IAS Mains Philosophy 2014

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xam :,2014
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~!i'l<1!illle4 I PHILOSOPHY
~-'Q:f I I Paper I

f.mfftrr 811ZT : rtr.r rR ~ai<ii:250

Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250

~-'Q";f ~ ~ Pci~ll!!.
<fiQ71T JWif 'i1U rrr? ;#" 'l:J f.IAfARsJrl ~ ~ q;1 t41'1f!_dih 'lT(:
~ 3fTO JIR f ~ ';f'tiTTsT if ~ #' ?f2TT f'Rt Jit< Jit'!ft # if ,W f I

rrttmWT <it rm.r m t ~# t1

'fi&rr 1 Jtt< 5 Jtf.t<rr<f t rrwr <rr<tt if it JTrWi &'US it if>11- it- if>11 '% JIR ~ ~ r~r.r t ~~1
JTrWi JIR/'11PT if; 3/'1; :mit l'fi'IR ~ 111( f I
m t ~ mt l{J!:zy{ if ffr& ~ ~ flRw>r ~ :mrrit m- rr;r if tWn w t, Jtt< w l{J!:zy{ q;r Plli(! ~
JIR-tfF-~ ('f'{.,.if/.1[.) gfftr<nT if; !flSf'iO 'l< JifWr ~ PrR 'l< fWn CJfRI ~I J@ftilrl l{J!:zy{ if; 3ffrtftm 3P1
f<iiif!l{J!:zy{ if ffr& 111( ~ 'l< <if{ 3/'1; #f fin# I

m if woc: iftrrr, ~ fitf.tffr! t, "" 3lJmuT tWn CJfRI ~1

JfRl if; YfTif <fit 1fUR/ iMijHii <fit c;n1f{t I ~ q;rcr #f ~' cit JIR if; ~ <fit 1fUR/ <fit c;n1f{t ~ Cf(l ~ Jiwrr: Wll 1flTT
~ I JIR -f{F-~-gfftr<nT if 1JITf'fl ~ 311 'flJ "l/7 :mit Jiw <if P'll! ~ it q;rcr CJfRI ~ I

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :
There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE from each section.
The number of marks carried by a question/ part is indicated against it.
!' Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be
stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No
marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
'\ Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off



Ql. f.lqf81[@('1 in ~ ~ R-!Rsil{, it ~ ~ 150 ~ i! ~ :

Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50

How are the synthetic a priori judgements justifiable according to Kant ?

Explain. 10

Bring out the significance of 'language games' in Wittgenstein's use

theory of meaning. 10

(c) ~in fi~ffl'lllf51 (fCn ..()fll;j'k11Zlfl) if '<hh6ci<t><OI' c;f;T ~ "f'TI! ~ I

Explain the significance of'bracketing' in Husserl phenomenology. 10

(d) <FIT i'11~"1Rf'il "<:f>T ~-"f~ l:il~'llf4 "<:f>T ~ 3'1Rcwk R<ldi"*HC:

(mdilf-1,.4) c;f;t 3:ffi ~ "'llf(ff ~ ?~~ 1 r


Does Leibniz's theory of pre-established harmony necessarily lead to

determinism ? Discuss. 10

(e) ~in ~ sT41l:l 3'lf1:l; ~fj:qf{ff1,.4" i! ~ 11{ ~ f<f;B ~ aOfl "fill~~ ?

How far are Quine's arguments in "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"
justified? Discuss. 10

Q2. (a) G3if in 3iR, ~ :afu: fcl~ciiB if ~ ~ I <JQ ~ ('1fCltft4iBI 11< f<tiB
>r<!m: 3'1Tmfui ~ ? "f'TI! ~ I
Distinguish between knowledge and belief according to Plato. How is it
based on his metaphysics ? Explain. 20

(b) ~<t>liff<l ~ (<t>lc!ffi:l4'1 ~~) in ~ <it "f'TI! en@ S,Q: ~ "fill~

~ c;f;t 3'11 C'tl"' '11 r4 'f) <11ftan ~ I
Explain the doctrine of Cartesian dualism and examine critically
arguments in favour of it. 15

(c) ~in~ <t>l4'f>ROI ~ c;f;t 3'11<:11"1'11 "<:f>T <11ft~ '!_C'<li<t>'"l ~ I

Evaluate critically Hume's criticism of theory of causation. 15

~ 2
Q3. (a) q<:IT ~ ~ f.loll4ifi ~ it ~<:'414414 ~ ? ~~ if; ~<:'414"1 ~ <fit
4fl:f1"141aU <fit~ <hlfllo: I

Are empirical statements conclusively verifiable ? Discuss the

limitations of'verification theory of meaning'. 20

(b) ~<R:c~ if; ~ -q 4<41'1CIIC:: (~c1fq,-q) <fit ~ -oo, ~ <fit ~ 041<941 it

f<lziRI$"1 Cf4'i 3i~Q4d ~ ? ~ <hlfllo: I

Why does Wittgenstein disagree with Bertrand Russell's interpretation

of atomism in the philosophy of Tractatus ? Discuss. 15

Are G.E. Moore's arguments in defence of common sense satisfactory ?

