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Tuesday, April 21, 2015 The Daily Californian ELECTION RESULTS 5

tisan executive position, none dents.

By Sahil Chinoy

were elected. As ballots were cast earlier
and Chloee Weiner In a political system in which this month, The Daily Califor- about one-fourth of the elector- nian conducted its first voter
ate changes yearly, public opin- survey to better understand the
In the climax of last weeks ion can be unpredictable, and motives and patterns behind
ASUC tabulations ceremony in party lines often shift from year voting behavior. The Daily Cal

Wheeler Auditorium, deafening to year. Its not clear how each of asked respondents to answer
cheers erupted from one side of the approximately 12,000 vot- questions about candidates and
the room as CalSERVE swept all ers in this years election came to campus issues, using demo-
four partisan executive seats for his or her final decision, though graphic information to examine
the first time since 2008. students often echo popularly which of the popular specula-

The other side of the room, held ideas: Enough Facebook tions are based in fact.
filled with Student Action sup- likes guarantee a spot in the sen- More than 600 students
porters, celebrated its seven sen- ate, Student Action relies on the representing a wide range of
ators-elect but was noticeably Greek system for support, and campus constituencies took the
quieter. Though the party ran CalSERVEs platforms arent survey. Below are some of the
candidates for all but one par- tangible enough for some stu- findings.

Mixed feelings
Rank the following campus issues in order of which you find most pressing.
Tuition and fees Academic experience Mental health Sexual assault Sustainability Diversity Crime Divestment

East South His- Other Student Cal- Greek Greek Very Lib- Mod- Conser-
All Male Female White Asian Asian panic race LGBTIQQA Action SERVE males females liberal eral erate vative
Tuition and fees and mental health were prioritized by all groups. Among the Greek community, sexual as-
sault was ranked, on average, first by females and fifth by males. The importance of sexual assault also de-
creased uniformly with increasingly conservative political affiliation. All groups but one ranked divestment
as their lowest priority.

If you want to see more graphs and data from the 2015 ASUC general
elections and read more about the results of the The Daily
Californians election survey, visit


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