The Daily Tar Heel For Sept. 6, 2017

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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Volume 125, Issue 17 Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Students say: Silence Sam Sessions

plan to end
The act granted protections to
undocumented students.
By Ana Irizarry
State & National Editor

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions for-

mally announced the end to Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals an Obama-era
executive action that shields young, undocu-
mented immigrants from deportation.
I am here today to announce that the
program known as DACA that was effectu-
ated under the Obama administration is
being rescinded, Sessions said Tuesday at a
U.S. Justice Department news conference.
Sessions said the policy was inconsistent
with the Constitutions separation of powers.
He said Acting Homeland Security
Secretary Elaine Duke has chosen to initi-
ate a wind-down process. He called on
Congress to make legislation that is right
for the American people.
All immigration policies should serve
the interests of the people of the United
States lawful immigrant and native born
alike, Sessions said.
Chancellor Carol Folt said the decision
contrasts UNCs commitment to all members
of the Universitys community in a statement.
DTH/NATHAN KLIMA, CHICHI ZHU, ALEX KORMANN While we still do not know what the
Silent Sam pictured after the Charlottesville protests (left) and throughout the last week of August (right) has sparked debate on freedom of speech. full effects on our campus will be, Carolina
remains committed to welcoming students

UNC cites building codes when explaining actions who enrolled in this program, and to fos-
tering a respectful and inclusive environ-
ment where all students can live, study and
By Charlie McGee of unification; it has shown ing 12 banners hung by Campus Peeples, who is a columnist work without fear, Folt said.
Staff Writer a university that is unwilling Y. Peeples said the banners were for The Daily Tar Heel, disputed Moments after the announcement, the
to represent the voice of the advocating for Silent Sams the removal of the banners and American Civil Liberties Union released a
For Campus Y Co-president community. removal and included politi- said that another banner stating statement, calling it a cruel day.
Alexander Peeples, the recent UNC cited the Facilities Use cal statements like Black Lives Campus Y: The center for social There is no humane way to end DACA
push to remove Silent Sam has Policy against signs on campus Matter and There shouldnt be before having a permanent legislative
shown more than the power buildings as the reason for remov- racism and hate on our campus. SEE FREE SPEECH, PAGE 5

UNC comedy groups adapt after DSI closes

The Varsity Theater now Going in theyre really
hosts improv nights to fill happy, leaving theyre
the gap DSI left. really happy.
By Nicola McIrvine Paul Shareshian
Staff Writer
Co-owner of the Varsity Theater
In Chapel Hill, comedy should be
taken seriously. But dont worry, its add another night, maybe Friday
still a laughing matter. nights or another night of the week.
From CHiPs to False Profits to Shareshian said turn out and
improv nights at the Varsity on reception have been consistently
Franklin, Chapel Hill is not lack- positive, with roughly 100 people
ing in comedy. The comedy scene coming out to the show on the first
is always improving and expanding night alone.
but there have been bumps along Ive only heard positive things
the way. coming out, he said. Going in
DSI Comedy Theater on Franklin theyre really happy, leaving theyre
Street closed its doors permanently really happy. It just seems like a very
last month because of sexual mis- positive feel.
conduct allegations against its The comedy troupes at UNC
owner. While many small commu- declined to comment on the closure
nities comedy scene would be dam- of DSI, but members of both CHiPs
aged or even dissolved as a result of and False Profits spoke about their
such an event, comedy at UNC is as own comedy groups within UNC
strong as ever. and the importance of their work.
The Varsity Theater has opened Sophomore political science
its doors on Saturday nights to major Bevan Therien, a member of
improv shows since the closure of INCs, the junior comedy troupe of
DSI. CHiPs, said comedy can help take DTH/RYAN HERRON
Co-owner Paul Shareshian said students minds off of troubling cur- The Tammy Tailors, a local improv group comprised of six women, performed at the Varsity Theatre on Friday night.
that Kit Fitzsimmons, who previous- rent events in the world.
ly worked with DSI, began putting Its a way to take things a little tend to be a packed house, even sell- up. But its a unique and exciting When you have a reason to laugh
together improv nights at the Varsity bit less seriously, he said. To get ing out because of their popularity. experience. about something, it can help combat
in mid-August. away from all of the studying, the Comedy is more community Schaper, a member of the UNC things like anxiety and depression,
We decided we would do a one political situations, and everything based than other types of perfor- comedy troupe False Profits, also which I know are things we dont
night of improv a week instead of else happening on campus and in mances, said senior English major said that another beauty of comedy like to talk about, she said. But
our movie show times, Shareshian the world. Madison Schaper. I dont know if is its ability to make people laugh, they are things that kids our age are
said. We hope itll grow over time Therien said he performs with thats just a product of what it is especially those who are facing dealing with.
organically, and well be able to do INCs two to three times per semes- or the fact that improv is a team of difficult times or mental health @nicola_mcirvine
maybe two shows per night, or even ter. He also said that CHiPs shows people working to build each other issues.

Duke raises minimum wage for employees, can UNC follow?

By 2019, Duke will mum wage to $15 per hour
for all regular university and
UNC has two minimum
wages: one determined by
I think businesses have an obligation to EHRA non-faculty and fac-
ulty members.
have raised its base health system staff, according the state and one determined treat their employees with decency. The Human Resources
to an Aug. 25 university state- by the University both less Act provides employers who
wages by 37 percent. ment. than Dukes planned $15.
Michael Burrows
Doctoral Candidate at Duke University
receive state funding guide-
Contractors who employ Linc Butler, UNCs associ- lines to manage their employ-
By Becca Heilman individuals working on ate vice chancellor for Human ees.
Assistant State & National editor Dukes campus will be Resources, said in an email employers. Act known as SHRA, Salary ranges for SHRA
expected to move their full- statement that compensation The statement said the including staff and employ- employees are established by
Over 2,300 Duke time employees on campus explanations or changes in University has two general ees and those who are the state through the Office
University staff members will to the new Duke minimum state government and state types of employees: those Exempt from the (State) of State Human Resources.
get a pay raise by 2019. wage according to the same university settings are rarely who are Subject to the Human Resources Act
Duke will increase its mini- schedule. simple and differ from private (State) Human Resources known as EHRA, including SEE DUKE, PAGE 5

You want thingamabobs? Ive got twenty.

