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Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta

Ctedra Gil Vicente, University of Birmingham

The work that follows has been produced under the ae-
gis of the Sir Henry Thomas Project: The History of Portuguese
Literature in English Translation, in association with colleagues
involved in Anglo-Portuguese Studies at the Universidade Nova
de Lisboa and further afield. Over the last decade, the Project
has given rise to a series of publications, the most recent being
studies of the English reception of S de Miranda (2013) and
Cames (2003, forthcoming). Now, some two decades after the
publication of the seminal Cames em Inglaterra (1992) and
equally important The Presence of Cames (1996), is perhaps
an opportune moment to revisit the sonnets and their English
projection, not least because of the recent publication of new
This updated catalogue of English translations of Camess
sonnets owes a considerable debt to previous scholarship,1 a

See, for example, Flix Walter, La Littrature Portugaise en Angleterre lpoque
Romantique (Paris: Honor Champion, 1927); Fran Paxeco, The Intellectual Relations
between Portugal and Great Britain (Lisbon: Editorial Imprio, 1937); Luiz Cardim,
Projeco de Cames nas Letras Inglesas (Lisbon: Editorial Inqurito, 1940); Carlos
Estorninho, O Culto de Cames em Inglaterra, Arquivo de Bibliografia Portuguesa, 6
(1961), 152-169; Monica Letzring, The Influence of Camoens in English Literature,
Revista Camoniana, 1 (1964), 158-80; 2 (1965), 27-54; 3, (1971), 57-134; George C.
Hart, Cames em Ingls, Ocidente. Revista Portuguesa de Cultura, Nova Srie, 83,
Nmero especial (1972), 183-213; S. George West, Camoens in the periodical literature
of the British Isles, 1771-1790, Actas da I Reunio Internacional de Camonistas (Lisbon:
Comisso Executiva do IV Centenrio da Publicao de Os Lusadas, 1973), 473-478;
Norwood Andrews, Jr., A Projeco de Cames e dOs Lusadas nos Estados Unidos
da Amrica, Os Lusadas. Vol.3. Estudos Sobre a Projeco de Cames em Culturas e

corpus that has facilitated my own work appreciably and which
continues to astonish, given the volume and breadth of source
materials consulted in an era pre-dating the technological
advances that now facilitate the consultation of series of journals
or whole, digitalised books. By building on these foundations
and adding hitherto unknown references, it has been possible
to draw up a list of more than 1270 Camonean sonnet trans-
lations (many the same version), reproduced in the periodical
press or in book length compilations, translated by at least 4
anonymous and 61 named individuals who have rendered, imi-
tated or adapted one or more poems.2 The translators (English,
Scottish, Irish, Welsh, American, Canadian, Australian, South
African, Indian and Portuguese) range from independent scholars
and professional academics, philologists, literary historians and
comparatists, to literary translators, poets and, travel writers,
either working alone or in collaboration with others. The cata-
logue is essentially a set of unprocessed data, however, once
subjected to interpretation or interrogation, it becomes a valu-
able source from which useful facts can be extrapolated, and
which open up various research questions.
First and foremost, the data tell us when and where Camess
sonnets become known and available to English-speaking readers.
Historically, sonnets have appeared in around 30 periodicals
(many more if we take into account the United States), single-
author compilations (for example, Strangford 1803), sonnet col-
lections (Lofft 1813-1814; Woodford 1841; Waddington 1886)
or Songbooks such as the Lyric Repository (1787) and the Vocal

Literaturas Estrangeiras (Lisbon: Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, 1984), 331-449;

Maria Eugnia Igreja, A lrica de Cames em lngua inglesa in Maria Leonor Machado
de Sousa (ed.), Cames em Inglaterra, 96-121; Joo Paulo Ascenso Pereira da Silva,
John Adamson e o mito romntico de Cames in Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa
(ed.), Cames em Inglaterra, 152-180; Miguel Nuno Mercs de Mello de Alarco e Silva,
Edward Quillinan e Portugal. MA thesis (Lisbon: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1986),
116-124; Fernando de Mello Moser, Lus de Cames em Inglaterra, Discurso Inacabado.
Ensaios de Cultura Portuguesa (Lisbon: Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, 1994), 193-
230; Robert Edward Myers, The Language of Cames: Modern Readers of The Lusiads
and the Exclusion of Portuguese from the Western Canon. PhD thesis, Yale University,
1995; George Monteiro, Notes on Cames, Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, 8
(1999), 7-15; Joo Paulo Ascenso Pereira da Silva, Temas, Mitos e Imagens de Portugal
numa Revista Inglesa do Porto. The Lusitanian (1844-1845). Textos Universitrios de
Cincias Sociais e Humanas (Lisbon: Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundao para a
Cincia e a Tecnologia, 2001).
I am extremely grateful to Professor Emeritus George Monteiro of Brown
University, Providence, Rhode Island, and Margaret D. Beasley of University Archives
and Special Collections, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, who kindly sup-
plied reproductions of translations unavailable in the United Kingdom.

Library (1818). The twentieth century was punctuated by a
steady output of translations made for a variety of reasons and
readerships. Purely aesthetic considerations were not always
the primary consideration; Camonean sonnets were frequently
deployed to illustrate a point or reinforce an argument involv-
ing questions of philology or historiography, coloniality and, not
infrequently, biographical fallacy. The twenty-first century, on
the other hand, has seen the publication of three new selections
of Camess verse in English translation, by Baer (2005), White
(2008) and Zenith (2009) respectively.
Because the catalogue indicates who have engaged with the
translation process and how often their translations appear in
print, it allows us to map the trajectory of a poem through the
Anglophone cultural system, thus identifying the most trans-
lated sonnets and the most popular translations. In addition,
the catalogue exposes the principal means by which certain
translations achieve canonical status, namely through repeated
appearances in the print media and in poetry anthologies, the
most published by Vincent Barletta et al in 2013. These occur-
rences are reinforced by the informed comments of the review-
ing fraternity.
Elsewhere I have commented on the shaping of tastes and
preferences over the course of time,3 and there is ample scope
for case studies exploring the reasons why one sonnet should
prompt so many different translations, or why some transla-
tions have outlived others. The latter phenomenon might be due
to a translators reputation, but this alone does not explain why
anthologists such as Washburn and Major (1998) should choose
Roy Campbell and David Weevil over, say, Keith Bosley or Alex
Derwent Hope, equally prestigious poets in their own right. The
weight of subjectivity in making editorial decisions should not
be underestimated.
As with much bibliographical research of this nature, no
claims can be made for exhaustiveness. Inevitably there will be
omissions, for example sonnets that appeared in long-forgotten
books by minor poets like the Scot James Hyslop, or in perio
dicals that used a sonnet in translation to fill out a column
or lend a touch of continental exoticism. The catalogue does
not register the occurrence of sonnet translations in reprints
of works such as Thomas Walshs Hispanic Anthology (1920),

P. A. Odber de Baubeta, Revisioning Camess sonnets: anthologies, translations
and canonicity in press. This article includes bibliography of research in the field of
Anglo-Portuguese Studies.

or anthologies reissued under different titles, as happens with
Mark Van Dorens volumes.
Ideally, the catalogue should be consulted in conjunction
with the bibliography, which expands the shorter entries in
the table. The table has been set out for maximum clarity, pre-
senting the incipits of the sonnets, both the original Portuguese
and the many English versions, the names of the translators,
the works in which the translations appeared, and the date of
publication. As a result, we see at once how often sonnets have
been reworked, published and reprinted, providing us with ir-
refutable evidence of the continuing and vigorous presence of
Camess sonnets in the Anglophone cultural system.


Baubeta, P. A. Odber de. Cames in translation: further discoveries.

Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, 12 (2003). 27-34.
--- The English Reception of S de Miranda: Francisco S de Miranda:
O sol grande. Reading Literature in Portuguese. Commentaries
in Honour of Tom Earle. Eds. Cludia Pazos-Alonso and Stephen
Parkinson Oxford: Legenda, 2013. 51-9.
--- Revisioning Camess sonnets: anthologies, sonnets, translations and
canonicity. Bulletin of Spanish Studies. Special number dedicated to
William C. Atkinson. Forthcoming.
Monteiro, George. The Presence of Cames. Influences on the Literature of
English, America & Southern Africa. Studies in Romance Languages.
Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1996.
Sousa, Maria Leonor, ed. Cames em Inglaterra. Lisbon: Ministrio da
Educao. Instituto de Cultura e Lngua Portuguesa, 1992.

Catalogue of Camess Sonnets in English Translation

A chaga que,
The wound. Senhora! you
Senhora, me Burton, Lyricks 1884
have doomed me dree
Russell, Annual
A fermosura desta These hills that lift their
Register, 2, Poetry, 1789
fresca serra verdant heads so high
A fermosura desta These hills that lift their Russell, Sonnets,
fresca serra verdant heads so high 25
A fermosura desta Silent and cool, now
Strangford 1803
fresca serra freshning breezes blow
A fermosura desta Silent and slow, now Strangford, The Port
fresca serra freshning breezes blow Folio, 4:7, 56
A fermosura desta Silent and slow, now Strangford, The Port
fresca serra freshning breezes blow Folio, 4:44, 352
A fermosura desta This mountain-scene, with
Hemans 1818
fresca serra sylvan grandeur crowned
A fermosura desta The mountain cool, the
Adamson 1820
fresca serra chestnuts verdant shade
A fermosura desta This mountain-scene, with Hemans, Heber and
fresca serra sylvan grandeur crowned Pollok, 254
A fermosura desta Silent and cool, now Strangford in
fresca serra freshning breezes blow Woodford, 262
A fermosura desta The mountain cool, the
Adamson 1842
fresca serra chestnuts verdant shade
A fermosura desta The quiet beauty of this Roscoe, Ainsworths
fresca serra verdant hill Magazine, 438
A fermosura desta Silent and cool, now Strangford in
fresca serra freshning breezes blow Longfellow, 747
A fermosura desta The beauty of these
Aubertin 1881
fresca serra mountains, fresh as day
A fermosura desta These Mountain-beauties of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
fresca serra the freshest green
A fermosura desta The beauty of this free aerial
Garnett 1896
fresca serra height

A fermosura desta The beauty of this free aerial Garnett, Universal

fresca serra height Anthology, 12, 179

A fermosura desta These cool hills beauty and
Bell 1913
fresca serra the pleasant shade
A fermosura desta All beauties that on earth
Hart 1962
fresca serra abound
A fermosura desta The mountain cool, the Adamson in Malcolm
fresca serra chestnuts verdant shade Jack
A fermosura desta The beauty of the sweet
Baer 2005
fresca serra fresh, mountains here
A Morte, que da Death, who our life-knot
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vida o n desata loveth to unknit
A Morte, que da Death that unravels the knot
White 2008
vida o n desata of life
A Peregrinao de The Pilgrimaging of a
Burton, Lyricks 1884
hum pensamento Thought intent
A perfeio, a Perfection, sweet demeanour,
Aubertin 1881
graa, o doce jeito grace divine
A perfeio, a That Grace most perfect
Burton, Lyricks 1884
graa, o doce jeito shown by soft sweet Geste
A perfeio, a All fair perfections that
Garnett 1896
graa, o doce jeito consenting dwell
A Roma populaa Happed of the Roman
Burton, Lyricks 1884
proguntava populace to speer
A ti, Senhor, a
To thee, Senhor! whose Sould
quem as sacras Burton, Lyricks 1884
the sacred Muses
A violeta mais bela The daintiest Violet which
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que amanhece a-morning blown
A violeta mais bela
The sweetest violet in the vale Hart 1962
que amanhece
Achome da Fortuna I find me waylaid by that
Burton, Lyricks 1803
salteada bandit Fate
Agora toma a
Eustace! or when you wield
espada, agora a Strangford 1803
the ponderous spear
Agora toma a
Eustace! or when you wield Strangford in
espada, agora a 1841
the ponderous spear Woodford, 258
Agora toma a
Now in his hand the sword,
espada, agora a Aubertin 1881
and now the pen
Agora toma a
Now hends in hand the
espada, agora a Burton, Lyricks 1884
Brand, now hends the Pen

Ah! Fortuna cruel! Ah cruel Fortune! Ah Fate
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Ah! Duros Fados! loath to spare!
Ah! Fortuna cruel! Ah, implacable Fates! Ah
White 2008
Ah! Duros Fados! cruel stars,
Ah! Imiga cruel, que
Unkind you are, and cruel! Hart 1962
Ah! Imiga cruel, que Ah, my cruel enemy, what
White 2008
apartamento scission
Ah! Minha
Then couldst thou leave, ah
Dinamene! Assi Burton, Lyricks 1884
Dinamne mine!
Ah! Minha
Ah, Dinamene, // Thou hast
Dinamene! Assi Hart, p.327 1962
forsaken him
Ah! Minha
Ah, my Dinamene, so you
Dinamene! Assi White 2008
Alegres campos, Delightful fields, and thickets Southey, Annual
verdes arvoredos gay and green Review, 2, 571-2
Alegres campos, Delightful fields, and thickets Southey, Poetical
verdes arvoredos gay and green Register, 4, 374
Alegres campos, Delightful fields, and thickets Southey in Lofft, 5,
verdes arvoredos gay and green 871
Alegres campos, Delightful fields, and thickets
Southey in Adamson 1820
verdes arvoredos gay and green
Alegres campos, Ye cheerful meadows and ye
Aubertin 1881
verdes arvoredos woodlands green
Alegres campos, Glad smiling Pastures, gay
Burton, Lyricks 1884
verdes arvoredos and greeny Glade
Alegres campos, Apparel of green woods and
Garnett 1896
verdes arvoredos meadows gay
Alegres campos, Ye joyful fields, green woods
Bell 1913
verdes arvoredos that near them grow
Alegres campos, Apparel of green woods and Garnett in Walsh,
verdes arvoredos meadows gay 183-4

Alegres campos, Apparel of green woods and Garnett in Van Doren

verdes arvoredos meadows gay Anthology, 589

Alegres campos, Apparel of green woods and

Garnett in Priest 1962
verdes arvoredos meadows gay
Alegres campos, O smiling fields and forest
Hart 1962
verdes arvoredos green

Alegres campos, Cheerful meadows, leafy
White 2005
verdes arvoredos groves
Alegres campos, O happy fields and green
Zenith 2009
verdes arvoredos woods
Alegres campos, Glad meadows! gaily deckt
Burton, Lyricks 1884
verdes, deleitosos with greeny dyes
Alma gentil, que Gent Soul! that unto firm
Burton, Lyricks 1884
firma Eternidade Eternity
Alma minha gentil, Go, gentle spirit! now
anon in Hayley, 275 1782
que te partiste supremely blest
Alma minha gentil, Go, gentle spirit! now anonin Lyric
que te partiste supremely blest Repository, 47-8
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early Southey, Monthly
que te partiste didst depart Visitor, 5, 292
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early Southey, Annual
que te partiste didst depart Review, 2, 571
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early Southey, Poetical
que te partiste didst depart Register, 4, 375
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early
Southey, Lofft, 5, 869 1814
que te partiste didst depart
A., Monthly
Alma minha gentil, Thou lovely spirit that so
Repository, 11: 124, 1816
que te partiste soon hast fled
Alma minha gentil, Spirit beloved! whose wing so
Hemans 1818
que te partiste soon hath flown
Southey, in
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early
Gentlemans 1820
que te partiste didst depart
Magazine, 527
Alma minha gentil, Go, gentle spirit! now anon, Eclectic Review,
que te partiste supremely blest 14, 562
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early Southey, inEclectic
que te partiste didst depart Review, 14, 563
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early Southey, in Adamson,
que te partiste didst depart 94
Alma minha gentil, Go, gentle spirit! now anon, Hayley in
que te partiste supremely blest Adamson, 261
Alma minha gentil, Spirit beloved! whose wing so Hemans, Heber and
que te partiste soon hath flown Pollok, 254-5
Alma minha gentil, Spirit beloved! whose wing so Hemans in
que te partiste soon hath flown Longfellow, 747
Alma minha gentil, Rest gentle soul, belovd, who anon, The Lusitanian,
que te partiste tookst thy leave 5, 241

Alma minha gentil, Sweet sainted one! Who Roscoe, New Monthly,
que te partiste mortal weeds so young 75, 33
Alma minha gentil, My gentle spirit! thou who
Aubertin 1881
que te partiste hast departed
Alma minha gentil, Ah, gentle soul of me, that 1 Burton, The
que te partiste didst depart Athenum, 2783, 299
Alma minha gentil, My gentle spirit! thou who
2 Burton, Lyricks, 37 1884
que te partiste didst depart
anon, Hayley,
Alma minha gentil, Go, gentle spirit! now
Florilegio de 1886
que te partiste supremely blest
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early Southey, Florilegio de
que te partiste didst depart Bibliophilos
Alma minha gentil, Spirit beloved! whose wing so Hemans, Florilegio de
que te partiste soon hath flown Bibliophilos
Alma minha gentil, My gentle spirit! thou who Aubertin, Florilegio de
que te partiste hast departed Bibliophilos
Alma minha gentil, My gentle spirit! thou who Burton, Florilegio de
que te partiste didst depart Bibliophilos
Alma minha gentil, Rest gentle soul, belovd, who anon, Florilegio
que te partiste tookst thy leave Camoniano, I
Alma minha gentil, My gentle spirit! thou who Aubertin in
que te partiste hast departed Waddington, 211
Alma minha gentil, Soul of my soul, that didst so
Garnett 1896
que te partiste early wing
Alma minha gentil, Spirit beloved! whose wing so Hemans in Peck, V,
que te partiste soon hath flown 2244
Alma minha gentil, Meek spirit, who so early Southey in Moore,
que te partiste didst depart Poet Lore, 365
Alma minha gentil, Fair spirit in untimely
Bell 1913
que te partiste banishment
Alma minha gentil, Soul of all gentleness, dear Young, Portugal An
que te partiste Soul, that spurning Anthology, 85
Alma minha gentil, Gentle Spirit, who so early
Justino de Sousa 1922
que te partiste didst depart from this vale
Alma minha gentil, My gentle spirit! thou who
Burton, Goldberg, 28 1924
que te partiste didst depart
Alma minha gentil, Fair spirit in untimely Bell in Fidelino de
que te partiste banishment Figueiredo, 300-1
Alma minha gentil, Oh gentle spirit mine that
Pessoa 1947
que te partiste didst depart

