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em A ae mo CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for schools Starter Student’s Book ANDREW LITTLEJOHN & DIANA HICKS ae ~ te CAMBRIDGE NIVERSITY PRESS PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE ‘The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 IP, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB22RU, United Kingdom +40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA, 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia © Cambridge University Press 1996 ‘This book isin copyright, Subject to satutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, ‘no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Pres. Fint Published 1996 Reprinted 1997 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge ISBN 0 521 56795 5. Student's Book ISBN 0521 567947 Workbook ISBN 0 521 567939 Teacher's Book ISBN 0 521 567920 Class Cassette Set ISBN 0 521 56791 2 Workbook Cassette Contents ‘Map of Cambridge English for Schools Starter.......4 What's in Cambridge English for Schools Starter?..6 ‘1 irRopucToRY UNIT Learn English THEME A. New friends 2 TOPIC Around the world 4 3 LaNauace Focus » 4 activity English in our world 4 ‘Where we live 5 Topic Your country 26 6 LancuacE Focus 3 7 Revision 36 C Animal world 8 Topic Animal facts 38 9 Lancuace Focus 43 10 Revision 48 DD The circle of life 11 Topic Natural food 12 Lanauace Focus. 13 Revision gas E North and south 14 Topic The clothes we wear 15 Lancuace Focus 16 Activity A class calendar sae F Inthe sun 417 ToPIc What's the time? 4B Lancuace Focus 19 REVISION Make a test £32 20 auestion TIME! A revision game & Songs 88 ‘Map of the world 90 Useful sets. 2 Wordlist/Index 93 ‘Thanks and acknowledgements 96 Map of Cambridge English for Schools Starter unit THEME TOPIC A New friends 2 Topic Around the world W Curriculum links: Gegraplhy countries: Conunicaton sudies— use of English. Saying your name, age, where you come fiom and where you live; some adjectives; numbers 20+ B Where we live TOPIC Your country 6 Curriculum links: Geography countries, ‘Names of countries, continents and languages; continents and physical fates; Social stuies aatueal features of countries; a poster about your housing, languages country, “has got’ C Animal world 8 topic Animal facts 38 Curriculum links: Biology and Environmental Pred soecteeorard tir bata ie science ~ animal life and habitat. animals can and ean’t do; reading and writing about animals. D The circle of life 11 roPIc Natural food 50 Curriculum links: Bioloey food chains; Food errom tie his eyes bes buteaty Geography ~ facts about the world E North and south 14 ropic The clothes we wear o Curriculum links: Grogrphy ~ Northern/ Months ofthe year and clothings climate and southern hemispheres; Bolagy ~ capillary action; eae in eset are or chewndel Social suaies—the climate and how ic affects ovr lives F eiInthe sun 17 roPic What's the time? 4 Curriculum Hinks: Physics and Geography ~ sun, shadows and time, Activities in the sun; the sun and shadows; telling the time from the sun; daylight hours in England and your country; sunrise/sunset; makinga sundial UNIT UNIT LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 Lancuace Focus 19 “this, ‘that, ‘be’ in positive sentences and questions. In the classroom: classroom words. REVISION/ACTIVITY 6 Lancuace Focus 3 REVISION 36 Rooms in a house; discoveringa grammar rule; Self-assesment “a/an/the’s plurals. Revision of Units 1-6. Out and about: in the shops (I). 9 Lancuace Focus 43 10 Revision 48 “be" in negative sentences; ‘can/can't. Suecaeeeens Ji the dassroom: elasroom phrases (1). Revision of Units $9. 12 Lanauace Focus 35 13 revision 60 ets; Present simple; “there is/there are’ Self-assessment ‘Out and about: in the shops (2). 15 Lancuace Focus 67 Clothes, possessive ; colours; an experiment with flowers and colours. Revision of Units 11-12. ‘Out and about: meeting friends, 18 Lanauace Focus 79 TQ AEVISION Make a test 84 “have gor’; telling the time; days ofthe week; Self-assessment personal routines, Revision of Units 418 In the classroom: classtoom phrases (2). ‘Making your own test. What’s in Cambridge English for Schools Starter? Cambridge English for Schools Starter has three parts for you. There is a Student’s Book, a Workbook and a Workbook Cassette. ‘The Student’s Book 1 The Student's Book has six Themes. Match the Theme, the name and the picture, Theme A North and south Theme B i Where we lve We c Theme New fiends ———_ Theme D In the sun Theme E ‘The circle of life Al ep PS Zp ‘Theme F Animal world 2 Look at the pictures on page 7. Look in your book. What Unit are the pictures in? The Workbook and Workbook Cassette 3 Can you use the cassette with these exercises? 2 Unit 2 Exercise 3 b Unit 6 Exercise 1 © Unit 10 Exercise 4 Unit 13 Exercise 1 © Unit 15 Exercise 2 Learn English! How can you learn English? ee a Wirte English ith Came «fa for Se gon ca Have fun! i n Esta practice * WB Ex, 1 Play a game s Listen With Came ela Ip for See Yer con | Think! Look at the picture. H. pith Contr Engl BD for SAE Ge cans | 4 Practise! Extra practice * WB Ex, 4 4.4 Where are they? inaschoo! ina park 4.2 Practise with your teacher Talk to your teacher. (Hello, Sally.) 4.3 Practise in pairs ‘Work in pairs. Ask each other. STUDENT I: Hello, Tim. How are you? STUDENT 2: Fine, thanks. How are you? STUDENT I: Fine, thanks. Bye! STUDENT 2: Bye! 5 Learn the alphabet A B cD 5.41 The English alphabet E FG H 1 J Kon Look at the alphabet, Isic the same in your language? L M N OP Q R cS Learn the sounds. T uv W xv Z Say the letters in groups. ev Spell your name and address. 5.2 What's the word? Look in Unit 1. Choose a word. Spell it to your partner. Your partner writes it down. Check if you are right! 5.3 Play a game! Letter Bingo Choose a card. If your teacher says one of your letters, cross it off. Ifyou can cross off all of your letters, shout ‘Bingo’! > 7 =§ usten | SPEAK e 2 S 7 ee 6 Sing a song! Hello, friend (How are you?) [5] Listen to ‘Hello, friend (How are you?)’ and sing it with your class. The wonds are on page 88. Ce, r 7 Learn the numbers Numbers 1-20 Lxtna pracie * WB ES. 6 7.1 One, two, three ... [=2 Say the numbers, as. | fifteon /iPtion/ a 7.2 Think! ‘What's the next number? 8 two, four, six, twenty, eighteen, sixteen, b five, ten, fiteen, . e sixteen, thirteen, ten, © one, four, eight, thirteen, Write some numbers for your neighbour to complete 7.3 Play a game! What's the word? Look at your Language Record on page 13. Choose four words. ‘Write them in the squares. Don’t look at your neighbour's! YOUR WORDS 2 Now work with your neighbour. Ask: ‘What's number seven? Nothing. . . What's number Write your neighbour’ letters. titeon? YOUR NEIGHBOUR'S WORDS 1.2345 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 O [TTT TTI ttt ‘The first person to guess the four words is the winner! 8 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Record. 42 Unit Loam English! Language Record ‘Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word Meaning Example <= eZ] eat Teat a sandwich at school. listen Listen to the cassette. ae look ‘Look at the picture. ply z Play a game! read 7 Read this book. sing Sing a song! sleep Isleep at night. speak Ispeak English. write Write the word in the puzzle. asong Sing a song. c in Tread a book in English. with Sing it with your class. Your own phrase book! SAYING HELLO Write the phrases in your language. Hello. | How are you? _ Fine, thanks. | Not too bad, Bye! Goodbye! Unit LeamEngish! 