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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)

Group No. 1
1. The young man was ambling along the road.
(a) walking (b) lying (c) standing (d) running
2. Arthur started at her, appalled.
(a) gazed (b) raised (c)terrified (d)excited
3. These names show God attributes.
a) qualities b)miseries c)passed across d)looked
4. My father cut a wisp of Alfalfa.
a) tree b) Lucerne c) plant d) flower
5. Gentle applause broke out from every hand.
a) deprecation b) movement c) admiration d) damnation
6. What should I do, O God ! Aghast!
a) Shook b) terrified c) ghost d) exalted
7. One bench in the room faces the audience.
a)actors b)spectators c)killers d)soldiers
8. Arthur looked astounded.
a) Trembled b) surprised c)happy d)sad
9. The order of roast was appetizing.
a)tasty b) exciting c) pungent d) attractive
10. The mother admonished her severely.
a) warned b) loved c) advised d) punished
11. Mehrun was put in seclusion till the auspicious day.
a) wrathful b) shocking c) sad d) hopeful
12. I really not be alarmed.
a) aroused b) informed c) stayed d) conveyed
13. He turned at the foot of the barren stoop.
a) mud ` b)clear c)deserted d)high
14. We have no time to stand beneath the boughs.
a) leaves b) branches c) roofs d) dogs
15. It was bulky looking volume.
a) good b) beautiful c) heavy d) light

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 2
1. Bittering had some blueprints of the rocket.
a) sketches b) instruments c) parts d) buttons
2. Music of strange land with Islams fire blends.
a) mixed b) written c)away d)near
3. When the curtain rises the stage is bare.
a)beautiful b)empty c)dim d)crowed
4. Pulling up beattock, a steady climb.
a) continue b)slow c)high d)simple
5. A strange darkness of the sun was blazing.
a)watering b)looking c)burning d)rising
6. I motioned for him to bother.
a) cry b) worry c)care d)weep
7. Looked at this Jess he bragged.
a) Dragged b) smashed c)trapped d)boasted
8. This is the night mail crossing the border.
a) boundary b) bound c) limits d) march
9. Loveliest of trees, cherry now is huge with bloom along the bough.
a) mass of petals b) mass of flowers c) bush d) buds
10. Empty to concord is the soul of Europe.
a) harmony b) disunity c) vigour d) strength
11. The locusts were crawling everywhere.
a) running b) sleeping c)creeping d)flying
12. The slaved had never experienced any calamity.
a) Disaster b) sea water c)boat d)happiness
13. The moon compacted to rind.
a) compressed b) changed c) thrown d) made
14. Mr. Manana is a man of worthy credence.
a) faith b) honesty c) personality d) reliability
15. People converged on the mail.
a) stopped b) assembled c) watched d) walked

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 3
1. Conjoining beak with beak.
a) confronting b) conjuring c)confiding d)combining
2. Arthur countered.
a) Contended b) resisted c) hesitated d) confounded
3. He examined the guitar with the air of a connoisseur.
a) criminal b) expert c) authority d) musician
4. You whom this ages ways so captivate.
a) punish b) retard c) bless d) fascinate
5. Roger Spelding is concluding his T.V broadcast.
a) starting b) finding c) announcing d) ending
6. Jesss curiosity was aroused.
a) temperature b) hatred c) interest d) anger
7. She made a contemptuous noise.
a) delightful b) dreadful c) hateful d)graceful
8. Of the colossal wreck, boundless and bare.
a) immense b) small c) broken d) marble
9. I am a cluster of bright beads.
a) piece b) collection c) shine d) luster
10. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California.
a) having curves b) lofty c) low d) fast
11. It was clotted inside with eggs.
a) thickened b) covered c)deleted d)opened
12. He poured a cascade of lover.
a) gloom b) plight c) water fall d) flight
13. She fought, with clenched teeth, desperately.
a) rubbish b) broken c) bleeding d) hold tightly
14. I have cheated death many times.
a) Met b) deceived c)called d)faced
15. The farm was ringing with the clamor of the gong.
a) sharp sound b)smell c)fragrance d)sight

