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Lesson No.

Dark They Were and Golden Eyed
1. Its lid gave a bulging pop.
Bulging: : Swelling, Expanding, popping
Lid: : cover, cap, cork
2. To flake away their identities.
Flake away: : destroy, break, peel
3. He felt submerged.
Submerged: : sank, plunged, dipped, dived
4. Chin up, Harry, said his wife.
Chin up: : be brave, hopeful, take heart
5. Their yellow hair hollered at the deep dome
Hollered: : cry, yell, shout, scream
6. A third unbidden partner at every midnight.
Unbidden: : uninvited, Unwanted
7. One day the atom bomb will fix Earth.
Fix: : destroy, punish
8. You have not been prowling up in those ruins,
Prowling: : Move stealthily, wandering
Ruins:: remains, remnants
9. Were stranded on Mars, forever and ever!
Stranded: : Abandoned, Isolated, caught
10. He was drenched in the hotness of his fear,
Drenched: : Wet, be soaked in, bathed in

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11. He looked with dismay
Dismay: : distress, dejection , disappointment
12. All warped out of shapes.
Wrapped: : twisted, bent, disfigured, deformed.
13. Very dim flecks of new gold
Flecks: : small dots, spots, marks
14. The painted houses flaked and peeled
Flaked: : Chipped, Scaled off
Peeled: : Stripped, Torn, Detached
15. The daughter wove tapestries
Tapestries: : Decorated design, handicraft, weaving
16. Mr. Bittering gazed at the Earth
Gazed:: Looked, stared, glared
17. Such ridiculous houses
Ridiculous :: Funny, Absurd, Insane
18. His wife mused
Mused: : Thought, pondered
19. Such ugly people.
Ugly: : hideous, unattractive, unpleasant
20. He glanced at his wife
Glanced: : looked, peeped at, Saw
21. She was golden and slender
Slender: : Slim , thin , weak.
22. In abandoned bar
Abandoned: : Deserted, vacated, empty
23. The foggiest notion of what happened to this town
Foggiest: : slightest, wage, dim, hazy
24. A plague did this town in
Plague: : Epidemic. Sickness, Disease
25. This is one of the mysteries well never solve
Mysteries: : Riddle, Puzzles, Secrets

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