2 Wednesday, September 6, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel
Established 1893
Paws-itive cattitudes abound
124 years of editorial freedom
Goathouse Refuge cats and pregnant cats. They
also have an infirmary and
selling her pottery also helps
with money.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF serves as a sanctuary are now planning on having
a retirement home for their
Remember, that every
penny you put down is going
for feline friends. older cats, she said. to help these cats, she said.
Karyn Engle, the Goathouse Because nobody here is mak-
By Sophia Wilhelm Refuges operations manager, ing money, everything goes
Staff Writer said along with home checks, to the cats and sometimes we
RACHEL JONES they also do screening and have big bills to pay and we
ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR The cats in the Goathouse application processes. have a very hard time doing it.
ONLINE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Refuge are feline good in I love it here, I think its Cindy Bell, the adoption
COREY RISINGER Siglinda Scarpas care. like a really innovative concept manager, said people are
DIRECTOR OF ENTERPRISE Scarpa founded the of how the cats live, she said. surprised when they come
ENTERPRISE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Goathouse Refuge, a cat sanc- They get a more normal, and see the cats walk around
tuary where animal shelters natural life, versus living in a freely and getting along with
and community members can cage until theyre adopted. each other.
bring abandoned and lost cats The nonprofit gets their What makes the shelter
to a safe and warm temporary cats from shelters all over unique is that the cats are
home. North Carolina and in many granted so much freedom and
LEAH ASMELASH The refuge started as a different states. Because of they are given excellent vet
UNIVERSITY EDITOR nonprofit in 2007 and has Hurricane Harvey, theyll get care that they dont get in pri-
UNIVERSITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM placed over 2,500 cats into eight cats from Texas. mary shelters, she said.
REBECCA AYERS permanent homes. The sanc- Scarpa said shelters are Bell said that even if they
CITY EDITOR tuary currently holds about killing thousands of animals. dont get adopted, which they
CITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM 250 cats and finds a home for Many people dont know a normally do, the cats still live
ANA IRIZARRY about 25 to 45 cats a month. lot of animals that are eutha- a fulfilled life because they
STATE & NATIONAL EDITOR As soon as we became as a nized are not sedated, which have food, shelter, vet care
nonprofit, it was like an ava- makes the process very pain- and companionship.
lanche, the animals started ful, Scarpa said. Engle said her job is a
KARYN HLADIK-BROWN coming in and we got more We do home visits and labor of love, and though she
ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR and more and more occupied and we go visit the family, wont get rich doing it, she
ARTS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM by the animals and how to she said. We want to know will sleep well knowing she
CHAPEL FOWLER take care of them, Scarpa where the kitties are, where helped some cats.
SPORTS EDITOR said. they go, and we influence Everyone should come
SPORTS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM She said the sanctuary them and tell them what they visit, you can see what its
provides for the needs of the need to eat and the cat litter like when youre here and the
different types of cats. For they need to use. kind of opportunities that the DTH FILE/BRIAN FANNEY
example, they have separate Scarpa said the nonprofit cats are given, she said. Siglinda Scarpa, founder of the Goathouse Refuge, stops to pet
housing for terminally ill survives on donations and one of around 200 cats that live at the rescue.

Yoga and goats collide at Spring Haven Farm


Goat yoga combines Ive had classes where goats have jumped
COPY CHIEFS healthy stretching on peoples backs during downward dog.
with cute animals.
Lindsey Alexander
Yoga instructor
CORRECTIONS By Meghana Srikrishna
Assistant City Editor Carriage House and Celebrity with a couple goats on the
The Daily Tar Heel reports any inac-
Dairy prior to holding classes edge of the field.
curate information published as People were greeted by at Spring Haven Farm. Im a little scared about
soon as the error is discovered. chickens, horses, turkeys and Andrew Crihfield, co-own- the goats potentially pooping
plenty of goats as they arrived er of Spring Haven Farm with on my mat, but other than
Editorial corrections will be printed
on this page. Errors committed at Spring Haven Farm on his wife, said he contacted that I think its gonna be OK,
on the Opinion Page have cor- Saturday for yoga. Alexander after he noticed she said before the session.
rections printed on that page. The farm held goat yoga, she had previous experience I was just playing with the
Corrections also are noted in the which encouraged people to with goat yoga. He said he horses and one them bit my
online versions of our stories. practice yoga poses, such as quit his job as a network foot, mistaking it for some
Contact Managing Editor Jessica warrior and downward dog, in engineer to focus on the farm food, so I feel like any aver-
Swanson at managing.editor@ an open field while baby goats after his kids grew up and his sion I had is now gone. with issues galloped around, chasing wife went to medical school. Participants said they
chickens and running under- I decided it would be a heard about Spring Havens DTH/SARAH REDMOND
about this policy.
neath people as they stretched. good time to come home full baby goat yoga sessions A goat stretches out during goat yoga Saturday morning at
Ive had classes where time to the farm and I was through social media and Spring Haven Farm in Chapel Hill.
Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. goats have jumped on peoples looking for different ways to friends. Engineer Teresa
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 monetize our farm and I saw Brusadin brought her son and Crihfield said he has been so we have about three acres
Tyler Fleming, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086
backs during downward
Advertising & Business, 962-1163 facing dog, yoga instructor this article about this fad of said the session was a unique thinking about potentially under production, he said.
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245 Lindsey Alexander said. goat yoga, he said. way for them to spend time expanding yoga workshops For now, it seems the nov-
One copy per person; Alexander also teaches More than 30 people had together. at the farm to include other elty of baby goat yoga will not
additional copies may be purchased traditional styles of yoga at mats rolled out across the I should be doing more animals. He also said he has wear off anytime soon.
at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each.
Please report suspicious activity at
Carrboro Yoga Company and field for Saturdays session, yoga, but it was actually my other events planned for Its totally spontaneous,
our distribution racks by emailing Yoga Garden in Pittsboro, which is the third Spring son, she said. Hes always Spring Haven Farm, such as its funny, its lighthearted and but she is no stranger to goat Haven has held. Before she wanted to play with goats, he community gardening. its not a serious experience,
2012 DTH Media Corp. yoga. She said she has taught set up her mat, UNC doctoral actually wanted a goat for his Last December we started Alexander said.
All rights reserved goat yoga at the Chapel Hill student Kate Rucinski played birthday. growing organic vegetables and

