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Humpty Dumpty Skydiving

Beginning Developing Accomplished

Demonstrates an Understands that Recognises that Acknowledges and
understanding that when things are gravity is a force, can demonstrate
gravity acts as a dropped, they fall. and can show the that gravity is a
pulling force on But does not direction in which it force that pulls
objects. recognise it as is applied - but does objects to the
gravity pulling not successfully ground. If there was
object to the attribute it to the no gravity, things
ground. object falling. would float.
Demonstrates an Understands that Recognises that air Acknowledges and
understanding that when things are is a force, and can can demonstrate
air acts as a pushing dropped, they fall. show the direction that air is a force
force on objects. But does not in which it is applied that pushes objects
recognise that air is - but does not to the sky. If there is
pushing object up to successfully no air, things would
the sky. attribute it to a fall at the same
push/slow the speed.
object from falling.
Has been able to Recognises that Understands that Acknowledges and
incorporate their there are ways to they can capture air can demonstrate
understandings of slow the fall of the to slow the fall of that successfully
forces to slow down egg, but does not their egg, but does capturing air will
the fall of their egg. fully understand not completely use slow objects from
that it is air this understanding falling to the
resistance lessening properly. ground.
Has been able to Has not been able to Has been able to use Has been able to
successfully protect incorporate their understandings of incorporate their
their egg from fall. understandings of force to slow the fall understandings of
force to protect of their egg but force to protect
their egg. egg was still their egg from being
damaged. damaged.

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