Simply Prepared Binder PT 1

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Simply Prepared

Grab and Go

Misty Marsh

Read This First
1. Read information below 4. Fill out all forms
2. Print all documents 5. Put binder together
3. Gather other items on 6. Hide binder well
documents checklist

Finger Prints / DNA: Family Pictures

If you take your own fingerprints at home, make I suggest keeping a past and a recent family picture in
sure you DO NOT roll your finger when your Simply Prepared Binder.
pressing it on the paper. This can cause the
If you were to lose a child (during a natural disaster or
ridges to distort. And dont use too much ink:
otherwise) and then find them, you may have to prove
practice on a piece of paper first!
that they belong to you. This would be especially true
If you are more comfortable, another option is to if the child is incoherent or unable to recognize
get a fingerprint card taken at any local police you. Having an older and more recent family photo is
station/sheriffs office. Its often free but one very quick way to prove that this child does and
sometimes they charge a small fee. has belonged to you for some time.

ID Forms Recommended

In this kit, you will find adult, child and pet ID forms. I suggest
putting all personal documents (ID, Birth certificate etc) in a sheet
If you are interested, Ive compiled
protector behind the corresponding ID Form.
You may also consider printing two and keeping one copy with you
a list of various options (nearly
free, medium cost, more
expensive) of suggested supplies
at all times, (or at least when out in busy public places). They
to put your binder together. Click
contain important information authorities would need to start
looking for a missing person.
HERE to see that list.

Concerns About Security:

Having all this in one place creates a risk. But there is risk no matter what. If you dont have the folder at
all there are risks. You have to weigh which risk is less scary to you. For me, Ive decided the risk of not
having it is scarier than the risks created by having it. My folder is very well hidden and does not call
attention to itself.

A reader recently gave me two great suggestions that Ill pass onto you:

(1) Disguise your binder as a childrens artwork binder. Ive provided an artwork cover for you in this
printable if you would like to do this. Then, put all your documents between two pieces of childrens
(2) Create a code system for your financial information. One idea is to use a 10 letter phrase such as
LIGHT BREAD for number L=0, I=1, G=2, H=3 etc) You can find other code ideas online.
Documents Checklist
Gather these documents and place them in your Simply Ready Binder. Put
personal documents behind the ID Kit (in a plastic sleeve) of the family
member they apply to. Create a section for everything else and store it there.

Personal Documents: Tax and Investment

Birth Certificates Documents:
Drivers License 3 Years Income tax returns
Military records Property Tax Statements
Social Security Cards Investment plan summaries
Passports Stock Certificates
Immunization Records Bonds
Religious Certificates / Certificates of Deposit
Diplomas Legal Documents:
Marriage certificates
Testamentary Documents Divorce records
Will Prenuptial / postnuptial
Trust and amendments Other contracts
Contact info for everyone Child custody agreements
named in will / trust Utility bill as proof of
Living Will residency
Power of Attorney Adoption Papers
Property: Other
Recent and old family photos
Home inventory list/picture
Maps of area

Policy summary pages
ID Cards
Vehicle registration cards

Misty Marsh

Evacuation Checklist
Get kids and then adults shoes on
Shut off gas / water to house Family Meeting Places:
Purse/wallet, cell phone (and any cash in
In Neighborhood: __________
home) _________________________
Simply Prepared (or other grab and go) _________________________
Binder _________________________
Copy of current utility bill (proof of
Water, snacks, extra food In City: ___________________
Prescription meds _________________________
72 hour kit _________________________
Maps _________________________
External hard drive (hopefully current
including family pictures)
Camera Outside City: ______________
Heirlooms, mementos etc (list yours below) _________________________
______________________________ _________________________
______________________________ _________________________
Extra blankets / pillows Long Distance Contact
Favorite stuffed animals (If local phone calls wont work)
Extra clothes / jackets
Flashlights Name: ___________________
Kid stuff (diapers, binkies, sippy cups,
bottles, pack and play, stoller, toys etc) Phone: ___________________
Scriptures / other religious needs
Card games Email: ___________________
Take a quick home video / picture inventory
(if not already in grab and go binder)
Other: _____________________________
Other: _____________________________
Other: _____________________________ Road Conditions #
Other: _________________________________