A Tar Heel Tradition Someone disturbed the
peace at 1505 East Franklin
burglary with no force on the
100 block of West Stinson
1:16 a.m. Monday according
to Chapel Hill police reports.
took a tool kit valued at $399
and the attached security tag,

since 1982! St. at 5:31 p.m. Saturday. The

person yelled and threatened
to hit someone, according to
Street at 1:55 a.m. Sunday. A
television valued at $250 was
taken, according to Chapel
Someone committed lar-
ceny at the Walgreens on East
valued at $10, according to
Chapel Hill police reports.

Chapel Hill police reports. Hill police reports. Franklin Street at 4:21 a.m. Someone possessed
Monday. The person used a drug paraphernalia at 1720
Someone reported a Someone reported stolen credit card to buy a Fordham Blvd. at 7:59 p.m.
suspicious person on the 400 barking dogs on the 200 block Diet Pepsi valued at $5.99, Monday, according to Chapel
block of Mitchell Lane at 7:33 of North Graham Street at according to Chapel Hill Hill police reports.
p.m. Saturday. The person 1:03 a.m. Monday, according police reports.
stood in front of a house, to Chapel Hill police reports. Someone refused to
according to Chapel Hill Someone shoplifted at leave 742 Gimghoul Road,
police reports. Someone reported loud Lowes Home Improvement or Gimghoul Castle, at 10:29
music and partying on the on Fordham Boulevard at p.m. Monday, according to
Someone reported 400 block of Church Street at 2:11 p.m. Monday. The person Chapel Hill police reports.

Come wondering...
Leave Knowing

YOPO! For all women faculty,
administrators, staff and coaches
Every Tuesday Starting
September 5th from 12:30-1:30
Fifth Floor Loudermilk
of the Blue Zone at Kenan Stadium
Lunch will be provided
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Mon - Thurs 11:30 am - 11:30 pm Come as you are...Leave as you were meant to be
Fri - Sat 11:30 am - 12:00 am
Sunday 12:00 pm - 11:30 pm FOR QUESTIONS CALL 919-962-5187
The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, September 6, 2017 3
4 Wednesday, September 6, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Alexander Eugene Kenan Carolina Campus Community He will be remembered by
died in a rock climbing Garden and the Tramping his many friends and family OBITUARY POLICY
accident on Aug. 22, 2017, Club. members for his quick mind, The Daily Tar Heel and
in Grand Teton National As a teenager, Alexander tireless compassion, can-do Southern Neighbor accept
Park, Wyoming. Born Oct. was a member of Boy Scout attitude and whole-hearted obituaries, death notices
20, 1992, he is survived by Troop 449 where he devel- embrace of new challenges and memorial notices from
his father, Daniel James oped a passion for long from developing new funeral homes or crematory
Kenan, of Durham; his sis- distance backpacking. He medicines as a biopharma- services.
ter, Anna Caroline Kenan, of later hiked most of the ceutical researcher to taking The deadline to receive
Durham; his extended family: Appalachian Trail in 2014, on technical routes on big obituaries for Friday pub-
Suellen Aldina of Durham, adopting the trail name of mountains. His love of mis- lication in The Daily Tar
Giuseppe Joey Aldina of Tiger, followed by the entire chief and competition were Heel is noon on Wednesday;
New York, and Robin Aldina Pacific Crest Trail in 2015. surpassed only by his dedica- the deadline for Southern
of Raleigh; he is predeceased As part of his PCT hike, he tion to those he loved and his Neighbor is on the 20th of
by his mother, Kim Marie climbed all 12,000-plus foot eagerness to do anything for the month. Obituaries may
Walsh. He is also survived peaks in the Cascade Range, a friend in need. Alexander be submitted online at www.
by his paternal grand- adding hundreds of miles to inspired his loved ones and
mother, Julia Vann Kenan, his thru-hike, and becoming one-time adventure com- The charge for digital-
of Durham; his maternal the only known person to panions alike to push to new only obituaries is $75;
grandfather, Eugene Walsh, connect these peaks on foot. heights, unlock potential we printed obituaries are pro-
of Madison, Wisconsin, aunt He also completed multiple didnt know existed, and live vided at a rate of $8.50 per
Sharon Walsh of Madison, National Outdoor Leadership our best possible lives. He day for up to 25 words, and
Wisconsin; aunt Sarah Kenan School courses and certifi- was a patient teacher and an $0.15 per additional word,
Shunk and uncle Robert cations in Wilderness First integral member of the out- with a $2.50 fee for photos.
Shunk, both of Durham, NC; Responder as well as moun- door community in Chapel Questions? Please email
obituaries@dailytarheel. Alexander Kenan (left) stands atop Mt. Hood in Oregon in May 2017.
uncle John Kenan and aunt taineering in the Waddington Hillhe almost single-hand-
Leigh Sweet, both of Efland Range of British Columbia. edly taught a generation of com
in the Grand Tetons. He lived pm on Sunday, Sept. 3. In
North Carolina; and numer- He earned his Emergency University of North Carolina his life on his own terms, and lieu of flowers, memori-
ous cousins. Medical Technician certifi- Climbers how to backpack, he made new friends and he died while doing exactly als in Alexanders name
Alexander attended cation for North Carolina, climb outdoors, and truly partners wherever he went. what he loved. Resilient and may be made to North
Carolina Friends School and planned a career in appreciate every minute of his He had planned an 18-month compassionate in the face of Carolina Botanical Garden
and graduated from the Emergency Medicine and sisters 90-song Jack White journey rock climbing and tragedy, Alexanders legacy for the Carolina Campus
University of North Carolina Wilderness Medicine. He was compilation that accompa- mountaineering across the inspires those left behind to Community Garden, CB#
in 2015 with a double major applying for 2018 entry to nied Alexander on every road United States and Canada move forward with grace and 3375, University of North
in Chemistry and Biology. medical school at the time of trip. As a student, he brought before beginning medical love. Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
He was inducted into the Phi his death. people together for pot lucks, school, and he was 6 months A memorial service took 27599-3375; or the Jenny
Beta Kappa Honor Society Alexander was a driven bike rides, and games of mid- into this adventure when he place at the North Carolina Lake Rangers Fund (www.
in 2014. He was active in the and passionate adventurer. night Frisbee. As a climber, fell while rappelling off a peak Botanical Garden at 1:30

