank, which
grants structural resistance to the inner hydrostatic load and outer hazards.

The tightness function is provided by a primary corrugated stainless steel membrane which is liquid and gas
tight. The membrane is tightly welded to the carbon steel liner on the inner side of the dome roof and
therefore ensures a total gas tightness of the containment system. In addition, a moisture barrier applied to

May 2014 Rev.1
the inner surface of the concrete structure prevents any water migration from the concrete to the insulation

The insulating function is ensured by load bearing reinforced PUF insulating panels, secured onto the
concrete wall with anchoring elements (mastic and studs), and permanently maintained under nitrogen
atmosphere. The monitoring of the insulation space allows the detection of any possible primary barrier leak.
Finally, an insulated suspended deck maintains the roof at an acceptable temperature. The thickness of the
insulation depends on the required daily boil off rate, typically 0.05%.

This separation of the main functions allows the optimization of each function, permitting individual and global
testing and avoids simultaneous multiple failures. This enhances the reliability and efficiency of the membrane

Membrane tanks are used for LNG in areas where there is earthquake risk or additional need for safety (high
population density), in and above ground. They are probably the most expensive, but the safest.

Figure 45: Membrane Storage Tank

10.4.6. Selection of single, double, or full containment

The failure of any tank containment, particularly storing a flammable hydrocarbon liquid poses an extremely
hazardous contingency. The risks involved make primary containment security of paramount importance.
Therefore the industry, follow a strict adherence to procedures and standards in the design, construction, and
operation of these facilities.
If loss of containment occurs, the liquefied product or gas inventory forms a gas cloud due to heat sink from
the environment (earth, sea, structures). A brittle fracture of containment in refrigerated service can also be
catastrophic. The liquefied Oxygen presents inherent risks. Examples include potential for metal fires, changes
in flammable limits, lower auto-ignition temperatures, and lower ignition energies.
Due to high investment and risks associated with refrigerated storage systems, a number of safeguards,
procedures and standards, are strictly adhered to plants to further increase the mechanical integrity and
reliability of the storage tank. These include full tank height hydro-testing, lower permissible foundation
settlements than allowed for conventional tanks, enhanced reliability for instrumentation to prevent tank
overfilling, and emergency shutoff on loading lines at marine terminals. For tanks in congested sites,
consideration is given to high concrete dikes or walls or remote impoundment to reduce potential vapor cloud
travel from leaks. The International standards and local laws, followed by some European and Mid-East
countries, require additional containment safeguards for certain refrigerated liquids. These typically include
the requirement for double or full containment.

May 2014 Rev.1
The double or full containment facility design is costly. Example, the total erected costs for full containment
increases 115% to 215% for propane storage and 70% to 150% for LNG storage. Because of the higher costs,
double or full containment is typically specified when local regulations and/or site specific factors dictate its
use. A complete understanding of the standards and local regulations are critical for the design and operation
of the refrigerated storage systems. These regulations define design criteria/severity of events such as fire,
blast, flying objects, and other situations. These site specific requirements must be considered to specify basic
designs for the facility.

10.4.7. Refrigeration Systems Auto-refrigeration
This will generally apply if the stored product can also be used as a refrigerant. In this technique, desired
liquefaction temperature is maintained through auto-refrigeration of the product. It implies that heat leaking
into the vessel, and heat absorbed by the liquid product, is dissipated through boil-off of a part of the liquid.
The heat leak from surrounding into the storage tank will continuously boil-off the liquefied product in
containment vapor space. This vapor is withdrawn from the top of the vessel and compressed to a pressure at
which the corresponding saturation temperature is above that of the available cooling medium. This limits the
applicability of an auto-refrigeration recovery system in the use of stored products where the available cooling
medium, typically air and cooling water, can condense the compressed gas at a reasonable pressure. The
applicability of auto-refrigeration is also limited to products that can be safely or easily used as a refrigerant.
Propane, butane, and propane/butane refrigerated storage products are amenable to an auto-refrigeration
recovery system. The compressed vapor is condensed in a heat exchanger. The condensed liquid is expanded,
which provides refrigeration to the liquid returning to the tank. The flashed vapor is returned to the
compression system. External Refrigerant

When the stored product cannot be used as a refrigerant, it is necessary to use an external refrigerant
separated from the stored product in a closed system. Examples are some chemicals such as butadiene and
light products such as ethylene and methane that cannot be condensed at a reasonable pressure by air or
water. In such a system, the stored liquid product is re-circulated through a heat exchanger to maintain the
desired storage temperature. The closed independent refrigeration system provides the refrigeration to that
heat exchanger. A refrigeration system employing an external refrigerant is more expensive than an auto-
refrigeration system.
Re-circulated systems using external refrigerant may, however, be appropriate for small installations where
packaged refrigeration units are specified, purchased, and installed. A packaged, off the shelf, refrigeration
unit using external refrigerant may be lower in cost than an auto-refrigeration system. Typically, an auto-
refrigeration system tailor designed for a project specific scope attracts high engineering costs. Integrated Refrigeration Systems

Where two or more refrigerated products having different boiling points are being stored in a common storage
area, integration of the refrigeration systems for the various individual products may be possible. Such
systems combine the auto-refrigeration and external refrigerant type systems. An auto-refrigeration system is
used to refrigerate the product with the lowest boiling point. Cold liquid product from that system is then used
as a coolant to refrigerate, in an external refrigerant re-circulated system, the other higher boiling products.

10.4.8. Vessel foundations

The design of foundations for refrigerated storage vessels does not differ significantly from that for any other
service and follows standard foundation practices. Reinforced concrete ring wall foundations and piled
foundations are used for vertical cylindrical tanks depending on the soil conditions.

May 2014 Rev.1
For tanks with ring wall foundations, the tank bottom will rest directly on the compacted soil tank pad. In
order to prevent freezing and heaving of the soil, heaters are provided in the tank pad to maintain the soil
temperatures above 32F (0C). Any heating medium may be used, although electric heaters are generally
preferred due to ease of installation and control. With suitable insulation, the tank heat gain from the heaters
will not exceed that of an equivalent area of the shell. Consideration is given to installation of heaters within
conduits to facilitate removal and repair as required.
Shell and bottom settlement measurements shall be made after tank erection, prior to hydrostatic testing and
during water filling at the , and full levels corresponding to design liquid height. Level readings shall be
accurate to within 1/16 in. (1.5mm). Bottom internal measurements shall be made after hydrostatic testing.
Additional measurements shall be made in the annular plate region at approximately 40ft intervals around the
tank shell

10.4.9. Hydrostatic Testing

Tanks shall be tested per API STD 620, Appendix Q, Low pressure storage tanks for Liquefied Hydrocarbon
Gases, or Appendix R, Low-pressure storage tank for refrigerated products as applicable.

10.5. LPG/LNG Specific Hazards

10.5.1. Liquefied Natural Gas

Natural gas is a fuel and a combustible substance. To ensure safe and reliable operation, particular measures
are taken in the design, construction and operation of LNG facilities.

In its liquid state, LNG is not explosive and cannot burn. For LNG to burn, it must first vaporize, then mix with
air in the proper proportions (the flammable range is 5 percent to 15 percent), and then be ignited. In the case
of a leak, LNG vaporizes rapidly, turning into a gas (methane plus trace gases), and mixing with air. If this
mixture is within the flammable range, there is risk of ignition which would create fire and thermal radiation

Gas venting from vehicles powered by LNG may create a flammability hazard if parked indoors for longer than
a week. Additionally, due to its low temperature, refueling a LNG-powered vehicle requires training to avoid
the risk of frostbite.

10.5.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas

In a refinery or gas plant, LPG must be stored in pressure vessels. LPG containers have pressure relief valves,
such that when subjected to exterior heating sources, they will vent LPGs to the atmosphere.

