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Merch Jarloe T.

Rubite Synodal 1

AB Philosophy II

The Politics of Aristotle


Politics is the one that gives the character of the society. Thus, it has a crucial role in the
society. It is lead by a leader or leaders. When the leader/s are corrupt then society suffers and
when the leader is good and just then society will have a higher chance to become happy. The
condition of a state reflects always to the leader/s that governs it.

The politics of Aristotle composed of a vast knowledge about political concerns. Like the
nature of the state, the ideal state, government classifications and many more are being discussed
here with deeper explanations. The most important part in this book is that it shares to us the
knowledge and also it teaches us how to apply it.


The state is a creature of nature because this is the final end of human beings who are
political beings. It existed to supply the physical and intellectual needs of an individual. So
before we jump to the state itself we must know first the composition of every household.

A complete household is composed of slaves, who are considered as a possession of a

family or its master, and freemen that are composed of a husband, who is the one that has highest
authority in a household, the wife and the children. There are also called the household
management which corresponds to the relationship of the persons who composed the household:
Mastery, Marital and Paternal Relationship.

Citizen varied depending on the state they belong. Citizens are those who share duties
from the offices of the state. So, those who could not do the duty that the office is giving cannot
be called citizens like children and elders. Slaves and Laborers who help acquiring the self-
sufficiency and goodness of the state are considered only as a necessary people.
If a state is composed of three different classes: the Rich, the Poor and the Middle state
group, the most appropriate ruler to be chosen is belonging to the middle state group because if
we are to set this in the context of how does the individual become truly happy is to be virtuous.
To become virtuous is to choose the mean of the two extremes.

We all know that the state is made up of different kinds of people. Thus, complete unity is
not necessary but rather equality with a mutual relationship in which each citizen are free and are
able to share in ruling.

These differences can also affect the state and that is why we cannot deny the possibility
of having a revolution in a state. Most of the reasons why people revolt is because of the
confusing meaning of justice and to avoid this revolution is to arrange laws that can minimize the
possibility to commit injustice. For the rulers, being virtuous and being aware and more focused
to the well-being of the society can really decrease the chance of this revolution.

To solve this problem of differences of the citizens, education must be given to foster
commonalities among the multitude. The citizens should be molded to suit the form of
government under which he lives. Education must be given to each citizen to foster
commonalities among the different people. The aim is to gain happiness to the whole state.
Happiness of the whole means happiness must exist prior to the individual.

Human beings are political animal. They created the state for the sake of common interest
and for the sake of maintaining and improving the quality of life. Because people need to
preserve the quality of life they have been living, constitution is created, which is structured from
the principle of justice and equality.

A state has an aim to attain happiness. There are three classes of goods that can give us
happiness: external happiness, goods of the body, and goods of the soul. The best life, both for
individuals and the state is the life of excellence and excellence can only be attain when the
external goods are limit to the extent that it is enough for the performance of good actions. The
happiness of the individual is the same as that of the state. Thus, a government is best only when
every man can act best and live happily.
A state is made up of families and multitude of citizens. It is the reason also why is there
many forms of government. The various forms of government are Kingship rule of one,
Aristocracy rule of few, and Constitutional government rule of many. In perverted government
Kingship will be Tyranny, Aristocracy will be Oligarchy and Constitutional Government will be
Democracy. The constitution is composed of offices in the state that determines what is the kind
of governing body and what is the end of each community. Laws are must be in relation with the
situation of the present constitution.

There said to be only two forms for the government and other are just variations of those
Democracy and Oligarchy. Democracy is more relaxed and gentler to its constituents. The
basis of a democratic state is liberty. One principle of liberty is for all to rule and be ruled in turn
and whatever the majority approve must be the end and the just. The characteristics of
democracy are election of the officer is by all out of all, all should rule over each other and
should ruled in turn; the appointment to all offices should be made by lot; no repeat terms of
offices; popular assembly with great authority and all offices are paid.

Oligarchy is an overpowering constitution. Aside from these differences there are more
variations of these two. For the Oligarchy, the state is ruled by the elite group only. To be a
citizen is to pass the qualification. Oligarchy has a chief division of military people that is
composed of the Cavalry, the Light armed troops, the Heavy infantry and the Navy.


In the governments that have been discussed, it is really hard to know what really is the
best because every kind has its possibility of having a problem. But as I have evaluated I have
concluded that the more gentle and more relax is what I assumed to be the best government
which Democracy. This government does not require heavy duties but it is like a government that
everyone can rule the other can be ruled in return. If every kind of people living in this state
practiced habitually what really is their given function without any kind of pressure for them just
to act then happiness will surely be attained for the individual and to the whole. However, if the
leaders are not focus to the good of society and they only desire what is good for themselves the
government will fail to do its task. Also if the leaders only decide what is best for his society
even without knowing what really can make the citizens happy, the government will not be
useful because everyone should contribute to the idea of how to attain happiness. So, the leader
must know first what kind of happiness his people are aiming. The laws also should relate first to
the condition and situation of its citizens so that everyone will have a chance to live a good and
happy life.

The leaders should know also that education system must be applied to unite and form
the mind of its constituents so that even though they are all different they must have a common

So now, in order to have a good government everyone must live their function as free
human without any pressure in a democratic society. We should keep in mind that laws should
present equality and justice and must be the aim of the government in a manner wherein
everyone have been part of choosing the laws that have been implemented.


Everson, S.(1996).Aristotle: The Politics and Constitution of Athens. New York City: Press
Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.


Kenny, A. (2004). A New History of Western Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy. New York City:
Oxford University Press.

Furley, D. (1997). From Aristotle to Augustine. London: Routledge.

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