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Hello and welcome to a new school year!

My name is Miles Otstot and I am the new band director at NRHEG. Im looking forward to getting started
and to a great year. Ive already started to get associated with the program and helped out with this
summer with the marching band. We had a successful summer marching season and have one more
competition this fall, the Waseca Marching Classic. This year the band will also be taking a trip to San
Diego to march as part of the Holiday Bowl. We are excited for this opportunity and will be finalizing the
plans for the trip this fall. We hope that this trip will be memorable, exciting, and educational for the

This handbook contains a great deal of information about the band program. Please take the time to read
through the packet and calendar. I suggest you keep the handbook and calendar to make reference when
needed. All that needs to be returned to me is the Band Booster volunteer form and the student/parent
signature page.

If you have any questions dont hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting you all and having a
great year at NRHEG!


Mr. Miles Otstot
(507) 417-2618


If you never make (or simply allow) yourself to explore the extremities in music, youll never know what
you are capable of. How soft can you play? How varied can you make your articulation? How varied can
you make your vibrato (can you even play with vibrato?)? We need to let the music guide these elements,
not our ability to execute them.

And who cares what such-and-such a recording does. Find your own voice! Make your own decisions! Be
AWARE of the sounds you are creating because you WANT those sounds to be created!

Be inspired and inspiring!

- Chelsea Koziatek, flautist


Respect Yourself
Respect Others
Respect the Podium
Respect Property
All NRHEG Public Schools and Minnesota State High School League policies are enforced in the band
room. Tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and dangerous objects are strictly forbidden from band activities.

When you enter the classroom, promptly get your instrument and prepare for class to start
Arrive with all necessary materials, a great attitude, and ready to work
Check board for schedule and announcements and prepare accordingly
Cell phones are prohibited
Chrome books are to be stowed away in backpacks or under chair unless otherwise specified
Food, gum, and drinks other than water are prohibited
Touch and play only your own instrument
Instruments must be placed in their cases, securely latched, and put away after rehearsal
Folders are to be put back in the folder cabinet after rehearsal
Stay in the band room until you are excused
Be respectful in everything you do


The Panther Band unites individuals into one community. No one person is greater than the rest.
Therefore, every single member is expected to participate to the best of his or her ability.

Attendance at all performances, rehearsals, and lessons is mandatory unless previously arranged
with Mr. Otstot
Students are expected to arrive to all band events promptly.

To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is to be forgotten.

Mr. Otstot must be notified in advance for all rehearsal and performance absences
o At least 2 weeks for a performance
o At least 1 week for a rehearsal
o Students who participate in school-sanctioned teams or organizations as a member only
need to give Mr. Otstot verbal notice
Acceptable and unacceptable absences coincide with the policies included in the 2017-2018
NRHEG student handbook
Mr. Otstot is to be notified as soon as possible when an emergency absence arises. Leave a voice
message if necessary
Unexcused absences will lower the students grade

a. Students will have 5 points every week. Students will lose points for not coming prepared
and or not being engaged in class.
b. Active participation is essential to becoming a better musician and to the success of the
c. If a student is absent and that absence is excused it will have no effect on the grade. If a
students absence is unexcused than a student will lose a point for the week.
d. Examples of situations resulting in a loss of points include but are not limited to
(no music/instrument, disruptive behavior, cell phone usage, etc.)
a. Major Band performances will count for 100 points.
i. i.e. Indoor Marching, Christmas Concert, Pops Concert etc.
ii. If a performance is missed, students will be required to research a composer or
musician and present this research to the class.
b. Pep band performances will count for 20 points.
a. Students will be required to take in-class assignments and tests.
i. i.e. Playing tests, scale tests, listening assignments, etc.
4. LESSONS 20%
a. Students are required to sign up for 2 lessons per quarter
b. Students may sign up in pairs or groups of 3 of the same instrument
i. Any larger group size must be approved by Mr. Otstot
c. Student are to sign up based on compatible individual schedules
d. Students who are absent from a lesson for any reason are to make up this lesson with Mr.
Otstot before or after school hours.
5. Extra Credit Opportunities In order to provide students with the opportunity to earn extra
points, students have these opportunities.
a. Concert Review 20 Points
i. Students can attend a live concert and write a short response about the concert. This
should include the artist or group, what was performed, and what the student liked
and disliked about the performance.
ii. Please include a concert program.
b. Solo and Ensemble Festival 20 points
i. Participation in the Solo and Ensemble Festival held at MSU in April will result in
Extra Credit points
c. Honor Band Participation 20 points
i. Throughout the year there are opportunities to participate in honor bands. These
can be local honor bands, college sponsored honor bands, or other honor bands. If
students are interested in these opportunities, they should speak to Mr. Otstot.
d. All State Audition 10 Points
i. Each year Minnesota Music Educators Association puts on the Minnesota All State
band. Students can earn extra credit by auditioning for this band.
e. All State Participation 50 points
i. If a student is selected to participate in the All State band they will earn extra credit.

