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At the Intersection of Health, Health Care and Policy

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Helen A. Halpin and Peter Harbage

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The Origins And DemiseOf The Public Option
Health Affairs 29, no.6 (2010):1117-1124
doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0363

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History & Politics

By Helen A. Halpin and Peter Harbage

doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0363

The Origins And Demise

NO. 6 (2010): 11171124
2010 Project HOPE
The People-to-People Health

Of The Public Option Foundation, Inc.

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Helen A. Halpin (helenhs@
ABSTRACT The public option for health insurance, as defined by the is a professor at
111th Congress, grew from roots planted in California in 2001. the School of Public Health,
University of California,
Progressives supported it as a voluntary transition toward single-payer Berkeley.
insurance, while conservatives opposed it as a government takeover of
Peter Harbage is a consultant
health care. Although present in several interim bills and in legislation with Peter Harbage
passed in November 2009 by the House of Representatives, the public Consulting, in Washington,
option was omitted from the legislation passed by the Senate in
December 2009 and from the final package adopted by both houses in
March 2010. Lack of support among moderate Democrats, opposition
from Republicans, and ambiguous messages from the White House are
among the explanations for the public options defeat. However, there is
nothing in the recently enacted legislation that would prohibit states
from creating a public option in their exchanges.

s the 111th Congress drafted legis- provider charges through the bargaining power
lation for comprehensive health of a large government payer.
care reform, the proposal to offer The proposal to increase the role of govern-
Americans the choice of a so-called ment in achieving these aims fueled the con-
public option became one of the cerns and opposition of conservativesas well
most hotly contested issues. From the beginning as those of private insurers, providers, and
there was confusion, not only over what consti- other interest groups representing the supply
tuted a public option, but also what it would side of the health economy. Ultimately, the pub-
mean to the U.S. health care system and the lic option failed as a result of many factors, in-
American people. The public option raised the cluding lack of support from moderate and
long-standing question: What is the appropriate conservative Democrats, opposition from Re-
role of government in achieving health insur- publicans and health care interest groups, and
ance coverage for all Americans? ultimately an absence of strong support from the
We trace the rise and fall of the public option, White House.
as it came to be defined in the recent health care
reform debate, and as experienced by two pro-
ponents intimately involved in the process. We Chronology Of The Public Option
recount the public options emergence in Cali- Public health insurance, in the form of Medicare,
fornia in 2001 and 2002 and chronicle its demise Medicaid, and the Childrens Health Insurance
in Congress in 200910. Progressives supported Program (CHIP), has existed in the United States
a public option as an alternative to the for-profit for decades, as have proposals to expand those
health insurance industry, with expectations programs. However, the public option, which
that it would control costs, promote competi- first surfaced in 200102, represented an en-
tion, and prompt delivery reforms and lower tirely new idea. The concept was to offer a pub-

J U NE 20 1 0 2 9 :6 HEA LT H AFFA IR S 1117

History & Politics

licly insured plan in direct competition with proposal; he did so in February 2007.6 His pro-
other options for private health insurance cover- posal encompassed the principles of CHOICE,
age, in the hope of driving down both premiums with each state creating a health insurance ex-
and underlying health care costs. change offering competing private plans as well
Birth In California The idea of a public op- as a new public plan option. Individuals and
tion within a state-based health insurance ex- employers could elect to purchase insurance
change was initially set forth in a proposal through the exchange.
known as CHOICE. This was part of Californias Edwards saw the public option as a potential
Health Care Options Project (HCOP),1 an initia- transition to single-payer insurance. In discus-
tive to update and develop ideas and options on sing the public option, he stated: American