43 Topic Around the world passa Geography 1 rm. Names and ages Exina practice * WB Ex. 1 {ray name's Carolina. } What's your name? ne How old {are you? 4.4 What's your name? =) Read and listen. New friends > Can you understand? a ea” — ‘Tell the class. (om tweive. sa Myname’s.... I'm... years old 10 ten 13 thirteen 11 eleven 14 fourteen 12 twelve 16 fifteen rs 1.2 practice a [My name's Work in a small group. Ask each other. (How old are you? (rm. years old. 1.3 Four students ‘Write two sentences for each person. (Remeseeres| Carolina ‘Marek Check your answers with the cassette or your teacher. 14 Themes 2 Around the world People and places Extra pracce * WB 2.4 They live in ... Ex. 23,6 Read about Carolina and Marek. Join them to the right country. This is Carolina. She’ twelve years old. She from Italy 2.2 Paula and Satoru He’ from Poland, Look at the pictures. Write about Paula and Satoru. Join them to the right country This is me! td name is Bety. im twelve years 3 A photo poster Writing; adjectives Extra practice * WB Bx. 5 3.1 A picture of you Find a photograph or draw a picture. Write about yourself. unit2 Topic 15 3.2 Your town © Look at the pictures and read the texts. Who lives there? Carolina, Marek, Paula or Satoru? (Look at Exercise 2.) Find a photograph or draw a picture of your house or flat. Write about it. This is my hovse/flat. his in bo Put your pictures and writing on a This is my hovse. It is in This is my flat poster. Put them on the classroom Ohara. Ohara is a stall tonm It is in Rome wall in pan Rome is a big city, 4 Decide ... Choose an exercise. You can work by yourself, with a partner or ina small group. Exercise 4.1 isa vocabulary exercise, Exercise 4.2 is a writing exercise. 4.1 What's the word? fy Vocabulary Put the words in the puzzle. What is word 6? 1 ld re your 2 Satoruis._ Japan. eal 3 Whatisy.._._ name? 4 Englandisas country. | Se coe Make a puzzle for other students. Look in Units 1 and 2 for words. 4.2. Some more countries Read about Britain, Italy and Brazil. Now look at the map on page 90. Find these countries. Chile Russia New Zealand Australia Norway Ecuador ‘Write about them. Chile's « country. 16 Themes 5 Sing a song! Hello, hello! = Listen to ‘Hello, hello!” and sing it with your class The words are on page 88. 6 Learn some more numbers 20+ Ext practice * WB Ex, 7 Say it clearly! ‘Pewenti/ twenty thirty forty fity 6.1 Ten, twenty, thirty ... =| Listen and say the numbers. [ee] [Fave | (eet | [ones] awaninaes | 6.2 Thirteen or thirty? ‘Say it clearly! /83'tin/ thirteen =] Listen and write the number aoe /fp:tin/ fourteen 6.3 Twenty-one, twenty-two... Tory Write the numbers. - 21 _ twenty-one 7 4010 hundred and one ppg the hundred ane a2 thich-iwe 67 88 Jocenticfie a7 74 92 Write some numbers for your neighbour. 6.4 Play Bingo! =) Choose a card. Listen. Put a cross (X) if you hear one of your numbers. When your card is full of crosses shout ‘Bingo"! Unit2 Topic 47 7 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Record, Language Record ‘Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word leaning Example acity Tokyo is a big city. phe hades a flat My flat is big. ahouse My house is small. aname ‘What's your name? atown My house is in a small town. and Five and five is ten. big Tnaly isa big country. long. Chile is a long country. small les Britain is a small country. Tm Tm twelve years old. o = Paula is eleven years old. She is from Brazil. he Satoru is fourteen years old. Hee is from Japan. this This is my house. what ‘What's your name? your ‘What's your name? my My name is Paul. from I'm from England. Your own phrase book! Write the phrases in your language. NAMES AND AGES My name’s © | How old are you? Vm ewelve years old. What your name? This is my house. ‘Write the numbers. 2 inentyeoigt es 39 thirty-rine 99 43 110 59 200 18 ThemoA this that; be’; classroom vocabulary Language focus 1 Anew school and new friends 4-4 What are they saying? Susan is at a new school. She is with Kate and Tony. Look at the picture. ‘What are they saying’ 4.2 Are you new here? = Listen co Kate, Susan and Tony. Are they in the same class? KATE: Hello. Are you new here? SUSAN: Yes. It's my first day. Kare: What's your name? SUSAN: Susan. KATE: I'm Kate. This is Tony. Tony: Hi, Susan, SUSAN: Are you new here? Tony: Oh, no. We're in Class 2M. ‘What class are you in? SUSAN: Class 2F This is my classroom, here. TONY: We're in that classroom, there Kate: Oh, no! That’ the bell. Susan, come to my house with Tony after school. SUSAN: Thanks! Can you understand the conversation? Check with your teacher. Read the conversation in groups of three. This is my en | aaron ‘What’s that? this? and “that Extra practice * WB Ex. 1 Extra pracice © TB We. 3.1 or ‘that’? Make a rule When do you say ‘this’? When do you say ‘that’? (thae’s’ = ‘that is’) Talk to your neighbour. Make a rule. Units Languagefocus 19 Put ‘this is’ or ‘that's! Introduce two people to your class. This is Jack and that’s Helen. 2.3 Introduce someone 2.2 Test your rule the sentences, your sandwich, ‘my sandwich, ‘Say it clearly! os this as/ that's 3 Here we are 3.1 The verb *be” The verb ‘be’ has different forms in English (Cmbere! We use the short forms when we spea 7 Can you complete the tables? Look at Exercise 1.2 and Unit 2. 8 BE rm (am) He. (He is) (You are)_| from England. | | She’ (She is) | from England. (We are) | in Italy. Ie (tis) | in Italy. (You are) — They are) BE: QUESTIONS ame he? ‘iifare you? | | Where she? we con it you? they? 3.2 Where are they? Look at the map. Write your answers to the questions. 1 Where's Valentina? She's in Tirkey. 2 Where's Akis? He's... 3 Where are Dave and Tim 4 Where's Konrad? 5 Where are Linda and Jack? 20 Themen, Theyre 6 Where's Maria? 7 Where's Susi? 8 Where are Paco and Anal? 9 Where are Yoshi and Shoko? 410 Where are you? ‘be? xine practice © WB Ex. 2 Exina race © TB Ws, 3.2 Say it clearly! Jam/ Yo | iz he's| | fiz ahe's ins its ‘w10/ we're Zin youre 3.3 Play a game! Memory Woitn pic, Askeach other: EE em) Make a list of the people in Exercise 3.2. Look at the map again, then close your book. Test each other. Check your answers. 4 Guess Questions with ‘be’ Betapace » WB Play another game. Look at the people. Where are they? Draw a picture of them ina Ex.34 train, a boat, a bus or a plane. Don't let your neighbour see! [Jacke Susi land = aboat a train ene — 3 = Paco Konrad land ‘Anal | atrain aboat abus aplane Jack and Linda ‘Susi Paco and Anali Konrad Copy the table and work in pairs. Ask each other questions. Answer yes or no. Mark your partner's answers. The first cians (ven person to guess four correct answers is the winner! (No. Unit’ Languagefocus 21 5 Inthe classroom Classroom words xara practice» WB Ex. 5 5.4 Things in your classroom Put the words in the puzzle, 1 ictionary pen pencil desk book cassette cassette player bag ruler ‘What is word 10? Check your answers with your teacher or a dictionary. 