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ECP1016 Computer and Program Design

Assignment (20%)

General instruction
1. Form group of 3-4 students within the same tutorial group.
2. Late submission is subjected to mark deduction.
3. Plagiarism, or similarity of report/code is subjected to mark deduction.

Marking Scheme
1. Proposal report (4%)
- Using flowchart or pseudocode, design a solution to the assignment problem.
- Submission dateline: 25 August 2017 (Friday), before 4pm.

2. Coding (10%)
- Achieve all basic requirements: 8%
- Other aspects, eg., efficiency (in terms of memory and/or speed) of the code, readability of the source
code, or advanced features (beyond what is required): 2%

3. Final report (2%)

- One report from each group.
- Report should contain the following:
brief introduction of the assignment,
methodology (obtained from part 1 Proposal and/or the revised version),
bugs or features that are not working as it should, or unique aspects of your code (if any),
conclusion and recommendation for future development (if any),
printout of samples program output,
source code (as appendix).
- Maximum length of report: 10 pages excluding the appendix.
- Submission dateline: 29 September 2017 (Friday), before 4pm.

4. Demonstration (4%)
- Will be conducted in groups, in Week 14.
- Demonstration of the working program: 2%
- Individual assessment: 2%

1 Trimester 1, 2017/2018
Question 1 (Prepared by Dr Emerson for 106B and 104C)

Design a simple Telephone billing system for International Direct Dialing (IDD). International Call is
charged in blocks of 6 seconds or part thereof. The charge for each block depends on the country to
which the International Call is made.

For example, if you call Australia and the call lasted for 10 minutes and 20 seconds, the charge will
be computed as follows:
Total duration = 10 minutes and 20 seconds
Charge rate to Australia = RM0.09 per block of 6 seconds
Total duration (in seconds) = (10' x 60'') + 20" = 620 seconds
Total unit charge blocks = 620"/6" = 104 unit blocks
Total charge = RM0.09 x 104 = RM9.36

1. Your software system has to produce a bill something similar to the one given below for each
ABC Telecommunication
IDD bill for the month of August 2017
Customer ID: 10025
S.No Country Dialled seconds Charges (RM)
1 AUSTRALIA 620 9.36
2 INDIA 300 17.50
3 CHINA 480 14.40
Total Charges 41.26

2. It has to produce a monthly summary report similar to the one given below.
ABC Telecommunication
IDD bill SUMMARY for the month of August
S.No Customer ID Charges (RM)
1 10025 41.26
2 10026 30.00
3 10027 50.40
4 10028 40.24
Grand Total (RM) 161.90

3. It should be a menu driven system having the following minimum options

2 Trimester 1, 2017/2018
Input Data:
The CALL HISTORY of various customers are recorded in a file called call_history.txt
Customer ID Country Code Duration in
10025 61 620
10026 673 500
10027 57 265
10028 98 120
10025 91 300
10026 966 65
10027 81 61
10025 86 480

Look-up Table for country and its rate of charge is in the form of a file named country_charges.txt
Rate per minute
Country Country Code
BRUNEI 673 1.80
COLOMBIA 57 5.00
CHINA 86 2.40
FRANCE 33 1.80
GERMANY 49 1.80
INDIA 91 3.50
IRAN 98 4.00
JAPAN 81 1.80
THAILAND 66 1.80

3 Trimester 1, 2017/2018
Question 2 (Prepared by Mr Pau for 105A and 106A)
Design a simple ECP1016 student grade book. ECP1016 has no more than 200 students and its
assessment components are test/quiz (30%), assignment (20%), final exam (50%)

1. Your software should have a selection menu driven system having the following minimum

1. Display all student records
2. Add a student mark
3. Update a student mark
4. Show class statistic
5. Exit the program

Input Data:
The Students data are recorded in a file called StudentRecords.txt. It has the following fields:-
Student ID Quiz/Test Assignment Final Exam
1001700001 10 16 44
1001700002 11 17 45
1001700003 12 18 46
1001700004 21 15 47
1001700005 22 16 48
1001700006 23 17 42
1001700007 14.5 18.5 43
1001700008 17 20 49

2. In display menu, you should display at least the following information:

No Student ID Quiz/Test Assignment Final Exam Total Grade

1 1001700001 10 16 44 70 B
2 1001700002 11 17 45 73 B
3 1001700003 12 18 46 76 B+
4 1001700004 21 15 47 83 A
5 1001700005 22 16 48 86 A
6 1001700006 23 17 42 82 A
7 1001700007 15 18 43 76 B+
8 1001700008 17 20 49 86 A

3. In statistic menu, you at least display MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, AVERAGE, STANDARD DEVIATION
and for each assessment components and total as well as a histogram showing number of
students scoring A, B, C (etc) and Fail.
4 Trimester 1, 2017/2018
4. Higher mark will be given if your program has considered efficient use of memory allocation and
demonstrated use of all different types of selection and repetition algorithms.
5. You program should check the minimum and maximum mark that allow to key into each
assessment component. Test/quiz (0 to 30), assignment (0 to 20) and final exam (0 to 50).
6. Below is the MMU grade table:-

Total Mark Grade

>=80 A
>=75 A-
>=70 B+
>=65 B
>=60 B-
>=55 C+
>=50 C
<50 F

5 Trimester 1, 2017/2018
Question 3 (Prepared by Dr Kwek for 104A, 104B and 105B)

Develop a simple ticketing system for a local zoo. The price of the entrance ticket to the zoo is given
Ticket type Price (RM)
Malaysian Adult (age 13-59) 17.80
Kid (age 4-12) 7.10
Senior citizen (age 60 and above) 7.10
OKU (Persons With Disabilities) 5.00
Foreigner Adult (age 13 and above) 23.70
Kid (age 4-12) 17.80

The software allows user to provide visitor details manually through keyboard or read from a file.
Upon receiving the details, total fee to be charged will be displayed.

The software also allows user to print a summary of the details of all visitors received so far. All these
information should be outputted to a file for record purpose.

Besides, an option to display the statistics according to different category should also be provided.

The software should be a menu driven system having the following minimum options:
1. Input visitor details manually, and print total fee
2. Input visitor details from a file, and print total fee
3. Display visitors details
4. Display visitors statistic according to category
5. Exit the program

Input Data:
The visitor details recorded in a file called list.txt has the following fields:
Name Malaysian? NRIC / passport Age OKU?
(1-Yes, 0-No) number (1-Yes, 0-No)
Alicia Wong 1 840520042166 33 0
Bryan Lim 1 560112043167 61 0
Christopher Lim 1 06062304526 11 0
Diana 1 090623044112 8 1

Validation on the Malaysian National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) number needs to be done to
ensure that a 12-digit long number has been entered. For example, the NRIC number of the third
entry of list.txt is found not valid; in this case, user should be allowed to enter a new NRIC number.

6 Trimester 1, 2017/2018

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