Misty Marsh

Family and Friends Numbers
Extended Family Numbers: Local Friends Numbers:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:

Name: Number:

Name: Number: Long Distance Friends Numbers:

Name: Number: Name: Number:

Name: Number: Name: Number:

Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:
Name: Number:

Misty Marsh

Important Information

Emergency Phone Numbers

Essential Family Info:
Fire: 911

Police: 911 Address: ___________________________

Ambulance: 911 __________________________________

Poison Phone #1: _________________________

Phone #2: _________________________
24 Hr Nurse
24 Hr Name: ________________DOB: _______
Nurse Line: Allergies: __________________________
Fire Name: ________________DOB: _______
Allergies: __________________________
Name: ________________DOB: _______
Electric Allergies: _________________________
Water /
Sewer Name: ________________DOB: _______
Road Allergies: _________________________

Plummer: Name: ________________DOB: _______

Landlord: Allergies: _________________________

Name: ________________DOB: _______

Allergies: _________________________
Long Distance Contact:
(If Local Calls Are Down): Name: ________________DOB: _______

Name _______________________________ Allergies: _________________________

Phone: _______________________________

Email: _______________________________ Name: ___________________DOB: _________

Allergies: _______________________________

Misty Marsh

Utility Provider Numbers
Electric: Phone #:

Acct #:

Gas: Phone #:

Acct #:

Water /
Sewage: Phone #

Acct #::

Internet: Phone #:

Acct #:

Phone: Phone #:

Acct#: :

Trash: Phone #:

Acct #:

Other: Phone #:

Acct #:

Other: Phone #:

Acct #:

Misty Marsh

Financial Numbers

Acct #: Phone #:

Savings Account

Acct #: Phone #:

401K Provider:

Acct #: Phone #:

IRA Provider:

Acct #: Phone #:

Permanent Life

Acct #: Phone #:

Other Investment:

Acct #: Phone #:

Other Investment:

Acct #: Phone #:

Other Investment:

Acct #: Phone #:

Misty Marsh

Insurance Provider Numbers

Insurance: Policy #:


Phone: Agent:

Insurance: Policy #:


Phone: Agent:

Insurance: Policy #

Car #1 VIN: Car #2 VIN:

Phone: Agent:

Insurance: Agent:

Phone: Policy #1

Policy #2: Policy #3:

Insurance: Agent:

Phone: Policy #1:

Policy #2: Policy #3:

s Insurance: Policy #:


Phone: Agent:

Misty Marsh

Medical Provider Numbers
Primary Care
















Misty Marsh

Child ID Kit Important Information

Todays Date: ________________________________

Full Name: ___________________________________
Nickname(s): _________________________________
Current Address: ______________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________
Cell Phone: __________________________________
Primary Guardians Phone: ______________________
Secondary Guardians Phone: ____________________
SS#: _______________________________________
School: _________________Phone:_______________
Attach a Picture Here Teacher: _______________Room #:_________

Date of birth: ______________Grade:_____________

Gender: _____________Ethnicity:________________
Height: ________________ Weight: ______________
Hair color: __________________________________
Eye color: ___________________________________
Birthmarks: __________________________________
Distinctive moles: _____________________________
Scars: ______________________________________
Other (glasses, contacts, braces, prosthetics etc):
Right Thumb Right Index Right Middle Right Ring Right Pinky ____________________________________________

Allergies: ____________________________________
Medical Conditions: ___________________________
Medications: _________________________________
Pediatrician: _________________________________

Left Thumb Left Index Left Middle Left Ring Left Pinky Other Info: __________________________________

Misty Marsh

Adult ID Kit Important Information

Full Name: ___________________________________

Nickname(s): _________________________________

Current Address: ______________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________
Home Phone: _________________________________
SS#: _______________________________________
Cell Phone: __________________________________
Work Phone: _________________________________
Attach a Picture Here Place of Employment: __________________________