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 4
1. What is the life if full of care.
a) Hopes b)enjoyment c)happiness d)worries
2. Jorkens said that the man should arrange competition.
a) Contest b) play c) program d)sermon
3. Norma made a contemptuous noise.
a) scornful b) beautiful c) faint d) dainty
4. Ho answered me curtly.
a) politely b) roughly c) civilly
5. She fought with clenched teeth desperately.
a) loosened b)opened c) tightened d) grasped
6. On every side decamping talk.
a) charming b) laughing c) departing d) confusing
7. Daddy will be deliriously talk.
a) wildly excited b) evil c) unsuitable d) short
8. Can hardly dwell here or across.
a) anchor b) live c) depart d) sustain
9. He picked up a discarded newspaper.
a) displaced b) cheap c) old d) expensive
10. Perhaps I should have desisted.
a) persisted b) abstained c) insisted d) claimed
11. Your diligent looking discovers the lacking.
a) discourage b) hardworking c) lazy d) activeness
12. He was drenched in the hotness of his fear.
a) happy b) soaked c) sad d) smile
13. The sick fought desperately.
a) madly b)extremely c)gently d)delightfully
14. Her hair was light and long and it dragged in the mud.
a) fell b) pulled c)pushed d) put
15. Loves madness has departed.
a) died b) organized c) slender d) thin

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 5
1. Her hair is disheveled.
a) Disordered b) arranged c) managed d) stopped
2. The man was dragging the course in the mud.
a) Hiding b)burying c) pulling d)tearing
3. The country side was devastated and mangled.
a) Beautiful b) ruined c) planted d) fertile
4. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.
a) Delight b) operation c) activity d) operation
5. There is no eligible bachelor in town.
a) a smart b) an able c) an honorable d) mature
6. Your diligent looking discovers the lacking.
a) Lazy b) intelligent c) hardworking d) quick
7. What is elliptical?
a) Round b)square c) lengthy d)oval
8. The old man said emphatically, we are finished.
a) Politely b)careless c)forcefully d)quickly
9. The woman added with conviction.
a) Joy b) fear c) assurance d) command
10. The poor old creature instantly expired.
a) Entered b) died c) smile d) disturbed
11. The laborers were shouting excitedly.
a) Loudly b) passionately c) softly d) angrily
12. May be sine eccentric millionaire paying gamer with people.
a) Strange b) happy c) rich d) normal
13. Mr.Hubert said in the most exasperating tone.
a) irritating b) shocking c) daring d) loving
14. Their laughter was echoing in the marble villa.
a) resounding b) singing c) crying d) dancing
15. I told the parents that it was entirely up to them ;
a) Partially b) swiftly c) completely d)tiringly

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 6
1. Thus exhorted the unfortune man in the greatest fear.
a) Suggested b) provided c) explained d) urged
2. Then I grasped the childhood with my left hand.
a) Pushed b) twisted c) gripped d) touched
3. That valley is fatal when furnaces burn.
a) Beautiful b) deadly c) charming d) shining
4. She was feeble old woman.
a) beautiful b) week c) brave d) cheerful
5. Mr. Hubert flushed with anger.
a) blackened b) redden c) excited d) ashamed
6. Poor fragile butterflies.
a) ugly b) colorful c) delicate d) flying
7. Ellen fidgets as she listens.
a) look nervous b)cries c) laughs d) weeps
8. The boy was firmly gripped.
a) lightly b) furiously c) tightly d)angrily
9. The face of the sick girl was flushed.
a) darkened b) yellow c)pale d) red
10. You sit down while I fix up some thinking to eat.
a) set b) control c) prepare d)buy
11. Core said that atom bombs will fix the earth.
a) destroy b) reward c) decorate d)dig
12. He glances back at the door up.
a) knocks b) looks c) puts d) pull
13. Through love grief becomes a joy.
a) loss b) sadness c) failure d) success
14. Gratified and dazed Abul went back to his wife.
a) pleased b) nervous c) despaired d) excited
15. They have got a gadget in New York,
a) engagement b) appliance c)marker d)hotel