5.2 Ask your neighbour ‘Work in pairs. Ask each other about things in your classroom, What's this? Itsabook. — What's that? Isa desk. 6 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Recor. b Time to spare ? choose one of these exercises, E 4 Look at Exercise 5.1. Make a puzzle with the word ‘DICTIONARY’ ‘Use words from Units 1, 2 and 3 2 Write your answers. Read your dialogue with a partner. SAM: Hello. You: rt SAM: My name’s Sam, What’ your name? You: SAM: What class are you in? You: SAM You 4 SAM: That's the bell. Bye! You: m in 2B. My teacher is Mr Long. 22 Theme, Language Record Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word Meaning Example abell That’ the bell. a boat They're on a boat. abus He’ ona bus. i aday This is my first day at school. aplane We're on a plane. atrain ‘She’ on a train. first This is my first day at school new This is my new bag. this This is my classroom, here. i here This is my classroom, here, eo that in That’s my classroom, there. there ‘That's my classroom, there. come Come to my house! after Come to my house after school. with ‘Come to my house with Tony. in Write the name, eg UIA “This’ and ‘that? © Write ‘this is’ or ‘thae’ ‘Complete the sentences with T’, Hello! This is Pierre. is a a3 This is Maria. 's from Spain. This is my crocodile. is O Africa. This is Steven and this is Jack. are from England. > 2 hiss me and my family arefrom Ensen. ‘Where are you from? C7 > “he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘you’, ‘we’, or ‘they’ ’m Peter. Here are my friends. Unit Languagefocus 23 Activity English in our world wie Essa price « WB Unit 4 Before your lesson 4 English in your language ‘Work with your neighbour English words What English words are in your language? computer Make a lis radio Compare your list with other students. stop an you add more words and phrases colour TV that you know? 2 English is everywhere! Where can you find English words? at home? at school? in the shops? in the town? Tell the class your ideas. Before your next Activity lesson, collect all the English words you see. Collect some pictures with the words, \_ | tt ap In your lesson 3 Your English words Technology Things Musi to eat. Sport |, —tsic =—— ICED-TEA Fog, £0NC™ Teleyjs; = Cor, €levision ALL ™Pute, tennis superstar Milka” over oe M\ A game 3 Who am I? Think of an animal. Mime it to the class. They can guess who you are. —X, You're a zebral 4 The things animals can do ‘can’ and ‘can't? Exte practce 4,4 What can they do? WB ES. 2, 6,7 ‘Akangaroo can jump. ‘Atoucan can fly. Atiger can run. ‘A penguin can swim. Look at the animals in Exercise 1 again Write the names of the animals in the circles / on™ “ee i \ f \f I /\ \ / J NN or NN Compare your ideas with your neighbour. 4.2 Can penguins fly? Answer your teacher's questions. ‘can penguins fly? Noy they ons Yes, they cant ‘Tdon't know! 5 Kangaroos and tigers na pracce + WB Ex. 5 5.4 Kangaroos can jumy [= Read about kangaroos Underline the new Kangaroos can jump 9 metres. They information for you. You can jump very fast - 30 kilometres per can listen to the text on hout. Baby kangaroos are very small ~ the cassette only 3 centimetres long, They can't jump and they can't see. They can see when they are 9 weeks old. They can jump when they are 8 months old. ‘They can’t run and they can't walk. Kangaroos live in Australia 5.2 Tigers can ran! Look at the pictures. Write about tigers. You can work by yourself or with your neighbour. can very well ey can They car metres, aly oh cant 6 Sing a song! [© Listen to ‘I can’t do what a toucan can” and sing it with your class. The words are on page 88. 7 Decide ... Choose an exercise, Work by yourself, with a partner or ina small group. Exercise 7.1 practises vocabulary. Exercise 7.2 practises reading. toucan kangaroo zebra bear tiger kangaroo penguin swim fly jump climb see run eat speak live big small TAL A puzzle Vocabulary Write your answers to the questions in the puzzle. a What is number 7? 3 15 4 Kangaroos can joo 4 Look at page 32. You can 2 | 2 B........ live in North America. see a____ on the sofa. | They are black. They are very big. 5 A tiger can 7 T | J 8 Tigers can r. very fast. 6 What’ this in the picture? 6 { Now make a puzzle for your class. Here are some words, | | = =—= | 7.2 who Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer and follow the line to the next sentence. Who can you see at the end? This animal isn't || fromahot country. | Penguin Units Topic 41 8 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Record. Language Record ‘Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word Meaning Example can Penguins ean swim. climb D Tigers can climb trees. iy Saeed ne eRe ase Tolicanis can fly. Sc jump. Kangaroos can jump. run Penguins can't ran. swim Tigers can swim, walk = _ Kangaroos can't walk. an animal A tiger is an animal. a baby A baby kangaroo can’t see. abear Black bears live in North America. country countries England is a country. a kangaroo Kangaroos live in Australia, a penguin A penguin can swim very well. azebra Zebras live in Africa. fast = Tigers can run very fast. Your oun noes Time to spare ? Choose one of these etercises. 1 Look at the pictures and write about the black bear. Pasa 2 What about you? Write four sentences about things you can do, Write four sentences about things you can't do. 42 Themec ( Language focus ‘be negative; ‘can’ ‘can'™ 1 At the zoo / 4164 What is ie? Kate and Tony are at the 200 with Class 2M. Look at the picture. Who lives here, do you think? 1.2 Are you right? (S}) Listen to Kate and Tony. Can you complete the worksheet? Tony: KATE: Tony: KATE: Tony: KATE: Tony: Kare: Tony: KATE: What's this animal? I don’t know. I can’t see an animal here. I think they're toucans. No, they aren't. The toucans are in there. Yes, you're right. Look! I can see something in the trees. Oh, yes! It’s very small. I think it’s a baby. No, it isn't. Look, you can see a baby there. It’ very, very small. ‘Wow! It isn’t very old. What are they? Tknow. They come from Australia. They're .. Can you understand the conversation? Check with your teacher. ‘Work in pairs. Read the conversation. Central Secondary School Class 2M 200 VISIT ® Name of animal Number of adult animals jn Number of babies They come from, Unit9 Languagetocus 43 1.3 The three bears J Koaabeasate trom Australia They live in trees. Adult koala bears aten’t very big. They are only 0.5 metres tal. Baby koala bears are very small. They are only 2 centimetres tall Look at the pictures. Can Kate and Tony see a koala bear, a panda bear or a polar bear? You can listen to the texts on the : . anda bears are from China. Adult panda bears cassette. are very big. They are 130 kilos. Baby panda bears arent very big: only 1.5 kilos They are black and white. Foarbears are from the Arctic. Baby polar bears aren'tvery big but ‘adult polar bears are very strong, 7a tbe? negatives 2. Itisn’t a panda bear! Esra patie» WB Bs. 2,35 oe TB We. 9.0 2.4 In your language Esra pr: How can you say these sentences in your language? They aren't panda bears! They're koala boars, (sathevte { panda bears, (They're from hina China They're. from Austral 2.2 ‘Nov Tm not am not) In English, there isa long You aren't (Youarenot) | and a short form of ‘not’ | Bie (Eis ot) ___| Saar Can you complete the table? |-She (She is not) y Ie (Its not) from China hale We (We are not) rai ent You (You are not) flere They (They are not) eR 44 Theme 2.3 What is i? 2 They're pens. Look at the pictures. The They aren't pens! sentences are wrong! They're books. Correct them. Write your answers. 