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Oct 22

Chapter III Physical Development

Infancy and Toddlerhood: The First Two Years Body Growth
Brain Development
Motor Development
Perceptual Development
Influences on Early Physical Growth

Cognitive Development
Piagets Cognitive Development
Information Processing
Social Context of Early Cognitive Devt
Language Development
Learning Capacities
Classical Conditioning, etc.
Differences in Early Mental Development

Emotional and Social Development

Emotional Development ( Temperament, Attachment)
Eriksons Theory
Bolbys Ethological Theory
Cultural Influences
Milestones of Development in Infancy and toddlerhood
OCT 29 Physical Development
Chapter IV Body Growth
Brain Development
Early Childhood: Two to Six Years Motor Development
Influences on Physical Growth and Health

Cognitive Development
Piagets Cognitive Development
Information Processing
Language Development
Learning Capacities
Differences in Early Mental Development

Emotional and Social Development

Emotional Development
Eriksons Theory
Foundations of Morality
Peer Relations
Child-rearing and Emotional and Social Devt
Milestones of Development in Early Childhood
Chapter V Physical Development
Middle Childhood: Six to Eleven Years Body Growth
Motor Development and Play
Common Health Problems

Influences on Physical Growth and Health

Cognitive Development
Piagets Cognitive Development
Information Processing
Language Development
Learning and School Issues
Individual Differences in Mental Development

Emotional and Social Development

Eriksons Theory
Concept, Esteem, Self-Regulation
Moral Development
Peer Relations
Gender Typing
Common Problems of Development
Fostering resilience in Middle Childhood
Family Influences
Milestones of Development in Middle Childhood

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