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 7
1. They all stood and gazed.
a) moved b) selectedc) looked d) shouted
2. None to lessen their groans.
a) wishes b) moans c) aims d) joys
3. No time to run at Beautys Glance.
a) glimpse b) stare c) ample d) broaden
4. The Glory of their country would be increase.
a) security b) grandeur b) strength d) military power
5. I love to gad about.
a) sing b) dance c) roam d) take charge
6. Gorgeous won the hurdles at school.
a) fame b) awards c) barriers d) favours
7. The grave of the Hubert stood havoc of the flood.
a) speed b) intensity c) destruction d) disappointment
8. Holding a grain of millet in her beak.
a) catching b)throwing c)dropping d)eating
9. Your represent a hostile race.
a) friendly b) black c) white d) unfriendly
10. She shrieked terrifyingly. Hysterically.
a) strictly b) honestly c) madly d) happily
11. Power says that he has a hunch.
a) feeling b) material c) radio d) weapon
12. Mr. Hubert chocked with indignation of fear.
a) annoyance b) eagerness c) radio d) weapon
13. I would like to illustrate what I mean.
a) translate b) explain c) entertain d) say
14. Its imitation stuff mainly.
a) costly b) copy c) beautiful d) good
15. Instantly, the melon broke in the throat.
a) amazingly c) at last c) exquisitely d) immediately

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 8
1. His thin figure was made all the more melancholy.
a) Sad b) attractive c) active d) sluggish
2. About took a momentous decision.
a) useless b) trivial c) tiny d) important
3. The smoke was rising from myriads of fires.
a) acrid b) heaps c) man made d) countless
4. Zabada had suddenly matured.
a) grown up b) gone c) grasped d) wept
5. His thin figure was made all the more melancholy by tight fitting uniform.
a) gloomy b) graceful c) healthy d) active
6. Say, you look pretty nervous about something.
a) sharp b) puzzled c) calm d)angry
7. Gorgeous clothes were magnificent.
a) loose b) cheap c) ugly d) grand
8. He is nondescript sort of person.
a) pleasant b) gay c) indescribable d)amiable
9. I would not cut your hair a nightmare.
a) peaceful dream b) frightened dream c) sleep d) day dream
10. She had looked at them without the least hope of owning them.
a) stealing b) possessing c) confiscating d)wearing
11. I consider it a good omen.
a) thing b) quality c) wish d) indication
12. Mr. Stewards tone had been offensive.
a) cruel b) blissful c) agreeable d) displeasing
13. The foundation of oppression was small in the world.
a) reign b) power c) dirty d) injustice
14. You have not been prowling up in those rains.
a) moving about b) digging up c) looking up d) playing
15. They tried to pacify the slave with kindness.
a) calm down b) bring about c) free d) save

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 9
1. He was enjoying his promenade in the bitter old.
a) definite b) safe c) stroll d) overcoat
2. The young man was in a very precarious state.
a) definite b) safe c) dangerous d) delightful
3. The readers are sure to enjoy these parables.
a) moral stories b)adventures c)dreams d) false tales
4. Sweat popped out on the face of the boy who tried to snatch.
a) dried b) streamed c) shone d) disappeared
5. The Muslim hearts are perplexed.
a) Overjoyed b) pleased c) upset d) satisfied
6. He adjusted it with a peculiar smile of satisfaction.
a) Muttering b) lively c) upset d) unusual
7. He pretended that he was a doctor.
a) said b) announced c) posed d) offer
8. The fruit were pilled like a canon balls.
a) dropped b) compressed c) scattered d) heaped
9. Miss America, I presume.
a) inquire b) guess c) expect d) admire
10. The sunlight was perverted.
a) diverted b) fierce c) lovely d) burning
11. Thats one of your most primitive trails.
a) basic b) prominent c) premature d) distinctive
12. She had magnificent blonde hair in profusion.
a) Shortage b) confusion c) perfection d) abundance
13. This is the cleanest patch Ive ever seen.
a) house b) room c) piece d) face
14. The man peers out the glass.
a) break b) gazes c) piece d) face
15. And a time to pluck up that which is planted.
a) harvest b) grow c) glow d) break