Alma minha gentil, My gentle heart, who didst so
Downes 1947
que te partiste soon resign
Alma minha gentil, O lovely, gentle soul, who Glen Levin Swiggett,
que te partiste didst depart 93
Alma minha gentil, Dear gentle soul, who went Campbell, Portugal,
que te partiste so soon away 145
Gentle spirit mine
Alma minha gentil,
/ Thou who did depart this Hart 1962
que te partiste
Alma minha gentil, Gentle soul of mine, how
Barter 1972
que te partiste swiftly thou has flown
Alma minha gentil, Gentle spirit, my own, who Griffin, Cames: Some
que te partiste went and parted Poems
Alma minha gentil, Gentle spirit, my own, who
Griffin, Gentle Spirit 1980
que te partiste went and parted
Alma minha gentil, My gentle soul hast thou so
Tait in West, 623 1985
que te partiste soon, offended
Alma minha gentil, My gentle spirit, who so soon Hope & Moutinho,
que te partiste took your leave 680
Alma minha gentil, O noble soul I love, who bade Bosley in Lus de
que te partiste farewell Cames, 75
Alma minha gentil, Monteiro 1994 in The
Oh gentle spirit too soon lost 1996
que te partiste Presence, 152
Alma minha gentil, Dear gentle soul, who went Campbell in
que te partiste so soon away Washburn, 568
Alma minha gentil, Dear gentle soul, who has, Baer, First Things,
que te partiste too soon, departed May
Alma minha gentil, Dear gentle soul, who has,
Baer 2005
que te partiste too soon, departed
Alma minha gentil, Gentle soul of mine, who
Williams 2007
que te partiste hath departed
Alma minha gentil, Dear gentle soul, you that
White 2008
que te partiste departed
Alma minha gentil,
O most gentle soul who left Zenith 2009
que te partiste
Amor um fogo que Love is a living Lowe that
Burton, Lyricks 1884
arde sem se ver lurking burneth
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire whose flame
Stock 1891
arde sem se ver doth burn unseen
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns yet
Figueiredo, 298 1925
arde sem se ver burns unseen
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns
Segel 1974
arde sem se ver invisible

Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns but Bosley in Lus de
arde sem se ver is not seen Cames, 58
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns Myer, The Language
arde sem se ver unseen (1 stanza) of Cames, 208
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns, but
Baer 2005
arde sem se ver is never seen
Amor um fogo que Loves a fire that burns
Williams 2007
arde sem se ver though undetected
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns
White 2008
arde sem se ver invisibly
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns
Zenith 2009
arde sem se ver unseen
Amor um fogo que Love is a fire that burns
Barletta et al 2013
arde sem se ver without being seen
Amor, co a With all hope already forfeit,
White 2008
esperana perdida Love
Amor, co a Love, with hope already lost
Blackmore 2012
esperana perdida (partial)
Amor, co a
Love, with hope already lost Cohen 2013
esperana perdida
Amor, com a
Amor ! with Esperance now
esperana j Burtons Lyricks 1884
for aye forlore
Amor, que em
Love who in vainest dreams
sonhos vos do Burton, Lyricks 1884
of phantasy
Amor, que o gesto
Amor, who human geste on
humano nalma Burton, Lyricks 1884
Soul doth write
Amor, que o gesto
Love, that stamps on the soul
humano nalma White 2008
a human brow
Aos homees hum
One Man mans nature with
s Homem pos Burton, Lyricks 1884
high marvel prankt
Apartava-se Nise de Nise departed from
Aubertin 1881
Montano Montanos side
Apartava-se Nise de Departed Nis parted from
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Montano Montane
Apartava-se Nise de Nise was parted from
White 2008
Montano Montano
Apolo e as nove What time the liberal Muses
Strangford 1803
Musas, discantando deignd to showr

Apolo e as nove The God of song, and sister Old Nick, The Pic Nic,
Musas, discantando Muses nine (1783) 1, 25
Apolo e as nove God of song and sister muses
anon in Adamson 1820
Musas, discantando nine
Apolo e as nove Mid the nine Muses choir
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Musas, discantando Apollo singing
Apolo e as nove I heard Apollo and the Muses
Garnett 1896
Musas, discantando sing
Apolo e as nove Apollo plucked his golden
Hart 1962
Musas, discantando lyre
Apolo e as nove Apollo and the nine Muses,
White 2008
Musas, discantando singing
Aponta e bella
Breatheth the fair Aurora,
Aurora, Luz Burton, Lyricks 1884
primal Sheen
Aquela fera
That feral Human who her
humana, que Burton, Lyricks 1884
wealth doth owe
Aquela fera
That cruel vixen who
humana, que White 2008
Aquela que, She, who by purest
Burton, Lyricks 1884
de pura castidade Chastitys decree,
Aquela que,
To defend her innocence Hart 1962
de pura castidade
Aquela que, Lucretia, inspired by her
Baer 2005
de pura castidade sense
Aquela que, She who was driven by
White 2008
de pura castidade extreme chastity
Aquela triste e leda Till the Lovers tears at
Strangford 1803
madrugada parting cease to flow
Aquela triste e leda Till the Lovers tears at Strangford in Shelley
madrugada parting cease to flow Lives, 3, 307
Aquela triste e leda Till the Lovers tears at Strangford in
madrugada parting cease to flow Woodford, 259
Aquela triste e leda That shining mornings dawn
Aubertin 1881
madrugada so sad for me
Aquela triste e leda That dawn of dewy Day, so
Burton, Lyricks 1884
madrugada black, so bright,
Aquela triste e leda Most foul and fair of all thy
Garnett 1896
madrugada company.
Aquela triste That dawn which sadly rose
Bell 1913
e leda madrugada yet joyfully

Aquela triste That dawn at once so happy
Hart 1962
e leda madrugada and so sad
Aquela triste
That sad and joyful dawn Wevill, Delos, 4 1970
e leda madrugada
Aquela triste That sorrowful and cheerful Griffin, Cames: Some
e leda madrugada break of day Poems
Aquela triste That daybreak full of gloom Bosley in Lus de
e leda madrugada and gaiety Cames, 68
Aquela triste Wevill in Washburn,
That sad and joyful dawn 1998
e leda madrugada 569
Aquela triste The dawn rises lovely but Baer, First Things,
e leda madrugada ill-fated October
Aquela triste The dawn rises lovely but
Baer 2005
e leda madrugada ill-fated
Aquela triste
That fretful and lovely dawn White 2008
e leda madrugada
Aquela triste O let that sad and joyful
Zenith 2009
e leda madrugada dawn
Aquela triste I which that sad and joyous
Barletta et al 2013
e leda madrugada dawn
Aqueles claros Those brightly beaming Eyne
Burton, Lyricks 1884
olhos que chorando with tearful stain
Aqueles claros What are they doing, those
Hart 1962
olhos que chorando beautiful eyes?
Aqueles claros Those pale eyes that kept on
Zenith 2009
olhos que chorando crying
Aqui de longos
Here of my long-lost Weal
danos breve Burton, Lyricks 1884
short history
Ar, que de meus Air! I see chargd with my
Burton, Lyricks 1884
suspiros vejo cheio heavy sighs
rvore, cujo pomo, Tree ! on whose gracious
Burton, Lyricks 1884
belo e brando Pome we see the trace
rvore, cujo pomo, The goodly apple of this
Garnett 1896
belo e brando goodly tree
rvore, cujo pomo, The goodly apple of this Garnett, Universal
belo e brando goodly tree Anthology, 12, 181
rvore, cujo pomo, Thou tree, whose smooth and
Hart 1962
belo e brando noble fruit
rvore, cujo pomo, Lovely tree, whose beautiful
Baer 2005
belo e brando and lush
Ausente dessa vista While from that pure belle
Burton, Lyricks 1884
pura e bela Vision driven afar

Ay, Amiga cruel ! Ay, fair and cruel friend!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que apartamento What sad amiss
Bem sei, Amor, que Well weet I, Love! the truth I
Burton, Lyricks 1884
certo o que receio dread and grieve
Bem sei, Amor, que Im well aware, Love, what I
White 2008
certo o que receio fear is true
Brandas aguas do Waters of Tejo, gentle stream, Southey, Annual
Tejo que passando that flow Review, 2, 572-3
Brandas aguas do Waters of Tejo, gentle stream, Southey, Poetical
Tejo que passando that flow Register, 4, 371
Brandas aguas do Fair Tejo! Thou, whose
Hemans 1818
Tejo que passando calmly-flowing tide
Brandas aguas do Waters of Tejo, gentle stream, Southey in Adamson,
Tejo que passando that flow 105
Brandas aguas do Fair Tajo! Thou, whose Hemans, Heber and
Tejo que passando calmly-flowing tide Pollok, 254
Brandas aguas do Fair Tajo! Thou, whose Hemans in
Tejo que passando calmly-flowing tide Longfellow, 747
Brandas aguas do Fair Tajo! Thou, whose Hemans in
Tejo que passando calmly-flowing tide Longfellow, 117
Brandas aguas do Waters of gentle Tagus,
Aubertin 1881
Tejo que passando calmly flowing
Brandas aguas do Soft Tejo waters! passing
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Tejo que passando through this Plain
Brandas aguas do Waters of gentle Tagus, Aubertin in
Tejo que passando calmly flowing Waddington, 201
Brandas aguas do Tagus, whose streams on
Garnett 1896
Tejo que passando Lusitanias plain
Brandas aguas do Tagus, whose streams on Garnett, Universal
Tejo que passando Lusitanias plain Anthology, 12, 179-80
Brandas aguas do Oh sweet and clear waters of
Justino de Sousa 1922
Tejo que passando the Tagus,
Brandas aguas do Flow in silver stream to the
Wilde in Tucker, 138 1966
Tejo que passando Ocean!
Brandas aguas do Gentle waters of the Tagus,
Baer 2005
Tejo que passando you flow
Busque Amor novas Devise Love novel arts, a new
Burton, Lyricks 1884
artes design
Busque Let Love seek new arts, new Hope & Moutinho,
Amor novas artes devices plot 680
Busque Let love seek out new arts, Bosley in Lus de
Amor novas artes new artfulness Cames, 63

Busque May Love seek out new arts,
Alexis Levitin 1998
Amor novas artes devise a plot
Busque Let love seek for new arts,
Williams 2007
Amor novas artes ingenious, mad
Busque Invent fresh arts and
White 2008
Amor novas artes cunning, Love
Busque Let Love devise new ways,
Zenith 2009
Amor novas artes new wiles
Busque Let Cupid seek new wiles, Philip Krummrich,
Amor novas artes new trickery Saltana, 2
Blackmore, Modern
Busque Seek then, Love, new and
Philology, 109, 312- 2012
Amor novas artes inventive ways (partial)
Here in this
C nesta Babilnia,
Babylon-realm, where rails Burton, Lyricks 1884
a donde mana
C nesta Babilnia, Here, where fecundity of
Garnett 1896
donde mana Babel frames
C nesta Babilnia, Here, where fecundity of Garnett, Universal
donde mana Babel frames Anthology, 12, 181
C nesta Babilnia, Here, where fecundity of Garnett in Walsh,
donde mana Babel frames 184-5
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon, whence Young, Portugal An
donde mana ever drains Anthology, 81
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon, whence Young, Portugal Old
donde mana ever drains and Young, 131-2
C nesta Babilnia, Here, where fecundity of Garnett in Goldberg,
donde mana Babel frames 26
C nesta Babilnia, Here, where fecundity of Garnett in Van Doren
donde mana Babel frames Anthology, 589-60
Here in this
C nesta Babilnia,
Babylon/ Sink Hart 1962
donde mana
of the worlds iniquity
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon, from Griffin, Cames Some
donde mana which there flows Poems
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon where Bosley, Comparative
donde mana enough raw ill Criticism, 6,160
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon where Bosley in Lus de
donde mana enough raw ill Cames, 69
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon-realm,
Burton in Myers, 227 1995
donde mana where rails amain
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Bablyon where
Bosley in Myers, 228 1995
donde mana enough of raw ill

C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Bablyon where Baer, Modern
donde mana enough of raw ill Poetry, NS, 18, 25
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon, thats
Baer 2005
donde mana festering
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon, source
White 2008
donde mana of the pus
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon flowing
Zenith 2009
donde mana with gold
C nesta Babilnia, Here in this Babylon, from
Barletta et al 2013
donde mana which flows
Campo! nas syrtes Country ! when quicksands
Aubertin 1881
deste mar da vida in this lifes sea loom
Campo! nas syrtes Country in shoaling Syrt of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
deste mar da vida Being-sea
Campo! nas syrtes When summer blooms, when
The Athenaeum, 1885
deste mar da vida Autumn fruitage reaps
3000, 533(sestet)
Campo! nas syrtes Country, Lifes raft whereby
Garnett 1896
deste mar da vida her sea bestows
Campo! nas syrtes Country, Lifes raft whereby Garnett, Universal
deste mar da vida her sea bestows Anthology, 12, 180-1
Campo! nas syrtes To thee sunny isle in this
Wilde in Tucker, 139 1966
deste mar da vida ocean of life
Cantando estava One day befell me I sang my
Burton, Lyricks 1884
um dia bem seguro song secure
Cantando estava I was singing one day wih
Hart 1962
um dia bem seguro lightest heart
Cantando estava I was singing, happy as the
White 2008
um dia bem seguro day was long
Cara minha
Thou, to whose power my
inimiga, em cuja Hemans 1818
hopes, my joys, I give
Cara minha
Thou, to whose power my Hemans, Heber and
inimiga, em cuja 1833
hopes, my joys, I give Pollok, 254
Cara minha
Thou, to whose power my Hemans in The
inimiga, em cuja 1834
hopes, my joys, I give Athenaeum, 354, 594
Cara minha
Thou, in whose gentle hand,
inimiga, em cuja Aubertin 1881
my dear unkind

Cara minha
My fondest-hateful Foe !
inimiga, em cuja Burton, Lyricks, 40 1884
within whose hand
Cara minha
inimiga, em cuja Ah, dear beloved enemy Hart 1962
Cara minha
Dearest enemy, so often Baer, First Things,
inimiga, em cuja 2002
unkind October
Cara minha
Dearest enemy, so often
inimiga, em cuja Baer 2005
Cara minha
My dearest enemy, in whose
inimiga, em cuja White 2008
Cara minha
Pazos-Alonso &
inimiga, em cuja Dear enemy, in whose hands 2013
Parkinson, 73
Chorai, Ninfas, os Nymphs o Tagus, weep the Thomas Russell,
fados poderosos hapless doom Sonnets , 27
Chorai, Ninfas, os Bewail, ye Nymphs! the fiat of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
fados poderosos fatal might
Chorai, Ninfas, os Weep, ye nymphs / For
Hart 1962
fados poderosos inexorable fate
Chorai, Ninfas, os I wept, nymphs, over Fates
White 2008
fados poderosos severe
Claras agoas e frias Mondego! Thou, whose
Strangford 1803
do Mondego waters cold and clear
Claras agoas e frias Mondego! Thou, whose Strangford in Critical
do Mondego waters cold and clear Review, 2, 334
Claras agoas e frias Waves of Mondego! brilliant
Hemans 1818
do Mondego and serene
Claras agoas e frias Mondego! Thou, whose Strangford in Shelley
do Mondego waters cold and clear Lives, 301
Claras agoas e frias Mondego, thou whose waters Strangford in
do Mondego cold and clear Woodford, 261
Claras agoas e frias Waves of Mondego! brilliant Hemans in
do Mondego and serene Longfellow, 747
Claras agoas e frias Waves of Mondego! brilliant Hemans in Hoods
do Mondego and serene Magazine
Claras agoas e frias Mondego! Thou, whose Strangford in Poems
do Mondego waters cold and clear of Place, 109
Claras agoas e frias Sweet and clear waters of
Garnett 1896
do Mondego Mondegos flood.

Coitado! Que em
Poor I! who laugh and cry at
um tempo choro Burton, Lyricks 1884
single tide
e rio
Com grandes
Whilere I sang my song with
esperanas j Burton, Lyricks, 26-7 1884
hope so high
Com grandes
With vast ambition I once
esperanas j White 2008
sang, and kept
Com grandes
Once I sang with hopes so
esperanas j Zenith 2009
Com o generoso His generous visage gashed
Aubertin 1881
rostro alanceado with heathen blade
Com o generoso With signs of lance-thrust on
Burton, Lyricks 1884
rostro alanceado his generous face
Com o generoso His generous visage gashed Aubertin in
rostro alanceado with heathen blade Waddington, 202
Com o generoso Smeared with flowing blood,
Baer 2005
rostro alanceado with dust upon
Com o tempo
Wi Time the wilted meadow
o prado seco Burton, Lyricks 1884
waxeth green
Com o tempo
Time with new green hath
o prado seco Garnett 1896
clad the meadow dry
Como fizeste, How couldst, O Portia! deal
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Prcia, tal ferida? thee wound so dread?
Com o tempo
Time with new green hath
o prado seco Garnett, Goldberg, 42 1924
clad the meadow dry
Como fizeste, How come you, Prcia, to be
White 2008
Prcia, tal ferida? so wounded
Como fizeste, How did you suffer such
Zenith 2009
Prcia, tal ferida? injury, Portia?
Como louvarey eu, How shall I, holy Seraph!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Serafim Santo hymn the praise?
Como podes How canst O Sinner blindly
Burton, Lyricks 1884
( cego pecador!) gone astray!
Como podes, How, blind sinner, can you,
Baer 2005
cego pecador so thoughtlessly
Como quando do Saved from the perils of the
Hemans 1818
mar tempestuoso stormy wave

Como quando do Saved from the perils of the Hemans, Heber and
mar tempestuoso stormy wave Pollok, 255
Como quando do Saved from the perils of the Hemans in
mar tempestuoso stormy wave Longfellow, 747
Como quando do As tird and weary, from the
Adamson, Sonnets 1845
mar tempestuoso rough swoln main
Como quando do As when a savd Waif fro
Burton, Lyricks 1884
mar tempestuoso stormy Main
Como quando do As the weak and weary
Hart 1962
mar tempestuoso mariner
Como quando do Like the weary sailor, the Baer, First Things,
mar tempestuoso refugee June
Como quando do Like the weary sailor, the
Baer 2005
mar tempestuoso refugee
Como quando do As when an adroit,
White 2008
mar tempestuoso exhausted mariner
Como quando do
As when of the stormy sea Blackmore 2012
mar tempestuoso
Contas, que traz
Accounts that Cupid keeps
Amor com meus Burton, Lyricks 1884
with my unhele
Contente vivi j, Content I livd erse, when
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vendo-me isento seeing me free
Conversao Domestick Converse oft shall
Burton, Lyricks 1884
domstica afeioa Love effect
Conversao Converse with those dear to
Hart 1962
domstica afeioa us
Domestic talk captivates, White 2008
domstica afeioa
Correm turbas as The waters of this river
Aubertin 1881
guas deste rio turbid flow
Correm turbas as Turbid the waters of our
Burton, Lyricks 1884
guas deste rio River glide
Correm turvas as Troubled and sullied by the
Garnett 1896
guas deste rio flood is rolled
Correm turvas as The waters of this stream are Griffin, Cames: Some
guas deste rio running clouded Poems
Correm turvas as Muddy they flow, the waters Bosley in Lus de
guas deste rio of this river Cames, 82
Correm turvas as When the turgid waters of
Baer 2005
guas deste rio the river flow by
Correm turvas as The waters of this river run
White 2008
guas deste rio turbid

