Pre-Test 1 ESO

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Vocabulary A Colour the words. {L - blue PAA 3. Off Ss _) _~{I{]- yu a -) , Drown B_ Write the numbers in the correct order. five ¥ seven ¥ two ¥ ten ¥ six ‘one ¥ nine W four ¥ three W eight YR eee nC Tio Paaocopate C Write the days in the correct order. Tuesday W Friday ¥ Thursday Saturday ¥ Wednesday Monday 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Sunday D Number the months in the correct order. __ February 1 January — May — October June __ September —July — August — November 12 December — March __ April E_ Write the words in alphabetical order. yellow ¥ Monday blue three eight ye eS Pre-Tes Grammar ‘A Complete the sentences with am, is or are, 1. Karen and I at home. 21 at school, 3. The books on the chair. 4, Dad in London. 5. You my friend. B_ Write the sentences in the negative. Paul and Keith are brothers. Susanne is in the house. My dog is black. Tam a policeman. George and [ are in a taxi ‘Write the sentences in the interrogative. You are American. The teacher is in the classroom. Tam your friend. Grandpa and Grandma are happy. ‘The dog is small TOT Photoropiabie 7 Complete the sentences with am, is or are. Lt My sister and I a big school. My English teacher 12 years old. students at here today. We now. My friends classroom. not in the sports class in the ing ‘Write the sentences correctly. 1. old / twelve / years / I'm / colour / blue / is / favourite / My /. The boys / students / are /. eyes / Her / brown / are /. my / They / friends / are /. : Writing Bonus ‘Complete the information about yourself. Name: Address: Age: Colour of eyes Colour of hair: Vocabulary c ‘A. Write the words in alphabetical order. 1 2. white V er V Friday V eleven orange V six ¥ July ¥ Thursday 4 1. __December 5. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. D 4 8 B Follow the numbers to the cinema. AWwAwWReE Write the numbers. four + three = seven six + two = ten — nine = nine — four cight — two = ‘Write the colours. pink ¥ grey V, green ¥ brown orange ¥ purple red + blue = yellow + blue = purple black + white = red + yellow = red + white = green + purple + orange ~ Find the months of the year and the days of the week. alcl> Zl elo[m teacher ies sister ght. yellow —[4[3] =>] 5] =[¢]4[e[-]5 >l | zl e[e[<[> zl ol <| x) =] ¢] =] 2] | =] eZ] 0 ¢| zl=[l [=| =| ola] o[ol= >| | =] 2] c|-|«[>[ol zfol a) =| =| le] Z|] a) s] | ole =[o[e|=[=| =|] 0] =] >of | >| |<] >] 0] |e] ac} } A] = al <|-]c]-]e] 4] 2] ol =] >] = =[>[5|-[]=[4[ 2] ¢ z| cl-[ [=| =| =] =| <[olzl< <[>[c[¢[=]¢]-]>[-[-[=[5 Complete the charts with the months and the days from E. Months of the Year January ela ialy LL. 12. Days of the Week Monday G Label the groups of words. Reading A. Read the text and label the picture below. Hi! My name is Daniel and I'm 13 years old. My brother, Jack, is 16 years old. My dad is an English teacher, and my mum is a doctor. My cat’s name is Spot She's black and white. Her eyes are big and green. My brother has got a dog. His name's Boxer, He's big and black. Spot and Boxer are good friends. Phovocopable Days ¥ Months ¥ Numbers ¥ Colours l Daz B 1, __Dad 4 Thursday orange 5. Tuesday black 3. 6 >: (4. March five B_ Choose the correct words. May eight Jack is shirteen /Gixteen)ycars old. Jack and Daniel are brothers / friends. Mum is a doctor / teacher. 1 2 3. 4, The cat has got green / black eyes. 5. Spot / Boxers a dog, 6 Spot and Boxer are / aren’ good friends. Grammar A. Complete the chart with the words below. my brotfer Mum my sister Grandpa ¥ David and I ¥ the books Robert and Jane ¥ you and Dad my sister and I'¥ the school the telophone ¥ you and your frend He She my brother It We You They B Complete the sentences with am, is or are. 1. Charles___ig___ aking, 21 happy. 3. The tiger big 4, We at school, 5. Sally and Sarah ten years old. 6. Peter and I friends 7. She my grandma. 8.1 in Patis. C Write the sentences with contractions. 1. She is a good student. She's a good stu: 2. Weare at home. 3. Lam sad. 4, Icis blue. 5. They are in London. 