If a tank is subjected to a fire of sufficient duration and intensity, it can undergo a boiling liquid expanding
vapor explosion (BLEVE). This is typically a concern for large refineries and petrochemical plants that maintain
very large containers. In general, tanks are designed that the product will vent faster than pressure can build
to dangerous levels.

Given a fire of sufficient duration and intensity, the pressure being generated by the boiling and expanding gas
can exceed the ability of the pressure relief valve to vent the excess. If that occurs, an overexposed container
may rupture violently, launching pieces at high velocity, while the released products can ignite as well,
potentially causing catastrophic damage to anything nearby, including other containers.

Exposure to concentrations above 100% of the LEL such as 5% or 50,000 ppm may sensitize heart and cause
irregular heartbeat. High concentrations may exclude oxygen and cause dizziness and suffocation. Contact
with liquid or cold vapor may cause frostbite or freeze burn. Exposure to concentrations above 10% of the LEL
May 2014 Rev.1
may cause a general central nervous system (CNS) depression typical of anesthetic gases or intoxicants.
Aliphatic hydrocarbon gases may build up in confined spaces and may cause dizziness, light-headedness,
headache, nausea and loss of coordination. Continued inhalation may result in narcosis, unconsciousness, and
possibly lead to death.

May 2014 Rev.1
11. Commissioning

11.1. Puma Energy Commissioning Process

11.1.1. Construction Testing

The testing of system components for continuity and for the ability to withstand operating pressures before
feed-stocks or other final products are introduced to the lines. Construction testing involves a combination of
the following activities, which are usually performed in accordance with standard procedures:

Hydro testing Pressure testing with water

Pneumatic testing Pressure Testing with gas

Rotating Giving motors a rotational check(bumping)

Meggaring Making an electrical circuit continuity check

High potential(HiPot) Checking for electrical grounds

Stroking Checking operability of control valves and validating
their control room indicators
Loop checking Verifying that instruments are correctly installed
Run/bum-in A bench test of pump motors under load for a short
period to check bearings
Chemical Cleaning The use of chemicals to remove mill scale and other
impurities from piping systems
Steam blowing Use of steam under pressure to blow debris from lines
Circulation Testing Checking for proper operation of lubricating oil

11.1.2. Turnover and Startup Concepts


The point at which Puma Energy accepts care, custody, and control of a system or combination of systems


The initial addition of feedstock and the operation of a complete stage of the plant

11.2. Commissioning Pre-Startup Review Forms

PE-01 System Description

PE-02 Mechanical Completion Certificate

PE-02.01 Mechanical Completion Civil Checklist
PE-02-02 Mechanical Completion- Electrical /Instrumentation Checklist
PE-02.03 Mechanical Completion Mechanical Checklist
PE-02.04 Mechanical Completion- Quality Control Checklist

May 2014 Rev.1
PE-03 Transfer of Care, Custody, and Control Letter
PE-04 Piping Turnover Package Index
PE-05 Pressure Test report
PE-06 Equipment List
PE-07 Equipment Installation Checklist
PE-08 Equipment Alignment Certificate
PE-09 Final Closing Authorization Record
PE-10 Spring Support Checklist
PE-11 Instrument Turnover Summary Sheet
PE-11a Instrument Turnover Exception List
PE-12 Instrument Inspection Checklist
PE-13 Calibration Data Sheet
PE-14 Final Loop Check
PE-15 Pressure Relief Valve Calibration Checklist
PE-16 Motors Checklist
PE-17 Control Scheme Checklist
PE-18 Lighting, Receptacle, Instrument Transformers Checklist
PE-19 Lighting, Receptacle, Instrument Distribution Panels Checklist
PE-20 Control and Relay Panels Checklist
PE-21 Motor Control Centers Checklist
PE-22 Power panel Checklist
PE-23 Switchgear Checklist
PE-24 High-Voltage Motors and Starters Checklist
PE-25 Conduit and Cable Tray Checklist
PE-26 Low- Voltage Feeders Checklist
PE-27 Systems Status Report
PE-28 Puma Energy Punch list
PE-30 Aboveground Storage Tanks
PE-30.1 Manufacturers Certification

May 2014 Rev.1
Appendix A Atmospheric Storage Tank Data Sheet
Atmospheric Storage Tanks Data Sheet

Facility Name: Project No.:

If blank, Consultant shall determine and submit.

1. Tank Designation _______________________________________________________________________________________
Owner/Operator ___________________________________________ Location _______________________________________
Size Limitations ______________________________________ Tank Diameter _______________ Shell Height ____________
Capacity: Maximum ______________ Net Working _______________ Criteria: ______________________________________
2. Products Stored:
Liquid ___________________________________ Max. S.G.: ___1__ at ________ __
Blanketing Gas___________________________________ Vapor Pressure ________ PSIA at Max. Operating Temp.
% Aromatic ______ Suppl. Spec. ________________________ H2S Service? Yes No Suppl. Spec. _____________________
Other Special Service Conditions? Yes No Suppl. Specs.____________________________________________________
3. Max. Design. Temp. _______ Design Metal Temp. _______ Design Liquid Level ____________
Design Pressure __________ External Pressure __________ Pressure Combination Factor __________
Maximum Fill Rate ___________ Maximum Emptying Rate ____________
4. Wind Velocity for non-U.S. sites, 50-yr wind speed (3-sec Gust) ________
Top Wind Girder Style ___________________ Dimensions _________________ Use Top Wind Girder as Walkway? Yes No
5. Open-Top and Fixed Roofs: Open Top? Yes No
Fixed Roof Type ___________________________ Roof Support Columns: Structural Shape __________________
Cone Slope ________. Dome or Umbrella Radius ________
6. Bottom: Thickness ________ Style _____________ Slope ________.
Provide Drip Ring? Yes No Alternate Spec. _______________________________________________________________
Annular Ring? Yes No Annular Ring: Minimum Radial Width ________ Thickness ________
7. Coatings:
Internal Coatings by: _________________________ Per Spec. Bottom and 3ft of first ring
External Coating by: _________________________ Per Spec. __________________________________________
Under-Bottom Coating by: _____________________ Per Spec. __________________________________________
8. Cathodic Protection System? Yes Per Spec. _________________________________________________________
9. Leak Detection System? Yes Per Spec._____________________________________________________________
10. Release Prevention Barrier? Yes No Per Spec.___If required by local regulations______________________________________
11. Tank Measurement System: Required? Yes No Remote Capability Required? Yes No
12. Tank Temperature System: Required? Yes No Remote Capability Required? Yes No
13. Weight of Tank: Full of Water* _________ Empty* _________
Component C.A.
Shell 1.6mm (1/16")
Bottom 1.6mm (1/16")
Annular Ring 3mm (1/8")
TABLE 2 NOZZLE AND MANHOLE (for Fixed Roof, Shell, and Bottom)
Mark Quantity Service Orientation Remarks
1 2 Manholes Equally spaced
Elevation per API 650, maximum
9ft from inlet/outlet connections
2 as required Foam chambers Equally spaced and close to stilling wells.
Close to sump and
opposite in orientation
3 1 Water drawoff and sump to inlet/outlet
must not interfere with IFR at
4 1 Thermowell connection lowest position
5 1 Inlet

May 2014 Rev.1
6 2 Outlet
7 2 Additional main nozzles for future service
8 1 Additional minor diameter nozzles for future service
Follow manufacturer
9 2 inlet / outlet for heaters recommendation
Follow manufacturer
10 as required Mixers recommendation
11 1 Gauging Hatch Roof Generally 8" stilling well
12 1 Radar Roof Generally 8" stilling well
13 1 Temperature probe Roof Generally 4" stilling well
14 1 Vents Roof center
15 1 Manholes Roof
14. Platform, Stairway, and Railing: Galvanizing Stairway Style Helical
Gaugers Platform Reqd? Yes No Qty Reqd.* _____________ Per Spec. *___________________________________
15. Mixer/Agitator: Quantity ________ Size* ________ Per Spec.* ___________________________________________
16. Insulation: Required? Yes No Thickness* ________ Material* __________________
Per Specs*_________________________________ Responsibility for Insulation and Installation ___________________________
17. Floating Roof Selection
Type of Roof: (External or Internal): Single Deck Pontoon* Double Deck*
(Internal Only): Tubular Pontoon* Metallic Sandwich Panel* Other
18. Seals
Primary and Seconday Seals are required