Correm turvas as Muddy waters flow in this
Zenith 2009
guas deste rio river
Crecei, desejo meu, Grow ye my Longings!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
pois que a Ventura sithence Aventre
Crecei, desejo meu, Grow ever stronger,
Hart 1962
pois que a Ventura O thou love of mine
Crecei, desejo meu, Rise up, my aspirations, and
Baer 2005
pois que a Ventura ascend
Criou a Natureza Nature bare lovely Dames,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
damas belas and Poets lay
Criou a Natureza Nature has created women
Hart 1962
damas belas fair
Dai-me uma lei,
Deal me a Law to love you,
Senhor, de querer- Burton, Lyricks 1884
Dame! I pray you
Dai-me uma lei,
Lay down some law, Lady, for
Senhor, de querer- White 2008
wooing you
Dai-me uma lei,
Grant me a law of having to
Senhor, de querer- Zenith 2009
love you
DAmores de huma Smitten with love of inclyt
Burton, Lyricks 1884
inclita donzella Damosel
De Amor escrevo,
Of Love I write, of Love I treat
de Amor trato, e Burton, Lyricks 1884
and live
De Babel sobre os On Babylon-waters sunk in
Burton, Lyricks 1884
rios nos sentamos woe sat we
De c, donde
Hence (where to image you
somente o Burton, Lyricks 1884
and only you
De frescas By bents encircled, blooming
Burton, Lyricks 1884
belvederes rodeadas green and gay
De frescas By landscape-scenes
Aubertin 1881
belvederes rodeadas surrounded, fresh and gay
De mil suspeitas Fro vain suspicions in a
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vans se me levanta thousand ways
De quantas graas
Nature of all her graces
tinha, Burton, Lyricks 1884
a Natureza
De quantas graas
What graces from her
tinha, Hart 1962
a Natureza

De quantas graas
Of all the many graces she
tinha, Segel 1974
a Natureza
De quantas graas
Nature from her varieties of Bosley, Comparative
tinha, 1986
grace Criticism, 6, 159
a Natureza
De quantas graas
Nature from her varieties of Bosley in Lus de
tinha, 1990
grace Cames, 57
a Natureza
De tantas
With such perfections Nature
perfeicoens Burton, Lyricks 1884
gave her care
a natureza
De to divino
Of accents human yet in
acento em voz Burton, Lyricks 1884
heavenly strains
De to divino
So divine a dialect in so
acento em voz White 2008
human a voice
De um to felice That happy genius thine,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
engenho produzido begot and grown
De um to felice That from one such
White 2008
engenho produzido marvelous talent flowed
De vs me aparto, I leave you (dear my life!) and
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vida! as I leave
De vos me aparto, I leave you (dear my life!) and
The Athenaeum, 1885
vida as I leave
3000, 533
De vos me aparto, I leave you, Life, and in
Hart 1962
vida departing
De vos me aparto, Life, I abandon you! In such
White 2008
vida! a demise
De vs me aparto, After Love made me suffer,
Zenith 2009
vida! alone
Debaixo desta Lieth ensepulchrd beneath
Burton, Lyricks 1884
pedra est metido this stone
Debaixo desta Beneath this stone, far from
Baer 2005
pedra est metido all the harms
Debaixo desta Beneath this monumental
Aubertin 1881
pedra sepultada stone enshrined
Debaixo desta Beneath this monumental Aubertin in Peck, V,
pedra sepultada stone enshrined 2245
Debaixo desta She lies beneath this stone
Hart 1962
pedra sepultada entombed

Debaixo desta Beneath this gravestone lies
Baer 2005
pedra sepultada the most sublime
Debaixo desta She lies ensepulchred below
Burton, Lyricks 1884
pedra sepultada this stone
Dece do Cu
Descends from Heavens
imenso, Deus Burton, Lyricks 1884
immense the God benign
Dece do Cu
Descending from heaven, our
imenso, Deus Baer 2005
most benign
Deixa Apolo o correr Forego, Apollo, thy so hasty
Burton, Lyricks 1884
to apressado course
Depois de aver
When I had wept, bewailing
chorado os meus Burton, Lyricks 1884
my despair
Despois de tantos After so many days spent
Burton, Lyricks 1884
dias mal gastados evilly
Despois de tantos After so many, many days ill
Garnett 1896
dias mal gastados spent
Despois que quis When Love so willed on me
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Amor alone be vented
Despois que quis When that I was condemned
Garnett 1896
Amor by Loves decree
Despois que quis After Love sought that I alone
White 2008
Amor should be
Despois que quis After Love made me suffer,
Zenith 2009
Amor alone
Despois que viu
When viewd Cybel what
Cibele o corpo Burton, Lyricks 1884
erst had been
Despois que viu
Once Sibele had seen the
Cibele o corpo White 2008
handsome body
Dian enlightend with silvern
prateada Burton, Lyricks 1884
prateada Silver Diana, illuminated White 2008
Ditosa pena, com a Pen! ever happy as its
Burton, Lyricks 1884
mo que a guia guiding hand
Ditosa pena, com a Pen, happy as the hand that
Hart 1962
mo que a guia guides

Ditosas almas, que Ye happy Spirits! who at once
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ambas juntamente in twain
Ditosas almas, que Blest souls, who hand in
Aubertin 1881
ambas juntamente hand from here below
Ditosas almas, que O happy pair / Whose souls
Hart 1962
ambas juntamente together did ascend
Ditosas almas, que Happy young lovers, whove Baer, First Things,
ambas juntamente ascended together June
Ditosas almas, que Happy young lovers, whove
Baer 2005
ambas juntamente ascended together
Ditoso seja aquele Happy the man, who but of
Adamson 1820
que somente Iove complains
Ditoso seja aquele Happy the man, who but of
Adamson 1842
que somente Iove complains
Ditoso seja aquele Happy be mortal man if he
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que somente lament
Ditoso seja aquele
Happy is he whose only grief Hart 1962
que somente
Ditoso seja aquele Happy is he whose only Baer, First Things,
que somente problem worth June
Ditoso seja aquele Happy is he whose only
Baer 2005
que somente problem worth
Ditoso seja aquele Happy that man whose one
White 2008
que somente complaint
Ditoso seja aquele Happy is the man who only
Zenith 2009
que somente complains
Diversos casos, Differing cases, Thought of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
varios pensamentos varied sents
Diversos does
Distribute sundry boons the
reparte o Cu Burton, Lyricks 1884
Heavens benign,
Diversos does
Various gifts does kindly
reparte o Cu Hart 1962
Heaven grant
Diversos does
The kindly heavens bestowed
reparte o Cu White 2008
Divina Companhia Ye god-like Bevy who upon
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que nos prados the plain
Come, tell me,
Dizei, Senhora, da
fairest, from what orient Strangford 1803
Beleza idea

Come, tell me, Strangford cited in
Dizei, Senhora, da
fairest, from what orient Critical Review, 2, 1804
Beleza idea
mine 334-5
Come, tell me,
Dizei, Senhora, da Strangford in
fairest, from what orient 1841
Beleza ideia Woodford, 261
Dizei, Senhora, da Beautys ideal, Ladye! deign
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Beleza idea me say
Dizei, Senhora, da
I sing of you, my lady Hart 1962
Beleza ideia
Dizei, Senhora, da Youre the perfect beauty. So
Baer 2005
Beleza ideia please explain
Dizei, Senhora, da I spoke, Lady, of beautys
White 2008
Beleza ideia ideal form
Dizei, Senhora, da Give me, Lady, an idea of
Zenith 2009
Beleza ideia Beauty
Do corpo estava ja Enforced by greater force
Burton, Lyricks 1884
quasi forada well-nigh had fled
Do corpo estava ja Half plucked already from
Aubertin 1881
quasi forada* the bodys head
Adamson, Monthly
contentamento j Sweet buried bliss! 1813
Magazine, 35, 116-7
contentamento j Sweet bliss now lost (variant) Adamson 1820
contentamento j Sweet Bliss now lost! Adamson 1842
Sweetest Content that was
contentamento j Burton, Lyricks 1884
with joys that were
Oh sweet content wherein I
contentamento j Hart (excerpt) 1962
found all happiness
Sweet ease of mind, already
contentamento j White 2008
Doce sonho, suave Sweet Dream of joyaunce
Burton, Lyricks 1884
e soberano suavest, sovereign
Doce sonho, suave Sweet dream, so soothing,
Aubertin 1881
e soberano and so passing sweet
Doce sonho, suave Sweet sleep, gentle and
White 2008
e soberano paramount

Southey, MS
Doces e claras
version Bodleian, 1799
aguas do Mondego
Doces e claras Mondego, thou, whose
Strangford 1803
aguas do Mondego Waters, cold and clear
Doces e claras Mondego, thou, whose Strangford in Lofft 3,
aguas do Mondego Waters, cold and clear 274; 4, 571
Doces e claras Wave of Mondego! brilliant
Hemans 1818
aguas do Mondego and serene
Doces e claras Wave of Mondego! brilliant Hemans, Heber and
aguas do Mondego and serene Pollok, 256
Doces e claras Mondego, thou, whose Strangford in
aguas do Mondego Waters, cold and clear Woodford, 261
Doces e claras Mondego, thou, whose Strangford in
aguas do Mondego Waters, cold and clear Longfellow, 109
Doces e claras Sweet waters of Mondegos
Aubertin 1881
aguas do Mondego stream refined
Doces e claras Sweet lucent waters of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
aguas do Mondego Mondego-stream
Doces e claras Sweet lucent waters of Burton in Warner,
aguas do Mondego Mondego-stream Library, VIII, 3158
Doces e claras Sweet and clear waters of
Garnett 1896
aguas do Mondego Mondegos flood,
Doces e claras Sweet lucent waters of Burton in Peck, V,
aguas do Mondego Mondego-stream 2251-2
Doces e claras Sweet lucent waters of Burton in Walsh,
aguas do Mondego Mondego-stream 177-8
Doces e claras Clear sweet waters of
Hart 1962
aguas do Mondego Mondego
Doces guas e Sweet, clear waters of the
Baer 2005
claras do Mondego Mondego, sweet, kind
Doces aguas e Sweet pure waters of the
White 2008
claras do Mondego Mondego
Doces lembranas Sweet memories of a glory
Aubertin 1881
da passada glria past in vain
Doces lembranas Delicious Memories of a Past
Burton, Lyricks 1884
da passada glria so glorious
Doces lembranas Sweet memories of years
Hart 1962
da passada glria gone by
Doces lembranas Sweet memories of former
White 2008
da passada glria glory
Doces lembranas O sweet memories of my past
Zenith 2009
da passada glria glory

Dos Cus terra Fro Heaven the highest
Burton, Lyricks 1884
dece a mr beleza Beauty earthward flies
Dos Cus terra The greatest beauty descends
Baer 2005
dece a mr beleza from heaven to earth
Dos ilustres antigos Of olden Worthies who, by
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que deixaram deeds of daring
Em Babilnia, sobre Besides the streams of
Hemans 1818
os rios, quando Babylon, in tears
Em Babilnia, sobre Besides the streams of Hemans, Heber and
os rios, quando Babylon, in tears Pollok, 255-6
Em Babilnia, sobre When by the Rivers Babylon
Burton, Lyricks 1884
os rios, quando doth rail
Em fermosa Leteia So did Lethaea for-that fair
Burton, Lyricks 1884
se confia confide
Em fermosa Leteia
Leteia put her faith in beauty White 2008
se confia
Em flr vos
Dear lost Antonio! Whilst I
arrancou, de ento Strangford 1803
yet deplore
Em flr vos Strangford, cited in
Dear lost Antonio! Whilst I
arrancou, de ento Critical Review, 2, 1804
yet deplore
crecida 335
Em flor vos
In blossom thou wast
arrancou, de ento Aubertin 1820
snatched, but newly grown
Em flr vos
Dear lost Antonio! Strangford in
arrancou, de ento 1841
whilst I yet deplore Woodford, 262
Em flor vos
In flower uprooted you.
arrancou, de ento Burton, Lyricks 1884
Bloom yet unblown,
Em flr vos
Alas, beloved Dom Antonio /
arrancou, de ento Hart 1962
in the flower
Em flor vos
In your earliest bloom, cruel
arrancou, de ento White 2008
Em hum batel que In a light barque, that gliding
Aubertin 1881
com doce meneio sweetly on
Em hum batel que In a slight Barque that softly,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
com doce meneio gently swaying
Em huma lapa toda Within an ocean grotto, dark
Aubertin 1881
tenebrosa and bare

Em huma Deep in a cavern gloomed
Burton, Lyricks 1884
lapa toda tenebrosa with gathered night
Em huma Secluse in sullen grot beside
Garnett 1896
lapa toda tenebrosa the sea
Em prises baixas I lay in Durance vile long
Burton, Lyricks 1884
fui um tempo atado while detaind
Em prises baixas In lowly cell bereaved of
Garnett 1896
fui um tempo atado liberty
Em prises baixas In lowly cell bereaved of Garnett in Goldberg,
fui um tempo atado liberty 40
Em prises baixas
Once I lay in a dungeon vile Hart 1962
fui um tempo atado
Em prises baixas I have done time in more Griffin, Cames: Some
fui um tempo atado than one vile prison Poems
Em prises baixas In mean jails for a time I had Bosley in Lus de
fui um tempo atado to languish Cames, 83
Em prises baixas Restrained in many prisons,
Baer 2005
fui um tempo atado Ive had to pay
Em prises baixas In vile prisons I was once
White 2008
fui um tempo atado fettered
Em prises baixas Bound for a time in deep
Zenith 2009
fui um tempo atado prisons
Enquanto Febo os While Phoebus oer the
Aubertin 1881
montes acendia mountains lustre shed
Enquanto Phebo os While Phoebus flamed the
Burton, Lyricks, 25 1884
montes acendia fells with rosy ray
Enquanto Febo os When Phoebus flamed the
Baer 2005
montes acendia mountains with his
Enquanto Febo os While Phoebus was lighting
White 2008
montes acendia up the mountains
Enquanto quis While on my head kind
anon in Hayley, 275 1782
Fortuna que tivesse Fortune deignd to pour
Enquanto quis While on my head kind anon, Hayley in The
Fortuna que tivesse Fortune deignd to pour Lyric Repository, 47
Enquanto quis While on my head kind anon, Hayley in
Fortuna que tivesse Fortune deignd to pour Adamson
Enquanto quis While Fortune was disposed
Aubertin 1881
Fortuna que tivesse to cheer my sight
Burton, The
Enquanto quis While Fortune willd that for
Athenaeum, Feb 26, 1881
Fortuna que tivesse me remain
2783, 299
Enquanto quis While Fortune willd that for
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Fortuna que tivesse me be dight

Enquanto quis Ere yet my Fortune had
Garnett 1896
Fortuna que tivesse prevailed quite
Enquanto quis Errors, mine were; mere ill-
Trend 1954
Fortuna que tivesse fortune; love that fired me
Enquanto quis
Since Fortune has so willed Hart 1962
Fortuna que tivesse
Enquanto quis As long as Fortune wishes Griffin, Cames: Some
Fortuna que tivesse that I may Poems
Enquanto quis While it was Fortunes will Bosley in Lus de
Fortuna que tivesse that I should have Cames, 56
Enquanto quis As long as Fortune dangled
Baer 2005
Fortuna que tivesse in my sight
Enquanto quis When Fortune was disposed
White 2008
Fortuna que tivesse to give some
Enquanto quis As long as Fortune wanted
Zenith 2009
Fortuna que tivesse me
Erros meus, m
Mine Errors, evil Fortune,
fortuna, amor Burton, Lyricks 1884
Amors lowe
Erros meus, m
Errors, mine were; mere ill-
fortuna, amor Trend 1954
fortune; love that fired me
Erros meus, m
My errors my loves my
fortuna, amor Wevill,Delos, 4 1970
unlucky star
Erros meus, m
My errors, bad fortune, fiery Griffin, Cames: Some
fortuna, amor 1976
love Poems
Erros meus, m
Errors of mine, misfortune, Bosley in Lus de
fortuna, amor 1990
fires of love Cames, 82
Erros meus, m
My errors my loves my Wevill in Washburn,
fortuna, amor 1998
unlucky star\ 569
Erros meus, m
My error, my misfortune, Hope & Moutinho,
fortuna, amor 1998
ardent love 681
Erros meus, m
My errors my loves my Wevill in Duffy, Hand
fortuna, amor 2001
unlucky star in Hand, 35
Erros meus, m
My sins, my wild loves, and
fortuna, amor Baer 2005
Fate herself

Erros meus, m
My errors, evil fortune,
fortuna, amor Williams 2007
ardent love
Erros meus, m
My errors, ill fortune, and
fortuna, amor White 2008
ardent love
Erros meus, m
My errors, cruel fortune and
fortuna, amor Zenith 2009
ardent love
Esforo grande,
Strong Force embodying
igual ao Burton, Lyricks 1884
Thoughts ideal strain
Esforo grande,
Strong will wed to keenst
igual ao Hart 1962
Esforo grande,
His formidable strength of Baer, First Things,
igual ao 2002
will conforms August
Esforo grande,
His formidable strength of
igual ao Baer 2005
will conforms
Espanta crecer We note with marvel growth
Burton, Lyricks 1884
tanto o Crocodilo of Crocodile
Esse terreste Caos This earthly Chaos, with its
Burton, Lyricks 1884
com seus vapores vaporous layer
Esses cabellos These fair-faxt Tresses of the
Burton, Lyricks 1884
louros, e escolhidos choicest shade
Adamson, Monthly
Est o lascivo e Behold yon little songster,
Magazine, 1813
doce passarinho sportive, gay
35, 115-6
Est o lascivo e Behold yon little songster,
Adamson 1820
doce passarinho sportive, gay
Est o lascivo e Behold yon little songster,
Adamson 1842
doce passarinho sportive, gay
Est o lascivo e The pretty, sweet, and
Aubertin 1881
doce passarinho wanton little bird
Est o lascivo e Sits the sweet Birdie, ever
Burton, Lyricks 1884
doce passarinho gladsome-gay
Est o lascivo e The happy little bird swung
Hart 1962
doce passarinho on a bough
Est o lascivo e There, ordering his feathers
Griffin, Gentle Spirit 1976
doce passarinho with his beak
Kitchin, Love Sonnets
Est o lascivo e This gentle bird which frolics
of the Renaissance, 1990
doce passarinho in the brake

Est o lascivo e The carefree little bird,
Baer 2005
doce passarinho preoccupied
Est o lascivo e The sweet, irrepressible
White 2008
doce passarinho sparrow is tugging
Est-se a Primavera
Spring, in gay and frolic hour Strangford 1803