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how to expand coverage in California, and was consumers will decide what works best. [A
funded by a federal planning grant to the state marketplace where private insurance competes
Health and Human Services Agency. The with government plans] could continue to be
CHOICE proposal2 built on the model of man- divided. But it could go in one direction or the
aged competition, with its array of competing other, and one of the directions is obviously
private managed care plans. However, it added government or single payer. And Im not op-
a new option, the public option, to the exchange, posed to that.7
to broaden the array of choices available to indi- At least three factors were behind the Edwards
viduals and families. The public option was also proposal. First, the candidate said that he be-
designed to compete with private plans in the lieved there was a legitimate and strong argu-
exchange and to serve as a policy compromise ment for a single-payer plan, but he also under-
between a single-payer system and managed stood that many Americans like the health care
competition among private plans. they have and are nervous about entirely
The CHOICE proposal was developed by a government-controlled health care.7 Second,
group of health care leaders3 who convened at Peter Harbage, a longtime health care adviser
the University of California, Berkeley, during to Edwards and the other author of this paper,
200102, under the direction of one of the au- had served as assistant secretary for health in
thors, Helen Halpin (Schauffler). Under the Gov. Gray Daviss administration in California
CHOICE proposal, nonelderly Californians could between 2001 and 2003. It was the Health and
enroll in the private managed care plans or the Human Services Agency under the Davis admin-
new public option offered through the exchange. istration that oversaw the grant under which
CHOICE would allow any willing licensed health the CHOICE proposal was developed. Third,
care provider to participate in the public plan, Harbage went on to serve as the senior health
and would pay providers Medicare rates. It was policy adviser to the Edwards presidential cam-
designed to grow the pool of people purchasing paign from 2003 to 2008, and he continued to
in the exchange as quickly as possible. voice support for the basic principles and frame-
The Lewin Group4 assessed the impact of work of CHOICE.
CHOICE on coverage and costs. Its analysts pre- The Edwards campaign released its plan two
dicted that within one year of its enactment, weeks after another public plan proposal8 was
64 percent of Californians would elect to get put forward by Jacob Hacker of Yale University.
coverage through the exchange, with approxi- Hackers proposal, built on his 2003 plan for
mately 32 percent of them (more than eleven expanding Medicare,9 would have created a
million) enrolling in the public option. federal Medicare-like public plan through
In 2003, CHOICE in California served as the which individuals or employers could purchase
basis for a national reform proposal published in coverage.
the Robert Wood Johnson Foundations Cover- The public plan Hacker envisioned was struc-
ing America Series, Getting to a Single Payer tured differently from CHOICE and did not em-
System Using Market Forces: The CHOICE Pro- brace the state-based managed competition
gram.5 The national CHOICE proposal gave model that was the foundation for the public
each state responsibility for administering a option in the CHOICE and Edwards proposals.
new insurance exchange, contracting with man- Hacker went on to became one of the strongest
aged care plans, and creating and administering proponents of the public option, contributing to
a new public plan. However, the CHOICE pro- the policy discussion through writing and advo-
posal was not immediately embraced at the state cacy as a professor at the University of California,
or federal level, and it would not reemerge until Berkeley, and in partnership with the Campaign
the 2008 presidential campaign. for Americas Future.10,11 His advocacy proved
The Presidential Primaries John Edwards important in advancing the idea of the public
was the first Democratic presidential candidate option among key Democratic constituencies.
in the 2008 election to release a health reform The health care reform proposals developed by

1118 H E ALTH A FFAI RS J UN E 2 0 1 0 2 9: 6

the campaigns of Barack Obama12 in May 2007 Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Jay
and Hillary Clinton13 in September 2007 also Rockefeller (D-WV) made last-minute attempts
included health insurance exchanges with a pub- to introduce amendments to include a public
lic option. The Obama team became aware of the option as the bill was about to be voted on by
CHOICE model in April 2007.14 Shortly therafter, the Senate Finance Committee. Those failed, and
Halpin joined the Obama campaigns health pol- there was no public option in either the bill that
icy committee. emerged from that committee or the bill that
The three leading Democratic candidates ver- passed the full Senate on 24 December 2009
sions of the public option were quite similar. (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
They varied primarily with respect to who was Act, HR 3590). The option was also omitted from