Give reasons. 15

Q4. (a) Rl>ih11i <fit Cf(OJ <fit 3W!T(Oll <8 ~ <hlfllo: I Cf(OJ <fit ~ -q ~'Ql\1JTT
~ ;f)fu~ll61 it~~ fmr ~ ?~~ I

Explain Kierkegaard's concept of choice. How does the concept of choice

in metaethics differ from normative ethics ? Explain. 20

(b) fcfitft ~ if; 31fW;:q <8 ~ if>IWtifictl (NI~Wtil) if; f~ if; tl"Tlf.t ~ t
~if;~~ Cf>1 ~ ~ ~ ~ '(rliifi"i <hlfllo: I

State and evaluate Heidegger's claim that temporality is the horizon

against which the being of any entity is understood. 15

(c) .:mq "ifi Cf>l<fifii(OI ~ -q ~' 3lTCim: "l{CI'. ~ "if; ~ "if; ~ Cf>1
~4$ll$0: I

Explain the significance of Aristotle's doctrine of form and matter in his

theory of causation. 15



Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10X5=50

(a) '~ 3fu: ~ <1 mm:ffi q:;) itu "Wr-~a:J f.rmfur Cfi\ffi ~ 1" i!ICI\Cfl if; ~

"Limits of knowledge and world are determined by my sense perception."

Discuss this claim of Carvakas. 10

(b) ~~if; l:fhlf.:dCfl ~ ~ l:ist<:;I<!J if; ll~ ~lfim (~fql):t:fl<11Ri1Cflet)

~q:;)~~ I

Explain the epistemological differences between SaU:trantika and

Vaibha~ika schools of Buddhism. 10

(c) 3N-ft !'1fCI>il4i~AI il> ~ -ij ~ il> ~ ~ '3l't'!llB' <1 31<filRUIT <1 ~ q:;)

Bring out the significance of the concept of adhyasa in Sankara's

philosophy to develop his metaphysics. 10

Are the arguments given in favour of existence of pralqti adequate in

Samkhya philosophy ? Discuss. 10

(e) Cf<lT 3l2lfqfu )l11lU[ q:;) 3l]4T-1 )l11lU[ -ij !A41 f%<'1 f<p.rr ;;n BCfl([T ~ ? 414 i!A I ~ il>
~fuct>lo1 it fct~i!"'l ~ I

Can arthapatti (postulation) be reduced to anumana (inference) ?

