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Shaheen Academy of Science, Commerce, IT & Engineering

Test: Physics (3) Class 2nd Year Chapter # 14

Total Marks: 50 Passing Marks: 25 Time: 15 Mints

Q#1: Encircle the correct options: (10)

i) A current carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field. How must it be oriented so

that force on it is zero?
a) Parallel (b) Perpendicular (c) At 60 0 (d) At 45 0
ii) Weber is the unit of
a) Magnetic field intensity b) Magnetic induction c) Magnetic flux d) Flux density
iii) The coil of galvanometer is suspended in a radial field (parallel) so that the
deflecting torque on the coil is always
a) NAIB cos b) NAIB sin c) NAIB tan d) NAIB
iv) The galvanometer can be made more sensitive if the value of factor c/BAN is
a) Made large b) Made small c) Remains constant d) None of these
v) Galvanometer can be converted into Voltmeter by connecting a high value
resistance in
a) Parallel combination with galvanometer b) Series combination with galvanometer
c) Parallel as well as in series with galvanometer d) None of these
vi) An ammeter can only be used in
a) Series combination b) Parallel combination c) In both arrangements d) None of these
vii)- To convert a galvanometer of resistance 50 and current limit 2 m A into an
ammeter of range 1 ampere , the resistance required is
a) 25 b) 0.1 c) 0.2 d) 0.05
viii) The Lorentz force on a charged particle moving on an electric field E and
magnetic field B is given by
a) F = FE - FB b) F = FB / FE c) F = FE + FB d) F = FE FB

ix) The electron gun in CRO consists of

a) Indirectly heated cathode b) Grid c) Three anodes d) All of the above
x) A long, tightly wound, cylindrical coil of wire is called
a) Galvanometer b) Circular ring c) Solenoid d) Amperes circuit

IQRA Riaz-ul-utfaal, Farooq colony Walton road Lahore Cantt..

Cell # 0322-4482537 0331-4374144
Shaheen Academy of Science, Commerce, IT & Engineering

Test: Physics (3) Class 2nd Year Chapter # 14

Total Marks: 50 Passing Marks: 25 Time: 15 Mints

Q#2: Write a short note on 10 questions: (20)

1. A plane conducting loop is located in a uniform magnetic field that is
directed along x-axis. For what orientation of loop is the flux a maximum?
2. If the number of turns of a solenoid is doubled, what will happen to the
magnetic field inside the solenoid?
3. If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space,
can you say that magnetic field in the region is zero?
4. Why does the picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is
brought near the screen?
5. How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical
6. Why resistance of an ammeter should be very high?
7. How can a current carrying loop be used to determine the presence of a
magnetic field in a given region of space?
8. What is Amperes law?
9. Define Lorentz force also give its expression?
10. How a galvanometer can be made more sensitive?
11. What is Digital Multimeter?
12. Show that the units of Magnetic Induction & flux density are same?
13. Write down the two uses of CRO?
14. How galvanometer is converted into Voltmeter?
Q#3: Do all questions each question carry equal marks: (20)

I. (A). What is Ammeter? Explain its working & how Galvanometer is

converted into Ammeter?
(B).How fast must a proton move in a magnetic field of 2.50 10-3 T such
that the magnetic force is equal to its weight?
II. (A). Derive the relation for measuring the e/m ratio of an electron?
(B). What current should pass through a solenoid that is 0.5 m long with
10,000 turns of copper wire so that it will have a magnetic field of 0.4 T?

IQRA Riaz-ul-utfaal, Farooq colony Walton road Lahore Cantt..

Cell # 0322-4482537 0331-4374144

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