Date of birth: _________________________________

Gender: _____________________________________
Ethnicity: ____________________________________
Height: ________________ Weight: ______________
Hair color: ___________________________________
Eye color: ___________________________________
Birthmarks: _________________________________
Distinctive moles: _____________________________
Scars: ______________________________________
Other (glasses, contacts, braces, prosthetics etc):
Right Thumb Right Index Right Middle Right Ring Right Pinky ____________________________________________

Allergies: ____________________________________
Medical Conditions: ___________________________
Medications: _________________________________
Caregiver: ___________________________________

Left Thumb Left Index Left Middle Left Ring Left Pinky
Other Info: __________________________________

Misty Marsh

Pet ID Kit Important Information

Full Name: _________________________________

Nickname(s): _______________________________
Microchip #: _________________________________
Rabies Tag: __________________________________
Tattoo ID#: _________________________________

Current Address: ______________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________
Cell Phone: __________________________________
Attach a Picture Here Primary Guardians Phone: ______________________
Secondary Guardians Phone: ____________________

Date of birth: ________________________________

Gender: _____________Breed:___________________
Weight: _____________ Eye Color: _______________
Hair color: ___________________________________
Markings: __________________________________
Scars: ______________________________________

Allergies: ___________________________________
Medical Conditions: ____________________________
Nose Print Medications: _________________________________
Veternarian: _________________________________

Other Info: _________________________________


Misty Marsh

First Aid Quick Guide:
IMPORTANT: This list is only a reminder for those certified in First Aid. It is not meant to train how to properly perform First Aid.

Hands Only CPR Conventional CPR

Call 911 Call 911
Push hard and fast at the center of the chest Infants: Place 2-3 fingers below nipple line. 30 (1/2 1
IMPORTANT: Hands-Only CRP is most effective if used in) compressions. 2 gentle breaths until chest rises. 100
after you SEE a teen or adult suddenly collapse. If you comp/min
are trained in conventional CPR, you should use it. Children: Use 1-2 hands in center of chest. 30 (1-1
in) compressions. 2 breaths until chest rises. 100 comp /
Adults: Use 2 hands. 30 (1-2 in) compressions in center
Major Bleeding of chest. 2 long breaths until chest rises. 100 comp / min
Call 911 and put on gloves (or a plastic bag)
Have person lie down with head lower than
Remove obvious objects from wound, but
Call 911
dont clean it.
Have person lie down (on their side if vomiting) with
If organ have been displace, do not push
head lower than body unless it causes pain, then have
them back in, simply cover the wound.
them lie flat
Apply direct pressure with gauze / clothing
Treat any obvious injuries and give CPR if needed
until bleeding stops (dont look for at least
Keep person warm.give blankets
20 min), and apply pressure around deeply
Keep person as still as possible and encourage them.
embedded objects, not over them.
Do not let the person eat / drink
Do not remove gauze / bandage. Simply
keep adding more as needed
If limb (arm / leg) is bleeding, elevate it. Choking
Give 5 back blows between shoulder blades w/ heel of
Give 5 thrusts (Heimlich)
Major (not minor) Burns: Repeat until item is dislodged
Call 911 Call 911 once item is dislodged or after 1-2 minutes.
Do not remove clothing Heimlich on conscious victim: Wrap arms around
Do not immerse in cold water persons waist. Position your fist above their navel and
Begin CPR if needed grab it with other hand. Push hard w/ quick, upward
Elevate burned parts of body above heart if thrust.
possible Heimlich on pregnant / obese: Place hands higher at
Cover burn with a cool, moist, sterile base of breastbone.
Heimlich on unconscious: Do not perform. Lie on back
bandage or cloth or towel
and dislodge item if possible. Then, do CRP instead.
Heimlich on infant: Give 5 back blows with them lying
facedown on your forearm over thigh. Flip over onto back
and use 2 fingers at center of breastbone. Give 5
Hypothermia compressions.
Call 911
Begin CPR if necessary
Protect from wind & cover head Heat Stroke
Remove wet clothing, but do not massage / Move into shady / air conditioned space and call 911
rub Do not immerse in cold water
Do not use hot water / heating pad and do Cover with damp sheets, spray with water and fan
not apply anything hot or warm to limbs. Have person drink anything without alcohol or caffeine
Apply warmth to center of body only