1 It'sa bag. _Titsa 6 They're window. pencil Check your answers with your neighbour. a 3° What can you do? ‘can’ and ‘can d cho Evra pce WB Ex. 1 3.4 The things you can do xia patie + TR Ws. 9.2 Look atthe pictures. 3 swim What can you do? What can't you do? aw Wi itennces. ricsove sentences Sam Nag | con 2 play | can't football 9 speak 5 climb f Chinese Compare with your neighbour. Read some sentences to the class. What other things can you do? Tell the class. aD ene hides 3.2‘Can’ and ‘can’t? i You | can Play tennis ‘Can’ is easy! You can use the same pee form for everybody. He: She Tt | fly We can't | speak Chinese, ‘You The Unit 9 Language focus 45 4 Inthe classroom “lassroom phirases Extra practice * WBE. 5 4.1 Some things your teacher says Listen to your teacher Match the sentences to the pictures. tA Read about ‘animals. _} A. a Look at th picture, (maton the words to the pictures. Compare your answers with your neighbour. 4.2 Some things you can say Here are some usefull phrases. What's ‘spaghetti’ in English? Can | have a dictionary, please? ‘What does ‘taxi’ mean? Can you play the cassette again, please? | don't understand this word. Can you say that again, please? For homework, look at page Look at the pictures. What are the people saying? 36, Exercise 2, page 38, Exercises 3 and 7, page 40 Exercise 9 and... 5 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Record. 46 Themec. Language Record ‘Your own phrase book! CLASSROOM PHRASES ‘Add more phrases. Write the meaning in your language. ‘What ‘pizza’ in English? ‘What does ‘taxi? mean? ‘Be’ (negative). Complete the table. Vii; itt (am not) I (itis non) You et (You are not), We (We are not) He (He is nos) You (You are not) She (She is not) They (They are not) c ‘Write some true negative sentences. te not from England. My friend Wiel IN Frenchy ond ‘ ‘Can’ and ‘can't’. Complete the table. Write some more examples. I can_ play tennis. It can't speak Chinese. You can swim. We can't fly. He You She ‘They Write some true sentences. © tem My friend can I can't My friends, ‘Otel see lass conto Time to spare ? choose one of these eter 4 Find eight verbs in the puzzle g 5 X A@LTIMBDEHKF SHWQK ay HJRUAFEATAWJWWL Lo SINGIYHDRREADHY HJ URUNWUSWAEIRH HJ OUEEFLOAEDSGJ o EWTJHEKTUSWIMBYV oer Aco y GLISEEDFWUIOPFS LISTENGRFFWUKCH 2 Look at Exercise 2.3. Draw some pictures and write some ‘wrong sentences’ for a friend to correct. Unita Languagetocus 47 Revision of Units 6-8 Revision Esta pate WB Unit 10 How well do you know it? ‘Self-assessment Here are some language points Tienowit | very welt | OK | a tie from Units 8-9. 2 " Tick (/) the box. J Berserk [3 "be negatives Now do the exercises to revise and check, 4 Classeoom phrases. 1 Find the word “Animal vocabulary Can you find the names of the HKOALABEARLASHM animals in the puzzle? ZEBRACVAGFEKOLM DUSG@PANDABEARNL HYBLACKBEARRODWG JUHGPENGUINFODOT i zx CVBNMLTIGERKH , KANGAROOCSTUPBU HG@DSCTOUCANMTYN 2 This animal can ... 2.1 What can they do? ‘Write some sentences about the animals in Exercise 1. For example: A tiger can't fly. An elephant can walle You can use these verbs: swim climb fly jump run walk talk speak ‘What can you do? Write some sentences. | cam reed, | can write. (can. | con't 2.2 What can a tortoise do? Look at the picture and read the sentences. Are they true or false? 1 Tortoises can't fy. 2 Tortoises can't walk very fast. [_ | 8 Tortoises can live for 200 years. |_] 4 Tortoises can'tlive in cold counties. |) 5 Tortoises can climb. Read the text to check your answers. 3 Isit right? ‘be" negative Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Some sentences are wrong! ‘8 They're penguins. Correct them. 4 He's an astronaut 5 She's very ol £9 1's a panda bear. Thot's right 6 I'sahouse. 2's apne It int a i . 8 (You're a boy! Wea boo 7 Ws amountain 7 4 Im the classroom Classroom phases Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 Read a... tothe cassette. 2 Look » ... the words and the pictures. 3 Write ¢ ... atthe pictures. 4 Match d .... about the animats. 5 Listen... ©... inpairs. 6 Work f ... some sentences. 5 MORE PRACTICE - Look at the list of language points again. Puta cross (x) if you think you need more practice. New words [| ‘can’ and ‘can’ ‘be’ negatives | classroom phrases ‘You can find more practice in your Workbook Unit 10. Unit 10 Revision 49 Food chains: thetife cycle Topic Natural food a wW ofabutterty ape 4 Big and small animals aa ‘Types of animals 4.4 In your country Look at the pictures Can you find these animals in your country? asnake awhale ‘apolar bear Work with your neighbour. ‘aseal Make three lists. They con fly They con't walk They con swim butterfly whale whale 1.2 What is ie Listen. What animal is it? Write your answers, 1 2 3 4 6 1.3 Three more lists Work with your neighbour: Look at the pictures in Exercise 1.1 again, Can you make three more lists? They eat meat They eat plants eat meat and plants Tell the class what you think Say it clearly! We think... a polar bear eats meat. itl eat 4 fish eats meat and plants its! eats a penguin eats 50 Themed 2 Big or small, they are all important! 2.4 What do they eat? All the animals in the world are important, They give food to other animals. Look at the pictures. ‘Make a food chain for each animal What can you say about the food chains? Tell your neighbour. A whale eats penguins, A penguin eats big fishes. A big fish eats small fishes and sea plants. 2.2 Write about a food chain Write about a food chain fora snake and apolar bear A snake ects A frog ects 3 A bvtterfly eats A polar bear eats A seal eats A tig fish eats Food chains [whale peu —zencke polarbear Sosy Ge 0 &e penguins butterflies and ws jay & fishes ‘small fishes and sea plants 3 Acircle of life 3.1 A beautiful butterfly Read about the biggest butterfly in the world. sou match the pictures to the spaces? Reading 3 The Birdwing Butterfly There are alot of butterflies in the world. | There are small butterflies. ‘There are big butterflies. K itis 25emacross, ‘The bitdwing butterly is a very big buttery. the same sizeas this tis also very beautiful book! - ‘The female isn’t 4 | beautiful itis black and white. ¥ 2 lives in the =m im Patek ‘A There are birdwing bet butterflies in india, | Mestsfiowes, | __] ‘sfitanka and Australia. | unit Topic st 3.2 Words Read the text in Exercise 3.1 again, Make a list of the words and phrases you can’t understand, Words | con't wdlerstand beavtifel Abuttertly puts ‘an egg on a plant. Compare with your neighbour. Can you guess the mea Sods s Check with your teacher. 3.3 The life ofa butterfly Work with your neighbour. Look at the pictures. Can you match the correct text to each picture? ‘Acaterpiiar comes from the e09- 6 “Itflies in the Itchanges into —— a butterfly, /P treatsthe Plant: teats flowers, @) Read the text again. Write some more words on your list from Exercise 3.2. Check with your teacher =] Check your answers with the cassette or your teacher. 4 Decide ... Choose an exercise, Work by yourself, with a partner or in a small group. Exercise 4.1 practises vocabulary. Exercise 4.2 practises writing. 