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Hannah Petruzzi

HIST 143
Professor Eghigian
30 September 2016

How the Nazi Rise Reflected the Partys Publically Embraced Values

Throughout the year of 1933, the Nazi rise to power strongly reflected the values such as
unity, masculinity, anti-Semitism, and nationalism which were publically embraced by the
National Socialist Party from 1920-1932. The Nazis effectively highlighted the significance of
unity under one leader through their practices. For instance, in Klemperers diary he is disgusted
by the fact that, the press worships Hitler like God and the prophets rolled into one, (33).
However, it is apparent that much of the regimes support results from the fear of the German
citizens, which Hitler ensures by stating in his Speech to the Industry Club that the Party will be,
intolerant and pitiless toward anyone who shall attempt once more to destroy or undermine this
body politic. It becomes clear through Goebbels that, Adolf Hitlers goal is the union of all
Germans, and the Hitlers actions during the course of 1933 suggest that this is true at very high
costs. In the Decree of Reich President for the Protection of the People and State, it was even
pronounced that personal liberty, free expression of opinion, free press, and the right of assembly
were all to be put on hold. It was apparent throughout 1933 that the value for unity under one
ruler was to be held higher than most other values in Germany.
A strong emphasis on masculinity was also illustrated by a great deal of the Nazis
practices throughout the Partys 1933 rise to power. Also in Hitlers Speech to the Industry Club,
he asserts that SA and SS men, sacrifice themselves night after night then come back in grey
dawn to workshops and factory. By ensuring that the SA and SS men, who are highly respected
and overall feared by the German people, are viewed as strong Hitler instilled the value of
masculinity in his followers. This value is further developed by Hitlers general emphasis on the
Nazi army, which he mentioned in his Speech at the Putsch Trial while boasting, the army
which we have formed grows from day to day. Furthermore, in We are Voting for Hitler,
Goebbels emphasized that fact that Hitler performed, simple construction work, and had
survived, through hard, exhausting, and sacrificial struggle. The Nazis value for struggle went
hand in hand with their value for masculinity, as both were seen as imperative characteristics of a
strong Aryan. In Klemperers diary, he revealed that The Fascist party had brought into being a
huge organization with several elements, including sports and hiking (23). It is clear that the
value for masculinity was largely a tool for the Nazi Party to attract and organize members, as
shown by the activities of the Hitler Youth in the film, Triumph of the Will, as well as the various
speeches made by Party leaders.
The National Socialist Party was also successful in uniting its members through
promoting hatred of specific sub-groups of the population. There was value placed on detesting
opposing political factions such as Marxist/Communists, but the greatest form of hatred
promoted was anti-Semitism. This was frequently illustrated throughout the beginning of
Klemperers diary, as many of his friends lost their professional positions and he remained in
fear of losing his last form on income. Additionally, the diary alludes to the fact that Klemperer
was not able to publish any additional works once the Nazi party rose to power throughout 1933
(38). In the Conference of Ministers meeting minutes, it is apparent that Hitler saw success, in
the urgent fight against international Jewry, and used his own hatred of Jews to spark the hate of
citizens and unify the Party under common ideas and goals. However, Jews were obviously not
the only group targeted by the National Socialist Party, as throughout Klemperers diary the Nazi
disdain for Communists is illustrated by the Partys actions such as releasing prisoners who were
jailed for murdering Communist leaders, essentially pardoning the crimes.

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