Misty Marsh

Password Tracker

USERNAME: ________________________________
wEBSITEWERWERWE USERNAME: ___________________________________

PASSWORD: _________________________________ PASSWORD: ___________________________________

EMAIL ATTACHED: ____________________________ EMAIL ATTACHED: ______________________________

OTHER: _____________________________________ OTHER: _______________________________________


USERNAME: ___________________________________ USERNAME: ___________________________________

PASSWORD: ___________________________________ PASSWORD: ___________________________________

EMAIL ATTACHED: ______________________________ EMAIL ATTACHED: ______________________________

OTHER: _______________________________________ OTHER: _______________________________________


USERNAME: ___________________________________ USERNAME: ___________________________________

PASSWORD: ___________________________________ PASSWORD: ___________________________________

EMAIL ATTACHED: ______________________________ EMAIL ATTACHED: ______________________________

OTHER: _______________________________________ OTHER: _______________________________________


USERNAME: ___________________________________ USERNAME: ___________________________________

PASSWORD: ___________________________________ PASSWORD: ___________________________________

EMAIL ATTACHED: ______________________________ EMAIL ATTACHED: ______________________________

OTHER: _______________________________________ OTHER: _______________________________________

Page ______________ of ___________________

Misty Marsh

Notes for the Fire: 911
Police: 911

Important Emergency Info Ambulance: 911

Our Address: Our Health Insurance Info:

_____________________ _____________________________________
______________________ _____________________________________
Home Phone:
_________________ Childrens B-days:
_________________ ___________________
Important Allergy Info: ___________________
______________________________________ ___________________
_______________________________________ ___________________
______________________________________ ___________________

Important Phone Numbers

Mom: _______________________ Dad: __________________________

Name & Number of Where We Will Be:_________________________

Non-911 Emergency: Relatives / Neighbors:

Poison Control: _________________ ___________________________
Gas Co: ________________________ ___________________________
Electric Co: ____________________ ___________________________

38 Ways to Prepare For a Winter Storm
What to Prepare ..WAY Before

Make sure you have a 3 day supply of water (3 gallons per person) and easy to prepare food.
Purchase a NOAA Weather Radio
Make sure you have a good shovel.
Purchase a supply of flashlights and candles.
Clean and inspect your chimney if you have one. Make sure you have a supply of wood.
Make sure you have an ample supply of blankets
Clear rain gutters and repair roof leaks.
Research and purchase an alternate way of cooking.
Install carbon monoxide alarms in your home.
Learn how to care for frostbite and hypothermia
Weather strip any drafty doors or windows.
Purchase rock salt (or something similar) to help you keep walkways safe.
Install good winter tires on your car and make sure the wipers work well.
Make sure you have fire extinguishers in your home and that everyone can use them.
Consider purchasing a good supply of heat packs.
Consider purchasing a kerosene heater. Make sure it is legal in your area.

What to Prepare Days Before

Fill your gas tank.

Check your supplies of flashlights, lanterns etc. Make sure they are easily accessible.
Charge your cell phones and other electronics.
Pull out any generators / large battery backups that you have.
Check antifreeze levels in your car.
Make sure all adults in your house know how to shut of your main water valve.
If you will be separated from family members, make sure you know where they are before the
storm and where / when you will meet up after.
Make sure you know how to manually operate your electric garage door.