Discuss it from the MimaJ11sa point of view. 10

Q6. (a) fi:l@J'ld 'lffiCft<r ~ it 41!111!fdl ~ ~<&iol it; i.fil4i.fil<"l CfiT ~ fcfiB ~
~~~ <fi\(!T ~ ? ~~i:H ~ I
How is the theory of causation central to the theories of Reality in
classical Indian tradition ? Discuss. 20

<b l "i.fiif cf;t

31<f'aRUIT <it ~ cfl Nw: v:<i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "5l"i.filU cf;t
~~i:HI chlNtl{ I
Explain the concept of Karma and discuss its various types according to
Jain philosophy. 15

(c) ~ ~ ~ m <it ;:<fl<! ~ i!:<i 4l"lilill c:$f it ~ )l"i.fiR -;;rr;n ;:;mrr ~ ?

~~i:H~ I
How is an absence of an object known according to Naiyayikas and
Mimamsakas ? Discuss. 15

Q7. (a) ;:<fl<! ~ it 3ll.'fti<t>tt> ~a:r <it f<l~ii.fiR "i.fif.t ~ <;lltff.ltt> f.l(%a1~T <it J<;:_>:nR:a
~I .

Bring out the philosophical implications of introducing extraordinary

(alaukika) perception in Nyaya philosophy. 20
<b J lil!OSI 'ill a ~ ~ ~ v:<i m <it li14 $11 ~l{ 1 fcfiB )l"i.fiR ~ ~ 3lli110$1 'ill a
~ cf;t am 3Wm: <fi\(!T ~ ?
Explain the nature and levels of samprajnata samadhi. How does each
level lead more towards asamprajnata samadhi ? 15

(c) '~ ~ ~ it ~ t ~ "Tfi ~ ~ afu: ~ ~ ~ (3'1'lf""'l) <fi\(!T ~" -

Bi&f ~ ~ ""lla:r w:or.:Qt ~ lTd" CfiT -qft&lUf chlNtl{ I

Examine the Saffikhya view on liberation that "the self is neither bound
nor liberates, nor does it transmigrate". 15

QS. (a) ~. <l"llj'll "l{Cf 1lt:Cf ~ ~ it ~ .cf;t ~ fcfiB )l"i.fiR -a ~ ~ ?

3ll<:l'l"l'11~"li.fi ~~"l"l ~ I . .
How does the nature of Brahman differ in the philosophy of Sankara,
Ramanuja and Madhva? Discuss critically. 20
(b) ~ cf;t 31<f'aRUIT <it '11'11~'1 fcfiB )l"i.fiR lil"l$11d ~?
How does Nagarjuna explain the concept of Sunyata .? 15
(c) ~ ~ CfiT ~ <Wf fcfiB )l"i.fiR q Id'll 1'1 <Wf .'i.fil ~ tt>fB d ~ ~ ? ~ ~-q '1 chl Nt l{ I
How is Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga an advancement over Patanjala
yoga ? Discuss. 15

~ 5


("3"\R ~ ~ ~ f.ll<l~fulct fmil 'li't 'f'!"'l1 ~ ~)
G't 1:9"lsl il ' 3l10 m ~~~ oil ~ ~ 3h);;ft c:t.i! il ~ ~ 1

~ 'fi't J ~ "lrf.11 ~ "3"\R ~~I

m m 1 3fu: 5 31f.l<n<f ~om f i "lrf.ilil B ~ 1S11S B 'fil'!-B-'fil'! ~ m ~ <fR "lrf.11 ~ "3tR -~
~ "llR /'WT ~ ~ f.l"l! ~ ~ m ~ 1]11; ~ 1

$ "liToH!~c"3"\R (<fllo <1\o ll;o} ~ ~ ~ ' f.lro! ~ ' Wn ;;rRT

mfl "lfiUI1l ll fu& 1ft~; "3"\R ' q;){. ~ "'ft!\ fT!Wt I
"lrf.11 <Iii ~ Wn, ~- ~ ~. 'li't 11RT ~ - I
"lrf.11 ~ "3"\R :rut~ l!JUil! -ij ~ O!R f.m<tiT $ ~ ~-'1:1 -ij Wn TJ<!T t 3fu: ~ l!JUil! 'liT "f'1l!
~ l!JUil! ~ 3'lf'ilfuli 3F<!

"lrf.11 ~ wrnil <JillJURT sMI:!*II < <Iii ;;m;>1\ 1 31ifu<l; ~ B ~ 1ft~; "lrf.11 ~ "3"\R '1i't 'ljj llP!T eft ;;m;>1\ ~ 3B <m:~ "
TJ<!T m 1 m-"{fll-"3"\R ~ il ~ ~ 1]11; q;){ 'l!! ~ 'l!! ~ \WI 'li't 'I?fo= <m -~

ITime Allowed : Three Hours I IM~um Marks : 250 I
(Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions)
There are EIGHT questions divided in two Sections and printed both in HINDI and
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must
be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space
provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank
in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.

1 [P.T.O.


10x5=5 0
Answer all of the following in about 150 words each : j

(a} ~ ~ ~it f.IBmrr 3ffi. ~ t, <It~ <oT <l1"R-mlf
u;&;RI ~ WWII q;\ Wffil. 'fil:
W!><11 ~? !

If caste discrim ination has continu ity and hierarc hy, which princip le of justice
can dissolve this problem ?
(bJ "srittfrl<JJq f'lffi m 'ffl"!R, mm 3ffi Wl1 ~ ~ ~:m q;~ ~ '!i<l t mn
~ ~<ft~iW!It?
How does multicu lturalis m redefine liberal notions like identity , freedom
equalit y and reform ulate its assump tions?
(c) ~ ~ 3ffi lli'Rii!icll ~ it ~ ~ m ~ <!if<~.%?
How do we disting uish Liberal human ism and Marxis t human ism?
1m~ t?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fu;&;RI ~ ~ q;\ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ fu;&;RI ~ ~