Hurricane Harveys impact reaches beyond the Gulf Coast

By Charlotte Harris junior, said her cousin and trying to pave over it, he said. $300 million. housing was federally segre- terns, he said.
Staff Writer his family, including his three Brian Kennedy, a pub- Kennedy said in a recent gated so African-Americans Kennedy said creating
young children, are staying lic policy fellow for the NC budget passed in North were pushed into areas with opportunities for people to
In the wake of Hurricane with a host family this week Justice Center, said a decrease Carolina there were some low-quality land. purchase homes where they
Harvey, North Carolina con- because damages to their in public investments wors- small investments in emer- Black and brown people want to live begins with pro-
tinues to feel the effects of home. ened the damages these disas- gency response systems and were forced to live in these grams that focus on equitable
Hurricane Matthew. Hurricane Their whole first floor ters do to low-income and creating a local emergency undesirable areas, Kennedy access to credit or mortgages,
season runs annually from up to their kitchen counter minority communities. response task force. He said said. And one of the reasons as well as bettering public
June 1 to Dec. 1, when the was flooded so they lost the Kennedy said one of the these investments are impor- they were undesirable was transportation.
ocean water is warmer and whole structure of the house, biggest indicators of the shift tant, but the amount of because a lot of them were in He said it may be too late
weather is more conducive for Macadam said. And the sad in North Carolinas emergen- money allocated isnt enough. floodplains. to realistically create enough
hurricanes to form. part is they just closed on the cy response policies and fund- The reason why Hurricane He said legislators should revenue to be invested in these
Rick Luettich, director for house a month ago. ing can be seen in the differ- Matthew had such a huge be focusing on a bigger pic- programs, due to tax cuts such
UNCs Institute for Marine Luettich said there is a ence between the response to impact was because the ture than investments into as the continued cuts to the
Sciences, said any community part of North Carolina where Hurricane Floyd in 1999 and communities that were emergency response systems. corporate income tax.
hit by a natural disaster on communities rebuilding from the response to Hurricane most heavily impacted were The bigger thing that they While state legislators
this scale has to rebuild infra- Hurricane Matthew dam- Matthew, 17 years later. low income communities, really need to focus on is how might agree that we need
structure to be stable and age are working to develop He said with Hurricane Kennedy said. do we make sure that com- to help communities, really
smarter than older ones. more green spaces that could Floyd, the state gave $1.2 bil- Princeville, North Carolina munities arent vulnerable in they need to put their money
We try to discourage people potentially soak up water in lion to help recover, which is one of the oldest African- the first place, and how do we where their mouth is, and
from just building back the future severe storms and are went to housing, public health American municipalities in make sure people can choose they have to be willing to
way they were before because pushing people to build up in and environmental repairs. the nation. It was undesir- where they want to live and make the investments that
then it encourages the same higher elevations. The current total investment able land given to African- that theyre not forced into actually pay for the priorities
thing to happen again, he said. A lot of that is to work with made by the state to help with Americans after the Civil War these segregated housing and that they state that they have.
Emma Macadam, a UNC the environment instead of just Hurricane Matthew recovery is abolished slavery. At the time segregated residential pat-

