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‘Sunday, 13 August 2017 version PREAMBLE. |, whose legal name and tru signature appear herein, knowingly prepared, verfied, executed ths legal document and accept and Understand its terms and conditions. When used herein, the pronouns 'l, me, mine and my’ and ‘you, yours, and your’ shal refer to the Framer-Applicant and Emelino ‘TMaestro, respectively. When both are referenced, the pronoun, ‘we, our and us’ is used. The provisions hereof shal also be enforceable and relevant to our staff, authorised representatives and relatives by consanguinity and affinity within the fourth degree. ‘OBJECTIVE, ‘To startup, build and maintain my profitable and independent tax practice, | without mental reservation and purpose of evasion, ‘commit myself and resources to use, promote, protec, sell and ‘market your Brand, lease, occupy and use your Addresses, ofice ‘spaces and facities located everywhere in the Philippines, seek, avail and use your intellectual Support, promote, protect and preserve our Integrity, and access, aval and use your ‘Competence. For this purpose, the terms ‘Brand, ‘Address’, ‘Support ‘integrity’ and ‘Competence’ shall collectively refer to "BASIC’. Importantly, | need your Assistance for individual's Development (1D). MY OBLIGATION. 4. To seek, read, study, understand and execute dligently and on ‘time your poicy-direction, orders, instructions, decisions, ‘memorandums, rules and regulations which are ordinary and necessary in carrying out your plans and programs and ‘achieve our goals and objectives; 2. Touse, promote, protect, sel, advertise and market your Brand ‘and never to associate myself with or use other Brands that directly compete or are antagonistic to your Brand; 3. Tolease, oocupy and use your Address and other facilites and never lease, occupy and use an Address other than your ‘Address and other facies; 4, To seek, aval, and use your intelectual Support and furthermore o prioritise and access the suppor ftom other iETM Professional 5. To promo, protect and preserve ou Integy and never to do an act tat wiltamish or blemish your character, mage and reputation; 6. To.access, aval and use of your Competence and never to use what leamed fr any illegal purposes; 7. Tocteate, maintain and preserve social media accounts in a produclve and good working condition; 8 Toconduct my business lawfuly and in good faith and business practice; 9. To perform my contractual obligations prompt pursuant to ‘agreements by which | am bound; 410. To aval and secure a loan fom you; ‘1. To pay habitually and punctual the principal amount ofthe loan that you had granted unto me; the leased Address and other facies, and shares fom the businesses thal we jin entered int; 412, To maintain and keep property and adequately my books of ‘accounts and accounting bookkeeping records in accordance Page 1 of 2 13, 14, 16, 17. 18. 19, Application for A1D and Study Now Pay ETM Later withthe Tx Code and permit yout examine such records at your convenient moment: To discuss with you my business and financial conditions; To comply at alties, with the laws, rules, equations, orders and directives of any goverment authority, Tofie ate, carect, complete and timely taxretums, schedules iss, statements and oer repotoral requiements mandated by the goverment authors, and pay the taxes, fees, permits, licenses and other charges due and demandable thereon; Tofurish you with records, statements, retuns, reports and ‘ter relvant data that you may sete check my compliance with the laws and this Application; To ive youa writen note ian event that wil adversely affect this Appaton or materally damage your BASIC happened ‘or might happen in the nearest future; Tolnfor you ofthe changes in my contac inf; and To relentlessly pursue with passion all legal acts that will make my business profitable and on-going. YOUR OBLIGATION. sepeaos To allow me to use, promote, protect, sel, advertise and market your Brand; ‘To permit me to lease, oocupy and use your Adress; ‘Tohelp me seek, aval, and use your intellectual Support ‘To guide me in accessing, availing and using your Competence; ‘To treat my data and information strictly private and confidential; ‘To pay my fees and forthe services | rendered to your clients; and ‘Tinform me ofthe changes in your contact nfo. ASSISTANCE. For the value ofthe skils, trainings, workshops, lectures and the likes, ‘and access tothe lectures provided by website shown herein, | by this promissory note, uncondionally promise to pay you the amount shown below. SET.OFF, In the event that | failed to pay you your due and demandable fees ‘and other charges and the principal amount ofthe loan that you have granted unto me, |irevocably appoint and assign you to be my atfomey-infac, wit full power and authorty and without prior notice, to set-off or apply my deposits and receivables from any person in payment thereof RELATIONSHIP. lam your independent Contractor. Nothing contained herein shall create an employee-employer, principal-agent or any other fiduciary relationship, partnership or joint venture. You are not entied to worker's compensation, retirement, insurance or other benefits afforded toa regular employee of mine. TaxationProfessionalUni

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