Est-se a Primavera Strangford in

Spring, in gay and frolic hour 1818
trasladando The Vocal Library, 196

Est-se a Primavera The Spring is copying all that

Aubertin 1881
trasladando it doth wear
Est-se a Primavera Prime all her beauties loveth
Burton, Lyricks 1884
trasladando to transmew
Est-se a Primavera A copy of the Spring is in thy Figueiredo,
trasladando face 299-300
Est-se a Primavera Spring looks upon thy
Hart 1962
trasladando features fair
Est-se a Primavera Springs very essence is
White 2008
trasladando depicted
Este amor que vos This earthly chaos, with its
Aubertin 1881
tenho, limpo e puro vaporous air
Este amor que vos This Love for you I keep so
Burton, Lyricks 1884
tenho, limpo e puro chaste and pure
Este amor que vos This Love for you I keep so
The Athenaeum, 1885
tenho, limpo e puro chaste and pure
3000, 2533
Este amor que vos This love of mine, so pure, so
Hart 1962
tenho, limpo e puro chaste
Este amor que vos This chaste, unsullied love I
White 2008
tenho, limpo e puro bear you
Este terreste caos This earthly chaos, with its
Aubertin 1881
com seus vapores* vaporous air
Este terreste caos This earthly Chaos, with its
Burton, Lyricks 1884
com seus vapores vaporous layer
Eu cantarei de I sang of loveand in so sweet
Strangford 1803
amor to docemente a strain
Eu cantarei de I sang of loveand in so sweet Strangford in Critical
amor to docemente a strain Review, 2, 335
Strangford in The
Eu cantarei de I sang of loveand in so sweet
Edinburgh Review, 1805
amor to docemente a strain

Bartholomew Frere,
Eu cantarei de I will sing of love so sweetly
The Edinburgh 1805
amor to docemente (literal version)
Review, 6:11, 46
Eu cantarei de My song of Love I will so Burton, The
amor to docemente sweetly sing Academy, 541, 203
Eu cantarei de My song of Love I will so
Burton, Lyricks 1884
amor to docemente sweetly sing
Eu cantarei de So sweet the lyre, so musical Garnett in
amor to docemente the strain Waddington, 214
Eu cantarei de So sweet the lyre, so musical
Garnett 1896
amor to docemente the strain
Eu cantarei de My song of love I shall so
Hart 1962
amor to docemente sweetly sing
Eu cantarei do Ill sing a song of love so
Baer 2005
amor to docemente sweet, so blessed
Eu cantarei do Ill sing of love in a manner
White 2008
amor to docemente so svelte
Eu cantarei de
So sweetly will I sing of love Zenith 2009
amor to docemente
Eu cantarei de I would sing of love so
Barletta et al 2013
amor to docemente sweetly
Eu cantei j, e How sprightly were the Strangford (classed as
agora vou chorando roundelays canzonet)
Eu cantei j, e How sprightly were the Strangford in The
agora vou chorando roundelays Vocal Library, 130
Eu cantei j, e How sprightly were the Strangford in
agora vou chorando roundelays Longfellow, 745
Eu cantei j, e I sang in Bygones; now I
Burton, Lyricks 1884
agora vou chorando weep to see
Eu cantei j, e
I weep to think that once Hart 1902
agora vou chorando
Eu cantei j, e I once sang, and now hear
White 2008
agora vou chorando me lamenting
Eu cantei j, e
I used to sing and now I weep Zenith 2009
agora vou chorando
Eu me aparto de Southey, MS Bodleian
version 1799
vs, ninfas do Tejo 1799, unpublished
Eu me aparto de
My Nymphs of Tagus, I
vs, Nymphas do Aubertin 1881
depart, adieu!
Eu me aparto de
Nymphs of the Tagus ! I fro
vs, Nymphas do Burton, Lyricks 1884
you take flight,

Eu vivia de lagrimas From sorrow free, and tears,
Strangford 1803
isento and dull despair
Eu vivia de lagrimas Exempt from every grief,
Hemans 1818
isento twas mine to live
Eu vivia de lagrimas Exempt from every grief, Hemans, Heber,
isento twas mine to live Pollok, 257
Eu vivia de lagrimas Exempt fro tears I wended
Burton, Lyricks 1884
isento life-tides way
Eu vivia de lagrimas
I lived once untaxed by tears White 2008
Ferido sem ter cura A desperate wound was dealt
Burton, Lyricks 1884
perecia sans hope of heal
Ferido sem ter cura Wounded, and with no
White 2008
perecia apparent remedy
Fermosa Beatriz, Beautiful Beatrice! such
Burton, Lyricks 1884
tendes taes geitos luring geste
Fermosa mo que o That fair-formed Hand my
Burton, Lyricks 1884
corao me aperta heart in holding takes
Fermoso Tejo meu My lovely Tagus! with what
Burton, Lyricks 1884
quam diferente different Sent
Fermoso Tejo meu Tagus, with countenance
Garnett, 103 1896
quam diferente how different
Fermoso Tejo meu Tagus, with countenance Garnett, Universal
quam differente how different Anthology, 12, 180
Fermoso Tejo meu Tagus, with countenance
Garnett, Goldberg, 42 1924
quam differente how different
Fermosos olhos, Beautiful eyes which deal an
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que cuidado dais envious care
Fermosos olhos, Beautiful eyes, whereof the
Garnett 1896
que cuidado dais sunny sphere
Fermosos olhos, Beautiful Eyn, to our days
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que na idade nossa displaying
Fermosos olhos, Beautiful eyes, whereof the
Garnett, Goldberg, 43 1924
que na idade nossa sunny sphere
Fermosos olhos, Ah, lovely eyes, / Wherein all
Hart 1962
que na idade nossa Natures grace
Fermosos olhos, Beautiful eyes that for our
White 2008
que na idade nossa present epoch
Formosura do Cu Thy lovely charms, celestial Old Nick, The Ladys
a ns descida maid Monthly Museum 12

Old Nick, Beauty,
Formosura do Cu Thy lovely charms, celestial
Spirit of the Public 1805
a ns descida maid
Journals, VIII, 114
Fermosura do ceo a Beauty from heavenly heights
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ns decida to Earth descended!
Fiou-se o corao, The hear entrusted self erst
Burton, Lyricks 1884
de muito isento Fancy-free
Fiou-se o corao, My over-confident heart grew
Baer 2005
de muito isento more and more
Fiou-se o corao, My heart had always set
White 2008
de muito isento such store
Foi j num tempo To love in passd Time was
Burton, Lyricks 1884
doce cousa amar passing sweet
Foi j num tempo Love was passing sweet in
Hart 1962
doce cousa amar days gone by
Foi j num tempo Being in love was once a
White 2008
doce cousa amar tender
Fortuna em mim
Fortune oer me reserving
guardando seu Burton, Lyricks 1884
rightful Hest
Fortuna em mim
Fortune, exacting from me its
guardando seu White 2008
Gentil Senhora, se If, Ladye fair! my Fortune,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
a Fortuna imiga ferest foe,
Gentil Senhora, se
Gentle lady / If cruel Fate Hart 1962
a Fortuna imiga
Gostos falsos
de amor, gostos False Gusts of Love Burton, Lyricks 1884
Gro tempo h
Long Syne now tis sin
j que soube da Burton, Lyricks 1884
taught me Aventre
Gro tempo h
Twas long ago I learned what
j que soube da Hart 1962
Fortune held for me
Gro tempo h
For a long time Ive known a
j que soube da White 2008
fatal stare
Guardando em mi a Fortune, preserving right of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
sorte o seu direyto sovranty
He o gozado bem Weal, once enjoyd, is on
Burton, Lyricks 1884
em agua escrito water writ

Adamson, Monthly
Horas breves de Short hours of joy ! onward
Magazine, 1813
meu contentamento ye fleeting past!
35, 116
Horas breves de Short hours of joy ! onward
Adamson 1820
meu contentamento ye fleeting past!
Horas breves de Short hours of joy ! onward
Adamson 1842
meu contentamento ye fleeting past!
Horas breves de Short hours, with whom
Aubertin 1881
meu contentamento contentment I could find
Horas breves de Short Hours ! whose glad
Burton, Lyricks 1884
meu contentamento Content my fortune gracd
Horas breves de Hours of my happiness, a
Garnett 1886
meu contentamento scanty train !
Ilustre, e digno Ilustrious Scion of the tree
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ramo dos Meneses Meneses!
Ilustre o dino ramo Illustrious scion of Menezes
Hart 1962
dos Meneses line
Ilustre o dino ramo Illustrious and worthy scion,
Baer 2005
dos Meneses flower
Ilustre o dino ramo Deservedly famous branch of
White 2008
dos Meneses the Meneses
Imagens vas me In me vain fancies Fancy
Burton, Lyricks 1884
imprme a Fantasia would inlay
Indo o triste pastor All sorrowful as strayed the
Aubertin 1881
todo embebido shepherd swain
Indo o triste Pastor The tristeful Shepherd
Burton, Lyricks 1884
todo embebido dolour-drowned would hie
Indo o triste pastor The sad shepherd wandered,
White 2008
todo embebido caught
J a rxa e branca Now pearly, rosy morn
Aubertin 1881
Aurora destoucava spread forth above
J a rxa e branca Now red and white Aurore
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Aurora destoucava had loosed the snood
J a saudosa Ardent Aurora had shaken
White 2008
Aurora destoucava free
J cantei, j chorei Oft have I sung and mourned
Hemans 1818
a dura guerra the bitter woes
J cantei, j chorei Oft have I sung and mourned Hemans, Heber,
a dura guerra the bitter woes Pollok, 255
J cantei, j chorei Erst sang I, erst I wept Loves
Burton, Lyricks 1884
a dura guerra tyranny
J claro vejo bem, Now ken I clearly, clearly I
Burton, Lyricks 1884
j bem conheo believe

Now of
J do Mondego as
Mondego-stream the waters Burton, Lyricks 1884
guas aparecem
Ja do Mondego as Lo the fair prospect of
Garnett 1896
guas aparecem Mondego, clear
J tempo, j, que Tis time, time tis that this
Burton, Lyricks 1884
minha confiana my confidence
J tempo, j, que Tis time, tis time, my
Hart 1962
minha confiana cherished dreams
J tempo, j, que
Its high time my confidence White 2008
minha confiana
J me fundey
Erst upon vain Contents I
em vos Burton, Lyricks 1884
based my mind
J no fere o Amor No more with force-full bow
Burton, Lyricks 1884
com arco forte fares Love to smite
J no sinto,
No more, Madme! feel I false
Senhora, os Burton, Lyricks 1884
hopes and fears
J no sinto,
I no longer feel disillusioned,
Senhora, os White 2008
J tempo foi, que Time was mine Eyes
Burton, Lyricks 1884
meus olhos traziam delighted to unfold
Julga-me a gente My senses lost, misjudging
Strangford 1803
toda por perdido men declare
Julga-me a gente My senses lost, misjudging Strangford in
toda por perdido men declare Woodford, 260
Julga-me a gente The world misjudgeth I have
Burton, Lyricks 1884
toda por perdido lost my lot,
Julga-me a gente This poor world misjudges
Hart 1962
toda por perdido me as lost
Julga-me a gente The whole world judges me
Baer 2005
toda por perdido as lost. My days
Julga-me a gente Everyone considers me a lost
White 2008
toda por perdido cause
Leda serenidade A glad delicious air serene
Burton, Lyricks 1884
deleitosa that shows
Leda serenidade A happy, charming
White 2008
deleitosa composure
Lembranas de meu Memories of happiness mine!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
bem, doces douce Memories

Lembranas que
Memories remembering Good
lembrays o bem Burton, Lyricks 1884
of by-gone date
Lembranas que
Memories of past happiness Hart 1962
lembrais meu bem
Lembranas que Memories, you recall my
White 2008
lembrais meu bem happy times
Lembranas que O memories that deepen the
Zenith 2009
lembrais meu bem sorrow I feel
Lembranas Sad yearning Memories! an
Burton, Lyricks 1884
saudosas, se cuidas ye still be straining
Lembranas Heartfelt memories, if its
White 2008
saudosas, se cuidas your pleasure
Lembranas tristes,
Ye tristeful Souvenirs! why
para que gastais Burton 1884
this vain intent
Levantai, minhas Exalt on high your brow, my
Aubertin 1881
Tagides, a frente Tagides
Levantai, minhas High raise your glorious
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Tagides, a frente brows, my Tagids
Lindo e sutil
Dear band, which once
tranado, que Strangford 1803
adornd my worshipd
Lindo e sutil
Sweet, delicate fillet, who art
tranado, que Aubertin 1881
left behind
Lindo e sutil
Fair-woven Fillet ! in whose
tranado, que Burton, Lyricks 1884
pledge I find
Lindo e sutil
Sweet, delicate fillet, who art Aubertin in
tranado, que 1888
left behind Waddington, 203
Lindo e sutil
Oh ribbon fair, that dost with Thomas Wentworth
tranado, que 1889
me remain Higginson, 105
Lindo e sutil
Oh ribbon fair, that dost with Thomas Wentworth
tranado, que 1900
me remain Higginson, 398
Lindo e sutil
tranado, que Fair woven fillet that I hold Hart 1962
Lindo e sutil
Beautiful, so subtle ribbon,
tranado, que Baer 2005

Lindo e sutil
Prettily woven head-dress
tranado, que White 2008
Mal, que de tempo
Ills! that fro time to time so
em tempo vs Burton, Lyricks 1884
crescive grow
Males, que
Ills ! that against my faring
contra mim vos Burton, Lyricks 1884
well conspire
Males, que
Misfortunes, seeing that you
contra mim vos White 2008
plot against
Males, que
Afflictions that conspired
contra mim vos Zenith 2009
against me
Memria do meu
Memories of Joyaunce! nipt
bem, cortado em Burton, Lyricks 1884
in budding flowr
Memria do meu
Memories of happy days slain
bem, cortado em Hart 1962
in their primes
Memria do meu
Memorial to the good times,
bem, cortado em White 2008
carved in flowers
Offended Memories! that no
offendidas que hum Burton, Lyricks 1884
single day
s dia
Mil vezes determino I swear a thousand times to
Burton, Lyricks 1884
no vos ver unsee your sight
Mil vezes se move For times a thousand mine
Burton, Lyricks 1884
meu pensamento Intent was bent
Moradoras gentis e Dwellers, all grace and
Aubertin 1881
delicadas loveliness, where flows
Moradoras gentis e Delicate gentle Mays! who
Burton, Lyricks 1884
delicadas wone where flows
Mudam-se os The circling year doth 1 Adamson, Monthly
tempos change, and all the train Mirror, NS 2, 428-9
Mudam-se os The year is changeful, and 2 Adamson, Sonnets
tempos the joyous train (minor differences)
Mudam-se os The year is changeful, and
Adamson, Sonnets 1845
tempos the joyous train
Mudam-se os The times change on, the Drury in Argosy, 52,
tempos dreams we loved 329

Mudam-se os Times change, change mortal
Burton, Lyricks 1884
tempos loves and volunties
Mudam-se os Time and the mortal will
Garnett 1896
tempos stand never fast
Mudam-se os Time and the mortal will Garnett in Walsh,
tempos stand never fast 186-7
Mudam-se os The seasons change and
Figueiredo, 298 1925
tempos change continually
Mudam-se os Time and the mortal will Garnett in Van Doren
tempos stand never fast Anthology, 590-1
Mudam-se os There are changes in the
Trend 1954
tempos season
Mudam-se os
Time changes for us all Hart 1962
Mudam-se os Times ever change and with
Segel 1974
tempos them change our wills
Mudam-se os Bosley in Lus de
Times change with seasons 1990
tempos Cames, 66
Mudam-se os Times will change, intentions
Williams 2007
tempos will change too
Mudam-se os Time changes, and our
Baer 2008
tempos desires change. What we
Mudam-se os The times change, along with
White 2009
tempos fashions
Mudam-se os Times change, desires
Zenith 2009
tempos change
Mudam-se os Times change and desires
Barletta et al 2013
tempos change
Na desesperao j In Desperation gan repose
Burton, Lyricks 1884
repousava espy
Na desesperao j Out of desperation I laid to
White 2008
repousava rest
Na margem de hum Upon the margin of a stream,
Aubertin 1881
ribeiro, que fendia whose bed
Na margem de hum On bank of brooklet, cleaving
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ribeiro, que fendia with its tide
Na metade do Cu High in the glowing heavens,
Hemans 1818
subido ardia with cloudless beam
Na metade do Cu High in the glowing heavens, Hemans in
subido ardia with cloudless beam Longfellow, 747
Na metade do Cu High in the glowing heavens, Hemans, Heber and
subido ardia with cloudless beam Pollok, 253

Na metade do Cu In heavens high midst the
Aubertin 1881
subido ardia brilliant Shepherd Guide
Na metade do Cu Flamed on the midway Burton, The
subido ardia firmamental hill Academy, 541, 203
Na metade do Cu Flamed on the midway
Burton, Lyricks 1884
subido ardia firmamental hill
Na metade do Cu The sun stood blazing in
Hart 1962
subido ardia mid-sky
Na metade do Cu The flaming sun rises high, Baer, First Things,
subido ardia to the peak August
Na metade do Cu The flaming sun rises high,
Baer 2005
subido ardia to the peak
Na metade do Cu The sun, that gentle
White 2008
subido ardia shepherd, had climbed
Na ribeira do Wrapt in sad musing, by
Hemans 1818
Eufrates assentado Euphrates stream
Na ribeira do Wrapt in sad musing, by Hemans, Heber and
Eufrates assentado Euphrates stream Pollok, 253
Na ribeira do I sat me lonesome on
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Eufrates assentado Euphrates-shore
Na ribeira do By water-brooks of Babylon Young, Portugal An
Eufrates assentado I seat me Anthology, 83
Na ribeira do By broad Euphrates stream
Hart 1962
Eufrates assentado I sat
Na ribeira do By the waters of the Griffin, Cames: Some
Eufrates assentado Euphrates on and on Poems
Na ribeira do Sitting where the rapid
Baer 2005
Eufrates assentado waters flow
Na ribeira do Seated on the bank of the
White 2008
Eufrates assentado Euphrates
Na ribeira do Sitting beside the Euphrates
Zenith 2009
Eufrates assentado River
Niades, vos, que Naiads! ye ladyes who in
Burton, Lyricks 1884
os rios habitais rivers wone
Niades, vos, que Naades, ye who in the
Aubertin 1881
os rios habitais streams abide
Niades, vos, que Gentle and dainty Naiades,
Garnett 1896
os rios habitais who dwell
Niades, vs, que Naiads, you who dwell in the
White 2008
os rios habitais rivers
Nas Cidades, nos
In bosque and forest, in the
bosques, nas Burton, Lyricks 1884
mart and meet

Na ha louvor que
There be no praises reach the
arribe a menor Burton, Lyricks 1884
minim part
No passes, Stop, passer by-Who calls
Aubertin 1881
caminhante! me? Tis the claim
No passes, Pass me not, Passer-by!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
caminhante! Who names my name?
Burton, The
No passes, Pass me not, Passer-by!
Athenaeum, 3000, 1885
caminhante! Who names my name?
No passes, Stop, passer by! Who is
White 2008
caminhante! calling me?
No vs ao monte, Dont venture, Nise, to the
Aubertin 1881
Nise, com teu gado mount today
No vs ao monte, Lead not thy lambkins, Nis,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Nise, com teu gado to yon crest
No vs ao monte, Nise, / Go not upon the
Hart 1962
Nise, com teu gado mountain with thy flock
Nem o tremendo Not the tremendous clash
Burton, Lyricks 1884
estrepito da guerra and clang of fight
Nem o tremendo Not the tremendous clash of
Parmalee, 478 (prose) 1916
estrepito da guerra war
No mundo poucos Slowly and heavily the time
Strangford 1803
anos, e cansados has run
Strangford in The
No mundo poucos Slowly and heavily the time
Edinburgh Review, 1805
anos, e cansados has run
No mundo poucos Few years I number; years of Roscoe in Sismondi,
anos, e cansados anxious care 2, 532
No mundo poucos Slowly and heavily the time Strangford in
anos, e cansados has run Sismondi, 2, 532
No mundo poucos Slowly and heavily the time Strangford in
anos, e cansados has run Woodford, 259