DTH office is open TODAY from is

DTH office 9am-5pm DTH9:00am-5:00pm
open Mon-Fri office will re-open at 8:30 on 8/13/14
Line Classified Ad Rates Deadlines
Private Party (Non-Profit) Commercial (For-Profit) To Place a Line Classified Ad Log Onto Line Ads: Noon, the day prior to publication
25 Words ....... $20.00/week 25 Words ....... $42.50/week
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Adoption/Birth Child Care Wanted For Rent Help Wanted
Announcement CHILDCARE Afterschool care in Carrboro. M-Th AMAZING RENT FREE ARE YOU PATIENT, reliable, and caring?
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Before 11:30am, after 6:30pm, or weekends. cial needs. Text Carol @ 919-539-0000. Amazing opportunity for female Grad PHD or participating in activities in the community,
Contact Patricia at 919-967-2744 Medical student only. Free room and board in developing leisure skills, assisting individual
DRIVER NEEDED gorgeous home minutes away from campus in in living in his own home, meal preparation, If September 6th is Your Birthday...
grocery shopping, household tasks and per-
Child Care Wanted For child pick up in Chapel Hill at 3pm and
exchange for 2 hrs a week of tutoring of high
school student. Responsibilities include being sonal care. Flexible hours, 25-40 hrs/week. Pull in a record harvest this year. Invest time and
transport to Triangle Aquatic Center in Cary
respectful of our home. Must love animals ( 3 Email energy into domestic renewal. Your creativity with
M-F. $25/trip. Prefer drivers who could commit communications thrives over the next two years,
LIFE SKILLS TUTOR to 3-5 days. Need clean driving record and will
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commit to minimum of one year. Taking inter- SATURDAY AND PT HELP WANTED Carolina beginning this autumn. Rest, recharge and make
NEEDED request background check/references. Call for
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views Sept 2, 3 and 8th please ask for Tracey. Livery is seeking part time event coordinators plans this winter for a spring flowering. Steadily
Help an active 17 year-old boy with Autism 919-522-2519 to work on site at our events (sporting events, build your health and fitness. Love revitalizes you.
in Durham, Chapel Hill develop leisure and CHILDCARE NEEDED 12-5 M-F for two boys, weddings, etcetera), work is primarily on
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For Sale Saturdays, with some work also available on
Sundays and weekday evenings, requires work
and go on community and social outings. Seek- 2001 HONDA CRV for sale 133K miles Good available for every home football and basket- To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ing a tutor who will keep him engaged and SITTER for pick up from preschool on Mondays
12-6, occasional Wednesday and Thursday af- condition $1500 or best offer Tom 919 796- ball game at UNC, hospitality experience is a
have fun doing activities such as swimming, 5823 plus, minimum GPA 3.2, pay $14-16 per hour
cooking, and singing. Experience preferred, ternoon care but flexible, located in Durham Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
contact commensurate with experience, please email
but extensive training is provided. Supervi- BANNED UNC BASKETBALL poster, Return resume to jennifermcmorrow@carolinalivery. Today is a 6 -- This Full Moon shines Today is a 9 -- Prioritize exercise,
sion for ABA certification is available. This is DRIVER Southern Village family needs driver of the Roy. Limited quantity available. www. Net for more information on a spiritual fork in the road. Which good food and rest. Get creative at
a great opportunity for individuals to be part 252-257-3542 way to go? Love is a requirement,
for three kids, ages 10, 9, and 7, at 3:00 on M,
GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR: Chapel Hill Gym- work under this Full Moon. Shift di-
of a strong behavior-based home intervention W, and F afternoons to swim practice, and then not an option. Ritual and symbolism rections, with regard to your service,
program. A 10-25 hour commitment for a mini-
mum of 1 year.
back home. Practice is 3:30-4:30. Time to study Help Wanted nastics is seeking energetic, enthusiastic in-
structors to teach classes and summer camps. provide comfort. health and labors.
or relax during practice. $15/hr. Text Darren at
919-641-8593 or GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR: Bull City Gym- Applicants with knowledge of gymnastics ter-
nastics of Durham has full time and part-time minology and progression skills preferred. Send Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
13-year old girl. We are looking for energetic BABYSITTER NEEDED FOR our 10 year old positions available for energetic, enthusiastic a resume to Today is an 8 -- Doors close and Today is an 8 -- Reach a turning point
and compassionate candidates with an inter- daughter at our home seven miles outside Car- open with friendships and group in a romance, passion or creative
est in special education and autism. Experience instructors. Applicants with knowledge of
preferred but not required. Email Tricia at tri-
rboro. Thursday evenings 5:30-9 and Sundays
1-5. Must have own car, references and like
gymnastics terminology and progression skills
preferred, must be available 2-4 days/wk. 3:30-
Rooms projects as this Full Moon illuminates
a new social phase. Share apprecia-
endeavor. One game folds as another
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The Daily Tar Heel From Page One Wednesday, September 6, 2017 5
FREE SPEECH onstration.
Peeples claimed that the
removal. Amidst all of this,
questions about free speech
The issue of the banners is emblematic of that the intention of some-
ones speech is what defines
FROM PAGE 1 University has not taken rights and how they relate the failure of leadership by the University its legality.
justice at the University of enough initiative to truly to these protests on campus If someone said that
enact change, instead focus-
Alexander Peeples Silent Sam is a monument
North Carolina at Chapel have become increasingly
Hill was not taken down ing on regulating the speech relevant. Campus Y co-president to white supremacy,
until he removed it himself. supporting that change. Tempers have flared that should be protected
This was put up by us The issue of the ban- nationwide since white was proud that most of the is where the law allows us speech, Shaw said. If
for over a week and no one ners is emblematic of the supremacist protesters and members of our community to draw the line, Merritt somebody said we should
took it down, despite the failure of leadership by the counter-protesters clashed in acted in ways that (were) said. Which is when there tear down Silent Sam and
University claiming that University more broadly, Charlottesville, Virginia, last peaceful and expressed their are threats involved, where lets go rip it down, that
they were just taking down Peeples said. I think that the month over the citys plan to views without breaking the there are fighting words might be an incitement to
the banners because of a University has endorsed this remove a statue of Robert E. law or damaging property, involved and things of that violence depending on the
content-neutral policy, problem of speech, but what Lee. A protest in Durham just which weve seen at other nature. circumstances.
Peeples said. they havent done is actually days after saw seven people universities when there have Merritt also said that as While the future of this
Another free speech con- meaningfully contributed arrested when protesters been protests. a public institution, UNC issue is far from decided,
flict arose last week when anything to it. forcibly pulled down the Merritt also spoke for the is able to have time, place Shaw said he hopes things
the UNC Department of Efforts to push for the Confederate Soldiers Universitys policy in terms and manner restrictions. proceed in a peaceful
Public Safety removed the removal of the Silent Sam Monument. of on-campus speech, stating An example of this would manner.
signs and belongings of statue have not ceased in Mark Merritt, vice chan- that the University does not be disruptive speech in the Violence, whether its
the protesters at the Silent the weeks following a rally cellor and general counsel at discriminate based on the context of a classroom or violence like we saw in
Sam sit-in. The University at Silent Sam on Aug. 22. UNC, said that the majority content of speech. He said university office space. Charlottesville or in some
claimed this removal was Campus groups, including of protesters at the Silent that restrictions only come Ted Shaw, a UNC profes- other form, is not an appro-
also a Facilities Use Policy Campus Y, UNC NAACP Sam rally demonstrated in a into play when factors that sor of law and director of the priate way of resolving these
issue, but the organizers of and the Students of Silent proper and legal way. go beyond speech rights are Center for Civil Rights, com- disagreements, Shaw said.
the sit-in argued it was an Sam Sit-In have publicly It was largely a peaceful involved. pared the Silent Sam protest @CharlieMcGeeUNC
effort to disrupt their dem- demanded the statues protest, Merritt said. I Where we draw the line to the one in Durham, stating