Date Aprvl Description Rev

May 2014 Rev.1
Appendix B Principal Properties of Commercial Pipe
(in U.S. Customary Units)

Nominal Ft2 Ft2 Weight of Moment Elastic Plastic

pipe size, Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside inside Weight water per of inertia section Radius section
outside thickness diam. area area surface surface per ft. ft. (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
diam. (in) a b c (in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft. per ft. (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
... ... 5S 0.065 0.710 0.396 0.158 0.220 0.186 0.538 0.171 0.012 0.029 0.275 0.039
... ... 10S 0.083 0.674 0.357 0.197 0.220 0.177 0.671 0.155 0.014 0.034 0.269 0.048
40 Std 40S 0.109 0.622 0.304 0.250 0.220 0.163 0.851 0.132 0.017 0.041 0.261 0.059
0.840 80 XS 80S 0.147 0.546 0.234 0.320 0.220 0.143 1.088 0.101 0.020 0.048 0.251 0.072
160 ... ... 0.187 0.466 0.171 0.383 0.220 0.122 1.304 0.074 0.022 0.053 0.240 0.082
... XXS ... 0.294 0.252 0.050 0.504 0.220 0.066 1.714 0.022 0.024 0.058 0.220 0.096
... ... 5S 0.065 0.920 0.665 0.201 0.275 0.241 0.684 0.288 0.025 0.047 0.349 0.063
... ... 10S 0.083 0.884 0.614 0.252 0.275 0.231 0.857 0.266 0.030 0.057 0.343 0.078
40 Std 40S 0.113 0.824 0.533 0.333 0.275 0.216 1.131 0.230 0.037 0.071 0.334 0.100
1.050 80 XS 80S 0.154 0.742 0.432 0.435 0.275 0.194 1.474 0.188 0.045 0.085 0.321 0.125
160 ... ... 0.218 0.614 0.296 0.570 0.275 0.161 1.937 0.128 0.053 0.100 0.304 0.154
... XXS ... 0.308 0.434 0.148 0.718 0.275 0.114 2.441 0.064 0.058 0.110 0.284 0.179
... ... 5S 0.065 1.185 1.103 0.2553 0.344 0.310 0.868 0.478 0.0500 0.0760 0.443 0.102
... ... 10S 0.109 1.097 0.945 0.413 0.344 0.2872 1.404 0.409 0.0757 0.1151 0.428 0.159
1 40 Std 40S 0.133 1.049 0.864 0.494 0.344 0.2746 1.679 0.374 0.0874 0.1329 0.421 0.187
1.315 80 XS 80S 0.179 0.957 0.719 0.639 0.344 0.2520 2.172 0.311 0.1056 0.1606 0.407 0.233
160 ... ... 0.250 0.815 0.522 0.836 0.344 0.2134 2.844 0.2261 0.1252 0.1903 0.387 0.289
... XXS ... 0.358 0.599 0.2818 1.076 0.344 0.1570 3.659 0.1221 0.1405 0.2137 0.361 0.343
... ... 5S 0.065 1.770 2.461 0.375 0.497 0.463 1.274 1.067 0.1580 0.1663 0.649 0.219
... ... 10S 0.109 1.682 2.222 0.613 0.497 0.440 2.085 0.962 0.2469 0.2599 0.634 0.350
1 40 Std 40S 0.145 1.610 2.036 0.799 0.497 0.421 2.718 0.882 0.310 0.326 0.623 0.448
1.900 80 XS 80S 0.200 1.500 1.767 1.068 0.497 0.393 3.631 0.765 0.391 0.412 0.605 0.581
160 ... ... 0.281 1.338 1.406 1.429 0.497 0.350 4.859 0.608 0.483 0.508 0.581 0.744
... XXS ... 0.400 1.100 0.950 1.885 0.497 0.288 6.408 0.412 0.568 0.598 0.549 0.921
... ... 5S 0.065 2.245 3.96 0.472 0.622 0.588 1.604 1.716 0.315 0.2652 0.817 0.347
... ... 10S 0.109 2.157 3.65 0.776 0.622 0.565 2.638 1.582 0.499 0.420 0.802 0.560
2 40 Std 40S 0.154 2.067 3.36 1.075 0.622 0.541 3.653 1.455 0.666 0.561 0.787 0.761
2.375 80 XS 80S 0.218 1.939 2.953 1.477 0.622 0.508 5.022 1.280 0.868 0.731 0.766 1.018
160 ... ... 0.343 1.689 2.240 2.190 0.622 0.422 7.444 0.971 1.163 0.979 0.729 1.430
... XXS ... 0.436 1.503 1.774 2.656 0.622 0.393 9.029 0.769 1.312 1.104 0.703 1.667

May 2014 Rev.1
Nominal Ft2 Ft2 Weight of Moment of Elastic Plastic
pipe size, Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside inside Weight water per inertia section Radius section
outside thickness diam. area area surface surface per ft ft (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
diam. (in) (in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft per ft (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
a b c

... ... 5S 0.083 3.334 8.73 0.891 0.916 0.873 3.03 3.78 1.301 0.744 1.208 0.969
... ... 10S 0.120 3.260 8.35 1.274 0.916 0.853 4.33 3.61 1.822 1.041 1.196 1.372
40 Std 40S 0.216 3.068 7.39 2.228 0.916 0.803 7.58 3.20 3.02 1.724 1.164 2.333
3.500 80 XS 80S 0.300 2.900 6.61 3.02 0.916 0.759 10.25 2.864 3.90 2.226 1.136 3.081
160 ... ... 0.437 2.626 5.42 4.21 0.916 0.687 14.32 2.348 5.03 2.876 1.094 4.128
... XXS ... 0.600 2.300 4.15 5.47 0.916 0.602 18.58 1.801 5.99 3.43 1.047 5.118
... ... 5S 0.083 4.334 14.75 1.152 1.178 1.135 3.92 6.40 2.811 1.249 1.562 1.620
... ... 10S 0.120 4.260 14.25 1.651 1.178 1.115 5.61 6.17 3.96 1.762 1.549 2.303
4 40 Std 40S 0.237 4.026 12.73 3.17 1.178 1.054 10.79 5.51 7.23 3.21 1.510 4.312
4.500 80 XS 80S 0.337 3.826 11.50 4.41 1.178 1.002 14.98 4.98 9.61 4.27 1.477 5.853
120 ... ... 0.437 3.626 10.33 5.58 1.178 0.949 18.96 4.48 11.65 5.18 1.445 7.242
160 ... ... 0.531 3.438 9.28 6.62 1.178 0.900 22.51 4.02 13.27 5.90 1.416 8.415
... XXS ... 0.674 3.152 7.80 8.10 1.178 0.825 27.54 3.38 15.29 6.79 1.374 9.968
... ... 5S 0.109 6.407 32.2 2.231 1.734 1.677 5.37 13.98 11.85 3.58 2.304 4.628
... ... 10S 0.134 6.357 31.7 2.733 1.734 1.664 9.29 13.74 14.40 4.35 2.295 5.647
6 40 Std 40S 0.280 6.065 28.89 5.58 1.734 1.588 18.97 12.51 28.14 8.50 2.245 11.280
6.625 80 XS 80S 0.432 5.761 26.07 8.40 1.734 1.508 28.57 11.29 40.5 12.23 2.195 16.600
120 ... ... 0.562 5.501 23.77 10.70 1.734 1.440 36.39 10.30 49.6 14.98 2.153 20.718
160 ... ... 0.718 5.189 21.15 13.33 1.734 1.358 45.30 9.16 59.0 17.81 2.104 25.176
... XXS ... 0.864 4.897 18.83 15.64 1.734 1.282 53.16 8.17 66.3 20.03 2.060 28.890
... ... 5S 0.109 8.407 55.5 2.916 2.258 2.201 9.91 24.07 26.45 6.13 3.01 7.905
... ... 10S 0.148 8.329 54.5 3.94 2.258 2.180 13.40 23.59 35.4 8.21 3.00 10.636
20 ... ... 0.250 8.125 51.8 6.58 2.258 2.127 22.36 22.48 57.7 13.39 2.962 17.540
30 ... ... 0.277 8.071 51.2 7.26 2.258 2.113 24.70 22.18 63.4 14.69 2.953 19.311
8 40 Std 40S 0.322 7.981 50.0 8.40 2.258 2.089 28.55 21.69 72.5 16.81 2.938 22.210
60 ... ... 0.406 7.813 47.9 10.48 2.258 2.045 35.64 20.79 88.8 20.58 2.909 27.448
8.625 80 XS 80S 0.500 7.625 45.7 12.76 2.258 1.996 43.39 19.80 105.7 24.52 2.878 33.050
100 ... ... 0.593 7.439 43.5 14.96 2.258 1.948 50.87 18.84 121.4 28.14 2.847 38.326
120 ... ... 0.718 7.189 40.6 17.84 2.258 1.882 60.63 17.60 140.6 32.6 2.807 45.013
140 ... ... 0.812 7.001 38.5 19.93 2.258 1.833 67.76 16.69 153.8 35.7 2.777 49.745
... XXS ... 0.875 6.875 37.1 21.30 2.258 1.800 72.42 16.09 162.0 37.6 2.757 52.778
160 ... ... 0.906 6.813 36.5 21.97 2.258 1.784 74.69 15.80 165.9 38.5 2.748 54.230