4A. What's the word? Vocabulary "Can you join the picture or sentence to the correct word? afrog bak } a i { Acaterpilar comes from aanleae j ; ! | ‘Snakes. frogs and smalll animals. y: al | meat { Abate can cad | lish ad | | Look back at Units 8 and 9. Make a puzzle for another student. 62 Themed 4.2. Write about an animal Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 or choose another animal. Draw a picture and write about it This is a Boa snake. It lives in forests. It eats sell onimls it isn't very beautiful Ht fs very bi Boas live in’Africa, Asia ond Sovth America 5 Sing a song! There's an animal in my pocket > =| Listen to ‘There's an animal in my 3 y “F.. pocket’ and sing it with your class. oe a The words are on page 88 a Now complete your Language Record, 6 Your Language Record 5 (Os Time to spare ? choose one of these exercises. 1 Look at Exercises 2.1 and 2.2 again. Write about this food chain. Unit11 Topic 53 Language Record Word Meaning change Example Caterpillars change into butterflies. come from I come from England. Allanimals die. Snakes eat small animals Butterflies fly. A butterfly flies Polar bears live in the Arctic. I put my book on the table. meat Polar bears eat meat. the sea A whale lives in the sea. the world beautiful The world is very bi Butterflies are beautiful. black white Ths bh; Thisiswhite female A female birdwing butterfly is black and white. A polar bear eats seals. It also eats fishes. alot of The world has got a lot of animals. Label the pictures. Present simple; hore ifthe Language focus 1 Anew pet Listening 4.4 Your pets Have you got a pet at home? What is it? Tell the class about it. Toe got a pet His/her name is He/she is old. He/she sleeps in He/she eats 1.2 Kate has got a new pet 15 Listen, Kate has got a new pet. What is it? A rabbit, a dog, a mouse ora snake? Kare: Hi, Susan, SUSAN: Hi, Kate. What's in the box? Kare: Its my new pet. It lives in here. SUSAN: [like pets. I've got a pet mouse. KATE: Oh, that’snice SUSAN: What is your pet? Can I see it? KATE: Yes, He's in here. His name's Fang. He’sa baby. SUSAN: How old is he? Kare: He’ eight weeks old. He sleeps a lot. He eats at night. He's very nice. SUSAN: What is he? KATE: Look! You can see him. SUSAN: Ugh! KATE: He likes a mouse for dinner. SUSAN: Oh, no! My mouse is in my pocket! 1.3 Read the conversation. ‘Work in pairs, Read the conversation. 1.4 Your pet Draw a picture of your pet or an animal you know. Write about it This is my pet dog. His name: is Ti He is eight yore oe He eats me He sleeps in my hovse UUnit12 Languagetocus 55. 2 The Present simple “3? with ‘he’, ‘she? and ‘it’ 2.4 What is different? Extra practice « WB Ex. 3 Exna practice + Read the sentences. Look at the sentences with ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘it’, What is different? TB Ws, 12.1 1 like my pet mouse. She likes her pet snake. You speak English. He lives in a box. ‘We walk to school. It eats a mouse for dinner. ‘They live in England. 2.2 Complete the table Complete the table with the correct form of the verb. I [live in England. He in England. You sleep eight hours at night. She eight hours at night We come from Africa, Ir from Africa. They | singasongevery day. |) You can use the Present simple to talk about: something that happen regularly and something that is true generally. | come to school by bus. He lives in a small house. 2.3 Talk to your neighbour Tell your neighbour about your day. come to school. ea foie Ge by bus year 2 on foot After school, I play ... wre: my house &. the park in the street Tell the class about your neighbour. Peter comes 0 school by bus. He goes home by car. He plays in the park. 2.4 more PRACTICE =2I Choose a word to fill the gap. a Tony “to school by bus. live / lives b Fang... amouseordinner. cat /eats © Polarbears inthe Artic. play /plays d We... football at school. come / comes @ Kangaroos... from Australia. speak /speaks You... English walk / walks 9 She English songs. sing /sings _ fh Susan to school. 90 — 56 Themed 3 Facts about the world ‘there is/there are Extra praice » WB Ex. 4 3.4 Read about the world Extn practice © TB We, 12.2 Read these facts about the world, Can you tell the class more facts Facts about the world about the world? + There are 7 continents in the world. How do you say ‘there is’ and 4 > > + There are 180 countries here are’ in your language? 3.2 Make a rule Look at Exercise 3.1 again When do you say ‘there i When do you say ‘there are’? to spate 2 Choose one of Mese exercises. 1 Make three lists. ® These months have got 30 days These months have got 31 days April Jonvary This month bas got 28/29 doys 2 Copy the text in Exercise 4.2 but miss a word after every six words. Like this: New Zealand is in the sovth. is in the north. When it winter in Britain, it is in New Zola, Close your book. Can you remember the words? Unit 14 Topic Language Record Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word Meaning Example — wear Can you wear a your country? clothes Tve got a lot of clothes a holiday My summer holidays are in une and july amonth There are 12 months in the year. the sea Can you swim in the sea? gown Teas! There is snow in New Zealand in July summer Itis summer in Britain in June and July, winter Itis winter in New Zealand in June and July. weather The weather is cold in winter. wet, Ie is wet in England in March. windy It is windy today. all the time In Hawaii, they can wear shorts all the tim Label the clothes. Possessive’s; colours Language focus 1 Holidays! Listening 1.1 Your holiday ‘Where can you go on holiday? What clothes can you take with you in winter? ‘What clothes can you take with you in summer? 1.2 Kate visits her aunt Susan is in Kate's bedroom. Kate is going to her aunt’ house, Listen. What can Kate take? What can't Kate take? Where is Kate's aunt, do you thinl SUSAN: Look! This is a nice T-shirt. Kare: Yes, itis, But it Carol’s. I can’t take that. SUSAN: OK. Here’sa blue T-shirt. Can you take this? Kare: Yes, thanks. SUSAN: Have you got a scarf and gloves? Kare: No, but I can take my dad’s red scarf and my mum’ gloves. SUSAN: Good. Here’ your winter hat. KATE: Thanks. You know, it’ very cold there now. Eight degrees! SUSAN: What! Brere! In July! 2 Carol’s clothes Possessive 's sta paces WBS. 1 2.4 In your language 0 Yess Andthooo ) 1 it 131 How can you say this dialogue are Caro’ jeans too) in your language? Where are all your clothes? How do you say Carol’: in your language? Unit18 Languagefocus 67 2.2 Whose things are they? Look at the picture, Some important things are missing! ‘Whose are these things? wR Peter's book. "es LW ty 8 ¥ Check with your neighbour. Point and ask each other. Whose book is this? Its Peter’. * 2.3 Lost property =] Listen to the teacher. ‘Whose things are they? Draw a line from the student to the things. 2.4 Play a memory game! Cate thing fom 2peopein LAVA LAAT LALA your class. Give them to your 1 fees books z teacher. When your teacher holds up 3 ee a ot each thing, write down whose it is. = ae Co et 42. 3 Colours and clothes SS ‘olours Ext price + WB Ex. 4 3.4 What colour is it? xa price © TE Ws, 15.2 Match the words with the colours. green red black white -blue yellow Ques mia. 68 Theme. 