What to do During:
If temperatures are extremely low, turn on every faucet so that it is just barely dripping.
Open kitchen and sink cabinets and wrap them in newspaper to help insulate them.
Keep your thermostat set as high during the night as you have it during the day.
Avoid driving. If you must drive, make certain you have emergency supplies in your car.
Keep your radio nearby and listen for updates.
Stay Dry! Change your clothes immediately if you get wet.
Use Flashlights before candles to avoid the risk of house fire.
If your pipes freeze, warm them with a hair dryer. Or wrap them in rags. Open all faucets and
pour hot water over the pipes, starting where they were most exposed to the cold.
Use WD-40 on your snow shovel to make shoveling easier.
If the power goes out, put towels at the bottoms of doors that have gaps and cover single
paned or drafty windows with blankets. Close doors to un-needed rooms.
Dress in layers. Put on tights and / or long underwear and then more loose fitting, light
weight clothing. End with warm socks and a hoodie. Keep head and feet warm. You can also
cover your mouth with a scarf. Also, EAT! This will help your body produce more heat.
Have your entire family get in the same bed if possible to share warmth.
If an extended power outage is expected, put frozen food outside and refrigerated food in the
garage. These will likely be colder than your fridge (without power) after a day or so.
Unplug any important electrical equipment to avoid a surge when power is restored.
For More Detailed Information visit
Your 72 Hour Kit Checklist
Food and Water o Firestarter
Add gallon of water (per person) to your kit o Heat pack
Add supplies to your kit to help make o Emergency blanket
alternative water sources safe to drink. o Heat cells
Consider at least one of the following: o Lightweight fleece sleeping bag /
o Bleach blanket
o Distilling supplies (pot, lid, stove) o Quickfire pucks
o Water purification tablets Sanitation, First Aid and Medicine
o Water filtration straw Add items that will keep your family sanitary.
o Water filtration bottle Consider a mixture of the following:
o Water filter o Clorox wipes
Plan and decide what lightweight, nutrient o Hand sanitizer
dense food you will pack. o Antiseptic towelettes
o Water boxes / pouches
Add supplies you may need in order to be able o Soap
to prepare your foods. Consider a mixture of
the following: o Alcohol pads
o Can opener o Nitrile gloves
o Pocket Knife o Aline solution
o Scissors o Neosporin
o Stove in a can Add first aid items to your kit. In addition to a
o Wing Stove basic, pre-made kit, consider adding a mixture
of the following as you can afford it:
o Mess Kit
o Small, quality first aid Manual (I like
o Cook Set the Living Ready Pocket Manual)
Add supplies you may need in order to be able o Gauze dressings
to EAT your food. Consider a mixture of the o Trauma pads
o Triangular bandages
o Cup
o Quik Clot
o Bowl
o Sting relief gel / cream
o Plate
o Antibiotic ointment
o Sippy cups
o Finger splints
o Bottles
o Soft splints (SAM)
o Utensils
o Tweezers
o Wipes / napkins
o Iodine tablets (if near a nuclear plant)
o Spork
o Scissors
o Mess kit
o Cold packs
Shelter (including clothes and warmth) o Suture kit or steristrips
Add one change of clothing per person to your o Nitrile gloves
kit. o Burn relief gel (I like water jel)
Add items to your kit that will shelter your o Thermometers
family from the elements. Consider one or o Dust masks
more of the following:
o Needles / thread
o Poncho
o Sunburn ointment
o Drop Cloth(s)
o Pen light
o Tube or Pop up tent
o Super glue
Add supplies to your kit that will keep you o CPR mask
warm. Consider a mixture of the following:
o DIY firestarters Add medicine your family may need to your
o Waterproof matches
o Lighter Add hygiene items to your kit. Consider one

For more detailed suggestions, tips, and pictures, consider my full guidebook:
or more of the following. Plan for just your o Wrench
most basic needs: o Work Gloves
o Toilet paper o Maps
o Soap / Shampoo / Body wash o Solar cell battery charger
o Washcloth o Rubberband / zip ties
o Toothbrush / paste o Plastic grocery bags
o Feminine needs o Garbage bags
o Chapstick
o Contact case / solution
o Pair of (old prescription) glasses
Gather Your Familys Important Documents.
o Tissues
o Wet naps Individual Needs:
o Biodegradable waste bags Add items of religious importance to your kit.
o Brush / Comb Add something FUN to your kit! Consider one
o Razor or more of the following:
o Fingernail clippers o Playing cards
o Sunblock o Small paperback book(s)
o Bug Repellent o Small card games
o Plastic bag for soiled clothing o Small car or miniature doll
o Lotion o Small childrens book(s)
o Deodorant o Bubbles
Light o Coloring supplies
o Jump rope
Add sources of light to your kit. Consider at
least one of the following: o Dice
o Candles o Bingo supplies
o Flashlights / batteries If you have kids, add items they may need to
o Solar / crank lights your kit
o Bright sticks Add as many small bills and quarters to your
o Headlamps kit as you can currently afford and commit to
adding a set amount each week or month to
Tools this stash.
Add basic tools to your kit. Consider one or Add items specific to your pets (if you have
more of the following. Plan for just your most them) to your kit.
basic needs and consider multi tools to meet Create a list of everything in your kit. Keep it
more than one need. right on top so you can find things when you
o Shovel / Trowel need them.
o Compss
o Pocket chainsaw
o Axe
o Knife
o Hammer
o Screwdriver
o Sewing kit
o Gas shut off tool
o Duct tape
o Rope
o Paracord