May 2014 Rev.1
Nominal Ft2 Ft2 Weight of Moment of Elastic Plastic
pipe size, Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside inside Weight water per inertia section Radius section
outside thickness diam. area area surface surface per ft ft (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
diam. (in) (in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft per ft (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
a b c

... ... 5S 0.134 10.482 86.3 4.52 2.815 2.744 15.15 37.4 63.7 11.85 3.75 15.103
... ... 10S 0.165 10.420 85.3 5.49 2.815 2.728 18.70 36.9 76.9 14.30 3.74 18.489
20 ... ... 0.250 10.250 82.5 8.26 2.815 2.683 28.04 35.8 113.7 21.16 3.71 27.568
... ... ... 0.279 10.192 81.6 9.18 2.815 2.668 31.20 35.3 125.9 23.42 3.70 30.597
10 30 ... ... 0.307 10.136 80.7 10.07 2.815 2.654 34.24 35.0 137.5 25.57 3.69 33.490
40 Std 40S 0.365 10.020 78.9 11.91 2.815 2.623 40.48 34.1 160.8 29.90 3.67 39.381
10.750 60 XS 80S 0.500 9.750 74.7 16.10 2.815 2.553 54.74 32.3 212.0 39.4 3.63 52.573
80 ... ... 0.593 9.564 71.8 18.92 2.815 2.504 64.33 31.1 244.9 45.6 3.60 61.246
100 ... ... 0.718 9.314 68.1 22.63 2.815 2.438 76.93 29.5 286.2 53.2 3.56 72.384
120 ... ... 0.843 9.064 64.5 26.24 2.815 2.373 89.20 28.0 324 60.3 3.52 82.939
140 ... ... 1.000 8.750 60.1 30.6 2.815 2.291 104.13 26.1 368 68.4 3.47 95.396
160 ... ... 1.125 8.500 56.7 34.0 2.815 2.225 115.65 24.6 399 74.3 3.43 104.695

... ... 5S 0.156 12.438 121.4 6.17 3.34 3.26 20.99 52.7 122.2 19.20 4.45 24.744
... ... 10S 0.180 12.390 120.6 7.11 3.34 3.24 24.20 52.2 140.5 22.03 4.44 28.443
20 ... ... 0.250 12.250 117.9 9.84 3.34 3.21 33.38 51.1 191.9 30.1 4.42 39.068
30 ... ... 0.330 12.090 114.8 12.88 3.34 3.17 43.77 49.7 248.5 39.0 4.39 50.917
12 ... Std 40S 0.375 12.000 113.1 14.58 3.34 3.14 49.56 49.0 279.3 43.8 4.38 57.445
12.750 40 ... ... 0.406 11.938 111.9 15.74 3.34 3.13 53.53 48.5 300 47.1 4.37 61.886
... XS 80S 0.500 11.750 108.4 19.24 3.34 3.08 65.42 47.0 362 56.7 4.33 75.073
60 ... ... 0.562 11.626 106.2 21.52 3.34 3.04 73.16 46.0 401 62.8 4.31 83.543

80 ... ... 0.687 11.376 101.6 26.04 3.34 2.978 88.51 44.0 475 74.5 4.27 100.078
100 ... ... 0.843 11.064 96.1 31.5 3.34 2.897 107.20 41.6 562 88.1 4.22 119.717
120 ... ... 1.000 10.750 90.8 36.9 3.34 2.814 125.49 39.3 642 100.7 4.17 138.396
140 ... ... 1.125 10.500 86.6 41.1 3.34 2.749 139.68 37.5 701 109.9 4.13 152.508
160 ... ... 1.312 10.126 80.5 47.1 3.34 2.651 160.27 34.9 781 122.6 4.07 172.399