3.2 Colours in your classroom Work in a small group. Look at things in your classroom. Write a list Find: 2 black things or 2 yellow things 2 green things or 2 blue things 2 white things or 2 red thin, —__——7 e Hello, my name's Jo. Tell the class: I've got | Peter's bag is green. My book is green. N \ = J ne . ello, my name's Minnie. lo. My name's Toni. is gota wipe ant and abi: ve got a green T-shirt, a lack 3.3 Who is who? ‘cit. Fve also gota hie | ‘skirt, a green sweater and swoater and black shoes. renshoes Read what these people say Write the correct name under y ) each person. n Write a description for Jo. 4 pa, Hi My name's Sam vo gota yellow "ve gota yellow T-shirt and x black jeans. 've got ared ‘swoater and red shoes. (2) Cutthe stem => into three ports. (@) Put the flower in the water. Wait one or two days. Look - @ new type of flower! e (3) Put three food colours in some water. Mecting friends 4.1 With your friends Where can you go with your friends? the swimming pool Where can you me the park Tell the class ps Hie can go to ODEON, Wiecan meet at the cinema the sports club the beach UUnit15 Language focus 69 4.2 Fireworks tomorrow! [== Listen. Susan and Kate are on the telephone ‘What can they see tomorrow? Where can they mee When can they meet? SUSAN: Hello. Kare: Hello, Susan. I's Kate. SUSAN: Hi, Kate KATE: Listen. Do you want to see the fireworks tomorrow SUSAN: Um ... OK! What time? SUSAN: Tomorrow ... that’s Wednesday KATE: The fireworks start at 7 o'clock. KATE: That's right! We can see them from my SUSAN: OK. Where can we me mother’ office Kare: At my mother’ office SUSAN: Fantastic! SUSAN: See you tomorrow: Bye Kate: Can you come? KATE: Bye. 4.3 PRACTICE ‘Work in pairs. What can you do to: Where can you me jorrow? When can you meet? Make a conversation. Some ideas Do you want to ... | A: Hello B: Where can we meet? {goto the cinema B: Hello A: We can meet at {90 for a walk A: Do you want to ... tomorrow? B: OK. See you then! Bye {goto the beach B: Fantastic! What time? A: Bye. gototheclib AD Ata. go. Act out your conversation for the class 5 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Record. ieee: - } Time to spare ? Choose one of these exercises, 4 Read what the children say. What month is their birthday? -_ [ My birthday month starts with’ My birthday month starts with ‘J My birthday month starts with "M ‘There are 30 days in the month. ) | There are 31 the month, ‘hore are 31 days in the month, ‘Thore are 5 letters in the name. “There are 4 etter in the namé ‘There are Blotters in the name. I Ws Ws ( “—"*~,,— ee eS ern —___ | 3 | P Ph { A ee . | Make some more puzzles like this for another student. } || 2 Look at Unit 14 Exercise 6.1. Make a word puzzle with the names of the colours. 1 3 Theme Language Record ‘Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word Meaning Example meet ‘We can meet at the cinema. start I start school at 9 o'clock. take ‘You can take my coat. an aunt ‘My aunt lives in New Zealand. an office ‘My mother works in an office. a firework like fireworks. ahat ve gota blue hat. whose _ Whose cat is this? Your own phrase book! MEETING FRIENDS ‘Write the phrases in your language. Do you want to go to... ‘What time can we meet? Where can we meet? See you then! l Possessives. Label the pictures. a Jane's book Colours. Label the colours. Mi gg” ral Activity A class calendar 1 Think about the months of the year Work in pairs. Choose two or three months JANUAR Y¢ggeuany MARCH pat MAY \\ SW is YGys5F OCTOBER DECEMBER Make notes about each month. sweaters, Id Ss, coats col ‘What can you wear? h at Have you gota holida snow For example vith TAN varr2 be go day is We I be ne ar te ns Is it hot or cold? What can you do? 2 Tell the class Tell the class your ideas. Collect all the ideas on the board. 3 Work in groups In January it is very cold- The days are very short: We wear coats and gloves. Sometimes we can play in the snow. We go back to school after the holidays. 4 Make a class calendar You can make a big calendar for the wall Or, you can make a small calendar for your house. ‘The sun time and shadows: curricular inks with Physics and Geography 1 Ona sunny day Things to do.on a sunny day Here are some things you can do on a sunny day. ape Can you label the pictures? Ex. 1,5 swim playagame rideabicycle havea picnic goforawalk playonabeach play ina park What can you do near where you live? ‘Tell the class. We can We can go to... 2 Inthe sun The time Essa practice WB Es. 2 2.4 Tom's shadow [= Look at the pictures. Where is the sun? Where is Tom's shadow? Can you draw Tom's shadow for 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock and 5 o'clock? Is it long or short? Bo'clock 0 0'clock 12o'clock o'clock So'clock ‘Tell the class. At 8 o'clock, Tom has gota long shadow. At 3 o'clock, Tom At 10 o'clock, Tom has got a At 5 o'clock, Tom At 12 o'clock, Tom Listen and check your answers. 7 Themer 2.2 Time from the sun ‘Work in pairs. Ask each other. What time is it? 11s thuee o'clock. Draw a shadow. Ask your neighbour. QOoe 3 How long is your day? Reading and writing about the time 8.1 The day in England Extra practice * WB Ex. 4 Read about the day in England. Is it the same in your country? DECEMBER] 3] You can listen to the text on the cassette. 3.2 What time i? Can you write the correct time next to the sun? 9 0'oIo0k in the morning 5 o'clock in the afternoon 12 o'clock in the aftemoon 3 o'clock in the afternoon ris ee 4o'clock in the o'clock in the morning ‘evening Unitt7 Topic 75 3.3 Write about your country Work with your neighbour, Look at Exercise 3.1 again, Write about June or December in your country. Draw the sun and write the times, In June/December, the sim comes vp at It goes down at It is Sometimes... His alvoys Compare your work with other students, 4 Play a game! What do you do? Go'clock in (a2ectockin > | theevening. / Listen to your teacher. Mime what you do at | he ftemoon. / 4 one, different times of the day. ~ lime moming. got up eat work watch television play sleep 5 Sing a song! Round and round | ) ok a isten to ‘Round and round’ and sing Listen to ‘Round and round’ and sing — it with your class. The words are on 6 Decide... Choose an exercise. Work by yourself, with a partner or in asmall group. | Exercise 6.1 practises vocabulary: ses cS Exercise 6.2 practises reading and writing, 1. What's the word? Vocabulary Write the correct word in the squares. 314 What word is number 7? 2 ‘ 1s. 4 Canyou bicycle? 4 s ¥ 5 At8 o'clock, Tom has 7 2 Itisn'tiong. it'ss gota shadow. 3 Canyou football? 6w & a Now make a puzzle with this word, } 4] (F] [7] [E] [R] [§] [0] [0] [ws Look in your Language Records for words for your puzzle. 76 Themer Reading and writing 2 What time i Read about time in other parts of the world, ‘The time is different in different parts of the world! ‘When it is 12 o'clock in the afternoon in London, itis 7 o'clock in the morning in New York and 10.0’clock in the evening in Sydney, Australia. Look at the map on page 90. Look at the clocks. ‘Write your answers to these questions. ‘When it is 12 o'clock in the afternoon in London, what time is it: inCairo? Hts 2 o'clock in the: afternoon in Tokyo? inBeiing? in Madrid? E in Mexico City? Los Angeles? where you live? i E Find the time in some more places. Make a list and ask your neighbour. 