No mundo poucos Few years I number, years of Roscoe in Longfellow,

anos, e cansados anxious care 746

No mundo poucos As tird and weary, from the

Adamson, Sonnets 1845
anos, e cansados rough swoln main
Burton, The
No mundo poucos Few weary winters pight in
Athenaeum, February 1881
anos, e cansados worldly Pale
26, 2783, 299
No mundo poucos On earth few years and
Aubertin 1881
anos, e cansados weary did I live

No mundo poucos Few weary Winters in this
Burton, Lyricks 1884
anos, e cansados worldly Pale
No mundo poucos Few years and evil to my life
Garnett 1896
anos, e cansados were lent
No mundo poucos Few years and evil to my life Garnett, Universal
anos, e cansados were lent Anthology, 12, 181-2
No mundo poucos My years on earth were Campbell, Portugal,
anos, e cansados short, but long for me 144
No mundo poucos My years were short and
Wilde in Tucker, 139 1966
anos, e cansados troubled on earth
No mundo poucos My years on earth were Campbell in
anos, e cansados short, but long for me Washburn, 568
No mundo poucos But few years were granted
Hart 1962
anos, e cansados me
No mundo poucos On earth I lived few years, Paul Hyland,
anos, e cansados and weary ones Underground, 296
No mundo poucos In this world I managed to Baer, First Things,
anos, e cansados survive August
No mundo poucos In this world I managed to
Baer 2005
anos, e cansados survive
No mundo poucos I passed on earth a few weary
White 2008
anos, e cansados years
No mundo poucos Few and wearisome years I
Zenith 2009
anos, e cansados lived
No mundo quis
Time in the world at one time
o Tempo que se Aubertin 1881
was intent
No mundo quis
Time hath so willd in the
o Tempo que se Burton, Lyricks 1884
World we find
No mundo quis
Time decrees that each
o Tempo que se Hart 1962
No mundo quis
Who could live so calmly on
o Tempo que se White 2008
this planet
No mundo quis
Times project in life was to
o Tempo que se White 2008
No regao da My Lapt by his Mother little Love
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Amor estava was lying
No tempo que de Where love, love only, was
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Amor viver soa my daily diet

No tempo que de In days of youth, when living
Garnett 1896
Amor viver soa but for Love
No tempo que de In those days when Love was
White 2008
Amor viver soa a fine game
No tempo que de Back in the days when I lived
Zenith 2009
Amor viver soa for Love
No tempo que de In the time when I lived for
Cohen 2012
Amor viver soa Love
Nos braos de hum Bound to a Sylvans breast
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Silvano a-slumbering lay
Nos seus olhos
In her challenging White 2008
Novos casos de
New change and chance of
Amor, novos Burton, Lyricks 1884
Love, new snare and sleight
Num bosque, que
Within a grove the haunt of anon, Monthly Mirror,
das Ninfas se 1802
Nymph and Fay 13, 51
Num bosque, que
Within a grove the haunt of
das Ninfas se anon, Adamson 1820
Nymph and Fay
Num bosque, que
Twas in a grove, the wood
das Ninfas se Adamson, Sonnets 1845
nymphs calm retreat
Num bosque, que
Within a wood nymphs were
das Ninfas se Aubertin 1881
Num bosque, que
Deep in a woody, Nymph-
das Ninfas se Burton, Lyricks 1884
inhabited dell
Num bosque, que
Within a wood nymphs were Aubertin in
das Ninfas se 1888
inhabiting Waddington, 20
Num bosque, que
Deep in a wood where dwell
das Ninfas se Hart 1962
the nymphs
Num bosque, que
In the woods, where the
das Ninfas se Baer 2005
nymphs pass their hours
Num bosque, que
To a wood where the nymphs
das Ninfas se White 2008
had tenure
Num jardim
Into a garden all adorned
adornado de Aubertin 1881
with green

Num jardim
Into a garden adorned with
adornado de Aubertin 1882
green (version 2)
Num jardim
Into a garden verdure-deckt
adornado de Burton, Lyricks 1884
and dight
Num jardim
adornado de In a garden, verdure-clad Hart 1962
Num jardim
To a garden luxuriously
adornado de White 2008
Num to alto lugar, Upon so noble height, mans
Burton, Lyricks 1884
de tanto preo highest prize
Num to alto lugar, On a place so exalted, of
White 2008
de tanto preo such credit,
Nunca em
Never did love his boldness
amor damnou o Aubertin 1881
hurtful find
Nunca em
Love neer condemned hearts
Amor damnou o Burton, Lyricks 1884
that boldly dare
Nunca em
Never did love his boldness Aubertin in
amor damnou o 1888
hurtful find Waddington, 209
Nunca em
Never in Love were the brave
amor damnou o Hart 1962
O capito Romano The Roman Capitayne so
Burton, Lyricks 1884
esclarecido famed of yore
O cisne, quando While on the margin of his
Strangford 1803
sente ser chegada native shores
O ceo, a terra, o All hushed the heaven and
Aubertin 1881
vento sossegado earth, and wind the same
O ceo, a terra, o The Heavens and Earth all
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vento sossegado husht; no gusts to moan
O ceo, a terra, o All hushed the heaven and Aubertin in
vento sossegado earth, and wind the same Waddington, 207
O ceo, a terra, o Sky, earth, and air are
Garnett 1896
vento sossegado sleeping silently
O ceo, a terra, o The sky, the earth, the wind
Hart 1962
vento sossegado are hushed
O ceo, a terra, o The sky, the land, the wind Griffin, Cames: Some
vento sossegado soothed down Poems

O ceo, a terra, o The sky, the earth, the wind Bosley in Lus de
vento sossegado subdued and quiet Cames, 75
O ceo, a terra, o The sky, the earth, the silent
Myers, 193 1995
vento sossegado wind
O ceo, a terra, o The sky, the earth, and the
Baer 2005
vento sossegado wind are blessed
O ceo, a terra, o The heavens, the earth, the
White 2008
vento sossegado tranquil breeze . . .
O ceo, a terra, o The sky, the earth, the wind
Zenith 2009
vento sossegado blowing softly
Wilde, Augusta
O cisne, quando They say the swan, though
Chronicle, 12 1821
sente ser chegada mute his whole life long
O cisne, quando They say the swan, though Wilde, SLM, 1, 4
sente ser chegada mute his whole life long December, 186
O cisne, quando While on the margin of his Strangford in
sente ser chegada native shores Woodford, 258
O cisne, quando When now at length, Times Roscoe, New Monthly,
sente ser chegada cycles at the full 75, 417
O cisne, quando The swan, when feeling that
Aubertin 1881
sente ser chegada its hour is oer
O cisne, quando The swan, when feeling that Aubertin Saturday
sente ser chegada its hour is oer Review
O cisne, quando The Swan, who feeleth that
Burton, Lyricks 1884
sente ser chegada enfated hour
O cisne, quando When the dying swan feels
Hart 1962
sente ser chegada his hour nigh
O cisne, quando They say the swan, though
Wilde in Tucker, 151 1966
sente ser chegada mute his whole life long
O cisne, quando When the Swan feels he has Griffin, Cames: Some
sente ser chegada arrived before Poems
O cisne, quando The swan, when it senses
Baer 2005
sente ser chegada that little more
O cisne, quando The swan, when he senses
White 2008
sente ser chegada fast approaching
O cisne, quando
The swan, sensing the arrival Willis 2013
sente ser chegada
O culto divinal se Sweetly was heard the
Strangford 1803
celebrava anthems choral strain
O culto divinal se Sweetly was heard the Strangford in Shelley
celebrava anthems choral strain 3, 303
O culto divinal se Sweetly was heard the Strangford in
celebrava anthems choral strain Longfellow, 746

O culto divinal se The souls of all were sad in
Aubertin 1881
celebrava solemn prayer,
O culto divinal se With holy Worship came they
Burton, Lyricks 1884
celebrava to adore
O culto divinal se The souls of all were sad in Aubertin in
celebrava solemn prayer, Waddington, 210
O culto divinal se Sweetly was heard the Strangford in Moore,
celebrava anthems choral strain Poet Lore, 366
O culto divinal se Divine worship was being
White 2008
celebrava consecrated
O dia em que nasci Now may the day that saw
Hart 1962
moura e perea my birth
O dia em que nasci May the day I was born die Griffin, Cames: Some
moura e perea and be done Poems
O dia em que nasci Die, day that I was born in, Hope & Moutinho,
moura e perea be undone! 681
O dia em que nasci Let the day perish wherein I Bosley in Lus de
moura e perea was born Cames, 83
O dia em que nasci Wipe away, with death, the
Baer 2005
moura e perea day of my birth
O dia em que nasci That black, terminal day I
White 2008
moura e perea was born
O dia, hora em
Die an eternal Death my
que naci moura e Burton, Lyricks 1884
natal Day
O dia, hora ou o The day, the hour, the
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ltimo momento morment of that hour
O filho de Latona Latonas son, by clearest
Burton, Lyricks 1884
esclarecido light belit
O filho de Latona Apollo, Latonas enlightened
White 2008
esclarecido son
O fogo que na The Fire, who burning made
Burton, Lyricks 1884
branda cera ardia soft wax a prey
O fogo que na The flame on the soft candle
White 2008
branda cera ardia burning
O gesto puro, enfim
Her every movement Hart (excerpt) 1962
e transparente
gloriosa cruz, O glorious Cross! O Cross for
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vitorioso aye victorious!
gloriosa cruz,
O glorious cross, O victorious Baer 2005

O quanto melhor he O how far better mans
Burton, Lyricks 1884
o supremo dia supremest Day
O raio cristalino se Aurora with her new-born
Aubertin 1881
estendia crystal ray
O raio cristalino se Dispread its sheeny rays in
Burton, Lyricks 1884
estendia chrystalline weft
O raio cristalino se Aurora with her new-born Aubertin in
estendia crystal ray Waddington, 208
O raio cristalino se Mottled dawn was spreading
White 2008
estendia her crystal
O raio cristalino se The crystalline ray of dappled
Zenith 2009
estendia Dawn
O tempo acaba o Time marks an end of years,
Segel 1974
ano, o ms e a hora of months, of hours
O tempo acaba o Time endeth every time, year,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ano, o ms e a hora month, and hour
O tempo acaba o Time ends year, month, and
White 2008
ano, o ms e a hora hour
O tempo acaba o Time swallows the year, the
Zenith 2009
ano, o ms e a hora month, the hour
O tempo est Time is avengd (costing me
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vingado custa mia so dear)
Oh! Arma,
Oh one and only Arm,
unicamente s Burton, Lyricks 1884
victorious Vaunt
Oh! como me se
Ah me ! how longsome
alonga de ano em Burton, Lyricks 1884
lengthens year by year
Oh! como se me
How far accumulating years
alonga de ano em Garnett 1896
Oh! como se me
How far accumulating years Garnett, Universal
alonga de ano em 1899
extend Anthology, 12, 182
Oh! como se me
Oh! How from year to year /
alonga de ano em Hart 1962
This weary pilgrimage
Oh! como se me
Oh! how it ever longer seems
alonga de ano em Barter 1974
to grow
Oh! como se me
O how from year to year they Bosley in Lus de
alonga de ano em 1990
reach and stretch Cames, 71

Oh! como se me
alonga de ano em Oh how long, year after year Zenith 2006
Oh! como se me
O, how it drags me along
alonga de ano em White 2008
year by year
Oh fortuna cruel! Ay, cruel Fortune! Ay, dure
Burton, Lyricks 1884
oh dura sorte! lot of woe!
h! quo caro me Ah me! how dearly costeth it
Burton, Lyricks 1884
custa o entender-te to trow thee
h! quo caro me Importunate Love, how much
White 2008
custa o entender-te it costs
Oh rigurosa O rigorous Absence I so
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ausencia desejada longed to see
Olhos, aonde o ceo Eyes! wherein heavenly
Burton, Lyricks 1884
coin luz naes pura, radiance purest pure
Olhos fermosos, em Beautiful Eyes! which portent
Burton, Lyricks 1884
quem quis Natura Nature bade
Olhos fermosos, em Ah, lovely eyes / Wherein all
Hart 1962
quem quis Natura Natures grace does lie
Olhos fermosos, em Beautiful eyes, by which
White 2008
quem quis Natura Nature looks
Ondados fios de Ye rippling golden Threads!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ouro, onde enlazado whose tangled skein
Ondados fios douro Ye waving, flowing threads of
Aubertin 1881
reluzente golden sheen
Ondados fios douro Ye wavy wirelets shining
Burton, Lyricks 1884
reluzente golden sheen,
Ondados fios douro Delicate weaves of gleaming
White 2008
reluzente gold
anon, Monthly Mirror,
Onde acharei lugar Where shall I find a spot so
12, 1801
to apartado? set a part
Onde acharei lugar Where shall I find some
Hemans 1818
to apartado? desert-scene so rude
Onde acharei lugar Where shall I find aplace so anon, in Adamson
to apartado? set apart (cf 1801)
Onde acharei lugar Where shall I find a place so anon, Eclectic Review,
to apartado? set apart 14, 566
Onde acharei lugar Where shall I find some Hemans, Heber and
to apartado? desert-scene so rude Pollok, 256-7
Onde acharei lugar Where shall I ever find so far
Burton, Lyricks 1884
to apartado? a spot

Onde acharei lugar Where shall I find some
Hyslop, Poems, 205 1887
to apartado? lonely wilderness?
Onde acharei lugar
O for a solitude so absolute Garnett, 121 1896
to apartado?
Onde acharei lugar Garnett, Universal
O for a solitude so absolute 1899
to apartado? Anthology, 12, 180
Onde acharei lugar Garnett in Moore,
O for a solitude so absolute 1907
to apartado? Poetic Lore, 366
Onde acharei lugar Where shall I find a place so
Hart 1962
to apartado? far removed
Onde mereci eu tal Whence did I merit by such
Burton, Lyricks 1884
pensamento? Thought be shent
Onde porei meus Where shall I bend these
Burton, Lyricks 1884
olhos que no veja eyne that be unseen
Ornou subllime
Bedeckt great Atlas meed of
esforo ao grande Burton, Lyricks 1884
Might sublime
Os meus alegres My tale of happy, fortune-
Burton, Lyricks 1884
venturosos dias favoured Days
Os olhos onde o Those charming eyes, within
Strangford 1803
casto Amor ardia whose starry sphere
Os olhos onde o In those eyes, whence Love
Hemans 1818
casto Amor ardia diffused his purest light
Os olhos onde o In those eyes, whence Love Hemans, Heber and
casto Amor ardia diffused his purest light Pollok, 254
Os olhos onde o Those charming eyes, within Strangford in
casto Amor ardia whose starry sphere Woodford, 263
Os olhos onde o Those charming eyes, within Strangford in
casto Amor ardia whose starry sphere Longfellow, 747
Os olhos onde o The eyes where love in
Aubertin 1881
casto Amor ardia chastest fire would glow
Os olhos onde o Those eyne where showed
Burton, Lyricks 1884
casto Amor ardia chaste Love his ardent glow
Os olhos onde o Those eyes, within whose
Hyslop, Poems, 205 1887
casto Amor ardia meek and modest glance
Os olhos onde o The eyes where love in Aubertin in
casto Amor ardia chastest fire would glow Waddington, 212
Os olhos onde o The eyes where love in Thomas Wentworth
casto Amor ardia chastest fire would glow Higginson, 106
Os olhos onde o Beautiful eyes, whereof the
Garnett 1896
casto Amor ardia sunny sphere
Os olhos onde o The eyes where love in Thomas Wentworth
casto Amor ardia chastest fire would glow Higginson, 399

Os olhos onde o Those charming eyes, within Strangford in Moore,
casto Amor ardia whose starry sphere Poet Lore, 365
Os olhos onde o Those charming eyes, within Strangford in Walsh,
casto Amor ardia whose starry sphere 182-3
Os olhos onde o Those charming eyes, within Strangford in Van
casto Amor ardia whose starry sphere Doren Anthology, 588
Os reinos e os Royaumes and Empires
Burton, Lyricks 1884
imprios poderosos highest in might and main
Os reinos e os Every kingdom and powerful
White 2008
imprios poderosos empire thats been
Os reinos e os The kingdoms and empires
Baer 2005
imprios poderosos that most matter
Os vestidos Elisa Oft-times Elisa the dear weed
Burton, Lyricks 1884
revolvia surveyd
Os vestidos Elisa Dido looks at her lovely
Baer 2005
revolvia dresses, the proud
Os vestidos Elisa Dido rummaged among the
White 2008
revolvia garments
Para se namorar do To love the Made, with loving
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que criou infinite
Para se namorar do To fall in love with his whole
White 2008
que criou world, his own
Passo por meus I through my travails pass so
Burton, Lyricks 1803
trabalhos to isento fancy-free
Passo por meus I go about my business so
White 2008
trabalhos to isento exempt
Pede o desejo, Desire, my Ladye! all to see
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Dama, que vos veja requireth
Pede o desejo, Desire drives me, Lady to
White 2008
Dama, que vos veja possess you
Pede o desejo, Desire, my Lady, asks that I
Cohen 2012
Dama, que vos veja see you
Por os raros
For the rare excellencies they
estremos que Adamson 1813
Pelos extremos For rare extremes displayed
Burton, Lyricks 1884
raros que mostrou in days of yore
Pelos extremos For the rare excellencies they
White 2008
raros que mostrou embodied
Pensamentos, que Tell me, my thoughts ! which Adamson, Monthly
agora novamente now before me raise Magazine, 35, 116
Pensamentos, que Tell me, my thoughts ! which
Adamson 1820
agora novamente now before me raise

Pensamentos, que Tell me, my thoughts ! which
Adamson 1842
agora novamente now before me raise
Pensamentos, que Fanciful Thoughts ! that now
Burton, Lyricks 1884
agora novamente with new intent
Pensamentos, que Thoughts that now awake
Hart 1962
agora novamente in me
Pensamentos, que Old thoughts that now, newly
White 2008
agora novamente minted
Perder-me assi em Thus from your Thought to
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vosso esquecimento lose me nills consent
Pois meus olhos
Since never tire mine eyes to
no cansam de Burton, Lyricks 1884
weep alwy
Pois meus olhos
Amidst the bitter tears that
no cansam de Hemans 1818
Pois meus olhos
no cansam de If pity doth sojourn (excerpt) Hart 1962
Pois meus olhos
Since my eyes never tire of
no cansam de White 2008
Pois meus olhos
Since my eyes dont tire of
no cansam de Zenith 2009
Pois torna por seu Then for his Roy to rule, and
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Rey, e juntamente service do
Por cima destas Over these waters firm and
Aubertin 1881
guas, forte e firme strong Ill go
Por cima destas Wi firm and forceful heart
Burton, Lyricks 1884
guas, forte e firme ferforth Ill hie
Por cima destas Heart made firm / Despite
Hart 1962
guas, forte e firme your tear-dimmed eyes
Por cima destas Over these waters I sail to
Baer 2005
guas, forte e firme whatever lies
Por cima destas Resolute and strong, buoyed
White 2088
guas, forte e firme by these breakers
Por sua Ninfa, Cephalus for his nymph had
Aubertin 1881
Cfalo deixava cast aside
Por sua Ninfa Cephalus, love-smit by his
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Cfalo deixava Nymph withdrew
Por sua Ninfa, On account of his nymph,
White 2008
Cfalo deixava Cephalus broke up
Por sua nympha Although she ushers in the
Zenith 2009
Cephalo deixava day