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eligible to purchase through the exchange, and the presidents proposal, Principles for Health
whether the exchange was administered at the Reform, released 22 February 2010 prior to a
federal or state level. bipartisan health care summit. Likewise, it was
The Path Through Congress Following not present in the budget reconciliation bill
President Obamas inauguration in Janu- passed by the House and Senate and signed into
ary 2009, the U.S. Congress began its work on law by President Obama in March 2010.
comprehensive health care reform. House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pledged at the time
that the House bill would include a public op- Public Option: Benefits And Risks
tion.15 Indeed, a public option offered through The broken U.S. health care system, and the
a private insurance exchange was included in practices of the for-profit health insurance in-
all three versions of the bill passed by House dustry, provided the rationale for many Demo-
committees in the summer of 2009 (House Ways crats to support a public option in 2009. Many
and Means and House Education and Labor on believed that regulation alone would not be ef-
17 July 2009; House Energy and Commerce on fective in reining in the anticonsumer practices
31 July 2009), as well as in the bill passed by the of private insurance companies. Public-option
full House of Representatives on 7 November proponents argued that the market needed to
2009 (the Affordable Health Care for America be reformed from the inside out, by creating a
Act, HR 3962). A public option was also included new choice for consumersmany of whom did
in the bill passed by the Senate Health, Educa- not want to be mandated to purchase health in-
tion, Labor, and Pensions Committee on 15 July surance in a for-profit marketplace.
2009 (the Affordable Health Choices Act, Impact On Health Care Markets Proponents
S 1679). argued that a public option would have a major
Senate Democrats were engaged in a highly impact on the structure of the U.S. health care
contentious debate throughout the fall of market.16 They believed that it would create a
2009, and the political life of the public option more competitive marketplace, particularly in
changed almost daily. The debate reached a criti- states with few insurance options.17 It was also
cal impasse in November 2009, when Sen. hoped that the public option would help keep
Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), who usually caucuses private insurers honest.18 If consumers felt mis-
with the Democrats, threatened to filibuster the treated by private insurance, they could vote with
Senate bill if it included a public option. their feet and choose the public option. Eco-
During this period, several alternatives were nomic theory suggests that fear of market loss
considered. One compromise proposal included would motivate private insurers to change their
a Medicare buy-in for people age fifty-five and behavior. Opponents of the public option, how-
older. However, both Senator Lieberman and ever, feared that private plans could not compete
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) opposed the Medi- against it and that, over time, it would erode both
care buy-in, which evoked concerns similar to the individual and group health insurance
those raised about the public option. Sen. Kent markets.
Conrad (D-ND) proposed using nonprofit health Impact On Accountability The public option
care cooperatives to compete with for-profit was also designed to increase accountability in
plans, but this concept also sparked little en- health insurance.19 By definition, it would be
thusiasm. accountable to elected officials. This represents
Debate over the public option continued as a fundamental difference from for-profit health
additional proposals were made to narrow eli- insurance, with its fiduciary responsibility torn
gibility for the public option and to raise the rates between policyholders who need medical care
paid to providers above Medicare levels. When and stockholders who expect a return on equity.
those, too, failed to garner enough support, Impact On Costs There was broad agreement
the public option was eliminated from the Senate among supporters that the public option could
bill. contain costs.20,21 By creating a large, new health

JUNE 2010 29:6 H E ALT H AF FAI RS 1119

History & Politics

care purchaser, proponents believed the public

option could be effective in negotiating reduced What progressives
unit costs. They also argued that the lower ad-
ministrative costs of a public plan would mean a saw as the benefits
greater proportion of health care dollars would
go toward paying for medical care.21
of a public option,
There was strong disagreement, however, over
the degree to which a public option would affect
conservatives saw
costs. Estimates varied considerably according as its flaws.
to the plan design evaluated and the estimators