DUKE per hour in 2017. With the

planned changes in the next
market system to encour-
age businesses to raise the DACA president to maintain DACA
in a July letter.
university. They said students
are protected by the Family
FROM PAGE 1 two years, Dukes minimum minimum wage, and that FROM PAGE 1 The consequences of Educational Rights and
UNCs minimum salary is wage will have increased by works for businesses who are fix in place, the statement rescinding DACA would be Privacy Act in these cases.
$25,000, equating to $12.02 37 percent since 2015. so inclined like Duke or the said. President Trump just severe, not just for the hun- It also is important to
per hour. We want to create as posi- restaurant Vimalas here in threw the lives and futures of dreds of thousands of young know our UNC police depart-
UNC has the authority to tive a value proposition for Chapel Hill, he said. 800,000 Dreamers and their people who rely on the pro- ment does not gather infor-
develop its own ranges for our workforce as possible, Lester said the drawback is families ... into fearful disar- gram and for their employ- mation about citizenship or
EHRA Non-Faculty employ- Cavanaugh said. that it only affects a share of ray .... ers, schools, universities and immigration status, and only
ees in compliance with fed- Some local and campus the labor market. President Donald Trump familiesbut for the coun- makes inquiries about indi-
eral laws and UNC-system groups, such as the Workers Is it a good thing indi- hinted at ending DACA early trys economy as a whole, the viduals who are the subject of
policies. Union at UNC, endorse vidual employers like Duke Tuesday morning. The tweet letter said. a felony criminal investiga-
The minimum salary for an organizations like Fight For agree to raise the minimum hinted Trump would end In a statement, the attor- tion, they said in the letter.
EHRA Non-Faculty employee $15 and support increases in wage on their own? Yes, he the policy but would first ney generals office said Carolina Legal Services does
is $30,000, or $14.42 per the UNC campus minimum said. Its a good thing in give Congress six months to 800,000 young immigrants not assist undocumented stu-
hour. wage. terms of the quality of life replace DACA with legislation. have been helped by DACA dents with concerns related to
Each employee type has Stephen Pedroza, a for low wage workers and, U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, since its inception five years immigration law. Legal services
its own compensation system research technician at the in the case of Duke, is set- R-N.C., issued a statement ago. North Carolina has near- will refer students to off-cam-
governed by an external enti- Lineberger Comprehensive ting a standard in the labor Tuesday, supporting Trumps ly 50,000 Dreamers the pus immigration attorneys.
ty, the statement said. Cancer Center and mem- market. But I think thats decision. He said policy seventh most in the country. Folt also joined over 600
Kyle Cavanaugh, Dukes ber of UNC Workers Union not a substitute for a real should be set through legisla- All across North Carolina, college and university presi-
vice president of administra- Organizing Committee, said mandate. tion, not executive orders. DACA is helping children dents in signing a statement of
tion, said Duke has a history minimum wage increases Regardless of the means by In the next week, Ill be meet their potential, Steins support of DACA. UNC-system
of establishing an institution- arent the groups only focus. which employers decide their introducing legislation that statement said. When chil- President Margaret Spellings
wide minimum wage. We hope to represent minimum wage, Michael will provide a fair and rigor- dren meet their potential, we published an op-ed in the
(Duke) has been paying campus workers and gradu- Burrows, a doctoral candi- ous path for undocumented all benefit through innova- Washington Post in February
entry level positions signifi- ate students, and we hope to date at Duke and a member children to earn legal status tion, economic activity, and asking the Trump administra-
cantly above the federal mini- pretty aggressively fight for of Dukes graduate student by requiring them to be stronger communities. tion to not break Americas
mum wage for quite some better working conditions union, said it is unrealistic to employed, pursue higher edu- Folt, Executive Vice promise to Dreamers.
time and has been commit- and better pay in a general ask people to work more than cation, or serve in our Armed Chancellor and Provost James My whole career, Ive
ted to the notion of trying to sense, he said. 40 hours a week for insuf- Forces, Tillis said. Dean and Kevin Guskiewicz, advocated for education as a
really take care of our entire T. William Lester, a UNC ficient pay. Ricky Hurtado, executive dean of the College of Arts civil right, the bedrock that
workforce, he said. Over the city and regional planning I think businesses have director of the N.C. Scholars and Sciences, wrote a letter underpins our promise that
last several years, we have professor, said private enti- an obligation to treat their Latino Initiative and a UNC to the campus community this is a land of opportu-
been progressively on a path ties sometimes raise the employees with decency so graduate, tweeted at Tillis in December affirming their nity for all, Spellings wrote.
to increase this. minimum wage as a result of that they can live lives with asking him to pass a stand- commitment to UNCs non- Keeping that promise has
Duke, the largest pri- local campaigns such as the dignity, Burrows said. And alone Dream Act that discrimination policy and been the work of generations,
vate employer in Durham, Orange County and Durham companies that dont do that doesnt hurt families. diversity values. and DACA students are now a
increased its minimum wage County living wage move- shouldnt really exist. N.C. Attorney General Josh University leadership said part of that story.
from $10.91 to $12 per hour ments. @beccaheilman Stein joined other state attor- UNC has to comply with state @DTHStatNat
in 2015 and moved to $13 Theyre trying to use the neys general in urging the and federal laws as a public

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6 Pesto herb 57 __ you listening? lead singer 42 Feather-fixing bird,
11 NYC financial 58 Pocket coins, or what 18 ATM transaction: e.g.
newspaper can literally be seen in Abbr. 43 Like a bad fake tan

of distance from the Pit. 14 Dodgers and Giants

15 Spanish girl
16 Boo follower
17 Microsoft Excel tool
each set of puzzle
62 Animation frame
63 Prohibit, legally
22 Dred Scott decision
Chief Justice
23 When doubled, a
44 Gen-__: millennial
46 Fake
48 Already recorded
19 Its found in lodes 64 Fencing swords 25 German article 50 Church recesses
20 Disc in the 65 Masthead VIPs 26 Biblical disciple 51 Cola choice
dishwasher 66 Small and large 28 Verb in a recipe 52 Anatomical pouch
21 Parish residence 67 Actress Streep 33 Suffix with chlor- 56 Those folks

UNC students: List your

23 Mount sacred to 34 Zagrebs country, to 59 Fish eggs
Judaism Down the IOC 60 Mini-albums, for
24 Like lutes and 1 42nd and Wall: Abbr. 35 Bringing up the rear short
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29 Beer drinkers option, 4 That is to say ... 38 Content (with)
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32 Ex-Yankee Martinez 9 Fruity frozen drinks