Porque a tamanhas Why Self thus offereth to
Burton, Lyricks 1884
penas se oferece such penality
Porque a tamanhas So why has the triune God,
Baer 2005
penas se oferece in agony
Porque a Terra no That Earth in Heaven mote
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ceo agasalhasse Asylum find
Porque quereis,
Why, Ladye ! would you see
Senhora, que Burton, Lyricks 1884
my life resignd
Porque quereis,
Why intend, Lady, of one who
Senhora, que White 2008
serves you
Posto me tem
Fortune hath placed me in so
Fortuna em tal Burton, Lyricks 1884
parlous state
Posto me tem
Fortune has brought me to
Fortuna em tal White 2008
such a shift
Presena bela, Fair presence, figure as an
Aubertin 1881
anglica figura angels fair
Presena bela, Beautiful presence, form of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
anglica figura Angel-grace
Presena bela, Beautiful presence, angelic
Baer 2005
anglica figura figure, youve
Presena bela, Lovely presence, modeled on
White 2008
anglica figura angels
Qual tem a
Even as Natures ure the
borboleta por Burton, Lyricks 1884
Night-moth doomes
Qual te a borboleta Een as Natures law compels
Hart 1962
por costume the moth
Qual te a borboleta Een as the butterfly that
Aubertin 1881
por costume courts its doom
Quando a suprema
When I (by spreme miseries
dor muito me Burton, Lyricks 1884
Quando a suprema
When my sufferings so great
dor muito me White 2008
it causes
Quando cuido
When I reflect on how I was
no tempo que, White 2008

Quando cuido
As I oermuse times passd,
no tempo, que Burton, Lyricks 1884
when content
Quando da bela When I behold you lady! Southey, Annual
vista e doce riso when my eyes Review, 2, 573
Quando da bela When I behold you lady! Southey, Poetical
vista e doce riso when my eyes Register, 4, 373
Quando da bela When I behold you lady!
Southey in Adamson 1820
vista e doce riso when my eyes
Quando da bela When I behold you lady! Southey, Eclectic
vista e doce riso when my eyes Review, 14, 565
Quando da bela When I behold you lady! Southey, The Port
vista e doce riso when my eyes Folio, 13, 262-3
Quando da bela When I behold you lady! Southey in Shelley
vista e doce riso when my eyes Lives 3, 306
Quando da bela When of the lovely sight my
Aubertin 1881
vista e doce riso feeding eyes
Quando da bela While of your laughter sweet
Burton, Lyricks, 36 1884
vista e doce riso and lovely eyes
Quando da bela When I behold you Lady! Southey in
vista e doce riso when my eyes Waddington, 213
Quando da bela When for a little I have leave
Garnett 1896
vista e doce riso to gaze
Quando da bela When with hungry eyes I look
Hart 1962
vista e doce riso upon
Quando da bela Whenever your beautiful face
Baer 2005
vista e doce riso and laughter entice
Quando da bela When my eyes are drawing
White 2008
vista e doce riso sustenance
Quando de minhas While prest with Woes from
Hayley, 277 1782
mgoas a comprida which it cannot flee
Quando de minhas While prest with Woes from Hayley, in Lyric
mgoas a comprida which it cannot flee Repository, 48
Quando de minhas While prest with Woes from Hayley in The Port
mgoas a comprida which it cannot flee Folio, 2:37, 296
Quando de minhas While prest with Woes from
Hayley in Adamson 1820
mgoas a comprida which it cannot flee
de minhas mgoas While prest with Woes from Hayley in Shelley
a comprida which it cannot flee Lives, 3, 322
Quando de minhas While prest with Woes from Hayley in Longfellow,
mgoas a comprida which it cannot flee 739
Quando de minhas When, wearied out with
Quillinan, Poems, 62 1853
mgoas a comprida sorrows still my theme

Quando de minhas When of my yearning grief
Burton, Lyricks 1884
mgoas a comprida the long offending
Quando de minhas When long imaginings on
Aubertin 1881
mgoas a comprida griefs supreme
Quando de minhas While prest with Woes from Hayley in Peck, V,
mgoas a comprida which it cannot flee 2244-5
Quando de minhas When my sorrows, and
Trend 1954
mgoas a comprida thinking of them all
Quando de minhas When fancy lulls my lids to
Hart 1962
mgoas a comprida sleep
Quando de minhas When of my sufferings the
Griffin, Gentle Spirit 1980
mgoas a comprida long drawn out
Quando de minhas When the long brooding on Bosley, Comparative
mgoas a comprida my misery Criticism, 6, 159-60
Quando de minhas When the long brooding on Bosley, Lus de
mgoas a comprida my misery Cames, 75
Quando de minhas When my fantasies, and Baer, First Things,
mgoas a comprida these extreme August
Quando de minhas When my fantasies, and
Baer 2005
mgoas a comprida these extreme
Quando de minhas When prolonged reflection on
White 2008
mgoas a comprida my grief
Quando de minhas When endless dwelling on my
Zenith 2009
mgoas a comprida sorrows
When shall ye rest you, Eyne
descanareis, olhos Burton, Lyricks 1884
that look for rest!
Quando do raro
While by thy prowess, shown
esforco que Aubertin 1881
in rare degree
Quando do raro
When thy rare Valiency in
esforo que Burton, Lyricks 1884
battle shown
Quando o Sol
When day has smild a soft Strangford, Annual
encoberto vai 1803
farewell Review 2, 573
Quando o Sol
When the clouded sun (literal Southey, Annual
encoberto vai 1803
version) Review, 2, 573
Quando o Sol Strangford, The
When day has smild a soft
encoberto vai Literary Magazine, 1803
mostrando 51-52
Quando o Sol Strangford, in
When day has smild a soft
encoberto vai Edinburgh Review, 1805
mostrando 6:11, 47

Quando o Sol
When the sun overcast, is Frere, Edinburgh
encoberto vai 1805
showing to the world Review, 6:11, 47
Quando o Sol Strangford, The
When day has smild a soft
encoberto vai Gentlemans 1805
mostrando Magazine, 62
Quando o Sol
At the close of the day, in anon, Scots Magazine
encoberto vai 1815
sacred aisle and Edinburgh, 536
Quando o Sol
When day has smild a long Strangford, in The
encoberto vai 1818
farewell [sic] Vocal Library, 144
Quando o Sol
When day has smild a soft Strangford, in The
encoberto vai 1819
farewell Gleaners Port-Folio 50
Quando o Sol
When the glad sun sinking Kenealy, DUM, 21,
encoberto vai 1843
(with additional material) 427-8
Quando o Sol
When day has smild a soft Strangford in
encoberto vai 1845
farewell Longfellow, 745
Quando o Sol
As Sol with veild brow his
encoberto vai Burton, Lyricks 1884
beams abasing
Quando o Sol
When going down of sun
encoberto vai Garnett 1896
tints evening air
Quando o Sol
When day has smild a soft Strangford in Moore,
encoberto vai 1907
farewell Poet Lore, 369
Quando o Sol
When the sun sinks slowly in
encoberto vai Hart 1962
the west
Quando o Sol
As the hazy sun, caught in
encoberto vai Baer 2005
the clouds below
Quando o Sol
When the sun, half-hidden,
encoberto vai White 2008
Quando o Sol
When the fading sun begins
encoberto vai Cohen 2012
to show

Quando os olhos
When I employ mine eyes on
emprego no Burton, Lyricks 1884
times gone by
Quando os olhos
Bending upon the Past
emprego no Garnett 1896
reverted eyes
Quando os olhos Garnett, The
Bending upon the Past
emprego no Athenaeum, 3592, 1896
reverted eyes
passado August 29
Quando se vir com When man sees water burn
Burton, Lyricks 1884
agua o fogo arder with blazing lowe
Quando se vir com When flaming fire with water
Aubertin 1881
agua o fogo arder is allied
Quando se vir com When water burns with
Hart 1862
agua o fogo arder lambent flame
Quando se vir com When flames are fuelled by
White 2008
agua o fogo arder cold water
Quando, Senhora,
When Love, my Ladye! willd
quis Amor que Burton, Lyricks 1884
that I love
Quando, Senhora,
When, Lady, Love gave orders
quis Amor que White 2008
I should dote
Quando vejo que Whenas I see my Destiny
Burton, Lyricks 1884
meu destino ordena ordain
Quando vejo que When I see my destiny
White 2008
meu destino ordena applied
Quando vos eu via It was to my advantage White 2008
Quanta incerta
How much of doubtful Hope,
esperana, quanto Burton, Lyricks 1884
how sly a snare!
Quantas penas,
How many miseries, Love!
amor, quantos Burton, Lyricks 1884
what banes inbred
Quantas vezes do Oft as forgot her spindle woe-
Burton, Lyricks 1884
fuso sesquecia forlore
Quantas vezes do As oft as Dalianas spindle
Aubertin 1881
fuso sesquecia fell
Quantas vezes do As often as Daliana at the
White 2008
fuso sesquecia spinning wheel
Quanto tempo, How long, mine Eyes! how
Burton, Lyricks 1884
olhos meus, com tal long with such lament

Quo bem
With what high blessing me
aventurado me Burton, Lyricks 1884
had Fortune blest
Quo cedo te
How soon hath stole thy life
roubou a morte Burton, Lyricks 1884
Death sore and dure
Que doudo
What be this madding
pensamento he o Burton, Lyricks 1884
Thought I nill forego?
que sigo?
Que esperais,
Hope ! what of hoping own
esperana? Burton, Lyricks 1884
you?I despair.
Que esperais,
Ah, Hope, what canst thou
esperana? Hart 1962
hope? For naught
Que esperais,
What do you hope for,
esperana? Segel 1974
hope? I hope for naught.
Que estila a Arvore
What drips the Holy Tree? Burton, Lyricks 1884
Que fiz Amor, que
What did I, Love, thou
tu to mal me Burton, Lyricks 1884
shouldst me so maltreat?
Que levas, cruel
What takest thou, cruel Burton, The
Morte? Um claro 1882
Death?A day all-splendid Academy, 541, 203
Que levas, cruel
What takest thou, cruel
Morte? Um claro Burton, Lyricks 1884
Death?A day all-splendid
Que levas, cruel Burton, The
What takest thou, cruel
Morte? Um claro Athenaeum, 3000, 1885
Death A day all-splendid
dia 533
Que levas, cruel
What didst thou carry off, O
Morte? Um claro Hart 1962
Death? A perfect day
Que levas, cruel
What bear you, cruel
Morte? Um claro Segel 1974
Death? A splendid day.
Que levas, cruel
Cruel Death, whats that you Bosely in Lus de
Morte? Um claro 1990
carry? A bright day. Cames, 65
Que levas, cruel
Death, what have you
Morte? Um claro Baer 2005
stolen? This lovely day.

Que levas, cruel
Death, what are you
Morte? Um claro White 2008
taking? The daylight.
Que me quereis, Ah! vain desires, weak Roscoe, Sismondi, 2,
perptuas saudades wishes, hopes that fade! 533
Que me quereis, Ah! vain desires, weak Roscoe, Longfellow,
perptuas saudades wishes, hopes that fade! 746
Que me quereis, O, vain desires! why still this
Mangan, DUM, 6, 295 1835
perptuas saudades bosom burn?
Que me quereis, Why haunt you me, fond Quillinan, The
perptuas saudades wishes ever yearning Lusitanian, 6, 38-9
Que me quereis, Why haunt you me, fond
Quillinan, Poems, 61 1853
perptuas saudades wishes ever yearning
Que me quereis, Of me what seek you,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
perptuas saudades Thoughts that always yearn
Que me quereis, Why haunt you me, fond Quillinan, Florilgio
perptuas saudades wishes ever yearning Camoniano, I
Que me quereis, What would you, O endless
Hart 1962
perptuas saudades longing
Que me quereis, What do you want of me,
White 2008
perptuas saudades endless regret?
Que modo to sutil What novel show of Natures
Burton, Lyricks 1884
da natureza subtleties
Que modo to sutil How strange and how
Hart 1962
da natureza portentous life
Que modo to sutil How strange is life that she
Baer 2005
da naturez should choose to shun
Que modo to sutil How subtle of nature to
White 2008
da natureza inhibit
Que pode j fazer What can now Fortune to my
Burton, Lyricks 1884
minha ventura lot secure
Que pode j fazer How strange is life that she
Baer 2005
minha ventura should choose to shun
Que pode j fazer What today could make my
White 2008
minha ventura fortune
Que poderei do What is there left in this vain Rosco in Sismondi,
mundo j querer world to crave 2, 533
Que poderei What is there left in this vain Roscoe in Longfellow,
domundo j querer world to crave 746
Que poderei do What expectations from the
Burton, Lyricks 1884
mundo j querer World have I
Que poderei do What hath the wide world left
Garnett 1896
mundo j querer me to adore?

Que poderei do What can I in the world now
Parmalee, 485 1916
mundo j querer wish for more
Que poderei do What can I hope for in this
Hart 1962
mundo j querer world
Que poderei do What can I now ask from the Griffin, Cames Some
mundo j querer world for me Poems
Que poderei do What have I still to ask from Bosley in Lus de
mundo j querer the worlds store? Cames, 74
Que poderei do What now in this world could
White 2008
mundo j querer I long for
Que poderei do What can I want from the
Zenith 2009
mundo j querer world now?
Que venais no Than having conquered
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Oriente tantos Reis many an Eastern Roy
Que venais no More than crushing
Baer 2005
Oriente tantos Reis countless kings, those lords
Que venais no You overcame in the East so
White 2008
Oriente tantos Reis many rulers
Queimado sejas tu Burn thou and burn wi thee
Burton, Lyricks 1884
e teus enganos thy snaring Bane
Quem busca
Whose Contentment seeks in
no amor Burton, Lyricks 1884
Love to find
Southey, MS
Quem diz que amor
version 1 Bodleian, 1799
falso e enganoso
Quem diz que amor Lives there a wretch, who Strangford, Monthly
falso e enganoso would profanely dare Mirror
Strangford cited in
Quem diz que amor Lives there a wretch, who
Annual Review, 2, 1803
falso e enganoso would profanely dare
Quem diz que amor Is there who says that Love is Southey, Annual
falso e enganoso like the wind Review, 2, 574
Quem diz que amor Lives there a wretch who Strangford, Port Folio,
falso e enganoso would profanely dare 4:25, 200
Quem diz que amor Is there who says that Love is Southey, Poetical
falso e enganoso like the wind Registery, 4, 372
Quem diz que amor He who proclaims that Love
Hemans 1818
falso e enganoso is light and vain
Quem diz que amor Is there who says that Love is
Southey, in Adamson 1820
falso e enganoso like the wind
Quem diz que amor Is there who says that Love is Southey, Eclectic
falso e enganoso like the wind Review, 14, 565

Quem diz que amor Is there who says that Love is Southey, The Port
falso e enganoso like the wind Folio, 13, 262-3
Quem diz que amor He who proclaims that Love Hemans, Heber and
falso e enganoso is light and vain Pollock, 256
Quem diz que amor Who calls Love felon, lief of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
falso e enganoso tricks and lies
Quem diz que amor Who taxes Love immortal
Garnett 1896
falso e enganoso with deceit
Quem diz que amor Who calls love false or
Hart 1962
falso e enganoso frivolous
Quem fosse
Oh! but the little bird to
acompanhando Aubertin 1881
Quem fosse
Ah ! could I only fare
acompanhando Burton, Lyricks 1884
Quem fosse
Would that with thee I were
acompanhando Garnett 1896
upon the wing
Quem fosse
Would that with thee I were Garnett, in Goldberg,
acompanhando 1924
upon the wing 29
Quem fosse
Whoever had by way of
acompanhando White 2008
Quem jaz no gro Who sleeps in this grand Quillinan,The
sepulcro sepulchre, oer wrought Lusitanian, 6, 38-9
Quem jaz no gro Who lies in this great Aubertin, Saturday
sepulcro sepulchre that shows Review
Quem jaz no gro Who lies in this great
Aubertin 1881
sepulcro sepulchre that shows
Quem jaz no gro Who lies i the lordly Tomb
Burton, Lyricks 1884
sepulcro that doth indite
Quem jaz no gro Who sleeps in this grand Quillinan, Florilgio
sepulcro sepulchre, oer wrought Camoniano, I
Quem jaz no gro Who lies within this lordly
Hart 1962
sepulcro tomb
Quem jaz no gro Who lies in this great Baer, Modern
sepulcro sepulcher? Who Poetry, NS 18, 25-6
Quem jaz no gro Who lies in this great
Baer 2005
sepulcro sepulcher? Who
Quem jaz no gro Who lies in this grand tomb,
White 2008
sepulcro such distinguished

Quem pode livre Gentle lady, / Who that once
Hart, 237 1962
ser, gentil Senhora has looked upon thy
Quem pode livre Who mote enjoy his freedom,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
ser, gentil Senhora Ladye fair!
Quem pode livre Who, gentle lady, is not in
White 2008
ser, gentil Senhora thrall
Quem presumir,
Whoso, presumeth, Ladye
Senhora, de Burton, Lyricks 1884
mine! to praise you
Quem presumir,
Whoever presumes to praise
Senhora, de louvar- White 2008
you, Lady
Quem, Senhora,
Whoso, my Ladye! shall
presume de Burton, Lyricks 1884
presume to praise you
Quem pudera julgar Whose judgment, Ladye!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
de vs, Senhora could of you discoure
Quem pudera julgar
Who could believe, my lady Hart 1962
de vs, Senhora
Quem quiser
Whoever wants to witness
ver dAmor ua Strangford 1820
Love at his best
Quem quiser
Whoso would see of Love an
ver dAmor ua Burton, Lyricks 1884
Quem quiser
If you would know loves
ver dAmor ua Hart 1962
Quem v, Senhora,
Should I but live a little more Strangford 1803
claro e manifesto
Quem v, Senhora, He, Lady ! who, with clear
Adamson 1820
claro e manifesto transparent eyes
Quem v, Senhora, He, Lady ! who, with clear
Adamson 1842
claro e manifesto transparent eyes
Quem v, Senhora, Who seeth, Ladye ! clear and
Burton, Lyricks 1884
claro e manifesto manifest
Quem v, Senhora, Who beholds, my lady, a its
Hart 1962
claro e manifesto best
Quem v, Senhora, Whoever, Lady, sees plainly
White 2008
claro e manifesto on view
Quem v, Senhora, Whoever, Lady, sees plain
Zenith 2009
claro e manifesto and clear
Quem vos levou
Who fro me robbd you, O
de mim, saudoso Burton, Lyricks 1884
wistful State!