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vantage point. For example, the Congressional
Budget Office (CBO) studied both the original
House bill, which offered a public plan that
would pay Medicare rates plus 5 percent, and
the House Energy and Commerce Committee
bill, which featured negotiated rates. The CBO tions: how much to pay physicians and hospitals;
analysis found that the Medicare ratebased plan whether there should be a single, federal pur-
would save $110 billion over ten years, versus chaser or a number of smaller state or regional
$25 billion under negotiated rates.22 Conserva- purchasers; and how to determine eligibility for
tives, on the other hand, argued that the public purchasing in the exchange. Both sides of the
option would end up costing more than it col- debate suffered from a lack of data to make their
lected from policy holders and thus would even- points, with ideology often trumping analysis
tually balloon the deficit.23 and opinion offered in lieu of evidence.
Role Of Government What progressives saw Use Of Medicare Rates The Medicare-like
as the benefits of a public option, conservatives approach would have tied payments to Medicare
saw as its flaws. Expanding governments role as reimbursement, with proposals for using
a payer through a public option was framed by 100 percent or more of Medicare rates.5,8,25 Those
conservatives as a move toward socialism.24 In who supported using Medicare rates focused on
addition, medical care providers feared that a the potential to lower costs. Opponents, on the
larger government role would lead to low other hand, were concerned about unintended
payment rates, expanded rate setting, and consequences. Some economists feared that
government control over health care, regardless Medicare rates would lead to cost shifting and
of the structure of the public option. reduced access to care, with few providers
The opposing views held by supporters and willing to accept low Medicare payments.20,26
opponents contributed to the outsize debate With Medicare rates already leaving tight mar-
around the public option, which often eclipsed gins for providers, many of them feared for their
other important issues in health reform. After future financial viability.
all, the pros and cons of the public option could Federalism There was also disagreement over
be condensed into sound bites about taking on whether the public option should be one na-
big insurance companies or a government tional plan or a number of state or regional
takeover of health care in a way that the complex plans. Many resisted the idea of a national in-
issues of health care financing could not. And at a surance pool, which struck them as big gov-
time when other major effortssuch as the bail- ernment, while supporters said that a national
out of Wall Street and the federal stimulus bill approach would reduce administrative costs and
were perceived as having expanded the role of was necessary to create a strong price negotia-
government, the press and public were open to a tor.8,11 Those seeking a state or regional approach
narrative about the dangers of big government in viewed the potential market strength of a na-
health care. In retrospect, the nature of the de- tional plan as something to be feared, primarily
bate over the public option was somewhat pre- because it might lead to national rate setting.24
dictable, given the circumstances. They were also concerned that states would have
no control over how the insurance exchange and
public option were designed, and they argued
Issues In Policy Design that each state or region was best positioned
For the most part, the basic characteristics of the to meet the needs of its constituents and design
CHOICE model for the public option5 remained the options to fit its market.5
in place as the idea was discussed and developed Eligibility Another design issue concerned
throughout 2009. However, disagreements eligibility for the exchange. The more people
among its supporters came to define the substan- who were eligible to purchase in the exchange,
tive policy debate. There were three central ques- the larger the risk pool would be, and the greater

1120 H E ALTH A FFAI RS J UN E 2 0 1 0 2 9 :6

the potential savings. However, there was never Unlike the Republicans, who remained unified
a shared understanding of how big might be in their opposition, the Democrats split. Ideo-
too big. logical divisions between progressive and more
In most of the bills, individuals who were not moderate Democrats made progress in Congress
eligible for either existing public or employer difficult, despite majority-party status. Speaker
insurance would have been eligible to purchase Pelosi was able to pass legislation with a public
through the exchange and to have the choice of option in November 2009, notwithstanding con-
the public option. The differences across bills cerns from conservative Blue Dog Democrats.
related to how much access to give employers. However, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Most bills included provisions for small employ- (D-NV) was never able to find the support of