May 2014 Rev.1
Nominal pipe Ft2 Ft2 Weight of Moment of Elastic Plastic
size, outside Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside inside Weight water per inertia section Radius section
diam. (in) thickness diam. area area surface surface per ft ft (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
a b c (in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft per ft (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
... ... 5S 0.156 13.688 147.20 6.78 3.67 3.58 23.0 63.7 162.6 23.2 4.90 29.900
... ... 10S 0.188 13.624 145.80 8.16 3.67 3.57 27.7 63.1 194.6 27.8 4.88 35.867
10 ... ... 0.250 13.500 143.1 10.80 3.67 3.53 36.71 62.1 255.4 36.5 4.86 47.271
20 ... ... 0.312 13.376 140.5 13.42 3.67 3.50 45.68 60.9 314 44.9 4.84 58.467
30 Std ... 0.375 13.250 137.9 16.05 3.67 3.47 54.57 59.7 373 53.3 4.82 69.633
40 ... ... 0.437 13.126 135.3 18.62 3.67 3.44 63.37 58.7 429 61.2 4.80 80.416
... XS ... 0.500 13.000 132.7 21.21 3.67 3.40 72.09 57.5 484 69.1 4.78 91.167
... ... ... 0.562 12.876 130.2 23.73 3.67 3.37 80.66 56.5 537 76.7 4.76 101.545
60 ... ... 0.593 12.814 129.0 24.98 3.67 3.35 84.91 55.9 562 80.3 4.74 106.660
... ... ... 0.625 12.750 127.7 26.26 3.67 3.34 89.28 55.3 589 84.1 4.73 111.889
... ... ... 0.687 12.626 125.2 28.73 3.67 3.31 97.68 54.3 638 91.2 4.71 121.869
80 ... ... 0.750 12.500 122.7 31.2 3.67 3.27 106.13 53.2 687 98.2 4.69 131.813
... ... ... 0.875 12.250 117.9 36.1 3.67 3.21 122.66 51.1 781 111.5 4.65 150.956
100 ... ... 0.937 12.126 115.5 38.5 3.67 3.17 130.73 50.0 825 117.8 4.63 160.166
120 ... ... 1.093 11.814 109.6 44.3 3.67 3.09 150.67 47.5 930 132.8 4.58 182.519
140 ... ... 1.250 11.500 103.9 50.1 3.67 3.01 170.22 45.0 1127 146.8 4.53 203.854
160 ... ... 1.406 11.188 98.3 55.6 3.67 2.929 189.12 42.6 1017 159.6 4.48 223.931
... ... 5S 0.165 15.670 192.90 8.21 4.19 4.10 28.00 83.5 257 32.2 5.60 41.375
... ... 10S 0.188 15.624 191.7 9.34 4.19 4.09 32.00 83.0 292 36.5 5.59 47.006
10 ... ... 0.250 15.500 188.7 12.37 4.19 4.06 42.05 81.8 384 48.0 5.57 62.021
20 ... ... 0.312 15.376 185.7 15.38 4.19 4.03 52.36 80.5 473 59.2 5.55 76.798
30 Std ... 0.375 15.250 182.6 18.41 4.19 3.99 62.58 79.1 562 70.3 5.53 91.570
... ... ... 0.437 15.126 179.7 21.37 4.19 3.96 72.64 77.9 648 80.9 5.50 105.872
40 XS ... 0.500 15.000 176.7 24.35 4.19 3.93 82.77 76.5 732 91.5 5.48 120.167
... ... ... 0.562 14.876 173.8 27.26 4.19 3.89 92.66 75.4 813 106.6 5.46 134.002
16 ... ... ... 0.625 14.750 170.9 30.2 4.19 3.86 102.63 74.1 894 112.2 5.44 147.826
16.000 60 ... ... 0.656 14.688 169.4 31.6 4.19 3.85 107.50 73.4 933 116.6 5.43 154.542
... ... ... 0.687 14.626 168.0 33.0 4.19 3.83 112.36 72.7 971 121.4 5.42 161.201
... ... ... 0.750 14.500 165.1 35.9 4.19 3.80 122.15 71.5 1047 130.9 5.40 174.563
80 ... ... 0.843 14.314 160.9 40.1 4.19 3.75 136.46 69.7 1157 144.6 5.37 193.866
... ... ... 0.875 14.250 159.5 41.6 4.19 3.73 141.35 69.1 1193 154.1 5.36 200.393
100 ... ... 1.031 13.938 152.5 48.5 4.19 3.65 164.83 66.1 1365 170.6 5.30 231.383
120 ... ... 1.218 13.564 144.5 56.6 4.19 3.55 192.29 62.6 1556 194.5 5.24 266.745
140 ... ... 1.437 13.126 135.3 65.7 4.19 3.44 223.64 58.6 1760 220.0 5.17 305.750
160 ... ... 1.593 12.814 129.0 72.1 4.19 3.35 245.11 55.9 1894 236.7 5.12 331.993

May 2014 Rev.1
Nominal pipe Ft2 Ft2 inside Weight of Moment of Elastic Plastic
size, outside Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside surface Weight water per inertia section Radius section
diam. (in) thickness diam. area area surface per ft per ft ft (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
(in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
a b c

... ... 5S 0.165 17.670 245.20 9.24 4.71 4.63 31.00 106.2 368 40.8 6.31 52.486
... ... 10S 0.188 17.624 243.90 10.52 4.71 4.61 36.00 105.7 417 46.4 6.30 59.649
10 ... ... 0.250 17.500 240.5 13.94 4.71 4.58 47.39 104.3 549 61.0 6.28 78.771
20 ... ... 0.312 17.376 237.1 17.34 4.71 4.55 59.03 102.8 678 75.5 6.25 97.624
... Std ... 0.375 17.250 233.7 20.76 4.71 4.52 70.59 101.2 807 89.6 6.23 116.508
30 ... ... 0.437 17.126 230.4 24.11 4.71 4.48 82.06 99.9 931 103.4 6.21 134.824
18 ... XS ... 0.500 17.000 227.0 27.49 4.71 4.45 93.45 98.4 1053 117.0 6.19 153.167
40 ... ... 0.562 16.876 223.7 30.8 4.71 4.42 104.75 97.0 1172 130.2 6.17 170.954
... ... ... 0.625 16.750 220.5 34.1 4.71 4.39 115.98 95.5 1289 143.3 6.15 188.763
... ... ... 0.687 16.626 217.1 37.4 4.71 4.35 127.03 94.1 1403 156.3 6.13 206.029

60 ... ... 0.750 16.500 213.8 40.6 4.71 4.32 138.17 92.7 1515 168.3 6.10 223.313
... ... ... 0.875 16.250 207.4 47.1 4.71 4.25 160.04 89.9 1731 192.8 6.06 256.831
80 ... ... 0.937 16.126 204.2 50.2 4.71 4.22 170.75 88.5 1834 203.8 6.04 273.078
100 ... ... 1.156 15.688 193.3 61.2 4.71 4.11 207.96 83.7 2180 242.2 5.97 328.496
120 ... ... 1.375 15.250 182.6 71.8 4.71 3.99 244.14 79.2 2499 277.6 5.90 380.904
140 ... ... 1.562 14.876 173.8 80.7 4.71 3.89 274.23 75.3 2750 306 5.84 423.335
160 ... ... 1.781 14.438 163.7 90.7 4.71 3.78 308.51 71.0 3020 336 5.77 470.386
... ... 5S 0.188 19.634 302.40 11.70 5.24 5.14 40 131.0 574 57.4 7.00 71.869
... ... 10S 0.218 19.564 300.6 13.55 5.24 5.12 46 130.2 663 66.3 6.99 85.313
10 ... ... 0.250 19.500 298.6 15.51 5.24 5.11 52.73 129.5 757 75.7 6.98 97.521
... ... ... 0.312 19.376 294.9 19.30 5.24 5.07 65.40 128.1 935 93.5 6.96 120.947
20 20 Std ... 0.375 19.250 291.0 23.12 5.24 5.04 78.60 126.0 1114 111.4 6.94 144.445
20.000 ... ... ... 0.437 19.126 287.3 26.86 5.24 5.01 91.31 124.6 1286 128.6 6.92 167.273
30 XS ... 0.500 19.000 283.5 30.6 5.24 4.97 104.13 122.8 1457 145.7 6.90 190.167
... ... ... 0.562 18.876 279.8 34.3 5.24 4.94 116.67 121.3 1624 162.4 6.88 212.403

40 ... ... 0.593 18.814 278.0 36.2 5.24 4.93 122.91 120.4 1704 170.4 6.86 223.412
... ... ... 0.625 18.750 276.1 38.0 5.24 4.91 129.33 119.7 1787 178.7 6.85 234.701
... ... ... 0.687 18.626 272.5 41.7 5.24 4.88 141.71 118.1 1946 194.6 6.83 256.354
... ... ... 0.750 18.500 268.8 45.4 5.24 4.84 154.20 116.5 2105 210.5 6.81 278.063
60 ... ... 0.812 18.376 265.2 48.9 5.24 4.81 166.40 115.0 2257 225.7 6.79 299.140