Grading Scale
A 92-100
A- 90-91
B+ 88-89
B 82-87
B- 80-81
C+ 78-79
C 72-77
C- 70-71
D+ 68-69
D 62-67
D- 60-61
F 0-59


Please keep jewelry, headbands, and other accessories to a minimum as to not distract from the overall
performance. Mr. Otstot reserves the right to ask for jewelry or other accessories to be removed.

Marching uniform (when appropriate)
Concert black (when appropriate)
o Black dress pants
o Black skirt must be finger-tip length; black leggings or nylons recommended
o Black shirt or blouse strapless or spaghetti straps are NOT ALLOWED
o Shoes MAY NOT be flip flops. Comfortable and appropriate shoes are encouraged
Prom dresses or Sunday Best for Pops Concert please see Mr. Otstot if you have any questions

Marching uniform (when appropriate)
Concert black (when appropriate)
o Black dress pants (no jeans or athletic wear)
o Black dress shoes (no athletic shoes)
o Black socks
o Long-sleeved black button down collared shirt
o Red tie
Prom tuxedos or Sunday Best for Pops Concert please see Mr. Otstot if you have any questions

** All concert dress must be deemed acceptable within the

policies of the school dress code **


All Students:
Valve Oil
Slide Grease
Reeds (at least 4 in good, working order)
o Students who need new reeds may purchase them from Mr. Otstot

**If your instrument happens to break or something isnt working properly please bring the instrument
to Mr. Otstot first! There are many things that can be fixed in the band room without having to bring the
instrument into the repair shop**


Every student will be required to attend lessons. These lessons occur groups of 2 or 3 students who play
the same instrument. Each student is required to attend at least 2 lessons each quarter. Students may
attend more than the required two lessons as long as no teachers complain about continued absence from
class. It is the responsibility of the student to sign up for lessons.


The NRHEG Panther Marching Band is a competitive street parade band open to all band students
entering grades 9-12. The Panther Marching Band competitive schedule makes up about 10 summer
parades and 1 or 2 fall parades. The marching band season will conclude with the annual Indoor
Marching Band Concert. Information regarding the next marching season, including
attendance/participation, parade and rehearsal schedules, uniform fitting and care, and any additional
information will be given out in May. The long tradition of success seen by The Panther Marching Band
is due to hard work and dedication during rehearsals. Additional rehearsals outside of the regular school
day will be necessary.


All students are welcome and encouraged to join the NRHEG Jazz Band. Rehearsals will begin Thursday,
September 7th and are Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7:45am. Students in jazz band must
first be enrolled in concert band (unless playing a non-band instrument like guitar). If you do not play a
traditional jazz instrument and want to be in the group, please let Mr. Otstot know. We will work
something out!

Pep Band is one of the best ways to support your peers and school community! It is the most visible part
of the band program, and thus it is very important that we look and sound good at all times. It is required
that all students, unless Mr. Otstot is given prior notification, attend all Pep Band games. These games will
be part of the students performance grade. The pep band will travel with the athletic teams for playoff
games that are held at different locations other than the school. Playoff games will not be counted
towards the students grade.

New band members will be expected to buy a Pep Band shirt at the beginning of the year. They are $6.
Returning band members who lost theirs will need to buy a new one. Wearing this T-shirt and jeans is
expected at all games.


Lettering in band recognizes students whom have gone above and beyond and committed a large portion
of their time to the ensemble community. To letter in band, you must be at a minimum of 90% of all
performances from June through May. Performances include all concerts, pep band, parades, and large
group contest.


There are two ways for students to raise money for their student band accounts during the entire year: 1)
working the popcorn stand, and 2) selling Kwik Trip Cards. These are fantastic ways to help fund the cost
of the band trip in 2017. Here is how each works:

During home volleyball, basketball, and wrestling events the band students run the popcorn stand.
Students are able to sign up to work for specific games during the year and they can work as many games
as they are able. Each time a student works the popcorn stand they receive $10 that is automatically
placed into their band account.

Kwik Trip Cards:

The band program is partnered with Kwik Trip for fundraising by the selling of the Kwik Trip gift cards.
To order Kwik Trips cards the student has to enter their information on the google drive form found on
the NRHEG Music Department website. The card(s) will be ordered once a week for anyone who has
placed an order and once the student has turned in the money they will receive the cards. The student
then receives 5% of the entire order and is automatically placed into their band account.

The Band Boosters will also be looking into additional fundraising opportunities this fall.


A vital part of our bands success is attributed to the Band Boosters. The Band Boosters help make sure
that many of the extra activities run smoothly and effectively such as various fundraisers like the Soup
and Pie Supper. Please make it a priority for you and your parents to attend as many meetings as

This year the band boosters will be helping to finalize the plans for the San Diego band trip. Any and all
input is welcome. You will find a schedule of band booster meetings on the attached calendar.


Information on all aspects of the NRHEG band program can be found on the NRHEG music website:

Band events, updates, and news will be posted on the NRHEG Panther Bands Facebook page.
Check us out!


Feel free to Contact Mr. Otstot with any questions or concerns.

Office Phone: (507) 417-2618

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