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Active Voice Passive Voice

S (direct object) +will + be + past participle +/- by

S + will + verb-1 + direct object
S + am/is/are going to + bare infinitive S (direct object) + am/is/are going to + be + past
+ direct object participle +/- by (agent)

Passive Voice
I will wash the dishes. The dishes will be washed.
(Saya akan mencuci piring.) (Piring akan dicuci.)
A small amount of their money is
They are going to invest a small amount
going to be invested in the stock
of their money in the stock market.
2 market.
(Mereka akan menginvestasikan sedikit
(Sedikit uang mereka akan
uang mereka di pasar saham.)
diinvestasikan di pasar saham.)
You will be shown something
Dino will show you something interesting.
3 (Dino akan menunjukkan padamu sesuatu
(Kamu akan ditunjukkan sesuatu yang
yang menarik.)
His assistant will prepare and edit your
Your legal documents will be
legal documents.
prepared and edited.
4 (Asistennya akan mempersiapkan dan
(Dokumen-dokumen hukummu akan
memperbaiki dokumen-dokumen
dipersiapkan dan diperbaiki.)
A new client is going to be met
He is going to meet a new client tomorrow.
5 (Dia akan bertemu seorang klien baru
(Seorang klien baru akan ditemui
Present perfect

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + have/has + present participle + direct S (direct object) + have/has + been + past
object participle +/- by (agent)
Active Voice Passive Voice
Great slides has been
He has prepared great slides for the
prepared for the presentation.
1 (Slide yang baik telah
(Dia telah mempersiapkan slide yang
dipersiapkan untuk presentasi
baik untuk presentasi tersebut.)
We have verified your application. Your application has been
2 (Kami telah memverifikasi verified.
aplikasimu.) (Aplikasimu telah diverfikasi.)
Someone has used my credit card to My credit card has been used
buy airline tickets. to buy airline tickets.
3 (Seseorang telah menggunakan kartu (Kartu kredit saya telah
kredit saya untuk membeli tiket digunakan untuk membeli tiket
pesawat.) pesawat.)
The document has been
I have sent the document already.
sent already.
4 (Saya telah mengirim dokumen
(Dokumen tersebut telah
tersebut kepadamu.)
My father has just given some money Some money has just been
to me. given to me.
(Ayah saya baru memberi uang kepada (Uang baru saja diberikan
saya.) kepada saya.)

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + am/is/are + present participle + direct S (direct object) + is/am/are + being + past
object participle +/- by (agent)
Active Voice Passive Voice
The surveyor is using the digital
The digital teodolit is being used.
1 (Teodolit digital sedang
(Surveyor sedang menggunakan
teodolit digital.)
She is not cutting the grass now. The grass is not being cut now.
2 (Dia tidak sedang memotong (Rumput tidak sedang dipotong
rumput sekarang.) sekarang.)
You are usually watching TV when TV is usually being watched
I come. when I come.
(Kamu biasanya sedang menonton (TV biasanya sedang ditonton
TV ketika saya datang.) ketika saya datang.)
I have no idea know why he is
I have no idea why the shirt is
wearing the shirt to sleep.
being worn to sleep.
4 (Saya tidak tahu kenapa dia
(Saya tidak tahu kenapa kemeja
menggunakan kemeja itu untuk
itu digunakan untuk tidur.)
Where are they presenting the Where is the product being
product? presented?
(Dimana mereka memeresentasikan (Dimana produk tersebut
produk tersebut?) dipresentasikan?)

Past tense

Active Voice Passive Voice

S (direct object) + was/were + past participle +/- by
S + verb-2 + direct object
Active Voice Passive Voice
S + verb-2int + preposition + object S (object of preposition) + was/were + past participle +
of preposition preposition +/- by (agent)

Passive Voice
1 Sunmark Press printed the first book in The first book was printed in 2005 by
2005. Sunmark Press.
(Sunmark Press mencetak buku pertama (Buku pertama tersebut dicetak pada
tersebut pada tahun 2005.) tahun 2005 oleh Sunmark Press.)
Someone left the letter when he was The letter was left when he was away
away from his desk. from his desk.
(Seseorang meninggalkan surat tersebut (Surat tersebut ditinggalkan ketika dia
ketika dia jauh dari mejanya.) jauh dari mejanya.)
Sardines and rice were eaten for dinner
Tio ate sardines and rice for dinner.
by Tio.
3 (Tio makan sardin dan nasi untuk makan
(Sardin dan nasi dimakan untuk makan
malam oleh Tio.)
They just talked about mental health. Mental health was just talked by them.
4 (Mereka baru saja membicarakan tentang (Kesehatan mental baru saja dibicarakan
kesehatan mental.) oleh mereka.)
Yesterday, the hotel was stayed at by my
Yesterday, my father stayed at the hotel.
5 (Kemarin ayah saya tinggal di hotel
(Kemarin hotel tersebut ditinggali oleh
ayah saya.)

Nurse : good morning ms Latifah?

Patinet : morning
Nurse :how are you today ms?

Patien :my feelt has been bad today

Nurse : what are you feeling ms?

Patient : my leg is being itched

Nurse : Oke ms, The itching is caused by a bandage that should have been
Patient :yes nurse
Nurse :Okay ms, can we start now To replace bandage?
Patient : Okay
Nurse : How was last night whether to sleep ms?
Patient :I was can sleep last night
Nurse : What about the portion of the meal ms?
Patient : If you wanted to eat must exhausted , sometimes also not
Nurse : Next times the food should be spent for the health and healing of
the ms
Patient : Yes nurse, tomorrow I will try it
Nurse :good job ms, oke ms, to change the bandage is finish ms
Patient :Oh thank you murse
Nurse :welcome ms, how are you feeling after the bandage replace ms?
Patient : more comfortable nurse
Nurse :okay, Previously there is a willing to ask?
Patient :No, thank you
Nurse : Okay, excuse me ms, thank you

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