7 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Record. Make a sundial at home ») Cuta semi-circle from polystyrene. ) Write the hours on @ piece of paper’ Cut the poper. Glue the poper in the semi-circle, [Ifyou ore south ofthe equator, we hey Leer ee @ Arto ponin ine porno on fRepencttne made the A (you are seh othe eso pce Ihe poneito he noth) Nowyoucen ‘alee! @ Look atthe mop on poge 90. Find your latude. Take this from 90. For exemple, London is 52*nerth. 90-52 = 38. Cut two triangles from polyslyrene. Glue the semi-circle on he ringles. ‘toda here Unit17 Topic 77 Language Record Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word Meaning Example come up In England, the sun comes up at 4 o'clock in June. get up 1 get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. go down The sun goes down at 4 o’clock in December. watch television Sometimes, | watch television in the afternoon. ride Tcan ride a bicycle. a bicycle = T have got a bicycle. apicnic ‘We can go fora picnic in the afternoon. a shadow Thave got a long shadow in the sun. awalk ‘We can go fora walk in the afternoon. afternoon, Sometimes, I play football in the afternoon. o & 5 In December, in England, the day is very short evening I go to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening. morning Igo to school in the morning. night In December, in England, the night is very long, Tong In the afternoon, my shadow is long. short In the morning, my shadow is short. warm i ‘Sometimes it is warm in England. always Talways eat at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. sometimes Sometimes it is very cold here. es Your own phrase book! 111 LIME Write the phrases in your language. ‘What time is it? in the evening © Itsone o'clock. I get up at 7 o'clock Its seven o'clock in the morning. in the morning at night in the afternoon 1 go to bed at 10 o'clock at night. Time to spare ? choose one of these exescises, 1 Draw some clocks. Write some times. Ask your neighbour to match the time to the correct clock. 2 Look at Exercise 4 again. “Write some sentences about what you do at different times. For example: It's nine t at F o'clock. in the i 4 igide debck a the ae o'clock. o'clock. 78 Themer Language focus cage oe 1 What have you got? ao : Listening = a book aruler 4.1 In your bag = ‘a pencil What have you got in your bag or pocket? 6 p Tell the class about some of your things. ® —~ Pee & oon | oo some sweets arubber ‘some cards “ akey ‘some money 1.2 Kate's birthday = Listen to Susan and Tony. Why do they say ‘Oh no!”? TONY: Hi, Susan. What have you got in your pocket? SUSAN: Oh ... nothing, TONY: Nothing! I can see something. SUSAN: Well... Ie a present for Kate. TONY: A present for Kate? Why? SUSAN: It her birthday today. TONY: It isn’t today. It’s tomorrow! SUSAN: No, it isn’t. It’s today. TONY: What! I've got a present for Kate, but it’s at home. SUSAN: | What is it? TONY: Ita cassette, SUSAN: I've got a cassette for her, too. TONY: What is it? SUSAN: Ie’ the new Mike Richards cassette. TONY: Mike Richards! Kare: Hi, Susan! Hi, Tony. Look, I've got a present from Andy. It’ a cassette. TANDS: Mike Richards! Oh no! Work in a group of three. Read the conversation. Unit18 Languagefocus 78 2 Ive got... ‘have gor’ sna price * Ws 2.4 ‘Have got’ or ‘has got’? Make a rule Bx. 1,2 Evia praice * TB When do you say ‘have got’? When do you say ‘has gor? ie HA Look at these sentences and complete the table, Kate's got a present ‘rom Susan. Ive got have gt) a new pet He's got (has got) a sinall house, You ( ) atest tomorrow. | She ¢ ) abig flat, We ( )— apresent for you. | It ¢ ) three bedrooms. They. ¢ ) alot of pets. Note: ‘She’ gor’ = ‘She has gor’, ‘I've got’ = ‘I have got’. We usually say ‘She's got/T've got’ when we are talking. Ics easy to make questions and negatives! Have you got atest tomorrow?) { No, haven't gota test tomorrow. ‘Has Tony gota present for Kate?) (No, he hasn't got a present for Kate. 2.2 PRACTICE ‘has got’ Look at the pictures. Ask your neighbour, got? He's got a dog and a cat. 2.3 PRACTICE ‘has got’ and ‘have got’ What about you? What have you got at home? Tell your neighbour. Tre got Tall the class about yourself and your neighbour. Say some things that aren’t true. \ They can guess if is true. Rick } John has got a tiger at ome. / Toe got a computer in my bag. 20 Themer ‘eiclock 5 The time xia practice » WB Ex. 4 3) What time is it? tna practice © TB Ws, 18.2 3.4 Around the clock Look at these five clocks. What time is it? Complete the sentences. 1 Nina gets up at 2 She goes to school at 4. She goes home at 3 She has lunch at 5 She goes to bed at Draw hands on these clock faces and ask your neighbour. For example: What time is it? Its ten past three 3.2 Your day Look at Exercise 3.1 again. Write about your day. Compare with your neighbour. ‘Tell the class about your neighbour. Sarah gets up at... She ‘Your week Day toring | Atemoon | ereing Days of the weel Me Extra practice * WB Ex. 3 What do you do every week? Extra prctie * TB Write some things in the diary. Write the time. Ws, 18.2 Tell your neighbour. Find one thing that is the same in your diary and one thing that is different. On Monday, I play football at On Tuesday, Ewatch ... on television dis UUnit18 Language focus Bt 5 Play Bingo! A game Write a day or a time in each square, Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday CIGIOICLAINIONS = Now play Bingo. Ifyou hear one of your words, put a cross (x) on it. When your card is full of crosses, shout BINGO! 6 Inthe classroom ‘Classroom phrases Look at page 56. Exara practice WB Ew, 5 41 Some things your teacher says Listen to your teacher. Match the sentences to the pictures. ‘Ask your neighbour. 6.2 Some things you can say [=] Here are some usefil phrases. Write them in your language. ‘When can you say them? What page are we on? What's for homework? Ican’t find my book. Sorry, | can't hear the cassette. | don't understand this exercise. 7 Your Language Record Now complete your Language Record. 2 Themer Language Record ‘Write the meanings of the words in your language. Word Meaning Example abirthday When is your birthday? acard Tye got a picture card. money Tve got some money. a present Tye got a present for you. something. Tecan see something. today It is hor today. tomorrow Its my birthday tomorrow. athome ‘My present is at home. “Have got’. Write some true sentences. ve got You My fron, We My friend, ond DAYS OF THE WEEK Fill in the missing days. Monday, | Wednesday, TELLING THE TIME Complete the clock. | Time to Spare ? Choose one of these etecises. 