6. Write the sentences with contractions. ‘The policeman is not here. oliceman isn't Tam not in the class. Jane is not a teacher. We are not Italian They are not my family, Choose the correct words. The bay /Goy)aren' in the class. Her hair / eyes is black. Jenny / Jenny and I aren't at home. How old are you / she? The book / books is in English. ‘Write a question for each sentence. ‘The jeans are blue. Are the j ue? Sam is your brother. You are in Canada. Grandpa and Grandma are in the cat. Today is Monday. Tam a good tennis player. G Answer these questions about yourself. Use short answers. 1. Are you ten years old? 2. Are you at school now? 3. Is your hair black? 4. Are your eyes green? tb 5. Is your teacher a man? 6. Are you a good studen? H Complete the sentences with am, is or ~ are. = ea, My name 1 Sue. I \e t # 2. from England. My friend Tom 3. from England too. We 4. twelve years old. Tom and 15. students at a small d school. We 6. not at school _ today. Today is Sunday. We 7. at home. Writing ‘A Write the sentences in the correct order. 1. happy / are / mum / dad / and / My /. My tum and dad are happy. 2. I/ brother / My / in / New York / and / are /. 3. dog / The / classroom / the / in is / 4, cat/ is / big / My / not /. 5. a/ is / elephant / big / This / STO Photoropable 7 u Vocabulary © Match the pairs. ‘A. Write the numbers in the correct order. A 5 1. uncl . dad twenty ¥ eleven W nineteen V eighteen wae ee seventeen V sixteen V fourteen 2. grandma — b girl thirteen W twelve W fifteen 3. mum — © aunt 1 4, brother _— di. siscer 2 5. boy —— ¢ grandpa 3. 4 D Choose the correct words. 5. é 1. Peter is my friend / family 7. 2, We are in the happy / house. 8 3. Chips are family / food. 9. 4. The dog is in the boat / people. 10. 5. My grandma / sister is six years old. B Label the pictures. ‘the pictus E Match the places to the pictures. boat ¥ mountains W bicycle park ¥ train in the city at the seaside ‘on the bus at the river at home Tie Phaacopibe Pen Grammar D Choose the correct pronoun. ‘A. Complete the sentences with am, is he W she V it ¥ we W they or are. 1. the students 1. Scotland a country, 2. Michael 2, We not at the seaside. 3. Grandma 3. The cat in the park. 4, my sister and I 41 not on the bus. 5. the blue car 5. They students a] g writing «c=» B_ Write questions with the words below. ‘Write the sentences in the correct order. 1. the children / at the seaside 1. name / is / My / Simon / 2, the dog / in the house 2, not /1/ at home / am / 3. we / on the ain 3. aren't / friends / at the seaside / My / 4, Grandpa / in the mountains 4, is | My | favourite colour / yellow / 5. the boy / happy 5. English / is / Fish and chips / food / C Look at the picture and answer the 100) questions. Use short answers. a : Writing Bonus | Answer the questions. Write full sentences. 11, What's your name? Is the dog in the park? }2. How are old ate you? 2. Are the children in the mountains | 5, Whats your favourite Food? Are the children in tk? : 3. Are the children in the park: !4, Are you at home? P 2 4, Is Grandpa in the park? 5, Are you 1B years ok ‘Are the children on bicycles? Vocabulary A ween 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. Label the rooms of the house. living room W kitchen ¥ bedroom bathroom W dining room Match the words to the pictures. 2 bed ¥ chair ¥ cupboard desk ¥ window wR epe Bene Circle the word that doesn’t belong. table m desk = happy ® cupboard floor = house = wall » door dog m cat = sofa «fish in w on ® pen = under bathroom i teacher ® bedroom m kitchen Look at the picture and choose the correct words. The cat is om / under the table. ‘The books are on / under the sofa ‘The bicycle is near / on the door: The chair is under / on the window. The girl is én / under the cupboard. Complete the sentences. sofa ¥ upstairs ¥ kitchen near ¥ garden My bedroom is We cook in the We play football in the “The dining room is the living room The cat is on the Grammar E Complete the sentences about the picture. Use has got, have got, hasn't got ‘A. Choose the correct words. or havent got. 1, [have / has got a new shite 2, Lenny haven't / hasn't got a sister. 