Explain the significance of John Austin' s theory o'fI sovereignty. How does
differ from that of Hobbes ? i

(e) q<IT ~ 'li6 ~ %f<ti ~ ~ ~ ~) ~ <oT W9<1 'fiR'll t? 3l'f.t '3'iR ~ .

Can we say that racial suprem acy is the main reason for genocid e?
reasons for your answer .

2. (a) ~~~.~'liT~. <oT Wl1 ~% 3ffi <~<iT?


Which theory of punish ment, retribut ive or restorat ive, do you recomm end
' .
i 20
and why?
(b) "~ \ft "'rt\ W ~ m<ft t, 1Wt! ~ :ffiT if.! omft t !" ~ ~I <ft <:tilit1'1"111<ilifi O!ffi9!!l ~I
"One is not born a woman , but she become s a woman ." Critically comme
on it. ~ . 15

(c) q<j[ ~ ~ (~) il; ~ ~ 1IU llllf.l<t> wmr: '5111! 'fil: ~ ~? llit1l'i11kllifi
'~~I .
. 15
By elimina ting alienati on can we bring social progres s? Critically analyse

"~ \ll! GRRft t, '!?f ~ ~ \ll! GRRft t"~ ~ <oT o<fi ~ '!if<~'~!:~~
3. (a}
Analyse the statem ent with reasons that ''Power corrupt s, absolut e
corrupt s absolut ely".
(b) 'lffi([ it ~-~ <R 1Jlqr 'Q,<i ~ ~ <11"1 ~ ,)q q<j[ %?
What are the basic differences betwee n Gandhi andI Ambed kar regardi ng
system in India?

(c) '"''l'l ' <lit tf\lrim ~ ~ '-:001' t ~<lit ~ ~I
ii, 31ll?f ~ ~
as a criti que of Nyaya.
Disc uss Ama rtya Sen 's prin cipl e of Mti

4. (a) "wt l lJRq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U' 'fill~~ 20

vidu al righ ts." Disc uss.
"All hum an righ ts are cent red on indi
3i'n: ~ .mil <lit O!!T1S!IT ~I
(b) <!~q>RI<M '11: <l uH l<llih 15
pect ives on mul ticu ltun ilism .
Exp lain desc ripti ve and norm ativ e pers
~<lit WRT ii, ~~ "ll'FR ii mihR "ihT ~ ~ <"'! t?
(c) 15
form of Gov ernm ent than theo crac y?
in wha t sens e is dem ocra cy a bett er

~-8 I SEC TIO N-8

f.lqf81{9a ~ "ihT Wl'l 'l 150 ~ ii :>J~<:-

i)oq41<ll'h ~ ~ :
s. 10x5=50
ut 150 wor ds each :
Disc uss the following critically in abo .I

(a) ~ ~ '1>1 ~ l!RT omt, ci\ ~ ~ mfifq; ~ ~ ~?

rise to relig ious conf licts ?
If God is rega rded as 'One', will it give
fil;<n <!I ~ t?
(b) m 3TimU '11: 't' 3i'n: q;J ~ ~ m ~ I

On wha t grou nds, the dich otom y betw een

'is' and 'oug ht' can eith er be just ified II
or reje cted ?

(c) 3lTflJT <lit 311l\<IT ~ 'lPil ii <l>t.! -~ o<f; ~ orm ~ ? l

ur of the imm orta lity of the Sou l?
Wha t are the argu men ts given in favo

~ 'lgd\il<ll~l (~) ~ fuqPil mo:l

<lit ~1;11 <6\ ~ t?
olut e Tru th?
Can plur alist pers pect ive vind icate Abs
~ 311'! f<l;u ~ ftw:: <6\ ~ ~?
(e) ~ '1>1 3lTflJT ~ <W< m ;mt
out the Sou l?
How do you just ify 'reb irth' with or with

'1>1 ~ <6\ ~ t? I
6. (a} mfifq; ~ f<l;u lftirr Oih ~ ~
How far can relig ious mor ality inco rpor
ate indi vidu al free dom ?
\Q<l) <"'! ii f<l;u ~ ~ ~. ~?
(b) mfifq; 'll'l1 "ihT 3n<i f.lte~Hlrll<b (~-<birf. 15
as non- cogn itive ?
How do you form ulat e religious lang uage
'1>1 ci\ ~ <6\'11 'l{g ~ t ~ '1>1 ~
3W'I-011TEll<ft m~ t?
(c) ~ ~ ~ 'll?P I' e'
'idea ' of God but den y the 'exis tenc
Can it be self- cont radi ctor y to acce pt the 15
of God ?


7. (a) i.fl!T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~) ~ %?
Is evil reconcilable with the benevolent God? 20

{b) ~ ~ ~~full; ~-q;RUJ-Wffi ('hT1i4'i<"i'fr.1'hl'l . ) ~~~am~ "T""

Discuss cosmological argument for the existence of God, and show its merits
and demerits. 15

Compare and contrast the concept of liberation according to 'Advaita' and

'Visi~tadvaita'. 15

8. {a) ~ (~) 3f\1: ~ (~) ~ lW! ~ il ~~~<it~ WI!

Elucidate the status of man in the realm between 'immanence' and
'transcendence'. 20

(b) i.fl!T 3ffii!IT <it ~ ~ q;B ~ full; <It "'hi ~ f<l;<rr 'ill Wli<IT %?
Can reason be used to justify faith? 15

(c) ~ 1l;<i ~ <W-! ~ ~ ~ ~. mflf'h ~ lffi"R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I

Discuss the conflicting nature of religious experiences with special reference to
Buddhism and Jainism. 15


4 5BS-1300


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