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 10
1. The young man seemed to be immune to them.
a) protected from something unpleasant c) affected
b) unsafe d) liable
2. He is not an imposter.
a) beast b) an alien c) an animal d) pretender
3. This was all the rather impromptu.
a) spontaneous b) deal c) watch d) oval
4. It shows play wrights eminently fascinating attitude.
A)humbly b) highly c) lowly d) burning
5. You are only in initial state.
a) difficult b) easy c) first d) important
6. The people were impatiently waiting for him.
a) anxiously b) happily c) furiously d) sad
7. It only remains then to inaugurate Gorgios.
a) initiate b) punish c) castigate d) decorate
8. It was cold that induced people to come out.
a) stopped b) hurried c) forced d) inclined
9. Mam dragged the boy into a large kitchenette.
a) big room b) back room c) small kitchen d) big kitchen
10. Slowly a luminous object arcs into view.
a) radiant b) dim c) murky d) dark
11. There was no one to lessen their groans.
a) heightened b) increased c) decrease d) enhance
12. Love and large hearted giving leave sad marks.
a) generous b) trivial c) significant d) tiny
13. When the uneasiness lasted longer.
a) remained b) ended c) approached d) trouble
14. The quack stuck the old woman with mallet.
a) axe b) hammer c) spear d) whip
15. Who will bring merriment to the tired old human heart?
a) hopelessness b) cheerfulness c) despair d) pessimism

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 11
1. You will look presentable.
a) gloomy b) joker c) happy d) decent
2. Sheikh Sadi is perpetually modern.
a) eternally b) lazily c) wrongly d) swiftly
3. Finally, the quack perceived his mistake.
a) rejected b) ignored c) understood d) clear
4. Tells that its sculptor well those passions read.
a) forces b) changes c) hits d) emotions
5. The storm has probably slowed it down.
a) likely to happen b) surely c) suddenly d) practically
6. Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance.
a) find b) doubt c) challenge d) correct
7. I want to quit and go home to San Francisco.
a) Teach b) move c) create d) leave
8. Both Jim and chain had quietness and value.
a) pride b) beauty c) calm d) loftiness
9. Your guest for freedom left you battered by the storm of persecution.
a) preach b) pursuit c) request d) sympathy
10. I with my stoop reflect viciously.
a) indicate b) walk c) think d) work
11. The door rattles viciously.
a) Consciously b) slowly c) violently d) thundering
12. Norma thought that the matter of the button was ridiculous.
a) Logical b) illogical c) possible d) practical
13. I wont forget this rudeness Mr. VanDusen .
a) regard b) hospitality c) behavior d) impoliteness
14. Mr. Hubert reiterated his innocence.
a) repeated b)rejected c)discarded d)blamed
15. How ridiculous she thought.
a) amazing b) thought c) funny d) respectable

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 12
1. We do here to rescue you.
a) catch b) save c) treat d) beat
2. I see no other refuge besides God Almighty.
a) Place b) corner c) position d) shelter
3. He is middle aged; unctuous resonant.
a) thick voice b) clear voiced c)chirpy voiced d) bad voiced
4. Chaudhary Fatehad reprimanded him for his mistake.
a) appreciated b)disapproved c)reminded
5. A time to rend and a time to sew.
a) buy b) sellc) tear d) wear
6. What then was ruin?
a) work b) cut c) desolation d) population
7. She began to think more reasonable.
a) sensibly b) slowly c) wrongly d) quickly
8. But she bent down enough to permit him to stoop.
a) walk b) run c) slack d) bend
9. Laura stumbled through the settlement.
a) staggered b) passed happily c) vividly d) strolled
10. The melon was easily swallowed.
a) eaten b) expelledc) vomited d) thrown
11. The flowers and flavours were all smashed.
a) planted b) provided c) smelled d) crushed
12. Looking out all the trees were queer and still.
a) standing b) silent c) strange d) withered
13. Jess stood on the path by holding to a little sapling.
a) cliff b) young tree c) jubilation d) profusion
14. Mehrunisa was put in seclusion.
a) confusion b) isolation c) jubilation d) profusion
15. I have never felt so sordid.
a) mean b) happy c) healthy d) weak