3. The boys have / has got a boat. 4 Have | Has you got a dog? 1. Cam and Lee a house B_ Write questions about the picture. 2. They a small house. 3. Their house many rooms. 4. They a garden cp Writing ee ‘Write the sentences correctly. Add capital 2. they / small garden letters and punctuation. 1. Kum Lin and Hai Fang / a big house 1. are the books upstairs 3. their house / many rooms 2. ihave got a new football 4. their house / one window 3. has she gor a pen c= C Answer the questions in B. Use short answers. 4. is your brother in the kitchen 5. what's your name Rone ce iW ing Bonus D Complete the sentences, Use This, | Write 5 sentences about your house. That, These or Those. il ___ ball is small. -> @ | ___ ball is big. > 6 i shoes are new. shoes are old. ED cD ao Nr ae ow TOT Photoropable 7 Bunga Vocabulary D Complete the sentences with the words below. ‘A Complete the chart. eat V play ¥ speak ¥ live ¥ go Portuguese W English W French Spanish ¥ Japanese 1. They ina big house. 2. In Morocco, they French Country eager and Arabic 1. Ireland 3, We chips for lunch. 7 41 to an international 2. France school. 3. Argentina 5. The boys________football in the 4, Japan park, 5. Brazil E Complete the sentences with the words B Label the picture. below. Use the pictures to help you. rabbits ¥ computer ¥ school ear ¥ nose V hair ¥ eye ¥ mouth England V eyes Br 2. Hi! I'm Ben. I'm from BY 3 ey} 4. 1 Tye got brown hair and 5. blue > GS 2. C Circle the word that doesn't belong. 1. catm flag w rabbit = dog 2. blond = black = brown = hair 3. eat m speak = play & city 4, green = mouth m tongue = ear 5. French = Arabic = Paris = Portuguese Tie Phaacopibe Pen Grammar A. Complete the chart. I he, she, it 1. live 2. study 3. cats 4 plays 5. g0 B_ Choose the correct words. Rene I eat / eats spaghetti for dinner. Diana like / likes her house. ‘We speak / speaks French and English. My parents go / goes to the park on Sundays. cD Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. 1. You (speak) English. 2, Jenny (go) home by train. 3. My uncle and aunt (live) near me, 4.1 (play) tennis every day. ce D Match A to B to complete the sentences. A B 1. Let's play a. chips in the car. 2. Dont eat _b. in Ieay. 3. Go __c. in the park 4, Let’ live d. to school. cp TOT Photoropable 7 Bunga E Complete the sentences with in or at. 1. He lives Dupin Street. 2. Istudy English school. 3. Paris is France. 4, He lives number 16. Writing ‘Write the sentences with capital letters. 1. my sisters and i live in london. 2. they speak french and english in canada 3. is eric your brother? 4. i speak portuguese. 5. my name is sheryl. Total Score..... /10¢ Wri ‘Answer the questions. 1. Where do you live? 2. Do you speak French? 3. Do you like animals? 4, Have you got a rabbit? 5, Have you got a computer? Vocabulary ‘A. Write the answers in words. ten + one = ten + ten = five + five = Rene six + six = ten + four = B_ Complete the chart with the words below. ear V sofa W brother ¥ eye English W bed W kitchen French ¥ bedroom W aunt Face Furniture Rooms Family Languages C Choose the correct words. My father speaks / eats French well. We like / live football and tennis. Jenny has got / goes to school in the city. I study / play at an international school. ween Italians eat / go pizza and spaghetti TEST Preweopabie Reading A Read the text and tick the sentences T (true ) or F (false). — jy name is Pierre, and my family and are French.We live on the river. We ave got a big boat. The boat is our home. Our living room is big. It’s got a ‘ofa and a television. My mum and dad's bed is in the living room. My brother Robert and I have got a small bedroom with two beds and a cupboard. The kitchen is small too. We've got a flag on the boat. It is the French flag. It’s red, white and blue. Robert and Pierre are brothers. 2. The family haven't got a television, 3. The kitchen is big. 4, The boat is on the river. 5. ‘The French flag is red, white and black. 6. Pierre is German, c=P B Correct the false sentences in A. vAwr Grammar A Complete the sentences with am, is or are. Richard and Nancy friends? 