RDS Assignment

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No#140101036 Section: B Name: Merium Fazal Abbasi

Institute of Space Technology

Aero 13
Aero Vehicle Design
Dated: Friday,3rd May, 2017.
RDS- Assignment
(Tentative Weightage-5%)
Time Allowed : 35 Minutes (2100 seconds) Maximum Points: 30
Note: Questions 1-13 are compulsory while Question 14 is a bonus question. Solve it on question paper in
the space provided. Avoid unnecessary explanations please.
You have been selected as design engineer a multinational aircraft manufacturing company. The first task
assigned to your team is to conceptually design an aircraft using Aircraft Design: A conceptual Approach,
while your individual task is to present a report on RDS-Accompanying software with the said book.
In view of the above-mentioned statement, please answer the following questions:

1. What does RDS stands for? 1 Point (30 Seconds)

RDS stands for Raymer Design Software. According to Raymer: RDSwin literally means RDS, raised
to the win power, and was created to help us win our battle to make a good
2. What are the capabilities of RDS? 2 Points (120 Seconds)
4. Sizing and trade studies
1. Aerodynamic Analysis
5. Performance Analysis
2. Propulsion Analysis
6. Cost analysis
3. Weight Analysis
3. What are the limitations of RDS? 2 Points (120 Seconds)
4. It cannot use T/W greater than 2.
1. It considers velocity, to be Mach, if input is
5. It is applicable, only for aircrafts
less than 10.
design, which operate up to,
2. Not applicable for hypersonic aircraft design.
3. It calculates performance of provided engine
thrust data.
6. Explain dependency of software on book and vice versa? 1 Point (90 Seconds)

RDS software is based upon, the formulae and techniques explained in the book

While following book, .RDS provides an easy way to analyze different aspects of the aircraft.

So, book and software complement each other.

7. Enumerate the modules of RDS? 2 Points (90 Seconds)
4. Range and Sizing
1. Aero & stab
5. Cost
2. Weights
6. Performance

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Reg. No#140101036 Section: B Name: Merium Fazal Abbasi

3. Propulsion

8. What are the methods of enter and extract data to and from RDS? 2 Points (90 Seconds)
Input Methods Output Methods
1. Pull down prompts & picks 1. Graphs
2. Ghost Menu 2. Files
3. Input grids 3. Report
4. Smart data input

9. How does data flow in RDS? 2 Points (90 Seconds)

To work in RDS, either we have to create a new file or open an existing file or import data from design
layout module. Remaining inputs, that are not present in this data are input in smart grid, and then
analysis is done. As a result of Analysis, data file is generated.

The flow of data is also shown on RDS main page:

10. What is DLM? What are basic operations in DLM? 2 Points (150 Seconds)

DLM stands for Design layout Module. Following are its operations:

1. Wing or tail creation

2. Scale component
3. Shape component
4. Assemble component
5. Fly assemble
6. Tab file

11. How to input specific airfoil in DLM? Enumerate Steps 3 Points (210 Seconds)

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Reg. No#140101036 Section: B Name: Merium Fazal Abbasi

1. Go to the RDS win

2. Open up the folder named, RDS Resources
3. Copy any one of the file with extension of . NAC
4. Paste it at any other location in your computer.
5. Then open this copied file with notepad
6. Paste your airfoil coordinates in EXCEL and delimit them.
7. Copy your formatted coordinates to the notepad file, (where all the columns are tab separated)
8. Rename notepad file and save it with extension of . dAF.
9. Import it to RDS when required.

12. How analysis is performed in RDS? 3 Points (210 Seconds)

1. To do analysis, any of the tab of analysis is selected

2. From the selected tab, any of the component is selected.
3. An input grid opens up.
4. Data is entered in the grid.
5. By pressing analyze, RDS put the results in aircraft data file.

13. Perform Wing Root and Tip chord positioning using Trigonometry 2 Points (180 Seconds)
for your aircraft?

Wing span=b=51.0839 ft.

LE sweep=50 degrees

Per distance b/w LE to TE =tan50*(25.54195) =30.4397 ft.

14. How will you perform Cross Section change, Assemble, Move & 4 Points (240 Seconds)
Rotate Cross section in RDS DLM?


Go to DLM

Go to ghost menu

Go to shape component

select any of required option to change cross-section


Draw a component on DLM

Go to fly assemble tab

Double click on the component you want to assemble

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Reg. No#140101036 Section: B Name: Merium Fazal Abbasi

Components are assembled by mouse operation


Go to DLM

Go to ghost menu

Go to component

Go to shape component

Go to move cross section


Go to DLM

Go to ghost menu

Go to component

Go to shape component

Go to rotate cross section

15. Write steps to analyze an aircraft in RDS- Be specific about the type 4 Points (240 Seconds)
of aircraft you are currently working on in AVD Course?

1. Draw the geometry of your aircraft on design layout module of RDS

2. Exit the design layout module, and select the Aerodynamics module.
3. A dialogue box open. Choose the last option, Make New Input File from Geometry from DLM
TAB File. This reads the TAB file and creates an input grid that has many items already set as
default values, which should be chosen carefully.
4. Other values are blank and need to be entered by user.
5. Once all the input values seemed correct, Do Analysis is pressed.
6. Results are checked for reasonableness, then the pulldown option Run Analysis and Put Results
in Aircraft Data File is selected.
7. Similarly, analysis of entire aircraft is done (as that of aerodynamics).

16. A user XYZ uses RDS and inputs appropriate Data such that the first 5 Points (240 Seconds)
two graphs in RDS-Aero and Stab are visible but after that software
indicates lack of available data for appropriate calculations? What
might be possible reason of this error and how this can be
(Hint: The error is purely linked with the built up of RDS)

It may be due to the reason that:

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Reg. No#140101036 Section: B Name: Merium Fazal Abbasi

1. all modules of RDS are not interlinked.

2. Improper installation of RDS

This can be minimized by:

1. Entering data for each module individually

2. Installing RDS from its original CD.

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