For more detailed suggestions, tips, and pictures, consider my full guidebook:

A Stay at Home 72 Hour Kit Checklist

Food and Water Power Out Supplies

3+ gallons of water per person per Stove
day Flashlights
4500+ calories worth of food per Radio
person Solar Charger
Paper goods / utensils 100 hour candles
Stove & cookware Blankets
Homemade heater

Clothing and Shelter
Change of clothing for each family
Tent Tools
Gas Shut off tool
First Aid / Sanitation Work gloves
First Aid Kit Duct tape
Toothbrushes / paste Pocket knife
Soap Rope / Paracord
Washcloth(s) Plastic garbage bags
Contact lens supplies
Toilet paper
Biodegradable waste bags
Feminine needs
Hand sanitizer

First Aid Kit Checklist
Bleeding and Wounds OTC Meds:
Various size regular bandages Allergy medicine
Butterfly bandages Nausea / diarrhea meds
Steristrips Cold medicine
Compound tincture of benzoin Antacid
Liquid bandage (superglue) Cough drops
Finger / knuckle bandages Cold eeze
Gauze Dressing Pads (2x2, 4x4)
Trauma pads (could use Sprain / Break
menstrual pads) Flexible Splint
Triangular bandage Finger Splint
Hemostatic agent (such as Celox) Cold Packs
Gauze roll bandages (2 in and 4 Elastic bandages (3)
Nylon sutures (#3 - #5) Dehydration
Needle puller MediLyte
Surgical scissors Oral IV
Eye wash (for wound irrigation)
For Kids:
Burns Suckers (for distraction)
Water Jel Burn Jel Cold Meds
Water Jel Burn Dressing (4x4ish) Benadryl for kids
Ibuprofen / Tylenol
Fever / Pain
Thermometer Other:
Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Eye pad
Excedrin CPR Shield
Pain relieving spray Nitrile gloves
Oral pain gel EMT Shears
Icy Hot Tweezers
Cooling Towel Waterproof tape
Other creams / sprays / ointments: Pink eye relief
Sting / bite relief Zip lock bags (for soiled items)
Hydrocortisone Living Ready Pocket Manual
Antibiotic ointment
Povidone- iodine pads
Antiseptic pads
Antiseptic hand wipes
Chapstick / lip ointment
Bug spray

For more information visit:

Family Meeting Spots
Family Meeting Places:
In Our Home:________________________________________________

Right Outside Our Home: ______________________________________


Local, but outside our neighborhood: ____________________________


Outside Out Town / City: ___________ __________________________

_________________________ ________________________________

Evacuation Location #1: _______________________________________


Evacuation Location #1: _______________________________________


Misty Marsh

What You Need to Know:
Everyone that can talk:

What your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors sound like

Where safe spots are in your home for the disasters you are most
likely to face.

Where your meeting places are (discussed in detail later)

At least two safe ways to exit your home
All family members full names
Where to find a first aid kit
How to use 911
Everyone that can read and write:

All family members phone number and important medical info

Your home address
All older children and adults:

How (and when) to shut off the utilities to your home

The emergency plans of family members schools / places of work
How to use the items in your first aid kit
Out of area contacts phone number(s), names and addresses (best if

Misty Marsh

Evacuation Checklist
_____________________________________________s List:

Misty Marsh

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