May 2014 Rev.1
Nominal pipe Ft2 Ft2 inside Weight of Moment of Elastic Plastic
size, outside Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside surface Weight water per inertia section Radius section
diam. (in) thickness diam. area area surface per ft per ft ft (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
a b c (in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
... ... ... 0.875 18.250 261.6 52.6 5.24 4.78 178.73 113.4 2409 240.9 6.77 320.268
80 ... ... 1.031 17.938 252.7 61.4 5.24 4.70 208.87 109.4 2772 277.2 6.72 371.343
100 ... ... 1.281 17.438 238.8 75.3 5.24 4.57 256.10 103.4 3320 332 6.63 449.564
120 ... ... 1.500 17.000 227.0 87.2 5.24 4.45 296.37 98.3 3760 376 6.56 514.500
140 ... ... 1.750 16.500 213.8 100.3 5.24 4.32 341.10 92.6 4220 422 6.48 584.646
160 ... ... 1.968 16.064 202.7 111.5 5.24 4.21 379.01 87.9 4590 459 6.41 642.442
... ... 5S 0.188 21.624 367.3 12.88 5.76 5.66 44 159.1 766 69.7 7.71 89.446
... ... 10S 0.218 21.564 365.2 14.92 5.76 5.65 51 158.2 885 80.4 7.70 103.435
10 ... ... 0.250 21.500 363.1 17.16 5.76 5.63 58 157.4 1010 91.8 7.69 118.271
20 Std ... 0.375 21.250 354.7 25.48 5.76 5.56 87 153.7 1490 135.4 7.65 175.383
30 XS ... 0.500 21.000 346.4 33.77 5.76 5.50 115 150.2 1953 177.5 7.61 231.167
... ... ... 0.625 20.750 338.2 41.97 5.76 5.43 143 146.6 2400 218.2 7.56 285.638
... ... ... 0.750 20.500 330.1 50.07 5.76 5.37 170 143.1 2829 257.2 7.52 338.813
60 ... ... 0.875 20.250 322.1 58.07 5.76 5.30 197 139.6 3245 295.0 7.47 390.706
80 ... ... 1.125 19.750 306.4 73.78 5.76 5.17 251 132.8 4029 366.3 7.39 490.711
100 ... ... 1.375 19.250 291.0 89.09 5.76 5.04 303 126.2 4758 432.6 7.31 585.779
120 ... ... 1.625 18.750 276.1 104.02 5.76 4.91 354 119.6 5432 493.8 7.23 676.034
140 ... ... 1.875 18.250 261.6 118.55 5.76 4.78 403 113.3 6054 550.3 7.15 761.602
160 ... ... 2.125 17.750 247.4 132.68 5.76 4.65 451 107.2 6626 602.4 7.07 842.607
... ... 5S 0.218 23.564 436.1 16.29 6.28 6.17 55 188.9 1152 96.0 8.41 123.301
10 ... 10S 0.250 23.500 434 18.65 6.28 6.15 63.41 188.0 1316 109.6 8.40 141.021
... ... ... 0.312 23.376 430 23.20 6.28 6.12 78.93 186.1 1629 135.8 8.38 175.080
20 Std ... 0.375 23.250 425 27.83 6.28 6.09 94.62 183.8 1943 161.9 8.35 209.320
... ... ... 0.437 23.126 420 32.4 6.28 6.05 109.97 182.1 2246 187.4 8.33 242.657
... XS ... 0.500 23.000 415 36.9 6.28 6.02 125.49 180.1 2550 212.5 8.31 276.167
30 ... ... 0.562 22.876 411 41.4 6.28 5.99 140.80 178.1 2840 237.0 8.29 308.788
24 ... ... ... 0.625 22.750 406 45.9 6.28 5.96 156.03 176.2 3140 261.4 8.27 341.576
24.000 40 ... ... 0.687 22.626 402 50.3 6.28 5.92 171.17 174.3 3420 285.2 8.25 373.490
... ... ... 0.750 22.500 398 54.8 6.28 5.89 186.24 172.4 3710 309 8.22 405.563
60 ... ... 0.968 22.064 382 70.0 6.28 5.78 238.11 165.8 4650 388 8.15 513.800
80 ... ... 1.218 21.564 365 87.2 6.28 5.65 296.36 158.3 5670 473 8.07 632.768
100 ... ... 1.531 20.938 344 108.1 6.28 5.48 367.40 149.3 6850 571 7.96 774.131
120 ... ... 1.812 20.376 326 126.3 6.28 5.33 429.39 141.4 7830 652 7.87 894.044
140 ... ... 2.062 19.876 310 142.1 6.28 5.20 483.13 134.5 8630 719 7.79 995.313
160 ... ... 2.343 19.314 293 159.4 6.28 5.06 541.94 127.0 9460 788 7.70 1103.215

May 2014 Rev.1
Nominal pipe Ft2 Ft2 inside Weight of Moment of Elastic Plastic
size, outside Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside surface Weight water per inertia section Radius section
diam. (in) thickness diam. area area surface per ft per ft ft (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
(in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
a b c

... ... ... 0.250 25.500 510.7 19.85 6.81 6.68 67 221.4 1646 126.6 9.10 165.771
10 ... ... 0.312 25.376 505.8 25.18 6.81 6.64 86 219.2 2076 159.7 9.08 205.891
... Std ... 0.375 25.250 500.7 30.19 6.81 6.61 103 217.1 2478 190.6 9.06 246.258
26.000 20 XS ... 0.500 25.000 490.9 40.06 6.81 6.54 136 212.8 3259 250.7 9.02 325.167
... ... ... 0.625 24.750 481.1 49.82 6.81 6.48 169 208.6 4013 308.7 8.98 402.513
... ... ... 0.750 24.500 471.4 59.49 6.81 6.41 202 204.4 4744 364.9 8.93 478.313

... ... ... 0.875 24.250 461.9 69.07 6.81 6.35 235 200.2 5458 419.9 8.89 552.581
... ... ... 1.00 24.000 452.4 78.54 6.81 6.28 267 196.1 6149 473.0 8.85 625.333
... ... ... 1.125 23.750 443.0 87.91 6.81 6.22 299 192.1 6813 524.1 8.80 696.586

... ... ... 0.250 27.500 594.0 21.80 7.33 7.20 74 257.3 2098 149.8 9.81 192.521
10 ... ... 0.312 27.376 588.6 27.14 7.33 7.17 92 255.0 2601 185.8 9.78 239.197
... Std ... 0.375 27.250 583.2 32.54 7.33 7.13 111 252.6 3105 221.8 9.77 286.195
28.000 20 XS ... 0.500 27.000 572.6 43.20 7.33 7.07 147 248.0 4085 291.8 9.72 378.167
30 ... ... 0.625 26.750 562.0 53.75 7.33 7.00 183 243.4 5038 359.8 9.68 468.451
... ... ... 0.750 26.500 551.6 64.21 7.33 6.94 218 238.9 5964 426.0 9.64 557.063

... ... ... 0.875 26.250 541.2 74.56 7.33 6.87 253 234.4 6865 490.3 9.60 644.018
... ... ... 1.000 26.000 530.9 84.82 7.33 6.81 288 230.0 7740 552.8 9.55 729.333
... ... ... 1.125 25.750 520.8 94.98 7.33 6.74 323 225.6 8590 613.6 9.51 813.023

... ... 5S 0.250 29.500 683.4 23.37 7.85 7.72 79 296.3 2585 172.3 10.52 221.271
10 ... 10S 0.312 29.376 677.8 29.19 7.85 7.69 99 293.7 3201 213.4 10.50 275.000
... Std ... 0.375 29.250 672.0 34.90 7.85 7.66 119 291.2 3823 254.8 10.48 329.133
30.000 20 XS ... 0.500 29.000 660.5 46.34 7.85 7.59 158 286.2 5033 335.5 10.43 435.167
30 ... ... 0.625 28.750 649.2 57.68 7.85 7.53 196 281.3 6213 414.2 10.39 539.388
40 ... ... 0.750 28.500 637.9 68.92 7.85 7.46 234 276.6 7371 491.4 10.34 641.813

... ... ... 0.875 28.250 620.7 90.06 7.85 7.39 272 271.8 8494 566.2 10.30 742.456
... ... ... 1.000 28.000 615.7 91.11 7.85 7.33 310 267.0 9591 639.4 10.26 841.333
... ... ... 1.125 27.750 604.7 102.05 7.85 7.26 347 262.2 10653 710.2 10.22 938.461

