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London Underground

Over ground
Longest escalator in Europe
Subway train station
Transport committee (task force / work group)
Overcrowding was the biggest cause of discomfort (slight pain / sourness / irritation)
Travelers behaviour (conduct)
Abnormal situation
Adopting various strategies
Ignoring pregnant women
Less interested in others
The findings paint an ugly picture of the famous railway system
Commuters / travellers / customers
Mentally stressed
Psyche / mind
Others said they hated being squashed (compacted / crushed / pressed) against strangers
Questionnaire / survey
Majority / bulk
Carries / transports
Impact / effect
Cope / manage
Unusual / abnormal
Zoning out / switching off
being squashed next to someone
not having a seat
At the busiest times
People tend to switch off to whats happening around them
People using mobiles
the overwhelming (vast) majority of the passengers
hassle / bother / irritation / stress / annoyance
hindrance / interference / interruption / stoppage
hamper / obstruct

Too close for comfort

The findings paint an ugly picture
travellers had to psyche themselves up
Overcrowding was the biggest cause of discomfort
being squashed against strangers
four people per square metre
the overwhelming majority of passengers
strategies people use to cope
survival of the fittest
switching off to whats happening around them
Wander through Dubai's Gold Souk

Wander / walk / stroll

Bustling / busy / active
Bargaining skills to the test and pick up a good deal
Jewellers selling tiny precious (valuable / costly) stones
Glitzy (flashy) weighty necklaces
Priced according to the weight price tags
Handcrafted or machine made
Haggle / bargain
Window shopping
Cheapest prices
Bangle / ring
Rich color and popular
Extravagant / overgenerous / excessive
Thrifty / economical / cautious
Traditional / old-fashioned
Strong demand
Prices in the region have spiked (opposite: smooth) since the start of the year
Summer is over and the wedding season gets into full swing
Authentic / genuine / original
Guarantee / warranty

The 4 Ways to Spend Money by Milton Friedman

Take people out to dinner
Keep down the amount

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four

Visualize / picture / imagine

Global health
Animating the data in real space
Technical assistance from the crew
Life expectancy
Income per person
Pretty crowded
The industrial revolution makes countries in Europe and elsewhere move away from the rest
Colonized (populated / settled / occupied / inhabited) countries in Asia
Impact / effect / impression / influence
Epidemic / widespread
Catastrophe / disaster / misfortune / calamity
Despite enormous (huge / vast / majority) disparities (differences / inequalities / gaps /
discrepancies) we have seen remarkable (notable / outstanding) progress (growth /
Eventually (finally / ultimately / sooner or later) the western countries became wealthier
Became emerging (evolving / developing) economies
Some African countries stuck in civil wars and others hit by HIV
There is also huge inequality (difference / disparity) within countries
Rural parts
We have become an entirely new converging (meeting / joining) world
I see a clear trend into the future with air, trade, green technology and peace, its fully possible
that everyone can make it to healthy, wealthy corner
Two hundred years and beyond

Under The Wharf - Cod, Herring & Seals - Triton Newfoundland and Labrador

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