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45 Paper mishap
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54 Gets away
6 Wednesday, September 6, 2017 Opinion The Daily Tar Heel

Established 1893, 124 years of editorial freedom

Were still swinging, and were keeping the
harmonically and progressively.
Jason Foureman, the bassist of UNC Faculty Jazz Trio
Just my opinion, but professors outside of
hard sciences should teach students HOW to
Angum Check think, not WHAT to think.
Reclaiming Her Time
Mark, on faculty engagement in social issues on campus
Junior philosophy and African stud-
ies major from Bali, Cameroon and
Greenbelt, M.D.
LETTERS TO Throughout the semes-
ter she updated me on the


Desegregate tater
progress to resolve the issue.
In April she wrote to let me
know that they would have

founders tots and potatoes

new computers in the Fall.
From day one, Jacqueline
has been supportive and on

Its no secret that the top of things, and she deliv-
past few weeks have been ered as promised.
filled with protests. Not Davis library now has

even statues and city names some of the fastest comput-
can escape public scrutiny. ers on campus. And when I
EDITORIAL Yet, there is one major issue
on this campus that no
say fast, I mean really fast.
Like, you have two minutes

W Get to class. Now.

ith the current con- one wants to address. That to print out your power-
versation around issue is the unnecessary point before class fast!
Silent Sam and its segregation of breakfast To the library staff, and
removal, I thought Id write potatoes and tater tots. all other individuals who
about the monument that stands
in juxtaposition to Sam the
Attendance is the The chances overwhelm- son to stay there. Skull-
Here at UNC, we are
blessed to have excellent
took part in making this
happen for the students, I
ingly are that your time crunching hangovers are
Unsung Founders Memorial.
A few weeks ago as I was
good we owe for the here is being heavily subsi- another.
dining services. Our dining
halls provide superb variety
truly want to thank you for
your efforts! In the words
walking through the upper good were given. dized by the state, federal We are offered an with hospitable service. But of my old therapist, its a

quad, I saw a woman and her government, university, ancient yet flexible model for some reason, our dining beautiful thing.
he conclusion of scholarships and, lets not where we bring our indi- halls refuse to serve tater
two kids having lunch on the
monument. I immediately got Spider-Mans origin forget, your parents. We vidual perspectives and tots and breakfast potatoes Zachary Rothwell
angry but calmed myself as I comic bears this owe them, a lot, for the ideas into a collective set- on the same day. Graduate Student
approached her. I asked her if quote: With great power, privilege of attending any ting for the purpose of Tater tots are provided Nursing
she knew what she was sitting comes great responsibility. institution of higher learn- exchanging and refining on Mondays, Wednesdays
on and she stated she did, and If that seems a little ing. They expect students knowledge. The classroom and Fridays while potatoes DTH column belittled
was reading the dedication heavy for today, then settle occupy the other days. For
who will leave the world serves as a conservative global issues
imprinted on the table, but was for this low bar: half of suc- me personally, I would be
better than they found it. defense of the best we can okay with the dining halls
only trying to have lunch with cess in life is simply show- TO THE EDITOR:
The easiest thing we be and have been against only serving potatoes, but I
her kids. Her intent was never ing up. Somewhere in that In the opinion piece The
to harm or offend anybody but can do to make good on the worst newest version of (unlike many of the protes-
spectrum of philosophical end of the world is nigh,
simply to have a nice place to sit. that investment is getting the same old easy answers. tors) can see the other point the author demonstrates a
imperative we can marshal planted on a seat, even if it At the same time, from of view, and would like to
But intent is not effect. The profound misunderstand-
woman eventually moved after
arguments encouraging the is at 8 a.m. a class can come a radical compromise. Our dining ing and convolution of mul-
her son told her they could go sit raison detre of universities, We get it, believe us. journey towards new and halls should provide both tiple issues, fostered by a
at the bench in front of Alumni professors and most of all Bed, even alone, is one of better individual and col- breakfast foods each day. blinding level of privilege.
Hall instead, as if that option students in our present. lifes great simple luxuries. lective futures. We only Now, I know some of The two key issues the
wasnt available as soon as she Getting your tail to class. If someones in there from get to be there once. Shun yall may not care about author dismisses, world
realized what she was sitting on. On time. As often as pos- the night before, there is the darkness of your bed- this segregation. To those hunger and global warm-
I share this short story sible. people, I ask you this: how ing, disproportionately
an additional great rea- room. Step into the light. would you like it if the piz-
because the infuriating and affect those in the devel-
degrading sight of people sit- zas were segregated into oping world. The author
ting on the Unsung Founders day slots with, for example, claims to not wish to
Memorial was one commonly EDITORIAL pepperoni only on Mondays
and cheese on Tuesdays.
belittle such monumental
experienced by other Black stu- challenges, but then does

Speak up in recitations
dents until it was adorned with What if hamburgers exactly that with statements
banquets of flowers. were a Friday meal and like there is nothing to
The Unsung Founders cheeseburgers were only worry about when the aver-
Memorial stands in the shadow a Saturday meal. Doesnt age temperature is a balmy
just feet behind Silent Sam. this sound asinine? Why,
Time and time again this mon- We all benefit from still have trouble breaking
the ice and introducing
carefully to someone elses
thoughts and responding
then, are tots and potatoes
80 degrees.
We would be happy to
ument has been disrespected
as a casual picnic table or
discussion over themselves. Thats okay! critically.
subjected to such madness?
How can we perform our
send the author a graph
of a normal distribution.
The TA has called atten- TAs already work
reading desk. While Ive spent awkward silence. dance at least twice, now, hard at being the liaison
best as students if we arent
provided proper, unsegre-
The article shows a bizarre