May 2014 Rev.1
Nominal pipe Ft2 Ft2 inside Weight of Moment of Elastic Plastic
size, outside Schedule number* Wall Inside Inside Metal outside surface Weight water per inertia section Radius section
diam. (in) thickness diam. area area surface per ft per ft ft (lb) (in4) modulus gyration modulus
a b c (in) (in) (in2) (in2) per ft (lb) (in3) (in) (in3)
... ... ... 0.250 31.500 779.2 24.93 8.38 8.25 85 337.8 3141 196.3 11.22 252.021
10 ... ... 0.312 31.376 773.2 31.02 8.38 8.21 106 335.2 3891 243.2 11.20 313.299
... Std ... 0.375 31.250 766.9 37.25 8.38 8.18 127 332.5 4656 291.0 11.18 375.070
20 XS ... 0.500 31.000 754.7 49.48 8.38 8.11 168 327.2 6140 383.8 11.14 496.167
32 30 ... ... 0.625 30.750 742.5 61.59 8.38 8.05 209 321.9 7578 473.6 11.09 615.326
32.000 40 ... ... 0.688 30.624 736.6 67.68 8.38 8.02 230 319.0 8298 518.6 11.07 674.652
... ... ... 0.750 30.500 730.5 73.63 8.38 7.98 250 316.7 8990 561.9 11.05 732.563
... ... ... 0.875 30.250 718.3 85.52 8.38 7.92 291 311.6 10372 648.2 11.01 847.893
... ... ... 1.000 30.000 706.8 97.38 8.38 7.85 331 306.4 11680 730.0 10.95 961.333
... ... ... 1.125 29.750 694.7 109.0 8.38 7.79 371 301.3 13023 814.0 10.92 1072.898
... ... ... 0.250 33.500 881.2 26.50 8.90 8.77 90 382.0 3773 221.9 11.93 284.771
10 ... ... 0.312 33.376 874.9 32.99 8.90 8.74 112 379.3 4680 275.3 11.91 354.093
... Std ... 0.375 33.250 867.8 39.61 8.90 8.70 135 376.2 5597 329.2 11.89 424.008
20 XS ... 0.500 33.000 855.3 52.62 8.90 8.64 179 370.8 7385 434.4 11.85 561.167
34 30 ... ... 0.625 32.750 841.9 65.53 8.90 8.57 223 365.0 9124 536.7 11.80 696.263
34.000 40 ... ... 0.688 32.624 835.9 72.00 8.90 8.54 245 362.1 9992 587.8 11.78 763.575
... ... ... 0.750 32.500 829.3 78.34 8.90 8.51 266 359.5 10829 637.0 11.76 829.313
... ... ... 0.875 32.250 816.4 91.01 8.90 8.44 310 354.1 12501 735.4 11.72 960.331
... ... ... 1.000 32.000 804.2 103.67 8.90 8.38 353 348.6 14114 830.2 11.67 1089.333
... ... ... 1.125 31.750 791.3 116.13 8.90 8.31 395 343.2 15719 924.7 11.63 1216.336
... ... ... 0.250 35.500 989.7 28.11 9.42 9.29 96 429.1 4491 249.5 12.64 319.521
10 ... ... 0.312 35.376 982.9 34.95 9.42 9.26 119 426.1 5565 309.1 12.62 397.384
... Std ... 0.375 35.250 975.8 42.01 9.42 9.23 143 423.1 6664 370.2 12.59 475.945
20 XS ... 0.500 35.000 962.1 55.76 9.42 9.16 190 417.1 8785 488.1 12.55 630.167
36 30 ... ... 0.625 34.750 948.3 69.50 9.42 9.10 236 411.1 10872 604.0 12.51 782.201
36.000 40 ... ... 0.750 34.500 934.7 83.01 9.42 9.03 282 405.3 12898 716.5 12.46 932.063
... ... ... 0.875 34.250 920.6 96.50 9.42 8.97 328 399.4 14903 827.9 12.42 1079.768
... ... ... 1.000 34.000 907.9 109.96 9.42 8.90 374 393.6 16851 936.2 12.38 1225.333
... ... ... 1.125 33.750 894.2 123.19 9.42 8.89 419 387.9 18763 1042.4 12.34 1368.773
... ... ... 0.250 41.500 1352.6 32.82 10.99 10.86 112 586.4 7126 339.3 14.73 435.771
... Std ... 0.375 41.250 1336.3 49.08 10.99 10.80 167 579.3 10627 506.1 14.71 649.758
20 XS ... 0.500 41.000 1320.2 65.18 10.99 10.73 222 572.3 14037 668.4 14.67 861.167
42 30 ... ... 0.625 40.750 1304.1 81.28 10.99 10.67 276 565.4 17373 827.3 14.62 1070.013
42.000 40 ... ... 0.750 40.500 1288.2 97.23 10.99 10.60 330 558.4 20689 985.2 14.59 1276.313
... ... ... 1.000 40.000 1256.6 128.81 10.99 10.47 438 544.9 27080 1289.5 14.50 1681.333
... ... ... 1.250 39.500 1225.3 160.03 10.99 10.34 544 531.2 33233 1582.5 14.41 2076.554
... ... ... 1.500 39.000 1194.5 190.85 10.99 10.21 649 517.9 39181 1865.7 14.33 2461.500

May 2014 Rev.1
May 2014 Rev.1
Appendix C LPG Safety Distances

Table C.1: Separation Distances between containers, important buildings and line of adjoining

Minimum Distances
Water Mounded or Aboveground
Capacity per Underground Containers Between
a c
Container Containers Containers
m m m m
d e
<0.5 3 0 0
0.5-1.0 3 3 0
>1.0-1.9 3 3 1
>1.9-7.6 3 7.6 1
>7.6-114 15 15 1.5
>114-265 15 23
>265-341 15 30
>341-454 15 38 of sum of
diameters of
>454-757 15 61
>757-3785 15 91 containers
>3785 15 122

Table C.2: Separation distances between tanks and related equipment in an LPG terminal

Spacing Cylinder
Property Office Mounded Loading/
Distance Sphere Bullet Pump unit filling
lines Buildings Tank Unloading
(mts) plant

3m from
D of the D of the
of sum of the outer
larger vessel, sphere, or 5
diameter of tangent of
Sphere Table 1 30 or 5 ft. ft. 30 30
adjacent the sphere
whichever is whichever is
containers outside
great great
from dike

3m from
D of the
D of the of sum of the outer
large vessel,
sphere, or 5 diameter of tangent of
Bullet Table 1 30 or 5 ft. 15 15
ft. whichever adjacent the vessel,
whichever is
is great containers outside
from dike

Mounded 15 15 D of the D of the 15 5 15

May 2014 Rev.1
Tank valves sphere bullet

of sum of of sum of of sum of

Mounded diameter of diameter of diameter of
3 3 3 3 3
tank adjacent adjacent adjacent
containers containers containers

loading / 30 30 30 15 3 3 30

Firewater From drains,

No limit No limit 30 15 30 30 30
pump / tank vents, and
valving or
flanges 15m;
30 30 30 15 covered part 30 5
filling plant
of mounded
drum 3 m

The minimum horizontal distance between the shell of a pressurized LPG tank and the shell of any other
non-pressurized hazardous or flammable storage tank shall be the largest of the following:

Table C.3: Distance between the shell of a pressurized LPG tank and the shell of any other non-
pressurized tank API 2510

Refrigerated LPG Diameter of the largest tank

Atmospheric Tanks storing material of flashpoint of Diameter of largest tank
100F or less

Atmospheric Tanks storing material of flashpoint Diameter of the largest tank

above 100F

LPG tanks shall not be installed within the bunded area for flammable or combustible liquid storage

No permanent source of heat shall be located within 1.5 m of a LPG tank. LPG tanks shall not be located
directly beneath electrical cables. LPG tanks shall be located such that a break in overhead electrical
lines shall not cause exposed ends to fall onto any tank or equipment. No horizontal separation shall be
required between an aboveground LPG tank and underground tanks containing flammable or
combustible liquids installed in accordance with NFPA 30.