1 at home now. The mountains big. the cat in the bedroom? You a good basketball player. Complete the sentences with the correct ReNe 4 form of have got. Acity many houses. I (not) a green mouth. Rabbits two ears Suzy (not) many fish at home you brown hair? Lisa a new bicycle? Complete the sentences with This, That, These ox Those. are my trousers. book is new. & (ile shirt is red. D TOT Phowropabie =a D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. She (study) geography at school 21 (live) in a house, 3. David (go) home by car. 4, Lets (play) football 5. My brother and I (ike) sport. Wi ig Write the sentences in the correct order. Add punctuation and capital letters. 1, abrother / got / and a sister / ive 2. cousin / by the sea / my / lives 3. big house / got / the / a garden / hasn't 4. the / isn’t / in / the cupboard / red shire 5. plays / he / in the park / football Writing Bonus ‘Write 5 sentences about your family. 1 2. 3. 4 5 Vocabulary A Match the times to the clocks. half past eight nine o'clock quarter to four quarter past three half past four yee ae, rc _ * Name {Class u C Circle the word that doesn't belong. 1. night « day = morning = hunt 2. dress m jeans m= bedroom m tracksuit 3. breakfast = shop = lunch = dinner 4. alligator = job ® rabbit = cat 5. waiter sales assistant « blackboard teacher D Look at the chart and tick the clothes that Celia and Tom have got. i I u B Match the actions to the pictures. have a shower ¥ get dressed - have breakfast ¥ go to bed Celia_| “Tom go to work 1. jacket 2. dress 4 gS f= Bec ; 4 shoes 5. hat 1 2. 6. trousers 4 “a 7. jumper Ad. 8. shirt a f Grammar A. Write questions. Use the words below. 5. Tom / live / by the sea B Look at the pictures and answer the questions in A. Use short answers, C. Write the sentences in the negative. 1. Her mum works in an office. 2. The students go to school on bicycles. 3. Doreen studies computers. 4, You live near the shop. 5. Our teacher speaks French. Wi ig ‘Write the sentences in the correct order. Remember to use capital letters. 1. you / english / speak / do /? 2. don't / seudy / french / they / 3. have / home / lunch / i / at / don't /, 4, does / breakfast / have / at / peter / 7 o'clock / ? 5. like / they / chips / do /? Vocabulary ‘A. Match the verbs in A to the pictures in B A B 1. sing 2. speak ab ao 3, fly —<« 4. swim —¢4 Ve 5. write B_ Use the words from A to complete the sentences. 1. Fish can in the sea 2. Can you English? 3. Can you a song? 4, Birds can high. 5. Can you with a pen? Tio 1 Phaocopible Pe wR ene . Amonkey can climb tees. . A whale can swim quickly. Tick the sentences T (true) or F (false). oe A bear can fly. A fish can dance, A tiger can jump. Label the picture. toe ¥ hand ¥ finger ¥ leg ¥ foot ear ¥ mouth ¥ arm ¥ eye ¥ nose Grammar A Look at the table and complete the sentences below. Use can or can't. D Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives. 1. She has got a cat cat is black and white. ball is in the park. horse can jump house is very big. 5. My sister and I are on holiday. parents are at home. John | Jil 2. The boys have got a ball play football viv dance x |x 3. Lhave got a horse. swim x v4 fly a plane vy |x 4, David lives near the sea. speak English viv 1, John and Jill play football 2, John and jill dance. 3. Jill swim. 4, Jill fly a plane. Writing 5. John and Jill speak English B Write the sentences in the correct order. 1, you / English / speak / can /? 2, well / cant /'Tom and Sue / sing /. 3. must / you / listen / me / to / . 4, a plane / she / fly / can /. 5. on/ the dogs / sit / mustn't / the chairs / ° Choose the correct word. Janis / Janis’ homework is on the desk. Mary | Mary’ can play tennis. ‘Are a duck / duck’s legs pink? Has a gorilla / gorillas go big toes? ween Danny | Danny’s mother speaks five languages Complete the sentences with and or but. 1. Lean speak French Teant write it. 2. He can run he can jump. 3. Lean play football Tean play basketball, too. 4, Aturtle can walk it cant run. 5. Her hair is brown her eyes are brown Writing Bonus | Write 5 sentences about the things you can and cantt do. wR ene TOT Photoropable 7 Bunga

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