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ers to move their workers into the exchanges, sixty senators required to prevent a threatened
with some proposals phasing in eligibility over Republican filibuster. The Democratic senators
time based on firm size. Other proposals would who expressed the greatest concern were from
have enabled any employer, regardless of size, to more conservative states, such as Arkansas and
move workers into the exchange or simply let Louisiana.
each worker decide. The Public Debate As conservatives framed
The issue boiled down to how important it was the public option as socialism,23 claims of a
to preserve the employer insurance market. government takeover of health care captured
Clearly, the small-group market was not serving the attention of the mainstream media, nearly
small firms well, and new options for them were excluding coverage of the policy debate taking
a priority. But for those who wanted to see the place. Republican opposition grew directly out of
public option succeed and attract a large, stable a stated desire to limit the role of government in
risk pool, it was important to open the exchange health care and a fear that even a weak public
to anyone with employer coverage. This side option would provide a foundation for further
feared that limiting eligibility could lead to ad- expansion of the governments role in health
verse selection into the public plan, threatening care.31
its long-term viability.27 In contrast, others were Support for the public option was equally fer-
worried that opening the exchange to large em- vent. The former Vermont governor Howard
ployers would cause many of them to stop pro- Dean, through, Democracy for
viding coverage, thereby breaking the pledge America, and Health Care for America NOW!,
that people who were happy with their current along with Richard Trumka, president of the
coverage could keep it. AFL-CIO, orchestrated a national campaign for
The CBO estimated that only eleven to twelve the inclusion of the public option in health re-
million Americansless than 5 percent of the form. In March 2009, Dean, Trumka, and the
populationwould enroll in the public option organizations they worked with drew a line in
under the House bill, which restricted employ- the sand, indicating that any bill that did not
ers eligibility for exchange participation. In con- include a public option was not real reform.32 The
trast, the Lewin Group estimated that the political action thus mobilized was successful in
number of enrollees in the public option could persuading more than 400,000 group members
be as high as 100 millionapproximately 32 per- across the country to sign a petition and to con-
cent of the populationif workers for all firms tact their members of Congress in an appeal to
were allowed to purchase insurance through the preserve the public option.33
exchange.28 Within The White House Opinion regarding
how best to approach health care reform, includ-
ing the public option, appeared to be split inside
The Politics Of The Public Option the White House.34 As a result, many supporters
The public option was the darling of the pro- of the public option faulted President Obama for
gressive wing of the Democratic Party. It also not pushing the concept more forcefully. One of
proved to be surprisingly resilient and popular the earliest signs that the public option was a
among the public, as measured in opinion negotiable item for the administration came in
polls.29,30 The strongest supporters included pro- July 2009, from Rahm Emanuel, the White
gressive interest groups led by labor unions House chief of staff. Emanuel floated the idea
most notably the AFL-CIO and SEIUconsumer of a trigger that would enable the public option
groups, and civil rights organizations. The only if the desired competition and cost control
strongest opponents were the health care and failed to materialize.
health insurance industries, conservative inter- During the congressional recess in Au-
est groups, and small businesses represented by gust 2009, at the height of the town hall push-
the Chamber of Commerce and the National back against health reform, other adminis-
Federation of Independent Businesses. tration voices began to downplay the importance

J UN E 2 0 1 0 2 9: 6 HE A LT H A FFA IRS 1121

History & Politics

of the public option.35 The secretary of health and

human services, Kathleen Sebelius, said that the Leadership in the
public option was not the essential element for
reform.35 President Obama stated at a town hall House and the Senate
meeting: The public option, whether we have it
or we dont have it, is not the entirety of health
were more committed
reform. This is just one sliver of it, one aspect
of it.35
to passing a bill than
Ambiguity inside the White House sprang to keeping the public
from several sources. Foremost was the White

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Houses desire to try to forge a bipartisan bill. option alive.
By the fall of 2009, some of the Senates moder-
ate Democrats had moved to support a drasti-
cally curtailed public option without ties to
Medicare and only as a trigger, while Republi-
cans remained uniformly opposed to the idea.
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chair of the Senate
Finance Committee, spent months trying to final push to pass reform legislation, House
forge a bipartisan bill with a subgroup of his Speaker Pelosi shut the door on using reconcilia-
committee, but he ultimately could not secure tion to preserve the public option. While citing
a single Republican vote. the lack of support in the Senate, Pelosi was also
It has been suggested that the White House was aware of the deep concerns that moderates in her
employing a negotiating tactic in being inten- caucus had regarding the public option. The nar-
tionally vague about its support for the public row vote (219212) in the House on 21 March
option.36 By remaining vague, the president was 2010 suggests that every possible vote was
able to perform a necessary balancing act, sat- needed. The House passed the Senate bill
isfying his progressive base without threatening (HR 3590) and the reconciliation bill without
more-moderate Democrats. Indeed, when pre- a public option.
sented with critical opportunities to draw a line
in the sand in support of the public option, or to
even offer policy details, the president did not Conclusion
take them.37 Knowing that Senate support for the It is difficult to recall a federal health policy pro-
public option was weak, President Obama did posal that has seen such dramatic ups and downs
not put himself out in front on this issue, lest as the public option endured. There were clearly
he threaten his ability to enact any reform in the wild swings in both the hopes and fears attached
process.38 to it, and its death and rebirth were proclaimed
The End Game: Reconciliation In Febru- repeatedly over the course of a long process of
ary 2010, when the House and Senate were ne- debate.
gotiating a budget reconciliation bill to amend Even though comprehensive health care re-
the Senate health care reform bill and pave the form has been enacted without a public option,
way for final passage, yet another political the proposal could reemerge if the public be-
scramble over the public option ensued. A letter comes dissatisfied with the progress of health
authored by Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) called reform. A more likely venue for rebirth, however,
for a vote on the public option through budget is adoption at the state level. States could choose
reconciliation.39 The letter was eventually signed to create a public option today, and there is noth-
by forty Senators, just ten shy of the needed fifty. ing to stop a state from offering one in its new
But after all was said and done, the leadership in insurance exchange. If and where any of these
both the House and the Senate were more com- possibilities play out will depend on the political
mitted to passing a bill than to keeping the public climate in individual states, with heavily
option alive. Democratic states the most likely places for a
On 12 March 2010, as she prepared for her renewed debate.

