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Reading & M-Reader Quiz

1. Students usually do extensive reading
a) in the library
b) in the classroom
c) outside the classroom

2. Students who read _______________________ are better
readers (Clark & Rumbold, 2006)

3. You must
read a lot
choose interesting books
choose ______________________ books

4. You should read for about ___________________ minutes each day

5. Each quiz has ______________________ questions

6. How many points do you get if you read 17,125 words ? _________________ points

7. Your grade for this course is based on
a) how many books you read
b) how many words/points you have
c) both of the above

8. The letters that show the level of the ZU library books are
a) ZU
b) RL
c) MR

9. To find a quiz, how many words do you enter in the green box? ________________

10. How long do you have to do a quiz before it closes? ________________ minutes

11. If you fail the quiz, can you do it again?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Only if you speak to your teacher

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