May 2014 Rev.1
Appendix D - Instrumentation Automation and Operation Philosophy

Figure D.1: Truck Loading Process

Figure D.2.: Loading Bay Controller System

May 2014 Rev.1
Figure D.3.: Tank Gauging System

May 2014 Rev.1
Appendix E Electrical Area Classification

Refer to: API RP 500 Electrical Classifications, NFPA 497A RP Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases,
or Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas

Normal electrical equipment can be considered an ignition source. Therefore, where flammable liquids,
gases or vapors are handled, or stored, special electrical equipment shall be installed, which normally
will not serve as an ignition source. The industry has produced standards to differentiate the ignition
potential of electrical equipment. Following are the levels of protection:

Equipment that will never produce a spark, even if it fails

Equipment that, when operating normally, will not produce a spark, but may do so if it fails.
Equipment that will produce a spark during normal operation

The likelihood of encountering flammable vapors in plants governs the level of equipment needed.
Plants shall be divided into separate areas according to the likelihood of flammable vapors being

Classifications used in hydrocarbon services are called Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2 and Unclassified area
distances. They are locations in which flammable gases or vapors are continuously or very frequently

Zone 0

Zone 0 is in an area where an explosive gas atmosphere is continuously present, or present for a long

Such a condition is rarely encountered and is limited mainly to confined spaces (such as the vapor space
of closed process vessels, closed storage tanks, and closed containers), although it can also occur in
larger rooms, such as rooms in chemical plants. Even in such spaces it is possible that the gas-air or the
vapor-air mixture is normally outside the flammability range.

Zone 1

Zone 1 areas are defined as locations where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors are
likely to occur in normal operation. Below grade spaces such as trenches, pits and sumps are typical
Zone 1 areas. This may be by frequent releases or by infrequent releases or small releases combined
with inadequate ventilation.

This classification usually includes locations where volatile flammable liquids or liquefied gases are
transferred from one container to another, interiors of spray booths and areas in the vicinity of spraying
and painting operations where flammable solvents are used: locations that contain open tanks or vats of
flammable liquids: oil-extraction apparatus that uses flammable solvents; portions of cleaning and
drying plants where flammable liquids are used; inadequately ventilated pump rooms for flammable

May 2014 Rev.1
gases of for flammable liquids; and all other locations where hazardous concentrations of flammable
vapors or gases can occur in the course of normal operations

Zone 2

These areas are defined as locations where an ignitable concentration of flammable gases or vapors is
not likely to occur in normal operations. If it does occur it will be infrequent and will exist for a short
period. Examples of Zone 2 are adjacent to Zone 1(and not separated by a vapor barrier), areas normally
prevented from explosive mixtures by positive ventilation, and areas where abnormal operation or
equipment breakdown might create an explosive mixture.

This is an area where equipment(such as pumps, vessels and pipework) that contains flammable liquids,
gases or vapors is installed in the open air; and an instrument control bay that is equipped with pipes,
valves and instruments and is segregated from any Zone 1 location with which it is associated. Where
supervision of such a Zone 1 area is involved, hermetically sealed windows of strengthened glass should
be provided in the common wall.


This is defined as locations where there are little or no hazards from flammable gases or vapors under
normal or abnormal operation conditions. Plant roads, adequately ventilated tank storage areas, and
maintained, adequately ventilated piping systems, which may include valves, fittings, meters and
flanged or threaded connections are examples of unclassified areas.

For zone classifications hazard radius refer to API RP 500 Electrical Classifications.

National Electrical Code (NEC)

The National Electrical Code (NEC) defines hazardous locations as those areas "where fire or explosion
hazards may exist due to flammable gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dust, or ignitable
fibers or flyings."

Hazardous Location Types

Class I Locations

According to the NEC, there are three types of hazardous locations. The first type of hazard is one which
is created by the presence of flammable gases or vapors in the air, such as natural gas or gasoline vapor.
When these materials are found in the atmosphere, a potential for explosion exists, which could be
ignited if an electrical or other source of ignition is present. The Code writers have referred to this first
type of hazard as Class I. So, a Class I Hazardous Location is one in which flammable gases or vapors may
be present in the air in sufficient quantities to be explosive or ignitable. Some typical Class I locations

May 2014 Rev.1
Petroleum refineries, and gasoline storage and dispensing areas;
Dry cleaning plants where vapors from cleaning fluids can be present;
Spray finishing areas;
Aircraft hangars and fuel servicing areas; and
Utility gas plants, and operations involving storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas
or natural gas.
All of these are Class I . . . gas or vapor . . . hazardous locations. All require special Class I
hazardous location equipment.

Class II Locations

The second type of hazard listed by the National Electrical Code are those areas made hazardous by the
presence of combustible dust. These are referred to in the Code as "Class II Locations." Finely pulverized
material, suspended in the atmosphere, can cause as powerful an explosion as one occurring at a
petroleum refinery. Some typical Class II locations are:

Grain elevators;
Flour and feed mills;
Plants that manufacture, use or store magnesium or aluminum powders;
Producers of plastics, medicines and fireworks;
Producers of starch or candies;
Spice-grinding plants, sugar plants and cocoa plants; and
Coal preparation plants and other carbon handling or processing areas.

Class III Locations

Class III hazardous locations, according to the NEC, are areas where there are easily-ignitable fibers or
flyings present, due to the types of materials being handled, stored, or processed. The fibers and flyings
are not likely to be suspended in the air, but can collect around machinery or on lighting fixtures and
where heat, a spark or hot metal can ignite them. Some typical Class III locations are:

Textile mills, cotton gins;

Cotton seed mills, flax processing plants; and
Plants that shape pulverize or cut wood and create sawdust or flyings.

The table below summarizes the various hazardous (classified) locations.

May 2014 Rev.1
Summary of Class I, II, III Hazardous Locations
1 2
I Gases,
vapors, and A: Acetylene
(Art. 501) B: Hydrogen, etc.
Not normally present in an
Normally explosive and
explosive concentration (but
C: Ether, etc. may accidentally exist)

D: Hydrocarbons, fuels,
solvents, etc.
E: Metal dusts
II Dusts (conductive,* and

Ignitable quantities of
Dust not normally suspended in
F: Carbon dusts (some are dust normally are or may
an ignitable concentration (but
(Art. 502) conductive,* and all are be in suspension, or
may accidentally exist). Dust
explosive) conductive dust may be
layers are present.

G: Flour, starch, grain,

combustible plastic or
chemical dust (explosive)
III Fibers and
flyings Textiles, wood-working,
Handled or used in Stored or handled in storage
etc. (easily ignitable, but
manufacturing (exclusive of manufacturing)
not likely to be explosive)
(Art. 503)

May 2014 Rev.1
Appendix F: Puma Energy Product List

Product Class Flashpoint Density Viscosity Freezepoint

(C) (kg/m ) (Cp) (C)

Gasoline IA Amb. Temp. 720 0.45 n/a

Unleaded 93 IA Amb. Temp 730 0.55 n/a
Unleaded 95 IA Amb. Temp 740 0.70 n/a
AVGAS 100/130 IA Amb. Temp 750 0.75 -60
JET FUEL A-1 @ - 20C II >38 775-840 <8 < -47
Kerosene III >38-65 780-810 1.5 -40
Diesel II 60 820-890 32.6-40 n/a
Diesel(Low Sulphur) II 38-82 820-890 32.6-40 n/a
Diesel(High Sulphur) II 38-52 820-890 32.6-40 n/a
HFO 125 IIIA 60 - 80 990 15-50 -30
HFO 180 IIIA 65.5 890-960 15-50 -30
Fuel Oil IIIA 65.5 990 15-50 -30
Bitumen 1000
Propane IIA -104 2.0098 0.08 -188
Butane IIA -60 2.48 0.007 -138

May 2014 Rev.1

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