Quem vos levou
Who robbed me of my state
de mim, saudoso White 2008
of trust
Saudades me
Repining pains me with so
atormento to Burton, Lyricks 1884
fierce intent
Se a Fortuna
If aye-unjust Fortune evil-
inquieta e mal Burton, Lyricks 1884
Se a Fortuna
If Fortune, fickle and of evil
inquieta e mal Hart 1962
Se a Fortuna
If fickle Fortune, with her
inquieta e mal Baer 2005
evil eye
Se a Fortuna
If giddy, squinting Fortune
inquieta e mal White 2008
that mocks
Se a ninguem
If thou indifference wilt
tratais com Aubertin 1881
display to none
Se a ninguem
If thou indifference wilt Aubertin in
tratais com 1888
display to none Waddington, 205
Se a ningum
An with Unlove you deign no
tratais com Burton, Lyricks 1884
man to treat
Se a ninguem
If thou meetest no man with
tratais com Hart 1962
Se a ninguem
If just once compassion for
tratais com Hemans 1818
my chronic
Se algua hora em Should Love, the tyrant of my
White 2008
vs a piedade suffering heart
Se algua hora em If just once compassion for
Strangford 1803
vs a piedade my chronic
Se algua hora em If haply rue you, in some
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vs a piedade happy hour
Se alguma hora
If your douce Vision at some
essa vista maes Burton, Lyricks 1884
hour you deign
Se ao te quero If in I love thee thous as
Burton, Lyricks 1884
desses tanta f much confide

Se as penas com
que Amor to mal Should I but live a little more Strangford 1803
Se as penas com
Strangford in The
que Amor to mal Should I but live a little more 1818
Vocal Library, 142
Se as penas com
Should Love, the tyrant of my
que Amor to mal Hemans 1818
suffering heart
Se as penas com
Should Love, the tyrant of my Hemans, Heber and
que Amor to mal 1831
suffering heart Pollok, 255
Se as penas com
If pains whereby Love wreaks
que Amor to mal Burton, Lyricks 1884
me such despight
Se as penas com
If the pangs that Love
que Amor to mal White 2008
prescribes wish me
Se com desprezo, An thy despisal, Nymph !
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Ninfa, te parece thou haply trow
Se como em tudo
If, as in all things else you be
o mes fostes Burton, Lyricks 1884
Se da celebre Laura Of those famd charms which
Strangford 1803
a fermosura gracd the Tuscan fair
Se da celebre Laura An far-famed Laura, beautys
Burton, Lyricks 1884
a fermosura cynosure
Se da celebre Laura If from the sheer beauty of
White 2008
a fermosura your face
Se de vosso fermoso If from your fairy form and
Burton, Lyricks 1884
e lindo gesto graceful geste
Se de vosso fermoso If from the sheer beauty of
White 2008
e lindo gesto your face
Se, depois de
After so many hopes
esperana tao White 2008
foundered, if
Se despois de
If after Hope so lostso
esperana tao Adamson 1820
spent in vain
Se despois de
If after Hope so lostso
esperana tao Adamson 1842
spent in vain

Se despois de
An after losing Hope so long-
esperana to Burton, Lyricks 1884
Se em mim ( If in me other memory live, O
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Alma|) Sprite!
Se grande glria me If be my greatest glory but to
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vem s de olhar-te view thee
Se lgrimas
If tears in torrents and in
choradas de Burton, Lyricks 1884
truth beshed
Se me vem tanta If I so triumph but because I
Burton, Lyricks 1884
glria s de olhar-te view thee
Se me vem tanta If sight of thee doth give me
Hart 1962
glria s de olhar-te greatest joy
Se no que tenho If aught I haply said your
Burton, Lyricks 1884
dito vos offendo heart offend
Se os capites Allowing the ancient captains
Baer 2005
antigos colocados to surpass
Se para mim tivera, Could I for self expect that
Burton 1884
que algum dia some one day
Se pena por amar- If loving you deserves a heavy Strangford Annual
vos se merece sentence Review
Se pena por amar- If Pain the loving-price of you
Burton, Lyricks, 1884
vos se merece must pay
Se pena por amar- If to love you / Condemns to
Hart 1962
vos se merece punishment
Se pena por amar- If loving you brings pain and
Baer 2006
vos se merece disgrace
Se pena por amar- If loving you deserves a heavy
White 2008
vos se merece sentence
Se quando vos
When from my heart the Strangford, in Annual
perdi, minha 1803
hand of Fortune tore Review, 2, Jan, 571
Se quando vos
When from my heart the Strangford in The Port
perdi, minha 1804
hand of Fortune tore Folio, 4:42, 336
Se quando vos
When from my heart the Strangford in
perdi, minha 1841
hand of Fortune tore Woodford, 260
Se quando vos
O Hope, long lost ! if when Mrs Cockle in
perdi, minha 1820
thou tookst thy flight Adamson, 68

Se quando vos
O Hope, long lost ! if when Mrs Cockle in Eclectic
perdi, minha 1820
thou tookst thy flight Review, 14, 564
Se quando vos
O Hope, long lost ! if when Mrs Cockle in
perdi, minha 1842
thou tookst thy flight Adamson
Se quando vos
If, when I lost you, you mine
perdi, minha Burton, Lyricks 1884
Se somente hora
If I some hour some ruth in
alguma em vs Burton, Lyricks 1884
you could see
Se somente hora
If just once compassion for
alguma em vs White 2008
my chronic
Se, Senhora Lurina, If any fain begin, my Dame
Burton, Lyricks 1884
algum comeo Lurine!
Se tanta pena tenho If I have merited such pain-
Burton, Lyricks 1884
merecida full plight
Se tanta pena tenho If I have merited such an
White 2008
merecida ordeal
Se tomo a minha If by my paining I do
Burton, Lyricks 1884
pena em penitncia penitence
Se tomar minha If I accept my sentence
White 2008
pena em penitncia penitently
Se, despois
If after Hope so lostso
desperana to Adamson 1920
spent in vain
Se, despois
After so many hopes
desperana to White 2008
foundered, if
Seguia aquele fogo, Followed the beckoning of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
que o guiava the beacon-fire
Seguia aquele fogo, Leander followed the fire that
White 2008
que o guiava steered
Sempre a Razo By Amor routed Reason aye
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vencida foi de Amor hath been
Sempre a Razo Perennially, Love has
White 2008
vencida foi de Amor conquered Reason
Sempre, cruel Ever, my cruel Faire! with
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Senhora, receei fear I strave
Sempre, cruel Watching your mistrust with
Hart 1962
Senhora, receei eye perplexed

Sempre, cruel Cruel Senhora, Ive always
Baer 2008
Senhora, receei been wary. I knew
Sempre, cruel
Fearing your inability to trust White 2009
Senhora, receei
Senhor Joo Lopes, O Lopez! Yesterday the stars
Strangford 1803
o meu baixo estado were kind
Senhor Joo Lopes, O Lopez!yesterday the stars Strangford in
o meu baixo estado were kind Woodford, 263
Senhor Joo Lopes, Sir John Lopz ! yestreen my
Burton, Lyricks 1884
o meu baixo estado low estate
Senhor Joo Lopes, Senhor Joo Lopes: yesterday
Baer 2005
o meu baixo estado my poor
Senhor Joo Lopes, My Lord Joo Lopes, my low
White 2008
o meu baixo estado degree
Senhora, j Ladye, my Spirits now liege
Burton, Lyricks 1884
destalma, perdoai lord! condone
Senhora, j
My lady, sovereign of my soul Hart 1962
destalma, perdoai
Senhora, j Lady, mistress of my heart,
Baer 2005
destalma, perdoai console
Senhora, j Pardon now, Lady, and from
White 2008
destalma, perdoai your heart all
Senhora minha, se My best belovd!although
Strangford 1803
a Fortuna imiga unpitying skies
Senhora minha, se Adieu, sweet Vision, that at
Tait in West, 622 1985
a Fortuna imiga (?) last must be
Senhora minha, se
My lady, if it is Fortunes will White 2008
a Fortuna imiga
Senhora minha, se My Dame! if Love of purest
Burton, Lyricks 1884
de pura inveja jealousy
Senhora minha, se My lady, // If some jealous
Hart (excerpt) 1962
de pura inveja god should snatch you
Senhora minha, se
Lady, if I could contrive White 2008
de pura inveja
Senhora minha, se Senhora mine! driven self fro
Burton, Lyricks 1884
eu de vs ausente you to absent
Senhora, quem a Dame. whoso dareth hie to
Burton, Lyricks 1884
tanto se atreve such a height
Now when the lovely spouse
alcanada a bella Aubertin 1881
of Cephalus knows
Sentindo-se tomada Feeling herself entrapt the
Burton, Lyricks 1884
a bela esposa lovely Spouse

Sentindo-se tomada Perceiving she was taken, the
White 2008
a bela esposa lovely Procris
Sete anos de pastor Seven years a Shepherd,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Jacob servia Jacob did obey
Sete anos de pastor As shepherd Jacob served
Stock 1891
Jacob servia seven weary years
Sete anos de pastor Seven long years was Jacob Campbell, Portugal,
Jacob servia herding sheep 145
Sete anos de pastor Seven long years as shepherd Bosley in Lus de
Jacob servia Jacob slaved Cames, 61
Sete anos de pastor For seven years, the Baer, Modern Poetry
Jacob servia shepherd Jacob slaved , NS, 18, 26
Sete anos de pastor For seven years, the
Baer 2005
Jacob servia shepherd Jacob slaved
Sete anos de pastor Seven years Jacob served as
White 2008
Jacob servia a shepherd
Sete anos de pastor For seven years as a
Zenith 2009
Jacob servia shepherd Jacob
Sete anos de pastor Jacob served as shepherd
Cohen 2012
Jacob servia seven years
Sobre os rios do
When, on the Rivers where
reino escuro, Burton, Lyricks 1884
the black Reign lies
Ye sighs, which breathe the Adamson, Monthly
inflamados, que 1813
sadness of my soul Magazine, 35, 116
Ye sighs, which breathe the
inflamados, que Adamson 1820
sadness of my soul
Ye sighs, which breathe the
inflamados, que Adamson 1842
sadness of my soul
The fervent sighs that anon, The Lusitanian,
inflamados, que 1845
through these numbers pour 4, 119
The fervent sighs that anon, Florilgio
inflamados, que 1887
through these numbers pour Camoniano, I
Hot Sighs and Singulfs! that
inflamados, que Burton, Lyricks 1884
have voice to sing
Sighs, on whose flaming
inflamados, que Garnett 1896
breath has flown so wide

Ardent sighs, you rhyme the
inflamados, que White 2008
Sustenta meu viver Only one single Hope my life
Burton, Lyricks 1884
huma esperana sustaineth
Sustenta meu viver One hope sustains my whole
White 2008
ua esperana existence
Tal mostra d de si So doth your semblance
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vossa figura show to raptured viewer
Tal mostra d de si The light of this rounded
Hart 1962
vossa figura world
Tal mostra d de si Such an impact, Sibela, your
White 2008
vossa figura lovely figure
Tanto de meu
I find so many doubts my
estado me acho Burton, Lyricks 1884
State enfold
Tanto de meu
So shifting and inconstant is
estado me acho Figueiredo 1925
my state
Tanto de meu
The state Im in is so
estado me acho Zenith 2009
Tanto de meu
So much of my life is
estado me acho White 2008
Tanto se fora, So fard, Nymph! self-
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Ninfa, costumando customing these Eyne
Tem feito os olhos Have shed these eyelids, in
Burton, Lyricks 1884
neste apartamento this banishment
Tempo j que
Its high time my confidence White 2008
minha confiana
Todas as almas
The souls of all were sad in
tristes, se Aubertin 1881
solemn prayer
Todas as almas
Showed all mens spirits, by
tristes, se Burton, Lyricks 1884
their woe down-weighd
Todas as almas,
The souls of all were sad in Aubertin in Goldberg,
tristes, se 1924
solemn prayer 19
Todas as almas,
All heads were bowed in
tristes, se Hart 1962

Todas as almas,
All souls, at Mass, knelt in Baer, First Things,
tristes, se 2002
supplication May
Todas as almas,
All souls, at Mass, knelt in
tristes, se Baer 2005
Todo animal da Twas noontide sweet, and
Adamson, Sonnets 1845
calma repousava from Sols vivid rays
Todo animal da All living things are resting
Aubertin 1881
calma repousava from the heat
Todo animal da All animals rested in the
Burton, Lyricks 1884
calma repousava Noontide still
Todo animal da All living things were resting
Hart 1962
calma repousava / in the noonday calm
Todo animal da All animals were resting from
White 2008
calma repousava the noons heat
Tomava Daliana por Daliana, vengeful of her
Aubertin 1881
vingana swain
Tomava Daliana por Willd Daliana wed, to
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vingana avenge the slight
Tomava Daliana por Dalianas revenge against the
White 2008
vingana scorn
Tomou-me vossa Conquered and captured me
Burton, Lyricks 1884
vista soberana your sovran Sight
Tomou-me vossa The magnificent sight of you
White 2008
vista soberana compelled
Tornai essa
Give back that whiteness to
brancura alva Aubertin 1881
the lily white
Tornai essa
Give back this blanchness to
brancura alva Burton, Lyricks 1884
the Lilys skin,
Tornai essa
Give back your whiteness to
brancura alva Baer 2005
the Easter flowers
Transforma-se o Becomes the Lover to the
Burton, Lyricks 1884
amador na cousa Loved transmewd
Transforma-se o A part of that he loves
Figueiredo, 299 1925
amador na cousa becomes the lover
Transforma-se o The lover changes into what
Hart 1962
amador na cousa he loves
Transforma-se o The lover to belovd is
Segel 1974
amador na cousa transformed

Transforma-se o The lover in the beloved Bosley in Lus de
amador na cousa objects transformed Cames, 74
Transforma-se o The lovers self-transformed
Griffin 1990
amador na cousa to the thing loved
Transforma-se o The lover into the beloved
Williams (1) 1991
amador na cousa object is transformed
Transforma-se o The lover in the beloved
Willliams (2) 1991
amador na cousa objects transformed
Transforma-se o The lover in the beloved
Williams 2007
amador na cousa objects transformed
Transforma-se o Lovers change themselves
White 2008
amador na cousa into the thing
Transforma-se o The lover becomes the thing
Zenith 2009
amador na cousa he loves
Transforma-se o The lover becomes the
Newcomb 2011
amador na cousa beloved
Transforma-se o The lover is transformed into
Cohen 2012
amador na cousa what he loves
Transforma-se o The lover becomes the thing Pazos-Alonso &
amador na cousa he loves Parkinson, 82
Transumpto sou,
I am translated, Ladye! by
Senhora, neste Burton, Lyricks 1884
your snare
Tristezas! Com
Tristesse! wi tristest moans
passar tristes Burton, Lyricks 1884
and groans I wone
Tristezas! Com
Brooding in sadness oer my
passar tristes Garnett 1886
evil case
Tristezas! Com
Brooding in sadness oer my Garnett, Universal
passar tristes 1899
evil case Anthology, 12, 182
Tristezas! Com
Brooding in sadness oer my
passar tristes Garnett, Goldberg, 41 1924
evil case
Tu que descanso
Thou who some calm art
buscas com Aubertin 1881
craving to provide
Tu que descanso
Thou, who with restless Hope
buscas com Burton, Lyricks 1884
to rest thee tried
Tu que descanso
You who seek serenity in the Baer, First Things,
buscas com 2002
wide May

Tu que descanso
You who seek serenity in the
buscas com Baer 2005
Um firme corao A constant heart by hazard
Burton, Lyricks 1884
posto em ventura made unsure
Mrs Cockle in
Um mover dolhos, Her Eyes soft movement,
Adamson, Memoirs, 1820
brando e piadoso radiant and benign
Um mover dolhos, Her Eyes soft movement, Mrs Cockle in Shelley
brando e piadoso radiant and benign Lives 3, 305
Um mover dolhos, A movement of the soft eyes, Speranza, Lady Wilde,
brando e piadoso slow and eloquent The Nation, Aug 15
Um mover dolhos, A movement of the soft eyes, Speranza, Lady Wilde,
brando e piadoso slow and eloquent Poems
Um mover dolhos, A soft and pity-full glancing
Burton, Lyricks 1884
brando e piadoso of those eyes
Um mover dolhos, Eyes that so softly and so
Figueiredo, 300 1925
brando e piadoso gently glance
Um mover dolhos, A flutter of the eyes, gentle
Trend 1954
brando e piadoso and understanding
Um mover dolhos, A certain movement of thine
Hart 1962
brando e piadoso eyes
Um mover dolhos, A darting of the eyes, gentle
Barter 1974
brando e piadoso and pious
Um mover dolhos, This was the heavenly
Segel 1974
brando e piadoso enchantment (tercet)
Um mover dolhos, A gentle, gracious movement Bosley in Lus de
brando e piadoso of the eyes Cames, 74
Um mover dolhos, The movement of her eyes,
Baer 2005
brando e piadoso the subtle tenderness
Um mover dolhos, A shift of the eyes, gentle and
White 2008
brando e piadoso piteous
Um mover dolhos, Eyes that flash with gentle
Zenith 2009
brando e piadoso pity
Uma admiravel erva There blooms a plant, whose
Hemans 1818
se conhece gaze, from hour to hour
Uma admiravel erva There blooms a plant, whose Hemans, Heber and
se conhece gaze, from hour to hour Pollok, 256
Uma admiravel erva In Hind an admirable herb is
Burton, Lyricks 1884
se conhece known
Uma admiravel erva There grows a plant, a
Hart 1962
se conhece wondrous plant

Vencido est
Fielding to Love I see High
de Amor Meu Burton, Lyricks 1884
Thoughts low lien
Vencido est
Myself have I yielded to your
de amor meu Hart 1962
Vencido est
de amor meu Im vanquished by your love Baer 2005
Ventana venturosa, Thou winsome Window!
Burton, Lyricks 1884
do amanece whence the Morns dispread
Verdade, Amor, The Vanity of Unwarrantable
Ayres 1687
Razo, Merecimento Notions
Verdade, Amor, Verity, Amor, Reason,
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Razo, Merecimento Meritment
Verdade, Amor, Truth, Love, Reason, and
Baer 2005
Razo, Merecimento Merit
Verdade, Amor, Truth, Love, Merit, and
White 2008
Razo, Merecimento Reason
Verdade, Amor, Truth, Love, Reason and
Zenith 2009
Razo, Merecimento Virtue
Vi queixosos
I saw a thousand lovers Love
de Amor mil Burton, Lyricks 1884
Vs, Ninfas
You Nymphs who grace
da Gangtica Burton, Lyricks 1884
Gangetick coverture!
Vs, Ninfas
Nymphs of the Ganges jungle
da Gangtica Baer 2005
sing sweet and light
Vs, Ninfas
Nymphs of the forests of the
da Gangtica White 2008
Ganges valley
Vs outros, que
Ye other Wanderers seeking
buscais repouso Burton, Lyricks 1884
certain rest
Vs outros, que
You others who search for
buscais repouso White 2008
peace of mind
Vs que, dolhos You that with suavest orbs of
Burton, Lyricks 1884
suaves e serenos ray serene
Vs que, dolhos Ye in whose bonds man
Garnett 1896
suaves e serenos walks a willing thrall

Vs que, dolhos You, who hold my heart
Hart 1962
suaves e serenos imprisoned
Vs que, dolhos You whose eyes, so gentle
White 2008
suaves e serenos and serene
Vs s podeis, You only, consecrate
Burton, Lyricks 1884
Sagrado Evangelista Evangelist!
Vossos olhos,
Those eyes, whence Love
Senhora, que Heman 1818
diffused his purest light
Vossos olhos,
Your eyes, my Ladye! that
Senhora, que Burton, Lyricks 1884
with Sol compete
Vossos olhos,
Your eyes, Lady, that in their
Senhora, que White 2008
Vos que escuitays
All ye who listen, while my
em Rimas Burton, Lyricks 1884
Rhymes proclaim


Although the authorship of a number of sonnets has been disputed,

this does not alter the fact that they have been attributed to Cames,
translated into English and therefore entered the English cultural

Incipits have been standardised for consistency.