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 13
1. The mayor was a stout serious man.
a) ugly b) handsome c) serious d) thin
2. The grass was stiff.
a) Weak b) soft c)hard d)polite
3. The Girls shudders at her own thoughts.
a) smile b) trembles c) smears d) delivers
4. It surely had been made for him.
a) Clearly b) infinitely c) certainly d) actively
5. Sheep dogs slumber on with paws across.
a) bark b) sleep c) smell d) cut
6. The dog seizes the man with its sharp teeth.
a) attacks b) takes hold of c) cuts d) smells
7. Sadi speaks to all nations and it perpetually mode.
a) perfectly b) seriously c) eternally d) completely
8. Im scared.
a) lucky b) hesitant c) terrified d) crazy
9. It was indeed a splendid scene.
a) awkward b) grand c) gloomy d) horrible
10. Nobody seems to have any sensible ambition.
a) crooked b) wicked c) sane d) worthy
11. The flowers, flavours all smashed.
a) Constructed b) planed c) built d) destroyed
12. Snorting noisily she passes.
a) running b) moving c) whistling d) passing
13. She made a scoffing sound.
a) sharp b) cheerful c) taunting d) joking
14. The girl shrieked hysterically.
a) ran b) screamed c) looked d) sang

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High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)
Group No. 14
1. With whom should be solaced.
a) comfort b) join c) divert d) communication
2. We hold these truths to be self evident.
a) hidden b) wonderful c) clear d) impossible
3. Oh, God, I am scared.
a) terrified b) overjoyed c) happy d) delighted
4. A beautiful symphony of brotherhood.
a) poem b) composed music c) lesson
5. The quack shouldered his bundle and went to the next village.
a) carried b) threw c) opened d) hit
6. To have no faith is worse than slavery,
a) bondage b) freedomc) liberty d) hope
7. Jess saw many species of hard and soft wood tree.
a) trunks b) leaves c) branches d) kinds
8. He felt submerged in a chemical.
a) drowned b) swimming c) shouted d) rushed
9. The king summoned the father and mother of the boy.
a) respected b) threatened c) called d) coaxed
10. He twirls the globe thoughtfully.
a) throw b) turns c) picks d) colours
11. He treated the bazaar of Egypt.
a) walked b) talked c) stopped d) chalked
12. A tyrant does not remain in the world.
a) dictator b) benevolent c) quack d) melon
13. And not a ripple in her tread.
a) oppress b) suppress c) walk d) grace
14. The strap broke with a single tug.
A) push b) strength c) try d) jerk
15. The daughter wove tapestries.
a) pastries b) frocks c) shirts d) embroideries

High Frequency Synonyms (Past Papers)

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Group No. 15
1. On the top that, almost all of them unruly.
a) discipline b) decent c) insolent d) disobedience
2. Fear laid with them a third unbidden partner.
a) uninvited b) invited c) nightmare d) delusion
3. I am not unmindful that some of you.
a) uninterested b) unaware c) guilty d) conscious
4. Almost all of them unruly,
a) unkind b) unaware c) ill-mannered d) unearned
5. Half sunk, a shattered visage lies.
a) body b) legs c) face d) back
6. No king having anything valuable.
a) Cheap b) good c) costly d) beautiful
7. The door rattles viciously,
a) unexpectedly b) strangely c) violently d) gently
8. This fellow is a villain.
a) naughty b) gentleman c) innocent d) knave
9. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.
a) creep b) cry c) weep d) wander
10. I cant permit them to wreck my ship.
a) examine b) decorate c) damage d) enter
11. The angle had a weary look.
a) an angry b) a happy c) a tired d) a sad
12. I came on the scene wandering about Europe.
a) escorting b) walking c) roaming d) discussing
13. Through love .wrath seems to be a mercy.
a) smile b) laugh c) mock d) anger
14. Not even one who is well off.
a) well behaved b) polite c) wealthy d) healthy
15. Woeful were all the hills.
a) shining b) high c) grieved d) small

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