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Dont Read!

Literature 1 Task September 6, 2017

Scent of Apples by Bienvenido Santos

Summer Solstice by Quijano de Manila
The Visitation of the Gods by Gilda Cordero Fernando
For each of the story specified, write/determine the:

1. Summary (50-100 words)

2. Theme
3. POV (discuss the effect of POV to the narrative)
4. Tone
5. Mood
6. Describe the effect of the relationship between the tone and the mood

Write your input in a yellow pad. Leave on Maam Vareens table when done.
Dont Read!
Teaching of Lit Task September 6, 2017
Work in pair (or triad if necessary).

A. Gather a literary text (full or excerpt).

B. Develop 2 lesson objectives in studying the text you gathered.
C. Formulate 2 questions for the following aims.
1. to test a students preparation
2. to arouse interest
3. to develop insights
4. to develop ideals, attitudes and appreciation
5. to strenghten learning
6. to stimulate critical thinking
7. to test achivement of objectives
D. Use a question analysis form to determine and indicate the levels of questions you

Write your input in a yellow pad. Leave on Maam Vareens table when done.

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