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1. Sheet1 tells you the following information about students who applied to graduate school at Kelley
University: gender, desired major, whether accepted or rejected. If you construct the appropriate PivotTable,
you will find fewer women are accepted than men are. Do you think Kelley discriminates against women?
2. Use Sheet2.
3. You are planning to buy a new car. The cost of the car is $50,000. You have been offered two payment
plans: (i) A 10 percent discount on the sales price of the car, followed by 60 monthly payments financed at 9
percent per year. (ii) No discount on the sales price of the car, followed by 60 monthly payments financed at
2 percent per year. If you believe your annual cost of capital is 9 percent, which payment plan is a better
deal? Assume all payments occur at the end of the month. Use Sheet3.
4. A balloon mortgage requires you to pay off part of a loan during a specified period and then make a lump
sum payment to pay off the remaining portion of the loan. Suppose you borrow $400,000 on a 20-year
balloon mortgage, and the interest rate is 0.5 percent per month. Your end-of-month payments during the
first 20 years are required to pay off $300,000 of your loan, at which point, you have to pay off the remaining
$100,000. Determine your monthly payments for this loan. Use Sheet4.
5. A software development company is thinking of translating a software product into Swahili. Currently,
200,000 units of the product are sold per year at a price of $100 each. Unit variable cost is $20. The fixed
cost of translation is $5 million. Translating the product into Swahili will increase sales during each of the
next three years by some unknown percentage over the current level of 200,000 units. Show how the
change in profit resulting from the translation depends on the percentage increase in product sales. You can
ignore the time value of money and taxes in your calculations. Use sheet5.
6. You are managing a conference at your college. Your fixed costs are $15,000. You must pay the 10
speakers $700 each and the college union $300 per conference participant for food and lodging costs. You
are charging each conference participant who is not also a speaker $900, which includes the conference fee
and food and lodging costs. How many paid registrants need to attend for you to break even? Use Sheet6.
7. With the List option in the group of data validation settings, you can generate an error message if a value
that is not included in a list is entered in the cell range youre validating. Suppose youre entering employee
first names in the A1:A10 cell range. The only employees of the company are Jen, Greg, Vivian, Jon, and
John. Use the List option to ensure that no one misspells a first name. Use Sheet7.
8. You own a fast-food restaurant and have done some market research in an attempt to understand your
customers better. For a random sample of customers, you are given the income, gender, and number of
days per week that residents go out for fast food. Use this information to determine how gender and income
influence the frequency with which a person goes out to eat fast food. The data is in Sheet8.
9. Sheet9 contains the population and number of cell phones for the 20 countries having the most cell phones.
Use this data in Problems 1 through 5:
I. Create a column chart that summarizes cell phones by country.
II. Create a scatter chart that plots cell phones versus population.
III. Set up a slicer to filter a clustered column graph of cell phones by country.
IV. Set up a tile to filter a column chart that summarizes cell phones by country.
V. Summarize the population data on a map.
10. Sheet10 contains the following information for selected homes:
Square footage
Number of bathrooms
Number of bedrooms

Use this information to answer the following questions:

What is the average price of all homes having a total number of bathrooms and bedrooms greater than or
equal to six?
How many homes sell for more than $300,000 and have a total number of bedrooms and bathrooms less
than or equal to five?
How many homes have at least three bathrooms, but the total number of bedrooms and bathrooms is less
than or equal to six?
What is the highest price of a home having at most 3,000 square feet and a total number of bedrooms and
bathrooms less than or equal to six? (Hint: Use the DMAX function to solve this problem.)
11. Find all foundation transactions during the first three months of 2004 for which the per-unit price was larger
than the average price received for foundation during the entire period (Sheet11).
12. Sheet12 has two tables which contain the unit sales, dollar revenues, and product sold for each transaction
during the month:
a. Create a consolidated worksheet that gives the total unit sales and dollar revenue for each product
by region.
b. Create a consolidated worksheet that gives the largest first-quarter transaction for each product by
region from the standpoint of revenue and units sold.
13. Sheet13 contains salaries, travel expenses, Faculty ID, Department code, and Faculty code for all business
school faculty. Use this data to answer the following questions. (No VLOOKUPS allowed!)
a. Use the Data Model to create a PivotTable that gives average salary broken down by department.
b. Use the Data Model to create a PivotTable that gives average salary broken down by type of
faculty member and department.
c. Use the Data Model to create a PivotTable that gives average travel expenses by departments.

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