some energy being angry at attempt to be the voice
the individuals that choose to t would be torturous so most people know your between you and your pro- gated carbs? of an imagined center, in
disrespect the monument, its if every student in a face already. fessor, grading, answering UNC, please help me end which students concerned
hard to ignore the design of the 100-person lecture Its understandable if a million questions over this transgression. If not with changes in university
monument itself as disrespect- volunteered to speak up you hesitate entering a email and on top of that, now, when? If not us, who? admissions and advocates
ful. Monuments are meant to every class. conversation because you taking their own classes. for action on climate change
commemorate and uplift peo- In 20-person recitations, dont want to leave the Lighten their load by com- David Oakley can emerge from their hys-
ple or a point in history, yet the though, its torturous when wrong impression. Or, ing to recitations prepared Junior teria and just calm down.
Unsung Founders Memorial Biology In equating changes
no one wants to volunteer, maybe you just didnt do to engage in about an hour
was built to uplift peoples the readings. of back-and-forth dialogue. in admission with global
or even look up from their Editors Note: Tator tots and
lunch and body weight? demographic trends, the
desk, lest they make eye Either way, half of a And if youre the stu- breakfast potatoes are on
Ironically, an act meant to author treats campus mala-
stop people from further disre- contact with the teaching good discussion involves dent who usually speaks Lenoirs menu this morning. dies as inevitable, instead
specting the Unsung Founders assistant. active listening. Even if at every opportunity, try of, say, the result of a public
has achieved what the design As we approach week you dont have anything transferring that energy to New Davis computers university increasingly
of the monument failed to do: three of classes, some peo- you want to enthusiasti- others who might need it fulfill need for speed forced to rely on student
draw passersby to learn more ple have already come out cally contribute, theres more. Its better when we tuition for funding.
about who built the University. of their shells, while others always validity to listening all talk. TO THE EDITOR: The author also fails to
There must be something fun- In February I wrote a mention that not only did
damentally wrong if the memo- letter to The Daily Tar Heel the school receive a record
rial meant to commemorate complaining about the number of applications
appeals to the masses as noth- SATIRICAL ADVICE COLUMN computers in Davis Library.
I was tongue-in-cheek in
this year, almost one in
ing more than another exterior four UNC students in an

You Asked For It

comfort. Compare this with the my response, but I was also anonymized study by The
tall and proud commemoration clearly calling the library Equality of Opportunity
to Confederate soldiers. out for failing to provide Project came from fami-
It is also worth noting that reasonable computers for lies in the top 5 percent of
theres only one demographic
of people Ive actually encoun-
In which we tackle exercise and get you a chemistry tutor. the students.
At the end of my letter,
Coincidentally, the state
tered sitting on the Unsung I openly asked the col- legislature responsible
Perry Carter (Team Katy I dont know what to do.
Founders Memorial, and they lege what we could do to for cuts to public educa-
Perry) and Derek Fulton How do I get through to
usually always lack a concen- solve the issue. The day it tion, which result in a bias
(Also Team Katy) are the God? Can I punish God for
tration of melanin. was published, I received towards wealthy students,
writers of UNCs premier hurting me?
When students of color say an email from Jacqueline houses the same conserva-
(only!) satirical advice col-
white supremacy is deeply YAFI: Sorry to hear your Solis, the Director of tive North Carolina politi-
umn. Results may vary.
embedded in our institution, most recent exam went so Research and Instructional cians who ignore the reali-
its materialized in the very fact You: Ive been running in poorly. A score like that is Services at Davis Library. ties of climate change.
that a monument meant to the mornings before class. Perry Carter and Derek Fulton not only failing, but is below She expressed a desire to
honor the enslaved people who Its a great way to start the Senior English and communica- freezing (Fahrenheit, obvi- learn more about the issues Andrew Clark
helped build the University day, but I dont have enough tion major from Raleigh ously). and have a dialogue about Senior
is eclipsed by a statue for the time to shower! Senior quantitative biology major Im no advocate of the what could be done to solve Physics
men who fought in support of Im in my stinky running from Charlotte man-in-the-sky myself, but the problem. We met and
the institution of slavery. clothes all day! Email if I were, I would say hold discussed some of the prob- Sidarth Iyer
The Board of Trustees I even saw an insulting questions with YAFI in the subject! off on any vindictive action. lems, and she assured me Senior
couldnt stand to change a build- message about myself in the You dont know who youre they would look into them. Statistics
ENGL 105i GroupMe Im in. asking for permission: dealing with. And let me tell
ings namesake from a KKK
Should I give up exercise as 1. Get into your car under you, its not Neil Armstrong
grand dragon to a black woman
so they placed a 16-year ban a philosophy? the cover of darkness.
2. Drive west on Main Street
or Buzz Aldrin. Theyve been
on all future name changes. You Asked for It: First, in Carrboro towards Orange But if you need chemistry WRITING GUIDELINES
Its not enough to have congrats on the new exercise Water And Sewer Authority, tutoring, be sure to hit me Please type. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
an online exhibit on this routine what a good thing the exact location of which is up at iedcapital@proton- Sign and date. No more than two people should sign letters.
Universitys past, its time for to do for yourself! Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
400 Jones Ferry Road. I also do CHEM
UNC to act like its slavehold- But I understand your Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
3. Kink. That. Water. Main. 261, MATH 232, MATH
ing legacy didnt just disappear conundrum: you might be Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
Now everyone in Orange 233 and COMP 110.
without affecting on current skrilla flush with endor- letters to 250 words.
County will be without water Good luck with your class-
students of color. Silence Sam. phins, but you stink to high (pour one out for the water es. And more importantly, SUBMISSION
Listen to students of color. heaven! crisis of February 2017). good luck in your relations Drop off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
Uplift the unsung founders. Well, rest assured, Ill tell
with the man-in-the-sky. NC 27514
you exactly what to do to You: Ive been praying day Email:
and night, but my grades But seriously, feel free to
maintain both your wellness
keep getting worse and shoot me, Derek Fulton, not
routine and packed sched-

9/8: LENS OF ONYX worse. My grade on my most with a gun, but preferably EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily rep-
ule. But, as a disclaimer, this resent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
Cameron Jernigagn returns for recent Chemistry 102 exam with an e-mail at iedcapi-
plan may involve a little beg- opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises 10 board
his third year as a columnist. was 29.
ging for forgiveness versus members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.

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