Mistaken attributions have been corrected.


Anon. The fervent sighs that through these numbers pour. The
Lusitanian, 4 (1845). 119.
Anon. The fervent sighs that through these numbers pour; Rest gentle
soul, belovd, who tookst thy leave! Florilegia Camoniana, (1897). 1.
Anon. Fragmentos dos Lusiadas e sonetos vertidos em inglez. Oporto:
Livraria Cames [de Fernandes Possas], 1887. 4 pages. (Reproduces
translations from The Lusitanian).
Anon. Go, gentle spirit! now supremely blest. Adamson, Memoirs of the
Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens. Volume 1. London: Longmans
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown & Co., 1820. 261.

Anon. Go, gentle spirit! now supremely blest; Where shall I find a place
so set a part. Art. IV. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de
Camoens. The Eclectic Review, 14 (December 1820). 559-71.
Anon. Go gentle spirit! now supremely blest; While on my head kind
Fortune deignd to pour in Hayley, 1782. 275.
Anon. Go gentle spirit! now supremely blest; While on my head kind
Fortune deignd to pour. The Lyric Repository, A Selection Of Original,
Ancient, And Modern, Songs, Duets, Catches, Glees, And Cantatas,
Distinguished For Poetical and Literary Merit. London: printed by L.
Wayland, for J. French, 1787. 47-8.
Anon. Where shall I find a spot so set a part. Monthly Mirror Reflecting
Men and Manners, 12 (December 1801). 419-20.
Anon. Within a grove the haunt of Nymph and Fay. Monthly Mirror
Reflecting Men and Manners, 13 (January 1802). 51.
Anon. Rest gentle soul, belovd, who tookst thy leave. The Lusitanian, 5
(1845). 241.
A. Thou lovely spirit that so soon hast fled. Monthly Repository of Theology
and General Literature, 11:124 (April 1816). 242.
Adamson, John. The circling year doth change, and all the train; Monthly
Mirror, reflecting men and manners, NS 2 (December 1807). 428.
--- Lusitania Illustrata: Notices on the History, Antiquities, Literature, etc.,
of Portugal. Literary Department, Part I. Selection of Sonnets, With
Biographical Sketches of the Authors. Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by
T. and J. Hodgson, 1842.
--- Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens. Volume 1. London:
Longmans, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown & Co., 1820.
--- Memoranda Lusitanica. Monthly Magazine or, British Register, 35:238
(March 1813). 115-7. (Mr Adamsons Specimens of Portuguese Poetry).
--- Sonnets. Newcastle: M.A. Richardson, 1845.
--- Sonnets from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens, &c. Newcastle:
Akenheads, 1810.
Aubertin, J. J.. On the Death of a Lady in her Youth. Beneath this mo-
numental stone enshrined. Peck, V, 1901. 2245.
--- Seventy sonnets of Camoens: Portuguese text and translation. With
original poems. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1881.
Ayres, Philip. The Vanity of Unwarrantable Notions. Done out of
Portugueze, from Lewis de Camos. Lyric poems, made in imitation
of the Italians of which, many are translations from other languages.
London: Printed by J.M. for Jos. Knight and F. Saunders, 1687.
Baer, William, Lus de Cames. Selected Sonnets. A Bilingual Edition.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
--- various. Modern Poetry in Translation, New Series No. 18 (2001). 25-6.
--- First Things (May-October 2002).
Barletta, Vincent, Mark L. Bajus, Cici Malik, eds. and trans. An Anthology
of Iberian Lyric Poetry, 1400-1700. Chicago and London: University of

Chicago Press, 2013.
Barter, Arthur Reginald. Portugal through her literature: an anthology of
prose and verse with introduction, notes on authors, and parallel trans-
lations. Foreword by the late Duke of Palmella. Glastonbury (Benedict
St, Glastonbury, Somerset): Walton Press, 1972.
Bell, Aubrey Fitz Gerald. Poems from the Portuguese (with the Portuguese
Texts). Oxford: Blackwell, 1913.
Blackmore, Josiah. The Shipwrecked Swimmer: Camess Maritime
Subject. Modern Philology, 109:3 (February 2012). 312-25.
Bosley, Keith. Lus de Cames. Epic and Lyric. (Aspects of Portugal).
Manchester: Carcanet & Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1990.
--- Lus de Cames. That fair prisoner and other poems. Comparative
Criticism, 6 (1986). 157-63.
Burton, Richard F.. Adieu to Coimbra. Sweet lucent waters of Mondego-
Stream. Peck, V, 1901. 2251-2.
--- Cames. The Lyricks. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1884.
--- Three Sonnets of Camoens. The Academy, 541 (September 16, 1882).
--- Three Sonnets From Camoens. The Athenaeum, 2783 (February 26,
1881). 299.
--- Review of The Lyrick of Camoens. Englished by R. F. Burton. 2 vols.
(Quaritch). The Athenaeum, 3000 (April 25, 1885). 533-4.
Campbell, Roy. Dear Gentle Soul; My years on earth were short, but
long for me. World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our
Time. Eds. Katharine Washburn and John S. Major. New York: Quality
Paperback Book Club, 1998. 568.
--- Portugal. London: Max Reinhardt, 1957. 144-5.
Cockle, Mrs. Her Eyes soft movement, radiant and benign. Adamson
(1820). 68.
--- O Hope, long lost ! if when thou tookst thy flight. The Eclectic Review,
14 (1820). 564.
Cohen, Rip. Transformations of Desire: An Essay on Portuguese Erotic
Poetics. Lisbon, 2012, at:
bitstream/handle/1774.2/33843/Transformati ons%20of%20
Downes, Leonard Stephen. Portuguese Poems and Translations. Lisbon,
Drury, Anna Harriet. Sonnet. From the Portuguese of Camoens. The
times change on, the dreams we loved. Argosy: a magazine of tales,
travels, essays, and poems, 52 (October 1891). 329.
Estorninho, Carlos. O Culto de Cames em Inglaterra. Arquivo de
Bibliografia Portuguesa, 6 (1961). 152-69.
Figueiredo, Fidelino de. Cames as a Lyric Poet. Romanic Review, 16:4
(1925). 287-305.
Florilgio Camoniano, Tomo 1. Oporto, 1887.

Florilegio de Bibliophilos. Alma minha gentil (soneto de Luiz de Cames,
com traduces em diversas linguas, prefaciadas por Xavier da Cunha).
Typographia Elzeviriana, 886. (Hayley, Southey, Hemans, Aubertin
and Burton).
Frere, Bartholomew. ART. III. Poems from the Portuguese of Luis de
Camoens, with Remarks on his Life and writings. Notes, &c. &c. The
Edinburgh Review, 6:11 (April 1805. 43-50. (Wellesley attribution).
Garnett, Richard. Apparel of green woods and meadows gay. Hispanic
Anthology, Ed.Thomas Walsh 1920. 183-4.
--- Dante, Petrarch, Camoens: CXXIV Sonnets Translated. London: J. Lane;
Boston, Copeland & Day, 1896.
Garnett, Richard et al, ed. Sonnets of Camoens. The Universal Anthology.
London: The Clarke Company, Volume 12, 1899. 179-82.
Goldberg, Isaac. Cames: Central Figure of Portuguese Literature (1524-
1580). Little Blue Book No. 530. Ed. E. Haldeman-Julius. Girard,
Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Co., 1924.
Griffin, Jonathan. Cames: Some Poems. London: The Menard Press, 1976.
--- Gentle spirit...: verse and prose by Luis de Camoes, Jorge de Sena,
Eugenio Lisboa, Jonathan Griffin, Keith Bosley, Lus de Cames. Ed.
Anthony Rudolf. London: Menard Press, 1980.
Hart, Henry Hersch. Luis de Camons and the Epic of the Lusiads. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1962.
Hayley, William. While on my head kind Fortune deignd to pour (anon.);
O, gentle spirit! now supremely bleft (anon); While prest with woes
from which it cannot flee. An Essay on Epic Poetry: in Five Epistles to
the Revd Mr. Mason, with Notes. Epistle Three Sketch of the Northern
and the Provenal Poetry.The most distinguished Epic Poets of Italy,
Spain, Portugal, France, and England. Notes to the Third Epistle.
London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1782. 275-7.
--- While prest with woes from which it cannot flee. The Lyric Repository,
A Selection Of Original, Ancient, And Modern, Songs, Duets, Catches,
Glees, And Cantatas, Distinguished For Poetical and Literary Merit.
London: printed by L. Wayland, for J. French, 1787. 48.
--- While prest with woes from which it cannot flee. Peck, V, 1901. 2244-5.
--- While prest with woes from which it cannot flee, The Port Folio, 2:37
(1802), 296.
Hemans, Felicia. On the Death of Catherina de Attayda. Spirit beloved!
whose wing so soon hath flown. Peck, V, 1901. 2244.
--- The Poetical Works of Hemans, Heber and Pollok. Philadelphia: John
Grigg, 1883.
--- Spirit beloved! whose wing so soon hath flown. The Athenaeum, 354
(1834). 594.
--- Spirit beloved! whose wing so soon hath flown. Longfellow, 1845. 747.
--- Translations from Camoens, and Other Poets. With Original Poetry, by
the Author of Modern Greece, and the Restoration of the Works of Art to

Italy. Oxford: Printed by S. and J. Collingwood for J. Murray, London;
and J. Parker, 1818.
--- Waves of Mondego! brilliant and serene. Hoods magazine, 6:84
(October 1846). 367.
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Afternoon landscape: poems and transla-
tions. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889.
--- Sonnets from Cames. The writings of Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
Volume 6. Outdoor studies. Poems. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1900.
Hope, Alec Derwent and Isabel Moutinho. Lus de Cames. Meanjin,
48:4 (Summer 1989). 680-1.
Hyland, Paul. For Pero Moniz, who died at sea. On earth I lived few years,
and weary ones. Poems on the Underground. Eds. Gerard Benson,
Judith Chernaik and Cicely Herbert Tenth revised edition. London:
Orion, 2001. 296. (First published 1991).
Hyslop, James. Poems. Glasgow: C.L. Wright, 1887, 205 (LVI. Sonnet from
Camoens, LVI. Sonnet from Camoens).
Jack, Malcolm, ed. The Travel Diaries of William Beckford Vathek and
Other Stories. A William Beckford Reader. London: William Pickering,
1993. 258-9.
Kenealy, Edward Vaughan Hyde. Barney Brallaghan. A Polyglot Paper.
When the glad sun sinking. Dublin University Magazine, 21 (1843).
Kitchin, Laurence. Love sonnets of the Renaissance / translated from
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Krummrich, Philip. Let Cupid seek new wiles, new trickery. Saltana
(2011). 2.
Levitin, Alexis. May Love seek out new arts, devise a plot. Metamorphoses,
7:1 (1998). 129.
Lofft, Capel. Laura: or, an Anthology of Sonnets (on the Petrarcan
model) and Elegiac Quatuorzains. English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
French, and German, original and translated; great part never before
publisht. With a preface, critical and biographic, notes and index. 5
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Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, ed. The Poets and Poetry of Europe.
Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1845.
--- Poems of Places. Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland. Volume II. Boston:
James R. Osgood and Company, 1877.
Mangan, James Clarence. O, vain desires! why still this bosom burn?
Dublin University Magazine, 6 (1835). 295.
Moore, Isabel. The Literature of Portugal. Poet Lore, 18:3 (Autumn 1907).
Myers, Robert Edward. The Language of Cames: Modern Readers of The
Lusiads and the Exclusion of Portuguese from the Western Canon. PhD
thesis, Yale University, 1995.
Newcomb, Robert Patrick. Transforma-se o amador na coisa amada:

Hegelian Recognition in a Sonnet by Cames. Romance Notes, 51:2
(2011). 227-35 (p.227).
Old Nick. Beauty. From the Portuguese of Camoens. Spirit of the Public
Journals, for 1804. Being an Impartial Selection of the Most Ingenious
Essays and Jeux dEsprits, that appear in the Newspapers and Other
Publications , VIII (London: Printed for James Ridgway, VIII (1805).
--- Sonnet from Camoens. The God of song, and sister Muses nine. The
Pic nic, 1 (January 8, 1803). 25.
--- From Camoens. Thy Lovely Charms Celestial Maid. The Ladys
Monthly Museum, or, Polite repository of amusement and instruction, 12
(January 1804). 64.
Parmalee, Katherine Ward. Review. Camoes e a Infanta D. Maria. By Jose
Maria Rodrigues. Romanic Review, 7 (January 1, 1916). 475-85.
Pazos-Alonso, Cludia and Stephen Parkinson, eds. Reading Literature in
Portuguese. Commentaries in Honour of Tom Earle. Oxford: Legenda,
2013. 73, 82.
Peck, Harry Thurston et al, ed. Louis de Camoens. The Worlds Great
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Drama, Travel, Adventure, Fiction, Etc. A Record of the Great Things that
have been Said and Thought and Done from the Beginning of History.
Volume V. New York: The International Society, 1901. 2238-52.
Pessoa, Fernando. Oh gentle spirit mine that didst depart. Translation,
Second Series. Eds. Neville Braybook and Elizabeth Neville. London:
Phoenix Press, 1947. 34.
Priest, Harold Martin, ed. Renaissance and Baroque Lyrics: An Anthology
of Translations from the Italian, French and Spanish. Evanston, Illinois:
Northwestern University Press, 1962.
Quillinan, Edward. Poems. London: Edward Moxton, 1853. 61-2.
--- Why haunt you me, fond wishes ever yearning; Quem jaz no gro
sepulcro. The Lusitanian, 6 (1845). 338-9.
Roscoe, Thomas. Few years I number, years of anxious care; Ah! vain
desires, weak wishes, hopes that fade; What is there left in this world
to crave. Sismondi. 532-3.
--- Few years I number, years of anxious care; Ah! vain desires, weak
wishes, hopes that fade!; What is there left in this world to crave.
Longfellow, 1845. 746.
--- The quiet beauty of this verdant hill. Ainsworths Magazine, 6 (October
1844). 438.
--- Sweet sainted one! Who mortal weeds so young. New Monthly
Magazine and Humorist, 75:297 (September 1845). 33.
--- When now at length, Times cycles at the full. New Monthly Magazine
and Humorist, 75:300 (December 1845). 417.
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View of the History, Politics and Literature for the Year 1789, Poetry.167.
Segel, Harold B.. The baroque poem: a comparative survey, together with
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Sismondi, J.-C.-L. Simonde de. Historical View of the Literature of the
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Sousa, Justino de. Lus de Cames and The Lusiads. Bombay: Guardian
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Southey, Robert. Art. XXXII. Review of Poems from the Portuguese of Luis
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review and history of literature, 2 (January 1803). 569-77.
--- Eu me parto de vs, ninfas do Tejo, 11 January 1799; Doces e clara
guas do Mondego, 11 February 1799; Quem diz que Amor falso
ou enganoso, 28 December 1799. Unpublished translations in MS
Bodleian 1799.
--- Is there who says that Love is like the wind; Meek spirit, who so early
didst depart. Review of Adamsons Memoirs of the Life and Writings of
Luis de Camoens. The Eclectic Review, 14 (December 1820). 563, 565.
--- Meek spirit, who so early didst depart. Review of Adamsons Memoirs
of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens. The Gentlemans Magazine
and historical chronicle (December 1820). 527.
--- Sonnet, from Camoens. Alma minha gentil. The Monthly visitor, and
pocket companion, 5 (November 1798). 292.
--- Sonnets from the Poetry of Camoens The Poetical Register and reposi-
tory of fugitive poetry, 4 (January 1806). 371-5.
--- When I behold you lady! when my eyes. The Port Folio, 13 (1822).
--- When I behold you lady! when my eyes. Review of Adamsons Memoirs
of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens. The Eclectic Review, 14
(1820). 565.
Speranza (Lady Wilde). Catarina. From the Portuguese of Camoens. The
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--- Catarina. From the Portuguese of Camoens. Poems. Dublin: James
Duffy,1864. 142.

Stock, Collard J.. Translations in Verse from the French, Spanish, Portuguese,
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--- Poems, from the Portuguese of Luis de Camoens, with Remarks on his
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--- Silent and slow, now freshning breezes blow. The Port Folio, 4:7
(1804). 56.
--- Silent and slow, now freshning breezes blow. The Port Folio, 4:44
(1804). 352.
--- Slowly and heavily the time has run. Sismondi. 532-3.
--- The Vocal Library: Being the Largest Collection of English, Scottish, and
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--- When day has smild a soft farewell. The Literary Magazine and
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Swiggett, Glen Levin. Sonnets from Foreign Lands. Sewanee, Tennessee:
The University of the South, 1957.
Taylor, L. C., ed. Lus de Cames Epic and Lyric. Manchester: Carcanet &
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Trend, J. B. Portuguese Poems with Translations. Cambridge: R. I. Severs,
Tucker, Edward L.. Richard Henry Wilde His Life and Selected Poems.
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Van Doren, Mark and Garibaldi M. Lapolla. Junior Anthology of World
Poetry. New York: A. and C. Boni, 1929.
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Waddington, Samuel. The Sonnets of Europe. A Volume of Translations.
London: Walter Scott, 1886.
Walsh, Thomas, ed. Hispanic Anthology: Poems Translated from the Spanish
by English and North American Poets. Hispanic Notes and Monographs.
Peninsular Series IV. New York, London: G. P. Putnamss Sons, 1920.
Warner, Charles Dudley, ed. Library of World Literature. Ancient and
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Watts, A. A.. Sonnets V. From the Portuguese of Camoens. Vain was
the frown of pride to disunite. Poetical sketches: the Profession, the
Broken heart, etc.: with stanzas for music, and other poems. 3rd edition
with additional poems. London: Printed for Hurst, Robinson, 1824,


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