1122 H E ALTH A FFAI RS J UN E 2 0 1 0 2 9 :6

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choice in national health reform. from: 38 Lawrence J. Obama may know what
Berkeley (CA): Campaign for blog-briefing-room/news/57825- he is doing on health reform: an ode
Americas Future and UC Berkeley steele-public-option-is-socialism to ambiguity. Politics Daily. 2009
Center for Health, Economic, and 25 Holahan J, Blumberg L. Is the public Aug 19.
Family Security; 2008 Dec 17. option a necessary part of health 39 Klein E. Is the public option making
11 Hacker JS. Healthy competition: reform? Washington (DC): Urban a comeback? Washington Post. 2010
how to structure public health in- Institute; 2009. Feb 18.

J UN E 2 0 1 0 2 9: 6 HE A LT H A FFA IRS 1123

History & Politics


plans for health care reformbut Johnson Foundation and the

that was omitted from the final Commonwealth Fund. Harbages
package that Obama signed into work focuses largely on health
law in March 2010. Perhaps not reform in California, where he
surprisingly, she says that she was previously served as assistant
troubled over the past year as the secretary for programs and fiscal

Downloaded from by Health Affairs on September 4, 2017 by HW Team

Helen A. Halpin is a public-option proposal was slowly affairs with the California Health
professor at the dismantled with every incremental and Human Services Agency. He is
University of
decision made in the health also a lecturer at the University of
California, Berkeley.
reform debate. Southern Californias School of
Helen A. Halpin is a professor of Halpin has written more than Policy, Planning, and Development,
health policy at the School of 100 policy reports and briefs; as well as a frequent opinion writer
Public Health, University of published hundreds of papers; for such publications as the Los
California, Berkeley, where she also crafted several book chapters; and Angeles Times and the San Francisco
serves as director of the Center for testified frequently before the U.S. Chronicle. Harbage holds a masters
Health and Public Policy Studies Senate and the California degree in public policy from the
and chair of the policy and politics legislature. She is currently vice University of Michigan.
track for the Ph.D. program in chair of public health impact
health services and policy analysis. analysis for the California Health
She received her doctoral degree in Benefits Review Program, created
social welfare policy from the by the state legislature to review
Heller School at Brandeis proposals to mandate insurance
University and her masters degree benefits and assess their likely
in health policy and management impact.
from the Harvard School of Public Halpin lives part time in France, Peter Harbage is a
where she serves as a deputy editor consultant with
Health, where she also was on the
Peter Harbage
faculty from 1978 to 1982. of the journal Public Health Reviews,
Halpin was a health policy published by the lcole des Hautes
adviser to the presidential tudes en Sant Public (School of Harbages first experience in
campaign of Barack Obama. She Public Health) in Rennes. She says active health policy making came
took a sabbatical from Berkeley in that this binational perspective has in 1993, when he served as an
2008 to serve as a campaign reinforced her belief that the intern on the White House Health
surrogate, speaking throughout United States is, in many ways, Care Task Force under President
northern California on the ahead in research and public health Bill Clinton. He went on to serve as
campaigns health reform policy. But then again, Europe is a senior health policy adviser to
proposals. It was the most years ahead in its social contract the presidential campaigns of
important work that I could with its people. former North Carolina Democratic
possibly do at the time, she says. Peter Harbage is president of his Senator John Edwards in 2004 and
She was a key intellectual force own consulting firm, Peter Harbage 2008. He credits Edwards as being
behind the development of the Consulting, which undertakes the candidate who did the most to
public-option proposal that became reports and analyses for clients popularize the public option
a centerpiece of early Democratic including the Robert Wood during the 2008 campaign.

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