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Dear Friend,

I am so amazed to have the opportunity to write you. Its been a long time I was waiting for this
moment to express my gratitude to you in a way or another, for creating a great friendship
together, and for your contribution to people especially young like me who are in necessity and
for teaching in your ability to make leader. I love you for the leadership that you have. I pray that
you grow by all the way.

I graduated high school last year. But I didnt have the opportunity to go to college. In Haiti when
you graduated and dont go to study anything, they consider you as the poorest in the
community. This is not true for a Christian, because in Christ theres no poor. So this year, as few
as it is, I would like to go; to answer to Gods voice by studying Theology. Because I feel theres a
plan for me to preach the Gospel of Jesus among the nations.
The accomplishment of these 5 years of university wont be possible with only the means of my
family. Personally, their means are really low. I really need you (or other people or friends who
want) to help me. Because the university is so far from where I live and its expensive. I dont
have any family or friends there. So, I need to pay for everything, as: the fees of the university
rent a house, buy school supplies and daily food and stuff for the house. So the cost is high for
me. Considering that I have one vision: Realize my dream to help others realize theirs. I will be
very happy and grateful for your contribution to my education (as youve already done).
I know when you see my light of success shines upon this society well mutually share the same
happiness. For your investment will not be vain in me.

Here is the amount I need for my college.

Eventually, the university functioned by session. So, a session is equivalent to six months. All that
I have to pay to university will be for 6 months and can be renewing if I would like to continue as
a student there.
To rent a house there they ask $90 for a session (6 months)
There is $180 for overheads
To take a course you pay $10. I have to take 28-30 courses for the first session which evaluate to
To eat in the cafeteria from Monday to Friday I must give $60 monthly. For a session I will need

So, for a session (6 months) I will need $930 to pay to the University and for food.
For one year, the college could cost me $1860 plus the fees that mentioned below.

Also, there are several other things I will need, as:

A lamp for the house if there's no electricity. That can be a solar power light.
School supplies (Bag, Books, notebooks, pen, white sheet, money for printing &
photocopying....) 6 months$150
Some cosmetics (toothpaste. toothbrush, brush, shampoo, deodorant, fragrance....) 6
Transport (6 months) $80
Clothes (pants, shirts, underwear, tie/bow-tie, vest/jacket, towel) and shoes/sandals$100
Emergency (sickness or other unexpected case)$50
Subtotal: $450

I know how it is hard everywhere for people to earn money. But, with God, nothing is
impossible. Your supports, the ones of your friends, colleagues or families can help me to reach
these 5 years of college in Haiti.
Looking at this amount for my university, I ask myself, "Will I be able to go to a college?" God
always open a way for his children. That's why he sends me to you. All that you do for me to
learn or to enforce my education and leadership is not a vain work. I will transmit it to someone
else by a way or another. I must give the $930 in the beginning of each session; otherwise I will
not be able to take the class.
Financially my parents are not able to help me. I know what they can do for me as buying me
clothes, shoes or cosmetics. The most important is really the payment of the university. I will be
grateful to you and everyone who is being a sponsor for me. Also, the big recompense will come
from God.
I hope that you will respond positively to my request, receive all my friendship greetings. If you
have questions or suggestions, I am ready to receive them. May God bless you, your family,
your friends, your activities and your country!

So much love to you!


Your son in Christ,

Pierre Frantz Janvier

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