1 Draw some more clocks. Write the times. Ask another student to match the time with the clock. | 2 Write about a friend. |My friend! tives in Sasa He/She has gt x He/She has also gt 1 test Revision of Units 14-18 ea tes Extra practice * WB Unit 19 1 How well do you know it? Self-assessment Tknow it | verywell_| OK | alte 1_ New wonls: months, days, colours, clothes Here are some language points from Units 14-18. Tick (V) the box. 2 The dime 3 have gor’ Now do Exercise 2 to check 4 igoneste) 2 Test yourself . A short test ‘Work with your neighbour and do this short test. TEST YOURSELF! A What's the word? New words Eseal ates he eae SHOESRETWUJDFKIWS | TUESDAYETYAGSJIWA 2 Monday, .Weenesday HYTEGYTRDSFWYUOQN 3 LDyJDUTYTROUSERSTD 4 RTOFILEHSG@TEGHDUWT 4 March, May JHUITLKTOQAPRILYDY 5 KFHHEYGQHAUJDGWYG JDJHGYDECEMBERGSK 6 October, Novem JHHGREENXGOXGVZI00 B What time is it The time ‘Write the time under each clock. (© What have they got? ‘Write about the people. Emma has got 0 bag. Chris Val Helen and Chris Emma and Val Sally Wl This is Suson's deste Check your answers on page 92. Look back at Exercise 1, Were you right? ‘have got" 3 Write your own test! ‘Work in small groups. Look at Units 14-18 and write part of a test for your class. Look at the test in Exercise 2 for ideas. Tell your teacher which part you are doing. Anewwords B thetime C ‘havegot’ D 's (possessive) Give the test to your teacher to check and to put together for your class. Make a test 4 more PRACTICE Look at the list of language points in Exercise 1 agai Puta cross [X] if you think you need more practice. 0 New words Cy ‘have got? () The time (] 's (possessive) ‘You can find more practice in your Workbook Unit 19. Unit19 Revision A revision game You need: counters adice Aim: To get to ‘Home’ Phy in a group of two or three. Choose a colour. Put your counter on ‘Start’ Ifyou are Blue, write a question for Yellow square 3 and ‘Home’ Ifyou are ; write a question for Red square 4 and ‘Home’. Ifyou are Red, write a question for Blue square 5 and ‘Home’ ‘Throw the dice and move your counter, Answer the quest ‘The first person to answer the Home’ question is the winner. Say two things about your town, What have you got in your house/flit? | Soy die dang | Say these numbers: 55, 88, 94, 36. Answer: ‘Where are you from? Say three things you can’t do. Can penguins fly? Say the names of two animals from cold countries Say three things you have got in your bag or pocket. What colour is the door of your house/lat? Say the months of the year. You want a dictionary. What can you say? | RED QUESTIONS 9 | + | 1 Say qwo things about your country. | 2 Say two things about yourself. I tee see | 6 Complete: ‘They... students, | 7‘A’or‘an'? apple pen orange car | _8 Ask your partner for a pen. | 10 Say these numbers: 20, 30, 40, 100. ! 12 Answer: ‘What's your name?” | 13 Say the names of two animals from Africa. | 15 Say your telephone number in English. | 17 What colour is your classroom door? 48 You can’t understand an English word. What can you say? Songs Unit 1 ‘Hello, friend (How are you?)" One, two, three, four. Hello, fiend®, Hello. How are you? Hello, friend®, Hello. How are you? Fine, thanks. It good to see you. Fine; iauls. [es goecia ve Goodbye, friend, goodbye to you. Hello, friend*. Hello, How are you? Goodbye, friend, goodbye to you. Hello, friend*. Hello. How are you? Sing with me, its good to see you. ‘Not too bad. Its a beautiful day. ‘Sing with me, isa beautiful day Not too bad. les. beautifil da. Dee a BY Do-da-do, do-da-do-da Sing with me, is good to ee you Wo” Singith ric, csjaieamaely Do-da-do, do-da-do-da Do-da-do, do-da-do-da * Sing the name of someone in your das. at Ne “te haere v ED Ob I want to go there today, Yes, I want to go there today Ie got flowers and bees And birds in the trees. Ob I want to go there today: There isa country, A beautifull country, ‘Where I want to go. t Yes thereisa county, gait Abeautifil country, & \ Where Lwant to £0." py Uo) There isa country, ~ «”, We wear shorts and T-shirts on the beach And we swim in the sea s i, But where can we run To see the sun? Ob where can we run To see the sun’ Go south, go south, where the weather is hot. Go south to the sun with me Go south, go south, where the weather is hot Go south to the sun with me Unit 17 ‘Round and round’ ee ee eae) get up, you go to bed reece een cern ee eee ar cree eT ei Round and round. cA Seo es Round and round. Choms There’ an animal in my pocket It isa mouse He eats my sweets and sandwiches, And lives in my house There's an animal in my pocket, His name is Joe. He con » school every day, And my teacher doesn’t kriow. 5 There are books on the tables. There are children on the chairs There are pencils in our hands, And there's a teacher over there. PREFEME- work on the blackboard, There are pictures on the walls But the animal inny pocket Is the best thing of all Repeat chorus I want to go on holiday In the winter when the weather is cold. We wear coats anid hats in the park An we play in the snow. But where ean we go To see the ee awe where the weather is cold, Go north to the snow with mi Go north, go nort Go north, go north, where the weather is cold. Go north to the snow with me me J round. a ee ete ett You gct tp, Pgo to bed eet ier cy Map of the World Day 109 [203 )/ 3:00 (400 ) soo (6:00 ) v00 less ) 3:00 (19:00) 11:00 (co-00 \ Vey we | er|\\S) | | vee SL Yee Useful sets Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Months January February March April May June July August September October November December Colours range green pink purple. grey brown yolow Black blue graon— white ‘The alphabet (by sound) Fev fil (el fan! (aol juss fais ab f i o qr hoc Loy u jo odom w koe on & pox t Numbers 3three 4 four 5 five 6 six Seight nine Ieleven 13thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 17seventeen 18 eighteen 20 twenty, lone 2two Tseven 12 twelve 16 sixteen 19 nineteen 1Oten 42 forty-two 53 fifty-three four 75 seventy-five 86 eighty-six 97 ninety-seven 100 a hundred 201 two hundred and one 1,000 a thousand 1,000,000 a million 10,000 ten thousand 2 Useful sats The time Iv’s ewenty-five to six, @ Its quarter to ten. €) Ie’ quarter past nine, i) It’ five past eight. Q Rooms classroom Kitchen bedroom livingroom bathroom Things in a classroom adictionary apen apencil a desk acassette a cassette player a bag, a book ‘Things at home asofi aplant atelevision aradio a picture atelephone achair atable a clock Clothes f = sweater 6 P e trousers 2 sandals Answers Unit 19, Exercise 2, pages 84-85 A. shoes, Tuesday, trousers, April, green, December B ewenty-five pat four, half past thre, five o'clock, quarter past, six, ewenty to eight © Emma has gota bag. Val has got a bicycle, Emma and Val have gota dog. Chris has gota radio. Helen and Chris have got a computer D This s Simon’s eat. This s Ali’ pen. This is Janet's picture Wordlist/Index In this list you can fin reds from the ‘Topic, Abbreviations: list you ean find the words from the TE eee int. interjection, noun poss. adj. possessive adjective ‘pron, pronoun: Language focus and Activity Units and their page numbers. Ths lis is alo an index of the grammar in the book, adv, adverb art, article pl. plural prep. preposition subj, pron. subject pronoun verb ‘conf. conjunction 1» beacons) 27 Cara vith indie aide 32 DET posesirs afan/the 32 oom Ec ereen, hundred Y Baing on Sinmdscdandone 17 Bai an Soca me cama ateea 5 bye cence across adv, 51 bigadl chan, ie 31 lege fombig ain ‘ings change sien ena, 13 inghuteiyn, St chang no a " 49 birthday w. check v. ster tisk pe aefermoon 75. Back bear. Chile all the time adv, os beeee anaes spate a io a alvays ae ma Poke oome ai indie ide 32, POR ee and conj, a td as animal 1 and adj 38 ee ne ee ¥ 3g he classroom phrases: mina 38 erty fsnomnn 2 by prep.: by bus. climb v. narican 26 Auer 2 Bye in dock des ao a Arbic nandadj. 45, ———C ——_

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